Rasa Original: New & Improved

Since we launched our first blend four years ago, Original Rasa has become beloved by many. Over 1800 reviewers have rated it 4.8/5 stars. Reading your positive reviews is a weekly highlight that motivates us and fills us with so much joy. Thank you!

In the spirit of excellence, our team also reads every critical review and takes them seriously. Many of you have asked for the blend to be roastier, sweeter (without sugar), and more coffee-like. So a year ago we embarked on a journey to turn your suggestions into reality, for Original and our entire line.

Our new Original formulation doesn’t change what’s already working—our core adaptogens and our base of roasted roots—but we swapped in two new and exciting ingredients, roasted date seed and maca, and removed one, he shou wu.

Let’s dive into the two new herbs in Original Rasa:

Roasted date seed
I’m absolutely in love with this ingredient! I discovered roasted date seed while formulating Rasa Calm and developed a close relationship with a date supplier in Jordan. Date seeds are the original coffee alternative and have been enjoyed in the Middle East for both taste & health benefits (such as antioxidants) for more than a thousand years before coffee even existed. It’s the most coffee-like beverage I’ve ever tasted (or perhaps coffee is the most date seed-like beverage I’ve ever tasted 🤷).

We spent a year helping our supplier get their organic certification, and the first shipment of certified material arrived in early 2022. Not only is the taste exquisite, the story profound, and our new relationship solid, but roasting and using date seeds in Rasa diverts these seeds from being part of the waste stream created by the date industry. It’s a win-win-win and adds a more roasted coffee-like flavor to our Rasa blends.

Roasted maca
Maca is a natural fit for Rasa—it’s an adaptogenic root from the Peruvian Andes that also happens to taste delicious. Adaptogens the world over thrive in intense conditions—from rhodiola in the mountains of Siberia to ashwagandha in the extreme heat of India. Maca is no exception. Andean people have cultivated maca for several thousand years because it’s one of the few plants that can survive the harsh high-altitude mountain landscape. These plants are high in compounds that help them survive, and we can take advantage of these compounds as well!

A Peruvian legend tells us that Incan warriors would consume Maca before battle to give them extra strength. In Rasa, maca is nourishing and balancing, a reproductive tonic, and supports the smooth energy Rasa delivers. We worked with a supplier in Peru to get roasted maca that not only adds an adaptogenic punch, but is also roasty, nutty, and sweet.

We removed he shou wu because of its challenging supply chain and even more challenging taste. He shou wu is wildcrafted in Southern China and getting a consistent supply that meets our quality requirements has been difficult.

If you’re an Original drinker or have been looking to give it a try, our new formulation will be rolling out to our 8oz and 2lb bags over the next month. As we roll out improvements over the next year, starting with Original and expanding throughout the entire line, we’d love to hear what you think. And if you’re curious about what others think, check out this review. And thanks for pushing us to continue perfecting our line. We’re proud to offer the most functional and tasty coffee alternative on the market.

Happy sipping

Ben LeVine
Co-Founder and Chief Herbalist