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Pulse Rifle

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Tau Pulse Rifle and grenades

The Pulse Rifle is the standard weaponry of Tau Fire Warriors and their Shas'ui leaders.


While about the size of an Imperial Lasgun, the Pulse Rifle is far more powerful. It fires a plasma pulse, which is generated when an induction field accelerates a particle which breaks down as it leaves the barrel.[1][2] The Pulse Rifle can penetrate through 300mm of brick,[9] having enough stopping power to put down an unarmored Astartes. Yet it lacks in penetrative power,[10a] unable to overcome the protective value of Power Armour, its fire being absorbed by the layers beneath the armour's outer shell.[10b] The small circular device near the end of the barrel[3] - Gun Stabiliser[7] - is a housing for a gyroscope that is part of an aim-stabilization system that allows the rifle to remain steady on target and angled for optimal firing at distance, regardless of factors like shaking hands.[3] This helps to give pulse rifles a greater effective range than many other infantry weapons. The powercell from which it draws energy must be replaced after fifty shots.[5] Pulse Rifles can also be used by Kroot Shapers.[4]

Sniper Drones armed with Longshot Pulse Rifle[8]

The Pulse Rifle was developed early in the Tau Empire's history, shortly after the end of the Mont'au. It was introduced during the Campaign of Scouring against the Orks, where it proved essential to victory.[6]

Longshot Pulse Rifle

The Longshot Pulse Rifle is a sniper variant of the standard Pulse Rifle.[1]

See Also


Tau Empire Weapons
One-Handed Weapons Honour BladePulse Pistol
Two-Handed Weapons Pulse RiflePulse CarbinePulse BlasterRail RifleIon RifleLongshot Pulse RifleEqualisers
Battlesuit Weapons Airbursting Fragmentation ProjectorBurst CannonCyclic Ion BlasterCyclic Ion RakerFlamerFusion BlasterFusion CannonFusion CascadeFusion ColliderFusion EradicatorIon AcceleratorMissile PodPhased Ion GunPlasma RiflePulse Submunitions RifleHeavy Rail RifleHeavy Burst CannonHeavy Rail CannonPulse Submunition CannonEMP Discharge CannonPulse Ordnance Multi-DriverPulse Driver CannonPulse ARC CannonDestroyer MissilesCluster RocketsFragmentation Cluster Shell Launcher
Other Vehicle Weapons Ion CannonPlasma BombRailgunSeeker MissileSmart Missile SystemQuad Ion Turret
Auxiliary Weapons Kroot WeaponsNeutron Weapons
Grenades EMP GrenadePhoton Grenade

Kroot Weapons
Melee Weapons BladestaveHunting BladePrey-hookTri-bladeHunting JavelinExplosive Javelin
Infantry Weapons Accelerator BowDart-bowKroot PistolKrootbowKroot GunKroot RifleKroot Long GunKroot Hunting RifleKroot ScattergunTanglebomb LauncherDvorgite SkinnerLondaxii TribalestPulse PistolPulse CarbinePulse Rifle
Heavy Weapons Kroot Bolt ThrowerKroot GunRepeater CannonTanglecannon