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Revenge For Ceibhal

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The Revenge For Ceibhal was a battle during the Psychic Awakening.[1]


The operation was launched by the Space Wolves in an attempt to stop Ghazghkull's Great Waaagh! from spreading. Erik Morkai's Great Company and forces from The Blackmanes reached the Jungle World of Ceibhal, home of the Obsidian Jaguars which had recently fallen to Goff Orks. Reasoning the Jaguars Gene-Seed stores might still be intact, Blackmanes and the bulk of Morkai's gunships and armour would distract the Orks, drawing them away from the Fortress-Monastery while the Sons of Morkai extract Gene-Seed and destroy the Fortress' generator, denying the enemy their prize.[1]

Blackmanes Drop Pods slammed into Ceibhal's surface from the great ebon edifice of The Sabre as the Sons of Morkai battle tanks and gunships landed. Beset by huge numbers of Orks, Morkai and packs of Wolf Scouts, Infiltrators, and Incursors slipped into the Sabre through service tunnels. One detachment made for the generator, the other the gene-seed vaults as they advanced through the desecrated fortress. The Wolves carefully took down the bodies of Jaguars who had been nailed to the walls or desecrated as they vowed revenge. Despite the Wolves best effort, the running battles they fought with the Ork mobs made their discovery inevitable. The Wolves were eventually forced to separate, taking alternate routes as Ork attacks intensified. Eventually, the Wolves reached the generator, which was itself beset by Ork Meks. After slaying these Ork engineers, the Wolves began planting Melta Bombs on the generator and prepared to withdraw. Helix Adepts then informed Morkai that most of the Jaguars gene-seed was ruined. Morkai cursed and ordered the total withdrawal, setting off the bombs and destroying the Fortress-Monastery.[1]
