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- Victory!Allow both parents to visit their sick children in Hospitals Now!Currently in the UK if you are a parent and your child is sick or unwell and needs hospital treatment, only one parent can accompany the child in the hospital! I want to change this and allow both parents to be able to be with their baby or child when such an unfortunate event happens. Considering that we are seeing huge crowd attendances in the thousands at places like Royal Ascot, Wimbledon & Euro 2020. Politicians have also seen having gatherings without face masks etc. As I sat last night in the car park of the University Hospital of Wales Cardiff wondering and worrying about the health of my 14-month-old baby as only one parent was allowed in with him. It gave me time to think 'One rule for one and one for another', I can't even begin to imagine in more serious cases the despair other parents have had to go through when being turned away at the hospital door, not knowing the condition or being able to support their baby or child. I know I can't be the only person to have gone through this experience and felt completely angered and let down by the current system in place and so I would really like it if you could please sign this petition and make a change so other parents don't have to experience this if an unfortunate event was to happen. If we can get enough signatures, hopefully it can get the attention of the Welsh and English government and force them into making changes.Michael Taylor72,3356/29/21
- Victory!Silcock's Winter Wonderland - Don't Use Live Reindeer at Your Event!Silcock's Winter Wonderland has recently announced their plans to return to Eventcity, Manchester this year with their largest indoor Christmas theme park which runs from Saturday 4th December 2021 to Sunday 2nd January 2022. During this event, they proudly claim that they will have live reindeer.Living through a pandemic we all want some festive fun but our need to meet up with loved ones and create memories should not include traumatising animals which is exactly what using live reindeer at this event will do. What many people may not realise, is that events such as these will attract a crowd of often noisy, excitable people, which can cause great distress to these sensitive animals. Often there is quite literally nowhere for them to retreat to as they are surrounded by people demanding near-constant interaction. This in turn severely impacts their health and welfare. They are often subjected to an extensive travel regime, being transported up and down the country to be used as entertainment in pens, or paraded. Behind the scenes, they are unable to roam the vast distances that they would choose to if in the Arctic tundra, their natural habitat. Dr. Aidan Foster, an expert veterinary authority on reindeer, has stated that “Reindeer are highly specialised Arctic deer. The recent fashion of keeping them in a captive situation many degrees south of their normal range is fraught with health and welfare issues.” Over the course of 2018 national campaigning group Animal Aid extensively researched and investigated what happens when reindeer are ‘off duty’ on farms. The below is a brief synopsis of its findings: Reindeer suffering from extensive fur loss with raw-looking exposed skin Animals with heavy diarrhoea Some reindeer crowded into night pens or sheds Animals stuck out on a concrete yard with no opportunity to graze Poor bodily condition, some with obvious skeletal issues Deliberate abuse including workers kicking and shouting at reindeer Government figures requested by Animal Aid show that from 2014 to 2017, a total of 571 reindeer were imported into the UK, from places such as Sweden, Finland and Norway. For the same period, 54 reindeer carcasses were submitted to the Animal Plant Health Agency for post-mortem diagnostic investigation. Their findings reveal that animals seem to have died from a range of generalized issues including parasitic, gastric and digestive issues, malnutrition, wasting and nervous conditions. Simon Cowell, CEO of The Wildlife Aid Foundation, says: “Animals should no longer be used as objects of entertainment. It is cruel and demeaning. Now it is time to stop the barbaric practice of using animals in Christmas events. Local authorities and management companies have a responsibility to educate and to be at the forefront of animal welfare best practice”.Please sign this petition and urge Silcock's to rethink their plans and use cruelty free alternatives to live animals.Thank you.Caroline Larner49,0579/29/21
- Help! Easing and expediting family reunification due to the earthquake disaster in TürkiyeDear Prime Minister, I am writing this letter on behalf of UK citizens and Permanent Residents who have family members living in the earthquake zone in Turkiye. These families have been facing immense hardships due to the recent natural disaster and are in dire need of support. And UK can help them. In light of these circumstances, I kindly request the creation of a special visa program that would allow the family members of UK citizens and Permanent Residents in Turkiye to reunite with their loved ones in UK. This would provide them with the necessary support and stability to cope with the aftermath of the earthquake. Furthermore, I kindly request that the processing of family reunification applications be expedited for the primary applicants who live in the earthquake zone. This would greatly aid in the timely reunification of families and provide much-needed support in these trying times. I understand the importance of maintaining a rigorous immigration process, but in this case, a humanitarian approach is crucial to assist those in need. The creation of this special visa program and the expedited processing of applications would not only bring comfort to these families but also demonstrate UK's commitment to supporting those affected by natural disasters. Thank you for your time and consideration. A copy has been emailed to the Prime Minister!Zergul Akcadag33,6752/8/23
- Stop the Proposed Changes to the Spouse Visa LawThis week the government announced proposals that from April 2024, British citizens, or people already settled in the UK, will need to show they earn £38,700 before their overseas partner can live here with them - more than double the current threshold of £18,600. This proposal is unfair, unjust, and penalises British people in legitimate relationships with their partners, with the means to live and contribute to this society. Please join us by signing this petition urging the government to rescind this proposal and maintain the current requirements for Spouse Visas. Our Story Two weeks ago, I got engaged to my wonderful girlfriend in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It has been an amazing story, filled with so many coincidences, and we are so excited to live together and begin our married life in the UK. We met whilst volunteering at a community event for children in Sheffield. My fiancé is a gifted graphic designer and artist and was leading arts and crafts activities, whilst I led sports games with the children. We spent lots of time together over the next three weeks and agreed to give a relationship a go. After over a year of long distance (so many video calls!), trips to the UK and Argentina, we got engaged in central Buenos Aires at the end of November. Despite earning a good salary, enough to live and contribute to society, we would be unable to live together in the UK under the new government proposals. Our story is one of so many. We have been touched to hear of British people who are distraught by this news and the thought of having to leave the UK to be with their loved one. According to the Office of National Statistics, median gross annual earnings for full-time employees in the UK were £34,963 in April 2023. The proposed income threshold of almost £40,000 not only discriminates against low income families but against key workers in our schools and the NHS. Please join us in urging the government to rescind this proposal and stop the increase of the minimum income requirement for spouse visas.Daniel Neath167,38712/6/23
- Implement a Cap on Annual Rent Increases by Private LandlordsMy personal experience as a private tenant has driven me to initiate this petition. Every year, like clockwork, my landlord increases my rent. This year was no different with an increase of 13.85%. This is not just my story; it mirrors the experiences of countless tenants across our nation who are at the mercy of private landlords.The lack of regulation on private landlords' ability to increase rents annually is causing severe financial strain on many households.We believe that it's time for change and call upon our lawmakers to implement legislation that caps annual rent increases by private landlords. Such measures have been successfully implemented on social housing to 7%.Through this petition, we seek similar protections for all tenants across our nation against exorbitant and unregulated rent hikes by private landlords.Please sign this petition if you believe in fair rental practices and affordable housing for all.robert felstead76,6341/31/24
- Allow pharmacists to prescribe more medications.Pharmacists need to be allowed to prescribe medication for minor ailments. This would take pressure off doctors and hospitals and cost taxpayers less. Out of GP hours, pharmacist knew an infected finger needed antibiotics, which was in stock. Couldn't prescribe so sent by 111 to the local hospital urgent care for medication. Waste of so much of the hospital staff's time.Dawn Harris40,0157/21/24
- Victory!Restart Face To Face GP AppointmentsWith Covid restrictions being lifted, why is it still not possible to see your GP face to face for far too many people? Throughout lockdown you could still see dentists, opticians and other specialists. From 17th May you could dine or drink inside, attend huge events and the government have even given the green light to hugging, but we still need someone to assess our health on the phone. My 89 year old dad was recently diagnosed with having fluid on the lungs without anyone seeing or hearing his lungs! Simply from a telephone conversation. When he ended up in A&E (for 10 hours) all the doctors and nurses kept saying that they couldn’t understand why it was ok for them to see patients but not for GPs. It’s clear that, excluding Covid, A&E are overwhelmed now with people who either should have been treated at GP level or with health issues that have escalated because of the lack of GP appointments and that, when they do get an appointment, it’s usually not face to face with a medical professional. We need the government to recognise that they have forgotten about this sector and that they need to direct GP surgeries to immediately reopen their doors in a safe way. Please support this issue for all our sakes.Maria Kouva558,8385/12/21
- A law dedicated to Arthur to ensure that no other child suffering abuse is left to dieA law dedicated to Arthur must be a legacy of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes. Arthur was a beautiful, 6-year-old boy who was abused by his father and stepmother. We need an intensive, ‘no stone unturned’ investigation as to why Arthur was not removed from that unsafe household and placed within a happy, nurturing, loving home. Arthur was mentally and physically abused, starved, poisoned and beaten to death. Social services and the police had been contacted due to other family member concerns. We need a law to ensure that government establishes a database of ‘at risk children’ for social workers, police, teachers, the health care system and other directly linked services to come together, communicate and safeguard our children. The child’s safety is paramount and when concerns are raised, the child should always come first and be removed from the care of those adults.We have to do something now because this seems to keep happening to children and it is not good enough. Please join and sign this petition to ask the government for an in-depth review of what happened to Arthur and request that the findings and change in the law is in honour of Arthur, so we never forget this little boy, ever.Susan Blackburn133,12312/4/21
- Discuss establishing an independent pricing watchdog for Fuel RetailersAccording to RAC, Fuel retailers are making a 'shocking' 19p a litre profit after failing to pass on oil price cuts. Filling a typical 55-litre family car with petrol or diesel is around £19 more expensive compared with 12 months ago. Keeping in mind the failure of fuel retailers to pass on wholesale price cuts there should be a debate in parliament on the subject of establishing establish an independent pricing watchdog. As stated by FairFuelUK "If gas, electricity, water and telecoms get price protection bodies, why shouldn't motorists have one too?" This would be similar to existing consumer watchdogs such as Ofgem, Ofcom and Ofwat, in order to protect (the) UK's 37 million drivers."Rohet Vashisht163,53312/1/21
- Victory!Demand Candy Kittens Sweets to Cease Marketing Sexual Themes to ChildrenI am deeply concerned about the sexualisation of children in today's society. Our children are daily being exposed to sexual themes on social media, on TV, in music, in advertising and most often than not, without healthy context or wisdom! And now this is even happening in the confectionary market where sexually themed, Candy Kitten Sweets are being sold in Tesco, fully accessible in the sweets aisles, where children are the prime target customer.These sweets are sold in collaboration with a Netflix programme about sex education and blatantly promote sexual themes. They even include sweets shaped like condoms and feature sexual jargon on the packaging starting off with this line “sex and sweets go hand in hand”. This is not just inappropriate but also dangerous as it normalises adult concepts for young minds that are simply not ready for them.The candies need to be removed from all areas that target children, as they clearly promote adult themes unsuitable for their age group. And Candy Kitten needs to ensure all retailers that stock these sweets do the same. We must protect our children from premature exposure to such themes and ensure they grow up with a healthy understanding of sexuality.Let us stand together against the commercial exploitation of our children's innocence by demanding that Candy Kitten Sweets and partnering retailers stop marketing these products towards them. Please sign this petition if you believe in creating a safe environment for our kids where they can grow at their own pace without being forced into adulthood prematurely.Bobbi Kumari6,32811/3/23
- Stop Deportation of Jeanette Vizguerra – an Immigrant Rights Activist and Mother of 4"My mom on Monday, March 17th got detained outside of her job at Target, and was arrested by a few ICE officers while they laughed in her face". ICE has detained Jeanette Vizguerra, a mother of four and an immigrant rights activist, named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People – a list that included Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos, John Lewis and Vladimir Putin. She is now in custody at a detention facility in Aurora, Colorado and facing imminent deportation. “My mom has fought relentlessly for her community and it is time for all of us to now come together and show all the support for her like she has done to us", said Vizguerra’s daughter Luna Baez. A pillar of the Denver community, Vizguerra has spent years fighting for the rights of undocumented families while raising her own children—three of whom are U.S. citizens. She previously sought refuge in a church to avoid deportation, which led ICE to freeze their deportation process. During her refuge, Vizguerra conceived the idea for the Metro Denver Sanctuary Coalition and helped encourage other churches to house people in situations similar to hers. Now, under the latest immigration crackdown, her case has been reopened, threatening to tear her from her family and home. Her detention is cruel and disregards her years of advocacy and deep ties to the U.S. No mother should be ripped away from her children, and no community leader should be punished for standing up for human rights. We demand that ICE immediately halt deportation proceedings against Jeannette Vizguerra and release her from detention.Community Petition5483/20/25
- Preserve the Wacky Warehouse: A Beloved Community AssetThe Wacky Warehouse, a local treasure nestled behind the Melrose pub, has provided joy and entertainment for the children of our community for over 20 years. Sadly, its existence is now threatened. The new owners of the building plan to close down the Wacky Warehouse in June to convert it into a mundane storeroom. As a local and a frequent visitor of Wacky Warehouse, I can attest to its importance and valuable contribution to our community. It's not just a small local softplay. It is a space that embodies spirit, happiness, and community. Moreover, it's the closest, most affordable yet cheerful softplay in our area. For many, the Wacky Warehouse has been a place where countless childhood memories were created. Its loss would signify more than just the closing of another business - it means losing an essential part of our community's identity and a cherished public space. Let's not allow it to be traded off for a storeroom. We urge the new owners to recognise what the Wacky Warehouse means to our community and reconsider its closure. This is our plea to save the fond memories and future moments that could be created at the Wacky Warehouse. Join our effort to keep this beloved communal space alive! Sign the petition and help us preserve the Wacky Warehouse.Megan Exell2723/14/25
- Halt the Construction on Friday Street. Save the farm!Our community is at risk. The proposed construction on Friday Street is ignorant and damaging - There are not enough GPs for our present population, our local hospital is stretched to its limit and the government is attempting to close it in addition to this. The dentists' waiting lists are never-ending, our local schools are overflowing, and the wildlife is being driven out by the over-utilization of our critical farmland.Those buying the houses on this new development will be misled. Due to limited infrastructure resources, it becomes clear that our already congested roads cannot accommodate this drastic influx. Years ago, when this development was denied, it was for a reason. It is concerning, then, that it has now mysteriously slipped through the cracks, especially considering the stagnation of several new builds struggling to sell in our local market, let alone having an additional 250 houses! that can be up to 1000 new patients, school children, cars, you name it, and we do not have the resources. The publications surrounding the proposals are already tagged as controversial. They held one 'public' hearing, during work hours, being inaccessible to those it affects and they knew it.Let's remind our local government about the importance of responsible community development - prioritizing not only economic growth but sustainable living, health care, education, traffic management, and conservation. It's time to call a stop to short-sighted planning. Please sign this petition to halt the building on Friday Street, protect our community resources, and ensure that we continue to live in a sustainable, people-friendly, and ecologically responsible area.Actively Me123/10/25
- Gain protected status for Teviothead Volcanic Complex and its environmentAn iconic Scottish landscape is being threatened and being subjected to land clearance. We need to protect it by calling for a protected status for the Teviothead Volcanic Complex. This tight geological cluster of volcanic vents in the Scottish Borders has a unique cultural heritage and compounded unrecorded archaeology from the Iron Age onwards. The region is a natural fortress, with hidden fortified valleys and passes, and was once most likely a kingdom in itself. We call these hills The Reivers, in recognition of the unruly Borderers who once lived here, before their historic brutal clearance in the Pacification of the Borders - and whose descendants have now spread the world over. Unsurveyed and unrecognised, today this region has become a haven for an abundance of wildlife, protected species such as nesting skylarks, and curlews - and has just seen the return of the iconic Golden Eagle. It is also a haven for unprotected species like the feral goat and has pristine dark skies. This is due to the pressure on the surrounding landscape, which is being systematically planted with vast commercial blanket forests, and industrial-sized wind farms - forcing wildlife out. This incredible landscape of ballads, history, mythology, and wildlife, should be preserved as an asset for future generations to appreciate, enjoy, and explore. Today, this hill country is again subject to modern-day land clearance, and two of the country's biggest wind farms, Teviot and Fawside, totalling 107 massive Turbines up to 240m high, are in the planning for the peaks and ridges. The region already has 16 operational wind farms - over 500 turbines within the vicinity, as well as hundreds of square miles of commercial blanket forestry. Future Scottish policy plans to keyhole wind farms into commercial forestry. We believe that all future developments should be discussed with the consideration of protected land status, and all current plans suspended until this happens. These remaining hills must be protected. Please sign our petition if you want this to happen, and in the first instance to be discussed in the Scottish and Westminster Parliaments, who up to this point have refused to do so. Thank you.Kenneth Moffatt2,09110/4/22
- Make the National Covid Memorial Wall PermanentOn 29th March 2021, a group of bereaved volunteers began creating the National Covid Memorial Wall in London, on the Albert Embankment opposite the Houses of Parliament. Ten days later, more than 150,00 red hearts had been painted on the wall, one for every person in the UK who has died with Covid-19 on their death certificates. As the pandemic continues and more people continue to die, more hearts are added week on week, with the total number of lives lost to covid standing at more than 175,000 in January 2022. A dedicated group of bereaved volunteers maintain and care for the wall each week, and tens of thousands of individual dedications have been added to the hearts on the wall, telling stories of personal heartbreak and grief. As we approach a year since it was created, the National Covid Memorial Wall has become the iconic image to illustrate the scale of the loss we have suffered as a nation. Millions of people around the world have seen the wall featured in news articles and films covering the pandemic. We are calling on the government to support us in our efforts to have the wall made a permanent memorial, a place of reflection and contemplation and remembrance that will stand as a reminder of the horror and grief so many have endured. Will you support us by adding your name to our petition? If you are able, please also support us by donating to the National Covid Memorial Crowdfunder here: ^^^^^This money will go towards the maintenance of the wall, whereas donations made via the button will be used to promote the petition. If you have lost a loved one to Covid 19, please join our community campaigning for justice for our loved ones: www.covidfamiliesforjustice.orgCovid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice135,7431/27/22
- Hold a public inquiry into the Government's handling of the Covid-19 pandemicWe are a group of hundreds of bereaved families who have come together to seek justice in the names of our loved ones gone too soon from Covid-19.The UK has one of the highest death tolls in the world. We’re urgently calling for an inquiry with a rapid review phase to find out why. As the pandemic continues it is vital we learn lessons as quickly as possible to save lives. Each person who has died in this pandemic is a loved person, a life gone too soon and a family torn apart. They are not just numbers, but our treasured relatives who will be missed forever. As information comes to light, it is clear that there were huge gaps in the country’s preparedness including delays to locking down, inadequate supplies of PPE, policies of discharging into care homes and more. They have all been identified as having contributed to the level of the death toll. It's heartwrenching to know that some of the deaths could have been prevented if only this had been handled better. Despite this, the government continues to refer to its ‘apparent success’ and being ‘proud’ of its record. Not only is this deeply hurtful for bereaved families who have already gone through a traumatic loss to hear, but this reluctance to engage honestly with what has gone wrong is a barrier to learning. Our greatest fear is that more families will needlessly go through the loss and trauma we are experiencing. Please join us in calling on the government to start an immediate inquiry into its approach to the Covid-19 pandemic. Unless this happens, more lives will be at risk. **You can also support our campaign by contributing to our Crowdfunder appeal at **Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice292,5096/18/20
- Grant Two Weeks Term Time Holiday for Students with Good AttendanceIt has been shown that pupils, particularly of primary school age, need flexible holiday schedules to facilitate family time and overall mental health. Under the current regulations, parents are fined for taking their children out of school during term time. This means that many children, who maintain good attendance throughout the year, are being denied the opportunity of valuable and education holidays . We propose a fair solution: granting two weeks term time holiday per school year without a fine for students with good attendance. This will not only reward students for their dedication to their studies but also promote mental health and family cohesion. It is now time our educational organisations consider this sensible balance between education and health. Many working families will never be able to afford a holiday under the current circumstances. How is this allowed? For the government to have such power over us and our children? The working class are expected to work hard day in, day out until we die, just to afford to live and pay taxes but be told we are not allowed to take our own children on holiday for even a week. Unless we can afford thousands of pounds more to go in the half terms, which many just can't and never will. As well as being able to have half terms off work to facilitate this is just unachievable for most. Sign the petition today. Let's advocate for changes that not only serve our children's academic needs but also their emotional well-being. We are being denied our human rights!!aliss colley152/26/25
- UK government: Adopt a four-day week to slash UK’s carbon footprintShifting to a four-day, 32-hour working week with no loss of pay would shrink the UK’s carbon footprint by 127 million tonnes per year. This represents a reduction of 21.3% - more than the entire carbon footprint of Switzerland and equivalent to taking 27 million cars off the road (effectively the entire UK private car fleet). A reduction in working hours has been found to correlate with significant reductions in energy consumption and carbon-intensive commuting, and enabling people to draw more value from ‘low-carbon’ activities such as rest, exercising or engaging with their community. Some countries and companies get it - Scotland and Spain are trialing a four-day week and global organisations such as Unilever and Buffer have already made the switch. As the UK prepares to host key global climate talks this year, Boris Johnson said that we would “lead the way” in fighting climate change. But for all its talk of a Green Recovery, the UK government hasn’t even considered a shorter working week as a means of fixing the climate and unemployment crisis. Instead of returning to ‘business as usual' at work, together with its environmental and human costs, we are calling on the government to support a shift to a four-day week to quickly and significantly reduce the UK’s carbon footprint and lead the way at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) hosted in Glasgow this November.Anna Diski150,8106/1/21
- Promote Better Practices in Children’s Social Care and Strengthen Sibling RightsMy name is [Matthew], and this petition is due to my experience. When my younger sister was put in social care, I tried to establish a relationship with her but still, to this day, have not been able to do so in a meaningful way. I have also tried reaching out to social services for support, but unfortunately, they have not been responsive, and so I feel powerless and isolated. Even the courts are ineffective in helping adult siblings who want to connect with younger siblings in care. This is not only my story; many other siblings across the country who are separated by the system also experience this. The social care system needs reform to protect sibling relationships that every child in care should be entitled to. Why Is This Important? Sibling ties are perhaps the most meaningful of all relationships. Studies show that strong sibling relationships can serve as protective factors in children's emotional development by mitigating the adverse impacts of traumas and aiding in the resilience of children who are placed in foster care or adopted (Source: Child Development Perspectives, 2018). Nonetheless, social care policies and practices today continue to overlook most sibling relationships, thus rendering many children who are in care unable to interact or meet with their siblings—and some, even at all. Willing adult siblings who want to stay in touch with their younger brothers or sisters often face bureaucratic hurdles, ambiguity regarding their legal status, and support from social work personnel. What Needs to Change? We ask legislators and relevant government representatives to pass an effective law that guarantees key sibling bonds in the social care systems. Specifically, we demand: A Legal Right to Contact: Allow siblings, especially adult siblings, to retain regular contact with younger siblings in care, except where the contact is deemed harmful. Clearer Social Service Guidelines: Mandate social services to contact and assist siblings, including setting protocols that families can easily follow. Judicial Support for Sibling Relationships: Provides caregivers with the ability to consider sibling bonds in contact orders and placement decisions. Improved Oversight and Accountability: Local authorities should be more accountable for new regulations and actively prepare contacts, which will fortify sibling relationships. What Actions Can You Take Regarding This Issue? As you can imagine, this is a concern for many families nationwide. When you sign this petition, you advocate for siblings who have been needlessly separated due to a system that doesn't consider their relationships. No child should need to bear the pain of a sibling loss simply because a system's legal framework overlooks the significance of that bond. With this, we can work towards influencing systems and not letting children in the care system appear uncherished and unguided by the loving impact siblings can offer. Sign this petition so we can do right by the families who have suffered at the hands of the social care system. Stand with us, and let's fight together to protect sibling bonds and ensure no child feels alone and uncared for by the system established to assist them. Thank you so much for your cooperation. Sign this petition to safeguard siblings' relationships with each other within the social care system.Matthew Theakston462/9/25
- Amend Inheritance Tax Laws for Long term unmarried couplesFor 17 long years, I have shared the joy and tribulations of life with my partner. Together, we have built a home and a family, raising three wonderful children. Yet, we have refrained from legalizing our union, respecting our past experiences, especially those that hit us the hardest. Legalities and bitter divorces have made marriage a complicated option. Despite our unwavering commitment and our familial responsibilities akin to those of married couples, we remain at a stark disadvantage in the eyes of the law. Our story is shared by many others, people who find themselves bound by love, not legalities. When confronted with the loss of a life partner, these individuals are left fending against massive inheritance tax liabilities. Take my example, where I could face eviction from my own home simply because I would be expected to pay 40% inheritance tax. A tax that would not apply, were we legally married.This disparity in treatment is not only unjust but severely outdated. In the UK, research suggests almost 6 million people cohabit, many with families (source: ONS). We seek equality in treatment under inheritance tax laws, allowing us to continue providing a stable environment for our families in times of grievous loss.Let's stand together to change the inheritance tax laws. We deserve the same support and recognition as legally married couples. This issue extends beyond personal plight and requires legislative change. You, too, can contribute to this change by signing this petition. Let's ensure that all families, irrespective of their marital status, are protected by the law.Georgina Knapp372/7/25