made in mandan

Heritage Plaza Sign

Welcome to Mandan

Mandan’s slogan, “Where the West Begins,” embodies our community’s rugged and hearty nature evident in our terrain, people, annual celebrations, and heritage, first as a village for the Mandan tribe, then a cavalry fort, railroad town and hub for area ranchers and farmers. Today, Mandan is a growing city passionately retaining its hometown atmosphere and history. Our community bursts with pride when hosting special events that draw thousands of visitors year after year.

Learn more.

Two people shaking hands

Bids & RFPs

The City of Mandan strives to provide a current list of requests for bids, qualifications and proposals below and will make every effort to issue an e-mail update when a new item is posted.

The official source for publication remains the Mandan News. To subscribe, call (701) 250-8210.



Mar. 19: SPARK at the Library, 10:15 a.m. & 4:15 p.m.

Mar. 20: Celtic by Candlelight, 8:30-7 p.m., MMPL

Mar. 25: Taco in a Bag Fundraiser, 5-7 p.m., Mandan Eagles

Mar. 27: Prairie Roses: Historically Influential Women, 6-7 p.m., MMPL

Mar. 29: Puzzle Competition, 10:30 a.m.-Noon, MMPL

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