Jonathan Gordon

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Vassar College

Office hours


Spring 2025

On sabbatical

Publications and Presentations

Do Nuclear Submarines Have Nuclear Captains? A Challenge Dataset for Commonsense Reasoning over Adjectives and Objects

J. Mullenbach, J. Gordon, N. Peng, and J. May

Proceedings of EMNLP-IJCNLP, 2019

Advancing the International Data Science Workforce Through Shared Training and Education

J. Van Horn, S. Abe, J. L. Ambite, T. K. Attwood, N. Beard, L. Bellis, A. Bhattrai, A. Bui, G. Burns, L. Fierro, J. Gordon, J. Grethe, J. Kamdar, X. Lei, K. Lerman, A. McGrath, N. Mulder, C. O’Driscoll, C. Stewart, and S. Tyagi

F1000Research, 2019

BD2K Training Coordinating Center’s ERuDIte: the Educational Resource Discovery Index for Data Science

J. L. Ambite, L. Fierro, J. Gordon, G. Burns, F. Geigl, K. Lerman, and J. Van Horn

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), 2019

Finding Prerequisite Relations using the Wikipedia Clickstream

M. Sayyadiharikandeh, J. Gordon, J. L. Ambite, and K. Lerman

Companion Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference (Wiki Workshop), 2019

Linking Educational Resources on Data Science

J. L. Ambite, J. Gordon, L. Fierro, G. Burns, and J. Mathew

Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI), 2019 [Data]

Democratizing Data Science through Data Science Training

J. Van Horn, L. Fierro, J. Kamdar, J. Gordon, C. Stewart, A. Bhattrai, S. Abe, X. Lei, C. O’Driscoll, A. Sinha, P. Jain, G. Burns, K. Lerman, and J. L. Ambite

Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 2018

Structured Generation of Technical Reading Lists

J. Gordon, S. Aguilar, E. Sheng, and G. Burns

Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA), 2017 [Code]

An Investigation into the Pedagogical Features of Documents

E. Sheng, P. Natarajan, J. Gordon, and G. Burns

Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA), 2017 [Data]

BD2K ERuDIte: the Educational Resource Discovery Index for Data Science

J. L. Ambite, L. Fierro, F. Geigl, J. Gordon, G. Burns, K. Lerman, and J. D. Van Horn

Proceedings of the Fourth WWW Workshop on Big Scholarly Data: Towards the Web of Scholars (BigScholar), 2017

Distribution and Inference

J. R. Hobbs and J. Gordon

Presented at the ESSLLI Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Linguistic Theory (DSALT), 2016

Modeling Concept Dependencies in a Scientific Corpus

J. Gordon, L. Zhu, A. Galstyan, P. Natarajan, and G. Burns

Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2016 [Code] [Data]

A Corpus of Rich Metaphor Annotation

J. Gordon, J. R. Hobbs, J. May, M. Mohler, F. Morbini, B. Rink, M. Tomlinson, and S. Wertheim

Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, 2015 [Data]

High-Precision Abductive Mapping of Multilingual Metaphors

J. Gordon, J. R. Hobbs, J. May, and F. Morbini

Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, 2015 [Code]

Inferential Commonsense Knowledge from Text

J. Gordon

PhD Thesis, University of Rochester, 2014

Reporting Bias and Knowledge Acquisition

J. Gordon and B. Van Durme

Proceedings of the CIKM Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC), 2013 (Best Paper Award)

WordNet Hierarchy Axiomatization and the Mass–Count Distinction

J. Gordon and L. K. Schubert

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 2013

Using Textual Patterns to Learn Expected Event Frequencies

J. Gordon and L. K. Schubert

Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction and Web-Scale Knowledge Extraction (AKBC-WEKEX), 2012

Towards Adequate Knowledge and Natural Inference

L. K. Schubert, J. Gordon, K. Stratos, and A. Rubinoff

Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Advances in Cognitive Systems, 2011

Episodic Logic: Natural Logic + Reasoning

K. Stratos, L. K. Schubert, and J. Gordon

Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD), 2011

Discovering Commonsense Entailment Rules Implicit in Sentences

J. Gordon and L. K. Schubert

Proceedings of the EMNLP Workshop on Textual Entailment (TextInfer), 2011

Quantificational Sharpening of Commonsense Knowledge

J. Gordon and L. K. Schubert

Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Commonsense Knowledge, 2010

Learning from the Web: Extracting General World Knowledge from Noisy Text

J. Gordon, B. Van Durme, and L. K. Schubert

Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Collaboratively-built Knowledge Sources and Artificial Intelligence (WikiAI), 2010

Evaluation of Commonsense Knowledge with Mechanical Turk

J. Gordon, B. Van Durme, and L. K. Schubert

Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, 2010

Weblogs as a Source for Extracting General World Knowledge

J. Gordon, B. Van Durme, and L. K. Schubert

Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP), 2009

Code and Data

Research lab

Supervised Research

Temporal Exploration of the Proceedings of Old Bailey

C. J. Lambert

Senior thesis, 2020 [Code]