Diggers - Custom Truck One Source


Distribution Digger Derricks

Distribution digger derricks come with sheave heights up to around 50 ft. Our most popular digger derrick for electric distribution and telecommunications is the Terex C4047, giving the operator a sheave height of 47′.

Transmission Digger Derricks

For transmission projects, utility contractors are looking for diggers with a sheave height of 60′ or greater. Equipment manufacturers including Terex and Elliott Equipment will get the job done, with sheave heights up to 117′.

Pressure Diggers

For digging through rock and other tough surfaces, pressure diggers are what you need to get the job done. Custom Truck One Source has a couple of options to offer manufactured by Terex.

Easement Diggers

Backyard diggers come in handy when the jobsite is in tight spaces, requiring smaller equipment. We have a couple Skylift backyard digger options to help with those jobs, with sheave heights from 40′ to 48′.

Track Digger Derricks

For the swampy and otherwise hard-to-reach places, tracked digger derricks may be just what you need to get the job done. We carry a variety of brands including Terex & Versalift on track machines manufactured by Prinoth, Morooka and Kato.

Remote Controls

Our digger unit remote controls allow seamless remote operation for digger derricks, providing wireless control over the digging process from a safe viewing distance.