Antique Pattern Library

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  Tulle embroidery     Various     Waxwork    Woodworking    Workbasket Magazine  


This ongoing project is an effort to scan craft pattern publications that are in the public domain, to preserve them, so we can keep our craft heritages in our hands. Most of these scans have been graphically edited to make the images easier for craft workers to see, and to reduce file sizes. They are available, for free, to anyone who wants them, for educational, personal, artistic and other creative uses.

C-PR013 Sajou - Ouvrages de Dames No. 55  PDF 


Sajou (publ.)

Ouvrages de Dames

No. 55

France Paris, G. Lefevre & Cabin Fils Successeurs, 74, Boulevard Sébastopol, Paris

Five monochrome cross-stitch alphabets and some narrow borders, on three double pages. Blue cover. Ca. 1895.

Small leporello, back cover missing, three folded pages printed blue on white. Scanned as jpg, size 2375x3400 at 720dpi

Scans donated by Priscilla Cailly, charted by Kris Velleza So.









I-MU002 Sajou - Supplement Juin 1859 - House framed by trees  PDF 


Sajou (publ.)

Supplement Juin 1859

House framed by trees

France Journal special de travaux de femmes, Rue Richelieu, 22 Paris et Place de St. Jean, 12, a Bruxelles

House in shades of grey on a light blue background, framed by trees. Size 160 by 160 stitches. A similar, maybe identical pattern appeared later in Aglaja. The left side has been cut off so the exact supplement date is not visible. Might be 6, 16 or 26 June.

Handpainted pattern on greyish paper, partially torn. Left side cut off. Scanned IC27, 600dpi jpg.

Scan donated by Matthijs Ufkes, charted by Kris Villeza So











J-CB003 The Workbasket Vol. 55 No. 1  PDF 


Modern Handcraft, Inc. (publ.)

The Workbasket Volume 55 No. 1

October 1989

United States Modern Handcraft, Inc., 4251 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, Missouri 64111

Knitting: Kids' sweaters, patchwork sweater. Crochet: Christmas Tree Skirt. Quilting: Poinsettia Quilt. Embroidery: Easy cross-stitch projects, small charted christmas motifs, cross-stitched table runner. Sewing: calico wreath, Christmas placemats. Crafting: ribbon pinecones, plastic canvas Christmas charm.

Stapled softcover, 64 pages and a partial insert. Scanned size 3000x4700px at 600dpi

Published with kind permission of F+W Media, the current copyright holder. Scans donated and edited by Clara Bruning











United Kingdom
P-II003 Heinrich Kuehn - Moderne Stickvorlagen No. 752  COLOR 


Kuehn, Heinrich (publ.)

Moderne Stickvorlagen / Dessins de Broderies Modernes

No. 752

German Heinrich Kuehn, Berlin

Six patterns in black and grey shades, borders, corners, two cartouches and some small diamond motifs. The alphabets are in two shades of blue. Four alphabets (three if lower / upper case are considered a single alphabet), two sets of numbers. The black and grey patterns are identical to the (shades of red) patterns in P-II001 Moderne Stickvorlagen No. 749. The alphabets occor on other HKB booklets as well.

Small leporello, black and grey patterns printed on one side and blue alphabets on the other side. Original scans jpg 2916x3760px 600dpi

Scans donated by Iva Innocenti, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.









P-II001 Heinrich Kuehn - Moderne Stickvorlagen No. 749  COLOR 


Kuehn, Heinrich (publ.)

Moderne Stickvorlagen / Dessins de Broderies Modernes

No. 749

German Heinrich Kuehn, Berlin

Six patterns in dark and light red shades, borders, corners, two cartouches and some small diamond motifs. The alphabets are in a single shade of blue. Three alphabets interspersed with small motifs of flowers, animals, houses, and people. The red patterns are identical to the (black and grey) patterns in P-II003 Moderne Stickvorlagen No. 752. Some alphabets are identical to other HKB alphabets, but not all.

Small leporello, red patterns printed on one side and blue alphabets and small motifs on the other side. Original scans jpg 2916x3760px 600dpi

Scans donated by Iva Innocenti, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.









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Cataloguers needed!

We badly need trained librarians or scholars in humanities, to help make our catalog useful and conforming to standards, and teach other volunteers how to do this. If you have some training in cataloguing, we'd be very glad for your help. As many or as few hours you would be willing to spend on it, it all would help. Contact Judith or Sytske via the group, or send a mail to the info address above. Thank you!

Who we are

Antique Pattern Library is a project of Metaverse Libraries, a nonprofit corporation domiciled in Canada. Registration as charity is in progress.
Your donations may be tax deductible, depending on your tax status and tax jurisdiction. Please consult a tax professional in your country. Click  HERE  to donate. Thank you!


These works are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit Creative Commons licenses or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA 94305 USA.

Conditions of Use

By downloading the files, you are agreeing to the following conditions: The files are scans of books which are now in the public domain. Although the originals have no copyright, the scans are the works of the owners or scanners of the books and, as such, are copyrighted. The owners of the books give permission for you to download and use these file for educational and personal use. You are free to copy and distribute the scans, as electronic or hard copies, free of charge and to make derivative works under the following conditions:

  • You must attribute the borrowed elements to the original title and author of the publication

  • For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of these works

  • Any of these conditions can be waived if you get written permission from the copyright holder (the current owner of the original book)

  • You do not have permission to sell these copies in any format. You may give copies away, you may not sell them.

There is more information on the library at The Antique Pattern Library forum at We use this forum to email newsletters when we add new books to the library, to post information about donating book scans, website space, or time to the project, and to help organize volunteers.

How You Can Help

Cash donations are always welcome, they pay for our website hosting and other library costs. If you have a book you would like to scan for the library, please see these guidelines (follow the link below). We are always looking for old craft books! We also need volunteers to do graphics editing and to help proofread our catalog listings. Please see the User Forum link below to find out where to volunteer. Thank you!

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