
Jan Rezab


Time is Ltd

Time is Ltd. enables companies to map their digital communication & collaboration ecosystems, and subsequently, take action to drive bottom-up change with a data-powered team-leader coaching solution. Time Is Ltd. is on a mission to reshape the future of work by driving the engagement and empowerment of the employee experience.

"Every entrepreneur needs to scale their business. Scale customers, revenue, and profit. This scale means a bigger team. But a greater team results in communication and collaboration hurdles. That's why we’re committed to empowering high-growth companies with a solution that helps them produce the best employee engagement and experience no matter how fast they're growing. Not only can leaders better understand their company, but they have the ammo to create the ideal work environment for their team. That's why I'm pursuing a future of work where collaboration insights from tools like Slack, meetings - drive a better engagement and empowerment of the employee experience."
Jan Rezab, Founder & CEO
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