Aerated Concrete Ltd - Innovation built on experience
Importer and supplier of Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (AAC) Blocks, Lintels, Panels and related products for New Zealand.
Sole authorised importer of Ytong AAC products - from the world's largest manufacturer of autoclaved aerated concrete with a 100 year history of
European building technology and German engineering.
Traditional Style Solid Masonry House
This house was built in the Stillwater area just north of Auckland and is 200m2.
The owners have developed this property over the last 10 years.
It is now up for sale. Please check out the link below for further information.
House for sale
The farmhouse cottage is part of the Stillwater property above and is 90m2.
Contemporary Solid Aerated Concrete Masonry House
The ideal alternative to concrete block – delivering superior thermal performance and acoustic properties to the homeowner.
This house was built in the Tasman region near the top of the South Island and is 290m2.