Manual of vegetable-garden insects . Fiu. 53. — Lufit nymphalstage of the wingedviviparous female beanaphis (enlarged). The Garden Flea-Hopper Haliicus citri Ashmead This small black plant-bug resembles the cucumber flea-beetle in size, form and in its habit of jumping when disturbed.The female is dimorphic. In one form the wings are fullydevel()])ed and in the other they are short and lack the mem-branous portion at the end. The long-winged form (Fig. 54)is ^ij inch in length, black in color, with the thorax and wingscovered with small tufts of yellowish scale-like hairs; the tipof the cuneus Stock Photo
RM2AJ0D9G–Manual of vegetable-garden insects . Fiu. 53. — Lufit nymphalstage of the wingedviviparous female beanaphis (enlarged). The Garden Flea-Hopper Haliicus citri Ashmead This small black plant-bug resembles the cucumber flea-beetle in size, form and in its habit of jumping when disturbed.The female is dimorphic. In one form the wings are fullydevel()])ed and in the other they are short and lack the mem-branous portion at the end. The long-winged form (Fig. 54)is ^ij inch in length, black in color, with the thorax and wingscovered with small tufts of yellowish scale-like hairs; the tipof the cuneus
. Annual report of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station . raying and the so-called shield method.The success of the spraying for the species has been somewhat varied,the writer having found in treating an outbreak on potatoes that aspray of kerosene emulsion seemed to be very effective, while someobservations have shown that the results were quite unsatisfactory,especially as applied to the adults. Dr. Hasemann recommends forapple a very heavy spray especially while the insects are in the nymphalstage in the early part of the season so as to secure practically exter-mination and preventio Stock Photo
RM2CHTCB0–. Annual report of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station . raying and the so-called shield method.The success of the spraying for the species has been somewhat varied,the writer having found in treating an outbreak on potatoes that aspray of kerosene emulsion seemed to be very effective, while someobservations have shown that the results were quite unsatisfactory,especially as applied to the adults. Dr. Hasemann recommends forapple a very heavy spray especially while the insects are in the nymphalstage in the early part of the season so as to secure practically exter-mination and preventio