Blood donation in process. Blood is drawn from the median cubital vein, using a large bore needle to prevent hemolysis. Stock Photo
RMCRNC8H–Blood donation in process. Blood is drawn from the median cubital vein, using a large bore needle to prevent hemolysis.
A gloved hand inserts a bore needle into a patients arm. Stock Photo
RM2BFAKE9–A gloved hand inserts a bore needle into a patients arm.
A medic participating in the 2021 Tactical Combat Casualty Care exercise treats a medical manikin with air in the chest cavity using needle decompression on Buckley Air Force Base, Colo., Feb. 4, 2021. A needle decompression involves inserting a large-bore needle into the second or fifth intercostal space to release the trapped air compressing the lung. This was one of the many techniques used by medics during the TCCC exercise and on the battlefield. Stock Photo
RM2H0DX8X–A medic participating in the 2021 Tactical Combat Casualty Care exercise treats a medical manikin with air in the chest cavity using needle decompression on Buckley Air Force Base, Colo., Feb. 4, 2021. A needle decompression involves inserting a large-bore needle into the second or fifth intercostal space to release the trapped air compressing the lung. This was one of the many techniques used by medics during the TCCC exercise and on the battlefield.
Surgeons extract liquid from a syringe. Stock Photo
A large bore needle is inserted into a 'dummy' patient to relieve air from the thoracic cavity at the skills lab during a Readiness Skills Verification training Aug. 25, 2015. The skills lab is equipped with advanced electronic manikins to provide advanced medical training in a controlled environment. Stock Photo
RMPEHX20–A large bore needle is inserted into a 'dummy' patient to relieve air from the thoracic cavity at the skills lab during a Readiness Skills Verification training Aug. 25, 2015. The skills lab is equipped with advanced electronic manikins to provide advanced medical training in a controlled environment.
Needle Hill Bore, , AU, Australia, South Australia, S 26 35' 23'', N 140 41' 47'', map, Cartascapes Map published in 2024. Explore Cartascapes, a map revealing Earth's diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. Journey through time and space, discovering the interconnectedness of our planet's past, present, and future. Stock Photo
RM2Y9EFWT–Needle Hill Bore, , AU, Australia, South Australia, S 26 35' 23'', N 140 41' 47'', map, Cartascapes Map published in 2024. Explore Cartascapes, a map revealing Earth's diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. Journey through time and space, discovering the interconnectedness of our planet's past, present, and future.
Drill bit for drilling on glass and ceramics Stock Photo
RF2ETJNK3–Drill bit for drilling on glass and ceramics
Feathers puffed out from the wind, a coopers hawk looks to the sunrise in the east while perching on a dying branch of a pine tree Stock Photo
RF2M47NA1–Feathers puffed out from the wind, a coopers hawk looks to the sunrise in the east while perching on a dying branch of a pine tree
Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on white background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2D8XACW–Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on white background,selective focus.
Stack of needles on white background metal items sharp pronged bunch group pinch box quantity number utensil metallic item house Stock Photo
RFBG3F91–Stack of needles on white background metal items sharp pronged bunch group pinch box quantity number utensil metallic item house
Bore needle inserted into patients arm Stock Photo
RMD4BNMK–Bore needle inserted into patients arm
Dentist Reminder For Tomorrow With Crossed Out Today Pinned On Cork Board Stock Photo
RFM850BM–Dentist Reminder For Tomorrow With Crossed Out Today Pinned On Cork Board
Shiny drill isolated on white Stock Photo
RFHH6KAJ–Shiny drill isolated on white
Dentist Reminder For Tomorrow On Paper Pinned On Cork Board Stock Photo
RFM850C6–Dentist Reminder For Tomorrow On Paper Pinned On Cork Board
The Fatherland: (1450-1700) : showing the part it bore in the discovery, exploration and development of the western continent with special reference to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; ptIof a narrative and critical history, prepared at the reque . nARTlN BEMAin. (born IfZQ, DIED JULY Z9, 1506.) The Astrolabe of Behaim. 57 portable astrolabe to navigation, and together witH tbe Jacobstaff,^^ alsointroduced by B e -bairn,^^ taught thesea-farer how to dis-cover the position ofa vessel at sea with-out the use of themagnetic needle, andlong and intricatecalculations. It wasthe introduction ofthe Stock Photo
RM2AKXBJ3–The Fatherland: (1450-1700) : showing the part it bore in the discovery, exploration and development of the western continent with special reference to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; ptIof a narrative and critical history, prepared at the reque . nARTlN BEMAin. (born IfZQ, DIED JULY Z9, 1506.) The Astrolabe of Behaim. 57 portable astrolabe to navigation, and together witH tbe Jacobstaff,^^ alsointroduced by B e -bairn,^^ taught thesea-farer how to dis-cover the position ofa vessel at sea with-out the use of themagnetic needle, andlong and intricatecalculations. It wasthe introduction ofthe
Dentist Reminder For Today On Paper Pinned On Cork Board Stock Photo
RFM84M92–Dentist Reminder For Today On Paper Pinned On Cork Board
Fly on leaf of Nasturtium Stock Photo
RFAFM48W–Fly on leaf of Nasturtium
. Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824 : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history . Zoology; Taxidermy. 464 EXPLANATORY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle-like point which is required. A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-gun. Thus, with an equipment weig Stock Photo
RMPFYP9N–. Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824 : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history . Zoology; Taxidermy. 464 EXPLANATORY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle-like point which is required. A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-gun. Thus, with an equipment weig
Shiny drill isolated on white Stock Photo
RFF8W57Y–Shiny drill isolated on white
Surgeons extract liquid from a syringe. Stock Photo
Young woman donor with an open fist as the blood flows through the needle and tube into a storage bag. Stock Photo
RMCRX4GN–Young woman donor with an open fist as the blood flows through the needle and tube into a storage bag.
Needle Hill Bore, Ashburton, AU, Australia, Western Australia, S 23 43' 44'', N 115 57' 1'', map, Cartascapes Map published in 2024. Explore Cartascapes, a map revealing Earth's diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. Journey through time and space, discovering the interconnectedness of our planet's past, present, and future. Stock Photo
RM2Y9EC6K–Needle Hill Bore, Ashburton, AU, Australia, Western Australia, S 23 43' 44'', N 115 57' 1'', map, Cartascapes Map published in 2024. Explore Cartascapes, a map revealing Earth's diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. Journey through time and space, discovering the interconnectedness of our planet's past, present, and future.
Drill bit for drilling on glass and ceramics Stock Photo
RF2ETJNJ0–Drill bit for drilling on glass and ceramics
A coopers hawk looks to the sunrise in the east while perching on a dying branch of a pine tree Stock Photo
RF2WDA38T–A coopers hawk looks to the sunrise in the east while perching on a dying branch of a pine tree
Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on white background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2F3WJH9–Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on white background,selective focus.
Bore needle inserted into patients arm Stock Photo
RMD4BNJB–Bore needle inserted into patients arm
Abdominal surgery . eover, thecoat of the intestine from which catgut is made. A needle, on being pushed vertically through the walls of theintestine, meets with considerable resistance when it reaches the ?sub-mucosa, andstill greater re-sistance is en-countered if it beattempted to passthe needle hori-zontally throughits meshes. Adelicate thread ofthis tissue is verymuch stronger andbetter able to holda stitch than acoarse shred of theentire thicknessof the muscularand serous coats.Practical experiments to test this point bore out these views.Halsted soon discovered that, even to the sharpen Stock Photo
RM2AKN2JR–Abdominal surgery . eover, thecoat of the intestine from which catgut is made. A needle, on being pushed vertically through the walls of theintestine, meets with considerable resistance when it reaches the ?sub-mucosa, andstill greater re-sistance is en-countered if it beattempted to passthe needle hori-zontally throughits meshes. Adelicate thread ofthis tissue is verymuch stronger andbetter able to holda stitch than acoarse shred of theentire thicknessof the muscularand serous coats.Practical experiments to test this point bore out these views.Halsted soon discovered that, even to the sharpen
Young woman donor with an open fist as the blood flows through the needle and tube into a storage bag. Stock Photo
RMCRX4GX–Young woman donor with an open fist as the blood flows through the needle and tube into a storage bag.
Drill bit for drilling on glass and ceramics Stock Photo
RF2ETJNMH–Drill bit for drilling on glass and ceramics
Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on white background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2F3WJHM–Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on white background,selective focus.
Blood is drawn from the median cubical vein, using a large bore needle to prevent hemolysis. Stock Photo
RMD4B8JX–Blood is drawn from the median cubical vein, using a large bore needle to prevent hemolysis.
The American homoeopathist . t; 0111-mended, according to the following formula : Camphor 1 part ( (live oil 10 parts Inject two syringefuls into each arm (about 5c.c. altogether). With the ordinary needle the injection is diffi-cult, because of the thickness of the oil. Onehaving a slightly larger bore has been found ex-cellent. In a grave case now under Dr. C. C. iservation, in which the patient hnumber of times been absolutely pulseless andapparently lifeless, its use was followed by mostgratifying results. It is given throughout theillness, whenever the pulse fails, to supplementother card Stock Photo
RM2AN170T–The American homoeopathist . t; 0111-mended, according to the following formula : Camphor 1 part ( (live oil 10 parts Inject two syringefuls into each arm (about 5c.c. altogether). With the ordinary needle the injection is diffi-cult, because of the thickness of the oil. Onehaving a slightly larger bore has been found ex-cellent. In a grave case now under Dr. C. C. iservation, in which the patient hnumber of times been absolutely pulseless andapparently lifeless, its use was followed by mostgratifying results. It is given throughout theillness, whenever the pulse fails, to supplementother card
Young woman donor with an open fist as the blood flows through the needle and tube into a storage bag. Stock Photo
RMCRX4GJ–Young woman donor with an open fist as the blood flows through the needle and tube into a storage bag.
Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on white background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2F3WJHY–Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on white background,selective focus.
Capillary tube on hand of scientist with blue glove on white .Saved with clipping path ,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2DA63GD–Capillary tube on hand of scientist with blue glove on white .Saved with clipping path ,selective focus.
Nineteen years in Polynesia: missionary life, travels, and researches in the islands of the Pacific . ail, ora sail-needle, to the end of this sort ofspindle. Get a thick piece of wood,about the size of what is called inEngland a hot cross bun, and inScotland a cookie, bore a hole inthe centre of it, run the spindle throughit, and wedge it fast about the middleof the spindle. At the top of the spindlefasten two strings, each nine incheslong, to the ends of these strings attach the endsof a common cedar pencil, forming a triangle with awooden base and string sides. Stand up the machinewith your Stock Photo
RM2AKPAPG–Nineteen years in Polynesia: missionary life, travels, and researches in the islands of the Pacific . ail, ora sail-needle, to the end of this sort ofspindle. Get a thick piece of wood,about the size of what is called inEngland a hot cross bun, and inScotland a cookie, bore a hole inthe centre of it, run the spindle throughit, and wedge it fast about the middleof the spindle. At the top of the spindlefasten two strings, each nine incheslong, to the ends of these strings attach the endsof a common cedar pencil, forming a triangle with awooden base and string sides. Stand up the machinewith your
Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2FYEW07–Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus.
StNicholas [serial] . per lighters,and a small piece of fringed paper go to the mak-ing of one ostrich. You will need a whole making a small hole in each end and blowingoat the egg. Bore the holes with a large darn-ing-needle or hatpin, pressing steadily but nottoo hard, and twisting the point round andround until a small hole has been punctured; egg-shell for the body and must empty it by then enlarge the hole slightly with the sharp point of your scissors, beingcareful not to crackthe shell in doing so.Make the hole in thelarge end of the shella trifle larger than theone in the small end.Hol Stock Photo
RM2AKNMMY–StNicholas [serial] . per lighters,and a small piece of fringed paper go to the mak-ing of one ostrich. You will need a whole making a small hole in each end and blowingoat the egg. Bore the holes with a large darn-ing-needle or hatpin, pressing steadily but nottoo hard, and twisting the point round andround until a small hole has been punctured; egg-shell for the body and must empty it by then enlarge the hole slightly with the sharp point of your scissors, beingcareful not to crackthe shell in doing so.Make the hole in thelarge end of the shella trifle larger than theone in the small end.Hol
Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2FYETYG–Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus.
StNicholas [serial] . BUT MY ! WHEN THE CONTESTS WERE REALLY BEGUN,THEY DISCOVERED THAT FIELD DAY WAS NO END OF FUN! Vol. XXXV.—69. HINTS ant. HELPS for MOTHER 99. RamyDayAmusements in the NurseryTHIRTEENTH PAPER EGG-SHELL EASTER TOYS ORIGINATED BY ADELIA BELLE BEARD AN EGG-SHELL OSTRICH One egg-shell, three twisted paper lighters,and a small piece of fringed paper go to the mak-ing of one ostrich. You will need a whole making a small hole in each end and blowingoat the egg. Bore the holes with a large darn-ing-needle or hatpin, pressing steadily but nottoo hard, and twisting the point round a Stock Photo!-when-the-contests-were-really-begunthey-discovered-that-field-day-was-no-end-of-fun!-vol-xxxv69-hints-ant-helps-for-mother-99-ramydayamusements-in-the-nurserythirteenth-paper-egg-shell-easter-toys-originated-by-adelia-belle-beard-an-egg-shell-ostrich-one-egg-shell-three-twisted-paper-lightersand-a-small-piece-of-fringed-paper-go-to-the-mak-ing-of-one-ostrich-you-will-need-a-whole-making-a-small-hole-in-each-end-and-blowingoat-the-egg-bore-the-holes-with-a-large-darn-ing-needle-or-hatpin-pressing-steadily-but-nottoo-hard-and-twisting-the-point-round-a-image339152912.html
RM2AKNN00–StNicholas [serial] . BUT MY ! WHEN THE CONTESTS WERE REALLY BEGUN,THEY DISCOVERED THAT FIELD DAY WAS NO END OF FUN! Vol. XXXV.—69. HINTS ant. HELPS for MOTHER 99. RamyDayAmusements in the NurseryTHIRTEENTH PAPER EGG-SHELL EASTER TOYS ORIGINATED BY ADELIA BELLE BEARD AN EGG-SHELL OSTRICH One egg-shell, three twisted paper lighters,and a small piece of fringed paper go to the mak-ing of one ostrich. You will need a whole making a small hole in each end and blowingoat the egg. Bore the holes with a large darn-ing-needle or hatpin, pressing steadily but nottoo hard, and twisting the point round a
Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2FK6AK0–Close up capillary tube , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus.
The Bakerian Lecture: A Magnetic Survey of the British Isles for the Epoch January 1, 1886 . W.S.W. of the town I| mile away. S. Johns Church,S. Lowestoft bore E.N.E. Kirkley Old Church, E. by S. ; Cemetery, half amile away, S.E. by E. Declination, ?2. G.M.T, a. ^o- h. m.-1 13 + 2 2 h. m,11 313 34 17 2U4 17 20*5 o / 17 24-0 i MDCCCXC,—A, Inclination. Needle, G.M.T. 0. 0O. 1 2 h. m.12 2112 53 o 68 00-067 597 O i 68 00-4 Za 170 ME. A. W. RUCKER AND DR. T. E. THORPE ON A MAGNETIC Horizontal Force. G.M.T. ±1, TJ V h. m. 14 2811 22 1-78041-7806 1-7797 111. Mablethorpe. May 23, 1886; T. E. T. (61, 8 Stock Photo
RM2AKN3E4–The Bakerian Lecture: A Magnetic Survey of the British Isles for the Epoch January 1, 1886 . W.S.W. of the town I| mile away. S. Johns Church,S. Lowestoft bore E.N.E. Kirkley Old Church, E. by S. ; Cemetery, half amile away, S.E. by E. Declination, ?2. G.M.T, a. ^o- h. m.-1 13 + 2 2 h. m,11 313 34 17 2U4 17 20*5 o / 17 24-0 i MDCCCXC,—A, Inclination. Needle, G.M.T. 0. 0O. 1 2 h. m.12 2112 53 o 68 00-067 597 O i 68 00-4 Za 170 ME. A. W. RUCKER AND DR. T. E. THORPE ON A MAGNETIC Horizontal Force. G.M.T. ±1, TJ V h. m. 14 2811 22 1-78041-7806 1-7797 111. Mablethorpe. May 23, 1886; T. E. T. (61, 8
Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2F1M2AJ–Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus.
. Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824 : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history . Zoology; Taxidermy. 464 EXPLANATORY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle-like point which is required. A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-gun. Thus, with an equipment weig Stock Photo
RMRDA327–. Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824 : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history . Zoology; Taxidermy. 464 EXPLANATORY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle-like point which is required. A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-gun. Thus, with an equipment weig
Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2DBT6C0–Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus.
. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States and the Antilles in the years 1812, 1816, 1820 & 1824 [microform] : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. Zoology; Zoologie. 464 EXPLANATORY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle like point which is required A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which tlie arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-gun. Thus, with an equipm Stock Photo
RMRJ2ERM–. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States and the Antilles in the years 1812, 1816, 1820 & 1824 [microform] : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. Zoology; Zoologie. 464 EXPLANATORY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle like point which is required A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which tlie arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-gun. Thus, with an equipm
Capillary tube on hand of scientist with blue glove on white .Saved with clipping path ,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2D8XAG2–Capillary tube on hand of scientist with blue glove on white .Saved with clipping path ,selective focus.
. Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824. With original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc., for cabinets of natural history. Taxidermy; Zoology. 464 EXPLANATORY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle like point which is required. A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-gun. Thus, with an equipment weig Stock Photo
RMRDHAB3–. Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824. With original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc., for cabinets of natural history. Taxidermy; Zoology. 464 EXPLANATORY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle like point which is required. A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-gun. Thus, with an equipment weig
Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus. Stock Photo
RF2FYETWP–Close up capillary tube with blood lancet , Medical equipment on wooden background,selective focus.
. Clearing land of stumps. Clearing of land; Explosives in agriculture. How cartridges of powder swell and fill the hole when they are split and pressed with tamping stick. the quarter-inch steel needle known as a probing rod. Every blaster should have one of these rods and should make use of it at each stump. There are two ways of blasting out true tap-root stumps. One is to bore a hole in the wood of the tap-root itself, and the other is to place the charges right alongside the root and against it, like mudcap charges are placed in stone blasting. In placing the charge in the wood, make a ho Stock Photo
RMREKKMM–. Clearing land of stumps. Clearing of land; Explosives in agriculture. How cartridges of powder swell and fill the hole when they are split and pressed with tamping stick. the quarter-inch steel needle known as a probing rod. Every blaster should have one of these rods and should make use of it at each stump. There are two ways of blasting out true tap-root stumps. One is to bore a hole in the wood of the tap-root itself, and the other is to place the charges right alongside the root and against it, like mudcap charges are placed in stone blasting. In placing the charge in the wood, make a ho
. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824 [microform] : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. Zoology; Zoologie. Wi ts M 'i lit I; J? 4G4 EXPLANATOUY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle-like point which is required, A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-g Stock Photo
RMRHYXFF–. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824 [microform] : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. Zoology; Zoologie. Wi ts M 'i lit I; J? 4G4 EXPLANATOUY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle-like point which is required, A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-g
. Clearing land of stumps. Clearing of land; Explosives in agriculture. How cartridges of powder swell and fill the hole when they are split and pressed with tamping stick. the quarter-inch steel needle known as a probing rod. Every blaster should have one of these rods and should make use of it at each stump. There are two ways of blasting out true tap-root stumps. One is to bore a hole in the wood of the tap-root itself, and the other is to place the charges right alongside the root and against it, like mudcap charges are placed in stone blasting. In placing the charge in the wood, make a ho Stock Photo
RMREKKM9–. Clearing land of stumps. Clearing of land; Explosives in agriculture. How cartridges of powder swell and fill the hole when they are split and pressed with tamping stick. the quarter-inch steel needle known as a probing rod. Every blaster should have one of these rods and should make use of it at each stump. There are two ways of blasting out true tap-root stumps. One is to bore a hole in the wood of the tap-root itself, and the other is to place the charges right alongside the root and against it, like mudcap charges are placed in stone blasting. In placing the charge in the wood, make a ho
. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824 [microform] : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. Zoology; Zoologie. Wi ts M 'i lit I; J? 4G4 EXPLANATOUY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle-like point which is required, A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-g Stock Photo
RMRETJKK–. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824 [microform] : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. Zoology; Zoologie. Wi ts M 'i lit I; J? 4G4 EXPLANATOUY INDEX. between two of the teeth, and is thus shaved down to the needle-like point which is required, A small basket shaped like a flask, but slightly flattened, is mostly carried with the quiver. This basket is used to hold the wild cotton with which the arrows are fitted to the bore of the blow-g
. Elementary physics and chemistry: first stage. Science. EFFECTS OF HEAT. 89 Place the heavy mass on one end of the iron bar resting upon one of the blocks, as in Fig. 64. Let the other end bear upon the needle placed upon the other block and having the straw pointer fixed to it. Heat the bar with a flame, and notice that the pointer moves on account of the expansion of the iron. Procure a 4 oz. flask and fit it with a cork. Bore a hole through the cork and pass through it a long glass tube which fits tightly. Fill the glass with water coloured with red ink. Push the cork into the neck of the Stock Photo
RMRD27Y1–. Elementary physics and chemistry: first stage. Science. EFFECTS OF HEAT. 89 Place the heavy mass on one end of the iron bar resting upon one of the blocks, as in Fig. 64. Let the other end bear upon the needle placed upon the other block and having the straw pointer fixed to it. Heat the bar with a flame, and notice that the pointer moves on account of the expansion of the iron. Procure a 4 oz. flask and fit it with a cork. Bore a hole through the cork and pass through it a long glass tube which fits tightly. Fill the glass with water coloured with red ink. Push the cork into the neck of the
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