This guide from the FAO provides information on how to create the most efficient pig housing for small scale or backyard pig production
Build a cozy home for your pigs with our easy and fun DIY Pig Pen plans to take your piggy pals' comfort to the next level!
There are many advantages to owning pigs. They grow fast, they're fairly easy to raise, and they're prolific breeders.
See how we used silvopasture to raise pigs in a forested pasture, creating a sustainable space to acheive our homestead goals.
As a homesteader with a passion for pigs, I can tell you that finding the right fencing for your pigs can be a daunting task. Pigs are notorious for testing boundaries and breaking through fences.
We absolutely LOVE raising pigs on the homestead. While you need to experience it for yourself, I can almost guarantee that you'll feel the same way we do. Our experience with raising pigs has been
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Pigs have several basic requirements in a pen space. Setup your pen to create a clean, comfortable space.
My best tips to insulating your pig pen so they don't get chilly and lose weight (or worse, get sick).
A few years ago, Kune Kune pigs were the hottest pig around. As someone who has owned potbellied pigs as pets for almost ten years, I was interested in getting into KuneKunes, making money, and
is what I came home with! I have the reputation for coming home with various animals from the auction – luckily this was a planned purchase. I heard there was going to be a bunch of weaner p…
We built a pig pen for our pot-belly pig! This was a fast easy DIY that took a little bit of lumber and a pvc roof!
(Elisha working on the birthing pens) Hello everyone! My papa and brothers Elisha, Josiah, and Zeke all have been working on remodeling our barn. Elisha is in charge of making sure everything gets done right while my papa is at work. Elisha is the ranch foreman and I am the ranch manager. Elisha and I really enjoy working together and thinking of better ways to manage the ranch. Josiah takes Elisha's place of overseeing all the jobs when Elisha is gone working with papa on something else. The first thing the boys built this year were the birthing pens for the does. They made a special place above the birthing pens for all the alfalfa to be stored. They really did a awesome job! This is a picture of the boys hard work!