Chinese Elm: Popular & Beautiful Beginner Bonsai tree.
The Chinese Elm, scientifically known as Ulmus parvifolia, is a great starting point for beginners ven
Uncle Bill’s Bonsai Brew – 8 oz.
Exclusive to Bonsai Outlet by way of New England Bonsai Gardens, Uncle Bill’s Bonsai Brew is a 3-3-3, low dose year-round fertilizer that’s perfect for almost all...
BioGold Imported
Biogold contains several types of natural bacteria for a slow but steady release of organic nutrients without disrupting soil chemistry (NPK 5.5/6.5/3.5)
There’s a perfect balance...
Green Mound Juniper - Outdoor Bonsai Tree
In 1984, The Karate Kid took American theaters by storm and a star was forever born. That star, my friends, was The Green Mound Juniper Bonsai.
Bonsai Tree Soil - Premium Blend - Boon Mix
We've always called it our premium mix. However, seems like a lot of people are calling in Boon Mix. Regardless, it's a great soil mix used for our...