The first things that come to mind when thinking about cute animals are dogs or cats. Then you may remember bunnies and hamsters, but cows wouldn’t be at the top of the list. And it’s a shame because they have the most adorable faces too.
Most of us would think that cows are kept in homes just for milk or meat, but they can be great pets too, filling the owner’s heart with joy and love. Bored Panda acknowledges their beauty and went on the internet to compile this list for you to learn what lovely animals cows can be.
For even more cuteness overload, check out our gallery of baby Highland cattle calves and see why these tiny cows are stealing hearts everywhere.
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Fluffiest Cow
Cows were one of the first animals to be domesticated. The process started more than 10,500 years ago and they were used for meat and milk, while their skin, hair, horns and bones were also used for clothing and everyday tools. Since the beginning, cows were a valuable animal for humans. Scientists say that they were used as currency as early as 9,000 BC and they could be called one of the first forms of money.
After all these years, the animal still is a very big part of people’s diet, but what has changed is that more people have become emotionally attached to them and started keeping them as pets.
May I Offer You A Picture Of A Cute Cow During These Trying Times
Fluffy Scottish Highland Calf
Dogs Love Cows Sometimes
Cows actually are gentle and friendly, so it is no wonder they have become pets. And after seeing these photos, you’ll realize that their appearance is also really adorable.
However, they're not that easy to keep as they are definitely not apartment-friendly and they need more care than a cat or a dog. The obvious thing is that they need land to graze and you have to think about where would you put them in winter if it gets cold where you live. And if they get sick, you need a specialized veterinarian because not all of them know how to treat every domestic animal.
This Is Willow, A Premature Longhorn Calf. She Has Been Raised By Dogs And Thinks She Is One
Smol Moo
Loving smol moo. What you're seeing on their forhead is what you get.
Cows Will Be Your Friend If You Treat Them Nicely
If you are financially able and can provide a cow with a comfortable home, you will get a really good friend. They‘ve been with humans for thousands of years and that means they have learned to socialize. Moreover, they are not as stupid as they may seem. They want to play with you and they are possible to train. For example, you can teach them to turn in a circle or lie down.
It’s not a coincidence that in some religions, a cow is seen as something comparable to a lamb of god. For many Hindus, cows are sacred animals because they are depicted as companions of certain gods.
Cow Puppy
A Boy And His Cow Napping At The Goshen Fair
Cow Posing With Their Buddy
A Baby Cow With A Bum Heart And A Head Heart
From afar, cows can seem scary because they are big animals that have horns and if you’re not familiar with their personality, you might be afraid they could get angry very easily or start attacking you unexpectedly.
But that’s not the case and they are actually very lovely creatures, as it can be felt looking at the pictures. Which ones of these are your favorite? Would you like to have a cow as a pet or do you have one and would like to share your experience owning one? Share all your thoughts in the comments!
Happy Little Christmas Moo
A Friend Of Mine Sent Me This Picture, And I Thought It Deserves To Be Posted
My Grand-Nephew Meeting A Calf For The First Time
This Is Aretha, A Rescue Cow. She Groomed My Legs With Her Tongue Then Fell Asleep. She’s A Good Girl
Cows know when they've come to a safe and caring place. They too give us their gratitude, just like any other animal we rescue. Dogs, cats, horses, cows.... and sadly there's an "And so on, and so on..."
This Little Calf Is Wearing Earmuffs To Prevent Frostbite
My Grandpa Isn't Able To Take Care Of His Cows Anymore So I Started Helping Last Fall. Honestly They Scared Me A Little At First. Now I've Gotten Super Attached To Them
What a wonderful and loving thing to do for your grandfather. He loves his cows.
Nosey Cow Undoubtedly Stole The Show At The County Fairgrounds. Not Everyone’s Into Cows, But She Was A Beauty With The Softest Ears
Here's A Baby Cow 15 Seconds Before Licking My Phone
Let’s Take A Moment To Appreciate This Lovely Cow
Flower Girl
Fluffy Holiday Cow Spreading Cheer
The Sun Makes Dancer Happy
Cow And Hedgehog
Two Precious Girls
Meet Moonpie, The Cow That Thinks She's A Dog
She was spotted at a livestock auction house, got rescued and was taken to Rocky Ridge Refuge Sanctuary. As the weather was really bad and she was too small to be outside with the other cows. Moonpie stayed in her human mom’s bedroom and eventually befriended her canine companions. They clean her face, the way her mother would have. They love to do that. They were all thrilled to see her. However, Moonpie is particulary fond of a deaf bull terrier Spackle.
My Nephew Met A Baby Cow And Decided To Brush It
Fluffy Cows
Dog Enjoying A “Cow Lick"
Woke Up To A Surprise This Morning! My Cow Hashbrown Had A Tater Tot
A Miniature Cow
Cody Looks Like A Giant
Cute Baby Cow Marley Rose
Had To Keep Her Warm
Cow Friends At The Virginia State Fair
Smoochie For The Doggo
Wholesome Moo-Ment
We Had A Baby On Sunday. Meet Waffles
Baby Cow I Saw Today With A Love Heart On Her Head
Was nice until I saw the chain around her leg. Not good, not needed.
Throwback To Baby James First Birthday
There's a surprising amount of cows with hearts on their heads. Not that I mind😊
Now everyone remember these cute docile faces the next time you go to the grocery store, and choose NOT to go down the meat aisle!!!
Isn't it funny how people will talk about how beautiful these animals are... until you suggest they stop eating them.
Load More Replies...So my parents had a small dairy farm in the north of Sweden. Cows can be super dangerous, specially if they want to cuddle. Becuase it is half of a tonne coming, and it is not a given thing that the cow understand that. I knew a guy who died becuase of that. Most dangerous is it if you fall over and has nothing to fend off the cows with. Again - not because they want to hurt you, but because they don't always understand how big and heavy they are. As an example, if a cow by accident steps on your foot - and you don't have steel capped shoes - the foot can be crushed. I know people who have a limp for life because of that. It can be even worse if you get into a field with cows you don't know. If they think you are threatening them or their super cute baby cows, they can attack. And you stand no chanse what so ever against an angry cow. Every year, there are people who get hurt because they climb over a fence to try to cuddle with a calf.
Yes, I was thinking that I hope no one decides it's a good idea to go into a random field and start picking up calves for photos, because a herd of cows defending their young could easily kill someone. Calves are adorable, no question, but get your pictures from a distance if you are not familiar to the cows. Even if they don't do anything aggressive it's still stressful for them.
Load More Replies...There's a surprising amount of cows with hearts on their heads. Not that I mind😊
Now everyone remember these cute docile faces the next time you go to the grocery store, and choose NOT to go down the meat aisle!!!
Isn't it funny how people will talk about how beautiful these animals are... until you suggest they stop eating them.
Load More Replies...So my parents had a small dairy farm in the north of Sweden. Cows can be super dangerous, specially if they want to cuddle. Becuase it is half of a tonne coming, and it is not a given thing that the cow understand that. I knew a guy who died becuase of that. Most dangerous is it if you fall over and has nothing to fend off the cows with. Again - not because they want to hurt you, but because they don't always understand how big and heavy they are. As an example, if a cow by accident steps on your foot - and you don't have steel capped shoes - the foot can be crushed. I know people who have a limp for life because of that. It can be even worse if you get into a field with cows you don't know. If they think you are threatening them or their super cute baby cows, they can attack. And you stand no chanse what so ever against an angry cow. Every year, there are people who get hurt because they climb over a fence to try to cuddle with a calf.
Yes, I was thinking that I hope no one decides it's a good idea to go into a random field and start picking up calves for photos, because a herd of cows defending their young could easily kill someone. Calves are adorable, no question, but get your pictures from a distance if you are not familiar to the cows. Even if they don't do anything aggressive it's still stressful for them.
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