Gustav Willeit's profile

Perspe XX

The photographic series PERSPE by Gustav Willeit explores the connection between space and artistic creation. 
The images evoke a sense of familiarity while immersing the viewer in a surreal atmosphere, achieved through symmetry andexpert photographic manipulation.
Willeit challenges perception by constructingscenes that seem to belong to an alternate dimension. His refined aesthetic and meticulous attention to detail lend the works a poetic quality that captivates and enchants.
The title PERSPE alludes to the concept of perspective, inviting the audience to view the world through different lenses. 
The series becomes not only a tribute to visual harmony but also a reflection on the experience of perception and the limitless possibilities of imagination.

Italy / Switzerland / Japan / England / Croatia / Togo / Italy

Thanks for watching!!

Perspe XX

Perspe XX
