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Gone Girl

Britt Siva
The day that we shot [Amy’s return] I think was the day that the cast, well at least the day that Ben and Rosamund, finally realized that they were dealing with somebody who was a little unhinged… Rosamund showed up on the set and I said, “Ok and then she comes forward and falls into your arms and then I want the poster for Gone with the Wind. I want her to fall after you say, “You fucking bitch.” She falls away from you and gives the press the photo of their careers. It’s literally — it has to be People Magazine fodder for the next 15 years.
- David Fincher
gone girl david fincher Gillian Flynn Ben Affleck Rosamund Pike movie poster
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Gone Girl

Gone Girl

Poster for David Fincher's 'Gone Girl' inspired by 'Gone with the Wind.'
