Red Mage

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from RDM)
Red Mage
Red Mage
Abbreviation RDM
Japanese 赤魔道士 (赤)
Japanese Romaji Akamadoushi (Aka)
French Mage rouge
German Rotmagier
Expansion Pack Final Fantasy XI
Quest None

Abilities and Traits


Lvl. Name Icon
1 Dia Light-WHM-Icon.gif
3 Cure Light-WHM-Icon.gif
4 Stone Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
5 Poison Water-BLM-Icon.gif
5 Barstone Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
6 Paralyze Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
7 Protect Light-WHM-Icon.gif
7 Barsleep Light-WHM-Icon.gif
8 Blind Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
9 Water Water-BLM-Icon.gif
9 Barwater Thunder-WHM-Icon.gif
10 Barpoison Thunder-WHM-Icon.gif
10 Bio Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
11 Bind Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
12 Aquaveil Water-WHM-Icon.gif
12 Barparalyze Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
13 Slow Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
13 Baraero Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
14 Cure II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
14 Aero Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
15 Deodorize Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
15 Diaga Light-WHM-Icon.gif
16 Enthunder Thunder-WHM-Icon.gif
17 Shell Light-WHM-Icon.gif
17 Barfire Water-WHM-Icon.gif
18 Silence Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
18 Barblind Light-WHM-Icon.gif
18 Enstone Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
19 Fire Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
20 Blaze Spikes Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
20 Sneak Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
20 Enaero Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
21 Barblizzard Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
21 Gravity Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
21 Regen Light-WHM-Icon.gif
22 Enblizzard Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
23 Blink Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
23 Barsilence Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
24 Blizzard Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
24 Enfire Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
25 Invisible Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
25 Sleep Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
25 Barthunder Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
26 Cure III Light-WHM-Icon.gif
27 Protect II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
Lvl. Name Icon
27 Enwater Water-WHM-Icon.gif
29 Thunder Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
31 Dia II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
32 Dispel Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
33 Phalanx Light-WHM-Icon.gif
34 Stoneskin Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
35 Stone II Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
35 Distract Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
36 Bio II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
37 Shell II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
38 Raise Light-WHM-Icon.gif
39 Barvirus Water-WHM-Icon.gif
40 Ice Spikes Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
40 Water II Water-BLM-Icon.gif
41 Refresh Light-WHM-Icon.gif
42 Frazzle Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
43 Barpetrify Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
45 Aero II Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
46 Sleep II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
46 Poison II Water-BLM-Icon.gif
47 Protect III Light-WHM-Icon.gif
48 Flurry Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
48 Haste Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
48 Cure IV Light-WHM-Icon.gif
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
50 Fire II Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
50 Enthunder II Thunder-WHM-Icon.gif
52 Enstone II Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
54 Enaero II Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
55 Blizzard II Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
56 Enblizzard II Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
57 Shell III Light-WHM-Icon.gif
58 Enfire II Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
Main Job Only
60 Enwater II Water-WHM-Icon.gif
60 Shock Spikes Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
60 Thunder II Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
63 Protect IV Light-WHM-Icon.gif
64 Inundation Light-WHM-Icon.gif
65 Stone III Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
67 Water III Water-BLM-Icon.gif
68 Shell IV Light-WHM-Icon.gif
69 Aero III Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
71 Fire III Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
73 Blizzard III Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
75 Thunder III Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
Lvl. Name Icon
75 Dia III Light-WHM-Icon.gif
75 Slow II Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
75 Paralyze II Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
75 Phalanx II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
75 Bio III Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
75 Blind II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
77 Protect V Light-WHM-Icon.gif
77 Regen II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
77 Stone IV Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
78 Baramnesia Water-WHM-Icon.gif
80 Water IV Water-BLM-Icon.gif
81 Gain-VIT Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
82 Refresh II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
83 Addle Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
83 Aero IV Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
84 Gain-MND Water-WHM-Icon.gif
85 Distract II Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
86 Fire IV Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
87 Gain-CHR Light-WHM-Icon.gif
87 Break Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
87 Shell V Light-WHM-Icon.gif
89 Blizzard IV Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
90 Gain-AGI Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
92 Frazzle II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
92 Thunder IV Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
93 Gain-STR Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
95 Raise II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
95 Temper Light-WHM-Icon.gif
96 Gain-INT Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
96 Flurry II Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
96 Haste II Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
98 Gravity II Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Gain-DEX Thunder-WHM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Stone V Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Water V Water-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Aero V Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Fire V Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Blizzard V Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Thunder V Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Addle II Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Distract III Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Frazzle III Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Refresh III Light-WHM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Temper II Light-WHM-Icon.gif

Combat Skills

Combat Skills
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Dagger B 144 398 448
Sword B 144 398 448
Club D 133 334 384
Archery D 133 334 384
Throwing F 114 265 315
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Evasion D 133 334 384
Parrying E 124 300 350
Shield F 114 265 315
Skill Rank 49 99 Master! ML50
Divine E 124 300 300 350
Healing C- 139 368 368 418
Enhancing B+ 144 404 440 490
Enfeebling A+ 150 424 460 510
Elemental C+ 139 378 378 428
Dark E 124 300 300 350
See Also: Level-by-level Skill Cap Chart


Group 1
Name Description
Convert Recast Shorten recast time by 20 seconds.
Fire Magic Accuracy Increase the accuracy of Fire spells by 3.
Ice Magic Accuracy Increase the accuracy of Ice spells by 3.
Wind Magic Accuracy Increase the accuracy of Wind spells by 3.
Earth Magic Accuracy Increase the accuracy of Earth spells by 3.
Lightning Magic Accuracy Increase the accuracy of Lightning spells by 3.
Water Magic Accuracy Increase the accuracy of Water spells by 3.
Group 2
Name Description
Enfeebling Magic Duration Increase enfeebling magic duration by 6 seconds.
Magic Accuracy Increase magic accuracy by 5.
Enhancing Magic Duration Increase enhancing magic duration by 6 seconds.
Immunobreak Chance Increase chance of Immunobreak occurrence by 3 percent.
En-spell Damage Increase damage of Enspell effect by 3, and Enspell II effect by 6.
Accuracy Increase accuracy by 5.

Job Points

Job Points
Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Chainspell Effect Increases elemental magic damage while under the effects of Chainspell Increase elemental magic damage by 2.
Stymie Effect Increases the effect duration of enfeebling magic spells while under the effects of Stymie. Increase the effect duration by 1 second.
Convert Effect Reduces the amount of HP consumed when using Convert. Reduce the amount of HP consumed by 1 percent.
Magic Accuracy Bonus Increases magical accuracy. Increase magic accuracy by 1.
Composure Effect Increases physical accuracy while under the effects of Composure. Increase physical accuracy by 1.
Magic Atk. Bonus Enhances Magic Atk. Bonus. Enhance Magic Atk. Bonus by 1.
Saboteur Effect Increases enfeebling magic accuracy while under the effects of Saboteur. Increase enfeebling magic accuracy by 2.
Enfeebling Magic Duration Increases enfeebling magic effect duration. Increase effect duration by 1 (second).
Quick Magic Effect Reduces MP consumption while under the effects of Quick Magic. Reduce MP consumption by 2 percent.
Enhancing Magic Duration Increases enhancing magic effect duration. Increase effect duration by 1 second.

Job-Specific Equipment

Artifact Armor
Warlock's Armor Set Warlock's Armor Set +1 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
AF RDM.png
52 Warlock's Boots 74 Warlock's Boots +1
54 Warlock's Gloves 74 Warlock's Gloves +1
56 Warlock's Tights 74 Warlock's Tights +1
58 Warlock's Tabard 74 Warlock's Tabard +1
60 Warlock's Chapeau 74 Warlock's Chapeau +1
Atrophy Armor Set Atrophy Armor Set +1 Atrophy Armor Set +2 Atrophy Armor Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Atrophy Chapeau 119 Atrophy Chapeau +1 119 Atrophy Chapeau +2 119 Atrophy Chapeau +3
109 Atrophy Tabard 119 Atrophy Tabard +1 119 Atrophy Tabard +2 119 Atrophy Tabard +3
109 Atrophy Gloves 119 Atrophy Gloves +1 119 Atrophy Gloves +2 119 Atrophy Gloves +3
109 Atrophy Tights 119 Atrophy Tights +1 119 Atrophy Tights +2 119 Atrophy Tights +3
109 Atrophy Boots 119 Atrophy Boots +1 119 Atrophy Boots +2 119 Atrophy Boots +3
41 Fencing Degen

Relic Armor
Duelist's Attire Set Duelist's Attire Set +1 Duelist's Attire Set +2 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
Relic RDM.png
71 Duelist's Boots 75 Duelist's Boots +1 90 Duelist's Boots +2
72 Duelist's Gloves 75 Duelist's Gloves +1 90 Duelist's Gloves +2
73 Duelist's Tights 75 Duelist's Tights +1 90 Duelist's Tights +2
74 Duelist's Tabard 75 Duelist's Tabard +1 90 Duelist's Tabard +2
75 Duelist's Chapeau 75 Duelist's Chapeau +1 90 Duelist's Chapeau +2
Vitiation Armor Set Vitiation Armor Set +1 Vitiation Armor Set +2 Vitiation Armor Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Vitiation Chapeau 119 Vitiation Chapeau +1 119 Vitiation Chapeau +2 119 Vitiation Chapeau +3
109 Vitiation Tabard 119 Vitiation Tabard +1 119 Vitiation Tabard +2 119 Vitiation Tabard +3
109 Vitiation Gloves 119 Vitiation Gloves +1 119 Vitiation Gloves +2 119 Vitiation Gloves +3
109 Vitiation Tights 119 Vitiation Tights +1 119 Vitiation Tights +2 119 Vitiation Tights +3
109 Vitiation Boots 119 Vitiation Boots +1 119 Vitiation Boots +2 119 Vitiation Boots +3
70 Duelist's Belt
JSE Neck
99 Duelist's Torque 99 Duelist's Torque +1 99 Duelist's Torque +2
Divergence Weapon
Su4 NQ Duelist's Sword Su4 HQ Vitiation Sword Su5 Crocea Mors

Empyrean Armor
Estoqueur's Attire Set Estoqueur's Attire Set +1 Estoqueur's Attire Set +2 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
Emp RDM.png
81 Estoqueur's Houseaux 81 Estoqueur's Houseaux +1 81 Estoqueur's Houseaux +2
83 Estoqueur's Fuseau 83 Estoqueur's Fuseau +1 83 Estoqueur's Fuseau +2
85 Estoqueur's Chappel 85 Estoqueur's Chappel +1 85 Estoqueur's Chappel +2
87 Estoqueur's Gantherots 87 Estoqueur's Gantherots +1 87 Estoqueur's Gantherots +2
89 Estoqueur's Sayon 89 Estoqueur's Sayon +1 89 Estoqueur's Sayon +2
Lethargy Armor Set Lethargy Armor Set +1 Lethargy Armor Set +2 Lethargy Armor Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Lethargy Chappel 119 Lethargy Chappel +1 119 Lethargy Chappel +2 119 Lethargy Chappel +3
109 Lethargy Sayon 119 Lethargy Sayon +1 119 Lethargy Sayon +2 119 Lethargy Sayon +3
109 Lethargy Gantherots 119 Lethargy Gantherots +1 119 Lethargy Gantherots +2 119 Lethargy Gantherots +3
109 Lethargy Fuseau 119 Lethargy Fuseau +1 119 Lethargy Fuseau +2 119 Lethargy Fuseau +3
109 Lethargy Houseaux 119 Lethargy Houseaux +1 119 Lethargy Houseaux +2 119 Lethargy Houseaux +3
80 Estoqueur's Collar 84 Estoqueur's Cape 90 Estoqueur's Earring
99 Lethargy Earring 99 Lethargy Earring +1 99 Lethargy Earring +2


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