ae cert ees a Ba, Ee ; Yi tant AS mae 34 9 Ase Briegt wet . Fer er er Pes ee oy ee os 5 i . . = eodee ey awe ray Pas ae es, ~_-— =e 246 iq Boer t4 - a = Me She een ae Ss q 4 “4 =p Lata i reyes me WE Serer Fe Et 2 amped hy bie ie ~~ > Cre ea ire as or we ae 4s Release es: Dae. = J ~ on oer vetnots ha eal Lats D A) . c. i a ll lace 5 rs s - . nue « 7 aa ey ‘ i oa y i ' \ { bs 5 Sun BULLETLN.. OF THE BRITISH ORNIT HOLOGISTS’ CLUB. EDITED BY N. B. KINNEAR. © VOLUME XLVI. SESSION 1925-1926. Ee ND OLN: WITHERBY & CO., 326 HIGH HOLBORN. 1926. ALBRE @ FLAMMAM. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE, ——4-—_—_. Tue total number of attendances at the meetings of the Club during the past Session was 826 members and 107 guests, a total of 433. Since no May Meeting was held, owing to the General Strike, this compares very favourably with the previous Session. As in former years the principal feature of the ‘ Bulletin ’ has been the description of new forms, and during the past session sixty have been described. These were contributed principally by Col. and Mrs. Meinertzhagen, the results of their study of the Himalayan Avifauna, which they have ~ recently returned from investigating on the spot ; Mr. Stuart Baker; Dr. C. B. Ticehurst; and Mr. G. L. Bates, who, while here on leave from the Cameroons, has devoted his time to the study of the collections made during his last trip in the mountains of the north-western part of that country. Attention must also be called to the interesting field-notes attached to the descriptions of the last-mentioned member. Lord Rothschild and Dr. Hartert exhibited and described before the Club an extinct bird of the family Drepanidide from the Sandwich Islands, which, strange as it may seem in these days of intensive study, had remained a hundred and twenty years in the Vienna Museum without anyone recognising it as new ! Mention must be made of some valuable notes on Weaver- Birds by Mr. W. L. Sclater, the result of his study of the group for the ‘Systema Avium’; the exhibition and remarks on a remarkable dark variety of the Common Pheasant by the Hon. Masauji Hachisuka; and the interesting account by Mr. Walter Goodfellow of his recent trip to the Central a2 IV Division of Papua, from which we were glad to learn that the different kinds of Birds of Paradise are holding their own. The Session was brought to a close with an address by Dr. F. M. Chapman of the American Museum of Natural History on the new biological station on Barro Colorado Island in the Panama Canal zone, followed by some inter- esting remarks on the bird-lfe of Chih. The lecture was illustrated by a number of beautifully coloured lantern- slides, and was much appreciated by all the members present. The Club has suffered a severe loss in the deaths of Mr. J. Davidson, Mr. M. J. Nicol, Mr. H. Kirke Swann, and Mr. C. J. Wilson. Before going to Egypt Mr. Nicol was a regular attendant at our meetings and a frequent contributor. Mr. Kirke Swann, well known for his know- ledge of the Accipitres, was in the middle of publishing a valuable work on this interesting group of birds. N. B. KINNEAR, Editor. London, July 1926. Lad RULES OF THE BeLlisH ORNITHOLOaISTS’ CLUB. (As amended, October 8th, 1924.) eae I. This Club was founded for the purpose of facilitating the social intercourse of Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union. Any Member of that Union can become a Member of this Club on payment (to the Treasurer) of an entrance fee of One Pound and a subscription of One Guinea for the current Session. Resignation of the Union involves resignation of the Club. II. Members who have not paid their subscriptions before the last Meeting of the Session, shall cease, ipso facto, to be Members of the Club, but may be reinstated on payment of arrears. IIIf. Ordinary Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union may be introduced as Visitors at the Meetings of the Cluh, but every Member of the Club who introduces a Member of the B. O. U. as a Visitor (to the dinner or to the Meeting afterwards) shall pay One Shilling to the Treasurer on each occasion. IV. No gentleman shall be allowed to attend the Meetings of the Club as a guest on more than three occasions during any single Session ; and no former Member who has been removed for non-payment of subscription or any other cause shall be allowed to attend as a guest. ladies are not admitted as guests. V. The Club shall meet, as a rule, on the Second Wednesday in every Month, from October to June inclusive, at such hour and place as may be arranged by the Committee. But should such Wednesday happen to be Ash Wednesday, the Meeting will take place on the Wednesday following. At these Meetings papers upon ornithological subjects shall be read, specimens exhibited, and discussion invited. VI. An Abstract of the Proceedings of the B. O. C. shall be printed as scon as possible after each Meeting, under the title of the ‘Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club.’ and distributed gratis to every Member who has paid his subscription. Copies of this Bulletin shall be published and sold at Two Shillings each to Members. Descriptions of new species may be added to the last page of the ‘ Bulletin,’ although such were not communi- cated at the Meeting of the Club. This shall be done at the discretion of the Editor and so lone as the publication of the ‘ Bulletin’ is not unduly delayed “thereby. Wi Any person speaking at a Meeting of the Club shall be allowed subsequently to amplify his remarks in the ‘Bulletin’; but no fresh matter shall be incorporated with such remarks. VII. The affairs of this Club shall be managed by a Committee, to consist of the Chairman, who shall be elected for three years, at the end of which period he shall not be eligible for re-election for the next term, the Editor of the ‘ Bulletin,’ who shall be elected for five years, at the end of which period he shall not be eligible for re-election for the next term, the Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected for a term of one year, but shall be eligible for re-election, with four other Members, the senior of whom shall retire each year; every third year the two senior Members shall retire and two others be elected in their place. Officers and Members of the Committee shall be elected by the Members of the Club at a General Meeting, and the names of such Officers and Members of Committee, nominated for the ensuing year, shall be circulated with the preliminary notice convening the General Meeting at least two weeks before the Meeting. Should any Member wish to propose another candidate, the nomination of such, signed by at least two Members, must reach the Secretary at least one clear week before the Annual General Meeting. Amendments to the Standing Rules of the Club, as well as very important or urgent matters, shall be submitted to Members, to be voted upon at a General Meeting. VIII. A General Meeting of the B. O. C. shall be held on the day of the October Meeting of each Session, and the Treasurer shall present thereat the Balance-sheet and Report ; and the election of Officers and Committee, in so far as their election is required, shall be held at such Meeting. IX. Any Member desiring to make a complaint of the manner in which the affairs of the Club are conducted must communicate in writing with the Chairman, who will call a Committee Meeting to deal with the matter. COMMITTEE 1925-1926. H. F. Wirnersy, Chairman. Elected 1924. N. B. Kinnear, Kditor of the ‘ Bulletin’ Elected 1925. Dr. G. C. Low, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. Elected 1923. H. M. Watts. Elected 1923. C. B. Ticknurst. Elected 1924. C. OtpHam. Elected 1924. G. M. Marnews. Elected 1925. Officers of the British Ornithologists Club, Past and Present. Chairmen, P. L. ScLATER, FE.R.S. Lord Roruscuixp, F.R.S. W. L. ScLatTeEr. H. F. WITHERBY. Editors. R. BowpLeER SHARPE. W. R. OainviE-GRANT. D. A. BANNERMAN. D. Sera-SM1ITH. Dr. P. R. Lowe. N. B. Kinnear. 1892-1913. 1913-1918. 1918-1924. 1924— 1892-1904. 1904-1914. 1914-1915. 1915-1920. 1920-1925. 1925- Honorary Secretaries and Treasurers. Howarp SAUNDERS. W. E. pE WINTON. H. F. WiTHERBY. Dr. P. R. Lowe. C. G. TarBot-PoNsonsy. D. A. BANNERMAN. Dr. Purirp Gossk. | J. L. BonHore. C. W. MackwortrH-PRAED. Dr. G. C. Low. 1892-1899. 1899-1904. 1904-1914. 1914-1915. 1915-1918. 1918-1919. 1919-1920. 1920-1922 1922-1923 1923- ee es Sk a: Stren tiit, y Ben aan: nao thet == otic La hie’ - Pa ct - . bes en a a tas de ts - ; “TF ac, pes wn a ’ | ae im aie ee = ead ed owe. a 7 py ie = ae Touts “ ae 7 : es. pens ar fOr Lent free 4 Ler, ar ine ae i eg aS? ad ad | ; wy a ae a. | a. Coy" ; (Hee Cetin. ae _ TD ve ae, . i Grd bee OSE R- eee pn wre = Ad A ne ‘ - “ueE* f ees i 3 Hei a. Bey is aS. aw Sigg i y ~ . ; ay ak: of: i3 fa = ES 4. Sen's ; ys) : ~ : -s a. i] . " = b= a i 4 Ms saan TR q%. [ cae he ia iba ie. a , 7 = ee. wae i" . ii rey : is & Da ; Gia ESO Bea, cul Some as ™ ut Ae ay mh 4 sin? sb UELARRe yer Oa ere + Pal i , i {= 2 -_ : + Ar ¥ ee , a4 a t | , teat Re. Bee et) oi 2 : — . ‘ gk Ve $0.) th} y: Aes = beg, We . ¥ ay é 4 a By Pu : s RB okay hak eh 52 ea : c "oe 2 vay a6 _ . : ei eins fs hae’ t=: . p > ! s 7h (be iG % aa x Ye aa wt c : 7 ee or, { oA en Use be GEG Boe Oa Thr . Ay i i al 4 ! [NN ae 24 end 4 —— ey . . I = ae oe : . ris as } 91 te AAW ThEa’, Ms ) Ch erdy ' i, x ry 4) : _ ‘ a 7 ; * 7 > cof ‘ oo ; “i . A en t aad ( : ( | ax ry z ‘te © in Io T5 20 25 LIST OF MEMBERS. JUNE 1926. ——— Apams, Ernust E,; Lloyd’s, Royal Exchange, E.C. 3. ALEXANDER, H. G.; 78 Gibbins Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham. APLIN, Otiver Vernon ; Stonehill House, Bloxham, Banbury, Oxon. ArpERN, Lawrence; 7 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, N.W. 1. ARNoLD, E. C.; The College, Eastbourne. ArunbEL, Major W. B.; High Ackworth, Pontefract, Yorks. Barty, W. Snore; Boyers House, Westbury, Wilts. Baxer, Coartes E.; Elm Cottage, Snaresbrook, Essex, E. 11. Baxzr, E. C. Srvart, J.P., F.Z.8., F.L.S.; 6 Harold Road, Upper Norwood, 8.E. 19. Bannerman, Davin A., M.B.E., B.A., F.R.S.E.; British Museum (Natural History), 8.W.7, and 60 Addison Road, W. 14. Barrineton, Frupericx J. F.; University College Hospital Medical School, Gower Street, W.C. 1. Bates, G. L.; Bitye Ebolowa, French Cameroons. | Bust, Miss M. G. 8.; 128 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W. 10. Beven, Dr. Joun O.; Kisit, Kenya Colony, Hast Africa. Braavw, F. E., C.M.Z.S. ; Gooilust, s’;Graveland, Hilversum, Noord- Holland. Bozsrinsxow, Count Atexis; 5 Palace Gardens Mansions, W. 8. Boorman, 8.; Heath Farm, Send, Woking, Surrey. Bootu, H. B.; “ Ryhill,’ Ben Rhydding, Yorks. Borrer, C. D.; 6 Durham Place, Chelsea, 8.W. 3. Boyp, A. W.; Frandley House, near Northwich. Braprorp, A. D.; Garsten House, near Watford. Bravrorp, Sir J. Roszr, K.C.M.G., M.D., F.R,C.P. F.R.S.: 8 Man- chester Square, W. 1. Bristowg, B. A.; Ashford Farm, Stoke D’Abernon, Cobham, Surrey. Brown, Greorer; Rasagalla, Balangoda, Ceylon, and The Close, Purton, Swindon, Wilts. Bunyarp, P. F., F.Z.S.; 57 Kidderminster Road, Croydon. Butuer, ArtHur L.; St. Leonard’s Park, Horsham, Sussex. Buxton, Anrnony; Knighton, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. 30 35 40 45 5° BD x Cuarman, F. M.; American Museum of Natural History, New York, U.S.A. Cuarreris, Hon. G. L.; 26 Catherine Street, Buckingham Palace Road, 8.W. 1. Cuasr, R. W.; Herne’s Nest, Bewdley, Worcestershire. CueresmMAN, Major R. E., O.B.E.; E. India United Service Club, 16 St. James’s Square, S.W. 1. Crarkn, Brig.-General Gotanp van Hott, C.M.G., D.S.0. F.Z.S. ; Brook House, Ardingly, Sussex. Crarke, Joun P. SrepnHenson; Borde Hill, Cuckfield, Sussex. Crarkes, Col. SrepHenson Rosert, C.B., F.Z.S8.; Borde Hill, Cuck- field, Sussex. Cocurane, Captain Henry L., R.N. (Retd.); The Chase, Whaddon, Bletchley, Bucks. Coxrs, RicHarp Epwarp; Rosebank, New Milton, 8.0., Hants. Cotterr, A. K.; Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, S.W. 1. Cottier, Coartes, F.Z.S8.; Bridge House, Culmstock, Devon. Cotrart, Nevirte; Guild Cottage, Epsom. Congreve, Major, W. M., M.C.; Hafod, Trefnant, Denbighshire. Cox, Denis; The Old Cottage, Brockham, Surrey. Cox, Major-Gen. Sir Prrcy Z., G.C.I.E., G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I. ; c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament Street, S.W.1._ Curtis, Freprerick, F.R.C.S.; Alton House, Redhill, Surrey. Deane, Ropert H.; Highlands, Iver Heath, Bucks. Detacour, M. Jean; Chateau de Cleres (Seine-Inf.), France. Dertmt-Rapeuirre, Lieut.-Col. A.; Shenley House, Headcorn, Kent. Detmt-Rapcurrr, Lieut.-Col. H., F.Z.8., F R.G.S.; c/o Lloyds Bank (Cox & Co.’s Branch), F. Dept., 6 Pall Mall, 8.W. 1. Drewuourst, Captain F. W., Royal Marine L.I.; Elmwood, North End, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Dosiz, WittiAmM Henry, M.R.C.S. ; 2 Hunter Street, Chester. Exuis, H. Wittovensy, F.Z.S8., F.E.S., F.G.S.; 3 Lancaster Place, N.W. 3. Evans, Antoun Humps, M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.8.; 9 Harvey Road, Cambridge. Ezra, A., O.B.E., F.Z.S.; Foxwarren Park, Cobham, Surrey. Fiytinson, Horace W., F.Z.S.; 5 Rosamond Road, Bedford. Fisuer, KennetH; School House, Oundle, Northamptonshire. Fremine, James M.; Dildawn, Queen Edith’s Way, Cambridge. Frower, Major 8. S.; Spencersgreen End, Tring, Herts. 60 65 7O 75 80 XI Foster, Nevin H., F.L.S. ; Hillsborough, Co. Down, Ireland. Fromots-Raxowsk1, R. J.; 57/58 Langgasse, Danzig Free State, Baltic. Gitpert, Humpurey A.; Bishopstone, Hereford. Goopatt, J. M.; The Nest, Bembridge, Isle of Wight. Grant, Capt. C. H. B., F.Z.8.; c/o Chief Secretary to the Govt., Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Territory, E. Africa. Grey oF Fattopon, Viscount, K.G., P.C., F.Z.S.; Fallodon, Christon Bank, R.S.O., Northumberland. GrirritH, ArrHuR F.; 3 Evelyn Terrace, Brighton. Gurwey, G. H., F.Z.S8.; Keswick Hall, Norwich, Norfolk. GyxpeEnstotrE, Count Nis; Royal (Natural History) Museum, Stockholm, Sweden. Hacuisuxa, The Hon. Masavsr; The Automobile Club, Pall Mall. Haieu, George Henry Caron, F.Z.S.; Grimsby Hall, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire. Hatz, Rev. James R., M.A.; Boxley Vicarage, Maidstone, Kent. Harpy, Rear-Admiral E. C., R.N.; Ramsden Court House, Stone- in-Oxney, near Appledore, Kent. Harrison, Dr. James M., D.S.C.; St. Annes, 1 Tub’s Hill, Seven- oaks, Kent. Hart, 8. H.; Estate Office, Hammonds, Checkendon, Reading. Hartert, Ernst, Ph.D., F.Z.S.; The Museum, Tring, Herts. Hawker, R. M.; Bath Club, Dover Street, W.1. Herszert, Capt. E. G.; The Sports Club, St. James’s Square, S.W. 1. Hert, Grorrrey Srccomst, M.B., F.R.C.S., F.Z.S8.; 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. 1. Horxinson, Emizttus, M.B., D.S.0., F.Z.8.; 45 Sussex Square, Brighton, and Bathurst, Gambia, West Africa. Ineuis, C. McFaruane; Natural History Museum, Darjiling, India. Ineram, Capt. Cottinewoop; The Grange, Benenden, Cranbrook, Kent. JABOUILLE, Prprre; Hué, Annam. Jackson, Sir Frepericx J., K.C.M.G., C.B., F.Z.S.; 6 Gray’s Inn Square, Gray’s Inn, W.C. JANSoN, CHaRLEs W.; 16 Wilton Crescent, S.W. 1. Joprine, Linpsay Mriuuais, B.A.; Manor Farm, Chesham Bois, Bucks, Jourpain, Rev. F. C. R., M.A.; Waveney Lodge, Ditchingham, Norfolk. Kinnrar, Norman B., F.Z.S. (Hdttor of the ‘* Bulletin’); British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W. 7. 85 go 05 | oye) 105 XI Kross, C. Boprn; Raffles Museum, Singapore, Straits Settlements. La Tovcue, J. D.; Kiltymon, Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. LaipLaw, Tuomas Gepprs; Halmyre, West Linton, Peeblesshire. Lampert, Goprrey C.; Woodcote, Esher, Surrey. Learoyp, A. E.; 6 Lowndes Street, S.W. 1. Lewis, Jonn Sprpan; North Hall, Mortimer Crescent, Greville Road, St. John’s Wood, N.W. 6. Lines, G. H.; Richmond Hill, Cheadle, Cheshire. Lonesrarr, Tom G., M.A., M.D., F.Z.8.; Picket Hill, Ringwood, Hants. Low, Guorek C., M.A., M.D., C.M., F.R.C.P., F.Z.8. (Hon. Sec. & Treasurer); 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. 1. Lows, P. R., O.B.E., B.A., M.B., B.C., F.Z.S.; British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, 8.W. 7. Lucas, Narmaniet §., M.B., F.Z.S.; 19 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, W. 2. Lupiam, Grorer Suaw; 6 Parsifal Road, N.W. 6. Lywns, Rear-Admiral Houpsrr, R.N., C.B., C.M.G.; 23 Onslow Gardens, S.W. 7. Mackenzik£, Joun M. D., B.A., C.M.Z.8.; c/o Messrs. Thos. Cook & Son, Rangoon, Burma. Mackxworta-Pragp, C. W., F.Z.S.; 51 Onslow Gardens, 8.W. 7. Macminuan, Captain W. E. F.; 42 Onslow Square, S.W. 7. McNeite, J. H.; Guards’ Club, Brook Street, W.1. Maeratu, Lieut.-Colonel H. A. F.; 48 Grosvenor Road, West- minster, S.W. 1. Mawnnerine, Guy; Grove House, Dover. Manson-Baur, P. H., D.S.0., M.A.,-M.D., F.R.C.P. F.Z.8. ; 32 Weymouth Street, W. 1. Massry, Herserr; ivy Lea, Burnage, Didsbury, Manchester. Marnews, G. M., F.LS., F.Z.8. (Committee); Foulis Court, Fair Oak, Hants. May, W. Norman, M.D.; The White House, Sonning, Berks. Meapre-Watpo, E. G. B., F.Z.8.; Stonewall Park, Edenbridge, Kent. Mererrzaacen, Colonel R., D.S.O., F.Z.8.; 17 Kensington Park Gardens, W. 8. MerertzHacen, Mrs. R.; 17 Kensington Park Gardens, W. 8. Mentreru, W. G. Sruart; Bransfield, Godstone, Surrey. Momiyama, Toxuraro; 1146 Sasazka Yoyohata-mati, Tokyo, Japan. II5 I20 125 130 135 140 XIII Monn, P. W.; Puerto Alcudia, Majorca, Balearic Isles, Spain. Mont, Henry; 10 Ashburn Place, South Kensington, S.W. 7. Mosse. waite, D. W.; 59 Mayford Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. 12. Mosters, James Lawrence Coaworts ; 3 Morpeth Mansions, S.W. 1. NesHam, Roperr, F.Z.8.; Utrecht House, Poynder’s Road, Clapham Park, S8.W. 4. Newman, I’. H., F.Z.S. ; Verulam, Forty Lane, Wembley, Middlesex. Nicuors, J. B., F.Z.S.; Parliament Mansions, Victoria - Street, mew. Ef. OtpHam, Cuas., F.Z.S. (Commitiee); The Bollin, Shrublands Road, Berkhamsted, Herts. Ownn, Owen R.; Bank House, Knighton, Radnorshire. Parkin, Tuomas, M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S.; Fairseat, High Wickham, Hastings. Parson, Cuartes Kpwarp, F.L.S.; Hillcrest, Lowdham, Nottingham. PznrosE, Francis G., M.D., F.Z.S.; Rathkeale, 51 Surrey Road, Bournemouth. Prrsuovuse, Major 8.; Loxbeare House, near Tiverton, Devon. Pirman, Capt. C. R. 8., D.S.0., M.C., Game Warden, Entebbe, Uganda. Prayer, W. J. P.; Wernfadog, Clydach R.S.0., Glamorganshire. PorHam, Hueu Lrysporne, M.A:; Houndstreet House, Pensford, Somerset. Price, A. E., F.Z.8. ; Culverwood House, Little Berkhamsted, Herts. Pye-Suirn, Grorrrey Henry RurHerrorp; 64p Queen’s Gardens, W. 2. Rankin, AntHur Niaty T.; 48 Eaton Terrace, 8.W. 1. Rarcuirr, F. R.; 29 Connaught Square, W. 2. Reap, Roperr H.; 8a South Parade, Bedford Park, W. 4. Rickert, C. B., F.Z.S.; 27 Kendrick Road, Reading, Berks. Rinerose, Bernarp J.; Wilford Rise, Bromeswell Heath, Wood- bridge, Suffolk. Rivikre, B. B., F.R.C.S.; St. Giles’s Plain, Norwich. Rosinson, H. C., C.M.Z.S.; Selangor State Museum, Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S. Ropsr, C. H.; Brookfield, Upper Park, Loughton, Essex. Roruscaitp, Lionpt Waxrtrer—Lord, D.Sc., F.R.S., Ph.D., F.Z.S. (Chairman, 1913-1918); Tring Park, Herts. SapswortH, Arnotp Dusr, F.Z.8.; Mulberry Cottage, 24 Elm Tree Road, St. John’s Wood, N.W. 8. 145 150 155 160 165 XIV Scrater, Wittram Lutter, M.A., F.Z.8. (Chairman, 1918-1924) ; 10 Sloane Court, 8.W. 1. Sconz, The Rt. Hon. Muneo Davin—Lord; Scone Palace, Perth. Srra-Smirn, Davin, F.Z.8.; Curator’s House, Zoological Gardens, Regent’s Park, N.W. 8. Seron, Sir Marcorm C. C., K.C.B.; 26 Upper Park Road, Haver- stock Hill, N.W. 3. Suipton, Wm., B.A., M.D.; 2 The Square, Buxton. Stapen, Major A. G. L., M.C.; Kingswood House, The Lee, Bucks. Smattry, Freperic W., F.Z.8.; The Hawthorns, 193 Clapham “Road. S. Wiso: Snouckarrt van Scuavusure, Baron Renr Cuarzes; Hotel les Terrasses, Territet, Switzerland. Sparrow, Col. R., C.M.G., D.S.O., F.Z.8., F.R.G.S. ; Rookwoods, Sible Hedingham, Essex. Srares, J. W. C.; Portchester, Hants. Stevens, Herpert; Clovelly, Beaconsfield Road, Tring, Herts. Stoxss, Capt. H. SrrpHen; Longdon, Rugeley, Staffordshire. SroneHamM, Captain H. F., O.B.E., F.E.S.; The East Surrey Demesne, P.O. Charangani, Trans-Nzoia, Kenya Colony, British East Africa. Sryan, F. W., F.Z.S.; Stone Street, near Sevenoaks. Swynnerton, C. F. Massy; Poste Restante, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Territory, Hast Africa. Taxa-Tsuxasa, Prince Nosusuxe; Hommuracho, Azabu, Tokyo, Japan. Tatsot-Ponsonsy, C. G.; 5 Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C. 4. THorrr, W. H.; 5 Regency Mansions, Hastings. TiceHursr, Craup B., M.A., M.D. (Committee); Grove House, Lowestoft, Suffolk. Trcenurst, N. F., O.B.E., M.A., M.B., F.R.C.S., F.Z.8.; 24 Peven- sey Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Tucxer, B. W., B.A., F.Z.S.; Department of OnE University Museum, Gecand. Turner, Miss E. L., F.Z.8.; The Half Way Cottage, 13 Storey’s Way, Cambridge. Turtie, Lancetot J.; Rosemount, Knock, Belfast. Tyrwuitt-Drakxs, Hues G., F.Z.8.; Cobtree Manor, Sandling, Maidstone. Vaizey, G. de H.; 36 St. George’s Square, S.W. 1. Vi Van Someren, Dr. V. G. L.; c/o Med. Depart. P.O. Box 140, Nairobi, B. East Africa. Vernay, A. 8.; 12 East 45th Street, New York. Vuvers, G. M., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,. F.Z.8.; Zoological Gardens, Regent’s Park, N.W. 8. Waits, Herserr Wittiam; Superintendent of Police, Jhelum, Punjab, India. 170 Watxesr, Dr. A. Horse; The Common, Cranleigh. Watus, H. M. (Committee); Ashton Lodge, 68 Elmhurst Road, Reading. Ware, R.; Leafwood, Frant, Tunbridge Wells. Wuisrtar, Huen, F.Z.S.; Superintendent of Police, Simla, Punjab, India. Warraxker, JosepH I. 8., F.Z.S.; Malfitano, Palermo, Sicily. 175 Warr, S. J., F.Z.8.; 17 Philpot Lane, E.C.3 Wuymeprr, Samvet Lerten ; Oriental Club, Hanover Square, W. 1. Wierson, Jonnson ; Vermont, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. Wittiamson, W. J. F.,C.M.G., F.Z.8.; c/o Lloyds Bank, 6 Pall Mall, 8.W. 1. Wine, J. Stapen ; 21 Cheyne Gardens, Chelsea Embankment, S. W.3. 180 Wrrnersy, Harry F., M.B.E., F.Z.S. (Chairman) ; 326 High Hol- born, W.C. 1. Wiruerineton, G.; Sumner Plat, Hayward’s Heath. Woop, Dr. Casny A., M.D.; c/o The Library of Ornithology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Workman, Wittiam Hveues, F.Z.S.; Lismore, Windsor, Belfast. Worms, Cuarizs pE; Milton Park, Egham, Surrey. i85 Wynne, R. O.; Foulis Court, Fair Oak, Hants. New Members for the Session.. 9g Total number of Members .... 185 NOTICE. [Members are specially requested to keep the Hon. Secretary informed of any changes in their addresses, and Members residing abroad should give early notification of coming home on leave. | LIST OF AUTHORS AND OTHER PERSONS REFERRED TO. ANWNUAT SOINNER OF ITE BOM: Sy, oon sees 1h memes & ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ........ Batty, W. SHORE. Mxhibition-ot Lantern-slides, . hy iaicon indi hice ec tee BakER, E. C. STUART. Descriptions of new races of Sun-birds :-—— Aithopyga siparaja mussooriensis, At. 2. evultans, 44. g. isolata, and Arachnothera chrysogenys intenstflava.... 6c cccccevecvces Remarks on Oriental Woodpeckers, with descriptions of new races:—Picus vitiatus dehre, Picus canus sanguiniceps, Dryobates himalayensis albescens, aud D. cabanist stephensoni. BANNERMAN, D. A. Description of a new subspecies of Glossy Starling (Lamprocolius corruscus vaughant) from Pemba Island Recorded the occurrence of the Madagascan Striped Swallow (Phedina borbonica madagascariensis) on Pemba NET COIET SUT eS, 5.0 oT eS eh a 8 Batss, G. L, Descriptions of seven new birds from N.W. Cameroon :— Laniarius atroflavus craterum, Andropadus concolor, Cisticola ayresit lynest, Alseonax minimus okuensis, Platysteira lati- cincta, Campethera wellsi, and C. tullbergi bansoensis ....05 Page 81 12 69 126 127 87. XVII Page Bares, G. L. (cont.). Description of a new genus of Starling ( Grajisia) and of new forms from Cameroon:—Diaphorophyia ansorget harterti, Anthreptes seemundi minor, Nilaus afer camerunensis, with meomarks' on the species generally ........4.6¢0s0ssee000e> 104 Descriptions of new subspecies from Cameroon :—Strepto- pelia vinacea savanne and Cisticola robusta sant@.......... 124 Bunyaprp, P. F. Exhibition of mounted nest-feathers and down of the Red-crested Pochard, the Common Pochard, the Tufted Duck, and the White-eyed Pochard «.:.....60...000508: 8 Exhibition and remarks on a series of sixteen eggs of the Cuckoo taken from nests of the Reed- Warbler ............ 9 Exhibition and remarks on eggs of the Wood-Lark with that of the Cuckoo taken in Surrey........... Re nr 38 Exhibition of remarkably large eggs of the Marsh- Warbler. 38 Exhibition and remarks on a series of eggs of the Semi- palmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus) ..........056. 42 Exhibition of a series of eggs of the Tawny Pipit from Albania, Germany, and Turkestan, and remarks on those Bie EMBBION SESSION oh oF ool 0) 41 ah io) aol esate Sadia di ores wl eielals « w aafe's 74, 75, 112 Exhibition of a series of eggs of the Wood-Warbler Pen LOLEOPIUEE :BLOLIALT (A)! 5% 6 oo che MR ate whe we ahold viele elena Wels 70 Exhibition and remarks on eggs of Bonaparte’s Gull PEER UL ACIDIED)) ccciaiscia Gate ake 6 4.8) 0/0) a1 0.9 wiasee dhs os hive 108 Exhibition of nests of Bonaparte’s Gull .............0.. 110 Exhibition and remarks on eges of the Semi-palmated Sandpiper (Hreunetes pusillus) and the American Stint MM PEPE) A. Polo iin's; inl oe eblon 114 Lowe, Dr. P. R. Exhibition and description of a new race of Petrel ( Thalassidroma t. feelsally) from Pern: .,.4 5. . suse e bies s,s « meu 6 Notes on the genus Ortygonar .......0.eseeees ricartr ac 36 MartHeEws, G. M. Election of, as Committee-man Sey erga AERA Mr : 2 Remarks on his visit as bearer (with Dr. Hartert) of congratulatory address to the German Ornithologists’ Union on their seventy-fifth anniversary ..........ccceceececes 20 Description of a new form of Parrot (Barnardius crom- meliné) in the Marquis of Tavistock’s aviaries ............ 21 Onsome changes in mamiesige..... 2%. vee och es 21, 60, 76, 93, 181 Descriptions of a new genus (Pseudochlamydera) and two new subspecies (Vycticorax caledonicus pelewensis and Polio- Lamnas CUNEFEUS MOLUCCANUS). oc cs veescsvacisveesceseonns 60 ———, See Inepaxs, T. MEINERTZHAGEN, Col. R. Review of Stva strigula, with the descriptions of two new subspecies :—S. s. semlaensis and SN. s, victori@ 2... cece eee. 128 XxXI Page MEINERTZHAGEN, Col. & Mrs. Descriptions of new birds from India :—Salpornis spilo- notus rajputane, Carpodacus rubicilloides lucifer, C. r. laper- sonnet, Eremophila alpestris deosai, Tringa totanus terrignote, MEE CEOUE NODGSONIE COLAGUNE << vin ean tp cle dete als ov ees 86 INMGtes;on Mycerabasiearnipes: © i%. oo. 03s oe nn} agaterayerecesns 87 Exhibition and description of new birds from the Hima- layas and Kashmir:—Acanthis flavirostris ladacensis, A. f. baltistunicus, Parus monticolus lepcharum, Regulus regulus sikkimensis, Turdus merula budde, Prunella rubeculoides muraria, Tetraogallus tibetanus aquilomfer, and Alauda RR AS AIC LUN ils in, iol Aiea eh si eh So) oe e's, a),ci-0 Bm ws Panes os 96 Note on Alauda triborhyncha Hodgson ............000. 100 PiKE, OLIVER G. Exhibition of a cinema-film of St. Kilda and of Ailsa Gree) showine the bird-life thereon... ee es 81 Pysr-SMITH, GEOFFREY. Exhibition of a clutch of eggs of the Icterine Warbler Clr apolies itera) from. “Wiltsitire tc... ele ete eb 3s 74 RorTuscuHip, Lord. Description of a new form of Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius lateralis) from N.E. New Guinea................ 30 Supplementary remarks on C#nanthe @. seebohmi and CCE OES OE OREO TER ETE, ESET ar © 43 Notes on the plumage-variation in Centropus ateralbus Ee PMI Te teats ae fe Stra syene ogee asa ard tap a a nilee. fe 50 Exhibition and description of a new subspecies of Fudvetta (Fulvetta chrysotis forrestt) from Yunnan ...........6...4. 64 ichibition, of Lantern-slides.:.7.:.'s7.te's's 6's 's'alafatalets ot oe ies 81 RorTuscHip, Lord, and Hartert, Dr. E. Exhibition and description of an extinct and unknown Drepanid bird (Sassiws simplea), gen. et sp. nov., from the Panewienmishadea re LM: eee ee. ec als date Sok 51 Exhibition and description of two new species from New Britain :—Accipiter luteoschistaceus and Turdus talasee .... 53 XXIT SciaTER, W. L. Note on Campethera nubica ... 0.0... ce cee kes aban dd a Description of a new Weaver (Ploceus baglafecht alexandert) from the wsel sian ONTO aes ak ek ek wie st + sa RN oe os A new subgeneric name for the Sio Thomé Weaver ( Thomasophantes) *.S..0. Des rage ss gh oo eek eee Notes on the African Weavers of the genus Ploceus...... Notes:on the genus) Quele@e iin. Uahodsaaled « ele bs « SS Description and remarks on a new African Weaver (Cryptospiza sal vadorit 1UWeNnZ0TL) cs caa is cna «oS 04 cae Note on the generic name of the Trumpeter Bullfinch .... SEPARATE CoPiss OF ‘ BULLETIN,’ Discussion as to.......... STATEMENT OF ACOOUNTS» £4). .c5 cehcueek 5. nsddner eer ctoats ae: Swann, H. Kirke. Remarks on Dr. Hartert’s exhibition of Tawny and Steppe 1 US ae ek COMME ore EERE COREY A REMORSE yr POCO SSR OR OEE Exhibition of sketches of the nostrils of Tawny Eagles maurice Or The Geath Of a lek mueuetiye tub a 410 nied ye vere ee Ticrenurst, Dr. C. B. Descriptions of new races of Himalayan birds :—Agitha- liscus concinna rubricapilus, Dendrocitta formose occidentalis, and Sezeerus Ouse QURUSllere (a. sii4 wins @ ere voila Wied « Sees Description of a new race of Warbler (Phylloscopus maculi- pennis virens) from the N.W. Himalayas ................ Remarks on the types of Birds described by Burton in the Bois: tOl 1B AD 2), acre’. se OR CME aki teanaa tat acts ae et Exhibition and remarks on specimens of Argya caudata .. Exhibition and remarks on the juvenile plumages of Saxicola caprata atrata, S. c. bicolor, Ammomanes deserti phenicuroides, A. d. isabellina, Otocorys alpestris flava, and OF, POG TIEN Nothin s > es REE iam eh a aoe os ete ieae 84 via sod Se Remarks on the type-localities of Vigors’s specimens .... Page 35 96 22 =I lo XXIII TicrHurst, Dr. C. B. (cont.). Descriptions of new races of Indian birds :—Garrulax leucolophus hardwickiu and Niltava sundara whistlert ...... Remarks on Motacilla citreola were Buturlin ,......... WITHERBY, H. F. Exhibition of two young in down and clutch of four eggs of the Common Sandpiper (Tringa hypoleucos) from Central SEB Ras Aes ee ae cone aa ass DTA Exhibition of adult and nestling of the Redstart (Phen- cyrus p. aigerrensts) from Portugal... 6... cece ee nae Exhibition of an adult female Goshawk (Accitpiter g. OTTO) DOT ENS BAS 102.5 Ue ar na ar eee ae Remarks of deep regret on the late Mr. Michael J. Nicol . Chairman’s Annual Address ©) 16) ie) ‘else two 6: da) © 6) Sie! (s/s o) | ©) @: ‘eile « Ss 0 6 8 Page 1138 114 5 9 JUL 1926 PURCH ASED OF THE s . BeLCLSH:..ORNITHOLOGISTS,’...CLUB, No. CCXCIX. Tue two-hundred-and-ninety-fifth Meeting of the Club was held at Pagani’s Restaurant, 42-48, Great Portland. Street, W., on Wednesday, October 14th, 1925. Chairman: H. F. WitHERBY. Members present:—W. Suort Batty; (©. E. Baxer; EK. C. Stuart Baker; F.J. F. Barrincron; Miss M. G. & Best;, P. F. Bounyarp; -E. P. Caance ;, Capt. H.-L. Cocurang, R.N.; N. Coutrart; D. Cox; R. H. Deane; A. H. Evans; J. M. Fieminc; Major 8. 8S. FLower ; Hon. M. Hacuisuka; Rev. J. R. Hate; L. M. Jopuine ; Rey. F.C. R.. Jourpain; G. C. Lamperr; Dr. G.. C. Low (Hon. Sec. & Treas.) ; Dr. P. R. Lowe; N.S. Lucas ; Admiral H. Lynes; C. W. Mackworru-Prarp; G. M. Maruews; D. W. Musse_wuitE; T. H. Newman; F. R. Ratcuirr; C, .B. Rickerr; C..H. Roper; Lord Roru- SscHILD; W. L. Scuater ;, H. Stevens; C. G. Tapor- { November 4th, 1926, | a VOL. XLVI. Vol. xlvi.] 2 Ponsonsy; W. H. Tuorrpe; G, pe H. Vaizzey; H. M. WALLIS; J. SLADEN WING. Guests :—C. F. Bencner; A. C. Bett; General R. M. Betuam; J.S. Dyson; G. Jones; T. OKanioro; P. B. SmytH ; F. C. Trarks; V. O. WILLIAMS. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. THis was held at Pagani’s Restaurant, Great Portland Street, immediately preceding the Dinner. Mr. H. F. Wirnersy took the Chair. The Minutes of the last General Meeting were read and confirmed. -The Financial Statement, which had already been printed and circulated, was laid before the Meeting. This was duly passed. Dr. Low reported that the following members had resigned from the Club:—Mr., R.. W. Chase, Dr. W. Eagle Clarke, Capt. J. N. Kennedy, Mrs. J. P. McKenna, Miss Munt, Mr. E. F. Stanford, Mr. EH. Valpy, Mr. G. R. Humphreys. Mr. N. B. Kinnear, recommended by the Committee for the post of Editor, in place of Dr. Percy R. Lowe whose time of office had expired, was unanimously elected. Mr. G. M. Maruews was elected a Member of the Com- mittee in place of Mr. D. A. Bannerman, retiring through seniority. Dr. Low read a short report of the steps taken to acquire Dungeness as a bird-sanctuary, For the moment, he said, the matter was in abeyance. Dr. Low also reported on the steps taken to acquire a room for the Club. He said that the Fly-Fishers’ Club could not give accommodation in their Piccadilly premises, but that if eventually they took other premises elsewhere they might consider sub-letting a room. It was suggested that the Members present should look out for possible accommodation elsewhere. | Mr. Bunyarp brought up the question of the price of separate copies of the ‘ Bulletin” Dr. G. ©. Low said that, according to a Minute of the Committee of the 9th May, "CZBT ‘taquajday YIGT ‘SpUBIUNOIOP paLapLoYY ‘P'O" ‘xOaNoTyT “OO 9 NUWM ‘I 'A ‘LATULG VIUOLOIA NaaAy) ez “TUN Of} FE SUH JO couryeq Ou} poplsaa osTe oavg 9A "YFTMeL0T] aoURpAODOR UT aq 07 oes AJIGZ109 pur “EZGT ‘snsny TE Papua avok ayy aog qnig s}siSojoyyW.19 TSH OYA FO SLBYONOA puv SOO] Ol} TIM JUoWE}T}g SuloSedoy oT} poavduiod aavy oA, SS ee a eee UE ae eee ee ee eee eerie SoS 9 a 6 G 9UTF Oe oar 2 = 8 SIT *ereeeers TOINSVALT, JO Spreyy uT OL TL Lig ct queg qe yseg = Sa6t qsusny 4s]¢@ ‘puvyT ul oourreg “ [ Vol. xlvi. a eS 6 eo 86 Ss CT CT ‘rere sqtomded [B4OT, 0 G OF srprereseesecoee~ TMOl[NG , Jo sepag. * os UIE pee kere ay - - - “+ uordriosqng ssooxq Jo punyoy 0 6 &6I mer stoquIay] G8I—suorydiiosqng “ b 9 L ba pieieieiwiee ec oseqsog pu 907 qipny 0 0 FI eeeree eeenroe 5 RESYTAOS suipnpout ‘sesuedxs Snoouv]jeosipy “qng MeN FI Jo saeq oouvayua “ Oe: Tt Bear eeeaceerar eve. oven 6 FL eIZ sae AIPLNOG [RIISOTOOG 04 uornqiiyuog * a Os “"'** IOIMSVIIT, JO spuvyy UT Je oo a Be we ay) Oe, One teas Udocewsovesescneds IIUUI, [VNUUY AoJ stdoquery Jo oatzy “ 6 FI ZIG quvg ul ysep ¢ 9 BCI woes UlpaT[NG Pus suovoit —: $¢6T “qnq Jo uoynqiysiq pue suyuug fg ‘roquueydog ysqT ‘puvyzT ur soured of, "CE6T “asnhiny STE 02 “FEET ‘waquagday asT “quawaqn7zy [vmouvUurT syzwow aajzany ‘GOTO SLISISOTOHLINUO HSILINA Vol. xlvi.] 4 1923, each member was entitled to six free copies, if the contributor asked for them. Mr. MarHews moved that “the six free copies of the ‘ Bulletin’ to contributors be continued, but that the latter must give notice to the Editor when their manuscripts are handed in if they require such.” Mr. Evans seconded this, and the motion was duly passed. Mr. Stuart BAKER proposed that a rebate of 25 per cent. be allowed to members on purchase of any publications of the B. O. C., but that not more than two copies of such publications be sold to any one member, unless ordered before printing. Mr. Marurws seconded this, and the motion was passed unanimously. The Meeting then adjourned to Dinner. Committee, 1925-1926. H. F. Wiruersy, Chairman (elected 1924). N. B. Kinnear, Editor (elected 1925). G. C. Low, Hon. Sec. § Treasurer (elected 1923). H. M. Watuis (elected 1923). ©. B. Ticraurst (elected 1924). C. OLpHAm (elected 1924), G. M. Maruews (elected 1925). Proceedings at the Meeting following the Dinner. Mr. Wirnersy exhibited two young in down and a clutch of four eggs of the Common Sandpiper (7ringa hypoleucos) from Central Spain. These were found by Mr. & Mrs. Witherby and Sefior A. Gil Liletget, the young (a few days old) on May 26, 1925, and the eggs (incubated two or three days) on June 3 on sand-banks by a small tributary of the River Tietar in Sefior Gil’s estate called Rincon, in the south-western corner of the Province of Avila. Rincon lay between the foot-hills of the Sierra de Gredos and the plains, and was only some 1200 feet above sea-level. Nests of the Common Sandpiper in North Spain and North Portugal had been recorded many years ago by Mr. W. ©. Tait and Mr, Abel Chapman, but whether it bred further south in the Peninsula had always been uncertain. 5, [ Vol. xlvi. - Mr. Wiruersy also exhibited an adult and juvenile (just out of the nest) of the Redstart, obtained on June 11, 1925, at Guisando on the southern side of the Sierra de Gredos, about 2500 feet above sea-level. The bird proved to belong to the North African form of the Common Redstart (Phani- curus phenicurus algeriensis), which Mr. Witherby had found breeding in 1920 in Portugal at about the same latitude, but some 130 miles to the west. These were the only breeding specimens of this species from the Peninsula which Mr. Witherby had seen. Mr. Wiruersy further exhibited an adult female Goshawk, trapped on a nest and eggs by Major W. M. Congreve on May 10, 1925, at Almoraima in South Spain. Mr. Witherby expressed his great indebtedness to Major Congreve for having taken so much trouble to obtain this bird, since it was the only specimen of a Spanish Goshawk, so far as he knew, in this country. Mr. Witherby had seen one other adult—a male, shot near Cuenca on June 10 and now in the ‘Madrid Museum. Major Congreve’s specimen compared exactly with examples from Sardinia of the form Accipiter gentilis arrigoni, the most constant characters of which were the darkness of the upper parts and the wide dark bars on the underparts, as well as the small size. Mr. Witherby had been unable to compare the Madrid specimen with others, but he thought its upper parts were even darker and its underparts more closely barred than in Major Congreve’s specimen. ‘The measurements of these two Goshawks were :-— Wing. =‘ Tail. Zro Tarsus. cere, © ad., May 10, 1925, Almoraima, 346 250 25 78 S. Spain. ¢ ad., June 10, Cuenca, E.Spain, 2938 205 22 55 MM. Jean Detacour and PIERRE JABOUILLE sent the following description of a new Sultan Tit from I’rench Indo- Vol. xlvi. | 6 China, which was exhibited on their behalf by Dr. PERcy Lowe :— Melanochlora gayeti, sp. nov. Male and female. Resemble generally Melanochlora sultanea — jlavocrista (Lafres.), but differ in having the crest entirely black and in their smaller dimensions. Jris brown ; bill black ; legs plumbeous. Types in coll. M. Jean Delacour. 6 & 9. Bana (Central Annam), altitude 1900 metres, 24th May, 1924. Specimens examined. 1 §,1 2, from Bana. Measurements: Male. Wing 100mm. ; tail 91; tarsus 22 ; culmen 14. Female. Wing 97 mm.; tail 89; tarsus 21; culmen 14. ! Nore.—Named in honour of M. V. Gayet-Laroche, who obtained the birds and sent them to us. Bana is an isolated mountain with a small plateau which is becoming a hill- station, twelve miles west of Fourane. Only one pair was seen during three months. ‘They were on the top of a tree ; the female was shot first, and the male came back calling a few minutes afterwards. Dr. Percy Lowe also exhibited and described a new race of Petrel as follows :— Thalassidroma tethys kelsalli, subsp. nov. This continental form only differs from the typical insular form Th. ¢. tethys, originally described by Bonaparte from the Galapagos, in having smaller wings; but I think the fact that birds found along the western shores of Peru and in the neighbourhood of Panama appear to run smaller than the form from the Galapagos is sufficiently interesting to be recorded, especially as exactly the same thing occurs in Oceanites gracilis (cf. Bull. B.O. C. xl. p. 140, 1921). The race is named in honour of Lt.-Col. Kelsall, who brought back a specimen in spirit from the St. George Expedinon. Measurements: The only two specimens in the B.M. Coll. from Peru have a wing-measurement of 124 and 125 mm. 7 [Vol. xlvi. in the male and femalerespectively. Col. Kelsall’s bird from Panama measured 124 mm. Galagagos examples measure as follows :—Three males 133, 135, and 136 mm.; four females 138, 130, 132, and 137 mm. : Type in the British Museum. 9 ad., Ancon, Peru, 12th May, 1913; ex Brewster-Sanford Coll., Reg. No. 1921.7.3.10. Mr. ©. B. Kuoss forwarded the following descriptions of two new subspecies :— Dryobates hyperythrus annamensis, subsp. nov. Paler below than any of the other known forms; very different from the dull Chinese race (D. h. poliopsis Swinh.). Birds from the South Shan States begin to approximate, and one specimen of several from Manipur examined is very similar ; otherwise Burmese birds (Tounghoo, etc.) belong to the Hast Himalayan form sekkimensis (Ticehurst & Whistler, Ibis, 1924, p. 473). Specimens eaamined. Four males and one female from Daban, South Annam, 20-27th March, 1918. Type in the British Museum, No. 1925.7.11.1. Adult male collected 20th March, 1918, at Daban, by C. Boden Kloss. Total length 225 mm.; wing 125. Iris crimson ; maxilla black ; mandible greenish-yellow ; feet pale leaden. Lalage fimbriata indochinensis, subsp. nov. Larger than L. f. polioptera (Sharpe) of Cochin-China and South-west Siam (wings 110-117 mm. against 104-110) and darker, especially beneath. Males with lower breast and abdomen grey instead of whitish or greyish-white ; and the under tail-coverts grey, barred grey and whitish or greyish-white instead of white. Females more suffused with grey beneath, the barring being therefore less distinct. Wings of both sexes darker, being much less washed with grey and with the whitish tips and edges much narrower. Specimens examined: Five males and four females from Dran, Arbre Broye, and Dalat, South Annam, 3000-5400 feet. Vol. xlvi.] 8 With these I associate two birds collected by Mr. K. G. Gairdner in the hill-country of North Siam—a male from north of Raheng and a female from Pakok (wings: ¢ 118 mm.; 9) 112). Type. Adult male from Dran, South Annam, 3000 fost, collected on 9th May, 1918, by C. Boden Kloss. Total length 220 mm.; wing 110. This is the Annam bird tentatively referred to Lalage saturata by Robinson and myself in ‘ Ibis,’ 1919, p. 451. Dr. Hartert, who later examined specimens, says that they are not examples of the Hainan form, which is larger and much blacker on the wings and without white edges. This sounds as though saturata (which I have not seen) may be a form of melaschista, closely resembling intermedia of Hume. Mr. P. F. Bunyarp exhibited mounted specimens of nest- feathers and down of the Red-crested Pochard (Neitta rufina), taken from a nest of eleven eggs, by Mr. William E. Glegg, in the Camargue, on June 13th, 1925, and made the following remarks :— These self-coloured feathers are characteristic of the genus Vyroca, to which at one time the Red-crested Pochard belonged—it has now been given a separate genus, under the name of Netta. If nest-feathers are of any value in classification, I would suggest that there would be some justification for removing the White-eyed Pochard (V. nyroca) from this genus, as ihe nest-feathers are patterned, and JV. rujina would have been left more at home among the Nyroca. Description.— Feathers (type). Self-coloured, terminal portion pale buff, with paler centrum. Downy portion same shade, somewhat paler. Calamus whitish at base. Measurements average 32 mm. Down mouse-grey, differs in shade from downy portion of feathers, which is unusual, and also in size and colour from those of closely-allied species VV. ferina, fuliaula, and marila. 9 [ Vol. xlvi. ~ I am indebted to Mr. Glegg for the feathers and down, which I believe to be the first authenticated material described. Mr. Glegg has also photographed the nest in situ with sitting bird (Brit. Birds, vol. xviii. pp. 90-96). In confirmation of the above remarks, Mr. Bunyard also exhibited mounted nest-feathers and down of the following : Common Pochard (NX. ferina), Tufted Duck (NV. fuligula), Scaup (VV. marila), and White-eyed Pochard (VV. nyroca). Mr. BunyArp also exhibited a series of sixteen eggs of the Cuckoo (C. canorus), all from one and the same bird, and all taken from the nests of the Reed-Warbler (A. streperus). He made the following remarks :— I am entirely indebted to my friend Mr. George J. Scholey for this wonderful series, which is not a record for the Reed- Warbler Cuckoo, as Mr. Scholey.a few years ago secured nineteen eggs from one bird. | In one respect, however, the series is unique—that is to say, in the wonderful assimilation of this Cuckoo’s eggs to the eggs of the foster-parents. In regard to the time of depositing, all the eggs were correctly forecasted by Scholey with the exception of the first two eggs. The first egg was laid on May 31st, and the last on June 30th. The earliest time of deposition was 4.5 p.m. and the latest 7 p.m. The bird laid her eggs approximately every: 48 hours, and the maximum time in depositing 45 seconds, minimum 5 seconds. Dr. Percy Lowe went down to see the fourteenth egg deposited, but was unsuccessful. The fifteenth egg I had the pleasure of seeing deposited from a: hide, about 10 feet from the Reed-Warbler’s nest. This was on June 28th. On that occasion, about 3.30 P.m., Scholey thought that he saw a bird fly near the nest, which had been marked down, and, on my fixing the field-glasses on the spot, I saw the Cuckoo sitting in the Thorn-tree almost over the nest, but facing away from it. . We then went over and the Cuckoo flew away, over into the next meadow, and was seen by another party. aod Vol. xlvi.] 10 After a wait of some time we again saw the Cuckoo come back to the same spot, this time facing the Reed-Warbler’s nest. I was now quite certain that she intended to use this nest, and finally persuaded Scholey to put up the hide, as the time for laying was fast approaching. We fixed the the hide in position, covering the top with fresh-cut grass. After an inspection of the nest, to make sure that she had not already deposited, Scholey and I entered the hide at 4.45 p.m. I had some trouble in finding a suitable position from which I could see the Warbler’s nest, as Scholev was afraid to disturb the reeds too much in order to expose the nest, as from previous experience he had found that if this was done the Cuckoo would not use it, but would go away and deposit elsewhere. He is rightly of the opinion that enough reeds must be left intact for the Cuckoo to cling to while at the nest. Hardly had we entered the hide, when we got the prearranged sional from Musselwhite to say the Cuckoo had arrived at 5.40 p.m., and the Reed-Warbler, which was already on the nest, began to show signs of fear and left the nest, Almost instantly, the Cuckoo splashed into the reeds. I saw a shapeless mass of moving feathers, with streaks of brown and grey showing in between the reeds, and she was gone—too quickly, I thought, to have had sufficient time to deposit her egg. This was also Scholey’s opinion, and he was as much surprised as I when we found the Cuckoo’s egg safely in the nest and one of the Warbler’s gone. We estimated the time she was at the nest to have been not more than five seconds. She was never once still during that time ; and near as we were to the nest, about 10 feet, it was absolutely impossible to see what really happened—that is to say, whether she layed into the nest normally, or deposited by regurgitation. My own opinion is, she could not possibly have laid the egg and taken one of the Warbler’s in so short a time. In order not to unduly disturb the Cuckoo, we remained in the hide until we heard her “ bubble,” which a Cuckoo generally (not always) does after deposition. We after- wards heard from Musselwhite that she went into the tree 11 [Vol. xlvi. above the hide for the purpose of eating the Warbler’s egg, which she took after depositing. There were four before she visited the nest. (Mr. Scholey’s Wagtail-Cuckoo of last year did not take an egg on two occasions.) She then flew right away, and bubbled as previously mentioned. On June 30th Dr. George Low came down to see the sixteenth egg deposited. On this occasion, as on others, there were two Warblers’ nests available for the Cuckoo, one containing fresh eggs, the other incubated eggs of about two days. Mr. Scholey was unable to make up his mind as to which of these nests would be used. Naturally he favoured the nest with fresh eggs, though it is well known that the Cuckoo will use nests with incubated eggs. However, before we had time to come to a final decision, we saw the Cuckoo fly up the ditch, dive into the reeds, and deposit her egg before we had time to realize what had happened, and in spite of the fact that the hay-makers were quite close to the nest. Mr. Scholey went over to the spot, and found the egg had been deposited in the Warbler’s nest with the incubated eggs. I went down to Cliffe-at-Hoo on four occasions, viz. :— on the 24th, 26th, 28th, and 30th June, and only on one occasion (that is to say, on the 28th) did I see the actual deposition take place. It must also be borne in mind that Mr. Scholey does not “farm” his Warblers, as other observers have “ farmed ” the fosterers. For instance, no Warblers’ nests were des- troyed and no fosterers’ eggs were taken, as he is anxious to conserve his supply of these birds for further obser- vation. It would have been easy for Mr. Scholey to have destroyed the Warblers’ nests in order to compel the Cuckoo to use the one available nest. The conditions, however, under which these sixteen eggs were obtained were practically normal. I am, however, of the opinion that these long clutches of Cuckoo eggs are not normal, but are the result of a forcing process. For instance, Dr. Rey proved that the Cuckoo undoubtedly takes interest in her eggs after depositing, and Vol. xlvi.] 12 I suggest that in this case, as well as in others, the Cuckoo instinctively realizes that reproduction of the species is not taking place as it should normally, hence the incentive to produce further eggs. I mention this because another observer has said that these long clutches were the result ef the Cuckoo being incited to lay further eggs, as a result of watching the fosterers re-building. . The weights of this series of sixteen Cuckoos’ eggs are as follows a ea LSE 239 mg., max. 254, min. 213. a Mr. E. C. Stuart Baker described the following new races of Sun-birds :— Athopyga siparaja mussooriensis, subsp. nov. This form of Yellow-backed Sun-bird only differs from LE. siparaja seherie in being decidedly larger, with a com- paratively longer and broader tail, a longer bill and also in having the scarlet of the throat and breast rather more bright. Measurements. Wing 60-65 mm. (52-59 in seherie) ; tail 70-89 (55-74 in seherie) ; tarsus about 13-17; culmen 19-21 (17-19 in seherie). Colours of soft parts as in 44. s. seheria. Type in the British Museum. 6, ‘ Mussoorie.” Hume Coll. Reg. No. Distribution. Garhwaland Kumaon tothe Afghan Frontier. Evidently a bird of high elevations, breeding at 8000 ft. upwards. Considerable series of the typical seherie and other races have been examined and thirty specimens of this form. The name goalpariensis was given by Royle to a bird from Dehra Doon as being the same as birds he had obtained from Goalpara in Assam. 4, siparaja seherie apparently extends throughout the Himalayan Terai as far west as the Doon, bat only at comparatively low levels. The Dehra Doon birds all have the wing of 59 mm. or under, the tails are narrow like specimens from Assam, and therefore goalpariensis must be considered a synonym of seheric, 13 [ Vol. xlvi. Athopyga ignicauda exultans, subsp. nov. Similar to 4. ignicauda ignicauda, but deeper crimson above, whilst below the yellow is deeper and has a greater extent of red on the breast. Measurements as in the typical form, but with the culmen 19-21 mm., as against 17-19 mm. in that race. Number of specimens examined. Five adult males of the new form. Female still unknown. Type in the British Museum. @, Shueli-Salwin Divide, West Central Yunnan.* Forest coll.,° July 1919. $921,7.15.626. Distribution. Yunnan and Shan States. Obs. I have named this bird erultans on account of the manner in which during the breeding-seagon it mounts into the air with rapidly beating wings and then hovers, all the feathers puffed out, uttering a prolonged trill, its whole appearance being one as of exultation in its own beauty and vigour. Athopyga gouldia isolata, subsp. nov. Similar to 4. g. gouldie, but with much paler yellow breast, lemon-yellow rather than deep yellow, with no red markings. It is alsoa rather smaller bird. The female is indistinguishable from that of 4. g. gouldia, except by its rather smaller size. Measurements. Wing 51-53 mm. (53-58 in guuldie) ; tail 62-69 ; tarsus about 14; culmen 13-15. Colours of soft parts as in the typical form. Type. 3, No. Manipur. Hume Coll, British Museum. Distribution. Manipur, Cachar, and one specimen from Mt. Victoria obtained at 5000 feet, whilst birds with red breasts were obtained from 6000 feet and over. Obs. This is probably a form of very low elevations, the foot-hills up to 5000 feet, generally under 4000 feet, in a small isolated area spreading from South Assam in the Surma Valley to Manipur, Lushai, and the Lower Chin Hills. Number of specimens examined. Six adult males of the new form, big series of the typical. Vol. xlvi. ] 14 Arachnothera chrysogenys intensiflava, subsp. nov. This form differs from A. ¢. chrysogenys in being decidedly brighter yellowish-green above and brighter, less suffused with ashy, on the breast and flanks. Measurements. Wing 77-88 mm.; tail 37-43; tarsus 17-18 ; culmen 34-38, , Type. 3, No., J. Darling, Kossoom, Tenas- serim. 30.8.79. British Museum Collection. Distribution. Tenasserim, from Mergui to Malacca and Singapore Island. Twenty specimens of this race examined and a large series of the typical A. c. chrysogenys Temm., of Java. Mr. W. L. Scuarer forwarded the following notes on African Birds :— Nove ON C4aMPETHERA NUBICA. In the first part of the Syst. Av. Hthiop. p. 295, the species named Campethera nubica albifacies (Gunning & Roberts) should be C. n. scriptoricauda (Reichw.), as Reichenow’s name is the oldest and the names are un- doubtedly synonyms. My attention was drawn to this by Mr. C. F. Belcher, whe brought home with him from Nyasaland a pair of these birds obtained near Chiromo by Mr. L. H. Walker. He suggested that they might be identical with Reichenow’s species, which was accidentally overlooked in my list. On submitting the skins to Dr. Stresemann he confirmed Mr. Belcher’s suggestion, and further stated that he considered albifacies Gunning & Roberts and aureicuspis Reichw. to be synonyms of scriptoricauda. On p. 295 of the Syst. Av. Hthiop. therefore for Campe- thera nubica albifacies should be substituted CAMPETHERA NUBICA SCRIPTORICAUDA (Reichw.). Dendromus scriptoricauda Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb. iv. p- 131, 1896: Bumi, Tanganyika Territory, with which 15 [ Vol. xlvi. Dendromus albifacies Gunning & Roberts, Ann. Transvaal Mus. iii. p. 112, 1911: Villa Pereira, Boror, and Dendromus aureicuspis Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb. p. 26, 1915: Usagara are synopyms. A NEw WEAVER. Ploceus [Othyphantes | baglafecht alexanderi, subsp. nov. Closely resembling P. b. baglafecht and P. b. neumanni, recently described by Mr. Bannerman from the Cameroon— Nigerian boundary, but considerably smaller than either, wing 77mm. in the only example available; crown pale yellow without any indication of orange wash, back slightly greyer in tone, and underparts of a slightly less bright yellow; as in P. 6. neumanni the hinder half of the underparts is a dull white. Measurements. Length [in skin] 150 mm.; wing 77; tail 56 ; tarsus 25; culmen 16. Type and only example in the British Museum obtained at Gudima, Iri or Ira River, near Vankerchovenville, in the north-east corner of the Belgian Congo, on 3 Sept. 1906, by Captain Boyd Alexander. Reg. No. 1911.12.23.3682. The finding of this Weaver partially closes the gap between the typical race, confined to the Abyssinian plateau, and P.b. neumanni already mentioned. Alexander mentions in his ‘From the Niger to the Nile,’ vol. ii. pp. 332-333, that, when at Gudima, he climbed a neighbouring hill to a height of about 4000 ft., whence he could see to the east- wards the hills of the Nile, so that like the other members of the group this form is also a bird of the higher altitudes, Tur Sao Toomtét WEAVER. This curious-looking Weaver is no doubt a member of the genus Ploceus in its widest sense, but it is very distinct from any other member of the genus. It was placed in Sycobius by Hartlaub, its original describer, and subsequently in Anaplectes, Heterhyphantes, and Sharpia (now Notiospiza) by Reichenbach, Sharpe, Reichenow, and Shelley. It cannot be Vol. xlvi. | 16 claimed that it is related to any of these. The bill is long and slender, somewhat like that of Ploceus (Jcteropsis) pelzelni ; it has curious whitish tips to the coverts, forming a double bar, which remind one of Sharpia (Notiospiza), but in other respects it is quite unlike that rare Angolan species, and I see no other course, in spite of Dr. Hartert’s remarks (Nov. Zool. xiv. 1907, p. 494), except to propose for it a new subgeneric name, Thomasophantes, subgen. nov., with type Sycobius sancti-thome Hartl.. THE AFRICAN WEAVERS OF THE GENUS PLoceEvs. - Since the appearance of Reichenow’s (1904) and Shelley’s (1905) account of the African Weavers, the only contributions to the difficult question of the subdivision of the very large genus Ploceus is that of Chapin (Bull. Amer. Mus. N. H. xxxvilil. 1917, pp. 243-280) and Roberts (Ann. Transv. Mus. vili. 1922, pp. 268-271), but neither of these authors appears to have had sufficient material at their disposal to arrive at final conclusions. I am not at all satisfied with my own results, but venture to give below a list of such subgenera as appear to me to be useful for the more convenient division of the comprehensive genus Ploceus. For those who prefer to do so, these can be treated as distinct genera. With the genera are given a list of species (but not subspecies) in each. SYMPLECTES Swains., 1837. Type. Ploceus bicolor Vieill. Synonym. Sycobrotus Cab., 1851. Species. bicolor Vieill. PHORMOPLECTES Reichw., 1903. Type. Sycobrotus insignis Sharpe. Species. insignis Sharpe ; dorsomaculatus Reichw. 17 [ Vol. xlvi. OTHYPHANTES Shelley, 1896. Type. Sycobrotus reichenowit Fisch. Species. reschenowt Fisch.; bates: Sharpe; anochlorus Reichw. ; bertrandi Shelley; nigrimentum Reichw. ; stuhl- mannt Reichw.; baglafecht Vieill. ; emint Hartl. HeTERHYPHANTES Sharpe, 1890. Type. Ploceus melanogaster Shelley. Species. melanogaster Shelley. MELANOPTERYX Reichw., 1886. Type. Ploceus nigerrimus Vieill. Species. negerrimus Vieill.; maawelli Alexander ; alli- nucha Boe. Crnnamopreryx Reichw., 1886. Type. Ploceus castaneofuscus Less. Species. castaneofuscus Less. ; tricolor Hartl. ; awreonucha Sassi. . SiracRra Reichenb., 1850. Type. Fringilla luteola Licht. Synonyms. Plesiositagra Iredale & Bannerman, 1921: type Lyphantornis speket. LHyphantornis apud Reichw. et auctorum. Microplectes Roberts, 1922: type, Ploceus velatus Vieill. Species. luteolus Licht. ; melanocephalus Linn. ; duboisi Hartl.; capitalis Lath. ; jacksont Shelley ; weynse Dubois ; golandi Clarke; velatus Vieill.; heuglint Reichw. ; spekee Heugl. ; intermedius Riipp. ; teniopterus Reichb. ; vitellinus Licht. ; spilonotus Vig. ; nigriceps Layard ; collars Vieill. ; cucullatus Mill. ; badius Cass. ; rubsginosus Riipp. TIormropsis Pelz., 1881. Type. Sitagra pelzelni Hartl. Species. pelzelni Hartl.; subpersonata Cab. Vol. xlvi. | 18 PACHYPHANTES Shelley, 1896. Type. Hyphantornis superciliosus Shelley. Species, superciliosus Shelley. THOMASOPHANTES W. Scl. [see p. 16]. Type. Sycobius sancti-thome Hartl. Species. sancti-thome Hartl. Hypuantornis Gray, 1849. Type. Hyphantornis grandis Gray. Synonym. Hypermegethes Reichw., 1903: type, H. grandis Gray. Species. grandis Gray. Hypuantureus Cab., 1851. Type. Ploceus brachypterus Swains. Synonym. Melanhyphantes Sharpe, Jamieson’s ‘ Story of the Rear Column,’ p. 404, 1890: type, Malembus nigricollis. Species. brachypterus Swains. ; ocularius Smith ; ngri- collis Vieill. ; alzenus Sharpe. Evupioceus Roberts, 1922. Type. Oriolus cupensts Linn. Species. capensis Linn. XANTHOPHILUS Reichenb., 1863. Type. Ploceus aureoflavus Smith. | Synonym. Oriolinus Reichenb., 1863: type, Ploceus sub- aureus. Xanthoplectes Roberts, 1922: type, Hyphantornis xanthopterus Finsch & Hartl. Species. aureoflavus Smith ; subaureus Smith ; temporalis Boc.; xanthops Hartl. ; princeps Bp. ; dichrocephalus Salv. ; wanthopterus Finsch & Hartl.; castanops Shelley ; oliva- ceweps Reichw. ; aurantius Vicill.; galbula Riipp. ; flavis- simus Neum. 19 | Vol. xlvi. THE GENUS QUELEA. Dr. Reichenow (Voég. Afr. iii. p. 108) has used the name Lowia sanguinirostris Linn. Syst. Nat. 10th ed. p. 173, instead of Emberiza quelea, p. 177, for the Black-faced Dioch, commonly known as Quelea quelea, claiming page-priority for the former name. Linnzeus’s original description of L. sanguinirostris, “* A grey bird, below white, feet and bill red,” is hardly diagnostic and the only reference is to “ Chin. Lagerstr.” A reference to ‘ Chinensia Lagerstromiana,” an Academical Dissertation by J. L. Odhelius, p. 15, shows that the bird there described is undoubtedly the American Cardinal. It will therefore be obvious that HKmberiza quelea must be retained as the correct specific name. With regard to the type-locality of Hmlberiza quelea, Linneeus in the tenth edition gives India, but in the twelfth substitutes Africa and quotes Brisson, Passer senegalensis erythrorhynchos as a synonym. We may therefore adopt Senegal as the type-locality of Linnzeus’s species. The South African race will then stand as Quelea quelea lathami Sinith. The following forms may be recognized :— (QJUELEA QUELEA QUELEA. Limberiza quelea Linneeus, Syst. Nat. 10th ed. p. 177, 1758: “India”; Senegal ex Brisson, see Linnzeus, 12th ed. p. 310. Jnstribution. Senegal, the interior of Gold Coast Colony, Nigeria, and the adjoining parts of Cameroon and the Shari region. QUELEA QUELEA CENTRALIS. Quelea sanguinirostris centralis vy. Someren, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. xli. p. 122, 1921: Lake Albert Edward. Distribution. Uganda and the slopes of Ruwenzori. (JUELEA QUELEA LATHAMI. Loxia lathami A. Smith, Rep. Exped. C. Afr. p. 51, 1836: nr. Kurrichane. Distribution. South Africa from Angola and Damaraland to Bechuanaland, the Transvaal, Orange Free State Prov., Vol. xlvi.] 20 Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and Portuguese East Africa, but not south of the Orange River. QUELEA QUELEA ZTHIOPICA. Ploceus ethiopicus Sundevall, Oefv. K. Vet.-Akad. ings hand. for 1850, p. 126: Sennar. Distribution. The Nile Valley from Khartoum to Lado, east to Sennar, Abyssinia and Somaliland, south to the eastern half of Kenya Colony and Tanganyika Territory. I cannot distinguish Quelea wthiopica intermedia Reichw. from the foregoing. The other two species, Q. erythrops (Hartl.) and Q. car- dinalis (Hartl.), are quite distinct and are well known. Mr. Grecory M. Maruews made the following remarks:— As bearer, with Dr. Hartert, of a congratulatory address from this Union to the German Ornithologists’ Union on their seventy-fifth anniversary, I should like to say how interesting that gathering was. The President of the German Ornithologists’ Union, Dr. Lucanus, asked me to tell you how much his Society appreciated the sentiments expressed in the address, and to say that all hoped that the good feeling which has always existed between the two Unions will continue. I met with nothing but kindness and hospitality, and was able to renew friendships formed years ago, and I left Berlin with a feeling that I was carrying their goodwill to our Union. Amongst these present were King Ferdinand, late of Bulgaria; Dr. Lonnberg of Sweden; Drs. de Beaufort and Van Oort of Holland ; Dr. Sassi of Austria, and, of course, many German members. The iectures and meetings were most interesting and instructive, many of them being illustrated. Perhaps the most important was the Cinematograph on Tuesday, where much of value was shown. The pictures of Humming-Birds =) Ue J Ziy Preuss ee CromweLut Roap, _ Telephone: WrsTERN 7118 & 7119. Lonpon, BW. 7 Telegrams : \ / | NATHISMUS, \ \ \ \\v \s SouTHKENS, LONDON. ; j q ee a he Vp eet bet of aati doe | i elk ‘ti BQ) I Yu Uiitors YS we i INN Ne, \ ( m" f\ (\ a Lf Oo\AASW" 21 [ Vol. xlyi. feeding their young were, so far as I know, filmed for the first time. As we are to hold an International Congress at Copen- hagen next year, I should like to see at least one member of the German Ornithologists’ Union again on our list of Foreign Members. ' Mr. Grecory M. Maruews described the following new bird :— A new Form of Barnardius. While inspecting the aviaries of the Marquis of Tavistock, I was struck by the appearance of a Sarnardius somewhat like Barnardius barnardu Vigors & Horsfield, but notice- ably without the yellow band on the lower breast—which, in my opinion, is a new species. It is as large as barnardii and richly coloured, with an abundance of blue, the cheeks being only less blue than in whiter; entire breast blue-green ; the yellow collar only faintly indicated by a small yellow patch on each side of the neck ; crown of the head pale green ; a dark V-shaped mark of dull blue-green at the back of the head; red frontal band well developed. The bird is an adult female. Locality. Australia (?). I propose to call it Barnardius crommelina, sp. nov., in honour of Lady Tavistock. I have dealt with the genus Barnardius in my ‘ Birds of Australia,’ vol. vi. p. 356, 1917. Mr. Grecory M. MAtHeEws also sent the following change in names :— Alcedo laubmanni, new name for Alcedo asiatica Swainson, Zool. Ulustr. pl. 50, 1821. Not Meuschen, 1787. _ Estrilda robertsi, new name for Lringilla cinerea Vieillot, 1817. Not Meuschen, 1787. Vol. xIvi.] 22 ~ Dr. C. B. TrckHuRST communicated the following descrip- tions of hitherto unrecognized races of Himalayan We C= Egithaliscus concinna rubricapillus, subsp. nov. Like Mgithaliscus concinna iredalei, but smaller, wing 46-52 mm.; in fresh plumage bluer (not so blue-grey) on the back, and, on an average, head and flanks darker chestnut. Type in the British Museum. Sikkim, November. Seebohm Coll. Reg. No. 98.9.20 364. Distribution. Sikkim, east to Mishmi Hills. Obs. Twenty birds from Sikkim measure, wing 46-52 mm., very few over 51. Twenty birds from N.W. Himalayas measure, wing 50-57 mm. The differences in measurement are small, but for a Long-tailed Tit relatively large, and, with colour-differences, most specimens are easily separable. Dendrocitta formos® occidentalis, subsp. nov. Differs from Dendrocitta formose himalayensis only by its superior size. Wing 145-160 mm. ; tail about 20-30 mm. longer. Male. Tail 249-257 mm. Type in the British Museum. 6, Simla, Dec. 12, 1880: Hume Coll. Reg. No. Distribution. N.W. Himalayas. Obs. D. f. occidentalis, 18 3 g, wing 145-160 mm. ; 8 2 9, wing 150-157; 16 unsexed, wing 147-157. D./f. himalayensis, wing 136-146 mm. (twice 146); 29 ex Sikkim examined, mostly 138-143 ; tail 208-222. Blyth described D. himalayensis from “the Himalayas.” No hint is given whence his type came, but in his ‘ Catalogue ” he mentions specimens from Darjeeling, and therefore I restrict the type-locality of D. himalayensis to Sikkim. - Seicercus burkii whistleri, subsp. nov. Differs from Seicercus burki burkit in having the upper parts brighter green, less olive, and the underparts paler yellow, less washed with olive on the flanks. Type inthe British Museum. ¢, Dharmsala, Punjab Hima- Jayas, March 26, 1922: ea H. Whistler Coll. No. 4194. Distribution. N.W. Himalayas. 23 [Vol. xlvi. Obs. Sylvia burkit was described by Burton from the Himalayas. There is no indication whence the type came, and I now restrict the type-locality to Sikkim. Twelve specimens from N.W. Himalayas examined, and a long series from Sikkim. Mr. J. D. La Toucue forwarded the following :— The form of Emberiza fucata Pallas, which inhabits the mountains of North-West Fohkien, in South-East China, appears to me to differ in several particulars from the birds taken on the China Coast, whether as migrants from South- East China to North-East Chihli or as winter-visitors to the Lower Yangtse and the coastal districts of South-East China. The latter is a large bird (wing, ¢ 73-77 mm.) with pale upper parts, but the bird found breeding at Kuatun on the mountains of the North-West of Fohkien is small and dark. I would propose to name this resident form Emberiza fucata kuatunensis, subsp. nov. Adult male. Differs from . f. fucata in being much darker and redder on the upper parts, the tints of these parts resembling those of H. f. arcuata Sharpe. The flanks and underparts generally are much as in £. f. fucata. The female is also darker. Wing, ¢ 69°5-71'5 mm., ? 68-71 mm. ' Types. &, Kuatun, N.W. Fohkien, April 23, 1898 ; 2, Kuatun, N.W. Fohkien, May 13, 1897. The form of Emberiza fucata, which is resident on the Lower Yangtse, is also a very dark bird, breeding examples being easily distinguished from the large migrants of the coast. I propose to name this form Emberiza fucata fluviatilis, subsp. nov. Adult male. Differs from L. f. fucata in being much darker on the upper parts, resembling in this respect both the Yunnan and the Fohkien resident birds. Wing, 6 73-75 mm. Type. 3, Chinkiang, May 11, 1902. Vol. xlvi.]) 24 The various forms of the Grey-headed Bunting found >in China are distributed there as follows ;— . EMBERIZA FUCATA FUCATA Fall. North-Hast China, Shaweishan (migrant). Lower and Middle Yangtse, South-East China, Hainan (winter). EMBERIZA FUCATA FLUVIATILIS La Touche. - Lower Yangtse Valley (resident). EMBERIZA FUCATA KUATUNENSIS La Touche. North-West. Fohkien (summer; alsv most probably in winter in the valleys). Hast Fohkien, North-East Kwang- tung (winter). HiMBERIZA FUCATA ARCUATA Sharpe. _ East Yunnan (resident). Probably also N.W. Yunnan. NOTICES. The next Meeting of the Club will be held on Wednesday, 1lth November, 1925, at PAGANI’S RESTAURANT, 42-48 Great Portland Street, W. 1, the Dinner at 7 p.m. Members intending to dine are requested to inform the Hon. Sec., Dr. G. C. Low, 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. 1. [ N.B.—Members who intend to make any communication at the next Meeting of the Club are requested to give notice beforehand to the Editor, Mr. N. B. Kinnear, at the Nat. Hist. Museum, South Kensington, and to place in his hands not later than at the meeting MSS. for publication in the Bulletin. |] (Signed) H. F.Wirnersy, WN. B. Kinnear, GrEOoRGE ©. Low, Chairman. Editor. Hon. Sec. § Treas. MeN 3H Us; . as VS EG rol Re. BULLETIN OF THE "ine, 4 2 BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. Wo. CCC. Tae t¢wo-hundred-and-ninety-sixth Meeting of the Club was held at Pagani’s Restaurant, 42-48, Great Portland Street, W., on Wednesday, November 11th, 1925. Chairman: H. EF. W1ITHERBY. d Members present:—HE. C. Stuart Baker; D. A. BANNER- man; F. J. F. Baruinaron; Miss M. G. 8S. Brest; P. F. Bunyarp; Capt. H. L. Cocmrang, R.N.; R. H. Deane; A. Ezra; M. U. Hacnisuxa; Rev. J. R. Hate; 2H. Hartert; L. M. Jopiine; Rev. F. ©. R. Jourpary ; N. B. Kinnear (Editor); Dr. P. R. Lowe; N.S. Lucas; Rear-Admiral H. Lynes; C. W. Mackwortu-Pragp ; Col. H. A. F. Macratu ; Dr. P. H. Manson-Baur; G. M. Matuews; T.H. Newman; F.R. Ratouirr; C. B. Rickert; Lord Roruschitp; W. L. Scuater; Major A. G. L. SLADEN ; D. SeraH-SmirH; H. Stevens; H. Kirke Swann; Mrs. R. Hate THomas sy W. H. THorre; B. W. Tucker. Guests:—R. WerrpEN Butter; A. R. Mauvnstay ; T. R. Morean; Dr. Percy RenpatLt; W. HB. Wait. { December 2nd, 1925.1 a VOL. XLVI, Vol. xlvi.] 26 Mr. H. F. Witrdersy said :— ‘“‘ Before reading my Annual Address I must refer with very deep regret to the death of our fellow-member, Mr. Michael J. Nicoll. This occurred on 31st October, and although we knew that Mr. Nicoll had been in bad health for some time yet his death came as a shock, as he had written to me only a few weeks ago saying he hoped soon to be able to attend our meetings. Mr. Nicoll was only 45, and we had hoped to see him do much ornitho- logical work in the years to come. He was at the time of his death working on an enlarged edition of the ‘ Hand- List of the Birds of Egypt’ which he published in 1919, and it is to be hoped that this was so far ready that it can be completed. In his earlier days Mr. Nicoll was an exceptionally fine field-man, though he was handicapped in this in recent years by a weak heart. His work as Naturalist during three very interesting oceanic voyages in Lord Crawfurd’s yacht, the ‘ Valhalla,’ will be known to you all, and we can but greatly deplore the loss of so good an ornithologist.” The CHAIRMAN then read his Annual Address :— Members of the B. O. C..— Though the year which has passed since my last Address has not perhaps been marked by any really out- standing ornithological event, good steady progress has been made in various directions. Before dealing with the work done, I must refer with deep regret to the loss by death of the following members:— T. H. Briggs (June 23, 1924), J. Davidson (June 25, 1925), Francis Nicholson (Feb. 10, 1925). I learn that Mr. Davidson bequeathed his collection of Indian birds and eggs to the British Museum. A good many of our members have been active in the field abroad. Mr. C. Boden Kloss visited the Mentawi Islands, off the west coast of Sumatra, towards the end of 1924, and made zoological collections. The island of Siberut had not before been explored, and the ornithological results of 473 [ Vol. xlvi. this expedition are certain to be interesting. An expedition to Tunisia has been made by Messrs. Willoughby P. Lowe and D. Bannerman, on behalf of the British Museum, with the generous assistance of Mr. A. S. Vernay. The col- lection of birds, which should throw light on the distribution of various forms, has not yet been worked out owing to the fact that Mr. Bannerman unfortunately contracted a very serious illness while in Tunisia. The Rev. F.C. R. Jourdain also made an expedition to Tunisia and, like Mr. Bannerman, also fell ill. We are glad to know that both these members are now practically recovered, and hope soon to hear some- thing of the results of their journeys. Rear-Admiral H. Lynes journeyed with Mr. G. Bolam to Abyssinia, but, on reaching Addis Abbaba, Admiral Lynes was attacked by fever, and owing to this and a delay in the arrival of ammunition it became too late in the season to accomplish the journey planned, so a return to England was made. Admiral Lynes thereupon started on an expedition to Central Marocco, in which he received, as in previous years, much assistance from the French authorities, and is publishing his results in the ‘ Archives Scientifiques du Protectorat Francais.2 Dr. E. Hartert also paid a visit to Marocco, where after some collecting near Rabat he proceeded to the foot-hills of the Great Atlas south of Marrakesh and afterwards to the Middle Atlas. Mr. W. H. Glegg resumed his work:in the Carmargue; while Messrs. H. K. Swann and J. H. McNeile made a trip in Dobrogea, and an interesting account of their results has already appeared. Mr. McNeile. subsequently revisited Norwegian Lapland, and Mr. Hachisuka and Mr. L. J. Turtle explored North Iceland. Major W. M. Congreve, accompanied by Commander A. T. Wilson, visited his old hunting-grounds in the south of Spain, and among other things procured a breeding specimen of the Goshawk, which I had the pleasure of exhibiting at our last meeting. My wife and I, with the Spanish ornithologist Sefior Gil Lletget, did some bird-work in Central Spain, some of the results of which I have already referred to. Colonel R. a2 Vol. xlvi.] 28 Meinertzhagen has been travelling and collecting for nearly a year in Kashmir, where he has climbed to high altitudes and has pushed as far as the Pangong Lake in KHastern Ladakh. He has now been joined in India by Mrs. Meinertz- hagen, and they intend to visit Sikkim and study the birds there. The S.Y. ‘St. George’ has arrived home after her long voyage, and we may hope soon to hear something of the ornithological work done, which has been under the care of Lt.-Col. H. J. Kelsall. Mons. M. J. Delacour and Mr. Willoughby P. Lowe have recently started on an expedition to Annam, where Mons. Delacour did good work two years ago. Major R. HE. Cheesman has taken up a post as Consul near Lake Tsana, and we may be sure that he will not neglect the study of birds in this little-known part of Abyssinia. Mons. Heim de Balsac has been continuing his ornitho- logical researches in Algeria, and has this year visited the Massif de l’Ouarsenis, where he found interesting birds, including the Alpine Accentor. Professor Oscar Neumann accompanied a German expedition for obtaining live animals and birds in Abyssinia. From America we hear of a number of expeditions in the interests of natural science, with birds as one of the objects, to various parts of the world including South America, the south Atlantic, Pacific, Borneo, Africa, and Central Asia. Of the ornithological publications mentioned in my last address and not yet complete, Mr. G. M. Mathews is now nearing the end of his great task, the ‘ Birds of Australia’ being in the last volume. I may mention that the Supple- ment on the “ Bibliography,’ published during the year, contains much of interest outside the Austral-Asian region. The third volume of Mr. J. C. Phillips’s fine work on the “Ducks” has just appeared. As publication of Dr. and Mrs. Heinroth’s ‘ Die Vogel Mitteleuropas’ progresses, the importance of the work and the value of the illustrations of birds in different stages of growth will be the more appreciated. . Amongst new works being issued in instalments I may 29 [ Vol. xvi. mention that Mr. H. K. Swann, who has fora long time made a special study of the Birds of Prey, has made a good start with bis ambitious ‘ Monograph’ of these birds. Dr. W. Hi. Collinge has published, in a revised edition, five parts of his valuable work on ‘The Food of some British Wild Birds’ which deserves our close attention; Dr. EH. Lehn Schidler has completed the first large volume of what promises to be a magnificent publication devoted to the birds of Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, and the Faeroes; Dr. C. EH. Hellmayr, having undertaken the revision and continuation of the late C. B. Cory’s important ‘ Catalogue of Birds of the Americas’ in the Field Museum, has completed and issued Part ILL. ; Mr. A. C. Bent has added to his valuable series of publications on the Life Histories of North American birds witha second volume on Wild Fowl (Anseres) ; Mr. J. D. D. La Touche has issued Part I. of a very useful ‘ Handbook of the Birds of Hastern China’ ; Mr. A. Thorburn has published two volumes of an octavo edition of his ‘ British Birds, with a completely new series of his inimitable pictures. Beyond the works already mentioned some single volumes of ornithological importance have been published during the year. Miss EK. L. Turner, in ‘ Broadland Birds,’ has given us an attractive account of many valuable observations on the life-history of the birds she studied ; ‘A Manual of the Birds of Ceylon,’ by Mr. E. Wait, is a very useful and much wanted work, which, I may remark, has unfortunately been printed on most unsuitable paper; in his ‘ Bird Islands of Peru, Dr. R. A. C. Murphy has combined ornithology with much information on the commercial importance of certain birds, such as the Peruvian Cormorant ; Dr. N. Kuroda has published a fine work on the ‘ Avifauna of the Riu Kiu Islands’; and Mr. M. U. Hachisuka has compiled a ‘ Com- parative Hand-list of the Birds of Japan and the British Isles.’ A large number of important and valuable papers on various aspects of ornithology have appeared during the year in numerous journals and scientific proceedings, but these I cannot mention individually. Vol. xlvi.] 30 Before closing this review of the year’s work, I must mention the successful meeting held in Berlin to comme- morate the 75th anniversary of the German Ornithologists’ Union. : Finally, I have to acknowledge, as on a previous occasion, the kind assistance of several friends in making this brief record as complete as possible. Lord Rotuscuiup described a new form of Cassowary as follows :— Casuarius casuarius lateralis, subsp. nov. 6 adult. This local race of C. casuarius is nearest to C.c. altijugus, but is distinguished from all the other races by the entirely blue lower sides of the neck. Very large, quite equalling C. c. sclatert in height and bulk ; casque tall, inclined to curl over and be wrinkled ; greenish-horn colour. Head and throat bright blue, fore-neck and upper sides of neck purplish-blue, lower sides of neck bright blue, edged with paler sky-blue, the hinder third blue like the rest, NOT RED as in the other races of C. casuarius. Hind- neck bright blue ; the reddish-orange patch at base of neck much reduced in size. On the base of fore-neck the two wattles are large and dark mauve-pink. The pink colouring of the wattles only runs up the large neck-muscles half the length of the throat, whereas in C. c. altajugus and C. c. sclatert it runs up right to the gape. Hab. North coast to North-Hast New Guinea (type received alive). The Tring Museum has in addition to the type a much less adult 2 , two eggs, and two one-third grown young from Gaza River, N.E. New Guinea. Dr. Ernst Harrerr exhibited a series of Tawny and Steppe Hagles, and made the following remarks :— At the meeting of the B. O. C. held on the 10th June, 1925, Mr. Kirke Swann exhibited an Eagle from the 31 [ Vol. xlvi. Dobrogea which he said was an Aquila rapaw, and the adult of the bird described as Aquila ‘cullent Bree, B. Hurope, 2nd ed. i. p. 89 (1875). Mr. Swann evidently had no thought of anything else than Aguila rapax when he re- ceived the specimen, and, in the Bull. B. O. C. xlv. p. 111, only compared it with Aquila rapax belisarius from North Atrica, from which it differs, of course, considerably, as it is not an Aguila rapa at all, but a typical adult Steppe-Hagle, Aquila nipalensis orientalis, which inhabits the South Russian Steppes, and is known to occur, and apparently also to nest in small numbers, possibly even regularly, in the Dobrogea. Mr. Swann does not believe that I am right in saying that his supposed A. rapaz cullent is an A. n. orientalis, and tells me that he has discovered that the shape of the nostrils in A. rapax and nipalensis is different, and that also the feet and claws differ. It is quite true that the nostrils are as a rule. straighter in A. rapa, while they are somewhat oblique in Aguila nipalensis, but it is impossible to name every specimen from this character. Mr. Swann also called my attention to the presence of a knob or ridge in the front of the nostril in A. rapax. This is usually a very good character by which to distinguish A. rapaw and nipalensis, but a knob or ridge (which does not form part of the skeleton) is, exceptionally, discernible in A. nipalensis (as shown in a specimen of A. n. orientalis from Sarepta in South Russia), and is not invariably well developed in A. rapaz, as seen in a young rapaa exhibited. (Mr. Swann thinks that in the latter specimen this is due to youth, but other young birds show the knob as well as adults.) However that may be, if we compare Mr. Swann’s Dobrogea specimen, we will see that the nostril is exactly as in most * ye if i a L tare P ar Ky » he , > rs ba? olen 5 ; ewOl 32: uit)... - es oe aK. iM atk : 7 i * . ie. a ‘ " - J te a: ee, RE ey = (ean eel tek ~ Ye F A a eS “eS eee (Sheet sr ie Acco Rian MEL, | Spee wee te an ; Uses nay >) ‘ 5 aT + om t 7 " at es : a, ne [ = ' - - H vy. a ia aad ] 4 " het! ’ : , fae: * a ra, : Oe es t : ott : ata . De . c ) oh Z er ni = Be a 5: — ‘ 4 By; rh a tS oF \ a itl oo og 5 p _ Bie! ah J af ¢ a * x a " » a 5 a es a 5 OL ee = i ae eo ag SE Rg > sh Pa. * hae ° = , Liv oe ¥ aa : a “ee —— ms: ri he, } a, NY [2 ii. ~~ a sar”, — Ab 4 ) ‘af % > Mae 5) i \ ee ey ey “ wy eS A 4 A ‘ r ¢ : r ? *- oe . . “e! » a gol ae 7 BULLETIN iS (Er Pri lish, ORNITHOLOGISTS’” CLUB: L/ OF THE PURCHAS Wo. CCCI. Tae two-hundred-and-ninety-seventh Meeting of the Club was held at Pagani’s Restaurant, 42-48, Great Portland Street, W., on Wednesday, December 9th, 1925. Chairman: H. F. WITHERBY. Members present:—D. A. Bannerman; F. J. F. Bar- RInGron ; C. D. Borner; P. F. Bunyarp; A. L. BUTLER; Capt. H. L. Cocurane, R.N.; Sir Percy Cox; A. Ezra; Major 8.8. FLower ; The Hon. M. Hacutsuxa; Rev. J. neo AEE* Dr. Hs Harturr; Rev: F. ©O.-R. Jourpame N. B. Kiynzar (Editor); Dr. G. C. Low (Hon. Sec. & Treas.) ; Dr. P. R. Lowrz; N.S. Lucas; J. M. D. Mac- KENZIE; C: W. Mackwortu-Prazp; G. M. Marnews; EK. G. B. Meapz-Watpo ; J. L. C. Mustiers ;x C. OLDHAM ; R. H. Reap; C. B. Rickert; Lord Rotuscuitp ; D. Srera- SmitH; B. W.-Tuckrer ; H. M. Watuis ; C. p— Worms. Visitors :—A. C. Lyett; W. G. Stuart- MENTETH ; S. NAKASHIMA. [ December 29th, 1925.1 VOL. XLVI. Vol. xlvi.] AQ Mr. P. F. Bunyarp exhibited a series of the eggs of the Semi-palmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus) from his own and Mr. Massey’s collection, together with a series of the Ringed Plover (Ch. hiaticula hiaticula) for comparison, and made the following remarks :— Apparently the eggs of semipalmatus have been known since 1845-54. Thienemann figures two not very typical egos (‘Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der gesammten Vogel,’ tab. lix. fig. 5, a, b). They do not appear to have been figured in any British works. Since this bird was added to the British list in 1916, on the strength of one Sussex record, a fair number of eggs have been obtained by collectors in this country from Labrador. Only very meagre and totally inadequate descriptions have so far appeared in British works, and no serious attempt has been made at making a comparative study between the eggs of the Old and New World forms of these Ringed Plovers. Comparative Systematic Synopsis. Ch. semipalmatus. Ch. h, hiaticula. Ground-colour. Greyish-white, greenish-drab, brownish - drab, reddish - Creamy - white, warm cream, greenish-white, buff, reddish- brown. brown. Colour of markings. Brownish- black, jet-black, more | Brownish-black, jet-black. superimposed. Underlying markings. Greyish, almost absent. | Ash-grey, greyish-black, incon- spicuous. Measurements, 22 eges [ Bunyard ]. Av. 83:5 X24 mm. Av. 35'8 x 256 mm. Max. 36x24 mm. Max. 39x 26 mm. Min. 32 x 23'8 mm. Min, 33°8 x 25°4 mm, Practical Handbook. Av. 33°9 X 23°'9 mm. 99 Max. 36'2x 24°3 mm, | Min. 31°4x22'7 mm. ) 43 [Vol. xlvi. Weights. 22 eggs [ Bunyard ]. Av. 508°7 me. Av. 699'9 mg. Max. 572 mg. | Max. 809 mg. Min, 440 mg. Min. 614 mg. Texture of Shell. Finely granulated, showing more polish. Coarsely though evenly granu- lated. Shape. Pyriform, to long ovoidal. | Distinctly pyriform. General Remarks. It will be seen from the above figures that the eggs of Ch. semipalmatus are smaller and lighter; this appears to be constant, and there is practically no overlapping. Typical eggs of Ch. h. hiaticula are, on the average, not so heavily marked. Dr. Ernst Hartert gave a short ex tempore account of Gnanthe enanthe seebohmi, its differences from C. @. ewnanthe, distribution, nests, and eggs. This form wa first dis- covered on Mount Mahmel in the Aurés Mountains in South Algeria, by Messrs. Elwes and Dixon, in 1882 ; they brought home two males, After that nothing was known of it, until ten years later Professor Koenig visited Djebel Mahmel and found Seebohm’s Chat rather scarce, but obtained three skins, among them one of a female. Another ten or eleven years later Mr. Fliickiger, a Swiss taxidermist, found (CE. w@. seebohmi not at all rare on Mt. Mahmel, Mt. Chelia, and “* Montagne Nue” in the Aures Mountains, and he also obtained the young, described and figured by Kleinschmidt in * Berajah.” In 1898 it was discovered in the southern or Great Atlas by Dodson, and in 1906 by Riggenbach. But it was not until 1919 that our knowledge of Seebohm’s Chat was again greatly added to, when Admiral Lynes found it abundant on the plateau above Azrou in the Middle Atlas of Marocco. He also found several clutches of eggs; until then only known from single eggs (one each) found on the. Vol. xlvi.] 44 ground, without nest, on Djebel Mahmel by Koenig and Fliickiger—not identified, though they must have been the egos of our bird, as they were found at considerable eleva- tions on Djebel Mahmel, where no other species of the genus occurs in the breeding-season. This I can confirm, for in 1909, on May 12th, our faithful taxidermist Hilgert and I ascended Mt. Mahmel to its top and spent several hours in the region of Seebohm’s Chat, collecting easily a selection of thirteen specimens—the species being common. ‘The egos taken by Lynes are unspotted or with very small spots. Last year I was on the plateau above Azrou, where Z/. @. common, but was evidently too early for eggs This year, however, I obtained, with my companion, Fred Young, two clutches and a single dropped egg found on the ground. The eggs of one clutch are quite spotless, those of the other have fairly large spots, the single egg tiny dots. The single egg found on the ground by Fliickiger was figured in Kleinschmidt’s ‘Berajah’ (as pointed out by Mr. Jourdain), but it is too pale, since eggs from Marocco are rather rich blue, though not constantly different from Kuropean examples. The nests, some of which contained young, were found under stones or under stone-heaps. They were not very substantial, consisting chiefly of rootlets, with a few fine grasses, and very few feathers in the lining, a few horse-tail hairs, and a piece of string ; altogether quite like many nests of G7. @. enanthe in Europe. We know thus a good many places where this bird lives, and doubtless more will be discovered ; but it will always be local, as it requires level plateaux or slopes with not too long grass and many stones or rocks, a combination not found in many places in the Algerian Atlas, though more often in Marocco. It inhabits elevations of from about 1600 to 2000 metres, but is occasionally found lower down during the breeding-season, to about 1200 m. In winter its breeding-places are covered with very deep snow, conse- quently they must leave them, but the true winter-quarters are not yet known. Mr. Whitaker of Palermo once sent an 45 [ Vol. xlvi. Italian collector to Djebel Mahmel to discover the egos, but the man only found Ginanthe hispanics and its eggs. It is absolutely certain that the man never took the trouble to ascend to the home of Seebohm’s Chat, as (Z. hispanica is common about the foot of Djebel Mahmel, about 1000 to 1200 m., while no collector could entirely miss seebohmi at about 1800 to 2000 m. . Lord Roruscu1~tpD supplemented Dr. Hartert’s remarks and said that the latter had, in his presence, shot a female of G7. @. seebohmi near Biskra on October 19th, 1920, so that it was proved that it left the snow-covered heights for the winter months, and probably it would one day be oftener found in the Algerian desert. Mr. W. L. ScuiatrerR communicated the following -de- scription of a new African Weaver :— Cryptospiza salvadorii ruwenzori, subsp. nov. Resembling C. s. salvadorit, but not so richly coloured, the head and nape of a slightly more dusky-greyish tinge and the crimson of the back and rump less rich below, the general colour is a pearly-grey without the green wash characteristic of the Abyssinian bird ; the throat is the same colour as the rest of the underparts and lacks the pale tawny patch characteristic of the typical race; it also lacks the tawny spot on the lores and below the eye. From C. s. borealis the Ruwenzori race differs in having the crimson of the back dis- tinctly marked off from the dusky grey of the nape, whereas in C. s. borealis the two colours gradually fade into one another and the crimson is never so strongly developed. The rosy patch on the flanks varies, being nearly absent in some cases, and there is no red on the under tail-coverts. Measurements of the type, a male.— Wing 55 mm., tail 45, culmen 10, tarsus 15. The female does not differ appreci- ably, and the dimensions of the typical race are identical. Type in the British Museum. ¢. Mubuku valley, on the Vol. xlvi.] 46 eastern slopes of Ruwenzori, collected by R. B. Woosnam on 12 March, 1906, at an altitude of 7000 ft., Reg. no. 1906/12/23/319. When Mr. Ogilvie-Grant described the Ruwenzori collec- tion he had no Abyssinian examples with which to compare the fine series of this Crimson-ring, of which two males and four females were obtained in the Mubuku valley, and a single male in the Butagu valley on the opposite side of the range. In addition to this series, I have examined an example from Il-polossal, Laikipia district, 7500 ft., in Sir I’. Jackson’s collection, and a female from Mt. Kinangop in the Aberdeen Range at 11,000 ft. This last is marked a female, and may be a young bird, as the crimson of the back is not nearly so conspicuous as in the other examples. Dr, van Someren (Nov. Zool. xxix. 1922, p. 155) also provisionally identifies birds in his collection from both Mt. Elgon and Mt. Kenya with C. salvadoriz; these are almost certainly identical with the Ruwenzori birds. I am inclined to unite the other species of this genus without a red face under Reichenow’s typical race, and we shall then have the following :— CRYPTOSPIZA SALVADORII SALVADORII Reichw. Distr. 8. & S.W. Abyssinia. C. Ss. RUWENZORI [see above]. C. Ss. AUSTRALIS Shelley. Distr. Nyasaland. C. s. BOREALIS Percival. Lrstr. Mt. Unguess or Gargues, north of the Northern Guasso Nyiro in Kenya Colony. Count N. GYLDENSTOLPE sent the following nomenclatorial note on Phylloscopus trochiloides Sundevali and Sylvia conspicillata bella 'Tschusi :— Having recently had the opportunity of making a critical examination of the type-specimens of birds kept in the Collections of the Kk. Nat. Hist. Museum in Stockholm, 47 [ Vol. xlvi. I have found that some changes in nomenclature un- fortunately are inevitable. The type-specimen of Acanthiza trochiloides Sundevall (‘Physiografiska Siillskapets Tidskrift,’ Lund, 1837, p. 76) has generally been considered as lost (cf. Stresemann, Orn. Monatsber. 1924, pp. 8-9, footnote), but I have now re- discovered it, and it is kept in our Collection. In the type there is no indication whatever of a light coronal band. Furthermore, Sundevall already stated in the original description ‘‘ Caput paullulum fusco-tinctum,” and did not mention the existence of such a stripe. The 2nd primary is about equal in length to the 10th, and the 1st primary is longer than that of Phylloscopus (Acantho- pneuste) trochiloides auct. It is thus clearly evident that Phylloscopus (Acantho- pneuste) trochiloides auct. is not conspecific with Phyllo- scopus (Acanthopneuste) trochiloides Sundevall, and it becomes absolutely inevitable that Phylloscopus (Acantho- pneuste) lugubris auct. must be called Phylloscopus (Acantho- pneuste) trochiloides Sundev., and Phylloscopus (Acantho- pneuste) trochiloides auct. must in future be known as Phylloscopus (Acanthopneuste) reguloides Blyth. The type-specimen of Acanthiza trochiloides Sundev. was obtained at Calcutta on the 15th of February, 1828. Besides the differences noted above, it agrees well in colour and size with specimens of Phylloscopus (Acantho- pneuste) lugubris auct. In the original description of Acanthiza trochiloides Sundey. there is, however, an un- fortunate misprint which I want to draw attention to. The length of the wing is thus given to 47 mm., but in the type the wing measures 57 mm. In the year 1854 (Overs. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Foérhandl. p- 160) the well-known Swedish naturalist, Mr. J. A. Wahlberg, published a description of a supposed new species of Sylviide. This description was drawn from specimens obtained by him on the Cape Verde Islands. The bird was named Prinia orbitalis, and a full and very accurate description in Latin was appended. This Vol. xlvi. | 48 name appears to have been entirely forgotten by recent authors. The type-specimens of Prinia orbitalis Wahlberg (¢ 2 ) are still kept in our Collections and belong to the same form that was separated by Tschusi (Orn. Monatsber. 1901, p- 130) as Sylva conspiecllata bella, the terra typica of which was Madeira. Thanks to the kind assistance of Dr .Stresemann of the Berlin Museum, I have had the opportunity of comparing Wahlberg’s specimens with a. series of Sylvia conspicillata bella Tschusi from Madeira and the Canary Islands. These specimens are perfectly identical both as regards size and colour with our birds from the Cape Verde Islands. The form from the Cape Verde Islands, Madeira, and the Canary Islands must there- fore be called Sylvia conspicillata orbitalis Wahlberg (terra typica: St. Vincent, Cape Verde Islands), of which Sylvia conspicillata bella Tschusi becomes a pure synonym. NOTICES. The next Meeting of the Club will be held on Wednesday, 13th January, 1926, at PAGANI’S RESTAURANT, 42-48 Great Portland Street, W.1, the Dinner at 7 p.m. Members intending to dine are requested to inform the Hon. Sec., Dr. G. C. Low, 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W.1. | [N.B.—Members who intend to make any communication at the next Meeting of the Club are requested to give notice beforehand to the Editor, Mr. N. B. Kinnear, at the Nat. Hist. Museum, South Kensington, and to place in his hands not later than at the meeting MSs. for publication in the Bulletin. | (Signed) ‘H. F. Wirpersy, N. B. Kinnear, GrorcE C. Low, Chairman. Editor. Hon. Sec. & Treas, s\c Ae) ~ can i 9-FEB 1996 PURCHASED OF THE — BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. No. CCCII. Tar two-hundred-and-ninety-eighth Meeting of the Club was held at Pagani’s Restaurant, 42-48, Great Portland Street, W., on Wednesday, January 13th, 1926. Chairman: H. F. W1iTHERBY. Members present:—W. Snore Batty; E. C. Stuart Baker; F. J. F. Barrineron; Count Bosrinskoy ; P. F. Bunyarp; A. L. Buriter; Capt. H. L. Cocmranz, R.N.; R. H. Deane; Lt.-Col. A. Detmi-Rapciirre ; Lt.- Col. H. Detm#-Rapcuirre ; A. H. Evans; A. Ezra; Rev. J. R. Hate; Dr. BE. Harrerr; Rev. F.C. R. Jourpary ; N. B. Kinnear (dttor); Dr. P. R. Lowe; Rear-Admira! H. Lynes; C. Mackwortu-Prarp ; Capt. W. EH. F. Mac- MILLAN; Jt.-Col. H. A. F. Macratra; T. H. Newman; C. B. Rickert; Lord Roruscuitp ; D. Sera-Surira; Major A. G. L. Suapen ; H. STEVENS. Visitors :—W ALTER GOODFELLOW; H. B. Hans Hamiuton; J. SPEDAN Lewis; M. P. Pariirs. [January 30th, 1926, | a VOL. XLVI. Vol. xlvi.] 50 Lord RotascuiLp read the following notes on the variation in Centropus ateralbus (Less.), and exhibited a series of specimens to illustrate his remarks :-— He said: ‘‘ JT am exhibiting to-night a series of 44 examples of Centropus ateralbus from New Ireland, New Britain, and Rook Island to illustrate the extraordinary individual varia- tion of the coloration. The normal young birds and nestlings are deep brown with purplish gloss on tail and wings and with buffy-brown shaft-streaks in the front half of body above, and dark sooty-brown or slate below, with buffish shaft-streaks and apical spots on breast and throat ; a few pale streaks on wing-coverts. Normal (2. ¢., first-described) adults have the crown, back, tail, wings, and abdomen purplish-black ; breast, throat, cheeks, hind neck, sides of neck, and interscapulium buffy-white. Greater primary wing-coverts white. In addition to these two plumages, we find a most weird range of coloration, from entirely black to greyish-white or almost all over greyish-white. Some examples are dirty pearl-grey with the white as in normal examples ; some are pearl-grey all over with stray black feathers; others are black with scattered white feathers; again, some have the hind neck varying from entirely black to white with a narrow central bar. One example is entirely dirty white with a few darker feathers. All the pearl-grey varieties, as well as the white one, show dark coloration in varying degrees round the eyes and on the crown. Among the pearl-grey birds is an immature example in the first juvenile plumage ; this bird has the back, wings, and tail pearl-grey, save for two small black splashes on the tail; the head and cheeks are sooty- grey with buffish-orange shaft-lines; the hind neck, sides of neck, and interscapulium are buffish-brown with buffish- orange shaft-lines ; throat and breast buff with paler shaft- lines ; abdomen greyish-buff. “ Among the more normal birds—i. e., those agreeing with Lesson’s original diagnosis—we find almost every gradation between a complete black crown and a narrow frontal black band, including specimens with irregular black streaks and patches. I also show, to complete the series, three specimens dL | Vol. xlvi. belonging to the British Museum: one is pure white, one is _ white with a single black tail-feather, and the third is normal in the main dark areas but has whole head, face, breast, neck, and interscapulium bright buff.” Lord Rorascuinp and Dr. Ernst Harrert exhibited and described an apparently extinct and unknown bird of the family Drenanidide, said to be from the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands :— Sassius, gen. nov. Bill long and curved like that of a Hemignathus, but in comparison much thicker, not narrowing down soon beyond the nostrils, and upper and under bill apparently of about the sane length ; in Hemignathus the upper bill surpasses the lower mandible, even in the smallest species, H. obscurus, about 5 mm.; it is true that the tip of the upper bill is damaged in the specimen of Sassius, but apparently very little is missing. Covering of nostril apparently as in Hemignathus. Size much less than that of the smallest Henignathus, coloration altogether different. Feet fairly strong for such a small bird. Sassius simplex, sp. nov. Bill brown. Forehead, lores, ear-coverts, crown, upper neck, fore-part of back, and sides of breast mummy-brown ; rest of upperside to upper tail-coverts dull chestnut. Wings brown. Rectrices brown like the crown, with paler edges. Entire underside creamy-white. Bill from feathers on fore- head with compasses 26, the twelve-feathered tail about (base embedded in glue) 35, tarsus 14-15 mm. Hab. Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands. Type in Vienna Museum. This bird has been mounted in the Vienna Museum for 120 years, and stood under the name ‘“* Drepanis (Certhia) obscura? L. Gmel. fem.” It was brought to Berlin and shown during the 75th anniversary of the German Ornitho- logical Society by Dr. M. Sassi, who came across it and _ a 2 Vol. xlvi-] 52 recognized that the determination was erroneous. Dr. Sassi entrusted Hartert with the bird, and asked him to get it described if he thought it necessary. Unfortunately, the feathers of the body are glued on toa wooden model, and the wing-feathers have their base and part of the inner web cut off, apparently as the taxidermist found the entire wing too big for the small wooden body, and thus produced a very neat and sleek little bird, though the body appears too small for the head. A look through a microscope and an X-ray photograph, which Dr. Perey Lowe had kindly made in London, show without doubt that the bill and skull beleng to one and the same individual—that is to say, that there is complete continuity between the maxilla and mandible on the one part, and the nasals, frontals, and squamosal part (quadrate etc.) of the skull on the other,—also that the skin and its feathers belong to the bill and skull. Of the rest nothing can be said with absolute certainty, the body- feathers being glued on toa wooden model; the wings are remnants and must have been larger; the tail is complete and glued on together, the legs are stuck in with wires. But, as the feathers of the whole underside are absolutely the same as those of the throat (which are genuine), and the whole upperside looks complete and unbroken, there is no reasonable doubt that the bird looked somewhat as it is now, only larger. _ Finally, as no bird is known with such a head, it is necessary to make it known to science. Unfortunately its history is not known. It reached the Vienna Museum, according to the label, in 1806, and is entered in the catalogue thus: 1806 I 534a. Drepanis (Certhia) obscura? L. Gmel. fem. von Stutz. Sandwich Ins.” Von Stutz wasa gentleman who gave birds to the Museum, not a traveller or explorer. Further details are therefore, according to Dr. Sassi, not available. But, as there is every appearance that the bird belonged to the Dre- panidide, which were restricted to the Sandwich Islands, and as a number of birds are known which are now extinct on that group, we can only conclude, and it is quite within reason, that Sassius simplex is a hitherto unknown extinet D3 [ Vol. xlvi. bird, formerly inhabiting the Hawaiian Islands. It must be added that this is also the opinion of Drs. Sassi and Stresemann, who examined the bird, and of Dr. Percy Lowe, who took the trouble of procuring the X-ray photo. Need- less to say, the generic name is given in honour of Dr. Moriz Sassi, of Vienna, the specific one on account of its—for a Drepanidid—plain-coloured plumage. Lord Roruscuinp and Dr. Ernst Hartert also exhibited two new species from New Britain, which they described as follows :— Accipiter luteoschistaceus, sp. n. 3 ad. Accipiter cera aurantia, superne schistaceus, gastreeo toto luteo, preepectore cinereo-brunneo fasciato. Al. 187,190, caud. 139,143, digito medio 28 mm, fab. Insula New Britain dicta. Type in the Tring Museum, 4; Talasea, New Britain, 21.iv.25. A. F. Eichhorn coll. . Two males of this new Hawk were sent by Mr. Albert F. HKichhorn from Talasea on the N. coast of West New Britain. They are above pure slate-colour, underneath buff, on the chest narrowly cross-barred, in one with grey, in the other more brown. The under wing-coverts are uniform buff like the abdomen, the primaries buff towards the base on the inner webs, which are barred with slaty-black. The iris is described as orange-yellow and bright yellow. Bill black, feet dark or orange-yellow ; the cere is not described, but is bright orange in the skin. The second primary is equal to the seventh, the toes are short, middle toe without claw 26 and 28 mm. Turdus talasex, sp. n. Turdus (“ Oreocincla”’) supra schistaceus, nigro lunulatus, alarum tectricibus mediis majoribusque late albo terminatis, subtus albus, lateribus nigro lunulatis ; rostro nigro, pedibus pallide corneis. Al. 107, caud. 80 mm. Hab. Talasea, insula New Britain dicta occidentali. Vol. xlvi.] 54 Type in the Tring Museum, ? ; Talasea, New Britain, 12.1.25, A. F. Hichhorn coll, This Thrush belongs to the section called “ Oreocincla”’ by genus-splitters, but differs from its nearest geographical allies (Turdus dawma papuensis, eichhorni, and choiseuli) strikingly in colour. It is by no means yet certain that T. d. eichhorni is the only form on the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago, though it has not yet been discovered any- where else than on St. Matthias Island. ‘The second primary equals the sixth in length, the third to fifth being equally long; in 7. d. papuensis the shape of the wing is similar, while in T. d. eichhorni the first 1s shorter than the sixth, sometimes as short as the seventh, and in the only known skin of choiseuli it seems to be longer than the sixth, but is different in the two wings. The upperside is not brown, but greyish slate-colour, darkest on the head, lightest on the rump, the edges of the feathers with glossless black edges, giving the back a lunulated appearance. These black edges are narrower on the rump and disappear on the upper tail-coverts, Sides of the head slaty-black with white dots and a white patch with black specks on the ear-coverts. Underside white, sides with black edges to the feathers, widest under the wing, narrower towards the middle which is white, and on the sides of the neck; under tail-coverts white. Quills blackish- brown, bases of inner webs from the third white, causing a ‘“Geocichline” pattern, the ante-penultimate secondary with white edge to the inner web; upper wing-coverts dull black, middle and largest series with big white tips, pro- ducing two oblique bars across the wings ; outer webs of primaries with greyish-brown edges ; under wing-coverts brownish black, the longest with white tips ; axillaries white with wide black tips. Rectrices slaty-black, lateral pair with triangular white tips, much longer on the outermost pair. “Tris dark brown, bill black; feet light horn-colour.” Wing 107 mm ; tail 80mm. A single female only was obtained by Mr. Albert F. Eichhorn on 12 February, 1925, at an altitude of 1900 feet. Dd [ Vol. xlvi. It was shot off the nest. The nest is an oblong cone about 20cm. long, entirely of moss, here and there interwoven with rootlets, and on top is a neat cup entirely consisting of fine rootlets. The two eggs look like elongated small Black- birds’ eggs with fine rufous spots, more numerous towards the thick end. They measure 29 x 19°5 and 28 x 19°2 mm. Nest and eggs were also exhibited. The Rev. F. C. R. Journain exhibited a clutch of eggs of the Tawny Pipit (Anthus c. campestris), and made the following remarks :— Most modern works on the Ornithology of the British Isles contain some reference to the breeding of the Tawny Pipit in England (e. g., Kirkman’s ‘ British Bird Book,’ i. p. 233 ; Brit. Birds, i. p. 112 ; Zool. 1906, p. 463 ; ‘ Hand- list,’ p. 33; B.O.U. List, p. 47; ‘ Practical Handbook,’ i. p. 176, etc.). The only positive evidence of the breeding of this species in England lies in the box which I am exhibiting to-night. As far as published statements go, nearly all that can be pointed to in support of this assertion is the late M. J. Nicoll’s statement in the Hastings and Hast Coast Naf. (i. p. 183). Here after giving details of twenty-three occurrences in Sussex, including three in 1904 (14 Aug., 17 Aug., and 26 Sept.), he states that “‘a pair undoubtedly bred in Sussex in 1905 and possibly the following year. For obvious reasons I do not give the exact locality. JI might say that in 1906 I myself saw one of the adult birds collecting nesting- materials.” Soon after the clutch was taken, the eggs were purchased by the late Sir Vauncey Crewe. It is generally known that he had a very strong antipathy to any information being published as to eggs or birds in his possession, and stipulated that nothing should be communicated on the subject. No details of the occurrence were allowed to leak out, although known to several people in the neighbourhood. When the collection was sold on 15 Dee. last, the clutch was catalogued Vol. xlvi. | 56 (in italics) as Lot 196 “ Tawny Pipit, ¢/3, June 1905,” no locality being given. Probably it was not recognized by any one else present—at any rate, it was sold for a comparatively small sum with another lot. Fortunately the eggs are unusually light in colour, and are therefore readily recognizable. I have received full details of the nesting, but only wish to correct the date assigned, which should be 23 May, 1905. For this infor- mation I am indebted to Mr. J. A. Walpole Bond, who ascertained it from the actual finder of the nest. Mr. A, L. Buruer exhibited some examples of Topaza pella which he had recently received from the neighbour- hood of Para. The species had been obtained from this locality by Hoffmanns in 1905, but the only specimen procured by him, now in the Tring Museum, was a moult- ing 2. The small series now shown included two adult 6 S,asub-adult ¢ without elongated tail-feathers, and a ? taken on the nest, and made it clear that the species is represented south of the mouths of the Amazon by a form smaller and conspicuously smaller-billed than the races hitherto described. This form Mr. Butler proposed to distinguish as follows :— Topaza pella microrhyncha, subsp. nov. A small race with wing (in two adult ¢ 9) 77-81'5 mm. ; bill 20 mm. ; elongated rectrices (straightened) 92-98 mm. ; outer rectrices 47 mm. In colour nearest to 7’ pella pella, the crimson of the hind neck shading gradually into the more orange-red back, and the throat-patch of a very ruddy, almost coppery, topaz, greenish only at the edges. A sub- adult ¢ has a bill of 20°5 and wing ot 76mm.; adult 9, bill 21 mm., wing 70 mm. Type (No. 8593, A. L, Butler Coll.). @, Para, Utinga, Matta de Igapo, 14.12.25. Collected by F. de Queiroz Lima. In one form or another TYopaza pella is now known to ey [ Vol. xlvi. range from some 48° W. (Parad) to 75° W. (Napo, Ecuador), and from about 7° N. in British Guiana to 3° 8. on the Amazon (Manaos). Simon divides the birds from the Guianas into two sub- species :— T. pella pella (L.). Dutch and British Guiana. T. pella smaragdula (li. Bose). French Guiana. [Simon wrongly writes Bose’s name as smaragdina. | These two forms, as distinguished by him, are readily recognizable, but their respective ranges require further working out. Under the name of J. pella pamprepta [not pampreta, as quoted by Simon] Oberholser has separated as distinct the birds obtained by Goodfeilow at Suno on the Napo. The differences given are mainly the longer tail and_ shorter wing-measurements, The type is in America, and there are no specimens of these Ecuador birds in English collections. The locality is so remote from the Guianas that this form may well prove distinct. All of these races are appreciably larger birds than T. p. microrhyncha, with bills of from 23 to 24°5 mm. Mr. N. B. Kinnear exhibited a mounted specimen of a Blue Tit (Parus ceruleus), in which the head, wings, and tail were white, with blue-grey markings, while the rest of the body was pale satfron-yellow. This beautiful variety was shot near Kilgethy, Pembrokeshire, on Nov. 15, 1925, and presented by Col. F. Lort Phillips to the National Collection, where it will be on exhibition shortly, Messrs. ©. Bopen Kuoss and J. N. Caasen sent the following descriptions of new races of Oriental birds :— Cyanops franklini minor, subsp. nov. Like C. franklint ramsayi, but smaller. Wings of fifteen examples from the mountains of Perak, Selangor, and Pahang, Federated Malay States, 91-97 mm. aguinst Vol. xlvi. | 58 96-103 mm. in a large series from Mt. Muleyit, Tenasserim, and 96-107 mm. from the South Shan States. Type in the British Museum. 4, collected on Gunong Tjau, Perak, £700 ft., on 24th August, 1909, by C. Boden Kloss. Brit. Mus. Reg. 1926.1.13.1. Wing 94 mm. Obs. This mountain species is apparently not yet known from the country between Muleyit and the Federated Malay States. Tephrodornis pondicerianus thai, subsp. nov. More nearly resembling in general colour T. p. afinis of Ceylon than the typical Indian race, but the white of the rump much reduced. Four males and three females from Ta Chang Thai, Raheng, West Siam, 600 ft., 24th and 26th July, 1924. Wings 84-87 mm. Type in the British Museum. , collected on 24th July. No. 406. Brit. Mus. Reg. 1925.7.12.1. Wing 87 mm. The series was obtained by a collector accompanying Mr. K. G. Gairdner during a tour to the north of Raheng. Obs. The three birds from South Annam recorded by Robinson and Kloss (‘ Ibis,’ 1919, p. 603) as 7. pondicerianus probably belong to this race. Mr. WALTER GoopFELLOW made the following remarks :— The Central Division of Papua was the part visited, and the highest point reached: between 9,000 and 10,000 feet among the Enongi tribes on the mountains running between Mount Yule on the west to the main Owen Stanley range on the east. The journey occupied about ten marching days from the coast, journeying almost due north, up incredibly steep razor-backed ridges, with deep narrow valleys between. The only Birds of Paradise met with at the highest altitude reached were Epimachus meyert and Astrapia stephanie, both of which seemed fairly abundant. Living specimens of these were obtained, but only A. ste- phanie arrived home alive. The Painted-necked Cassowary, 59 [ Vol. xlvi. C. picticollis, was shot at 9000 feet and also lower down at about 4000 feet. At 5000 feet Paradisea raggiana, Parotia lawesi, Lopho- rina superba minor, Diphyllodes magnifica hunsteini, and Paradisornis rudolphi were all met with in the one locality and successfully landed here alive. JL. s. minor and D. m. hunsteini were particularly plentiful, constantly heard, but not seen without the exercise of much patience. P.rudolpha was hy far the least common of them all; not more than three or four specimens were encountered within as many months. In May two nestlings of this species were brought into camp by a native, one of which is now living in the London Zoo. The nest was placed not more than 12 feet from the ground in a low tree of the thick bush near the top of a ridge. It was composed of strips of pandanus-leaves and fibre from the leaves of some palm and with no lining. The young birds at first looked grotesquely spiney, owing to the abnormally long grey pin-feathers which covered them all over. Hach quill ended in a small tuft of grey down which dropped off with a large part of the quill as they grew, leaving the newly-opened feathers the normal length. The orbital region, and, in fact, the greater part of the head, remained bare long after the rest of the body was covered with feathers. In spite of P. raggiana being much persecuted by the natives in this district, the Deva-devas, who are great plume-traders, besides being noted for their elaborate ceremonial feather head-dresses, they seem to have increased very considerably since the Government enforced more rigid protection for all Paradise Birds, and this species in particular. I heard that the same was the case in other parts of the territory. It will be a great pity if the country is opened up gain for plume-hunting, which I believe finds favour in some quarters. The native demand for feathers keeps the birds quite sufficiently in check. P. raggiana was heard calling from the coast-level (one day’s journey inland) up to nearly 6000 feet. P. lawest was also obtained in the latter altitude. | Vol. xlvi.] 60 Mr. Grecory M. Marunews sent the following :— Notochibia monica, new name for Chibia densa Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vol. iii, p. 241 (1877). Timor (not Gray, 1870). 7 Meliphaga lombokia, new name for Ptilotis virescens Wallace (cf. Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vol. ix. pl. vii. fig. 1), not Vieillot, 1817. Sczophaethon rubricauda roseotincta, new name for Phaéthon rubricauda erubescens Rothschild 1900, not Gray 1844. -Poliolimnas cinereus collingwoodi, new name for P. c. ocularis Ingram, 1911, preoccupied as a synonym of cinereus Vieillot. Hematena richmondena, new name for Columba melano- cephala Pennant 1769, not Briinnich 1764. Nycticorax caledonicus pelewensis, subsp. nov. Differs from NV. c. hilli Mathews in being smaller and more dusky in tint, the inner webs of the quills being dull chestnut. Distr. Pelew Islands. ype in the British Museum. Pelew Islands. Cohen Coll. Brit. Mus. Reg. Poliolimnas cinereus moluccanus, subsp. nov. Differs from P. c. cinereus (V.) in being lighter generally ; it is also smaller in bill and wing measurements. Type inthe Tring Museum. 2? ad. Mt. Fovi, W. Buru. 13.11.1902. Kuhn “Coll”. Nor4955. Distr. Moluccas to Key Islands and Lesser Sunda Islands. Pseudochlamydera, gen. nov. Differs from Chlamydera Gould in lacking the nuchal crest. Type, Chlamydera lauterbachi Reichenow. 61 [Vol. xlvi. Dr. G. B. Ticenurst forwarded the following description of a new race of Phylloscopus :— Phylloscopus maculipennis virens, subsp. nov. Resembles Phylloscopus maculipennis maculipenns, but has the sides of the crown paler slate-grey ; the olive-green of the upper parts and wings brighter, less olive, green ; the throat is usually a paler grey. Type in the British Museum. ¢, Banjar, Saraj, Punjab, Himalaya, 4500 ft. 15 Nov., 1923. No. 5380, H. Whistler jal... Brits Mus, Reo) 1926.1, 20,1. Distribution. N.W. Himalayas. Obs. This Phylloseopus has an Hastern and a Western Himalayan race, just as P. proregulus and P. pulcher have ; and in each species the qualitative differences between the two forms are similar. I have only seen P. m. virens from Dharmsala—Mandi districts, whence Mr. H. Whistler obtained seven specimens, and [ have examined a large series from Nepal and Sikkim. NOTICES. The next Meeting of the Club will be held on Wednesday, 10th February, 1926, at PAGANI’S RESTAURANT, 42-48 Great Portland Street, W.1, the Dinner at 7 p.m. Members intending to dine are requested to inform the Hon. Sec., Dr. G. C. Low, 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. 1. The Subscription for 1925-1926—£1 1s. 0d.—became due on the Ist of October last. Members who do not pay this by | Banker’s Order, or who have not already paid, will greatly oblige if they will send their remittance as soon as possible to the Treasurer, Dr. G. C. Low, 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. 1. Vol. xlvi.] 62 The attention of Members is drawn to the fact that the March Meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, 10th March, 1926, in conjunction with the British Ornithologists’ Union, will be devoted principally to the exhibition of Lantern-slides. The Hon. Secretary will be very glad to hear from any Member who has slides to exhibit, in order that the necessary arrange- ments may be made. [N.B.—Members who intend to make any communication at the next Meeting of the Club are requested to give notice beforehand to the Editor, Mr. N. B. Kinnear, at the Nat. Hist. Museum, South Kensington, and to place in his hands not later than at the meeting MSS. for publication in the Bulletin. | (Signed) H. F. Wirnersy, N. B. Kinnear, GEORGE C. Low, Chairman. Editor. Hon. Sec. § Treas. CO eet (° - a ud wea ;D. aD ) senaeee ; mm - Uray wisi fey { x a \z £. E toy is U *) Ie Wear nis 2 pr BU La DS ‘a F ; J al Ns *) y*" OF THE Pei lion ORNIFHOLOGISTS” CLUB, No. CCCIII. Tue two-hundred-and-ninety-ninth Meeting of the Club was held at Pagani’s Restaurant, 42-48, Great Portland Street, W., on Wednesday, February 1Oth, 1926. Chairman: H. F. W1THERBY. Members present:—W. Suore Batty; EH. C. Sruarr Baker; F. J. F. Barginaron; P. F. Bunyarp; A. L. Buruer; R. H. Deane; A. H. Evans; A. Ezra; Major S. S. FLowrer; Rev. J. R. Hate; Dr. E. Harrerr ; Rev. F. C. R. Jourpain; N. B. Kinnear (L£attor) ; mreG. C. Low (Hon. Sec. § Treas.); N.S. Lucas ; J. M. D. Mackenzie ; C. W. Mackwortu-Pragp; Dr. P. H. Manson-Banr; E. G. B. Meapr-Waupo; J. L. C. Musters; C. OtpHam; F. R. Rarcurr; C. B. Rickert ; Lord Roruscnitp; D. Seru-Smirax; H. Stevens; Dr. C. B. Tickuurst ; B. W. Tucker ; ©. DE Worms. Visitors :—R. J. CLoucu ; G. Pye-Smiru. {February 25th, 1926.1 a VOL. XLVI: Vol. xlvi. | 64 Lord Roruscuitp exhibited the various forms of Mulvetta chrysotis, and described a new subspecies as follows :— Fulvetta chrysotis forresti, subsp. nov. Similar to F. chrysotis chrysotis, but underside brighter yellow, with more of an orange tinge, and the crown with a central line of longitudinal white spots, which become tinged with yellow on the nape. Outer edges of secondaries deeper orange. Wings of four specimens, probably all males, though two marked as females, 53-54 mm. Type in the Tring Museum :—Shweli-Salween divide, Yunnan, December 1919. George Forrest. Hab. Same as type. These birds are those which in Nov. Zoo]. 1921, p. 37, I called Proparus swinhoet. Now, having received F’. f. swinhoiwt from Kwanhsien, on the Minho, in China, collected by Dr. Weigold, and comparing the original description and figure in the Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, I find that this was wrong. The new form agrees with swinhow in the white stripe on the crown, but it has the throat silvery-grey mottled with lighter tips, while it is uniform slaty-black and more extended in swinhoiwt, which has the underside also paler yellow. There can be no doubt that all three forms are subspecies of one species, and this is clearly indicated by some Sikkim specimens of F. ¢. chrysotis having the white stripe clearly indicated in grey. It may be added that Verreaux spelt the name swinhow, and not swinhoei as it should have been. Dr. Ernst Harrert passed round the Meeting a new book of illustrations of Swedish birds by Mr. Bengt Berg, called ‘ Birds of the North, which he had presented to the Club, and drew attention to the excellence of the photographs, some of which, he considered, were perfect masterpieces. Dr. C. B. Tickuurst made the following remarks on the types of birds described by Burton in the P.Z. 8. for 1835 :— 65 [Vol. xlvi. Mr. Whistler and myself have been at some pains to try and trace the types described by Burton (P. Z.8. 1835) from specimens collected by Dr. W. A. Burke, and such information as we have obtained should, I think, be put on record. } Dr. Burke was the first Inspector-General of Hospitals of H.M. Troops in Bengal (Dec. 1825), and founded the Convalescent Station at Landour in 1830. He died in Caleutta on May 22, 1836, aged 68. The birds which formed part of his collection, and which were described by Burton, were collected ‘‘in the Himalayas.” These were :—Sylvia burku, Noctua brode, Phenicura macgregoria, Lgthalus flammiceps, Sylviparus modestus, Picumnus in- nominatus. Dr. Burke’s collection was presented to the Museum of the Army Medical Department at Fort Pitt, Chatham, and these types were in that Museum. It seemed probable that this collection at some date prior to 1864 was transferred to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley ; I therefore visited this Hospital and was given every facility by the O.C. to examine the Museum, which contains many mounted specimens of birds, and amongst them J found a certain number of Burke’s birds with the old Chatham labels still attached. These were labelled ‘“ India,” “N. India,” and in one case “HE. Himalaya,” but un- fortunately not one of the species described by Burton was amongst the collection. In all there were but fourteen specimens, so that it seems certain that most of Burke’s birds have disappeared through the ravages of time, and with them these types. In 1838 there was published a ‘Catalogue of the Collection of Mammals and Birds in the Museum of the Army Medical Department at Fort Pitt, Chatham,’ and this was written by Burton, who was a Surgeon to the Forces and Curator of this Museum, but unfortunately this Catalogue affords no further clue, as no precise localities are given in it. Dr. Burke must have travelled extensively and no doubt visited many places in the Himalayas, and these novelties were picked out of the a2 Vol. xlvi.] 66 collection by Burton, and therefore there is no certainty or probability that they came from any one place, and so I think no one place can or should be fixed for the type- locality of these six species. One point emerges from the perusal of Burton’s catalogue. On p. 23 he renames the Yellow-throated Sparrow Fringilla vanthocollis, and he says ina footnote that this is the Fringilla flavicollis of Franklin and that he has altered the name to vanthocollts because Franklin’s name is preoccupied. ‘This bird should then stand as Gymnoris xanthocollis (Burton) (Cat. Coll. Mus. Army Med. Dept. p. 23, 1838), antedating Bonaparte’s Fringilla xanthosterna. Burton gives the type- locality as N. India, and this I now restrict to Bengal, the the same locality as Bonaparte’s xanthosterna. Dr. C. B. Ticznursr also exhibited specimens of Argya caudata, and made the following remarks :—In the ‘Ibis’ (1922, p. 540) I made the remark that Argya eclipes (Hume) appeared to be but a variant of the typical race. Insufficient material of eclzpes misled me, as probably it did Mr. Stuart Baker, as in the 2nd edition of the ‘ Fauna of British India?’ he does not recognize this race. It is, however, a perfectly good and very interesting race. Through the kind help of Messrs. Whistler and Osmaston I have got together a small series of this form, which I now exhibit, together with fairly typical caudata and huttont. I have very little to add to Hume’s extraordinarily good description of eclipes (‘ Stray Feathers,’ v. pp. 337-8). You will notice the warmer brown upper parts with the darker and broader central stripes on the head and back, and the larger size, darker ear-coverts, and lack of ochraceous tinge, while the white throat con- trasts more strongly with the rest of the underparts ; huttonz, on the other hand, is about the same size as eclipes, but much paler and greyer above. Hume’s type came from Peshawar, and he says that it only occurs in N.W. Panjab, Trans- Indus, and low hills and valleys leading into Cashmere, This is perfectly correct. I have examined the type from Peshawar and others from the Cashmere foot-hills, Attock, 67 | Vol. xlvi. and Rawal Pindi, and one from Fort Sandeman in Balu- chistan on the boundary of the N.W.F. Province—in all twelve specimens,—and have had large series of the typical race and of huttoni to compare them with. The exact boundaries of eclipes want working out, but it would seem that it replaces cawdata in much the same area as Pycnonotus 1. humet replaces P. l. leucotis. Measurements :— Wing. Bill from skull. Tarsus. 3. 81-87 21-23 28-29°5 9. 795-81 19°5-21 27-28°5 eclipes was figured in ‘ Lahore to Yarkhand’ (plate ix.) as caudata, Dr. CO. B. Ticrnursr further exhibited the juvenile plumages of the following birds: Saxicola caprata atrata, S. c. bicolor ; Ammomanes deserti phanicuroides, A. d. isabellina ; Otocorys alpestris flava, O. a. longirostris, and © made the following remarks :— In the ‘Ibis’ for 1922 there was some discussion on sub- species, and Dr. Lowe considered that two different kinds existed: (1) mutational er discontinuous, which are hereditary and to produce which there must have been some alteration in the chromosomes ; (2) somatic or continuous (or, as I call it, qualitative), in which the differences are due to environ- ment, acting as he supposes through the maternal influence on the fertilized ovum, and such differences are not here- ditary, and he cited the Bermudan Goldfinch as an example. That is to say, that if this bird was removed from Bermuda to England again it would revert to an English Goldfinch once more, and its progeny would be indistinguishable from English birds. Now it is obvious from these specimens I exhibit that these qualitative differences are not due directly to environment, as the differences are manifest as soon as the first feathers are grown and in one case—the Black Francolin—I have already shown these differences are present when the egg is hatched. It therefore seems quite Vol. xlvi.] 68 certain that these differences are fixed and predestined in the embryo from the first and therefore must have come from the parent. This does not contradict Dr. Lowe’s theory, but Iam not so happy about the reversion taking place as he suggests it will. It has never been proved.. It has been proved, of course, that animals will darken if kept in an artificially moist atmosphere (Beebe with birds; Bonhote with Meriones), but in neither case were breeding experiments done, and I should much like to see it done. There are, of course, a number of factors at work in Nature producing these qualitative changes, but it should be quite possible for an aviculturist to get some species which is capable of being bred in captivity and which in Nature shows geographical races, and keep these birds under conditions in which one or two factors in environment can be altered at will—e.g., coloration of soil, humidity ,— and see if ina few years any changes have taken place in the adults and their progeny. Mr. A. L. Burusr exhibited a specimen of the Scandi- navian Chiffchaff, Phylloscopus collybita abietina (Nilss.), which had been sent to him for identification by Mr. I. H. L. Whish, who shot it at Lympsham, Somerset, on April 6, 1925. The bird, a male, appeared to be only the second example of this race which had been detected in England, the other record being that of a ? obtained by the late Mr. J. L. Bonhote at St. Catherine’s Light, Isle of Wight, on April 15, 1907. Mr. Bonhote’s specimen was now in the collection of Dr. C. B. Ticehurst, who had kindly lent it to Mr. Butler for comparison with the bird now shown. Occurrences of this race, according to the ‘ Practical Handbook of British Birds,’ seemed, however, to be suffi- ciently numerous on islands off the Hast (Isle of May) and North (Orkneys, Shetlands) coasts of Scotland to justify the assumption that it is a regular spring and autumn passage- migrant. On the west of Scotland it has been recorded, once, from St. Kilda. Probably it frequently passes through 69 [ Vol. xlvi. Hngland unrecognized, owing to its resemblance to the common Chiffchaff, P. ¢. collybita (Vieill.). Mr. Butler added that he happened to be quite familiar with this bird, as it wintered in great numbers in the Sudan. Mr. E. C. Stuart Baker made the following remarks on Oriental Woodpeckers, and described certain new races :— Picus vittatus.—This Woodpecker is very difficult to separate into geographical. races on account of the great individval variation to be found over the whole of its babitat. By old authors three species were recognized—P. vittatus, P. viridanus, and P. striolatus. As Stresemann has shown, striolatus is preoccupied and must give place to his new name myrmecophanes. Gyldenstolpe has named a race from North Siam, P. v. esenhoferi, so that we now have four recognized forms. I find, however, that the Himalayan form is de- cidedly larger than the plains form, and must therefore be given the rank of subspecies. I propose to call it Picus vittatus dehrz, subsp. nov. Nearest to P. v. myrmecophanes, but much bigger. On the whole, it is, like most North-West Himalayan forms, brighter and paler than the plains bird, but not, I think, sufficiently so to entitle it to a name on this account only. Measurements. Wing 134 to 145 mm.,as against 110 to 130 mm. in myrmecophanes; culmen 29 to 33 mm., as against 25 to 30 mm. in myrmecophanes. Type in the British Museum: ¢, Dehra Dhoon, 2nd Dec., 1870 (ea Hume Coll.), Reg. No. Distribution. Himalayas, in the lower ranges, from Kumaon to Garhwal and West Nepal. Obs. Birds from East Nepal are intermediate, but nearly all have wings under 130 mm. and none over 133 mm., so they should be retained with P. v. myrmecophanes for the present. Vol, xlvi.] 70 Key to Subspecies of P. vittatus. A. Chin, throat, and upper breast practically im- maculate. a. Generally smaller, less squamated on ab- GOMER, Jou pas scena'ss she nies eaglee kan Reg P. v. vittatus. 6. Generally larger, more squamated on ab- OMIED aeciny og sa +b oe eae woes 2.0. etsenhofert, B, Chin and throat immaculate; breast squa- mated; moustachial streak very dark..... . Pv. viridanus, C. Chin and throat boldly striped ; moustachial streak absent or obsolete. ec, Smaller, wing 110 to 180 mm............. P. v. myrmecophanes. d, Larger, wing 134 to 145 mm. ........ owes de. v. dehiie, I have examined about sixty specimens of P. v. myrme- cophanes and eighteen of P.v.dehre, but I have been unable to see any of Picus v. connectens Rob. & Kloss, from Lanhaur Island. Picus canus sanguiniceps, nom. nov. It is unfortunately necessary to find a new name for Picus occipitalis Vigors, 1830, as this is preoccupied by Valenc. Dict. Sci. Nat. xl. p. 172, 1826, for the female of Melanerpes cruentatus. Dryobates himalayensis albescens, subsp. nov. Description. Sex for sex similar to D. h. himalayensis, but much paler below ; the chin, throat, and breast are white or greyish-white and the whole lower surface is much less fulvous than it is in that bird. Colours of soft parts and measurements as in the typical bird. Wing 77 to 85 mm. Type in the British Museum: ¢, Goona, Kashmir, 24th June, 1876 (ew Hume coll.). Reg. No. Distribution. Kashmir, Gilgit, and North-Hast Afghanistan. Very numerous specimens of both forms examined. Dryobates cabanisi stephensoni, subsp. nov. Description. Differs from D. c. cabanisi in being much darker below, both the fulvous abdomen and crimson under tail-coverts being of a deeper tint. \ 71 [Vol. xlvi. Colours of soft parts and measurements as in the typical form. DNstribution. Yunnan, Shan States, Manipur, Cachar, and Chin Hills. Type in the British Museum: ¢@, Lichiang Range, N.W. Yunnan, Oct. 1918. G. Forrest. Reg. No. 1921.7.15.64. Named after Col. Stephenson Clark, who presented this and other collections to the British Museum. Large series examined. DRYOBATES ANALIS LONGIPENNIS Hesse. Hesse, Orn. Monatsb. 1912, p. 82 [Bangkok]. Similar to D. a. analis, but with the ear-coverts and cheeks whiter, less fulvous, or brownish ; the malar streak is broader and more conspicuous and the breast is more boldly spotted with bigger rounder marks, On the whole, also the lower parts are less fulvous than they are in D. a. analis. Colours of soft parts and measurements as in analis. Mstribution. Siam, Annam, Cochin China, Pyawbwe in Upper East Burma. Examined about one hundred D. a. analis and eighteen D. a. longipennis. Obs. This is a perfectly good race and will have to be maintained. I wish also to draw attention to the names of the races of Hypopicus hyperythrus (Vigors) and to the type-locality of the species. In 1918 Hartert designated Darjeeling, Sikkim, as the type-locality of Picus hyperythrus Vigors. Ticehurst then points out, quite correctly, that the great majority of Vigors’s specimens must have come from the North-West Himalayas, and he designates Simla—Almora Districts as the type-locality for all the specimens co lected by Vigors. But there are some birds in the collection which certainly did not come from the Simla—Almora Districts, such as the Bustard and Trochalopterum variegatum. Again, Hypopicus hyperythrus is an extremely common bird in Sikkim, and is Vol. xlvi. | 12 just the sort of bird which would have been sent to Vigors with the Trochalopterum. On the other hand, this Wood- pecker is not common in the Simla—Almora_ Districts. Under the circumstances, I do not think the type-locality designated by Hartert can be discarded, and Ticehurst’s name H.h. sikkimensis becomes a synonym of H. h. hyperythrus and H. h. marshalli stands for the western form. The same agreement applies to Hartert’s designation of Nepal as the type-locality of Trochalopterum lineatum. Dr. C. B. Ticenurst, in replying, said he could not agree with Mr. Stuart Baker’s suggestions. All the evidence went to show that this collection was made by one man working in a definite area ; the majority of these novelties must have come from the N.W. Himalayas, and thus the inference was that all came thence. As to the Bustard, that could have been easily obtained in those days in the Doon area on the collector’s way up. As regards Trochalopterum varie- gatum, the figure in Gould’s ‘ Century’ showed that this specimen could not have come from EK. Nepal, as there is figured a bird intermediate between variegatum and simile. The Woodpecker cited is not so rare as Mr. Baker supposes in the N.W. Himalayas, as I have several specimens thence. The description of Vigors’s C. lineatum corresponds better with the western than the Sikkim bird. Mr. N. B. Kinnear communicated the following new race of Woodpecker :— Blythipicus pyrrhotis annamensis, subsp. nov. Similar to B. pyrrhotis hainanus, but in both the ¢ and 9 the back and underside are of a much darker brown. Type in the British Museum: ¢, lLangbian Peaks, S. Annam, 25th May, 1918. Collected by C. Boden Kloss. Reg. No. 1919.12.20.126. d, 2, andimmature ? examined. The different forms of Slythipicus pyrrhotis are as follows :— 73 [ Vol. xlvi. B. p. pyrrhotis Hodgson. Type in British Museum from Nepal. | The red nuchal collar in the ¢ of this race extends right across the nape, is greatly developed, and of a brilliant tint. Both in the § and ? the upper and under sides have a strong rufous tinge. Measurements: 6 ¢ ¢, wing 146-160 mm., bill from base of skull 52-56. 6 2 2, wing 145-147 mm., bill from base of skull 51-53. | Distribution. Nepal to Assam and Burma (from which last country there are specimens in the National Collection), from Kauri Kachin District, S. Shan States, Tonghoo, and Karen-nee south to Mooleyit. There is also a single immature ¢ from Perak collected by-L. Wray. B. p. sinensis Rickett. Type in British Museum from Kuatum. In this race the red on the nape of the @ is restricted to two patches on either side of the neck and is less brilliant. The rufous tinge is absent in both sexes, the underside is paler than in the typical form and more of an earth-brown colour. Measurements: 6 ¢ ¢, wing 145-155 mm., bill from base of skull 48-46. 6 2 2, wing 146-149 mm., bill from base of skull 42-44, Distribution. The Province of Fohkien, 8. China. B. p. hainanus Ogilvie-Grant. Type in British Museum from Five Finger Mts., Hainan. The nuchal collar of the ¢ is intermediate between the typical race and siensis. The colour of the back in both sexes is darker than in sinensis, while the underside approaches that of p. pyrrhotis but not so dark. Measurements: 2 ¢ 3, wing 137-147 mm., biil from base of skull 43-44. 1 9, wing ? mm., bill from base of skull 42°5. | Distribution. Hainan. Vol. xlvi.] 74 B. p. annamensis. See antea. This is the darkest race of all. In the single ¢ the red on the nape is in the form of two patches as in sinensis, but nearer that of B. p. pyrrhotis as regards the tint. In both sexes the underside is blackish-brown, much darker than in any of the other races. Measurements: 1 g, wing 148 mm., bill 45. 1 9, wing 150 mm., bill 42°5. Distribution. S. Annam. Mr. Grorrrey Pysz-Smiru, introduced by the Rev. F. C. R. Jourdain, exhibited a clutch of three eggs of the Icterine Warbler (Hippolais icterina) taken by himself at Mildenhall, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, on May 8th, 1907. The nest was typical of the Aippolais group, with bits of birch bark on the outside, in an alder about 4 ft. from the ground, and is now in the Marlborough College Museum. Although the Icterine Warbler has occurred previously in the British Isles, it has never been recorded as nesting there. An egg of the Melodious Warbler was exhibited at the same time, in order to show the differences between the eggs of the two species. The Rev. F. C. R. Jourparn remarked that in the cases where some species of Hippolais had been found breeding in England, the identification rested solely with the eggs, and it was satisfactory that in this case the eggs were typical Icterines, being distinctly larger and paler in colour than those of the Melodious Warbler. Mr. P. F. Bunyarp exhibited a series of fourteen clutches of four, and two of five, of the Tawny Pipit, Anthus cam- pestris, from Albania, Germany, and Turkestan, and made the following remarks :—*‘ In fairness to Mr. Jourdain and myself, I wish to somewhat modify the remarks I made 75 [Vol. xlvi. about the clutch of Tawny Pipit from Sussex, exhibited by Mr. Jourdain at the last meeting on Jan. 13th (cf. § Bulletin,’ No: ecci. pp. 55 & 56). ‘I said that the egys exhibited appeared to me to be too large for A. campestris eggs, but I found on reference to the series exhibited that on the average Motacilla lugubris eggs (which the Sussex clutch reminded me of) were smaller and lighter than those of campestris. “ M. lugubris, A, campestris. 64 eggs. 40 eggs. Measurements (fey). 20°2 x 15°2 mm. 2iLe x lo 7T4 mint. Weights (Rey). 137 mg. 158 mg.” Mr. Bunyarp also exhibited a remarkably fine series of the eggs of the Wood-Warbler, Phylloscopus sibilatriz, embracing practically every known form and variety, and described the following clutches :— (6/6, Surrey, a very distinctive form, with rather heavy angular markings instead of the typical roundish marks, with large conspicuous underlying markings. ©/6, Middleton, Teesdale, very unusual form, finely stippled, resembling those of Motacilla alba and Locustella nevia, distinctly greyish in appearance, caused by abundance of minute underlying marks. (/6, Germany, a pale reddish-brown clutch, with one very remarkable egg with suffused reddish-brown pigment covering practically the whole surface with the exception of a sharply-defined patch at the large end, on which there are only a few of the typical minute markings. C/6, England, from the late Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe collection, a unique clutch, with heavy black-brown sharply- defined zones round the large ends, measuring in depth 4 mm.; the lower portions of the eggs are very sparingly marked. Vol. xlvi. | 76 Mr. Gregory M. Maruews sent the following :— Pagodroma nivea falklandica, new name for P. n. nove- georgica Mathews, Birds Australia, vol. ii. p. 177, July 31st, 1912 (preoccupied as synonym of nivea Forster). Puffinus carneipes zealandicus, new name for P. c. car- b:narius Mathews, ib. p. 90, 1912 (preoccupied by Bonaparte, 1856, as synonym of aterrima Verr.). And Messrs. [REDALE and Maruews send the following descriptions of new genera :— Zecoturnix, gen. nov. Type Coturnix novezealandie Quoy et Gaimard. The wing is reduced to almost the same formula as in Ypsilophorus Mathews. Stictapteryx, gen. nov. Type Apteryx owen Gould. Internal features of generic value have been cited, as well as the external ones, and also variations in ptilosis. Hyporallus, gen. nov. Type Rallus mueller. Differs from fallus in the reduction of the wings and the strengthening of the legs, similar to that seen in Vesolimnas and Nesophylax. Xenicornis, gen. nov. Type Xenicus gilviventris Pelz. This will replace Xenicus Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, 1855, p. 31, not Xenica Westwood, Gen. Diurn. Lep. vol. iii. p. 387, 1851. Bulleria, gen. nov. Type “Platycercus unicolor Lear. Differs from Cyanoramphus in its larger size, reduced wing, and stout legs, exactly as Stringops is related to Pezoporus. Botaurus poiciloptilus maorianus, name nov. for Botaurus melanotus Gray in Dieffenbach’s ‘ Travels in New Zealand,’ vol. 11. p. 196, 1848, not of Brehm, Isis, 1842, cols. 771, 779, 781. an [ Vol. xlvi. NOTICES. The next Meeting of the Club will be held on Wednesday, 10th March, 1926, at PAGANIT’S RESTAURANT, 42-48 Great Portland Street, W.1. The Dinner at 7 p.m. Members are reminded that this Dinner is held conjointly with the Annual Dinner of the B.0.U., and that they are allowed to bring Lady Guests. The Meeting will be devoted principally to the exhibition of lantern-slides and photographs, and the Hon. Secretary will be pleased to hear from any Members who have slides, etc., to exhibit, so that their names may be included in the Agenda. The following programme has been provisionally arranged :— 1. Mr. Oliver G. Pike : A Bird-film. 2. Mr. Seton Gordon: Photographs of Golden Eagles. 3. Mr. W. Shore Baily: Various Waders with Nests and Eggs. 4, Mr. W.E.Glegg : Photographs of Birds in the Camargue. Members intending to dine must inform the Hon. Sec., Dr. G. C. Low, 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W.1., in order that the necessary seating arrangements may be made. Failure to do so may result in no seat being available, as the accommodation has to be arranged beforehand. There are still several Members who have not paid their Subscription for 1925-1926—£1 1s. Od. The Treasurer will be obliged if they will send this at once, (Signed) H. F. Wirnersy, WN. B. Kinnear, GEORGE C. Low, Chairman. Editor. Hon. Sec. §& Treas. Rite oy ek ee Me ae oe ee Ba ate 18 oF 8 hae : a ahgaeh: “A ron t¢F erty a5 An a RA ae We 2 iat Ve BULLETIN Cle OF THE BRETISH? ORNITHOLOGISTS .CLUB, Wo. CCCIV. Tue three-hundredth Meeting of the Club was held at Pagani’s Restaurant, 42-48, Great Portland. Street, W., on Wednesday, March 10th, 1926, in conjunction with the Annual Dinner of the British Ornithologists’ Union. Lord RotuscuHip, the President of the B. O. U., took the Chair during the Dinner ; and Mr. H. F. Wiruersy during the subsequent proceedings. Members of the B. O. C. present :—L. ARDERN ; ©. H. Baker; E.C. Stuart Baker; W. SuHore Batty; F. J. F. Barkineton; 8. Boorman; H. B. Boots; C. D. Borger 3s P.F. Bunyarp; A. L. Butter; H. P. CHANCE ; Hon. G. L. CHartrsris; Col. STEPHENSON R. CLARKE; N. Coutart; Sir Percy Z. Cox; Col. H. Drumi-Rap- CLIFFE; A. Ezra; J. M. Fueminea; Major 8.8. FLower ; Hon. M. Hacuisuka; Rev. J. R. HALE; Dr. HE. Harrerr ; J. M. Jopuinc; Rev. F. C. R. Jourparn; N. B. KINNEAR (Editor); G.C. Lampert; Dr. P. R. Lowe; N.S. Lucas ; J.M. D. Mackenziz; C. W. Mackwortu-Prarp; J. H. {March 29th, 1926, ] a VOL, XLVI, Vol. xlvi.] 80 McNemz; H. A. Macratn; G. Mannertnc; G. M. MatuEews; EK. G. B. Meaps-Watpo; T. H. Newman ; C. OtpHAm; C. E. Pearson; H. L. Popuam; A. N. T. Rankin; F.R. Rarourr; R.H. Reap; Lord Roruscuixp ;sW C. H. Ropzmr; W. L. Scrarer; D. Sera-Smira; A. G. L. SLtaDEN; H. S. Strokes; Mrs. R. Hata THomas; W. H. THorPE; B. W. Tucker; Miss HE. L. Turner; L. J. TurTLE; G. de VaizEy; J. SuapEN Wine; H. F. WITHERBY ; ©. DE WoRMS. Members of the B.O.U.:—J. R. Bertram-Jonzs ; H. BIpWELL; R. Cuistert; Capt. R. HE. Davins; J. 8. Dyson; H. 8S. Guapstonz; W. BE. Gueca; Miss E. M. Gopman ; Seton P. Gorpon ; Surg.-Comm. K. H. Jones ; Capt. J. N. Kennepy; Miss EH. M. Kyoset; Mrs. M. L. Lemon; 8S. Lewis; Mrs. A. H. Murton; O. G. PIKE; J. S. Reeve; C. W. Smeep; J. Stewart; Lord Tavi- stock; A. L. Tavistock; A. L. THomson; E. VAtpy ; W.2B.I. Wepper sx T. WELLS. Guests:—Mrs. L. ARDERN: Mrs. SHore Barty; Mrs. E. C. Stuart Baker; Miss Stuart Baker; Mrs. J. W. BeERTRAM-JONES ; Capt. A. B. Bratren ; Miss CHATTERTON 3; Mrs. R. A. Davis ; Mrs. Detmi-Rapcuirre ; Mrs. A. EzRa ; Mrs.8. FLowEr; Mrs. H. GLapstone; Miss C. KE. GoDMAN ; Mrs. Seton Gorpon; Miss F. G. Grirrira ; Brig.-Gen. Haia; Mrs. E. Hartert; R. E. Heata; C. La Toucue ; A. L. Lemon ; Mrs. Spepan Lewis; Mrs. P. R. Lowe ; Mrs. N. 8. Lucas; Mrs. J. M. Macxernziz ; Mrs. Macx- WORTH-PRAED ; Miss Maturws; Dr. Oscar Neumann; Mrs, Oxiver Pike; Mrs. W.L. Scuater ; Mrs. D. Sera-Smitu ; D. W. Sera-Smito; Mrs. A. G. L. Suapren ; Lady Tavr- stocK ; Mrs. A. L. Taomson; Mrs. B. W. Tucker; Mrs. EK. Vatry ; Mrs. W. B. Wesser; Doucuess or WELLING- TON; Mrs. SuapEN Wine; Mrs. H. F. Wiruersy; and 28 others. 81 | Vol. xlvi. The Annual Dinner of the B.O.U., held in conjunction with the B.O.C., was the largest yet held, a total of 151 members of the Union, Club, and guests attending. This meeting, it is interesting to note, is the 300th gathering of the Club. Mr. Ottver G. PIKE, who again kindly lent and worked his lantern, started the evening with an interesting cinema- film of St. Kilda and its Bird-Life—Fulmars, Puffins, etc. This was followed by another film of Ailsa Craig, prin- cipally showing Gannets in different stages from the egg to the adult. The pictures of the half-grown Gannet and the adults in ‘‘ slow motion ” were greatly appreciated. Mrs. Seton Gorpon exhibited several slides of two young Golden Eagles being fed in the nest by their parents, and afterwards an interesting film of the same birds and nest which had not been previously exhibited. Mr. Spore Battery showed a large number of photos of birds in his aviaries, principally Waders and Rails. Many of the latter, though not uncommon in the Tropies, are very rarely seen in this country, but have been most successfully kept and in some cases bred by him. Lord RotuscHitp exhibited a photograph of an extinct bird from the Sandwich Islands which he recently de- scribed in the ‘ Bulletin,’ together with several coloured slides of faked bird-skins, 71.e. skins with the head of one species on the body of another, which a native collector had imposed on a Huropean collector in West Africa. Mr. Cuistett showed a number of very good photos taken on the island of Oland, including a fine series of pictures of the Turnstone, as well as a few of the Black Tern, White- and Blue-headed Wagtails. a2 Vol. xlvi.] 82 Mr. W. E. Gurce brought a number of slides made from photos taken in the Camargue, which he again visited this spring. Among these were some interesting pictures of the Kentish Plover, Stilt, and Little Tern. Mr. N. B. Kinnear communicated the following de- scription of a new Parrot :— Aratinga whitleyi, sp. nov. Head, neck, back, and wing-coverts grass-green with a yellowish tinge ; forehead flame-coloured, turning to yellow posteriorly. Kump saffron-yellow with a greenish tinge ; upper side of tail with outer webs of feathers verditer-blue edged with black, inner webs green tinged with bluish, under side of tail black. Primaries blue ; secondaries with © outer webs green, inner blue ; under wing-coverts greenish- yellow. Throat and neck smoky-green ; abdomen orange, turning to flame-colour in the middle; thighs greenish- yellow, with a flame-coloured patch just above the tarsus. Iris greyish-brown ; naked skin round the eye pearl- grey ; tarsus and feet flesh-colour. Type. A live bird in the collection of Mr. Whitley, which probably came from South America. Measurements. Total length 408 mm., wing 216. Norz.—This bird was purchased by Mr. Whitley, who has kindly allowed me to describe it, from Mr. Chapman, Animal and Bird Importer, of Tottenham Oourt Road. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to trace where the bird came from. In general coloration this species is nearest to Lepto- sittaca branickii, but differs principally in having a much smaller area of naked skin round the eye, absence of yellow eye-stripe, patches of red on the thighs, in the colour of the throat and neck, and larger size. L. branickw was figured in ‘ The Ibis,’ 1894, pl. xi., and a plate of the present species will appear shortly in the ‘ Avicultural Magazine.’ sf Le 83. [ Vol. xlvi. Col. and Mrs. Me1nerTzHAGEN forwarded the descriptions of six new races of birds from India and the Himalayas :-— i Salpornis spilonotus rajputane, subsp. nov. Birds from Rajputana have less heavily marked under- parts, while the whole of the upper parts from the crown to tail is greyer, the darker markings being of not so intense a black as in typical specimens and the ground-colour pale hair-brown instead of dark hair-brown. Type in the British Museum. 6. Sambhur, 2. vi. 1873. Kez Hume Oollection. Reg. No. MNstribution. Rajputana. Material examined. Five birds from Ajmere and Sambhur and one from Nasirabad in Rajputana, and twenty-seven from Raipur, Khandesh, Sambalpur, Seonee, Behar, and the Central Provinces. Carpodacus rubicilloides lucifer, subsp. nov. Differs from birds from Kansu in being slightly darker above, the crimson on the head and lower parts of the males ‘of a more intense colour, which serves to accentuate the white shaft-streaks. Type in the British Museum. @, aieeabts Southern Tibet, 13,800', Collected by Wollaston on the first Mt. Everest Expedition. Reg. No. 1922.12.31.216. Distribution. Southern Tibet. Material examined. Two from Khambajong, Southern Tibet, and Southern Tibet north of Mt. Everest ; also eight birds from Kansu. Carpodacus rubicilloides lapersonnei, subsp. nov. Males from Ladak and Gyangtse compared with typical birds are generally paler above and below, the upper parts not washed with such a deep crimson and the underparts of a paler and more delicate rose-colour, Females are generally paler. Measurements. Wings of six males 110-113 mm. Vol, xlvi. | : 84 Type in the Tring Museum: ¢@, Shushal, Eastern Ladak (12,000'). Material examined. Ten from Ladak, two from Gyangtse, Southern Tibet, six from Kansu and Koko Nor. Norre.—There are also two birds in the British Museum, neither of which agree with any described race :— (a) A male labelled “ Kashgar” (not original). It is even paler above and below than C. r. lapersonner. It probably belongs to a pale Turkestan race. Wing 110 mm. (b) A male labelled “ Ladak” (not original). The bird in all likelihood never came from Ladak. It is in slightly worn plumage and must have been obtained in summer or spring. Though the upper parts agree’ with those of C. r. lapersonne:, the underparts are strikingly brilliant in marked contrast to the delicate rose of that race. Wing 112 mm. (c) A female in the Tring Museum from the Lichiang Range, N.W. Yunnan (11,000-13,000’), obtained on 28.x1., is darker above than Kansu birds (wing 101 mm.) and possibly constitutes yet another form. Eremophila alpestris deosai, subsp. nov. “ These Larks were abundant on the Deosai Plateau between Baltistan and Kashmir. Five males have wings 127- 131 mm. and true culmens of 18-20, whilst one female has a true culmen of 18, the wing being in moult. All birds are moulting, some nearing completion. our males in very worn plumage in the British Museum (July) have wings 126-133 and true culmens of 18°5 mm. Deosai birds therefore run as large as “ longirostris.” All my birds were obtained between the 22nd and 24th August, and are in moult, some nearing completion. But it is apparent that they are darker and browner in fresh plumage than either ‘longirostris” or Ladak birds. They have a distinct white gap between the black of the throat and the black of the cheeks, which separates them at once from “diluta” from Turkestan or “albigula” of Gilgit. Hi. a. deosai are, moreover, ever so much darker than either of these pale races. 85 [ Vol. xlvi. Young were well on the wing at the end of August. There are in the British Museum five males (May) from Burzil Pass (Kashmir—Gilgit Road), whose wings measure 128-130 and true culmens 18-19 mm. They have nothing to do with Deosai birds and seem to be nearest to Ladak birds. Type in the Tring Museum: J, Deosai Plateau, 13,200’, 24.v111.1925. THe HASTERN REDSHANK. Oberholser (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxii. 1900, p. 207) described a breeding Redshank from the Tso Moriri Lake in Ladak as Totanus t. eurhinus, stating that it was like “true Totanus totanus, but very much larger.” He gives the wings and exposed culmens of four Ladak birds as 160-170 mm. and 44-51 mm. respectively, as against the wings and exposed culmens of five French birds as 150-158 mm. and 39-46 mm. respectively. An examination of seven breeding birds from Ladak, recently obtained by one of the authors, shows that though Ladak birds average larger, measurements overlap. These seven birds have wings 157-166 mm. and exposed culmens of 42-48 mm. Twenty-four examples of Tinga t. totanus from Western Europe have wings 152-162 mm. and exposed culmens of 38°5—45°5 mm. In colour, breeding birds from Ladak do not differ in the slightest degree from Tringa t. totanus from Western Europe. The acceptance of “‘eurhinus” on measurement alone is a matter of doubt. But, in examining the large series of Redshank at Tring, in the British Museum, and our own collections, it is apparent that there is an eastern form of Redshank differing con- siderably in coloration (in both winter and summer) from the above races. We propose for this race the name :— Tringa totanus terrignotx, subsp. nov. , The upper parts are generally more rufous and paler than in 7’. ¢. totanus in summer plumage, whiist the lower parts are usually less heavily streaked. In winter plumage, the upper parts are paler and greyer than in Tringa t. totanus ; below whiter, with fewer and narrower streaks ; sides of breast whiter and largely lacking Vol. xlvi.] 86 the ash-brown clouding so distinctive in the winter plumage of European birds; sides of body and flanks white, only faintly barred ; under tail-coverts with fewer and narrower bars. The juvenile plumage is apparently indistinguishable, though tending to have the lower neck and upper breast less streaked. Measurements. Of fifty birds examined in breeding and winter plumage the wings are 145 (once), 148 (once), 151— 169, exposed eulmen 40-47, true culmen 46-53 mm. Type in the British Museum: 2, Kuku Nor (April). ) Reg. No. Distribution. Birds in summer plumage examined from Tian Shan (September), Kuku Nor (April), two from Mongolia (June and July), Amur Bay (May), Rangoon (February), twelve from the Chinese Coast (March to July), Labuan (August), five from India (April and May). Birds in winter plumage examined from China, the Philippines, Borneo, Malay Peninsula, Tenasserim, Siam, Burma, India, and Baluchistan. Two from Fao (no date), one from Southern Kurdestan (December), one from Southern Iray (no date), five from Aden (September and January), one from Sokotra (December). = Perdix hodgsoniz caraganz, subsp. nov. | ap Ladak birds are generally paler above, especially the chestnut nuchal collar. The dark brown markings on the upper parts of P. h. hodgsone are replaced by chestnut markings in Ladak birds, though this is not invariable. In size they do not differ from P. h. hodgsone. Type in the Tring Museum: ¢, Shushal, 15,000’. Eastern Ladak, Distribution. Shores of Pangkong Lake to Rupshu and Hanle. Is confined to the valleys where the Tibetan Gorse (Caragana) grows. Material examined. Eleven from Eastern Ladak, twenty from Southern Tibet (Gyangtse, Khambajong), four from KE. and §8.E. Tibet (sifanica). 87 [ Vol. xlvi. Col. and Mrs. MuinertzHaceEN also sent the following notes :— MYCEROBAS CARNIPES. An examination of the large series of this bird in the British Museum discloses the fact that western birds differ from Sikkim specimens. The black on the plumage of the latter is denser and the mustard colour of a deeper tint, both above and below. Birds from N. Persia, Turkestan, Gilgit, Afghanistan, Beluchistan, and the Himalayas east to at least Dharmsala must be known as :— MyYcEROBAS CARNIPES SPECULIGERA. Coccothraustes speculigerus Brandt, Bull. Sci. Acad. St. Petersb. ix. p. 11 (1842). | Described from a bird obtained in North Persia. In Bull. B..O.C. xlv. p. 90, Dr. Hartert renamed his Oriolus meridionalis, Oriolus chinensis macassariensis. It was therefore quite unnecessary for Mr. Mathews to give yet another new name to the same bird and for precisely the same reason that prompted Dr. Hartert’s new name. Mathews’s Broderipus chinensis rileyt (Bull. B.O. C. xlv. p- 114) is therefore consigned to redundant synonymy. Mr. G. L. Bares sent the following remarks, with descriptions of seven New Birds from the Mountains of N.W. Cameroon. Mr. Bannerman described, from my former collections, a dozen new races of birds from the elevated region of N.W. Cameroon, mostly found on the large mass of high country called the Banso Mountains. It is noticeable that these races nearly all differed from their nearest allies in the same manner, by being darker in colour and often slightly larger. I have now found other peculiar forms in the same general region, some of them differing from their nearest allies in the same way. On this last trip I collected in a district somewhat higher above sea-level than those I visited before, Vol. xlvi. | 88 the district called Oku (the seat of an interesting native iron industry), a little west of Kumbo, and really a part of the Banso Mountains and near the highest part. This district yielded most of the novelties described below, including some which proved, to my surprise, to be distinct from those found before about Kumbo. é This mountain region is certainly a remarkable workshop of nature, as it were, for the making of peculiar forms of birds. These remarkable birds live mostly in the dark wooded ravines, a peculiar wild and sombre kind of place, with crooked trees growing among the rocks, all completely . clothed with dark-coloured moss. This district is, of course, not so high as the Cameroon Mountain, but it is of greater extent, and more ancient, since there are no volcanoes still active, while that of the Cameroon Mountain is still active. I have to thank Mr. Kinnear and Mr. Wells, of the bird- room at the Museum, for their help in describing these birds ; and the description of the Cvsticola is on the authority of Admiral Lynes, who asked me to describe it. Instead of doing so under his name, I do it along with the rest as my own, but recognize his part in the matter by giving this interesting little bird his name. The types of these new forms are to remain at the British Museum (Natural History). Laniarius atroflavus craterum, subsp. nov. Adult male and female. Five birds of both sexes differ from Laniarius atroflavus, described from the Cameroon Mountain, in the colour of the underside and in size. While the yellow of the underparts in typical L. atroflavus is pure and bright, in the birds here described it is of a dusky tint, as if dirty, the same exactly in my five adult specimens, all in fresh and new plumage, not really at all dirty. The throat also, which in both forms is lighter than the other underparts, is in typical atroflavus clear light yellow, and in the new form light yellow with a greenish tinge. Measurements. Wing, three males, 87, 90, 89—-two females, 89 [ Vol. xlvi. 90, 87 ; tail (of all) 77-81 ; tarsus 31-32 ; culmen 18-19 mm. The wings in L. a. atroflavus from Cameroon Mountain measure 80-86 mm. (7 measured). Type: &, Oku, west of Kumbo, Cameroon, 11th Feb., 1925. G. L. Bates coll. No. 8246. My two specimens formerly obtained at Genderu, much further north, agree best with the Cameroon Mountain form, though one of them is large, having a wing of 91 mm. One specimen of ZL. a. craterum was obtained near Bam- bulue Lake, at an altitude of over 600 feet (and others were seen and heard there); the rest were shot in the ravines about Oku, at the same altitude—all in February 1925. The Oku ravines are connected with another larger crater-lake called Lake Malwe. These yellow-bellied birds were to be seen, by glimpses only, among the dark moss- covered and gnarled trees of these woods. They might be heard more frequently, for their cries were loud and startling—a peculiar whistling, or rather swishing, note, whch appears as if each cry were followed by a quick echo. One of my specimens was a female that had laid two eggs within two or three days, and had no more to lay, as was shown by dissection. Andropadus concolor, sp. nov. Adult male. The whole plumage may be described as olive-green, all the upper parts of uniform shade, the under- parts lighter, and the throat and the middle of the belly lightest and a little tinged with yellowish. The general colour of the plumage is like that of Andropadus tephro- lemus bamende except the head, which in the latter bird is grey ; the size and build of the two birds are much the same ; but my specimen, here described as a new species, has some- what coarser rictal bristles, and a little more slender and pointed bill, with a small but distinct hook at the tip of the upper mandible. : Tris hazel; feet grey; bill black. Measurements. Wing 87, tail 82, tarsus 23, culmen 16 mm. Vol. xlvi.] 90 Type: &, Lake Bambulue, near Bamenda, 2nd Feb., 1925. G. L. Bates coll. No. 8200. A single male (with large testes) shot in February in the wood bordering Lake Bambulue, a crater-lake half-a-mile in diameter, situated on the heights above Bamenda, at an alti- tude of between 6000 and 7000 feet, and distant some 8 miles from Bamenda. Cisticola ayresii lynesi, subsp. nov. Adult male in summer plumage. Much darker throughout than in the typical C. ayresi of 8. Africa or its N.H. African representative, C. a. habessiniea ; top of head and nape dull rust-brown, nearly spotless ; feathers of mantle edged with umber-brown, with little of the lighter tints found in the other races. Measurements of the three birds (all ¢ ad.). Wing 53, 53, 52; tail 30, 30, 28; tarsus 22, 21, 21; culmen 10, 9:5, 10°5 mm. Type: &, Oku, west of Kumbo, Cameroon, 12th Feb., IRS As aie, Cows BY Bates coll. No. 8250. ! These three birds were all shot in the Oku district, in February 1925——not, of course, in the wooded parts, but on grassy slopes near villages. Others were heard and seen in the same district, and also once at Santa, near Bamenda, a place with similar situation and altitude (at least 6000 ft.). They always first attracted attention by the sounds they made in the air while flying. These I have described in my note-book “as a series of clicks with something of a buzzing quality in the tone.” Though doubtless made with the voice, these clicks sound so sharp and mechanical as to seem to be made with the wings. They are made while the little bird, almost too small to be seen in the air, flies about overhead with an irregular, jerky, nervous flight; then, after a little time, it drops down to a grass-stalk near the ground. Alseonax minimus okuensis, subsp. nov. Adult male and female. Upperside of a shade darker grey-brown than A. m. kumboensis ; no light loral spot (a 91 | [ Vol. xlvi. brownish-white loral spot is present in A. m. kumboensis); whole underside dusky except a little white on the throat and on the middle of the belly, and not at all buff or yellowish. This absence of any yellowish tinge from the underparts is a distinguishing mark from both Alseonaz minimus kumboensis and A. m. obscurus of the Cameroon Mountain. In fact, this new race is more distinct from those two than those are from each other. Iris dark brown; feet brownish-black ; bill black, but base of the lower mandible light horn-colotr. Measurements. Wing, two males, 66, 67°5—two females, 64,65; tail (of all) 47-50; tarsus (of all) 13-14; culmen of all) 10-10°5 mm. Type: 3, Oku, W. of Kumbo, Cameroon, 7th Feb., 1925. G. L. Bates coll. No. 8217. Four specimens obtained in February 1925 in the wooded ravines about Oku, at altitudes of 6000-6500 feet. They were in new plumage, and were sometimes seen. in pairs ; and this, with the state of the sex-organs, seemed to indicate a breeding-season already begun. It seems very strange to find a distinct race of these little Flycatchers within less than twenty miles of the place where Alseonax m. kumboensis was discovered. But the altitude was still higher at Oku; and these wooded ravines on the different heights are isolated, and do not form one continuous network of woodland. Platysteira laticincta, sp. nov. Adult male. Like P. peltata in having no white wing-bar; all the upper parts deep glossy blue-black, except a little greyish-black on the rump ; tail-feathers with minute white tips ; the broad pectoral band of the same blue-black colour as the upper parts ; under wing-coverts white, except those nearest the edge of the wing, which are black ; remaining underparts white. The broad pectoral band distinguishes this bird from the males of all forms of Platysteira peltata, being much wider than in any of them; at its narrowest Vol. xlvi. | 92 place, in the middle, it is 13 mm. wide, while at the sides, opposite the bend of the folded wing, it is 25 mm. wide. Iris apparently blue; feet purplish-black ; eye-wattle light red. Measurements. Wing 67; tail 54; tarsus 19; culmen 13°5 mm. Type: &, Oku, W. of Kumbo, Cameroon, 8th Feb., 1925. G. L. Bates coll. No. 8226. A single specimen obtained at Oku (west of Kumbo) in one of the forested ravines, at an altitude of 6000 feet or more. Campethera wellsi, sp. nov. Adult female. A single female Woodpecker closely agrees with the description of C. tullbergi, of Cameroon Mountain, in the colours of the top of the head and upper parts generally—golden olive-green back and wings, a red patch at the bend of the wing, black top of head with small whitish spots, and red back of head; but differs widely in the ground-colour of the underparts, though agreeing in being covered with dusky greenish speckles and spots on the underparts. While in C. tullbergi the ground-colour of the whole underside is yellow, in this bird there is no clear yellow at all on the underside ; the ground-colour of the throat and the sides of the head is smoky grey, and that of the breast and belly is a pale dingy greenish-yellow. The crop-feathers have the small spots and speckles tending to run together to form fine cross-bars, and the breast is more densely and heavily spotted than in C. tullbergi, the spots becoming cross-bars both on the flank-feathers and on the under tail-coverts. This bird has the long bill and hard bones of an adult bird, and in the ovary were found small egos beginning to form. It differs so much from C. tullbergi that I describe it as a separate species, especially as another very different bird found not far away seems to be the representative of C. tullberge. 93 [ Vol. xlvi. Measurements (one female). Wing 117; tail 72; tarsus 21; culmen 25 mm. Type: 2, Oku, W. of Kumbo, Cameroon, 9th Feb., 1925. G. L. Bates coll. No. 8233. Shot (with native bow) near Oku—altitude 6000 feet or over. Campethera tullbergi bansoensis, subsp. nov. Adult male. The specimen collected in the Banso Moun- tains in September 1922 (see ‘ Ibis,’ 1924, pp. 17, 220) differs also from the two male specimens of C. tullbergi collected by Boyd Alexander on the Cameroon Mountain in the following particulars :—It is of a brighter bronze-green above ; the underside has the ground-colour of a duller and darker shade of yellow than in typical C. tullbergz; the dusky green speckling of the sides of the head, throat, and crop is denser, and the speckles on the crop-feathers tend to run together into fine cross-bars ; the under tail-coverts are cross-barred (in the specimens of C. t. tullberg: they merely have round spots). Measurements (one male). Wing 116; (tail in moult) ; culmen 24°5 mm. Type: &, Banso Mountains, N. of Kumbo, Cameroon, 13th Sept., 1922. G. L. Bates coll. No. 6894. Reg. No. 1923. 10.26.112. Mr. Grecory M. Maruews sent the following :— For Puffinus carneipes zealandicus in last number, p. 76, read Puffinus carneipes neozealandicus, as I find zealandicus preoccupied. Galeocephala, new name for Megacephalon Gray, 1846, as used in the Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vol. xxii. p. 471, 1893. a Vol. xlvi.] 94 NOTICES. The next Meeting of the Club will be held on Wednesday, 14th April, 1926, at PAGANI’S RESTAURANT, 42-48 Great Portland Street, W.1. The Dinner at 7 p.m. Members intending to dine must inform the Hon. Sec., Dr. G. C. Low, 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. 1. [N.B.—Members who intend to make any communication at the next Meeting of the Club are requested to give notice beforehand to the Editor, Mr. N. B. Kinnear, at the Nat. Hist. Museum, South Kensington, and to place in his hands not later than at the Meeting MSS. for publication in the Bulletin. | (Signed) H. F. Witnersy, N. 3B. Kinnear, GEORGE C. Low, Chairman. Editor. Hon. Sec. §& Treas. . ye Mi tie P "ete, < tn as! ‘a>. : Orny ie #\5DULLET LN - ; ; 2S re ¥e ? ) j ait OF THE - BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB, No. CCCV. Tae three-hundred-and-first Meeting of the Club was held at Pagani’s Restaurant, 42-48 Graat Portland Street, W. on Wednesday, April 14th, 1926. By Chairman: H. F. Wrruersy. Members present :—W. Suore Batty; E. OC. Sruarr Baker; F. J. F. Barnineron; Grorgs LL. BatEs ; P. F. Bunyarp; Col. SrepHenson R. CLARKE; Sir Percy Z. Cox; A. H. Evans; Major §. oa FLower ; Hon. M. Hacaisuka; Rev. J. R. Hate; Dr. EB. Hartert; J. M. Jopuing; N. B. Kinnear (Editor) ; J. SPEDAN boas DreG: C. Low (Hon. Sec. § Treas.); N. 8. Lucas; C. Ww. MackwortH-Pragp; Dr. P. H. Manson-Banr ; ‘Col. R. MFINERTZHAGEN ; Mrs. MEINERTZHAGEN ; T. H. Matacic - C. OLpHAM; F., R. Ratcuirr ; CO. B. uaa B. J. Riva. ROSE; Lord Roruscuinp; W. L. SCLATER ; D. sata: SMITH ; A. G. L. SLADEN ; Dr. G, B. Ticknurst ; i SLADEN Waia, Visitors :—J. P. R. Hate; W. H. Hate ae Wo ee JAMES ; T. OkAntoto ; H. W. B. Wricur. [May 4th, 1926,1 a VOL. XLVI. Vol. xlvi.] 96 The CHAIRMAN referred with deep regret, which he knew would be shared by the members of the Club, to the death that morning of Mr. H. Kirke Swann. Mr. Swann was in the midst of his great work on the Birds of Prey ; he had done much valuable bibliographic work, and his loss would be deplored by all ornithologists. Mr. N. B. Kinnear exhibited three chicks of the Ibis-bill Ibidorhynchus strutherst, on behalf of Mr. F. Ludlow, who obtained them at Gyantse, Southern Tibet, in 1925. In 1922 Dr. C. B. Ticehurst, at the December meeting of the Club, exhibited a similar chick, obtained by Mr. H. Whistler in Lahore, but as the specimen was unfortunately a very poor one it was not possible to be quite certain of the coloration. The new specimens, however, confirm Dr. Ticehurst’s original description. Col. and Mrs. R. MzinertzHacen exhibited and described the following new forms of birds from the Himalayas and Kashmir :— | Acanthis flavirostris ladacensis, subsp. nov. Ladak birds are the thick-billed type as rufostrigata, but differ from that race in fresh plumage in having the upper plumage not so red. In worn plumage Ladak birds are scarcely separable from rufostrigata. From montanella they differ not only in having a coarser bill, but in having a richer and redder back. Suschkin, in a recent review of the species, unites Ladak birds with rufostrigata, but he had probably not seen birds in fresh plumage. Yarkand (winter) birds agree best with montanella. Type in the British Museum. No sex. Leh, 4.ix.1873 (Stoliczka). Reg. No. Distribution. Ladak, between 10,000' and 15,000’ in summer. Material examined, Thirty-two birds from Southern Tibet and Northern Sikkim (A. f. rufostrigata); twenty-seven from Gilgit (A. f. montanella) ; twenty-four from Ladak. 97 [ Vol. xlvi. -Acanthis flavirostris baltistanicus, subsp. nov. _ A small flock of Twites was seen near Skardu in Baltistan on 19. vill. 1925, and struck me at once as not being nearly so rufous as Ladak birds. One bird only was secured. It proves to have the fine bill of montanella, from which it also differs in not being so grey. From A. f. ladacensis it differs in not being so red. The whole flock, which was under observation for some time at close range, seemed identical in colour. Type (temporarily in our collection): ¢ ad. Sanpur, near Skardu, 11,500’, 19. viii. 1925. Lnistribution. Only so far known from the type-locality. Parus monticolus lepcharum, subsp. nov. Sikkim birds have a darker green back and brighter yellow underparts than Simla birds. The grey of the lower back is usually darker. The Sikkim birds also tend to have less white on the outer web of the 3rd primary than is usual among Central Himalayan birds. Yunnan birds are, of course, a much darker green above. Parus m. insperatus (Formosa) has more brightly defined fringes and tips to the wing-coverts and secondaries. Type in the Tring Museum: ¢, Gangtok, 5600’, Sikkim, eat 925. Distribution. Common throughout Sikkim and Eastern Nepal, between 4000' and 8800’, in winter. Material examined. Forty-six birds from Simla, Chakrata, Naini Tal, and the Central Himalayas, whence came the type of Parus monticolus. Thirty birds examined from Sikkim and nineteen from Yunnan. Regulus regulus sikkimensis, subsp. nov. Sikkim birds are darker than Kashmir and Simla birds in every respect, and not so dark as Yunnan birds (2. +. yunnanensis). A very few Yunnan birds are indistinguishable from Sikkim specimens. a 2 Vol. xlvi.] 98 Blyth’s type of Regulus himalayensis in all probability came ~ from Simla. | Type in the British Museum: ¢, Native Sikkim (Man- delli), Nov. 1876. Reg. No. Distribution. This race is apparently an uncommon bird in Sikkim and Nepal. There is in the British Museum an adult male collected by Woosman on the South Coast of the Caspian on 24.2.07, which agrees best with &. r. himalayensis, though very slightly darker above, with less lemon-colour on the rump and more smoky-colour on the underparts. It probably constitutes an undescribed race, being quite distinct from R. r. tristis from Turkestan. Material examined. Fourteen birds from Gilgit, two from Astor, five from Kashmir, eight from Simla, and fourteen from Sikkim. Over forty examined from Yunnan. Turdus merula buddz, subsp. nov. Differs from 7. m. maxima only in the smaller bill. True Wing. — culmen. imm, ¢. Type of maxima. Gulmarg. Aug. 154 26 3d. Kashmir. June. E58 28 oF Kagan Valley. June. 155 27 imm. 9. at is Gulmarg. Sept. 149 26 OF Kashmir. July. moult. 28 2s EM Kagan Valley. June. 158, 155 27 oe Kurram. July. 155 27 3. Type of budde, Gyangtse. Dec. 154 24 3d. Gyangtse. Aug. & Dec. 150,158,160 24-26 ee Chumbi Valley. Jan. 152 25 C. N. Sikkim. Dec. 149 25 g. Gyanetse. Dec. 153 24 Type in the British Museum: g, Gyangtse, Southern Tibet, 15.xu1. 1925. "No. 196, #) Ludiow.)” 14,000. Distribution. Southern Tibet and Alpine Sikkim. We obtained a male on 5.xii.1925 at Yamtang, 14,700’, in North Sikkim, among snow and dwarf rhododendron. Material examined. Hight birds from Kashmir, Kurram, 99° | Vol. xlvi. and the North-west Frontier Province of India (7. m. - maxima, including the type, an immature ¢ from Gulmarg in Kashmir), seven from Gyangtse in Southern Tibet and Yamtang in Northern Sikkim. The Gyangtse birds were mainly collected by Ludlow. Prunella rubeculoides muraria, subsp. nov. Birds from Ladak are paler than Nepal and Sikkim speci- mens on the upper parts from forehead to upper tail-coverts and less richly coloured, the dark streaking on the mantle being blacker in eastern birds. Underparts are variable, the red breast being usually darker in Hastern birds. In worn plumage Ladak birds seem to show greater signs of abrasion and bleaching. Type in the British Museum: g, Astor (Biddulph), 2iext. 18/0. eg. No. Distribution. Birds from Astor and Ladak are identical, also a single specimen from the hills north of Mussoorie. P.r. rubeculoides occurs in apparently a constant form in Southern Tibet, Alpine Sikkim, and Nepal at great heights, and in Alpine Kansu and Szechwan. Material examined : Autumn Spring and winter Ladak and Hills N. of Mussoorie, plumage. preeeaae PT BSS bot ght Seer Cie te Ga era 8 17 Sikkim and Nepal, including the PREP lod leds pha vidbid a Bleigh ye } Hd! < 19 Kansu and Szechwan .......... 7 3 Souther Mbeky.... Secale sens 4 5 Tetraogallus tibetanus aquilonifer, subsp. nov. Hitherto birds from North Sikkim have been considered identical with others from Kansu and North Tibet ; but the former, for which the above name is proposed, are darker (not so sandy) on the head, nape, and back than the latter. T. tibetanus henrici from Szechwan, which I have not seen, is said to be considerably darker, and in any case differs Vol. xlvi.] 100 from all other races by lacking the buff collar on the upper back. Type in the British Museum: ¢@. Interior of Sikkim, Oct. 1873. Reg. No. Distribution. This race is apparently confined to Alpine Sikkim and Southern Tibet. Material examined. The type of 7. tebetanus from Ladak and six others from Ladak, all adult, obtained in May, June, and September; three adults (Przewalsk:) from Kansu and “North Tibet”; fifteen adults from North Sikkim and Southern Tibet. Alauda arvensis lhamarum, subsp. nov. Similar in size to guttata, and differing in being not so dark above (more fulvous) in fresh plumage. In worn plumage they are greyer above than Kashmir birds. Birds from the Deosai Plateau (N. Kashmir) and Gilgit seem intermediate between Ladak and Vale of Kashmir birds. A. a. inconspicua and inopinata are much greyer races. Type in the British Museum: no sex. Ladak, 1870 (in fresh plumage). Collected by Henderson. Reg. No. a Distribution. Throughout Western and Central Ladak in the cultivated valleys, between 8800’ and 12,200’. Material examined. Wighteen birds from Ladak ; twenty- seven from the Vale of Kashmir (A. a. guttata).; nine from Turkestan and Baluchistan (A. a. inconspicua) ; seven from Southern Tibet (A. a. inopinata). Nore.—Alauda triborhyncha Hodgson (nomen nudum), bat subsequently described (Horsfield & Moore, Cat. Birds EH. 1. C. Mus. ii. p. 467, 1856, Nepal), must apply to the rufescent Lark of Nepal and Sikkim, if such indeed is separable from Alauda arvensis gulgula. A. a. lhamarum is a paler greyer bird than Sikkim and Nepal birds (seven examined in fresh plumage). The bird figured in Hume & Henderson’s ‘ Lahore to Yarkand,’ pl. xxviii., as “Alauda 101 [ Vol. xlvi. triborhyncha” is in all likelihood one of Hume’s own speci- mens from Ladak. It is not red enough for topotypical “ triborhyncha.”’ The Hon. Masaust Hacuisuka exhibited and made remarks on an aberration of Phasianus :— The female Pheasants which I am showing here are all British-killed specimens—one came from Norfolk and the others from Tring and Cambridge. They are very dark in colour, and no doubt are an excessively pigmented variety, probably due to irregular chromosome distribution. About a dozen specimens of this aberration are known, and it appears to be confined to the British Isles. Whether all these were produced from normal parents it is impossible to say, but probably all the parents were different, and one is struck by their similarity. | Abnormal males of the same type are also known, and there are three specimens in the British Museum and one at Tring. Although no opportunity has yet occurred of making a histological examination of the genitalia, it is obviously shown by their external characters that these aberrations were not due to sexual disturbance. It has been suggested that this aberration is a product of hybridization of closely related species or geographical races, and in this connection Phasianus versicolor comes to one’s mind, since it is the darkest of all known true Pheasants. Since the introduction of Ring-necked Pheasants into this country in the middle of the last century, the Black-necked or so-called Old English Pheasants have all become mixed with them, and it is now quite impossible to find any pure examples. It seems, therefore, the parents of these dark Pheasants were almost certainly not of a pure breed ; but the mixture of different blood is not, however, a direct cause to produce this result. Vol. xlvi.] 102 In regard to the suggestion of hybridization, we know that the hybrids between P. colchicus and P. versicolor are very much larger birds than P. colchicus, and as the measurements of the specimens I show here correspond strictly to colchicus probably hybridization has very little, if anything, to do with the production of this variation. Information is wanted as to whether the dark form breeds true ; but as one’s hypothesis I believe that the bird will do so, as it seems to me the occurrence of Chrysolophus pictus mut. obscurus (Schlegel) and Pavo cristatus mut. nigripennis Sclater corresponds exactly to the present case. It may be perhaps right to consider this as ‘a case of mutation, but before coming to a definite conclusion I hope breeding experiments will be carried out. The occurrence of this aberration is quite unknown in Japan or elsewhere where the Pheasants are indigenous. Nothing has been published about the melanistic dimorphic of the genus Phasianus before. Description of the plumage :— 3. Colour of the crown deep bottle-green. Upper neck as like as an ordinary Pheasant’s, no white ring, upper part of the body something like P. versicolor, but no blue tinge on the back ; each feather is more patterned, like P. colchicus, and has a strong gloss of green; shoulder buff, like most English Pheasants. Ventral surface uni- formly blackish-blue with a strong gloss of purple or green. Many feathers on the breast and flank have very distinct buff-coloured shafts. It is more pronounced on the flank, and some feathers are much like those of the 2, only the tip of each feather has a very wide highly-coloured portion which is metallic bluish-green with a patch of deep reddish-brown on each web. Tail much like that of an ordinary English Pheasant, but with a metallic-green tinge along the edge. ?. The feathers are mottled with black and deep brown, with four or five bars right across the feather (instead of spots or arrowhead-shape of ordinary Pheasant) buffish in colour. Lower neck and edges of tail-feathers have a very deep metallic-green shade. At first glance it looks like a chocolate-coloured bird, something like Lagopus scoticus. 103 [ Vol. xlvi. - The Hou. M. Hacursuxa also described the following new form of Night-Heron :— . Nycticorax caledonicus major, subsp. nov. Birds from Mindanao are distinctly larger than any specimen from Luzon and other North Philippine Islands. This new race exceeds in size N. c. manillensis, the wing being 24 mm. longer, the tail 9 mm., and the tarsus 3 mm. The measurement of the type-specimen is :— Wing 336 mm., tail 130, tarsus 90, bill 73. In colouring it is indistinguish- able from LV. c. manillensis, except that the mandible, which in JV. ¢c. manillensis is always black, in NV. c. major is paler along the lower part of lower mandible; which is a character of all other subspecies of JV. caledonicus. Type in the British Museum: ¢, Zamboanga, Mindanao (J. B. Steere). Reg. No. 1896.6.6.1384. Distribution. Mindanao. Material examined. Fifteen skins from the Philippine Is. NYcTICORAX CALEDONICUS subsp. ? A single specimen from Palawan, also in the British Museum, has a very short bill, 67 mm., height 23 mm., and is very like N. ¢. erassirostris, but the plumage and the measurements of feathers correspond to WV. c¢. manillensis. The birds from Truk are fully discussed by Mr. Momiyama (‘Birds of Micronesia,’ pp. 56-64, O. S. J. 1922), and according to what he says the birds of Caroline Islands ought to belong to JV. c. pelewensis Mathews. Black or white-coloured ornamental breeding-plumes are considered to be the chief subspecific character (Cat. Birds, vol. xxvi. p. 146), but this is only dimorphic, and one type is found very rarely in a locality where the other type is commonly found. Colour of the bill in J. c¢. hilli is stated and figured as black by Mathews (Birds of Austr. vol. iil. p. 460, pl. 193), but the black bill is exceedingly rare among /hilli, and generally the greater part of the lower mandible is pale in colour. Smoky-coloured ornamental plumes are found among Nycticorax nycticorax in Japan. a5 Vol, xvi. | 104 Mr. G. L. Bars described a new genus of Starling from N.W. Cameroon :— Among the birds collected on my recent trip was the Glossy Starling, discovered by Riggenbach in 1909 in N.W. Cameroon and described by Reichenow as Spreo The reason why Reichenow put it in the genus Spreo, which it so little resembles in its coloration or its proportions, must have been lack of full knowledge of both sexes ; he had adult males and immature birds. Chapin discovered what is apparently the same species in the Ituri District of Belgian Congo in 1913, and named it Stilbopsar leucothorax (see Bulletin Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. xxxv. p. 23). The genus Stilbopsar was created by Reiche- now for his S. stuhlmannii ; but this latter bird may well be placed in the genus Pwoptera. ‘“« Spreo torquatus,’ however, cannot go into Peoptera, differing far more from Reichenow’s Stilbopsar stuhlmanni than that does from Peoptera lugubris, the typical species of Pwoptera. These differences are shown in the following torquatus. table :-— Peoptera lugubris. Bill somewhat depressed and Flycatcher-like. Feet weak for the Family. Tail much longer than the wing, and much graduated. Plumage silky and de- composed, with barbs smooth and hair-like. Colour in the male glossy black, Female grey, with a chestnut wing-pattern. Pooptera stuhlmanni (Stilbopsar stuhlmanni of Reichenow). Bill as in Peoptera lugubris. Feet asin P.lugubris. Tail not quite as long as the wing; gra- duated. Plumage silky etc., as in P. lugubris. Colour in the male glossy black. Female grey, with a chestnut wing- pattern. Grafisia torquata (Spreo torquatus ot Reichenow),. Bill not depressed — shaped as in Spreo. Feet strong, asin Spreo and the Family generally. Tail rather long, but not graduated. Plumage firm, not de- composed, somewhat scaly in appearance, Male glossy black, but the feathers glossy on the margins only. A wide white band on the crop. Female grey, with narrow whitish feather - edges ; no wing-pattern. 105 [ Vol. xlvi. I therefore propose Grafisia, gen. nov., for Reichenow’s Spreo torquatus, calling it Grafisia torquata. The characters of the new genus are given in the table above, Mr. Bates also described the following new forms: — Diaphorophyia ansorgei harterti, subsp. nov. Adult female. Three specimens from the forest about Bitye in 8. Cameroon, the first of which was collected in 1906 (see ‘ Ibis,’ 1907, p.449 & pl. x.), differ from the still unique type- specimen of Diaphorophyia ansorgei as follows :--The upper parts are a little darker, and especially the tail is of a darker glossy green ; the reddish-chestnut patch on the underside, besides being less extensive and mostly confined to the feathers of the throat and crop, is alsoof a lighter shade than in typical D). ansorgei. The three: female specimens of the new race are all a little larger than the one of D. ansorgei. Iris dark brown ; feet blue-grey ; bill black ; eye-wattle light green. Measurements :— Wing. = Tail. Tarsus, Culmen. No, 1444 (Feb. 1906). 60mm. 29mm. 17mm. 145mm, Wo; 2925 (Mar. 1908)... 69 ,, » 29 ..,, 1Gi5 ,, tga ae No. 7769 (April 1924). 585, 26 , 165, 18 , Type: No. 7769, 2, Bitye, 8 April, 1924. Adult male. A single specimen, obtained along with the female—the two were in the company of birds of various kinds, catching insects in the forest,—is a very different- looking bird from the female, having the whole underside golden-yellow, as has the male of Diaphorophyia graueri, another member of the same group. It differs from males of D. grauert in having the upper parts and especially the head darker green, the tail darker and bluer glossy green (or blue-green), and the underparts of not quite so bright a yellow as in graueri, but very slightly washed with brownish. Vol. xlvi. ] 106 Iris as in female, but with an inner- light ring next the pupil ; feet, bill, eye-wattle as in the female. | Measurements. No. 7768 (April 1924): Wing 62 mm., tail 30, tarsus 16°5, culmen 12. The female was compared above only with that of D. an- sorgei ; it differs from female D. grauert also by having the upper parts more greyish and less olive, the tail darker, and the underparts with less of the chestnut-colour, and that of a lighter shade. The only known specimen of Diophorophyia grauert silvce Hartert & Someren, a male, has the upper parts more olive- green than either the present specimen or D. graueri. I owe to Dr. Hartert the opportunity of comparing my specimens and those in the British Museum with the types of ansorgei and silvw, which are at Tring, and also assistance in comparing them. There are now four known races of J)iaphorophyia ansorget :— Diaphorophyia ansorgei ansorget Hartert, Bull. B.O.C. xv. p. 74 (1905) : Cabeca de Ladrodes in Benguella. D. a. harterti, antea: Bitye, S. Cameroon. D. a. grauert Hartert, Bull. B.O.C. xxi. ‘p. 7 (2908); 90 km. W. of L. Albert. D. a. silve Hartert & Someren, Bull. B. O. C. xli. p. 79 (1923): Silwa, Kaimosa. Noves ON AwrHREPTES SEIMUNDI. Measurements of the specimens of the small plain yellowish-olive Sun-bird called Anthreptes seimundi which have accumulated in the Museum from nearly all parts of the equatorial forest of Africa, together with some of my recent collection, show that there are three races ; and this conclusion is borne out by the difference in the yellow of the underside. Following is a summary of the wing and bill measurements of all these specimens (excluding immature ones) :—— Four males from Fernando Po, collected by Seimund: 107 [ Vol. xlvi. Wing 56-57°5 mm., culmen 15-16. One female, wing 52°5. One old unsexed specimen collected by Fraser, wing 58, culmen 16. HWighteen skins from 8. Nigeria, the Semliki, Uganda, N. Angola, and 8. Cameroon: eight males, wing 50-57 mm., but only one exceptionally large one above 53, culmen 13°5- 15°5 ; ten females, wing 49-53, culmen 13°5-15°5. Four old unsexed skins from Ashantee and Fantee: Wing 47-52, culmen 13°5-14 mm. These seem to be males, corresponding to the female specimens collected in Liberia and the Gold Coast by W. P. Lowe, and described by Mr. Bannerman as Cinnyris kruensis : wing 45, culmen 13. We have here, then, three races :— (1) Anthreptes seomundi setmundt. Cinnyris seimundi Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. B.O. C. xxiii. p. 19: Fernando Po. (2) Anthreptes seumundi kruensis. Cinnyris kruensis Bannerman, Bull. B. O.C. xxix. p. 23 : Kru Coast and Gold Coast. - (3) Anthreptes seimundi minor, subsp. nov. This race is not only smaller than typical A. seimundi, but is also greener on the breast and flanks, leaving less yellow on the underside. Type: No. 7553, 3, Sanaga R., N. of Yaunde, Jan. 1924. Anthreptes seimundi, though its bill is rather long and slender for the genus, agrees so well in style of coloration with Anthreptes frasert that it may well go in the same genus ‘and be the one with the slenderest bill in a series of species showing all gradations. But the other very small olivaceous Sun-bird, Cinnyris batesi, is more like the larger plain Sun- birds, such as Cinnyris (Chalconutra) obscurus, in having dark light-tipped rectrices &c., and, besides, bas the bill a little more curved than A. seimundi: hence it may be left in the genus Cinnyris. The two genera have thus the oulf Vol. xlvi.] 108 partly bridged between them by these two small species ; but the narrow gap between sezmundi and bates: still separates the genera. NILAUS AFER CAMERUNENSIS Neumann, J. f. O. 1907, p. 364. This race has hitherto been known only from two female specimens—the one on which Neumann based his original description, from Yaunde, and one collected at Ngaundere in 1922 (see ‘ Ibis,’ 1924, p. 539). Having now four more specimens of this very distinct race, as well as a small series of N. afer afer, shot further north, I give the following points of distinction between the two, applying both to the female and to the hitherto undescribed male :— (L) The throat and crop in camerunensis are greyish white, and are marked by indistinct dark hair-like lines. (Neumann noted these lines in the female ; they are in the male also.) (2) The white loral spot is small and is greyish-white, not pure white as in WV. afer afer. (3) The outer vane of the outermost rectrices, in the male, is white only in the middle third ; in WV. a. afer it is nearly all white. (4) The browner parts in general, in both sexes of J. a. camerunensis, are of a deeper shade. (5) The birds are a little larger : Wing in two males of WN. a. camerunensis 82, 84°5 ; culmen 18. Wing in three females of NV. a. camerunensis 79, 80, 82; culmen 17, 18. Wing in my six specimens of V.a.afer: males, 79-81; . females, 75-78°5. A bird collected by B. Alexander, R.C. Mission, Ubangi R., 2, seems to belong to camerunensis. Mr. P. F. Bunyarp exhibited two clutches, each of three eggs, of Bonaparte’s Gull (Larus philadelphia), taken by A. D, Henderson near Belvedere Alberta, Canada, on May 109 [Vol. xlvi. 25th, 1925, and Fort Assiniboine district, and made the following remarks :—. When Prof. Rowan went to Canada I asked him to make a special effort to obtain eggs of this rare Gull, as no authenticated eggs had reached this country since the time of R. McFarlane, about 1864. Weights and Measurements of each Egg. Clutch E. Clutch A. Noo me. mm. No. mg. mm. 1.... 1657 485x346 Wet ai: (2490) 47 x38 2.6 1740 49x35 Qariie | W687 “493575 3.... 1660 50x 34-4 S.02, 1579 47x388°2 Many eggs in British collections are probably small eggs of Black-headed Gull (ZL. ridibundus), the only species with which they might possibly be confused. I therefore make a comparative study of the eggs of the two species. Comparative Systematic Synopsis. L. philadelphia. | L. ridibundus. Ground-colour. Pale olivaceous-green and brown. Olivaceous - brown - yellow-green, and grey in various shades. Colour of markings. Blackish-brown. | Brown, blackish-brown. Underlyiny markings. Greyish!- brown, tinged purplish, when fresh. Pale purplish-brown in varying shades, according to ground- colour. Measurements, Bunyard’s, | Rey’s. Average 484 x 54°9 mm., 6 eggs. Average 52°6 X36°8 mm., 53 eggs. Max. 50 54°4 mm. Max. 57°8X 388'7 mm. Min. 47X85 mm. Min. 47°5X356°4 mm. Weights. Bunyard’s, | Rey’s. Average 1°630 mg. | Average 2°269 mg., 53 eggs. Max. 1°740 mg. Min, 1:490 mg. Vol. xlvi.] 110, Texture of Shell. Coarsely granulated. Less glossy to mat. Finely granulated. Show considerable amount of gloss. Shape. Clutch A, broad pointed ovals; | Show much variation in large clutch E less broad, more series. pointed. General Remarks. Exactly the same shade of ground-colour does not occur in L. ridibundus, and the markings are roundish and evenly distributed. The texture of the shell is very distinctive and easily distinguished from that of ridibundus eggs. In general appearance they are much more closely allied to some forms of the eggs of Limosa lapponica. It must be borne in mind that the foregoing descriptions are from comparatively freshly taken eggs. I am entirely indebted to my friend Prof. Rowan for this unique exhibit, and to Mr. Henderson for the acquisition of clutch A ; clutch E is being returned to Prof. Rowan after exhibition. Mr. P. F. Buyyarp also exhibited the nests of L. phila- delphia, which were found situated in Spruce, about 8-9 ft. up, on horizontal limbs, against the trunk ; they are rather flat structures, made from Tamarac twigs, a few spruce sprigs, dry grass, and lined with beard moss-lichen. The trees were situated on the edge of a small pond ina muskeg. Photographs taken by Mr. Henderson were also shown. [Noru.—A full description of the breeding of this Gull by Prof. Rowan has already appeared (Bull. Brit. Oolog. Association, vol. i. No. 10, p. 112, 1926).—Eprror. |] Mr. P. F. Bunyarp further exhibited a series of four clutches, each of four eggs, from Mr. Massey’s collection of the Semi-palmated Sandpiper. . pusillus from Victoria Land and Alaska ; and from his own collection six clutches of four, and one of three, eggs of the American Stint, 112 [ Vol. xlvi. T. minutilla, from Labrador, for comparison, and made the following remarks :— The Semi-palmated Sandpiper was added to the British list in 1907 on the strength of one Kentish record, and until fairly recently very little was known about nidification or the eggs. It appears to be doubtful as to whether the breeding-range extends as far Hast as Labrador, and my suspicions that the eggs from there in the Farn collection were 7. minutilla (Bull. B.O.C. 1922, p. 128) have now been confirmed. T. menutilla appears to breed earlier than It, pusillus, and in my opinion the eggs of the two species can be separated easily. Comparative Systematic Synopsis. E. pusillus. | T. minutilla. Ground-colour. Pale greenish. | Whitish-buff, pale brown. Colour of markings. Brownish-black. | Brown, brownish-blacl. Underlying markings. Greyish, tinged mauve. | Greyish-brown, very inconspicuous. Measurements. Average 28°6 x 20°8 mm., 39 eggs, Max. 30°2 x 21:2 mm. Min. 27-2 20°38 mm. Average 29°5X 21-1 mm., 16 eggs. Max. 31 X 21°4 mm. Min. 28°2x21 mm. Weights. Average 227 me. Max. 332 me. Min. 235 me, Average 289'2 mg. Max. 30°7 mg. Min. 25:0 me. Texture of Shell. More coarsely granulated and | Very finely granulated, glossy to glossy. mat. Shape. Sharply pyriform. | Pyriform, more elongate, Date. June 18th—July 16th. | June. Vol. xlvi.] 112 Peieral Remarks. With the eggs of buth species the markings are larger and more numerous towards the large ends, and there is a strong tendency to heavily pigmented caps. T. minutilla has two distinct forms, one having closely and evenly distributed stipples, the other as above; the former does not appear to occur in eggs of L. pusillus, and they do not resemble the eggs of Limicola falcinellus, as described in the ‘ Practical Handbook,’ but closely resemble in miniature the greenish ground form of 7ringa alpina. The somewhat bizarre series of H. pusillus in the National Museum, with the exception of McFarlane’s, require careful comparative verification, the three eggs from Labrador, ex the Crowley coll., probably belong to 7. minutzlla. The two eggs figured in Catalogue of Birds’ Eggs, Brit. Mus. ii. pl. il. figs. 6 & 7, are certainly not typical, and, as already stated, No. 7, which is finely stippled, does not appear to occur in EL. pusillus eggs. Mr. P. F. Bunyarp also made the following statement in continuation of his remarks at the B.O.C., on Feb. 10th, on the Sussex clutch of Tawny Pipit, Anthus campestris, exhibited by Mr. Jourdain at the January meeting :— Mr. Jourdain said at the February Meeting, in reply to my remarks, that this Tawny Pipit record was not a Bristow record. IT have been in communication with Mr. Bristow, and he writes me under date March 8th, 1926, as follows :— ‘‘In reply to your letter re the clutch of three Tawny Pipits? eggs, it must be the clutch I took myself on the Camber Golf Course, near Rye Harbour,’on May 23/1925, I have a rough note to that effect. I have a recollection of the Rev. Walpole Bond calling with a friend, Col. Beau- champ, after a visit to the Fairlight Cliffs, to view the Peregrines a few years ago, and amongst others I mentioned taking these Tawny Pipits.” | This proves conclusively that Mr. Jourdain’s clutch is the 113 [ Vol. xlvi. one and the same offered to me by Mr. Bristow, and the one and only clutch taken by him. The question of the date is more or less immaterial, my point is to confirm that this record is one of Mr. Bristow’s. Dr. C. B. TicEnurst sent the following descriptions of new races of Indian birds :— Garrulax leucolophus hardwickii, subsp. nov. Differs from Garrulax leucolophus leucolophus in being more rufescent above and darker on the flanks and under- parts, less olivaceous, in having no white on the abdomen, and in being slightly smaller. Type in the British Museum. @. Naga Hills, 29 March, 1876, ex Godwin-Austen Coll. Reg. No. 1895.7.14.2301. Distribution. Assam and N. Burmah. Obs. The typical form occurs from Simla, through Garh- wal and Kumaon to Nepal. Sikkim birds are rather nearer the typical race than to hardwickw, but are intermediate. Material examined and Measurements. Highteen from Simla east to Nepal: wing 133-143 mm. Fifteen from Sikkim: wing 128-1386, once 143. Twenty-nine from Assam and N. Burma: wing 124-135. Niltava sundara whistleri, subsp. nov. Differs from Niltava sundara sundara as follows :—In the male the chestnut underparts, especially the vent and under tail-coverts, are usually paler. In the female the upper parts are more olive-grey and paler; tail and upper tail- coverts paler chestnut ; edges to wings paler, more olivaceous rufous ; throat, breast, and flanks more greyish olive instead of olive-brown. Type in the British Museum. ¢. Murree, 10th July, 1873, F. Stoliczka. Reg. No. Distribution. N.W. Himalaya, Murree to Mussooree. Material examined. Large series Nepal and Sikkim ; many males and ten females from the N.W. Himalayas. Vol. xlvi.] 114 Dr. C. B. Trcenurst also communicated the following :— In ‘The Ibis’ (1923, p. 5) I threw doubts on Buturlin’s race of Yellow-headed Wagtail (Motacilla citreola were), as Buturlin included in his distribution of this race the White Sea and Petchora, and, as I explained, there seemed to me no difference between birds thence and those from Eastern Siberia, whence came Pallas’s type. Buturlin, howéver, described his race from Simbirsk in 8.E. Russia, and the few birds I have seen thence seem distinct and accord with Buturlin’s description, as also do birds from Altai and Turkestan (Djarkend and Tischkan). All these are small males, wing 80-85 mm., and have the flanks yellow like the abdomen; whereas birds from. Petchora, Krasnoyarsk, Yenesay, Mongolia, and Manchuria: are larger males (wing 85-90 mm.), and have the flanks washed with grey and usually more white on the wing. This was pointed out by Prof. Sushkin in much more detail (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. xxxvill. no. 1, pp. 37-8). But what I wish to particularly draw attention to is the fact that all the Wag- tails of this species (excluding calcarata) in N.W. India are M. c. were and in N.E. India WM. c. citreola. Indian Distribution :— M. c. were. Forty males: wing 77-85 mm. Beluchistan, Afghanistan, Sind, N.W.F.P., Punjab, Unit. Prov., Raj- putana, Bombay, Kamptee in Central Prov. (one). M. c. citreola. About thirty males: wing 88-93 mm. Nepal, Bhutan, Bengal, Assam, and Burma. Dr. G. C. Low showed a specimen of a Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) which he had shot on the 5th December, 1925, at Poyle Farm, Colnbrook, Bucks. There was hard frost at the time and the bird, in company with a green Plover, was trying to get food in a field where a man was ploughing. . It proved to be an adult male in perfect condition and of large size. There was no sign of injury or other abnormality about it. This late appearance in December is worthy of record. 115 [Vol. xlvi. NOTICES. The next Meeting of the Club will be held on Wednesday, May 12th, 1926, at PAGANI’S RESTAURANT, 42-48 Great Portland Street, W.1. The Dinner at 7 p.m. Members intending to dine must inform the Hon. Sec., Dr. G. C. Low, 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. 1. | N.B.—Members who intend to make any communication at the next Meeting of the Club are requested to give notice beforehand to the Editor, Mr. N. B. Kinnear, _ at the Nat. Hist. Museum, South Kensington, and to place in his hands not later than at the Meeting MSS. for publication in the Bulletin. | (Signed) H. F.Wirnersy, ON. B. Kinnear, GEORGE C. Low, Chairman. Editor. Hon. Sec. §& Treas. ©o O D a , = 7 << ie f ot pe A vm L hie ary OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. Nos. CCCVI. & CCCVII.* Tae three-hundred-and-second Meeting of the Club was held at Pagani’s Restaurant, 42-48 Great Portland Street, W., on Wednesday, June 9th, 1926. Chairman: H. M. WALLIs. Members present :—W. SuHore Batty; EH. C. Stuarr Baker; D. A. Bannerman; F. J. F. Barnineron; S. Boorman; H. B. Booth; P. F. Bunyarp; A. L. Butter; Dr. F. M. Coapman; Hon. G. L. CHarrteris ; Sir Percy Z. Cox; R. H. Deane; Captain F. W. Dewuorst ; Major 8S. 8. Frower; A. F. Grirrira; Rev. J. R. Hate ; Rev. F. C. R. Jourparin; N. B. Kinnear (Lditor) ; J. Spepan Lewis; Dr. G. C. Low (Hon. Sec. & Treas.) ; Dr. P. R. Lowe; Dr. N. 8. Lucas ; G. 8. Luptam; C. W. Mackwortu-Pragp ; Lt.-Col. H. A. F. Macratra; E.G. B. * (Owing to the General Strike, the May meeting of the Club was not held, but to keep up the sequence of the numbers of the ‘ Bulletin’ it has been considered advisable to count the present one as double, giving it two numbers accordingly.—Ep., | (July 13th, 1926.1 a VOL. XLVI. Vol. xlvi.] 118 Merapze-Watpo; Col. & Mrs. MrinertzHacen; D. W. MusseLwuiteE ; J. L. CHaworru Musters; T. H. Newman ; G. H. R. Pye-Smira; F. R. Rarcurr; R. H. Reap; C. B. Rickert; Lord RotsascHinp; W. L. ScLater ; D. Seru-Suito; H. Stevens; Major A. G. L. SrapEn ; ©. G. Tatpot-Ponsonspy; B. W. Tucker; R. WaRz ; C. p—E Worms. Visitors :—E. pr V. Boutt; R. J. Crouca; F. W. FuattreLty; J. H. Fuemine; R. O’D. Goop; A. H. HarxK- Ness; G. EH. Lopae; C. F. Murrugzap; B. K. Smrra; V. O. WILLIAMS. Barro CoLoRADO ISLAND AS A STATION FOR THE STUDY OF TROPICAL BirD-LIFE. Dr. Frank M. Coapman gave an address, illustrated with lantern-slides, on the new Tropical Research Station situated on Barro Colorado, the largest of the islands formed by the damming of the Chagres River in constructing the Panama Canal. It has an area of about 3100 acres, is hilly in character, reaching an elevation of 530 feet above the sea (450 above Gatun Lake) and is densely covered with forest, much of it first-growth. On a promontory, 100 feet above the lake, the Institute for :-Research in Tropical America has constructed on Barro Colorado several buildings wherein biologists may find comfortable lodgings and facilities for the prosecution of their studies in the field and in the laboratory. The station is open throughout the year ; it has proved to be as habitable and healthful in the wet season as in the dry, and problems may therefore be pursued relieved of the handicaps and restrictions often imposed by climate in the humid tropics. Barro Colorado is not a collecting- station, but a place where tropical life may be studied under essentially primeval conditions; where one may feel assured, therefore, that his subject is in a practically natural environment. 119 [ Vol. xlvi. The ornithologist will not come here to make a collection, but to study the habits of birds and their relations to other forms of life. Somewhat ever 400 species of birds have been recorded from the Canal Zone. A large proportion of these occur on Barro Colorado. The Caribbean and Pacific shores may be reached in two hours from the island, or one may penetrate still unexplored tracts beyond the Canal Zone in the Republic of Panama. There is thus accessible a vast and diversified area. The conditions under which students may avail them- selves of the facilities to be found at Barro Colorado may be learned on application to Dr. Thomas Barbour, Chairman of the Committee, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Mass., U.S.A. An ORNITHOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE IN SOUTHERN CHILE. Dr. Chapman then went on to tell of his journey to Chile, which was made primarily with the object of tracing the range of certain birds of the arid Temperate and Paramo Zones of Ecuador to the regions whence it is believed they have reached Ecuador. The Condor, for example, is rarely seen below an altitude of 10,000 feet in Ecuador, but in southern Chile it is found at sea-level. Again, Phrygilus alaudinus and Patagona gigas of the Temperate Zone in Heuador (alt. 9000- 12.000 ft.) were found in this zone at sea-level in Chile, while Phrygilus unicolor and Oreotrochilus of the Paramo Zone in Keuador (alt. 12,000-15,000 ft.) are found in the Paramo Zone in central Chile (alt. 8000-9000 ft. to snow- line). Hach of these species, true to its own zonal level, travels 2000 miles or more in latitude, but does not cross the few hundred feet of altitude that would take it from one zone into another. The distribution of the genus Araucaria in Chile and elsewhere, and its occurrence as fossil in regions which are now treeless, was mentioned as an illustration of how little we know of the history of the south ’emperate Zone forests and as a warning not to base conclusions in regard to the origin of the bird-life of this region solely on existing conditions. a2 Vol. xlvi. | 120 A general review of the physiography of Chile was presented, the region between Puerto Montt and the Guaitecas Island, where in January 1924 a sixteen-day cruise was made with Lord William Percy and Mr. F. C. Walcott, being described in greater detail. Slides were shown of the Chilean Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus), Kelp Goose (Chloephaga hybrida), and Steamer-Duck (Tachyeres cinereus). The Penguin was found nesting on densely forested islands associated with Paroquets (Microsittace) and Humming-birds (Lustephanes galeritus). Steamer-Ducks were common in the Guaiteeas, many being accompanied by recently-hatched young. Among the hun- dreds of individuals observed not one was seen to fly, but in May and June, 1914, R. H. Beck, while collecting for the American Museum, saw large numbers of flying individuals of this species off Chiloe. Dr. Chapman suggested that possibly these were young of the year, but added that on January 24, 1924, he saw a pair of adult birds (the male with the head and neck white) accompanied by one young, on a fresh-water pond in northern Tierra del Fuego, both of which, when flushed, took wing easily and flew out of sight towards the sea. Dr. Chapman stated that neither in field nor study had he devoted especial attention to this species, and merely as a working hypothesis he ventured to advance the theory that there was but one species of Steamer-Duck, that young in their first winter always flew, that those individuals which nested on salt water, and hence on their feeding-grounds, lost the power of flight when they became fully mature, while those which nested on fresh water and went to the sea to feed retained the power of flight at all ages. Mr. P. . Bunyarp made the following remarks on five clutches of eggs, from Mr. Massey’s and his own collections, of the Hxroe Snipe (Capella gallinago ferocensis) from Iceland and the Froes :— This winter visitor has now been separated from the 121 [ Vol. xlvi. Common Snipe (C. g. gallinago), and an examination of these eggs bears out the race, since they are larger and heavier than either the typical form or the American race (C. g. delicata). Comparative Systematic Synopsis. C. g. feroeensis. C. qg. delicata. C. g. gallinago. 20 eggs (Bunyard). 11 eggs (Bunyard). 40 egas (Rey). Measurements. Weights.| Measurements. Weights.| Measurements. Weights. mm. me. mm. mg. mm. me. 41:0x29:2 = 856'1 39°6X28'2 827-9 39°8 X 28:1 800 In general appearance the eggs of fwroeensis resemble those of the other races, and all that can be said is that the shade of the ground-colour is paler. Mr. Bunyarp also exhibited five clutches of eggs, from Mr. Massey’s and his own collections, of the Yellowshank (Tringa flavipes), from Alberta &e., and made the following remarks :— This series is probably unique in this country. As some forms of the eggs slightly resemble those of the Common Red- shank (Tringa totanus totanus), I give below a comparative statement of the eggs of the two species :-— T. flavipes. | T. totanus totanus. Ground-colour. Pale buff, warm cream. Pale brown, reddish-brown, Pale greenish, Buff, greenish. Colour of markings. Rich brownish- black, tinged Brownish-black, reddish-brown, crimson, pale brown. Underlying markings. Grey in various shades, tinged | Ash-grey, reddish-grey, mostly mauve, conspicuous. inconspicuous, Vol. xlvi. | 122 Measurements (in mm.). 20 eges (Bunyard). 45 x 80—38'2 x 27°4. Average 42°1 x 29:0. 44 eggs (Rey). 48°2 x 30°5—41°3 x 31-1. Average 44°72 x 30°42. Weights (in mg.). Bunyard’s. Rey’s. 947—706. Average 1210. Average 840°5. Texture of Shell. Finely granulated. | Coarsely granulated. Shape. Sharply pyriform, sometimes dis- | Pyriform to ovoidal. tinctly flattened or concave just above the small end, distinctive. General Remarks. The eggs of T. flavipes are characteristically closely allied to those of 7. nebularius, except in size. The distinctive shape of the eggs of 7. flavipes appears ' to be fairly constant, and a reference to Poynting’s plate (‘ Eggs of British Birds,’ p. 215) confirms this peculiarity. Mr. Bunyarp also made the following correction :— My note on the Sussex record of the eggs of Anthus campestris in the ‘ Bulletin’ for April, no. cceev. p. 112, fourth paragraph, third line, should read May 23rd, 1905, not 1925. Mr. A. F. Grirrita exhibited on behalf of the owner two adult male Lesser Kestrels (Falco nauwmanni), both killed in Tresco, Isles of Scilly—one on March 3rd, 1891, the other on February 24th, 1926. Another was observed in Tresco in May 1925. ‘The owner was disappointed that the second had stupidly been shot by the keeper. Both of these were stuffed from the flesh by Messrs. Pratt of Brighton. Two Tree-Sparrows (Passer montanus)—one a male, the other so damaged that the sex could not be determined—were shot on the Island of Rosevear (Scilly), April 24th, 1926, 125 [ Vol. xlvi. and sent to Messrs. Pratt by the same owner to be stuffed. These are the first recorded for the Isles of Scilly. Mr. A. F. Grirrits also exhibited two birds from the Booth Museum at Brighton which had been recently iden- tified by Dr. Hartert as follows :— CALANDRELLA MINOR KUKUNOORENSIS (Przew.), 2. Lesser Short-toed Lark. Only three other specimens of this rare form are known to exist in England, all males—two in the British Museum and one at Tring. This bird was taken by a bird-catcher near Brighton in November 1874 and brought to Swaysland, the Brighton bird-stuffer, by whom it was sold to Mr. Monk, on whose death it was acquired, with the rest of his collection, for the Booth Museum. It is recorded in Borrer’s ‘ Birds of Sussex,’ p. 113. Until recently this specimen was assumed to be Calandrella brachydactyla, but the late Mr. M. J. Nicol, in May 1919, noticed that it was not that species, but a form of Calandrella minor, a new bird to the British list, and asked that it should be compared and recorded. A new edition of the Illustrated Catalogue of the Collection was commenced in 1914, but, stopped by the War, was taken in hand again last year. Thus it was not till February last that the bird was submitted to Dr. Hartert. CALIDRIS ACUMINATA. Siberian Pectoral Sandpiper. Shot on the coast of Kent. From the Borrer Collection. Mr. Borrer labelled this bird as a Buff-breasted Sandpiper, but, recognizing that it must have been wrongly named, I sent it to Dr. Hartert who has most kindly identified it. It is unfortunate that no better details of the capture of this bird are available, but, knowing the great care taken by Mr. Borrer in refusing to admit to his British collection any specimen not properly authenticated, I feel very sure that his cautious note, “‘ said to have been shot on the coast of Vol. xlvi.] 124 Kent,”’ may be trusted, indicating that he had not succeeded in communicating with the actual shooter. The Rey. F. C. R. Jourpain stated that Mr. Bunyard’s remarks in the ‘ Bulletin’ (pp. 74-75 and 112-113) had no bearing on his published communication on the breeding of the Tawny Pipit in England (pp. 55-56), but referred to statements made in conversation by Mr. Bunyard and attributed to himself. He was aware that the eggs were taken and both parent birds shot by Mr. Bristowe, but did not accept the record on that evidence alone, but because it was independently confirmed by that of Mr. M. J. Nicol and others. With regard to the exhibition of eggs of Hreunetes pusillus and Hrolia minutilla (pp. 110-112), Mr. Jourdain pointed out that Mr. Bunyard’s series of the latter species contained five clutches from the Farn collection, which were taken by the Rev. W. W. Perrett in Labrador and identified by him as Hreunetes pusillus (see Bull. B.O.C. xiii. pp. 126-127, where Mr. Bunyard admits that he altered the name on the ground of the appearance of the eggs!). Such material ought never to be used in establishing the characteristics of the eggs of a species, and tends to bring Oology into contempt. The breeding of Hreunetes in Labrador queried by Mr. Bunyard has been clearly proved by the discovery of young in down as well as eggs. Mr. Perrett’s notes show clearly that he diseovered both species breeding on his collecting-ground in Labrador. Mr. G. L. Batzs sent the following deseription of two new subspecies from the Cameroon :— Streptopelia vinacea savanne, subsp. nov. Birds of this species from the high savanna-belt of Cameroon are strikingly dark in colour, especially when compared with the whitish race from the sandy plains further north, which Reichenow has recently separated as S. v. groter (Orn. Monatsh. 1926, p. 54). The difference of 125 [ Vol. xlvi. the savanna-belt birds from the typical winacea of Senegal is not so great, but is still sufficiently evident. The Cameroon highland birds are darker in all parts—outer edges of the wing-coverts merely grey (not whitish) ; throat merely a light shade of the vinaceous colour of the crop (not white) ; feathers of the lower belly and vent cream-colour (not nearly white). Type, No. 8212, Bates coll. (6 Feb., 1925), 3, Babungo, Upper Nun Valley. Alt. 3700 feet. Measurements same as those of typical vinacea and v. grote. I noticed, even on the field, the great difference between the birds of the south, or savanna-belt, and those of the north; but I unfortunately did not save all of my birds shot in the south, and have now as specimens only the type and one obtained at Tibati. This scanty material would not have been considered sufficient foundation for a new race if it had not been supported by a remark of Dr. Reichenow’s at the end of his description of S. v. grote: (l.c. supra) : “In the high country of 8S. Adamawa (Tibati) there appears to live a much darker form.” Cisticola robusta sant, subsp. nov. Most nearly allied to C. robusta nuchalis Rehw. from Uganda and Unyoro, but the feathers of the head merely of a darker chestnut-brown in the middle than at the edges, or a very little blackish in the middle, making the head only rather faintly streaked ; the unstreaked nuchal collar also is of a darker shade of chestnut ; the flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts are of a deeper brownish-buff than in nuchalis or in ambigua. In the streaking of the head the new race resembles C. robusta ambigua of E. Africa, but that is a larger bird, as is C. r. robusta of Abyssinia. ©. robusta angolensis, a race of which I saw specimens in the Tring collection, has a uniform chestnut head, not at all streaked, and it also is larger than the new race. Seven specimens (males), all shot in the mountains of N.W. Cameroon, about Bamenda and Kumbo, at altitudes Vol. xlvi. | 126. of from 5,500 to 7,000 feet : these include the “ four other specimens of C. nuchalis” referred to in ‘ The Ibis,’ 1924, p. 238. They were shot on different trips, at opposite times of the year—four in August and September, and three in January and February. They are all alike in plumage, as are also specimens of the other races of C. robusta examined : this species seems to have no seasonal plumage-change. Measurements of six (all males): Wing 64-66, tail 46-49, tarsus 25-27, culmen 11°5-13. Type, No. 8162 Bates coll., Bambulue, N.W. Cameroon, 29 Jan., 1925. Mr. Davip BanNERMAN sent the following description of a new Glossy Starling from Pemba Island which he proposed to name Lamprocolius corruscus vaughani, subsp. nov. Adult male. Differs from ZL. c. corruscus Nordm. and L. c. mandanus van Som. in having the entire head, in- cluding the hind crown, glossy purple instead of green or blue-green ; the sides of the cheeks are purple like the head, and there is therefore no contrast between the cheeks and the ear-coverts as in the typical bird. The lores in all three races are velvety black. The green mantle is sharply defined from the purple hind crown, instead of the one gradually merging into the other. On the under surface the reflections on the chin and throat are rather more blue than in the other forms when viewed at the same angle ; the lower breast, belly, and flanks are of a deeper violet, and in the six specimens before me lack the golden wash on the belly. Compared with LZ. c. mandanus, the bill is longer and more slender (J. c. corruscus has the shortest and heaviest bill of the three). Measurements. Bill (from front of nasal aperture to the tip) 12°5-14; wings 119-123 ¢, 113-116 ¢; tail (central rectrices) 94-100 ¢, 85-90 2 ; tarsus 25 mm. Type in the British Museum (B.M. Reg. No. 1926,7.31.1). ty: : £27 [ Vol. xlvi. 6 ad. Pemba Island. 15th June, 1925. J.H. Vaughan coll., in whose honour the bird is named. I am indebted to Dr. Stresemann for comparing this bird with the Glossy Starlings in the Berlin Museum. Mnstribution. As far as we know, this Glossy Starling is confined to Pgmba Island, in the Zanzibar Protectorate. The Zanzibar bird, of which Mr. Vaughan obtained one skin, appears to be L. c. mandanus. Mr. BANNERMAN also recorded the occurrence in Pemba Island of the Madagascan Striped Swallow, PHEDINA BORBONICA MADAGASCARIENSIS. The remarkable capture of two examples of this Swallow on November Ist, 1925, in Pemba Island is well worthy of record. Distingushed from P. b. borboniea by its lighter colour and white abdomen, there is no question as to the country of origin of the Pemba Island specimens. Hitherto P. b. madagascariensis had been known only from Madagascar, where it is said to be plentiful, and the fact that it migrates up the Hast African coast and reaches Pemba Island is of considerable interest. Mr. Vaughan shot two examples: one, a female, is now in the British Museum, while the other, which was an immature bird in moult shot on the 10th of February, Mr. Vaughan presented to the Museum at Zanzibar. It may not be generally known that Pemba or the Spice Island lies some 22 miles to the north-east of Zanzibar, from which, and also the mainland of Tanganyika Territory, it is separated by a channel of considerable depth. 38 miles in length by 13 in width, Pemba nowhere exceeds an altitude of 300 feet. Much of the land is given over to the cultivation of cloves, but a good deal of virgin growth still remains. Of its avifauna, which is not very numerous in point of species, it is remarkable that three birds appear to be indigenous— a beautiful Sun-bird (Cinnyris pembe Reich.), a White-eye (Zosterops vaughani) described by myself a year ago, and the Glossy Starling described now. It is to be hoped that Vol. xlvi. | 128 Mr. Vaughan will continue his researches in the island, which have already led to so much of interest. Col. MEINERTZHAGEN sent the following review of Siva strigula, with the descriptions of two new subspecies :— SIVA STRIGULA. 1. Siva strigula simlaensis, subsp. nov. Crown paler, more lemon-rufous than S. s. stig Back with considerable but variable amount of grey. The chestnut mark on the central rectrices rarely reaches to the end of thé proximal half of the feather and is often somewhat dilute and pale. Type in the British Museum: ¢. Simla (W. Davison), 21. x.1880. Reg. No. ' Distribution. From the Simla Hills east to Almora and Kumaon. Material examined. Forty birds from Simla, Mussoorie, Naini Tal, ete. 2. SIVA STRIGULA STRIGULA. Hodgson (1838: Nepal). Crown darker and lacking the lemon tinge of the pre- ceding form. Back without any definite greyish. The chestnut on the central rectrices darker, better defined, and extending into the distal half of the feather, but not approaching within 24 mm. of the feather-tips. Type in the British Museum. Distribution. Nepaland Sikkim, up to 9000 feet in summer and down to 2800 feet in winter. Material examined. Twenty-four birds from Nepal and Sikkim. 3. Siva strigula victoria, subsp. nov. Very near S. s. strigula, with the forehead often darker. The chestnut of the tail as in S. s. castaneicauda, 1. e., the chestnut mark always reaches to within 17 mm. of the feather-tips. The chestnut is of a deeper tone than 129 | Vol. xlvi. in the preceding races. Lores and ear-coverts grey (rarely dark grey), but never so dark (smoky-black) as in S. s. castanercauda. Type in the British Museum, no sex. Mount Victoria, Chin Hills, 7000’, 26.iii.1904 (Rippon). Reg. No. 1903.9.10.325. _ Material examined. Twenty-seven birds from Mount Vic- toria, Burma. Obs. Nine birds from the Southern Shan States are intermediate between 3 and 4, but nearest 3. Four birds from the Naga, one from the Daphla, and three from the Manipur Hills agree best with S. s. victoria. 4, SIVA STRIGULA CASTANEICAUDA. Hume (1887: Mauleyit). Similar to S. s. victorie, but with darker lores and ear- coverts which are smoky black. | Type in the British Museum. _ Distribution. Only known from Muleyit. Material examined. Four birds from Muleyit. 5. SIVA STRIGULA YUNNANENSIS. Rothschild (1921: Lichiang Range). Much darker and more slaty above than all preceding races. Tail as in 4, but the chestnut usually even darker. Lores and ear-coverts approaching 4, but not so dark. Type at Tring. Distribution. Lichiang Range, N.W. Yunnan, up to 12,000! in summer. Material examined. Thirty-nine birds. 6. SIVA STRIGULA MALAYANA. (Hartert.) Darkest of all. Head dark rufous-grey, much darker than in S, s. yunnanensis. Back near that race, but slightly darker. Underparts much darker and more olive. Lores and ear-coverts very dark brown to black, and darker than in S. s. castaneicauda. ‘Tail as in S. s. yunnanensis. Type at Tring. Vol. xlvi.] 130 Lnrstribution. Malay Peninsula, between 5,300 and 6,000 feet. Material examined. Twenty-seven birds. Obs. No birds from Siam have been examined. Nors.—In fresh specimens the underparts are suffused with various shades of brown or olive on a lemon-yellow ground. Specimens which have been in collections for some time lose in various degrees this ground-colour of lemon-yellow. A similar change of colour occurs in many Indian and Malayan birds which have either lemon or sulphur-yellow underparts. The fading seems to be directly due to light. The yellow sometimes changes to white and sometimes to lilac (Urocissa). Mr. W. L. Sciarer submitted the following note on the generic name of the Trumpeter Bullfinch :— The generic name Lrythrospiza is that usually applied to the Trumpeter Bulltinch (Fringilla githaginea Licht.). This name was first introduced by Bonaparte on page 80 of a little-known pamphlet, ‘Sulla seconda edizione del Regno Animale del Barone Cuvier,’ printed at Bologna, according to the titlepage, in 1830, but not published till 1831, as can be proved by the inscription on the last page. The species included in the genus were: (1) Fringilla purpurea Gm. (2) » jrontalis Say. (3) Pyrrhula githaginea Tem. (4) Lowa sibirica Falck. (3)... 2rosee Tall. (6) 4, erythrina Pall. (7) Pyrrhula synoica Tem. (8) Lowia rubicilla Less. In 1840, Gray, in his ‘ List of the Genera of Birds’ (1st ed., p. 48, 1840), designated the type of Lrythrospiza as Lowa erythrina. 131 [Vol. xlvi. _ If this is accepted, Erythrospiza becomes a pure synonym of Carpodacus Kaup, 1829, and cannot be used for the Trumpeter Bullfinch. The only available name for this last is Bucanetes Cabanis, Mus. Hein. 1. p. 164, 1851. Type by monotypy, Fringilla githaginea Licht. Mr. Grecory M. Maruews sent the following alteration :— Spiloglaux novebritannie novehibernice, new name for Noctua variegata Quoy & Gaimard, 1833; not of Jung, Alph. Verz. Schmett. ii. p. 256, 1792. Locality. New Ireland. Vol. xivi.] ‘32 NOTICES. The next Meeting of the Club will be held on Wednesday, October 13th, 1926, at PAGANI’S RESTAURANT, 42-48 Great Portland Street, W.1. The Dinner at 7 p.m. Members intending to dine might kindly inform the Hon. Sec., Dr. G. C. Low, 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. 1. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. This will also be held at PAGANI’S RESTAURANT on Wednesday, October 13th, 1926, at 5.45 pm. An Agenda and Balance Sheet will be issued in September. | N.B.—Members who intend to make any communication at the next Meeting of the Club are requested to give notice beforehand to the Editor, Mr. N. B. Kinnear, at the Nat. Hist. Museum, South Kensington, and to place in his hands not later than at the Meeting MSS. for publication in the Bulletin. | (Signed ) H. M. Wa tis, N. B. KInnzEar, GEORGE ©. Low, Chairman. Editor. Hon. Sec. & Treas. INDEX, [ Names of new species and subspecies are indicated by clarendon type under the generic entry only. | abietina, Phylloscopus coliybita, 68. Acanthis flavirostris batista- nicus, subsp. n., 97. — ladacensis, subsp. n., 96. Acanthiza trochiloides, 47. Acanthopneuste lugubris, 47. reguloides, 47. trochiloides, 47. Accipiter gentilis arrigonii, 5, luteoschistaceus, sp. n., 53. Acrocephalus palustris, 38. streperus, 8. acuminata, Calidris, 128. A2githaliscus concinna rubri- capillus, subsp. n., 22. Aigithalus flammiceps, 65. ethiopica, Quelea quelea, 20. @thiopicus, Ploceus, 20. Atthopyga goalpariensis, 19. gouldiz isolata, subsp. n., 13. —— ignicauda exultans, subsp. iy lo. siparaja mussooriensis, subsp. n., 12. afer afer, Nilaus, 108. camerunensis, Nilaus, 108. Alauda a. arborea, 38. —- arvensis gulgula, 100. lhamarum, subsp. n., ——- 100. triborhyncha, 100. aaudinus, Phrygilus, 119. albescens, Dryobates himalayensis, 70. albifacies, Campethera nulica, 14. , Dendronius, 15. albinucha, Melanopteryx, 17. Alcedo asiatica, 21. laubmanni, nom. noy., 21. lexanderi, Ploceus baglafecht, 15. VOL, XLVI. algeriensis, Phenicurus phenicurus, 5. alienus, Hyphanturgus, 18. alpestris deosat, Hremophila, 84. jlava, Otocorys, 67. —— longirostris, Otocorys, 67. Alseonax minimus okuensis, subsp. n., 90. Ammomanes desertt isabellina, 67. phemcuroides, 67. analts longipennis, Dryobates, 71. aes concolor, sp. n., 9. annamensis, Blythipicus 72, 73. , Dryobates hyperythrus, 7. anochlorus, Othyphantes, 17. ane ansorget, Diaphorophyia, O06. graueri, Diaphorophyia, 106. — harterti, Diaphorophyia, 105, 106. -—- silue, Diaphorophyia, 106. Anthreptes sermundi, 106. kruensis, 107. —— —— minor, subsp. n., 107. seimundi, 107. Anthus campestris, 74, '75, 112, 122. —— c. campestris, 55. Apteryx owent, 76. Aquila culleni, 31, 35. Julvescens, 34. murina, 33. —- nipalensis orientalis, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36. punctata, 33. rapax, 31, 33, 34. belisarius, 31, 32, 33. — — culleni, 35, 36. —— —— raptor, 32, 33, 34, 35. vindhiana, 33. aquilonifer, Tetraogallus tibetanus, 99. pyrrhotis, —— Vol. xlvi. | Arachnothera chrysogenys intensiflava, subsp. n., 14. Aratinga whitleyl, sp. n., 82. arborea, Alauda a., 38. arcuata, Emberiza fucata, 24. Argya caudata, 66, 67. eclipes, 66, 67. huttoni, 66. arrigontt, Accipiter gentiis, 5. arvensis gulgula, Alauda, 100. thamarum, Alauda, 100. asiatica, Alcedo, 21. Astrapia stephanie, 58. ateralbus, Centropus, 50, atrata, Saxicola caprata, 67. atroflavus craterum, Laniarius, 88. aurantius, Xanthophilus, 18. aureicuspis, Dendromus, 15. aureoflavus, Ploceus, 18. , Aanthophilus, 18. aureonucha, Cinnamopteryx, 17. australis, Cryptospiza salvadorii, 46. ayrestt Lynesi, Cisticola, 90. badius, Sitagra, 17. baglafecht, Othyphantes, 17. alexanderi, Ploceus, 15. baltistanicus, Acanthis flavirostris, 97. hansoensis, Campethera tullbergi, 93. Barnardius crommelinz, sp. n., 21. batesi, Cinnyris, 107. , Othyphantes, 17. belisarius, Aquila rapax, 31, 32, 33. bella, Sylvia conspicillata, 46, 48. bertrandi, Othyphantes, 17. bicolor, Ploceus, 16. , Saxicola c., 67. ——-, Symplectes, 16. Blythipicus pyrrhotis anna- mensis, subsp. n., 72, 73. — — hainanus, 738. — —— pyrrhotis, 73. sinensis, 73. horbonica madagascariensis, Phedina, 127. borealis, Cryptospiza salvadorii, 46. Botaurus melanotus, 76. poiciloptilus maorianus, nom. n., 76. brachydactyla, Calandrella, 123. brachypterus, Hyphanturgus, 18. , Ploceus, 18. branickii, Leptosittaca, 82. brodei, Noctua, 65. Broderipus chinensis riley2, 87. Bucanetes, 131. budde, Turdus merula, 98. Bulleria, gen. n., 76. burkii, Sylvia, 65. whistleri, Seicercus, 22, 134 cabanisi stephensont, Dryobates, 70. ceruleus, Parus, 57. Calandrelia brachydactyla, 123. minor, 123. kukunoorensis, 123. caledonicus hilli, Nycticoraa, 108. major, Nycticorax, 108. pelewensis, Nycticorax, 60, 103. Calidris acuminata, 123. camerunensis, Nilaus afer, 108. campestris, Anthus, 74, '75, 112, 122. s C,, 00. Campethera nubica, 14. ——- albifacies, 14. seriptoricauda, 14, — tullbergi bansoensis, sub- sp. n., 93. wellsi, sp. n., 91. : canorus, Cuculus, 8. ; Co: canus sanguiniceps, Picus, 70. Capella gallinago delicata, 121. Jeroeensis, 120, 121. —— gallinago, 121. capensis, Huploceus, 18. , Oriolus, 18. capitalis, Sitagra, 17. caprata atrata, Saxicola, 67. caragane, Perdix hodgsonia, 86. carbonarius, Puffinus carneipes, 76. cardinalis, Quelea, 20: carneipes carbonarius, Puffinus, 76. neozealandicus, Puffinus, 93. zealandicus, Puffinus, 76, 93. carnipes, speculigera, Mycerobas, 87. Carpodacus, 131. rubicilloides lapersonnei, subsp. n., 83. lucifer, subsp. n., 83. castaneicauda, Siva strigula, 129. castaneofuscus, Cinnamopterya, 17. castanops, Xanthophilus, 18. Casuarius casuarius lateralis, subsp. n., 30. picticollis, 59. caswartius lateralis, Casuarius, 30. caudata, Argya, 66, 67. centralis, Quelea quelea, 19. ——, sanguinirostris, 19, Centrepus ateralbus, 50. Certhia simplex, 51. Charadrius h. hiaticula, 42. semipalmatus, 42, Chibia densa, 60. chinensis macassariensis, Oriolus, 87. rileyt, Broderipus, 81. Chlamydera lauterbachi, 60. Chloephaga hybrida, 120. chrysogenys intensiflava, thera, 14. Chrysolophus pictus obscurus, 102. Arachno- chrysotis forrestt, Fulvetta, 64. cinerea, Fringilla, 21. cinereus collingwoodi, Poliolimnas, 60. moluccanus, Poliolimnas, 60. , Lachyeres, 120. Cinnamopteryx aureonucha, 17. —— castaneofuscus, 17. tricolor, 17. Cinnyris batesi, 107. kruensis, 107. —— pembe, 127. Cisticola ayresii lynesi, subsp. 90: —— robusta santz, subsp. n., 125. citreola, Motacilla citreola, 114. were, Motacilia, 114. Coccothraustes speculigerus, 81. collaris, Sitagra, 17. collingwoodi, Poliolimnas cinereus, collybita abietine, Phylloscopus, 68. Columba melanocephata, 60. concinna rubricapillus, Atgithaliseus, 22. concolor, Andropadus, 89. connectens, Picus vittatus, 70. conspicillata bella, Sylvia, 46, 48. orbitalis, Sylvia, 48. corruscus mandanus, Lamprocolius, 126. —— vaughani, Lamprocolius, 126. Coturniz novezealandie, 76. craterum, Laniarius atroflavus, 88. eristatus nigripennis, Pavo, 102. crommeline, Barnardius, 21. cruentatus, Melanerpes, 79. Cryptospiza salvadorit australis, 46. borealis, 46. —— —— ruwenzorii, subsp. n., 45, 46. salvadorii, 46. eucullatus, Sitagra, 17. Cuculus canorus, 8. canorus, 38. culleni, Aquila, 31, 35. ; rapax, 35, 36. Cyanops franklini subsp. n., 57. minor, dehre, Picus vittatus, 69, 70. delicata, Gallinago gallinago, 121. Dendrocitta formosz occi- dentalis, subsp. n., 22. Dendromus albifacies, 15. aureicuspis, 15. scriptoricauda, 14, densa, Chibia, 60. deosai, Eremophila alpestris, 84. deserti isabellina, Ammomanes, 67. phenicurioides, Ammomanes, 67. 135 [ Vol. xlvi. Diaphorophyia ansorgei ansorgei, 106. grauerti, 106. —— —— harterti, subsp. n., 103, 106. stlue, 106. dichrocephalus, Xanthophilus, 18. Diphyliodes magnifica hunsteini, 59. dorsomaculatus, Phormoplectes, 16. Drepanis (Certhia) simplex, 51. Dryobates analis longipennis, 71. cabanisi stephensoni, subsp. n., 70. himalayensis albescens, subsp. n., 70. hyperythrus annamensis, sp. n., 7. duboisi, Sitagra, 17. eclipes, Argya, 66, 67. eisenhofert, Picus vittatus, 70. Emberiza fucata arcuata, 24. fluviatilis, subsp. n., 23, 24. ns Sucata, 24. —— —— kuatunensis, subsp. u., 23, 24. quelea, 19. emint, Othyphantes, 17. Epimachus meyeri, 58. Eremophila alpestris deosai, subsp. n., 84. Ereunetes pusillus, 110, 111, 124. EHrolia minutilla, 124. erubescens, Phaéthon rubricauda, 60. erythrina, Loxia, 130, erythrops, Quelea, 20. Sa enchie, Passer senegalensis, 9. Erythrospiza, 130. Estrilda robertsi, nom. nov., 21. Huploceus capensis, 18. eurhinus, Totanus totanus, 85. Hustephanes galeritus, 120. exultans, Althopyga ignicauda, 13. ferseensis, Capella gallinago, 120, 121. Falco nawmanni, 122. falklandica, Pagodroma nivea, 76. Jerina, Nyroca, 7, 8. Jimbriata indochinensis, Lalage, 7. jJlammiceps, Afgithalus, 65. jlava, Otocorys alpestris, 67. Jlavicollis, Fringilla, 66. flavipes, Tringa, 121. Jlavirestris baltistanicus, Acanthis, 97. ladacensis, Acanthis, 97. flavissimus, Xanthophilus, 18. Jluviatilis, Emberiza fucata, 23, 24. Jormose occidentalis, Dendrocitia, 22, Forresti, Fulvetta chrysotis, 64. Jranklini minor, Cyanops, 57, Vol. xlvi. | Fringilla cinerea, 21. — flavicoliis, 66. Srontalis, 180. — githaginea, 130. ——- purpurea, 130, — xanthocollis, 66. xanthosterna, 66. Srontalis, Fringilla, 130. Sucata, Emberiza fucata, 24. arcuata, Emberiza, 24. — fluviatilis, Emberiza, 23, 24. — kuatunensis, Emberiza, 28, 24. Suligula, Nyroca, 7, 8. fulvescens, Aquila, 34. Fulvetta chrysotis forresti, subsp. n., 64. galbula, Xanthophilus, 18. Galeocephala, nom. n., 93. galeritus, Hustephanes, 120. gallinago delicata, Capella, 121. feroeensis, Capella, 120, 121. gallinago, Capella, 121. Garrulax leucolophus hard- wickii, subsp. n., 113. gayett, Melanochiora, 6. gentilis arrigonit, Accipiter, 5. gigas, Patagona, 119. gilviventris, Xenicus, 76. githaginea, Fringilla, 130. , Pyrrhula, 130. goalpariensis, Aithopyga, 12. golandi, Sitagra, 17. gouldie isolata, Aithopyga, 13. gracilis, Oceanites, 6. Grafisia, gen. n., 105. torquata, 104, 105. grandis, Hypermegethes, 18. , Hyphantornis, 18. grauert, Diaphorophyia ansorgei, 106. guigula, Alauda arvensis, 10V. Gymnoris xanthocollis, 66. Hematena nom. n., 60. hainanus, Blythipicus pyrrhotis, '73. hardwickii, Garrulax leucolophus, 118. harterti, Diaphorophyia ansorgei, 105. henrici, Tetraogallus tibetanus, 99. Heterhyphantes melanogaster, 17. heuglini, Sitagra, 17. hiaticula, Charadrius h., 42. hilli, Nycticorax caledonicus, 103. himalayensis, Regulus, 98. albescens, Dryobates, 70. Hippolais icterina, 74. hispanica, CEnanthe, 45. hodgsonie caragane, Perdix, 86. humei, Pycnonotus l., 67. humilis, Ortygonax nigricans, 37. hunsteini, Diphyllodes magnifica, 59. richmondena, 136 huttoni, Argya, 66. hybrida, Chloephaga, 120. Hypermegethes grandis, 18. hyperythrus, Hypopicus, 71. annamensis, Dryobates, 7. marshalli, Hypopicus, 72. sikkimensis, Hypopicus, 72. Hyphantornis, 17. grandis, 18. superciliosus, 18. Hyphanturgus alienus, 18. brachypterus, 18. nigricollis, 18. ocularis, 18. hypoleucos, Tringa, 4. Hypopicus hyperythrus, 71. hyperythrus, 72. —— — marshalli, 72. sikkimensis, 72. Hyporallus, gen. n., 76. Lbidorhynchus struthersi, 96. icterina, Hippolais, 74. Icteropsis pelzelni, 17. subpersonata, 17. ignicauda exultans, Aithopyga, 13. indochinensis, Lalage fimbriata, 7. innominatus, Picumnus, 65. insignis, Phormoplectes, 16. intensiflava, Arachnothera chryso- genys, 14. intermedia, Quelea quelea, 20. intermedius, Sitagra, 17. isabellina, Ammomanes deserti, 67. isolata, Aithopyga gouldie, 13. jacksoni, Sitagra, 17. kelsalli, Thalassidroma tethys, 6. kruensis, Anthreptes seimundi, 107. , Cinnyris, 106. kuatunensis, Hmberiza fucata, 23, 24. kukunoorensis, Calandrella minor, 128. ladacensis, Acanthis flavirostris, 97. Lalage fimbriata indochinen- Sis, subsp. n., 7. saturata, 8. Lamprocolius cerruscus mandanus, 126. —— —— vaughani, subsp. n., 126. Laniarius atroflavus crate- rum, subsp. n., 88. lapersonnei, Carpodacus rubicilloides, 85. Larus philadelphia, 108, 109, 110. ridibundus, 109. lateralis, Casuarius casuarius, 30. luthami, Loxia, 19. laticincta, Platysteira, 91. laubmanni, Alcedo, 21. 137 lauterbachi, Chlamydera, 60. , Pseudochlamydera, 60. lawesi, Parotia, 59. lepcharum, Parus monticolus, 97. Leptosittaca branickii, 82. leucolophus hardwickii, Garrulax, 113. leucotis, Pycnonotus, 67. thamarum, Alauda arvensis, 100. lombokia, Meliphaga, 60, longipennis, Dryobates analis, 71. longirostrts, Otocorys alpestris, 67. Lophorina superba minor, 59. Loxia erythrina, 130. lathami, 19. rosea, 130. rubicilla, 180. sanguinirostris, 19. sibirica, 130. lucifer, Carpodacus rubicilloides, 83. lugubris, Acanthopneuste, 47. —=-, Motacilla, 75. ——.,, Phyjllloscopus, 47. , Peoptera, 104. luteolus, Sitagra, 17. luteoschistaceus, Accipiter, 58. lynesi, Cisticola ayresti, 90. macassariensis, Oriolus chinensis, 87. macgregorie, Phenicura, 65. maculatus, Rallus, 37. maculipennis virens, Phylloscopus, 61. madagascariensis, Phedina borbonica, 27. magellanicus, Spheniscus, 120. magnifica hunsteini, Diphyllodes, 59. major, Nycticorax caledonicus, 103. malayana, Siva strigula, 129. Malimbus nigricollis, 18. mandanus, Lamprocolius 127. maorianus, Botaurus poiciloptilus, 76. marila, Nyroca,7, 8. marshalli, Hypopicus hyperythrus, 72. maxwelli, Melanopteryx, 17, Megacephaton, 93. Melanerpes cruentatus, 70. Melanhyphantes nigricollis, 18. melanocephala, Columba, 60. melanocephalus, Sitagra, 17. Melanochlora gayeti, sp. n., 6. melanogaster, Heterhyphantes, 17. Melanopteryx albinucha, 17. maxwelli, 17. nigerrimus, 17. melanotus, Botaurus, 76. Meliphaga lombokia, nom. n., 60. meridionalis, Oriolus, 87. merula budde, Turdus, 98. meyeri, Epimachus, 58. Microplectes, 17. microrhyncha, Topaza pella, 56. Ccorruscus, [ Vol. xlvi. minimus okuensis, Alseonax, 90. minor, Anthreptes seimundi, 107. , Calandrella, 123. ——., Cyanops franklini, 57. ——., Lophorina superba, 59. kukunoorensis, Calandrella, 123. nminutilla, Krolia, 124. , Lringa, 111. modestus, Sylviparus, 65. moluccanus, Poliolimnas cinereus, 60. monica, Notochibia, 60. montanus, Passer, 122. monticolus lepcharum, Parus, 97. Motacilla citreola citreola, 114. were, 114. lugubris, 75. muelleri, Rallus, 76. muraria, Prunella rubeculoides, 99. murina, Aquila, 33. mussooriensis, Aithopyga siparaja, 12. Mycerobas carnipes speculigera, 87. myrmecophaga, Picus vittatus, 70. ss naumanni, Falco, 122. neozedlandicus, Puffinus carneipes, 93. Netta rufina, 8. nigerrimus, Melanopteryx, 17. nigricans humilis, Ortygonax, 37. nigricans, Ortygonaa, 37. nigriceps, Sitagra, 17. nigricollis, Hyphanturgus, 18. , Malimbus, 18. , Melanhyphantes, 18. nigrimentum, Othyphantes, 17. nigripennis, Pavo cristatus, 102. Nilaus afer afer, 108. —- camerunensis, 108. Niltava sundara whistleri, subsp. n., 113. nipalensis orientalis, Aquila, 81, 382, 34, 35, 36. nivea falklandica, Pagodroma, 76. novegeorgia, Pagodroma, 76. Noctua brodei, 65. variegata, 131. Notochibia monica, gen. et sp. n., 60. novebritannie novehibernice, Spilo- glaux, 131, novehibernice, britannie, 131. novezealandie, Coturnizx, 76. novegeorgia, Payodroma nivea, 76. nubica, Campethera, 14. albifacies, Campethera, 14. scriptoricauda, Campethera, 14. Nycticorax caledonicus hilli, 108. Major, subsp. n., 103. —— —— pelewensis, subsp. n., 60. 103. Nyroca ferina, 7, 8. Spiloglaux nove- Vol. xlvi. | Nyroca fuliguia, 7, 8. —— marila, 7, 8. —— nyroca, 8. obscurus, Chrysolophus pictus, 102. Oceanites gracilis, 6. occidentalis, Dendrocitta formose, 22. occipitalis, Picus, 70. ocularis, Hyphanturgus, 18. , Poliolimnas cinereus, 60. Gnanthe hispanica, 45. enanthe enanthe, 43. —— secbohmi, 438, 45. enanthe seebohmi, Hinanthe, 43, 45. okuensis, Alseonax minimus, 91. olivaceiceps, Xanthophilus, 18. orbitalis, Prinia, 47. , Sylvia conspicillata, 48. Oreotrochilus, 119. orientalis, Aguila nipalensis, 31, 32, 34, 39, 36. Oriolinus subaureus, 18. Oriolus capensis, 18. chinensis macassariensis, 87. meridionalis, 87. Oriygonax nigricans humilis, 37. nigricans, 37. — rytirhynchus rytirhynchus, 37. simonst, 37. tschudii, 37. sanguinolentus sanguinolentus, 37. —— vigilantis, 37. Othyphantes anochlorus, 17. baglafecht, 17. batest, 17. bertrandi, 17. emini, 17. nigrimentum, 17. reichenowt, 17. stuhlmanni, 17. Otocorys alpestris flava, 67. longirostris, 67. owem, Apteryx, 76. Pachyphantes superciliosus, 18. Pagodroma nivea falklandica, nom. n., 76. novegeorgica, 76. palustris, Acrocephalus, 38. pamprepta, Topaza pella, 57. Paradisea raggiana, 59. Paradisornis rudolphi, 59. Pardirallus rytirhynchus, 37. Parotia lawesi, 59. Parus ceruleus, 57. monticolus lepcharum, subsp. n., 97. Passer montanus, 122. . senegalensis erythrorhynchus, 19. Patagona gigas, 119. 138 Pavo cristatus nigripennis, 102. ar Nycticorax caledonicus, 60, 03. pella microrhyncha, Topaza, 56. —— pamprepta, Topaza, 57. smaragdula, Topaza, 57. pelzelni, Sitagra, 17. pembe, Cunnyris, 127. Perdix hodgsoniz caragane, subsp. n., 86. Phaéthon rubricauda erubescens, 60. Phasianus sp., 101. versicolor, 101. Phedina borbonica madagascariensis, 12ge philadelphia, Larus, 108, 109, 110. Philomachus pugnaz, 114. Phenicura macgregorie, 65. phenicuroides, Ammomanes deserti, 67. Phenicurus phenicurus algeriensis, 5. Phormoplectes dorsomaculatus, 16. insignis, 16. Phrygilus alaudinus, 119. unicolor, 119. Phylloscopus collybita abietina, 68. —- lugubris, 47. maculipennis subsp. n., 61. reguloides, 47. sibilatrix, 75. trochiloides, 46. picticollis, Casuarius, 59. pictus obscurus, Chrysolophus, 102. Picunmnus innominatus, 65. Picus canus sanguiniceps, nom. n., 70. hyperythrus, 71. occipitalis, 70. vittatus, 69. connectens, 70. -—— —— dehre, subsp. n., 69, 70. eisenhoferr, TV. myrmecephanes, 70. viridanus, 70. —— vittatus, 70. Platycercus wnicolor, 76. Platysteira laticincta, sp. n., 91. Plesiositagra, 17. Ploceus ethiopicus, 20. -—— aureoflavus, 18. —— (Othyphantes) baglafecht alexanderi, subsp. n., 15. bicolor, 16. brachypterus, 18. Peoptera lugubris, 104, stuhlmanni, 104. poiciloptilus maorianus, Botaurus, 76. Poliolimnas cinereus colling- woodi, nom. n., 60. —— — moluccanus, subsp. n,, 60. virens, ———_. 139 Poliolimnas cinereus ocularis, 60. pondicerianus thai, Tephrodornis, 58. princeps, Xanthophilus, 18. Prinia orbitalis, 47. Proparus swinhoei, 64. Prunella rubeculoides mura- ria, subsp. n., 99. Pseudochlamydera, gen. n., 60. lauterbacht, 60. | Piilotis virescens, 60. Puffinus carneipes carbonarius, 76. neozealandicus, nom. n., 93. —— zealandicus, nom. n., 76, 93. pugnax, Philomachus, 114. punctata, Aquila, 33. purpurea, Fringilla, 130. pusilius, Erewnetes, 110, 111, 124. Pycnonotus |. humei, 67. - leucotis, 67. pyrrhotis, Blythipicus pyrrhotis, 73. annamensis, Blythipicus, 72, 73. —— hainanus, Blythipicus, 73. — pyrrhotis, Biythipicus, 73. —— sinensis, Blythipicus, 73. Pyrrhula synoica, 130. githaginea, 130. Quelea cardinalis, 20. erythrops, 20. —— quelea ethiopica, 20. centralis, 19. —— —— jniermedia, 20. —— —— quelea, 19. — sanguinirostris centralis, 19, quelea, Lmberiza, 19. ———_— raggiana, Paradisea, 59. rajputane, Salpornis spilonotus, 83. Rallus maculatus, 37. — muelleri, 76. rapax, Aquila, 31, 33, 34. belisarius, Aquila, 31, 32, 33. culleni, Aquila, 35, 36. raptor, Aquila, 32, 33, 34, 35. vindhiana, Aquila, 38. raptor, Aquila rapax, 32, 33, 84, 365. reguloides, Acanthopneuste, 47. , Phylloscopus, 47. Regulus himalayensis, 98. regulus sikkimensis, subsp. n., 97. reichenowt, Othyphantes, 17. richmondena, Hematena, 60. ridibundus, Larus, 109. rileyi, Broderipus chinensis, 87. robertsi, Estrilda, 21. robustu sante, Cisticola, 125. rosea, Lowxia, 130. [ Vol. xlvi. roseotincta, Sceophacthon rubricauda, 60. rubeculoides muraria, Prunella, 99. rubicilla, Loxia, 130. rubicilloides lapersonnet, Carpodacus, -— lucifer, Carpodacus, 88. rubiginosus, Sitagra, 17. rubricapillus, Aigithaliscus concinna, 22 rubricauda erubescens, Phaéthon, 60. roseotincta, Sceophaethon, 60. rudolphi, Paradisornis, 59. rufina, Netta, 8. ruwenzort, Cryptospiza salvadorit, 45, rytirhynchus, Pardirallus, 37. rytirhyachus, Ortygonax, 37. sumonsi, Ortygonax, 37. tschudii, Ortygonaa, 37. Salpornis spilonotus rajpu- tanze, subsp. n., 83 salvadorit australis, Cryptospiza, 46. borealis, Cryptospiza, 46. ruwenzori, Cryptospiza, 46. salvadorit, Cryptospiza, 46. sancti-thome, Sycobius, 18. , Thomasophantes, 16, 18. sanguiniceps, Picus canus, 70, sanguinirostris, Loxia, 19. centralis, Quelea, 19. sanguinolentus sanguinolentus, Orty- gonae, 37. vigilantis, Ortygonax, 37. sant@é, Cistieola robusta, 125. Sassius simplex, gen. et sp. n., 51 saturata, Lalage, 8. savanne, Streptopelia vinacea, 124. Saxicola caprata atrata, 67. bicolor, 67. Sceophaethon rubricauda roseotincta, nom. n., 60. seriptoricauda, Campethera nubiea, 14. , Dendromus, 14. seebohmi, Ginanthe enanthe, 48, 45. Seicercus burkii whistleri, subsp. n., 22. seimundi, Anthreptes, 106. minor, Anthreptes, 107. —— kruensis, Anthreptes, 107. seimundi, Anthreptes, 107. semipalmatus, Charadrius, 42. i Nase erythrorhynchus, Passer, sibilatria, Phylloscopus, 75. sibirica, Lowia, 130, sikkimensis, Hypopicus hyperythrus, 72. —, Regulus regulus, 97. Vol. xlvi. | silué, Diaphorophyia ansorget, 106. simlaensis, Siva strigula, 128. simonsi, Ortygonax rytirhynchus, 37. simplex, Drepanis (Certhia), 51. » Sassius, 41. sinensis, Blythipicus pyrrhotis, 73. seve mussooriensis, Atthopyga, Sitagra badius, 17. capitalis, 17. collaris, 17. — cucullatus, 17. — duboisi, 17. golandi, 17. — heuglini, 17. intermedius, 17. jacksoni, 17. — luteolus, 17. melanocephalus, 17. —— nigriceps, 17. pelzelni, 17. rubiginosus, 17. spekei, 17. ——- spilonotus, 17. — teniopterus, 17. velatus, 17. vitellinus, 17. weynst, 17. Siva strigula castaneicauda, 129. malayana, 129. — ——simlaensis, subsp. n., 128. strigula, 128. — —— victorie, subsp. n., 128. yunnanensis, 129. smaragdula, Topaza pella, 57. speculigera, Mycerobas carnipes, 87. speculigerus, Coccothraustes, 87. spekei, Sitagra, 17. Spheniscus magellanicus, 120. Spiloglaux novebritannie novehibernice, nom. n., 130. spilonotus, Sitagra, 17. rajputane, Salpornis, 83, Spreo torquatus, 104, 105. stephanie, Astrapia, 58. stephensoni, Dryobates cabanist, 70. Stictapteryx, gen. n., 76. Stilbopsar stuhimanmi, 104. streperus, Acrocephalus, 8. Streptopelia vinacea_ sa- vanne, subsp. n., 124. strigula, Siva strigula, 128. castaneicauda, Siva, 129. malayana, Siva, 129. stmlaensis, Siva, 128. strigula, Siva, 128. victoria, Siva, 128. yunnanensis, Siva, 129. struthersi, [bidorhynchus, 96. stuhlmanni, Othyphantes, 17. 140 stuhlmanni, Peoptera, 104. , Stilbopsar, 104. subaureus, Oriolinus, 18. , Xanthophilus, 18. subpersonata, Icteropsis, 17. sundara whistleri, Niltava, 118. superba minor, Lophorina, 59. superciliosus, Hyphantornis, 18. , Pachyphantes, 18. swinhoei, Proparus, 64. Sycobius sancti-thome, 18. Sylvia burkit, 65. conspicillata bella, 46, 48. orbitalis, 48. Sylviparus modestus, 65. Symplectes bicolor, 16. synoica, Pyrrhula, 130. Tachyeres cinereus, 120. teniopterus, Sitagra, 17. talasee, Turdus, 58. temporalis, Xanthophilus, 18. Tephrodornis pondicerianus thai, subsp. n., 58. tethys kelsalli, Thalassidroma, 6. Tetraogallus tibetanus aqui- lonifer, subsp. n., 99. henrict, 99. thai, Tephrodornis pondicerianus, 58. Thalassidroma tethys kelsalli, subsp. n., 6. Thomasophantes, subgen. n., 16. ——— sancti-thome, 16, 18. tibetanus aquilonifer, Tetraogallus, 99. henrict, Tetraogallus, 99. Topaza pella microrhyncha, subsp. n., 56. pamprepta, 57. smaragdula, 57. torquata, Grafisia, 104, 105. torquatus, Spreo, 104, 105. Totanus totanus eurhinus, 85. totanus terrignote, Tringa, 85. totanus, Tringa, 121. triborhyncha, Alauda, 100. tricolor, Cinnamopteryx, 17. Tringa flavipes, 121. hypoleucos, 4. minutilla, 111. totanus terrignotze, subsp. n., Oo; totanus, 121. Trochalopterum variegatum, 71, '72. trochiloides, Acanthiza, 47. , Acanthopneuste, 47. , Phylloscopus, 46. tschudii, Ortygonax rytirhynchus, 37. tullbergi bansoensis, Campethera, 93. Turdus merula budde, subsp. n., 98. —— talasez, sp. n., 53. 141 unicolor, Phrygilus, 119. ——, Platycercus, 76. variegata, Noctua, 131. variegatum, Trochalopterum, 71, 72. vaughani, Lamprocolius corruscus, 126. ——-, Zosterops, 127. velatus, Sitagra, 17. versicolor, Phasianus, 101. victorie, Siva strigula, 128. vigilantis, Ortygonax sanguinolentus, 37. vinacea savanne, Streptopelia, 124. vindhiana, Aquila rapaz, 33. virens, Phylloscopus maculipennis, 61. virescens, Ptilotis, 60. viridanus, Picus vittatus, 70. vitellinus, Sitagra, 17. vittatus, Picus, 69. connectens, Picus, 70. —— dehre, Picus. 69, 70. —— eisenhoferi, Picus, 70. —— myrmecophanes, Picus, 70. viridanus, Picus, 70. —— vittatus, Picus, 70. wellsi, Campethera, 91. were, Motacilla citreola, 114. weynsi, Sitagra, 17. whistleri, Niltava sundara, 113. | Vol. xlvi. whistlert, Seicercus burkit, 22. whitleyi, Aratinga, 82. xanthocollis, Fringilla, 66. -—, Gymnoris, 66. Xanthophilus aurantius, 18. —- aureoflavus, 18. -—— castanops, 18. dichrocephalus, 18. —— flavissimus, 18. galbula, 18. -—— olivaceiceps, 18. —— princeps, 18. subaureus, 18. —— temporalis, 18. —— sranthops, 18. xanthopterus, 18. Xanthoplectes xanthopterus, 18. xanthops, Xanthophilus, 18. santhopterus, Xanthophilus, 18. -_—, Xanthoplectes, 18. xanthosterna, Fringilla, 66. Xenicornis, gen. n., 76. Xenicus gilviventris, 76. yunnanensis, Siva strigula, 129. zealandicus, Puffinus carneipes, 76, 93. Zecoturnix, gen. n., 76. Zosterops, vaughant, 127. * ee - ae % ee ; »_ ~