ee re ey pn Bat area inte ba tne ae ehehetewetegesasen, Loewe neve em meh we wk oes Seectarteeeeee ten eheneaedem aoe OP -Detem ewer oni a batadialnte fone tenn t at > ISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CL rp EDITED BY Lr. -COL, w. top ce TENISON, ‘DSO. VOLUME LXVII.. SESSION 1946-1947. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, LTD., RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, E.C. 4. swt AS Oe Re = read Re members at the meetings, and these have b " | |. N. White, Mr. C. W. Benson, Mr. P. A. Clancey, Col. gen, Mr. A. Morrison, and by Capt. C. H. B. Grant and Mr, C W. P.C. TENISON, Editor.” ey sey 4 BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. (FoUNDED OcToBER 5, 1892.) —_———— TITLE AND OBJECTS. The objects of the Club, which shall be called the ‘British Ornithologists’ Club”’, are the promotion of social intercourse between Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union and to facilitate the publication of scientific infor- mation connected with ornithology. RULES. (As amended, October 12, 1938.) MANAGEMENT. I. The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee, to consist of a Chairman, who shall be elected for three years, at the end of which period he shall not be eligible for re-election for the next term ; two Vice-Chairmen, who shall serve for one year, and who shall not be eligible for the next year ; an Editor of the ‘ Bulletin’, who shall be elected for five years, at the end of which period he shall not be eligible for re-election for the next term; a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall each -be elected for a term of one year, but who shall be eligible for re-election. There shall be in addition four other Members, the senior of whom shall retire each year, and another Member be elected in his place; every third year the two senior _ Members shall retire and two other Members be elected in their place. Officers and Members of the Committee shall be elected by the Members of the Club at a General Meeting, © and the names of such Officers and Members of Committee nominated by the Committee for the ensuing year shall be circulated with the notice convening the General Meeting at least two weeks before the Meeting. Should any member wish to propose another candidate, the nomination of such, signed by at least two Members, must reach the Secretary | at least one clear week before the Annual General Meeting. ~ he must communicate in writing with the Chairman, who will, if he deem fit, call a Committee Meeting to deal wee the matter. II. If the conduct of any Member shall be deemed by the Committee to be prejudicial to the interest of the Club, _he may be requested by the Committee to withdraw from from the list of Members at a General Meeting, provided that, in the notice calling the Meeting, intimation of the proposed resolution to remove his name shall have been given, and that a majority of the Members voting at such ih - Meeting record their votes for his removal. SUBSCRIPTIONS. IV. Any Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union may become a Member of the Club on payment to the ‘Treasurer of an entrance-fee of one pound and a subscription oe the Union ceasing, Membership of the Club also ceases. Any Member who has not, paid his subscription before Pthe last Meeting of the Session shall cease, ipso facto, to be of arrears. | Any Member who has resigned less than five years ago Any Member who resigns his Membership on going abroad Fee at 4 Committee’s discretion. aicomine ASSOCIATES. ordinarily resident outside the British Isles, and ornithologists from the British Empire overseas or from foreign countries, _ may be admitted at the discretion of the Committee as Tem- porary Associates of the Club for the duration of any visit to the ae Za Any Member desiring to make a complaint of the — ‘manner in which the affairs of the Club are conducted the Club. In the case of refusal, his name may be removed of one guinea for the current Session. On Membership — a ‘Member of the Club, but may be reinstated on payment may be reinstated without payment of another Entrance Fee. may be readmitted without payment of a further Entrance: --_V. Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union who are | a aia Associates shall be ieutea & attenttiioe te at F the’ ordinary meetings of the Club and the introduction of guests, io ve Meetings papers upon ornithological ubjeohn ale be read, specimens exhibited and described, and discussion ae invited. ce n! im VII. A General Meeting of the Club: shall be held on the a | Z “day of the October Meeting of each Session, and_ the : ins ve _ Treasurer shall present thereat the Balance-Sheet and Report ; > is and the election of Officers and Committee, in so far as their ae to be of sufficient PEIN or at the instehies. op Pi hee fewer than fifteen Members. Notice of not less than nN _ two weeks shall be given of every General and Special General bs a MY ie ae : “a ae | pe . "2a % INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS. IX. Members may introduce visitors at any “ordinary — Meeting of the Club, but the same guest shall not be eligible ne to attend on more than three occasions during the Session. ON oO Sai Member who has been removed for noe Pe he i ‘ BULLETIN’ OF THE CLUB. X. An Abe teact of the Proceedings of the Club shall | be re - prin ted as soon as ii after each ne Sata under ae a ordered before printing. _ Descriptions of new species may be published in the , ‘i “Sagi seer such were not Someaecana ay 2 at the eh oh unduly delayed cig | baer A a s VE ae person speaking at a / Meeting of the ae shall be eae S05 a hs XI. No communication, the whole or any important part which has already been published -elsewhere, shall be gible for publication in the ‘ Bulletin’, except at the discretion _ f the Editor; and no communication made to the Club | . be subsequently uaa elsewhere without the written “i v7 ‘i +e te D i ete ea ae Pts anp REPEAL oF RULES. ‘ Ae ne Nees Any s suggested alteration or repeal of a pas: rule ¢ COMMITTEE, 1946-1947. _ Dr. J. M. Harrison, Chairman (elected 1945). : s Putri Manson-Baupr, Vice-Chairman (elected 1946). so Stam Mr. B. G. Harrison, Vice-Chairman (elected 1946). Beaty) hh Lt.-Col. W. P. C. Tentson, Mditor (elected 1945), and Hon. Ps eo aa ee Secretary (elected 1945). ang = ‘ oa anny MNO gan iss E. P. Leacu, Hon. Treasurer (elected 1942). Meee ir. C. W. G. Pavison (elected 1944). ) aptain C. H. B. Grant (elected 1944). »G. M. Rue DES (elected 1945). . D. MacDonatp (elected 1946). Officers of the British Ornithologists’ Club, ‘Past and Present. Chairmen. P. L. Sciuater, F.R.S. Lord Rotuscuitp, F.R.S. W. L. ScuaTER. H. F. WItHERBY. Dr. P. R. Lowe. Major 8. S. FLoweEr. D. A. BANNERMAN. G. M. MatTHEws. Dr. A. LANDSBOROUGH THOMSON. D. SETH-SMITH. Dr. J. M. Harrison. Vice-Chairmen. ct ord RotTHScHILD, F.R.S. . L. SCLATER. . EF. WITHERBY. . M. MatTHews. . B. KINNEAR. . WHISTLER. . SETH-SMITH. ol. R. SPARROW. Dr. G. CARMICHAEL Low. Hon. Guy CHARTERIS. W. L. ScLATER. Dr. D. A. BANNERMAN. Captain C. H. B. Grant. W. B. TucKER. F. J. F. BARRINGTON. Dr. E. HopKInson. C. W. MackworTH-PRAED Dr. J. M. Harrison. Sir Poitre MANSON-BAHR. B. G. HaRRIson. mia Hs oie) Editors. R. BOWDLER SHARPE. W. R. OGILVIE-GRANT. D. A. BANNERMAN. D. Setu-SMITH. Dr. P. R. Lowe. -N. B. KInneEar. 1892-1913. 1913-1918. 1918-1924. 1924-1927. 1927-1930. 1930-1932. 1932-1935. 1935-1938. 1938-1943. 1943-1946. 1946- 1930-1931. 1931-1932. 1932-1933. 1933-1934. 1984-1935. 1935-1936. 1936-1937. 1937-1938. 1938-1939. 1938-1939. 1939-1940. 1930-1940. 1940-1943. 1940-1943. 1943-1945. 1943-1945. 1945-1946. 1945-1946. 1946-1647. 1946-1947. 1892-1904. 1904-1914. 1914-1915. 1915-1920. 1920-1925. 1925-1930. Beet Editors (cont.): ae eS em Dr. G. Carmicuarn Low. 1930-1935. P Osptai@. HB. Granz. . )- 1996-1940. ae Dr. G. CarmicHaEn Low. 1940-19450 8 oie? 1945- Lt.-Col. W. P. C. Tenison. Honorary Secretaries and Treasurers. HOWARD SAUNDERS. © 1892-1899. _W. E. DE WINTON. © 1899-1904. _#H. FE. Wirrersy. : 1904-1914. Dr. P. R. Lowe. | | 1914-1915. C. G. TaLBot-PONSONBY. 1915-1918. D. A. BANNERMAN. ~ 1918-1919. © Dr. PHitip:GossE, 1919-1920. ~ J. L. BONHOTE. 1920-1922. _C. W. Mackxworru-Praep. 1922-1923. Dr. G. Carmicuant Low. —: 1923-1929. CO. W. MackwortH-PRazp. 1929-1935. pe a pes ~ Honorary Secretaries. , Dr. A. LANDSBOROUGH Pe PTY ate _ THOMSON. ~ nets 1935-1938. C. R. SToNoR. 1938-1940. — N. B. Kinnear, 1940-1943. Dr. G. CARMICHAEL Low. 1943-1945. Lt. “Col. Ww. Pp. C. TENISON. | 1945 pt, is : CHonerany ee ncares -C. W. Mackwortu-Pramp. 1935-1936. Major A. G. L. SrapEN. - 1936-1942... Miss E. ae Lnacn. Nie ~1942— U1 _ a LIST OF MEMBERS. JUNE 1947. a AcLanD, Miss C. M.; “Grassholm’”’, 2 Orchard Close, Ban- stead, Surrey. ALEXANDER, H.G.; 144 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birming- ham. . | 2 AuLen, R. C. R.; Gorstage House, Weaverham, Cheshire. BannerMAaN, Daviw A. M.B.E., M.A, Sce.D., F.BSE., H.F.A.0.U. (Chairman, 1932-1935); British Museum (Natural History), Cromweil Road, S.W.7. BARCLAY-SmiTH, Miss PHytuis; 51 Warwick Avenue; W.9. Barnus, Mrs. E.; Hungerdown, Seagry, Chippenham, Wilts. - BaRRincton, FrRepeERIcK J. F., M.S., F.R.C.S.; 52 Harley Io Street, W.1. Brau, Major N. A. G. H.; 1 Auriol Road, W.14. Benson, C. W.; c/o Secretariat, Zomba, Nyasaland. Benson, J. P.; Dept. of Agriculture, Meru, Kenya Colony and Dellfield, Felden, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. ‘ Best, Miss M. G. S.; 10a Cresswell Place, S.W.10. 15 £20 Boorman, 8.; Heath Farm, Send, Woking, Surrey. Boyp, A. W., M.C.; Frandley House, near Northwich, Cheshire. Brown, GEORGE; Combe Manor, Hungerford, Berks. Buxton, Major AntHony, D.S.0., D.L.; Horsey Hall, near Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. CaMPBELL, Dr. James W.; Ardrennich, Strathtay, Perthshire. Cave, Colonel F. O.; Stoner Hill, Petersfield, Hants. CHADWYCK-HEALEY, Mrs. G. M.; 15 Cadogan Court, Draycott Avenue, 8.W.3. : Cuapin, Dr. James P.; American Museum of Natural History, Central Park, New York City, U.S.A. CHARTERIS, Hon. G. L.; Old House, Didbrook, nr. Chelten- ham, Glos. CuisLurr, Raten#; Brookside, Masham, near Ripon, Yorks. VD ee a et 8 ‘a0 a KC salic CETERA) Tag a Pea ; ; . tae cpl, Mer: . 9 § Craig Toad. Cathcart, Clador: s . 4 Jo OHN p. STEPHENSON ; Broadhurst Manor. Bk as Sussex, | ed Colonel S. oh GB. Borde: Hilk Cuckfield, a N. B.; 8 Half Moon Hill, Ee teens Surrey. Conover, H. B.; 6 Scott Street, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. | _ CUNNINGHAM, Sapte Jostas; 3 Donegall Square East, Belfast. DALGETY, C. T.; Lockerley Hall, Romsey, Hampshire. at DELACOUR, Three Stanhope Hotel, Fifth Avenue and hes is Uh a Street, New York, N.Y. eWwHURST, Lieut. -Colonel F. W.; Wisdome Cot, coniuees ae! _§. Devon. YONALDSON, R. PRESTON; c/o Royal Society for ‘Rideonee is of Birds, 82 Victoria Street, S.W. 1. : eR ae ae A Bs‘ toe saieanehioe Tynron, Dumfriesshire. es. Miss a M. 7 Mieoney oa, inkeney, Norfall, ‘ f HER, JAMES (Committe) The Old ee Ashton, Northampton. mmr, R..S. R., BSc., F.ZS. ; i ~~ Founxes- Ropurts, Captain Pi eee WEG Be ‘unc, Ww. He; go Zoological Museum’, Tring, He LENISTER, AN G.; The Barn House, East Blatchington, " _ Seaford, ace ou | pos ie E.; Maen me ‘Natural bites Rake _javik, Iceland, f ae The eee ote Shiba, Tokio, J. ae 50 _ Hopkinson, Emutttus, C.M.G., D.S.0., M.B. ; Wynstay, Bo 60 65 it 7) % sa rau Harrison, James M., D.S.C., MRB.CS., LR.C.P. (Vice- Chairman); Bowerwood House, St. Botolph’s Road, Sevenoaks, Kent. HARRISON, JEFFERY G.; Bowerwood House, St. Botolph’s Road, Sevenoaks, Kent. Hartiey, P. H. T.; 91 Banbury Road, Oxford. HAVERSCHMIDT, ae 14 Waterkant, Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana. Huatu, R. E.; 2 Pembroke Court, Edwardes Square, W.8. Houn, E. 0.; 32 Priory Road, N.8: | Houiom, P. A. D.; Rolverden, Hook Heath, Woking, Surrey. Homes, R. C.; Park Cottage,Wisborough Green, Sussex. Balcombe, Sussex. Hunt, G. H.; White Chimneys, Cheveney Road, Quorn, eeebeoroush: Leicestershire. Hutson, Major-General H. P. W., C.B., M.C.; Forestry Commission, 25 Savile Row, W.1. Ineuis, C. McFarvane ; Natural History Museum, Darjeeling, India. IneRAM, Captain CoLt~tincwoop; The Grange, Benenden, Cranbrook, Kent. JABOUILLE, PIERRE; c/o Monsieur J. Delacour, New York Zoological Society, New York, U.S.A. JAMES, Miss Cetia K.; Blake’s Wood, Barnt Green, Birm- ingham. JORDAN, H. E. Karu, Ph.D., F.R.S., F.R.E.S., F.Z.S.; Zoo- logical Museum, Tring, Herts. KrynearR, Norman B.; British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, 8.W.7. -Kuropa, The Marquis Nacamicut; Fukuyoshicho, Akasaka, Tokio, Japan. Lack, Davip; Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology, 7 Keble Road, Oxford. - Laurie, M. .V; c/o Mrs. Powell, Curtis Farm, Headley, _. Bordon, Hants. LEACH, Miss E. P. (Hon. Treasurer) ; 94 Kensington Court, W.8. 40 Lewis, Joun SpepDAN; Leckford Abbas, Stockbridge, Hants. - LonerreLtp, Miss Cyntu1a; 11 Iverna Gardens, W.8. Low, Grorce CarmicHakt, M.A., M.D., C.M., F.R.C.P., F.Z.S.; | 7 Kent House, Kensington Court, Kensington, W.8. Lowz, P. R., O.B.E., M.B., B.C. (Chairman, 1927-1920) ; 2 Hugo House, 179 Sloane Street, S.W.1; and Parkland, — er Burley, Ringwood, Hants. ice | ae McCuttocu, Captain G.; 65 Chester Road, Northwood, Middlesex. ha ore Be. 75 Macponatp, J. D., B.Se.(For)., B.Sc.; British Museum Be 44 . (Natural History), Cromwell Road, 8. W. re -—s- Macxenzim, Joan M. D., B.A., C.M.Z.S.; Sidlaw Fur Farm, a | Tullach Ard, Balbeggie, ey ee ; _ _MeKirrrickx, T. H.; Bank for International Settlements, ~ Basle, Switzerland. | : BEACH WORTH: PRAED, C. W. (Vice-Chawman) : ee Burley, near Ringwood, Hants. _ McMirxan, Dr. ARNo~p ; Ivy House, New Romney, Kent. | a 80 MaAcmILLaAN, Captain W. E. F.; 42 Onslow Square, S.W.7. _~—~—Ss McNettz, J. H.; Nonsuch, ‘Bacratiam Chippenham, Wilts. _--_~—s- Macruersoy, D. W. K.; P.O., Lilongwe, Nyasaland. _-_——s Ma srieup, The Right Hon. the Earl of ; Scone Palace, Perth. __ Manson-Baur, Sir Pump, C.M.G., D.S.0., M-D., F.R.C.P. ; a -. -: 149 Harley Street, W.1. Hi M85. Matiews, G. M., C.B.E., F.R.S.E., H-F.A.0.U. (Chairman, i es Pi) 71935-1938) : Meadway St. Sie Winchester, Hants. — Re _ toum, Sudan. i _ May, E. S.; 19 Berceau Walk, Watford, Herts. ; -~ Mayavup, Norn; 36 rue Hoche, Saumur, Maine-et-Loire, of France. | . Pa MeErKiEsoun, Lieut.-Colonel R. F.; c/o Lloyd’s Bank, Ltd. es (Section F. 2), 6 Pall Mall, S.W.1. 90 MEINERTZHAGEN, Colonel R., D.8.0., F.Z.S., H.F.A.O. U:; . 17 Kensington Park Gatdons. W. ll. -Momtyama, Toxu Taro; 1146 Sasazak, Yovomaee mati, Tokio, Japan. _ Monk, Dr. J. F.; 3448 Woodstock Road, Oxford. Morrison, A. F; ; P.O. Box 473, Dar-es- Salaam, Tanganyika Territory. | : : | Aleudia, Majorca, Balearic ines Spain. - Mavrocorpato, J. G.; c/o Legal Dept., Sudan Goat Khar- | a. Mony, Captain P. W., F.Z.8S.; Hotel Mar y Sol, Pcicvtis e XIV 95 Murton, Mrs. C. D.; Cranbrook Lodge, Crnviorooke Kent. TOO I05 IIo IZ0 NaumBure, Mrs. W. W.; 121 East 64th Street,-New York City, U.S.A. NicHotson, E. M. ; 13 Upper Cheyne Row, 8.W.3. NortH, Major M. E. W.; c/o Secretariat, Nairobi, Kenya Colony, OsmasTon, BERTRAM BERESFORD ; 116 Banbury Road, Oxford. PakenuaM, R. H. W.; Kingsley, Hurtis Hill, Crowborough, Sussex ; and c/o Secretariat, Zanzibar, Eastern Africa. PARRINDER, EK. R.; 27 Gwalior House, Chase Road, N.14. Pavutson, C. W. G. (Committee) ; Woodside Cottage, Wheeler’s Lane, Smallfield, Surrey. Payn, Lt.-Col. W. A.; The Gables, Osborne Road, Andover, Hampshire. Pea, Mrs. D.; Hatfield Farm, Oare, Marlborough, Wilts. Prast, H. J. R.; The Savile Club, 69 Brook Street, W. 1. Puinures, A. 8. ; Frewin’s Close, South Stoke, Reading, Berks. Pitman, Captain C. R. 8., D.S.0., M.C.; c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament Street, S.W.1. Prestwicu, A. A.; Chelmsford Road, Southgate, N.14. PrrestLey, Mrs. J. B., O.B.E.; B.3, Albany, Piccadilly, W.1. Pyn-SmirH, Major G. H. R.; New House, Langham, Col- chester, Essex. Reynoups, R. A. W.; Fernham, Torquay Road, Paignton, S. Devon. Ruopes, Miss G. M. (Committee) ; Hildersham Hall, Cambridge. Riviere, B. B., F.R.C.8S.; The Old Hall, Woodbastwick, Norfolk. Rogerts, B. B.; 9 Pelham Court, 145 Fulham Road, S.W.3. SANDEMAN, R. G. C. C.; Dan-y-parc, Crickhowell, Brecon. SCHAUENSEE, R. M. bE; Devon, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. ScHouTEDEN, Dr. H.; Musée du Congo Belge, Tervueren, Belgium. Scort, Peter, D.S.C.; 8 Edwardes Square, W.8. SERLE, Dr. W.; The Manse, Duddingston, Edinburgh. Sera-SmitH, Davip (Chairman) ; “ Brabourne’’, Poyle Road, Guildford. SHERRIFF, ALBERT; 8 Ranulf Road, Hampstead, N.W.2. Stmonps, Major Maurice H.; Fines Baylewick, Binfield, Berks, XV SuaADEN, Major A. G. Lampart, M.C.; Crabtree Furlong, Haddenham, Aylesbury, Bucks; and 39 St. James’s Street, S.W.1. SouTHERN, H. N.; University Museum, Oxford. 125 SpaRRow, Colonel R., C.M.G., D.8.0.; The Lodge, Colne Engaine, Earls Colne, Essex. StaPues, Lt.-Commdr. (8.) C. P., Royal Navy; Hedgerows, an Ickenham, Middx. 4 Stevens, Hurpert; Clovelly, Beaconsfield Road, Tring, \ Herts. : Stevens, No&i; Walcot Hall, Lydbury, North Salop. Stonor, Lieut. C. R.; Parkgates, near Southampton, Hants. 130 Taka-TSsUKaASA, Prince NoBusuUKE; 1732 Sanchome, Kami- meguro, Meguro-Ku, Tokio, Japan. castle-under-Lyme, Stafts. Waite, H. W., C.LE.; c/o Messrs. Grindlay & Co., Ltd., Bombay, India. Watter, C. N.; 32 Stanley Avenue, Beckenham, Kent. Watt, Mrs. H. Wintrrep Boyn, F.Z.S.; The Gate House, 17 Alumdale Road, Bournemouth West, Hants. Weitn, Cuartes M. N.; 8 Ansdell Road South, Ansdell, | Lytham St. Annes, Lancs. _ 145 Wit1iams, A.; 80 Troy Court, Kensington High Street, W.8. 4 > Dud Fees ig Tenison, Lt.-Col. W. P. C., D.S.0., F.L.S., F.Z.S. (Editor and ih Hon. Sec.) ; 2 Wool Road, Wimbledon Common, 8.W.20. “ Taomson, A. LanpsBoroves, C.B., O.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.8.E. ) (Chairman, 1938-1943) ; 16 Tregunter Road, §8.W.10. 4 Ticrnurst, N. F., O.B.E., M.B., F.R.C.S.; 24 Pevensey a Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex. “f Tuckr, B. W., M.A.; 9 Marston Ferry Road, Oxford. > 135 Turtix, Lancetot J.; 17-21 Castle Place, Belfast. ie Urquuart, Catpain A., D.S.0.; Latimer Cottage, Latimer, i Chesham, Bucks. % Van Someren, G. R. C.; P.O. Box 651, Nairobi, Kenya e Colony. 4 VAN SomEREN, Dr. V. G. L.; P.O. Box 1682, Nairobi, Kenya . Colony. 4 VIncENT, Lieut.-Colonel Jack, M.B.E.; ‘ Firle ”’, Mooi River, . Natal, South Africa. . a 140 Want, Colonel G. A., M-C.; St. Quintin, Sandy Lane, New- iz” ¥ a ohh hee a fh te xvil Workman, W. H.; Lismore, Windsor Avenue, Belfast. Worms, CHARLES DE; Milton Park, Egham, Surrey. Wywne, Colonel O. E.; Court Wood, Sandleheath, Fording- bridge, Hants. YamasuHina, The Marquis; 49 Minami Hiradei, Shikuya-ku, Tokio, Japan. Total number of Members.... 149 NOTICE. [Members are specially requested to keep the Hon. Secretary informed of any changes in their addresses, and those residing abroad should give early notification of coming home on leave.] LIST OF AUTHORS AND OTHER PERSONS REFERRED TO. eS SATEEN IIT OWS «ce se. n so Sale ished os, 4.0 o'er eis ore oso t's we 0's. sle-wn ers 0 a sues Benson, C. W. Two new races of Larks, Pseudalemon fremantlii megaensis, and Calandrella somalica megaensis from Southern Abyssinia, and a new race of Green-headed Oriole, Oriolus chlorocephalus amani from Tanganyika IIT Sonn Ao a 15 a ahs Sajaneyipt'ga) odin, shemale a unalip opm BABI ole Pin o\le, < "ete ie 6 ABM lec Notes on Eastern and Southern African Birds :— On the races of Sheppardia gunningt .scavisinievceccvcccecuveces 2. On the characters.and distribution of Francolinus natalensis neavet. 3. On the specific status of Hrythropygia quadrivirgata ...........6.. Ona change of coloration in Dybius zombz .. 0. ce ecw e ee oS OTEG BCC CA AC BE S71 F: ole le Pa A new race of Double-banded Sand-Grouse (Hremialector bicinctus ganers) from Portuguese Hast Africa ........ 00.0 cee cee cece teen nwaees A new race of Double-banded Sand-Grouse (EHremialector bicinctus CA MRMGLE AATNO' OIA) coche leis ocean bi wo8 colons civic ee gd Wh a eee wie ee he Rial a's, o's CHAIRMAN, THE. Welcome to distinguished foreign Ornithologists.................... Cuaprin, Dr. J. P. A new Lark (Mirafra malbranti) from the French Congo ............ CHEAR, J. Meameited aatiim on “ Birds and Man” .........5. 0c cece cee nceeun CLANCEY, P. A. A new race, Sylvia melanocephala carmichael-lowet, from the Heath- GR PSIE GCE SY 2) atl (5771) ann Be ean RP On the races of Parus palustris indigenous to England and Wales . A new race of Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula wardlaw?) from Scotland .. A new race of Redstart (Phenicurus phenicurus cxesiterqum) from the IEE ICTR eS ehh kh en aera a a Crone f e-viehataae ca os 0b 6a 6 0 do tpepemmete's VOL. LXVII. b 25-28 28-31 31-32 32-33 33-35 36-38 44-45 79-80 87 6-8 49 66-67 67-69 76-77 77-78 78-79 XVIII CocKAYyNngE, Dr. E. A. Parallel variation in Shrikes and Moths :...............0ccc0ceceee COMMITTEE FOR 1945-47 ....... Lg’ ela) Cre a) sie wiekajle are acplie ceive eitaiten leak aaa DELACOUR, J. Showed films of the display of the Umbrella Bird, and the flight of the Faia, R. H. Spoke on the present-day position of the birds of New Zealand ...... FISHER, J. Exhibition of Ciné-film, ‘‘ Birds of the Village” ........... > os Saar Grant, Captain C. H. B., and MackwortH-PRAED, C. W. Notes on Eastern African Birds :— . On the Validity of Capella nigripennis angolensis su.» «> doe On the relationship of Bycanistes bucinator and Bycanistes sharpii . On the specific name of the South African Crowned Hornbills On the status of Caprimulgus ludovicianus ........ 000 cece eee eee . On the status of Tricholema diadematum mustum .......0.20000 . On Phyllastrephus fischeri cabanist and Phyllastrephus fischeri sucosus ee Notes on Eastern African Birds :— 1. On the status of Cossypha polioptera kungwensis .........00ee eae 2. On the status of Crsticola natalensis matengorwm .........0cec ees 3. On the distribution of Hirundo senegalensis saturatior ............ 4. On the Shrikes recorded in Ibis, 1928, p. 87, under Laniarius funebris 5. On the status of Chlorophoneus andary% ........cceeccccecccces 6. On the status of Symplectes eremobius ..........ccccescccecccees New races of a Paradise Flycatcher (Tchitrea perspicillata unguja- ensis), Apalis melanocephala muhuluensis and Eremomela griseoflava bellé from: Hasterm AiC a! ie ins. As als abst wees Meee nel Male teiw paced Rats Notes on East African Birds :— . On the status of Coturnix coturnia erlangert ccc ee cc ccecs 2 On Ghearttelas HURON ees 6 vise, 5 Suk Wh Bo wie Be Neale Sloane Dies Ge eae . On the status of @nanthe deserti atrogularis . On the status of Spreo hildebrandti kelloggorum .......0cceececeee oo f& ON & . On the migratory Stonechats in Eastern Africa ................. Page 49 23 10-11 11 11-12 12 12 12-13 38 38-39 39 39 39-40 40 42-44 46 46 47 47 47-48 XIX ‘GRANT, Captain C. H. B., and MackwortTH-PRAED, C. W. (cont.). Notes on Eastern African Birds :— . On the specific name of the South African Crowned Hornbill ..... On the conspecific status of Lybius guifsobalito ..........0 eee ees On the status of Cercomela scotocerca enigma ..........eeee eens fi MEMO BUBLUG OL OD2IC2 GUUS 5 s.. 2 ciao sisi owe = a eee sy eeiele a elelta bis On the status of Parus albiventris Curtus (. ce. ccc ce cence wees On the races of Passer griseus and on the status of Passer swainsoni . On the status of Huodice cantans inornata and EH. c. meridionalis ... On the status of Erythropygia brunneiceps and EH. leucoptera sclateri et a eee . On the species and races of the genus Prionops ............0006- 10. On the races of Corvinella COrvind COVINA ..cccccccccesecccceces Notes on Eastern African Birds :— om the status of Nilaus afer bremalatus 2... 0s cca decescnnesenves On the status of Laniarius funebris degener ........ ce ceecccceees On the status of Onychognathus tenuirostris raymondi ..........4.4. Poh On the type of Nectarinia cupreonitens and the Eastern African races REM NIECE GUC LOUTORA. 5 eis<:0%s os os alvin @ ig iin 6.4 dialed leis 606 we were es On the races of Cinnyris chalybeus occurring in Eastern Africa.... On the status of Anthreptes collaris Jubdensts ...... cece eee eens en che status of Plocews pelzelnd-tutd .... 0. ssisenesccsce weet vee. eID . On the status of Ploceus aureoflavus pallidiceps and Ploceus aureo- MRE NOONE: ie tyainlig. ote fai sey alcte 'oy 2721 46s A. Gua). wiiddere ay dolar 'a eR dua ee Harrison, Dr. J. M. Exhibition of a Northern Tree-Creeper from Lincolnshire ........... Hens, P. A. On the validity of Troglodytes troglodytes indigenus Clancey, from South-western Scotland ............ Frere Men AOI a Vacs ai glietec ea: aia Me edit ote Kuuisver, Dr. H. N. Showed a film of the Nesting habits of the Great Reed-Warbler...... Lack, D. The Names of the Geospizinz (Darwin’s Finches) .................. An account of his recent visit to the United States of America, with a discussion on English vernacular names of birds..............00020005 A Further Note on the Taxonomy of the Robin ................... Macponatp, J. D. A new species of Wood Hoopoe (Scopielus caver) from the Sudan ...... MackKwortu-PRAED, C. W. See under Grant, Captain C. H. B. 57-58 58-59 59-60 60-62 62-63 81-82 82 82 82-83 83-85 85 85-86 86 65 69-71 xX Mayaup, Monsieur NoEt. Phalaropes and Gannets off the West Coast of Africa or eee eee ee eeee MEETING, ANNUAL GENERAL eeeeere ee eer eee eee eee ee ee eee eee ers ee eee eee MEINERTZHAGEN, Colonel. R. Two Continental forms of Birds in Ireland new to the British List .. Notes on Western Palearctic Birds, with two new races :— . Emberiza calandra clanceyi from West Ireland On the British Form of Emberiza citrinella ........00 cee ee cence . On the Validity of Emberiza scheniclus mackenziei A new Race, Alauda arvensis theresx, from Ireland . On the Validity of Anthus pratensis whistlert .........0.0eeeeeee- . On the British and French Races of Anthus spinoletta . On the Validity of Turdus merula ticehursti eevee eereeer ee see eeeee osceee eee eee ee ee SAarmr WON eeoerer ere eee eee ewww ee ee Moreau, R. E. The relationship between Phyllastrephus placidus grotei, P. f. fischeri and P. p. miinzneri Ce Morrison, A. A new Race of Spine-Tail (Asthenes d’orbignyi usheri) from Peru A new Race of Atlapetes rufigenis forbest from Peru NIcHOoLson, E. M. Damage by Military Operations oeeevreseeer ee eer eevee ee eeeee ee ee eee eee Payn, Colonel. Exhibition of Skins of Wrens Redpolsifrom: Norweamecek... iia sa e.sie wwisin cia ine» so aig etl bie e = a) ee Exhibition of Kentish Plovers oeoeereeee eer eee eee eee ee ee eeee eee eee eee eevee eereeeeree eee ees eee eee eevee eee ee VAN SOMEREN, Dr. V. G. L. . Some apparently new Records for Uganda eeceeereree eee eee eee eee sees Wart, Mrs. H. W. Boyvp. Exhibited a specimen of White’s Thrush, this being the first British record. : eeeceeveeoee ee eee ese eee eee see eee eee eee eee eee eee ee ee ee ee eee eee Wuitr, C. M. N. Notes on the Pipits of the Anthus richardi Group, including a new race, Anthus richardi lwenarum, also a new race of Waxbill (Lagonosticta senegala dilutior) from Northern Rhodesia ............0.22e cere eecees A new Bush-Shrike (Telophorus viridis vietre) from Angola ......... A new race of Warbler (Calamonastes fasciolatus buttoni) from Northern Rhodesia Two new races of Francolins, Pternistis afer aylwine and Pternistis swainsoni lundazi, from Northern Rhodesia, and some records from Lundazi eececsveceeereer eee eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee sees eee eee eee eer eee ee Ce ee ee ee ee Ye SS edd 91-93 93-94 94-95. 95-96. 97-98 88-90 80-81 88. 45-46. 22-23 41-42 50: 35-36: 49 8-10 23-24. 55 72-713 BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. , anon ‘8 No. CCCCLXVIIL. eer pun” , ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Chairman: Mr D. Sretu-Smits. This was held at the Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place, S.W.7, on Wednesday, October 16, 1946, at 5.45 p.m.; 25 Members were present. Lt.-Go!. W. P. C. Trntson, the Honorary Secretary, read his report for the Session 1945-46. He said that the Club had resumed its regular monthly meetings, but on the third instead of the second Wednesdays, owing to catering difficulties at the hotel. There was an average atten- dance of over fifty at each meeting. An attempt had been made to provide programmes including ciné-films or lantern lectures of a more or less popular nature in response to requests by some members, and also owing to the lack of scientific papers of a type suitable for discussion being submitted. The membership of the Club had increased by six, new members being A. Graham Brown, E. Cohen, C. T. Dalgety, R. P. Donaldson, Miss C. E. Godman, E. O. Hohn, R. C. Homes, E.S. May, D. A. T. Morgan, Lt.-Col. W. A. Payn, B. B. Roberts, and Lt.-Col. W. Serle. Count Nils Gyldenstolpe had resigned and Mr. G. S. Hett’s name had been removed - under Rule 4. The deaths of three members have regretfully to be re- ported, namely, Dr. W. H. Dobie, Kenneth Fisher and Major Stanley Flower. He wished to thank all those members and others who had, at considerable personal expense, read papers or given lectures to the Club, and would appeal to members to bring forward suitable papers and material for discussion during the coming session. Miss E. P. Leacu, the Hon. Treasurer, announced that the finances of the Club were in a satisfactory position. The balance of the Current — Account at the Bank was almost the same as at this time last year, namely £177, as against £181 at the end of the previous fmancial yéar. [November 7, 1946. | aa VOL, LXVII. “equnjunooop padanyy — “OO ¥ NGUM ‘ad “M OSL OFF Lot: t6-— 0 0 OOT b SI 99¢ 0 0 O00P € 6 uae onl A Il 0 LOZ > F< 61 ne 42: 0 Of OL ie ite G; 2-81 ae a, : 8 FI GSI 2 fe SOY Rey ae Ea Ce er ‘, plooay «=BOTSOTOOZ , Fo 4800 SpreMo} UOTZNQIIyZUOD : UOpuo'T Jo AYor1900g [eo1Sofooz SSUTIOOT!. ge =**a70 7 * , UHeNg , 0} sioyyny jo 4sI'J pue xepuy Suttdutog *, UNeTINg , pue suoyvorqng jo uornqiysiq pue Suyuug Ag []{ ‘uleyueyT jo ody Sam a) i *** 9800 4% 0L/096T spuog ssuraeg %e oory “*4s00 8 UBOTIVM hf ET GGZ EE “PL “SHI 9gGs ‘*'* yueg Aq pay 0 0 OOF “4800 4B SoqyBOYTqIEH SSUIABY [VUOeN COG sees) IgeeolT = Tp jo spuey ut ysen 9 Sie! tai ears a GPT ISI quodin,) “Yue ye ysep — OF6I ‘TE ysnSny ‘courreg “ €é ‘ “ 6 ce @ b ICIS | 0° IL OFT'TS 0 &T 8&6 0 SI 10Z 8 6L II ’ &l SF | © Tf 281 0 &T 8&6 c= er it 0 0 OOT P el 9g 0 OT OT 0 0 00F On Gof WPI Il 9. 9 - - -~ 6 FI I8T €L OFT. p 8 F ‘poe 52 'p es 5 ‘CHEI % ve) ~ ae NGNOrN : —_ ee ‘ASO SHOWIN AMNASNIA — 0 90 -e °° *55°0/0061 spuog ssurarg %e 8 61 8 °* WeoT WM HEE — syUOUTJSOAUT UO 4So10JUT , UHeIME , JO so[By QoUBAPY UT sreolly 0-58 -10t =e) OLS YO SIOQUIONT GST —: suondriosqng 0 aU 6i= *" Btegeeen- 1 jo soo oouerU ee ee 4800 42 01/0961 spuog ssulavg %e OOLF Veer gt Feo a) Ss a 6.6. 6 a evisu 2 4soo 4e UBOT ITEM %FE ‘PL “SFL OGZS a) 6), Beals) ete tee peor, calm yueg Aq pyjey ‘“4s00 48 so4zeo “YIqydop ssuraeg [eUoyeN 00¢ * deInsveiy, JO spuBy_T Ur Ysey ‘+o/e qisodoq ‘od * o/e quoting ‘yueg 4e YyseO « a sé ‘6 n é —-GFGT *T tequiezdag ‘souvyey OF, “OFGI ‘TE Isninp papua sah ay, sof yuamaniy joriuunUrg “ano SISTOOTOHLINUO HSL Td G F IBIS — ooo ite) (oa) Oo FI 1946-47] 3 [Vol. bxvii. The Club’s investments in Government securities were valued at cost at £750. It was agreed that a request from the Secretary of the Zoological Society should be complied with, and the Hon. Treasurer was instructed to send him the usual contribution of ten guineas towards the production of the ‘ Zoological Record ’. | Election of Officers. On the recommendation of the Committee the following officers were duly elected :—Dr. James M. Harrison to be Chairman for the ensuing three sessions; Sir Philip Manson-Bahr and Mr. B. Guy Harrison to be Vice-Chairmen for the coming Session; Mr. J. D. Macdonald to serve on the Committee vice Mr. James Fisher, who retires by seniority. Miss E. P. Leach was re-elected Honorary Treasurer and Lt.-Col. W. P. C. Tenison Honorary Secretary. Arrangements for Session. It was decided to hold nine meetings, October to June, on the third Wednesday of each month after dinner at 6.30 P.M. Committee, 1945-47. Dr. J. M. Harrison, Chairman (elected 1946). Sir Pattie Manson-Banr, Vice-Chairman (elected 1946). Mr. B. G. Harrison, Vice-Chairman (elected 1946). Lt.-Col. W. P. C. Tentson, Editor (elected 1945); Hon. Secretary (elected 1945). Miss E. P. Leacu, Hon. Treasurer (elected 1942). Mr. C. W. G. Pauson (elected 1944). Captain C. H. B. Grant (elected 1944). . Miss G. M. Ruopss (elected 1945). Mr. J. D. Macponatp (elected 1946). ORDINARY MEETING. The four-hundred-and-sixty-first Meeting of the Club was held at the Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place, S.W. 7, on Wednesday, October 16, 1946, following dinner at 6.30 P.M. Chairman: Dr. J. M. HaRRIson. Members present :—Miss C. M. AcLtanp; Dr. D. A. BANNERMAN ; Miss P, Barctay-SmitH; Mrs. E. C. Barnes; F. J. F. Barrincton ; a2 Vol. Ixvii.] 4 [1946-47 C. W. Benson; Dr. J. W. CampBetL; Col. F. O. Cave; Hon. G. L. CHARTERIS; KE. Conen ; C.T. Datcrty ; J. DELacouR; R. P. DONALDSON C. J. Durrin; A. Ezra; J. Fisher; R. 8S. R. Frrrer; Miss C. E. Gopman; Miss E. M. Gopman; Capt. C. H. B. Grant; B. G. Harrison (Vice-Chairman); J. G. Harrison; R. E. Heatu; E. O. Houn; P. A.D. Hottom; R.C. Homes; Maj.-Gen. H. P. W. Hutson ; Capt. C. Incram; N. B. Kinnear; D. Lack; Miss E. P. Leace (Hon. Treasurer); Miss C. Lonerietp; J. D. Macponatp; C. W. MackwortH-PraEp; G. M. MatHews; E. R. PARRiInpER; C. W. G. Pauuson ; Lt.-Col. W. A. Payn; H.J.R.PEAszE; MissG. M. Raopss ; B. B. Roperts; D. Sera-SmitH; Col. R. Sparrow; Lt.-Col. W. P. C. TENIson (Hditor and Hon. Secretary); Dr. A. LANDSBOROUGH THOMSON ; B. W. Tucker; Mrs. H. W. Boyp Wart. Member of the Union present :—F.-M. Viscount ALANBROOKE; Rev. E. A. Armstrone ; Maj. G. Aylmer; Lt.-Col. F. M. Battery ; J. Berry ; F. K. Boston; Sir B. H. Bourpitton; P. E. Brown; J. Buxton ; R. H. Cuester-Master; Dr. T. A. Cockpurn; R. A. H. Coompss ; R. Da Cunna; H. G. Evton; R. Ercutcopar; J. F. M. Fruoyn ; Sir HucH GuapsTonE; T. R. Gopparp; R. H. GREAvEs; R. GREEN ; G. S. Hert; H. G. Hurrert; N. H. Joy; Mrs. H. M. Rarr Kerr; W. P. Lowe; R. E. Morzavu; S. Porter; M. N: Rankin; P. Scorr; D. W. Sretu-Smito; Miss B. A. Sotty; Lt.-Col. J. K. STANFORD ; Miss S. Ticzknurst; Dr. W. H. THorpe; N. Tracy; C. H: WELLS; Col. O. WYNNE ; and two others. Quest of the Club :—Dr. H. N. Knvrsver. Other Guests :—Lady ALANBROOKE ; Mrs. E. J. ARMsTRoNG ; Hon. Mrs. BatLey ; Miss B. BANNERMAN ; DUKE OF BEDFORD ; Mrs. C. W. BENSON ; Miss E.M. Boyp ; Mrs. Cuarteris ; Miss V. CHARTERIS ; Mrs. COCKBURN ; Mrs. Conren; Mrs. Coompes; Miss A. Ezra; Miss R. Ezra; T. D. FAIRGRIEVE; Hon. L. Frennes; Mrs. Firrer; Miss L. P. Grant; Mrs. Hert; E.R. Humpyreys; Miss Hutson; Mrs. INacrRam; R.S. JENYNS; Mrs. D.Sets-SmitH; Mrs. D.W.Srru-SmitH; Mrs. SPARROW ; M. Spooner; Mrs. THorPE; Mrs. Tucker; Dr. J. W. WHIMSTER ; and others. . Club Members, 48; Members of B.O.U., 40; Guests, 37; Total, 125, 1946-47 | 5 [Vol. Ixvii. Nesting of the Great Reed-Warbler. Dr. H. N. Kuvutsver showed a remarkable film of the nest-building habits of Acrocephalus arundinaceus and exhibited some nests. It was greatly appreciated, and it is hoped to publish an account of it in the ‘ Bulletin ’ shortly. Cine-films from New York Zoo. Mr. J. Detacour showed some educational films, including one of the display of the Umbrella Bird and another of the flight of the Humming bird slowed down 185 times. These were greatly appreciated. A new Species of Wood Hoopoe from the Sudan. Mr. J. D. Macponatp exhibited and described the following :— Scoptelus cavei, sp. nov. Description.—Differs from other species in this genus by the whole plumage being iridescent in the juvenile stage, and by the short and relatively stumpy bill. The presence of a white wing bar and smoky - subterminal ends to the primaries places it closest to Scoptelus aterromus (Stephens). The colour is distinctive: above is steel blue with a slight violet wash on the mantle; and below, black with a slight glossy green wash. Wings and tail are steel blue: there is no white in the tail. Distribution.—Western foot-hills of the Boma Hills, south-eastern Sudan. 3 Type.—Juvenile male from just west of Boma Hills, south-eastern Sudan. Collected by J. D. Macdonald on February 24, 1939; no. 666. In British Museum ; reg. no. 1939 : 1.1.779. Measurement of Type.—Culmen from base 25 mm.; tarsus 19 mm. The wing and tail measurements are not recorded as both are not fully developed. Remarks.—Only a single specimen was obtained. This and the fact that it is a young bird has deterred me for six years from describing it as something new. Efforts have been made to obtain additional specimens, but the area in which it was found is not one often visited, especially by anyone prepared to collect Wood Hoopoes. Moreover, the roving habits of these birds reduce the chances of coming across any except by accident. ‘There seems no choice therefore but to name it and thus bring it to the attention of others. I have great pleasure in naming the new species after Colonel F. O. Cave, who has done so much to extend our knowledge of Sudan birds. Vol. Ixvii.] 6 [1946-47 A new Lark from the French Congo. Dr. James P. CHaPin sent the following note and description :— In 1945 Dr. R. Malbrant, Chief Veterinarian of French Equatorial Africa, presented a very interesting collection of birds to the American Museum of Natural History. Among them were three specimens of a Lark collected in the grasslands of the French Congo near Djambala and Ossele, a region close to 2°S. lat. and 15° 20’ E. long. In size and proportions they resemble Mirafra africana Smith, but they are far less streaked than any representative of this wide-ranging species. The only race of M. africana ever reported from that region of western Africa was M. a. occidentalis. (Hautlaub), the type of which was stated to have come from the Gaboon, although most specimens have since been obtained in south-western Angola. These are heavily streaked above, and their identification is certain, for Dr. Hartert (Bull. B. O. C. xix. 1907, p. 93) compared several with the type of M. occidentalis. Suspicion next fell on the ‘‘ Mirafra fasciolata’’ Sundevall reported by Rear-Admiral Lynes (Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. xxxi. 1938, p. 73) from Petianga and Kilembe in the southern Belgian Congo and from Chisengue. and Misséo de Luz in Angola. I recalled them as rather plain-coloured birds, but I was quite unfamiliar then with WM. fasciolata or M. hewitta (Roberts) of South Africa. Count Gyldenstolpe told me that he had examined one of Lynes’s specimens and believed it allied to 1. fasciolata, though probably of a new race. That explains how the name came to be used, . In the meantime Mr. C. M. N. White (Bull. B.O.C. Ixvi. 1945, p. 14) questioned the occurrence of Mirafra hewitti or M. fasciolata in Angola or the southern Congo, because he failed to find the species in Northern Rhodesia, and felt that it might be replaced there by M. rufocinnamomea (Salvadori). } One of the puzzling Larks from Kilembe was given by Lynes to the Congo Museum at Tervueren, Belgium, and now has kindly been lent me by Dr. Schouteden. It clearly is not conspecific with the M. fasciolata group, of which I have been able to borrow seven skins from the Chicago Natural History Museum and the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology at Harvard College. The Kilembe specimen is a larger bird, with different colour-pattern and feet relatively much longer. In size and proportions it agrees fairly well with Dr. Malbrant’s birds from the French Congo, so they doubtless are of one species. The spotting of the chest of the Kilembe specimen suggests immaturity, yet after dissection Lynes labelled it as an adult male. The plumage of its upper- parts certainly seems that of an adult. 1946-47] 7 (Vol. Ixvil. I propose to name the French Congo Lark Mirafra malbranti, sp. nov. Description.—Resembling M. africana Smith in size and proportions, though much less noticeably streaked than any known race of that species. Forehead and crown light rufous, each feather with a dark marking at its tip or a blackish shaft-streak on the longer crown-feathers. Lores whitish, supercilium pale buff, ear-coverts washed with rufous. Hind neck light brown with indistinct dusky streaking. Back, rump, and upper tail-coverts greyish brown, each feather with a median stripe of dark brown, broad and diffuse on the back, narrow on the rump. Rectrices dull grey-brown, the median pair margined with rufous toward base, outermost with outer web buffy white. Upper wing-coverts light reddish brown, with dusky centres in middle and greater series. Most of the primaries and outer secondaries have rufous on outer webs for about two-thirds of their length, the inner webs also rufous at base; and that colour extends out obliquely along the inner margins, distal areas grey-brown. Innermost secondaries brown with dark shafts and buff borders. Under wing-coverts pale rufous. Throat buffy white, changing to rufous buff on fore neck, chest, and flanks, with only a few scattered dots of rufous on fore neck. Middle of underparts pale buff, the longest under tail-coverts with blackish shaft-streaks. Bill rather light brown, darkest on culmen ; feet light brown. Type.—Male, adult, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. no. 308,622 ; collected 30 km. south of Djambala, French Congo, September 29, 1942, by Dr. R. Malbrant. Remarks —Wing in males 92-95, tail 55-57, culmen from base 20, metatarsus 30-31, hind-claw, from top of base, 10-12-65 mm. Although at first glance this Lark seems so conspicuously different from most forms of Mirafra africana, I believe it will come to be regarded as one more race of that species. It has much the samé dimensions, and similar hind claw, slightly curved. In general coloration of the upper parts Rear-Admiral Lynes’s specimen from Kilembe in the western Kasai District | is approximately intermediate between M. malbranti and M. africana gomest White from the eastern edge of Angola. I cannot say whether the curious rounded spots on the chest of the Kilembe bird are shown by Lynes’s three other examples, now in the British Museum. It should be pointed out that the type locality of M. a. gomesi is only about 180 miles south-west of that of the dark-coloured M. a. chapini Vol. Ixvii.] | 8 [1946-47 Grant & Praed. In the whole southern Congo the Larks of this group seem closely restricted to open plains of special character, so that they have only rarely been collected. MM. a. occidentalis occupies a fairly large area in south-western Angola, and extends northward along the dry coast at least to Lobito Bay. Whether it reaches the Congo mouth I cannot say, and no specimen I have yet seen of M. occidentalis shows any approach to the new M. malbrantv. Notes on Pipits of the Anthus richardi Group and a new Race of Waxbill from Northern Rhodesia. Mr. C. M. N. Warts sent the two following notes :— 1. The Races of Anthus richardi Vieillot in South and Central Africa. I have recently examined some 200 skins of this Pipit from the area between the Cape Province and the Katanga and Nyasaland, and the present notes on the races in this area are the result of studying this material. The following races are considered recognizable. ANTHUS RICHARDI RUFULOIDES Roberts. Distribution —Cape Province to Natal, Zululand, Swaziland, and Southern Portuguese East Africa, Basutoland, Transvaal, Orange Free State, Bechuanaland north to the Chobe River, South-west Africa except Ovampoland, Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia at Kalomo and Mazabuka. In the large series of over 100 birds examined there is some variation which can be associated with geographical distribution but not sufficiently consistently to justify the naming of further races. The general aspect of the upperside is light sandy olive-brown with moderately well defined © dark centres; Natal birds average darker and redder above, whilst those from the dry western Cape Province tend to be paler and more sandy above; similar pallid birds occur in the dry country of Zululand and southern Portuguese East Africa. Birds from the Transvaal on the other hand average darker above. In Bechuanaland, and particularly in South-west Africa, the populations tend to be colder and greyer on the upperside. Stresemann (Orn. Mon. 1938, pp. 149-151) uses A. r. bocagea Nicholson for birds from Windhuk, Quickborn and Omaruru, but in my opinion birds from these areas cannot be Safely separated from the variable aggregate of A. r. rufuloides. He also named from Erongo Mountain Anthus hoescht. ‘This was said to have the wing emargination of the A. richard: group but to be redder, less grey above, and more tawny below than Damaraland 1946-47] 9 [Vol. Ixvi. A. richardi and to be larger (unique type female with wing 96 mm.), and to have the pale spot on the tail confined to the outer pair of feathers and pale isabelline in colour. If the type were a male it would be similar in size to A. 7. rufuloides and none of the colour characters seem to be of any value. I regard it as a probable synonym of A. r. rufuloides. (One hundred and fifteen examined.) ANTHUS RICHARDI LICHENYA Vincent. ; Distribution.—Nyasaland to the Eastern Province of Northern Rhodesia ; birds from Kalomo and Mazabuka and from Southern Rhodesia are somewhat intermediate between this and the last race. This race differs from A. r. rufuloides in being rather darker shade the dark feather-centres darker and more pronounced and,the underside more strongly washed with reddish fawn. Variation is considerable, as is well illustrated in a fine series of fourteen collected by E. L. Button at Lundazi, Northern Rhodesia. (Twenty examined.) ANTHUS RICHARDI KATANGZ Chapin. Distribution —The Katanga area of the Belgian Congo and adjacent part of Northern Rhodesia from Ndola to Mwinilunga. This is altogether darker than the preceding races, the upperside being colder and more olive fawn, the edges of the wing-coverts more ochre, less rufous, and the underside strongly washed with ochraceous and less reddish than the preceding forms. (Ten examined.) Anthus richardi lwenarum, subsp. nov. Descrvption.—Differs from A. r. katange Chapin in the colour of the upperside, which is altogether colder and greyer, the rump very markedly so; underside as in A. r. katange. Distributibn.—North-west Northern Rhodesia from Balovale south at least to Mongu. Type.—tIn my collection. Male adult collected at Balovale, Northern Rhodesia on 23 October, 1943. (Twenty-two examined.) ANTHUS RICHARDI BOCAGEI Nicholson. Distribution —Ovampoland to South-west Angola; as a migrant recorded from the Balovale district of Northern Rhodesia in July. 7 This is a very striking race, being a pale whitish sandy colour above and very pallid below, with the breast-spotting only lightly indicated. The evidence suggests that this form may be somewhat migratory, for one example from Balovale is identical and another very close to it. These birds were collected in July and had the gonads extremely small, Vol. Ixvii.] 10 ) (1946-47 whilst local birds at that time were beginning to enlarge appreciably. (Five examined.) Note —The Anthus richardi group provides an interesting cline which may be arranged in the following sequence of races: A. 7. rufuloides, A. r. lichenya, A. r. katange, A. r. lwenarum, A. r. rufuloides (greyer types common in South-west Africa) ; A. 7. bocagei, however, falls outside the cline on present knowledge, but material from the country between south-west Angola and the Mashi country of Northern Rhodesia may . reveal the continuation of the cline there also. In making comparisons T have used only fresh plumaged birds and avoided specimens which are abraded or bleached or stained. Within the cline proper it is evident that there is a tendency to form local populations, at any rate in the range of A. r. rufuloides, and there is some suggestion that these are associated with climate, the paler populations occurring in the drier areas and the darker in the more humid areas. It follows, therefore, that good series of this Pipit must be examined in defining the races of it to avoid misleading non-geographical variation. Single specimens of one race can be matched with examples of other races, especially in the case of A. r. rufuloides and A. r. lichenya. 2. A new Race of Lagonosticta. Lagonosticta senegala dilutior, sibsp. nov. Description.—Differs from L. s. rendalli Hartert in having the centre of the crown and the upperside much paler and greyer, without the warm olive-brown tinge of L. s. rendalli. The flanks, lower abdomen and under tail-coverts differ in a similar manner. | Distribution So far known from the Balovale district of Northern Rhodesia. - , Type—In my collection. Male collected at Balovale, Northern Rhodesia, on December 7, 1944. Remarks.—The pallo: of the new race is equally marked when compared with the juvenile plumage, that of L. s. dilutior being much paler than the juvenile of L. s. rendalli. Five examples of L. s. dilutior examined. Notes on Eastern African Birds. Captain C. H. B. Grant and Mr. C. W. MackwortH-PRAED sent the following six notes :— (1) On the Validity of Capella nigripennis angolensis (Bocage), Jorn. Ac. Sc. Lisboa, 1868, p. 49: Huilla, southern Angola. In ‘The Ibis’, 1945, p. 465, Mr. C. M. N. White has shown that this 1946-47 | 11 [Vol. Ixvii. Angolan race can be recognized by the longer bill, 2.e., eight males 89-99, twelve females 90-102 mm.* It may be of interest to record the measure- ments (in mm.) of the bills* of C. migripennis Bonaparte of the sixty-six specimens in the British Museum collection :— Males. Females. Unsexed. Abyssiniay 2. 3602) ee. 69-84 (7) 73-88 (4) 73-92 (4) Moremi" fered Nb: = laeotsahenawa b 68-79 (7) 71-75 (2) 73 (1) Wenya Colomy, .... 21... (1. 68-76 (2) 72-80 (3) 78 (1) Tanganyika Territory... = 83 (1) iis Nyasaland | css. 81 (1) 84 (1) 78 (1) Wranswaal oss... .°. aria ot toa (2) 75-83 (5) 71-77 (4) Damaraland ..;..<.... nae £1 75 (1) Wepe Province: ss... 4. ara 60 (1) 69-85 (4) Natal and Zululand ... 66-86 (6) 76-81 (5) 73-79 (2) The British Museum does not appear to have any specimens from Angola or the Rhodesias. The above measurements do support White’s conclusions, and in only one unsexed bird from Abyssinia does the bill measurement of 92 mm. fall within those given by White. (2) On the Relationship of Bycanistes bucinator (Temminck) and Bycanistes sharpw (Elliot). | Peters, ‘ Birds of the World’, 5, 1945, p. 268, places these together as one species. We have re-examined specimens and find that B. bucinator has the white extending to the chest, and white ends to the innermost primaries, the secondaries and the outer tail-feathers, whereas B. sharpw has the white extending to the breast, and the innermost primaries, secondaries, and outer tail-feathers wholly white. These very different characters in our opinion are specific and preclude Bycanistes sharpir (Elliot) being placed as a race of Bycanistes bucinator (Temminck). (3) On the Specific Name of the South African Crowned Hornbills. Peters, ‘ Birds of the World ’, 5, 1945, p. 256, in a footnote, states that ‘ Roberts is entirely correct in rejecting Buceros melanoleucus Lichtenstein, and that ‘‘ Lichtenstein’s description does not apply ’’, but gives no data or reasons for this statement, apparently basing it on Roberts, Ann. Trans. Mus. 15, i. 1932, p. 26, who merely states that the description applies to the Trumpeter Hornbill except for the red bill. Peters, appears to have entirely overlooked Vincent’s remarks in Bull. B. O. C. 55, 1934, p. 76, where Vincent has gone thoroughly into this question and not merely made an unsupported statement. * All measurements are of exposed part of culmen. Vol. Ixvii.] 12 [1946-47 We have again examined Lichtenstein’s description and are of opinion that Vincent’s views are sound. Therefore Tockus melanoleucus (Lichten- stein) is the correct name for the South African Crowned Hornbill and Protockus suahelicus australis Roberts, Ann. Trans. Mus. 15, i. 1932, p. 26: Riet River, Bathurst district, is a synonym of 7’. melanoleucus. (4) On the Status of Caprimulgus ludovicianus S. Clarke, Bull. B. O. C. 31, 1913, p. 108: North Kaffa, south-western Abyssinia. Recent specimens received at the British Museum show that the wing measurements of Caprimulgus inornatus Heuglin, go to 173 mm., i.e., 149-173 mm. The type of C. ludovicianus has a wing of 175 mm., but is otherwise similar to C. inornatus. We do not see how this species can be supported on an extra wing measurement of only 2 mm., and, therefore, place Caprimulgus ludovicianus S. Clarke as a synonym of Caprimulgus inornatus Heuglin. (5) On the Status of Tricholema diadematum mustum Friedmann, Proc. N. Engl. Zool. cl. II. 1929, p. 35: Northern Uaso Nyiro, central Kenya Colony. In the Benson collection, now in the British Museum, there are eight adults of this Barbet from Yavello and 20 miles south of Yavello which have wings 77-82 mm.; three from Yavello of 81 (2) and 82mm. The wing measurements of nine others in the National Collection have wings 80-84 mm. and nineteen specimens of 7. d. diadematum (Heuglin) have wings 75-81 mm. These measurements show that the character of the larger size of T. d. mustum is not very good, and we are of opinion that it should be placed as a synonym of T'richolema diadematum diadematum. (6) On Phyllastrephus fischeri cabinisi (Sharpe) and Phyllastrephus fischeri sucosus Reichenow. Chapin, ‘The Ibis’, 1944, p. 543, has cleared up a very important point in nomenclature which has shown that Phyllastrephus sylvicultor Neave becomes a synonym of Phyllastrephus cabanisi (Sharpe). Reichenow, J. f. O. 1903, p. 544, recognized P. cabanist and placed P. c. sucosus as a race of it. Moreau, Bull. B. O. C. 57, 1937, p. 125, reviewed the P. fischeri Reichenow group and placed P. sucosus as a race of it, giving wing measurements for P. f. sucosus: males 77-85, females 70-76 mm., and for P. f. sylvicultor: males 89-97, females 82-87 mm. 1946-47] 13 [Vol. lxvii. Since 1937 the British Museum has received many more specimens from Eastern Africa, and on re-examination of the series now available we can see no difference in colour between specimens from the southern Sudan to Northern Rhodesia. Wing measurements give: Sudan, males 84-91, females 79-83 mm. Uganda, Kenya Colony, Tanganyika Territory west of the Rift Valley : males 83-88, females 72-89 mm. Southern Belgian Congo and Northern Rhodesia: males 88-97, females 83-86 mm. This shows a gradual increase in size from north to south with one exceptional male of 91 mm. from the Sudan. In view of the above we place Phyllastrephus fischeri sucosus Reichenow, J. f. O. 1903, p. 544: Bukoba, north-western Tanganyika Territory, as a synonym of Phyllastrephus fischeri cabanisi (Sharpe), Cat. Bds. B.M. 6, 1881, p. 83: Eastern Angola, with a distribution from the southern Sudan, Uganda, Kenya Colony west of the Rift Valley to eastern Angola, Northern Rhodesia and western Tanganyika Territory as far east as Mount Kilimanjaro and the headwaters of the Nyamanse River. Notice. The next meeting will be held at the Rembrandt Hotel, South Kensington, following dinner at 6.30 P.m., on Wednesday, November 20, 1946. sigh Fett eR A ploCkonrio df ay where} ity ta inka Piselitions = “nag Be-5 * ™ iota wv i ’ My Vane Ayhahe Melba svelte ferent, oe Hhigoerdtts: mR Aye Pie wiki ta (hos eoyphoenhacte ' ‘ arte iu pia nad ei Bs alan i Ben i aut vn ta 1, eng SIN lia oa . eS, 3 J Prices ath Fel... Zt chien ae aa af if reps baa hs ‘ Ae , ‘ iY & rap 2 7 4. Ps -. * at oT, at A pro} lb : Aes ie aaah Bia 4, . : phil Wee is) seach liad aE aE ey ta 0 ee ae | saa mpage ayy Teeabeny a Paha de + “Wy - * be ‘ A ff en “i my 7 % Lay Me iy ay ou . . Cale. Li \ hee por ) — - Lae tes aah ‘4 278s sna vii ; Pa Foy, ARNO on ihe ‘ % : e* «i 4 ‘. ml Pr ‘a ‘ [ ay y = ‘ iy ery ae. i ‘ ' 4 ie . J a " ee . W n , ul Sot ot } ‘ (yes! ; ‘ oar eB le ye * f 7 t Tl y < é Mees eee Se \ Pay : - ea 8 ee i ‘a a ' 7 At } i yd a | Whe t T , 4 i , ? in 4/ ; 5 ele 4) BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. 2) No, CCCOLXIX, ae Ox Are The pi hundred- and- oe -second Meeting of the Club was held at the Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place, S.W. 7, on Wednesday, November 20, 1946, following a dinner at 6.30 P.M. Chairman: Dr. J. M. HARRISON Members present :—Miss C. M. Acuanp; Miss P. Barcuay-SMirtH ; Mrs. R. Barnes; F. J. F. Barrineton; C. W. Benson; Miss C. E. Gopman ; Miss E. M.Gopman ; R. E. Heatu; R.C. Homss ; Maj.-Gen. H. P. W. Hutson; D. Lack; Miss E. P. L&acu (Hon. Treasurer) ; Miss C. Lonarietp; P. R. Lowe; J. D. Macponaup; C. W. Mack- WORTH-PRAED; J. H. McNere; Col. R. MernertzHacen; D. A. T. Morean ; E. M. Nichotson; E. R. Parrinper; Lt.-Col. W. A. Payn ; Miss G. M. Ruopss ; H. N. Sournern ; Dr. A. LANDSBOROUGH THOMSON ; B. W. Tucker; Mrs. H. W. Boyp Wart. Guests :—Maj. N. A. G. H. Beaute; Mrs. F. M. Benson; Dr. H. C. Howarp; Miss G. Hutson; R. S. Jenyns; Mrs. Lowe; Miss C. Mrape Waxpo; BR. R. MernertzHacen ; Mrs. K. T. Morcan; Mrs. A. L. THomson ; J. 8S. WaTSON. Members, 28; Guests, 11. Total, 39. The Names of the Geospizinee (Darwin’s Finches). Mr. Davin Lack sent the following in amplification of his remarks :— Island birds frequently provide a taxonomic difficulty, as subspecific and specific differentiation tends to take a form somewhat different from a — that found in a continental area. In particular, as pointed out by Sushkin and others, closely related species more often differ from each other in structural character on islands than on a continent. One might instance the three species of Zosterops on Norfolk Island, or the geospizine finches of the Galapagos. December 31, 1946] a VOL, LXVII. Vol. lxvii.] 16 [1946-47 For this difference, there is a biological reason. In most continental regions, the bird fauna is comparatively old, and species evolved to fill the main ecological niches a long time back. Corresponding structural adapt- ations (in beak, etc.) also evolved a long time back, and the forms possessing them have had time to diverge in other respects, and are usually classified in separate genera. On the other hand, in isolated archipelagos like the Galapagos, the bird fauna is comparatively new, and indigenous species have evolved to fill the ecological niches only in comparatively recent times. Such species, like the Galapagos finches, show marked adaptive differences in beak, etc., but differ in very little else—plumage, eggs, nests, breeding behaviour, songs and calls, etc. In continential areas, forms differing as markedly in beak would unhesitatingly be placed in separate genera. But in the Galapagos finches the close similarities in everything except beak indicate that there should be few rather than many genera. This view is further supported by the fact that there are only a few species. The existence of many monotypic genera defeats the object of a binomial nomenclature. A parallel difficulty arises over forms which replace each other geo- graphically. In archipelagos, such forms are sometimes as distinctive as closely related continental species. Nevertheless, I think it preferable to treat them as subspecies (geographical races) rather than as full species, provided it is reasonably certain that the forms in question are closely related and provided they are not too distinctive. It will therefore be seen that, so far as the Geospizine are concerned, I believe in conserving names, rather than “ splitting’. Judgement in such matters is inevitably arbitrary, but I believe my procedure is not only more practical, but also more truly reflects biological relationships than previous classifications of the Geospizine. I might once again emphasize the invaluable work of Swarth (1931), who cleared up nearly all the previous confusion in this group, and would point out that I differ from Swarth only in nomenclature, not as regards relationships, except for two minor points (the resurrection of Geospiza conirostris darwint and the extinction of Geospiza magnirostris magnirostris),. Some of the changes tabulated below have already been published (Lack, 1945), but I have made further changes from this earlier account in a forthcoming book (Lack, in press ). A note on these two accounts therefore seems needed. Early in 1940, I completed a first full account of the Geospizinz (based (i) on field work with W. H. Thompson and L. 8. V. Venables in the Galapagos Islands from December 1938 to March 1939, and (ii) on a study of collected skins between April and September 1939), : | 1946-47] 17 [Vol. xvii. This account was, I now realize, somewhat hastily written, but there was threat of invasion and I could not work further at it. Its revision for the press, including certain rewriting and the proof-reading, was undertaken entirely by the staff of the California Academy of Sciences, to whom I am extremely grateful, and after inevitable war-time delays it has now appeared (Lack, 1945). Some years later, I found time to start on a book, ‘ Darwin’s Finches ’, (Lack, in press), concerned primarily with evolutionary problems. Un- expectedly, a reconsideration of the data led to one marked and several minor changes in interpretation, and some changes in nomenclature were also made. To prevent possible confusion, it seems desirable to summarize these changes in an ornithological journal, especially as my two accounts of the Geospizine are appearing within two years of each other, though separated by nearly five years in the writing. Changes in Nomenclature. The forms Camarhynchus affinis and C. habeli, which have previously been treated as separate species, I now regard as races of C. psittacula. They replace C. psittacula (sens. strict.) geographically, and obviously are closely related to it. They show greater differences in beak than is usual among subspecies of the same species, but in every other respect are very similar, and the Geospizine are exceptionally variable in beak. The above treatment leaves only three species in the genus Camarhyn- chus as used by Swarth (1931), the two others being C. pawper and C. parvulus. However, there are three other species closely related to Camarhynchus, namely, crassirostris, which was placed by Swarth in the monotypic genus Platyspiza, and pallida and heliobates, which were placed by Swarth in another genus, Cactospiza. I now, and in the book, treat Platyspiza and Cactospiza as subgenera of Camarhynchus. This judgement is inevitably arbitrary. However, the species concerned are closely similar except in beak, the number of generic names is thereby reduced, and, in my view, a better picture is provided of geospizine affinities, as all the “ tree-finches’”’ are thereby united under one name, and are thus clearly separated from the ‘‘ ground-finches”’ of the genus Geospiza. Some of the species in the latter genus differ from each other in beak by quite as much as some of the species in the enlarged genus Camarhynchus. The genus Camarhynchus may be redescribed as follows: (a) a group of _ Six geospizine species confined to the Galapagos ; (b) in habits primarily “tree finches’, as distinct from the “ ground-finches ”’ of the genus Geospiza, and also from the warbler-like Certhidea, which primarily | a2 Vol. lxvii.] 18 [1946-47 frequents bushes; (c) females and juveniles paler and less streaked in plumage than those of Geospiza or Pinaroloxias, but only a few forms immaculate, like Certhidea ; (d) fully plumaged males with black extending no further than head and breast, but in some individuals to head only, and in subgenus Cactospiza black absent entirely. The group is thus distin- guished from Geospiza and Pinaroloxias, in which the fully plumaged males are normally black all over the body, and from Certhidea, in which the males have no black but usually have an orange-tawny throat-patch ; (e) size varying from small to large among the Geospizine, mean wing- length from 63 to 87 mm.; (f) beak variable, but in all species thick, which separates the group from Certhidea or Pinaroloxias, which have slender pointed beaks. Beak in most species short, stout and compressed with strongly convex culmen, but with a longer and less convex culmen in subgenus Cactospiza ; (g) food primarily insects, except in the subgenus Platyspiza, in which fruits, buds and leaves form the bulk of the diet. This distinguishes the group from Geospiza, in which most ag feed primarily on seeds and some on Opuntia. For use in the book I have provided a complete set of English names for the species. Some of these have been used before, but many are new. I have tried to make them as simple and descriptive as possible. An earlier set of names was given by Hellmayr (1938), many of these being mere translations of the Latin names. I have rejected most of Hellmayr’s English specific names, for one of the following reasons : (a) those denoted by the name of an island, because in no case is the species concerned the only geospizid found there ; (6) those denoted by the name of an ornitho- logist, because these have no descriptive value, nor any specific association with the ornithologist in question ; (c) those with descriptive names which could as well, or better, be applied to some other species, e.g. “‘ striped- breasted ’’, ‘‘ small-billed ’’, “‘ black-headed ’’, ‘‘ sooty’? and others. I further differ from Hellmayr in that I have not given English names for subspecies or island forms. These are most clearly and simply referred to by the name of the species together with the name of the island or islands concerned. Hellmayr’s English names are so new that they cannot be said to be sanctioned by tradition, and as.priority rules do not apply to English names, I can see no serious objection to change on conservative grounds. A full list of Hellmayr’s and my nomenclature follows. Differences between these lists which have not been discussed in the present paper were already adopted in Lack (1945), 1946-47] (Vol. lxvii. Table 1.—Scientific names of the Geospizine. (i.) As used by Hellmayr (1938). Geospiza magnirostris Gould. Geospiza fortis Gould. Geospiza fuliginosa fuliginosa Gould. G. f. minor Rothschild & Hartert. Geospiza difficilis difficilis Sharpe. G. d. acutirostris Ridgway. Geospiza difficilis debilirostris Ridgway. Geospiza difficilis septentrionalis Roth- schild & Hartert. Geospiza difficilis nigrescens Swarth. Geospiza scandens scandens (Gould). Geospiza s. intermedia Ridgway. Geospiza s. abingdoni (Sclater & Salvin). Geospiza s. rothschildi Heller & Snod- grass. Geos piza controstris controstris Ridgway. Geospiza c. propinqua Ridgway. Platyspiza crassirostris (Gould). Camarhynchus psittacula Gould. Camarhynchus affinis Ridgway. Camarhynchus habeli Sclater & Salvin. Camarhynchus pauper Ridgway. Camarhynchus parvulus parvulus (Gould). Camarhynchus p. salvint Ridgway. Camarhynchus conjunctus Swarth. Camarhynchus aureus Swarth. Cactospiza pallida pallida (Sclater & | Salvin). Cactospiza pallida producta (Ridgway). Cactospiza pallida striatipecta Swarth. | Cactospiza giffordit Swarth. Cactospiza heliobates (Snodgrass & Heller). Certhidea olwacea Gould (with eight subspecies). Pinaroloxias inornata (Gould). (ii.) As used by Lack (in press). Geospiza magnirostris Gould. (It might be desirable to term Darwin’s extinction form G. magni- rostris magnirostris Gould and _ the extant form G. magnirosiris strenua Gould ; see para. vi. below.) Geospiza fortis Gould. Geospiza fuliginosa Gould. Geospiza difficilis difficilis Sharpe. Geospiza difficilis debilirostris Ridgway. Geospiza difficilis septentrionalis Roth- schild & Hartert. Geospiza scandens (Gould). (Races merged tentatively, but they are partially differentiated, as is an unnamed form from Chatham.) Geospiza conirostris conirostris Ridgway. Geospiza c. propinqua Ridgway. Geospiza conirostris darwint Rothschild & Hartert (revived). Camarhynchus crassirostris Gould. Camarhynchus psittacula psittacula Gould. Camarhynchus psittacula affinis Ridgway. Camarhynchus psittacula habeli Sclater & Salvin. Camarhynchus pauper Ridgway. Camarhynchus parvulus parvulus (Gould). Camarhynchus p. salvini Ridgway. Not a valid species. Not a valid species. Camarhynchus pallidus pallidus (Sclater & Salvin). Camarhynchus pallidus striatipectus Swarth. Not a valid species. Camarhynchus heliobates (Snodgrass & Heller). Certhidea olivacea Gould (with eight subspecies). Pinaroloxias inornata (Gould). Vol. Ixvil.] 20 [1946-47 Table II.—English Names of the Geospizine. Species. Geospiza magnirostris . . Geospiza fortis Geospiza fuliginosa cece ee ee ee eee ee Geospiza difficilis Geospiza scandens ...... Geospiza controstris Camarhynchus crassi- rostris. Camarhynchus psittacula. Camarhynchus pauper... Camarhynchus parvulus . Camarhynchus pallidus . Camarhynchus heliobates . Certhidea olivacea Pinarolaxias inornata Hellmayr (1938). Large-billed Ground-Finch. Sturdy Ground-Finch. Sooty Ground-Finch. Lesser Sooty Ground-Finch. Sharpe’s Ground-Finch. Sharp-billed Ground-Finch. ‘Slender:billed Ground-Finch. Northern Ground-Finch. Blackish Ground-F inch. Gould’s Ground-Finch. Intermediate Ground-Finch. Abingdon Island Ground-Finch Rothschild’s Ground-Finch. Cone-billed Ground-Finch. Tower Island Ground-Finch. Darwin’s Ground-Finch. Parrot Ground-Finch. Allied Ground-F inch. Habel’s Ground-Finch. Small-billed Ground-Finch. Black-headed Ground-Finch. Salvin’s Ground-Finch. Pale Ground-Finch. Albemarle Island Ground- Finch. Striped-breasted Ground- - Finch. Heller’s Ground-Finch ....... Becks’ Certhidea. Dusky Certhidea. Lead-coloured Certhidea. Olivaceous Certhidea. Ridgway’s Certhidea. Yellowish Certhidea. Barrington Island Certhidea Ashy Certhidea. Cocos Island Finch. Differences in interpretation. ‘ Large i Tree-Finch. j Small Tree-Finch. | J ) Lack (in press). Large Ground-Finch. Medium Ground-Finch. Small Ground-Finch. Sharp-beaked Ground» ’ Finch. + Cactus Ground-Finch. a Cactus Ground- Finch. Vegetarian Tree-Finch. Insectivorous Large Insectivorous Tree-Finch on Charles. Insectivorous Woodpecker-Finch. Mangrove-Finch. > Warbler-Finch. Cocos-Finch. In the following summary, “ A” refers to the California Academy of Sciences paper of 1945, and ‘“‘ B ”’ to the book in press, the page references being to the works in question. Reasons for the differences in inter- 1946-47] 21 [Vol. lxvii. pretation are given in the book, so need not be repeated here. Much the _ most important difference is the first, the two following ones being related to it. (i.) I formerly supposed that the sole function of the marked beak differences between the closely related species of Geospiza and Camarhyn- chus was in specific recognition. J now consider that the beak differences are primarily correlated with differences in diet, the latter enabling the species to persist in the same habitat without effectively competing (A, pp. 43, 50, 119-20; B, pp. 60-4). For a discussion of the general principles involved, see also Lack (1944), and for a consideration of overlap in diet Lack (1946). | (ii.) I formerly thought that all the beak differences between island forms of the same species were non-adaptive. However, some seem adaptively correlated with differences in food and ecological niche (A, p. 117; B, pp. 66-71, 117). (ii.) On the islets of Daphne and Crossman are forms intermediate in appearance between Greospiza fortis and G. fuliginosa. These, I formerly suggested, might be of hybrid origin, but I now agree with Swarth (1931) that the Daphne birds are a small form of G. fortis and the Crossman birds are a large form of G. fuliginosa. Likewise the Culpepper form Geospiza conirostris darwini is, I now consider, a true race of G. conirostris, and not of hybrid origin between the latter and G. magnirostris (A, pp. 90, 96, 103-5, 124; B, pp. 68, 84-5, 96-7). (iv.) I now consider that some, though not all, of the plumage differences between races of the same species are adaptive, instead of non-adaptive (A, p. 72; B, pp. 37, 40). (v.) Originally I suggested that Geospiza fuliginosa was the most primitive of the Geospizine, and derived G. difficils from it. However, taking plumage into account, G. difficilis seems the more primitive, and the resemblance between the Tower form of G. difficilis and G. fuliginosa seems due in part to parallel evolution (A, pp. 122-3, 128; B, pp. 101-2). (vi.) Darwin obtained an exceptionally large form of Geospiza mag- nirostris found by no later expedition. He also collected typical present- day G. magnirostris, named G. strenua by Gould, which is readily separable. Earlier authors concluded that Darwin’s large form came from either Charles or Chatham, where G. magnirostris does not live to-day, and. hence that it represents an extinct form. Swarth (1931) thought that Darwin’s large form did not come from Charles or Chatham, and hence concluded that the form of the species had changed since Darwin’s time. I formerly Vol. Ixvii.] 22 [1946-47 agreed with Swarth, but I now think the evidence supports earlier authors (A, p. 9; B, pp. 22-3). If this conclusion is accepted, then present-day magnirostris should presumably be referred to as Geospiza magmrostris strenua Gould, G. magnirostris magnirostris being retained for the extinct form (see previous summary). (vii.) I now see no reason for postulating former land connections between the various Galapagos islands, as Mayr (1944) and others have shown that reptiles apparently cross areas of sea not infrequently (A, pp. 109-10; B, p. 111). References. Hetimayr, C. E., 1938.—Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and adjacent islands in the Field Museum of Natural History.—Part XI. Ploceidae—Catambly- rhynchidae—Fringillidae, pp. 130-46. Lack, D. 1944.—EHcological aspects of species-formation in passerine birds. Ibis, 86, 260-86. Lack, D. 1945.—The Galapagos finches: a study in variation. Occ. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sct. 21. Lack, D. 1946.—Competition for food by birds of prey. J. Anim. Ecol. 15, 123-9. Lack, D. (in press).—‘ Darwin’s Finches ’ (Cambridge University Press). Mayr, E. 1944.—The birds of Timor and Sumba. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 83, 182. SwartH, H. 8. 1931.—The avifauna of the Galapagos Islands. Occ. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. 18. Exhibition of Skins of Wrens. Col. PAyN exhibited a series of Wrens from the Continent compared with a series from Great Britain and made the following remarks :— “Tam exhibiting a series of Wrens (T'roglodytes t. troglodytes (Linnzus)) from Blois, on the River Loire, in the centre of France, as compared with a series from Great Britain, mostly the south. There has been no special selection of either series. As far as I know, the only races of T'roglodytes troglodytes, that have been made so far in Europe, have been from islands or the coast of Western Europe, or from the Mediterranean. On examination it will be seen that the main differences between the two series are :— (a) On the upper parts.—The British bird is much darker on the back, while the Continental bird is paler and redder. Also in the Continental bird the bars on the wings seem to be continued over the head. 1946-47] ale [Vol. Ixvil. (6) On the underparts.—The bars on the lower part of the Continental bird are much blacker and more pronounced. I may say that I have no intention of making a separate race, or giving a name to the Continental bird. To begin with, we don’t know how far this variety extends: it may be merely the valley of the Loire, or most of France, or even the whole of the mainland of Europe ; or it may be just a connecting link between the Eastern European and the British forms. | Anyone who may undertake to separate the various forms on the mainland of the continent, will require to have access to specimens collected from most parts of Europe. Col. MEINERTZHAGEN congratulated the speaker on his first exhibition of skins before the Society, and also congratulated him on having pointed out what seemed to be a perfectly good form without giving ita name. He added that already, in addition to the typical form, there were four other forms of Troglodytes described from the British Islands and that he had in his collection yet another undescribed form from Ushant. But the races of T'roglodytes sadly needed revision. He did not know of any collection which contained adequate material and he hoped that until such material was available, it would not be undertaken. The piecemeal manner of describing new forms until the complete cline or clines were known, is most reprehensible and brings ornithology into disrepute—a most mis- chievous habit. Such procedure can only be justified where the race is known to be isolated or where it is clearly at the end of its cline. Exhibition of Cine-film ‘‘ Birds of the Village .”’ The educational film which has been prepared by Mr. James Fisher was exhibited and much appreciated. A new Bush-Shrike from Angola. Mr. C. M. N. Wuirte sent the following description :— Telophorus viridis vieirze, subsp. nov. Description.—Similar to Telephorus viridis viridis (Vieillot) but larger and with a marked sexual dimorphism which is said to be lacking in T. viridis. The male of the new race differs but slightly from the male of the typical race in having the red band below the black collar changing to yellow at the sides of the breast and the chocolate abdominal stripe broadening at its upper end to form a large patch on the breast below the red band. ab Vol. Ixvii.] | 24 _ (1946-47 The female differs from the male in being more yellow green below, forehead dull golden brown without any golden yellow spot before the eye ; throat much lighter and with yellowish bases to the feathers showing through ; black breast band much narrower, bordered at the lower margin with an indistinct yellow band stained slightly with red in the middle ; central abdominal stripe lighter, pale milk chocolate colour ; under tail- coverts milk chocolate not maroon red; tail feathers not plain black but all margined basally with green and the centre pair margined with green for their whole length and tipped with green. Distribution.—Only known from the Kamano river, Cavungu district, Alto Zambesi division, Eastern Angola. Type—In my collection: adult female, not breeding, collected at Kamano river, Cavungu, Alto Zambesi division, Eastern Angola, in August 1946 by an African collector, Sakayombo. Measurements —Wing of six birds, 4 males, 2 females, 86-91 mm. against 80-86 in 9 of the typical race measured by Bannerman (Bds. Tropical W. Afr. v. p. 434) ; tail 85-90 against 78-83 mm. ; culmen from skull, 22-23 mm. Remarks.—Named after Senor D. Damaso de Magalhaes Vieira, O.8.B., of Cazombo, Angola, as a mark of appreciation for his kindness and help to me whilst in Angola. The discovery of this striking Bush-Shrike at Cavungu was quite unexpected, for the typical race occurs hundreds of miles to the west, from the Portuguese Congo to Ndala Tando, Malanje and Benguella. Accord- ing to Bannerman nothing has been recorded of its habits. Field notes made by Sakayombo may be translated as follows: “‘ found in patches of very dense thickets of trees of types not found at Balovale or Mwinilunga, the nearest parts of Northern Rhodesia and resembling somewhat the vegetation of evergreen forest patches. Its loud call of ko-ko-kwi attracts attention to its presence, but when one searches for it it has usually vanished in the undergrowth. It is largely found near ground-level and can be trapped quite easily by snares set in the runs of the Giant Elephant Shrews, which inhabit the same undergrowth. It feeds on insects. I never saw it outside the thickets, but it is said sometimes to come out to the guavas when they are ripe in Senor Cardozo’s garden ”’. Telophorus quadricolor (Cassin) of south-east and ast Africa seems to me to be conspecific ; it differs mainly in having the lower breast and belly yellow, and its habits and call are very similar to those now recorded for the Angola bird, 1946-47] 25 [Vol. lxvii. Two New Races of Larks from Southern Abyssinia, and a New Race of Green-headed Oriole from Tanganyika Territory. Mr. C. W. Benson exhibited and described :— Pseudaleemon fremantlii megaensis, subsp. nov. Description.—Differs from Pseudalemon fremantlii fremantli (Phillips) in having the chest and flanks more brightly washed with pinky buff, and the sepia streaks on the chest bolder; the upperside much darker in general appearance, the centres of the feathers being a darker sepia, and the margins rusty rather than sandy. Differs from Pseudalemon fremantlii delamerer Sharpe in being larger; the chest and flanks more brightly washed with pinky buff; and the feathers of the crown and - mantle margined with rusty rather than with pale isabelline. Distribution Only so far known from the short grassed plains at 4000-4500 ft., between Yavello and Mega, southern Abyssinuia. Type.—tIn the British Museum. Adult male. 15 miles north of Mega, southern Abyssinia. 12th October, 1941. Collected by C. W. Benson. Brit. Mus. Reg. No. 1946.5.10. Collector’s No. E1154. Measurements of Type.—Wing 91, culmen from base 20, tail 49, tarsus 22 mm. Remarks.—A series of seven males and three females of this new race was collected. They have been compared with the following :— Four males and three females of P. f. fremantlii from British Somaliland, in the British Museum. Twelve males and one female, topotypical of P. f. delamerei, in Dr. van Someren’s collection. One female of P. f. delamerei from Ardai, near Arusha, Tanganyika Territory, in the British Museum. The following are comparative wing-measurements, in mm., of P. f. megaensis and P. f. delameret :— P. f. megaensis. Seven males, 89 (two), 90 (two), 91 (three). | Two females, 85, 89. P. f. delameret. Eleven males, 80 (two), 81, 84, 85 (three), 86, 87 (three). : Two females, 84, 84:5. This species has already been referred to by me in my general account of the collection made by me in southern Abyssinia, see Ibis, 1946, p. 39. Vol. 1xvii.] 26 [1946-47 _ [am indebted to Captain C. H. B. Grant, who drew my attention to the differences between this new race and P. f. fremantli. Calandrella somalica megaensis, subsp. nov. Description.—Differs from Calandrella somalica somalica (Sharpe) in being more boldy streaked on the upperside, the centres of the feathers being blacker, with the margins rufous, rather than pale isabelline. Differs from Calandrella somalica athensis (Sharpe) in having the margins of the feathers of the upperside rufous rather than whitish, and on the underside the chest and flanks more rufous. Distribution.—Only so far known from the short grassed plains at 3000-4500 ft., near Yavello, Mega and Neghelli, southern Abyssinia. Type.—tIn the British Museum. Adult male. 10 miles north of Mega, southern Abyssinia. 5th September, 1941. Collected by C. W. Benson. Brit. Mus. Reg. No. 1946.5.11. Collector’s No. E806. Measurements of Type.—Wing 85, culmen from base 15, tail 51, tarsus 20 mm. Remarks.—A series of nine males, nine females and one unsexed, of this new race was collected. They have been compared with the following :— Four males and two unsexed specimens of C. s. somalica from British Somaliland, in the British Museum. Twenty-six specimens topotypical of C. s. athensis, in Dr. van Someren’s collection, and four males and three females, also topotypical of this race, in the British Museum. One male and one female of C. s. athensis from northern Tanganyika Territory, in the British Museum. There is no doubt that C. megensis and C. athensis should be regarded as races of C. somalica, and Grant and Mackworth-Praed, who have examined all the specimens in the British Museum, including my Abyssinian series, are in agreement with this. The colour differences in the three races are closely analogous to those in the three races of Pseudalemon fremanilu, vide ante. As with that species, Calandrella has already been referred to by me in my general account of the collection made by me in southern Abyssinia: see Ibis, 1946, p. 40. I am indebted to Captain C. H. B. Grant, who drew my attention to the differences between this new race and C. s. somalica. Oriolus chlorocephalus amani, subsp. nov. Description.—Differs from Oriolus chlorocephalus chlorocephalus Shelley in its smaller size. Male, wing 123-134, tail 91-99-5 mm., compared to 1946-47] 27 [Vol. Ixvii. wing 133-141, tail 100-110 mm. in O. c. chlorocephalus. Female, wing 123-127, tail 90-95 mm., compared to wing 129-132, tail 98-104 mm. in O. c. chlorocephalus. Distribution.—From the Usambara Mountains, north-eastern Tangan- yika Territory, south to the Rondo Plateau, south-eastern Tanganyika Territory. Type—In the British Museum. Adult male. Amani, Usambara Mountains, Tanganyika Territory, at 1600 ft. 21st March, 1931. Collec- ted by R. E. Moreau. Brit. Mus. Reg. No. 1931.12.19.242. Measurements of Type—Wing 126, culmen from base 26, tail 93, tarsus 26 mm. Remarks.—The following are more detailed comparative measurements of wing and tail :— O. c. chlorocephalus (southern Nyasaland east of the Shire Valley— Cholo; Soche; Chiradzulu; Chikala, at 4500-5000 ft.). Six males. Wing 133 (three), 138-5, 139, 141 mm. Tail 100, 101, 102, 109 (two), 110 mm. Five females. Wing 129, 130 (two), 131, 132 mm. Tail 98, 99, 103 (two), 104 mm. In addition, the type has wing 136, tail 106 mm. _ It is sexed as a female, but would appear from these measurements to be a male. All these specimens of O. c. chlorocephalus are in the British Museum, except one, in the Transvaal Museum. O. c. amani (Nchingidi, Rondo Plateau, south-eastern Tanganyika Territory, at 2700 ft.). Two males. Wing 123, 128 mm. Tail 95, 99-5 mm. O. c. amani (Turiani, Nguru Mountains, eastern Tanganyika Territory, at 1400 ft.). | One male. Wing 134, tail 99-5 mm. O. c. amani (Amani and Bungu, Usambara Mountains, north-eastern Tanganyika Territory. According to Moreau, in litt., character- istically a lowland bird in the Usambaras, common from 500 to - 3000 ft., and probably never occurring higher than 4500 ft.). Five males. Wing 126 (two), 127, 128, 131 mm. Tail 91, 93, 94-5, 95, 98 mm. Three females. Wing 123 (two), 126 mm. Tail 90, 91-5, 93 mm. _ Of these specimens of O. c. amani, two males and a female, from Amani, are in the British Museum. The Nguru bird was kindly loaned by the Vol. Ixvii.] 28 [1946-47 Director of the Agricultural Research Institute at Amani. The remainder are in the American Museum of Natural History, New York, and the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, and I am very grateful to Dr. James P. Chapin, and Mr. James L. Peters, of these two institutions respectively, for their measurements (wings measured flattened, as is customary in England). In addition, Dr. Chapin has provided measurements of three other specimens in the American Museum :—male, Bungu, wing 127, tail 95; female, Bungu, wing 130, tail 98 ; unsexed, Nguru Mountains, wing 130, tail 98mm. In regard to the two Bungu specimens, Chapin suggests that the labels may have been transposed. Both were collected by Loveridge, in September 1921. The Nguiu bird would appear to be a male. It is noteworthy that the Nyasaland race is a bird of higher altitudes than the Tanganyika Territory race, and one would therefore expect it to be the larger of the two*. Both are restricted to evergreen forest. Notes on Eastern and Southern African Birds. Mr. C. W. BENSON sent the following three notes :— (1) On the Races of Sheppardia gunning: Haagner. Macdonald, in his paper on the genus Sheppardia (Ibis, 1940, pp. 663-671), places Sheppardia sokokensis (van Someren) and Sheppardia bensoni Kinnear as races of Sheppardia gunning. With this arrangement I am in agreement, Some further remarks on the races of this species should be of value, however, as I have had for examination not only all the material that Macdonald had, but also four specimens of S. gunningi, of which Macdonald had none, and through the kindness of Dr. V. G. L. van Someren four additional specimens of S. sokokensis, of which Macdonald had only one. My observations are summarized as follows :— SHEPPARDIA GUNNINGI GUNNINGI Haagner. Sheppardia gunningi Haagner, Ann. Trans. Mus. 1, 1909, p. 180: Mzimbiti, near Beira, Portuguese East Africa. Characteristics —Lores and superciliary streak, also primary coverts and outer edges of outer primaries pale bluish grey. Underside brownish orange. Disiribution.—Only known from the type-locality, below 200 feet. Remarks.—In February 1946, I was able to send my African collector, * See Mayr, Systematics and the Origin of Species (Columbia University Press, 1942), p. 92. 1946-47] 29 [Vol, Ixvii. Jali Makawa, to the type-locality, where he collected four specimens— two adult males and two immature birds, with some of the feathers of the upperside tipped with rufous. They have been presented to the British Museum. Three of my specimens (the fourth is a very young bird) do not differ in any essential from the original description, but the colouring of the underside is not at all like that in the coloured plate accompanying the description. In my specimens the colour is essentially orange, — whereas the plate shows it as yellow, The specimen which was figured is in the Transvaal Museum. Dr. Austin Roberts informs me that the colouring of the underside in the plate is quite incorrect, and that the colouring in the specimen itself is actually very like the orange of the underside in the uppermost figure of a Batis on the same plate. This is so in three of my specimens too. From this it is evident that they are very similar to this specimen in the Transvaal Museum. My fourth specimen is still in the fledgling stage. It is more yellowish, as it happens, below. There is one further error in the plate to which attention must be drawn. The white supraocular stripe is in reality hidden by the bluish grey superciliary, which extends further behind the eye than the white colour. Also, this colouring of the superciliary, and of the lores, is not very distinctly shown in the plate. Measurements —Two males, wing 66-72, tail 45 mm. (one in moult). Imm. unsexed, wing 68, tail47 mm. Imm. female, wing 65, tail 46 mm. Roberts, “ The Birds of South Africa ’’, gives wing 69-5-71, tail 51-54 mm., without stating the sex. | SHEPPARDIA GUNNINGI SOKOKENSIS (van Someren). Callene sokokensis van Someren, Bull. B.O.C. xli. 1921, p. 125: Sokoke Forest (coast of Kenya Colony, near Malindi). Characteristics.—Differs from S. g. gunningi in the lores, superciliary streak, primary coverts and outer edges of outer primaries being brighter, more markedly bluish, and the underside a pure orange, in some indi- viduals yellow, and always lacking any brownish tinge. Distribution. —Littoral of East Africa, at 1100 feet or lower. (Kenya Colony :—Sokoke, near Malindi; Rabai, near Mombasa; Shimba Hills, Kwale district. Tanganyika Territory :—Pugu, near Dar-es-Salaam.) | Remarks.—Two males from the Shimba Hills, near the Kenya Colony- Tanganyika Territory boundary, which had gonads much enlarged, are much richer orange below, and somewhat darker olive above, than two males from Sokoke, which are yellowish below (no indication as to state of gonads), One would be strongly inclined to regard the Shimba birds as Vol. Ixvii.] 30. [1946-47 racially distinct, but for the fact that a male from Pugu, also with gonads enlarged, agrees better with the Sokoke birds. It is only slightly more orange, and is practically identical on the upperside. It should be emphasized that Shimba lies between Sokoke and Pugu. Measurements (all of males)—Sokoke, wing 72 (both), tail 50-52 mm. Shimba, wing 71-5—72, tail 52-56mm. Pugu, wing 71, tail 50 mm. SHEPPARDIA GUNNINGI BENSONI Kinnear. Sheppardia bensont Kinnear, Bull. B. O. C. lviii. 1938, p. 1388: near Nkata Bay, West Nyasa district, Nyasaland. Characteristics —Lores, superciliary streak, primary coverts and outer edges of outer primaries as in S. g. sokokensis, and the only constant colour-difference from that race is that the white of the abdomen is res- tricted to the lower portion only, not extending up towards the chest. Rather larger than either S. g. gunning: or S. g. sokokensis. Distribution.—Chinteche district (formerly known as West Nyasa district), Nyasaland, between Chinteche and Nkata Bay, at 1600 feet, also recorded from 30 miles south-west of Chinteche at 4000 feet. Remarks.—Through the kindness of Dr. Austin Roberts I have had the loan of a male in the Transvaal Museum (TM. no. 23086), which is a paler, less reddish, orange below, the olive of the upperside less rufous tinged, than in any other specimens. In colour, but for the character of the abdomen given above, it could be regarded as intermediate between the Sokoke and Shimba birds (S. g. sokokensis). ‘This is probably the only fully adult specimen examined. Certainly some of the others are young, having a few feathers on the upperside tipped with rufous, and the skull not fully ossified. The bird figured in Ibis, 1940, plate x, is of this more generally rufous type. It is curious that in S. g. gunning: the young tends to be more yellowish, less orange below than in the adult, rather the contrary to S. g. bensoni. Measurements.—Five males, wing 72 (one), 75 (four), tail 54 (two), 58 (one), 59 (two)mm. Two females, wing 68, 70, tail 50 mm. (one in moult). Sheppardia gunningi is a low-level species, frequenting evergreen forest. The races are as strictly isolated as in most species frequenting montane evergreen forest. Thus my experience of the country between Chinteche and Mzimbiti leads me to believe that it is not found in any intermediate localities, certainly not so in Nyasaland. Lt.-Col. Jack Vincent informs me that he is certain that he saw the species at Netia, near the coast of 1946-47] at, |. [Vol. lxvii. northern Portuguese East Africa, during his 1931-2 expedition. The _ Chinteche race inhabits rather higher altitudes than the other two, and this is the probable explanation of its rather larger size: see Mayr, ‘ System- atics and the Origin of Species ’ (Columbia University Press, 1942), p, 92: (2) On the Characters and Distribution of Francolinus natalensis neaver Mackworth-Praed, Bull. B.O.C. xl. 1920, p. 140: Loangwa River, Northern Rhodesia. My collector, Jali Makawa, worked for ten days, commencing 23rd November 1945, at Tambara, on the River Zambesi, Portuguese East Africa. Tambara is sited at approximately 16° 42’S., 34° 10’ E., and is at an altitude of less than 200 feet. In the collection made are seven specimens of Francolinus natalensis, all females. They have been pre- sented to the British Museum, and the remarks which follow are based. on these and the other specimens of this species in the British Museum. Only one bird of my series is completely adult. On the underside the others are washed with rufous to a greater or lesser degree, and less profusely marked with black. I have examined the type, a spurred adult male, and another such male from the Kafue Valley, Northern Rhodesia, also a nearly adult female, unspurred, from the Loangwa Valley. Three other specimens from this same general area are immature, even younger than any of my series, being strongly washed with rufous and having comparatively few black markings, on the underside. Comparing the adult Northern Rhodesia and Tambara birds with a series of fF’. n. natalensis Smith, consisting of one male, spurred, and eight females, unspurred, all adult, from the Transvaal and Natal, the former are distinguishable by being less heavily marked with black on the underside, and these markings are disposed more longitudinally (there is a more streaked appearance) and do not extend onto the centre of the abdomen. These differences apply to both sexes, in which there is no difference of colour. I do not find that there are any other constant colour-differences between the two races. Mackworth-Praed, in his original description, remarks that on the underside the female of F’. n. neavei has the markings brownish, and that there is a brownish rufous wash. But my Tambara adult female has the markings black, and lacks any such wash. Chapin, ‘The Birds of the Belgian Congo’, i. p. 702, states that F. n. neavei is a little smaller than F’. n. natalensis, and this is borne out Vol. ixvii.] 32 [1946-47 by the wing-measurements of the specimens which I have examined, as follows :— Natal, Transvaal (Ff. n. natalensis). One male, 185 mm. Eight females, 159, 160, 160, 162, 165, 168, 170, 175 mm. Tambara (F’. n. neavet). Seven females, 155, 155, 155, 162, 162, 163, 165 mm. The four largest measurements of this series are of not completely adult birds, which are probably fully grown in size, however. Northern Rhodesia (Ff. n. neavet). Two males, 162, 165 mm. — One female, 162 mm. Sclater, ‘Systema Avium Atthiopicarum’, includes the Zambesi region within the range of I’. n. natalensis, but I attribute Tambara birds to Ff. n. neavet. | This species does not appear to extend into Nyasaland, where my collector searched for it specially, and for long periods, in the Lower Shiré area, in similar country to that at Tambara, and only some fifty miles to the eastward. (3) On the Specific Status of Hrythropyjia quadrivirgata (Reichenow). Belcher (‘The Birds of Nyasaland’, 1930) regards Hrythropygia barbata barbata (Finsch & Hartlaub) as the race occurring in northern and central Nyasaland, and FE. b. rovumx Grote in southern Nyasaland. Benson (Ibis, 1940, p. 613), from the further data by then available, finds that in northern Nyasaland £. b. barbata is a high-level (4000-5000 ft.) form, HL. b. rovume a low-level (1600-2000 ft.) form. I have recently obtained two specimens, now in the British Museum, of E. b. barbata at Kota-kota, as low as 1650-1700 ft. Both were collected in November, one of them at its nest, and there can be no question of their having been off-season wanderers from higher levels. H. b. rovume has been found at these levels both to the north and the south of Kota-kota. There is a specimen undoubtedly of H. b. rovwume in the British Museum from Chinteche, 80 miles north of Kota-kota, at 1700 ft., and Benson (Ibis, 1942, p. 312) records two more such, which are in the Transvaal Museum. In view of the foregoing, it is best to regard H. b. barbata and £. b. rovume as separate species. There is no evidence of intergradation between the two, which are easily distinguishable, ZH. b. rovume being olive-brown rather than grey on the upperside ; the stripe above the white 1946-47] 33 | Vol. ixvii. superciliary darker, black rather than grey ; and the white colouring in the _ three outer pairs of rectrices more extensive. The grey-backed bird must therefore be known as Hrythropygia barbata, and the olive-backed bird as HL. quadrivirgata quadrivirgata (Reichenow), of which LH. q. erlangert Reichenow, H. q. greenwayt Moreau, and EL. q. wilsoni (Roberts) are races. From the extensive series in the British Museum it is clear that H. g. rovumx must be regarded as a synonym of H. q. quadrivirgata. No specimens are available of H. q. erlangert or E. q. wilsoni. | | I believe that further investigation will definitely show that the voices of EZ. barbata and E. q. quadrivirgata in Nyasaland are not identical. E. q. quadrivirgata has a particularly fine song, which seems to surpass that of . barbata in beauty and variety. Whereas H. q. quadrivirgata is in my experience strictly confined to dense thickets, H. barbata is by no means restricted to such an environment, and is in fact often found in open Brachystegia woodland, and at Kota-kota was nesting therein. There is no evidence of any seasonal movement in either species. It is worth recording that H. q. quadrivirgata was not found at Kota-kota, although there is no lack of thickets suited to it. ~Although we are dealing with what are best regarded as two distinct species, yet it seems that they are sufficiently closely related for their occurrence on the same ground to be incompatible. As already explained, although there is an ecological difference, there is not complete segregation. Captain C. H. B. Grant and Mr. C. W. Mackworth-Praed are in agree- ment with the decision to regard HL. quadrivirgata as a species, and also as to the synonymy of HL. q. rovume. Ona Change of Coloration in Lybius zombae (Shelley). Mr. C. W. Benson sent the following note :— Vincent, Bull, B. O. C. liii, 1933, pp. 149-151, finds that a change in the colouring of the feathers of the forehead, sides of head, chin and throat in Lybius zombx had taken place in the previous thirty or forty years. Vincent’s findings have been commented on by various authors, see Huxley, ‘ Evolution. The Modern Synthesis.’, 1942, pp. 195, 551, and Mayr, ‘ Systematics and the Origin of Species ’, 1942, p. 77. Grant & Mackworth-Praed, Bull. B.O.C. Iviii. 1938, p. 105, place L. zombz as a race of L. torquatus (Dumont), and I am in agreement with this arrangement. __ I have examined all the specimens in the British Museum which were available to Vincent, and after carefully plotting the localities where they Vol: ixvii] a. [1946-47 were collected, have come to the conclusion that the colour-variation can be explained on a geographical basis, and that there is no need to resort to an explanation such as that put forward by Vincent. For purposes of convenience the specimens may be divided into (a) those with red colouring, thus near to L. t. torquatus, (b) those with pink colouring, intermediate between L. t. torquatus and L. t. zombe, and (c) those with white colouring. But it must be understood that there is intergradation between these three categories. Most of the localities mentioned hereafter will be found on the map facing p. 652, Ibis, 1933, and others will be ex- plained by reference to that map. The specimens of L. t. zombe collected by Vincent, see Ibis, 1935, p. 5, during 1931-2, are all from eastern localities, from Sombani, which is between Mlanje Mountain (see brown area on map) and Lake Chilwa, north-eastwards towards Lurio and south-eastwards towards Mocuba. None of them show any red or even pink colouring. The specimens collected by Whyte and Sharpe, in the ‘nineties of the last century, in southern Nyasaland, are all from more western localities (except one from Fort Lister, about 10 miles east of Sombani, which is white), and are as follows :— (1) Two from Chiradzulu, 20 miles west of Sombani, or 10 miles north-east of Blantyre. One is very like Vincent’s Sombani speci- mens, though slightly pink. The other is definitely pink. (2) One young bird, labelled Mlanje, is pink. Mlanje is an admini- strative headquarters in Nyasaland, at the south end of Mlanje Mountain, and is not to be confused with the place spelt Mlange on the map, which is further south-west, in Portuguese territory. (3) One from Ntondwe, 10 miles south of Zomba, is pink. (4) A series of nine from Zomba, the type-locality of L. t. zombe, show all stages from pink to white. (5) One from Mpimbi, on the River Shiré, 10 miles north-west of Zomba, is pink. (6) Two from South Angoniland, an area in which Dedza lies, are red. (7) One from Chiromo, 80 miles south of Zomba, on the River Shiré, is red. The following other specimens must also be considered :— ° (1) Three collected by Kirk about 1860. One of these is labelled Shupanga, which is on the south bank of the River Zambesi, nearly 1946-47] 35 [Vol. Ixvii. opposite its confluence with the River Shiré. This specimen is red. The other two are labelled Zambesi. It is known that Kirk did not travel further up the Zambesi than its confluence with the Shiré. One is pink, the other nearly white, and probably they were collected further east than Shupanga, nearer the mouth of the Zambesi. (2) One collected by Wood, in 1917, at Ruo, which is near Chiromo, is red. (3) Two collected recently by myself ,at Chikwawa, 20 miles south- west of Blantyre, and Nankumba, 50 miles east of Dedza, respectively, are both red. If the foregoing specimens are examined, taking their localities into strict consideration, the colour-differences can be interpreted on a geo- graphical basis. They illustrate a cline towards L. ¢t. torquatus. It is unfortunate that the type-locality of L. t. zombz is not further east, as some of the specimens from Zomba, being pink, show a tendency towards L. t. torquatus. A more fortunate choice would have been Songea, in south-eastern Tanganyika Territory. This is the type-locality of L. ¢. albigularis Neumann, which Grant & Mackworth-Praed, op. cit., place as a synonym of L. ¢. zombe. Captain C. H. B. Grant has been kind enough to examine the specimens with me, and is in agreement with the conclusions reached. some apparently new Records for Uganda. Dr. V. G. L. van SoMEREN sent the following note :— As a result of a further brief visit to the Bwamba district of western Uganda, we have to record the following birds as having been obtained and which are not included in the work by Sir F. Jackson, ‘ Birds of Kenya Colony and the Uganda Protectorate’, nor does their distribution include Uganda as listed by Sclater in ‘Systema Avium Aethiopicarum ’, Accupiter erythropus zenkeri Reichenow. Vinago calva uellensis Reichenow. Agapornis swinderiana zenkeri Reichenow. Was found to be numerous. Melittophagus gularis australis Reichenow. Argalocichla xaviert xaviert Oustalet. Charitillas gracilis gracilis Cabanis. Distinct from C. g. ugandzx van Someren, which is the mid-eastern race; and C. g. kavirondensis is the extreme eastern form : North Kavirondo— Nandi, Vol. lxvii.] 36 [1946-47 Nicatir vireo Cabanis. Cinnyris minullus marginatus O.-Grant. These species and races were known to occur further to the west in the Belgian Congo, and, as there is no physical or ecological barrier, their extension east of the Semliki was not unexpected. Notes on Nyasaland Birds. Mr. C. W. Benson sent the following two notes :— (1) On the Occurrence of T'urdus storms: Hartlaub in southern Nyasaland. Among the specimens of 7'urdus stormsi in the British Museum is one labelled Mbara (Brit. Mus. Reg. No. 1900.11.12.116), and recorded by Shelley, Ibis, 1901, p. 166. The label shows it to have been collected for Sharpe, and P. L. Sclater, in his introduction to the paper, states that the collections in which it was included were transmitted by Sharpe and Manning. On pp. 162-163 of this same paper is a list of localities, supplied by McClounie, who gives Mambwe and Mbara as between Zomba and Mlanje, and local inquiries which I have made confirm the correctness of this. On the basis of this specimen, 7’. stormsi has been recorded from southern Nyasaland by Benson, Ibis, 1942, p. 310, and Grant & Mackworth- Praed, Bull’ B. O. C. lxvi. p. 78 1946. But I have been collecting and observing throughout Nyasaland since 1932, and have not found this Thrush anywhere. Recently I have been working in the very area in the south where it is supposed to occur, and have searched especially for it. Moreover, Shelley records Crateropus tanjanjice (=Turdoides jardinei tanganjice (Reichenow)) from Mambwe. This specimen (Brit. Mus. Reg. No. 1900.11.12.134) has the black top and sides of head characteristic of that race, which does not occur any nearer Southern Nyasaland than the north-east of Northern Rhodesia. Shelley also records Psalidoprocne albiceps P. L. Sclater from Mambwe, which I have not seen south of Mzimba, in northern Nyasaland. It is clear from McClounie’s notes that certain localities—Mweru, Kikomba, Ikawa and Karungwisi—are definitely in the north-east of Northern Rhodesia, while the British Museum Register (ref. 1900.11.12) shows that specimens from these localities, and from Mambwe and Mbara, were presented at the same time. Shelley, Ibis, 1899, pp. 364-380, gives an earlier account of specimens collected for Manning, by the 1898 Anglo-German Boundary Commission working on the Nyasa—-Tanganyika Plateau. A reference is given to general accounts of the travels of this Commission, vol, xiii, ‘ Geographical a tei 1946-47] 37 [Vol. Lxvii. _ Journal’, 1899. On p. 581 “ Mbala (or, as it is now called, Abercorn) ”’ is — mentioned. In Bantu pronunciation there is no difference between Mbala and Mbara. Facing p. 692 is a map, based on the surveys of the Commission. Mambwe is shown as some 45 miles south-east of Abercorn, and Mweru, Kikomba, Ikawa and Karungwisi are also shown. It is clear that this specimen of Turdus stormsi was collected at Abercorn, and the occurrence of this species in southern Nyasaland cannot be accep- ted. Captain C. H. B. Grant, who has kindly read through the MS. of this note, is in agreement with me. (2) On the Occurrence of three other Birds in Nyasaland. This map, see note (1) above, also enables one to arrive at a decision in regard to the following (all specimens referred to are in the British Museum) :— Turdoides leucopygia hartlaubi (Bocage). Two specimens collected for Sharpe, at Karungwisi and Kikomba, see Shelley, Ibis, 1901, p..166, and Belcher, ‘ The Birds of Nyasaland ’, 1930, p. 184. Karungwisi is a small river running into the east side of Lake Mweru, and Kikomba (Ikomba) on Stevenson’s Road, between Fife and Abercorn, lat. 9° 09’S., long. 32°15’ E. Thus both these localities are outside Nyasaland, and there are no other records from within. Atamistillas flavicollis pallidigula (Sharpe). One specimen collected for Manning at Luchinde, see Shelley, Ibis, 1899, p. 371, and Belcher, p. 186. Luchinde is a small river with source near Ikomba, flowing south to join the Karungu at 9° 42’8., 32°15’ E. Thus no part of the Luchinde is in Nyasaland, and there is no record from within. Estrilda perreini perreini (Vieillot). One specimen collected for Sharpe at Karungwisi, for which see above. Another, bearing Manning’s printed label and McClounie’s name-stamp, from Mambwe. This latter is referred to by Shelley, Ibis, 1899, p. 368, and Mambwe is stated to be between Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa. This must be the specimen to which Belcher refers, p. 334. That Shelley did not confuse this northern Mambwe with that in southern Nyasaland, see under Turdus stormsi above, seems very improbable, for the specimen is clearly of the race EH, p. perreini. Specimens from Chiromo, southern Nyasaland, are equally clearly H. p. incana Sundevall, and there are no records of H. p. perreint from nearer Chiromo than the north-east of Northern Rhodesia. The map shows Mambwe at 9° 05’S., 32°02’ E., Vol. lxvii.] 38 [1946-47 outside Nyasaland. Benson, Ibis, 1944, p. 478, records a specimen of EL. p. perreint from Nyasaland, from Katumbi’s, on the River Hewe. Nor can this record be accepted. The Rev. W. P. Young, the collector, informs me that actually it was obtained at Muyombe, a village 20 miles further north, well inside Northern Rhodesia. The River Hewe is the boundary between the two territories. Notes on Eastern African Birds. Captain C. H. B. Grant and Mr. C. W. Macwortu-PRraep sent the following six notes :— (1) On the status of Cossypha polioptera kunqwensis Moreau, Bull. B. O. C. Ixi. 1941, p. 60. In ‘ The Ibis,’ 1943, p. 392, Moreau has placed this bird as a species. The British Museum series of this genus having now returned to London we append herewith a list of comparative measurements of Cossypha kung- wensis, Cossypha polioptera Reichenow, and Cossypha bocagei Finsch & Hartlaub. Cossypha kungwensis. C. polioptera. ‘ C. bocagez. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. + Wing... 70-81 70-76 73-83 73-83 75-85 75-85 Maal Ais 55-60 47-56 60-66 53-58 63-68 56-60 Tarsus . 25-29 24-29 24-28 24-28 24-27 24-27 Nine specimens Eight specimens Eleven specimens measured. measured. measured, These measurements show that the wings and tarsus agree, but that C.. kungwensis has a shorter tail. It also has darker central tail feathers. We are of opinion that Moreau is correct in treating Cossypha kung- WENSIS AS a Species. (2) On the Status of Cisticola natalensis matengorum Meise, O. M., 1934, p. 117: Nambunchu, Songea district, south-western Tanganyika Territory. Meise states that this race is larger, wing 70-78 mm., and that in non- breeding dress the upper parts are more olive coloured, less red brown, and that the male in non-breeding dress taken at Mitimone in February is also this race. In the British Museum collection is an adult male in non- breeding dress from Mitimone, Rovuma river, southern Tanganyika Territory, about 90 miles south of the type-locality, and this specimen in 1946-47] oo [ Vol. lxvil. no way differs from specimens in similar dress of Cisticola natalensis natalensis (Smith) from further south. As regards size, the wing of the sonthern race is, in males 70-78, and females 60-64 mm., and therefore Cisticola natalensis matengorum Meise is not larger and we place it as a synonym of Crsticola natalensis natalensis (Smith). (3) On the Distribution of Hirundo senegalensis saturatior Bannerman. In the Bull. B. O. C. Ixii. 1942, p. 49, we gave the distribution of this race as southern and eastern Sudan, Abyssinia, Uganda and Kenya Colony. We have re-examined the British Museum series with Mr. J. D. Macdonald and we are satisfied that this race is confined to the Gold Coast at the area around Accra. Therefore, Hirundo senegalensis senegalensis Linneeus, is Colony except the southern areas. (4) On the Shrikes recorded in Ibis, 1928, p. 87, under Laniarius funebris (Hartlaub). In this paper Friedmann listed seven specimens from’ the Uluguru Mountains, under the above name. Mr. Moreau stated in letters to us ‘that he doubted the identification of these specimens. Through the kindness of Dr. Peters, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, we have had the loan of one of these specimens, and Dr. Peters writes under date |28 February, 1946, that the six specimens are all exactly alike, the seventh being at the Carnegie Museum. The specimen loaned to us is unquestionably Laniarius filleborns \(Reichenow), and so all seven specimens without doubt belong to this ispecies and not Lamarius funebdris. _ We publish this note and correction with permission of Dr. Friedmann, jwbo deslred) us to do so in a letter dated 27 March, 1946. (5) On the Status of Chlorophoneus andarye Jackson, Bull. B. O. C. xxix. 1919, p. 94: Kisubi, near Entebbe, Uganda. | We have examined the type and carefully compared it with the Shrikes that occur in Uganda, and we are satisfied that it is a colour phase, in immature dress, of Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus similis (Smith). The size, general structural characters including wing formula, whole head, mantle, wings and tall except central tail feathers, agree with . 8. similis from which it differs in having the grey of the head and mantle beading over the rump, central tail feathers and lesser and secondary wing-coverts ; there is also some grey in the other tail feathers ; below | y | | the race found throughout the Sudan, Abyssinia, Uganda and ony CA Vol. lxvii.] 40 [1946-47 white ; chest creamy buff with a suffusion of this colour on the upper — belly and flanks ; under wing-coverts yellow and white ; axillaries white. — Wing 81 mm. We therefore place Chlorophoneus andarye Jackson as a synonym of Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus similis (Smith). (6) On the Status of Symplectes eremobius Hartlaub. In the Bull. B. O.C. lxiv. 1944, p. 67, we placed S. eremobius as a synonym of Othyphantes emini (Hartlaub). The Sudan Government Museum, Khartoum, has sent to the British Museum for naming an adult male specimen of Ploceus baglafecht. This has a wing of 75 mm. and has the lower breast to under tail-coverts white, and two other male specimens in the British Museum agree with this specimen and have wings of 74 and 77 mm. The description of S. eremobius agrees with these specimans and we are satisfied that our 1944 decision was incorrect and that Symplectes eremobius — Hartlaub, is a recognizable race of Ploceus baglafecht Vieillot, and was rightly so placed by Sclater in Syst. Authiop. ii. p. 733, 1930. , Notice. The next Meeting will be held at the Rembrandt Hotel, South Kensington, following dinner at 6.30 P.M., on Wednesday, December 18, 1946, BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. \? annie? No. CCCCLXX. re The four-hundred-and-sixty-third Meeting of the Club was held at the Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place, $.W. 7, on Wednesday, December 18, 1946, following a dinner at 6.30 P.M. Chairman: Dr. J. M. Harrison. Members present :—Miss P. Barctay-Smitn; F. J. F. BARRINGTON ; C. W. Benson ; Capt. C. H. B. Grant; B. G. Harrison (Vice-Chairman) ; R. C. Homes; Miss E. P. Leacu (Hon. Treasurer) ; C. W. MacKWoRTH- PraEp ; G. M. Matuews; Col. R. MEINHERTZHAGEN ; E.. M. NICHOLSON ; R. H.W. Pakenuam: C. W. G. Pavison; Lt.-Col..W. A. Payn; Miss G. M. Raopses; C. P. Stapues ;s B. W. Tucker ;s Mrs. H. W. Boyp-Wartt ; C. DE WORMS. Guests :—Mrs. Benson ; A. G. B. RUSSELL, Members, 20; Guests, 2; Total, 22. Redpolls from Norway. Col. Payn exhibited two skins of Redpolls from Norway, and made the following remarks :— I am exhibiting two skins of Redpolls, which I got from the N.W. coast of Norway within the Arctic Circle during a luxury trip to the North Cape in 1925. Besides them I am showing for comparison two skins of Coues’ Redpoll, Carduelis hornemanni exilipes (Coues), which I have borrowed from the British Museum. | It will be noted that the main differences between these birds and Coues’ Redpoll are :-— Male.—Slightly smaller and not such a pure white rump. Female,—More grey on the back and less brown on the rump. I first took. these birds to Dr. Hartert, and he declared that they looked like Coues’ Redpoll, but they couldn’t be that, as they came from the | 1 [January 24, 1947) . VOL, LXVII, Vol. lxvii.] | 42 (1946-47 wrong side of the mountains. Then I sent them to Dr. C. B. Ticehurst and Mr. Witherby: they both thought they must be a hybrid between Coues’ and Mealy Redpoll. Dr. Ticehurst added that he believed that Coues’ Redpoll was not to be found in Europe. Then I took them to the British Museum. Mr. Kinnear kindly went through with me all the boxes of Coues’ and Mealy Redpolls. In them we found three specimens of males, which exactly corresponded with my bird. On looking at the locality from whence they came, we found that they were all from Lyngen and Troms, the localities from which I got my two birds. Soon after that I met Dr. Salomonsen, and asked him for his opinion. He at once said that they were Acanthis linaria pallescens (Homeyer), and referred me to The Auk, 1884, pp. 147 and 153. From that I found the description of a Redpoll found by an American expedition to the N.W. coast of Norway, to which they had given the name Acanthis linaria pallescens (Homeyer) ; the differences from Coues’ Redpoll being as I have already described. When the Handbook was coming out, I put all the above facts before Mr. Witherby, and asked him to include this bird as one of the allied forms of Carduelis flammea or hornemanni, but he refused. From what I have said it would appear that there are several specimens in existence of this bird available for examination, including any specimens collected by the American expedition, all showing the same peculiarities. If these birds are all hybrids, does this mean that all intermediate races should be called hybrids rather than geographical races ? As regards the name, I should suggest that, if recognized, the bird should bear the name of Carduelis hornemanni pallescens (Homeyer), to conform with the more modern designations of genera and species of the Redpolls. New Races of a Paradise Flycatcher, Apalis and Eremomela from Eastern Africa. Capt. C. H. B. Grant and Mr. C. W. MackwortH-PRazD exhibited and described the following :— Tchitrea perspicillata ungujaensis, new race. _ Description.—Differs from T'chitrea perspicillata perspicillata (Swainson) in having the head and neck all round glossy violet-blue instead of glossy blue-black, and from 7'chitrea perspicillata ruwenzoriz Grant & Praed in 1946-47] 43 [Vol. lxvii. having the chin and throat glossy violet blue-black instead of grey with - aslight gloss. Disiribution.—Eastern Tanganyika Territory from southern Mt. Kilimanjaro and the Usambara Mts. to Kilosa, Dar-es-Salaam, Kisiji 40 miles south of Dar-es-Salaam, Iringa and Njombe, also Zanzibar Island. Type.—In the British Museum. Adult male, Zanzibar Island, September 1877, collected by J. M. Hildebrandt, Brit. Mus. Reg. no. 1895.5.1.257. Measurements of Type.-—Wing 80; culmen from base 19; tail, longest central feathers, 240 ; tarsus 16 mm. Remarks.—In Bull. B. O. C. lx. 1940, pp. 102-103, we discussed the races of the species 7'chitrea perspicillata Swainson, and placed the birds from the distribution given above, under T'chitrea perspicillata suahelica (Reichenow), Through the kindness of Dr. Stresemann of the Berlin Museum, we have had on loan the type of that race, which Reichenow placed under and compared to J'chitrea perspicillata. The description is not too good, but in no way disagrees with the type, which we find is a specimen of T'chitrea viridis ferrett Guérin, and under which we now place Tchitrea perspicillata suahelica Reichenow, as a synonym. This leaves the birds from Zanzibar Island and the other localities enumerated above without a name. Apalis melanocephala muhuluensis, new race. Description.—Adult male, above and sides of face, wings and central tail-feathers deep black, not the black with a slight brownish tone of Apalis melanocephala tenebricosa Vincent, and broader white ends to tail-feathers. Distribution.—Mahenge, na Tanganyika Territory. Type.—tIn the British Museum. Adult male, in breeding condition, Muhulu Forest, Mahenge District, southern Tanganyika Territory, January 30, 1946, collected by R. E. Moreau. Collector’s no. 7105. Brit. Mus. Reg. no. 1946.14.1. i Measurements of Type.—Wing 55; culmen from base 15; tail 71; tarsus 19 mm. Remarks.—Another male in non- a ae condition, collected at the same place on February 18, 1946, is above sooty- black ; lower rump, upper tail-coverts and lower flanks washed with yellow. Wing 52 mm. It is apparently an immature, and al though it agrees closely with the adult male of A. m. tenebricosa it has, aes white ends to the tail- feathers. \ Vol: Lxvii.] | 4d [1946-47 Eremomela griseoflava belli, new race. Description.—Differs from Hremomela griseoflava polioxantha Sharpe, which occurs in south-central and south-western Tanganyika Territory. in having the chin and throat white, not greyish white, and the yellow extending in a wash over the lower neck in front. itisalsolarger. From Eremomela griseoflava griseoflava Heuglin, which has a white or buffy- white chin to throat, it differs in having the yellow below much more extensive, and not confined to lower belly. Distribution.—Liwale area, south-eastern Tanganyika Territory. Type.—In the British Museum. Adult male. Liwale, southern Province, Tanganyika Territory, May 1, 1940, collected by R. M. Bell. Brit. Mus. Reg. no. 1945.47.19. Measurements of Type.—Wing 68; culmen from base 13; tail 25; tarsus 17 mm. Remarks.—Named in honour of Mr. R. M. Bell. A single specimen only was obtained, but as it is different from any described race we are compelled to give it a name. A New Race of Double-banded Sand-Grouse from Portuguese East Africa. Mr. C. W. BENSON exhibited and described :— Eremialector bicinctus usheri, subsp. nov. Description.—Like Hremialector bicinctus multicolor (Hartert) in colour, but differs in its smaller size. Male, wing 161-171, compared to 168- 188 mm. in £. 6b. multicolor. Female, wing 157-168, compared to 167-— 185 mm. in LH. b. multicolor. Distribution.—The lower Zambesi Valley, at Tambara* and Tete, — and the boundary of Nyasaland and Portuguese East Africa, west of Chiromo, north to the Loangwa Valley, Northern Rhodesia. | Type.—In the British Museum. Adult male. Tambara, Portuguese East Africa, at 200 ft., November 23, 1945. Collected by Jali Makawa ~ for C. W. Benson. Brit. Mus. Reg. no. 1946.5.12. Collector’s no. N3930. Measurements of Type :—Wing 165; culmen from base 18; tail 73; tarsus 27 mm. Remarks.—The RO OHIne are more detailed wing-measurements (in mm.) :— E. b. usheri (all specimens in the British Museum). * Lat. 16° 42’S., long. 34°10’ E. Not to be confused with C. H. B. Grant's — collecting locality, Tambarara, see Ibis, 1911, pp. 211, 123. 1946-47] 45 , [Vol. lxvii. Thirteen males, 161, 162, 162, 163, 164, 164, 165, 166, 166, 166, 167, 168, 171 ; ten females, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 161, 162, 162, 165, 168. E. b. multicolor. Matabeleland, Southern Rhodesia. Two males, 174,178; one female, 172. Transvaal. Sixteen males, 169, 173, 174, 175, 176, 176, 178, 178, 179, 181, 181, 182, 182, 182, 183, 188 ; seventeen females, 169, 169, 170, 170, 170, 170, 171, 173, 175, 175, 176, 177, 180, 180, 180, 183, 185. Bechuanaland. Gaberones. Three females, 167, 172, 172. Mokka (Maggalakim). One female, 172. Kuruman. One male, 168; one female, 172. Mahalapye. One male, 174; one female, 170. _. | am indebted to Dr. James P. Chapin for measurements of five males and six females in the American Museum of Natural History, and to Dr. Austin Roberts, for measurements of twelve and fourteen females in the Transvaal Museum, all of H. b. multicolor. The other specimens measured of this race are in the British Museum. Roberts, Ann, Trans. Mus. xvi. part 1, p. 81, gives measurements of H. b. chobiensis (Roberts) as follows: Eleven males, 171-188; eleven females, 169-183 mm. . E. b. usheri frequents hot, low-lying country, mostly at only 100-200 ft. above sea-level. On the other hand, H. b. multicolor occurs in a more southern, temperate climate, and, moreover, very frequently at altitudes of 3000-4000 ft. H. b. ushert is common on the barren, stony, low hills in the south-west of the Chikwawa district, Nyasaland, on the boundary with Portuguese territory. Mr. D. W. K. Macpherson, when hunting up the Muira River, west of Tambara, found eggs in August. Boyd Alexander, Ibis, 1900, p. 450, collected a female with ‘“ ovaries full developed ”’ near Tete in August. This new race is named in honour of Mr. H. B. Usher, of the staff of the Bird Room, the British Museum. Captain C. H. B. Grant has kindly read my description in MS., and agrees with my decision to recognize this new race. Damage by Military Operations. Mr. E. M. Nicuoxison drew attention to the current threats to a number of areas of ornithological importance, arising out of claims for continued use by the Army, Navy, R.A.F., and Combined Operations. He explained that the Wild Life Special Committee, under the Ministry of Town and : Vol. Ixvii.] 46 [1946-47 Country Planning, was doing its best to represent the scientific objections to military activities on certain of these sites where rare species were liable to be affected, but there were so many sites in question that it wag — proving difficult to arrange for all the ornithological aspects to be properly considered. If members could assist in any way in drawing attention to threats to bird-life in particular areas, or in providing evidence of any kind, they would be rendering a valuable service. | Notes on East African Birds. Captain C. H. B. Grant and Mr. C. W. MackworTH-PRAED sent the following notes :— (1) On the Status of Coturnix coturnia erlangeri Zedlitz, J.f. O. 1912, p. 344: Cunni, near Harar, eastern Abyssinia. In the Bull. B. O. C. lxiv. 1943, p. 7, we placed this as a synonym of Coturnix coturnix coturnix (Linneus). We have now seen two males and a female taken on the Fiche Road, 15 miles north of Adis Abeba by Dr. H. M. Woodman on September 5, 1942, which are as dark above as Coturnix coturnx africana Temminck & Schlegel, one male having the sides of face and whole throat dark chestnut, and the other having these parts black. They agree perfectly with South African specimens, and are undoubtedly birds of this race on migration to Abyssinia in the non- breeding season. We are now of the opinion that Erlanger’s specimens taken in May are also the South African race on migration to Abyssinia in the non-breeding season, and so place C. c. erlangeri Zedlitz as a synonym of C. c. africana Temminck & Schlegel, and not of C. c. coturnix (Linneus). (2) On Charitillas minor Van Someren, Nov. Zool. xxix. 1922, p. 188: Toro, western Uganda. Van Someren gives grey on underside limited to throat, small bill and — wing, 62-64 mm. He has kindly loaned to us a female specimen from Namware Forest, Kyetume, southern Uganda, named Andropadus gracilis minor, which has wing of 72 mm., bill from base 14 mm., and in these measurements and in colour does not differ from specimens in the British Museum of Andropadus gracilis gracilis Cabanis. In a letter September 2, 1946, Dr. Van Someren kindly advises us that the above specimen was incorrectly named, and that the specimens he had from Toro are not now in his collection, and that as the name Charitillas minor was left in the MS. and printed in the Nov. Zool. by mistake, no type was designated. In view of the above, we place Charitillas minor Van Someren as & synonym of Andropadus gracilis gracilis Cabanis, ee _— 1946-47] 47 [Vol. kxvii. (3) On the Status of @nanthe deserti atrogularis (Blyth), J As Soc. Bengal, xvi. 1847, p. 131 : Upper Provinces, Sind, India. This race is said to be darker and larger, and Meinhertzhagen, Nicoll’s Bds. Egypt, i. 1930, pp. 265 and 266, gives the wing of this race as 92-99 mm., and @Wnanthe deserti Temminck as 85-94 mm. We have compared the long series in the British Museum collection, and are unable to see any constant character by which birds from India gan be distinguished from birds from Egypt and north-eastern Africa. Twenty-two birds from Sind have the wings 89-98 mm., and twenty- seven from Egypt and north-eastern Africa have wings 84-95 mm. We are of opinion that @. d. atrogularis Blyth should be placed as a synonym of @. d. deserts Temminck. (4) On the Status of Spreo hildebrandti kelloggorum Neumann, Auk, 1944, p. 288: Benagi Hills, Zerengeti, Mwanza district, northern Tanganyika Territory. Neumann gives as main characters, breast far lighter, almost white, strongly suffused with ochraceous yellow. We have not seen specimens from the type-locality, which is about 20 miles south-east of Ikoma, but there is one from Amala River, to which locality Neumann takes the distribution of his new race. This specimen has some of the young dress, but has a considerable amount of adult plumage, which in no way differs in colour from other specimens further east. We also find some individual variation in the colour of the breast. We cannot therefore agree that birds from the Amala River belong to this new race, the validity of which we are inclined to doubt. (5) On the Migratory Stonechats in Eastern Africa. In the Bull. B. O. C. 1xi, 1941, pp. 36-38, we discussed the races occurring in eastern Africa in the non-breeding season, in continuation of our notes in the Bull. B. O. C. lxi. 1940, p. 9, and 1941, p. 29, and those by Ticehurst in Ibis, 1938, p. 338, and 1941, p. 182. Unfortunately, both Tice- hurst and ourselves appear to have overlooked Stegmann’s paper in Comp. Rend. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S. 1935, p. 45, where he discusses the faces of Saxicola torquata (Linnzus) in Europe and Asia, and describes | 8. t. armenica. Stegmann gives good characters for the races he recog- | tlizes, and wing-measurements of good series, as follows :—8. t. variegata Gmelin, males 66-72 mm., sixty specimens ; S.t. maura, males 64-70 mm. ; five hundred and fifty-one specimens; S, t, armenica Stegmann, males | 70-75-6 mm. ; nineteen specimens, | | i Vol. kxvii.] 48 (1946-47 S. t. variegata is easily recognizable by the amount of white in the tail, and the wing-measurements of the series in the British Museum collection agree with Stegmann’s wing-measurements. The British Museum has a long series of S. t. armenica with wings as given by Stegmann, and five specimens of S. t. maura, the wings of which agree with those given by Stegmann. Unfortunately Stegmann gives no synonyms, and, therefore, does not discuss Saxicola Hemprichit Ehrenberg, Symb. Phys. fol. aa (8), 1832: Egypt, nor Saxicola assimilis Brehm, Naumannia, i. pt. 2, p. 28, 1850: Nubia. The British Museum specimens of S. t. maura are from Iran, the Persian Gulf, and Arabia, and there is still no evidence that it occurs in Africa in the non-breeding season. This being so, neither of the above names can be placed in the synonymy of this race, and they must be either S. ¢. variegata or S. t. armenica. Ehrenberg gives as characters, “‘ base of tail white, rump varied white and rufous,’ and Brehm gives “smaller than S. rubicola, upper tail coverts white.”” Brehm’s description could apply to either S. t. variegatus or S. t. armenica, but Ehrenberg distinctly states base of tail white, and this can apply only to S. ¢. armenica, which has the white in the tail more confined to the base. It would therefore appear that S. t. hemprichii is S. t. armenica in the non-breeding season, and of which S. t. armenica must be placed as a synonym. ) It is not so easy to place S. t. assimilis, but we feel that as Brehm makes no mention of the white in the tail, his type-specimen did not have so much white as is found in S. ¢t. variegata, and we feel that it is better placed as a synonym of S. ¢. hemprichw. Ehrenberg gives S. Rubicola Nubiz Licht. Catal. But we cannot find this name in Lichtenstein’s Catalogue, Rer. Nat. Rar. 1793. The two migratory races which occur in eastern Africa are, therefore : Saxicola torquata variegata (Gmelin) and Sazicola torquata hemprichii Khrenberg. 99 Notice. The next Meeting will be held at the Rembrandt Hotel, S.W.7, follow- ing dinner at 6.30 P.M., on Wednesday, February 19, 1947. BULLETIN ch) OF THE BRIFISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. No. CCCCLXXI. _ Owing to the restrictions on printing caused by the fuel crisis two Meetings of the Club are reported in this Bulletin. Both were held at the Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place, S.W. 7, following dinner at 6.30 P.M. At the four-hundred-and-sixty-fourth Meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 1947, there were present :— Charman: Dr. J. M. Harrison. Members :—Miss C. M. Actanp; Miss P. Barciay-SmitH; F. J. F. BaRRINGTON ; N. A. Beat; Mrs. G. CHADWyCK-HEALEY; EK. CoHEN ; Miss J. M. Ferrier; B. G. Harrison (Vice-Chairman); R. HK. HEATH ; P. A. D. Hottom; Maj.-Gen. H. P. W. Hutson; Miss E. P. Leacsa ; P. R. Lowe; J. D. Macponatp; C. W. MackwortH-PRAED; G. M. Matuews ; R. H. W. Paxenuam ; Mrs. O. Peat; Miss G. M. RHopEs ; B. B. Roperts ; Maj. M.H.Stmonps; H.N.SouruHern ; C. P. STaPLes ; Lt.-Col. W. P. C. Trentson; Dr. A. LANDSBOoROUGH THomson ; B. W. Tucker ; Mrs. H. W. Boyp Watt; C. DE WoRMS. Guests :—Mrs. R. Barker; R. S. Jenyns; Mrs. Lowe; W. A. Ricuarps ; 8. P. H. Smmonps; Mrs. Warts. Guests of the Club :—-J. N. O. CoEaR; R. A. Fauna. Members, 29; Guests, 8; Total 37. Mr. JoHN CHEAR exhibited his coloured film “‘ Birds and Man” which was much appreciated by the members. Mr. R. H. Fata of the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New | Zealand, spoke on the present-day position of birds in his country. Mrs. H. W. Boyp Wart exhibited a specimen of White’s Thrush, Turdus dauma aureus, which is the first British record, having been shot _by Lord Malmesbury near Christchurch, Hampshire, on January 24, 1828. | | (April, 1947] VOL, LXVII. / ! Vol. Ixvii] 50 (1946-47 At the four-hundred-and-sixty-fifth Meeting on Wednesday, February 19, 1947, these were present :— Chairman: Dr. J. M. HARRISON. Members :—Miss C. M. Actanp; Miss P. Barcnay-Smirao; F. J. F. BaRRineton ; Mrs. N. Beat; Mrs. G. Coapwyck-Heatzry ; KE. Conen ; C.T. DateEty ; Capt. C. H. B. Grant; R. E. Heatu; P. A. D. Hotton ; R. C. Homes; Maj.-Gen. H. P. W. Hutson; D. Lack; Miss E. P. Leacs ; Miss C. LINGFIELD ;:C. W. MackworTH-PRAED ; J. H. McNEILE; Sir P. Manson-Baur; E. M. Nicnorson; FE. R. PARRINDER; Lt.-Col. — W. A. Payn; Miss G. M. Ruopes; B. B. Rosperts; C. P. Sraprzs; : Lt.-Col. W. P. C. Tentson ; C. DE Worms; Col. O. O. Wynne. | Guests :—E. St. Joun BLunt; Miss Grant; G. StouGHTON Hargis ; Miss Hutson. Members, 26; Guests, 4; Total, 32. Mr. Davip Lack gave the members an interesting account of his recent visit to the United States of America and introduced a discussion on English vernacular names of birds, with the object of, if possible, obtaining uniformity with reference to species found on both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean. Exhibition of Kentish Plovers. Col. Payn exhibited two skins of Kentish Plover, Leucopoljus a. alexandrinus (Linneus) from Tangier, and made the following remarks :— These two birds from Tangier appear to be in somewhat abnormal plumage. According to the Handbook, the collar round the neck should not meet in front in any state of plumage, whether of sex, age, or time of year. But the collar in these two birds is distinctly complete below, more so, perhaps, in one bird than in the other. The French recognize this point in the name by which they call this bird in their language. Pluvier a collier interrompu. T have examined all the skins of Leucopolius alexandrinus from different parts of the world in the British Museum, about 100 in number, and in only three cases did the collar tend to meet in front. In every case, as in the two birds I am now exhibiting, they were of the female sex. I should be obliged if anyone would give their opinion as to what this variation in plumage is due. 1946-47] 51 [Vol. lxvii A Further Note on the Taxonomy of the Robin, Erithacus rubecula (Linnaeus). Mr. Davip Lack read the following paper :— I was recently able to examine the large series of Robins, Hrithacus rubecula (Linnzeus), in the American Museum of Natural History, New York, most of which at one time formed part of the Rothschild collection. These enable me to fill some gaps in my earlier commentary on this species (Lack, 1946). It will be recalled that most of Europe and the Atlantic islands are occupied by comparatively grey-backed and paie-preasted populations. There is a westward cline towards the British Isles, first of increasing olive on the back and later of deepening orange on the breast, and another cline, southward through Spain and then eastward through North Africa, first of deepening orange on the breast and later of increasing olive on the back, culminating in Tunis. Some gaps in the previous paper may now be filled in. 1. BREEDING POPULATIONS. Western Morocco.—Specimens in the American Museum show that the breeding population of western Morocco is inseparable by plumage from #. r. rubecula, i. e. it does not form part of the cline from southern Spain to Tunis. Instead, it is linked with the populations of the Azores, Madeira and the western Canary Islands, which are similar in colour. Actually, four specimens collected by H. Lynes in the Yebala region, N.W. Morocco, and named by him £. r. atlas, appear slightly greyer on the back than specimens of H. r. rubecula from the Azores, but are otherwise similar. It was remarked in the previous paper that specimens in the British Museum from the western end of the High Atlas were greyer than typical H. r. rubecula, and also rather paler on the breast. Corsica and Sardinia——Specimens of the breeding population from both islands, formerly named FL. r. sardus Kleinschmidt, are inter- mediate in the colour of both back and breast between typical E. r. rubecula from the continent of Kurope to the north and Z. r. witherbyi Hartert from Tunis to the south. Hence a cline must also be drawn through these islands to Tunis. However, this transitional population differs from that in southern Spain and eastern Algeria in that the back has begun to be more olive, whereas the 8. Spain-W. Algerian birds still have comparatively grey backs. Italy—Two specimens from Rome, three from Florence and one. from Gabiano, N. Italy, obtained between September and March, are perhaps of the resident breeding population, as they are readily separable from | a2 Vol. Ixvii.] 52 [1946-47 typical H. r. rubecula, which winters in Italy. They are more olive on the back and a deeper orange on the breast than the breeding form of Corsica and Sardinia ; indeed, they closely approach in colour typical E. r. witherby: from Tunis, or EL. r. melophilus Hartert from Britain, though not quite so extreme. It was from two specimens of this type that the British bird was formerly recorded as wintering in Italy (Picchi, 1912). Breeding specimens from Italy should be collected to check whether, in fact, it is the breeding race that is here described. Six specimens from North Italy (Turin and Verona), collected in November and December, and in the British Museum, are typical of H#. r. rubecula, and are not in any way like H. r. melophilus. Further collecting is clearly needed, especially of breeding birds. Western Russia.—Four specimens from near Pskov are the same colour on the breast but slightly more olive on the back than typical specimens from Sweden. Unfortunately, I have not yet seen any specimens from farther east in northern Russia, including the grey-backed, pale-breasted birds (EZ. r. tartaricus Grote) from the Urals. Jugo Slavia.—sSeven specimens (five from the Bregava valley, one from Sarajevo, one from Karo Otok) are the same colour on the breast but rather greyer on the back than typical Swedish H. r. rubecula. The tendency to increased greyness on the back, also associated with a very pale breast, is carried further in Dr. J. M. Harrison’s good series of speci- mens from Bulgaria. This grey-backed, pale breasted Balkan population is evidently isolated from the one of similar colour in the Urals, while, as mentioned already, there is a third such population in N. W. Morocco. Caucasus.—Eleven specimens from Wladikawkas, N. Caucasus, three from Talysch, and one other from 8. Caucasus, confirm that these popula- tions, formerly named EL. r. ciscaucasicus Buturlin and EH. r. caucasicus respectively, are intermediate between typical H. r. rubecula and E. r. hyrcanus Blandford of Persia. They differ from typical H. r. rubecula in that all show rufous on the upper tail-coverts, but they are distinguishable from EH. r. hyrcanus in that the latter have a darker orange breast and a longer beak. As mentioned in the earlier paper, specimens taken in winter quarters show that typical H. r. hyrcanus and typical H. r. caucasicus intergrade. 2. SomE MIGRANT INDIVIDUALS. Great Britain.—The Rothschild collection includes four specimens from Britain labelled L. 7. rubecula. One from Fair Isle, and almost certainly one from South Uist, are correctly identified, but a third specimen, from Sussex, seems likely to be a faded example of L. 7. melophilus. The fourth specimen, from near Tring, is in my view a usual specimen of LE. r, melophilus, bearing in mind that in eastern England, from which 1946-47] 53 [Vol. Ixvii. the type of this race comes, there is some intergradation in colour with typical continental individuals. This shows the difficulty in separating these two races. Portugal.—As. mentioned in the earlier paper, breeding specimens from Portugal appear to have darker breasts than typical H. r. rubecula but are separable from H. r. melophilus by their greyer backs. Three a ¢ s ep ies aN . hs ay 4 . . ‘ . A ° ‘ ‘ , \: / ‘ / ‘4 4 . Ae ig) > ae 7 Be pen l es, eT ate ay | #2 Ake Stat er) (135) Subspecific Variation in Hrithacus rubecula. KEY. Range of Shown by 1. Typical form (H.r. rubecula). Vertical lines. _ 2. Olive-backed, dark-breasted forms (H. 7. melo- Horizontal lines. : philus, E. r. witherby). 3. Transitional forms between | and 2. Vertical and horizontal lines. 4. Very grey, pale-breasted forms (H. r. tartaricus Diagonal lines. and unnamed forms). 5. H. r. superbus. S. 6. EL. 7. hyrcanus. ff. 7. Forms transitional with 6. Dotted arrow. specimens in the American Museum, from Portugal, collected in January, are indistinguishable from typical H. r. melophilus from Britain, and presumably this is what they are. However, judgment should probably be reserved until ringing recoveries have demonstrated such a migration. | Morocco—Three specimens collected in late September and early | October from Mazagan on the west coast of Morocco are almost, though | Vol. Ixvii.] 54 [1946-47 not quite, as olive on the back and as dark on the breast as H. r. melophilus. They are thus at once separable from the grey-backed, pale-breasted breeding population of the Atlas. Presumably they are winter visitors, perhaps from one of the transitional HL. ». rubecula—E. 7. melophilus popula- tions bordering the North Sea or English Channel. CONCLUSIONS. The racial variations found in Hrithacus rubecula are summarized on the map, kindly drawn by Miss K. Price. 1. The races EL. r. superbus and E. 7. hyrcanus are clear, the latter with a zone of intergradation in the Caucasus. 2. Most of the rest of the range is occupied by populations similar in colour to typical LH. r. rubecula from Sweden. However, in the British Isles (HZ. r. melophilus), in Tunis (£. r. witherbyr), and perhaps also in Italy, there are more olive-backed, darker-breasted populations, which are isolated from each other. These darker forms are linked with populations of H. r. rubecula by forms of intermediate type along the North Sea and English Channel, in S. Spain and W. Algeria and in Corsica and Sardinia. Likewise, there are three isolated populations with greyer backs and paler breasts than typical H. r. rubecula, namely, in the Urals (H. r. tartaricus), in the Balkans and in western Morocco. It seems doubtful whether these forms can profitably be designated by separate racial names. REFERENCES. Lack, D. 1946, The Taxonomy of the Robin, Hrithacus rubecula (Linneus). Bull. B. 0. C., 66, pp. 55-65. Piccui, C. 1912. British redbreast in Italy. British Birds, 6, p. 121. Phalaropes and Gannets off the West Coast of Africa. Monsieur NokL Mayaup sent the following communication :— I would like to add some data on the presence of Phalaropes off the west coast of Africa with the observations of Abbé Parquin, when he was on a French ship-of-war during January, 1940. The birds he saw were most probably Grey Phalaropes, of which P. F. Holmes gave oceanic records off the same coast (Ibis, 1939, p. 331-334). Abbé Parquin noted several flocks of these birds (20 to 50 per flock) on January 10 and 11, 1940, some 50-60 miles off the African coast — between Cap Blane and Cap Bogador (Rio-de-Oro). Evolutions of birds of each group were simultaneous, exactly as in the other Limicole. On January 18, 60 miles south, off the Canaries, he noted twelve Phalaropes 1946-47} Bb (Vol. krvii. Swimming about on the sea, picking up their food from the scum on the waves. These records are just in about the same region where Hewitt recorded four Phalaropes on January | (Ostrich, 8, 1937, p. 3). About Gannets, Parquin’s ship came across during twelve hours on January 16, 1940, a huge concentration of flocks of Gannets, whose number he estimated at more than 100,000 individuals. It was about 20-50 miles off the coast of Morocco from Casablanca to Mogador. His record confirms the observations of Bannerman of a huge gathering 10 miles off the same coast in February. A New Race of Warbler from Northern Rhodesia. Mr. C. M. N. Wurtz sent the following description :— Calamonastes fasciolatus buttoni, subsp. nov. Description.—Like C. f. stierlingi Reichenow but with the upper side much duller and colder, a dark greyish brown without any reddish tinge ; the underside more closely barred than C. f. stierlingi, so that it appears darker. _ : Distribution.—So far only known from the Ndola district of Northern Rhodesia. Type.—In collection of E. L. Button. Male adult, collected at Ndola on September 23, 1944, by E. L. Button. Measurements—Three males have wings 60-64 mm. Remarks.—Some time ago, when I first examined these birds, I was surprised to find that a form allied to C. fasciolatus (Smith) occurred at Ndola, for I should have expected C. simplex katange Neave, which is found in the Mwinilunga district of Northern Rhodesia, in the Katanga, north of Solwezi, and has been obtained on the Chambeshi river in the Northern Province of Northern Rhodesia. Now Button has collected a good series of Calamonastes fasciolatus stierlingt in the Eastern Province at Fort Jameson and Lundazi, it is quite clear that his Ndola birds represent a new race. | Notes on Eastern African Birds. Captain C. H.B. Grant and Mr. C. W. MackworTH-PRAED sent the following ten notes :— (1) On the specific name of the South African Crowned Hornbill. In the Bull. B. O.C., 67, 1946, p. 11, we criticized Peters’s acceptance of Robert's name. Mr. Peters has kindly written us under date December 17, 1946, pointing out that as the measurements given by Lichtenstein for Vol. lxvii.] a; [1946-47 Buceros melanoleucus do not fit the South African Crowned Hornbill and that the rest of the description is not too satisfactory, the name Buceros melanoleucus is practically unidentifiable. Furthermore, there is no type and Lichenstein’s measurements fit very well Anthra- coceros melabaricus (Gmelin). Lichenstein’s B. melanoleucus is not A. melabaricus, nor can it be Bycanistes bucinator as suggested by Roberts. After further consideration we agree with Peters that Buceros melanoleucus is better considered as indeterminate, and we therefore accept T'ockus suahelicus Neumann, as the species name. (2) On the conspecific status of Lybius quifsobalito Hermann and Lybius rubrifacies (Reichenow). . In the Auk, 1946, p. 452, Mr. 8. Dillon Ripley considers these two to be geographical races of each other. We have re-examined the series in the British Museum collection and note that the former has white in the wing-coverts and the chin to breast red, characters that are lacking in the latter. Colour pattern, as distinct from colour density, is surely a specific character and we do not see how these two quite distinct species can be placed as geographical races of each other. To do so is merely forcing them together on a general similarity and ignoring characters that cannot be other than specific and not geographical. When the skins are laid out, showing the underside, there is no real similarity and most certainly not a similar colour pattern. Furthermore, there are no intermediates. (3) On the status of Cercomela scotocerca enigma Neumann & Zedlitz, J. f.O. 1913, p. 368: Dire Dawa, eastern Abyssinia. Through the kindness of Dr. Stresemann of the Berlin Museum, we have had the loan of the type of the above, and on comparing it with the type and one other specimen of Cercomela dubia (Blundell & Lovat), Bull. B.0O.C. 10, 1899, p. 22: -Fontaly, central Abyssinia, we find that it is the same bird and that therefore C. s. enigma becomes a synonym of C. dubia. On the back of the label of the Berlin type is written in pencil ‘“‘ —=(C., dubta”’ which agrees with our decision. (4) On the status of Opifex altus Friedmann, Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 10, 1927, p.4: Nyingwa, Uluguru Mts., eastern Tanganyika Territory. We have examined twenty specimens of Artisornis metopias (Reichenow) from the Usambara Mts., Nguru Hills, Uluguru Mts., Kitessi Forest Songea district, and Unangu in northern Portuguese East Africa. We es a ————— oo 1946-47] 57 [Vol. lxvii. find that there is individual variation and that the characters given by Friedmann. do not ‘hold geographically. We therefore place Artisornis metopias altus (Friedmann) as a synonym of Artisornis metopias (Reichenow). (5) On the status of Parus albiventris curtus Friedmann, Occ. Papers Boston Soc, N.H. 5, 1926, p. 217: Taveta, Kenya Colony. Friedmann gives the characters of this race as smaller with shorter wings, 2. €. 75 to 77 as against 80 to 86 mm. in up country birds. The British Museum series shows that “up country” birds have wings from 78 to 87 mm., and that the characters given by Friedmann do not hold good. We therefore place Parus albiventris curtus Friedmann, as a synonym of Parus albwentris Shelley. (6) On the races of Passer griseus (Vieillot) and on the status of Passer ‘swainsoni (Riippell). In the Bull. B. O. C. 64, 1944, p. 36, we showed that Passer suahelicus Reichenow, has to be treated as a species. We have now been able to examine the whole of the British Museum series and have arrived at the following conclusions on the races of Passer iene and the status of Passer swainsonit. In eastern Africa we are able to recognize three races of Passer griseus on somewhat general, but nevertheless, recognizable characters, but there is an appreciable individual variation. They are :— Passer griseus griseus (Vieillot). Fringilla grisea Vieillot, N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. 12, 1817, p. 198: Senegal, of which Passer nikersoni Madarasz, Ann. Mus. Nat. Budapest, 9, 1911, p. 341: between Dinder and Blue Nile, eastern Sudan, is a synonym. A rather pale race, head and mantle pale ; below pale with belly white. Wing 79 to 93 mm. Ninety-six measured. Distribution. —Senegal to northern Nigeria, western and central Sudan from Darfur to the Blue Nile and Sennar. Passer griseus ugandze Reichenow. Passer diffusus ugande Reichenow, Vog. Afr. 3, 1904, p. 231: Uganda, of which Passer albiventris Madarasz, Ann. Mus. Nat. Budapest, 9, 1911, p. 341: Sudan, and Passer griseus mosambicus Van Someren, Bull. B.O.C. 40, 1921, p. 114: Lumbo, Mozambique, northern Portuguese Kast Africa, are synonyms. Vol. ixvii.] 58 [1946-47 Above darker, below more dusky on chest and flanks. Wing 73 to 91mm. One hundred and forty measured. Distribution.—Gold Coast, Angola, southern Sudan, central and southern Abyssinia, British Somaliland, Belgian Congo, Uganda, Kenya Colony and Tanganyika Territory to Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland and northern Portuguese Kast Africa. Passer griseus neumanni Zedlitz. Passer griseus neumanni Zedlitz, O. M., 1908, p. 180: Salamona, on Massaua—Ghinda railway, about 16 miles west of Massaua, eastern Eritrea, of which Passer griseus eritree Zedlitz, J.f.O., 1911, p. 33: Scetel, near Keren, Eritrea, is a synonym. Above darker, head darker grey. Wing 85 mm. ‘Two specimens measured. Distribution.—Eritrea, northern Abyssinia and eastern Sudan at Gallabat. Passer swainsonii Riippell. Passer swainsonii Riippell, N. Wirbelt. Vég. 1840, p. 94, pl. 33: northern Abyssinia. . Is a very dark bird compared to Passer griseus, especially below, and. has very little or no white on the throat. Its distribution is such that it occurs within the distribution of Passer griseus, both being found in northern Abyssinia and at Sheikh, British Somaliland. Wing 83 to 90 mm. Twenty-one specimens measured. Distribution —Port Sudan, eastern Sudan to Abyssinia and British Somaliland. We therefore now place Passer griseus, Passer swainsonu and Passer suahelicus as three separate species which are all distinct from Passer gongonensis (Oustalet), which has a large strong bill and has a distribution from central Abyssinia to Kenya Colony and southern Italian Somaliland. (7) On the status of Huodice cantans inornata (Mearns), and Huodice cantans meridionalis (Mearns), Smiths. Mise. Coll. 61, no. 14, pp. 3 and 4, 1913: Eddueim, White Nile, southern Sudan, and Indunumara Mts., northern Kenya Colony. The long series of Huodice cantans in the British Museum collection shows that only two races can be recognized and that the above-mentioned races must be placed in the synonymy, as birds from the White Nile area agree with H. c. cantans (Gmelin) and the birds from Uganda, Kenya Colony and Abyssinia agree with LH. c. orientalis (Lorenz & Hellmayr). 1946-47] 59 [Vol, lxvii. The two races we are able to recognize have the following distribution :— Euodice cantans cantans (Gmelin). Loxia cantans Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 859: Senegal, of which Huodice cantans inornata (Mearns) is a synonym. Above ashy brown and upper parts less eneny barred. Distribution —Senegal to the Sudan. Euodice cantans orientalis (Lorenz & Hellmayr). | Aidemosyne orientalis Lorenz & Hellmayr, O.M. 9, 1901, p. 39: Yeshbun, south-western Arabia, of which Huodice cantans meridionalis (Mearns) is a synonym. | Above browner and upper parts more distinctly barred. Distribution Red Sea Province Sudan, Eritrea, Abyssinia and British Somaliland to Uganda, Kenya Colony, Tanganyika Territory and Arabia. (8) On the status of Hrythropygia brunneiceps Reichenow, J. f.O., 1891, p. 63: Nguruman, north end Lake Natron, Kenya Colony, and Hrythropygia leucoptera sclateri Grote, Bateleur, 2, 1930, p. 14: ~ Iringa, south-central Tanganyika Territory. Sclater, Syst. Av. Aithop. 2, 1930, p. 483, places the former as a race of Hrythropygia leucoptera (Riippell), and Lynes, J. f. O., Sond. 1934, p. 83, also places the latter as a race of that species, and we in Bull. B. O. C. 61, 1940, p. 18, placed H. zambesiana Sharpe as a race of HL. leucophrys and placed all the other names in the synonymy. Through the kindness of Dr. Stresemann we have had the loan of the type of H. 1. sclateri. Both H. brunneiceps and E. 1. sclateri have the black streaks on the chest and distinct moustachial stripe of H. zambesiana and not the grey more indistinct chest streaks and moustachial stripe of H. leucoptera. Our examination of the long series in the British Museum collection shows the white edging on the inner secondaries is also to be found in birds as far south as Southern Rhodesia though much less broad, and that this character and the character of the brown edges to the inner secondaries of H.zambesiana is found in specimens as far north as Tanganyika Territory. This fact, with the other characters given above, causes us to consider H. brunneiceps and E. sclateri to be races of H. zambesiana and not of E. leucoptera. The distribution of the three races is as follows :— Erythropygia zambesiana zambesiana Sharpe. Erythropygia zambesiana Sharpe, P. Z.S. 1882, p. 589, pl. 45, fig. 2 Tete, Rivi River, Shiré, southern Nyasaland, of which E. ruficauda Sharpe, Vol. Ixvii.] 60 [1946-47 P. Z.8. 1882, p. 589, pl. 45, fig. 1: Malimbe, Portuguese Congo ; EH. leuco- phrys vansomerent W. L. Sclater, Bull. B.O. C. 49, 1929, p. 62: Mokai, Ruwenzori Mts., Uganda; H. brunneiceps soror Reichenow, Vog. Afr. 3, 1905, p. 774: Klein Arusha, north-eastern Tanganyika Territory, and the races given in the footnotes 3 and 4, p. 482, and 1, p. 483, Syst. Av. Aithiop. 1930. . Distribution.—Portuguese Congo to south-western Sudan at Kajo Kaji, Uganda, western Kenya Colony as far east as the Amala River and Mt. Leganisho, western Tanganyika Territory at the Ufipa Plateau, eastern Tanganyika Territory as far west as Amani and Arusha, Belgian. Congo, Northern Rhodesia, Portuguese East Africa and eastern Southern Rhodesia, Erythropygia zambesiana brunneiceps Reichenow. Erythropygia brunneiceps Reichenow, J.f.O. 1891, p. 63: Nguruman, north end of Lake Natron, southern Kenya Colony. Distribution —South-western Kenya Colony as far west as Mt. Suswa and Lake Natron to north eastern Tanganyika Territory west of Mt. Kili- manjaro to Loliondo. Erythropygia zambesiana seclateri Grote. Erythropygia leucoptera sclateri Grote, Bateleur, 2, 1930, p. 14: Iringa, south-central Tanganyika Territory. Distribution.—Tanganyika Territory from Shinyanga to Mbulu, Kilosa and Iringa. The range of Hrythropygia leucoptera (Riippell) is central Abyssinia and British and Italian Somaliland to south-eastern Sudan, south-eastern Kenya Colony and north-eastern Tanganyika Territory. (9) On the species and races of the genus Prionops occurring in Eastern Africa :— Sclater, Syst. Av. Authiop. 2, 1930, pp. 597-598, recognizes six species. Since 1930, Schouteden in 1933 has described Prionops alberti, and Grote in 1939 a new race of Prionops poliocephala from northern Angola. Van Someren, Nov. Zool. 29, 1922, p. 108, points out that Prionops poliocephala and Prionops vinaceigularis occur together at Ukambani and Loita, and in Nov. Zool. 1932, p. 302, considers that P. poliocephala, P. melanoptera and P. vinaceigularis are conspecific. We have examined the series in the British Museum collection and find the amount of white along the edges of the secondaries is not altogether a constant character, but that the curly and non-curly character of the - OOO EE 194647] 61 [Vol. lxvii. erest is reliable, and it is more on this last character that we base the following arrangement of species :— . A. Crest curly ; eye wattled. (1) Prionops cristatus cristatus Riippell. Prionops (Lanius) cristatus Riippell, N. Wirb. Vog. 1836, p. 30, pl. 12, fig. 2: Massaua, Eritrea, of which P. cristata omoensis Neumann, J. f. O. 1905, p. 216: Omo River, south-western Abyssinia, is a synonym. Distribution.—Eritrea, Abyssinia and. south-eastern Sudan. (2) Prionops ecristatus concinnatus Sundevall. Prionops concinnatus Sundevall, Gifv. K. Sv. Vet-Akad. Forh. 7, 1850, p. 130: Roseires, eastern Sudan, of which Prionops martensi Reichenow, Arch. Nat. 67, Beitr. 1901, p. 330: Eastern Cameroon, and Prionops poliocephalus adamaux Reichenow, O. M. 1910, p. 95: Faro, Adamawa, western Cameroon, are synonyms. . Distribution.—Eastern Nigeria and Cameroons to central and south- western Sudan and northern half of Uganda. B. Crest curly ; no eye wattle. (1) Prionops poliolophus Fischer & Reichenow. Prionops poliolophus Fischer & apt J.f.O0. 1884, p. 180: Naivasha, Kenya Colony. Distribution.—Central and south-western Kenya Colony to the Tabora district, Tanganyika Territory. C. Crest not curly ; eye wattled. (1) Prionops plumata plumata (Shaw). Lanius plumata Shaw, Gen. Zool. 7, 1809, p. 292: Senegal, of which Prionops plumatus haussarum Hartert, Nov. Zool. 27, 1921, p. 126: Farniso, near Kano, northern Nigeria, is a synonym. Distribution —Senegal and Gambia to Nigeria. (2) Prionops plumatus poliocephalus (Stanley). Lanius poliocephalus Stanley, in Salt’s Trav. Abyss. 1814, p. 50, App. : Mozambique. Portuguese East Africa, of which Prionops poliocephala angolica Grote, O. M. 1939, p. 182: North Angola, is a synonym. Distribution —Uganda and Kénya Colony to Angola, Damaraland and Zululand. (3) Prionops plumata vinaceigularis Richmond. Prionops vinaceigularis Richmond, Auk, 14, 1897, p. 162: Plains .east of Mt. Kilimanjaro, south-eastern Kenya Colony, of which Prionops Vol. Ixvii.] 62 [1946-47 melanoptera Sharpe, Bull. B.O.C. 11, 1901, p. 46: Fer Libah, Ogaden, eastern Abyssinia and Prionops intermedius Sharpe, Bull. B.O.C. 11, 1901, p. 47: Taita, Kenya Colony, are synonyms. Distribution.—British Somaliland to southern Kenya Colony. _ Note.—In view of Dr. Jan Someren’s remarks on p. 302, Nov. Zool. 1932, it would appear that P. poliocephala is only a migrant to Kenya Colony and there appears to be no breeding records for either Kenya Colony or Uganda. (10) On the races of Corvinella corvina corvina (Shaw), Gen. Zool. 7, 1809, p. 337: Senegal, occurring in Eastern Africa. Sclater, Syst. Av. Aithiop. 2, 1930, p. 615, recognizes only one race as C. c. affinis Hartlaub, and in Jackson’s Bds. K. C. & Uganda, 1938, also recognizes one race as C. c. chapint Friedmann & Bowen. Friedmann & Bowen, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 46, 1933, p. 121, describe two new races and give the range of C. c. affinis as the Upper Nile district through northern Bahr-el-Ghazal to central Kordofan and Darfur. Bannermann, Bds. Trop. W. Afr. 5, 1939, p. 378, places C. c. togoensis Neumann, as a synonym of C. c. affinis, which he takes as far west as Portuguese Guinea. As we have shown in the Bull. B. O.C. 68, 1942, p. 22, the type-locality of Corvinalle corvina affinis is the White Nile south of lat. 70 N. We are quite unable to see any characters by which birds from the Southern Sudan, north-eastern Belgian Congo, Uganda and western Kenya Colony can be separated, but specimens from Darfur to Kordofan can be separated as defined below. We are only able to recognize two races in Eastern Africa as follows :— Corvinella corvina affinis Hartlaub. — Corvinella affinis Hartlaub, Syst. Orn. Westafr. 1857, p. 104: White Nile, south of lat. 7° N. southern Sudan, of which Corvinella corvina chapini Friedmann & Bowen, P. B. Soc. Wash. 46, 1933, p. 121: Kibigori, Kavirondo, western Kenya Colony, and Corvinella corvina caliginosa Friedmann & Bowen, P. B. Soc. Wash. 46, 1933, p. 122: Rangu, southern Bahr-el-Ghazal, Sudan, are synonyms. Above greyer. Wing 118 to 130 mm. Twenty-three specimens examined. Distribution —Southern Sudan and north-eastern Belgian Congo to | Uganda and western Kenya Colony. 1946-47] 63 [Vol. lxvii. Corvinella corvina togoensis Neumann. Corvinella corvina togoensis Neumann, J.f.O. 1900, p. 263: Kete Krachi, Togoland. Above more rufescent. Wing 116 to 130 mm. Thirty specimens examined. Distribution.—Sierra Leone to Nigeria, Cameroons and central Sudan from Darfur to Kordofan. Note.——With reference to Corvinella corvina nubiae mentioned by Friedmann & Bowen, p. 121; Gadow, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. 8, 1883, p. 231, gives this name and quotes Hartlaub, Orn. W. Afr. 1857, note p. 104; and Filippi, Rev. Mag. Zool. 1863, p. 290. This name is not given in the works cited and p. 290 of the Rev. Mag. Zool. 1863, is part of an article on Mollusca by H. Aucapitaine, and a de Philippi on p. 272 has a description of a new fish. The only reference we can find to de Filippi in the Rev. Mag. Zool. is on pp. 289-295, 1853, but this name does not occur. It would therefore appear that Gadow first introduced this name into nomenclature in 1883 as a nomen nudum and placed it as a synonym of Corvinella corvinus corvinus (Shaw). Notice. The next meeting of the Club will be held at the Rembrandt Hotel, South Kensington, on Wednesday, March 26, 1947 and the subsequent one on Wednesday, April 16, 1947. tae crate) ih! i ae bin ’ yy / i oF waik ih ; a , rd % . mT f" peesgh ey | mH oninn. FEO Gt (Mente at we oth } ele ae oie Tera hans aaa Sy in siaishiaes Theat iW ~ ips 7 v4 « nN vi oe ' rng jet f hn re r oS | " vt By in aire a a fj j PUSS Day kt , b aNd BPS TS: ee © es ~ ps, ys ge tt E ey ‘ ‘y E . 7 a ” 5 {41 \ ys URAL Gael SPIRe (Re a OD EEP Rs Sere iid a ee UPD poke ob gle Cae BE oetrae 7 i i at bE VEE Laan fore Le ehh de Ft wae i f “a BLS . ; i i“ f > , ris 1 ty 608 Sd SORT loos s2au: ae rd ald + bodio eto ode. as iovig ‘tou a ; qeaithol oe “obo ivie TE HOR day ta tO Holytuor fie tad g gt ' oineseet ; 4 tty roars adh ‘ rid . J 3y ee oe heigl ir 4 i % rae leg in] J é wh fa . ‘ a tf ne yh (bog ech Hier ak) fae 1D gnitont foe lh. yale cae We no, a eye Dara “8 by A: lw ‘fp " mY fF ah lis qh a ~ ¢ T « 5 7 a c~ s mf oe | Pilla oy ry , Cr i a | * -g BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. No. CCCCLXXII. The four-hundred-and-sixty-seventh Meeting of the Club was held at the Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place, $.W.7, on Wednesday, 16 April, 1947, following a dinner at 6.30 P.M. Chairman: Dr. J. M. Harrison. Members present :—Miss C. M. Actanp; Miss P. Barcuay-SmItu ; R.G. Barnes; F.J. F. Barrineton ;, Major M.G. H. Brat; C. GRAHAM Brown ; JAMES FisHeR; Dr. J.S. Harrison; R. E. Heatu; D. Lack; Miss EK. P. Leacu; G. M. Matuews; Miss C. Lincrienp; H. PEALE; C. W. MackwortH-Praztp; Miss G. M. Ruopius; C. P. STApuss ; C. DE Worms; O. Wynn. Guests :—P. F. BRETHERTON ; Mrs. J. G. GRAHAM-BRown; R. G. H. CoomsBes; Dr. G. H. Emerson; A. B. L. Peaxe. Members, 20; Guests, 5; Total 25. Exhibition of a Northern Tree-Creeper from Lincolnshire. Dr. J. M. Harrison showed a Northern Tree-Creeper, Certhia familaris familiaris Linneus, which was obtained on March 13 of this year at Northcotes, Lincolnshire. I believe it is the second English and sixth British example. The bird was compared with, and matches Swedish topotypes (Meinertzhagen Collection), and with examples of Certhia f: macrodactyla from France and Switzerland. The specimen is a male and has the following measurements :—wing 64, bill 20, tarsus 16, tail 53 mm. [May, 1947] a VOL, L&VI. Vol. Ixvii] 66 [1946-47 A New Race of Sylvia melanocephala Gmelin from the Heathlands of South-Eastern Italy. Mr. P. A. Cuancry sent the following note with specimens for exhibition :— A careful examination of material of Sylvia melanocephala (Gmelin) from its entire range has shown that there are further races, unnamed but worthy of recognition, in the Western Palearctic Region. Series in unworn dress are insufficient to permit of ready fixation of reliable racial characters in most cases, but a very large series from the heathlands of Apulia, S.E. Italy, shows clearly that the birds from this region are new to science, and for the new race I propose the name :— Sylvia melanocephala carmichael-lowi, subsp. nov. Description.—Male, adult. Separable from its closest affinity, Sylvia melanocephala melanocephala Gmelin, ‘Systema Nature,’ 1, 2, p-. 970, 1789, Sardinia, on account of the decidedly duller, less glossy ivory black crown; duller grey of upper parts, not so tinged with blue ; less conspicuous brown fringes to the mantle feathers. Female, adult. Markedly different from the nominate race, having the mantle darker and colder in tone, not strongly tinged rufous. Juvenile: colder in tone above than the juvenile of the nominate race. Distribution.—Confined to the scrub covered heaths of the lowland regions of Apulia and south-eastern parts of Basilicata, south-eastern Italy, where it is an abundant resident. Type.—Male, adult. In my collection. Obtained near Taranto, Apulia, south-eastern Italy, on November 18, 1943. Measurements of Type-——Wing 57:5, culmen from base 13-5, tarsus 20-5, tail 57-5 mm. Material excamined.—S.m. carmichael-lowi, males 29, females 6, juvs. 10 ; S. m. melanocephala, series from Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica, Malta, Italy (Rome), Greece, South France, Spain, Portugal, Balearic Islands, North Africa (Tunisia), etc.; S. m. pasiphaé Stresemann and Schiebel from Crete, small series; S. m. momus (Hemprich and Ehrenberg), series from Egypt; S. m. norrusae Nicoll, series; S. m. mystacea Ménétries, long series ; S. m. leucogastra (Ledru), series. Remarks.—Named in honour of Dr. G. Carmichael-Low. An examina- tion of specimens from other parts of Italy, particularly the Rome area, shows that the new race is confined to the scrub covered heathlands of Apulia and eastern Basilicata and that S. m. melanocephala is a widely distributed resident race in regions of the Italian peninsula not occupied 1946-47] 67 [Vol. lxvii, by S. m. carmichael-lowi. The heathlands which form the terra typica of the new race—generally given on Italian maps as Le Murge—are areas of small ornithological interest, being largely destitute of bird-life during - the late spring and summer months. This dearth of birds is attributable to the shallowness of the very red topsoil and the extremely arid nature of the entire region during the summer heat. Specimens collected in the neighbourhood of Siracusa and Augusta in Sicily during the autumn of 1943 tend to support to a minor degree an insular race confined to the island. The name Sylvia Capinera Rafinesque, Caraterri nuovi gen. e specie Sicilia, 1810, is available for the Sicilian bird if, on the production of additional material, a race can in fact be differentiated. | Twenty four specimens of S. m. carmichael-lowi give the following wing measurements :—Males, 57-5-61 (59-2); females, 57-59 (58-3) mm. On the Races of Parus palustris Linnaeus Indigenous to England and Wales. Mr. P. A. Ciancry sent the following note :— In the Bull. B. O. C. 1946, 66, p. 86, I drew attention to the fact that there are two resident races of Parus palustris Linnzus in England and Wales, and intimated that a note on the subject was in course of pre- paration, Stejneger, in 1886, described the British race as Parus palustris dresser, and designated a specimen from Kent as the type. This race, the darkest of a series of closely allied and contiguous races in the western Palearctic Region, has generally been listed as from all England, Wales, and extreme south eastern Scotland until quite recently, when it was shown that the species in these islands is divisible into two distinct forms, the new race being confined to the north (loc. cit.). I have recently examined in the collections of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), National Museum of Wales, Col. R. Meinertzhagen, Lieut.-Col. W. A. Payn, P. A. Clancey, etc., extensive material from all parts of the species’ range in Britain, as well as series of the following Continental races, viz., P. p. longirostris Kleinschmidt, P. p. darti Jouard, P. p. ttalicus Tschusi and Hellmayr, P. p. communis Baldenstein, P. p. stagnatilis Brehm, P. p. palustris Linneus, and can now state that the provisional listing of the north of England race as either P. p. longirostris of P. p. stagnatilis is untenable in the light of recently acquired data. It has now been firmly established that the north of England race is nearest the Northen one, P. p. palustris Linneeus, from which it differs Vol. lxvii.) 68 [1946-47 to no appreciable extent, and I now propose to define the two indigenous British races of Parus palustris on the evidence at my disposal as follows :— PARUS PALUSTRIS DRESSERI Stejneger. Parus palustris dresseri Stejneger, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1886, 9, p. 200, Kent, England. Mantle and rump reddish brown; flanks warm buff; wings and tail brown. Distribution.—England generally south of Yorkshire and Lancashire in which counties intermediate examples are to be found ; Wales. Remarks.—In ‘British Birds’, 27, p. 24, Lieut.-Col. W. A. Payn records examples taken at an elevation of 800-1000 feet on the borders of Berkshire and Hampshire as having greyish rather than rusty coloured backs. I have examined Lieut.-Col. Payn’s birds and can confirm his findings. These specimens appear to represent a minor divergent tendency from the accepted form, but the precise cause is obscure. It is not considered that this is attributable to altitude, as it appears to be essentially local in character and birds from high areas of Wales examined differ in no way from Kentish topotypes of P. p. dresseri. The interesting problem presented by the Berkshire and Hampshire birds in Lieut.-Col. Payn’s collection is apparently not associated with the finding of P. p. P. p. palustris in northern England. The following measurements have been taken from a representative series of sixteen P. p. dresseri :—Wing, males 60-67, females 59-65; bill from skull, males 10—-11-5, females 9-5-11 ; bill height at nostrils, males 3-5-4-5, females 3-5-4-0 mm. PARUS PALUSTRIS PALUSTRIS Linnzeus. Parus palustris Linneeus, ‘Systema Nature’, 10th ed., 1758, p. 190: Sweden. Mantle and rump pale greyish brown; underparts almost white with flanks very pale buff; wings and tail greyish brown. Distribution in British Isles —At present only known from Northumber- land, Cumberland and extreme south eastern Scotland (Berwickshire). The precise limit of range in this race has not been verified, but available examples from Yorkshire and Lancashire are apparently representative of an intermediate population. Remarks.—This race has not hitherto been identified in these islands, even as a migrant, and its discovery as an indigenous form is of salient importance, showing in a most graphic manner the type of racial problem presented by not a few British resident species, 1946-47] 69 [Vol. kxvii. In comparing my north of England material with P. p. palustris Linnzus I have used exact topotypical examples of this race, as well as specimens from Esthonia and Latvia, and it is evident that they exhibit a closer affinity to this race than any other. It must, however, be conceded that the north of England bird can be differentiated from the nomeno- typical one, but the criteria are insignificant, and it would be of small advantage to introduce a new name. It may be logically reasoned that, as practically all P. palustris races are based on minutie of plumage coloration, there can be no justification for an exception being made of the north of England race. Such an argument is doubtless valid, but available material is insufficient to permit of ready separation at the present time and until it is augmented the only course open to us is the one adopted in this survey. ? The following measurements have been taken from a series of twelve specimens from the Coquet Valley, Northumberland :—Wing, males 63-65:5, females 61-63 ; bill from skull, males 10-11, females 9-5-10-5 ; bill height at nostrils, males 3-5-4-5, females 4-:0-4-5 mm. N.B.—Several Specimens of this series have decidedly more arched culmens than is ‘usual in any known race, but others do not differ. On the Validity of Troglodytes troglodytes indigenus Clancey, from South-western Scotland. Mr. P. A. Hens sent the following note :— P. A. Clancey in Bull. B. O. C. 1937, 57, pp. 142-143, has described the Wren from south-western Scotland as a different race, which can be distinguished from the typical form by its much darker and richer brown upper parts, especially on the crown and nape, but by having its under- parts like the latter. In The Ibis, 1938, p. 753 ; 1940, p. 96 ; 1943, p. 91, and pp. 96-97 he has given further information about the distribution and characters of this race and the intergradation which exists between this one and other Wrens from the British Isles. After this race was rejected by the B.O.U. List-Committee (Ibis, 1938, p. 332), Witherby (footnote to p. 216, ‘Handbook of British Birds ’, 1938, 2) pointed out that Wrens from the west of Scotland, Troglodytes troglodytes indigenus, are inclined to be more uniformly dark On upper parts, but many individuals from other parts of Scotland and England are like them, whereupon Clancey (loc. cit.) has drawn attention to the fact that English birds are quite useless for comparative purposes because in England one finds a most promiscuous population ranging SS NS Vol. lxvii.] 70 [1946-47 from the dark Troglodytes t. indigenus to the much paler and more russet Troglodytes t. troglodytes (Linnzeus). 'To get a clear opinion on the validity — of this new race it should be compared with the nominate form from Sweden and other parts of the Continent, where the latter is considered to be distributed. Mr. Clancey has been so kind as to present me with a series of six T. t. indigenus from north-western England (Lancashire) and south- western Scotland (Lanarkshire) and has informed me that this series represents the fairly homogeneous 7’. ¢. indigenus sufficiently so that it can be used as comparative material. I have not been able to procure topotypical material from Sweden, but, on the other hand, I have compared this series of 7’. t. indigenus with fairly large material from the Continent, viz., Netherlands 40 (breeding birds and birds in fresh plumage), Westphalia (Germany) 3, Augsburg (Germany) 1, Rumania 6, Italy 4, Sicily 1, Corsica 1, Sardinia (T'. t. koenigi Schiebel) 16, Portugal 1, Iceland (7’. t. «slandicus Hartert) 1, — and from England 7, as well as 2 migrants from Scotland. Dutch breeding birds are all, in spite of their mostly more or less worn plumage, dis- tinctly tinged rufous and absolutely different from 7’. t. indigenus. During winter there occur in the Netherlands, in addition to the native birds, migrants from elsewhere, as migratory movements have been observed on the islands and at the lighthouses. When comparing birds taken outside the breeding season one has to keep this fact in mind. I have found that the large majority of these Dutch birds are bright rufous on the upper parts. Some are darker though always more or less _ rufous, and they can all be differentiated from the dark, dull brown T. t. indigenus. Only two specimens are dark on the upper parts: not sexed 30 December, 1943, Aerdenhout, province, north Holland (near the coast of the North Sea), in collection of J. G. van Marle (wing 50 mm.) ; and male 27 February, 1944, Warmond, province north Holland | (near the coast of the North Sea), in collection of State Museum of Natural History at Leiden (wing 50 mm.). The first has a dark brown head, nape and mantle and dark rufous brown back. Compared with my series of 7’. t. indigenus this bird is still more reddish brown and more glossy than the dull, dark brown 7’. ¢. indigenus and when put in the series of this race it can readily be picked out. The other bird (from Warmond) is more difficult to deal with as it resembles some of the less dull coloured specimens of 7’. t. indigenus very closely and put in the- series of this race it is very difficult to pick it out. It should perhaps be considered as a migrant example from the British Isles and the same may be said about the bird from Aerdenhout, ‘ 1946-47] 71 [Vol. Ixvii. Wing measurements of 33 males from the Netherlands are as follows : 46-5, 48, 48, 48-5, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49-5, 49-5, 49-5, 49-5, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50-5, 50-5, 50-5, 50-5, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51 mm. ; 4 females 45, 45-5, 46, 47 mm. After having carefully examined this material, I am satisfied that Troglodytes troglodytes indigenus is distinctly different from the Wrens from the Netherlands (breeding birds, as well as practically all the birds collected outside the breeding season). Furthermore, Dr. G. C. A. Junge, of the State Museum of Natural History at Leiden, who has compared my series of 7’. t. indigenus with the Dutch Wrens in the museum, fully agrees with me in this matter. The four birds from Germany are also more rufous and brighter coloured on the upper parts than 7’. t. indigenus. The Wrens I have seen from Rumania and Italy are brighter rufous, even somewhat yellowish rufous. The specimen from Sicily closely resembles a bird from Florence, Italy. A specimen from Coimbra, Portugal, 30 April, 1938, in collection of J. G. van Marle, is rufous on the upper parts too, but is in not such a good condition as to be very useful for comparison. The birds from Sardinia, 7’. ¢. koenigi Schiebel, are darker on the upper parts and not so dull greyish brown on the head. They are conspicuously darker brownish buff on the underparts and mostly more heavily barred than T. t. ndigenus. The seven specimens from England are really a mixed lot. The under- parts of two birds from Barnes, Surrey, are rufous, as are also one from Lincolnshire and one from Romney Marsh, Keut, but one from Yarm on Tees, Yorks, and two from Sevenoaks, Kent, are darker brown. One of the latter, male, 18 April, 1936, in collection of J. G. van Marle, No. 5431, cannot be distinguished from 7’. ¢. indigenus. The two birds from Scotland,male 3 November, 1904 (wing 49 mm.), a female, 16 October, 1909 (wing 45 mm.), Woodhead, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire, in collection of J. G. van Marle, are certainly not 7. ¢. indigenus, but autumn migrants from elsewhere. They are bright yellowish rufous on the upper parts and resemble closely a female, 24 October, 1920, Barnes, Surrey in collection oP. A. Hens. I must express my sincere thanks to Mr. P. A. Clancey for the nice series of 7’. ¢. indigenus which he has so kindly presented to me; to Prof. Dr. H. Boschma and Dr. G. C. A. Junge of the Leiden Museum, and Mr. J. G. van Marle, Bussum, as well as Prof. L. F. de Beaufort and Mr. K. H. Voous, jnr., of the Zoological Museum at Amsterdam for the ‘kind loan of material and my special gratitude to Dr. Junge for his | co-operation. | Yol. Ixvii.] 72 [1946-47 Two New Races of Francolins from Northern Rhodesia and some Records from Lundazi. Mr. C. M. N. Wurtz sent the following descriptions and records :— Pternistis afer aylwinae, subsp. nov. Description.—Similar to Pternistis afer humbolti (Peters) and P. a. loangwe Grant and Praed, but differing in the underside, which lacks any pronounced black belly patch, and is white with the feathers bordered with black much as P. a. intercedens Reichenow has them bordered with . rufous; differs from P. a. tornowi Meise in lacking any rufous on the underside. Upperside darker than the amber brown ascribed to P. a. loangwe. | Distribution.—The Lundazi District of Northern Rhodesia where known from Lundazi River, Lunemfwa, Lumezi mission, Lumimba River, Lupamadzi River. Type.—In collection of KE. L. Button. Adult male collected at Mwase Lundazi. Lundazi River, Northern Rhodesia, on 30 January, 1947, by EK. L. Button. Remarks.—I have now examined twelve specimens from this area and it is evident that there is a well-marked race linking P. a. tornowi to P. a. loangwe and P. a. humbolti which must be recognised by name. To the south in the Petauke District P. a. loangwe and on the lower Zambesi River P. a. humbolti are characterised by having a large black patch in the middle of the abdomen; to the north P. a. intercedens has no abdominal patch and has the underside white with rufous margins to the feathers; P. a. tornowi, which ranges from Mkiri in South Tanganyika to Vipya and Mzimba in North Nyasaland, has both rufous and black below and links the new race to P. a. intercedens. One of Button’s birds, collected on the Lundazi River, has a trace of dark rufous and resembles P. a. tornowi, another from the Upper Lundaci River ~ has a black belly patch as in P. a. humbolt1. The remaining ten birds are quite constant. Named after Mrs. Button at Mr. Button’s request. Pternistis swainsoni lundazi, subsp. nov. Description.—Similar to Pternistis swainsoni chobiensis Roberts but much darker and greyer both above and below, this being very marked on the crown, breast and sides. Distribution—Known from Lupamadzi River, Lundazi District of Northern Rhodesia. 1946-47] Tove [Vol. lxvii. Type.—In collection of E. L. Button. Male collected on Lupamadzi River, Lundazi District, Northern Rhodesia, on 16 December, 1946, by E. L. Button. Remarks.—Six specimens examined. I have already reviewed the races of Pternistis swainsoni (A. Smith) in Bull. B. O. C. 65, p. 39, 1945, and it is satisfactory to be able to extend the range of the species some distance to the North east in a well-marked new race. In addition to the above Mr. Button has obtained several other records of interest at Lundazi. Merops s. superciliosus Linné, Caprimulgus e. europxus Linné (second record in N. Rhodesia) Neocichla gutturalis angustus Freidmann—a series, Muscicapa albicollis (Temminck), second record in Northern Rhodesia, Acrocephalus beticatus cinnamomeus Reichenow, Heliolais erythroptera rhodoptera Haagner—first record for Northern Rhodesia, and Anomalo- spiza wmberbis Latham, the latter resembling A. +. mukandakundw White described from Balovale and not at all like the description of A. 1. nyasz Benson as one would have expected. B.O.U. Annual Meeting. The four-hundred-and-sixty-sixth Meeting of the Club was held at the Rembrandt Hotel on Wednesday, 26 March, 1947, following B.O.U. Annual Meeting and dinner. Dr. J. M. Harrison was in the chair and there were present :— Members, 42; B.O.U. Members, 45; Guests 3; Total 90. No scientific business was transacted. te dau ee. Tas Abs wuakla i. ‘am 8 big hebercs ocd Hy wr ie 4 | ued cl ot “i ae a, Kil, shape | ey a at er a Oe Re ef 8 Se ieee i (eT oi. te pe me a a peach 46 es ak fuego Ranese BS aha PRESEN os Nea § es ‘Petiaie: Hid iy ait hae ae die ‘ Ag fink bai Cat Fede ia aa Wilke wld it ee i A Ne Us i aK} deux aay oe ee “ade BA ‘watts fe the aaa eho is Sh Bie bOd ea it 194, yee Hv y's, Fg dia heerred . i ts Cloighlh. aude NER, Aotat cot nes, ‘gigs odin ere bia Pe at ante ry ghia ast: Nth Mika Phy dagate! ih Teay oe “i as to aor witodeb ead aul the ns doe is esa n Sad ft) . mate Ate Wield by Ne AO eA ie rik Be : ae i : ei i aif ’ of as)" +, y Ha These VS oy ahah 4 Lau) eal iy AD ws ci a D iis wag & cat * SNR by (thts : ai Ser a i anise a iisicvanuaneniies prio IpurnB 1 Omg ava :: Nf bee) Fh yee ha C es os pene aax dot } adic yao h i cid cha “Co i bie / mae Me i fer Sinai e Sek eos wohl, ag ee ay os Rive rae i ee Se bt \ a Bainids ‘of A : Ih ipl be ac -y tom Picts A ee f ey ae (a ai te ae a 2B. eT ann 13 ‘ wie} su aby date 4S et ik a it Ste eared fis Wy ps ao be of ee q eo : rm Fe Tite 2 i, at 5 _ - 4 ? ey XR « ‘ be an hed) t Bd i} ay, aE 4 4 , iy Pt th operat me! ‘ tee aaa > ; Ther ’ i .. e i ous i - a 3 un ; nt } rf Ait Ae yu , K any ‘ yh +f Line 44 5 ' i ' Saba t baal a - + xe ¢ % iy & ) br ¥ ’ q t : Wy, ‘At ‘ a. es Lie ne .» ues? BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB. No. CCCCLXXIII. The four-hundred-and-sixty-eighth Meeting of the Club was held at the Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place, S.W.7, on Wednesday, 21 May, 1947, following a dinner at 6.30 P.M. Chairman: Dr. J. M. Harrison. Members present :—Miss P. Barcuay-SmitH; F. J. F. Barrineron ; N. A. Beat; Dr. A. GRandAM Brown; Mrs. G. CHADWYCK-HEALEY ; P. A. Cuancey ; J. DeLacour; A. Ezra; Miss J. M. Ferrier; R.S. R. Fitter; Miss EK. M. Gopman ; Capt. C. H. B. Grant; B. G.- Harrison (Vice-Chairman); J. G. Harrison; R. E. Heata; Miss K. P. Leacu (Hon. Treasurer); Miss C. Lonarientp; J. D. Macponatp; C. W. MackwortH-PraED; G. M. Maruews; Ool. R. MEINERTZHAGEN ; Lt.-Col. W. A. Payn; Miss G. M. Roopgs; C. P. Stapies; Lt.-Col. W. P.C. Tentson (Hditor & Hon. Sec.) ; Dr. A. LANDSBOROUGH THOMSON ; C. N. WauTerR; A. WiLLiAMs; C. DE Worms; Col. O. EK. WYNNE. Guest of the Club :—Dr. HE. A. CocKAYNE. Guests :—Mrs. GRAHAM Brown; D. BuLitER; Miss T. Cuay; Mrs. Firrer; Miss FLetcHEerR; Miss Martin; R. E. Mornav; A. G. B. Russet; Mrs. TENISON. Members, 31 ; Guests, 10; Total, 41. } Parallel Variation in Shrikes and Moths. Dr. E. A. CocKAYNE gave a talk, illustrated by exhibits, showing tue yellow and melanistic forms of certain moths which commonly have red coloration and suggested the possibility of certain shrikes now known as separate species being in fact merely colour varieties. Dr. J. M. Harrison, Mr. C. de Worms, Mr. R. E. Moreau and other members took part in an interesting discussion. {July, 1947] a VOL. LXVII, Vol. Ixvii.] 76. [1946-47 Two Continental forms of Birds in Ireland new to the British List. Colonel R. MEINERTZHAGEN read the following note :— When staying at Ashford Castle in Co. Mayo on 30 January this year I encountered an enormous flock of mixed Chaffinches and Greenfinches on stubble. I estimated their numbers at well over a thousand individuals. As I wished to determine the race to which these birds belonged I secured one of each with a single shot. They were fortunately both adult malcs. The Chaffinch is a typical Fringilla celebs solomkoi Menzb. & Sushk., described from the Crimea and west Caucasus in 1913, and the Greenfinch is Chloris chloris turkestanicus Zarudny, described in 1907 from Turkestan. Strong eastern and north-eastern winds with frost and snow had per- sisted in west Ireland for the previous fortnight. This huge flock, like most distant migrants, was very wild and at my shot flew off in a con- centrated mass at a great height and were not again located. A new Race of Bullfinch from Scotland. Mr. P. A. Criancry sent the following note with specimens for exhibition :— A critical examination of over two hundred specimens of Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Linnzus) from the western Palearctic Region has revealed a distinctive Scottish race, for which I propose the name :— Pyrrhula pyrrhula wardlawi, subsp. n. Description.—Nearest P. p. nesa Mathews & Iredale from England, but male separable on account of darker and bluer grey mantle. Female paler on mantle and with prominent grey nape; underparts paler and warmer brown, less purple-brown, than in P. p. nesa, but not so grey as in P. p. coccinea (Gmelin). Bill rather less massive than in either P. p. nesa or P. p. coccinea (see measurements). Juvenile duller in tone, less rufous, both and above below. | P. p. wardlawi bill measurements.—Bill height at nostrils, males 7-5-8-5 (8:1), females 7-8-5 (8-1) mm. (twenty-four measured), as against P. p. nesa, males 8-5-10 (9-3), females 8-5-10-5 (9-3) mm. (fifty-one — measured), and P. p. coccinea, males 9-9-5 (9-2), females 8-5-9 (9-0) mm. (eleven measured), Exposed culmen, males 8-9 (8-7), females 8-9 (8-5) mm., as against P. p. nesa, males 9-10 (9-4), females 9-10 (9-5) mm., ~ and P. p. coccinea, males 9-10 (9-6), females 9-10 (9-3) mm, 1946-47] 77 [Vol. Ixvit. Distribution.—Confined’ to the mountainous regions of Scotland. Specimens from the following counties examined: Perthshire (11), Inverness-shire (5), Ross-shire (7), Sutherlandshire (3), Type.—In my collection. Female, breeding adult. Obtained by W. J. Plowden-Wardlaw at Kinloch Rannoch, Perthshire, Scotland, on 2 June, 1946. Measurements of the type.—Wing 82:5, exposed culmen 9-0, bill height at nostrils 8, tarsus 17:5, tail 61 mm. Material examined.—P. p. wardlawi, males 14, females 10, juvs. 2; P. p. nesa 150; P. p. coccinea 20; P. p. germanica 4; P. p. pyrrhula 7. Remarks.—The following additional measurements have been taken from the twenty-four adult examples of P. p. wardlawi :—Males, wing 80-5-86:5 (83:5), tarsus 17-19 (17-4), tail 57-65 (60-6) mm. Females, wing 79-84 (81-7), tarsus 16-18 (17-2), tail 54-62 (59-9) mm. Named in honour of W. J. Plowden-Wardlaw of Kinloch Rannoch, who kindly drew my attention to the interesting characters exhibited by a series collected in that district of Perthshire. This series, when examined in conjunction with additional Scottish skins in my own collection, as well as from the collections of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, and Col. R. Meinertzhagen, fully substantiated my original impression (The Ibis, 1940, p. 92) that Scottish birds were not P. p. nesa. Comparisons between races of this species must always be carried out with freshly taken series owing to the rapid fading which clearly takes place in museum skins. Pyrrhula pyrrhula. nesa Mathews & Iredale, Austral Avian Record, iii., 1917, ‘0. 122, is a race without a definite type-locality fixation but, as it is clear from available evidence that for all practical purposes a fixation can be made on the work of Hartert and his associates who were among the first to recognise a distinct British race, we can nominate Tring, Hertfordshire, England, as the type-locality. The dark P. ». nesa form obtains in this locality. A new Race of Redstart from the British Isles. Mr. P. A. Cuancey sent the following note :— Pheenicurus pheenicurus cesitergum, subsp. n. Description —Nearest Phemcurus phenicurus phenicurus (Linneus), ‘Systema Nature ’, ed. x., 1758, p. 187: Sweden, but male in breeding- dress decidedly bluer on upper-parts, less: ashy grey; forehead purer white ; wings and tail darker in tone. Female in breeding-dress darker and colder in tone on upper-parts ; bronzy suffusions on breast generally darker ; wings and tail darker. Juv. more yellowish below and darker Vol. Ixvii.] 78 [1946-47 . above. A rather small race—Ph. ph. cxsitergum, males, wing 74-80 (76-9), tail 54-58 (54-8) mm.; females, wing 74-78 (75-8), tail 54-56 (55-1) mm. (fifteen measured); as against typical race, males, wing 78-83 (80-3), tail 56-59-5 (57-2) mm.; females, wing 78-81 (79-5), tail 56-5-58-5 (57-3) mm. (fifteen measured). Distribution.—The British Isles, to which it is a summer visitant. Specimens of breeding birds examined from the following counties : Sussex (1), Kent (1), Suffolk (4), Lancashire (6), Northumberland (7). Type.—In my collection. Male, breeding adult. The wooded policies of Gawthorpe Estate, near Burnley, Lancashire, England, 3 May, 1947. Measurements of the type—Wing 75-5, culmen from base 14:5, tarsus 21-5, tail 54 mm. Material examined.—Ph. ph. cexsiterqum, males 9, females 6, juvs. 4. Ph. ph. phenicurus, series from Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Balkans. Ph. ph. algeriensis, series. Ph. ph. mesoleuca, not examined. Remarks.—Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, pp. 718, 719, gives the wing “measurements of 69 males (30 Hartert, 39 Kleinschmidt) as 76-83, occasionally 84, and tail measurements 57-61 mm., but it is clear that these measurements are not based on geographical considerations. My measurements of Continental breeding birds show the typical race to be generally larger than the British one. There is a substantial overlap, and it is evident that the size criteria are in themselves not sufficient justification for a separation of the British race but, when considered in conjunction with the constant colour characters, a valid race can be differentiated in series. I cannot detect constant differences in putative British autumn birds although such specimens are usually rather dark, and I am of the opinion that in this dress the race is not separable, | Ficedula ruiacilla Kyton, Hist. Rarer Brit. B., Cat., 1836, p. 1O—Ex Ray, is not a name given expressly to the British breeding bird, and can be disregarded. For assistance in many directions I am indebted to Dr. J. M. Harrison, D.S.C., Mr. Gregory M. Mathews, and Lt.-Col. W. A. Payn. On the Wrens of South-eastern England, France and Belgium. Mr. P. A. Cuanczy read the following note :— The purpose of this short communication is to draw the attention of systematists to the recent separation of the Belgian race of Wren as 1946-47) 79 | [Vol: lxvii. Troglodytes troglodytes occidentalis Verheyen, Bull. Mus. roy. d’Hist. nat. Belg. 17, No. 33, May 1941, pp. 26-27. T'ype—Male adult, 7 July, 1935, Tervueren, south of Brussels, Belgium. This race is described as being more greyish, less clear brown, than other European birds, and specimens from Sweden, Central Germany, Nether- lands, Great Britain, Orkneys, Shetlands, Faroes, Outer Hebrides, St. Kilda, etc., were examined by the author. . The only specimen from France (Pyrenees) available agreed with the Belgian series. | Mr. K. H. Voous, Jr., of the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, who has examined the fine breeding series of Belgian birds preserved in the Brussels Museum, confirms in litt., that birds from Belgium are indeed less brown on the upper-parts than Swedish and German specimens, but he states that all the available Belgian skins are in very worn dress. I have already commented on the paler and greyer coloration of the Wrens from East Suffolk and Essex, S.E. England (/bis, 1943, p. 91, pp: 96-97), and very recently Lt.-Col. W. A. Payn (Bull. B.O.C., 67, pp. 22—23) exhibited and remarked on the characters of a series from the Blois area of France. It seems abundantly clear from available evidence that, on the production of adequate series of birds in unworn dress from 8.E. England, France and Belgium, it will be found necessary to separate the Wrens of these regions from the Swedish T'roglodytes troglodytes troglodytes (Linnzeus) on account of their greyer tones and that the name T'roglodytes troglodytes occidentalis Verheyen will have to be used. A new Race of Double-banded Sand-Grouse from Angola. Mr. C. W. Benson sent the following description :— Eremialector bicinetus ansorgei, subsp. nov. Description.—Like Eremialector bicinctus bicinctus (Temminck) in colour, but differs in its smaller size. Male, wing 157-168, compared to 168-184 mm. in E. b. biconctus. Female, wing 158-165, compared to 170-178 mm. in H. b. bicinctus. | Distribution —Only known from Huxe, near Benguella town, Angola. Type.—In the British Museum. Adult male. Huxe, Benguella, Angola. September 12, 1905. Collected by Dr. W. J. Ansorge. Brit. Mus. Reg. no. 1906 : 12: 4: 26. Measurements of type-——-Wing 164, culmen from base 20, tail 77, tarsus 25 mm. a3 Vol. lxvii,] 80 [1946-47 Remarks.—The following are more detailed wing measurements, in millimetres :— E. 6b. ansorgei (specimens in the British Museum) :—Thirteen males, 157, 160, 160, 161, 161, 163, 164, 164, 165, 166, 167, 167, 168; nine females, 158, 158, 160, 160, 161, 161, 164, 164, 165, E. b. bicinctus. In British Museum (Damaraland) :—Three males, 170, 172, 174; one female, 171. In Transvaal Museum (Damaraland : Windhoek, Ugab, Huab, Ombu, Eronga Mt., Karibib. Great Namaqua- land: Ariamsvlei, near Nalop) :—Eleven males, 168, 169, 169, 173, 175, 175, .V77,,. 179,181; 182, 184 ;, tive females, 170) lid) 17g ae, In South Africa Museum :—One male, Kunene River, 173; one female, Omaruru, Damaraland, 177. I thank Dr. Austin Roberts for measurements of the specimens in the Transvaal Museum. The others were measured by myself by permission of the Directors concerned. All the South West African localities are indicated on the General Reference Map, Vol. I of Capt. G. C. Shortridge’s “The Mammals of South West Africa’ (London: Whlliam Heinemann, Ltd., 1934). : The races of Hremialector bicinctus and their distribution may be summarised as follows :— E. b. bicinctus (Temminck). Great Namaqualand north to Ovampoland. E. b. ansorgei Benson. Benguella, Angola. Like H. b. bicinctus but wing shorter. E. b. multicolor (Hartert). Bechuanaland, east of Kalahari Desert and Ngamiland; ‘Transvaal; Matabeleland. Wing length as for E. b. bicinctus but altogether darker in colour. E. b. usheri Benson. Lower Zambesi Valley north to Loangwa Valley. Like EZ. b. multicolor but wing shorter, see Bull. B. O. C., 67, p. 44, 1946. E. b. chobiensis (Roberts), of Ngamiland, is intermediate in colour between E. b. bicinctus and E. b. multicolor, and of similar wing length to these two races. I thank Mr. J. D. Macdonald, who has helped me in the completion of this description, which I drafted after I left England in December, 1946. A New Race of Spine-Tail from Peru. Mr. AuastarR Morrison sent the following description :— Asthenes d’orbignyi usheri, subsp. n. Description.—Nearest to A. d. huancavelice Morrison, but differs in having the upper-parts generally darker; underparts heavily tinged with dark grey ; rump and upper tail ee light brown, not rufous ; "4 Vol. Ixvii.] 81 [1946-47 outer tail feathers very pale, almost whitish, brown; bases and edges of secondaries rufous; blll dark brown, pale horn at base of lower mandible ; feet dull blue; iris brown. Distribution.—Only known from the arid subtropical and arid temperate zones of the Pampas River Valley, about 80 miles south-east of the town of Ayacucho, Peru. Type.—Ninabamba, Pampas River Valley, Department of Ayacucho, Peru; altitude 7,000 feet ; adult male collected by A. R. G. Morrison on 31 August, 1939 ; collector’s number 38 ; Brit. Mus. Reg. no. 1946.49.1: “Measurements of type speciomen.—Wing 65; bill 18-5 mm. Remarks.—Measurements of four other specimens are: adult male, wing 63, bill 18; immature male, wing 61, bill 19; two adult females, wings 64, 65 and bills 18-5 and 19 mm: The new form differs from A. d. arequipx, the only other form known to occur in Peru, by the much paler and more greyish coloration above ; greyish tinge on underparts ; absence of chestnut on rump, upper and under tail coverts and flanks; possession of a rufous patch on the secondaries. Differs from all other forms of Asthenes d’orbignyi by the absence of rufous coloration on the rump and upper tail coverts. I have much pleasure in naming this interesting new form after my friend, Mr. H. B. Usher of the Bird Room, British Museum (Natural History). Notes on Eastern African Birds. Captain C. H. B. Grant and Mr. C. W. Mackwortu-PRakzp sent the following eight notes :— (1) On the status of Nilaus afer brevialatus Grote, O.M., 1938, p. 11: Magogoni, Ruvu River, eastern Tanganyika Territory. This race is based on a wing measurement of 75 to 80 mm., and the author includes in its range the birds recorded by Roberts from Boror, northern Portuguese East Africa, in Journ. 8S. Afr. Orn. Un. 1, 1912, p- 34, who gives wing measurement of 71 to 80 mm. The nine specimens from northern Portuguese East Africa in the British Museum collection, collected by J. Vincent, have wing measure- ments of five males 79 to 82, and four females 81 to 83 mm. Nilaus nigritemporalis tveichenow, which is otherwise indistinguishable, has a wing of 78 to 89 mm. _ We have seen three specimens including the type kindly loaned to us _by Dr. Stresemann of the Berlin Museum. They are all females and have wing measurements of 78. the type and 80 from Magogoni, Ruvu River, 1946-47] 82 [Vol. lxvii. and 80 mm. from Mruha, Uluguru. They are unquestionably Nilaus nigritemporalis, and in view of the overlap in wing measurements we are ~ of the opinion that Nilaus afer brevialatus Grote, must be placed ‘as a synonym of Nilaus ngritemporalis Reichenow. (2) On the status of Laniarius funebris degener Hilgert, Nov. Zool. 18, 1912, p. 605: Darassum, south-eastern Abyssinia. This race is based on the smaller size and lighter colour, wing 80-86 as against 86-87 mm. in L. funebris (Hartlaub). We have measured the series in the British Museum collection and find that L. funebris from all over its distribution has a wing of 81-98 mm., and therefore size is not a character for distinguishing this race, nor do we find that the colour character holds good. We therefore consider that Laniarius funebris degener Hilgert must be placed as a snyonym of Laniarius funebris (Hartlaub). | Van Someren in Nov. Zool. 1922, p. 117, has shown that Laniarius funebris rothschildi Neumann, J. f. O., 1907, p. 595: Sagan River, south- western Abyssinia, is not a recognisable race. (3) On the status of Onychognathus tenuirostris raymondi Meinertzhagen, Bull. B. O. C., 57, 1937, p. 68: Mt. Kenya, central Kenya Colony. The character given is that the crown is greener, not such a purplish blue as in Abyssinian birds. . All specimens of the Abyssinian O. ¢. tenuirostris have the head and sides of face green, as does a specimen from Mt. Kenya in the British Museum collection. The character of the colour of the head for both O. t. tenuirostris and O. t. raymondi are the same in both birds, and we therefore place Onychognathus tenuirostris raymondi Meinertzhagen as a synonym of Onychognathus tenuirostris tenuirostris (Ruippell). The bird from the Aberdares, Onychognathus tenutrostris therese Meinertzhagen, which has the top of the head violet, is quite a distinct race, and ranges from the Aberdares, Maktau, and Voi in Kenya Colony — to southern Tanganyika Territory and the eastern Belgian Congo. (4) On the type of Nectarinia cupreonitens Shelley, and the Eastern African races of Nectarinia famosa (Linneus). Our examination of the type of Nectarinia cupreonitens shows that it has no original collector’s label, but one in Verreaux’s hand-writing gives Abyssinia, August 1850. The bird is not worn nor faded and is more green than blue, agreeing very closely in this respect with speci- 1946-47] 83 | [Vol. Lxvii. mens from South Africa. The coppery colour is not a racial but an _ individual character, the cause of which is not known and does not occur in other specimens from Abyssinia. This type agrees with the original description and the coloured plate 6 in the Mon. Nect. p. 17, 1876. Despite its closer resemblance to the South African bird than to the Abyssinian, and the fact that the wing measurement is ¥7 mm., 2. e. rather longer than the usual Abyssinian measurement, it undoubtedly did come from Abyssinia, as is shown by the measurement of the exposed part of the culmen 28 mm., and the central tail feathers 106 mm. Our examination of the series in the British Museum collection shows that there is no character by which specimens from between Abyssinia and the southern Sudan to Nyasaland can be separated ; they have the same coloration, the same measurements of the culmen and central tail feathers, and overlap in wing measurements. We therefore can only recognise one race in Eastern Africa, as follows :— Nectarinia famosa cupreonitens Shelley, Mon. Nect. 1876, p. 17, pl. 6: Abyssinia, of which Nectarinia subfamosa Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genova, 21, 1884, p. 138: Antota, Shoa, central Abyssinia; Nectarinia anigularis Sharpe, [bis, 1891, p. 444; Sotik, south-western Kenya Colony; Nectarinia famosa centralis Van Someren, Jbis, 1916, p. 446: Lasasa, Uganda, and Nectarima famosa vulcanorum Gyldenstolpe, Bull. B.O.C., 42, 1922, p. 38: Mt. Sabino, Kivu district, eastern Belgian Cogno, are synonyms. Bill and central tail feathers shorter than in Nectarinia famosa famosa and belly usually bluer. Wing 63-75, exposed part of culmen 26-31, central tail feathers 94-120 mm. ‘Twenty specimens measured. Distribution.—Eritrea, Abyssinia and southern Sudan to eastern Belgian Congo, Uganda, Kenya Colony, Tanganyika Territory, Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland and northern Portuguese East Africa. Note.—In Nectarinia famosa famosa the belly is usually greener and the bill and central tail feathers longer, 7. e. wing 72-80, exposed part of culmen 30-36, central tail feathers 110-151 mm. Sixty-three specimens measured. In worn plumage the metallic green edging to the wing coverts, inner- most secondaries and central tail feathers is liable to be bluish. Distribution.—South Africa, south of the Zambesi River. (5) On the races of Cinnyris chalybeus (Linnzeus) occurring in Kastern Africa. Sclater, Syst. Av. Aithiop. 2, 1930, p. 694, recognises two races in Eastern Africa. Vincent, Bull. B. O.C., 58, 1933, p. 144, reviews this group and describes two races as C.c. zonarius and C.c. namwera from Vol. lxvii.] 84 [194647 Eastern Africa. Benson, Ibis, 1937, p. 579, has shown that C. c. namwera must be treated as a synonym of C. c. zonarius and we agree that this is so. We have compared the type and two specimens of C. c. bractiatus with five specimens of C. c. zonarius and find that the characters given do not hold good and that some individual variation in the colour of the belly must be allowed for. We therefore place C. c. zonarius as a synonym of C. c bractiatus. Lynes, J. f. O., 1934, p. 115, gives two races for Eastern Africa, but we have shown in Bull B.O.C., 64, 1943, p. 10, that C. ludovicensis (Bocage) is a race of C. afer (Linneus) and not of C. chalybeus. Liynes compared his male specimens from Dabaga, which is in immature dress with the type of C. manoensis Reichenow, which he states that it resembles except for having a darker belly. Reichenow compared this race to C. chalybeus (tail 40 mm.), and did not apparently compare it to C. intermedia (Bocage) with which it agrees and therefore beeomes a synonym. Meise, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 22, i, 1937, p. 143, places C. manoensis as a race of C. afer, apparently overlooking the character of the length and shape of the tail. Priest, Bds. Southern Rhodesia, 4, 1936, p. 189, records C. c. subalaris Reichenow, for the whole of Southern Rhodesia, and on p. 192 gives also C. c. ludovicensis as occurring north of the Salisbury—Umtali Railway and at the Umvuli River, but probably these specimens have been mis-identified, as the fig. 57 shows a short-tailed bird. We are unable to see that C. gertrudis Grote (tail 40 mm.) differs in any way from specimens from further north in Tanganyika Territory and Nyasaland and therefore place it as a synonym. We are able to recognise only two races in Eastern Africa as follows :— _ Cinnyris chalybeus intermedius (Bocage). Nectarinia intermedia Bocage, Journ. Lisboa, 28, p. 235, 1878 : Caconda, ~ Benguella, Angola, of which Cinnyris manoensis Reichenow, O.M. 1907; p. 200: Missale, Mano, Tukuyu District, south-western Tanganyika Territory, and Cinnyris chalybeus gertrudis Grote, O.M., 1926, p. 183: Songea, south-western Tanganyika Territory, are synonyms. | Shorter billed; belly darker, upper tail coverts either olivaceous or olivaceous more or less tipped with metallic blue, copper or green. — Wing, male 59 to 64; female 56 to 57; culmen from base, male 20 to 22 ; female 20 to 21; tail 40 to 44 mm. Twenty specimens measured. Distribution.—Central Tanganyika Territory and Nyasaland from — Mzimba to Nechisi, to south-eastern Belgian Congo at Elizabethville and to Angola. Note-—We have examined Lynes’ specimens and agree with him (p. 116) that the variation in the upper tail coverts is only individual, 1946-47] 85 [Vol. Lxvii. but these specimens of his are C. c. intermedia and not C. ludovicensis, he having compared it to two adult males in the British Museum collection from Angola and which have been mis-identified as (. ludo- vicensis though originally correctly named C. intermedia. Cinnyris chalybeus bractiatus Vincent, Bull. B. O. C., 58, 1933, p. 146, Fort Chiquaqua, Southern Rhodesia, of which Cinnyris chalybeus zonarius Vineent, Buil. B. O. C. 58, 1933, p. 145, Zobue, Portuguese East Africa— Nyasaland boundary, and Cinnyris chalybeus namwera Vincent, Bull. B. 0. C., 58, 1933, p. 146: Mangoche Mt., southern Nyasaland, are synonyms. Longer billed; belly paler; upper tail coverts always blue. Wing, male 59 to’65 ; female 57 to 62 mm. ; culmen from base, male 23 to 25-5 ; female 21 to 23 mm.; tail 36 to 45 mm. Fifteen specimens measured. Distribution.—Northern Rhodesia at the Fort Jameson area _ to southern Nyasaland, the southern part of northern Portuguese East Africa to Southern Rhodesia. (6) On the status of Anthreptes collaris jubaensis Van Someren, J.E.A. & Ug. Nat. Hist. Soc. No. 37, 1931: Hellesheid, Juba River, southern Italian Somaliland. The characters given for this race are much clearer yellow below in both sexes, only very slightest trace of olive wash on flanks in the male, and. female below wholly canary yellow with no greyish tinge on throat. These characters agree with the series of Anthreptes collaris elachior Mearns, Smiths. Misc. Coll. 56, 14, 1910, p. 5: Chamgamwe, near Mombasa, Kenya Colony, in the British Museum collection, and we therefore place A. c. jubaensis Van Someren, as a synonym of A. c. elachior Mearns. (7) On the status of Ploceus pelzelni tuta Bangs & Phillips, Occ. Papers, Bost. Soc. N.H. 5, 1925, p. 177: Bussissi, Mwanza district, northern Tanganyika Territory. Sclater in Jackson’s Bds. Kenya Colony & Uganda, 3, 1938, p. 1423, -easts doubt on the validity of this race. Our examination of the thirty- one specimens in the British Museum collection shows that males from Wadelai have wings 60-62, and females 58-62 mm. ; two males from the Lango area have wings 63—64, and two females 61 mm., and that four females from South Ankole, south-eastern Uganda have wings 63- 65 mm.; two males from the Ruwenzori Mts. are 57 and 61 mm., three males from Entebbe 61-65, and a female 62 mm. The authors of P. p. tuta give male 66 and female 63 mm. as compared to males 57-60 and females 56-58 mm. in Icteropsis pelzelni pelzelni (Hartlaub). Vol. lxvii.] 86 [1946-47 The series we have examined shows that the southern birds are inclined to be longer winged than northern birds, but as we have males from Entebbe with wings 61-65, and males from Wadelai 60-62 there does not appear to be a geographical division between them, and we therefore place Ploceus pelzelni tuta Bangs & Phillips, in the synonymy of Icteropsis pelzelni (Hartlaub). (8) On the status of Ploceus awreoflavus pallidiceps Vincent, Bull. B. O. C., 58, p. 147, 1933: Mocuba, Portugeuse East Africa, and Ploceus aureoflavus reichertt Meise, O.M., 1934, p. 16:. Mbamba Bay, south- western Tanganyika Territory. ee Oh, pallidiceps is differentiated by Vincent as having no saffron colour on the forehead and throat, and as being more greenish on the back, and larger. The type is in breeding-dress, as it has a black bill, and the two adult males from near Netia and Lurio River mouth are in non-breeding dress, having brown coloured bills as stated by Vincent. C. W. Benson has presented to the British Museum a male in breeding- dress having a black bill, from Kota Kota, Nyasaland, and this specimen has distinct but palish saffron on the sides of the face. Benson, in a letter to us dated 10 July, 1944, states that Austin Roberts informs him that males from Boror, Portuguese East Africa, Nkata Bay, Nyasa- land, presented by Benson to’ the Pretoria Museum, lack the saffron colour on the forehead and throat, but that this colour is present on the three males from Chinteche, Nyasaland. The amount of colour on the forehead and throat in birds from Zanzibar Island is variable, and one matches very closely the type of P. a. pallidiceps. The type is not more ereenish on the back nor is it larger than Zanzibar Island birds. Moreover this type has an indication of saffron on the forehead and top of head. On the mainland of eastern Africa in Tanganyika Territory we find that all specimens in breeding-dress are well coloured on the head but differ in no way from the birds of Zanzibar Island. The amount of colour on the head in breeding-dress is a variable character, and although maybe there is little less colour in southern birds, this is not constant, nor can any geographical division be made on this character. We therefore place Ploceus aureoflavus pallidiceps Vincent, as a synonym of Xanthophilus aureoflavus (Smith). Ploceus aureoflavus reicherti appeqrs to have no characters that can really differentiate it from Xanthophilus aureoflavus, and it has already been placed as a synonym by the author, see Sond. Mittel. Zoo. Mus. Berlin, 22, 1, 1939, p. 149. In 1937 we examined two males in breeding-. dress and two young females of this Weaver from Bamba Bay, and found that they agreed with X. a. pallidiceps Vincent. BULLETIN — OF THE a | x aa age. CCCCLEXIV. uF 3 " & * MF ] = oe dinner at 6. 30 P.M. Chdienan : Dr. J. M. HARRISON. se rs present :—Mrs. G. CHapwycx-Hmatey; OC. T. Datcery; | ouR; C.J. ae J.G. Harrison; R. E. HmataH; P.A.D. °- fn C. W. Mackwortu-Prarp ; Sir P. Manson- ae ice G. M. Matuews ; E.S. May ; Col. R. Mernerrz- ek . E R. PAaRRINDER ; yO: We Q PAULSON ; Mia ds +B. PRIESTLEY ; . W. B.C. Peanison (Bditor & Hon. Seas Col O.48. Waa Tae Duke or Beprorp; Dr. A. Guict; Mrs. E. GRranr ee 7 -M. Gurreen; Dr. W. Herieprexers; Dr. P, Huns; D. Mickxtewricut; N. W. Moors; Dr. P. PALMGREN ; a : Mrs, D. B. SPARROW; Mrs. 0. L, TsNison. es, is i a 5 a i ic Ca f he ous aaa Pele , be hon at the hall de the shee eine Sccdaty th a n. with the meeting of the International Committee for Bird noes haat legit Beet crea A new Race of Atlapetes from Peru. Mr. ALASTATR Morrison sent the following description :— Atlapetes rufigenis forbesi, subsp. n. - Description.—Differs from the typical race found in northern Peru, — A. r. rufigenis (Salvin), by its darker and greyer, less brownish coloration — on the back; clearer white in the centre of the breast; purer grey on © the sides and flanks ; greyer and less brownish on the under tail-coverts ; — deeper rufous on the head, with the forehead anteriorly black and with — a very well-developed black circumocular area ; mystacal stripe blacker ; bill and feet a little darker. Distribution—Only known from the humid temperate woods at — Pomayaco, altitude 9,100 feet, in the Pampas River Valley, Department ~ of Apurimac, South Peru, about 80 miles south-east of the town ae j Ayacucho. : Type.—Adult male; Pomayaco, Department of Apurimac, Peru; altitude 9,100 feet ; collected 1. x. 39 ie A. R. G. Morrison (British Museum ~ Reg. No. 1946.49. 2) 4 Measurements of type. —Wing 81 mm.; culmen from base 16 mm. | Remarks.—I am much indebted to the assistance of Mr. Zimmer in ~ preparing the above description. Mr. Zimmer has kindly compared | a pair of the new form with seven specimens of A. r. rufigenis in the” American Museum of Natural History. Only the type is available in the | British Museum. He informs me that the variations from the average | in his series: of the typical race are in the direction of the new form. ut “et of additional specimens are :—Three males: wing 84, 80, bill 17, 16, 16; one female (imm.): wing 74; bill damaged ; a ae ee. wing 71, 81, 84; bill 15, 16, 16 mm. 4 The new form is named ater Sir Courtenay Forbes, formerly British Ambassador in Lima, as a small token of my appreciation for much help, | encouragement and good advice during my travels in South America, The relationship between Phyllastrephus placidus grotei Rchw., P. f. fischeri Rchw. and P. p. miinzneri Rchw. Mr. R. E. Moreau sent the following note :— . Sclater (Syst. Av. Atth.) synonymized P. grotei as well as P. sokoke st | van Som. with P. f. fischeri, and tentatively P. miinzneri with P. f. placidut Shelley. Subsequently the type of P. miinznert was borrowed from he Berlin Museum and examined by C. H. B. Grant. It proved to differ from P. f. placidus in plumage as well as size, and to agree with £ 89 [Vol. Ixvii. i fochers in plumage, but to be larger. It was decided to treat it as a species (Moreau, Bull. B.O.C., 57, p. 127). Grant and Mackworth-Praed r (Bull. B. QO. C., 60, p. 43), after studying the description of P. grotei—the type not being accessible—regarded it as a synonym, not of P. f. fischeri, but of P. f. placidus. I thought this latter conclusion doubtful, on ecological grounds, since _ P. grotei is known only from Mikindani, on the coast of Southern Tan- _ ganyika Territory, while P. f. placidus is everywhere a montane bird. ir i therefore applied to the Berlin Museum to know whether any further : particulars could be provided of this group from material there. I am ~ “much indebted to Dr. Stresemann and Herr Grote for going into the “matter forme. It may be added that there seems to be no claim in the ; "literature that P. grotei, P. miinzneri and P. fischeri differ in plumage. a Dr. Stresemann informs me that ‘“‘ judging from the very poor material ”’ é in Berlin “ both grote: and miinzneri are to be considered synonyms of fischeri’. The four birds obtained at Mikindani, which are not sexed (an important point in this genus), have wings measuring 83 (type of _P. grotet), 92, 93 and 97 mm. Presumably the type was a female. The _ type of P. miinzneri (male) has wing 96 mm. e British Museum collection contains :— | @) Another bird from the Uluguru foothills, not available for examina- Bion at the moment, but identified as P. miinzneri, and therefore pre- 78, 87, 88, 89, and a male from Korogwe, W.S.W: of Amani, only 84 mim (4) Three females from the Portuguese East African lowlands with wings 84, 84, 85, and one male (type), wing 96 mm., described by Vincent is P. ee wtoculo, but already toe per with P. mitinzneri (Bull. si the Berlin Museum males 81 cr of P. fischerr), 91; female “( ) ‘Males 85-92, females 75-86 mm.—derived from the series from : hich P. sokokensis was originally described (Bull. B. O.C., 44, p. 7). mere is universal agreement that this i is a synonym of P. f. fischeri, and Mrs eS ey are in ae (upper part of) the range of the Kenya female “— | me ments, and that the biggest Kenya male equals the smallest (presume ae Wy) There are not sufficient grounds for regarding P. miinzneri as a __ specifically distinct from P. fischeri. We have predominantly | ‘small | birds at the north end of the coastal zone, large further south. Both large and small occur in the latitude of Amani and, for all we know g i a in the almost complete absence of material from between 5° and 9° q ~ over a wide belt of country. The gradient of the cline may be deter-— minable at some future date. Alternatively, the conclusion that th 1e two forms are conspecific must be reconsidered if, when a large series eye of any one sex becomes available from a single locality, the frequency yo oe distribution curve of the wing-measurements shows two peaks. aes ii.) P. grotei is a synonym of P. f. miinzneri, not of P. f. fischeri oe ae P. ed placidus. ee -_ Notes on Western Palearctic Birds, with: two : new Races. me 7 Col. R. MEINERTZHAGEN sent the following descriptions and criticis i on some western palearctic birds :— a ) ae the following notes I do not wish to appear to be “ laying down 1 h law” nor to pretend that a final verdict is pronounced. I repeat, [ _ genera are largely a matter of convenience, species are a matter of fact, _ and subspecies largely a matter of opinion. My own test of a valid sub- species is that at least 75 per cent. of specimens from a given area should _ be constant and conform to the diagnosis, and that no subspecies should d be named on differences which are not clearly visible to persons with ‘ ~ moderate ocular discrimination. In looking at a colour chart recent] _ I was shocked to find. that I could not discriminate between perheps event or ten different colours ; the author must have been able to dos 3 or “it would make nonsense of his book. But I claim that unless lifferences S ‘oe P diesea subspecies. I also deplore ile of gross exaggeration ¥ wh has crept into some recent descriptions of subspecies. t ' detracts from confidence. To say much larger, much browner, si | Below wash, when these are really very slight and often not visible a 1946-47] 91 [Vol. xvii. (1) A new race of Emberiza calandra Linneus. Emberiza calandra clanceyi, subsp. n. Description—More richly coloured and redder than Scandinavian birds, and consistently yellower below. Distribution —Typical birds have only been seen from the extreme west of Ireland, and from west Scotland. Type (ad. 2).—Aran Isles, Co. Galway, West Ireland, 7 February, 1947. In Meinertzhagen collection. Measurements of type.—Wing 85 mm. Remarks.—An examination of the large series in the British, Berlin, Paris, Stockholm, New York and Leyden Museums, and specimens from the Ticehurst and Whistier collections from Britain, Albania and southern France, together with my own large series from the British Islands, Holland, Morocco and Ushant, shows that west Scottish and west Irish birds are consistently yellower below, and usually, not always, more richly coloured above in fresh plumage. Hartert (V6g. pal. Faun., 3, p. 166) says ‘“‘ British birds are almost _ always more rusty brown, the underparts in fresh plumage being yellowish. They are perhaps a good race, but similar birds occur on the continent.’’ It is true that occasional continental specimens approach the richer and _ yellower British form, but I have seen none of these from Scandinavia. Swainson (Nat. Hist. and Classif. of Birds, 11, p. 290, 1837) gave a substitute name for Linneus’s miliaria because of the difficulty of pro- nouncing miliaria miliaria. He quotes Selby’s plate of an English bird, naming it Miliaria europea. But even if Swainson’s name be accepted, the richness of the colour of west Irish birds prompts me to give a name to the population of Common Buntings at the end of their European cline. Birds from Holland, France and Ushant are seldom so dark as west Trish birds, and only occasionally have the underparts washed with a distinct yellow. In addition, I recognize H. c. buturlini Johansen, 1907, West Siberia, which is generally a paler and often a larger bird. It extends south and west to Iraq, Syria, and Palestine. I cannot recognize either EZ. c. _thanneri Tschusi, 1903, Teneriffe, nor EZ. c. parroti Goernitz, Falco., 37, p. 1, 1921, Corsica, their supposed differences being insufficiently constant. (2) On the British form of Emberiza citrinella Linneus. In dealing with the Yellow Hammers of Western Europe we have to consider the following names :— E. c. citrinella Linnzeus, 1758. Type-locality. Upsala. a3 Vol. Ixvii.] 92 [1946-47 E. c. nebulosa Gengler, 1920. “‘ England, Holland and North France.” No type is mentioned. England must be taken as the general type-locality : he had before him specimens from Stalham in Norfolk and from Berkshire. I therefore cite Stalham as the restricted type-locality. E. c. caliginosa Clancey, 1940. Dornoch, Sutherland. I have examined the series in the Stockholm Museum and have also ten adults from Upsala. I also have two adults from Stalham, and have examined a large series from Berkshire, Hampshire and Tring (Hertford- shire), Devon and Cornwall. This British series I regard as adequate for determining the validity of #.c. nebulosa. In general they are darker above, showing a yellower, rather more sulphur, tint than occurs in Swedish birds, but some individuals are indistinguishable. [ have two birds from Rotterdam — which I cannot separate from Swedish specimens. I have a series of — nine birds from Ushant which agree generally with #. c. nebulosa, though ~ some are remarkably dark and nearer north Scottish and Irish birds. To finish with French birds: I have four adults from the Pyrenees, — and these appear to be identical in every way with Swedish birds. To deal now with Irish and Scottish birds. I have before me eight topotypical E. c. caliginosa (Clancey coll.). I have in my collection seventeen from East Ross-shire, three from Dumfries-shire, six from Mull, Arran and Argyll, and seven from the extreme west of Ireland— Achill Island to Co. Kerry. Though some north Scottish birds are © slightly darker than Z. c. nebulosa from the south of England, I cannot — regard the difference as sufficient to recognize both ZH. c. caliginosa and — E.c. nebulosa. The same applies to the west Scottish and Dumfries-shire — series. One of these names must go and I consider that EH. c. caliginosa, — unfortunately, must be adopted for the Yellow Hammer of the British — Islands. It is a case of an intermediate form (Z£. c. nebulosa) invalidating — the extreme form (£. c. caliginosa) at the end of the cline. I wish here — to stress the importance of not describing a subspecies from the middle of a cline unless specimens from the end of the cline have been examined. We now come to the Irish birds, at the end of the cline, as much at the — end as are the Ushant series, which they closely resemble, being generally slightly darker than British and Scottish specimens. One is ever so much darker than any (Caragh Lake, Kerry, October, 1945). West Irish birds are a most uneven series, some exactly matching English birds and others exactly matching Ushant birds. I therefore propose to leave it at that. A series of five autumn and winter birds from Estonia are slightly paler than Swedish birds and represent H. c. erythrogenys Brehm. I can- 1946-47] 93 [Vol. lxvii. not substantiate Gengler’s EL. c. sylvestris from Germany, nor his £. c. romaniensis from Rumania. Neither can I distinguish H. c. somowi Awerin, 1912, from Kharkov. These two latter become synonyms of E. c. erythrogenys Brehm. (3) On the validity of Emberiza scheniclus mackenzier Bird. An examination of a large series from the Outer Hebrides and Sweden shows no constant differences, though especially richly coloured in- dividuals occur not only in the Outer Hebrides but also from West Scotland and West Ireland. These bright individuals do not appear to occur in the south of England nor on the Continent, but are not frequent enough to justify Emberiza scheniclus mackenzier Bird, 1936, South Uist. (4) A new race of Alauda arvensis Linneus. Alauda arvensis theresz, subsp. n. Description.—Redder above and below than either A. a. scotica Tschusi or A. a. tertialis Clancey, and with a more pronounced yellow wash on the underparts. Usually more heavily marked on the upper breast and generally richer in colour. Distribution.—Extreme west Ireland—Achill Island and Co. Clare. Type (ad. 3).—Corofin, Co. Clare, 6 September, 1937. In the Meinertz- hagen collection. Measurements of type—Wing 110 mm. Culmen from base 14 mm. Remarks.—I have had before me the series of skylarks from the Leningrad, Berlin, Stockholm, Leyden and Paris Museums; also five paratypes and six others of A. a. tertialis Clancey from the Clancey collection and seven breeding birds from Kent, Sussex, Norfolk and Cambridge from the Harrison collection. I have also the following in my own collection, all breeding birds. 8 from Upsala, Sweden. > Hinland; 3), North Uist. » sutherland. , Lest Valley, Hants. ,, Amesbury, Wilts. Cumberland. », Renfrewshire. bring, Herts. », Rye Harbour, Sussex. ,, Co. Clare, West Ireland. », Achill Island, West Ireland. » Ushant, Britanny. OF OM kK NOK KH WO CF Vol. lxvii.] 94 3 [1946-47 South Finland birds are paler than Upsala birds, but not so pale as: typical A. a. intermedia Swinhoe. German, Dutch and French birds cannot be separated from A. a. arvensis Linnzus. Renfrewshire birds, topotypical of A. a. scotica Tschusi, 1930, Kirkcud- brightshire, are slightly darker and redder than Swedish birds, but never appear to have a yellow wash on the underparts. North Uist and Suther- land birds agree with A. a. scotica in the main, though individuals cannot be separated from A. a. arvensis. The Test Valley and Salisbury Plain birds stand out as slightly redder than either Scottish or Swedish birds, and have already been named. A. a. tertialis Clancey, 1946, Amesbury, Wilts. I am unable to detect the “ ventral surface strongly washed yellowish,” as claimed by Clancey, except in one specimen. Birds from south and east England cannot be separated from A. a. — arvensis. In the Skylarks it would appear that a cline runs from east to west— from grey to red above and white to yellow below—from northern and western Europe, culminating in western Ireland, the cline being steeper in the north than in the south. (5) On the validity of Anthus pratensis whistleri Clancey. I have in my collection the following in fresh plumage. 4 from Upsala. 2 ,, Finland. 6 ,, East and west Sutherland. 8 ,, Orkney, Shetland and Outer Hebrides. 3 ,, Mull and Argyll. 1 ,, East Inverness-shire. 4 ,, Southern England. 2 ig, ellly:, Testes: 10 ,, Extreme West Ireland. 3°. . Ushant: | I have also examined the series in the Royal Scottish Museum. In dealing with Meadow Pipits, the richness and warm coloration of the upper and lower parts is lost very largely in winter, and almost entirely by spring. Any comparison between autumn birds from one locality and spring birds from another is therefore useless. There is great individual variation. It would be easy with small ~ —s eS selected series to establish several races in the British Islands, but in ~ the series I have before me, which I consider adequate, it would be — impossible, if they were all mixed up, to pick out individuals and say with ~ ‘ - \ 2 * nl “vot xvii VA \ more Resuiy Bolouved than either Sadish ‘6 or Scottish specimens. South of England birds are the least richly coloured. Ushant birds cannot | b 9¢ separated from Scandinavian specimens in similar plumage. == — CT cannot, therefore, accept A. p. whistlerr of Clancey. aA | As. regards an eastern form, I have -birds from the Crimea, Iraq, estine and Kashmir. These are, without doubt, paler and greyer : Swedish birds, and should bear the name Anthus pratensts littorea Linneus. have examined the following :— ~The series in the Royal Scottish Museum. Rite i Series of A. s. littoralis Brehm, in the Stockholm Museum. sn if fs ML specimens of A. s. kleinschmidiiv Hartert, including the type, in ____ from the Faroes. . ‘e oo specimens of A. s. meinertzhagent Bird, including the type, frots joe South Uist. 8 specimens of A. s. hespertanus Clancey, from Arran Island, West Scotland. ey 10 ‘Specimens of A. s. ponens Clancey, from Ushant. ae | oe : 4 specimens from the Scottish mainland, Orkney, Shetland, St. fe. Kilda, Fair Isle and Isle of May. i 9 specimens from Wales, isles of Scilly, Dorset and the Isle of. Wight. eo 16 ‘Specimens ‘from West Treland, from Achill Island to the mouth nage Baltic birds often: moult into a more or less seat throat wae ar breast, but not always. This spring moult is rare in British | mens. T have seen signs of a pinkish throat in two Welsh birds and a sl e in. my collecton a breeding Te throated bird from Mes Tstey. bg: ave skinned many British Rock Pipits in March and: April, and have ; et st observed a sign of CERNE moult. But there is no doubt. that some | ‘7 A ¥ Vol. ixvii] : oo ee ae [1946-47 of them do so, and I regard the west of England records of A. s. littoralia Brehm, as examples of the British form which have assumed a nuptial . dress. This Baltic form does, however, occur in autumn and winter; : on our east coast. 4 A. s. kleinschmidti Hartert, Faroes. | I cannot see much difference between this form and A. s. petrosus Montagu, except in size. In A. s. kleinschmidti Hartert, the eulmen from” base is 17-19-5 mm. and wing 92-94 mm. In A. s. petrosus (27 measured) the culmen from base is 13-5-16-5 mm. and wings 79-93 mm., once 94 mm. A. s. kleinschmidti Hartert, is slightly darker than A. s. littoralis Brehm, and is sometimes more heavily streaked below. A. s. meinertzhageni Bird, 1936, South Uist. A. s. hesperianus Clancey, 1942, Arran, Scotland. The type of A. s. meinertzhageni Bird, is not representative of the series on which Bird based the form. I cannot see the slightest difference between birds from South Uist and birds from Arran. A. s. meinertz- _hageni Bird, are browner and darker, not so red as birds from north and east Scotland, Yorkshire and England, and I have not yet seen a specimen : assuming a nuptial plumage. A. s. kleinschmidti Hartert, comes near them, but has a longer culmen, and is not quite so dark. ', | The series from west Ireland mainly resemble this form, though some come dangerously near A. s. petrosus Montagu. 4 I cannot separate the Ushant series (A. s. immutabilis Degland and@ A. s. ponens Clancey) from A. s. meinertzhageni Bird, though individuals 7 are sometimes not quite so dark above. 4 A. s. petrosus Montagu, Wales. M I further restrict the type-locality to South Wales. Specimens from Wales and the south of England, Yorkshire, Isle of May, Fair Isle, St. Kilda, Orkney, Shetland, and apparently some Argyll birds and others@ from the coasts of Sutherland and Caithness, must be referred to this form, though, I admit, some could not be picked out from a series of A. 8. meinertzhagent Bird. They are generally paler, more rufous, not so brown, and often less heavily streaked than either A. s. kleinschmidti Harte t or A. s. meinerizhageni Bird. They appear to differ from A. s. hitoralis Brehm, only in seldom assuming a nuptial plumage, and when they ¢ di o it is not so marked. Collett (1877 and 1881) thinks that A. s. petrosus breeds on the N orwegial coast and islands north to the Varanger Fjord. I have not seen sufficie nt Norwegian material to confirm or refute this. f 97 Vol. Lxvii. | (7 ) On: the salsiity of Turdus merula ticehursti Clancey. _ I have had before me the series in the Berlin, Paris and Leyden Museums ‘and several specimens from Mr. Clancey from Scotland and England, all breeding birds, and all females. - Lalso have in my own collection, all females and breeding birds :— _ 4 from Upsala, Sweden. 4 ,, Ushant, Britanny. 9 ,, West Ireland. 8 ,, Rrenfrewshire and Lanarkshire. 2 ,, Northumberland. 9 Outer Hebrides and west Scotland. bP) and a large series from Wiltshire and Suffolk. In Swedish birds the large majority of females have the upper breast rufous and the abdomen grey, but a few adults have both upper and lower breast rufous, exactly matching Scottish specimens. German and ‘Dutch birds exactly match Swedish birds. _ Ushant birds cannot be separated from Swedish birds nor from many ‘British and Scottish specimens, but they are decidedly smaller. The _wings of three males in the flesh measure 125, 130 and 133 mm., and five females 119-124 mm. Five Swedish males measure 131-138, and five females 125-130 mm., also in the flesh. _ In 1938 Clancey described T'urdus merula ticehursti from Renfrewshire, ‘claiming that in Scottish birds the females are blacker and more washed ‘with brown on the upper parts than Swedish birds, and darker on the wings, tail and abdomen. The Scottish birds, including many of Mancey’s, which I have examined do not agree with the above diagnosis. They appear to be not so black on the upper parts as Swedish birds, but wre browner and inclined to be more reddish, and the whole of the under- parts, especially the lower abdomen, is certainly redder than is usual “in Swedish birds. But they are an inconstant series. My experience of female blackbirds is that they show great individual variation in any one locality, though Clancey thinks they are not variable if separated i... age-groups. How can adult female blackbirds be separated into fe age-groups 2 ‘ _ The acceptance or not of 7’. m. ticehursti Clancey, must remain a matter of opinion. It depends on what percentage of constancy is required for sognition. If 75 per cent. is insisted on, then a Scottish race is possibly well-founded. It also depends on first-class optical discrimination. T have a ot got that ; Mr. Clancey, I admit, has, Vol. Ixvii.] Eats oe eae ee pea otal ci Le I ean see no constant difference between west Irish birds and those from Scotland, though in some specimens the red of the lower abdomen is slightly more noticeable. A single female from Connemara is par- — ticularly dark below, and this can be matched by another female in bhp 1 Dublin Museum (Co. Clare, October, 1910). 4 Notice. The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at the Rembrandt Hotel, South Kensington, S.W. 7, on Wednesday, October 15, 1947, at 5.45 p.m. Dinner at 6.30 P.m., after which the Ordinary Meeting will be | held. | CORRIGENDA. Vou. LXVII. Page 12, line 27, for cabinisi read cabanisi. » 935, ,, 34, for Argalocichla read Argaleocichia. » 36, ,, 1, for Nicatir read Nicator. » o7, ,, 21, for Atamistillas read Atimastillas. » 06, ,, 5, for melabaricus read malabaricus. » >» » ss LO, for quifsobalito read guifsobalito. » 63, ,, 18, for corvinus corvinus read corvina corvina. » 84, ,, 14, for intermedia read intermedius. », 85, lines 1 and 4, for intermedia read intermedius. abingdoni, Geospiza s., 19. Acanthis pallescens, 42. Accipiter zenkeri, 35. Acrocephalus arundinacens, 5. cinnamomeus, 73. acutirostris, Geospiza d., 19. adamauz, Prionops p., 61. aenigularis, Nectarinia, 83. afer, Cinnyris, 84. | affinis, Camarhynchus p., 17, 19. » Corvinella c., 62. africana, Coturnix c., 46. , Mirafra, 6, 7. Agapornis zenkeri, 35. _Aidemosyne orientalis, 59. _Alauda arvensis, 94. antermedia, 94. scotica, 93, 94. tertialis, 93, 94. theresz, subsp. nov., 93. | alberti, Prionops, 60. | -albiceps, Psalidoprocne, 36. albicollis, Muscicapa, 73. albigularis, Lybius t., 35. albiventris, Parus, 57. —., Passer, 57. alexandrinus, Leucopolius a., 50. algeriensis, Phenicurus p., 78. altus, Artisornis m., 57. ——, Opifex, 56. aman, Oriolus chlorocephalus, 26, 27. andaryx, Chlorophoneus, 39, 40. 'Andropadus gracilus, 46. —— minor, 46. angolensis, Capella n., 10. ‘angolica, Prionops p., 61. ‘angustus, Neocichla g., 73. Anomalospiza imberbis, 73. _— mukandakundz, 73. —— nyasxz, 73. ansorgei, Hremialector b., 79, 80, VOL, LXVII. 4 INDEX [Names of new species and subspecies are indicated by clarendon type under the generic entry only ; vernacular, or common, names are shown in ordinary type. | Anthracoceros malabaricus, 56, 98. Anthreptes elachior, 85. —— jubaensis, 85. Anthus bocaget, 9, 10. - hesperianus, 95, 96. hoescht, 8. ammutabilis, 96. katange, 9, 10. — kleinschmidtiz, 95, 96. lichenya, 9, 10. littoralis, 95, 96. littorea, 95. —— lwenarum, subsp. nov., 9, 10. —— meinertzhagent, 95, 96. petrosus, 96. ponens, 95, 96. richardi, 8, 9, 10. rufuloides, 8, 9, 10. spinoletta, 95. — whistleri, 94, 95. Apalis muhuluensis, supsb. nov., 43. tenebricosa, 43. arequipe, Asthenes d., 81. Argaleocichla xaviert, 35, 98. armenica, Saxicola t., 47, 48. Artisornis altus, 57. metopias, 56, 57. arvensis, Alauda a., 94. arundinaceus, Acrocephalus, 5. assimilis, Saxicola t., 48. Asthenes arequipe, 81. d’orbigny?, 81. — huancavelice, 80. Asthenes usheri, supsb. nov., 80. aterrumus, Scoptelus, 5. athensis, Calandrella s., 26. Atimastillas pallidigula, 37, 98. Atlapetes forbesi, subsp. nov., 88. rufigenis, 88. atlas, Hrithacus r., 51. Vol. Ixvii.] atrogularis, Ginanthe d., 47. aureoflavus, Xanthophilus, 86. aureus, Camarhynchus, 19. ——, Turdus d., 49. australis, Melittophagus, g. 35. ——, Protockus s., 12. aylwinae, Pternistis a., 72. baglafecht, Ploceus, 40. barbata, Erythropygia b., 32, 33. Batis, 29. bell1, Eremomela g., 44. bensom, Sheppardia g., 28, 30. bicinctus, Eremralector b., 79, 80. bocaget, Anthus r., 9, 10. ——, Cossypha, 38. bractiatus, Cinnyris c., 84, 85. brevialatus, Nilaus a., 81, 82. brunneiceps, Erythropygia z., 59, 60. Buceros melanoleucus, 11, 56. bucinator, Bycanistes, 11, 56. buttoni, Calamonastes f., 55. buturlini, Emberiza c., 91. Bycanistes bucinator, 11, 56. sharpw, 11. cabanisi, Phyllastrephus f., 12, 13, 98. Cactospiza, 17, 18. —— giffordi, 19. heliobates, 19. —— pallida, 17, 19. —— producta, 19. —— striatipecta, 19. cesitergqum, Phenicurus p., 77, 78. Calamonastes buttoni, subsp. nov., 55. —— fasciolatus, 55. —— katange, 55. —— stierlingi, 55. Calandrella athensis, 26. megaensis, subsp. nov., 26. —— somalica, 26. caliginosa, Corvinella c., 62. ——, Hmberiza c., 92. Callene sokokensis, 29. Camarhynchus affinis, 17, 19. aureus, 19. —— conjunctus, 19. —— crassirostris, 17, 19, 20. habelz, 17, 19. —— heliobates, 17, 19, 20. —— pallidus, 19, 20. —— parvulus, 17, 19, 20. —— pauper, 17, 19, 20. —— psittacula, 17, 19, 20. —— salvini, 19. —— striatipectus, 19, 99 [1946-47. cantans, Huodice c., 58, 59. , Loxia, 59. r Capella angolensis, 10. nigripennis, 11. capinera, Sylvia, 67. Caprimulgus europxus, 73. anornatus, 12. ludovicianus, 12. _ Carduelis exilipes, 41. flammea, 42. — hornemanni, 42. pallescens, 42. carmichael-low1, Sylvia m., 66, 67. caucasicus, Hrithacus r., 52. cavet, Scoptelus, 5. Cercomela dubia, 56. enigma, 56. Certhia familiaris, 65. macrodactyla, 65. Certhidea, 17, 18. olivacea, 19, 20. centralis, Nectarinia, 83. chalybeus, Cinnyris, 83, 84. chapini, Corvinella c., 62. , Mirafra a., 7. Charitillas gracilis, 35. kavirondensis, 35. —— minor, 46. ugandex, 35. Chloris turkestanicus, 76. chlorocephalus, Oriolus c., 26, 27. Cholorophoneus andarye, 39, 40. similis, 39, 40. | chobiensis, Eremialector b., 45. | ——, Pternistis s., 72. cinnamomeus, Acrocephalus b. 73. Cinnyris afer, 84. | bractiatus, 84, 85. | chalybeus, 83, 84. gertrudis, 84. ; intermedius, 84, 85, 98. ludovicensis, 84, 85. manoensis, 84. —— marginatus, 36. namwera, 83, 84, 85. subalaris, 84. —— zonarius, 83, 84, 85. ciscaucasicus, Hrithacus r., 52. Cisticola matengorum, 38, 39. —— natalensis, 39. citrinella, Emberiza c., 91. clanceyi, Emberiza c., 91. coccinea, Pyrrhula p., 76, 77. communis, Parus p., 67. concinnatus, Prionops c., 61. controstris, Geospiza c., 19, 20, 21. conjunctus, Camarhynchus, 19. corvina, Corvinella c., 62, 63, 98, 1946—47.] | 100 [Vol. Ixvii, Corvinella affinis, 62. Erithacus atlas, 51. caliginosa, 62. caucasicus, 52. chapini, 62. ciscaucasicus, 52. corvina, 62, 63, 98. —— hyrcanus, 52, 53, 54. —§ nubiae, 63. —— melophilus, 52, 53, 54. togoensis, 62, 63. rubecula, 51, 52, 53, 54, Cossypha bocaget, 38. —— sardus, 51. kungwensis, 38. superbus, 53, 54. polioptera, 38. tartaricus, 52, 53, 54. Coturnix africana, 46. —— witherbyt, 51, 52, 54. coturnix, 46. eritreze, Passer g., 58. erlangert, 46. erlangert, Coturnix c., 46. crasstrostris, Camarhynchus, 17, 19, 20. , Hrythropygia q., 33. , Platyspiza, 19. . erythrogenys, Hmberiza c., 92, 93. Crateropus tanganjice, 36. Erythropygia barbata, 32, 33. cristatus, Prionops c., 61. —— brunneiceps, 59, 60. erlangert, 33. greenwayt, 33. —— quadrwirgata, 32, 33. rovume, 32, 33. leucophrys, 59. leucoptera, 59, 60. ruficauda, 59. sclatert, 59, 60. cupreonitens, Nectarinia f., 82, 83. curtus, Parus a., 57. dart, Parus p., 67. darwini, Geospiza c., 16, 19. degener, Laniarius f., 82. delameret, Pseudalzemon f., aos desertt, Hnanthe d., 47. soror, 60. diadematum, Tricholaeoma 5 2: —— vansomereni, 60. dibilirostris, Geospiza d., 19. —— wilsoni,-33. difficilis, Geospiza d., 19, 20, 21. —— zambesiana, 59. dilutior, Lagonosticta s., 10. EKstrilda incana, 37. d’orbignyt, Asthenes, 81. perreint, 37, 38. dressert, Parus p., 67, 68. - Euodice cantans, 58, 59. enornata, 58, 59. meridionalis, 58, 59. orientalis, 58, 59. dubia, Cercomela, 56. elachior, Anthreptes c., 85. europxa, Milraria, 91. Emberiza buturlini, 91. europzxus, Caprimulgus e., 73. caliginosa, 92. exilupes, Carduelis p., 41. citrinella, 91. —— clanceyi, subsp. nov., 91. erythrogenys, 92, 93. —— mackenziet, 93. familiaris, Certhia f., 65. nebulosa, 92. famosa, Nectarinia f., 82, 83. parroti, 91. fasciolata, Mirafra, 6. somow?, 93. fasciolatus, Calamonastes, 55. sylvestris, 93. ferreti, Tchitrea v., 43. thannert, 91. Ficedula rutacilla, 78. emint, Othyphantes, 40. fischeri, Phyllastrephus f., 12, 88, 89, 90. enigma, Cercomela s., 56. jlammea, Carduelis, 42. _Eremialector ansorgei, subsp. nov., 79, forbesi, Atlapetes r., 88. 80. fortis, Geospiza, 19, 20, 21. bicinctus, 79, 80. Francolinus natalensis, 31, 32. chobiensis, 45, 80. neavet, 31, 32. — multicolor, 44, 45, 80. fremantlii, Pseudalemon f., 25, 26. usheri, subsp. nov., 44, 45, 80. Fringilla grisea, 57. eremobius, Symplectes, 40. solomkoz, 76. -Eremomela belli, subsp. nov., 44. fuliginosa, Geospiza, 19, 20, 21. griseoflava, 44. filleborni, Laniarius, 39. polioxantha, 44. funebris, Laniarius, 39, 82. Vol. Ixvii.] Geospiza, 18. abingdoni, 19. acuttrostris, 19. conirostris, 19, 20, 21. darwini, 16, 19. dibilirostris, 19. difficilis, 19, 20, 21. forits, 19, 20, 21. —— fuliginosa, 19, 20, 21. antermedia, 19. —— minor, 19. nigrescens, 19. propinqua, 19. rothschildi, 19. scandens, 19, 20. septentrionalis, 19. strenua, 19, 21, 22. germanica, Pyrrhula p., 77. gertrudis, Cinnyris, 84. giffordi, Cactospiza, 19. gomesi, Mirafra a., 7. gongonensis, Passer, 58. gracilis, Andropadus g., 46. , Charitillas g., 35. greenwayt, Hrythropygia q., 33. grisea, Fringilla, 57. griseoflava, Hremomela g., 44. griseus, Passer g., 57, 58. grotet, Phyllastrephus p., 88, 89, 90. guifsobalito, Lybius, 56, 98. gunning, Sheppardia g., 28, 29, 30. habeli, Camarhynchus p., 17, 19. hartlaubi, Turdoides I., 37. haussarum, Prionops p., 61. heliobates, Cactospiza, 19, 20. » Camarhynchus, 17, 19. Heliolais rhodoptera, 73. hemprichu, Saxicola t., 48. hesperianus, Anthus s., 95, 96. hewitt, Mirafra, 6. Hirundo saturatior, 39. senegalensis, 39. hoeschi, Anthus, 8. hornemanni, Carduelis, 42. huancavelicze, Asthenes d., 80. humbolti, Pternistis a., 72. hyrcanus, Erithacus r., 52, 53, 54. Icieropsis pelzelni, 85, 86. amberbis, Anomalospiza, 73. ammutablis, Anthus s., 96. incana, Estrilda p., 37. andigenus, Troglodytes t., 69, 70, 71. anornata, Huodice c., 58, 59. -—-—, Pinaroloxias, 19, 20. magnirostris, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22. 101 (1946~47. inornatus, Caprimulgus, 12. antercedens, Pternistis a., 72. intermedia, Alauda a., 94. , Geospiza s., 19. , Nectarinia, 84. intermedius, Cinnyris c., 84, 85, 98. , Prionops, 62. islandicus, Troglodytes t., 70. ttalicus, Parus p., 67. itoculo, Phyllastrephus a., 89. jubaensis, Anthreptes c., 85. katange, Anthus r., 9, 10. , Calamonastes s., 55. kavirondensis, Charitillas g., 35. kelloggorum, Spreo h., 47. kleinschmidti, Anthus s., 95, 96. koenigt, Troglodytes t., 70, 71. kungwensis, Cossypha, 38. Lagonosticta dilutior, subsp. nov., 10. _ rendalli, 10. Laniarius degener, 82. —§ fiilleborni, 39. —— funebris, 39, 82. —— rothschildi, 82. Lanius plumata, 61. poliocephalus, 61. leucogastra, Sylvia m., 66. leucophrys, Erythropygia, 59. Leucopolius alexandrinus, 50. leucoptera, Hrythropygia, 59, 60. lichenya, Anthus r., 9, 10. littoralis, Anthus s., 95, 96. littorea, Anthus p., 95. loangwe, Pternistis a., 72. longirostris, Parus p., 67. Loxia cantans, 59. ludovicensis, Cinnyris, 84, 85. ludovicianus, Caprimulgus, 12. lundazi, Pternistis s., 72. lwenarum, Anthus r., 9, 10. Lybius albigularis, 35. guifsobalito, 56, 98. } rubrifacies, 56. * torquatus, 33, 34, 35. f zombe, 33, 34, 35. 4 i mackenziet, Hmberiza s., 93. macrodactyla, Certhia f., 65. 7 magnirostris, Geospiza m., 16, 19, 20, 21, — 22 (a malabaricus, Anthracoceros, 56, 98. : malbranti, Mirafra, 7, 8. tat] Le 1946-47. ] ~manoensis, Cinnyris, 84. marginatus, Cinnyris m., 36. martenst, Prionops, 61. matengorum, Cisticola n., 38, 39. maura, Saxicola t., 47, 48. megaensis, Calandrella s., 26. , Pseudalzmon f., 25. meinertzhagent, Anthus s., 95, 96. melanocephala, Sylvia, 66. melanoleucus, Buceros, 11, 56. , Tockus, 12. : melanoptera, Prionops, 60, 61-62. Melittophagus australis, 35. melophilus, Hrithacus r., 52, 53, 54. meridionalis, Huodice c., 58, 59. -Merops superciliosus, 73. mesoleuca, Phenicurus p., 78. metopias, Artisornis, 56, 57. Miliaria europxa, 91. minor, Andropadus g., 46. ——, Charitillas, 46. » Geospiza f., 19. Mirafra africana, 6, 7. chapint, 7. fasciolata, 6. ——- gomesi, 7. — hewitti, 6. — malbranti, sp. nov., 7, 8. occidentalis, 6, 8. rufocinnamomea, 6. momus, Sylvia m., 66. mosambicus, Passer g., 57. muhuluensis, Apalis m., 43. mukandakundae, Anomalospiza v., 73 multicolor, Eremialector b., 44, 45, 80. minznert, Phyllastrephus p., 88. 89, 90. Muscicapa albicollis, 73. mustum, Tricholema d., 12. mystacea, Sylvia m., 66. namwera, Cinnyris c., 83, 84, 85. natalensis, Cisticola n., 39. , Francolinus n., 31, 32. neavet, Francolinus n., 31, 32. nebulosa, Hmberiza c., 92. Nectarinia xnigularis, 83. centralis, 83. cupreonitens, 82, 83. famosa, 82, 83. intermedia, 84. subfamosa, 83. vulcanorum, 83. Neocichla angustus, 73. nesa, Pyrrhula p., 76, 77. neumanni, Passer g., 58. Nicator vireo, 36, 98. nigrescens, Geospiza d., 19. nigrupennis, Capella, 11. nigritemporalis, Nilaus, 81, 82. nikersoni, Passer, 57. 102 [Vol. lxvii. _Nilaus brevialatus, 81, 82. nigritenvporalis, 81, 82. norrusae ,Sylvia m., 66. nubiae, Corvinella c., 63. , Saxicola t., 48. nyasxe, Anomalospiza t., 73. occidentalis, Mirafra a., 6, 8. -, Troglodytes t., 79. Cnanthe atrogularis, 47. deserti, 47. olivacea, Certhidea, 19, 20. omoensis, Prionops c., 61.. Onychognathus raymondi, 82. tenurrostris, 82. theresz, 82. Opifex altus, 56. orventalis, Aidemosyne, 59. , Huodice c., 58, 59. Oriolus amani, subsp. nov., 26, 27. —— chlorocephalus, 26, 27. Othyphantes emini, 40. pallescens, Acanthis l., 42. » Carduelis h., 42. pallida, Cactospiza p., 17, 19. pallidiceps, Ploceus a., 86. , Aanthophilus a., 86. pallidigula, Atemastillas f., 37, 98. pallidus, Camarhynchus p., 19, 20. palustris, Parus p., 67, 68, 69. parrott, Emberiza c., 91. Parus albiventris, 57. communis, 67. curtus, 57. darti, 67. dressert, 67, 68. wtalicus, 67. longirostris, 67. palustris, 67, 68, 69. stagnatilis, 67. parvulus, Camarhynchus p., 17, 19, 20. pasiphaé, Sylvia m., 66. Passer albiventris, 57. erttrex, 58. gongonensis, 58. —— griseus, 57, 58. — mosambicus, 57. neumanni, 58. nikersont, 57. suahelicus, 57, 58. swainsonit, 57, 58. ugandez, 57. pauper, Camarhynchus, 17, 19, 20. pelzelm, Icteropsis p., 85, 86. perreint, Estrilda p., 37, 38. perspicillata, T'chitrea p., 42, 43. petrosus, Anthus s., 96. Vol. lxvii.] Phenicurus algeriensis, 78. —— cexsitergum, subsp. nov., 77, 78. — mesoleuca, 78. —— phenicurus, 77, 78. Phyllastrephus cabanist, 12, 13, 98. - fischeri, 12, 88, 89, 90. grotet, 88, 89, 90. itoculo, 89. —— miinzneri, 88, 89, 90. — placidus, 88, 89, 90. sokokensis, 88, 89. sucosus, 12, 13. sylvicultor, 12. Pinaroloxias, 18. —— tnornata, 19, 20. placidus, Phyllastrephus f., 88, 89, 90. Platyspiza, 17, 18. crassirostris, 19. Ploceus baglafecht, 40. pallidiceps, 86. reicherti, 86. —— tuta, 85, 86. plumata, Lanius, 61. , Prionops p., 61. poltocephala, Prionops, 60, 62. poliocephalus, Lanius, 61. , Prionops p., 61. poliolophus, Prionops, 61. polioptera, Cossypha, 38. polioxantha, Eremomela g., 44. ponens, Anthus s., 95, 96. Prionops adamaue, 61. alberti, 60. angolica, 61. concinnatus, 61. cristatus, 61. —— haussarum, 61. intermedius, 62. —— martensi, 61. melanoptera, 60, 61-62. —— omoensis, 61. —— plumata, 61. —— poliocephalus, 60, 61, 62. —— poliolophus, 61. —— vinaceigularis, 60, 61. producta, Cactospiza p., 19. propinqua, Geospiza c., 19. Protockus australis, 12. Psalidoprocne albiceps, 36. Pseudalzmon delameret, 25. fremantlu, 25, 26. megaensis, subsp. nov., 25. pstttacula, Camarhynchus, 17, 19, 20. Pternistis aylwinae, subsp. nov., 72. —— chobiensis, 72. —— humbolti, 72. antercedens, 72. loangwe, 72. —— lundazi, subsp. nov., 72. germanica, 77. nesa, 76, 77. — pyrrhula, 76, 77. / — wardlawi, subsp. nov., 76, 77. 4° = quadricolor, Telephorus, 24. ‘ 103 [1946-47, Pternistis swainsoni, 73. tornowt, 72. Pyrrhula coccinea, 76, 77. quadrivirgata, Erythropygia q., 32, 33. raymondi, Onychognathus t., 82. reicherti, Ploceus a., 86. rendalli, Lagonosticta s., 10. rhodoptera, Heliolais e., 73. richardi, Anthus, 8, 9, 10. rothschildi, Geospiza s., 19. , Laniarius f., 82. rovume2, Erythropygia q., 32, 33. rubecula, Erithacus r., 51, 52, 53, 54. rubicola, Saxicola, 48. rubrifacies, Lybius, 56. ruficauda, Erythropygia, 59. rufigenis, Atlapetes r., 88. rufocinnamomea, Mirafra, 6 rufuloides, Anthus r., 8, 9, 10. rutacilla, Ficedula, 78. ruwenzorix, T'chitrea p., 42. salvini, Camarhynchus p., 19. sardus, Erithacus r., 51. saturatior, Hirundo s., 39. Saxicola armenica, 47, 48. assimilis, 48. hemprichii, 48. maura, 47, 48. —— nubiz, 48. — rubicola, 48. —— torquata, 47. variegata, 47, 48. scandens, Geospiza, 19, 20. sclatert, Hrythropygia l., 59, 60. Scoptelus aterrimus, 5. q cavel, sp. nov., 5. ; scotica, Alauda a., 93, 94. senegalensis, Hirundo s., 39. septentrionalis, Geospiza d., 19. sharpu, Bycanistes, 11. Sheppardia bensoni, 28, 30. gunning, 28, 29, 30. sokokensis, 28, 29, 30. a similis, Chlorophoneus s., 39, 40. . sokokensis, Callene, 29. , Phyllastrephus, 88, 89. , Sheppardia g., 28, 29, 30. solomkot, Fringilla c., 76. somalica, Calandrella s., 26. 1946-47, ] somowr, Hmberiza c., 93. soror, Erythropygia b., 60. spinoletia, Anthus, 95. Spreo kelloggorum, 47. stagnatilis, Parus p., 67. stierlingt, Calamonastes f., 55. stormsi, Turdus, 36, 37. strenua, Geospiza m., 19, 21, 22. striatipecta, Cactospiza p., 19. striatipectus, Camarhynchus p., 19 suahelica, Tchitrea p., 43. suahelicus, Passer, 57, 58. »Lockus, 56. subalaris, Cinnyris c., 84. subfamosa, Nectarinia f., 83. sucosus, Phyllastrephus f., 12, 13. superbus, Erithacus r., 53, 54. —superciliosus, Merops s., 73. swainsoniu, Passer, 57, 58. swainsoni, Pternistis, 73. sylvestris, Emberiza c., 93. Sylvia capinera, 67. leucogastra, 66. —— melanocephala, 66. — momus, 66. —— mystacea, 66. norrusae, 66. pasiphaé, 66. sylvicultor, Phyllastrephus, 12. Symplectes eremobius, 40. tanganjicz, Crateropus, 36. , Turdoides 7., 36. tartaricus, Erithacus r., 52, 53, 54. Tchitrea ferreti, 43. —-- perspicillata, 42, 43. ruwenzorre, 42. suahelica, 43. Telephorus quadricolor, 24. Vieirz, subsp. nov., 23. viridis, 23. tenebricosa, Apalis m., 43. tenuirostris, Onychognathus t., 82. tertialis, Alauda a., 93, 94. thanneri, Emberiza c., 91. theresx, Alauda a., 93. , Onychognathus t., 82. ticehursti, Turdus m., 97. Tockus melanoleucus, 12. suahelicus, 56. 104 carmichael-lowi, subsp. nov., 66, 67. ungujaensis, subsp. nov., 42. togoensis, Corvinella c., 62, 63. tornowt, Pternistis a., 72. torquata, Saxicola, 47. torquatus, Lybius t., 33, 34, 35. Tricholema diadematum, 12. mustum, 12. Troglodytes indigenus, 69, 70, 71. aslandicus, 70. koenigi, 70, 71. occidentalis, 79. troglodytes, 22, 70, 79. Turdus ticehursti, 97. turkestanicus, Chloris c., 76. Turdoides hartlaubi, 37. tanganjicz, 36. Turdus aureus, 49. stormsi, 36, 37. tuta, Ploceus p., 85, 86. uellensis, Vinago c., 35. ugandz Charitillas g., 35. , Passer g., 57. ungujaensis, Tchitrea p., 42. ushert, Asthenes d., 80. ——., Eremialector b., 44, 45, 80. variegata, Saxicola t., 47, 48. vansomerent, Erythropygia l., 60. vietre, Telephorus v., 23. vinaceigularis, Prionops p., 60, 61. Vinago uellensis, 35. vireo, Nicator, 36. viridis, Telephorus v., 23. vulcanorum, Nectarinia f., 83. wardlawi, Pyrrhula p., 76, 77. whistleri, Anthus p., 94, 95. witherbyi, Hrithacus r., 51, 52, 54. Xanthophilus aureoflavus, 86. pallidiceps, 86. zaviert, Argaleocichla x., 35, 98. zambesiana, Hrythropygia z., 59. zenkeri, Accipiter e., 35. , Agapornis s., 35. zombex, Lybius t., 33, 34, 35. zonarius, Cinnyris c., 83, 84, 85. Zosterops, 15. Printed by TAyLoR AND Francis, Ltp., Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C, 4. 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