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Cc oe ae 7) ; = m aren z eS) NVINOSHLINS S3iuVvudiT LIBRAI = Zz ie wo 2 w 0] - 3) > = > 2) = ee F we 4 pp MITHSONIAN _ INSTITUTION NOILAL = Ms co | SS . = 2 0 3 2 ATL 8 AE Zz 72 > > Zz Pa NVINOSHLINS S3IMNVYgIT NOILNLILSNI ENG SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTION NOILNLI SAIUVUGIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI INSTITUTION NVINOSHLINS S3IuYVYUsIT LIBRAI w Zee = < : = z an (@) nw 7) oO ale = ere 5 z Me INSTITUTION wo = 7) = 7 we rn Ss cc < 45 < (ea S oc mn. es Pea] _ oe) = rer y By tea Yo 7/ A863 ISSN 0007-1595 Bieds Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club Volume109 No.1 March 1989 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS Wednesday, 5 April 1989 at 6.15 p.m. for 7 p.m. in the Senior Com- mon Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, S.W.7, Dr Algirdas Knystautas will speak on “Birds of the Soviet Union’’. Those wishing to attend should send their acceptance with a cheque for £5 per person to reach the Hon. Secretary at 2 Chestnut Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3AR by first post on Wednesday, 22 March 1989, if possible*. Dr Knystautas from Vilnius, Lithuania, USSR is a leading Soviet ornithologist, whose work has covered all parts of the USSR, and has a wide knowledge of the Soviet avifauna, including endemic species. He will illustrate his address with slides and his photography is of a very high standard. His last book published in London came out in 1987 and his next, with the same title as his address to the Club on this occasion, is to be published a year hence. Tuesday, 9 May 1989 at 6.15 p.m. for 7 p.m. at the same place, Dr R. A. F. Cox will speak on “North Sea Birds’’. Those wishing to attend should send their acceptance with a cheque for £5 per person to reach the Hon. Secretary (address above) by first post on Tuesday, 25 April 1989, if possible*. Dr Cox has been Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the North Sea Bird Club and has an extensive knowledge of the vast increase in information on birds in the North Sea resulting from the exploration and development of the oil resources there Tuesday, 13 June 1989 at 6.15 p.m. for 7 p.m. at the same place, the Revd. T. W. Gladwin will speak on “‘Birds around Lake Erie”’. Those wishing to attend should send their acceptance with a cheque for £5 per person to reach the Hon. Secretary (address above) by first post on Tuesday, 30 May, if possible*. Mr Gladwin will concentrate particularly on the breeding birds of some of the habitats special to the area and on the migration patterns, which have been much studied in that area of Canada. Tuesday, 25 July 1989 at the same place, Dr Margaret Carswell will speak on “‘The Uganda Atlas of Birds”’. Dr Carswell lived and worked in Uganda 1968-1987 and is senior author of the Uganda Atlas. Tuesday, 26 September 1989 at the same place, in conjunction with the West African Ornithological Society, Mr Roger Beecroft will speak on “Birds in the Sahara”’. Tuesday, 28 November 1989 at the same place, Dr P. J. Jones will speak on “‘The migration strategies of Palaearctic migrants in West Africa in relation to Sahelian drought’’. *Tt will be possible to take acceptances up to the weekend before a Meet- ing, but Members are asked to accept by 14 days before a Meeting, if they possibly can. 1 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Bulletin of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB Vol. 109 No. 1 Published: 30 March 1989 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR 1988 Meetings. In 1988, 9 meetings were held at which we were very pleased to welcome as speakers not only eminent ornithologists from this country but also Dr David Nettleship, Dr Clive Elliott and Dr Gerard Morel, who were on brief visits to England. More meetings were held than in any year since 1964. Additions to those customarily held in alter- nate months through the year were arranged partly to take advantage of very short visits to this country by distinguished scientists from overseas for them to speak and partly because of the wish of members for more meetings, as evidenced by increased attendances. Meetings were held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, South Kensington, except for the January meeting, which opened with the showing of 2 films lasting an hour by Dr Nettleship in the Lecture Theatre of the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, followed by a hot supper in the Senior Common Room, Imperial College and an address afterwards. The December meeting was arranged in collaboration with the Ornithological Society of the Middle East, who kindly made the arrangements for the speaker and for the projection of the 16mm sound film. The total of attendances in the year of Club members and their guests was 387, which (excluding meetings in earlier years held jointly with the British Ornithologists’ Union, which have now been replaced by meetings held by the Union in its sole name) is the largest number for over 50 years. Club business. he Committee met 6 times in 1988. Representations were made that the decision to cease research work in the Sub- Department of Ornithology of the British Museum (Natural History) should be reversed, but no favourable response was forthcoming. The Club was elected to membership of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers. It was decided to complete the editorial set of bound volumes of the Bulletin by having 50 of the most recent years’ issues bound. New Rules were approved at the Annual General Meeting on 10 May 1988 and the Objects and Rules will be printed with the Index to Vol. 108 of the Bulletin. Up to Vol. 68 (1947-1948), the Objects and Rules, the lists of Officers, List of Members, List of Authors and Index to Scientific Names were printed together, every year. Since then, the Objects and Rules have been printed from time to time and the List of Members only in Vols. 69, 74 and 79 (1959). The British Ornithologists’ Union agreed to mark the names of Club members in their Lists of Members of 1979 and 1982 and it has now been felt that an up-to-date list of Club members would be of value. Report of the Committee 2 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Deaths. It is with very great regret that the Committee reports the deaths in the past year of W. H. Phelps, Jnr. member 1953-1988, L. J. Turtle, member 1925-1988 and 'T. W. Twiggs, member 1972-1988. William Phelps, the distinguished Neotropical ornithologist, was joint author of 2 major works on the birds of Venezuela and, with his late father, established a superb bird museum and library. Mr ‘Turtle con- tinued an active interest in birds throughout his long life. News was received also of the death in 1987 of F. Haverschmidt, member 1965— 1987, well-known for his work on birds in the Caribbean and South America and author of a number of papers in the Bulletin. Membership. In 1988 there were 40 new members, and 4 members, who were in arrears at the end of 1987, paid up to date. There were 10 resignations for 1988 and 23 failed to pay their subscriptions in the year. Paid-up membership at the year end was 578 (352 with U.K. addresses, 226 with overseas addresses), an increase of 8 in the year and a record number. 23 Members were struck off, not having paid their subscriptions for 1987 nor 1988. Bulletin sales. Non-member subscriptions to the Bulletin were 2 fewer than a year before at 147 (19 U.K., 128 overseas). We are most grateful to Mrs F. E. Warr for the work she has done in cataloguing the stock of Bulletin back numbers and for dealing with back number sales, in addition to which she has assisted with the separates for authors of papers in the Bulletin. The reproduction of scarce back numbers has continued. Finance. The accounts for 1988 are not yet available. They will be tabled at the Annual General Meeting and published afterwards in the Bulletin. Members wanting copies before that meeting should notify the Honorary ‘Treasurer. The Bulletin this year has enlarged to over 200 pages thanks to the continuing high standard of submissions and to the continuing strong membership and buoyant finances. Out of 51 papers published, 22 (43%) were on Systematics and T’axonomy, from the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, Italy, many countries of sub-Saharan Africa, the Gulf of Guinea, Madagascar, Somalia, Israel, Siberia, China, the Philippines, Hawaii and Brazil. It is therefore an unhappy decision of the Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) to decree the abandonment of any research by its staff in the Sub-Department of Ornithology at Tring. The new Director, Dr Neil Chalmers, supports the decision and is on record as saying (The Guardian, 8 November 1988) ‘‘... given its finite resources the Museum thinks that the most exciting research developments that its own staff should be getting involved in are not, at the moment, in ornithological taxonomy. They are in other areas’? and mentions DNA as a whole new dimension to their work. “‘It will give a further handle on the relationships between the groups in our collection’’—but apparently not in ornithology. Why? Systematics and Taxonomy in birds are highly actively pursued throughout the world, as this volume demonstrates, and it can only be deplored that Ornithology has once again, after perhaps some 130 years or more, been made the Cinderella of the Natural Sciences, having so often in the past given the lead in new approaches to these important subjects. BOC Annual General Meeting Agenda 3 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) The move to new Printers has been smooth and the Club is grateful to The Dorset Press for producing what was for them a new journal so co-operatively and in its old guise. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 1989 Annual General Meeting of the British Ornithologists’ Club will be held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London S.W.7 at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, 9 May 1989. AGENDA 1. Minutes of the 1988 Annual General Meeting (see Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 108: 152, 154) and of the Special General Meeting held on 7 February 1989 . Report of the Committee and Accounts for 1988 The Bulletin . The election of Officers. The Committee proposes that:— (a) Mr R. E. F. Peal be elected Chairman (vice the Revd. G. K. McCulloch, who is ineligible for re-election) (b) Mr J. H. Elgood be elected Vice-Chairman (vice Mr D. Griffin, who is ineligible for re-election) (c) Mrs A. M. Moore be elected Honorary Secretary (vice Mr R. E. F. Peal) (d) Mrs D. M. Bradley be re-elected Honorary Treasurer (e) Mr D. Griffin be elected a Member of the Committee (vice Mr J. H. Elgood) (f) MrS. J. Farnsworth be elected a Member of the Committee in the event of Mrs A. M. Moore being elected Honorary Secretary 5. Any other business of which notice shall have been given in accordance with Rule (12). By Order of the Committee The seven hundred and eighty-third Meeting of the Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 on Tuesday, 8 November 1988 at 7 pm. The attendance was 34 Members and 25 guests. Members present were: Revd. G. K. McCuLLocu (Chairman), M. A. Apcock, Dr J. S. AsH, Miss H. Baker, P. J. BELman, J. H. R. Boswa.t, Mrs D. M. BrabD_ey, D. R. Caper, S.J. W. Cores, Dr N. J. Cotvar, I. D. Cotuins, P. J. Conper, Dr H. Q. P. Crick, J. H. E.coop, J. H. FansHawe, S. J. FarNswortu, A. Gress, H. S. Grepons, Revd. J. M. GLADWIN, B. Gray, D. Grirrin, Dr M. G. Kesey, R. H. Ketrie, Dr F. R. LamsBert, Dr J. F. Monk, Mrs A. Moors, R. G. Morcan, Mrs M. N. Mutter, R. E. F. Peat, R. E. SHARLAND, N.H. F. Stone, A. R. Swasu, A. R. Tanner, and Dr D. H. THomas. Guests present were: Mrs B. E. Apcock, Dr R. J. Baker, Mrs J. Buti, P. Butt, D. Couzens, C. Grppons, Mrs M. C. Grespons, Mrs J. M. GLapwin, A. GRETTON, Mrs S. GRIFFIN, N. K. Krappe, A. J. Hotcompe, Mrs B. J. Ho_comse, Lt-Cdr W. Houcuton, Mrs I. McCuttocu, P. J. Moore, Dr Gérarp J. More, Dr M.- YVONNE More , Mrs E. Peat, I. Prowup, R. Ranft, Mrs G. Swasu, I. THomas, Suunji Usui and A. VALLE. Dr Gérard J. Morel spoke on ‘‘Paradoxical Sahel: rich wetlands surrounded with arid bush steppe”. His address follows. G. J. Morel + Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Paradoxical Sahel: rich wetlands surrounded with arid bush steppe* by Gérard }. Morel ‘The Sahel can be described as a belt several hundred km wide, lying south of the Sahara, its southern margin abutting against the sudanian broad- leaved, dry savannah. It thus occupies the latitudes between 15° and 17°N, and is therefore within the Tropics. From the naturalist’s point of view, however, the Sahel is more aptly defined by the rainfall, on which plants and animals so closely depend. The average Sahelian rainfall is 300mm a year, with large variations: from 100mm (or even less) to 600 mm. It is worth pointing out that a rainfall of 300 mm is about half that of the Normandy coast—and, I suppose, the British coast opposite as well, both of which are reputedly quite humid; but the Sahelian rains only occur mainly during 2 months, August and September, often in violent and inadequate downpours. Consequently, the Sahelian creatures, Man included, have to put up with insufficient rain and, above all, with 9 or 10 rainless months, conditions which are made even worse by evaporation which takes toll of 1 cm of water a day on average. The occurrence of the rains at a fixed date—even if these rains are very light in certain years—has strongly influenced the ecological solutions evolved by living organisms in order to survive. Birds, indeed, at least those species breeding during the rains, prepare themselves for breeding well in advance of the rains. ‘The trees, which are mostly thorny, hardly reach 10 m in the least dry places and are nowhere dense enough to constitute woodland—except in the rivers’ valleys. The main genera are Acacia and Balanites, which put on new foliage during the short rainy season, while at the same time a grass layer, c. 50 cm high, grows rapidly and a short-lived and abundant insect life flourishes. The seeds produced by the grass layer fall on the ground and remain there, available until the next rains, of which the numerous seed-eating bird and mammal species take advantage. It is also worth observing that this temporary peak occurs as the Palaearctic migrants undertake their autumn migration over the Sahara. The Sahel, nevertheless, in contrast to any other country, does not depend solely on the local rains. Its most salient features are the 2 large rivers, the Senegal and Niger, which are not fed by the scanty Sahelian rains, but by tributaries which catch their water far away in the Fouta Djallon mountain range of Guinea. These rivers have a seasonal regime and annually flood very large expanses of lowlands, quite independently of the local rains. The inundation zones are made up of an intricate system of temporary rivers, marshes and ponds which produce wild rice, water- lilies, reedbeds etc, the rapid and unrelenting evaporation creating mud- flats suitable for such as waders. The flood is also the time for most species of fish to spawn; but by the end of the flood, as the water grows shallower and many ponds are isolated, many small fish are unable to escape and are then an easy prey for fish-eating species. Thick woodlands of a particular *Based on a talk to the British Ornithologists’ Club meeting on 8 November 1988. G. ¥. Morel 5 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Acacia, A. nilotica, grow on some floodable, clayish soils; being the only genuine woodlands in this latitude, they play an important rdle in the general ecology. The Sahel is thus comprised of 2 strongly different eco-systems which operate in near independence. What sorts of birds are to be found in such a contrasted and trying environment? Naturally, species closely adapted to aridity and species associated with w etlands, will be present; but the outstanding character of the Sahel bird fauna, taken as a whole, is the number of migrants, both Palaearctic and Afrotropical which are included, because migrants respond strongly to seasonal climates. In the list of northern Senegal birds are some 150 Palaearctic species I have identified out of a total of 370 species (the coastal species, but not the true marine species, being included); the Palaearctic migrants thus account for 40% of this list. However high this percentage may appear, it does not give a real idea of its actual impact, because the population of several Palaearctic species (e.g. ducks) largely outnumbers that of the equivalent native species. The Bush Steppe This is the typical Sahel, relentlessly dry for 9 continuous months. ‘Three main groups of birds which inhabit, at least temporarily, this steppe, can be distinguished. Sedentary species, so called, although they are more or less nomadic: Helmeted Guinea-fow! Numida meleagris, Senegal Parrot Poicephalus senegalus, Long-tailed Parakeet Psittacula krameri, Chestnut-bellied Sand-grouse Pterocles exustus, ‘'Temminck’s Courser Cursorius temininckiu, Chestnut-backed Finch-lark Eremopterix leucotis, and several African warblers (Eremomela, Sylvietta...). Afrotropical migrants, including both short and long-range migrants. Amongst them: Denham’s Bustard Otis denhami (a very large bird), Bronze-winged Courser Cursorius chalcopterus, a sand-grouse, a bee- eater, and several cuckoos and kingfishers. Some migrants have their breeding quarters farther south, in a more wooded region and come north only for the off-season; but several species (White-throated Bee-eater Merops albicollis, several cuckoos) come to the Sahel in order to breed there. Palaearctic migrants, which will be elaborated on later. In actual fact, since many Afrotropical species are nomadic or migratory and since all the Palaearctic birds are migratory, the Sahel population is ceaselessly changing in the species’ efforts to cope with seasonal and variable resources. We have some figures on this population, obtained through monthly censuses carried out in an intensively studied plot. The maximum total number of birds per hectare occurs during the rainy season and coincides with the autumn passage of the Palaearctic migrants, in September—October: this maximum is 5.5—10 birds/hectare; and the minimum, which occurs in May—June, at the end of the dry season (when all the Palaearctic species have left) is 1-1.5 birds/hectare. The ratio of 10:1 between the maximum and minimum is large, yet the density of the total population is low, even at the maximum of 10 birds in the rainy G. J. Morel 6 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) season. These figures, however, are somewhat different for several large sized species which were not regularly censused: the larger bustards, the Ground Hornbill Bucorvus abyssinicus, the Helmeted Guinea- fou the Ostrich Struthio camelus are not included in our figures, because of their irregular distribution. On a more general basis, it is easy to realize that the gap between the maximum and the minimum has to be filled by migratory birds, either Palaearctic or Afrotropical. ‘Two sorts of Palaearctic migrants are observed on the bush steppe: those that are only on passage and winter farther south, and those that actually winter in the steppe. The passage migrants have not received much attention; for example the Cuckoo Cuculus canorus, Golden Oriole O. oriolus, several warblers and Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana, after crossing the Sahara in the autumn, remain some time in the Sahel, obviously in order to make some recovery. Now, the Sahel in autumn offers, depending on the. rains, uncertain resources and this variable, unreliable situation is likely to influence the progress of the migrants, so that their sojourn is unpredictable from year to year. The wintering visitors in the Sahel have been the subject of many studies—yet rarely long term ones—in order to determine which factors are responsible for their fluctuations and, for some of them, their decline. But it is difficult to disentangle and estimate the different factors at work in the survival of migrants wintering in the Sahelian bush steppe such as, for instance, Common Quail C. coturnix, Wryneck Fynx torquilla, Hoopoe Upupa epops, Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator, Tawny pipit Anthus campestris, Redstart Ph. phoenicurus, Wheatear Oe. oenanthe and Whitethroat Sylvia communis. Chiftchafts Phylloscopus collybita winter in the riverine vegetation of the valley, not in the steppe itself. Several ornithologists (R. E. Moreau in particular and more recently K. Curry-Lindhal) have attempted to analyze the conditions met by the migrants in this steppe and have wondered why and how migrants could survive at all in this sort of habitat. Although it is not relevant here to raise ‘again these questions, I can make a few comments: the density of the wintering Palaearctic species is very low, which makes any discussion, e.g. on competition and niche saturation, very risky. Also, besides some arid land species (e.g. Wheatear, Bonelli’s Warbler Phylloscopus bonellt), the others (e.g. Redstart, Wryneck, Whitethroat, Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla) winter also, and in larger numbers, in the much richer habitat of the valleys and we may wonder whether the Sahelian steppe is not a second choice habitat to which any surplus of migrants is forced to retreat, but this is pure speculation. The River Valley and the Wetlands From this survey of the bush steppe and its sparse population, we can, within walking distance, go over to the valley. There, thousands of hectares of lowlands and pans are watered, not only by the small rains, but by an enormous volume of water flowing from Guinea. The resulting cornucopia provides several categories of food. G. F. Morel 7 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Fish Most species of fish spawn when the lowlands are flooded, where they find the new grass, seeds and insects. Then, the fry meet several fates: many small fish are caught in ponds, isolated by the falling water levels, but the rest are able to reach the river or more or less permanent marshes. From the birds’ point of view, the most significant fish are those that can be captured regularly. Some quantitative data are available and they are impressive; they can compare with the richest waters in other parts of the world. Undoubtedly, the most conspicuous and important fish consumers are White Pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus, whose numbers in the Senegal delta are somewhere about 5000 and which breed there. During their several months stay, with an average daily intake of 1 kg of fish per bird, we can accept a consumption of at least 5 tons a day for this species. In the heron family, Egrets, Squacco Ardeola ralloides and Night Herons N. nycticorax reproduce in mixed colonies with Long-tailed Shag Phalacrocorax africanus, African Darter Anhinga rufa and Wood I. ibis and Sacred Ibises Threskiornis aethiopicus, from the outset of the flood, catching fish in the shallow waters; several thousands of nests have been censused. Other less conspicuous species take their share of fish: kingfishers, gulls and terns. Even rather clumsy species fish whenever it 1s easy, the White Stork C. czconia for instance. These fish consumers have several characteristics in common. Because their food supply undergoes big fluctuations, they are migratory, either towards the Palaearctic or within the continent. Pelicans, for example, wander in search of plentiful food from northern to southern Senegal, northward along the Mauritanian coast and probably eastward also to Mali and perhaps farther east to Chad. Several of these species breed in colonies, all more or less vulnerable to predation. The pelicans, owing to their conspicuousness and the length of their breeding cycle, need very secure islets together with an abundant supply of fish; they are thus often compelled to travel considerable dis- tances, up to 100 km, to obtain their food. The colonies of herons and cormorants are often raided by poachers and the trees on which they nest (Acacia nilotica) are felled for charcoal. The consumption of such vast quantities of fish, even though most are of small size, raises the question of competition with Man, himself an important and ruthless fish consumer. The sharp decline of several fish- eating bird species in regions where fisheries have been developed (Cape of Good Hope) is a good example. In the Sahel, either in the Senegal or Niger valleys, although the locals fish actively, such competition does not seem an immediate threat: small fish are usually ignored. But agricultural developments, which generally put an end to natural flooding, heavily disturb the breeding cycle of the fish and of their predators. Man’s ultimate remedy, disastrous for birds, is fish-farming. Invertebrates The sudden swarming of invertebrates during the rainy season is all too familiar to those who have lived in the tropics, if only for the profusion of unpleasant little creatures. The consumption of insects by birds is much G. F. Morel 8 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) more widespread than that of fish—undoubtedly because it involves less fundamental adaptations, but also because insects are found everywhere, in water, soil, vegetation and in the air. Accordingly, the predators of insects, both Palaearctic and Tropical, are very varied. Many species have a mixed diet and take also fish, seeds and amphibians, so that variety is further increased. The largest population of insectivorous birds are found near the river. Among those from the Palaearctic, several species or groups are of particular interest for example, sandpipers and stints, Garganey Anas querquedula and Pintail A. acuta, which number hundreds of thousands, all of which, though waterbirds, have a mixed diet. Several insectivorous passerines are also important insect consumers. The most noticeable are Sand Martins R. riparia, White M. alba and Yellow Wagtails M. flava and the warblers which inhabit the riverine vegetation (e.g. Whitethroat, Blackcap, Chiffchaff). All the Palaearctic migrants, with a few exceptions, such as the Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur, eat insects to some extent. Seeds The production of wild seeds (Graminaceae, water-lilies) is sufficiently large to have prompted Man to harvest them, as I myself witnessed some years ago. The yield of certain grasses (Panicum, Echichloa) is 200 or 300 kilos per hectare, whereas Sorghum, without fertilizer or irrigation, does little better. Seeds are eaten by both Palaearctic and African species. Amongst the Palaearctic species are Garganey, Pintail (also partly insectivorous), and Rufts Philomachus pugnax, whose population, in the region of millions is partial to rice-fields, where they pick up the spilled grain, Black-tailed Godwit L. limosa and, during the spring passage, millions of Turtle Doves. ‘The Afrotropical ducks are far less numerous than the Palaearctic ones and, of course, there are practically no tropical waders. But one of the major seed-consumers is an African passerine, the Red- billed Quelea QO. quelea, which is the most numerous bird in the continent, breeding in colonies with hundreds of thousands of nests. I counted on a single Acacia raddiana c. 1200 nests. The nestlings are fed both seeds and insects and the adults roam the lowlands in search of grass seeds. Unfortunately for these little birds, and for Man, it is a small step from wild seeds to cereals, and agricultural projects are precisely developed (for obvious reasons) in the Sahel valleys, where granivorous birds are most abundant. Fruit Fruit is the only food category which is not really plentiful and, interest- ingly, none is produced during the rains. In conclusion, I hope the above points underline, as I intended, the contrasts observed in the Sahel between the rich wetlands and the arid bush steppe. I have also emphasized the fundamental variability of the Sahel as a whole, seasonally and annually, and its main consequence, D. Parish & S. Ardseungnurn 9 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) namely the enormous and temporary surplus which can be utilized only by immigrant populations, to such a point that, equally paradoxically, several Palaearctic bird species greatly outnumber the local ones, especially in the Sahelian wetlands. The sharp contrast between wetlands and arid steppe, between the dry season and the short rainy season, the unpredictable variability of the climate (in certain years the rains fail almost completely) have all contributed to the evolution of the migratory birds, study of which has fascinated so many ornithologists and whose evolutionary adaptations are still under constant and active pressure. From the ornithologist’s point of view, the study of migrations, and particularly the migration over north and western Africa, because it raises so many challenging questions, is certainly one of the most stimulating, but also one of the most difficult. Without seeming over-pessimistic, I can say that when one thinks one has discovered at last a solution to a problem in this field, the next season often brings one contradiction, and one has to go back to the birds and study them again; but this 1s the rule of one’s favourite game, ornithology. Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monorhis; a species new for Thailand by Duncan Parish & Surapol Ardseungnurn Received 17 March 1988 On 18 October 1985 the corpse of a small, dark, petrel was found in Ban Da To Village, 10 km east of Pattani Town, on the east coast of the Thai Peninsula in South Thailand (6°55’N, 101°20’E). The bird was discovered by the authors during a joint survey of Pattani Bay by INTERWADER (The East Asia/Pacific shorebird Study Programme) and Prince of Songkla University (PSU). The bird, which appeared very fresh, was found ona pile of rubbish next to a house, 20 m from the shore of the Bay. According to the villagers, the bird had been accidentally caught the previous night in a net set for fish in the bay. Description A small, all-dark petrel with a forked tail. Overall plumage dark brown with a pale brown bar across the greater wing coverts. The basal parts of the outer 6 or 7 (depending on wing) primaries had white shafts, but this would probably not be visible in the field. Soft parts were all black. The following measurements were made: wing 156mm (unflattened), 161mm (maximum-chord); outer tail feathers 70mm; central tail feathers 57 mm; tarsus 24 mm; culmen 15 mm; bill tip to tail tip 195 mm; wingspan 480 mm. There are 7 species of all-dark petrels with forked tails: Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monorhis, Matsudaira’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma matsudairae, Markham’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma markhami, Tristram’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma tristrami, the dark- rumped form of Leach’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa chapmani, D. Parish & S. Ardseungnurn 10 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) TABLE 1 Morphometric measurements (mm) of Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monorhis and the dark-rumped form of Leach’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa chapmani chapmani monorhis Pattani No. Mean (range) No. Mean (Range) bird Wing 9 150.1 (148-152) 23. 155.00 (146-165) 156-161 Tail 9 78.0 (75-82) 23 73.59 (65-80) 70 ‘Tarsus 9 22.3 (21-23) 23 23.69) (22.3=25) 24 Culmen 9 15.3 (14-18.5) 22 14.43 (13.7-15.2) 15 ‘Total length 2 198.50 (197-200) 195 Data on monorhis from Cramp & Simmons (1977) and measurements taken from specimens in the Zoological Reference Collection of the National University of Singapore. Data on chapmani (from Baja California) from W. R. P. Bourne. Ashy Storm Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa and Black Storm Petrel Oceanodroma melania. Matsudaira’s and Tristram’s Storm Petrels are larger than the bird in question (total length 250 mm/wingspan 560 mm). Tristram’s also differs in having a more obvious diagonal upperwing bar, deeper fork to the tail, and usually, bluer or greyer cast to the plumage. Matsudaira’s has a distinctive white patch on the distal portion of the upperwing, caused by the white shafts of all the outer primaries. Markham’s and Black Storm Petrels are similar in plumage, but are larger (total length 230 mm/ wingspan 490 mm). The plumage of the Ashy Storm Petrel is blackish- grey, not black as in the Pattani bird. This leaves Swinhoe’s Petrel and the dark-rumped form of Leach’s Petrel. The latter normally occurs on the eastern, while the former occurs on the western side of the Pacific (Harrison 1983). By comparing the measurements of the Pattani bird with those of chapmani and monorhis (Table 1) it is concluded that the species found was Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel. It is too long in the wing and tarsus and too short in the tail for chapmant. Status Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel breeds in the NW Pacific May—August and migrates to the Indian Ocean. The precise migration route 1s not known, but is possibly through the Sunda Strait to the Indian Ocean. In Thailand there have been no previous records (P. D. Round). In Peninsular Malaysia/Singapore it has been collected in small numbers 1n the Malacca Straits and off Singapore in September—November and April and May (Medway & Wells 1976). There have been 2 recent records from the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia: D. M. Simpson observed 30 ina flock 4 km off the Terengganu coast near to Kerteh on 21 September 1982; D. Diskin observed one on 18 September 1983 heading SW between Rawa and ‘Tioman Islands in Pahang State (Wells, D. R. in prep.). The most recent record in Singapore was of a bird observed on 7 October 1984 in outer Singapore Harbour by H. A. Buck (Hails, in prep.). Van Marle & Voous (1988) quote 4 records from Sumatran waters, all between Singapore and the Sunda Strait (between Java and Sumatra). In Borneo, it is considered an occasional visitor (Smythies 1981) with single records in Sabah B. Wood 11 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) (January) and Sarawak (September). There 1s only one record for Hong Kong waters, June 1961 (Chalmers 1986). Discussion Although there are very few published records for countries bordering the South China Sea, this is probably due to the difficulties involved in observing and identifying Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel. The local fishermen in Pattani Bay claimed to be familiar with this species, but this may be due to confusion, since the Barn Swallow Hirudo rustica has the same local name and is a common migrant in the area. Southward movement down the east coast of the Malay Peninsula would be consistent with a migration route from the NW Pacific to the Indian Ocean via the South China Sea and the Sunda Strait. Further observations of this species are therefore to be expected, particularly from boats in the South China Sea. Acknowledgements The survey was conducted in conjunction with Prince of Songkla University with financial assistance from INTERWADER and the International Council for Bird Preservation. Frank Lambert obtained measurements of specimens in the Zoological Reference Collection of NUS. Crawford Prentice, David Wells and Dr J. F. Monk made useful comments on the manuscript. Dr W. R. P. Bourne provided useful additional measurements of O. monorhis and O. leucorhoa chapmani. References: Chalmers, M. L. 1986. Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Hong Kong. Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. Cramp, S. & Simmons, K. E. L. (Eds) 1977. The Handbook of the Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 1. Oxford University Press. Hails, C. J. (in prep.) The Birds of Singapore: an annotated check-list. British Ornithologists’ Union. Harrison, P. 1983. Seabirds—an Identification Guide. Croome Helm. Van Marle, J. G. & Voous, K. H. 1988. The Birds of Sumatra: an annotated check-list. British Ornithologists’ Union. Medway, Lord & Wells, D. R. 1976. The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. V. H. F. & G. Witherby. Smythies, B. E. 1981. The Birds of Borneo. 3rd ed. Sabah Society, Kota Kinabalu. Wells, D. R. (in prep.). Bird Report Peninsula Malaysia: 1982 and 1983. Addresses: Duncan Parish, International Coordinator Asian Wetland Bureau, IPT, Universiti Malaya, Lembah Pantai, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Surapol Ardseungnurn, Biology Department, Faculty of Science & Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani 94000, Thailand. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Biometrics, iris and bill colouration, and moult of Somali forest birds by Brian Wood Received 21 March 1988 Although the dimensions and weight attained by individual birds are probably the consequence of a host of conflicting selection pressures, to B. Wood 12 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) some extent they reflect both their evolutionary history and their immediate ecology. Our understanding of the influence of environment on morphology is likely to improve as data become available from more and more populations which may inhabit environments that differ subtly from one another. Whilst we know that quite striking size and weight differences may occur between locations only a few hundred kilometres apart (Moreau 1944, Britton 1977, Hanmer 1978), the overall picture is far from complete for any one species. Regrettably, some populations may be eliminated before any data can be obtained, as their habitats are destroyed during the course of ‘development’. Data from populations at the edge of a species’ range are often most enlightening, since relative isolation and slightly atypical environmental conditions can produce strik- ing morphological responses, perhaps eventually leading to specia- tion. If we are ever to come near to attaining a complete understanding of how species have reacted to their environment, it 1s vital that data are collected from as many populations as possible whilst the opportunity still exists. Study site, materials and methods Riverine forest was once extensive throughout the valleys of the Shabeelle and Jubba rivers in Somalia (Pichi-Sermoli 1957). It has now been cleared almost entirely along the Shabeelle and only 2 size- able blocks remain in the Jubba valley, totalling about 400 ha (Madgwick et al. 1988). ‘The forest depends upon the river for its existence, both as a source of ground-water and for the creation of suit- able regeneration niches by periodic flooding. Riverine forest rarely extends more than c. 300m either side of the river and has a varied structure and species composition, but is mostly evergreen, with a canopy height of 20m or more, often with a dense understorey (Madgwick in press). As part of the Somalia Research Project, the bird community of the remaining blocks of riverine forest, situated near to Hangoodle (01°05’N, 42°36’E), was surveyed during August and early September 1986. Mist nets were used to capture c. 500 individual birds, which were measured, weighed (to the nearest 0-1 g for birds weighing less than 50 g, and to the nearest 1-0 g for heavier birds). Information was also collected on all birds in moult (recorded by the method indicated by Ginn & Melville 1983). All birds were ringed, either with plastic colour rings or metal rings supplied by the East African Natural History Society, and released. Many were subsequently recaptured, enabling estimates of population size and range to be made (Wood in press). ‘There are few previous records from Somalia of many of the species recorded in this survey of the Jubba forests. It is apparent that most have a very localised distribution within the country (Ash & Muiskell 1983). Unless the recent very rapid clearance of riverine forest is halted, there is a real risk that this bird community could disappear from Somalia within the next few years. Its continued existence is also threatened by spraying with insecticide to eradicate tsetse fly and by the imminent construction of adam upstream, near Baardhere. B. Wood i} Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) TABLE 1 Biometrics of birds caught in riverine forest, southern Somalia WING LENGTH WEIGHT SPECIES NUMBER Range Mean S.D. Range Mean S.D. Accipiter badius 2 201-214 207 207-218 212 Acctpiter minullus 2 153-155 154 104-111 107 Accipiter tachiro 1 250 440 Turtur chalcospilos 1 106 67 Turtur tympanistria ISS e VUIRKAM19 1147 3.2 65-79 TALS SED Turtur tympanistria 892 108-117 111.6 3.0 54-72 OO por Turtur tympanistria 1 107 56 Ciccaba woodfordi 4 243-253 249 241-294 266 Glauctdium capense + 136-141 138 100-112 106 Apaloderma narina 7 119-127 122.7 2.4 52-59 55.0. 2.9 Ispidina picta 21 47-57 Sle Oe 247 8.9-13.6 10:8 1.5 Halcyon albiventris 7 92-96 94.1 1.5 39.9-45.8 44.2 (3.3 Halcyon senegaloides 4 100-103 102 61-72 66 Phoeniculus purpureus 1 140 87 Indicator variegatus 15 99-108 103.0 3.2 39.5-46.8 44.7 2.1 Campethera abingoni 1 103 58 Dicrurus ludwigit 8 97-107 101.1 4.9 22.3-28.7 25.7 6.5 Turdoides squamulatus 5 101-105 103 65-76 69 Andropadus importunus 10 80-89 Solty Se ON ee A SAL Om 270m yD: Chlorocichla flaviventris 6 95-106 101.5 4.9 28.3-47.1 40.5 6.5 Nicator chloris 2 92-104 98 36.3-46.0 41.1 Phyllastrephus strepitans 45 73-88 SHiOe CAPs D4 3209s 27th Cercotrichas quadrivirgata 20 72-83 1800), 22957 20:3-26:35. 24ee ge slie7 Cossypha heuglini 2 85-93 89 30.7-33.6 32.1 Cossypha natalensis 69 81-95 8827 BRA) 237334) 29a 0233 Apalis melanocephala “=| 49 8.4 Camaroptera brachyura 31 46-57 52.0 3.4 7.1-10.3 827) 8.058 Muscicapa caerulescens 10 71-80 MOD ODO S61 7220 BO: KONG Platysteira peltata 233 63-64 WAR Ik B72 Platysteira peltata 622 60-66 OLE 223) 29 T2128 EO OG Erythrocercus holochlorus 1 45 5.0 Tersiphone viridis 633 81-89 83:8). 2:9) ()12:8-14:0, died). 024 Tersiphone viridis 822 72-78 dah, 23 9.913). Sianeli). HO, Trochocercus cyanomelas 1393 62-67 64.8 1.5 96-12 LOL F047 Trochocercus cyanomelas 92° 63-67 64.9 1.3 953 1D 10: hs Ox Trochocercus cyanomelas 1 64 9.6 Dryoscopus cubla 5 78-82 80 25.0-30.0 26.9 Laniartius ferrugineus 1 89 38.8 Anthreptes collaris 93g 48-51 49.3 0.9 5.3-6.9 6:2). 1) O'S Anthreptes collaris 822 47-50 48.4 0.9 5.4-6.5 5.9 0.4 Anthreptes collaris 1 51 6.5 Nectarinia amethystina 13g 63 9.4 Nectarinia olivacea 545 56-65 58.6 1.5 6.8-9.1 Th © O04 Nectarinia olivacea 492° 51-54 52.6 0.9 6.2-8.7 TELOIOES Nectarinia veroxti 1 56 8.7 Ploceus bicolor 26 84-91 STO Oe LOSS SS el Qed Results The weights and wing length (maximum chord, Svensson 1984) of all birds at the time of their original capture are summarised in Table 1. Recapture weights have not been included as all recaptures were within a few days of original capture and consequently weights may have been influenced by handling and ringing. As was to be expected, there was B. Wood 14 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) 9 2 o = ~ e wee e MALES e BS e FEMALES = <£ a [ o = 5 = © e e e s z e e I z ° 8 e e e 8 e e e e e | | e e ° e @ e e e ® e ° e ee | ) ° 1 e ee e e e ) e e e e e 6 10 14 tlime 18 6 10 14 eiitmte 18 Figure 1. The weights of male and female Olive Sunbirds Nectarinia olivacea at time of capture in southern Somalia. Both sexes show a tendency to increase progressively in weight throughout the day. Figure 2. The number of birds caught (open histogram) and recaptured (shaded) in riverine forest in southern Somalia throughout the day. number of birds evidence for diurnal weight increases, particularly for species caught often (Fig. 1), but no corrections to the recorded weights have been made to allow for this. Most species were caught throughout the day, or equally often in the evening as in the early morning (Fig. 2), so little bias will have been introduced by the lack of correction. Where weights differ from B. Wood 15 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) those of other populations of the same species, this is discussed in the systematic list which follows. Comparisons have been made with pub- lished weights from Liberia (Colston & Curry-Lindahl 1986), Ghana (Greig-Smith & Davidson 1977), Nigeria (Jones 1984), Kenya (Britton 1970, 1972, 1977, Karr 1976a, Mann 1985). Tanzania (Moreau 1944), Zambia (Britton & Dowsett 1969, Peirce 1984), Mozambique (Hanmer 1978, 1980), Malawi (Hanmer 1978, 1980, Johnson 1985), Zimbabwe (Earle 1981) and Seuth Africa (Biggs et al. 1979). Several birds were also captured and ringed in degraded riverine forest at Balcad (02°20'N, 45°32’E) on the Shabeelle River on 19/20 September. Where relevant, details of these birds have also been included. Species accounts SHIKRA Accipiter badius Both birds captured were replacing their first secondary and were in the middle of tail moult. This begins with feathers 1 (centre) and 3, with 2 and 6 being the last to be replaced. No contour moult was occurring. Both were considerably heavier (207, 218 g) than a sample of 56 birds from South Africa (range 75-158 g). LITTLE SPARROWHAWEK Accipiter minullus One of the 2 birds caught (7 Aug) was in full wing and tail moult, but was not moulting contour features; scores: primaries = 39, secondaries = 30, tail=44. EMERALD-SPOTTED WOOD DOVE Turtur chalcospilos The single bird caught (5 Aug) was completing moult of wing and tail and was in mid contour moult. TAMBOURINE DOVE Turtur tympanistria Nine of the 16 birds were in moult. Timing of moult was very variable, with 3 birds in early wing moult (4 Aug—5 Sep) and 3 having completed primary moult but still in mid secondary moult. Tail moult was beginning in those in primary moult, but was completed or nearly so in others. Body moult was found at all stages. Male weights were signifi- cantly greater than those from Liberia, and both sexes were rather heavier than a small sample from East Africa (Britton 1970), but weighed almost the same as Tanzanian birds. BARRED OWLET Glaucidium capense One of 4 birds was beginning contour moult and replacing secondaries (score=19 on 2 Sep). Somali birds had wing lengths (mean 138 mm) greater than those reported from Liberia (male 118, 2 females average 128 mm) but were considerably lighter (mean 106 g) than 5 birds from South Africa (average 129.4 g). NARINAS TROGON Apaloderma narina Six of 7 birds were completing moult (Fig. 3). Tail moult begins at 3 or 4 and ends at 1 and 6. Contour moult coincides with primary moult. Somali weights (mean 55g) were considerably less than birds from Liberia (3 males, average 68.8 and one female 70.3 g) and one male from Zambia (72.0 g). B. Wood 16 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) NARINA’S TROGON NORTHERN BROWNBUL . Moult Score ScRESTED FLYCATCHER ae es ww Ss BM SN BC S$ BM SN BC rr ooo oo ee a) 1 10 20 301 10 20 i] 10 20 301 10 20 August September August September Figure 3. Primary moult scores of selected species caught in riverine forest. Horizontal bars indicate the periods of netting at Shoonto south (SS), Barako Madow (BM), Shoonto north (SN) and Balcad (BC). PYGMY KINGFISHER Ispidina picta Six of 21 birds were in active primary moult, as were 3 caught at Balcad on the Shabeelle on 19—20 Sep (Fig. 3). Rectrices were either old or up to mid-moult; contour moult was at all stages. This roughly coincides with the timing of the moult of immatures in Nigeria (Jones 1984) but is about 4 months later than in Malawi (Hanmer 1980), where moult appears to be protracted. Weights (mean 10.8 g) were significantly less than Nigerian birds (mean 12.4 g at 11°50’N), very much lighter than wet-season birds from Zambia (mean 14.3 g) and also much lighter than Malawi birds. They are close to weights from Ghana in the wet season (adult mean 11.4 g, juvenile mean 10-6 g, at 9°15'N) and of birds collected in Liberia (8 males mean 9.7, 6 females 11.1). BROWN-HOODED KINGFISHER Halcyon albiventris Three adults were in mid moult of primaries in early Aug and the fourth adult had suspended primary moult at score=30. All 3 were beginning contour moult, and tail moult varied from about 1/3 to 2/3 completed. Three immatures caught in early Sep had all suspended pri- mary moult (scores = 15 to 25). Mean wing length was less (94.1 mm) and weight lighter (44.2 g) than birds from Mozambique and Malawi (wing 96-108 mm, weight 48—68 g), where moult occurs 6 months out of phase with moult recorded in Somalia. GREEN WOOD-HOOPOOE Phoeniculus purpureus The single bird caught was in mid tail moult and had begun primary moult. SCALY-THROATED HONEYGUIDE /ndicator variegatus Three out of 15 were in active primary moult late Aug/early Sep. One had suspended primary moult at score=15. Contour moult had begun in 2 birds. B. Wood 17 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) SQUARE-TAILED DRONGO Dicrurus ludwigit Five out of 8 were in active primary moult (scores=17 to 41). These 5 and one other were in active tail, secondary and contour moult. Mean weight (25.7 g) was considerably lighter than 2 birds from Liberia, rather less than ones from Tanzania and very similar to weights in Ghana. SCALY BABBLER Turdoides squamulatus One out of 5 was in active regular primary moult (score= 28 on 5 Sep) and contour moult. Two more had irregular moult of primaries and secondaries. ZANZIBAR SOMBRE GREENBUL Andropadus importunus Six out of 10 were in primary moult in early Sep (scores = 22 to 44). One caught at Balcad on 20 Sep had suspended moult at score= 10. Weights were very similar to birds from the coast of Kenya (Britton 1972). NICATOR Nicator chloris One was undergoing a complete moult when caught on 17 Aug (primary score = 32). NORTHERN BROWNBUL Phyllastrephus strepitans Twenty-four out of 45 were moulting. "Twenty-one were in active primary moult (Fig. 3). Ten had a regular moult of secondaries and tail, and most were replacing contour plumage. Tail moult was irregular in the other moulting birds. Britton (1972) sexed some Kenyan birds on wing length. Somali birds also appear to be separable on this character, with a wing length of 81 mm bisecting our sample exactly (one bird indetermi- nate). Iris colour varied, usually being recorded as pale stone or as brown/ reddish-brown, but colour did not clearly correspond with size or sex (Fig. 4), although all the heaviest males and several of the largest females had brown or reddish-brown irises. Iris colour may be related to domi- nance status or could merely be a dimorphism that is not related to other characteristics. EASTERN BEARDED SCRUB ROBIN Cercotrichas quadrivirgata Of 20 birds caught, 3 had almost completed moult (primary scores = 45 to 55) on 16-19 Aug and a fourth bird had irregular moult of some primaries and secondaries. One of the 4 was completing contour moult. WHITE-BROWED ROBIN CHAT Cossypha heuglini The 2 birds caught had weights (30.7, 33.6 g) that were intermediate between those of birds from coastal and western Kenya but closer to the former. They were lighter than most Zambian birds. GREY-BACKED CAMAROPTERA Camaroptera brachyura Four out of 31 were completing tail moult, 2 were completing contour moult and 1 had almost completed primary moult (score = 47). All others caught appeared to have fresh wings but rather abraded tails. Weights (mean 8.7 g) were similar to 3 birds from southern Kenya (mean 8.9 g) but were lighter than birds from all other locations in Africa, including coastal Kenya (average of 65 birds, 9.29 g). B. Wood 18 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) 90 Figure 4. The relationship between wing length, weight and iris colour for probable male (circles) and female (triangles) Northern Brown- buls Phyllastrephus strepitans in southern Somalia. Solid symbols are for birds with brown or _ reddish-brown irises, open symbols for birds with pale stone coloured irises. Theiris colour of birds represented by open square symbols was not recorded. wing chord (mm) 804 females? 70 weight (9g) " BLACK-THROATED WATTLE-EYE Platysteira peltata Seven out of 8 birds had some moult. Six were beginning contour moult, 1 was inactive regular primary moult (score = 21 on 18 Aug) and 6 were replacing tail and secondary feathers. LITTLE YELLOW FLYCATCHER Erythrocercus holochlorus One bird caught and 3 seen in the field all had flesh-pink bills, not black as illustrated in Williams & Arlott (1980). PARADISE FLYCATCHER Terpsiphone viridis Out of 14 birds caught, 2 were beginning contour moult and primary moult (4 and 10 Sep) and 2 were replacing some secondaries. None was 1n tail moult. Weights (¢ mean 11.3, 2 mean 10.2 g) were less than those from Liberia, western Kenya, Malawiand Zambia and also less than most birds from Ghana. CRESTED FLYCATCHER 7 vochocercus cyanomelas Sixteen out of 23 were in moult. Fifteen showed various stages of primary moult (Fig. 3), mostly with concurrent centrifugal tail moult. Fourteen were undergoing contour moult. Weights (mean g 10.2, mean 2 10.1 g) were similar to 3 birds from southern Kenya. BLACK-BACKED PUFFBACK Dryoscopus cubla One adult female was undergoing primary moult (score = 38 on 10 Sep) and one immature was beginning contour moult. B. Wood 19 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) a5 15 = Figure 5. Wing length of Olive Sun- > birds Nectarinia olivacea in southern : Somalia. J -) c es ae oO 50 60 70 wing chord (mm) COLLARED SUNBIRD Anthreptes collaris Two out of 18 were beginning primary moult (scores=2 and 16 on 4 and 10 Sep). Weights (mean 3 6.2, mean 2 5.9 g) were lighter than birds from Liberia, Zambia and western and coastal Kenya. OLIVE SUNBIRD Nectarinia olivacea Of 103 birds caught, 5 were beginning moult at the end of the survey period. T'wo had started primary moult (scores=6, 11 on 7, 10 Sep) and 4 were beginning contour moult. Birds were not sexed at the time of capture, as both sexes have yellow pectoral tufts in Somalia. However, subsequent analysis of wing lengths enabled all birds to be sexed, males having wings 56 mm or longer and females 54 mm or less (Fig. 5). Both weights (mean 5 7.7, mean 27.1 g) and wing lengths (mean 3 58.6, mean 2 52.6 mm) are substantially greater in western Kenya (average weight 10.76 g, average wing length 62.96 mm of 42 unsexed birds). Weights are also less than in Liberia, coastal Kenya and substantially less than birds in Zimbabwe at all times of year. MOUSE-COLOURED SUNBIRD Nectarinia veroxi The single bird caught was in primary moult (score= 14 on 6 Sep) and was beginning contour moult. DARK-BACKED WEAVER Ploceus bicolor Early in the survey 8 birds out of 26 were in moult. Four were complet- ing primary moult but 2 were midway through (scores=23, 27 on 4, 5 Aug). Tail moult was ending in these latter 2 and 1 other, and all 3 were completing contour moult. Iris and bill colour varied considerably, and appears to be related to size (Fig. 6). Most heavy or long-winged birds had irises described as very dark brown, brown or dark hazel, whilst the remainder had brick red or dark brick irises. All had bluish-white bills B. Wood 20 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Figure 6. The relationship between wing length, weight, iris colour and bill colour of Dark-backed Weavers Ploceus bicolor in southern Somalia. Solid symbols indicate birds with very dark brown, brown or dark hazel irises, open symbols represent birds with brick red or dark red irises. Symbols encircled are birds with yellow-horn bills (probably immature). wing chord (mm) 34 36 38 weight (9) except 3 ight or short-winged birds with brown irises. These had yellow- horn or yellow-grey bills and may have been immatures. Discussion and conclusions Insects, which form a major part of the diet of many of the bird species caught in the Jubba forest, are likely to be most abundant during the wet season and insectivores are most likely to breed at that time. In southern Somalia there are 2 wet seasons each year; the longest and most predict- able ‘gu’ rains fall from April to June, and there is usually a less reliable ‘dayr’ wet season October/November. The most severe dry season lasts from December to March (‘jilaal’). More than half all bird species evidently moult during the less severe dry season from July to September (‘haggai’), but there are considerable differences in timing between species. In Uganda, where there are 2 sub- stantial wet seasons each year, Camaroptera brachyura breeds twice each year and many birds can be found in moult in all months except April/ May, when they breed. Moult is also often suspended during breeding September/October (Fogden & Fogden 1979). ‘The few records of moult- ing birds in the Jubba suggest that here camaropteras moult early in the ‘haggai’ dry season, having probably bred during the ‘gu’ rains. Cercotrichas quadrivirgata also moults early in the ‘haggai’, but most other species will still be moulting at the end of the ‘haggai’. Indicator variegatus, Turdoides squamulatus and several flycatcher species have a particularly late moult. Surprisingly, none of the many Cossypha natalensis caught was in moult, although several juveniles were netted, which suggests that they breed during the ‘gu’ rains. Perhaps they moult very early, at the end of these rains, or not until the ‘dayr’ rains, when conditions for moult may be more favourable. B. Wood 21 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Where weights recorded in this study differ significantly from weights elsewhere in Africa, they are almost always lighter in the Jubba. As the study sites lie at just over 1°N and only a few metres above sea level, low weights were perhaps to be expected. Birds are likely to be bigger and weigh more where temperatures are lower, a pattern which has been described for several species in East Africa that occur at both coastal and much higher inland localities (Moreau 1944, Britton 1977, Hanmer 1978). Other factors will select for small body size. Perrins (1970) suggested that small females will be able to begin breeding earlier following a seasonal increase in food supplies. In a situation where 2 short favourable seasons occur each year, during which breeding may be attempted, Downhower (1976) has found that only the smaller individuals are able to breed successfully if the favourable season is particularly short. Selection for small body size will be particularly strong for females, leading to a possible sexual size dimorphism. Several species recorded from the Jubba are noticeably size dimorphic, with females being the smaller sex. This is quite commonly the case in African forest passerines (Dowsett 1983), but many more data are required before we can know if the degree of size dimorphism varies between populations. In southern Somalia the 2 wet seasons each year are both of short duration and may be very unreliable, thus selecting for small individuals that are able quickly to attain breeding condition. There are several cases where the weights of birds from the Jubba are lighter than birds almost everywhere else in Africa, except for some recorded in northern Ghana (Greig-Smith & Davidson 1977). The forest species which occur there are also likely to be dependent on narrow strips of gallery forest, along the watercourses. Small individuals could be favoured because conditions are as seasonally variable there as they are along the Jubba. Acknowledgements The data presented here were collected as part of a survey of the remaining riverine forest in the Jubba Valley by the Somalia Research Project 1986. This was financially supported by numerous organisations and individuals, fully acknowledged in our final report. Particular thanks are due to major sponsors: The Royal Society, University of London, Royal Geographical Society, British Ecological Society and The Augustine Trust. In Somalia, the cooperation and support of the National Range Agency is gratefully acknowledged. The Overseas Development Administration’s forestry project provided vehicles and other vital support, without which the work would have been impossible. References: Ash, J. S. & Miskell, J. E. 1983. Birds of Somalia: their habitat, status and distribution. Scopus, special supplement No. 1. Biggs, H. C., Kemp, A. C., Mendelsohn, H. P. & Mendelsohn, J. M. 1979. Weights of southern African raptors and owls. Durban Mus. Novit. 12, 73-81. Britton, P. L. 1970. Some non-passerine bird weights from East Africa. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 90: 142-144, 152-154. Britton, P. L. 1972. Weights of African bulbuls (Pycnonotidae). Ostrich 43: 23-42. Britton, P. L. 1977. Weights of birds in western and coastal Kenya: acomparison. Scopus 1: 70-73. Britton, P. L. & Dowsett, R. J. 1969. More bird weights from Zambia. Ostrich 40: 55-60. Colston, P. R. & Curry-Lindahl, K. 1986. The Birds of Mount Nimba, Liberia. British Museum (Natural History). F. Miikovusky 22 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Downhower, J. F. 1976. Darwin’s finches and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in body size. Nature 263: 558-563. Dowsett, R. J. 1983. Sexual size dimorphism in some montane forest passerines from south- central Africa. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 103: 59-64. — Earle, R. A. 1981. Weights of Southern African Sunbirds. Durban Mus. Novit. 13: 1-40. Fogden, M. P. L. & Fogden, P. M. 1979. The role of fat and protein reserves in the annual cycle of the Grey-backed Camaroptera in Uganda (Aves: Sylviidae). 7. Zool. Lond. 189: 233-258. Fry, C. H. 1970. Migration, moult and weights of birds in northern Guinea savanna in Nigeria and Ghana. Ostrich supplement 8: 239-263. Ginn, H. B. & Melville, D. S. 1983. Moult in Birds. BTO Guide No. 19, Tring. Greig—Smith, P. W. & Davidson, N. C. 1977. Weights of West African savanna birds. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 97: 96-99. Hanmer, D. B. 1978. The effects of latitude and altitude on bird weights. Scopus 2: 35-39. Hanmer, D. B. 1980. Mensural and moult data of eight species of kingfisher from _ Mocambique and Malawi. Ostrich 51: 129-150. Johnson, D. W. 1985. Weight, moult, and breeding condition of some Malawi birds. Ostrich 57: 216-217. Jones, P. J. 1984. The status of the pygmy kingfisher Ceyx picta in northeastern Nigeria. Malimbus 6: 11-14. Karr, J. R. 1976. Weights of African birds. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 96: 92-96. Karr, J. R. 1976. Within- and between-habitat avian diversity in African and Neotropical lowland habitats. E'col. Monog. 46(3). Madewick, J. In press. Somalia’s threatened forests. Oryx. Madgwick, J., Maunder, M., Varty, N. & Wood, B. 1988. Somalia Research Project: an ecological study of the remaining areas of riverine forest in the Jubba valley, southern Somalia. [Unpubl.] 172 pp. Mann, C. F. 1985. An avifaunal study in Kakamega Forest, Kenya, with particular reference to species diversity, weight and moult. Ostrich 56: 236-262. Moreau, R. E. 1944. Some weights of African and of wintering Palaearctic birds. Jbis 86: 16-29. Okia, N. O. 1976. Birds of the understorey of lake-shore forests on the Entebbe Peninsula, Uganda. Jbis 118: 1-13. Peirce, M. A. 1984. Weights of birds from Balmoral, Zambia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 104: 84-85. Perrins, C. M. 1970. The timing of birds breeding seasons. Jbis 112: 242-255. Pichi-Sermolli, R. E.G. 1957. Una carta geobotanica dell Africa orientale (Eritrea, Etiopia, Somalia). Webbia 13: 15-132. Svensson, L. 1984. Identification Guide to European Passerines. 3rd Ed. Stockholm. Williams, J. G. & Arlott, N. 1980. A Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa. Collins. Wood, B. In press. A mist netting study of birds in riverine forest, Somalia. Ring & Migr. Address: Dr B. Wood, Ecology and Conservation Unit, Department of Biology, University College London, Gower Street, London WCIE 6BT. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Note on the osteology and taxonomic position of Salvadori’s Duck Salvadorina waigiuensis (Aves: Anseridae [Anatidae]). by Firt Mitkovsky Received 31 March 1988 Salvadori’s Duck Salvadorina waigiuensis is an enigmatic bird of New Guinea mountain streams and lakes (Kear 1975), whose taxonomic F. Mitkovsky 23 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) relations are even less known than its life habits. It was originally described in a separate genus, Salvadorina, by Rothschild & Hartert (1894). Mayr (1931) reevaluated their data, added brief comments on the osteology of Salvadorina and synonymised subsequently that genus with Anas. All subsequent monographs and lists of the waterfowl (e.g. Delacour 1956, von Boetticher & Grummt 1965, Johnsgard 1978, 1979, Kolbe 1984) followed Mayr’s (1931) opinion. No further taxonomic study of Salvadorina has been undertaken. I was recently able to obtain for study 2 partial skeletons of this duck from the Natural History Museum of Humboldt University in Berlin, East Germany (NKMB 0/874 and 0/876) which were collected in New Guinea in 1928 by Ernst Mayr and first described by himself shortly thereafter (Mayr 1931). Salvadori’s Duck was not studied by either Ver- heyen (1953, 1955) or Woolfenden (1961) in their treatises on waterfowl osteology because of the scarcity of skeletons of Salvadorina in museum collections (none was reported by Wood & Schnell 1986). In view of this, it nevertheless seems useful to present here the relevant observations, in spite of their incompleteness. The present paper itself is a contribution to my long-term study of the taxonomy and evolution of the waterfowl. OSTEOLOGY The following bones of Salvadorina waigiuensis were available for study: 4 coracoids, 4 scapulae, proximal parts of 4 humeri, 2 sterna, 2 furculae and a pelvis. In general appearance these bones resemble those of dabbling ducks (Anatini) more than those of any other waterfowl tribe (see also Mayr 1931), but possess some highly specific features. The humerus of Salvadorina difters from that of Anas in having the head only slightly undercut by the capital groove and the pneumatic fossa ovaloid and very small. In the last 2 characters Salvadorina resembles Malacorhynchus (see Woolfenden 1961). The coracoid of Salvadorina resembles that of Anas and differs from that of diving tribes in having the angle between the axis of the head and the plane of the dorsal surface very small. The Scapula of Salvadorina differs from that of anas in having a knoblike process on the acromion, causing the anterior edge between the acromion and the glenoid facet to be concave. In this character Salvadorina agrees with the diving ducks. The furcula of Salvadorina differs from that of Anas in having the claviculae compressed, and the furcular process minute. The latter character Salvadorina shares with Hymenolaimus and various diving ducks (see Woolfenden 1961). The sternum of Salvadorina resembles that of Anas, particularly in having a ventral manubrial spine present, 7 costal facets, and in being relatively narrow. The narrowest width between the costal margins in relation to the maximum length of the sternum is 0.382 and 0.395, respectively, in the 2 study specimens. The pelvis of Salvadorina resembles that of Anas, especially in being rather broad. The ratio of the least width of the acetabula to the maximum length of the pelvis is 0.291; in Hymenolaimus it is 0.296 (Woolfenden 1961). These differences argue strongly against the inclusion of Salvadorina in Anas (contra Mayr 1931), but give no usable clues as to its taxonomic re-allocation. It is noteworthy, however, that at least 2 other duck genera F. Mitkovsky 24 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) occupy a similar taxonomic position, viz. Hymenolaimus from the moun- tains of New Zealand (Kear 1973) and Malacorhynchus from southeastern Australia and New Zealand (Frith 1967, Olson 1977). It might be specu- lated that these 3 aberrant, but otherwise Anas-like, genera are remains of an early radiation of the sub-family Anatinae (to which they undoubtedly belong) and that they stand closer to each other than to any other modern waterfowl tribe. Their general resemblance to the Anatini sensu stricto may well be misleading and does not necessarily imply true phylogenetic relationships. The constituents of Anatini form a morphologically generalised duck tribe (cf. Woolfenden 1961) which has become a taxonomic ‘wastebasket’ 1n which generally duck-like, but otherwise obscure genera are placed (cf. Mlikovsky 1983a, 1987). It may thus be concluded (1) that Salvadori’s Duck should not be included in the genus Anas and deserves separation at the generic level as Salvadorina, and (2) that it may, together with Hymenolaimus and Malacorhynchus form a relict genus of waterfowl that has survived up to the present, as have many other animals only in the Australian region. The relict nature of these genera and the expected prevalence of primitive features which characterise them, prevent their being properly defined as a tribe at present. The situation can be improved only after the extensive fossil record of the waterfowl (Brodkorb 1964, Howard 1964, Mlikovsky 1983b) is improved in the Australian region (cf. Rich & Van Tets 1982, Rich & Baird 1986) and completely re-evaluated; and after the internal anatomy of all waterfowl is studied in more detail. Complete skeletons and fluid-preserved specimens of Salvadorina are particularly needed. Acknowledgements I am grateful to Burkhardt Stephan (Berlin) for lending me the specimens of Salvadorina waigiuensis. The manuscript benefited from the suggestions of Storrs L. Olson and James F. Monk. References: Boetticher, H. von & Grummt, W. 1965. Gdnse- und Entenvégel aus aller Welt. 2nd rev. ed. Wittenberg Lutherstadt: A. Ziemsen. Brodkorb, P. 1964. Catalogue of fossil birds: Part 2 (Anseriformes through Galliformes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 8: 195-335. Delacour, J. 1956. The Waterfowl of the World, 11. Country Life. Frith, H. J. 1967. Waterfowl in Australia. East-West Press. Howard, H. 1964. Fossil Anseriformes. Pp. 233-326 in Waterfowl of the World, IV (J. Delacour, Ed.). Country Life. Johnsgard, P. 1978. Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World. University of Nebraska Press. Johnsgard, P. 1979. Order Anseriformes. Pp. 425-506 in Check-list of Birds of the World, 1 (E. Mayr & C. W. Cottrell, Eds.). Cambridge, Mass.: Museum of Comparative Zoology. Kear, J. 1973. The Blue Duck of New Zealand. Living Bird 11: 175-192. Kear, J. 1975. Salvadori’s Duck of New Guinea. Wildfowl 26: 104-111. Kolbe, H. 1984. Die Entenvégel der Welt. 3rd rev. ed. Neumann Verlag. Mayr, E. 1931. Zur Anatomie und systematischen Stellung der Salvadori-Ente (Salvadorina waigiuensis Rothsch. & Hartert). Ornithol. Monatsber. 39: 69-70. Mlikovsky, J. 1983a. On the foundations of biological systematics: a historical approach. Pp. 305-317 in General Questions of Evolution (V. J. A. Novak & K. Zemek, Eds.). Praha: CSAV. Mlikovsky, J. 1983b. Fossil evidence for Waterfowl Evolution ( Aves: Anseriformes). Unpubl. Thesis, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Praha (in Czech). Mlikovsky, J. 1987. Ecological bases of supraspecific evolution. Pp. 253-267 in Biological Evolution (V. Pesce-Delfino, Ed.). Adriatica Editrice. L. F. Koff et al. 25 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Olson, S. L. 1977. Notes on subfossil Anatidae from New Zealand, including a new species of Pink-headed Duck (Malacorhynchus). Emu 77: 132-135. Rich, P. V. & Baird, R. F. 1986. History of the Australian avifauna. Current Ornithol. 4: 97-139. Rich, P. V. & Van Tets, G. F. 1982. Fossil birds of Australia and New Guinea: their biogeographic, phylogenetic and biostratigraphic input. Pp. 235-384 in The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia (P. V. Rich & E. M. Thompson, Eds.). Monash University. Rothschild, W. & Hartert, E. 1894. Salvadorina waigiuensis gen. et sp. nov. Novit. Zool. 1: 683-684. Verheyen, R. 1953. Bijdrage tot de osteologie en die systematiek der Anseriformes. Gerfaut 43, Suppl.: 373-497. Verheyen, R. 1955. La systématique des Anseriformes basée sur losteologie comparee. Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique 31(35): 1-18, 31(36): 1-16, 31(37): 1-22, 31(38): 1-16. Wood, D.S. & Schnell, G. D. 1986. Revised World Inventory of Avian Skeletal Specimens, 1986. AOU and Oklahoma Biological Survey. Woolfenden, G. E. 1961. Postcranial osteology of the waterfowl. Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sct. 6: 1-129. Address: Dr. Jiri Mlikovsky, Department of Evolutionary Biology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Sekaninova 28, CS-128 00 Praha 2, Czechoslovakia. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Notes on the nests and eggs of some Ecuadorian birds by Lloyd F. Kiff, Manuel Marin A., Fred C. Sibley, Juan Carlo Matheus and N. Fohn Schmitt Received 6 April 1988 Considering the richness of its avifauna, surprisingly little has been pub- lished on the nesting habits of Ecuadorian birds, the only major studies apparently being those of Marchant (1959, 1960), who reported on the breeding species in the semi-arid southwestern portion of the country. The Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology initiated a long-term study of the breeding habits of the birds of Ecuador in 1987. This pre- liminary report includes new breeding information on Ecuadorian birds, including the first descriptions of the nests and eggs, or both, of several species or races. ‘Two of the authors (MMA and FCS) worked from 29 July to 23 August 1987 in the relatively undisturbed primary wet forest surrounding the small Jivaro village of Tayuntza, elev. 600 m, 54 km SE of Macas, on the eastern slopes of the Cordillera de Cutucu, Morona-Santiago Prov. (2°43'S, 77°52’W). LFK and NJS visited Ecuador 8-27 October 1987 and conducted field work primarily in the Quito region and (with JCM) in paramo near La Virgen, Pichincha Prov., the highest point (4000 m,) on the road between Quito and Baeza, Napo Prov. Incidental collecting was done in several other localities on the eastern slope of the Andes during these periods. L. F. Kiff etal. 26 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Nomenclature follows that of Meyer de Schauensee (1966), and egg shapes are those given by Palmer (1962: 13). Egg measurements are in mm and were made with Helios dial calipers accurate to the nearest 0.01 mm. Weights of empty eggshells were taken with an Allied model 7303DA electronic balance, and these data are given 1n grams in paren- theses after the measurements; only the eggshells of fresh or slightly incubated eggs were weighed. All specimens are housed in the collections of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (WFVZ). SPECIES’ DATA SAPPHIRE QUAIL-DOVE Geotrygon saphirina saphirina FCS found a nest of this species containing a recently hatched chick (WFVZ 42,457) on 8 August 1987 at Tayuntza. The nest (WFVZ 155,728) was located in disturbed riparian forest 3-4 m from a small creek and was placed over the moss-covered fork of a branch of ashrub 2.1 m off the ground. It was a typical columbid structure, being a loose platform of fine sticks, rootlets, and bits of green moss. The chick could be seen through the bottom of the nest, which measured 21 x 16 cm. An incubat- ing bird (WF VZ 42,456) proved to be a female. No nests have previously been reported for this rather uncommon species (Goodwin 1967, Hilty & Brown 1986). BAND-WINGED NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus longirostris ruficervix FCS flushed one of these nightjars from a single egg on the ground at the base of a 7-10 m cliff made by a roadcut on the south side of a quebrada (canyon) on the east side of Volcan Pichincha, c. 2 km W of the centre of Quito, Pichincha Prov., elev. 3000 m, on 24 July 1987. The cliff overhung the nest site, which was about 15 m from the edge of a dirt road. The site was shielded from the road by a bush and several large rocks. ‘There was no nesting material, nor even a depression, the egg being laid on hard, bare dirt. The egg (WF VZ 156,081) contained a half-developed embryo and was immaculate dull white and subelliptical in shape. It measured 28.51 x 20.20 (0.425), and the whole egg weight was 6.0g. It differs markedly from a series of 6 sets of 2 eggs of this species from Chile in the collection of the WFVZ. All the latter eggs have a buffy-white ground colour, and all but one set (2 eggs) are variously marked with dots and scrawls of dark brown, olive brown, and lilac over their entire surfaces (see Johnson 1967). In addition, Sclater & Salvin (1879) mentioned that a Colombian egg of this species was spotted. The clutch size of this species is also apparently variable, as all the clutches reported by Johnson (1967) contained 2 eggs, Hilty & Brown (1986) mention possible one-egg clutches in Colombia, while Todd & Carriker (1922) reported a 2-egg clutch from the Santa Marta region in Colombia. Our Ecuador set was presumably complete, since the egg was well incubated. CHESTNUT-COLLARED SWIFT Cyseloides rutilus brunnettorques This species is widely distributed in the neotropics, and nesting has previously been described from Trinidad (Belcher & Smooker 1936, Snow 1962, Collins 1968), Colombia (Niceforo & Olivares 1967), Mexico (Rowley 1966, 1984), and Costa Rica (Marin & Stiles in prep.). L. F. Kiffetal. 27 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) However, there are no previous descriptions of the eggs of this sub- species, nor breeding records for Ecuador, although a Cypselordes rutilus nest mentioned by Orton (1871) may have been from Ecuador. MMA and FCS found a nest on 25 July 1987 at La Merced, 10 km SE of Quito, Pichincha Prov., elev. 2300 m. It was located in the roof of a man-made earthen tunnel c. 6 m above a small stream. It was a half cup- shaped structure made of mosses, liverworts, and with some mud in its base, agreeing in these details with Costa Rican nests found by Marin & Stiles (in prep.). The nest measured 13 x 10 cm wide and was 10 cm deep. It appeared that the mosses and liverworts used in the construction were actually alive, due to the high humidity of the nest site, and that the roots of these plants provided a strong attachment for the nest to the nearly vertical wall of the tunnel. The nest contained a 4-5 day old chick and an infertile egg (WF VZ 156,085), which was white and unmarked, measur- ing 24.04 x 15.17 (0.133) and long subelliptical in shape. The whole egg weight was 2.4 g. The chick was allowed to fledge, and the empty nest was collected by LFK and NJS on 11 October 1987. BLACK-TAILED TRAINBEARER Lesbia victoriae aequatorialis LFK and NJS found this species nesting in abundance along a road through a eucalyptus plantation on the slopes of Volcan Pichincha, 2 km W of Quito, Pichincha Prov., elev. 3000 m, 14-16 October 1987. Of 8 nests whose contents were determined 7 contained 2 eggs, and the other only one. The latter nest was found on 14 October with a single egg and had not received another egg by 16 October. Nine eggs collected 15—16 October averaged 13.80 x 8.76 (0.028). They were immaculate white, not glossy, and subelliptical or long subelliptical in shape. All were fresh or contained very small embryos, indicating the onset of egg laying at this locality. The eggs of this species have apparently not been described previously. ‘The nests were cup-shaped affairs of moss, fine grasses, tiny leaves, and cobwebs, and all had ‘hoods’ of the same materials, ranging from some that were complete to merely a few wisps of moss. All the nests were lined with fine plant fibres. Six nests averaged 6.8 cm deep and 7.2 cm in diameter, with inner cups 3 cm in diameter and 2.5 cm deep. The hoods averaged 6.5 (5-8) cm deep and 6.4 (4-8) cm wide. All but one of the nests were suspended on hanging masses of vines or grass growing under the overhanging lips of road embankments, with the open side of the cup facing the roadbanks. The single exception was a nest located 2.5 m high in a clump of a lacey, evergreen parasite vine interwoven through the branches of a small eucalyptus tree. This nest was much bulkier than the ones found under the roadbanks, and its hood was so extensive that the nest presented an almost oven-shaped appearance. This was the only hummingbird found nesting here at this time, although a more detailed study in progress by JCM has indicated that the same type of situation is also extensively used for nesting by several other hummingbird species, including Metallura tyrianthina and Colibri coruscans, at other times of the year. Presumably, the advent of man and roadbanks has provided much new nesting habitat for hummingbirds both in this area and many others throughout the neotropics. Moore L. F. Kiff et al. 28 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) (1947) mentioned finding a nest of this species with a young bird on the slopes of Volcan Pichincha on 3 April 1947, indicating that the breeding season must either be bimodal, or extend for at least 7 months. Aside from a photograph of a Quito nest in Greenewalt (1960), we can find no other published record of the nesting of L. victoriae. ‘The Quito nest is of interest, since it was located 16 ft (4.9m) high in a tree and does not appear to have had a hood over the cup, as was the case with all the nests we found. WHITE-EARED JACAMAR Galbalrhynchus leucotis leucotis JCM collected a female of this species (JCM 8704) on 16 September 1987 at Coco, c. 64km NE of Puerto Francisco Orellana, Napo Prov.., elev. 280 m, which contained a fully formed oviduct egg. The egg (WF VZ 156,110) is white, unmarked, not glossy, and short oval in shape, and measures 25.19 x 19.12. This is apparently the first report of an egg of this species. BLACK-BILLED TREEHUNTER J hripadectes melanorhynchus melanorhynchus A nest of this species was found on 17 October 1987 by NJS and LFK in a wet primary forest area 23 km NE of Archidona, Napo Prov., elev. 1300 m. The nest was a springy pad-like cup of stiff dark brown leafstems of a consistent size and texture. It measured 17 x 13 cm and was located at the enlarged end of a 1 m long tunnel, which sloped slightly upwards in the earthen wall of a 3m deep game pit. The tunnel was located 1 m up from the floor of the pit, and was 5 cm in diameter. There were several other whole or partial tunnels in the wall, presumably representing former nests or roosting burrows of this species at the same site. The incubating bird (WF VZ 39,185) was flushed from the nest and netted. The nest contained 3 eggs (WF VZ 156,103), 2 of which contained large embryos, while the other was infertile. The eggs were white, unmarked, not glossy, and subelliptical in shape. ‘They measured 29.28 x 20.65 (0.300), 29.32 x 20.43 (0.312), and 28.98 x 21.59 (0.353). This is the first description of the nest and eggs of this species. The distinctive nest pad of leafstems is virtually identical to 2 Costa Rican nests of Automolus ochrolaemus, 2 Costa Rican nests of Sclerurus guatemalensis, and one Colombian nest of Sclerurus albigularis in the WFVZ collection. Curiously, 2 nests of Thripadectas rufobrunneus (including the one collected by Worth (1939) in Panama and another from Costa Rica) in the WF VZ collection are made of rootlets, not leafstems. BROWN-BACKED CHAT-TYRANT Ochthoeca fumicolor brunneifrons A nest of this species was found by JCM and LFK on 16 October 1987, 2km W of La Virgen (78°12’W, 00°19’S), elev. 3800 m. One of the birds was collected (WFVZ 42,906), and the nest and eggs (WFVZ 156,105) were taken on 23 October. The nest was a bulky cup of moss and grass lined with puya fibres, and was located in a dense vine hanging high over a dirt roadbank 1.5 m off the ground. The nest measured 12 x 11.5 cm wide and was 8 cm deep with an inner cup 5.5 cm in diameter and 4.5 cm deep. The eggs were fresh and were creamy-white with a few scattered spots of rufous-brown and dark brown, mostly on the larger ends. They measured L. F. Koff et al. 29 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) 19.46 x 15.12 (0.115) and 20.24 x 15.74 (0.131) and were short oval and short subelliptical respectively. These details appear to agree with those given for a set of eggs of the nominate race, O. f. fumicolor by Sclater & Salvin (1879), apparently the only previous description of the eggs of the species. Vuilleumier & Ewert (1978) described 2 nests found in the Venezuelan paramo, one located in the niche of a bank in a situation apparently similar to the Ecuadorian nest, the other placed in the cavity of an Espeletia sp. plant. OLIVE-CHESTED FLYCATCHER Myiophobus cryptoxanthus MMA and FCS found this seldom-reported flycatcher to be quite common in the vicinity of Tayuntza. A nest found on 2 August 1987 was located in brushy second-growth at the edge of a pasture and placed ina small branch of a sapling c. 1.8m from the ground. It was a suspended cup, made mostly of mosses and fine plant fibres with bits of moss and decorative dead leaves and fine twigs attached to its outer surface by cobwebs, and was lined with fine plant fibres. Its outer dimensions were 7 cm deep and 9 x 8.5 cm wide, and the inner cup was 4.5 cm in diameter and 5.5 cm deep. The adult female was collected (WF VZ 42,691) along with the nest and 2 eggs (WFVZ 156,088). The eggs measure 16.85 x 12.85 (0.082) and 17.11 x 12.90 (0.084) and are short oval and short subelliptical, respectively. The whole egg weights were 2.55 and 2.6 g. They are identical in appearance to several sets of eggs of the con- generic Bran-coloured Flycatcher Myiophobus fasciatus in the WF VZ collection. BROWN-BELLIED SWALLOW Notiochelidon murina murina We collected several sets of eggs of this species in the mountains east of Quito. A set of 3 fresh eggs (WF VZ 156,084) was taken on 8 September 1987 by FCS and Peggy Sibley at 3km E of Papallacta, near Rio San Pedro, Napo Prov. Both adults were observed at the nest, and one was collected (WF VZ 42,726). The nest was on a beam under a small bridge c. 2 m over the water. It was made of moss, rootlets and dried grass and was lined with chicken feathers of several colours. The nest seemed unusually large for a swallow and was possibly made originally by some other species. It measured 31 x 15 cm and was 9.5 cm deep. The inner cup was 7.cm in diameter. The 3 eggs were white, unmarked, not glossy, and subelliptical in shape. They measure 18.89 x 13.41 (0.086), 18.79 x 13.81 (0.088), and 18.41 x 13.85 (0.090). Three other nests (WF VZ 156,106—8) of this species were collected by LFK, JCM and NJS on 23 October 1987 at 2km W of La Virgen, elev. 3800 m, and several other active nests of the species were examined in the same vicinity on that date. All were located in burrows in dirt roadbanks, 2—5 m off the road and mostly near the tops of the banks. No more than 2 active nests were found in the same section of roadbank. The burrows averaged 10 cm in diameter and most were c. 50 cm deep. The ends of the burrows were enlarged to hold the fairly bulky cup nests, made com- pletely of dried grass and lined with feathers of various species, including Buteo poecilochrous and unidentified anatids. The 3 nests averaged 24 x 19 cm in size with inner cups averaging 5.3 cm in diameter. In most instances the incubating birds were removed from the nests by hand. On L. F. Kiff et al. 30 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) this date most of the nests contained well incubated eggs or small chicks, but 2 fresh sets of 2 eggs were collected, although only 3 were saved. These are identical in appearance to the eggs taken earlier by FCS, and measure 18.85 x 14.02 (0.081), 19.76 x 13.85 (0.090) and 19.72 x 13.69 (0.082). Nearly all the nests contained 3 eggs or chicks, but one of the sets of 2 was complete, since the bird caught on the nest (42,914) did not contain additional developing ova. The bird caught on the other nest (WEVZ 42,915) did contain a partially formed egg, indicating that the full clutch would have contained 3 eggs. GREAT THRUSH Turdus fuscater guindio There is surprisingly little published information on the nesting of this species, despite its relative abundance in many Andean localities, and there appears to be no previous description of the eggs of this subspecies. LFK, JCM and NJS found a nest on 23 October 1987 at 11 km W of La Virgen, elev. 3400 m. It was located 4 m high in a dense cluster of leaves at the end of a large lateral limb of a 9m tree (Oreopanax sp.) growing alongside a small creek near the upper limits of the temperate forest belt. ‘The nest was a large bulky cup-shaped affair constructed of coarse sticks on its outer shell and damp weedy and monocot leaves in the inner layers. No mud was found in the walls of the nest, and it was lined with grass. It measured 32 x 21 cm wide and was 12 cm deep; the inner cup was 9.5 cm in diameter and 6 cm deep. One of the pair was seen at the nest, which contained a set of 2 fresh eggs (WFVZ 156,104). ‘The eggs measured 35.97 x 23.60 (0.0543) and 36.30 x 24.20 (0.572) and were long oval in shape. ‘They were bluish-green with bold spots of reddish-brown, cinnamon and (underlying) lilac over their entire surfaces. They are virtually identical in colour and measurements to another egg (WF VZ 151,162) of this species, possibly of the same race, taken in Colombia (no specific locality given) in 1879 by the early collector, Baer. Baer’s egg measures 35.49 x 24.15 and is long subelliptical in shape. Acknowledgements Peggy Sibley and Juan Manuel Carrion provided valuable help and companionship in the field. We are most grateful to Nancy Hilgert de Benavides and Virgilio Benavides of the Corparacion Ornitologica del Ecuador for their many forms of assistance in Ecuador. Dr Sergio Figueroa and Dr Angel Lovato of the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia kindly assisted in obtaining permits to conduct research and collect specimens in Ecuador, and Biol. Fausto Sarmiento R., Director Ejecutivo Encargado of the Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales provided valuable cooperation. This project was supported by the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology and the Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales. References: Belcher, C. & Smooker, G. D. 1936. On the birds of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago. Pt. 3. Ibis'6: 1=35. Collins, C. T. 1968. The comparative biology of two species of swifts in Trinidad, West Indies. Bull. Florida State Mus. Biol. Sci. 11: 257-320. Euler, C. 1900. Descripcao de ninho e ovos das aves do Brazil. Rev. Mus. Paul. 4: 9-164. Goodwin, D. 1967. Pigeons and Doves of the World. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Greenewalt, C. H. 1960. Hummingbirds. Doubleday and Co. Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton Univ. Press. Johnson, A. W. 1967. The Birds of Chile and Adjacent Regions of Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. Vol. II. Platt, Buenos Aires. Marchant, S. 1959. The breeding season in S.W. Ecuador. Jbis 101: 137-152. P.W.Wendelken &S R. F. Martin 31 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Marchant, S. 1960. The breeding of some S.W. Ecuadorian birds. [bis 102: 349-382, 584-599. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1966. The Species of Birds of South America and their Distribution. Livingston Publ. Co. Niceforo Maria, H. & Olivares, A. 1967. Adiciones a la avifauna Colombiana, IV (Apodidae-Picidae). Hornero 10: 403-435. Orton, J. 1871. Notes on some birds in the museum of Vassar College. Amer. Nat. 4: 711-717. Palmer, R. S. (Ed.). 1962. Handbook of North American Birds. Vol. 1. Yale Univ. Press. Rowley, J. S. 1966. Breeding records of the birds of the Sierra Madre del Sur, Oaxaca, Mexico. Proc. Western Found. Vert. Zool. 1: 1-204. Rowley, J. S. 1984. Breeding records of land birds in Oaxaca, Mexico. Proc. West. Found. Vert. Zool. 2: 73—224. Sclater, P. L. & Salvin, O. 1879. On the birds collected by T. K. Salmon in the state of Antiquoia, United States of Colombia. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1879: 486-550. Snow, D. W. 1962. Notes on the biology of some Trinidad swifts. Zoologica 47: 129-139. Todd, W. E. C. & Carriker, M. A., Jr. 1922. The birds of the Santa Marta Region of Columbia: a study of altitudinal distribution. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 14: 1-611. Vuilleumier, F. & Ewert, D. W. 1978. The distribution of birds in Venezuelan paramos. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 162(2): 51-90. Worth, C. B. 1939. Nesting of some Panamanian birds. Auk 56: 306-310. Addresses: L. F. Kiff, M. Marin A., N. J. Schmitt, Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, 1100 Glendon Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90024, USA; F. C. Sibley, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA; J. C. Matheus, Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, Casilla 8976, Suc. 7, Quito, Ecuador. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Recent data on the distribution of birds in Guatemala, 2 by Peter W. Wendelken and Robert F. Martin Received 7 April 1988 Distributional information on Guatemalan birds was organised compre- hensively by Land (1970) and updated in part by Wendelken & Martin (1986) following studies of avian frugivory in Guatemala’s arid interior (Wendelken & Martin 1987, 1988). In our first report, covering the period 1981-1985, we presented distributional data for 42 species; for 26 of these, our data represented the first record for the species from the tropical arid interior and was annotated FRTAI (see definition, Wendelken & Martin 1986). Here we present additional data on distri- bution for 26 species, based primarily on work during 1986 and 1988. We present the first record from Guatemala for one species (Amazilia violiceps) and the second record or second known site in Guatemala for 3 others. For 14 species, we present geographical range extensions for regions, departments or locations from which the species has not been reported previously: 3 for Tikal National Park and the Department Petén, 3 for the Motagua Valley portion of the arid interior (FRTAIJ), 2 for the Department Sacatepéquez, 1 for the Pacific lowland, and P. W. Wendelken & R. F. Martin 32 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Figure 1. Outline map of Guatemala. E= Dpto. Escuintla; [= Dpto. Izabal; P=Dpto. Petén; S=Dpto. Sacatepéquez; Z= Dpto. Zacapa. Located by dots are: Tikal National Park, Dpto. Petén; El Cimarron, Dpto. Izabal; and Puerto de Iztapa, Dpto. Escuintla. 7 easternmost records for the country from E] Cimarron, Department Izabal (Fig. 1). El Cimarron is located at km 269 of the Route to the Atlantic (Ruta al Atlantico), c. 5km from the town 'Tenedores and c. 18km SSW of Puerto Barrios. For 9 species, we present data that supplement those presented in our first report (Wendelken & Martin 1986—herein annotated W&M). Other records are noteworthy for reasons given within the appropriate species accounts. All records are based on observations made using 10 x 50 binoculars. Our conclusions concerning the appropriateness of our records are based primarily on comparisons with Land’s species accounts and range maps (1970), Land’s earlier distributional papers (1962a, b, 1963), and search of the subsequent literature. SPECIES ACCOUNTS GREAT BLUE HERON Ardea herodias 22 Feb 1986, one seen along the Motagua River at Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa. (FRTAI: W&M, 9 Mar 1984.) GREAT EGRET Casmerodius albus 22 Feb 1986, one seen along the Motagua R. at Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa. 19 Jan 1988, one seen along the Rio Grande de Zacapa at Estanzuela, Dpto. Zacapa. (FRTAI: W&M, 8 Mar & 4 Jun 1984.) P.W. Wendelken & R. F. Martin 33 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) SNOWY EGRET Egretta thula Single birds seen along the Motagua R. at Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa on 22 and 23 Feb 1986. 19 Jan 1988, 4 seen along the Rio Grande de Zacapa at Estanzuela, Dpto. Zacapa. FRTAI. LITTLE BLUE HERON Egretta caerulea 19 Feb 1986, one adult and one juvenile (all white) seen along the Rio Grande de Zacapa at Estanzuela, Dpto. Zacapa. 2 adults seen at same site, 19 Jan 1988. One adult seen along the Motagua R. at Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa on 22 and 23 Feb 1986. (FRTAI: W&M, 10 Mar & 24 Jul 1984.) BLACK-SHOULDERED KITE Elanus caeruleus On 21 and 22 Feb 1986, single birds seen soaring at Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa. One seen on 22 Mar 1986 and 3 on 4 Feb 1988 along highway, 10-20 km NE of Quirigua, Dpto. Izabal. (FRTAI: W&M, 10 Mar 1984 and first records for the Caribbean lowland, Guatemala, W&M, 9 Mar & 3 Sep 1984.) SNAIL KITE Rostrhamus sociabilis 21 Feb 1986, one adult female or immature bird seen in full sunlight flying from a marshy field 2km SW of Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa. One adult female or immature bird seen and photographed at Santa Cruz on 22 Feb 1986 and 2 (either adult female or immature) seen there next day, one perched in tree and vocalising, the other flying. (FRTAI: W&M, 13 Mar 1984.) SHARP-SHINNED HAWKE Accipiter striatus One observed at close range (20 m) at El Cimarron, Dpto. Izabal, 19 Mar 1986. Not recorded in Land’s study (1963) of the Caribbean lowland. Appears to be the first record for Dpto. Izabal and extends the known range of this species to easternmost Guatemala. ZONE-TAILED HAWK Buteo albonotatus Rare, possibly resident, in Guatemala; apart from several trade skins of unspecified locality, the only record is from Ocos, at sea level on the Pacific coast (Land 1970). 1 Nov 1985, one in adult plumage seen soaring low, at close range, in excellent light near a permanent stream in Alotenango, Dpto. Sacatepéquez. Yellow cere, long black-and-white banded tail, and 2-tone (black and grey) wings were clearly observed. The first record for the Guatemalan highlands and Dpto. Sacatepequez. FERRUGINOUS PYGMY-OWL Glaucidium brasilianum Single birds seen on 20 and 21 Mar 1986 and 2 Feb 1988 at El Cimarron, Dpto. Izabal. Although recorded previously in western Dpto. Izabal (Land 1963), these are the easternmost records for Guatemala. GREEN-BREASTED MANGO Anthracothorax prevostit At Estanzuela, Dpto. Zacapa, one female seen on 19 Feb 1986 and 2 females seen next day. At this site in 1988, 2 males were observed on 19 Jan; 4 males and 2 females (one female photographed) on 20 Jan; 2 males and 2 females on 31 Janand 1 female on 5 Feb. On 17 Jan 1988, one female seen in the foothills of the Sierra de las Minas at 100-150 m elevation above the Motagua Valley floor village of Monte Grande (located c. 4 km west of Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa). The habitat at this foothills site is the P.W. Wendelken & R. F. Martin 34 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) same dry scrub forest found on the Motagua Valley floor. (FRTAT: W&M, one female, 8 & 10 Mar 1984 at Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa.) VIOLET-CROWNED HUMMINGBIRD A mazilia violiceps Not recorded from Guatemala (Land 1970), its previously known southern extent of range was Chiapas, México (Peterson & Chalif 1973). 17 Jan 1988, one male observed when it was both feeding and perched at very close range (to 5m) in full sunlight for c. 30 min in the southern foothills of the Sierra de las Minas, at c. 100-150 m elevation above the Motagua Valley floor village of Monte Grande. Monte Grande is located c. 4km west of Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa. The habitat of the site is dry scrub forest (cacti, thorny scrub) and the bird was observed c. 20 m from a wooded canyon. The bill (including upper mandible) was red with a black tip, the crown violet-blue, the tail rufous above, the throat, breast, abdomen and sides a pure white. This is the first record for Guatemala and FRTAIT. TURQUOISE-BROWED MOTMOT Eumomota superciliosa E] Cimarron, Dpto. Izabal, one seen along the Rio Tenedores near a vertical dirt bank, 19 Mar 1986. 22 Mar 1986, 2 pairs and a single bird seen along the banks of the Rio ‘Tenedores (one bird photographed). 4 Feb 1988, 3 seen at the same site. Although previously recorded in western Dpto. Izabal (Land 1970), these are the easternmost records for Guatemala. PALTRY TYRANNULET Zimmerius vilissimus El] Cimarron, Dpto. Izabal, single birds seen on 22 Mar 1986 & 3 Feb 1988. Although previously recorded in western Dpto. Izabal (Land 1963), these are the easternmost records for Guatemala. OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER Contopus borealis 16 Jan 1986, one seen on the lower northern slopes of Volcan del Agua, 8 km south of Antigua, Dpto. Sacatepequez. W&M (1986) extended the earliest calendar date from 7 Mar to 28 Jan; latest calendar dates are 16 Dec (Land 1970) and 30 Dec (Brose et al. 1980). Present record suggests possible winter resident, rather than migrant, status. BLACK PHOEBE Sayornis nigricans Recorded in the Caribbean lowland from northwestern and western Dpto. Izabal (Land 1970). One seen on 2 Feb 1988 and 2 on 4 Feb 1988 along the Rio ‘Tenedores at El Cimarron, Dpto. Izabal. These are the easternmost records for Guatemala. TREE SWALLOW Tachycineta bicolor Four observed on 28 Jan 1988 and 2 next day flying continuously over artificial ponds adjacent to headquarters at Tikal National Park, Dpto. Peten. First record for Tikal Nat. Pk. and Dpto. Peten. MANGROVE SWALLOW Tachycineta albilinea Rio Grande de Zacapa at Estanzuela, Dpto. Zacapa, one seen on 19 Feb 1986, 40n 19 Jan 1988 and one on 31 Jan 1988. Motagua R. at Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa, 2 on 22 Feb 1986 and one next day. (FRTAI: W&M, Mar— Jul 1984.) P.W.Wendelken S R. F. Martin 35 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) CLIFF SWALLOW Hirundo pyrrhonota One seen repeatedly in a mixed flock of swallows, flying over artificial ponds adjacent to headquarters at Tikal National Park, Dpto. Peten, 28 and 29 Jan 1988. First record for Tikal Nat. Pk. and Dpto. Petén. NORTHERN PARULA Parula americana One female seen on 26 Jan 1988 in Tikal Nat. Pk. Partial white eye ring and absence of black mask noted clearly. First record for Tikal Nat. Pk. and Dpto. Peten. WORM-EATING WARBLER Helmitheros vermivorus Recorded from near sea level to 1500 m in Guatemala (Land 1970). 3 Oct 1985, one seen at c. 2700 m on Volcan del Agua, Dpto. Sacatepequez. WHITE-VENTED EUPHONIA Euphonia minuta Resident and rare, recorded in Guatemala only at Coban, Dpto. Alta Verapaz (Salvin & Godman 1879: 259, cited zn Land 1970). El Cimarron, Dpto. Izabal, in 2—3 m fruiting shrubs in an overgrown pasture adjacent to the Rio Tenedores, single males seen on 19 and 22 Mar 1986 and 2 males and one female on 2 Feb 1988. Observed at close range in sun and confirmed by photographs, the posterior abdomen, vent and undertail coverts of the males were completely white. The female had a greyish throat and whitish abdomen. On 3 Feb 1988, a male seen in a low (6 m) fruiting tree at forest edge c. 2km upstream from previous site. First records for Dpto. Izabal and Caribbean lowland of Guatemala. WESTERN TANAGER Piranga ludoviciana 20 Feb 1986, one male seen at Estanzuela, Dpto. Zacapa. Single birds seen at this site, 19 and 31 Jan 1988. FRTAI. 19 Mar 1986, one male seen at El Cimarron, Dpto. Izabal. Although recorded in the Caribbean low- land at Panzos, Dpto. Alta Verapaz (Land 1963), and apparently from western Dpto. Izabal (Land 1970), this is the easternmost record for Guatemala. GRAYISH SALTATOR Saltator coerulescens 23 Feb 1986, one adult seen at Santa Cruz, Dpto. Izabal. (FRTAI: W&M, Apr—Jun 1984.) GRASSLAND YELLOW-FINCH Sicalis luteola Probably resident; the only previous record was from Duenas, Dpto. Sacatepéquez, in the 19th Century (Land 1970). On 23 Jan 1988, one male seen along the road between San Juan del Obispo and Santa Maria de Jesus, 9 km south of Antigua, Dpto. Sacatepéquez. RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD Agelaius phoeniceus 19 Feb 1986, various males heard vocalising near the Rio Grande de Zacapa at Estanzuela, Dpto. Zacapa. (FRTAI: W&M, Apr—Jul 1984, Santa Cruz, Dpto. Zacapa.) MELODIOUS BLACKBIRD Dives dives Observed many times in the vicinity of the villages Ciudad Vieja, San Pedro and San Juan del Obispo, 4-6km south of Antigua, Dpto. Sacatepéquez: 8 & 29 Nov 1981; 3, 6 & 25 Dec 1981; 3, 10 & 31 Jan 1982; 15 & 19 Mar 1985; 8 & 11 Dec 1985; and 2 Jan 1986. Seen at Duenas J. S. Ash et al. 36 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) (c. 12 km WSW of Antigua), 18 Aug & 1 Dec 1985, at Alotenango (c. 13 km SW of Antigua), 27 Nov 1985, and at Santa Maria de Jesus (c. 10 km SSE of Antigua), 23 Jan 1988. These are the first records for Dpto. Sacatepequez. On 22 Nov 1981, observed along the Pacific coast at Puerto de Iztapa, the first record for Dpto. Escuintla and the Pacific lowland of Guatemala. Acknowledgements We appreciate the assistance of the staff of the Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas (CECON) of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas y Farmacia and give special thanks to Luis M. Villar Anléu, Ismael Ponciano, Elfriede de Poll, Jaime Tres and Hilda Rivera M.; we thank also the staff of the Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo. The study was supported in part by funds from the Texas Memorial Museum — The University of Texas at Austin. References: Brose, H., Brose, W. & Emmerson, A. 1980. Acct. 1307: Cerro de Oro, Guatemala. Amer. Birds 34: 676. Land, H.C. 1962a. A collection of birds from the arid interior of eastern Guatemala. Auk 79: 1-11. Land, H. C. 1962b. A collection of birds from the Sierra de la Minas, Guatemala. Wilson Bull. 74: 267-283. Land, H. C. 1963. A collection of birds from the Caribbean lowland of Guatemala. Condor 65: 49-65. Land, H. C. 1970. Birds of Guatemala. Livingston: Pennsylvania. Peterson, R. T. & Chalif, E. L. 1973. A Field Guide to Mexican Birds. Houghton Mifflin. Salvin, O. & Godman, F. D. 1879. Biologia Centrali-Americana, Aves, Vol. 1. Taylor & Francis. Wendelken, P. W. & Martin, R. F. 1986. Recent data on the distribution of birds in Guatemala. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 106: 16-21. Wendelken, P. W. & Martin, R. F. 1987. Avian consumption of Guaiacum sanctum fruit in the arid interior of Guatemala. Biotropica 19: 116-121. Wendelken, P. W. & Martin, R. F. 1988. Avian consumption of the fruit of the cacti Stenocereus eichlami and Pilosocereus maxonii in Guatemala. Amer. Midl. Nat. 119: 235-243. Addresses: Dr P. W. Wendelken, P.O. Box 26, Marietta, Ohio 45750, U.S.A.; Dr R. F. Martin, Texas Memorial Museum and Department of Zoology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78705, USA. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 ‘The mangrove reed warblers of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden coasts, with description of a new subspecies of the African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus by F. S. Ash, D. #. Pearson, G. Nikolaus and P. R. Colston Received 21 Fune 1988 On 26 January 1952 K. D. Smith collected what he believed to be a Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus from a population singing in coastal Ff. S. Ash et al. 37 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) mangroves at Zula (15°15/N, 39°42’E), (Eritrea), Ethiopia, and which, to judge from the enlarged testes of the specimen, was assumed to be breed- ing there. On the basis of its rather short and rounded wing this bird was subsequently re-identified as a Blyth’s Reed Warbler A. dumetorum (Williamson 1963, Smith 1964). The specimen was further discussed by Fry et al. (1974), and together with birds from Senegal and Lake Chad and a March specimen from Tibesti, it was considered to be representa- tive of populations intermediate between the African Reed Warbler A. baeticatus cinnamomeus and Palaearctic A. dumetorum. The Lake Chad birds were placed in a new taxon A. baeticatus hopsoni (Fry et al. 1974) and those of Senegal were subsequently named A. b. guierst (Colston & Morel 1982). The Tibesti bird, which we have re-examined, appears to be a short-winged A. scirpaceus. The taxonomy and affinities of the African Reed Warbler have been a subject of some controversy over the past 15 years. Fry et al. (1974) and Fry & Ferguson-Lees (1977) argued that A. baeticatus, or at least some of its forms, should be treated as conspecific with A. dumetorum. This has been rejected by, among others, Devillers & Dowsett-Lemaire (1978) and Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett (1987), who stress instead the close vocal and other similarities of A. baeticatus and A. scirpaceus. In fact, the last- named authors suggest that baeticatus and scirpaceus are conspecific. Whilst we agree that these 2 are closely related, we adhere to the 2 specific names in this paper. Clancey (1975) proposed that the smaller, more rufous coloured birds of inland eastern and central Africa be treated as a separate species A. cinnamomeus, but the justification for this is question- able (vide e.g. Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 1987) and we here treat cinnamomeus as a race of A. baeticatus. Populations referrable to cinnamomeus which extended the known range of this race north and northeast were found in Niger (Devillers & Dowsett-Lemaire 1978), central Ethiopia (Ash 1973) and Somalia (Ash in press), while birds found by Wilkinson & Aidley (1983) in northern Nigeria were considered to be intermediate between cinnamomeus and hopsont. Meanwhile there have also been further discoveries of birds resembling the Zula specimen, all from mangroves on the coasts of Ethiopia (Eritrea), Sudan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, and North Yemen (for all known records of A. baeticatus from Ethiopia, Somalia, coastal Sudan and the Arabian peninsula see Appendix 1). In December 1972 J.S.A. found birds singing on Scek Said Is (15°36’N, 39°28’E), Ethiopia, where Brother Edmund Johnson netted 2 examples and collected one specimen on 7 January 1976 (Ash 1977, Johnson 1976). Prompted by these findings G.N. searched for and found singing birds during early March of the same year near Suakin (19°05’N, 37°20’E) on the Sudan coast, and collected a series of 10 moderately worn birds, 8 of which are now housed at the Alexander Koenig Museum, Bonn, and 2, together with the Scek Said bird, at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. G.N. collected 4 more birds at Suakin in early August 1981, 2 in fresh plumage being considered to be young birds, whilst one worn and one moulting specimen were clearly adults. Three of these 4 birds were quite fat. These 4, together with 3 more specimens taken by G.N. in March 1983, and 2 nests collected in J. S. Ash et al. 38 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) 1982 and 1983 (Appendix 2) are housed at Stuttgart Museum (Nikolaus 1984, 1987; Nikolaus & Backhurst 1982). In Somalia, Clarke (1985) collected, but did not preserve, an Acrocephalus in mangroves at Zeila (11°21'N, 43°28’E) on 20 May 1958, which was almost certainly the same taxon as the birds from Alula (see below). On 10 May 1979 at least 2 birds were heard by J.S.A. singing in mangroves at Saad-al-Din Is (11°27'N, 43°28’E) which sounded just like the Scek Said Is birds in Ethiopia (Ash 1983). Then in early May 1980 similar birds were singing in mangroves at Alula (11°58’N, 50°15’E). Two adults were collected and confirmed as the typical mangrove form (J. 5S. Ash & J. E. Miskell). A further mangrove bird was seen by J.S.A. nearby at Garas Wadi (11°16'N, 49°02’E) in the same month. ‘Two specimens, inseparable from those from the Sudan coast, were collected by B. S. Meadows from birds singing in mangroves at Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah (23°09'N, 38°02’E), 350 km north of Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, on 17 March 1986, the 2 skins being now in the British Museum (Natural History) (BMNH), Tring, U.K. In 1987 an adult and juvenile were netted in mangroves much further south, at Shuqaia (17°45'N, 41°55’E), by M. K. Jennings and H. Felemban, who also saw others with newly fledged juveniles in mangroves nearby. One seen well in mangroves by M. K. Evans at Al’ Urj (15°06'N, 42°52’E) in North Yemen on 10 June 1986 agreed with the description of the mangrove birds on the west side of the Red Sea. These Red Sea mangrove reed warblers certainly appear to be closely allied to A. baeticatus, and their song is of a typical baeticatus/scirpaceus character. However, they appear to be more distinctive than any of the other baeticatus populations of northern Africa. In wing structure they are very similar to both A. dumetorum and A. agricola; in particular, many key out as agricola and even one as experienced as K. Williamson was led to believe that the Zula bird was actually dumetorum. Plumage colouration is incorrect however for both dumetorum and agricola, bill shape is wrong for agricola (which also has a relatively longer tail) and, most significantly, the song is very different from that of duwmetorum. Both agricola and dumetorum are probably monotypic. We describe the mangrove taxon here as a race of baeticatus: Acrocephalus baeticatus avicenniae, subsp. nov. Type. Male adult with testes enlarged, Zula (15°15’N, 39°42’E), Eritrea, Ethiopia, 26 January 1952. Collected in a mangrove swamp near Zula by K. D. Smith. In the collection of the British Museum (Natural History), Tring. Registration number 1952-25-23. Description and diagnosis. Differs from A. b. cinnamomeus in being olive-brown above, with rusty tinge confined to rump and upper tail coverts, but lacking on wing feathers; slightly paler on head and mantle. Worn birds are paler with a greyish cast above. Supercilium creamy white. Almost uniform creamy white below with only a slight buff suffusion on the flanks and thighs, in contrast to the deep rich buff on the breast, flanks and under tail coverts typical of A. b. cinnamomeus. Under wing coverts creamy white. Wing usually longer than in cinmnamomeus F. S. Ash et al. 39 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) TABLE 1 Measurements (in mm) of 2 races of Acrocephalus baeticatus n A. b. avicenniae n A. b. cinnamomeus* Wing Sg (10) 57-61 (59.0+1.2) (14) 53-56 (54.7+1.2) Q (11) 55-61 (58.2+0.9) (5) 53-56 (54.8+1.1) Tail 3 (8) 47-50 (47.0+1.4) (10) 43-47 (44.7+1.5) QO (9) 4448 (46.141.3) (3) 43,44, 45 Tarsus So. (8) 20-2155 (20.9055) G0), 21.528 (22.14. 0.5) Q (9) 2021.5 (20.7+0.5) Gyre 2A DTD Bill (skull) So (8) 15.5-17(16.4+0.6) (14) 15.5-17.5(16.7+0.6) @ (9) -15.5-17 (16.10.5) (5) 16.5-17.0 (16.8+0.3) 2nd primary tip (19) Most=tips p6/7 (18) Most=tips p7/9 (two (one =7/8; two=5/6) = 9/10; none above p7) 10th primary shortfall (19) 7.5-10 (9.3 40.5) (16) 6-9(7.340.9) Hind claw (6) 5-6 (15) 6.5-7.5 Weight (20) 7-10.5g (8.041.1) (17) 6.2-10.6¢ (8.0+1.0) *These include all the BMNH specimens from Sudan and Chad (10) and Tanzania (4, of which 2 are labelled wrongly as swahelicus), plus the Smithsonian specimens from Ethiopia (4) and Somalia (3). and rather more pointed (greater tenth primary shortfall, and the second primary falling nearer the wing tip); tarsus shorter (Table 1). Distribution. Mangroves on the Red Sea coasts of Ethiopia (Eritrea), Sudan, Saudi Arabia, North Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden coast of Somalia. Measurements (in mm). Type: wing flattened 59, tail 48, tarsus 21, bill (culmen to skull) 16.5, hind claw 5; measured ascendantly, 2nd primary falls between 6th and 7th; 10th primary shortfall (distance from tip of 10th primary to wingtip on closed wing) 9mm. Other specimens: for a series of 19 (1093, 929), measurements are compared with those of NE African cinnamomeus in Table 1. Museum material examined (in addition to the type). "Two Saudi Arabian specimens at BMNH (Reg. Nos. 1986—1—1 and 1986—1-2); 5 specimens — one from Scek Said Is and 2 each from Suakin and Alula— on loan from the Smithsonian Institution (Reg. Nos. AMNH 569770, 570439, 570440, 571274, 571366); 8 skins in the Alexander Koenig Museum, Bonn; and 5 skins in Stuttgart Museum, together with all hold- ings of A. baeticatus at BMNH and 7 A. b. cinnamomeus collected by J.S.A. in central Ethiopia and Somalia on loan from the Smithsonian Institution. Breeding and moult. Records of song all fall between January and May, which presumably includes the breeding season. This is borne out by the state of gonadal development, as well developed testes were present in one male at Zula in January and in 4 at Suakin in March; 4 females were in breeding condition at Suakin in March, and one nearly so at Alula in May—the latter probably regressing. ‘Moult would seem. to occur between about July and November, for the two January specimens, though fairly fresh, appear to have moulted at least 2 months previously; March birds are more faded and moderately worn, May birds are very worn, while of the 2 August adults, one was moulting and the other was very worn. Whereas all birds caught at Suakin in March were lean, 3 of the 4 caught in August were rated Fat 3 (vide Pearson & Backhurst 1976). This suggests that the population migrated after breeding, and in fact no J. S. Ash et al. 40 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) birds have been recorded on the Sudan coast during September— November. Etymology. The bird 1s named after Avicennia maritima, the predomi- nant species in the mangrove habitat in which it has been found. Comparison with other forms of A. baeticatus and A. scirpaceus. A. b. avicenniae is paler above than other races of A. baeticatus, including hallae from southwestern Africa and guiersi from Senegal. A. b. guierst has a similar restriction of warm colouration above, but is slightly darker brown on the head and mantle. Although the type was originally ident- ified asa Reed Warbler A. s. scirpaceus, the upperparts of avicenniae in fact closely match those of the eastern A. s. fuscus. The creamy wash below and the very pale flanks differentiate avicenniae from other races of baeticatus. ‘The other African Reed Warbler known to frequent man- groves, perhaps exclusively, is A. 6. suahelicus of the East African coast. This is a rather larger bird than avicenniae with a bigger bill, and is much darker and more richly coloured above and below. The wing of avicenniae is longer and less blunt than that of central and eastern African cinnamomeus. This is a tendency also shown by West African guierst and hopsonit on the one hand, and by southern African nominate baeticatus and hallae, which are known to migrate, on the other. Rarely, in any of these African Reed Warblers, however, is the more pointed wingtip of A. scirpaceus approached. The bill of avicenniae is relatively small; the rather slender looking legs and toes and small claws are more apparent in the live bird 1n the hand than can be demonstrated by the measurements obtained. The different foot structure is presum- ably a reflection of the bird’s mangrove habitat; most other races of baeticatus inhabit reeds, swamps and tall grasses to a large extent. A. b. cinnamomeus in southern Somalia is confined to the lowest parts of very dense and high stands of Typha growing in water. The pallid underparts, small feet and general structure and wing formula suggest in avicenniae an approach greater than that in other African Reed Warbler races to the Olivaceous Warbler Hippolats pallida. However, its rufous tinged rump, its short first primary, more rounded tail, and a lack of tarsal scaling, as well as its song, indicate its affinities with baeticatus and scirpaceus. Whether it warrants separate status as an endemic mangrove species will be determined by further observations of its behaviour and breeding, and song recordings. ‘Thus, in summary, we recognise A. baeticatus as a polytypic species in Africa and Arabia, which does not seem to have a long-distance migration, has very close affinities with A. scirpaceus, and has a frag- mented distribution with a number of local populations, some of which are distinct. The discovery of A. b. avicenniae on the eastern coast of the Red Sea adds the species to the avifauna of Saudi Arabia and North Yemen, which are sites just outside the border of the Palaearctic as defined by Cramp (1988). Acknowledgements Over the years discussions with many people have helped to clarify our thoughts on the mangrove reed warblers; in particular we thank R. J. Dowsett, Dr Frangoise Dowsett- Lemaire, Dr C. H. Fry, Mrs B. P. Hall, the late K. D. Smith and Dr G. E. Watson. The FS. Ash et al. 41 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) following most kindly sent us details of birds seen and/or handled in the countries after their names: Gordon Clarke (Somalia), M. K. Evans (N. Yemen), M. C. Jennings (Saudi Arabia), Brother Edmund Johnson (Eritrea), B.S. Meadows (Saudi Arabia), Dr S. J. Tyler (Ethiopia) and Alan Vittery (Ethiopia). Brother Edmund went to exceptional lengths at the height of the Ethiopian revolution to obtain the specimen from Scek Said Is. Thanks are due to Dr Storrs L. Olson and Phil Angle for arranging the loan of specimens from the Smithsonian Institution. John E. Miskell was of much help and good company on field trips in Somalia. References: Ash, J. S. 1973. Six species of birds new to Ethiopia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 93: 3-6. 1977. Four species of birds new to Ethiopia and other notes. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 97: +9. 1983. Over sixty additions of birds to the Somalia list, including two hybrids, together with notes from Ethiopia and Kenya. Scopus 7: 54-79. Ash, J. S. & Miskell, J. E. 1988. Observations on birds in Somalia in 1978-1982, together with a bibliography of recent literature. Scopus 11: 57-78. Antinori, O. & Salvadori, T. 1873. Viaggio dei Signori O. Antinori, O. Beccari ed A. Issel nel Mar Rosso, nel Territorio dei Bogos e Regioni circostanti durante gli anni 1870-71. Catalogo degli Uccelli. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Vol. IV, 1-161. Clancey, P. A. 1975. On the species limits of Acrocephalus baeticatus (Vieillot) (Aves: Sylviidae) of Ethiopian Africa. Arnoldia, Rhodesia 7(20): 1-14. Clarke, G. 1985. Bird observations from northwest Somalia. Scopus 9: 24-42. Colston, P. R. & Morel, G. J. 1984. A new subspecies of the African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus from Senegal. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 104: 3-5. Cramp, S. 1988. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: the Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 5. Oxford University Press. Devillers, P. & Dowsett-Lemaire, F. 1978. African Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus baeticatus) in Kaouar (Niger). Gerfaut 68: 211-213. Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R. J. 1987. European and African Reed Warblers, Acrocephalus scirpaceus and A. baeticatus: vocal and other evidence for a single species. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 107: 74-85. Erlanger, C. F. von 1905. Beitrage zue vogelfauna Nordostafrikas. 7. Orn. 1905: 433-499. Fry, C. H., Williamson, K. & Ferguson-Lees, I. J. 1974. A new subspecies of Acrocephalus baeticatus from Lake Chad anda taxonomic reappraisal of Acrocephalus dumetorum. Ibis 116: 340-346. Hilgert, C. 1908. Katalog der Collection von Erlanger in Nieder-Ingelheim a Rh. Verlag von R. Friedlander & Sohn. Johnson, E. 1976. A flying trip to Massawa. Eth. Wildl. & N.H.S. Newsletter 107: 3. Nikolaus, G. 1984. Further notes on birds new or little known in the Sudan. Scopus 8: 38-42. 1987. Distribution Atlas of Sudan’s Birds with Notes on Habitat and Status. Bonner Zoologische Monographie Nr. 25. Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn. & Backhurst, G. C. 1982. First ringing report for the Sudan. Scopus 6: 77-90. Pearson, D. J. & Backhurstt, G. C. 1976. The southward migration of Palaearctic birds over Ngulia, Kenya. Jbis 118: 78-105. Smith, K. D. 1964. Acrocephalus dumetorum in Africa. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 84: 172. Wilkinson, R. & Aidley, D. J. 1983. African Reed Warblers in northern Nigeria; morpho- metrics and the taxonomic debate. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 103: 135-138. Williamson, K. 1963. Identification for Ringers. 1. (2nd ed). British Trust for Ornithology, Tring. Addresses: Dr J. S. Ash, Division of Birds, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A. (present address: Godshill Wood, Fordingbridge, Hants SP6 2LR, U.K.); Dr D. J. Pearson, Dept of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi, Kenya; Gerhard Nikolaus, Bosenbuttel 4, 2859 Spieka, West Germany; P. R. Colston, Sub-department of Ornithology, British Museum (Natural History), Tring, Herts HP23 6AP, U.K. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 F. S. Ash et al. 42 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Appendix 1. Records of Acrocephalus baeticatus in Ethiopia, Somalia, the Sudan, Saudi Arabia and North Yemen Ref. Date Locality Numbers - Reference Museum Subsp. ETHIOPIA a* iv.1870 Massawa, Eritrea Not rare Antinori & Salvadori 1873 G? b b 26.1.1952 Zula, Eritrea Ad ¢ coll. Smith 1964 BM b c 22.iv.1970 Bahadu 2 coll Ash 1973 BM a d 13.11.1971 Koka 3 coll. Ash 1973 SI a e 3.&7.v.1971 Bahadu One netted Ash 1973 — a f 6.v.1971 Bahadu One netted Ash 1973 — a g 23.xi.1971 Bahadu One netted Ash 1973 — a h 27.111. & 4.iv.1972 Koka One netted Ash 1973 — a i 2.iv.1972 Koka One netted Ash 1973 — a j 25.xii.1972 Gambela One coll. Kumerloeve 1974 Bonn ? k 28.xii1.1972 Scek Said Is 5+ seen Ash 1977 — b ] 25-26.111.1974 32 km NE of Bonga 2 netted Ash 1977 (Nikolaus) ? a m 20.iv.1975 Gambela . Inetted Ash 1977 SI a n 1-5.v.1975 Tendaho 1 seen A. Vittery in litt. — ? Co) 2.v.1975 3 km ex Tendaho 1 seen A. Vittery in litt. — ? p 28.v.1975 Koka One netted Ash 1977 — a q 20.ix.1975 Koka One netted Ash pers. obs. — a r 22.ix.1975 Koka One netted Ash pers. obs. — a s 7.11976 Scek Said Is ‘Two netted Ash 1977 (E. Johnson) SI (4) b t 2.1v.1976 Gilo River Netted DrS. J. Tyler in litt = a u 28 .iii-13.1v.1976 Ubela River Netted Dr S.J. Tyler in litt = a Vv 21.iv.1976 Koka One netted Ash pers. obs. SI a Ww 15.11.1977 Aseita S$ coll. Ash pers. obs. SI a SOMALIA a 10.1.1900 Zeila Ad 4 coll. Erlanger 1905; see ? ? Hilgert 1908 b 29.v.1958 Zeila One coll. Clarke 1985 — b c 31.11.1979 Dannow © coll. Ash pers. obs. BM a d 1.iv.1979 Dannow 39S coll. Ash pers. obs. BM a e 10.v.1979 Saad-al-Din Is 2 seen Ash 1983 = b f 2.v.1980 Alula 6 seen Ash & Miskell pers. obs. == b g 3.v.1980 Alula Common Ash & Miskell pers. obs. = b h 5.v.1980 Alula 292 coll. Ash & Miskell pers. obs. SI b i 8.v.1980 Garas wadi 3 seen Ash pers. obs. — b SUDAN (coastal records only) a 10 & 11.11.1976 Suakin 8 coll. Nikolaus pers. obs. Bonn b b 10 & 11.11.1976 Suakin 2 coll. Nikolaus pers. obs. SI b c vii.1981 Suakin 4 coll. Nikolaus pers. obs. St. b d i11.1983 Suakin 3 coll. Nikolaus pers. obs. St. b SAUDI ARABIA a 17.11.1986 Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah 32 coll. B.S. Meadows pers. obs. BM b b 12.vii.1987 20km NW of Shuqaia 2 netted M. C. Jennings pers. obs. — b ic 12.vii.1987 15 km NW of Shugqaia_ Sev. seen M. C. Jennings pers. obs. — b NORTH YEMEN a 10.vi.1986 1.5km south of A’ Urj One seen M. K. Evans in litt. = b Notes. BM = British Museum (Natural History); SI=Smithsonian Institution; Bonn = Alexander Koenig Museum, Bonn; St.=Stuttgart Museum; G=Genoa Museum. Subsp. refs: a= A. b. cinnamomeus, b= A. b. avicenniae. The following identifications are presumed (first column) Ethiopia a; Somalia b,e,1; Saudi Arabia b,c; North Yemen a. *This was an Acrocephalus found with others (‘non é raro’) in mangroves, and remained unidentified. It was very probably this species. Coordinates for those localities not included in the text are given in Appendix 2. Appendix 2. Coordinates for localities in Appendix 1 which are not given in the text Aseita Somalia 10°27'N,33°42’E Gilo River Ethiopia 07°45'N,33°37’E Bahadu Ethiopia 10°05’N,40°37’E Koka Ethiopia 08°27'N,39°06’E Bonga Ethiopia 08°12’N,34°58’E Massawa Ethiopia 15°36’N,39°29’E Dannow Somalia 01°44’N,44°32’E 'Tendaho Ethiopia 11°41’N,40°57’E_ Gambela Ethiopia 08°15'N,34°38’E Ubela River Ethiopia 07°55’N,33°57’E Garas wadi Somalia 11°16'N,49°02’E P. A. Clancey 43 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Appendix 3. Description of nests of Acrocephalus baeticaitus avicenniae collected by G. Nikolaus in the Sudan 1. Suakin, Sudan. July 1982. Empty nest in fork of mangrove, 20 cm above the sea, built entirely of seaweed. 2. Suakin, Sudan. 17 August 1983. Empty nest in fork of mangrove, 1.5 m above the sea, built mainly of feathers and seaweed. It was close to a mixed breeding colony of Spoonbills Platalea leucorodia and Reef Herons Egretta gularis. Measurements (mm) Nest 1 Nest 2 External diameter of nest 50 60 Internal diameter of cup 35 40 Internal depth of cup 30 25 External depth of nest 50 50 Both nests are deposited in the Stuttgart Museum. The status of Anthus caffer mzimbaensis Benson, 1955 by P. A. Clancey Received 19 April 1988 The small Afrotropical Bushveld or Little Tawny Pipit Anthus caffer Sundevall, 1850: Rustenburg district, western Transvaal, of lightly wooded grassland savanna is a highly vicariant species, which ranges locally from southern Ethiopia, south through the eastern interior of the continent to reach southern Mozambique, Swaziland and Zululand in the southeast, with an isolate population in western Angola. White, in Peters (1960), admitted 4 subspecies, these, apart from the nominate race, being: A. c. mzimbaensis Benson 1955: Edingeni, Mzimba, Malawi; A. c. blayneyi van Someren 1919: Olgerei, Kenya; and A. c. australoabyssinicus Benson 1942: Yavello, southern Ethiopia. Since the appearance of this arrangement, A. c. traylori Clancey, 1964: Bela Vista, southern Mozambique, has been described. Geographically related variation in A. caffer affects levels of reddish brown and buffiness in the plumage, and general size, which latter seems not to be altitudinally correlated. Small-sized birds, with wings in males 72 mm and below, occur from southern Ethiopia south to southern Kenya and northern ‘Tanzania, and others almost as short-winged are present in the lowlands of the southeast of the range (southern Mozambique and adjacent territories) with wings in males 74.5 mm and below. Interposed between these short-winged groups of populations are much larger-sized elements with wings in males above 74 and attaining 80 mm in length. Variation in colouration is disposed somewhat differently to that of over- all size, with birds with the dorsal surfaces strongly reddish sandy or ochraceous and the underside (ground colour of breast and flanks) warm buff present from southern Ethiopia, south to northern Tanzania (to c. 5°S) and northeastern Zambia, re-appearing further south in the Transvaal and western Swaziland. This sequence of populations with P. A. Clancey 44 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) the undersides strongly tinged with buff is broken by elements with the upper-parts duller, less saturated, the light streaking, especially over the hind neck, paler, and with the throat and lower underside white, the flanks without any buff. Birds exhibiting these characters range from the plateau of Zimbabwe west to northeastern Botswana and are present again in the southeastern coastal lowlands, mainly to the south of the lower Limpopo R. in Mozambique. It has not been possible to fit the putative characters of the western Angolan isolate into this mosaic of size and colour variation, but as material from Angola is generally treated as applicable to the nominate race, described from the western Transvaal, it clearly belongs to the ventrally buffish group of populations. A. c. mzimbaensis was described on a single adult male in the ‘Transvaal Museum collection taken near Mzimba, western Malawi, near the Zambian border, on 30 September 1940, by C. W. Benson, since when no further specimens have been collected in Malawi; consequently it must now be conceded that it is extremely unlikely that the name mzimbaensis represents a viable local breeding population. While generally believed to be sedentary, this pipit is credited by some as being either nomadic or even as having regular, seasonal movements (vide Britton et al. 1980), and evidence gathered from specimens examined during the course of the present study substantiates this view. The characters advanced by Benson in the original description of mzimbaensis are those of a population of larger size than A. c. caffer — longer wing (77) and tail (57.5 mm) — and the pure white nature of the abdominal surface, without any buff (on the flanks). ‘The very long tail-length of the type lot mzimbaensis is excep- tional, the longest measurement being normally 54.5/55 mm, and is prob- ably due to the rectrices having been ineptly cut during ‘preparation. Otherwise, the criteria are not diagnostic, since comparable specimens have been taken at Mwekera, near Kitwe, Zambia (at 12°49’S, 28°23’E) and in the population continuum from the plateau of Zimbabwe, west to northeastern Botswana. On the evidence available, it is postulated that mzimbaensis is based on a migrant, probably from the Zimbabwean breeding population. On the basis of 4 specimens from the Bulawayo collection, Benson et al. (1971) recognised 2 subspecies of A. caffer from extreme western Malawi and eastern Zambia (east of 28°E), A. c. mzimbaensis of Malawi being separated from nominate A. caffer by the ecologically unsuitable Luangwa Valley. The 4 Zambian skins are an uneven lot. The single Mwekera specimen, shot on 4 September 1961, has already been alluded to. It does not resemble Transvaal topotypes of A. c. caffer, being duller and less red above and is very whitish below, without buff on the flanks and the breast streaking is on the whole fine; but on the other hand it can be matched with numerous specimens from western Zimbabwe and is assuredly a migrant from south of the Zambezi R. A single female from Chilanga (23 August 1957) is very worn and bleached, but again resembles comparable eroded Zimbabwe/Botswana material. The remaining 2 Zambian specimens are a freshly moulted female obtained 71 miles from Kasama—Mpika, dated 22 January 1955, and a juvenile from the same general area (56 miles from Mpika—Kasama) taken on 8 March 1954. These 2 specimens are more significant, since the freshly moulted P. A. Clancey 45 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) female exhibits characters linking it with the East African A. c. blayneyi rather than A. c. caffer (pace Benson et al.), these being the less heavily streaked dorsum, duller, less reddish brown rump, brighter buff to the underside and markedly finer and paler breast streaking. The Zambian birds are, however, not blayneyi, their wing-length being too long: 2 females (one a juvenile) 72 and 73, versus 65—71 mm. van Someren (1919), in the original description of A. c. blayneyt, gave the wings of both sexes as 65-70 mm. In the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) series of A. c. australoabyssinicus of southern Ethiopia, 4 jg have wings 69.5—71 (70.1) (SD 0.62), 3 92 66-69 (67.1)mm. The series of blayneyi in the same collection, is, unfortunately, very limited, the wings of 3 g9 being 66.5— 71. This latter sample includes an atypical example with the dorsal sur- face showing broad dark brown shaft-streaking, the breast densely streaked with dark brown and the belly whitish, setting it apart from both typical blayneyi and the southern Ethiopian race. This skin was taken at Lomorn, 18 miles southwest of Loliondo, in the Serengeti region of northern Tanzania. Its status in uncertain. Returning to the Zambian specimens from Kasama—Mpika, these are presumably part of an undescribed subspecies, which may also comprise the remote Angolan isolate. Angolan specimens are not 1n the collection at Tring, but Mrs Mary LeCroy of the Department of Ornithology of the American Museum of Natural History, has kindly furnished wing- and tail-length data of the examples from Angola in their collection, as follows: wings of 2 males 72 and 74, 4 females 71.5—75 (sexing of one ? with a wing of 75 questionable), tails of males and females (mainly worn or in moult) 50-54 mm. Most patterns of variation exhibited by moderately or highly polytypic species ranging widely west to east south of the Lower Guinea Forest are unbroken, or vary only slightly terminally, from Angola, east to northern Zambia, Shaba (Zaire) and southwestern Tanzania; linkage of the undescribed Zambian element of A. caffer with the Angolan isolate would be in concordance with this general principle. It can be concluded from the above discussion that A. c. mzimbaensis of 1955 does not represent a subspecies known only from its type-locality, its type a migrant or nomad example agreeing in its critical features with birds breeding in a continuum to the south of the Zambezi from the interior plateau of Zimbabwe to Botswana. As these latter breeding birds constitute a discrete race, differing from A. c. caffer of the Transvaal and country to the southeast in being less reddish above and much whiter below, Benson’s mzimbaensis may be used for it. Six groupings of populations merit treatment as subspecies, the 4 present south of 10°S as defined below, and the 2 northern forms, A. c. blayneyi and A. c. australoabyssinicus, which range from southern Ethiopia to northern Tanzania, but only weakly differentiated from one another and needing further study. Anthus caffer caffer Sundevall, 1850: Rustenburg district, western Transvaal Upper parts dark reddish olive-brown, the feathers edged deep ochraceous buff; rump plain dark Tawny-Olive (Ridgway 1912). Below, P. A. Clancey 46 Bull. B.O.C.1989 109(1) with breast warm buff, streaked with brownish black; rest of venter buffy white, the flanks washed warm buff. Size large. Wings of 13 §¢ 74-77.5 (75.4) (SD 1.01), tails (of 5) 51.5—52 (51.5) (SD 0.86); wings of 8 99 71.5—75 (73.3) (SD 1.06), tails (of 5) 48—52.5 (50.6) (SD 1.71) mm. Range. Southeastern Botswana, southwestern Zimbabwe (? as migrants), the bushveld regions of the Transvaal highveld, western Swaziland and adjacent northern Natal (Itala). Intergrades to the east of its range with A. c. traylort. Some winter to north of range given. Remarks. One or two specimens from farms in the Bulawayo district of southwestern Zimbabwe and from Selukwe dated May—August agree with the present subspecies in their ventral characters, and appear to be seasonal visitors from south of the Limpopo R, which breed November— February. Other Bulawayo farms material 1s of mzimbaensis. A single freshly moulted ¢ from Darwendale (17°49'S, 30°36’E), dated 11 May is also clearly a migrant example of nominate caffer. Anthus caffer traylori Clancey, 1964: Bela Vista, southern Sul do Save, Mozambique. Markedly less reddish above than A. c. caffer, the light streaking on the hind neck paler and the rump more olivaceous and markedly streaked with dark brown. Below wholly whiter, the ground to the breast pale ochraceous-buff, and flanks white, not buff. Size smaller. Wings of 14 ¢¢' 70—74.5 (72.0) (SD 1.18), tails (of 10) 46-50 (48.4) (SD 1.34); wings of 11 99 68.5—72 (70.4) (SD 1.13), tails (of 8) 47—49 (47.5) (SD 0.82) mm. Range. Coastal plain of southern Mozambique south of the Save R, but known mainly from south of the lower Limpopo R. Extends to the Kruger National Park in the eastern Transvaal lowveld and to northeastern Zululand to the east of the Lebombo Mtns. Anthus caffer mzimbaensis Benson 1955: Edingeni, Mzimba, Malawi Similar in colour to A. c. traylort but much larger in size. Wings of 7 53 74.580 (77.0) (SD 1.54), tails (of 10) 51.5—55 (52.6) (SD 1.26); wings of 16 99 71-75 (73.2) (SD 1.12), tails (of 12) 48.5—54 (50.8) (SD 1.60) mm. Range. Northern Botswana from just east of the swamp region, east to the interior plateau of Zimbabwe (see map in Irwin 1981). Some individ- uals range north of the Zambezi R during August and September, then reaching northern Zambia and western Malawi. Remarks. The lighter dorsal colouration and much whiter underside of mzimbaensis are analogous to the phenotypic character states of several xeric salt pan races of southern African larks (Alaudidae) and other pipit species, suggesting an arid region origin and recent spread to the country to the east of the South West Arid District. Anthus caffer ?subsp. nov. Similar to A. c. blayneyi but differs in being larger. Compared with nominate caffer less darkly and heavily streaked above. Ventrally, the buff of the breast and lateral surface brighter, and breast streaking both lighter and much finer. Size similar to nominate caffer. Wings of 2 99 73, 72, tails (of 2) 50.5 mm each. R.A. Cheke & F. F. Walsh 47 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Range. Zambia east of 28°E. Perhaps also includes the Angolan population. Acknowledgements Some 92 specimens of A. caffer were made available for the present project: from the collections of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), Tring, the Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, the National Natural History Museum (of Zimbabwe), Bulawayo, the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, and the Durban Natural History Museum. To all responsible officials I tender my thanks. Mrs Mary LeCroy, of the American Museum of Natural History, also assisted by kindly measuring and providing data on the short series in New York. References: Benson, C. W. 1955. New forms of Pipit, Longclaw, Robin-Chat, Grass Warbler, Sunbird, Quail- Finch and Canary from Central Africa. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 75(8): 101— 109 (p. 102). Benson, C. W., Brooke, R. K., Dowsett, R. J. & Irwin, M. P. S. 1971. The Birds of Zambia, p- 290. Collins. Britton, P. L. (Ed.). 1980. Birds of East Africa—their habitat, status and distribution, p. 175. East African Natural History Society, Nairobi. Irwin, M. P. S. 1981. The Birds of Zimbabwe, pp. 337-338. Quest Publishing, Salisbury (Harare). Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. The Author, Washington, Dic? van Someren, V. G. L. 1919. Anthus blayneyi, sp.n. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40: 56. White, C. M. N. 1960. In Peters’ Check-list of Birds of the World, 9, p. 156. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Fernleigh Gardens, 8 Lambert Road, Morningside, Durban 4001, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Westward range extension into Togo of the Adamawa Turtle Dove Streptopelia hypopyrrha by Robert A. Cheke and 7. Frank Walsh Received 25 June 1988 At 1400 hours on 30 March 1988 R.A.C. heard an unfamiliar dove call, while collecting insects from the Ove river near Tasso (7°36'N, 0°42’E; 450 m a.s.1.) in the highlands of Togo. The calls were repeated every 1—2 minutes and consisted of a mournful ‘‘Cloor-cloor-cl or Cloor-cloor- clockpw’’, coming from the top of a tree in the gallery forest beside the river; but the source of the sound appeared to be moving. Eventually the bird responsible was seen near the apex of a tree, but within its canopy. The dove was bigger and plumper than a Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur. The diagnostic features recognised were: head, neck and chest white with a grey wash; eye red; bill black; legs dark red; mantle brown; folded wings and upper tail very dark, the latter with a pale square-ended tip. The angle from which the bird was seen precluded sight of the collar but the upper S.M. Goodman & P. C. Gonzales 48 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) belly was vinous and the lower belly was a remarkably bright pinkish red. ‘The under-tail was dark with a narrow white tip. The dove called repeatedly whilst being watched and occasionally turned a half-circle on its perch, accounting for the earlier illusion of movement. The plumage characters seen were sufficient for an identification of the dove as an Adamawa Turtle Dove S. hypopyrrha. This was confirmed by the calls: Wood (1975) described the most frequent call of S. hypopyrrha as a 3 note ‘“‘Croor-cr-croor’”’ or “‘Croorr croor croo’’ but occasionally a 4 note ‘“‘Croor crr-croor coor’’. During 11—13 May 1988 J.F.W. visited the site and heard similar calls, from a single dove, but failed to see the bird. No calls were heard between 1720 and 1755 hours on 11 May but at 0733 and 0815 on 12 May 2 short bursts of calling were heard. These included a 3 note “‘Croor croor croo’’, a 4 note ‘“‘Croor-croor croo croor’”’ and 2 note calls of ““Croor coo’. At0745 on 13 May a further burst of calling was heard. S. hypopyrrha was previously only known from the Jos-Bauchi and Mambilla plateaux in Nigeria, the Adamawa Highlands of Cameroon and SW Chad, but is said to be nomadic (Urban et al. 1986). This, the first record for Togo, is a westward extension of range of 800 km. The upland riverine forest habitat where the dove was found in Togo corresponds with its preferred habitat elsewhere, but whether this record signifies a hitherto unknown breeding population or a single vagrant is unclear: the length of the bird’s presence at the site and its persistent advertising calls suggest the former. If so the record is of importance as Collar & Stuart (1985) list S. hypopyrrhaas a candidate species to be treated as threatened. References: Collar, N. J. & Stuart, S. N. 1985. Threatened Birds of Africa and Related Islands. ‘The ICPB/IUCN Red Data Book, Part 1. Third Edition. Cambridge. Urban, E. K., Fry, C. H. & Keith, 5. 1986. The Birds of Africa, Vol. 2. Academic Press. Wood, B. 1975. Observations on the Adamawa Turtle Dove. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 95: 68-73. Addresses: Dr Robert A. Cheke, 8, Cecil Mansions, Marius Road, London, SW17 7QN, UK; Dr J. Frank Walsh, c/o WHO Onchocerciasis Control Programme, B.P. 36, Kara, Togo. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Notes on Philippine birds, 12. Seven species new to Catanduanes Island by Steven M. Goodman and Pedro C. Gonzales Received 5 July 1988 Catanduanes is the largest of the offshore islands of Luzon, approxi- mately 1513 km’ in total area. It is separated from Luzon by a water gap, the Maqueda Channel, which at its narrowest point is 8km wide and c. 50m deep (Heaney 1986). Catanduanes has been the site of several vertebrate collecting expeditions and the avifauna is one of the best S.M. Goodman & P. C. Gonzales 49 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) known of the smaller Philippine islands. The most intensive survey of the birds was conducted by Gonzales (1983) between 1968 and 1971. He tabulated 139 species for the island based on his own collections and the earlier work of Ogilvie Grant (1895) and Manuel (1937). Between 12 and 28 February 1988 we took part in a joint National Museum of the Philippines/Smithsonian Institution vertebrate survey of the island and were able to add an additional 7 bird species to Gonzales’s (1983) list. We worked mostly out of 2 localities. The area surrounding our ‘forest camp’, 8.5 km W of Gigmoto and 5 km E of Summit, 13°47'N, 124°19’E, 250 m elevation, is one of the last remaining tracts of essentially undisturbed dipterocarp forest on the island. It is known locally as ‘Little Mindanao’. The second site was the ‘road camp’, 8.5 km W and 1 km N Gigmoto, 13°48’N, 124°19’E, 200 m elevation, a partially cleared area with some secondary growth and cultivation. All specimens referred to herein were prepared as skins and deposited in the National Museum of the Philippines (NMO), Manila. CHINESE LEAST BITTERN /[xobrychus sinensis At least one individual was observed several times between 20 and 23 February, in a patch of banana plants along the Buadan River, just below the ‘road camp’. BLACK-WINGED KITE Elanus caeruleus We noted adult Black-winged Kites on 2 occasions along the road by the bank of the Bato River between Virac and Summit; on 14 and 23 February single birds were chased up from roadside perches and closely observed as they flew away. PHILIPPINE BANDED CRAKE Rallina e. eurizonoides An adult female (NMO 16474) was collected on 22 February near the ‘road camp’. The bird, which weighed 105 gm and was not in breeding condition, was taken in a cleared area with some secondary growth and near an abaca grove. SPOTTED DOVE Streptopelia chinensis On 24 February we examined and photographed a caged Spotted Dove, kept ina private house, which had been captured wild the previous month near the Pajo River, c. 5km SE of Virac, and represents the first docu- mented record from Catanduanes. The trapper mentioned that he first noted this species on the island in January or February 1987. In the past few decades the Spotted Dove has rapidly colonized portions of the Philippines, apparently spreading from the islands of Balabac and Palawan. The first documented record for Luzon was a bird collected on 22 November 1968 at Dalton Pass, Nueva Viscaya (Gonzales & Celestino 1979). In September and October 1978 it was noted several times near Los Banos, Laguna (Waldbauer & Waldbauer 1982). A specimen (NMO 12349) was taken on Samar Island, to the south of Catanduanes, by Gonzales and Ramos on 20 April 1970 at the Southern Samar Agricultural College, Saludo. This is the closest known locality to Catanduanes inhabited by Spotted Doves and presumably the region from which the colonizing population originated. S.M. Goodman & P. C. Gonzales 50 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) LUZON COLLARED SCOPS Otus megalotis On 22 February a male Luzon Collared Scops (NMO 16475) was netted near the ‘forest camp’. It was in breeding condition, the testes measuring 26x 17mm (left) and 25 x 14 (right), and weighed 180 gm. The specimen is comparable in size, colouration, and tarsal feathering to specimens from Luzon identified by Marshall (1978) as O. megalotis. A downy young owl (Delaware Museum of Natural History 73267) taken on Catanduanes at Burgos, Viga, on 21 May 1981 may be either this species or O. bakkamoena. GOLDEN GROUND THRUSH Zoothera dauma aurea An adult male (NMO 16466) Golden Ground Thrush was netted near the ‘forest camp’ on 20 February. The bird had heavy fat deposits and weighed 172 gm. This species is a winter visitor to Luzon, Mindoro and Palawan (duPont 1971) and had not been previously recorded on Catanduanes. BLUE-BREASTED FLYCATCHER WNiltava (Cyornis ) herioti Three specimens were taken at the ‘forest camp’: immature male (NMO 16439), weight 22 gm; immature male (NMO 16451), 20 gm; adult female (NMO 16461), 18gm. Subspecific identification was impossible because the 2 recognized forms, N. h. herioti from northern and central Luzon and N. h. camarinensis from southern Luzon, are differentiated by adult male plumage (duPont 1971). Acknowledgements The material gathered on Catanduanes was the result of many peoples’ labour. We would like especially to thank Dr. Larry Heaney for providing funds for the work and commenting on this paper, Mr Jacinto Ramos for preparing the skins, and Mr. Renato Fernandez for helping in many ways. We acknowledge the financial support of the National Museum of the Philippines, the Smithsonian Institution, and the U.S. National Science Foundation (BSR-8514223). References: duPont, J. E. 1971. Philippine Birds. Delaware Museum of Natural History. Gonzales, P. C. 1983. Birds of Catanduanes. Zoological Papers, National Museum Manila, No. 2. Gonzales, P. C. & Celestino, M. 1979. Streptopelia chinensis tigrina (Temminck), a new record for Luzon. Zoological Papers, National Museum Manila, No. 4. Heaney, L. R. 1986. Biogeography of mammals in SE Asia: estimates of rates of colon- ization, extinction and speciation. Biol. 7. Linn. Soc. 28: 127-165. Manuel, R. C. 1937. Avifauna of Catanduanes. Phil. 7. Sci. 63: 185-189. Marshall, J.T. 1978. Systematics of small Asian night birds based on voice. Ornith. Monogr. No. 25. Ogilvie Grant, W. R. 1895. On the birds of the Philippine Islands — Part IV. The province of Albay, south-east Luzon, and the adjacent island of Catanduanes. [bis Ser. 7(1): 249-267. Waldbauer, G. P. & Waldbauer, S. M. 1982. First sight record of the Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis from Luzon and a summary of its range expansion in the Philippines. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 102: 22-24. Addresses: Steven M. Goodman, Museum of Zoology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A.; Pedro C. Gonzales, Chief, Zoology Division, National Museum of the Philippines, Old Congress Building, Rizal Park, Manila, Philippines. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 P. A. Clancey Syl Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) The status of (Cursorius temmincki) damarensis Reichenow, 1901 by P. A. Clancey Received 14 Fuly 1988 In the first volume of his monumental work on Afrotropical birds, Reichenow (1901) conditionally named a Damaraland, South West Africa/ Namibia, race of Temminck’s Courser Cursorius temminckii Swainson as follows: “‘With Damara birds the reddish brown of the crown seems to be paler. These [birds] may be separable as a subspecies damarensis.’’ No type-specimen was designated with the rudimentary description and none appears to exist, so that the taxonomic attribution of the name must rest explicitly on the crown colour character. As demon- strated in the recent study of geographical variation in C. t. temminckii (Clancey 1984), all 3 subspecies occur in South West Africa, these being C. t. temminckii Swainson, 1822: Senegal, with the crown pale Sudan Brown (vide Ridgway 1912), asa relatively common non-breeding visitor, C. t. ruvanensis Madarasz, 1915: Ruwana R., Speke Gulf, southeastern L. Victoria, Mara district, Tanzania, with a darker crown (Amber Brown), breeding on the alluvial flats of the Okavango R. flood-plain of the north- east of the territory, and C. t. damarensis Reichenow 1901: no locality, but Damaraland by inference, again with a paler crown (dusty or dull Sudan Brown). In my revision of 1984, C. t. damarensis was shown to be centred as a breeder on the saline pans of Botswana, but occurring to the west of this to the Etosha Pan in northern South West Africa/ Namibia in small numbers. Examination of the short series of 7 South West African specimens in the collection of the State Museum, Windhoek in May 1988, revealed that all are attributable to the nominate race, which is a long-distance transequatorial post-breeding migrant from the Sahel and Guinean savannas to the south of the Sahara; these were collected in the Etosha Pan area (19 February), Wilhelmsrute, Gobabis (13 February), Welbacht (? = Welbedacht) (17 March) and the Waterberg (17 November). Neither ruvanensis nor damarensis is represented in the collection in Windhoek. The paler crown character given for damarensis by Reichenow negates it being an earlier name for ruvanensis, restricting application to either nominate temmuinckii as a junior synonym or as the definitive name for the saline pan oriented form, as currently interpreted. In the latter event, as Reichenow did not comment to the effect that the back and wings were distinctly paler (in the saline pan phenotype Drab or Light Drab, vw. Tawny-Olive in C. t. temminckit), indications are that his damarensis was based on a comparison between migrant nominate temmincki taken or observed in northern South West Africa/ Namibia and ruvanensis from German East Africa. It is noteworthy that the only South West African locality given in Reichenow’s 1901 treatment of the present courser is Ondangua, in Ovamboland, which is based on a C. J. Andersson reference of the mid-1800s. As we have no recourse to a P. A. Clancey 52 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) comparison of a type-specimen to resolve this issue, | recommend on the basis of: (a) the stated lighter coloured crown, and (b) the absence of a reference to a more drab-coloured dorsum, that (C. t.) damarensis be treated as a synonym of nominate C. temminckii, an established non- breeding visitor to South West Africa/ Namibia from north of the Equa- tor. Resulting from this action, a name is required for the ““damarensis”’ of Peters (1934), Clancey (1984) and other authors: Cursorius temminckii aridus, subsp. nov. Type. 3, adult. Sekhuma Pan, 160km W. of Kanye, southern Botswana. Taken on 18 February 1961. Collector’s No. SWK 118 (name not given). In the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, Mus. Reg. No. 45822. Description. Compared with C. t. ruvanensis crown paler, being a dull Sudan Brown, and dorsum and wings lighter and greyer, less: dark earthen, brown, corresponding to the Drab or Light Drab of Ridgway (1912). Over the lateral head, the cheeks are less washed with light rusty buff, and ventrally the fore-throat is whiter and the breast paler (about Pinkish Buff). ‘The Cinnamon of the mid-breast is both lighter and more restricted, and the black mid-ventral patch is smaller with a correspond- ing increase in the extent of the lateral white. Similar in size. ‘The nominate race differs from aridus in having a richer Sudan Brown crown, the dorsum and wings warm Tawny-Olive rather than Drab, the lateral head and fore-throat washed with tawny, and with the breast Cinnamon-Buff v. Pinkish Buff, the lower mid-breast more strongly tinged Cinnamon. The black belly patch is also broader. Measurements. Wings of 6 ¢3, 126-132 (126.6), of 7 99, 120-128 (124.4) mm. Material examined. C. t. aridus, 14; C. t. temminckiu, 77; C. t. ruvanensis, 141. Range. Occurs from the Etosha National Park, northern South West Africa/ Namibia, locally east to the saline pans of Botswana south of the Ngamiland swamps and from Makgadikgadi Pan southwards through the Kalahari and regions to the east to the Molopo R. It extends marginally into western Zimbabwe at Hwange (Wankie) National Park and near Bulawayo. Resident, but one taken at Musimbiri, Sabi/Lundi con- fluence, in southeastern Zimbabwe, on 17 January suggests local seasonal nomadism Etymology. aridus, Latin, parched or desiccated. Remarks. The above description is based on Clancey (1984: 371-372). Acknowledgements For research facilities at the State Museum, Windhoek, I am grateful to Dr J. M. Mendelsohn, Chief Curator of Natural Science. I am also indebted to Dr H. E. Wolters, Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, and Mr H. D. Jackson, Director, Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, for assistance in other directions in connection with this enquiry. References: Clancey, P. A. 1984. Geographical variation and post-breeding dispersal in Temminck’s Courser of the Afrotropics. Le Gerfaut 74: 361-374. A. Tye 53 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Peters, J. L. 1934. Check-list of Birds of the World, 2: 300. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Reichenow, A. 1901. Die Végel Afrikas, 1: 156. Neumann, Neudamm. Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. ‘The Author, Washington, IDE. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Fernleigh Gardens, 8 Lambert Road, Morningside, Durban 4001, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 ‘The systematic position of the Buff-streaked Chat (Oenanthe/Saxicola bifasciata) by Alan Tye Received 5 August 1988 The Buff-streaked Chat is an enigmatic species, endemic to southern Africa. It was considered by Hall & Moreau (1970) as of “uncertain affinities’. At its original description, ‘Temminck (1829) named it Saxicola bifasciata, thus placing it in a genus which at that time covered a variety of chats, including most wheatears. It was later transferred to the ant-chat genus Myrmecocichla (e.g. Seebohm 1881) while other wheatears remained in Saxicola. However, at that time Myrmecocichla bore little resemblance to the genus as we now know it: Seebohm (1881) considered it to comprise 8 species in 3 groups, of which 6 species (2 groups) are now included in Cercomela. (The remainder of present-day Cercomela was included with the wheatears in Saxicola.) The third group in Seebohm’s Myrmecocichla comprised the Buff-streaked Chat and the Southern Anteater Chat M. formicivora. The very diverse Myrmecocichla as constituted by Seebohm (1881) was later dismantled, with the majority of its species transferred to Cercomela but, over the years, further species were added to it, forming a Myrmecocichla genus quite different in character from that in which Seebohm placed the Buff-streaked Chat. The Buff-streaked Chat superficially resembles some of the ant-chats in having white (or buff) shoulders, but this mark is due to buff scapulars in the Buff-streaked Chat while in the ant-chats it is a result of white wing- coverts. In other characteristics, the Buff-streaked Chat differs from the ant-chats in plumage, egg-colour and behaviour and does not appear to be closely related to them. Ripley (1962) removed it and restored it to the wheatears (which by that time were placed in Oenanthe) ‘‘on plumage and behavioural grounds”’ but without giving detailed reasons. In plumage, the Buff-streaked Chat is actually quite unlike any wheatear, although it does bear a striking resemblance to the Stonechat Saxicola torquata and Whinchat S. rubetra. It seems worthwhile to com- pare in detail what is known of the plumage, morphology, behaviour and ecology of the Buff-streaked Chat with ‘other’ wheatears (hereafter termed simply wheatears or Oenanthe spp.) and with Saxicola spp. A. Tye 54: Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Plumage The Buff-streaked Chat superficially resembles the Stonechat, but a detailed comparison is required to substantiate this resemblance. The male Buff-streaked Chat has a black throat, a feature found in some species of both Saxicola and Oenanthe, but the remainder of the underparts of the Buff-streaked Chat is a deep cinnamon-buff, as in the Stonechat and Whinchat but unlike any Oenanthe except the Desert Wheatear O. deserti. Male Buff-streaked Chats have a cream super- cillium, as in some species of both genera (including the Whinchat but not the Stonechat). The upperparts of the Buff-streaked Chat, from crown to back, are mottled black and brown, unlike any Oenanthe but strikingly like the upperparts of the Stonechat and Whinchat. In all 3 species the fresh feathers have black centres with broad brown fringes. Indeed, the exacti- tude of the resemblance in this character alone would strongly suggest relationship. The Buff-streaked Chat’s rump is cinammon or deep buff, as in the Stonechat. This condition is also approached by the 2 ‘red-rumped’ wheatears, Tristram’s O. moesta and the Red-tailed O. xanthoprymna. One of the most arresting characters of the male Buff-streaked Chat is its cinnamon-buff or creamy-white inner wing-coverts and scapulars which contrast with the dark wings and upperparts. This precise pattern is found in no Oenanthe but is approached most closely by the Mountain Wheatear O. monticola and Somali Wheatear O. phillipst, in which most or all of the wing-coverts are white or pale grey, and by the Desert Wheatear in which the innermost coverts are buff (concolorous with the back). However, cream or white inner wing-coverts and outer scapulars are a prominent feature of several Saxicola spp., including the Stonechat, in which the extent of white varies greatly between subspecies and individuals. The females of the Stonechat and Buff-streaked Chat resemble one another closely, except that the wing-flash is absent from the female Buft-streaked Chat. In Saxicola the tail may be wholly black (as in the Stonechat) or black and white (e.g. Whinchat). The Buff-streaked Chat has a black tail. All Oenanthe spp. except one subspecies of the Mountain Wheatear O. m. nigricauda have a patterned black and white tail. Although O. m. nigricauda demonstrates that a wholly black tail can arise in Oenanthe, this character allies the Buff-streaked Chat more closely with Saxicola. In isolation, each of the resemblances to Saxicola might not appear convincing but as a suite of characters (Table 1), the overall similarity between the Buff-streaked Chat and, especially, the Stonechat seems unlikely to have arisen by convergence. In contrast, the Buff-streaked Chat resembles closely no single wheatear species: it has an odd mix of characters, one or other shared with different species (e.g. general colour with Desert Wheatear, rump colour with Tristram’s, etc). These isolated resemblances are less likely to indicate close relationship and more likely to represent convergence. A. Tye 55 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) TABLE 1 Comparison of plumage characteristics of the Buff-streaked Chat with the Stonechat Saxicola torquata and wheatears. + signifies agreement with Buff-streaked Chat, — signifies disagreement. Buff-streaked Chat Stonechat O0cnanthe spp. Underparts Rich cinammon-buft + —(+ desertz) Tail Black + —(+ m. nigricauda) Upperparts Mottled black & brown + _ Rump Cinammon-buft + —(+ moesta & xanthoprymna) Shoulder-patch Contrasting buff-white + —(+ monticola) TABLE 2 Structural characteristics of the Buff-streaked Chat compared with Saxicola and Oenanthe spp. Figures are means calculated from data in the following sources: S. torquata © S. rubetra— Cramp (1988); Buff-streaked Chat & O. monticola—'Tye (in press); O. deserti— Cramp (1988), Tye (in press). Figures in brackets are measurement divided by body weight®*?. Body Wing Tail Bill weight (g) length (mm) length(mm) length (mm) | Saxicola torquata 5 15 66(26.7) 46(18.6) 15(6.1) 2 14 65(27.0) 45(18.7) 15(6.2) S. rubetra 6 19 77(28.8) 45(16.9) 15(5.6) 2 17 76(29.6) 43(16.7) 15(5.8) bifasciata 3 35 93(28.4) 61(18.7) 20(6.1) 2 87(26.6) 58(17.7) 19(5.8) Oenanthe monticola 3 33 113(35.2) 75(23.4) 22(6.9) 2 109(34.0) 73(22.7) 22(6.9) O. deserti 3 20 90(33.2) 61(22.5) 18(6.6) Q 87(32.1) 58(21.4) 18(6.6) Morphology The Buff-streaked Chat is a larger bird than the Stonechat and other Saxicola spp., although this may not be of great significance. Similar size differences exist between subspecies of other chat species. Structural differences between Saxicola and Oenanthe include the following (Meinertzhagen 1930, Leisler & Winkler 1985): the bill of Saxicola is generally shorter and flatter at the base than in Oenanthe; Oenanthe has fewer, finer, shorter rictal bristles than Saxicola—in the latter they are very prominent, resembling those of flycatchers Muscicapidae (sensu stricto); the wing and tail of Saxicola are shorter in comparison with body size than in Oenanthe. Some of these factors are examined for the Buff-streaked Chat in relation to 2 Saxicola spp. and 2 Oenanthe spp. in Table 2. The 2 Saxicola spp. were chosen as those geographically closest and most similar in appearance to the Buff-streaked Chat. The 2 Oenanthe spp. represent extremes of body size in that genus and include the species (Desert A. Tye 56 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Wheatear) which perhaps most closely resembles the Buft-streaked Chat in appearance. Table 2 considers wing, tail and bill lengths in relation to body size (measured by body weight’**) and clearly demonstrates 2 points: first, that Saxicola and Oenanthe differ considerably (no overlap) in these characteristics and, second, that the Buff-streaked Chat falls within the range of Saxicola in all 3 features. ‘The agreement with Saxicola comes despite the fact that the Buff-streaked Chat is a considerably larger bird. Differences between the Buff-streaked Chat and the Mountain Wheatear (which are similarly sized) and similarities between the 2 wheatear species (which differ greatly 1n size) show that these results are not the product of allometry but are probably true generic characteristics. The bill of the Buff-streaked Chat is finer than that of most Saxicola but rather broader than that of Oenanthe. ‘Taking into account bill length (proportional to body size) and shape, the Buff-streaked Chat’s bill is perhaps intermediate between the 2 genera (short like a Saxicola, finer like an Oenanthe). The Buff-streaked Chat possesses long, prominent rictal bristles, as in Saxicola spp. Egg The egg of the Buff-streaked Chat is unusual in having a ground colour of creamy-white or buff, heavily freckled with lilac and red-brown (see Priest 1948). In this it resembles the typical pattern of neither Saxicola nor Oenanthe (nor Myrmecocichla), which normally have pale blue or greenish blue eggs, spotted with red-brown. The Buff-streaked Chat egg more closely resembles those of Thamnolea and Monticola spp., although a few species of both Saxicola and Oenanthe sometimes approach it. Egg colour seems quite labile in the Turdidae and these resemblances may not bear any taxonomic significance (Lack 1958). Ecology and Behaviour The Buff-streaked Chat has been studied little in the field. What is known of its biology is summarized by Tye (in press). Most aspects of its behaviour and ecology do not ally it more closely with either Saxicola or Oenanthe, partly because these 2 genera are themselves rather similar. One small difference exists in breeding biology: Oenanthe are primarily underground hole-nesters, whereas Saxicola mainly nest on the ground (under bushes) or in crevices. The Buff-streaked Chat is mainly a crevice nester, often placing its nest on the ground, on the down-slope side of a rock, concealed by grass tufts (Vincent 1947). In this it resembles Saxicola. The major behavioural-ecological difference between the 2 genera lies in habitat selection and foraging behaviour. Saxicola spp. in general prefer bushier habitats than Oenanthe, and forage mainly by sallying to the ground or aerial sallying from elevated perches (Greig-Smith 1982, Moreno 1984, Leisler & Winkler 1985, Cramp 1988). Oenanthe is a more terrestrial group, occupying more open, steppe and semidesert habitats. A. Tye 57 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) Although ground and aerial sallying are used by most wheatear species, they also commonly run on the ground to capture terrestrial prey by a technique known as dash-and-jab (Cornwallis 1975, Tye in press). In a recent study of the foraging behaviour of the Buff-streaked Chat (Tye 1988), I found it difficult to reconcile certain aspects of the bird’s behaviour with that of wheatears. Differences from ‘normal’ wheatear behaviour included a comparatively high frequency of aerial and ground sallying, the absence of typical dash-and-jab, and an unusual bounding gait. Since the Buff-streaked Chat was then regarded as a wheatear, I attempted to explain these differences in behaviour from the normal wheatear pattern as adaptations to its unusual (for a wheatear) habitat. The Buff-streaked Chat inhabits montane grassy slopes, with tall grass and boulder fields in the Drakensberg of southeast Africa. In this habitat the tall grass prevents dash-and-jab, necessitating alternative foraging and movement techniques. No other wheatear species has this type of habitat as its major environment; all others inhabit short-grass savannas or steppes with much bare ground. However, if the Buff-streaked Chat is regarded as a Saxicola, there is no difficulty in explaining either its habitat preferences or its behaviour. Montane grasslands with tall grass are the normal habitat of many Saxicola spp., including the Stonechat, which lives alongside the Buff- streaked Chat in the Drakensberg (pers. obs.). The foraging behaviour of the Buff-streaked Chat is similar to that of the Stonechat (cf. Greig-Smith 1983 with Tye 1988), especially where the 2 are using similar habitat. In the study area described in Tye (1988), both species captured the majority of their prey by aerial sallying (Tye 1988 and unpublished). One difference is that the Stonechat perches more often on vegetation (e.g. Greig-Smith 1983, Moreno 1984), whereas the Buff-streaked Chat shows a strong preference for rocks (Tye 1988). However, where rocks are available, Stonechats also use them as perches from which to hunt: in the same area studied by Tye (1988) where Buff-streaked Chats used rocks for 96% of their perches, 53°% of Stonechats’ perches were also on rocks (Tye, unpublished). The stronger preference for rocks exhibited by Buft-streaked Chats is perhaps explained by their larger, heavier build. Finally, the unusual bounding gait noted for Buff-streaked Chats (Tye 1988) seems, in fact, typical of Saxicola: Cramp (1988) describes the gait of the Stonechat as a “‘bouncing hop”’. Conclusion The Buff-streaked Chat resembles Saxicola more than Oenanthe in plumage (detail and general appearance), morphology and ecology. It bears the closest resemblance to the 2 geographically closest Saxicola spp., the Stonechat and Whinchat. Most of the characteristics shared by the Buff-streaked Chat and wheatears are common to many chat species and genera and are therefore of little taxonomic significance. Details of plumage, structure and behaviour shared with Saxicola, on the other hand, do seem to indicate evolutionary relationship. On this basis the Buff-streaked Chat might be regarded as a giant Stonechat. A. Tye 58 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) It may be speculated (Tye in prep.) that the genus Oenanthe may not be monophyletic, even after excluding the Buff-streaked Chat from it. Certain Oenanthe spp. or superspecies seem closely linked with Myrmecocichla on the one hand (e.g. O. monticola) and Cercomela on the other (e.g. O. pileata superspecies). These 3 genera, perhaps together with Thamnolea, Saxicola and others, seem to stem from an early chat radiation, although the precise relationships between these genera and their constituent species-groups are obscure. Although the Buff-streaked Chat most closely resembles Saxicola spp., it is conceivable that it represents an evolutionary line which has been independent since the time of the postulated early chat radiation. If this is the case, it merits its own monotypic genus. However, lacking clear evidence on the course of events at the time of the isolation of the ancestors of the present genera, the more conservative option of placing it with its nearest apparent relatives seems the better course. The Buff-streaked Chat thus returns to its original genus, becoming Saxicola bifasciata Temminck 1829. Acknowledgements I thank the staff of the British Museum (Natural History), particularly P. R. Colston, G. S. Cowles and M. P. Walters, for access to specimens in their care. Petrina Brooke and Rob Little made possible the field study of the Buff-streaked Chat which stimulated this work, while Stuart Keith expressed tolerance towards and guarded agreement with the heterodox classification which encouraged its publication. References: Cornwallis, L. 1975. The Comparative Ecology of Eleven Species of Wheatear in S.W. Iran. D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford. Cramp, S. (ed.) 1988. The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Vol. 5. Oxford University Press. Greig-Smith, P. W. 1982. Interspecific aggression between chats. Bird Study 29: 162-164. Greig-Smith, P. W. 1983. Use of perches as vantage points during foraging by male and female Stonechats Saxicola torquata. Behaviour 86: 215-236. Hall, B. P. & Moreau, R. E. 1970. An Atlas of Speciation in African Passerine Birds. British Museum (Natural History), London. Lack, D. 1958. The significance of the colour of turdine eggs. [bis 100: 145-166. Leisler, B. & Winkler, H. 1985. Ecomorphology. In R. F. Johnston (Ed.), Current Ornithology, Vol. 2, pp. 155-186. Plenum. Meinertzhagen, R. 1930. Nicoll’s Birds of Egypt. Hugh Rees. Moreno, J. 1984. Search strategies of Wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) and Stonechats (Saxicola torquata): adaptive variation in perch height, search time, sally distance and inter-perch move length. 7. Anim. Ecol. 53: 147-159. Priest, C. D. 1948. Eggs of Birds Breeding in Southern Africa. Glasgow University Press. Ripley, S. D. 1962. Brief comments on the thrushes. Postilla 63: 1-5. Seebohm, H. 1881. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Vol. 5, British Museum (Natural History), London. Temminck, C. J. 1829. Saxicola bifasciata. InC. J.’ Temminck & M. Laugier de Chartrouse: Nouveau Recueil de Planches Coloriées d’Oiseaux, Vol. 4, livr. 79. pl. 472, fig. 2. Levrault, Paris. Tye, A. 1988. Foraging behaviour and selection of prey and perches by the Buffstreaked Chat Oenanthe bifasciata. Ostrich 59. i Tye, A. (in press) Wheatears Oenanthe spp. and Buftf-streaked Chat. In G. S. Keith, E. K. Urban & C. H. Fry (Eds), The Birds of Africa, Vol. 4. Academic Press. Tye, A. In prep. Superspecies in the genus Oenanthe. Vincent, A. W. 1947. On the breeding habits of some African birds. [bis 89: 163-204. Address: Dr A. 'Tye, British Ornithologists’ Union and Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology, Dept of Zoology, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PS, England. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Books received 59 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(1) BOOKS RECEIVED Fry, C. H., Keith, S. & Urban, E. K. (Eds.). 1988. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 3. Psittaciformes to Piciformes. Pp. 611. 32 colour plates by Martin Woodcock. Line drawings by Ian Willis. Acoustic References by Claude Chappuis. Academic Press. £71-50. 24 x 32 cm. The third volume of this excellent work completes the non-passerines, with style and layout the same as in Volume 2. The literature up to August 1986 has been reviewed and, for many species, use has been made of more recent material also. In systematic treatment, a few changes have been made at low taxonomic levels, but the authors have been conservative in higher taxa. Hollom, P. A. D. 1988. The Popular Handbook of British Birds. 5th Revised Edn. Pp. 486. 16 colour plates of eggs and 7 in black-and-white; 120 colour plates of birds and 8 birds in flight in black-and-white. Many line drawings. Hardback. £14-95. 21 x 13 cm. This well-known and deservedly popular book, “‘the lineal descendant” of the classic The Handbook of British Birds (1938-41), has been thoroughly revised, especially the status and distribution sections, the text being entirely reset, and the scientific sequence re-arranged. It is 36 years since the first edition appeared and it is improbable that this present revision will be the last, so valuable is the book’s whole approach to ornithology. tino Phe ie ee . ae ne in Pat vTe he phen By is 4 ans ieee} ® RS Seer (re EETY NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Papers, from Club Members ornon-members, should besenttothe Editor, Dr J. F. Monk, The Glebe Cottage, Goring, Reading RG8 9AP, and are accepted on the understanding that they are offered solely to the Bulletin. They should be typed on one side of the paper, with treble-spacing and a wide margin, and submitted with a duplicate copy on airmail paper. Scien- tific nomenclature and the style and lay-out of papers and of References should conform with usage in this or recent issues of the Bulletin. Inform- ants of unpublished observations should be cited by initials and name only, e.g. ‘‘...catches wasps (B. Eater)’, but ““B.B.C. Gullinformsmethat...’’. Photographic illustrations, although welcome, can only be accepted if the contributor is willing to pay for their reproduction. Authors are requested to give their title, initials, name and full address (in the form they wish to be corresponded with) at the end of the paper. An author wishing to introduce a new name or describe a new form should append nom., gen., sp. or subsp. nov., as appropriate, and set out the supporting evidence under the headings ““Description’’, ‘Distribution’, “Type’’, ““Measurements of Type” and ‘Material examined’, plus any others needed. A contributor is entitled to 10 free offprints of the pages of the Bulletin in which his contribution, if one page or more in length, appears. Additional offprints or offprints of contributions of less than one page may be ordered when the manuscript is submitted and will be charged for. Authors may be charged for proof corrections for which they are responsible. 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SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BULLETIN The Bulletin (Vol. 108 onwards) may be purchased by non-members on payment of an annual subscription of £16.00 or, if preferred, U.S. $32.00 (postage and index free). Applications should be sent to the Hon. ‘Treasurer as below. Single issues may be obtained as back numbers. PAYMENTS TO HON. TREASURER All payments should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Mrs D. M. Bradley, 53 Osterley Road, Isleworth, Middx. TW7 4PW. All payments are net, and should be made in Sterling if possible. Payments in other currencies must includea further £3 for Bank Charges (except for annual ratesin U.S. Dollars which are inclusive). Payments may be made direct to the Club’s National Giro Account No. 30 924 4004, but must include Bank Charges where applicable. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence about Club meetings and other matters not mentioned above should go to the Hon. Secretary, R. E. F. Peal, 2 Chestnut Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3AR. CONTENTS CLUB NOTES. Report of the Committee for 1988. Annual General Meeting Agénda”. iy sos) 2272 2R ES Bo. es GERARD J. MOREL. Paradoxical Sahel: rich wetlands surrounded With arid bush steppe. = ssc cace ese eek ceo + DUNCAN PARISH & SURAPOL ARDSEUNGNURN. Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monorhis; a species new for Thailand .... BRIAN Woop. Biometrics, iris and bill colouration, and moult of Somali forest, birds ~ <:2\.u4ss i aenet es een te oe ee JIRI MLiIKOvSKY. Note on the osteology and taxonomic position of Salvadori’s Duck Salvadorina waigiuensis (Aves: Anseridae [Amatidae]}) ios 2 kode Py OR oes, 3 ata, a LLOYD F. KIFF, MANUEL MARIN A., FRED C. SIBLEY, JUAN CARLO MATHEWS & N. JOHN SCHMITT. Notes on the nests and eggs of some Ecuadorian binds: . 7 ee eee et PETER W. WENDELKEN & ROBERT F. MARTIN. Recent data on the dis- tributionio& birds in;Guatemala.2 ye see 25s oe J. S. ASH, D. J. PEARSON, G. NIKOLAUS & P. R. COLSTON. ‘The mangrove reed warblers of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden coasts, with description of a new subspecies of the African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus/baecticatus | O§and in Se. ae P. A. CLANCEY. ‘The status of Anthus caffer mzimbaensis Benson, POSSE hE SAND Sek IER SE RENS VRS A ton RE ee aes ROBERT A. CHEKE & J. FRANK WALSH. Westward range extension into Togo of the Adamawa Turtle Dove Streptopelia hypopyrrha. . STEVEN M. GOODMAN & PEDRO C. GONZALES. Notes on Philippine birds, 12. Seven species new to Catanduanes Island ......... P. A. CLANCEY. ‘The status of (Cursorius temmincki) damarensis Reichenow; 190s ges. cts Gree ore ociponsaaearse a oy aa teen eae ALAN TYE. ‘The systematic position of the Buff-streaked Chat (Oenanthe} Saxicola bifjascata) ae) cis 2 ck ee IBLOKOUMS IRITCIBINIID) Goa aocaegs non hoooboun ad aobo ood doo OO n OO GOTO Page 14 22 25 31 36 43 47 48 51 53 59 The Bulletin is now being sent by Bulk Air Mail to all European destinations outside the British Isles and by Accelerated Surface Post to almost every destination outside Europe. This will only apply to copies despatched from the printers on publication. Those whose subscriptions have not been received by the beginning of a month of publication will have their copies despatched by surface mail, after their current subscription has been paid. COMMITTEE Revd. G. K. McCulloch, O.B.E. (Chairman) (1986) D. Griffin (Vice-Chairman) (1986) R. E. F. Peal (Hon. Secretary) (1971) Mrs D. M. Bradley (Hon. Treasurer) Dr J. F. Monk (Editor) (1975) (1978) N. H. F. Stone (1986) J. H. Elgood (1986) R. H. Kettle, B.A. (1988) Mrs A. M. Moore (1987) Published by the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB and printed by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset BY 5 ISSN 0007-1595 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club Edited by Dr J. F. MONK Rp, sh *, * % \ p fa wn FE G pm = “a LIBRARIES __. at wammonmreme sift ha Tee ames Volume109 No.2 June 1989 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS Tuesday, 25 July 1989 at 6.15 p.m. for 7 p.m. in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, S.W.7, Dr Margaret Carswell will speak on ““The Uganda Atlas of Birds’’. Those wishing to attend should send their acceptance with a cheque for £5 per person to reach the Hon. Secretary at 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6JB by first post on Tuesday, 11 July, if possible*. Dr Carswell lived and worked in Uganda from 1968 to 1987 and is senior author of The Uganda Atlas. Her address will be illustrated with colour slides by Mrs B. J. Holcombe. Tuesday, 26 September 1989 at the same place, in conjunction with the West African Ornithological Society, Mr Roger Beecroft will speak on “‘Birds in the Sahara’”’. Those wishing to attend should send their acceptance with a cheque for £5 per person to reach the Hon. Secretary (address above) not later than first post on Tuesday, 12 September, if possible*. Mr Beecroft will speak particularly of observations of migrants and wintering birds made on a journey from Algeria to Niger and back from October to December last. Tuesday, 7 November 1989 at the same place, Mr Peter Robinson will speak on “Enforcement of Conservation Management—what is the R.S.P.B. actually achieving through its Investigations Work?’’. Tuesday, 28 November 1989 at the same place, Dr P. J. Jones will speak on “‘The migration strategies of Palaearctic migrants in West Africa in relation to Sahelian drought’. *Tt will be possible to take acceptances up to the weekend before a Meet- ing, but Members are asked to accept by 14 days before a Meeting, if they possibly can. A plan showing Imperial College will be sent to Members who request it when sending their acceptance for a meeting. 61 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) Bulletin of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB Vol. 109 No. 2 Published: 20 June 1989 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the British Ornithologists’ Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London S.W.7 on Tuesday, 9 May 1989 at 6 p.m. 14 Members were present. The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 10 May 1988, which had been published (Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl.108: 152-153), and the Minutes of the Special General Meeting held on 7 February 1989, which were read, were approved and signed by the Chairman. The Report of the Committee for 1988 was presented and, on the proposal of the Honorary Secretary seconded by Mr B. Gray, it was unanimously received and adopted. The accounts for 1988 were presented. After discussion, on the pro- posal of Mr S. Howe, seconded by Mrs M. N. Muller, they were approved. The Editor reported that the submissions for publication in the Bulletin would probably continue to provide the enlarged size of recent issues again this year. There having been no additional nominations, the following were declared duly elected:- Chairman: Mr R. E. F. Peal (vice Revd. G. K. McCulloch, who retired on completion of his term of office). Vice-Chairman: Mr J. H. Elgood (vice Mr D. Griffin, who retired on completion of his term of office). Hon. Secretary: Mrs A. M. Moore (vice Mr R. E. F. Peal). Hon. Treasurer: Mrs D. M. Bradley (re-elected). Committee: Mr S.J. Farnsworth and Mr D. Griffin (vice Mrs A. M. Moore and Mr J. H. Elgood). Mr J. H. Elgood proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman for all the work he had done for the Club; this was seconded by the Honorary Secretary and carried with acclamation. The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Honorary Secretary for his unstinting efforts in that office for the exceptional time of 18 years, during which he had himself, to a large extent, brought the Club to its present flourishing state. This was carried with acclamation. The Meeting closed at 6.15 p.m. 6861 “PW-6 ‘VL6 EM “opuocT ‘uojop ‘aun usoyy cE ‘SLNVLNNOOOV GaAYaLYVHD “OO 8 SHUAANOO WVHONIA 4aansvas, AavsouoeH KA TAVUA W'A unm4iv4) HOOTTINOWN AD “yiIMa19y} aUBpIOI0B Ul aq 03 Way) AjIg199 aM puk ‘qn[D 243 Jo Sps109a1 puk syoog ay} Woy pairedaid usaq aaey syuNOdoV asay, £SL‘ogF 68797 698'bF s9s‘z 67S'‘I SLL SsT1es 6bS‘7Z $9SL 09 $89 I $9¢'09 000°8S St 6102 €SL‘9gF 90909 Ose 95709 Sth ZOL‘SZ ozs LLOE S07‘ 1Z Ui a L861 679067 SOLO Lye'sF SEE'e LLE‘T 7EL T19'SEF 19 96L‘STZ 80S‘8 1€8 60+ i +9¢'09 000‘8S St 6102 679067 90909 909‘09 Sth 8L5°6Z = 9L8‘¢ ZOL‘SZ a uf 8861 s1oupaig Aripung “++ sraqiosqng— Desheydereyedovekckekers sraquiayy— JOURAPE UI PadtadaI suoT}diosqng Son gery yaar) s1oj}qoq Aipung Ao PUGDDO yueg ‘arg 1eN— RO yunosoy ysodaq— SO OID DOIGE 1SOg— Bee tiede junossy JuatIng— yueg ie ysed RES anje A [RUIWION]—urja][Ng Jo 401g sjassy jua1InD Ajystodoig pjoysesy ** 4809 38 71/8007 4903S Ansar], %FS O88F JUDUIJSIAU] puny jsnsiy, uojsulIeEg 3809 18 666] YOIG Janbayoxq %*OT LOLTT JUDSUTASIAU]T puny jsonbog SUIAIIS -:4q pajuasaiday pun, jsonbog suaAajg POOR he Lie eee Oe L86| Azenuefl | ye souRleg Adega] uojsurs1eg * yf *\y—pun,y ysn1zy, esketeashatel sis 886] Jequiacaq [¢ 38 soURTeg pesinbas 193uU0] OU 9g6] UT UOIsIAOIg cial. ainjipuadxa 1Id9A0O awooutl jo SSOOXY “PPV saloieseaeNonexnis eaves c) ie* 886] Arenuefl | 3e souRyeg puny [e1sue5 8861 J9quis.0q [¢ 38 S¥ JQ0Yg doURTeEg QnID SIsIs0joqI UI YSHIIg LLO' tt . (17S‘6) 180°7 S78'Z tr 149 9L8'eF (19€'8) fi L yal 18 Of 767 €s LOL 97 14 ral SII +7 658 970'T 89 €76'L L089 LL9 OIL $9T'L 160°9 (6L€) (FIT) SOS‘L $079 O8r FEE S80'L 1L8‘S LECT (ZS8) ral (P16'T) $96 976'1 €S8'l £9 TLZ 6S Ssz €1Z (671) SILT (S@Z'‘1) O17'Z Ore'z 8b 9Z0'E 8b 079‘ 918'Z LSI ZO or 806'Z €16's ZE8‘Z C£T'E 180‘€ i ai af L861 8861 ainjIpusdxy 19A0 surOdU] Jo ssaoxg a teeseessss ss sogieyug yuRg trrrsrssrseeeess.< Range S.D. Wing chord Wing chord goodalli 3 64.0 64.0-64.1 0.05 1 63.0 humicola 12 64.8 61.0-69.0 2.40 12 65.4 60.0-69.0 2.80 polysticta 5 67.1 64.5-70.0 2.32 4 65.1 65.0-65.5 0.25 Exposed culmen Exposed culmen goodalli 3 14.85 14.45-15.1 0.35 1 : humicola 12 1285 11.2-13.35 0.72 10 124 eI SST S37 et polysticta 5 12.7. 12.25-12.95 0.28 4 12.55 12.0-12.85 0.37 Exposed culmen/bill height Exposed culmen/bill height at base at base goodalli 3 3.90 3.73-4.09 0.18 1 3.91 humicola 11 3.26 2.98-3.68 0.21 9 3.29 2.99-3.61 0.22 polysticta 5 3.07 2.89-3.39 0.19 4 3.05 2.72-3.33 0.25 Tail Tail goodalli 3 69.8 69.0-72.5 2.36 1 78.0 humicola 10 72.4 70.0-76.5 2.65 10 72:3 70.0-74.5 2.65 polysticta 5 74.4 73.0-76.5 2.32 + 72A5 69.5-74.5 2.27 Tarsus Tarsus goodalli 3 DAE, 21A—22-5\) .OK/2 1 Die: humicola 12 D2 21.4-23.3 0.50 9 22.15 21.1-23.25 0.69 polysticta 5 22.9 22.0-24.25 1.02 + 22.0) 21:25=22.5) 0:53 Body weight Body weight goodalli 3 19.7 19.0-20.0 0.57 1 18 humicola 6 Dies 20.0-24.0 1.76 3 2253 22-23 0.57 area, darker crown, and conspicuously brighter cinnamon shoulder patch, flanks, and crissum. Range. Presently known only from the type locality. Etymology. Named in honour of the late J. D. ‘Jack’ Goodall for his lifetime of contributions to Chilean ornithology. Remarks. See detailed comparison of mensural characters with T. h. humicola and T. h. polysticta in Table 3. We follow Meyer de Schauensee (1966) in placing this species in Asthenes; Vaurie (1980) assigned it to Thripophaga. Specimens examined (including the holotype). A.h. goodalli: 3 33, 1 2. Antofagasta Prov: Quebrada Paposo (WF VZ). A. h. humicola: 12 33, 12 92. Coquimbo Prov: Romero 1 2 (FMNH), La Compania 1 jg (FMNH), Punitaqui 2 jd, 2 92 (WFVZ), Cerro Guaquilon (SE of Punitaqui) 2 gg (WFVZ); Aconcagua Prov: Hda. Limache, Papudo 1 g (FMNH), Zapallar 1 29 (MCZ); Valparaiso Prov: Olmué 1 § (FMNH); ‘Central Chile’ 1 2 (MCZ); Santiago Prov: Las Condes 1 g, 1 2 (MCZ), San Jose de Maipo 1 2 (FMNH), Penalolén 1 g (FMNH), Batuco 1 9 (FMNH), Lagunillas 1 9 (WFVZ), Cerro Mantancilla 2 gj (WFVZ); O’Higgins Prov: San Francisco 1 2 (FMNH); Colchagua Prov: Cauquenes 1 9 (FMNH); Talca Prov: Tamarico 1 § (MCZ); Desembocadura, Rio Maule 1 2? (MCZ). A.h. polysticta: 6 33, 4 292. Maule Prov: Pilén Alto 1 g, 1 9 (FMNH); Concepcion Prov: Gualpencillo 3 3g, 3 92 (FMNH), Concepcion 1 3 (AMNH); Cautin Prov: Traiguén 1 ¢ (MCZ). Manuel Marin A et al. 76 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) TABLE 4 Measurements of Scelorchilus albicollis subspecies _ MALES _FEMALES n xX Range S.D. n x Range S.D. Wing chord Wing chord albicollis 16 82.3 79.5-89.0 2.51 13 80.1 77.5-83.0 1.99 atacamae 4 79.3 78.5-81.0 1.22 11 75.9 73.0-78.5 1.99 Exposed culmen Exposed culmen albicollis 17 17.7 16.15-18.9 0.71 14 17.2 16.3-18.5 0.71 atacamae + 17.5 15.65-19.6 1.63 9 17.0 15.2-19.7 1.15 Tail Tail albicollis 17 76.9 69.0-84.0 4.28 14 73.5 66.0-82.5 4.49 atacamae + 70.4 67.5-75.1 3.29 11 69.4 61.5-77.5 5.23 Tarsus Tarsus albicollis 17 34.85 33.7-36.7 0.84 14 33.8 32.2-35.4 0.99 atacamae 4 33:15 31.2-34.5 1.40 11 33.5 32.2-35.7. 1.02 Body weight Body weight albicollis 6 54.8 52-60 2.92 2 46.5 45-48 2.12 atacamae 1 44 1 39 WHITE-THROATED TAPACULO Scelorchilus albicollis One was collected between 17 and 19 Sep 1982 (WFVZ 25,978) and another 2 on 19 Jul 1986 (WF VZ 39,306—7) by LP at Quebrada Paposo. This becomes the northernmost locality for the species in Chile, as it was previously unrecorded north of Quebrada (Aguada) del Leon, near Caldera, Atacama Prov. The July specimens, a male and a female, weighed 44 and 39 g, respectively. Examination of 48 Chilean specimens indicates that there is pronounced north-south clinal variation, the more northern birds being characterized by their smaller size and more numer- ous ventral bars, whereas the more southern populations are larger and have a darker mantle and fewer ventral bars. It appears that specimens north of El Tofo, 60 km NNE of Coquimbo, Coquimbo Prov, where the Cordillera Romero abuts the coast and serves as an altitudinal barrier, can be assigned to the race S. a. atacamae, whereas those to the south of El Tofo are most conveniently considered to be the nominate race. Measurements of the 2 forms, defined in this manner are given in Table 4. GREY-BELLIED SHRIKE-TYRANT Agriornis microptera Previously known from only a single locality in Chile, at 4000 m on the Rio de Collacagua, inland from Iquique, Tarapaca Prov. (Philippi 1964, Johnson 1967). LP collected a female (WF VZ 39,309) at Valle de Lluta (c. 180km N of Collacagua) on 14 Jul 1986, and another female at Quebrada de Camarones on 4 Jul 1986. The birds weighed 62 and 63 g respectively. Taken during the austral winter, it suggests there is a seasonal movement to these relatively low elevations. LP also collected 7 additional specimens near San Pedro de Atacama in the Antofagasta Range, as follows: 2 males (WFVZ 27,241, 27,244) and 2 females (WEVZ 27,243, 27,245) at Quitor on 1 and 2 Aug 1982, another female (WF VZ 27,242) at Tulor on 2 Aug 1982, anda male (WF VZ 27,239) anda female (WF VZ 27,240) at Guatin between 24 and 30 Aug 1982. These records, which represent a southerly range extension of 330 km, indicate Manuel Marin A etal. 77 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) that the species is widespread and presumably resident in this region. Goodall et al. (1946) predicted that it might occur in the Antofagasta Range and farther south in Chile. Including both sexes, the average measurements of our series (n=9), wing 119.2mm (116.5—127), tail 98.8 mm (95.0-105.5) and bill 25.2 mm (24.3—25.7), agree with those given by Hellmayr (1927) for the race A. m. andecola. GREAT KISKADEE Pitangus sulphuratus Apparently an uncommon visitor to Chile, since a female (WF VZ 39,379) collected by LP at Quebrada de Suca on 7 Jul 1986 represents only the second specimen for the country. It weighed 54 g, and its ovaries were granular. The only previous Chilean specimen was a bird collected by F. Behn in Jan 1967 near Los Angeles, Bio-Bio Prov. (Johnson 1967). BRAN-COLOURED FLYCATCHER Myiophobus fasciatus rufescens In Chile, previously known from only a single specimen taken in Sep 1949 by F. Behn in Poconchile, Valle de Lluta, Tarapaca Prov. (Philippi 1964). During LP’s surveys in Tarapaca Prov. in Jun and Jul 1986, 5 additional specimens (WF VZ 39,380—-4) were collected at Quebrada de Camarones. Four of them (2 males, 1 female, 1 sex undetermined) weighed 9 g, and another female weighed 8 g. None of the specimens had enlarged gonads. TUFTED TIT-TYRANT Anairetes parulus parulus Common in central Chile from the coast to the brush-covered valleys of the Andean foothills to an elevation of c. 2000m. However, Philippi (1964) and Johnson (1967) reported it north only to Valle de Copiapo, Atacama Prov. Between 17 and 19 Jul 1986 LP found it relatively abun- dant at Quebrada Paposo, 230km north of its previous unquestioned limit in Chile. Four specimens (WF VZ 39,386—9) were taken: 2 females weighing 4g, a male and an unsexed bird each weighing 5 g. The speci- mens agree in colour witha large series of the nominate race in the WF VZ collection. PIED-CRESTED TIT-TYRANT Anairetes reguloides reguloides Goodall et al. (1946) considered this to be a very rare species in Chile, recording it only from Arica, Tarapaca Prov. in extreme northern Chile. Between 30 Jun and 3 Jul 1986, LP found it very abundant in Quebrada de Camarones, 70 km to the south. The representative series he collected includes several immature birds, indicating breeding in the area. Four males weighed 6 g, and another weighed 8 g. Three females weighed 5 g, and 3 others weighed 6 g. All the specimens have the immaculate yellow belly typical of the nominate race. PATAGONIAN TYRANT Colorhamphus parvirostris Three nests of this flycatcher were found by MM in the vicinity of Pichinahuel, 19-20 Jan 1976. The first nest contained 3 well-grown chicks, and the others contained 2 tiny nestlings each. All the nests were in the thick understory of a beech (Nothofagus) forest, at 50-110 cm from the ground in 80-120 cm tall shrubs growing along creeks. They were cup- shaped structures of grass and moss, lined with fine grasses and some Manuel Marin A et al. 78 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) feathers. On several occasions the adults were observed feeding butter- flies to the young. The only previous nesting record for this species in Chile was a set of 3 eggs (WF VZ 55,630) taken in Dec 1938 by C. Jensen and 'T’. Peddar in Tierra del Fuego, 1700 km south of the Cordillera de Nahuelbuta (Johnson 1967). SHINY COWBIRD Molothrus bonariensis Hellmayr (1932) summarized the early history of this species in Chile. It is not clear whether the Shiny Cowbird became established in Chile as a result of deliberate introductions, from natural dispersal of the birds from Argentina through low passes in the southern Andes, or both, but the species has continued to expand its range steadily from the Santiago region since the last century (Johnson 1967). For example, G. R. Millie collected the first specimen as far north as the Valle del Huasco, Atacama Prov. on 22 Feb 1943 (Goodall et al. 1957), but by the 1960s the species was reportedly common from Atacama to Aysen Provinces (Johnson 1967). The incremental spread of the Shiny Cowbird in Chile, based on specimen records given in Hellmayr (1932) and subsequent summaries by Philippi (1964) and Johnson (1972), is shown in Fig. 2. LP collected a male (WF VZ 39,632) on 15 Jun 1986 at Quebrada de Camarones, 910 km north of its previous limit in Chile. We are unaware of any reports of Molothrus bonariensis from southwestern Peru and are thus inclined to assume that this bird came from more southerly popu- lations, rather than from any to the north. It is probable that the species is now moving gradually northward along the coast of Chile. GREY-HOODED SIERRA-FINCH Phrygilus gayi Common in many areas in Chile, especially in the Andean foothills, but previously known only from Atacama Prov. southward. LP collected a series of specimens (WF VZ 39,491—39,504) at Quebrada Paposo between 17 and 21 Jul 1986, a northerly range extension of 230 km. Collected in the austral winter, the birds had probably descended from inland breed- ing areas located at higher elevations. Measurements (mm) of 14 individ- uals were as follows: wing chord 82.3 (75.6—88.9), exposed culmen 13.9 (12.85-14.5), tail 60.9 (55.25—63.5). These are similar to the figures given for the nominate race by Johnson (1967), i.e., wing 86.1, ‘bill’ 12.5, tail 63.2, but exceed the equivalent measurements (wing 75.6, ‘bill’ 12.8, tail 56.4) he gave for the smaller race, P. gayi minor. Average weights of 8 Paposo males was 22 g, and of 5 females 19 g. To the south this species ranges well into montane elevations, but it has not been recorded from the Antofagasta Range lying directly inland from Quebrada Paposo, an area occupied by the closely related P. atriceps, whose relationships with P. gayi have not been clear. An apparent male hybrid (WF VZ 26,147) between atriceps and gayi was collected by LP between 24 and 30 Aug 1982 at Guatin, 300 km NE of Quebrada Paposo. A detailed comparison of the hybrid with males of P. atriceps and P. gayi is given in Tables 5 and 6. In general, the specimen more closely re- sembles P. atriceps than P. gayi in most details, and suggests that further study is needed to clarify the relationships between the 2 taxa. They were treated as subspecies by Hellmayr (1938), but as species by Meyer de Schauensee (1966), Johnson (1967) and Paynter & Storer (1970), whose Manuel Marin A et al. EE i Foe PERU } BSS 18° SS > 1986 > © 11943 2 £= | 1923 ia 30° BOLIVIA ARGENTINA 79 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) ARGENTINA 78 75 72 69 \ ie) 100 200 miles i) 200 400 kilometers Figure 2. Map showing historic range expansion of the Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis in Chile. Manuel Marin A etal. P. atriceps P. atriceps X gayi P. gayi gayi P. atriceps P. atriceps X gayi P. gayi gayi P. atriceps P. atriceps x gayi P. gayi gayi P. atriceps P. atriceps X gayi P. gayi gayi Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) 80 TABLE 5 Measurements of male Chilean Phrygilus specimens n x Range Wing chord 14 95.2 93.0—-96.5 1 89.0 27 85.6 78.9-92.5 Exposed culmen 14 ISAS 13.0-14.6 1 13.75 27 12.8 11.4-14.7 Tail 14 73.2 71.0—74.75 1 67.0 27 63.55 61.0-69.25 Tarsus 14 23.6 23.1-24.1 1 22.75 26 21.4 19.9-22.7 TABLE 6 Colour comparison of Phrygilus atriceps, P. gayi gayi and an apparent hybrid P. atriceps x gayt. Numbered colours are from Smithe (1975, 1981) Crown, neck, throat, and upper chest Mantle Thighs Vent and crissum Belly Wings and tail P. gayi Plumbeous (78) Citrine (51) with greyish wash on feather tips Dark Neutral Gray (83) White extends to abdomen Spectrum Yellow (55) Blackish Neutral Gray (82) with Plumbeous (78) outer feather margins hybrid Dark Neutral Gray (83) Buff (24) with Medium Neutral Gray (84) wash across centre Medium Neutral Gray (84) White extends to abdomen Spectrum Yellow (55) in middle, shading to Amber (36) on sides Sepia (119) with Medium Neutral Gray (84) feather margins P. atriceps Jet Black (89) Amber (36) Jet Black (89) Whitish, but with yellowish wash Spectrum Jet Black (89) with Dark Neutral Gray feather margins judgement was based largely upon the observations of Philippi (1942), who had reported that the species were sympatric in Coquimbo Prov, but did not interbreed there. Johnson (1967) later reported finding the forms occurring sympatrically from Atacama to Coquimbo Provinces without any apparent interbreeding. LP took a large series of P. atriceps in the Antofagasta Range, where the hybrid specimen was collected, but none of those specimens showed any Manuel Marin A et al. 81 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) signs of intermediacy. He encountered no examples of P. gayi. This suggests that these 2 forms may interbreed where one of them is scarce, but not where they are broadly sympatric. Acknowledgements Permission to collect in Chile was granted by the Ministerio de Agricultura, Servicio Agri- cola y Ganadero. We thank Denys Veas for his assistance in the field, Thomas Howell and Ed Tarvyd for their comments on the manuscript, Dominique Pahlavan for preparing the figures, and Jon Fisher for his assistance in many ways. We are grateful to Mary LeCroy (American Museum of Natural History), Raymond Paynter (Museum of Comparative Zoology) and David Willard (Field Museum of Natural History) for the useful loan of Chilean specimens. This study was supported by the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology. References: Baldwin, S. P., Oberholser, H. C. & Worley, L. G. 1931. Measurements of birds. Scz. Publ. Cleveland Mus. Nat. Hist. 2: 1-165. Barros, V. R. 1940. El piquerito 0 gaviotin de Trudeau. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 44: 130-135. Chapman F. M. 1919. Descriptions of proposed new birds from Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41: 323-333. Chapman F. M. 1929. Descriptions of new birds from Mt Duida, Venezuela. Am. Mus. Novit. no. 380. Goodall, J. D., Johnson, A. W. & Philippi B, R. A. 1946. Las Aves de Chile. Vol. 1, 358 pp. 1951. Vol. 2. 445 pp. Buenos Aires, Platt Est. Graficos. Goodall, J. D., Johnson, A. W. & Philippi B, R. A with Behn, F. & Millie, G. R. 1957. Suplemento de las Aves de Chile. Buenos Aires, Platt Est. Graficos. pp. 349-425. Hellmayr, C. E. 1927. Catalogue of Birds of the Americas. Part V. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser. 13: 1-517. Hellmayr, C. E. 1932. The birds of Chile. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., vol. 19. Hellmayr, C. E. 1938. Catalogue of Birds of the Americas. Part XI. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser. 8, 13: 1-662. Johnson, A. W. 1965 and 1967. The Birds of Chile and adjacent Regions of Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. Vols. 1 and 2. Buenos Aires, Platt Est. Graficos. 398 and 447 pp. Johnson, A. W. 1972. Supplement to the birds of Chile and adjacent Regions of Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. Buenos Aires, Platt Est. Graficos. 116 pp. Kelso, L. H. 1937. A Costa Rican race of Jardine’s pygmy owl. Auk 54: 304. Koepcke, M. 1970. The Birds of the Department of Lima, Peru. Livingston. 144 pp. Marshall, J. T., Jr. 1967. Parallel variations in North and Middle American screech-owls. Monogr. Western Found. Vert. Zool. no. 1. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1966. The Species of Birds of South America with their Distribution. Livingston. 577 pp. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1970. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Livingston. 470 pp. Murphy, R. C. 1936. Oceanic Birds of South America. Vol. 2. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York. Olrog, C. 1948. Observaciones sobre la avifauna de Tierra del Fuego y Chile. Acta Zool. Lilloana 5: 437-531. Palmer, R. S. (ed). 1962. Handbook of North American birds. Vol. 1. Yale Univ. Press. Parmelee, D. F. & MacDonald, S. D. 1975. Recent observations on the birds of Isla Contramaestre and Isla Magdalena, Straits of Magellan. Condor 77: 218-220. Paynter, R. A., Jr & Storer, R. W. 1970. Check-list of Birds of the World. XIII. Mus. Comp. Zool. Cambridge: Mass. Peters, J. A. 1940. Check-list of Birds of the World. 1V. Mus. Comp. Zool. Cambridge: Mass. Philippi B, R. 1942. Notas sobre aves Chilenas. Bol. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Chile 20: 82-89. Philippi B, R. A., Johnson, A. W., Goodall, J. D. & Behn, F. 1954. Notas sobre aves de Magallanes y Tierra del Fuego. Bol. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Chile 26(3): 1-65. Philippi, R. A. 1964. Catalogo de las aves de Chile con su distribucion geografica. Inv. Zool. Chilenas vol. XI: 1-179. Ridgway, R. 1919. The birds of North and Middle America. Part VI. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. no. 50. Smithe, F. B. 1975 (Part 1); 1981 (Part 2). Naturalist’s Color Guide. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York. C. J. Hazevoet 82 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) Vaurie, C. 1980. Taxonomy and geographical distribution of the Furnariidae (Aves, Passer- iformes). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 166: 1-357. Venegas, C. & Jory H, J. 1979. Guia de campo para las aves de Magallanes. Inst. Patagonia Ser. Monogr. no. 11. Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile. 253 pp. Wetmore, A. 1922. New forms of neotropical birds. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 12: 323-328. Wetmore, A. 1926. Observations of the birds of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Chile. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. no. 133. Wheelwright, N. 'T. 1978. Snowy Egret in the Strait of Magellan. Auk 95: 590. Address: M. Marin A. and L. F. Kiff, Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, Suite 1400, 1100 Glendon Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024, U.S.A. L.PenaG, Instituto de Estudios y Publicaciones ‘“‘Juan Ignacio Molina’’, Casilla 2974, Santiago, Chile. *This paper has been supported by page charges. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Notes on behaviour and breeding of the Razo Lark Alauda razae by C. 7. Hazevoet Received 12 August 1988 The Razo Lark Alauda razae lives exclusively on the arid islet of Razo (7 km?) in the Cape Verde Islands. It was discovered in 1897 by Boyd Alexander, who named it Spizocorys razae, without giving reasons for referring it to that genus (Alexander 1898a). Shelley (1902) placed it in Callandrella (sic), also without comment. Bianchi (1905) pointed out that the species has a small but distinct first primary, this being absent in Spizocorys and Calandrella. Although he thought it was close to the latter, he found it sufficiently different to erect the monotypic genus Razocorys for it. It remained there until Meinertzhagen (1951) lumped both Spizo- corys and Razocorys in Calandrella, regarding razae as “‘a relict species developed in isolation from an age-old migration of one of the C. rufescens group’. Finally, Hall (1963) made it clear that razae, in view of its struc- tural characters, is closest to Alauda, especially A. gulgula, and that the differences between razae and A. arvensis (small size, less pointed wing and longer bill of razae) are all attributable to adaptations for life on a small island. She noted that razae in general appearance seems to lie between Alauda and Galerida. Burton (1971), who agreed entirely with Hall’s conclusions, drew attention to the remarkable sexual size dimor- phism, especially in bill length, in razae, pointing to a difference in feed- ing ecology between the sexes. de Naurois (1969) suggested a relationship between razae and Pseudalaemon fremantli of northeastern Africa on account of similarities in structure and plumage pattern. Hall & Moreau (1970) submerged Pseudalaemon in Galerida. Earlier, Harrison (1966) had already advocated the forming of a wide genus Alauda, combining many small or monotypic genera of larks, including Galerida and Pseuda- laemon, but not Calandrella. Obviously, there is no agreement about the nearest relative of razae, but a recent consensus has developed that it is a C. J. Hazevoet 83 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) species of the Alauda-Galerida assemblage. The following notes may provide some material for a further taxonomic analysis. Observations on behaviour and song On 1 Mar 1986 and 3 Jan 1988, I visited Razo and made observations on display, vocalizations and breeding of A. razae. Sound recordings were made on a Sony WM-D6 cassette recorder with a Nakamichi CM300/ CP4 microphone. Sonagrams were made on a Kay Sonagraph 7029 A, using wide band frequency. On both dates, the larks occurred mainly on the central plateau of the island. Smaller numbers were observed nearer the cliffs and between the 2 hill ridges in the north. Adult birds were seen feeding together and all of them appeared to be paired. Singing birds were commonly heard and birds in both fresh and worn plumage were observed. Besides these, several juveniles were noticed. Altogether, an estimate of 75-100 pairs was made. Two types of song were distinguishable. The first consisted of short phrases of about one second, with pauses in between phrases also lasting about one second (Fig. 1A). It was uttered both on the wing or while perched ona stone or rock. This appears to be the same song as described by Alexander (1898b), consisting of ‘“‘the call notes constantly repeated’’. It is not unlike the song of A. arvensis when perched, though probably less variable. The second song type was of a more continuous nature and only heard from birds in song flight, delivered at a height of c. 25 m (Fig. 1B). The birds remained in a constant position against the strong NNE wind. Descent was performed at high speed while the singing continued. Generally, the first part of a song flight consisted of the short-phrased type, while towards the end and during descent the more continuous song was heard. The duration of 3 song flights was timed and lasted 5'15”, 6’20” and 2'10”. In addition, several call notes were recorded (Fig. 1C—F). When compared with utterances of A. arvensis, it will be seen that both song and calls of razae show a great structural resemblance to those of arvensis. For sonagrams of A. arvensis, see Glutz & Bauer (1985) and Cramp et al. (1988). On 3 Jan, a display was observed in which the male hopped several times c. 10 cm off the ground with head stretched upwards, chest pushed forwards and wings kept off the body a little. Whilst the posturing male encircled the female in this manner, the latter seemingly paid little atten- tion and continued feeding. This hopping display was similar to that of A. arvensis as described by Delius (1963); see also Glutz & Bauer (1985) and Cramp et al. (1988). The observations on song and display support Hall’s view, which was based on morphological features, that razae is closely similar to the skylarks. Breeding data On 3 Jan, several birds were collecting nest material and a couple of empty nests were found. These were cup-shaped and undomed, built of dry Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) 84 C. J. Hazevoet “"yooaazeH “[ 'D Aq 9861 YoleyA] | paepsiooay ‘avzv4 vpnvi Pp JO ({—D) s{[v> pue (q) Suos snonunuos ‘(y) Suos pase1yd-j10ys Jo suieAseUOG “| a1NSIJ \ i 1 \ i Wh C. J. Hazevoet 85 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) grasses and hidden under a low shrub. Measurements of one nest were: outer diameter 10 cm, inner diameter 7 cm and depth 5.5 cm. On the same date, birds carrying food in a definite direction were seen several times but nests containing young could not be found. It may be noted here that the caption for plate 11 in Schleich & Wuttke (1983), stating that the bird shown is “‘digging its breeding hole’’, suggesting that razae breeds in holes under the ground, must be due to a misinterpretation of behaviour of an obviously foraging bird. On 1 Mar, a nest containing one egg was found and photographed. No measurements were taken. The egg was whitish with fine brownish or greyish spots, increasing towards the broad end. The only eggs known so far were collected by Alexander (1898b) on 7 Oct 1897; they cannot be traced and are presumed lost. He described them as resembling those of Lullula arborea both in coloration and dimensions, an opinion repeated by de Naurois (1987). However, comparison of the photograph of the egg with plate 79 in Cramp et al. (1988) shows that it is similar in coloration to example 4 of Galerida cristata and, to a lesser degree, to example 2 of Calandrella rufescens. It does not resemble any of the depicted eggs of L. arborea. Apart from a nest with eggs found on 7 Mar 1985 (van Harreveld 1985), the above constitute the only egg-dates known so far. A nest con- taining one young was found on 28 Apr (Alexander 1898a). Juveniles were reported in Nov (Salvadori 1899), Jan (de Naurois 1969) and Jun. (Norrevang & den Hartog 1984). These data suggest a prolonged, erratic breeding season, probably linked to the degree of rainfall in a particular year or season. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Dr C. Bakels, H. Krieger and Dr M. Proske for providing me with their field notes made during our common visit to Razo. I am grateful to R. M. Pop for supplying photographs of the nest and egg. Dr C. Chappuis most kindly prepared the sonagrams. Finally, I am indebted to Dr G. F. Mees, V. Mees-Balchin and Dr J. Wattel who commented on the manuscript of this note. References: Alexander, B. 1898a. An ornithological expedition to the Cape Verde Islands. [bis 7th series (4): 74-118. Alexander, B. 1898b. Further notes on the ornithology of the Cape Verde Islands. Ibis 7th series (4): 277-285. Bianchi, V. 1905. Notices supplémentaires sur les alouettes palaearctiques (Alaudidae). Bull. Acad. Imp. Sc. St. Pétersbourg Sér. 5, 23: 205-240. Burton, P. J. K. 1971. Sexual size dimorphism in Alauda razae. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 91: 108-109. Cramp, S. et al 1988. The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Vol. 5. Oxford University Press. Delius, J. D. 1963. Das Verhalten der Feldlerche. Z. Tierpsychol. 20: 297-348. Glutz von Blotzheim, U. N. & Bauer, K. M. 1985. Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas, Vol. 10. Aula Verlag. Hall, B. P. 1963. The status of Spizocorys razae Alexander. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 83: 133-134. Hall, B. P. & Moreau, R. E. 1970. An Atlas of Speciation in African Passerine Birds. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). Harreveld, A. P. van. 1985. Observations on Razo Lark. Dutch Birding 7: 106-107. Harrison, C. J.O. 1966. The validity of some genera of larks (Alaudidae). Ibis 108: 573-583. Meinertzhagen, R. 1951. Review of the Alaudidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 121: 81-132. Norrevang, A. & Hartog, J. C. den. 1984. Bird observations in the Cape Verde Islands (4-22 June 1982). Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 68: 107-134. L. M. Gonzalez et al. 86 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) Naurois, R. de 1969. Notes bréves sur l’avifaune de l’Archipel du Cap Vert. Faunistique, endemisme, écologie. Bull. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire Sér. A, 31: 143-218. Naurois, R. de 1987. Contribution a la écologie des trois Alaudidae de |’Archipel du Cap Vert: Ammomanes cincturus, Eremopterix nigriceps et Spizocorys rasae. Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal 39: 122-140. Salvadori, T. 1899. Collezioni Ornitologiche fatte nelle Isole del Capo Verde da Leonardo Fea. Ann. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. (Genova) 20: 283-312. Schleich, H.-H. & Wuttke, M. 1983. Die kapverdischen Eilande Santa Luzia, Branco und Razo—ein Reisebericht. Natur und Museum (Frankfurt/M) 113: 33-44. Shelley, G. E. 1902. Birds of Africa, Vol. 3. R. H. Porter. Address: C. J. Hazevoet, Instituut voor Taxonomische Zodlogie (Zodlogisch Museum), Postbus 4766, 1009 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Zoogeographic support for the Spanish Imperial Eagle as a distinct species by L. M. Gonzalez, F. Hiraldo, M. Delibes & F. Calderon Received 13 August 1988 Based mainly on morphological and behavioural criteria several past authors (e.g. Brehm 1861, Dresser 1873, Swan & Wetmore 1924, Hiraldo et al. 1976) have considered the Spanish Imperial Eagle Aquila adalberti Brehm 1861 as specifically distinct from its Eastern congener, Aquila heliaca (Savigny 1809). However, lacking more evidence supporting this distinction, most other authors (e.g. Hartert 1914, Vaurie 1965, Amadon 1982) divide the Imperial Eagle merely into 2 different subspecies, naming Aquila heliaca heliaca the Eastern and Aquila heliaca adalberti the Spanish Imperial Eagle. Most recently, Collar & Andrews (1988) in the ICBP World Checklist of Threatened Birds distinguish adalberti and heliaca specifically from each other. At present the ranges of the eagles are separated by a wide gap in central Europe (see Cramp & Simmons 1980), and being allopatric, geographi- cally isolated populations, the most important of the species criteria, 1.e. the presence or absence of reproductive isolation (Mayr 1969a), cannot thus be used to determine their taxonomic status. The problem could be solved if it was possible to show that at some historical period, popu- lations of both taxons occupied the same (sympatry) or contiguous (para- patry) ranges; in which case the presence of hybrids would prove a lack of reproductive isolation, while their absence would confirm the specific distinction (Mayr 1969b). Gonzalez et al. (in press), revising the distribution of the Spanish Imperial Eagle since the 19th century, show that it has bred in the west of the Iberian Peninsula and in Morocco, while inmatures during post- breeding dispersal have appeared at least in northeastern Spain, southern France and Libya. The purpose of this paper is to show that in that period the Eastern Imperial Eagle was breeding in the eastern Spanish Pyrenees, L. M. Gonzalez et al. 87 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) France and Algeria, and that neither of the Imperial Eagles interbred at all. Material and Methods Information presented here comes mostly from the literature and from eggs and skins preserved in 13 museums we visited and 22 others which we contacted by letter (for details, see Gonzalez et al. in press). Data will be presented here by countries. When papers did not indicate the race of the cited Imperial Eagle, we used the description of the bird, if available, to assign it to one of them. In the case of clutches of eggs preserved in museums, we were unable to distinguish between those of heliaca and adalberti, so usually we accepted the data on the label. Egg data slips from museum collections can be used to examine some aspects of reproductive biology of birds (McNair 1987) and their past distribution (Hiraldo et al. 1979, Hoffman & Collopy 1988); nevertheless, their reliability has been questioned (Storer 1930). Else- where, museum oological data have proved useful in understanding the past distribution and population changes of raptor species (Ratcliffe 1980, Bechard 1981). Suspect data, whether apparently falsified or not, are rare and usually detectable (McNair 1987). Results Spain One clutch labelled as heliaca and collected by Hubner in Barcelona on 16 Apr 1902 (a date usual in heliaca but late for adalberti—Cramp & Simmons 1980) is in the Domplatz Museum (DDR). Vayreda y Vila (1883) recorded the occurrence of Falco imperialis in the Gerona province and described its plumage as uniform with large white spots on the scapu- lars, a pattern typical of heliaca; he also wrote of its breeding on cliffs, a nest site unknown for adalberti and rare, but used, by heliaca (Dandford 1878, Dementiev & Gladkov 1966). Fuset y Tubia (1913) identified an adult specimen preserved in a collection from Barcelona and collected in the same province, as Aquila melanaetus, Syn. Aquila impertalis, which from his description could be Aquila heliaca. France Before Brehm (1861) described Aquila adalberti, several authors reported Aquila heliaca in France. Crespon (1840) recorded the occur- rence of Imperial Eagles in the Gard and Rhone departments, and Bailly (1853) said that Imperial Eagles which occurred in summer on Mt Cenis (Savoie) came from Piemont (southern Alps). From their records it is not possible to decide which taxon is referred to. Later, several specimens confirmed the presence of Aquila heliaca in France. Mayaud (1938) examined a juvenile collected in the Camargue in 1829 and preserved at the Nimes Museum (NM). Also at NM we found another specimen, a juvenile also collected in the Camargue, 7 Apr 1931. In the Coimbra Museum we have seen an adult collected in France, without any date and precise locality. Loche (1867) identified as heliaca L. M. Gonzalez et al. 88 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) an adult eagle collected in Bayonne by Labarraque; according to Gurney (1877) this could be the same specimen reported by Jaubert & Barthelemy-Lappomeraye (1859). Sushkin (1901) examined an Eastern Imperial Eagle (not specifying its age) collected in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Glutz et al. (1971) referred to the capture of an adult in MOntigny (Yonne) in 1860, and Delmas (1912) named as Aquila imperialis another individual (without specifying its age) collected in Provence in 1898. L’Hermitte (1916) reported the capture of a juvenile Aquila heliaca (without indicat- ing the species) in Comps (Var) in 1899 and the same author (L’ Hermitte 1920) described a specimen, collected in 1920 at Marseille, and in transit- ional plumage as heliaca; but it is difficult to determine the species from his description. Besides specimens, other evidence suggests the breeding of Aquila heliaca in France. One clutch of eggs from the Pyrenees (lacking the date of collection) and corresponding to ‘“‘Imperial Eagle’’ (without specifying further) was found in the Bordeaux Museum. Companyo (1863), recorded Falco imperialis from Cerdana, Cpacir and La Vall, noting it was becoming rare and mentioned some reproductive aspects. Dresser (1873) wrote: “In southern France, according to Jaubert & Barthelemy- Lappomeraye (1859) it has occurred several times; there appears to be no doubt the species is the present one—Aquila heliaca—and not the Spanish Imperial Eagle’’. Paris (1912) reported Aquila heliaca as an accidental inhabitant of the eastern Pyrenees and the upper Loire. Finally, Menegaux (1932) recorded the species as breeding on trees and cliffs in France, but only very occasionally. Summarizing: we lack conclusive evidence of the breeding of the Eastern Imperial Eagle in France in the 19th century, but the sum of information strongly suggests it is likely. All the captured adult Imperial Eagles in France and most of the juveniles (see Gonzalez et al. in press) belonged to Aquila heliaca, as did most of those mentioned in the literature. Italy We have not found any references to the nesting of Imperial Eagles in Italy during and since the 19th century (Benoit 1840, Salvadori 1887, Giglioli 1889). Nine specimens have been reported (Perco 1969, Massa et al. 1979), all of them corresponding to Aquila heliaca. Eight were juveniles and one (collected in Savona on 10 Jan 1882) was an adult (Moltoni 1945). Sushkin (1901) recorded the species as erratic in Italy. Bailly (1853) cited it as an inhabitant of Sardinia, but it seems that there are no details of observations nor of specimens (A. Mocci-Desmartes). Switzerland Degland & Gerbe (1867) reported the occasional presence of Aquila heliaca in the Alps. Fatio & Studer (1889) recorded a juvenile and an adult specimen collected in the Jura (both destined for the museums of Géneve and Bonjour, according to the authors), another specimen (age not speci- fied) in the Oberland of Bern and several observations in the regions of Friburg and Saint Gall. L. M. Gonzalez et al. 89 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) Other European countries In the past century, the northwestern periphery of the breeding range of Aquila heliaca in Europe (Fig. 1) was Austria (Bauer & Rokitansky 1951), but with isolated breeding pairs in Germany (Luhder 1868) and Lithuania (Bree 1859), all of them countries where the species does not breed at present (Cramp & Simmons 1980). Glutz et al. (1971) reported one observation in 1842 on the island of Malta. Algeria For some authors (e.g. Heim de Balsac & Mayaud 1962, Glutz et al. 1971) the Algerian eagles were referred to Aquila adalberti, but most of the information from Algeria points to Aquila heliaca. Today the Imperial Eagle is extinct in Algeria (Ledant et al. 1981), but it bred there at least until the middle of the past century. We know of 2 clutches in museums, one collected on Edough Moun- tain, Bona, in 1855 by Loche (British Museum Natural History) (BMNH) and another collected in the Forest of Zeid, on 9 Apr 1857 (registered in the BM NH collection but found in Smithsonian Institution Nat. Hist. Museum collection). About this clutch, O. Salvin in his “1857, catalogue Algerian notebook for eggs’’, p. 6, wrote: “‘Aquila Imperialis. Is much rarer than the last [Aquila fulvus] as we were able to hear of only two eyries during the whole of our stay ... two eggs in the nest, the nest was taken by La Tope and the next day visited by Tristram, who saw the birds about; he described the nest as being in a tree growing out of a rock near Kef Oulsed Zeid...’’. Also, about the same event, Tristram (1860) wrote: “*... had the satisfaction of watching a fine Imperial Eagle, who plainly exhibited the white feathers of the shoulder ..., the two eggs which I obtained were hard set...”’. Malherbe (1855), Tristram (zm Bree 1859), Buvry (1857) and Homeyer (1863) also mention occurrences of Imperial Eagles in Algeria, but Aquila adalberti had not yet been described; heliaca is probably the more likely, since Loche (1867), who was familiar with Imperial Eagles, attributed the skins of adult and juvenile specimens examined by himself to the Eastern population: “... [Aquila heliaca] peu commun en Algerie ..., ne s’y recontre guere que dans les forets montagneuses ... cet Aigle s’en dis- tingue particulierement par les plumes des scapulaires qui forment sur le »” manteau deux taches blanches et allongees...”’. Other northwestern African countries The only references to Imperial Eagles in Morocco correspond to Aquila adalberti (Irby 1895, Gonzalez et al. in press). We have not been able to find any data from Tunisia, either in the literature or in museum collections. Discussion The breeding of Imperial Eagles in northeastern Spain, southern France and Algeria in the 19th century has been proved. Conclusive evidence does not exist to confirm that these birds were Eastern Imperial Eagles Aquila heliaca, but the amount of circumstantial evidence strongly suggests it. In fact, neither clutches, skins of adult birds, nor references to L. M. Gonzalez et al. 90 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) Figure 1. Ranges (shaded) during the 19th century of the Spanish and Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca/adalberti in western and eastern Europe. Key of localities outside the shaded range Localities of skins of adults (®), non adults (©) and clutches () deposited in museum collections; and records of nests or adults in the breeding season (A) and non- adults (A) from the literature and the authors’ own data. the breeding of Aquila adalberti in these regions have been found, while some data for Aquila heliaca do exist. Also, although most authors made no comment about the specific identity of Imperial Eagles from these countries, those which did so (e.g. Dresser 1873, in France and Loche 1867, in Algeria) said they were Eastern Imperial Eagles. If so, the breeding population of Aquila heliaca in western Europe could be partially migrant as in eastern Europe and Asia (Dementiev & Gladkov 1966, Cramp & Simmons 1980), making their way to Africa through continental Italy and Sicily to Cap Bon (Tunisia), as do other Central European raptors (Massa et al. 1979, Dejonghe 1980). This could explain the relatively important number collected along this route (Fig. 1). At present, this migrant breeding population has disappeared, but some wandering individuals, probably coming from eastern Europe, are observed from time to time (Cramp & Simmons 1980). ‘There seems hardly any doubt that the breeding ranges of the Eastern and the Spanish Imperial Eagles were in contact in the last century, and even more probably earlier still, at least in western Europe and probably in northern Africa. Such geographic contact (parapatry) would allow reproductive exchange and the possibility of hybrids. However, we have not detected a single specimen with intermediate plumage attributable to a hybrid in the 248 skins we have examined, and reference to hybrids does not appear at all in the literature. Failure to interbreed would indicate that previous reproductive isolation had led to species formation (Mayr 1969b, Bush 1975, Cracaft 1983), in which case, according to these last L. M. Gonzalez et al. 91 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) authors, the present allopatry of these full species results from their eco- logical requirements being so similar that they compete and exclude each other mutually. Because of the lack of conclusive proof, we cannot claim the recognition of Aquila adalberti as a distinct species only on the basis of the above evidence. However, the evidence adds support to the reasons previously advanced by several of the authors referred to earlier, and in our opinion the amount of circumstantial evidence suggesting the reproductive iso- lation of both Imperial Eagles justifies the recognition of Aquila adalberti as a full species. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Jose L. Gonzalez and Borja Heredia, F. Palacios and the staff of the Unidad de Zoologia Aplicada (Madrid), Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid) and Estacion Biologica de Donana (Sevilla) for their invaluable assistance in the work, and the CAYCIT project Nos 2007 and 994. We are grateful to curators at the British Museum of Natural History (Tring), C. J. O. Harrison and M. Walters; Royal Scottish Museum (Edinburgh), J. Lyster and B. McGowan; Zoologisches Fors. Museum Alexander Koening (Bonn), G. Rheinwald; Natur-Museum Senckenberg (Frankfurt am Main); Museum fur Naturkunde (Stuttgart); Museum d’ Histoire Naturelle (Nantes); Museum d’Histoire Naturelle (Nimes); Naturhis- torisches Museum (Berne); Rijksmuseum van Natuurlikje (Leiden), K. Vouus; Museu de Zoologia of University (Coimbra); Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid), J. Barreiro; Oxford University Museum (Oxford), J. Hull; Manchester University Museum (Manchester), M. Hounsome; Hancock Museum (Newcastle upon Tyne), P. S. Davies; Bristol Museum Natural History (Bristol), S. Swansborough; Delaware Museum Natural History (Delaware), D. M. Niles; Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (Los Angeles), L. Kiff; American Museum of Natural History (New York), M. LeCroy; Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago), D. Willard; Museum Heineamun Halberstadt (Domplatz), B. Nicolai; Museum Gedenstatten Sammlungen (Magdeburgo); Staatliches Museum fur Natuurkunde (Gorlitz), H. Ansorge; Naturhistoriska RiksMuseet (Stock- holm), C. Edelstam and T. Odsjo; Naturhistorisches Museum (Vienna), H. Schiffer; Zoological Institute (Leningrad), V. Loskot; Muzeul Tarii Crisurilor (Oradea), S. Dumitrascu; Universita di Palermo Instituto di Zoologia (Palermo), B. Massa; Museo Instituto di Zoologia (Turin), O. Eller; Institute Scientifique Cherifien (Rabat)— who kindly allowed us access to or sent us the information requested about egg and skin collections. References: Amadon, D. 1982. The genera of Booted Eagles: Aquila and relatives. Yamashina Inst. Orn. 14: 108-121. Bailly, J. B. 1853. Ornitologia de la Savoie. Paris & Chambery. Bauer, K. & Rokitansky, L. 1951. Die Vogel Osterreich. P. Parey verlag. Bechard, M. J. 1981. Historical nest records for the Ferruginous Hawk in Manitoba. Can. Field- Natur 95: 467-469. Benoit, L. 1840. Ornithologia Italiana. Messina. Bree, C: R. 1859. History of the Birds of Europe. Vol. 1. Grombridge & Sons. Brehm, A. E. 1861. Etwas tiber die Adler. Bericht iber d. XIII. Versammlung der Ornitho- logen Gesselschaft zu Stuttgart. 17-20 Sep. 1860, pp. 55-62. Bush, G. L. 1975. Modes of animal speciation. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 6: 339-364. Buvry, A. 1857. Strelfuzge in Algerien. I. Der Djebel Edough. ¥. Orn. 5: 62-69. Collar, N. J. & Andrews, P. 1988. Birds to Watch: the ICBP World Checklist of Threatened Birds. \CBP Techn. Publ. 8. ICBP, Cambridge. Companyo, L. 1863. Histoire Naturelle du Department des Pyrenees-Orientales. Perpignan. Cracraft, J. 1983. Species concept and speciation analysis. In R. Johnston (ed), Current Ornithology 159-187. Plenum Press. Cramp, S. & Simmons, K. E. L. 1980. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 2. Oxford Univ. Press. Crespon, J. 1840. Ornithologie du Gard. Nimes. L. M. Gonzalez et al. 92 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) Dandford, C. G. 1878. A contribution to the ornithology of Asia Minor. [bis Ser. 2(5): 1-35. Degland, P. & Gerbe, Z. 1867. Ornithologie Européenne. Paris. Dejonghe, P. 1980. Analyse de la migration prenuptiale des rapaces et des cigognes au Cap Bon (Tunisie). L’ Oiseau et R.F.O. 50: 125-147. Delmas, A. 1912. Catalogue des oiseaux observes dans L’Aveyron. L’Oiseau et R.F.O. 2: 151-156. Dementiev, G. P. & Gladkov, N. A. 1966. Birds of the Soviet Union. Vol. I. Smith. Inst. and Natl. Sci. Found., Israel Program for Scientific Translation. Dresser, H. E. 1873. A History of the Birds of Europe. Vol. I: 5-6. London. Fatio, V. & Studer, T. 1889. Catalogue des Oiseaux de la Suisse. Dept. Fed. D’ Industrie et D’ Agriculture. Fuset Y Tubia, J. 1913. Aves de Cataluna. Mem. Real Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 7: 455-487. Glutz von Blotzheim, U. N., Bauer, K. M. & Bezzel, E. 1971. Handbuch der Vogel Mittleur- opas. Part 4. Falconif. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. Giglioli, H. 1889. Avifauna Italica. Firenze, Stab. Tip. S. Giuseppe. Gonzalez, L. M., Hiraldo, F., Delibes, M. & Calderon, J. (in press). Reduction in the range of the Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti Brehm, 1861) since 1850. 7. of Biogeography. Gurney, J. H. 1877. Notes on a ‘Catalogue of the Accipitres in the British Museum by R. Bowdler Sharpe (1874)’. Ibis, Ser. 4, 1(2): 209-236. Hartert, E. 1914. Die Vogel der Palaarktischen Fauna. Vol. 2: 1041-1212. Berlin. Heim de Balsac & Mayaud, N. 1962. Les Oiseaux du Nord-Ouest de Il’ Afrique. Ed. P. Lechevalier. Paris. Hiraldo, F., Delibes, M. & Calderon, J. 1976. Sobre el status taxonomico del Aquila Imperial Iberica. Dorana Acta Vert. 3: 171-182. Hiraldo, F., Delibes, M. & Calderon, J. 1979. El Quebrantahuesos (Gypaetus barbatus). Monografias ICONA 36: 1-128. Hoffman, M. L. & Collopy, M. W. 1988. Historical status of the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius paulus) in Florida. Wilson Bull. 100: 91-107. Homeyer, A. von 1863. Ornithological Reiseskizzen aus N.O. Africa. J. Orn. 11: 305. Irby, L. H. 1895. The Ornithology of the Straits of Gibraltar. London. Jaubert, J. B. & Barthelemy-Lappomeraye, B. 1859. Richesses Ornithologiques du Midi de la France. Marseille. Ledant, P. J., Jacobs, J. P., Jacobs, P., Malher, F., Ochando, B. & Roche, J. 1981. Mise a jour de l’avifaune algerienne. Le Gerfaut 71: 295-398. L’Hermitte, J. 1916. Contribution a l’etude ornithologique de la Provence. L’ Oiseau et R.F.O. 4: 164-166. L’Hermitte, J. 1920. L’Aigle imperial a Marseille. L’Oiseau et R.F.O. 6: 153-154. Léche, L. 1867. Exploration scientifique de l’Algerie. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. Lechevalier. Luhder, W. 1868. Aquila imperialis in Pommern. 7. Orn. 16(5): 352-353. Malherbe, M. 1855. Faune Ornithologique de L’ Algerie. Paris. Massa, B., Baglieri, S. & Cangialosi, G. 1979. Nouvelles donnees pour L’etude des migrations a travers la mediterranee centrale. Alauda 47(1): 17-27. Mayr, E. 1969a. Principles of Systematic Zoology. McGraw Hill. Mayr, E. 1969b. The biological meaning of species. Biol. ¥. Linn. Soc. 1: 311-320. Mayaud, N. 1938. L’avifaune de Camargue. L’ Oiseau et R.F.O. 34: 284-349. MeNair, D. B. 1987. Egg data slips—are they useful for information on egg-laying dates and clutch size? Condor 89: 369-376. Menegaux, A. 1932. Encyclopedie Pratique du Naturaliste. Les Oiseaux de France. Edn. Lechevalier. Moltoni, E. 1945. Elenco degli Ucelli Italiani. Rev. Ital. Orn. 15: 33-78. Paris, P. 1912. Notes sur quelques oiseaux observes en France. L’Oiseau et R.F.O. 2: 54. Perco, F. 1969. Sulla cattura di un Aquila imperiali nei presi di Monfalcone. Rev. Ital. Orn. 39: 236-238. Ratcliffe, D. 1980. The Peregrine Falcon. Poyser. Salvadori, T. 1887. Elenco degli uccelli italiani. Anali Museo Civico Storia Nat. di Genova II, serie (III). 1-331. Savigny, L. 1809. Description de L’ Egypte. Oiseaux. Paris. p. 82. Storer, T. I. 1930. A critique of oological data. Auk 47: 329-334. Sushkin, D. 1901. On the species of Aquila. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 11: 6-10. N. Kawaji et al. 93 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) Swan, H. K. & Wetmore, A. 1924. A Monograph of the Birds of Prey (Order Accipitres). Vol. II. Wheldon & Wesley. Tristram, H. B. 1860. A few leaves from a naturalist’s note-book in Eastern Algeria. Ibis 2(8): 361-375. Vaurie, C. 1965. The Birds of the Palearctic Fauna. Witherby. Vayreda Y Vila, E. 1883. Ornitologia de la Provincia de Gerona. Gerona. Addresses: L. M. Gonzalez, ICONA, Servicio de Vida Silvestre, Gran V. S. Francisco, Madrid 28005, Spain. Remaining authors: Estacion Biologica de Donana, CSIC, Pabellon del Peru, Avda. M. Luisa s/n, Sevilla 41013, Spain. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989. A new breeding record of the Izu Island Thrush Turdus celaenops from the Tokara Islands, southwest Japan by Noritomo Kawayji, Hiroyoshi Higuchi & Hiroaki Hori Received 25 August 1988 The Izu Island Thrush Turdus celaenops is endemic to Japan, and has been known to breed only in the Izu Islands (Higuchi 1973, O.S.J. 1974). In the migration season it has been recorded as an accidental in the ad- jacent parts of Honshu main-island (e.g. Fujimura 1948, Hachisuka 1950). There are some specimens or sight records from remote islands, such as Yakushima Island (Ogawa 1905, Shirai 1956), Danjo Islands (W.B.S.J. 1978), and Tairajima Island (Kawaji et al. 1987), which are all off the Kyushu main-island; but the status of this thrush in such areas some 1000 km distant from the Izu Islands is not certain. We observed 4-6 pairs in the 1988 breeding season in Nakanoshima Island (29°50'N, 129°48’E), 27.5 km? in area, and of the Tokara Islands, off Kyushu main-island (Fig. 1) and 2 nests were found there. This is the first record of the species breeding in an area other than the Izu Islands. In reporting here the breeding habits in Nakanoshima it is of interest to discuss the significance of this breeding record from the viewpoint of speciation. The first nest was found on 12 May. The nesting site was 80 m above sea level. The habitat consisted mainly of Persea thunbergii, Castanopsis steboldi, Pleioblastus linearis. The nest was placed 5.6 m above the ground in the forked branches of a deciduous tree Mallotus japonicus, which had a diameter at breast height (= DBH) of 14.0 cm. The nest was hemispheri- cal in shape and the mouth opened upward. The inner diameter was 100 mm and the depth 62 mm. Nest materials were mainly pine leaves, moss, and twigs. We saw the female sitting on the nest on 13 May, but, unfortunately, the nest was found destroyed on 26 May. The second nest was found on 21 June at 180m a.s.1. It was amongst bamboos, Pleioblastus linearis, 2.5m above the ground, and had been built by adding nest materials to a cluster of pine leaves caught on the bamboo twigs. The vegetation in the vicinity consisted mainly of Pinus thunbergiana and P. linearis. The measurements of the open nest were N. Kawaji et al. 94 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) Sea of Japan (om) Danjo —_. - Islands 9% Kyushu Nakanoshima eS OO Ga oe \\Yakushima Tairajima~ J Tokara Islands Pacific Ocean Figure 1. Map showing some islands (underlined) where the Izu Island Thrush Turdus celaenops has been observed. 101 mm in inner diameter and 70 mm in depth. The DBH of the nesting bamboo was 24.3 mm. Nest materials were bamboo twigs and pine leaves. There were 5 eggs, pale blue-grey with reddish brown spots, particularly on the obtuse end. Their measurements were 28.6—31.1 mm (29.9+0.93 SD) by 20.4-21.2mm (20.8+0.32 SD) and they weighed 6.00g. Fledglings were found in the vicinity of the nest in early July. The breeding habitat and nesting habits of 7. celaenops in Nakano- shima are similar to those of the species in the Izu Islands (Higuchi 1973). These breeding records in Nakanoshima suggest the possibility that the species breeds in other islands off Kyushu. Shirai (1956) observed it in late May and early June 1950 on Yakushima, though no individuals have been collected or observed there since the 1960s. Ogawa (1905) and O.S.J. (1958) separated the Yakushima population as a subspecies T. c. yakushimensis, differing from the Izu Island subspecies T. c. celaenops, though its status in Yakushima was not certain at the time. There are no endemic subspecies of birds in the Tokara Islands, but if yakushimensis is a good subspecies, the Nakanoshima population may be equally and possibly similarly distinct in morphology or ecology from the Izu Island population. The song of the Nakanoshima population seemed to be somewhat different from that of the Izu Island population, but no close investigation was made. W. R.#. Dean 95 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) There have been 2 hypotheses on the speciation process of the Izu Island Thrush. One is that the species differentiated through geographic isolation from the main-island Brown Thrush T. chrysolaus (Fujimura 1948). The other is that the Izu Island Thrush 1s a relic species that was distributed more extensively in the past and retreated thereafter into island refuges (Yamashina 1942). Yamashina considered that T. celaenops is more closely related to the Black-breasted Thrush 7. dissimilis in South-East Asia than to T. chrysolaus. The fact that the Izu Island Thrush breeds in the distant Tokara Islands possibly suggests that the relic hypothesis is more reasonable. Acknowledgements We thank Dr Lowell Adams for commenting on a draft of this paper. This study was supported in part by a research grant for the Special Bird Project from the Environmental Agency of Japan. References: Fujimura, K. 1948. On Turdus celaenops. Tori 12(57): 57-62. (Japanese with English resumé.) Hachisuka, M. 1950. The occurrence of some rare Japanese birds. Torz 13(60): 21-24. (Japanese with English resumé.) Higuchi, H. 1973. Birds of Izu Islands (1). Distribution and habitat of the breeding land and freshwater birds. Tori 22: 14-24. (Japanese with English summary.) Kawaji, N., Sako, S. & Kora, T. 1987. Avifauna during spring migration on Taira-jima island, Tokara islands. Jap. F. Ornith. 36: 47-54. (Japanese with English summary.) Ogawa, M. 1905. Notes on Mr Alan Owston’s collection of birds from the islands lying between Kiushu and Formosa. Annot. Zool. Japon. 5: 175-232. Ornithological Society of Japan (O.S.J.). 1958. A Hand-list of Japanese Birds. 4th, revised ed. O.S.J., Tokyo. Ornithological Society of Japan (O.S.J.). 1974. Check-list of Japanese Birds. 5th, revised ed. Gakken, Tokyo. Shirai, K. 1956. Avian/mammal fauna of Yaku island and the so called Yaku dog. Japan Wildlife Bulletin 15: 53-79. (In Japanes). Wild Bird Society of Japan (W.B.S.J.). 1978. Bird Report for 1978. W.B.S.J., Tokyo. 175 pp. (In Japanese.) Yamashina, Y. 1942. Birds of the seven islands of Izu. Tori 11: 191-270. (In Japanese.) Addresses: N. Kawaji, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, P.O. Box 16. Tsukuba Norin Kenkyu Danchi-nai, Ibaraki, 305 Japan (present address: Forestry Research Institute, 1 Hitsujigaoka, Tohohira-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido 004, Japan); H. Higuchi, Research Center, Wild Bird Society of Japan, Higashi 2—24—-5, Shibuya- ku, Tokyo, 150 Japan; H. Hori, Laboratory of Silviculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, 890 Japan. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989. A review of the genera Calandrella, Spizocorys and Eremalauda (Alaudidae) by W. R. F. Dean Received 22 September 1988 One of the recurrent problems in the systematics of African larks is the question of what species compose the genus Calandrella Kaup 1829, and W.R. F. Dean 96 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) whether Spizocorys Sundevall 1872 constitutes a natural group. Meinertzhagen (1951) grouped 9 species in Calandrella. This arrange- ment was followed (in the main) by Hall & Moreau (1970), who included the anomalous Eremalauda dunni in Calandrella, within a species-group that contained C. obbiensis and C. personata. Maclean (1969) separated a group of 3 southern African species from Calandrella, placing them in Spizocorys, and removed one further species (stark) from Calandrella, placing it in Alauda L. 1758. A recent checklist of the birds of the world (Wolters 1975-82) contains a number of novelties, among them Calandrella blanfordi, erlangeri and cheelensis elevated to specific level, obbiensis placed in Ammomanes Cabanis 1851 and Botha Shelley 1902 resurrected for Spizocorys fringillaris. In the present paper brachydactyla, cinerea, acutirostris, rufescens, somalica, raytal, conirostris, sclater1, fringillaris, obbiensis, personata, starki and dunni are considered to be full species. A characteristic common to this group of species is that they are all mainly granivorous (Dean in prep.) and all drink water regularly. The type of Calandrella is C. brachydactyla and the genus was orig- inally separated on the reduced outer primary, pointed wing, dark square tail, usually with white outer rectrices, short, strong bill, and nostrils concealed by bristles or plumelets. Some species in the group have rufous on the crown and on the sides of the chest. The type of Spizocorys is S. conirostris (Sundevall), and the genus was separated from Calandrella on the basis of the short, conical bill. The shape of the bill in larks is an adaptive, plastic character, and of limited use as a taxonomic character. Similarly, plumage colour is adaptive, but plumage pattern may be less subject to selective pressures. Length of 1st primary, on which many genera in the Alaudidae have been separated, has apparently some value as a taxonomic character, but length of the 1st primary does vary in relation to the roundness of the wing in larks—round wings relatively speaking having the longest Ist primary (Harrison 1966). Maclean (1969) separated cinerea from conirostris, sclateri and fringil- laris on the lack of homogeneity in plumage pattern, call, nest and, to some extent, display. Because he considered starki sufficiently different from the Spizocorys group, and similar to Alauda, Maclean (1969) placed starki in Alauda. Display, song-flight and call may provide clues to possible relationships in the Calandrella (sensu latu) group. Songs and displays may be broadly classified as ‘simple’ or ‘complex’. Simple songs are 3—5 note refrains, given in flight or on the ground, and usually also include the ‘courtship song’; song-flight is weakly devel- oped or non-existent. Complex songs have more elements; usually they have an introductory phrase or phrases, followed by a main song which may include mimicry of other species and other calls; song-flight is well developed. Nest architecture in Alaudidae appears to be an important differen- tiating characteristic; the presence of a built-up ramp of small stones or mud flakes, or an apron of nesting material extending out from the rim of the cup, or the absence of either a ramp or an apron, may character- ize genera. A summary of species characteristics is given in Appendix 1. W.R.#. Dean 97 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) TABLE 1 Morphological, behavioural and biological characteristics of the Calandrelia species group (sensu Hall & Moreau 1970) Species Plumage below Face Display Nest brachydactyla shoulder patch plain complex open, with ramp cinerea shoulder patch plain complex open, with ramp acutirostris shoulder patch plain complex open, with ramp rufescens chest band plain complex open, ramp? somalica lightly streaked plain complex? open, ramp? raytal lightly streaked plain complex open, ramp? controstris lightly streaked patterned simple open, with apron sclatert lightly streaked patterned simple open, with apron fringillaris heavily streaked patterned simple open, with apron obbiensis heavily streaked patterned simple? open, with apron personata lightly streaked patterned simple? open, apron? starki lightly streaked patterned, complex open, lacks ramp or pale eye-ring apron dunni streaked patterned, complex open, lacks ramp or pale eye-ring apron PROPOSED TAXONOMIC GROUPING On the basis of shared characters (‘Table 1), specifically facial pattern, flight display and nest architecture, the following groups are separable:— Group 1: plumage brown, streaked above, bill brown to black, face plain, chest band or shoulder patches below, complex flight display, nest usually with ramp = Calandrella. Group 2: plumage pale rufous-brown to greyish-brown, streaked above and below, bill pink, pinkish-brown or light brown, face patterned, simple flight display, nest with apron= Spizocorys. Group 3: plumage buffy to pale brown, streaked above, bill whitish- horn or yellowish-white, face patterned, pale eye-ring, streaked below, complex flight display but song simple, nest without ramp or apron= Eremalauda Sclater 1926. The following arrangement is then possible: Calandrella Spizocorys Eremalauda —brachydactyla —conirostris —starki —cinerea —sclateri —dunni —acutirostris —fringillaris —rufescens —obbiensis —somalica —personata —raytal Most workers concur that Calandrella brachydactyla, C. acutirostris, C. cinerea, C. somalica, C. rufescens and C. raytal form a closely related group, since brachydactyla, acutirostris, cinerea and somalica have at one time or another been considered races of brachydactyla or races of cinerea (Peters 1960). Meinertzhagen (1951) considered somalica and raytal to be races of rufescens. Similarly, several workers have grouped S. conirostris, S. sclateriand S. fringillaris, sometimes including starki in the group (e.g. McLachlan & Liversidge 1978). Maclean (1969) considered starki distinct from both Calandrella (cinerea) and the Spizocorys group. Recently, Clancey et al. W.R. F. Dean 98 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) (1987) decided against the treatment of starki as amember of the Eurasian skylark assemblage (Alauda arvensis and A. gulgula). A novelty proposed in the present paper is the linking of dunni with starki, suggested by the similarity in flight display, facial and general plumage patterns and nest. Acknowledgements I thank J. S. Ash for unpublished data, and R. K. Brooke, M. P. S. Irwin and G. L. Maclean for their critical comments on a first draft of this paper. References: Allan, D. G., Batchelor, G. R. & Tarboton, W. R. 1983. Breeding of Botha’s Lark. Ostrich 54: 55-57. Ali, S. & Ripley, S. D. 1983. Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan. Oxford University Press. Archer, G. & Godman, E. M. 1937-1961. The Birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden. Vols 1—2, Gurney & Jackson. Vols 3-4. Oliver & Boyd. Ash, J. S. 1981. Field description of the Obbia Lark Calandrella obbiensis, its breeding and distribution. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 101: 379-383. Clancey, P. A., Brooke, R. K., Crowe, T. M. & Mendelsohn, J. M. 1987. SAOS Checklist of Southern African Birds (1980) : First updating report. SAOS, Johannesburg. Cramp, 5S. 1988. The Birds of the Western Palearctic Vol. 5. Oxford University Press. Dean, W. R. J. in prep. Alaudidae in Birds of Africa (see Urban et al.). Vol. 4. Academic Press. de Naurois, R. 1974. Decoverte de la reproduction d’ Eremalauda dunni dans le Zemmour (Mauritanie septentrionale). Alauda 42: 111-116. Hall, B. P. & Moreau, R. E. 1970. An Atlas of Speciation in African Passerine Birds. British Museum (Natural History). Harrison, C. J. O. 1966. The validity of some genera of larks (Alaudidae). Jbzs 108: 573-583. Hockey, P. A. R. & Sinclair, J. C. 1981. The nest and systematic position of Sclater’s Lark. Ostrich 52: 256-257. Maclean, G. L. 1969. South African lark genera. Cimbebasia, Ser. A, 1:79—94. Maclean, G. L. 1970. Breeding behaviour of larks in the Kalahari sandveld. Ann. Natal Mus. 20: 381-401. McLachlan, G. R. & Liversidge, R. 1978. Roberts Birds of South Africa. Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, Cape Town. Meinertzhagen, R. 1951. A review of the Alaudidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 121: 81-132. Peters, J. L. 1960. Family Alaudidae. In E. Mayr & J. C. Greenway, Jr. (eds), Check-list of Birds of the World. Vol. 9. Mus. Comp. Zool. Cambridge, Mass. Urban, E. K., Fry, C. H. & Keith, G. S. in prep. Birds of Africa. Vol. 4. Academic Press. Willoughby, E. J. 1971. Biology of larks (Aves: Alaudidae) in the Namib Desert. Zoo. Afr. 6: 133-176. Wolters, H. E. 1975-1982. Die Vogelarten der Erde. Paul Parey. Address: W. R. J. Dean, Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa, 7700. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 APPENDIX 1 Summary of main characteristics of Calandrella, Spizocorys and Eremalauda species 1. C. brachydactyla. Plumage: streaked on back, below lacks streaking on chest, but has small dark patch at shoulder. Face not patterned. Bill: horn-brown upper mandible, pale horn lower. Legs and feet flesh brown. Song is complex: call in song-flight begins with introductory ‘dip dip...’, not infrequently interspersed with mimicry of other species’ calls, given as the bird ascends steeply in flight on rapidly beating wings to 8-15 m,; introductory notes give way to main song, a series of 10—20 (up to 60 recorded) phrases, each phrase 8-10 units, repeated W.R. F. Dean 99 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) persistently at short intervals. On final note of song-phrase, closes wings and descends, but before reaching ground beats wings to effect slower descent, drops down and then beats wings in order to begin major ascent again, repeating the sequence of song. Song-flight is thus a series of deep undulations, but interspersed with shallow ones. The nest is a cup of grass and other dry vegetation, lined with softer material, frequently surrounded by a ramp of lumps of soil or small stones (Cramp 1988). 2. C. cinerea. Plumage: streaked on back, plain below except for rufous patches on sides of chest. Face not patterned. Bill black. Legs and feet dark brown. Song is complex with a song-flight similar to brachydactyla, but remaining longer in the air. Has similar undulations in flight. The nest is acup of dry grass lined with finer material, placed in ascrape in the ground against a tuft, shrub, stone or large clod of earth, with a ramp of small stones or lumps of soil present on the open side of the nest (data from Dean, in prep.). 3. C. acutirostris. Plumage: streaked, and generally very similar to brachydactyla. Face not patterned. Bill yellowish-horn, blackish on edges and tip. Legs and feet flesh brown. Song is complex: display similar to brachydactyla and cinerea. The nest is a cup of dry grass, lined with soft material, frequently with a ramp of small stones around the rim (data from Ali & Ripley 1983). 4. C. rufescens. Plumage: heavily streaked above, below streaking on chest forming a distinct pectoral band. Face not patterned. Bill horn-grey. Legs and feet flesh brown. Song is complex: display similar to brachydactyla, but has a greater repertoire of phrases and mimics songs and calls of other larks, including brachydactyla. The nest is a cup of dry grass placed ina scrape. No data available on ramp or surround (Cramp 1988). 5. C. somalica. Plumage: streaked above, below whitish, chest tinged pale buff and streaked lightly with dark brown. Face not patterned. Bill reddish. Song and display apparently similar to cinerea. The nest is an open cup of grass placed in a scrape in the ground (data from Archer & Godman 1961). 6. C. raytal. Plumage: lightly streaked above, below whitish, with indistinct streaking on sides of chest. Face not patterned. Bill horn-grey, horn-brown to blackish. Legs and feet flesh brown. Song-flight is complex; has an undulating aerial display flight similar to rufescens and raises a crest when singing. Song is interspersed with mimicry of other species’ calls. The nest is a cup of dry grass, placed in a scrape, lined with soft material. No data on ramp or surround (data from Ali & Ripley 1983). 7. S.conirostris. Plumage: streaked above, below rufous, lightly streaked on chest. Face patterned. Bill pink. Legs and feet pink. Song is simple: consists of 2—3 notes, ‘si sz sz’ given in flight. No flight display. The nest is a cup of grass placed in a scrape in the ground, with an apron of grass extending out from the rim (data from Maclean 1970). 8. S. sclatert. Plumage: streaked above, below buffy to rufous buff, streaked on chest. Face boldly patterned, with dark mark below eye. Bill brownish-pink. Legs and feet light brown. Song consists of 3 notes, ‘trit trit trit’ given in flight. No flight display. The nest is a cup of grass with an apron, placed in a scrape in the ground (data from Hockey & Sinclair 1981, J. C. Sinclair, W.R.J.D.). 9. S. fringillaris. Plumage: heavily streaked above, below buffy, heavily streaked on chest and flanks. Face patterned. Bill pink. Legs and feet pink. Song is simple: 2—3 element call ‘chiree’ repeated several times, given in flight or on ground. No flight display. The nest is a cup of dry grass with an apron, placed in a scrape in ground (data from Allan et al. 1981). 10. S. obbiensis. Plumage : streaked above, below greyish, streaked on chest and flanks. Face patterned. Bill pinkish-brown. Legs and feet pale brown. Song is simple, a ‘tip tip’ flight call. No flight display in this species was observed by J. S. Ash ina brief study of breeding. The nest is a cup in a scrape in the ground (data from Ash 1981 and J. S. Ash). H. D. Fackson 100 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) 11. S. personata. Plumage: lightly streaked and mottled on back, below plain grey-brown on chest, rufous on belly. Face boldly patterned with black, forming a‘mask. Bill yellowish-horn. Legs and feet flesh white (data from Dean, in prep.). 12. E. starkt. Plumage: streaked above, below whitish, plain or lightly streaked. Face not patterned, but has bold white eye-ring. Bill whitish-horn. Legs and feet pinkish-white. Song-flight is complex: ascends into the air singing a simple mellow song ‘prrr prrr preee preee prrr prrr preee preee... untilit reaches a height of 6—10 m (even up to 200 m according to Willoughby 1971), where it continues to sing for several minutes as it hovers into the wind before dropping straight down to the ground. The nest is a cup of grass in a scrape, lacking both apron and ramp (data from Maclean 1970, Willoughby 1971). 13. E. dunni. Plumage: lightly streaked on back, almost plain, whitish below, streaked dark on chest. Face boldly patterned, with dark brown to black moustachial and malar stripes and sur- round to cheeks, and white eye-ring. Bill yellowish-white. Legs and feet pale flesh. Song- flight is complex: rises into the wind to height of 30-50 m, and sings while remaining more or less in one place, swinging from side to side with slow, lazy wing-beats, effecting a floppy appearance. At end of song-flight it drops to the ground. The song is a series of short rambling phrases, given both in song-flight and on the ground. The nest is ascrape lined with fresh vegetation (data from de Naurois 1974, Cramp 1988). Weights of birds collected in the Mutare Municipal Area, Zimbabwe by H. D. Jackson Received 29 September 1988 The Mutare Municipal Area, occupying c. 158km/?’, extends from c. 18°56’ to 19°02’S, and from c. 32°32’ to 32°42’E, so adjoining the Mozambique border. Altitude varies from c. 915 to 1740m a.s.l. and there is a diversity of habitat ranging from moist montane evergreen forest in the northeast to dry Acacia thornveld in the southwest. The Mutare Museum has been conducting an avifaunal survey of this area, the results being reported in a series of papers by Jackson (1972, 1976, 1986, 1987a, 1987b, 1988). Most of the birds collected were weighed on a triple-beam balance, usually to the nearest decigram. This paper provides a synthesis of the weight data, obtained from 2809 individuals of 209 species. Maclean (1985) gives no weights for 31 (**) of these species and less than 10 weights each for another 59 (*). Mutare mean weights tend to be lighter than those given by Maclean (1985) for the whole of southern Africa, often more than 10% lighter (<), sometimes more than 25% so(<). This is in agreement with Bergmann’s Rule that, among the forms of a polytypic species, body-size tends to be larger in cooler parts of the total range and smaller in the warmer parts (Thomson 1964). Weight data in Maclean (1985) are unfortunately lumped geographically, except for the following species, all of which support Bergmann’s Rule (mean weights in grams): Anas smithii: Cape 33 688, 29 598; Transvaal 3 603, 99 572 Charadrius pecuarius: Cape 42.6; Transvaal 34 H. D. Fackson 101 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) C. tricollaris: Cape 34; Transvaal 31.2 Tringa stagnatilis (Palaearctic visitor): Cape 75.1; Transvaal 58 Laniarius ferrugineus: South Africa 93 60.2, 99 57.5; Mozambique 3d 50, 99 44.7 Telophorus zeylonus: South Africa 64.8; Zimbabwe/Mozambique bor- der in the cool montane zone of the Chimanimani Mountains 69.0 Sporopipes squamifrons : Transvaal 12.4; Botswana 10.3 Serinus sulphuratus: Cape 28.7; Natal 25.8; Zimbabwe 21.1 S. gularis: Cape 22.7; Transvaal 20.1; Zimbabwe 15.2 The Cape to Zimbabwe cline accounts for the lightweight Mutare data, where Coturnix delegorguei is about the only species that apparently does not conform. Future revisions of Roberts’ Birds of Southern Africa should take more notice of this cline. In those species where at least 5 weights are available for each sex, the difference in mean weights between the sexes has been subjected to Student’s t-test, the statistical significance being shown in brackets immediately after the species name. Breeding 99 are not included in these comparisons as their increased weight could mask the true difference between the sexes. The results generally support Maclean’s (1985) data, except for the Cossypha spp, where gd are clearly heavier than 99, but Maclean lumps them together. In the list that follows weights in grams are given by age (J = skull not fully ossified) and sex (o=indeterminate). Where 5 or more weights are available in any category, the mean, standard deviation and range are given. The diameter of the largest oocyte is shown in brackets immedi- ately after the weight of a 9 in breeding condition (B). Nomenclature and order follow Maclean (1985). DOR = Dead on road. *Phalacrocorax carbo 3 1700 ** Ciconia abdimit 2 1517 * Anastomus lamelligerus 2 1016 *Coturnix delegorguei $3 79.2/81.3/82.9/90.6; 899 83.3 +7.5 (72.2-93.3) *C. adansonti 3 46.6 Numida meleagris 2 1429 <*Turnix sylvatica 33 28.0/35.8; 2 32.8 ** Crex egregia 3 121 * Sarothrura rufa 2 29.4 ** S. boehmi 2 21.4 ** Porphyrula alleni 33 132/134; 2 117 *Gallinula angulata 2 92.4 <*Rostratula benghalensis 2 110 Gallinago media 3 126 ** Rhinoptilus chalcopterus 33 160/168; 2135 H. D. Jackson 102 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) Chiidonias leucopterus 0 43.1 Turtur chalcospilos (n.s.) 633 65.9+6.3 (58.5-77.0); 599 60.3 +6.7 (50.2-68.8); BO° 50.4 (3 mm)/65.7 (4 mm) T. tympanistria 33 63.4/63.4/68.2/72.5; 99 63. 8/65. 5/66.7/82.5; B22 70.6 (3 mm)/70.6 (3mm); J3d 65.0/71.8 <*Aplopelia larvata § 146 *Treron calva & 215; BY 269 (2 mm) *Cuculus gularis 2 104 *C. solitarius 2° 66.5/66.5; 0 70.0 ** Chrysococcyx klaas $3 26.4/27.4; 0 38.6 C. caprius 2° 33.8/37.3 *Centropus senegalensis 9 141 C. superciliosus 5 168 * Strix woodfordi 3 270.7 ** Otus senegalensis 29 60.1/61.6; 0 49.2 < Bubo africanus 35 540/751; 5 92 628+113.9 (446-729); 00 623/713; J2 612 *Caprimulgus europaeus 33 56.7/57.0/60.2; 2 74.0; 00 38.3 (DOR)/52.4 *C. pectoralis (n.s.) 595 45.045.7 (37.4-51.7); 599 47.2+4.6 (41.2-53.2); BQ 52.2 (2mm); 00 42.7/43.8/45.6/49.7; J3 32.7 **C. tristigma o 65.7 *C. fossti $3 39.0/57.0; 722 53.3410.1 (38.5—68.3); 00 32.8/40.0/45.6 Macrodipteryx vexillaria (n.s.) 9$3 73.9+8.5 (61.0—-85.9); 1322 65.8+11.3 (40.2— 83.1); 00 61.3/72.2; J 49.7 < Apus affinis 0 18.0 <*A. aequatorialis 3 59.7; 2 73.0 <*Cypsiurus parvus BE 14.3 (2mm); 0 8.6 (DOR) Colius striatus $3 42.4/44.6/45.4/52.3; 99 38.4/44.2/46.5/46.7; B29 54.0 (2 mm)/55.7 (20 x 13 mm) C. indicus $3 58.4/66.8; 299 48.4/51.5 < Alcedo cristata 2 15.1 Ispidina picta (n.s.) 20335 13.8+1.3 (11.8-17.2); 1399 13.5+1.2 (11.1-15.4); B2 15.8 (2mm); 00 11.3/16.0 <*Halcyon senegalensis 3 61.8 H. albiventris (n.s.) 93.5 55.7 +3.8 (49.6-61.5); 699 59.3+7.2 (45.6-65.5); J2 51.4 H. leucocephala 33 33.6/39.8/42.4/58.1; 0 43.4; 5Jgd 34.343.6 (29.3-39.5); J99 33.3/38.2 H. chelicuti 342.7 Merops pusillus $3 11.0/12.4/14.7; 99 12.5/14.1/16.0/17.2; 0 9.6 M. hirundineus § 22.5 *Coracias garrulus 2 136 *C. naevia 6g 157/167 ** Tockus alboterminatus 3 234 Lybius torquatus (n.s.) 1434 51.142.7 (47.9-56.3); 1492 50.9+2.2 (47.1-54.7); BE 50.8 (2 mm); 00 44.0/44.0/48.3 * Stactolaema whytii 33 51.3/52.9/54.8; 722 49.0+7.7 (34.1-59.5) < Pogoniulus chrysoconus $3 11.3/12.4/12.7/14.2; 99 11.4/12.3; J2 12.6 P. bilineatus 33 11.8/13.1/13.1; 22 13.8/15.1/16.6; 0 13.7 < Trachyphonus vaillantii 2 61.6 Indicator indicator 3 49.7 **T. variegatus 33 47.8/49.1; 29 35.6/47.3; BOQ 52.7 (35 mm)/53.5 (5 mm); 0 57.0 I. minor 633 28.8 +1.5 (26.5—30.5); 99 24.1/27.8/28.2 > Prodotiscus regulus 3 17.6 Campethera abingoni 3 63.2; 2 64.6 < Thripias namaquus 2 61.7 ** Smithornis capensis 655 23.7+1.8 (21.0—26.1); PP 17.4/21.8/23.9; Jg 23.9 * Viirafra africana 3 42.1; J3 28.2 ** M. rufocinnamomea ¢ 26.0 Hirundo rustica § 16.8 * Delichon urbica 3 19.8 * Pseudhirundo griseopyga 00 9.7/9.8 Psalidoprocne orientalis 311.9 *Campephaga flava 33 31.6/32.9 H. D. Fackson 103 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) <*Dicrurus adsimilis $3 38.1/39.6/42.4; 2 23.7 *Oriolus auratus 0 79.4 <*O. larvatus $3 59.6/63.3; 0 59.3 Corvus albus 529 519.2 +62.2 (421-581) **C_ albicollis 2 865; 0 762 < Parus niger $3 19.7/19.8/19.8/21.0; 99 17.2/17.7/18.5 * Anthoscopus caroli 3 6.5; 29° 6.2/6.9 ** Turdoides jardineti 3 70.6; 2 56.3 Pycnonotus barbatus (p<0.001) 5039 40.4+2.3 (35.4-44.7); 3022 36.742.9 (29.3— 42.3); 6B22 (2 mm) 37.0+3.9 (31.9-42.6); BE? 38.6/39.8 (3 mm)/42. .4 (4mm)/40.7 (5mm)/37.8 (6mm)/41.1_ (9mm)/44.3 (12 mm)/44.8 (22 x 14;mm)/41.8 (25 x 16 mm); 0 35.0; Jd 32.0; 5JO9 35.2+2.1 (33.3-38.6) Phyllastrephus terrestris (p ’<0.001) 5199 33.9+2.7 (29.5-40.5); 4099 28.5 + 2.4 (24.3-— 33.3); BO° 30.4 (8 mm)/30.5 (3 mm)/30.8 (2 mm)/35.3 (6 mm); 8 00 30.5 +3.4 (27.0— 37.3); Jd 35.5; JOQ 25.4/27.1/30.9; Jo 27.7 P. flavostriatus (p <0.001) 1599 33.9+2.5 (30.8-39.8); 729 25.4+2.3 (21.4-28.0) Andropadus importunus $3 31.2/31.3; 29 24.3/24.8/24.8/28.6; B22 25.6 (3 mm)/25.7 (24 mm); J22 25.5/25.7 A. milanjensis (p<0.001) 4039 38.7+2.7 (34.6-45.9); 1899 36.142.4 (32.8-40.8); 12B°° 38.0+2.3 (35.3-43.9) (2-6 mm) Chlorocichla flaviventris (p <0.001) 2194 42.0+3.8 (34.5-51.2); 1299 36.9+2.5 (31.9- 39.6); BOS 36.2 (2 mm)/39.4 (23 mm)/39.4 (8 mm); J3d 39.2/40.2; Jo 34.7 < Turdus libonyana $3 46.2/52.3/59.4/64.5; 99 50.8/59.3; J2 64.3; Jo 59.3 < T. olivaceus $3 61.8/62.5 Cercomela familiaris 3 21.0; 2 19.5 * Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris 2 46.7 Saxicola torquata 3 15.8; 213.5 Cossypha heuglini (p< 0.001) 143.9 37.5 +3.7 (30.5-44.1); 1029 32.3+1.9 (29.1-35.9); B22 34.1 (2 mm)/34.6 (5 mm)/41.9 (23 x 17 mm); 00 26.7/27.6; Jd 32.4; JQP 25.3/ 30.7/33.1 *C. natalensis (p <0. -001) 2595 31.5+2.4 (28.3-39.8); 1499 28.74+2.3 (24.4-33.0); BE 30.3 (3 mm); Jog 28.2/29. Bee 9/35.6; JO 31.4 C. caffra 33 377/98. 1/28.9: © ele) 22.7/23.8/24.3/25.9 C. humeralis (p <0.01) 149g 22.441.5 (20.2—24.7); 899 20.1+1.5 (19.0-23.1); BP 25.8 (2mm); 0 24.1; Jf gd 19.3/20.1/22.6 Pogonocichla stellata 633 21.2 +2.9 (16.7—24.2); 2 22.1; 0 17.6; 6Joo 20.0+1.1 (18.0— 21.1) ** Pinarornis plumosus 3 65.8 < Erythropygia leucophrys (n.s.) 143g 17.0+2.1 (12.9-20.3); 599 16.0+1.1 (15.0-17.9); Jg 18.6; J22 17.0/22.1 E. quadrivirgata (n.s.) 203g 26.6+2.4 (23.4-30.7); 1299 25.6+2.9 (21.2—31.2); B? 26.2 (12 mm); JJ 26.4; JO 23.6 Sylvia borin (n.s.) 3635 19.5+2.6 (15.3-29.2); 2299 18.54+1.5 (15.1-21.2); Jf 19.5 *% FHyliota australis 3 12.4; 2 12.3 Acrocephalus palustris 3 £3 11.2/11.5/12.9; 99 10.4/11.7/12.8 Phylloscopus trochilus (n.s.) 633 9.1+2.2 (7.1-13.2); 1499 8.0+0.8 (6.6—9.3); 00 6.4/ 7.3/7.5; JS 8.2/9.7; JQP 8.3/8.8/8.9 Apalis thoracica(n.s.) 103g 10.1 +0.8 (9.1-11.3); 1399 9.9+0.9 (8.3-11.5); 00 9.2/9.6/ 9.8; Jg 10.5; J2 9.6 A. chirindensis 33 7.6/7.9/8.1/8.9; BO 7.5 (2 mm) * A. flavida 22 7.3/7.4 ** Sylvietta whytii 533 10.0+0.5 (9.1-10.4); 99 9.7/10.1; BP 9.2 (2 mm); 0 10.0; J2 10.1 S. rufescens 63g 11.3+0.8 (10.1-12.7); 99 9.2/10.9/12.4 *Eremomela icteropygialis 3 7.6; 27.0 *#*F. scotops 5 9.2 Camaroptera brachyura (p<0.05) 2033 10.8+0.7 (9.2-12.1); 1392 10.2+0.7 (9.1- 11.5); B2 9.0 (2 mm)/9.7 (2 mm); 0 8.2 **C. stierlingi 33 12.3/13.4/14.0; 2 13.1; J2 10.6; Joo 10.7/11.5/12.1/13.9 Sphenoeacus afer 33 32.3/51.5(?); 2 28.3; B9 33.7 (oviduct egg broken) Cisticola lais 33 13.4/14.0/15.6; 210.8 C. chiniana 3 19.6; 2 12.8; 0 12.4 *C.cantans 33 11.1/12.1/12.6; B2 10.2 (2 mm); 0 10.2 H. D. Fackson 104 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) gWeyland Mts ° r aL = BY S} N Nassau Mts. YW’ Adelbert Mts. and en, = Oranje Mts. fe . | rr A J ee 5 SMaaleere SS uon Peninsula | an ' =| L ys | wh AN a l I Port |_10°s km c Moresby \\ NS aS 130°E Wey 140° 145° 150°E | oo A oi a pach [Sia = Preece een Figure 1. Map showing known distributions of Pachycephalopsis hattamensis (rightward diagonal) and P. poliosoma (leftward diagonal). The range of P. poliosoma at the western end of central New Guinea overlaps that of P. hattamensis (cross hatching). Type locality (Magidobo) of P. h. lecroyae, relative to Papua New Guinea—Irian Jaya border, is indicated. Modified from Diamond (1985: 89). White-eyed Robin P. poliosoma Sharpe 1882, the eastern member, is a mid-montane (1000-1700 m) species of the Central Ranges, Adelbert Mountains, North Coastal Range and mountains of the Huon Peninsula. Whereas this distribution extends through Papua New Guinea into eastern Irian Jaya, Indonesia, that of the Green-backed (or Western White-eyed) Robin P. hattamensis (Meyer) 1874 has been considered restricted to slightly lower altitudes (600-1640 m) in Irian Jaya (Vogelkop, Wandammen, Weyland, Nassau, Oranje and Foya Mountains, and Yapen Island) (Beehler et al. 1986, Mayr 1986). A recent collection of birds made by Ken Aplin from Magidobo (06°11'S, 142°46’E; 1450 m a.s.l.), Papua New Guinea, and received in spirit, contained one specimen of P. poliosoma and 2 of P. hattamensis, the latter extending the range of the species eastward by some 400 km and constituting the first record from the Papuan side of the island (Fig. 1). Four subspecies of P. hattamensis are currently recognized (Diamond 1985, Mayr 1986): hattamensis (Meyer 1874) (Vogelkop); ernesti Hartert 1930 (Wandammen Mountains); axillaris Mayr 1931 (Weyland, Nassau and Oranje Mountains); and znsularis Diamond 1985 (Yapen Island). The Magidobo birds most closely resemble hattamensis and axillaris, but plu- mage differences are apparent between the new specimens and each of the named forms. Accordingly, I name the Magidobo population as a new subspecies: Pachycephalopsis hattamensis lecroyae subsp. nov. Holotype. Australian Museum registration number 0.59035. Collected W. E. Boles 121 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) 11 October 1985; 3, testes enlarged (left testis 9 x 4mm); wing (flattened) 99 mm; tail 61 mm; culmen (to skull) 21.0 mm; tarsus 31.4 mm; no moult; stomach contents small insects; field no. G55; partially skinned and dried as a skin; blood and liver samples taken by Aplin. Paratype. AM 0.59036. Collected 13 October 1985; 2, oviduct straight and thin, oocytes undeveloped; wing (flattened) 91 mm; tail 51 mm; cul- men (to skull) 19.5 mm; tarsus 30.4 mm; no moult; field no. G76; retained in spirit. Only the second such specimen of this species in collections (Wood et al. 1982). Wing lengths of the Magidobo specimens agree with the findings of Diamond (1985) that measurements of males average about 10 mm longer than those of females. Distribution. Known only from the type locality. Diagnosis. Differs from ernesti and insularis in having the undertail coverts orange rather than yellow-orange, the throat white like the chin and the lower breast without a grey wash. From hattamensis and axillaris it is separated by having the axillaries much more olive with only a trace of orange. Additionally, the upperparts and underparts, particularly the centre of the belly, are darker than in most specimens of the last 2 subspecies. Etymology. This form is named in honour of Mary LeCroy, Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, in recognition of her long-standing and on-going contributions to our understanding of the avifauna of New Guinea. Discussion. As both the holotype and paratype had been preserved and stored in alcohol prior to receipt, special care was taken when judging colours, particularly when the subspecific diagnoses are based primarily on the presence of alcohol-soluble carotenoid pigments. There is no evi- dence of colour alteration, however, as the potentially vulnerable orange undertail coverts remain the same colour as those of specimens of hatta- mensis and axillaris that had never been stored in alcohol. Additional specimens, not stored in spirit, are obviously desirable. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Mr Ken Aplin (University of New South Wales) for making the specimens available to me and for providing details on their collection, Mrs Mary LeCroy (American Museum of Natural History) for arranging the loan of specimens for comparison, Miss Lynne Albertson for drawing the map, and Messrs Ian McAllan, Shane Parker, Terry Lindsey and Wayne Longmore for comments on the manuscript. References Beehler, B. M., Pratt, Y. K. & Zimmermann, D. A. 1986. Birds of New Guinea. Princeton University Press. Diamond, J. M. 1985. New distributional records and taxa from the outlying mountain ranges of New Guinea. Emu 85: 65-91. Mayr, E. 1986. Eopsaltriinae. In: Mayr, E. & Cottrell, G. W. (eds.), Check-list of Birds of the World, XI: 556-583. Mus. Comp. Zool.: Cambridge, Mass. Wood, D. S., Zusi, R. L. & Jenkinson, M. A. 1982. World Inventory of Avian Spirit Specimens, 1982. American Ornithologists’ Union and Oklahoma Biological Survey. Address : Walter R. Boles, Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Birds), Australian Museum, 6-8 College St., Sydney, New South Wales 2000, Australia © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 In Brief 122 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) IN BRIEF THE GENDER OF THE GENUS BATIS BOIE, 1833 Batis Boie was proposed in the Jszs von Oken, 1833, col. 880 at a time when only 3 species of the genus as presently interpreted were known to science, these being B. capensis (Linnaeus), 1766, B. senegalensis (Linnaeus), 1766, and B. pririt (Vieillot), 1818. The type-species was subsequently fixed by Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 1879, vol. 4: 133, as Muscicapa capensis Linnaeus, 1766. Boie did not indicate which gender his genus Batis should take, but the original references of valid taxa and their syno- nyms given by Traylor, in Peters’ Check-list of Birds of the World, 1986, vol. XI: 378-385, reveal that all given the name of Batis have the gender of the specific (or subspecific) name feminine, with one exception, namely Batis minor suahelicus Neumann, 1907, a synonym of nominate B. minor Erlanger, 1901. In Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1984, 104: 144-146, W. J. Lawson described as a new species Batis occultus from Mt Nimba, Liberia, which is closely allied to the insular B. poensis Alexander, 1903, of Fernando Poo; but in his later revision of the evergreen forest species of Batis in Durban Mus. Novit., 1986, vol. 13, (21): 285-304, he changed the name to B. occulta. In this he followed the guidance of the present author who had access to the 1986 paper while it was still in proof. In their recent paper on the occurrence of B. minima (Verreaux & Verreaux), 1855, in Cameroon, Erard & Colston, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1988, 108: 182-184, refer to Lawson’s new form from Mt Nimbaas either B. occultus or Batis poensts (occultus ), overlooking its correction in 1986 to occulta. As the status of this latter taxon is certain to figure again in future communications, it is desirable to settle the question of the gender of the genus Batis. On the basis of consensus in usage over the past century and more and its adoption by Traylor, op. cit., the gender of Batis requires to be seen as feminine. Fernleigh Gardens, P. A. CLANCEY 8 Lambert Road, Morningside, Durban 4001, South Africa. 17 February 1989 DWARF EGGS IN THE BLACK-HEADED GULL LARUS RIDIBUNDUS Dwarf eggs, in the sense of small eggs without yolk or with very little yolk, are well-known in many species of birds. The frequency of their occur- rence, however, is much less documented. From 1973 to 1988 I regularly visited a colony of Black-headed Gulls Larus ridibundus near Amsterdam to count the numbers of clutches and eggs. Since dwarf eggs can be readily recognized amongst the thousands of normally sized eggs they could be counted accurately. In a total of 107,500 eggs, 40 were dwarf eggs, which means only 0.037%. Thirty-nine were measured (Table 1). Books Received 123 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) TABLE 1 Measurements of dwarf eggs in the Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus (n= 39) Length Breadth Mean 33.47 mm 25.73 mm Standard deviation (SD) 3.183 mm 1.877 mm SD as % of the mean 9.51 7.30 Range: Minimum 23.8 mm 19.7 mm Maximum 39.3 mm 29.5 mm As could be expected, the ranges of length and breadth are larger than in normal eggs (in 334 normal eggs the standard deviation was 4.15% of the mean length (50.75 mm) and 3.34% of the mean breadth (36.0 mm)). The smaller range in breadth than in length, which is dictated by the capacity of the oviduct in normal eggs, is—without apparent need—also found in dwarf eggs. The dwarf eggs were found equally spread over the laying period. Thirty-eight nests contained one dwarf egg, mostly together with 1—2 normal sized eggs. Only once did a nest contain 2 dwarf eggs. Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, J. WALTERS P.O. Box 4766, 1009 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2 March 1989 © British Ornithologists Club 1989 BOOKS RECEIVED Cocker, M. & Inskipp, C. 1988. A. Himalayan Ornithologist. Pp. 87. 49 colour plates. Oxford University Press. £40. 18 x 24cm. Hardback. Brian Hamilton Hodgson, who died at the age of 94, was born in 1800 and was British Resident in Kathmandu for 24 years, during which time he collected the astonishing number of 124 birds new to science. He trained a team of Nepalese artists to provide watercolours of the Nepalese fauna, which eventually filled 1125 sheets on birds and 487 on mammals in 8 large folio volumes. These were presented to the Zoological Society of London, where they have remained almost unknown and unseen until now. The 49 plates here provide an intriguing and amusing collection of bird portraits, some more amateurish and untrue to life than others. Hodgson must have been of a remarkable mould, a product of the Victorian era, but inspired with ideas well in advance of his time, though it appears he was given little credit for most of them or the developments which followed from them. His early advocacy of employ- ing Gurkha troops and their use in helping to quell the Indian mutiny, thus opening the door to regular recruitment, is entirely ignored ina very recent book on the Gurkhas. The authors have done a service in revealing the magnitude of his intellectual talents, his erudite grasp of many disparate subjects, such as in particular ethnology and, importantly, the nature of the Buddhist religion, for which he was renowned as an authority in his own day. Hodgson’s immense contribution to natural history and his collections were unrivalled at the time; they included a large osteological collection (which contained 95 human skulls), 29 amphibian specimens, 28 reptiles, 903 mammals (31 new to science), and above all 9572 bird specimens of 672 species, 613 from within Nepal, of which 80 of the 124 new to science were Books Received 124 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(2) credited to Hodgson himself; the credit for the others was in general purloined by ‘“‘“museum men” and “‘closet naturalists’’, to his great and expressed disgust. They included the Grey brothers, Blyth and Gould. Many of his specimens, too, “‘for want of having been opened and examined were not in very good shape’’ when eventually they received attention. Hodgson published 146 notes or papers (1826-58), 64 of them on birds, on subjects varying from probably the first consideration of migration over the Himalayas to the field behaviour of some of his new species. He returned home in 1844, but returned to India, to Darjeeling, for some years, and his collections from there have probably caused confusion with his Nepalese specimens, mainly owing to neglect and misinterpretation, though the written sources of his data have not always been clear. This and his own driving personality probably did not readily provide him with friends and, of course, at that time professional jealousy was rife. The latter, together with financial restrictions and a failure to procure sufficient subscribers eventually made Hodgson abandon a long struggle to publish a book on Nepalese fauna, which would have included the water-colours. To the lapse of time, some 25 years and more, from Hodgson’s fading from the world of natural history until his death at 94, is due to the fact that his achievements, at least in the ornithological field, were but little recognized when he died; even in Jbis, only his achieve- ments as a collector were acknowledged, a single sentence covering all his papers and the water-colours merely noted. With strange finality the [bis obituary stated: ‘every mark of distinction which the learned societies of Europe could confer was deservedly bestowed on Hodgson but as might be expected he was never knighted nor asked to become a member of the House of Lords.” In trying to sum up this brilliant individual’s importance in numerous fields in the 19th century, the authors state: ‘“‘so many things that should have secured his reputation or signalled his triumphs were taken from him both by the connivance of others and a tissue of adverse circumstances.” In the light of the facts given in this soberly written book one cannot escape the authors’ conviction that Hodgson was unjustly overlooked. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Papers, from Club Members ornon-members, should besent tothe Editor, Dr J. F. Monk, The Glebe Cottage, Goring, Reading RG8 9AP, and are accepted on the understanding that they are offered solely to the Bulletin. They should be typed on one side of the paper, with treble-spacing and a wide margin, and submitted with a duplicate copy on airmail paper. Scien- tific nomenclature and the style and lay-out of papers and of References should conform with usage in this or recent issues of the Bulletin. Inform- ants of unpublished observations should be cited by initials and name only, e.g. ““...catches wasps (B. Eater)’’, but “B.B.C. Gullinformsmethat...”’ Photographic illustrations, although welcome, can only be accepted if the contributor is willing to pay for their reproduction. Authors are requested to give their title, initials, name and full address (in the form they wish to be corresponded with) at the end of the paper. An author wishing to introduce a new name or describe a new form should append nom., gen., sp. or subsp. nov., as appropriate, and set out the supporting evidence under the headings “‘Description’’, ‘“‘Distribution’’, “Type’’, ““Measurements of Type”’ and ‘“‘Material examined’, plus any others needed. A contributor is entitled to 10 free offprints of the pages of the Bulletin in which his contribution, if one page or more in length, appears. Additional offprints or offprints of contributions of less than one page may be ordered when the manuscript is submitted and will be charged for. Authors may be charged for proof corrections for which they are responsible. BACK NUMBERS OF THE BULLETIN Available on application to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, as follows; 1983 and after (Vols 103 onwards) £3.50 each issue, 1981—2 (Vols 101 & 102) £3 each issue, 1980 (Vol. 100) No. 1 £4, Nos 2,3 & 4 £2 each, 1973-9 (Vols 93-99) £2 each issue (4 issues per year for Vol. 93 and after), 1969-72 (Vols 89-92) £1.50 each issue (6 per year), 1929-68 (Vols 50-88) £1 each issue (generally 9 per year), earlier than Vol. 50 £2 each issue (generally 9 per year); Indices Vol. 70 andafter £1 each, Vols 50—69 £2 each, Vol. 49 and before £4 each. Long runs (at least 10 years) for Vol. 50 and after are available at reduced rates on enquiry. Orders over £50 post free. MEMBERSHIP Only Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union are eligible to join the Club; applications should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, together with the current year’s subscription. Changes of address and any correspondence concerning membership should be addressed to the Hon. Treasurer. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BULLETIN The Bulletin (Vol. 108 onwards) may be purchased by non-members on payment of an annual subscription of £16.00 or, if preferred, U.S. $32.00 (postage and index free). Applications should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer as below. Single issues may be obtained as back numbers. PAYMENTS TO HON. TREASURER All payments should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Mrs D. M. Bradley, 53 Osterley Road, Isleworth, Middx. TW7 4PW. All payments are net, and should be made in Sterling if possible. Payments in other currencies must includea further £3 for Bank Charges (except for annual ratesin U.S. Dollars which are inclusive). Payments may be made direct to the Club’s National Giro Account No. 30 924 4004, but must include Bank Charges where applicable. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence about Club meetings and other matters not mentioned above should go to the Hon. Secretary, Mrs A. M- Moore, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6JB. CONTENTS Page CLUB NOTES. Annual General Meeting.....0......0.....5.00008 61 CLEM FISHER. ‘The discovery of new Australian species by John Gilbert, [838 -U845i i oe. Cees ee eee 64 M. MARIN A, L. F. KIFF & L. PENA G. Notes on Chilean birds, with descriptions of two new SUbSpecies: 4)... .2 mus 70. eee 66 C.J. HAZEVOET. Notes on behaviour and breeding of the Razo Lark ATANAGTAZAE. Nk. oda) ia boot eee aie vege oe ee 82 L. M. GONZALEZ, F. HIRALDO, M. DELIBES & J. CALDERON. Zoo- geographic support for the Spanish Imperial Eagle as a distinct SPeCles 6 eI RR UN Bue Siskin Sees a eae) oe 86 N. KAWAJI, H. HIGUCHI & H. HORI. A new breeding record of the Izu Island Thrush Turdus celaenops from the Tokara Islands, southwest Japan 22.) SUC OS PO IO Ne 93 W.R. J. DEAN. A review of the genera Calandrella, Spizocorys and Eremelauda (Alaudidae) 36 Sh oh shel Sil a 95 H.D. JACKSON. Weights of birds collected in the Mutare Municipal Area; Zimbabwen na. iie cr be Beloes lee De eee 100 B. L. MONROE, JR. ‘The correct name of the Terek Sandpiper...... 106 D. PARISH & C. PRENTICE. Chestnut-cheeked Starling Sturnus philippensis: a first record for mainland South-East Asia ..... 107 C. CHAPPUIS, C. ERARD & G. J. MOREL. ‘Type specimens of Prinia subflava (Gmelin) and Prinia fluviatilis Chappuis ........... 108 J.D. WILSON. Range extensions of some bird species of Cameroon. 110 N. STRONACH. Notes on the ecology and nesting of the Spangled Kookaburra Dacelo tyro in Southern New Guinea........... 115 R. B. PAYNE. Commentary on the Melba Finches Pytilia melba of Djibouti and the requirement of a specimen for a taxonomic GeSCKIPLION 04 4 PaChsid S T RAE F e deeee 117 WwW. E. BOLES. A new subspecies of the Green-backed Robin Pachycephalopsis hattamensis, comprising the first record for Papua New Guineas OL One ema SO ee 119 TIN) BRIER (52). i) aN ON BUI ST RUSS oy) 0 22 BOOKS. RECEIVED) oho Soh Eh COG A UN Na 123 The Bulletin is now being sent by Bulk Air Mail to all European destinations outside the British Isles and by Accelerated Surface Post to almost every destination outside Europe. This will only apply to copies despatched from the printers on publication. Those whose subscriptions have not been received by the beginning of a month of publication will have their copies despatched by surface mail, after their current subscription has been paid. COMMITTEE R. E. F. Peal (Chairman) (1989) J. H. Elgood (Vice-Chairman) (1989) Dr J. F. Monk (Editor) (1975) Mrs D. M. Bradley (Hon. Treasurer) Mrs A. M. Moore (Hon. Secretary) (1989) (1978) R. H. Kettle, B.A. (1988) N. H. F. Stone (1986) D. Griffin (1989) S. J. Farnsworth (1989) Published by the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB and printed by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset ISSN 0007-1595 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club Edited by Dr J. F. MONK Volume 109 No.3 September 1989 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS Tuesday, 7 November 1989 at 6.15 p.m. for 7 p.m. in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7. Mr Peter Robinson will speak on “Enforcement of Conservation Management—What is the RSPB actually achieving through its Investigations Work?”’. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary at 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham Rutland LE15 6JB, enclosing their cheque for £5.00 per person, by Tuesday, 24 October 1989*. Mr Robinson is the Enforcement Officer of the RSPB. Tuesday, 28 November 1989 at 6.15 p.m. for 7 p.m. at the same place, Dr Peter Jones will speak on “The Migration Strategies of Palaearctic Migrants in West Africa in relation to Sahelian Drought’’. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary, as above, by Tuesday, 14 November 1989.* Dr Peter Jones is Lecturer in Ecology at Edinburgh University and the present editor of Ibis. Thursday, 14 December 1989 at 6.15 p.m. for 7 p.m. in the same place. The speaker will be Ben King. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary, as above, by Thursday, 30 November 1989.* Ben King, who is senior author of the Field Guide to the Birds of S. E. Asia, and also works at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, is widely known for his great knowledge of birds in the field in Asia and has made a number of expeditions to study birds in China. He will speak on China, in particular on his expeditions there. Tuesday, 16 January 1990 at 6.15 p.m. for 7 p.m., in the same place. Jeffery Boswall will show a film “‘Moving Images in the Cause of Bird Protection”’. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary, as above, by Tuesday, 3 January 1990.* Jeffery Boswall is the Head of the Film and Video Unit of the RSPB. *It is possible to take acceptances up to the weekend before a Meeting, but Members are asked to accept by 14 days before a Meeting, if possible. A plan showing Imperial College will be sent to Members on request. 125 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Bulletin of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB Vol. 109 No. 3 Published: 25 September 1989 The seven hundred and eighty-eighth Meeting of the Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London, SW7 on Tuesday, 9 May 1989 at 7 p.m., 25 members and 14 guests attended. Members present were: R. E. F. PEaL (Chairman), M. A. Apcock, Miss H. Baker, P. J. BELMAN, Mrs D. M. BrabD_ey, Cdr. M. B. CasEMENT, R.N., P. J. CoNDER, Dr R. A. F. Cox, J. H. E_coop, S. J. FARNsworTH, B. Gray, Revd. T. W. GLapwin, C. HELM, S. Howe, R. H. KetTTLe, Revd. G. K. McCuttocnu, Dr J. F. Monk, Mrs A. M. Moore, R. G. Morcan, Mrs M. N. Mutter, R.S. PRITCHETT, V. J. SAWLE, Dr R. C. SELF, A. R. TANNER, J. W. WALL. Guests present were: Mrs B. Apcock, Dr R. J. BAKER, D. Brooks, Mrs W. Brooks, Dr J. D. Brap.ey, P. BLackmorg, Mrs F. M. Farnswortu, Mrs J. M. GLapwin, Lieut-Cdr W. HoucutTon, R.N., Mrs I. McCu.tocu, P. J. Moore, C. A. MuL.ter, Ms K. Horr, Mrs N. WALL. Dr Robin Cox, former Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the North Sea Bird Club, spoke on ‘“‘North Sea Birds’’, giving a brief description of life and work in the North Sea Oil Fields, followed by an account of the extensive data collected by the Club which has greatly increased the information on birds in the North Sea. The seven hundred and eighty-ninth Meeting of the Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London, SW7 on Tuesday, 13 June 1989 at 7 p.m., 20 members and 13 guests attended. Members present were: R. E. F. PEaL (Chairman), M. A. Apcock, Mrs D. M. BraDLey, D. R. CALper, P. J. CoNpEr, H. P. Q. Crick, J. H. ELcoop, S. J. FARNSwortu, A. GIBBs, Revd. T. W. GLapwin, B. Gray, R. H. KETTLe, Revd. G. K. McCuttocu, Dr J. F. Monk, Mrs A. M. Moore, R. G. Morgan, V. J. SAWLE, Dr R. C. SELF, R. E. SHARLAND, M. W. Woopcock. Guests present were: Mrs B. Apcock, C. BELL, Dr J. D. BrapLey, Mrs J. B. CaLpEr, Miss C. Dovey, Mrs F. M. FaRNswortH, Mrs B. Gisss, Mrs J. M. GLapwin, Ms K. Horr, Mrs N. Lipe.i, Mrs I. McCuttocu, P. J. Moors, Mrs B. J. Woopcock. After supper Dr J. H. Elgood showed members an illustration of Malimbus ibadanensis painted by Martin Woodcock which he had just received. The Revd. Tom Gladwin spoke on “‘Birds around Lake Erie’’. He described the habitat of the southeastern and northeastern shores of Lake Erie, an area which includes Long Point. He illustrated, with slides, areas of wetland and Carolinean forest of the region, and spoke particularly of the birds breeding in the area, outlining the migration patterns in the short spring and early summer. He also gave an indication of the impressive conservation management in the areas of the United States and Canada bordering Lake Erie. Dr Werner Suter sent the following abstract of his talk to the Club on 14 March 1989: Feeding ecology of Cormorants wintering in Switzerland The exponential increase of the North Sea/Baltic population of the Cormorant Phalacro- corax carbo is reflected by the bird numbers wintering in Switzerland, where January counts have risen from 330 in 1967 to 7250 in 1989 (including the total area of L. Constance and L. P.C. Gonzales & R. S. Kennedy 126 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Geneva). A sigmoid curve fits the data very well and predicts about 10,000 Cormorants for 1996. The increase did not affect the Swiss waters evenly; it was noticeable first on the 4 larger lakes where Cormorants had been wintering regularly from the early 1930s onwards. Afterwards L. Zug was ‘colonized’, then some of the larger rivers, mainly along dammed sections, and recently some smaller lakes. Several lakes along the edge of the Alps that are still rather oligotrophic, but also the lakes along the southern fringe of the Alps in Ticino, hold only few or no Cormorants. The largest roosts comprise up to 3600 birds at Lake Zug and up to 2800 at Lake Geneva in late autumn, when migrants are present. On some lakes already occupied by Cormorants for many years, there is now a grow- ing difference between peak counts in autumn and rather stable midwinter counts. The winter numbers may be near the carrying capacity of these lakes, but on the national scale they still follow the population increase of the species closely. However, when the total national breeding population remained fairly stable between 1920 and 1970, Swiss wintering numbers were already increasing slowly but steadily, probably attributably to the eutrophication of the lowland lakes, which produced higher biomasses of fish, no- tably of Cyprinid species and Perch Perca fluviatilis. 'Though the Cormorants take a broad range of fish species and fish sizes, from fry (average weight 2 g) to large adults of up to 900g, the diet on lakes is predominately Cyprinids, mainly Roach Rutilus rutilus and Perch. Proportions may vary between lakes and from year to year, but the 2 species generally make up 60-90% of the individuals or biomass ingested. Roach and Perch are both common in the eutrophicated Swiss lakes and account for much of the fish bio- mass present, although precise figures are lacking. Whitefish Coregonus sp. are also common and are the main component of the commercial catch, but are taken by Cor- morants in a small percentage only. Roach and Perch both form shoals, often mixed ones concentrated in different areas, attracting foraging Cormorants. The birds feed socially in groups of up to 800 (sometimes even 2000 individuals) on these shoals, which stay in depths of 20—30 m, at least in mid and late winter. Areas with little Cormorant activity may also hold many fish at similar depths, but not in shoals, only in small groups; evidently only large shoals ensure the hunting success that makes diving to such depths worthwhile. On dammed rivers the diet is similar to lakes, but on free-running sections, Grayling Thymallus thymallus and Trout Salmo trutta often form up to 80% of the diet. Fish sizes taken are generally larger than in the lakes, and the hunting success may be equally good. Lakes are still preferred, but the circumstances leading to Cormorants entering rivers are not fully understood. Pilgerweg 15, 8803 Ruschlikon, Switzerland Notes on Philippine Birds, 14. Additional Records for the Island of Palawan by Pedro C. Gonzales & Robert S. Kennedy Received 17 October 1988 In a recent paper, Kennedy et al. (1986) reported 12 sight records and 3 specimen records of birds previously unrecorded for the island of Palawan in the Philippines. Since then, we have examined the extensive collection of birds from Palawan in the Philippine National Museum (PNM) and have found 11 additional specimen records previously unre- corded from there and 2 new specimen records, 1 for Busuanga and 1 for Culion, both in the Calamianes Group north of Palawan. Of the Palawan specimens, Charadrius hiaticula is the first record for the Philippines. Here we report on these new records and on 2 important records of birds rare to Palawan. Based on specimens in the Delaware Museum of Natural P.C. Gonzales & R. S. Kennedy 127 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) History (DMNH), we also present the first records of Terpsiphone atrocaudata from Palawan and Dendronanthus indicus from Negros. We follow King ef al. (1975) for English names. CHINESE GOSHAWK Accipiter soloensis 1 adult ¢ (PNM 15555) collected 29 May 1978 from Singnapan, Ransang, Quezon by R. Sison. Kennedy et al. (1986) reported sight records of this species. This first specimen record was originally misiden- tified and published (Sison 1983) as Accipiter gularis. RED-LEGGED CRAKE Rallina fasciata 1 3 (PNM 16120) in adult plumage collected 18 Aug 1981 from Igay, Culion Island, Province of Palawan by D. Blanchard & P. Gonzales. Although known to McGregor (1909) from Palawan, this is the first record from Culion in the Calamianes Group. BAILLON’S CRAKE Porzana pusilla pusilla 12 (PNM 13318) collected 28 Apr 1970 from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane. McClure & Leelavit (1972) report one ringing record from Iwahig in 1966, the only previous record from Palawan. COMMON RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula 1 29 (PNM 13284) in winter plumage collected 9 Feb 1969 from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane. Although this Palaearctic breeder has been recorded from northern and eastern Australia (Condon 1975, McKean 1980), there are no previous records of this species from the Philippines (duPont 1971), nor from Taiwan (Severinghaus & Blackshaw 1976), nor Borneo (Smythies 1981). White & Bruce (1986: 176) list it as one “‘. ... to be expected in Wallacea’’. This first record for Palawan and for the Philippines belongs to C. h. tundrae. GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ocrophus 1 5g (PNM 11543) collected on 13 Nov 1968, 2 29 (PNM 11539, 11540) and 1 gd (PNM 11541) on 15 Nov 1968, and 1 3 (PNM 13286) on 30 Sep 1969, all from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane. These are the first Palawan specimens. The species was previously known from birds trapped and ringed at Iwahig: 1965 (3), 1966 (1), 1967 (1), 1968 (3), 1969 (12) and 1970 (4) (McClure & Leelavit 1972). TEMMINCH’S STINT Calidris temminckit 1g (PNM 8208) collected 23 Jan 1967 from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane. Parkes (1986) recently reidentified the first and previously only known Philippine specimen of C. temminckii as C. minuta. However, since then, Dickinson & Kennedy (in prep) have found a specimen (USNM 201690) of this species collected 6 Feb 1907 from Laoag, Ilocos Norte, Luzon by E. A. Mearns. The present record is thus the first specimen for Palawan and the second known specimen for the Philip- pines. This record adds credence to the previously reported (but ques- tioned) Temminck’s Stints trapped and ringed at Iwahig: 1965 (2), 1966 (1), 1968 (4) and 1969 (5) (McClure & Leelavit 1972). P.C. Gonzales & R. S. Kennedy 128 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) SHARP-TAILED SANDPIPER Calidris acuminatus 1 9 (PNM 8207) collected on 13 Jan 1967, 1 9 (PNM 11544) 18 Apr 1969, 1 ¢ (PNM 13289) 19 Apr 1969, 1 ¢ (PNM 13290) 27 Apr 1969, 1 9 (PNM 13291) 13 May 1969, 1 9 (PNM 13319) 24 May 1970, 1 ¢ (PNM 13320) 12 Apr 1970, 1 9 (PNM 13321) 4 May 1970, 1 9 (PNM 13322) 28 Apr 1970 and 1 ¢ (PNM 13536) 17 Sep 1969 all from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane. First records for Palawan. CURLEW SANDPIPER Calidris ferruginea Kennedy et al. (1986) reported this species new to Palawan based on 4 specimens and 1 sighting. We have found an additional specimen (PNM 11993) collected 17 Sep 1969 from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane that was originally identified as a Dunlin Calidris alpina. Based on this re- identification and the lack of any other records of the Dunlin from the Philippines, we do not accept the 2 ringing records of this species from Iwahig in 1967 and 1970 reported by McClure & Leelavit (1972). RUFF Philomachus pugnax 1 ¢ (PNM 11992) collected 24 Sep 1969 and 1 9 (PNM 13537) 8 May 1969, both in winter plumage and both from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane. First records for Palawan. METALLIC WOOD PIGEON Columba vitiensis 1 3 (PNM 13086) collected 12 Apr 1971 and 1 ¢ (PNM 13087) 16 Apr 1971 from Mt Gurangbato, Brooke’s Point by P. Gonzales and T. Oane. First records for Palawan. This species has previously been recorded from Comiran and Lumbucan (Manuel 1937), small islets east of Balabac in the Palawan Group. Hachisuka (1939) described Columba vitiensis anthracina from 2 specimens from Lumbucan, the subspecies subse- quently being supported by Ripley & Rabor (1958). We have not had the opportunity to compare the Palawan birds with specimens of C. v. anthracina nor with adequate material of C. v. griseogularis from the rest of the Philippines. Thus, we do not wish to assign them to either of these subspecies until we obtain more specimens from Palawan or we amass additional comparative material, or both. GRASS OWL Tyto capensis amauronota 1 unsexed (PNM 15908) collected 4 Jan 1981 from Irawan, near Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by M. D. Bruce. First specimen record for Palawan. Previously known from captured and ringed birds from Iwahig: 1965 (2), 1966 (5), 1967 (1), 1968 (4) and 1969 (10) (McClure & Leelavit 1972). SHORT-EARED OWL As10 flammeus flammeus 1 9 (PNM 11555) collected 9 Dec 1968 from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane. First record for Palawan and 5th record for the Philippines: Luzon—one by McGregor & Manuel (1936) and one previously unpub- lished sight record by Kennedy on 20 Nov 1981 ina reclaimed portion of Manila Bay at Pasay, Manila; Mindanao—one by Hachisuka (1941); and Mindoro—one by Temme (1974). P.C. Gonzales & R. S. Kennedy 129 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia yimae 3 (PNM 8134) collected 3 Dec 1965, 1 gd (PNM 8257) 5 Jan 1967, and 1 3, 1 unsexed (PNM 13307, 13308) 31 Oct 1969 all from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane. duPont (1971) listed Palawan within the range of this species, without details, apparently on the basis of one specimen (DMNH 3837) collected in Dec 1969 from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa. Also previously known from captured and ringed birds from Iwahig: 1965 (4), 1966 (2), 1967 (3), 1968 (3) and 1969 (5) (McClure & Leelavit 1972). EYE-BROWED THRUSH Turdus obscurus 1 ¢ (PNM 13150) collected 22 Apr 1971 and 1 9 (PNM 13151) 23 Apr 1971 both from Mt Langka, Brooke’s Point by P. Gonzales and T. Oane; 1 2 (PNM 13313) collected 2 May 1969 from Iwahig, Puerto Princesa by T. Oane; and 1 2 (PNM 14741) taken 11 Apr 1975 from Salvacion, Busuanga Island (Province of Palawan) by R. Sison. First specimen records for Palawan and for Busuanga. Previously known from one ringing record from Kabigaan, Palawan in 1965 (McClure & Leelavit 1972). JAPANESE PARADISE-FLYCATCHER Terpsiphone atrocaudata periophthalmica 1 immature g (DMNH 74666) collected 18 Oct 1980 from Buena Vista, Palawan atc. 100 m. This is the first record of this species for Palawan and represents the greatest distance this subspecies has been found from its breeding grounds in the Batan Islands in the northern Philippines and Lan Yu Island off southern Taiwan. FOREST WAGTAIL Dendronanthus indicus 1 g¢ (PNM 9092) collected 15 Mar 1968 from the Marble Mts, Cabayugan by P. Gonzales and J. Ramos. Second record for Palawan and 5th record for the Philippines; Balabac—one by Everett (1895); Calayan—one by McGregor (1904); Palawan—one by Baud (1978); and one previously unpublished specimen (DMNH 38406) record from Barrio Oringao, Kabangkalan, Negros Occidental collected in Mar 1974 by D.S. Rabor, the first record for Negros. Acknowledgements Weare grateful to A. Castro, M. Celestino, R. Sison and the late T. Oane for their untiring efforts in the field collecting for the PNM. E. C. Dickinson and K. C. Parkes kindly read an earlier draft of this paper. We also wish to thank K. C. Parkes for confirming the identifi- cation of many of the specimens reported here and informing us of the Forest Wagtail specimen from Negros, D. M. Niles for locating the Sand Martin specimen in the DMNH, and C. A. Ross for his help in many ways throughout the preparation of this paper. RSK gratefully acknowledges the support of his Philippine studies by Joe and Jan Herron and F.R.E.E., Ltd. References: Baud, F. J. 1978. Oiseaux des Philippines de la collection W. Parsons. II. Luzon, Mindoro et Palawan. Rev. Suisse Zool. 85: 55-97. Condon, H. T. 1975. Checklist of the Birds of Australia. Part 1. Non-Passerines. R.A.O.U. duPont, J. E. 1971. Philippine Birds. Delaware Mus. Nat. Hist. Everett, A. H. 1895. A list of the birds of the island of Balabac, with some notes on and additions to the avifauna of Palawan. Ibis Ser. 7 (1): 21-39. Hachisuka, M. 1939. New races of a rail and a fruit pigeon from Micronesia and Palawan. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 59: 151-153. P. A. Clancey 130 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Hachisuka, M. 1941. Further contributions to the ornithology of the Philippine Islands. Tori 11: 61-89. Kennedy, R. S., Glass, P. O., Glass, E. J., Gonzales, P. C. & Dickinson, E. C. 1986. Notes on Philippine birds, 11. New or important records for the island of Palawan. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 106: 173-179. King, B. F., Dickinson, E. C. & Woodcock, M. W. 1975. A Field Guide to the Birds of South- East Asia. Collins. McClure H. E. & Leelavit, P. 1972. Birds Banded in Asia during the MAPS Program, by Locality, from 1963 through 1971. US Army Research and Development Group, Far East, Report No. FE-315-7. McGregor, R. C. 1904. Birds of Calayan and Fuga, Babuyan Group. Bull. Philipp. Mus. 4: 3-34. McGregor, R. C. 1909. A Manual of Philippine Birds. Part I. Bur. Sci., Manila. McGregor, R. C. & Manuel, C. G. 1936. Birds new and rare in the Philippines. Philipp. 7. Sci. 59: 317-326. McKean, J. L. 1980. A sight record of the Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula in the Northern Territory. Aust. Bird Watcher 8: 236-237. Manuel, C. G. 1937. A review of Philippine pigeons, V: Subfamilies Columbinae, Geopelii- nae, Phabinae and Caloenadinae. Philipp. 7. Sci. 63: 175-184. Parkes, K. C. 1986. Notes on Philippine birds, 9. Reidentification of a unique stint speci- men. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 106: 133-136. Ripley, S. D. & Rabor, D. S. 1958. Columba vitiensis anthracina (Hachisuka), a reconsider- ation. Condor 60: 192-193. Severinghaus, S. R. & Blackshaw, K. T. 1976. A New Guide to the Birds of Taiwan. Mei Ya Publ. Inc. Sison, R. V. 1983. The birds of Singnapan Valley. Pp. 51—72inJ. T. Peralta (ed.) Taw’t Batu Studies. Monogr. 7. Natl. Mus. Philipp., Manila. Smythies, B. E. 1981. The Birds of Borneo. 3rd Edition. The Sabah Soc. Temme, M. 1974. New records of Philippine birds on the island of Mindoro. Bonn. Zool. Beitr. 25: 292-296. White, C. M. N. & Bruce, M. D. 1986. The Birds of Wallacea (Sulawesi, the Moluccas & Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia). British Ornithologists’ Union Check-list No. 7. Addresses: P. C. Gonzales, Zoology Division, Philippine National Museum, Rizal Park, Manila, Philippines; R. S. Kennedy, Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, 1720 Gilbert Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45202 USA. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Subspeciation in the Larklike Bunting of the southwestern Afrotropics by P. A. Clancey Received 4 November 1988 The present species of bunting was introduced to science as Emberiza impetuani by Dr Andrew Smith in the report on the results of the ex- pedition led by him for the exploring of central Africa from the Cape of Good Hope in 1836 on material collected in 1834 in the country to the north of Kuruman in the northeastern northern Cape. The species is virtually confined to the relatively harsh South West Arid Zone with peripheral, local and largely seasonal extensions in mesic but ecologically suitable country to the east of the main range. The Larklike Bunting affects relatively arid, often stony terrain with sparse grass, low scrub and P. A. Clancey 131 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) few trees as cover, and appears to be no more than locally nomadic when not breeding. Many populations are, however, on occasion subject to major eastward movements in years when drought and protracted winter cold occur over the steppe-like plateau regions normally affected by it (see Irwin 1981). Macdonald (1957) showed on the basis of the small series in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) (BMNH) that the species is subject to quite marked variation, but that the conclusion reached by earlier workers that the demonstrable variation is a seasonal manifestation was incorrect. He con- cluded that it is in fact a geographical correlate, and arranged the popu- lations present in the Karoo system to the south of the Orange R. ina new subspecies: E. 1. sloggetti (Macdonald) 1957: Deelfontein, southwest of De Aar, Cape, based on 14 specimens taken by Seimund in the early 1900s, in so doing confining the nominate form to north of the Orange R. At the same time he restricted the type-locality of nominate E. 7 impetuani—given as ‘‘the country between the Nu Gariep and Tropic”’ by Smith (1836)—to eastern Botswana, which was in some respects an unfortunate choice, as Smith’s party scarcely penetrated the country now included in Botswana, and the original material of the present species almost certainly came from northeast of Kuruman in the northern Cape and the western Transvaal. Macdonald separated sloggetti from E. 1. impetuani on paler colour- ation, narrower dorsal streaking and smaller size, a conclusion reached through comparing the Deelfontein sample with one of some 15 skins collected in South West Africa/Namibia by personnel of the BMNH expedition of 1950. A recent re-assessment of the variation in this dull coloured bunting revealed that sloggetti is distinguishable from nominate impetuani, as determined on an adequate series of the latter from the Kuruman district, on the basis of paler and greyer dorsal surfaces. The other characters in the differential diagnosis are invalid, having been arrived at by comparing the Deelfontein sample with South West African rather than northeastern Cape, western Transvaal and eastern Botswana material, from which general area the species was described. E. 1. sloggetti is larger than zmpetuani and is similarly streaked above. The South West African sample with which it was initially compared is now seen as having been drawn from an undescribed subspecies distributed to the west from the northwestern Cape, north through South West Africa to reach south- western Angola. This form is similar in size to sloggett1, generally redder in coloration and has the dorsal streaking heavier than in either sloggetti or nominate zmpetuanzi. It is formally described below. One’s interpretation of the variation in the present species is con- ditioned by a range of factors such as local post- -breeding nomadism and major occasional, but short term, climatic-based eruptions of many popu- lations from their breeding grounds. Others are the obscuring of sub- specifically important features through rapid colour fading and feather wear to which this semi-desertic species is highly prone; and the finding that first-year birds carrying juvenile plumage remiges are shorter winged than adults of the same population. Yet another factor is that in one race (the nominate), the sexes are closely alike, whereas in the other popu- lations males are generally larger than females (see Table 1). P. A. Clancey 132 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) TABLE 1 The wing-length (mm) parameter in adults of the Larklike Bunting Emberiza impetuani of the South West Arid Zone of the Afrotropics, showing the close agreement between the sexes in the nominate race of the Kalahari system, and the larger size of males of the other 2 subspecies affecting karooid country. Localities Sex n Range X SD E. 1. impetuani N. Cape (Kuruman dist.)andS.W. 3d 8 73-75 73.9 0.86 Zimbabwe 22 12 70-75 73.2 1ESi7, X of 20 ¢2 73.5, SD 1.22 E. 1. sloggetti Cape S. of Orange R., Griqualand 49 10 77-80.5 78.5 1.20 West and Orange Free State 292 Dil 75-77.5 Use 1.09 X of 15 $277.5, SD 1.77 E. 1. eremica Damaraland and Kaokoland, 3d 19 75-80 77.3 1.54 South West Africa 9° ES 72-78 75.3 1.44 X of 34 39 76.4, SD 1.81 While subspecies are recognized in McLachlan & Liversidge (1970) and in the SAOS Checklist (Clancey 1980), Paynter, in the continuation of Peters’ Check-list (vol. XIII, 1970), treats the species as monotypic. The research reported here is based on a larger body of material than was available to Macdonald, and confirms the desirability of recognizing 3 subspecies, defined as follows: (a) Emberiza impetuani impetuani Smith Emberizaimpetuani A. Smith, Rept. Exped. Expl. Centr. Afr., 1836, p. 48: “country between the Nu Gariep and Tropic’’, restricted to eastern Botswana by Macdonald, Contr. Orn. West. S. Africa, 1957, p. 169. Dorsum vinaceous Tawny-Olive (Ridgway 1912), with narrow fuscous shaft-streaking. On underside with breast deep Pinkish Buff; sides buff- ish, and light mid-ventral surface relatively restricted. Size small, and sexes virtually alike in wing-length. Measurements. Means of wings of 34 73.9 and of 99 73.2 mm (Table 1). Range. Breeds from Gordonia and the northern Cape to the north of Griqualand West, western, southern and eastern Botswana, adjacent South West Africa/Namibia, the western Transvaal, and locally in the Limpopo R. drainage of southern Zimbabwe, east to the lower Bubye R. In west of range apparently extends southwest to Bushmanland (at Pofadder). Subject to local post-breeding nomadism and occasional east- ward eruptive movements (as outlined above), these latter taking elements to north of the Zambezi in south-central Africa. Centred on the Kalahari system of the arid interior of the Southern African Subregion. Remarks. Two moderately worn specimens taken at Orupembe, Kaokoland, northwestern South West Africa, on 20 May 1963, by P. J. Buys and in the State Museum, Windhoek, are of the nominate race. This P. A. Clancey 133 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) locality lies well west of the breeding range. Carp Expedition material from the same locality, but taken in a different year, are E. 1. eremica (Transvaal Museum collection). (b) Emberiza impetuani sloggetti (Macdonald) F.(ringilla) (sic) 1.(mpetuani) sloggettt Macdonald, Contr. Orn. West. S. Africa, 1957, p. 170: Deelfontein, southwest of De Aar, Cape. Compared with nominate impetuani greyer above (feather edging near Wood Brown), and shaft-streaking tending to be heavier. Below with breast ranging lighter, and white mid-venter more extensive with flanks paler. When fresh, with white edges to tertials and adjacent wing-coverts. Size larger, and sexes largely disparate in wing-length, with male longer winged than female. Juvenile also paler. Measurements. Means of wings of 53 78.5 and of 9975.7 mm (Table 1). Range. Karooid regions of the interior of the southwestern and western Cape, east through the interior to the Fish R. drainage, Griqualand West in northern Cape, western Orange Free State and adjacent southern Transvaal. Less vagile than in case of the nominate subspecies. Remarks. The type-specimen of sloggetti is a January 1901 bird taken by Seimund for Col. A. T. Sloggett, OC of a British military medical facility established at Deelfontein, in the BMNH. A specimen collected in January would be in faded and worn condition. Macdonald’s mistaken use of the genus Fringilla in describing sloggetti was due to an oversight, as he clearly intended to employ Fringillaria, a Swainson genus of 1837.’The type-species of Fringillaria is Emberiza capensis Linnaeus, 1766. (c) Emberiza impetuani eremica, subsp., nov. Type. 3, adult. Klipkop farm, 18 miles south of Otjiwarongo, northern South West Africa/Namibia. 25 May 1959. Collected by Durban Museum personnel. In the collection of the Durban Natural History Museum, DM Reg. No. 9477. Description. Compared with sloggetti redder or more vinaceous above (feather edging Sayal Brown), with heavier and blacker shaft-streaking. Ventrally, with yellower throat when fresh; breast darker (near Clay Color), and lateral surfaces and flanks deeper coloured with the pale mid- venter constricted (as in nominate zmpetuanz). In wings, tertials and other remiges redder. Size about the same as sloggetti, and sexes again disparate in wing-length. Measurements. Means of wings of 3g 77.3 and of 9975.3 mm (‘Table 1). Material examined. 114 specimens (main localities: Rosh Pina, Kochena, NE of Grunau at c. 27°00’S, 18°50’E (38 specimens), Bethanie, Keetmanshoop, Mt Brukaros, Gorob Mine (23°34’S, 15°24’E on Kuiseb R. in Namib), Windhoek, Okahandja, Usakos, Otjiwarongo, Sanitatas, Ohopoho, Orupembe, 50 miles E of Torra Bay and Brandberg. Range. Northwestern Cape on the Orange R. and in rubble desert and karooid country of South West Africa/Namibia from Great Namaqualand, north to Damaraland and Kaokoland, and in south- western Angola. Penetrates the interior edge of the Namib. Movement pattern, if any, uncertain. P. A. Clancey 134 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Measurements of the type-specimen (mm): wing (flattened) 77.25, culmen from base 13, tarsus 18.5, tail 57. Contour plumage moult virtually complete. Remarks. The breeding season of E. 1. eremica is later than that of sloggetti, being more influenced by uncertain rainfall, and many birds of the topotypical population and of Kaokoland examined were still in bleached and worn dress or in the early stages of moult in mid-June. An unsexed specimen taken on the Maxohue R., in the Matopos Hills of southwestern Mazohwe Zimbabwe, during a major influx of migrants in late July 1964, with a wing 78.5 mm, and in the collection of the Durban Natural History Museum, would seem attributable to eremica. Acknowledgements For access to collections and research facilities, during which 189 skins were examined, I am grateful to Dr J. M. Mendelsohn, State Museum, Windhoek, and to Dr Aldo Berruti, Durban Natural History Museum. Dr A. C. Kemp, Ornithologist of the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, kindly lent all their South West African material. To those named I tender my thanks. References: Clancey, P. A. (Ed.) 1980. SAOS Checklist of Southern African Birds. p. 297. Southern African Ornithological Society, Johannesburg. Irwin, M. P.S. 1981. The Birds of Zimbabwe. Pp. 427-428. Quest Publishing. Macdonald, J. D. 1957. A Contribution to the Ornithology of western South Africa. Pp. 169-170. British Museum (Nat. Hist.). McLachlan, G. R. & Liversidge, R. 1970. Roberts’ Birds of South Africa (3rd ed.). p. 602. Trustees J. Voelcker Bird Book Fund, Cape Town. Paynter, R. A. 1970. Family Emberizidae in Check-list of Birds of the World, 13: 16-17. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. The Author, Washington, DC. Smith, A. 1836. Rept. Exped. Expl. Centr. Afr. from the Cape of Good Hope. p. 48. Cape Town. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Fernleigh Gardens, 8 Lambert Road, Morningside, Durban 4001, South Africa © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 The southern isolate of Parus rufiventris pallidiventris Reichenow, 1885 by P. A. Clancey Received 4 November 1988 The Rufous-bellied Tit Parus rufiventris Bocage, 1877, of south-central Africa, and an endemic of Brachystegia (Miombo) woodland savanna, is broadly divisible into 2 major population complexes on the basis of ven- tral plumage and iris colouration. The western group consists of 3 sub- species with the lower venter Cinnamon (Ridgway 1912) and the eye colour pale yellow. A fourth, the eastern subspecies, in contrast has the underside a dilute greyish vinaceous and the eyes dark brown. This latter P. A. Clancey 135 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) taxon—Parus rufiventris pallidiventris Reichenow, 1885; Kakoma, Tabora district, western Tanzania, which has Parus rovumae Shelley, 1892: near the Rovuma R., southeastern Tanzania, as asynonym—ranges from northwestern Tanzania at Kibondo (3°33’S, 30°30’E) east to Morogoro, thence south to northern Mozambique, southern Malawi east of the Rift, and as an isolate over the plateau of eastern Zimbabwe and the adjacent Manica district of southern Mozambique. This latter detached population has been shown by Hall & Moreau (1970) to have both dark and light brown irides as opposed to dark brown in the norm of topotypi- cal pallidiventris. The status of this isolate was discussed in Clancey (1974), when it was postulated that it seemed to comprise 2 distinguish- able subspecies: P. r. pallidiventris and an undescribed form, the latter presumably a relict of an earlier (of 2) southward colonizing thrusts on the part of the pale ventralled eastern elements. Later, Irwin (1981) expressed the view that the birds occurring to the south of the Zambezi are inherently unstable, with the abdomen colour either pinkish buff or pale vinaceous and the eyes either dark or light brown. Few additional specimens from critical areas to the south of the Zambezi have come to hand since I dealt with this issue 15 years ago, and, unfortunately, no more are likely to be collected in the foreseeable future. In the light of these circumstances, it seems desirable to re-examine the case on the available material in museums in association with an appraisal of the evolutionary and ecological backgrounds. The facies of the available specimens comports with the criteria laid down for the 2 populations outlined in my 1974 paper, showing that in addition to the characters enumerated for the Zimbabwean plateau birds they exhibit a marked white speculum over the visible base of the primar- ies. This important additional feature was not highlighted in the report on the earlier study, though the overall whiter nature of the wings was emphasized. In so far as variation in shades of brown of the irides as a taxonomic character is concerned, this is only employable with caution as it is essentially subjective, the data used to-date by workers having been taken from museum specimen labels rather than by direct field sampling with the evaluation of eye-colour variation in mind. Individual variation in all 4 presently recognized subspecies of the Rufous-bellied Tit is con- servative; a higher incidence of such in an isolate, such as that occurring on the interior plateau south of the Zambezi, is viewed here as unlikely, the variation in the entire detached population segment being seen as the result of 2 chronologically remote colonizing events, the descendants of which now constitute discrete yet contiguous forms. As demonstrated by Irwin (1981), in Zimbabwe P. rufiventris is re- placed in otherwise suitable tracts of moist miombo in parts of the central plateau by the local subspecies of the Southern Black Tit Parus niger ravidus, the 2 tits being largely allopatric. On the other hand, the Rufous- bellied Tit is fully sympatric with a second miombo endemic parid in the Miombo Grey Tit Parus griseiventris parvirostris. North of the Zambezi and west to Angola, similar niche partitioning among these tit species and the White-winged Black Tit Parus leucomelas insignis is found (see in particular comment by Benson et al. 1971). The relatively limited range of the Zimbabwean population of P. rufiventris results from the P. A. Clancey 136 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) constraints of competition with P. niger and the limited expanse of suit- able moist miombo woodland savanna, much of western and southern Zimbabwe being too dry for its requirements. Viewing the birds present to the south of the Zambezi as derived from 2 separate colonizations from regions to the north of the river, those stemming from the second expansionary event are indistinguishable from P. r. pallidiventris, but the descendants of the primal invasion, showing distinctive characters, require a name: Parus rufiventris stenotopicus, subsp. nov. Type. 5. Mt Maienji (Mwenji), Odzi district, Mashonaland, Zimbabwe, at 18°56’S, 32°21’E, 12 December 1953. Collected by M. P. Stuart Irwin. In the collection of the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, Mus. Reg. No. 16 347. Description. Differs from P. r. pallidiventris in having the black fore- throat abruptly terminated and not bled down over the upper and mid- breast as in Tanzanian specimens. The wings are overall whiter, the coverts more broadly edged and tipped with white, the remiges with broader fringes to the outer vanes, the primaries with a pronounced white speculum which extends some 7—9 mm, versus 2—4 mm in pallidiventris, beyond the apex of the primary-coverts. Subtle differences include a slightly paler grey mantle, duller, less jet black surfaces to the entire head and fore-throat, paler grey to the sides of the lower breast, and a lighter greyish vinaceous mid-ventral surface. Irides light brown. Size ranging larger. Measurements. Wings of 5 93 84-87 (85.9), SD 1.14 and of 1 982 mm. Material examined. 6 (Mermaid’s Pool, N. of Harare, at 17°39’S, 31°22’E; Mt Maienji, Odzi; Banti Forest Reserve (19°20'S, 32°46’E); Haroni R. valley; Makurupini R. Valley. Range. The moist miombo woodland savanna of Manicaland and Mashonaland, Zimbabwe, from the rain-shadow aspects of the eastern Highlands, at c. 32°46’E, west toc. 31°00’E, and north in Mashonaland to Mrewa and Shamva (17°18’S, 31°34’E). Intergrades to the east of its range on the seaward facing versant of the Eastern Highlands with pallidiventris, which extends eastwards to the Manica district of Mozambique. Somewhat sparse throughout its established range. Etymology. stenotopicus, from Greek (and modern ecology), occupying a restricted or narrow environmental niche. Measurements of the Type. Wing 87, tail 72 mm. Remarks. The wing-measurements of the other subspecies of the Rufous-bellied Tit are as follows (mainly from Clancey 1979): P.r. diligens: 4 $3 86.5—89 (87.8), SD 1.31; 2 99 82, 82 P. r. rufiventris: 30 33 83-89 (85.3), SD 1.70;13 29 80-86 (82.4), SD 2.06 P.r. masukuensis: 12 33 83-87 (85.1), SD 1.54; 12 99 77.5—-83.5 (80.7), SD 2.12 P.r. pallidiventris: 10 3g 80—-84.5 (82.1), SD 1.51. The tail-length also varies geographically, with 3 of pale yellow-eyed subspecies diligens with a tail of > 70 mm, and rufiventris and masukuensis C. B. Frith & C.F. O. Harrison 137 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) with tails of <69 mm. In the case of the race with dark brown eyes— pallidiventris—tails measure <66mm; in stenotopicus tails measure >69 mm. While the range of P. r. stenotopicus over the Manicaland and Mashona- land plateau has been shown by Irwin to be restricted to stands of moist Brachystegia woodland savanna (Miombo ), the ecological backgrounds of the other 4 races are on the whole more expansive in nature. In the case of P. r. diligens Clancey 1979; Andara, Okavango R., northeastern South West Africa/Namibia, this subspecies of the western cinnamon- ventralled plexus affects the dry woodlands of the Kavango region of Namibia, which constitute the ecotone between the Brachystegia savannas of Angola and Zambia and the Acacia steppe of the South West Arid Zone. In this ecotone, Parus rufiventris diligens and the local race of the Southern Black Tit Parus niger xanthostomus are largely sympatric, this combination probably effected in part by the absence of a local form of the Miombo Grey Tit Parus griseiventris. Acknowledgements For research facilities at the Durban Natural History Museum I am grateful to the Acting Director. Mr H. D. Jackson, Director of the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, and members of his staff kindly provided information on specimens in the collec- tion under their control. To those concerned I extend my thanks. References: Benson, C. W., Brooke, R. K., Dowsett, R. J. & Irwin, M. P. S. 1971. The Birds of Zambia. p. 206. Collins. Clancey P. A. 1974. Subspeciation studies in some Rhodesian birds. Arnoldia (Rhodesia) 6(28): 10-11. Clancey P. A. 1979. A further race of Parus rufiventris Bocage from the middle and lower Okavango R. drainage. Misc. Tax. Notes on African Birds 55, Durban Mus. Novit. 12(5): 52-54. Hall, B. P. & Moreau, R. E. 1970. An Atlas of Speciation in African Passerine Birds. British Museum (Natural History). Irwin, M. P. S. 1981. The Birds of Zimbabwe. p. 253. Quest Publishing. Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. The Author, Washington, DC. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Fernleigh Gardens, 8 Lambert Road, Morningside, Durban 4001, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 An undescribed plumage of the Crested Bird of Paradise Cnemophilus macgregorit by C. B. Frith and C. F. O. Harrison Received 11 November 1988 The Crested Bird of Paradise Cnemophilus macgregorit is a little known, medium-sized, sexually dimorphic bird of paradise (Paradisaeidae) of the subfamily Cnemophilinae living in upper montane forests and subalpine shrubbery of the mountains of the Central Highlands, Eastern Highlands C. B. Frith & C. }. O. Harrison 138 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) and the southeast of Papua New Guinea at altitudes between 2300 and 3500 m (Cooper & Forshaw 1977, Beehler et al. 1986). In general appear- ance the adult male is a brilliant flame golden-orange above and black below, and the female is uniform brownish-olive throughout, both sexes with a small filamental sagittal crest (for detailed plumage descriptions see Gilliard 1969 and Cooper & Forshaw 1977). The Crested Bird of Paradise is of considerable systematic interest, being originally placed in the bowerbird family Ptilonorhynchidae (De Vis 1890, Mayr 1941, Iredale 1950) and subsequently in the birds of paradise, Paradisaeidae (Marshall 1954, Gilliard 1969, Cooper & Forshaw 1977). Anatomical studies clearly showed that Cnemophilus is a bird of paradise (Mayr & Gilliard 1954) and Bock (1963) demonstrated that this monotypic genus was most closely related to the other monotypic genera Loria and Loboparadisaea and that these 3 genera, perhaps together with Macgregorii, form the subfamily Cnemophilinae—this group representing the ancestral stock of the bird of paradise and bower- bird complex. Bock expressed the view that the position of Macgregorii within the Cnemophilinae was far less certain than the other 3 genera because it shares characters with both subfamilies of the Paradisaeidae. In fact Macgregorii was subsequently placed in the Paradisaeinae (Gilliard 1969, Diamond 1972, Schodde 1976, Cooper & Forshaw 1977). Diamond (1972) suggested that Loria be placed in Cnemophilus and Schodde (1976) suggested that Loboparadisaea, may also be merged into Cnemophilus. Some subsequent authors have transferred only Loria into Cnemophilus (Beehler & Finch 1985, Beehler et al. 1986) and whilst Frith (1987) con- sidered the grouping of Loria and Cnemophilus reasonable, he felt inclined to retain Loria until more knowledge of the birds’ life histories was available. Having described a previously unknown grey plumage in Loria’s Bird of Paradise L. loriae (Frith 1987), CBF came across notes he made on 2 unusual Cnemophilus macgregorii specimens among some bird of para- dise skins casually examined during a brief visit to the Alexander Koenig Museum in Bonn, West Germany in 1971. His brief notes made at the time read: ‘“T'wo immatures in very interesting plumage, ashy-grey with russett on primaries and brown-black tails.’”’ The skins in question are specimens: 19.9.1963. Wurup, Kubor Range. Sex ? and 29.12.1963. Tombar ME Hagen. 9. In view of their similarity to the grey Loria plumage that Frith (1987) had recently discovered, CBF requested the loan of the specimens, in order to re-examine them in conjunction with a study of other skins, while on a brief visit to the British Museum (Natural History), Tring. The 2 29.12.1963 was sent to Tring from Bonn but arrived too late for CBF to study it. CJOH examined it, comparing it with 2 BMNH skins of females with typical brownish-olive (female) plumage, satisfying himself that the grey feathering of the Koenig Museum skin represents an undescribed plumage and is not the result of fading or foxing. We cannot, however, confirm if the bird is an immature or an adult. In appearance this bird resembles the typically plumaged females except that all evidence of yellow pigment is lacking. The belly is pale ash- grey, with flanks and under-tail coverts slightly darker, and a drab grey on C. B. Frith & C. ¥. O. Harrison 139 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) thighs. Breast and throat are a pale mid-grey with very slightly darker edges to the feathers giving a faintly scaly pattern, which is also apparent on the normal female-plumaged birds. Head and neck are a uniform mid- grey. The mantle is a deeper grey with a distinct brownish wash, becom- ing greyer again on the rump. The wing coverts are brownish-grey like the mantle; the flight feathers are blackish on the hidden inner webs and are warm brown on the outer webs. The underside of the wings is dull light-grey with pale basal inner edges to the primary webs, forming a small very pale-grey patch. Upper-tail coverts and the tail are a warm brown. It would appear that the above Cnemophilus macgregorii plumage is a colour-morph equivalent to the grey plumage found in some Lorza loria individuals (Frith 1987), thus providing a further character strongly link- ing these 2 species. Given the limited knowledge of Cnemophilus macgre- gori and its populations, it is difficult to assess the significance of the grey plumage described above within the species. However, it is important to note that the grey plumaged specimens are from 2 separate populations. Birds of the Kubor Range were treated as the subspecies C. m. kuboriensts (Mayr & Gilliard 1954), until synonomised with C. m. sanguineus (Diamond 1972), which is the subspecies found on Mt Hagen and other mountains of the Central and Eastern Highlands (Beehler et al. 1986). The grey plumage may merely be an infrequent form of dimorphism, perhaps a simple recessive variation. On the other hand it might be a singe-moult immature plumage rarely seen and collected to date. It is noteworthy that Loboparadisea sericea, the third member of the Cnemo- philinae, was considered unique among birds of paradise in having an immature plumage distinctly different from the adult female (Gilliard 1969, Cooper & Forshaw 1977). It would now appear that all 3 species of the Cnemophilinae do at least have a plumage different from that of their respective adult male and female in some individuals or populations, but in the case of Loria loriae and Cnemophilus macgregorii the status and significance of their grey plumage is unknown. Since pointing out that nesting data for Loria and Loboparadisea are much needed in order to further understand these peculiar birds of para- dise and the status of grey plumaged Loma (Frith 1987), Frith & Frith (1989 in press) express serious doubt about the identification of the nest and only egg attributed to Cnemophilus macgregoriae (Rothschild 1898, Gilliard 1969, Cooper & Forshaw 1977), although there is no doubt about it raising a single young in a domed mossy nest (Loke 1958). Acknowledgements We thank the authorities of the Alexander Koenig Museum and the British Museum (Natural History), and their ornithological staff, for the opportunity to examine material in their care. Dr Bruce M. Beehler kindly commented on a draft of this note. References: Beehler, B. M. & Finch, B. W. 1985. Species-checklist of the birds of New Guinea. RAOU Australasian Ornithol. Monogr. 1: 1-127. Beehler, B. M., Pratt, T. K. & Zimmerman, D. A. 1986. Birds of New Guinea. Princeton Univ. Press. Bock, W. J. 1963. Relationships between the birds of paradise and the bower birds. Condor 65: 91-125. J. R. King 140 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Cooper, W. 'T. & Forshaw, J. M. 1977. The Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds. Collins. DeVis, C. W. 1890. Report on birds from British New Guinea. Ann. Rep. Brit New Guinea for 1888-89. Appx. C. 105-116. é Diamond, J. M. 1972. Avifauna of the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea. Publ. Nuttall Ornithol. Club No. 12. Frith, C. B. 1987. An undescribed plumage of Loria’s Bird of Paradise Loria loriae. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 107: 177-180. Frith, C. B. & Frith, D. W. in press. Nesting biology and relationships of the Lesser Melampitta Melampitta lugubris. Emu 89. Gilliard, E. T. 1969. Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Iredale, T. 1950. Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds. Georgian House. Loke, Wan Tho 1957. A Company of Birds. Michael Joseph. Marshall, A. J. 1954. Bower-birds: their displays and breeding cycles. Oxford Univ. Press. Mayr, E. 1941. List of New Guinea Birds. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Mayr, E. & Gilliard, E. T. 1954. Birds of Central New Guinea. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 103: 311-374. Rothschild, Lord W. 1898. Family Paradiseidae. Das Tierreich, Aves 2: 1-52. Schodde, R. 1976. Evolution in the birds-of-paradise and bowerbirds, a resynthesis. Proc. 16th Int. Orn. Congr. : 137-149. Address: Clifford B. Frith, ‘Prionodura’, Paluma via Townsville, Queensland, Australia 4816. Dr Colin J. O. Harrison, 48 Earl’s Crescent, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 1XN, England. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Notes on the birds of the Rio Mazan Valley, Azuay Province, Ecuador, with special reference to Leptosittaca branicku1, Hapalopsittaca amazonina pyrrhops and Metallura baron by 7. R. King Received 3 December 1988 Currently, no detailed studies have been published on the avifauna of the montane forests around Cuenca, Azuay Province, southern Ecuador. Casual observations as part of more general work by a number of workers (e.g. R.S. Ridgely, D. Pitman, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia) in the neighbouring Llaviuco Valley and its adjacent paramo have been summarized in a list produced by M.A.G. (1986), but this is not widely available. I present the findings of ornithological studies of the Rio Mazan Valley (2°52'S, 79°7’'W) undertaken in 1986 and 1987 by British ornithologists, supplemented by records from the Llaviuco valley. The Rio Mazan valley is situated c.15 km west of Cuenca and runs due east from its source lakes on Las Cajas (4000 m) to its confluence with the Rio Tomebamba (2760 m). Most observations were made above 3000 m in a 3300 ha area, designated an ecological reserve since 1981. Much of this is paramo grassland with stands of Puya hamata (Bromeliaceae) and F. R. King 141 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) with scattered patches of Polylepis (Rosaceae) woodland. Below 3400 m, the valley is densely wooded with Podocarpus-dominated primary forest. This extends down to 3050 m, though most areas below 3200 m are grass- land, scrub and regenerating secondary forest, following logging in the 1970s. The forest covers an area of 500 ha, bordered, particularly on the north-facing side, by extensive cliffs. Outside the reserve only alittle scrub remains, and most of this area is now grazed pasture. Recently, large tracts have been replanted with Eucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae), including the very lowest parts of the reserve. Llaviuco valley, 4 km north of Mazan, and separated by a ridge of up to 3850 m, is similarly vegetated, though more intense logging has reduced the forested areas to c. 300 ha, with a smaller proportion of primary forest. Itis less steep throughout, and is occupied by Laguna Llaviuco, a roughly circular lake 350 m in diameter. Intensive field observations were made in Mazan throughout the periods 26 July-27 September 1986 and 30 July—29 October 1987. In addition, mist netting took place at 7 forest sites between 3050 and 3350 metres on 72 dates. Records from Llaviuco pertain to brief periods of observation in mid July 1978, September 1985 and the austral summer 1985/86, as summarized in M.A.G. (1986), with the addition of those obtained on short visits by Mazan workers in late July 1986 and August 1987. All the species recorded in the Rio Mazan valley are listed in Appendix 1, with those found only in Llaviuco listed in Appendix 2. A few of the Mazan species are not currently known from Llaviuco, but Llaviuco has received far less ornithological coverage; conversely, Llaviuco species could all eventually be found in Mazan, though the intense coverage this valley has received in the August—October period suggests that those missing from Mazan (Appendix 2) do not occur there at that time of year—such avifaunal differences being possibly due, especially for forest species, to variation in valley characters. It should be noted that some intervalley movements were observed in large non-passerines (e.g. Cathartidae, Accipitridae, Columba fasciata and Leptosittaca branicki1). A number of species listed in Appendix 1 are worthy of discussion, most notably the following 3 IUCN/ICBP Red Data Book species (as defined by Collar & Andrew 1988). LEPTOSITTACA BRANICKII In 1986, one flock of 20-22 was seen at the head of the Mazan valley (3300-3400 m) throughout Aug and Sep, and a flock of 8 at 3100-3200 m in early Aug. Members of this smaller group were seen displaying and mating on 7 Aug. The main flock numbered 28 in 1987, occupying the valley head again in Aug, but dispersing subsequently. A second flock (15—20 birds) was also present in Aug, but after the break up of the main flock, records became confused. In Sep and Oct daily records involved groups of 3-19 birds. Temporary groups of consistently the same size were maintained over short periods (3—5 days). There were occasional records of pairs from 30 Sep, and after 4 Oct the largest flock seen was 7. At least 12 birds remained in the valley on 28 Oct. Although not recorded from Llaviuco, L. branickii is probably regular there. On 7 Sep 1986 a flock of 41-42 was at the head of Mazan and J. R. King 142 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) divided itself into 2 equal flocks; it is believed that a flock of c. 20 had flown in from elsewhere (A. Gretton). Most notably, a group of 18 were seen flying toward Llaviuco low over the paramo north of Mazan (3600 m) on 13 Aug 1987. Many observations indicated that the tree Podocarpus aff. sprucei was this conures’ main food source. These trees, average height 11.5 m, were most abundant at the valley head where L. branickii sightings were most frequent, and mapping of flock movements over many hours showed that 80-85% of the trees visited were Podocarpus. It proved difficult to ascertain exactly which parts of the tree were being utilized for food, Podocarpus only fruiting on its uppermost branches. It is believed that intraspecific variable seasonality in Podocarpus would however result in potential food items (e.g. fruit, buds or leaf petioles) being available throughout the year. The only call heard from L. branickii was a characteristic, soft, con- tinuous chatter, which often located a feeding flock long before it was seen. These notes are detailed for they represent the first records of Leptosittaca branickii from Ecuador for over 50 years, and also the first outside El Oro and Loja Provinces (R. S. Ridgely 1987), although there are possible sightings and tape-recordings from the Zapa Te Najda mountains, Azuay/Morona—Santiago border, in 1984 and 1987 (N. Krabbe 1988). The species has a disjunct distribution in the northern Andes, from Cuzco to Cajamarca in Peru, a few localities in Southern Ecuador (Ridgely 1980b) and Cauca, Huila and Caldas in Colombia (Hilty & Brown 1986). The species has recently been found to be wide- spread, though still uncommon, in Peru, but is rare and declining in Colombia, from where there are few recent sightings (Ridgely 1980b, Hilty & Brown 1986). The observations from Mazan suggest L. branickit may well be seasonal, flocking in favoured areas, probably for much of the year, then dispersing to breed. Such areas, as with Mazan and possibly Llaviuco, can clearly support quite large non-breeding flocks (contra Ridgely 1980b). HAPALOPSITTACA AMAZONINA PYRRHOPS At least 10 sightings in Mazan, 28 Aug to 27 Sep 1987. Apart from 5 on 26 Sep, all sightings were of singletons or pairs, at 3150-3350 m. Frequently seen flying high across the valley, often located by a character- istic, loud, disyllabic and repeated call, “‘chak-chak . . . chak-chak’’. When perched, it was usually in exposed locations on treetops, and, notably, in established secondary growth on the north side of the valley, a habitat choice possibly characteristic of this subspecies (Ridgely 1980b). Though not confirmed, the sequence of records suggested the possibility of breed- ing during the observation period. Interestingly, the species was not recorded during 1986 fieldwork. Although there is only one record from Llaviuco, of 2 on 18 Jul 1978 (Ridgely 1980a), Llaviuco could be a favoured site if the apparent liking for secondary forest is proven. H. amazonina has declined markedly this century to become rare throughout its range, with the subspecies fuertist and pyrrhops now seriously threatened (Collar & Andrew 1988). In addition to the records F. R. King 143 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) detailed above, pyrrhops is known only from 4 other sites in Ecuador (Ridgely 1980a), though it has also recently been found in northernmost Peru (Ridgely 1980b). None of the other 3 subspecies is known from further south than the head of the Magdalena Valley, Colombia, and there is therefore a gap southwards of c. 500 km between them and the northernmost pyrrhops. The taxonomic status of pyrrhops as a subspecies is uncertain; in view of its geographic isolation from the rest of the amazonina group, its marked plumage differences (Meyer de Schauensee 1970) and possible differences in its call structure (cf. H. a. amazonina— Ridgely & Gaulin 1980) and in its habitat choice, its former specific status may well be valid. METALLURA BARONI A large number of sightings during both years between 3150 and 3670 m, though rarely below 3350 m, were usually in scrubby areas of the timberline, but also regularly around Polylepis patches (c. 3650 m) and on areas of adjacent paramo. In 1986, 9 were trapped (biometrics are given in Table 1). M. williami, which forms a superspecies with M. baroni and M. oeneocauda (Graves 1980), was also found in Mazan, but only between 3100 and 3200 m. At the time of year observations were made, M. baroni appeared to feed exclusively on the nectar of Castelleja fissifolia (Scrophulariaceae), and was probably the commonest hummingbird in Mazan at higher altitudes, with the valley clearly supporting a large number of individuals. To date, most authors have been of the opinion that this species inhabits arid or semi-arid habitats (e.g. Meyer de Schauensee 1970, Ridgely 1980a, Collar & Andrew 1988). Though M. baroni obviously occurs in such areas, our extensive series of records and that of Ortiz- Crespo (1984), clearly show it has a preference for moist montane forest edges, typical of the other members of the superspecies (Graves 1980). A number of other species are worthy of briefer comments. ANAS FLAVIROSTRIS The subspecies A. f. andinus was recorded regularly on the paramo lakes above Mazan. On 26 Oct 1987 one individual, seen at close range, had an obviously yellow bill, and thus appeared to be of the nominate subspecies. The possibility of confusion with A. georgica was eliminated on tail shape and plumage pattern. I am not aware that A. f. flavirostris has been recorded north of Peru (Hilty & Brown 1986), though clarification of the status and taxonomy of the subspecies is needed. VULTUR GRYPHUS Seven records of 3 birds in 1986 and at least 30 records of 5 birds in 1987. Courtship and ‘prospecting’ behaviour by a pair of adults in 1987 suggested the Mazan cliffs could be a nesting site. Though formerly considered potentially endangered (Collar 1985) this species has a healthy population in Ecuador (N. Hilgert de Benavides). Indeed it has been rediscovered in Venezuela (Zonfrillo 1977) and was not considered endangered by Collar & Andrew (1988). J. R. King 144 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) TABLE 1 Biometrics of Metallura hummingbirds trapped in the Rio Mazan Valley, 1986-87 Total Bill Total body Exposed length head Wing length culmen toskull length chord Weight (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g) M. baroni 3 (n=3) 102.3 13.5 18.2 38.1 60.5 4.4 M. baroni 2? (n=6) 100.0 13.9 17.6 36.6 56.8 4.2 M. williami atrigularis (n=7) 99.2 — 17.2 29.8) sD 85 4.4 M. tyrianthina 3 (n=54) 98.1 12.7 15.9 27.3 60.4 3.9 M. tyrianthina 2 (n=39) 90.3 12.8 16.0 26.9 53.5 3.6 MILVAGO CHIMACHIMA Recorded on 13 and 16 Sep 1987 (1 and 2 adults respectively) on paramo north of Mazan (3500-3600 m), with possible sightings on a number of August dates. Identified at 50 m by a combination of small size and wholly pale head and underparts, thus eliminating Polyborus plancus. These records greatly increase the published altitudinal range of this species, given as up to 2600 m by Hilty & Brown (1986). Possibly Milvago chimachima, like P. plancus, is starting to colonize deforested highlands. FALCO PEREGRINUS Recorded both years, but is only occasional. In recent years, breeding Peregrines have been observed near Quito (Jenny et al. 1981) and it would be interesting to establish the status of those seen in Cajas. PATAGONA GIGAS In 1987, recorded regularly after 14 Sep, an influx of migrants obviously having taken place. These records represent the most southerly known from Ecuador, along with one from Cuenca (Ortiz-Crespo 1974), and will be dealt with in more detail shortly (King & Holloway, in prep.). COELIGINIA IRIS After Metallura tyrianthina and Lafresnaya lafresnayi, C. iris is the commonest Mazan hummingbird at lower elevations (3100-3300 m), and was seen daily in good numbers. Though probably not endangered, this species is restricted to the Andes of southern Ecuador and northern Peru (Meyer de Schauensee 1970) and is listed as potentially endangered by Collar & Andrew (1988, App. 2). HELIANGELUS VIOLA Rare in 1986—only 4 records; in 1987 comparatively common below 3100 m. Detailed observations of its flower choice indicated H. viola fed largely on the introduced Eucalyptus globulus, its distribution in the valley (2900-3100 m) being correlated closely with that of this tree (2900-3100 m). This unexpected discovery, though a habit not unknown in hummingbirds (Carpenter 1974), is particularly significant for a potentially endangered species (Collar & Andrew 1988, App. 2). F. R. King 145 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) ANDIGENA HYPOGLAUCA Seen daily in Mazan between 3050 and 3300 m, with an estimated 10-15 individuals in the valley, and 5—6 seen in Llaviuco in both 1986 and 1987. Though quite common and widespread throughout much of its range (Andes from Caldas, Colombia to Junin, Peru), listed as potentially endangered by Collar & Andrew (1988). OREOMANES FRASERI Three singletons, all in Polylepis woodland: above Llaviuco in Sep 1985 (D. Pitman), above the head of Mazan, 13 Sep 1986 (3400 m), and south of Mazan, 24 Oct 1987 (3650 m). The species is completely depend- ent on Polylepis, a very disjunct habitat, and one which is seriously threatened in Ecuador (N. Krabbe 1988). These are the first records of the species from Azuay Province and the first from an apparent gap in the species’ range between Chimboraza and Tungurahua, Riobamba, c. 150 km to the north, and San Jose, Loja, c. 100 km to the south. Listed as potentially endangered by Collar & Andrew (1988). HEMISPINGUS VERTICALIS Five records from Mazan in both years, all of 1—2 birds, but 4 on 27 Sep 1987. As with O. fraseri, these records fill a gap in the species’ range, between a population c. 260 km to the north, and one c. 120 km to the south (Ridgely 1980a). Acknowledgements Particular thanks are due to ET APA and M.A.G. for much practical assistance in Ecuador. Comments and advice were freely given by Dr F. I. Ortiz-Crespo, Dr R. S. Ridgely, N. H. de Benavides, P. Greenfield and P. Hurley. Drs F. Sarmiento (Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencas Naturales), T. de Vries (Universidad Catolica, Quito) and P. Burton (BMNH, Tring) kindly gave permission for me to examine specimens. Valuable comments from N. Krabbe, M. G. Kelsey, V. Fleming and A. Gosler improved an earlier draft of these notes. Financial assistance for 1986 fieldwork was received from ICBP and the British Ornithol- ogists’ Union. Finally, special thanks to the Mazan fieldworkers, especially A. Gretton and S. J. Holloway, and also Miss L. Cannicott, A. Cross, J. Dauris, M. Hancock, the late D. Parr, A. Roberts and M. Woodhead. References: Carpenter, F. L. 1974. Torpor in an Andean hummingbird: its ecological significance. Science 183: 545-547. Collar, N. J. 1985. Candidate list of Red Data Book Bird Species in Ecuador. ICBP, Cambridge. Collar, N. J. & Andrew, P.1988. Birds to Watch. I|CBP Tech. Publ. No8, ICBP, Cambridge. Graves, G. R. 1980. A new species of metaltail hommingbird from northern Peru. Wilson Bull. 92(1): 1-7. Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press. Jenny, J. P., Ortiz, F.& Arnold, M. D. 1981. First nesting record of the Peregrine Falcon in Ecuador. Condor 83: 387. King, J. R. & Holloway, S. J. in prep. Notes on the Giant Hummingbird Patagona gigas in southern Ecuador. ap ag de Agricultura y Ganaderia (M.A.G.) 1986. Avifauna del Area de Recreacion aqjas. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1970. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Ortiz-Crespo, F. I. 1974. The Giant Hummingbird Patagona gigas in Ecuador. Ibis 116: 347-359. J. R. King 146 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Ortiz-Crespo, F. I. 1984. First twentieth-century specimen of the Violet-throated Metaltail Metallura baroni. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 104: 95-97. Ridgely, R.S. 1980a. Notes on some rare or previously unrecorded birds in Ecuador. Amer. Birds 34: 242-248. Ridgely, R. S. 1980b. The current distribution and status of mainland neotropical parrots. InR. F. Pasquier (ed.). Conservation of New World Parrots. I|CBP Tech. Publ. No 1, ICBP, Cambridge. Ridgely, R. S. & Gaulin, S. J. C. 1980. The birds of Finca Merenberg, Huila Department, Colombia. Condor 82: 379-391. Zonfrillo, B. 1977. Rediscovery of the Andean Condor Vultur gryphus in Venezuela. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 97: 17-18. Address: J. R. King, Haresgrove Cottage, Hydon Heath, Godalming, Surrey, UK. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 APPENDIX 1 Birds species recorded in the Rio Mazan Valley, Ecuador, 1986-87. Nomenclature follows Podiceps occipitalis Anas flavirostris Mergonetta armata Oxyura jamaicensis Vultur gryphus Cathartes aura Elanoides forficatus Accipiter striatus Geranoaetus melanoleucus Buteo polyosoma Phalcoboenus carunculatus Milvago chimchima Falco sparverius Falco columbarius Falco peregrinus Penelope montagni Vanellus resplendens Tringa solitaria Actitus macularia Calidris bairdii Chubbia jamesoni Larus serranus Columba fasciata Leptotila verreauxi Leptosittaca branickiu Hapalopsittaca amazonina Pionus seniloides Bubo virginianus Glaucidium jardinii Caprimulgus longirostris Streptoprocne zonaris Campylopterus falcatus Colibri coruscans Adelomyia melanogenys ~ Patagona gigas Aglaeactis cupripennis Lafresnaya lafresnayi Pterophanes cyanopterus Coeliginia iris Ensifera ensifera Hilty & Brown (1986). Heliangelus viola Eriocnemis vestitus Eriocremts luciani Lesbia victoriae Lesbia nuna Rhamphomicron microrynchum Metallura baroni Metallura williami Metallura tyrianthina Chalcostigma stanleyi Acestrura mulsant Trogon personatus Andigena hypoglauca Piculus rivolii Veniliornis nigriceps Cinclodes fuscus Leptasthenura andicola Synallaxis azarae Synallaxis gularis Asthenes flammulata Margerornis squamiger Pseudocolaptes boissonneautit Thripadectes flammulatus Grallaria squamigera Grallaria ruficapilla Grallaria rufula Grallaria quitensis Scytalopus unicolor Scytalopus latebricola Scytalopus magellanicus Ampelion rubrocristatus Tyranniscus uropygialis Mecocerculus leucophrys Mecocerculus stictopterus Serpophaga cinerea Anairestes parulus Pyrrhomyias cinnamomea Ochthoeca fumicolor Ochthoeca rufipectoralis Ochthoeca frontalis Myiotheretes striaticollis Myiotheretes erythropygius Myiotheretes fumigatus Agriornis montana Muscisaxicola alpina Notiochelidon murina Notiochelidon cyanoleuca Cyanolyca turcosa Cinclus leucocephalus Cistothorus platensis Troglodytes solstitialis Turdus fuscater Turdus serranus Anthus bogotensis Myzoborus melanocephalus Basileuterus nigrocristatus Basileuterus coronatus Conirostrum sitticolor Conirostrum cinereum Oreomanes fraseri Diglossa sittoides Diglossa humeralis Diglossa cyanea Tangara vassorit Anisognathus igniventris Dubusia taeniata Thlypopsis ornata Hemispingus superciliaris Hemispingus verticalis Catamblyrynchus diadema Pheucticus chrysopeplus Atlapetes rufinucha Atlapetes torquatus Catamenia analis Catamenia inornata Catamenia homochroa Phrygilus unicolor Zonotrichia capensis Spinus magellanicus P.G. Ryan 147 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) APPENDIX 2 Bird species recorded only from Llaviuco Valley, Ecuador (for periods of observation see text). Nomenclature follows Hilty & Brown (1986). Anas discors Urochroa bougueri Anisognathus lacrymosus Anas cyanoptera Myioborus miniatus Anisognathus flavinucha Buteo poecilochrous Conirostrum albifrons Oreotrochilus estella Diglossa lafresnayit Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor and new records of seabirds from Tristan da Cunha and Gough Islands by Peter G. Ryan Received 2 January 1989 Records of non-breeding and vagrant birds at the “Tristan da Cunha Island group and nearby Gough Island, central South Atlantic Ocean, have been reviewed (Richardson 1984, with additional records in Griffiths & Sinclair 1982, Williams & Imber 1982, Enticott 1984, Fraser 1984, Enticott 1986, Fraser et al. 1988). To date, 24 non-breeding seabird and 22 landbird species have been recorded from the islands, with uncon- firmed records of an additional 3 seabird and 8 landbird species. In this note I record 3 new species for the region, one species new for Gough Island and one species new to the Tristan group. SLENDER-BILLED PRION Pachyptila belcheri Three Slender-billed Prions were observed at 40 and 100 km NNE of the main island of Tristan da Cunha on 27 September 1987. They were identified by their relatively small size, pale head and breast markings, lack of a dark terminal bar to the tail, and the characteristic shearwater- like flight (cf. Harrison 1983). One was moulting its outer primaries, which distinguished it at a distance from the abundant Broad-billed Prions P. vittata (vittata). All 3 birds were observed by 2 observers who are familiar with the species from the Subtropical Convergence south of Africa, where it is seasonally abundant in mixed flocks with Antarctic Prions P. (v.) desolata (Ryan & Rose 1989). Not previously recorded from the region; probably overlooked among the large numbers of breed- ing Broad-billed Prions. LEACH’S STORM-PETREL Oceanodroma leucorrhoa Between 2 and 4 Leach’s Storm-petrels were observed following in the ship’s wake c.30 km east of Tristan da Cunha on 17 November 1984. Unrecorded previously in the central South Atlantic (Griffiths & Sinclair 1982), although fairly common in oceanic waters off southern Africa (Ryan & Rose 1989). P.G. Ryan 148 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER Calidris fuscicollis An adult White-rumped Sandpiper in non-breeding plumage was pho- tographed at Gough Island by weather station personnel in mid-October 1984. The bird fed and roosted on the wooden helicopter landing pad at the weather station in Transvaal Bay for several days. Several individuals of this species have been recorded on both the main island of Tristan (Richardson 1984) and on Inaccessible Island (Fraser 1984), but none previously from Gough Island. LONGTAILED SKUA Stercorarius longicaudus Three Longtailed Skuas, 2 adults and 1 immature, were observed 80— 130km NNE of Tristan da Cunha on 27 September 1987. Previously recorded off the east coast of Gough Island (Williams & Imber 1982), none has been recorded from the Tristan islands sensu stricto, although Griffiths & Sinclair (1982) recorded it west to 14°35’W in the South Atlantic. Widespread in the southeast Atlantic (Ryan in press), it may occur at relatively low densities throughout the South Atlantic, linking the 2 apparent wintering centres in the Falkland Current (Veit 1985) and off the west coast of Southern Africa (Lambert 1980, Ryan in press). COMMON NIGHTHAWK Chordeiles minor A juvenile 2 Common Nighthawk was found in the settlement of Edinburgh, Tristan da Cunha, on 27 November 1988 after a period of strong westerly winds. The bird died and was shipped frozen to Cape ‘Town for identification. ‘The specimen is lodged in the Durban Natural History Museum and has the following (fresh) measurements (mm); wing 204, tail 115, fork depth 17, culmen length 7.2, tarsus 15.3. After being defrosted in Cape Town, its mass was 48 g, which probably is similar to the mass at death, because there were no signs of dehydration; the eyes were still turgid. The bird had started to moult into adult plumage, having c. 40% adult scapular feathers, with active body moult on the upper- and underparts. The stomach was empty except for a small beetle elytrum. Common Nighthawks breed throughout much of North and Central America, migrating to wintering areas in South America south to central Argentina. Birds leave the breeding areas in North America between late July and early October, with peak passage in late August and early September (Cramp 1985). Vagrants have reached Melville Island, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroes, Britain and the Azores (American Ornithologists’ Union 1983, Cramp 1985), all British records being between 12 September and 25 October. Fairly regular occurrence at Bermuda (Bent 1940) and in the West Indies suggests a transoceanic migration route for populations breeding in eastern North America (Cramp 1985), which can account for trans-Atlantic vagrancy in the northern hemisphere. However, the late date (more than a month later than the latest British record) and the vast distance make it unlikely that the bird at Tristan da Cunha could have reached almost 40°S without first having reached South America. It was probably blown offshore by strong westerly winds while moving along the east coast of South America. The bird’s mass corresponds with that of juveniles exhausted after crossing the Caribbean in October (Cramp 1985). Susan E. Davis 149 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Acknowledgements John Cooper, Jim Enticott and Barry Watkins assisted with seabird observations, and Roger Perry collected and forwarded the Common Nighthawk specimen. Captain Peter Warren and Tristan Investments (Pty) Ltd are thanked for transporting the Nighthawk to Cape Town. Financial and logistical support were received from the South African Department of Environment Affairs and the South African Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research. References: American Ornithologists’ Union 1983. Checklist of North American Birds, 6th Edn. Allen Press. Bent, A. C. 1940. Life histories of North American cuckoos, goatsuckers, hummingbirds and their allies, Part 1. US Natn. Mus. Bull. 176: 1-244. Cramp, S. (ed.) 1985. The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Vol 1V. Oxford University Press. Enticott, J. W. 1984. New and rarely recorded birds at Gough Island, March 1982— December 1983. Cormorant 12: 75-81. Enticott, J. W. 1986. The pelagic distribution of the Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora. Cormorant 13: 143-156. Fraser, M. W. 1984. New and rarely recorded species from the Tristan da Cunha group. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 104: 154-155. Fraser, M. W., Ryan, P. G. & Watkins, B. W. 1988. The seabirds of Inaccessible Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Cormorant 16: 7-33. Griffiths, A. M. & Sinclair, J. C. 1982. The occurrence of Holarctic seabirds in the African sector of the Southern Ocean. Cormorant 10: 35-44. Harrison, P. 1983. Seabirds, an identification guide. Croom Helm. Lambert, K. 1980. Ein Uberwinterungsgebiet der Falkenraubmowe, Stercorarius longicau- dus Vieill. 1819, vor Sudwest- und Sudafrika entdeckt. Beitr. Vogelkd. 26: 199-212. Richardson, M. E. 1984. Aspects of the ornithology of the Tristan da Cunha group and Gough Island, 1972-1974. Cormorant 12: 123-201. Ryan, P. G. in press. The distribution and abundance of Longtailed Skuas off southern Africa. Ostrich: Ryan, P. G. & Rose, B. 1989. Migrant seabirds: In: A. I. L. Payne & R. J. M. Crawford (eds). Oceans of Life off Southern Africa. Viaeberg, Cape Town, pp. 274-287. Veit, R.R. 1985. Long-tailed Jaegers wintering along the Falkland Current. Amer. Birds 39: 873-878. Williams, A. J. & Imber, M. J. 1982. Ornithological observations at Gough Island in 1979, 1980 and 1981. S. Afr. F. Antarct. Res. 12: 40-45. Address: Peter G. Ryan, Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Migration of the Mississippi Kite [ctinia mississippiensis in Bolivia, with comments on I. plumbea by Susan E. Davis Received 11 January 1989 The Mississippi Kite Ictinia mississippiensis breeds in the central and southern United States (Palmer 1988) and, from the few data available, appears to migrate through Middle America and winter in central South America. However, detailed observations of this species during the non- breeding season until now have been nonexistent. Specimens of J. Susan E. Davis 150 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) mississippiensis have been taken in October in Guatemala (Parker 1977), Costa Rica (Slud 1964) and Colombia (Torres im Hilty & Brown); and migrants have been observed rarely in Mexico (April, May—Sutton & Burleigh 1940, Loetscher 1955), Costa Rica (September—Slud 1964), Panama (March, April, October—Ridgely 1976), Colombia (November— Hilty & Brown 1986), and Peru (October—Terborgh ez al. 1984). On 11 November 1986, a Mississippi Kite banded in Texas was recovered at San Miguel de Velasco, Dpto. Santa Cruz, Bolivia (specimen not available) (Shaw & Maxwell 1988). The presence of I. mississippiensts in central South America during the boreal winter is documented by only a few specimens collected in December and February in Paraguay (Blake 1949) and in January in northern Argentina (Eisenmann 1963, Olrog 1979). I made the following observations of I. mississippiensis during 25 years (May 1985—-November 1987) of ornithological fieldwork in eastern lowland Bolivia (vicinity of Concepcion, Dpto. Santa Cruz, 16°08’S, 62°02'’W), an area that is a mosaic of semi-deciduous forest, wooded savanna (cerrado) and savanna wetland on the western edge of the Brazilian Shield (altitude 400—600 m). I. mississippiensis arrives in Concepcion at about the same time as the Plumbeous Kite Ictinia plumbea. Although breeding pairs of J. plumbea were observed in the area from September to January, it appears that migrating J. plumbea were also present. J. plumbea breeding in Middle America (March—May) also migrate south in September/October, and presumably winter in South America (Eisenmann 1963, Binford 1989). Dates of first arrival of one or the other of these Ictinia spp. were 7 September 1985 and 25 August 1986; but because of their close resem- blance and because both spend most of the day soaring high above land, identification was difficult. In the field, adult J. mississippiensis were dis- tinguished from I. plumbea by a pale grey patch on the upper surface of the wing, the lack of a rufous patch on the primaries, and the lack of banding on the underside of the tail (Meyer de Schauensee 1970). Juveniles could not be distinguished in wale field because either species may lack the rufous wing patch. I. mississippiensis SESBEbIe arrived after I. plumbea. The earliest positive identification of I. mississippiensis in 1985 was on 18 September and in 1986 on 31 September; on these dates flocks of 3—15 kites were seen circling over savanna. Within 2-4 weeks of the first arrival of [ctinia spp., the number of birds per flock increased to 300-500, whereas at what appeared to be the peak of Ictinia migration (early October 1985 and early November 1986), flock size averaged 1000-1500, and numerous kettles containing both species of kites were observed flying south over Concepcion. I. mississippiensis was present from 18 September to mid- November 1985 and from 31 September to 25 November 1986. Data for 1987 are incomplete because I was absent periodically from the study area. Arrival of Ictinia spp. in 1987 was later than in the previous years; by early October 1987, no Ictinia spp. had been observed. In mid- October 1987, flocks of 10-30 I. plumbea were seen foraging over savanna near San Ignacio and San Jose de Chiquitos, 150 km east and 200 km southeast respectively of Concepcion. J. mississippiensis was seen in the Susan E. Davis 151 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Concepcion area 25—31 October 1987, at which time kettles of 300-500 kites of both species were observed migrating south over the town. No observations were made after 31 October 1987, when I left the study area. Migrating J. mississippiensis roosted in semi-deciduous forest islands and gallery forest associated with small rivers running through savanna. In the early morning (06.00—08.00 hrs), they foraged from tree tops in wooded savanna near their roost sites; they swooped and darted amongst the trees to catch insects, then returned to a tree top perch to eat. I. mississippiensis emitted a 2-note call while perched or flying; the second note was tremulous, and lower and louder than the first. By 08.30 hrs, when air temperatures had increased sufficiently to sustain soaring flight, all kites had abandoned their perches and usually did not return to the trees until late afternoon. Exceptionally, on 2 November 1986, a mixed flock of several thousand Ictinia spp. was observed in trees in a savanna at 13.30 hrs. This flock was extremely restless, and the birds repeatedly took flight, only to return to the trees; by 14.00 hrs they had formed a kettle and moved south at a high altitude. Both Ictinia species frequently foraged in the same flock. Feeding activity was observed throughout the day but was most intense in the morning. The kites foraged while circling in loose flocks, chasing large insects with acrobatic manoeuvres on the wing. From a soaring position high up, a kite would suddenly stoop at a flying insect, sometimes with a quarter barrel-roll as it plummeted; then the bird would turn its body sideways, thrust its legs out to catch the prey with its talons, and swoop upwards with flapping wings until it reached a height suitable for soaring. The birds fed on the captured insects while soaring by repeatedly bring- ing forward the foot holding the catch. I observed both Ictinia species catch cicadas; 4 stomach contents of J. mississippiensis consisted mainly of parts of leaf-cutter ants (Atta sp.) in the alate reproductive stage. The arrival of the kites in Concepcion coincided with the emergences of these insects, which are triggered by the onset of the rainy season. I. mississippiensis did not appear to stop in the area of Concepcion during the return northerly migration. On one occasion (18 March 1986) a kettle of c.200 kites was seen moving northward at an extremely high altitude, but species identification was not possible. In recent years, flocks of Ictinia spp. also have been observed from January—March and from July-September over Parque Nacional Amboro at the foothills of the Andes, 200km southwest of Concepcion (R. Clarke). These kites were identified as I. plumbea but I. mississippiensis also may have been present. I collected 4 specimens of J. mississippiensis in Concepcion (the first for Bolivia); these are housed at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago: FMNH 334914, 22 October 1986-9, ovary 12.0 x 6:0 mm, lar- gest ovum 0:5 mm, oviduct 55 mm and convoluted, wt 285 g, skull 40% ossified, light fat; FMNH 334915, 25 October 1986-4, left testis 5.0 x 2.5mm, right testis 6.0 x 3.0mm, wt. 295 g, skull 100% ossified, moderate fat; FMNH 334916, 25 October 1986-4, testes 5.0 x 2.5 mm, wt. 240g, skull 100% ossified, light fat; skeletal specimen FMNH 334917, 25 October 1987—¢, left testis 7.0x2.0mm, right testis 7.0 x 3.0 mm, wt. 240 g, skull 90% ossified, light fat. All specimens were D.M. Teixeira et al. 152 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) in adult plumage, with moderate body moult and moulting primaries; all 4 stomachs contained insect parts (see back). Acknowledgements I thank Lic. Eliana Flores of the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural in La Paz, Bolivia for help in obtaining permits and R. Clarke, Scientific Advisor of Parque Nacional Amboro, for sharing his observations. J. V. Remsen, Jr, J. W. Fitzpatrick and J. J. Dinsmore kindly provided helpful comments on the manuscript. Financial support was provided by a fellow- ship from the Organization of American States, Washington DC, and by the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. References: Binford, L. C. 1989. A distributional survey of the birds of the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Ornithol. Monogr. 43. Blake, E. R. 1949. Ictinia mississippiensis collected in Paraguay. Auk 66: 82. Eisenmann, E. 1963. Mississippi Kite in Argentina; with comments on migration and plumages in the Ictinia. Auk 80: 74-76. Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. Birds of Colombia. Princeton Univ. Press. Loetscher, F. W., Jr. 1955. North American migrants in the state of Veracruz, Mexico: a summary. Auk 72: 14-54. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1970. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Olrog, C. C. 1979. Nueva lista de la avifauna argentina. Opera Lilloana 27, Univ. Nac. Tucuman. Palmer, R. S. (ed.) 1988. Handbook of North American Birds. Vol. 4, Part 1. Diurnal Raptors, Yale University Press. Parker, J. W. 1977. Second record of the Mississippi Kite in Guatemala. Auk 94: 168-169. Ridgely, R. S. 1976. A Guide to the Birds of Panama. Princeton Univ. Press. Shaw, D. & Maxwell, T. C. 1988. First record of Mississippi Kite for Bolivia. Raptor Research 22: 90. Slud, P. 1964. The birds of Costa Rica: distribution and ecology. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 128: 1-430. Sutton, G. M. & Burleigh, T. D. 1940. Birds of Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosi. Wilson Bull. 52: 221-233. Terborgh, J. W., Fitzpatrick, J. W. & Emmons, L. 1984. Annotated checklist of bird and mammal species of Cocha Cashu Biological Station, Manu National Park, Peru. Fieldiana, Zool. 21. Address: Susan E. Davis, Dept of Animal Ecology, Iowa State University, Ames, [A 50011, USA © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Notes on some birds of northeastern Brazil (4) by Dante Martins Teixeira, forge B. Nacinovic & Giovannini Luigi Received 17 January 1989 This report follows Teixeira et al. 1986-88, and 1988, and records some of the results obtained by the Ornithological Section of Museu Nacional during the expeditions to northeastern Brazil of the last few years. Speci- mens in the Museu Nacional ornithological collection are referred to by the initials MN plus the respective catalogue number. English names and D. M. Teixeira et al. 153 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) sequence of the species follow Meyer de Schauensee (1970). For all refer- ences on colours we used Villalobos & Villalobos (1947) with citation of the respective code. YELLOW-NOSED ALBATROSS Diomedea chlororhynchos Winter visitor, frequently recorded in the southern Brazilian waters (Rio Grande do Sul north to Espirito Santo); vagrants have even been observed in the North Atlantic (Blake 1977). Not previously recorded in northeastern Brazil, but the MN obtained an adult 9 (MN 36008, gonads 10mm, 1.25kg, 750mm total length) off Pontal do Peba, southern Alagoas (c. 10°21’S, 36°17’W) on 21 May 1988. LITTLE WOOD-RAIL Aramides mangle Only known from some few localities in Brazil (Pinto 1964, Sick 1985), this rail has never been reported in the extreme northeast. However, it is a very common species in the mangroves of Alagoas and southern Pernambuco. On7 February 1988, we obtained 2 92 (MN 35650, gonads 8mm, 164g, 323 mm total length; MN 35651, gonads 12 mm, 202 mm, 327 mm total length) from Tatuamunha, northern Alagoas (c. 9°14’S, 35°21'W). GREY-BREASTED CRAKE Laterallus exilis RUSTY-FLANKED CRAKE Laterallus levraudi Ripley & Beehler (1985) attributed to L. levraudi, an endemic species of Venezuela (Ripley 1977), a young crake collected at Cabedelo, Paraiba (c. 6°58’S, 34°50’'W) by J. Albuquerque on 18 June 1980. This specimen, now in the MN ornithological collection (MN 35236, male, gonads 3 mm, 26.5 g, 182 mm total length) had a peculiar dark plumage, fuscous brown (OOS 3 2°) in the upperparts and medium grey (CCU 12 1°) in the under- parts, with the throat and the centre of the abdomen whitish. A detailed examination, however, revealed the presence of chestnut feathers inter- spersed in the nape and hindneck and also some undertail coverts barred with black and white. Recently, we had the opportunity to visit the Phelps and Rancho Grande collections, Venezuela, and to compare this speci- men with adults and young of L. levraudi. Asa result, we consider that this bird is a subadult example of Laterallus exilis, a rather common species in Amazonian Brazil; the contrasting chestnut hindneck and black and white undertail coverts are characters never observed in L. levraudi at any age. Additionally, on 17 November 1988, we obtained a second specimen, a presumed older subadult of L. exilis (MN 36161, 2, gonads 7 mm, 34.5 g, 171 mm total length) from Lagoa de Itaipu, Rio de Janeiro (c. 22°58’S, 43°02’W), which showed a plumage intermediate between the bird from Paraiba and the typical adult pattern of L. exilis. Even though we consider that the subadult plumage of L. exilis seems to be undescribed until now, it is difficult to explain a misidentification involving L. levraudi as, so far as we know, in several South American species of the genus Laterallus (L. viridis, L. melanophaius and L. fasciatus) the subadults are rather similar to the adults regarding the major features of the plumage, and remarkable age-related differences in this sense are not observed. It is also interesting to mention that there are only very few records of L. exilis out of Amazonia (Teixeira et al. 1986, Willis & Oniki 1985). D. M. Teixeira et al. 154 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) BLACK TERN Chiidonias niger Recently recorded in Brazil in Rio de Janeiro (Teixeira et al. 1988). Another individual, in transition plumage, was observed off Itamaraca Island, coastal Pernambuco (c. 7°45’S, 34°51’W) on 30 November 1988. BLUE-CROWNED PARAKEET Aratinga acuticaudata Widely distributed in Brazil, but not hitherto recorded from the extreme northeast (Forshaw 1978, Pinto 1978). However, it is a common species in Alagoas, and we observed many flocks in the pasturelands of Quebrangulo (c. 9°15’S, 36°24’W) and also in the corn plantations of Tatuamunha in 1987 and 1988. LONG-TAILED HERMIT Phaethornis superciliosus As mentioned by Teixeira et al. (1987), this is acommon species in the forest remnants of northeastern Brazil. On 15 November 1983, we obtained an adult 9 (MN 33349, gonads 4 mm, 6 g, 175 mm total length) from Valenga Bahia (c. 13°22’S, 39°05’W). This record extends consider- ably the known distribution of the species south to Sao Francisco river. RINGED WOODPECKER Celeus torquatus The little known Celeus torquatus tinnunculus of the Atlantic forest was previously recorded only from very few localities in southern Bahia (Pinto 1978, Short 1982). In the last few years, however, it has been possible to observe individuals in the forest remnants of Valenc¢a, Bahia, and A. Ruschi collected a 2 also from Agua Limpa, municipality of Sao Mateus, Espirito Santo (c. 18°44'S, 39°51°W) on 23 October 1972 (see also Gonzaga et al. 1988). As previously recognized (e.g. Sick & Teixeira 1979), C. torquatus tinnunculus seems to be uncommon and may be considered endangered. SNETHLAGE’S WOODCREEPER Xiphocolaptes franciscanus Only known from Brejo Januaria, extreme northern Minas Gerais (c. 15°29’S, 44°22’W). However, the MN houses an unsexed specimen (MN 13822) collected by Pfrimmer (no date) in ‘Posse’, southern Goias (possibly c. 14°S, 46°W). Contrary to some authors (see Mayer de Schauensee 1970), it seems appropriate here to stress that, regarding plumage, this species is more similar to the Moustached Woodcreeper X. falcirostris than to any other representative of the genus. We have material of both these Dendrocolaptidae presently under study, and the preliminary data suggest that these woodcreepers may be more closely related than we have believed in the past. GREAT XENOPS Megaxenops parnaguae Described at the beginning of this century, M. parnaguae is known from very few specimens and localities of northeastern Brazil (southern Piaui, northern Bahia and Ceara—apud Vaurie 1980). In July 1988, we had the opportunity to study the species in the sub-caducifolious highland forests of Chapada do Araripe, southern Ceara (c. 7°13’S, 39°24’W). We found that the Great Xenops joins mixed flocks of the Black-capped Antwren Herpsilochmus pileatus, the Rufous-crowned Greenlet Hylophi- lus poicilotis and the Golden-crowned Warbler Basileuterus culicivorus. As recorded by Kaempfer (in Vaurie 1980), M. parnaguae does not have D. M. Teixeira et al. 1155 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) scansorial habits, and the motion and foraging attitudes of the birds observed remind one of other arboreal Furnariidae like Automolus or Philydor. Similarly, we never saw M. parnaguae pecking at wood like a Xenops, and so far as we know, the species scans the surface of leaves, branches and also under bark, looking for prey. ‘The stomach contents of an adult ¢ collected on 8 July 1988 (MN 36053, gonads 2mm, 25 g, 174 mm total length) revealed the presence of some insects (Formicidae, Scarabaeidae and an unidentified caterpillar) and many spiders (Ctenus sp., Micrathena sp., Phoneutria sp.) but no typical endophytic arthro- pods. The known vocalizations of M. parnaguae are inconspicuous, and we recorded above all a low and deep sequence, quite different from the Xenops pattern. RUFOUS-BREASTED LEAFSCRAPER Sclerurus scansor In northeastern Brazil this species is represented by Sclerurus scansor cearensis, which is only known from northern Ceara (Baturite and Ibiapaba ranges), and northern Bahia (Bonfim—apud Pinto 1978). It also occurs in the sub-caducifolious highland forest of Chapada do Araripe, southern Ceara, whence the MN obtained one § (MN 36056, gonads 3 mm, 34 g, 186 mm total length), and two 9° (MN 36054, gonads 4 mm, 36 g, 185 mm total length; MN 36055, gonads 3 mm, 32 g, 193 mm total length) in July 1988. According to our observations, in contrast to Vaurie (1980), this Furnariidae has a very local distribution in northeastern Brazil. FERRUGINOUS ANTBIRD Drymophila ferruginea Only known previously from Argentina, Paraguay and southeastern Brazil (from Rio Grande do Sul north to Espirito Santo—apud Pinto 1978), this species in fact also occurs in the northeast. On 16 October 1983 we obtained an adult ¢ (MN 34362, gonads 4mm, 12 g, 147 mm total length) from the lowland forests of Valenca, Bahia. According to our observations, this species is not rare in this area, occurring side by side with the Scaled Antbird Drypmophila squamata. STREAKED-CAPPED ANTWREN Terenura maculata Known from eastern to southern Brazil (Espirito Santo and eastern Minas Gerais south to Santa Catarina—apud Pinto 1978), Paraguay and Argentina, it also occurs in Valencga, Bahia, whence we collected an adult 3 (MN 34376, gonads 2 mm, 6.5 g, 110 mm total length) on 18 October 1983. FRINGE-BACKED FIRE-EYE Pyriglena atra Only known from coastal Bahia, around the Todos os Santos Bay (the so-called ‘reconcavo’ region), this species seems to be very local. Now- adays, its range seems to be restricted to the forest remnants of extreme northern Bahia south to around 13°S. According to our latest obser- vations in Bahia, P. atra is replaced by the common White-shouldered Fire-eye P. leucoptera, at the environs of Valenga. It was possible to locate P. atra only in the northern places of the ‘reconcavo’, whence the MN obtained an adult 3 (MN 31879, gonads 10mm, 32g, 180mm total D. M. Teixeira et al. 156 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) length) from Santo Amaro (c. 12°32’S, 38°43’W) on 14 October 1977. Considering the level of deforestation in the region, this bird should likely be considered now as very endangered (see also Willis & Oniki 1982). WHITE-NAPED XENOPSARIS Xenopsaris albinucha In Brazil, X. albinucha is known from very few localities of the northeast (Piaui, Ceara and western Bahia—apud Pinto 1944, Sick 1985). It also occurs in the ‘caatinga’ of Delmiro Gouveia, extreme southwestern Alagoas (c. 9°23’S, 37°59'W) whence we obtained an adult 29 (MN 36064, gonads 4mm, 9.8 g 135 mm total length) and 2 of their young (MN 36065, male, gonads 1mm, 9.3 g, 129mm total length; MN 36066, male, gonads 1mm, 9.6g, 130mm total length) between 30 and 31 May 1988. According to our observations, both parents care for the young, which show a peculiar plumage, similar to the adult female but with the crown, back, rump and upper wing coverts scalloped with ochraceous (OOY 156°), and with the inner secondaries and outer rectrices strongly margined with whitish on the outer web. It is interesting to stress that this plumage, briefly mentioned by Berlepsch & Hartert (1902), is quite different from the pattern recorded for the young in the genus Pachyramphus, and thus seems to reinforce the position of X. albinucha as an ‘incertae sedis’ (Traylor 1979); VELVETY BLACK-TYRANT Knipolegus nigerrimus Only known from southeastern Brazil, from Parana north to Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais (Traylor 1979), this species also occurs in the dry ‘caatinga’ of southwestern Alagoas and northeastern Bahia (Cocorobo, c. 9°55’S, 39°07’W), whence we obtained 2 adult jg, one on 11 January 1979 (MN 32067, gonads 10mm, 21g, 190mm total length), and one on 31 July 1979 (MN 32157, gonads 2mm, 20g, 185 mm total length). OCHRE-FACED TODY-FLYCATCHER Todirostrum plumbeiceps In Brazil, this species has been recorded from Rio Grande do Sul north to Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo (Traylor 1979). However, it occurs also in northeastern Brazil, and we obtained 3 adults (MN 35769, 3, gonads 2mm, 5.5g, 107mm total length; MN 35770, unsexed, 5.3 g, 102 mm total length; MN 35771, 2, gonads 2mm, 5.3 g, 105 mm total length) from Quebrangulo, Alagoas, between 27 and 28 January 1988. Compared with a series housed in the MN, these speci- mens were identical with T. p. cinereipectus from Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. WHITE-LORED TYRANULET Ornithion inerme The occurrence of O. inerme in Bahia was considered doubtful (Hellmeyr 1927, Zimmer 1941) until the discovery of a specimen from Itajuipe (c. 14°41’S, 39°22’W-—apud Novaes 1978). However, it is in fact a rather common bird in the lowland forests of Valen¢a, where it was possible to observe several individuals in December 1987. D. M. Teixeira et al. 157 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) GREEN-HEADED TANAGER Tangara seledon As mentioned by Pinto (1944), the occurrence of this species in Bahia is doubtful. However, the MN obtained an adult ¢ (MN 33277, 16g, 110 mm total length) from Mata de Sao Joao (c. 12°31’S, 38°17’'W) on 28 June 1983. This seems to be the first confirmed locality for the species in northeastern Brazil. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the World Wildlife Fund—US, and the Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), which partially supported our studies on the avifauna of northeastern Brazil. References: Berlepsch & Hartert, E. 1902. On the birds of the Orinoco region. Novit. Zool. 9(1): 1-134. Blake, R. 1977. A Manual of Neotropical Birds. Univ. Chicago Press. Forshaw, J. M. 1978. Parrots of the World. Lansdowne Edn. Melbourne. Gonzaga, L. P. et al. 1988. Registros recentes do Pica-pau Celeus torquatus tinnunculus . . . Resumos XV Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, Curitiba: 476. Hellmayr, C. E. 1927. Catalogue of birds of the Americas ... Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. (Zool. Ser.) 13(4): 1-390. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1970. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia. Novaes, F. C. 1978. Sobre algumas aves pouco conhecidas da amazonia brasileira (II(. Bol. Mus. Paraense Emilio Goeldi (n. ser., zool.) 90: 1-15. Pinto, O. M. O. 1944. Catalogo das Aves do Brasil (2). Depto. de Zool. Secretaria de Agricultura, Sao Paulo. Pinto, O. M. O. 1964. Ornitologia brasiliense. Depto. de Zoologia. Secretaria de Agricultura, Sao Paulo. Pinto, O. M. O. 1978. Novo Catalogo das Aves do Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvi- mento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), Sao Paulo. Ripley, S. D. 1977. Rails of the World. David R. Godine. Ripley, S. D. & Beehler, B. M. 1985. Rails of the world, a compilation of new information, 1975-1983... . Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 417: 1-28. Short, L. L. 1982. Woodpeckers of the World. Delaware Museum of Natural History. Sick, H. 1985. Ornitologia Brasileira, uma Introducao. End. Univ. de Brasilia. Sick, H. & Teixeira, D. M. 1979. Notas sobre aves brasileiras raras ou ameacadas de extincao. Publ. Avuls. Museu Nacional 62: 1-39. Teixeira, D. M. et al. 1986-88. Notes on some birds of northeastern Brazil. (1) Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 106(2): 70-74. (2) Ibid. 107(4): 151-157. (3) Ibid 108(2): 75-79. Teixeira, D. M. et al. 1988. Notes onsome Brazilian seabirds (3). Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 108(3): 136-139. Traylor, M. A., Jr. 1979. Check-list of Birds of the World. Vol. 8 (Tyrannidae to Atrichorn- ithidae). Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Vaurie, C. 1980. Taxonomy and geographical distribution of the Furnariidae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 166(1): 1-357. Villalobos, C. D. & Villalobos, J. 1947. Atlas de los Colores. Ateneo. Buenos Aires. Willis, E. & Oniki, Y. 1982. Behavior of Fringe-backed Fire-eyes (Pyriglena atra).... Rev. Brasil. Biol. 42(1): 213-223. Willis, E. & Oniki, Y. 1985. Bird specimens new for the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Rev. Brasil. Biol. 45(1/2): 105-108. Zimmer, J. T. 1941. Studies of Peruvian birds 38. The genera Oreotriccus, Tyrannulus ... Pyrocephalus. Am. Mus. Novit. 1126: 1-25. Addresses : Dante Martins Teixeira et al. Segao de Ornitologia, Museu Nacional, Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil, CEP 20942. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 R. W. Dickerman 158 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Notes on the Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis (Alcedo ) cristata by Robert W. Dickerman Received 17 fanuary 1989 The taxonomic literature on Corythornis cristata is confusing. Peters (1945) recognised only 2 subspecies for continental Africa, one a nomen nov. (see below). He apparently followed Chapin (1939) and earlier authors in placing C. c. galerita (type locality Senegal) in the synonomy of nominate cristata (type locality Cape of Good Hope, South Africa). Neither Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1970) nor Colston & Curry-Lindahl (1986) recognised galerita. However, Fry et al. (1988) used that name for all populations of continental Africa except for those of southern Angola and southwestern Zambia south to the Cape of Good Hope. Examination of the 130 specimens in the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) revealed 3 identifiable populations in continental Africa as defined below. Fry et al. found no sexual dimorphism in size in this species, so because of small samples of some populations, measurements of the sexes were combined in Table 1. Corythornis cristata cristata (Pallas) Synonyms. Alcedo cristata Pallas, 1764. (in Vroeg. Cat. Adumbr., p. 1); Cape of Good Hope. Alcedo cristata robertsi Peters, 1945. nomen nov. for Corythornis cristata longirostris Roberts; Kabulabula, Chobe River, Bechuanaland (not Alcedo longirostris Radde 1884). Diagnosis. Chin white; moustachial region, underparts and flanks pale rufous, belly and undertail coverts pale buff to whitish. Size larger (see Table 1). Range. Nigeria east to Uganda and Kenya south to the Cape of Good Hope. 97 specimens examined. Remarks. Chapin (1939), who only had a small portion of the series of specimens now available, only commented on size and apparently did not make colour comparisons. Corythornis cristata galerita (Muller) Synonym. Alcedo galerita P.L.S. Muller, 1776. Natur. Syst., suppl. p. 94, Senegal. Diagnosis. Underparts (adults and juveniles), including belly, darker rufous, and dorsally darker blue than cristata; size smaller (see Table 1). Range. Senegal south and east to Liberia, probably east to Ghana, but only specimens (13) from Sierra Leone and Liberia examined. R. W. Dickerman 159 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) TABLE 1 Measurements of Corythornis cristata (with number, range, mean in mm), and standard deviation. Culmens were measured from the anterior edge of the nostril Wing chord Culmen No. Range Mean SD No. Range Mean SD galerita 9) Sl=53 (51.8) 1.16 8 23.1-26.2 (24.7) 1.11 stuartketthi 20 53-60 (56.9) 1.81 20 23.2-27.7 (25.0) 1.22 cristata Kenya & Uganda 16 5459 (56.6) 1.67 16 24.5-28.0 (26.6) 1.10 cristata southern Africa 7 55-60 (57.3) 1.88 8 24.1-29.8 (27.1) 1.99 Remarks. None of 18 juvenile cristata is as deeply coloured ventrally as the 3 available young of galerita. Corythornis cristata stuartkeithi subsp. nov. Type. Adult 3. AMNH 636679. Collected at ‘‘Arba-Schiko (Anseba R) Abyss” [=Anseba watercourse, Eritrea, northern Ethiopia], on 13 March 1907, by G. Schrader. Collector’s number 115. Description. Similar to galerita in having entire venter rufous, including the undertail coverts; but in series the rufous somewhat paler. Somewhat paler blue dorsally especially on rump than galerita. Size larger (‘Table 1). Range. Sudan (Blue Nile) and Ethiopia (Eritrea and southeast). 21 specimens examined. Remarks. Two juvenile stuartkeithi are paler ventrally and thus are more like cristata; however, they appear to have less greyish wash across the breast than in young galerita and in most young cristata. Note that the range of rufous-bellied stuartkeithi is separated from that of the smaller, darker rufous-bellied galerita by the northern portion of the range of the pale-bellied cristata. This subspecies is named for Stuart Keith in recognition of his efforts towards the completion of the monumental contribution ‘The Birds of Africa’’. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Alexander L. Peal, Head of Wildlife and National Parks, Republic of Liberia, for his cooperation during field work in 1988. Stuart Keith and W. Parker Cane kindly and critically reviewed the manuscript. References: Chapin, J. P. 1939. The birds of the Belgian Congo. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 75: 1-632. Colston, P. & Curry-Lindahl, K. 1986. The Birds of Mount Nimba, Liberia. British Museum Nat. Hist. Fry, C. H., Keith, S. & Urban, E. 1988. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 3. Academic Press. Mackworth-Praed, C. W. & Grant, C. H. B. 1970. The Birds of Central and Western Africa (2 vols.). Longman. Peters, J. L. 1945. Check-list of Birds of the World, Vol. 5. Cambridge Univ. Press. Address: Dr Robert W. Dickerman, Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, New York 10024. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 R. W. Dickerman 160 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Notes on Sturnella magna in South America with a description of anew subspecies by R. W. Dickerman Received 17 January 1989 Sturnella magna—the ‘Eastern Meadowlark’—occurs in tropical, sub- tropical and temperate grasslands of northern South America: in Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam and in northeastern Brazil. Chapman (1931) provided the last revision of the South American popu- lations. He recognized 4 subspecies: meridialis (Bogota, Colombia), para- lios (Santa Marta Mountains, Colombia), practicola (northern Guyana lowlands) and monticola (Mt Roraima, Guyana= Venezuela). Phelps & Phelps (1963) included Venezuelan populations in paralios, recognized by Chapman as practicola. Blake (1968) combined practicola and monti- cola, using the latter name, although practicola has page priority. Haverschmidt (1955) in a footnote wrote “‘... the meadowlarks from Surinam belong to an undescribed race according to Zimmer (2 litt.)’’, but he later (1968) used monticola for the Surinam birds without further comment. Unfortunately a copy of the letter from Zimmer is not in the archives of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). Recently while making an inventory of specimens from Venezuela in the AMNH, and before I had compiled the above history, I realized: (a) that there were 4 identifiable populations in Venezuela, and (b) that the series of specimens from northeastern Brazil represented a fifth taxa. To resolve these problems, I obtained on loan paratypes and fresh- plumaged, near-topotypes of paralios and practicola, and additional specimens from Colombia and Venezuela. Only specimens in un-worn plumage (except for Surinam and Brazil) examined during this study, and those that had not been cited earlier by Chapman (1931), are listed below. In brief, when specimens were arranged geographically, meridionalis and monticola were immediately recognised as distinct. Within the less- black series the Brazilian series was separable from the warmer-brown birds of the Rio Orinoco lowlands and in series was distinguishable from paralios of northern Venezuela and Colombia. SS. m. meridionalis and monticola are both dark subspecies with appre- ciably larger black areas in the dorsal feathers and in the barring of the remiges and rectrices. As noted by Chapman, monticola is considerably smaller than meridionalis and in fresh plumage it is much browner dor- sally, especially on the crown. The range of meridionalis was accurately described by Blake (1968) “‘. . . Eastern Andes of Colombia from Norte de Santander southward (locally) to the head of the Magdelena Valley and northwestern Venezuela in the Andes of Tachira and Merida and Trujillo.” S. m. monticola is restricted to the highlands of southeastern Bolivar, and adjacent Guyana. The ranges of the 2 blackish subspecies are separated by the ranges of 2 smaller, paler subspecies. S. m. paralios is the slightly darker of the 2, with a greyer brown dorsum and a greyer nape. Specimens from the R. W. Dickerman 161 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Department of Hulia, Colombia, and from Venezuela average darker than birds from northern Colombia, but all are greyer-brown. In con- trast, practicola has a warmer brown dorsum, and browner nape. Chap- man (1931), in default of specimens from the northern lowlands of Guyana, used a series from Maripa on the lower Rio Orinoco to represent practicola. In fact that series, as well as other specimens from the Orino- can lowlands match well a paratype of practicola. 'The characters used by Chubb (1921) in the original description of practicola, namely smaller size, brighter coloration of the underparts and more white in the tail, are without value. S. m. paralios occurs at medium and lower elevations in northern Colombia (south to Aguachica in the Magdelena Valley), with an atypi- cally darker population in the Department of Hulia, eastward in the north to the savannas of northern and central Venezuela. Zimmer’s recognition of the Surinam population as representing a new subspecies must have been based to a large extent on the series from northeastern Brazil, as only 2 of 18 adults from Surinam are of any value for colour comparisons and even those are moderately worn. Those populations may now be known as: Sturnella magna quinta subsp. nov. Holotype. 3, AMNH 237404, Frechal, Rio Surumu, Amapa, Brazil; collected 10 September 1927 by T. D. Carter. Collector’s number 208. Diagnosis. Most similar to paralios in being greyer-brown (less warm) dorsally than practicola; the lateral crown and post-ocular stripes of males blacker as in paralios; auricular-area greyer than practicola; edges of secondaries and coverts greyer-brown than either of those subspecies. Much less black than meridionalis and monticola; much smaller than meridionalis (Chapman 1931). Etymology. This is the fifth form to be named from South America. Discussion. ‘Two juveniles from Surinam are somewhat less rich dorsally than a comparable juvenile of practicola from Alta Gracia, Venezuela. The range of quinta is separated from the most similar sub- species paralios by the ranges of the very distinctive subspecies practicola and monticola. Species examined :— S.m.meridionalis. COLOMBIA. Dept. Norte de Santander: Ocana6g4, 299; Pamploma 3. Dept. Santander: Angostura 13; Pena Blanca 1g; Paramo San Pedro 234, 19; Las Ventanes 1g; Hda. Las Vegas 39g. VENEZUELA. Dept. Merida: Tabay 443; Azulita 1d, 19; La Cuchilla 25d. S. m. meridionalis intermediate towards S. m. paralios. CoLomBtia. Dept. Dinamarca: La Holanda 233; Sopo 13. VENEZUELA. Dept. Apure: San Carlos del Meta 1¢. S.m. paralios. CoLomstA. Dept. Magdelena: Aguachica 734, 329; Camperucho 14; Hda. La Esperanza 13; San Sebastian 19 (paratype); El Manon 2g. Dept. Boyaca: Palmar 14. Dept. Hulia: La Candela 333; La Plata 299. VENEZUELA. Dept. Carabobo: El Trompillo 299; La Cumbre de Valencia14. Dept. Lara: Tocuyo 234; Cubiro 14, 19. Dept. Trujillo: Teta de Niquito 1g. Dept. Portuguesa: Acarigua 233. Dept. Aragua: La Victoria 333; Colonia Tovar 233. Dept. Yaracuy: Nirgua1¢. Ben King 162 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) SS. m. practicola. Guyana. Abary 19 (paratype); no locality 1. VENEZUELA. Dept. Bolivar: Maripa, Rio Caura 334, 12; Maipures 14g; Alta Gracia 234, 1 juv.; La Mariquita 19, Dept. Anzoategut: Rio Suata 299. S. m. practicola x S. m. monticola. GuyANA. Upper Takutu Mts. 1??; Annai, Rupununi River 134, 19; no locality 1. VENEZUELA. Dept. Bolivar: Cerro Upuima (= Cerro Upuigma Tepui) 19. SS. m. monticola. VENEZUELA. Dept. Bolivar: Cerro Roraima 234, 12; Cerro Ayuan-tepui 534, 12; Cerro Paurai Tepui 19; Cerro Ptari-tepui 14, 299. S.m. quinta. SuRtNaM. Zanderij 83.4, 999, 2 juv.; “Interior” 19. BraziL. Estado Amapa. Type locality 5g, 299; Lima. Rio Cotinga 24g, 299; Porto Platon 29g, 19. Acknowledgements To Graham Cowles and Michael Walters of the British Museum (Natural History); Raymond A. Paynter, Jr, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard; Kenneth C. Parkes, Carnegie Museum of Natural History; Richard C. Banks, National Museum of Natural History; and especially to William H. Phelps, Jr. Coleccion Phelps, Caracas I express my thanks for the loan of specimens. MPW kindly compared the paratype of S. m. practicola with the type for me. References: Blake, E. R. 1968. Icteridae: in Check-list of Birds of the World(R. A. Paynter Jr, ed.) Vol. 14: 138-201. Chapman, F. M. 1931. The upper zonal birdlife of Mts Roraima and Duida. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 63: 1-135. Chubb, C. 1921. On new forms of South American birds. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9(8): 444-447. Haverschmidt, F. 1955. List of the birds of Surinam. Publ. Found. Research in Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles, Utrech. 13: 1-153. Haverschmidt, F. 1968. Birds of Surinam. Oliver and Boyd. Phelps, W. H. & Phelps, W. H., Jr 1963. Lista de las aves de Venezuela con su distribucion, Passeriformes. Segunda Edn. Bol. Soc. Venez. Ciencias Nat. 24: 1-479. Address: Dr Robert W. Dickerman, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, N.Y. 10024. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 ‘The avian genera Tesia and Urosphena by Ben King Received 23 January 1989 Delacour (1942) defined the genus Bradypterus as follows: ‘‘Rictal bristles very small and inconspicuous; throat, breast, under tail coverts and lesser wing coverts sometimes plain, sometimes streaked or spotted; tail about equal to wing or longer; bill slight.’” He defined Cettia iffer- entiating it from Bradypterus) as follows: ‘‘Rictal bristles well developed and visible; no dark markings on the body plumage. Rectrices soft, never stiff nor with underlying barring, always 10 in number. Thickness of bill variable.’”’ He then divided the genus Cettia into 3 subgenera. The subgenus Urosphena was distinguished by ‘‘Tail shorter than wing by Ben King 163 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) 10mm or more; bill long and narrow; pale supercilium long, broad and conspicuous’’, whereas the subgenera Horeites and Cettia had ‘Tail about equal to wing; pale supercilium shorter and less conspi- cuous’’. The subgenus Horeites was recognised by “‘Bill comparatively broad and thick; rectrices of normal width; tail coverts also normal; rictal bristles strong’’. The subgenus Cettza (containing only C. cetti) was recognised by ‘Bill narrow; rectrices broad; tail coverts long and broad; rictal bristles weak’’. Delacour (1942) defined the genus Tesza by ‘‘very short rectrices [are] hidden by the tail coverts and slightly curved downwards. The bill is long, broad and flattened at its base, with a strong ridge on the upper mandible. The upper parts are dark grey or olive, and the underparts grey, darker or lighter.’ Delacour separated Testa castaneocoronata off from Tesia and placed it in a new genus, Chorotesia, based on its longer rectrices, thin, narrow bill, and brighter colour pattern. White & Bruce (1986) placed Tesza everetti in the genus Urosphena, while Watson (in Peters 1986) considered Tesia everetti a subspecies of Urosphena subulata and placed Tesia castaneocoronata in the genus Oligura. INVESTIGATIONS I measured a series of Testa, Urosphena and Cettia to see if the measure- ments and ratios might cluster. Also, tape recordings of all species of Tesia, Urosphena and Cettia and several species of Bradypterus were obtained in the field and compared (the tapes are on deposit at the Library of Natural Sounds in the Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology) and field observations of all species of Tesza, Urosphena and Cettia and several species of Bradypterus were made. RESULTS (1) The genera Bradypterus and Cettia can further be separated by: (A) Bradypterus songs are insect-like and non-musical, while Cettia songs are musical, often staccato warbles; and (B) Bradypterus warblers walk, but Cettia warblers hop. (2) Cettia pallidipes belongs with Horeites and not Urosphena because: (A) its tail is too long (note that its wing/tail ratio clusters with Horeites and not Urosphena (‘Table 1); (B) its rectrices are of normal width (not narrow as in Urosphena): (C) its pale supercilium is shorter (like Horeites) than in Urosphena; and (D) its song is a staccato warble (Fig. 1) in the 1+ KHz range (like most other Horeites) rather than the high pitched monotones at 8-10 KHz typical of Urosphena. The only character pallidipes shares with Urosphena is a long narrow bill, which some Horeites also have. A better definition for Horeites would thus be “‘tail less than 20 mm shorter than wing length’’, while Urosphena would be “‘tail more than 20 mm shorter than wing length’’. (3) The genus Tesza, including everetti, is characterised by (A) loud staccato songs in the 1-3 KHz range (Fig. 1); (B) spending most time in Ben King 164 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) TABLE 1 Measurements (mm) and ratios of the genera Testa, Urosphena and Cettia. (Number of specimens examined in brackets.) Wing ‘Tail Tarsus Wing/tail Wing/Tarsus (mean) (mean) (mean) ratio ratio Tesia castaneocoronata (10) 47.9 25.4 22.1 1.89 2.17 Tesia olivea (10) 46.5 18.3 22.6 2.54 2.06 Tesia cyaniventer (10) 48.9 17.9 237, 2.73 2.06 Tesia superciliaris (8) 46.6 16.1 24.5 2.89 1.90 Tesia everetti (8) 51.0 18.7 DSH) 2.73 Pes V5} Urosphena squameiceps (10) 52.9 2983 18.2 1.81 2.91 Urosphena whiteheadi (5) 50.0 22.4 19.7 2.23 2.54 Urosphena subulata (7) 53.6 25.2 19.6 2.13 2.73 Cettia pallidipes (4) 49.6 39.5 19.6 1.26 2.53 Cettia major (4) 63.6 52.5 24.6 1.21 2.59 Cettia brunnifrons (10) 46.7 41.4 16.8 1.12 2.78 Cettia acanthizoides (10) 51.8 47.8 20.8 1.08 2.49 Cettia diphone cantans (5) 66.2 65.0 24.2 1.02 2.74 Cettia diphone cantans (5) 56.6 54.1 2213 1.05 2.54 Cettia cetti (10) 61.0 58.6 21.6 1.04 2.82 Cettia fortipes (10) 54.2 50.9 20.5 1.06 2.64 Cettia vulcania everetti (10) 49.6 50.5 20.7 0.98 2.40 Cettia flavolivacea (6) 54.4 54.3 22.0 1.00 2.47 (3) The genus Tesza, including everetti, is characterised by (A) loud staccato songs in the 1-3 KHz range (Fig. 1); (B) spending most time in dense undergrowth rather than on the ground (although they are often seen on the ground); (C) a curious kind of sidewise movement along branches in the undergrowth when disturbed; (D) a wing/tarsus ratio of 1.90-2.17 (Table 1), compared to 2.54-2.91 for Urosphena and 2.40—2.82 for Cettia; and (E) a wing/tail ratio of 1.89—2.89 (Table 1), compared to 1.81—2.23 for Urosphena and 0.98—1.26 for Cettia. I have here included castaneocoronata with Tesia because it conforms in all these aspects to Tesza, even though it differs in its longer tail (longer than tail coverts), thin bill and bright colours. Perhaps Oligura is best regarded as a subgenus of Tesza. (4) The genus Urosphena is characterised by: (A) high-pitched mono- tone songs in the 8-10 KHz range which are difficult or impossible for many people to hear (Fig. 1); (B) spending most of the time on the ground (less often in undergrowth than Tesza); (C) lacking the curious sidewise movement of Tesza; (D) a wing/tarsus ratio of 2.54—2.91 (Table 1); and (E) a wing/tail ratio of 1.81—2.23 (Table 1). Since Urosphena is such a distinct cluster, I prefer to treat it as a genus separate from Cettia. While the general behaviour of Cettia and Uros- phena is similar, the songs of these 2 groups are radically different, as is their wing/tail ratio. It should be noted, however, that C. acanthizoides and C. brunnifrons have elements in their songs which resemble Uros- phena (especially acanthizoides—see Orenstein & Pratt 1983), although ata lower pitch. C. pallidipes clearly does not belong to Urosphena and is not even particularly close to it. Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) 165 Ben King pure (q) ‘(W) yaim sadipyjod 01172.) (4) axeduioo pur ¢ ‘puaydsorf] Snuasd ay} Jo satdads ay} ‘(D) jasaaa visa, YUM DojNQns Duaydsor—] (dD) a1edwio0d ‘aBues ZELY] S°6—G*Z 9y} Ul SI sdaazamuvnbs puay sos) JO Buos aitjua ay], ‘vuavjamound vjydouvkD wor} ase weSouos sdaaiawuvnbs puaydsos() 24} UO dBueI ZEYY{ S—Z 94) UT sBuUOS ¢ aT, (‘nuaydsoaZ) snuas ay) 10j pasn st ayeos Jay]ews V7) ‘sadipyyjod v1y4a_ snd ‘visay, pue puaydso4() SNUds ay} JO Satdads ay} [Ie JO (spuoses) JWIL or s0 (0) or gO OL so | | 0 | 0 0) === = ee WONA LSM Ee ep eee eyeUu0/0008UE}Se9 B/S21 (|) TWwd4N Jajueajueds eysay (H) WWSSV eerljo elsay_ (5) or 0) tt) or sO 0 or sO | E [ee | | es | | : i a ee ee Ss ! : =e eras, zens Ese \ \ z WAVE seliosedns esey (3) S3YO14 /yaseaa eysqy (Q) sZ0 so S20 0 SZ0 so S20 0 | | Ee | | | lies s = S eee — — ol aay 2 ———— = st HOWL &e/nqns euaydsoufn (9d) OANHOG /peeyayym euaydsoi/) (g) G2 so 0 ——— = J —— = 0 —— arr {te | 5 2 ee <== = a = _ == ——}- sk NVdvf sdesjewenbs eueydsop (vy) (2H) AONaNDaYS SUIBISOUOG ‘| dINSIYy D.N. Carstairs 166 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) CONCLUSION The genus Tesza consists of 5 species: castaneocoronata, olivea, cyant- venter, superciliaris and everetti, characterised by very short tails, loud staccato songs in the 1—3 KHz range, long legs, with which they often move through the undergrowth in a curious sidewise motion. The genus Urosphena consists of 3 species: squameiceps, whiteheadi and subulata, characterised by very short tails, high-pitched, barely audible monotonal songs in the 8-10 KHz range, and by spending most of their time on the ground. Cettia pallidipes is clearly a member of Cettia rather than of Urosphena. Acknowledgements The Library of Natural Sounds at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology supplied tape- recording equipment and much assistance. The Ornithology Department of the American Museum of Natural History kindly supplied the sonograph, and Bob Solberg assisted by making the sonograms. John McKean and Dennis Yong supplied valuable help in the field. Mr Tsuruhiko Kabaya graciously allowed me the use of his excellent tape-recording of Urosphena squameiceps. References: Delacour, J. 1942. The Bush-warblers of the genera Cettia and Bradypterus, with notes on allied genera and species. Ibis XIV Series (6): 509-519, 27-40. Orenstein R. I. & Pratt, H. D. 1983. The relationships and evolution of the Southwest Pacific warbler genera Vitia and Psamathia (Sylviinae). Wilson Bull. 95(2): 184-198. Peters, J. L. 1986. Check-list of Birds of the World. Vol. XI: 1-8. White, C. M. N. & Bruce, M. D. 1986. The Birds of Wallacea (Sulawesi, The Moluccas & Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia); an annotated check-list. British Ornithologists’ Union. Address: Ben King, c/o Bird Department, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 74th St., New York, NY 10024, USA. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 The status of the Rufous-chested Dotterel Zonibyx modestus in the Falkland Islands by D. N. Carstairs Received 6 February 1989 Introduction The Rufous-chested Dotterel (or Winter Plover) Zonibyx modestus is found throughout the Falkland Islands during the austral spring and summer—from the beginning of August until the end of January. Con- spicuous in plumage and behaviour, it occurs across a wide range of habitats, from coastal mudflats to hilly plateaux up to c.700m a.s.l. It breeds commonly amongst the dry heaths (locally called ‘hard camp’) of extensive sheep-grazed moorland characterised by an admixture of white D.N. Carstairs 167 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) 60°00 | 00° Xo & SE0Ge IaLand DB. CAPE DOLPHIN ounreers 5°30. 5 KIONEY ISLAND ° 00’ OP 6 0 50 LOMETRES Figure 1. Falkland Islands showing principal areas visited O and Rufous-chested Dotterel Zonibyx modestus locations @ 1972-1974. grass (Cortaderia sp.), ferns and the heath-like shrub, Diddle Dee Empetrum rubrum. On the South American continent, the species breeds in the west along the sea-board of Chile, ranging for over 3000 km from 40°S to Cape Horn, 56°S; and in Argentina in the east, in Tierra del Fuego and the Magellanic Islands, moving northwards in winter to Uruguay and, rarely, as far as Sao Paulo, Brazil (23°S). In the west, the wintering range extends from Valdivia (40°S) to Atacama (24°S) (Meyer de Schauensee 1971). In the Falkland Islands, over 500 km east of mainland South America, there has always been some conjecture about the status of Z. modestus. Abbott (1861) was certain enough to consider it ‘‘a migratory bird in East Falkland” and further believed that birds ‘‘disappeared entirely’’ by the end of April each year. Bennett (1926) was less certain, and while agreeing that it was a “‘common summer migrant and breeding’’, he considered that ‘“‘a few remain throughout the winter’”’. This view was shared by Cawkell & Hamilton (1961), citing pre-migratory build ups on west Falkland and visible migration over Stanley in East Falkland. Pettingill (1960) however, thought it unlikely that this species (or any other) regu- larly left the Falklands against the strong prevailing westerly winds. Woods (1975) believed that more birds were present during the winter than had been thought but that their dowdier plumage and inconspicuous behaviour at that time made them more difficult to see. Fieldwork I was resident in the Falkland Islands from January 1972 to December 1974, during which time I made 369 field trips throughout the country- side (Fig. 1), covering 23 settlements and surrounding areas, 5 outside D.N. Carstairs 168 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) AUG Se «OCT SON ODEG JAN sOFEB OMAR OAR OMY «CUNO SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER, Figure 2. Total number of rufous chested dotterel Zonibyx modestus records/month — in relation to the mean number of field days/month. Falkland Islands 1972-1974 inc. houses (shepherds’ accommodation remote from settlements) and unin- habited localities noted for their wildlife, including Volunteers, Seal Bay (Port Louis settlement), Kidney and Staats Islands, Cape Dolphin and Elephant Beach. Hinterland moorland, including plateaux ground of Mount Adam, Mount Maria, Mount Kent and the Two Sisters, were visited on foot, while many other journeys were made between settle- ments on horse-back. During the 3-year period, Rufous-chested Dotterels were recorded on 78 occasions, occurring in every month except July. Observer effort was reasonably constant throughout the recording period, though there was a natural tendency to spend less time in the field during the more inclement winter months (Fig. 2). ‘Taking the southern seasons in sequence, dotterels were first recorded in significant numbers at the end of August, their first appearance each year showing some synchrony: 10 on 25 August 1972, 3 on 26 August 1973, 30 on 7 September 1974 (Fig. 3). Numbers of records and size of flocks increased rapidly, peaking around early September (week 35), with flocks of up to 100 birds present. There then followed a rapid decline in flock size as birds paired and dispersed widely prior to breeding. By the third week in November (week 46) young were present. Towards the end of January mixed parties of juveniles and adults began to flock, often in association with T'wo-banded Plovers Charadrius falklandicus and White-rumped Sandpipers Calidris fuscicollis. Flocks occurred in both East and West Falkland at this time, peaking around the end of March (week 12). By late April (week 16) few birds remained, a situation which prevailed throughout the Southern winter. During 77 field trips in May, June and July of the 3 years, Rufous-chested Dotterels were recorded on only 5 occasions: 4 times in May, once in June and not at allin July. Only 2 winter records involved more than 5 birds: 20 at Volunteers, East D.N. Carstairs 169 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) §0 40 30 20 WEEK SRSMEMUNRHODUHRBHHMO ARH HERI 23 4 AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN WEEK 5 678 9 0 Il 13 1416 16 17 18 19 2021 22 £5 24-25 2% £7 28 29 SO FEB MAR APR May JUN JUL Figure 3. Mean number of rufous-chested Zonibyx modestus dotterels recorded by weeks (consecutive 7 day periods) 1972-1974 in the Falkland Islands. Falkland on 20 May 1972 and 9 at West Point Island, West Falkland on 9 May 1973. Conclusion The appearance of flocks at about the same time each year in Aug/ Sep, the rapid build up of flocks in March/April and disappearance by May, together with the paucity of records from May to July and in early August, suggest that a big majority of Rufous-chested Dotterels occurring in the Falkland Islands are migratory. Furthermore, in agreement with Woods (1975) and earlier authors, small flocks or in- dividuals undoubtedly remain in isolated localities on both East and West Falkland. Acknowledgements My thanks to Peter Ewins for advice on the preparation of this short paper and to David Saunders for his critical comments on an early draft. P.W. & Susan A. Smith 170 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) References: Abbott, A. A. 1861. Notes on the birds of the Falkland Islands. [bis Ser. 1(3): 149-167. Bennett, A. G. 1926. A list of the birds of the Falkland Islands. Ibis Ser. 12(2): 306-333. Cawkell, E. M. & Hamilton, J. E. 1961. The birds of the Falkland Islands. Ibis 103a: 1-27. Meyer de Schaunsee, R. 1971. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Oliver & Boyd. Pettingill, O. S., Jr. 1960. The effects of climate and weather on the birds of the Falkland Islands. Proc. XII International Ornith. Congr. Helsinki 1958: 604-614. Woods, R. W. 1975. The Birds of the Falkland Islands. Nelson. Address: D. N. Carstairs, 6 Melbourne Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 1UD, U.K. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 The Bahama Swallow Tachycineta cyaneoviridis; a summary by P. William Smith and Susan A. Smith Received 25 Fanuary 1989 The Bahama Swallow Tachycineta cyaneoviridis is a little-known hirun- dinine which, except for a few apparently irregular appearances in Florida and Cuba, is endemic to the Bahama Islands. Until recently it was placed in the monotypic genus Callichelidon (Bond 1967, AOU 1983). Very little about its natural history or biology has been published. Our purpose is to bring together the most significant literature of the species and to add our own observations made during visits to the islands of Abaco 20—22 Jun 1986, Grand Bahama 28-30 Nov 1986, New Providence 23 Jun 1986 and 19 May 1988, Bimini 19 Sep 1987 and Andros 20—23 May 1988 (Fig. 1). PWS has also examined most of the known specimens of the Bahama Swallow (Table 1), namely those currently deposited in the British Museum (Natural History), Tring (BMNH), Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (MCZ), American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (ANSP), U.S. National Museum of Natural History (USNM), Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, Florida (TTRS), Louisiana State University Museum of Zoology (LSUMZ) and the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (FMNH); he has not been able to examine those deposited at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh (CMNH) or elsewhere. SPECIMEN RECORD AND HISTORY The specimen record of the Bahama Swallow closely parallels the ornitho- logical exploration of the Bahama Islands. The species was described by Henry Bryant, the first collecting ornithologist to visit the Bahamas, who secured 7 in April 1859 (Table 1). Charles Cory obtained another series in June 1879, of which at least 14 specimens, including 4 juveniles, are extant (Table 1). One of Cory’s juveniles, deposited in the BMNH in 1885 and from the Salvin-Godman collection, became the basis for the only description of the immature of the species ever written (Sharpe P.W.& Susan A. Smith 71 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) 1885). This description has been widely quoted by others (e.g. Sharpe & Wyatt 1894, Ridgway 1904, Bond 1947) although it is based on a single (and somewhat unrepresentative) individual. In 1884, Charles J. Maynard spent several months in the Bahamas and secured 14 specimens (Maynard 1896), mostly in January and March. PWS located 12 of these in 4 museums (Table 1), including one taken at Grassy Creek, Andros, the first from an island other than New Provi- dence. During the next 25 years, various expeditions to the Bahamas, almost entirely in late winter and spring, secured about 50 additional specimens, including the firsts for Abaco in 1886 and Grand Bahama in 1891, the sole records for the Berry Islands and the Cay Sal Bank (both in 1891), and the only specimen for Eleuthera, in 1897 (‘Table 1). In April 1890, W. E. D. Scott collected the first Bahama Swallow taken outside the Bahamas, at the Dry Tortugas, Florida (‘Table 1). A second reported specimen from Florida (Brewster 1897), however, is in fact a Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor (Smith & Browning 1989). The only other specimens secured outside the Bahamas were taken in Cuba: 2 at Nipe Bay in March 1914 and 5 near Guantanamo Bay in January 1917 (Table 1). Charles T. Ramsden, who collected the latter, is said to have seen them regularly during the winter months (J. Bond), but apparently he never published these observations. There seem to be no other reports of Bahama Swallows from Cuba. The 36 specimens of the Bahama Swallow taken since 1920 and located by the authors are all adults collected on one of the known breeding islands—Abaco, Andros, Grand Bahama or New Providence (Table 1), of which 31 were taken between January and May. The remaining 5, secured 29 Nov 1968, are the only known specimens taken in autumn (Table 1); all are in immaculately fresh plumage, showing no traces of wear (Sievert Rohwer). Since no other specimens examined in the United States showed signs of moult, we assume that moult occurs in late sum- mer and early autumn, as with the congeneric Tree Swallow (Dwight 1900). Except for a single immature in the BM NH secured on New Provi- dence in Aug 1898, which we did not critically examine for moult, no Bahama Swallows apparently have ever been collected between 29 June and 29 Nov (Table 1). NESTING The nesting of the Bahama Swallow has been confused by anecdotal and second-hand reports of the species possibly breeding on ledges (Northrop 1891), in a hole on a wharf (Maynard 1896), in unspecified hollow trees (Bonhote 1903), in woodpiles (Brudenell-Bruce 1975), or under the eaves of houses, more especially on the British Colonial Hotel in Nassau (Allen 1905, Riley 1905, Bond 1936, 1966, Brudenell-Bruce 1975). Todd & Worthington (1911) were apparently the first to state from direct obser- vation that the species nested in the Bahamian pinelands, in cavities in the Caribbean Pine Pinus caribaea. Emlen (1977), and ourselves in 1986 and 1988, found several nestsites in active use in live and dead pines, all in natural cavities or abandoned woodpecker holes c.8—-15m from the ground. In the pinelands of Grand Bahama, Bond (1972) observed them 172 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) P.W.& Susan A. Smith “99¢'S1'6 9881 HNING SV ‘(S192 “d “W) L881-+881 seweyeg 242 JO JOUIZAOZ) 94d SBM 9HEIY “99b'S1'6 9881 HNING SV ‘ainjewuut A[qeqoid ‘ute}199 -uN a8y “UMOUYUN S[IeJaP UOI}D9][OD “UOI}IIT[OO 1aIBIIG XZ ‘dxq ssoijeq;y wos 30N, *Y1OJ [18} JIOYS S9AIZ $991I}91 19]NO UIOM, *yoeq UO UMOIG YON BUIMOYsS ‘dul[iead a[qissog *SUOI}Da][O9 9DUaIME’T puR AI0D xq ‘aaoge $7601 HNN 3° ‘1992 $4405 sey A[UQ, *[!83 [[DJ sey yng aaoge UMOIQ A]ISOJA] “UOTID9T]OD AIOD xq ‘a3ep uO paseq pieudeyyy Aq pajoa][oo pauinsse ‘[aqe] s Ar0D sey A[UG “2AOgE UMOI 9]3}1] B SMOYS *2a0qge UMOIG YON SMOYS ‘pjo IA | UBY} ssa] A[QIssog *peay U0 UMOIG aWIOG *]182 pays0j A]du0I}s ‘yORq uO UdaI DUIOS ‘Bul[IVIA a[qIssog “UI UMOIB AT[NJ JOU S9dTI9y *yoeq UO Ua—I3 aWOS SMOYS Jnq BuNOA AIA SyOO'T ($881) edaeys Aq aana -BWIUI JO UOINdIIDsap Jo SIseg ‘U0I}99]]09 UBUIPOS)-UlAlES XT sadieys Aq paqiiosag ‘u0l}5a][09 URWIPO4-uUlAleS xq *yoeq UO UdaI1d aWOS YIM JNq “WILT A]GISsog BH ZOJ [!83 3YBI[s ‘Bursayieay ussid YSIS YUM asAaoqe UMOIG a[eg (S881) edaeys Aq paqiiosaq “UOT{9aT[09 19}B[9G xq “UOT}D9T[OD BDUdIME’T XY “9AOGE UMOIG YONUI SUIejaI JN 3[Npe ajqeqoig "]f83 J9]70Ys YIM JaT[Np nq ‘sinojoo 3[Npe ‘durpseVad ajqissog “uaas JOU ‘/$6] UI Wnasny] adojsuapinyy 0} poueo’T ‘ZEZOP HNINAY SP™ :U01]9a][09 sdUaIMeT “XT ‘uaas JON ‘adA}09 *‘Paaoulad [9qQe] S$,10}9a[[0D ‘adAjog ‘adAj09 ‘adAyoag *7X9} YIM BUIVIUOD ‘A*] pazep si jaqe’] ‘adAjo9g adAjo0g “67BLIE SB pandojejed-ay “UOI}DaT[O9 JaAeY y xY sjusurUIOZD SIPLALOAUDAD DJaUIIAYID I, MOT[EMG eUeYyRG oy) Jo Suaumtdads paraAodsiq] (1681) dorysz0N (1681) Aemapry (9681) preudey (9681) paeudeyy (9681) preuAey (9681) Preudeyy (9681) Preudeyy (9681) Paeudeyy (9681) preudeyy (9681) Preudeyy (9681) Preudey (9681) preudesA] (9681) preudesA] (9681) preudey (0881) 4105 (0881) 4405 (0881) A109 (0881) 4105 (0881) A209 (0881) Az09 (0881) A109 (0881) A209 (0881) 4109 (0881) 4409 (0881) A109 (0881) 4109 (0881) 4109 (0881) 4309 (6S81) 3ueAIg (6S81) 3ueAIg (6S81) 3uedrg (6S8 1) uedig (6$81) weAIg (6S81) JueAIg (6S8]) ueAIg aouasajoy doiyii0oN "Tf eld V-H Pld V H 181d “V H sdutuuef “HV ‘dxq ssoneq y preudkeyy [OD mo} - i c may i] = [STSTORS) { { { { paeudeyy ‘f° paeudeyy ‘f° preudeyy ‘f° { { f f paeudeyy ‘f° al ° ts) . . . . . . . a DELILE LTAVVVVV0N VOU YVUUUUU0U OUU 10jDITIOD la TaVvi adUaPIAOIg MIN] aduaplAolg MAN aouaplAolg MINI aouaplAolg MINT ooeqy oorqy soipuy aoUePIAoIg MAN aouapiAolg MAN aouaplAolg MINT a0UaPIAOIg MIN] aoUaPIAOIg MINT aouaplAolg MINT aouaplaolg MaNT aoUaPIAOIg MINT aduaplAoIg MAN] aouaplAolg MIN, aouaPlAoIg MINT aoUaplAoig MaNT aUaPIAOIg MINT 2dUaPIAOIg MAN aouaplaoig MIN, aouaPlAolg MAN, aouaplAolg MAN, aouaplaoig MAN, adUaPIAOIg MINT aouaplAaolg MINT aouaplAolg MAN, aouaPlAoIg MINT aouaplAaolg MINT aouaplAoig MAN, aUaPIAOIg MINT aduUaplAolg MINT aouaplAolg MIN] a0UaPIAoIg MIN] aouaplAolg MAN aouaplAolg MINT aoUaPlAOIg MAN] a0uaplAolg MAN] a0uaplAoIg MAN] AVEO] pajdaT[oD O68 ZI 9881 9881 9881 988T IAL 988 Arol 8814'S P8srurg p8sL rg ssp Hr P88t CL P88T VL 881 VL P88! 97 881197 $8811 97 P8811 97 P8818 6L81'!4’6L 6L81 46 6L81 ol 6L81 ol 6L8T ol 6L81 ol 6L8T ILI 6L8T ILI 6L8T LT 6L8T LI 6L8T 4 9T 6L81 491 6L81 1491 6L8L 491 SL8T Ez 6S8t Ar— 6S8pAr— 6S8L AULT 6S8tArcl 6S8T Ary 6S8L Ary 6S8L Ary aeq OF 2 -wun “wut “wut 2 :pe xag pue asy 68S¢S HNINV 89b'S1'6 9881 HNN L9b'S1'6 9881 HNING 99¢'S1'6988l HNING O0¢9bL2 WNSN 01S801 WNSN COSTE ZOW CSP7CE ZOW 0€7Oh HNINV L£s¢S€ HNINV £Sh77E ZOW £91EIt ZOW 1c601 HNINA c£6601 NNNSN sc60l HNWA 8SpSf HNINV 9S¢pS€ HNNV Ispece ZOW 0f60l HNWA £7601 HNINA 61601 HNWA 91601 HNINA 68' +7 € S881 HNWA 88'c € S881 HNN 67601 HNW4 c760l HNINA 6b STS $881 HNING l€cOb HNNV c990£ ZOW 87601 HNINA £7601 HNINA 97601 HNWaA 900€ SHULL 9b6oll NSN 6£9S1l dSNV O0¢89b ZOW 1¥89b ZOW 6£89¢ ZOW 8£89b ZOIN LE89¢ ZOW sJoquinu pue urnasny 173 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) P.W.& Susan A. Smith “UOI}9aT[OD prOjuRS XT “UOI}II|[OD PIOJURS XT “UOI}9a][09 proJURS XT ‘uMOIG YON Zulmoys Bulpiead a[qissog ‘umMOIG YON ZuIMOYs Bulpsead a[qissog “ua—as JON, “UOI}9a][09 plojuRS xq “‘uaas JON, “uaas JON, *uaas JON, “uaas JON, “uaas JON, “uaas JON] “ua—s JON “uaas JON “u01Qda|[09 projpues x7 (6861) Burumosg 2g YW UT passnosIq (6861) Sutumorg 2g yyw UT passnosiq (6861) Surumosg 2g YAW UT passnosIq, *$]19A09 BUIM UO INOTOS UVaIZ JO HIG JUSS V ‘UO1]99][09 pIOJpuRs xY *sq[Npe [[Nj sow uRYy sZulul] BUIM JaT[Np ‘s9911}91 19yNO J9310Ys ‘BulpsRad a[qissog ‘uaas JOU "/ 6] UI Wnasny] YSIPaMG 0} pauro’T ‘uaas JOU '/ 6] Ul WinasnyA] YSIPaMG 0} pauKo’T ‘uaas JOU ‘/ 6] UI WINasny,] adojsuapjNyy 0} pauLo’y « 22]BWA, [[NP ING [13 Pay10}-1]9 A ‘padie[ua saisay, “VS Woy usuIoads Aju ayy, syUSUIWUOD (SL6[) B1I9Iex) 2 Opldsey (SL6[) B194IeD 2 Oprssey (P16) sdueg (F161) sdueg (L161) Uoaduryi10 M 29 PpoL, (1161) uosduryi10M\ 29 PpoL, (L161) UoaBurysI0 MM 2B PPL, (L161) uorduryis0 MA 29 Ppoy, (L161) UordurysI10 A 2 PPO], (L161) Uordurys410 MA 29 PPOL, (L161) uosduryi10\\ 29 Ppoy, (L161) UorduryiI0 MM 29 PPOL, (L161) uoaduryi410 A 29 PPO, (L161) Uoaduryi10 AM 29 PpOL, (L161) uoaduryis10 A 29 PPO, (L161) uoaduryi10 MA 29 PPO, (S061) A°1hY (S061) A°INT (S061) ATTY (S061) A°TtY (S061) SPINY (£061) a04uog (6681) 304u0g (6681) 204Uu0g (0061) sdueg (0061) sdueg (0061) sdueg (0061) sdueg (0061) sdueg (0061) sdueg (41681) A209 (41681) A109 (41681) 4109 (41681) 4109 (21681) A409 (21681) 4409 (P1681) At09 (1681) dosyrs0N (0681) 3309 sOUDIIJOY piCUES EO PIOJUES EOE ps0jUBS EDs yoaueg * uapsuey “yy” uapsuley “p* saqiog ‘Dd ° saqiog "9° UOJUIYIION "MA * UOIZUIYIIONM “A ° UOIBUIYIION “A * UOIBUTYIION “A * UOISUIYIION “MA * UOIBUTYIIO NM “MA * UOIBUIYIION “MA * UOIZUIYIION “MA * UOJBUIYIIONM “MA * UOWUIYIION "M* UOIBUIYIION “MA UOJBUIYIION "MA * Aayry' AaThY* Aayry * Aan * Aa" ajoyuog * ajoyuog * ajoyuog * paeudey * paeudey] * paeudeyy * paeudeyy ‘f° paeudey ‘f° pavudeyy ‘f° oleate fof faofenfeotantes| BS SOOOSUS SUG CGS we RETIRE RBREBBEBBEBBUGaliGS ulepraquueyy ° Your AK °S YUAN S YouIM 'S 'S s 10}99T [09 309 | ATaAV aouaplAaoig MAN a0uaplAolg MIN, aouaplAaolg MAN, soipuy eqng ‘Aoig ourwuRrjuRNy) eqny ‘‘Aaoig owweuRjUeNy eqns ‘Avg adiny eqng ‘Aeg adiny oorqy oorqy oorqy soipuy soipuy soipuy soipuy soipuy soipuy soipuy soipuy soipuy aoUaPIAOIg MIN aouaplAodig MAN aUaPIAOIg MIN] aoUapIAOIg MIN aouaplAoig MAN aUaPIAOIg MAN auapIAoIg MAN a0uaplAdlg MINI aouaplAoig MIN aUaPIAOIg MIN aUaPIAOIg MAN a0uapIAOIg MINI aUaPIAOIg MIN adUdPIAOIg MIN soipuy eueyeg puwly oorqy oorqy oorqy [eg Avg Teg Avy ‘sy Arzag soipuy Bpluopy ‘sednji0 7, Arq ANPBIO'T Pada] [09 CCOL ELT CCOL TOE CCOL P67 1c614°S7 L161 FOE L161 V0E PoP rg Flop ies 6061 AT 67 6061 AV8Z 6061 AV LZ 6061 AT HT 6061 AT +L 6061 A +l 6061 AV HT 6061 AT HT 6061 ATH 6061 ATH 6061 AY HL 6061 AU HL £061 14’ $7 £061 14° $7 £061 1A $7 £061 14° $7 £061 14° €7 TOOT HE'D 8O8T MALT 8681 AL ET LO8T NE 9Z LOST HES LO8t't Lost it's + 9681 AV 07 T68L 14°67 lost sor 1681 146 Lo81 46 Los 21 lost cI Logr are O68 TAS O68 Tard a1eq aU UW VUvdVUUUY aa sts ce taan os = SOO FO 00+ OF OF FO £0 FOOH OF FO Esuddy EEE O+ *QO+ sui £ Oto aa gE 3 aos pusvidds 3 *0*0 0 0 *0*0*0 spe “pe d'pe pe P pe xag pue aay 9LLSSL HNNV SLLSSL HNNV $£LSSL HNINV 760287 INNS) 060bSt WINS 680¢Sb INNSN SOss9 ZOIN +0SS9 ZOW c80l€ HNIND eZ£SSL HNNV 0901 HNIND OO8ZLE ZO £00le HNIND cool’ HNIND 1OOLE HNIND 000Te HNIND 8660 HNWO 9660 HNO $660€ HNIND ctZLSSL HNNV 678681 INNSN £92681 WNSN 792681 INNS) 192681 NNSA 092681 IWNSN £8 Ol b+ bol HNING 78 Ol + +76 HNING £0200 HNINV 9F601E ZOIN 66rtOL ZOW Lorcol ZOW 96bCOl ZOW Soreol ZOW IZ2SSL HNNV 61618 9681 HNING 81601 HNINA feo0l HNN 07601 HNN 241601 HNWA Tto0l HNN $7601 HNWA zw£601 HNN 88S+S HNNV 987877 ZOIWN Jequinu pue urnasnyA 174 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) P.W.& Susan A. Smith *eqng Ur ][Qs Ajqissog ‘umouyuN [esodsiq “BlaYyINI|Y Wosy uauitoads A[uo ay J, ‘uMouyUN [esodsiq ‘UOT}9a 1109 sduRg xz ‘umouyun |esodsiq “uol}99][09 sdueg x7 ‘umouyun uoltsodsiq “LLO8-S ZINOS'T SV “LLO8-S ZINDS'T SV “LL08-S ZINNNS'I SV “LLO8-S ZINNS'T SV “eam IIT] *ysaaj S19yie9j [| Y “pandoyeze9-aI JOU ‘UOI9a][09 ZBMYIG XY *pandojeye9-a1 JOU ‘UOII99{[O9 ZIBMYIG XT “UOI9AT[OI ZUBMYIG xW ‘satias 91douAG *pangojeye9-a1 Jou ‘UO1Da[[O9 ZIBMYIG x7 *pando[eyed-a1 JOU ‘UOT}99|[O9 ZIIVMYIG XT “pandojeye9-a1 OU ‘UOIJDAT[OD ZIIBMYIG XZ ‘panZojejed-a1 JOU ‘UOI}99{[OD ZIIBMYIG XZ *pando[e}e9-a1 JOU ‘UOT}DAT[OD ZIIEMYIG XT ‘uaas JON ‘uaas JON, “ua—s JON ‘uaas JON “uaas JON “UOI{9a][09 PrOJURS XT “UOI}9a[09 ProyURS XT “UOI}9aT[OD PrOJURS XT “UOI}9T[09 PIOJULG xT “UO1}9a][09 PrOJURG x “UOI}99|[09 P1OJURG xT “UOI}92][09 ProjuRS xy “U0I}Da][O9 plOjURS XY sJUQUIUIO,) (SL6L) BIOIVD 7 OpleH uapsweYy ° LO preudeyy 'f 'D preudeyy “f'D paeudeyy “[°D (0061) sdueg (0061) sdueg (9681) preudey eqng ‘Aoig oweurjueNny viayna[q aoduaplAoig MAN] aduUapIAoOIg MAN pongo] e389 punoy Jo usas jou ‘susultoeds UMOUY [BUOHIPpYy —_— siaspoy “Vy ‘f oa siodpoy ‘Vf —_ siaspoy “Vy ‘f — sisdpoy ‘Vv ' —_— siadpoy ‘vy - — uapng ° — uapng * _ uapng * — uapng ° — uapng ° _ uapng * — uapng * —_— AadWOM J, * —_— Aawom J, * _— AdUIOM J, ° —_— AdwoM J, * —_— AdWOM J, * — Af ‘AemuaaIy * — af ‘Aemuaaiy * — af ‘Aemuaaly * — af ‘Aemuaasy * — af ‘Aemuaaiy * — Af ‘AemuaaIyn * — af ‘Aemuaaiyn * _— af ‘Aemuaaiy * — piojues * — Ployues * -- Psojyues * _ projues * — Psoyues ° — psoyues * - psoyues * — Ppsoyues * BEBEEES J {Sos Saye se eee aaa AaAaqdaaacs VUVOUUVOU GGUS UUUUUUUUU aouasajoy 10393] [0D ‘309 | A TaV.L soipuy soipuy soipuy soipuy soipuy oorqy oorqy oovqy oorqy oorqy oorqy oorqy eweyeg puein ewueyeg purely eweyeg puriy ooeqy ooeqy eweyeg puein eweyeg purin eweyeg puri eueyeg purely oorqy ooeqy ooeqy ooeqy aouaplAolg MINT aouaplaoig MINT aouaplaoig MINT aouaPlAolg MIN, a0uaPlAolg MIN, aouaplaolg MON, a0UapIAolg MINT aouaplaolg MAN] AyyesoT pajoaljop LI6OL OE LO8L AV bC! LO8T HS P88t 8961 X67 8961 1X67 8961 X67 8961 1X67 8961 1X67 S96TATSI S96L AST S96T AM HT S96L AT HL S96L AT HL SOOT ATT S961 AT OL 9P6L AV8T OPO AV 8C 9POL AV 87 9r6L AT ST 9POL AV ST 9E6L AV8Z SCOT AU BT 9f6T AV9T 9E6L AM HZ PEOL erst PeOL rst ZZ6LILI CZOL ILI CCOL ILI CCOL ILI CCOL ILI CZOL ILI CCOL ILI CCOL ILI ajeq oon oa Buviydd os i] Sunuanan Poss ss pss anata Soon os DGUVVUUUUUT saauaann a SOTO POOF OFOFOF FO *O . FOOF FOOF POOF F0 FO FO FOO £0 80 00+ £0 80 FO xag pue asy suaunloads ¢ uaulioads | suawloads 7 suauidads 7 t208-S ZNNST 1208-S ZINNST 6108-S ZINNSTI 8108-S ZINNST L£108-S ZINNST bO1L-S ZINNST LS6¢9 ZINDS'T 090L-S ZINNST 6S0L-S ZINNST 8S0L-S ZINNS'I 910L-S ZINNS'T 6102-S ZINNST LSOIEL HNO 9SOLEL HNO ssolel HNIND TLOLEL HNO OLOLelL HNO LOIILT ZOW 9691LT ZOW S69IZI ZOW F69ILZ1 ZOW 146091 ZOW 046091 ZOW 6£6091 ZOW 8£6091 ZOW b8LSSL HNNV £8Z4SSL HNNV 782SSL HNINV 18ZSS2 HNINV 082SSZ HNINV 6LLSSL HNNV 8L££SSL HNNV LLLSSL HNWV sJoquinu pue wnosny] P.W.& Susan A. Smith 175 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) / ae, / RESIDENT \/_ FLORIDA ~~ BACO BBL TS i SPECIMEN 260N 4 [ ] REPORT y ash va tee Pts! LEUTHERA Te (5-812, DRY TORTUGAS en Cee Z\ UGARLOAF KEY Se is: [s3] © ANDROS 2404 ESAN SALVADOR oe aa 2 ACKLINS LMAYAGUANA y coeoR> AN (oh NAGUA 200 — GUANTANAMO LN 820W 80> 780 760 7140 720 Figure 1. Known range of the Bahama Swallow Tachycineta cyaneoviridis occupying 2 bird boxes intended for Wood Ducks Azx sponsa, but he did not know whether they actually laid in the boxes (J. Bond). While it possibly nests in other situations, there are no published obser- vations whatever of the Bahama Swallow definitely breeding anywhere except in pine cavities. We specifically looked for nests at the British Colonial Hotel in Nassau, where observers presumed they were breeding in 1965 (Bond 1966), and where Brudenell-Bruce (1975) asserted, appar- ently inferentially, that they certainly nested. We found no sign of their presence there in June 1986, nor in May 1988, despite seeing numerous holes under the eaves of the hotel. On Andros in 1988, we observed Bahama Swallows apparently prospecting for nest sites; on 20 May and successive days, we watched as pairs flew up to tree knots and gaping holes in the eaves and cornices of private houses. Such behaviour continued for several minutes, before the birds left the area; then the same, or different pairs, were seen behaving similarly at the same site later. We believe that nesting of the species on Andros, and probably throughout its range, is limited by a lack of suitable nesting cavities, and that non-nesting pairs search continually during the breeding season for appropriate sites. As far as we can determine, the nest and eggs of the Bahama Swallow are unknown to science. A search of North American collections in 1985 failed to locate any eggs of this species (Lloyd Kiff), and there are none in the BMNH or listed in Handbiich der Oologie (Michael Walters). Bond’s (1936) reference to the nest as being partially composed of seaweed may have been inferred from Todd & Worthington’s (1911) observation of the species gathering mouthfuls of seaweed before flying towards the pinelands. Bond’s (1936) statement that the eggs resemble those of the P.W.& Susan A. Smith 176 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina was based on an oological advertisement of unknown validity; he never actually saw a nest or eggs (J. Bond). Brudenell-Bruce’s (1975) statement that the clutch is said to be 3 white eggs may have been inferred from Bond’s (1961) apparent supposi- tion that its nesting was similar to that of the Golden Swallow Tachycineta (Kalochelidon ) euchrysea, of Hispaniola and Jamaica. Nesting of the Bahama Swallow normally begins in April, when the species moves from its winter habitat over marshes and old fields to the pinelands (Emlen 1977). A male collected by Northrop (1891) on 15 April 1890 showed much-enlarged testes. For the congeneric Tree Swallow T. bicolor, Bent (1942) describes a nesting cycle of about 7 weeks: 2 weeks for nest building, 2 weeks for incubation, and 3 weeks for fledging the young. This is consistent with our observations of Bahama Swallows. We dis- covered one occupied nest cavity in the trunk of a live Caribbean pine on Andros on 21 May 1988. The cavity appeared to be an abandoned wood- pecker hole c.5cm in diameter, c.12m above the ground. The Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus is a ‘‘fairly common”’ resident of the Baha- mian pinelands (Brudenell-Bruce 1975) and one which we did see in the vicinity. Then and on the following day, the female Bahama Swallow (presumed so on duller plumage) remained in the cavity for extended periods, while the male regularly stood by on a twig near the entrance. On 23 May, both adults entered the nest hole every few minutes for very brief periods, suggesting that hatching had occurred between 22 and 23 May. We saw no juveniles on Andros in May 1988. The seasonally earliest immature specimen known was secured 17 June 1879 (Table 1), and on Abaco we saw several juveniles peering out of nests and perching nearby on 22 June 1986. We cannot say whether the species is double-brooded, for there are few published observations of Bahama Swallows after June. Allen (1905) saw them on New Providence, Abaco, and Grand Bahama in July 1904, but did not report nesting activity, nor did Bonhote (1899), who observed them sparingly on New Providence between April and November 1898. The North American congeners of T. cyaneoviridis, however, are normally single-brooded (Bent 1942). BREEDING RANGE AND POPULATION SIZE We concur with Bond (1936) and the AOU (1983) that the nesting range of the Bahama Swallow normally is limited to the northern Bahamian islands of Grand Bahama, Abaco, New Providence and Andros, i.e. where the only definite nest sites have been located. These are the only islands in the Bahamas where there are extensive tracts of the Bahamian variety of Pinus caribaea (Henry 1974). The Bahama Swallow has never been reported from the Caicos Islands in the southern Bahamas (Buden 1987), where a few cays also have natural tracts of Pinus caribaea (Henry 1974). Possibly, isolated pairs nest occasionally in southern Florida, where there are tracts of the similar Pinus elliottii (W. Robertson); on Sugarloaf Key, a few km from one such tract, 2 adults, later with one young, were seen by several observers between 3 May and 14 July 1974 (Edscorn et al. in Kale 1974, Sykes et al. in Ogden 1974). However, repeated searches of the area by ourselves 1986-88 and by others in earlier P.W.& Susan A. Smith 77 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) years did not suggest that the species regularly nested in the Florida Keys. There is no evidence that the Bahama Swallow has ever nested in Cuba; its current status there is unknown. Logging of the pines in the Northern Bahamas has probably had a major impact on the Bahama Swallow’s population. Northrop (1891) described the species as abundant on Andros in 1890. In 1988 we found it decidedly uncommon and very patchily distributed there. Andros’ pines were selectively logged for timber mainly between 1948 and 1967, and thereafter were virtually clearcut for pulpwood until about 1974 (Henry 1974, Campbell 1978). The other pine-covered islands were logged in a similar fashion, although active timbering had virtually ceased by 1929 on New Providence, by 1944 on Abaco and by 1956 on Grand Bahama (Henry 1974). Clearcutting for pulpwood peaked on Grand Bahama in 1959 and on Abaco in 1966 (Henry 1974). Although clearcutting is no longer in progress anywhere in the Bahamas, and considerable pine re- generation has occurred, nearly all the pinelands, at least on Andros, are plantation-like, with similarly aged trees and little or no standing dead wood, though we found some small stands of larger trees, where clear- cutting may have been uneconomic, which encompassed some standing dead trees. In this association we located most of the Bahama Swallows that we saw, including the only active nest cavities we found on Andros and New Providence. On Abaco, we found Bahama Swallows to be most numerous in June 1986 in an area of the southern part of the island, which also had escaped recent clearcutting (King et al. 1979). While driving 96.4 km at speeds under 30 kph, with frequent stops, along main and old logging roads through the Andros pinelands on 20-21 May 1988, we recorded 11 single (presumed breeding male) and 16 two- somes (presumed pairs) of Bahama Swallows. If we had detected all male Bahama Swallows breeding within 103 m of the road, the breeding den- sity would be about 1.3 prs/km? of pineland. Based on Henry’s (1974) determination that there were at that time about 1782 km? of pinelands on the 4 islands where the species is known to breed, the total breeding population of the Bahama Swallow would be about 2400 prs. While there are many reasons that this crude technique could either exaggerate or underestimate the breeding population, we think it yields an estimate of the correct order of magnitude. We doubt that there are more than 10,000 or less than 1000 living Bahama Swallows. Emlen (1977) reported a win- tering population density on Grand Bahama of 6.8 birds/km7, confined mainly to marsh and old field associations. We cannot relate this figure to ours because we do not know the amount of such habitat on Grand Bahama, nor the extent to which the species winters there. In November 1986, we were able to locate a total of only about 20 Bahama Swallows on Grand Bahama, in only one of several apparently suitable foraging areas. NON-BREEDING MOVEMENTS The phenology of the Bahama Swallow is poorly known. After nesting, it appears to disperse somewhat to the west and south. In the summer of 1986, we photographed different juvenile Bahama Swallows in Florida on Big Pine Key on 27 Jul and at Flamingo on 23 Aug; several other credible P.W.& Susan A. Smith 178 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) reports exist for Florida at this season, mostly of immatures (Smith & Smith, in prep.). Vaurie (1953) reported seeing Bahama Swallows daily on Bimini 14-24 Aug 1951, but we failed to find any there in Sep 1987. During 5 years of field observation on Eleuthera in the 1970s, Connor & Loftin (1985) considered Bahama Swallows to be scarce summer visitors between 8 Jun and 12 Aug, while J. Greenlaw reported seeing a small flock there at Gregory Town on 24 Dec 1979 (Bond 1982). Farther south in the Bahamas, there are sight reports of this species on: Watling’s Island (=San Salvador) in Feb (Bond 1976); Exuma, month unstated (Bond 1968); and on Inagua between late Nov and early Feb (Buden 1987). In Cuba, Ramsden’s 5 January specimens and other winter observations all were from the southeast portion of the island (Garrido & Garcia 1975). The 2 Cuban specimens from Mar were secured at Nipe Bay on the northeast coast, possibly suggesting a return movement, as might Apr and May specimens from the Dry Tortugas, Cay Sal and Eleuthera (Table 1). Several credible sight reports for Florida also exist in spring (Smith & Smith in prep.). While evidently partially migratory, we doubt that the Bahama Swal- low is largely so, as suggested by Bond (1947). We and others, including Emlen (1977), have seen Bahama Swallows on Grand Bahama in Nov and during the winter. Rodgers secured several specimens from Andros during Nov, and the species is regularly reported there in Dec during Christmas counts (e.g. Wynn 1987, Perkins 1987). Taken with the many old Jan specimens from New Providence and Bonhote’s (1899) obser- vations from New Providence during summer and autumn, available data do not point to an extensive postbreeding dispersal or migration. We believe that the bulk of the population, especially of adults, probably remains within the primary breeding range in the northern Bahamas throughout the year. CONCLUSION In summary, we believe the Bahama Swallow is now a fairly rare species, with a current population of under 10,000 individuals. Most of the pub- lished material about its life history is suppositive or represents an elabor- ation upon earlier authors’ work. Its breeding range is normally limited to 4 pine-forested islands in the northern Bahamas, nesting mainly occur- ring in natural cavities and old woodpecker holes in Pinus caribaea. Its breeding biology is essentially unknown. Mid-20th century clearcutting of its breeding environment, as well as on-going agricultural and human development, has probably caused a significant decline in its numbers over the past century. Cessation of logging suggests that its declining population may have levelled off, at least temporarily. Although little is definitely known about its movements, a portion of the population, per- haps consisting mainly of juveniles, disperses southward and westward to Florida, the southern Bahamas and Cuba after breeding. Nevertheless, most individuals probably remain within the breeding range throughout the year. More data, particularly in autumn and winter, and more field- work in eastern Cuba, would be useful to gain a better understanding of its range. P.W.& Susan A. Smith 179 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Since the species’ population seems to be constrained by the avail- ability of nest cavities, and because other members of its genus have readily adapted to nest boxes (Bent 1942), the success and long-term survival of the Bahama Swallow might easily be enhanced. To our knowl- edge, however, no systematic attempt has been made to undertake a nest box programme for the species. We believe that this would be an ideal project for the school children of the Bahamas and hope that suitable funding and leadership in that direction will be forthcoming. Acknowledgements We thank Allison Andors (AMNH), Philip Angle (USNM), Ralph Browning (USNM), Steven Cardiff (LSUMZ), Peter Colston (BMNH), Graham Cowles (BMNH), Kenn Kaufman (ANSP), Mary LeCroy (AMNH), Diane Maurer (FMNH), Raymond Paynter (MCZ), Van Remsen (LSUMZ), Henry Stevenson (TTRS), David Willard (FMNH) and Richard Zusi (USNM) for access to and assistance with the specimens under their care. James Laughlin provided helpful detailed information on the specimens at CMNH. Sievert Rohwer assisted in examining the specimens at LSUMZ for evidence of feather wear and moult. Lloyd Kiff and Michael Walters provided information about oological collections in North America and Europe as well as other helpful data. Richard Banks, James Bond and Paul Sykes provided details of their own or others’ observations. William Robertson reviewed an earlier draft of this paper and offered many helpful suggestions. References: Allen, G. M. 1905. Summer birds in the Bahamas. Auk 22: 113-133. AOU 1983. Check-list of North American Birds, 6th Ed. American Ornithologists’ Union. Bangs, O. 1900. Notes on a collection of Bahama birds. Auk 17: 283-293. Bangs, O. 1914. The Bahama Swallow in Cuba. Auk 31: 401. Bent, A. C. 1942. Life histories of North American flycatchers, larks, Ua and their allies. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. No. 179. Bond, J. 1936. Birds of the West Indies. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Bond, J. 1947. Field Guide to Birds of the West Indies. Macmillan. Bond, J. 1961. Birds of the West Indies. 1st Amer. Edn. Houghton Mifflin. Bond, J. 1966. Eleventh supplement to the check-list of birds of the West Indies (1956); 1967—Twelfth supplement; 1968—Thirteenth supplement; 1972—Seventeenth sup- plement; 1976—Twentieth supplement; 1982—Twenty-fourth supplement. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Bonhote, J. L. 1899. A list of birds collected on the island of New Providence. [bis Ser. 7(5): 506-520. Bonhote, J. L. 1903. On a collection of birds from the northern islands of the Bahamas group. Ibis Ser. 8(3): 273-315. Brewster, W. 1897. The Bahaman Swallow in Florida. Auk 14: 221-222. Brudenell-Bruce, P. G. C. 1975. The Birds of New Providence and the Bahama Islands. Collins. Bryant, H. 1859. A list of birds seen at the Bahamas, from Jan. 20th to May 14th, 1859, with descriptions of new or little known species. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 7: 102-134. Buden, D. W. 1987. The Birds of the Southern Bahamas. British Ornithologists’ Union Check-list No. 8. Campbell, D. G. 1978. The Ephemeral Islands—a Natural History of the Bahamas. Macmillan. ie H.A. & Loftin, R. W. 1985. The birds of Eleuthera Island, Bahamas. Florida Field Nat. 13: 77-93. Cory, C. B. 1880. The Birds of the Bahama Islands. The author, Boston. Cory, C. B. 1891a. A list of birds taken and observed in Cuba and the Bahama Islands during March and April 1891. Auk 8: 292-298. Cory, C. B. 1891b. List of the birds obtained by Mr C. S. Winch on the islands of Great panes and Abaco, Bahama Islands, during June, and on Eleuthera in July, 1891. Auk : 350-351. Cory, C. B. 1891c. Ona collection of birds made on the islands of Anguilla and Cay Sal or Salt Cay, Bahama Islands, by Mr Cyrus S. Winch, during May, 1891. Auk 8: 352. R. F. Dowsett 180 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) Dwight, J. Jr 1900. The sequence of plumages and moults of the passerine birds of New York. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 8(2): 73-360. Emlen, J. T. 1977. Land Bird Communities of Grand Bahama Island: the structure and dyanmics of an avifauna. Orn. Monog. No. 24. Garrido, O. H. & Garcia Montana, F. 1975. Catalogo de las Aves de Cuba. Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, La Habana. Henry, P. W. T. 1974. The pine forests of the Bahamas. Brit. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Land Resource Study No. 16. Kale H. W. 1974. Florida region [spring field notes]. Amer. Birds 28: 790-794. King, W. B., Snyder, N. F. R., Segnestam, M. & Grantham, J. 1979. Noteworthy ornitho- logical records from Abaco, Bahamas. Amer. Birds 33: 746-748. Maynard, C. J. 1896? The Birds of Eastern North America. Rev. Edn. The Author, Newton- ville. [The frontis says 1889, but the text suggests that it was published later and the date usually cited is either 1895 or 1896.] Northrop, J. I. 1891. The birds of Andros Island, Bahamas, Auk 8: 64-80. Ogden, J. 1974. Florida region [summer field notes]. Amer. Birds 28: 892-896. Perkins, R., compiler. 1987. Staniard Creek, Andros Island, Bahamas [Christmas 1986 bird count]. Amer. Birds 41: 1319. Ridgway, R. 1891. List of birds collected on the Bahama Islands by the naturalists of the Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. Auk 8: 333-339. Ridgway, R. 1904. The birds of North and Middle America, Part III. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. No. 50. Riley, J. H. 1905. List of birds collected or observed during the Bahama expedition of the Geographic Society of Baltimore. Auk 22: 349-360. Scott, W. E. D. 1890. Two species of swallow new to North America. Auk 7: 264-265. Sharpe, R. B. 1885. Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum, Vol. X. Brit. Mus. Sharpe, R. B. & Wyatt, C. W. 1894. A Monograph of the Hirundinidae, or Family of Swallows. Vol. 1. Henry Sotheran & Co. Smith, P. W. & Browning, M. R. 1989. An erroneous specimen record of the Bahama Swallow from Florida. Fla. Field Nat. 17: 40-41. Smith, P. W. & Smith, S. A. In prep. The status and identification of the Bahama Swallow in Florida. Todd, W. E. & Worthington, W. W. 1911. A contribution to the ornithology of the Bahama Islands. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 7: 388-464. Vaurie, C. 1953. Observations and new records of birds from the Biminis, northwestern Bahamas. Auk 70: 38-48. Wynn, D., compiler. 1987. San Andros, Andros Island, Bahamas. [Christmas 1986 bird count]. Amer. Birds 41: 1319. Address: P. William Smith & Susan A. Smith, South Florida Research Center, Everglades National Park, P.O. Box 279, Homestead, Florida 33030, USA. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 The nomenclature of some African barbets of the genus Tricholaema by R. J. Dowsett Received 9 December 1988 Short & Horne (1987) have pointed out that the genus of African barbets (Capitonidae) Tricholaema J. & E. Verreaux 1855 (7. Orn. 1855: 102) was treated as feminine by the describers. The type species was designated by the Verreaux brothers as T. flavipunctata (sic), now considered a race of T. hirsuta. (Through a lapsus calami Short & Horne (1987) refer to this C. ¥. Hazevoet 181 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) formas T. h. punctata). Tricholaema orginates from the Greek words thrix (thrichos) and laimos, respectively of feminine and masculine gender; it would seem to fall under Article 30 (a) (111) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1985 edition), the ending being latinized and the gender intended by the describers to be feminine. White (1965: 258), under Lybius hirsutus flavipunctatus, misquotes the original name as T. flavipunctatum, attributes the description to but one Verreaux and gives the page number in ¥. Orn. as 102, page 103 being correct (only the genus was described on the preceeding page). Unfortunately Short & Horne (1987) went on to introduce some new errors of nomenclature in this genus, and these were adopted by Fry et al. (1988). Bucco leucomelas Boddaert 1783 is transferred by Short & Horne to Tricholaema and is called T. leucomelaina, since the change is from a masculine to a feminine genus. However, the I.C.Z.N. (1985) made it clear that species-group names ending in -me/as are not latinized and must be considered indeclinable, remaining unchanged whatever the gender of the genus (Art. 31 (b)). T. lacrymosa Cabanis 1878 (7. Orn. 1878: 205, 240) is wrongly spelt lachrymosa by Short & Horne (1987) and also by Fry et al. (1988), who err in giving its original citation by Cabanis as lachrymosum. Like the Verreaux brothers, Cabanis treated Tricholaema as a feminine genus. It seems to have been from about 1893, when Reichenow named T. flavibuc- cale, that most authors began to treat Tricholaema as neuter. Acknowledgements I thank Dr L. L. Short for reading a draft of this note. References: Fry, C. H., Keith, S. & Urban, E. K. (Eds). 1988. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 3 Academic Press. Short, L. L. & Horne, J. F. M. 1987. The gender of the barbet genus Tricholaema Verreaux & Verreaux. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 107: 69. White, C. M. N. 1965. A Revised Check List of African Non-Passerine Birds. Lusaka, Government Printer. Address: R. J. Dowsett, 194 rue de Bois de Breux, B-4500 Jupille, Liége, Belgium. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Wing-clapping display of Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti by C. J. Hazevoet Received 16 February 1989 On 11 and 12 May 1988, I visited the Nature Reserve ‘La Lomaza’ near Belchite, Zaragoza, Spain. The area consists of undisturbed steppe habitat amidst agricultural fields. (For a description of this habitat, see C. ¥. Hazevoet 182 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) B_ikHz 1 2! Ss Figure 1. Wing-clapping display of Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti. Spain, May 1988 (C. J. Hazevoet). Guiral Pelegrin & Hernandez Fernandez 1988.) In the reserve, quite high numbers of Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti were present. Dupont’s Lark is well known for its distinctive, fluting song, which is delivered either while perched or during a song-flight. The latter can be long, high and circling, or short, low and straight. It was during the short type of song-flight that I repeatedly noticed distinctive bursts of wing-clapping which I eventually managed to record on tape (Fig. 1). During this song- flight, the bird would silently rise from the ground at an angle of 45° to about 10m, then—while still rising—perform c.10 wing-claps followed by a few more which were interpersed with a short version of the song, after which a silent descent followed. The wing-claps were clearly audible at distances up to 50 m. The sound was first noticed at 5.00 a.m. when it was still completely dark. At that hour, I was unable to trace the source. As the sun rose, the frequency of the wing-clapping increased, being at its peak at about 11.00 a.m., after which the birds gradually became more and more silent. Song was resumed at sunset but no wing-clapping was noticed. It appears that this display has not been described before (cf. Cramp 1988). Wing-clapping displays in the Alaudidae are only known in some mem- bers of the genus Mirafra. In these, they vary from a short wing noise given during jumps from a perch in M. africana, to long and nearly exclusively non-vocal display flights in M. rufocinnamomea. Other species giving wing-clapping displays are M. apiataand M. collaris (Mackworth— Praed & Grant 1960, Maclean 1985). Meinertzhagen (1951) merged Chersophilus in Certhilauda, remarking that no member of Certhilauda has a clapping-flight “‘which is character- istic of Mirafra’’. However, as White (1952) pointed out, clapping flight is confined to only a few species in Mirafra and is in no way typical of the genus as a whole. Meinertzhagen’s Certhilauda appears to be an artificial assemblage, including several species often placed in small or monotypic Books Received 183 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) genera: besides Chersophilus, these are Alaemon, Pseudalaemon and Chersomanes. The remaining ‘real’ Certhilauda are now regarded as congeneric with Mirafa (cf. White 1957, 1959, Maclean 1969, 1970). White (1957) remarked that Chersophilus in its general appearance suggested ‘“‘possible origin from Muirafra, such as M. africana’’, but preferred to keep it as a monotypic genus pending further information. Later, White (1959) stated that Chersophilus is close to Alauda and Galerida. Harrison (1966), being in agreement with this view, found that its specialized features justify its retention as amonotypic genus. Without a phylogenetic analysis of the intrafamilial relationships in the Alaudidae, it is not possible to decide whether C. duponti is more closely related to Alauda/Galerida or to Mirafra. The above described display at least shows that wing-clapping in the Alaudidae is not limited to some of the Mirafra species. Acknowledgements I want to thank Lydia Haafkens for her collaboration in the field and for commenting on the manuscript. I am grateful to T. G. Brom, Dr G. F. Mees, Mrs V. Mees-Balchin and Dr J. Wattel for reading a draft of this note and making helpful suggestions. Dr F. Dowsett- Lemaire supplied information on the display of Mirafra africana. Dr C. Chappuis most kindly prepared the sonogram. References Cramp, S. (ed.). 1988. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 5. Oxford University Press. Guiral Pelegrin, J. & Hernandez Fernandez, F. 1988. Las Estepas de la Depresion del Ebro. Garcilla 71/72: 23-25. Harrison, C. J. O. 1966. The validity of some genera of larks (Alaudidae). bis 108: 573-583. Mackworth-Praed, C. W. & Grant, C. H. B. 1960. African Handbook of Birds: Eastern and North Eastern Africa. Vol. 2. 2nd ed. Longman. Maclean, G. L. 1969. South African lark genera. Cimbebasia Ser. A, 1: 79-94. . 1970. Breeding behaviour of larks in the Kalahari Sandveld. Ann. Natal Mus. 20: 381-401. ——. 1985. Roberts’ Birds of Southern Africa. 5th ed. Cape Town: John Voelcker Bird Book Fund. Meinertzhagen, R. 1951. Review of the Alaudidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 121: 81-132. White, C. M. N. 1952. On the genus Mirafra. Ibis 94: 687-689. . 1957. Notes on African larks, part IV. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 77: 103-104. ——. 1959. The limits of the genus Mirafra. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 79: 163-166. Address: C. J. Hazevoet, Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie (Zodlogisch Museum), Postbus 4766, 1009 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 BOOKS RECEIVED lapichino, C. & Massa, B. 1989. The Birds of Sicily. Pp. 170. Photographs and maps. British Ornithologists’ Union Check-list No. 11. £16 (£18 overseas). Hard covers. 25 x 16 cm. A comprehensive systematic list of all species recorded in Sicily, with a complete bibli- ography and introductory sections which cover the history of Sicilian ornithology, geogra- phy, climate, vegetation, migration, breeding, conservation and other aspects of the avifauna. There is also a gazetteer and a long list of ringing recoveries. Emphasis is given to continuing illegal shooting of birds, particularly the huge slaughter of raptors as a traditional ‘sport’. Drainage of wetlands, deforestation and the ever expanding urban sprawl also are incriminated in the near or actual extinction of several species of breeding and wintering birds. Books Received 184 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(3) The authors are highly qualified for the task of assessing Sicily’s avifauna, having in particular done extensive work organising and researching Atlas Faunae Siciliae—Aves (see Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 107: 192) and they have produced most successfully an important and reliable basis on which the future of Sicily’s birds one the success of conservation there can be judged. Ewans, M. 1989. Bharatpur, Bird Paradise. Pp. 144. Profusely illustrated in colour photo- graphs by Thakir Dalip Singh, Rajpal Singh, James Hancock and others. H. F. & G. Witherby. £14.95. Hard covers. 19.5 x 25 cm. An introduction to the famous Keoladeo Ghana National Park in Bharatpur by Sir Martin Ewans, whose extensive knowledge and appreciation of this immensely valuable wetland were acquired while he was Deputy High Commissioner in New Delhi 1978-1982. The 29 km’ of this National Park was originally an artificial creation of the Maharajah of the 1890s, primarily for shooting waterfowl, reliant on the monsoons and even more so today on huge and expensive irrigation works, without which the area would die. During the 2 decades up to 1982, visitors, trafic, swarms of cattle, as well as droughts—especially 1979-80—destroyed much of the grass, and one quarter of all trees disappeared. However, in 1982 control was re-established, the area having been declared a National Park in 1981. The socio-economic problems are immense and the worst danger is human poverty and the essential need for the grazing of cattle and the requirement of wood fuel for the local population—in contrast to Europe and the States where the threat is afuence and the ensuing increase in leisure time and pursuits. Bharatpur is a ‘““beseiged enclave’’. Today it is still suffering from the disastrous drought of 1983, the effects of which have not yet abated nor been overcome. Management is complicated and on a huge and expensive scale. The author presents an excellent overall picture of this prime wilderness and is well served by some high quality photographs, mainly of the selected species with which he deals, very much with a mind to the European visitor it would seem. The result is an interesting, decorative and informative short volume, with an unemotional but warm presentation in the final pages of the difficulties ahead for Bharatpur, as there are for all animal paradises, not only those away from the western world. Hill, D. 1989. The Avocet. Simmons, K. E. L. 1989. The Great Crested Grebe Both Pp. 24 with many coloured and black-and-white photographs. Shire Publications. £1.95. Soft covers. 15 x 21 cm. The latest 2 accounts in this excellent series by well-chosen experts. David Hill has been senior ecologist for the RSPB, while Ken Simmons has been studying grebes world wide for 40 years. Beautifully illustrated and lucidly written for the intelligent and interested budding ornithologist, these booklets and the others in the series are to be strongly recommended. Packham, C. 1989. Deciduous Woodlands. Pp. 128 Grasslands. Pp. 128 Shorelands. Pp. 128 Heathlands. Pp. 112 Fulsomely illustrated with the author’s colour photographs and by colour plates by C. Shields. Collins Wild Habitats. £4.95 each. Soft covers. 13 x 19 cm. These 4 small volumes result from the author’s success in BBC’s ‘Really Wild Show’ and the photographs reflect the appropriateness of his Wildlife Photographer of the Year award 4 years running. The text is racey and informative on selected species of birds, mammals, flowers etc—chapters have such headings as ‘Sleeping with Alice’, which in fact is concerned with the dormouse and rather inexplicably the Hornet. Unusual, the photographs in particular. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Papers, from Club Members ornon-members, should besent tothe Editor, Dr J. F. Monk, The Glebe Cottage, Goring, Reading RG8 9AP, and are accepted on the understanding that they are offered solely to the Bulletin. They should be typed on one side of the paper, with treble-spacing and a wide margin, and submitted with a duplicate copy on airmail paper. Scien- tific nomenclature and the style and lay-out of papers and of References should conform with usage in this or recent issues of the Bulletin. Inform- ants of unpublished observations should be cited by initials and name only, e.g. ‘‘...catches wasps (B. Eater)’’, but “B.B.C. Gullinformsmethat...”’. A limited number of photographic illustrations in black-and-white may be published annually at the Editor’s discretion. Authors are requested to give their title, initials, name and full address (in the form they wish to be corresponded with) at the end of the paper. An author wishing to introduce a new name or describe a new form should append nom., gen., sp. or subsp. nov., as appropriate, and set out the supporting evidence under the headings “‘Description’’, “‘Distribution’’, ‘Type’, ““Measurements of Type’ and “Material examined’’, plus any others needed. A contributor is entitled to 10 free offprints of the pages of the Bulletin in which his contribution, if one page or more in length, appears. Additional offprints or offprints of contributions of less than one page may be ordered when the manuscript is submitted and will be charged for. Authors may be charged for proof corrections for which they are responsible. BACK NUMBERS OF THE BULLETIN Available on application to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, as follows; 1983 and after (Vols 103 onwards) £3.50 each issue, 1981—2 (Vols 101 & 102) £3 each issue, 1980 (Vol. 100) No. 1 £4, Nos 2,3 & 4 £2 each, 1973-9 (Vols 93-99) £2 each issue (4 issues per year for Vol. 93 and after), 1969-72 (Vols 89-92) £1.50 each issue (6 per year), 1929-68 (Vols 50-88) £1 each issue (generally 9 per year), earlier than Vol. 50 £2 each issue (generally 9 per year); Indices Vol. 70 and after £1 each, Vols 50-69 £2 each, Vol. 49 and before £4 each. Long runs (at least 10 years) for Vol. 50 and after are available at reduced rates on enquiry. Orders over £50 post free. MEMBERSHIP Only Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union are eligible to join the Club; applications should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, together with the current year’s subscription. Changes of address and any correspondence concerning membership should be addressed to the Hon. ‘Treasurer. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BULLETIN The Bulletin (Vol. 108 onwards) may be purchased by non-members on payment of an annual subscription of £16.00 or, if preferred, U.S. $32.00 (postage and index free). Applications should be sent to the Hon. ‘Treasurer as below. Single issues may be obtained as back numbers. PAYMENTS TO HON. TREASURER All payments should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Mrs D. M. Bradley, 53 Osterley Road, Isleworth, Middx. TW7 4PW. All payments are net, and should be made in Sterling if possible. Payments in other currencies must includea further £3 for Bank Charges (except for annual ratesin U.S. Dollars which are inclusive). Payments may be made direct to the Club’s National Giro Account No. 30 924 4004, but must include Bank Charges where applicable. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence about Club meetings and other matters not mentioned above should go to the Hon. Secretary, Mrs A. M. Moore, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6JB. CONTENTS Page CLUB'NOTESIS 3] 22) S025 PRLR ARR, Ls ee, 125 DR WERNER SUTER. Feeding ecology of Cormorants wintering in SWAEZEMANG cat sh teste Tce mem mee Eile Biggs cae ee 125 P. C. GONZALES & R. S. KENNEDY. Notes on Philippine Birds, 14. Additional records for the island of Palawan................ 126 P.A.CLANCEY. Subspeciation in the Larklike Bunting of the south- western! Afrotropies sy.) whore le See ee te 130 . The southern isolate of Parus rufiventris pallidiventris Reichenow; £885.sii0.0ste: bid eS es ee eee 134 C. B. FRITH & C. J. O. HARRISON. An undescribed plumage of the Crested Bird of Paradise Cnemophilus macgregori........... 137 J. R. KING. Notes on the birds of the Rio Mazan Valley, Azuay Province, Ecuador, with special reference to Leptosittaca branickiu, Hapalopsittaca amazonina pyrrhops and Metallura DATONG 28. tes AOE ls Ve eek Nee Sn eis a pear 140 P. G. RYAN. Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor and new records of seabirds from Tristan da Cunha and Gough Islands 147 S.E.DAVIS. Migration of the Mississippi Kite [ctinia mississippiensis in Bolivia, with comments on I. plumbea..................- 149 D. M. TEIXEIRA, J. B. NACINOVIC & G. LUIGI. Notes on some birds of northeastern Brazil (4) a2 oi, er Re 152 R. W. DICKERMAN. Notes on Sturnella magna in South America with aideseription of anew subspecies: -....- J. - 42 4a eee 158 Notes on the Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis ( Alcedo ) CEUSTALA eh ay pies © NS, Eh cyl aie dS sey te. boilen Ph ee eye 158 BEN KING. ‘The avian genera Tesia and Urosphena .............. 162 D.N.CARSTAIRS. ‘Thestatus ofthe Rufous-chested Dotterel Zonibyx modestusin the Falkland islands 32) 30)39 Jue 25 cer eee 166 P.W.&S.A.SMITH. ‘The BahamaSwallow Tachycineta cyaneoviridis; A SUTMIMNATY kd PUSS EAT SR Oey TEE DE | GREE a 170 R. J. DOWSETT. ‘The nomenclature of some African barbets of the genus PrichoOlacma 0s. ieee eC es On oe ee 180 C. J. HAZEVOET. Wing-clapping display of Dupont’s Lark Cherso- Dphilus duponty 2272200. GES SOUT ROAM I. ee dekh a eh he 181 BOOKS o RECEIVED 32s. aivartrsvalie chop aang elie. rae eke od Star eee 184 The Bulletin is now being sent by Bulk Air Mail to all European destinations outside the British Isles and by Accelerated Surface Post to almost every destination outside Europe. This will only apply to copies despatched from the printers on publication. Those whose subscriptions have not been received by the beginning of a month of publication will have their copies despatched by surface mail, after their current subscription has been paid. COMMITTEE R. E. F. Peal (Chairman) (1989) J. H. Elgood (Vice-Chairman) (1989) Dr J. F. Monk (Editor) (1975) Mrs D. M. Bradley (Hon. Treasurer) Mrs A. M. Moore (Hon. Secretary) (1989) (1978) R. H. Kettle, B.A. (1988) N. H. F. Stone (1986) D. Griffin (1989) S. J. Farnsworth (1989) Published by the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB and printed by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset $\ Qos ids ISSN 0007-1595 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club mel eRe ST. rae SO NY A ye ZZMIHSONIAN od 4 MAR 2 9 1990 LIBRARIES Edited by Dr J. F. MONK Volume 109 No.4 December 1989 ~ FORTHCOMING MEETINGS Tuesday, 16 January 1990. Jeffery Boswall will show the film “Moving Images in the Cause of Bird Protection”’. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary at 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6JB by Tuesday, 2 January 1990*. Jeffery Boswall is the Head of the Film and Video Unit of the RSPB. Tuesday, 20 February 1990. Yeugeniy Potapov will speak on “Some Birds of Lowland Tundra in N.E. Siberia”’. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday, 6 February 1990*. Yeugeniy Potapov is based in the USSR at Magadan, on the Sea of Okhotsk, where he has been doing field-work. He is at presenta post-graduate student at the Edward Gray Institute and has brought with him some excellent slides from Russia. Tuesday, 13 March 1990. Mr T. J. Roberts will speak on “‘Birds of Pakistan”’. ‘Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary, as above, by Tuesday, 27 February 1990.* Mr Roberts lived and worked in Pakistan from 1952 to 1984 and has a 2-volume work on “The Birds of Pakistan” currently in press. Tuesday, 8 May 1990. Dr R. J. Cowie will speak on “‘The Ecology of Tits in Suburban Habitats”’. Tuesday, 29 May 1990. Mr J. E. Cooper, FRCVS will speak on “Birds and Diseases’’. Tuesday, 19 June 1990. Dr Margaret Carswell will speak on “‘The Uganda Atlas of Birds”’. Meetings are held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 at 6.15 pm for 7 pm. *It is usually possible to take acceptances up to the weekend before a meeting, but Members are asked to accept by 14 days before a meeting as the numbers attending must be notified. A plan showing Imperial College will be sent to members on request. If you accept and subsequently find you cannot attend please notify the Hon Secretary (tel. 0572 722788 ) as soon as possible. 185 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Bulletin of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB Vol. 109 No. 4 Published: 13 December 1989 The seven hundred and ninetieth Meeting of the Club was held in collaboration with the West African Ornithological Society in the Ante Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 on Tuesday, 26 September 1989 at 7 pm., 35 members and 21 guests attended. 11 Members of both the Club and WAOS (marked * below) were present. J. H. Etcoop*, Vice-Chairman of the Club and Vice-President of WAOS was in the Chair. Members of the Club present were: Dr G. More *, (President, WAOS), M. A. Adcock, DrJ.S.Asu, B. H. Beck, R. BEEcRoFT*, Mrs D. M. BraDLey, Dr J. BYNon, D. R. CaLper, I. D. Cotttins*, Dr H. Crick*, S. J. FARNSWORTH*, B. Gray, D. GRIFFIN, C. A. R. HELM, P. Hoce, T. J. James, M. C. JENNINGs, R. KETTLE, Dr P. Lack, I. T. Lewis, Revd. G. K. McCuttocu, Dr J. F. Monk*, Mrs A. M. Moore*, R. G. Morcan, Mrs M. Mutter, P. A. Prince, V. J. SAWLE, Dr R. C. SELF, R. E. SHARLAND*, N. J. SKINNER*, N. H. F. STONE, Lt-Col. T. C. WuiTe, Dr R. WILKINsSoN%, A. P. ZIEGLER. Other Members of WAOS present were: C. S. BALCHIN, R. DEGAuQquIER, HE. M. E. J. Gore, Dr M-Y. Moret, B. PEARSON. Guests present were: Mrs B. H. Apcock, C. BELL, Mrs BrucE-LockuHanrt, Professor T. Bynon, Mrs J. B. CALDER, L. CLARKE, Miss J. EpricH, Mrs F. FARNSWORTH, Mrs GRIFFIN, Miss C. Horr, Mrs I. McCuttocu, P. J. Moore, C. A. MULLER, Mrs A. Nason, R. RANFT, Miss D. RIDGLEY. After supper Roger Beecroft gave an address on ‘“‘Birds of the Sahara’, an interesting account of a journey made from October to December in 1988 across the Sahara Desert from Algeria to the northern border of Nigeria and back again. He illustrated his description with slides showing the varied terrain of the journey and presented data of migrating and wintering birds which had been collected en route. The relationships and taxonomy of the Fijian parrot genus Prosopeia* by Dieter Rinke Received 28 January 1989 Based on the specimens collected by the Whitney South Seas expedition, Amadon (1942) revised the taxonomy of the Fijian parrot genus Prosopeia. Two species were recognized: The Masked Shining Parrot, P. personata, which is monotypic (the ‘green Prosopeia’), and the Red Shining Parrot P. tabuensis, which he split into 5 subspecies: splendens, tabuensis, Roroensis, atrogularis and taviunensis (the ‘red Prosopeia’). While splendens is charac- terized by its crimson colour, the maroon populations of P. tabuensis were distinguished by combinations of the following characters: size, occurrence and extension of a blue nuchal collar, and the amount of red feather tips on the rump. Amadon’s taxonomy was accepted in subsequent treatments of either parrots (Forshaw 1973) or Fijian birds (Mayr 1945, *This is publication No. 1 from the Brehm Fund South Seas Expedition. D. Rinke 186 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) duPont 1976, Watling 1982, Clunie 1984). Wolters (1975-82) resurrected Mathews’ genus Layardiella for tabuensis, but this was not accepted by most authors. The arrangement of the taxa within the order Psittaciformes is as yet controversial; apparently, no satisfactory classification exists. Smith (1975) and, toa lesser extent, Homberger (1980) provide an assessment of those characters which were thought to be of significance for a phylo- genetic arrangement of the parrots, but most of them do not seem to reveal relationships. The genus Prosopeia exemplifies these taxonomic difficulties. Brereton (1963) presented a somewhat curious taxonomy for the family Psittacidae to encompass the genera Poicephalus, Psittacus (both from Africa), Coracopsis (from Madagascar), Psittichras (from New Guinea) and Prosopeia. Most authors suggest there is a close relationship between Prosopeia and the king-parrot group (especially to Alisterus), both being included either in the platycercine or psittaculine assemblages (review in Homberger 1980). Amadon (1942) considered merging Prosopeia with Alisterus, but refrained until the taxonomic significance of the carotid formula was proved. Homberger (1980) differs from all other authors in clearly separating Prosopeia (as platycercine) from Alisterus (as psittaculine). Mayr (1939: 203), interestingly, supposed a Papuan origin of the genus Prosopeza, while later, in his treatment of eastern Polynesian birds, he stated: ‘““The case of Cyanoramphus is puzzling; the genus may have had a much wider distribution in Polynesia, and Prosopeia may be a specialized remnant of this stock’”’ (1939: 209). The first part of this paper deals with the relationships of Prosopeza in the light of primitive and derived plumage characters, and of biogeo- graphical data. In the second part, the genus Prosopeza is revised on the basis of traditionally used morphological characters within the genus, taking into consideration past and present distributional patterns. Methods I studied a total of 217 Prosopeia specimens in the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York, the British Museum (Natural History) (BMNH) in Tring, the Senckenberg-Museum (SM) in Frankfurt and the Zoologisches Forschungs-Museum Alexander Konig (ZFMK) in Bonn. Data on some atrogularis specimens have been pro- vided by W. Boles from the Australian Museum (AM) in Sydney. In addition, plumage characters and measurements from a few live birds from ’Eua, Tonga, were recorded during my field studies. Plumage characters were noted for every specimen, and the following measurements taken: length of the folded right wing, width of the upper mandible at the base of the bill, and exposed culmen. The exposed culmen data were not, in fact, evaluated because of high variability within populations, probably due to abrasion independent of age; ‘exposed culmen’ is not a useful character in parrot systematics. Tail length was equally ignored, due to high variability resulting from seasonal wear. Forshaw (1973) showed that tarsus length in Prosopeia does not reveal interpopulation differences, so this too was ignored. D. Rinke 187 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) TABLE 1 Morphometric data of Prosopeia populations (WL=wing-length; WM = width of upper mandible; n=number of specimens; s.1. = significance level for female—male differences) FEMALES MALES means+s.d. range n means+ts.d. range n s.1. 30 P<0.001 32 P<0.001 12 nes: 12 P<0.001 13 P<0.001 WL (tabuensis) 23-25-2046 2220-24 24 oy 24.4.2 130270) 23) 29% WM (tabuensis) 16.17+0.61 15.1-17.3 24 18.53+0.39 17.7-19. WL (Roroensis) DIES St OLD 216.2 380N 1 Ory 220 9k Osi 224-235 WM (Zoroensis) 16.03+0.47 15.3-16.5 6 18.734+0.48 18.0-19. WL (atrogularis). 21.96+1.22 20.7-24.2 8 24.0241.14 22.6-25. WM (atrogularis) 16.01+0.33 15.7-16.5 8 18.12+0.47 17.0-18.8 15 P<0.001 5.6 992 3.9 9.4 S47 8.8 WL (‘tabuensis’) 22.84+0.89 20.7-24.1 38 23.994+0.98 22.4-25.7 55 P<0.001 WM (‘tabuensis’) 16.12+0.53 15.1-17.3 38 18.48+0.47 17.0-19.4 57 P<0.001 2.9 8.7 4:2 9.4 4.9 9% WL (taviunensis) 20.06+0.50 19.1-20.8 16 21.50+0.62 20.422. 12 P<0.001 WM (taviunensis) 14.45+0.44 13.4-15.2 16 17.7640.69 16.8- 12 P<0.001 WL (splendens) - 21.51+0.62 20.2=23.0 24 22.944+0.71 21.5— 29 P<0.001 29 P<0.001 21 P<0.001 22 P<0.001 WM (splendens) 15.46+0.63 14.4-16.7 25 17.94+0.69 16. 6 WL (personata) 22.80+0.45 22.2-23.6 20 23.9740.69 22.5- WM (personata) 16.07+0.43 15.2-17.0 20 18.40+0.69 17.2 ‘tabuensis = tabuensis, atrogularis and koroensis evaluated jointly. Small series of specimens of species supposedly close relatives of Prosopeia (i.e. Eunymphicus, Cyanoramphus, Platycercus, Alisterus, Aprosmictus and Eclectus) were similarly studied. Relationships of the genus Prosopeia External morphology In parrots, a predominantly red plumage is a derived character which appeared independently: in Ara, Eclectus, Alisterus and Platycercus in the Psittacidae; in Lorius, Eos, Chalcopsitta, Charmosyna, Vini and Trichoglossus in the Loriidae. Green plumage is a primitive character, and hence, when assessing relationships on plumage characters, the more primitive green forms need to be compared. P. personata, the most primitive member of the genus, closely resembles Eunymphicus (blackish face, blue primaries, yellowish-green colouration), but has no blue rump patch (acharacteristic of all Alisterus and Aprosmictus specimens), nor a red upper mandible (present in Aprosmictus and Alisterus except in 2 A. scapularis), and lacks the more emerald green overall colouration of Aprosmictus, 2 Alisterus and 3 Eclectus. In ‘jizz’ and colouration, P. personata resembles a larger version (island gigantism?) of Eunymphicus cornutus uveaensis. There is no evidence for a close relationship with Alisterus. Sexual dimorphism in bill size is strongly marked in all populations of Prosopeia (Table 1) and significantly so in Eunymphicus, in Platycercus elegans and in most populations of Cyanoramphus (P<0.01); but in Alisterus, in Aprosmictus and in Eclectus sexual dimorphism in bill size is not significant, if present at all. D. Rinke 188 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Biogeography King-parrots and related genera (e.g. Alisterus, Aprosmictus and Poly- telis) show a strongly continental distribution pattern in those Australian and Papuan regions which have been repeatedly connected during the Pleistocene. Oceanic barriers between Australia and Timor (where Aprosmictus jonquillaceus occurs) and between New Guinea and the Maluku Islands (part of the range of Alisterus amboinensis) were either very narrow or not present during the periods of maximum glaciation. (The Alisterus amboinensis populations on the Peling Islands may have resulted from early human introductions.) King-parrots, however, have colonized neither the large islands to the north and east of New Guinea (i.e. New Britain, New Ireland, the Solomons) nor New Caledonia, despite the availability of the once large glacial land mass of the Bellona plateau. On the other hand, Cyanoramphus parakeets are known from widely scattered islands in the southwestern Pacific: from Lord Howe Island east to Tahiti, from Macquarie I. north to New Caledonia, though many populations are now extinct. Of the Fijian avifauna, most species have their origin in the Papuan region (Mayr 1939, Watling 1982), having colonized Fiji eastward and southward via the Solomons, the Santa Cruz Islands and Vanuatu, and possibly the islands of the Pandora Bank (lying between the Santa Cruz Islands and Rotuma) during the ice ages. The Fijian derivatives of a Papuan stock are represented on these island groups by closely related forms, including even Fiji’s distinctive endemics such as Lamprolia victoriae, Trichocichla rufa and the species of the ‘Chrysoenas group’ of Ptilinopus fruit-doves. There is, however, no long-tailed parrot species on any island between New Guinea and Fiji. This biogeographical evidence supports the conclusions just cited of the studies of external morphology that Prosopeza is more closely related to Eunymphicus than to Alisterus. It is the only New Zealand element in the resident Fijian avifauna. The genus Prosopeia in Fiji and Tonga Variation in the maroon populations Within the genus Prosopeia, 3 distinct colour types exist: green in personata, crimson in splendens, and maroon in the remaining 4 forms (cf. Amadon 1942). Variation in plumage characters is only slight in personata and splendens. In the maroon forms, which are at present distributed over one Tongan (Eua) and 6 Fijian islands (Vanualevu, Kioa, Taveuni, Qamea, Koro and Gau), there is variation in size and in colouration of certain parts of the plumage, especially of the neck and rump. In size, the form from Taveuni and Qamea (taviunensis) is separable from the others, both sexes having significantly smaller wing-lengths (Table 1: P<0.01). In width of the upper mandible, there are significant differences in females between taviunensis and each of Amadon’s (1942) other 3 named forms of tabuensis, namely koroensis, atrogularis and tabuensis; in males differences are sig- nificant between taviunensis and both tabuensis and koroensis (P<0.01; Table 1), but not atrogularis. D. Rinke 189 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) The subspecies koroensis (from Koro), atrogularis (from Vanualevu and Kioa) and tabuensis (from Gau and ’Eua) were originally distinguished principally on the amount of maroon tips to the rump feathers and on the occurrence and extent of a blue nuchal collar (Layard 1876a, Amadon 1942). All specimens examined from Koro have the rump feathers tipped with red, from a few feathers to about 50%, but not so extensively as noted by Amadon (1942). 10 of 24 specimens from Gau and 6 of 21 specimens from ‘Eau have red—mostly very few—tips to the rump feathers. In 9 birds from Vanualevu and 7 from Kioa, the rump was without any red markings, but the samples are only small. The blue nuchal collar is well developed in the birds from Vanualevu, but in the Kioa specimens it is narrow. Specimens from the other islands show much variation: birds from ‘Eau and Gau may show no blue feathers or a fully developed blue collar, most specimens being between these extremes. Of the 18 Koro birds, 4 have some blue feathers in the hind- neck, one showing a narrow blue collar. Excepting taviunensis, variation in width of the upper mandible and in wing-length within and between the maroon populations is slight; there are no significant differences between these 2 parameters. In Table 2, significant differences between different pairings of populations are marked. It is noteworthy that females from Koro* have significantly longer wings than those from Vanualevu’, while in males’, this relation is reversed. Mean wing-length in males from Kioa’ (22.78 mm) (which have been included in atrogularis by Amadon 1942), cluster with those from Koro” (22.91 mm, to give a mean of 22.88 mm, with no increase in standard deviation when both populations are combined), rather than with those from Vanualevu’ (mean 24.17 mmandan increase in standard deviation— Table 2). Females are excluded due to too few single island data. If the data of all maroon forms except taviunensis (here indicated as ‘tabuensis’) are evaluated jointly, the variation of bill-size is similar to that in the 2 other Prosopeia populations (e.g. splendens and personata), in both females and males. In wing-length, variation is about 1.5 times higher in ‘tabuensis’ than in the other species (Table 1). Assessment of variable characters The red feather tips on the rump are probably of little taxonomic sig- nificance. Juveniles of some species of parrots (for example Agapornis roseicollis; pers. obs.) occasionally show red markings on some feathers, and these are replaced by green feathers during the first moult. A juvenile female Red Shining Parrot, which I kept in an aviary on’Eua, was marked with red also on the lesser and median wing-coverts. The red feathers disappeared after the first moult. Out of 9 specimens collected on ’Eua in August (which is during the breeding season, cf. Rinke in press), there was “‘. .. only asingle specimen which has the uropygium uniform green; the others all show more or less red tips to the feathers, which in some are broad and very conspicuous; in two, also, the lesser and largest scapula-coverts have purplish-red tips”’ (Finsch 1877: 771). Finsch must previously have seen other specimens from ’Eua which probably had no red feather tips on the rump, as he D. Rinke 190 TABLE 2 Comparison of morphometric data (mm) of tabuensis specimens from single islands and from variously combined islands (number of specimens not given in Table 1 in brackets). Significance level (P <0.01) between populations marked by identical superscript numbers. Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Females width of upper Islands Wing length mandible *Eua 23.17 40.29 (13) 16.30+0.62 (13) Gau 23.53+0.34 (11) 15.99+0.57 (11) *Eua & Gau (tabuensis) 23.32+0.35'3 16.17+0.61 *Eua, Gau & Koro 23.12+0.59 (30) 16.14+0.58 (30) Koro (Roroensis) 22.35+0.72'* 16.03 + 0.47 Koro & Kioa Kioa Kioa & Vanualevu (atrogularis) Koro, Kioa & Vanualevu Vanualevu all islands (‘tabuensis’) Islands *Eua Gau *Eua & Gau (tabuensis) *Eua, Gau & Koro Koro (Roroensis) Koro & Kioa Kioa Kioa & Vanualevu (atrogularis) Koro, Kioa & Vanualevu 22.14+0.65 (8) 21.73 + 0.06 (2) 21.96+1.223 22.13+1.02 (14) 20.97 +0.25* (6) 22.88 +0.88 Wing length 24.33 +0.56 (17) 24.78 + 0.69 (13) 24.54+0.657 24.11+0.94 (42) 22-91). 0. 512 22.88 + 0.45 (17) 722.78 +0.13 (5) 24.02+1.14° 23.48 + 1.04 (25) 15.97 +0.40 (8) 15.83 +0.16 (2) 16.01 +0.33 16.02 +0.38 (14) 15.93 +0.32 (6) 16.12+0.53 width of upper mandible 18.63+0.42 (19) 18.41+0.30 (13) 18.53+0.39 18.59+0.42 (44) 18.73 +0.48 18.64+0.50 (17) 18.35 +0.48 (5) 18.12+0.47 18.41+0.56 (25) Vanualevu °724.17+0.74 (8) 24.09+0.98 18.10+0.20 (8) 18.48+0.47 all islands (‘tabuensis’) concluded: ‘“The absence of red tips to the feathers of the lower rump or upper row of upper tail-coverts, .. ., is not a character of specific value in these birds”’ (Finsch 1877: 771). Besides variation within some of the maroon populations, Amadon’s (1942) distinguishing characters show some clinal variation. With regard to size, the birds from Vanualevu, Gau and ’Eua are the largest; those from Kioa and Koro show slight tendencies towards the smallest form, taviunensis. Regarding the blue nuchal collar, the birds from Koro are closest to the Taveuni parrots, which have no nuchal collar; those from *Eua and Gau are highly variable and may be classified as being inter- mediate between specimens from Taveuni and Vanualevu, the latter dis- tinguished by well developed nuchal collars. Amadon (1942) attributed the variation in plumage characters in the specimens from ’Eua to human D. Rinke 191 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) introductions of parrots from different Fijian islands; but this assumption had been made as early as 1793 by Labillardiere (Layard 1876b: footnote p. 390). Layard argued that “‘its powers [of flight] are too limited; and not one representative of the genus is found anywhere among the islands”’ (1876c: 501), and that “‘it has been their [the Tongans’] custom to take tamed examples of Platycercus [Prosopeia tabuensis] .. . to Tonga for the purpose of periodically plucking their crimson feathers for ornamenting fans &c.”’ (1876b: 390). Specimens from Gau are indistinguishable from ’Eua Red Shining Parrots; Amadon (1942) considered that Gau’s population had either developed its intermediate characters during a long period of isolation, or had resulted from introduction by man. Trading with parrots, especially those having red feathers, was very common among island people. Bones of a parrot clearly referred to Proso- peia have been found at archaeological sites on Lakeba, Lau archipelago, Fiji (Best 1984), and as mentioned above, the populations on Koro and Kioa were possibly also effected by human interference. The Taveuni form is relatively distinct, though Taveuni and Vanualevu were never separated by more than 18 km; whereas the Koro, Gau and ’Eua birds, closely resembling those from Vanualevu, were separated from Vanualevu by at least 40 km of open sea during the Pleistocene and Holocene (Fig. 1). Character divergence from the source population is more likely to occur in acomparatively small population on a small island (e.g. Gau and Koro) rather than in a much larger population which, in addition, is much closer to the source island (Taveuni). As a result, Red Shining Parrots from Taveuni and Qamea are suf- ficiently distinct to be given subspecific status within tabuensts (Prosopeta tabuensis taviunensis). ‘The remaining tabuensis populations, however, should all be included under the nominate P. tabuensis tabuensis, because there are no unequivocally defining characters to separate koroensis, atrogularis and taviunensis. The specific name tabuensis which is used hereafter refers to these 3 subspecies. Species limits in Prosopeia On Vitilevu, personata and splendens have existed sympatrically since at least 1840 (the description of splendens was based on specimens from Vitilevu—Peale 1948). The latter has always been regarded as having been introduced into Vitilevu (Amadon 1942, Watling 1978, 1982), but this assumption has no traceable origin and is unproven. If splendens was indeed introduced into Vitilevu by Fijians, it must have occurred prior to the first visits of Europeans, because splendens was frequently seen by early authors (Layard 1875, Graffe 1968), becoming rare after the turn of the century (Bahr 1912), and, although considered extinct by Clunie (1984), still occurs in low numbers on Vitilevu (Watling, pers. comm.). Because there are neither intermediate specimens in museum collec- tions nor reports about hybrids from the wild sympatric populations of personata and splendens, these 2 can be regarded as distinct biological species. Although Amadon (1942) regarded splendens as a subspecies of tabuensis, considering that the distinction between the maroon of the tabuensis populations and the crimson of splendens was merely a matter of D. Rinke 192 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) J present / glacial Figure 1. Pleistocene distributions of islands in the Fiji archipelago (after Watling 1982); Ovalau, Kioa and Qamea are the closest islands east of Vitilevu, Vanualevu and Taveuni respectively. hue, he seemed not entirely satisfied with this opinion when he wrote: “It is possible that splendens would not interbreed with the maroon forms, just as it does not with personata. Unless this is not demonstrated in nature, splendens may continue to be considered a race of tabuensis”’ (1942: 9). Potential reproductive isolation is the weak point in the biological species concept in its classical sense (but what else than a ‘biological’ species concept is the phylogenetic species concept?). Biogeographical evidence, as discussed below, strongly supports the opinion that personata and tabuensis are closely related phylogenetically, and that splendens was isolated from the personata/tabuensis stock at an earlier date. Corroboration is found in some characters of the external morphology, which are considered first. D. Rinke 193 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) A captive-bred hybrid 2 personata/3 tabuensis resembled tabuensts in almost all plumage characters, only lacking the blue nuchal collar, allow- ing the green colour of the back to extend onto the hindneck. Red appears to be a dominant colour. The phenotype of the hybrid strongly suggests that the colour of the head and breast plumage is controlled by a few gene loci. Other characteristics support the opinion that splendens deserves specific status: splendens lacks a dark facial mask. In tabuensis, the lores and the facial mask are blackish much like the dark face of personata; tabuensis has green feather edges on the cheeks and the belly, whereas in splendens these feather areas are completely crimson; all populations of tabuensis are maroon, whereas splendens is distinctively brighter coloured; no intermediates have occurred on islands where individuals of both splendens and tabuensis have been introduced. Strong evidence that splendens is specifically distinct also comes from the distributional pattern of birds within the Fijian archipelago, exampled by the relatively isolated island of Kadavu. When compared with the other large islands of central Fiji, Kadavu’s endemic and subspecific forms are illustrative: Kadavu has endemic species of a honey-eater, Foulehaio provocator, a fantail, Rhipidura personata and a fruit-dove, Ptilinopus layardi, which are represented by only slightly different populations, Foulehaio carunculata and Rhipidura spilodera, on the other large islands of Fiji, and by P. luteovirens on Vitilevu, Ovalau, Koro, Gau and some smaller islands. Some widespread species have well-marked subspecies on Kadavu (e.g. Halcyon chloris, Myiagra vanicorensis and Petroica multicolor), while populations of these species on the other large islands have not differentiated to a subspecies level. Three forest-dwelling species (Charmosyna amabilis, Gymnomyza viridis and Myiagra azureocapilla) inhabit the 3 largest Fiji islands but do not occur on Kadavu, the fourth largest island in Fiji. There are no Fijian taxa which have representatives on most large islands, where those from Kadavu are closer to conspecifics or congeners from Vanualevu, Taveuni, Koro or Gau than to related forms from Vitilevu. Geneflow between populations on those islands, on which P. tabuensis occurs, and popu- lations on Kadavu seems to be almost non-existant. Kadavu’s isolation appears even more pronounced when considering glacial distributions of land in the Fiji archipelago. While Vitilevu and Vanualevu, as well as Vanualevu and Taveuni, were separated by channels of only a few kilometers during periods of glacial maxima, there were at least 40 km of open sea between Kadavu and Vitilevu during any period of the Pleistocene (Fig. 1). If the geographical position of Kadavu within Fiji has resulted in dis- tinctive forms thereon, even in those taxa which may be called ‘super- tramps’ (sensu Diamond 1974), e.g. Halcyon chloris and Foulehaio, or in species with good dispersal abilities such as Myzagra vanikorensis, how much more pronounced should be distinctiveness in weakly dispersing D. Rinke 194 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) tabuensis taviunensis PROSOPEIA PERLITE) splendens cornutus EUNYMPHICUS uveaensis CYANORAMPHUS Figure 2. Phylogenetic relationships of south Pacific islands platycercine parrots. taxa such as Prosopeia, resulting in almost complete isolation and the possible subsequent acquisition of specifically distinguishing characters. On the other hand, there may have been geneflow between Prosopeia populations on Vitilevu and those on Vanualevu until the end of the latest glaciation, when a large lagoon between these 2 islands was connected with the open sea merely by 3 narrow channels (Fig. 1). Such sea barriers were possibly even shorter than indicated by iso-barythmetic lines as a result of extensive stands of mangroves growing up, and these do form sujtable habitats for non-breeding Prosopeza parrots (Bahr 1912, Clunie 1984). Taxonomic conclusions 1. Reproductive isolation has developed in personata and splendens, which are therefore good biological species. 2. Similarities between splendens and tabuensis are superficial. Red colour in parrots is a factor which may spread easily in a parrot population once acquired, assuming it incurs no disadvantages related to predators. 3. Based on distributional analysis and some morphological characters, tabuensis (including taviunensis) is considered to be closer phylogenetically to personata than to splendens. 'The distinctive plumage characters may have been acquired after the last glaciation. 4. There will probably be no proof of reproductive isolation between personata and tabuensis in the wild. The importance of facial colouration and colour pattern in mate recognition in parrots, however, makes repro- ductive isolation (through ethological barriers) between these 2 forms highly probable. Hence, the following taxonomic arrangement of the genus 1s proposed (see Fig. 2), with the distribution of the forms: Prosopeia splendens, monotypic; Kadavu and Vitilevu Prosopeia personata, monotypic; Vitilevu and, formerly, Ovalau Prosopeia tabuensis with 2 subspecies: Prosopeia tabuensts tabuensis, Vanualevu, Kioa, Koro, Gau and *Eua Prosopeia tabuensis taviunensis; Taveuni and Qamea. D. Rinke 195 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Acknowledgements My visits to the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York and to the British Museum (Natural History) in Tring have been supported by a grant of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Bonn, F.R. Germany. I am very much indebted to Dr P. J. K. Burton (Tring), Dr D. S. Peters (Frankfurt) and Dr K.-L. Schuchmann (Bonn) for the use of bird specimens under their care, to Walter E. Boles (Sydney), who provided measurements of Prosopeza specimens from Vanualevu, and to Mary LeCroy (AMNH) for her assistance and hospitality during my stay in New York. Dr Roland Sossinka, Wolfgang Dressen (both from Bielefeld), Dr Dick Watling (Suva, Fiji) and Mary LeCroy kindly commented on earlier drafts of this paper. References: Amadon, D. 1942. Birds collected during the Whitney South Seas expedition, 50. Notes on some non-passerine genera, 2. Am. Mus. Novit. 1176. Bahr, P. H. 1912. Ona journey to the Fiji islands, with notes on the present status of their avifauna, made during a year’s stay in the group, 1910-1911. Jbzs 1912, 282-314. Best, S. B. 1984. Lakeba: the prehistory of a Fijian island. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Auckland, N.Z. Brereton, J. L. 1963. Evolution within the Psittaciformnes. Proc. XIIIth Int. Ornithol. Congr.: 499-517. Clunie, F. 1984. Birds of the Fiji Bush. Fiji Museum, Suva, Fiji. Diamond, J. M. 1974. Colonization of exploded volcanic islands by birds: the supertramp strategy. Science 189: 803-806. duPont, J. E. 1976. South Pacific Birds. Delaware Mus. Nat. Hist. Monogr. No. 3. Finsch, O. 1877. On a collection of birds from ’Eua, Friendly Islands. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1877: 770-777. Forshaw, J. M. 1973. Parrots of the World. Lansdowne Press, Melbourne. Graffe, E. 1968. Reisen im Inneren der Insel Viti- Levu. Newjahrsbl. Naturf. Ges. Ziirich 70: 1-48. Guntert, M. 1981. Morphologische Untersuchungen zur adaptiven Radiation des Ver- dauungstraktes bei Papageien (Psittaci). Zool. 7b. Anat. 106: 471-526. Homberger, D. G. 1980. Funktionell-morphologische Untersuchungen zur Radiation der Ernahrungs- und Trinkmethoden der Papageien (Psittaci). Bonner Zool. Monogr. 13. Layard, E. L. 1875. Ornithological notes from Fiji, with descriptions of supposed new species of birds. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1875: 27, 30, 149-151, 423-442. Layard, E. L. 1876a. Notes on some little-known birds of the new colony of the Fiji Islands. Ibis 1876: 137-157. Layard, E. L. 1876b. Description of a new species of flycatcher (Myiagra) from the Fiji’s, and some remarks on the distribution of the birds found in those islands. [bis 1876: 387-394. Layard, E. L. 1876c. Notes on the birds of the Navigators’ and Friendly Islands, with some additions to the ornithology of Fiji. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1876: 490-506. Mayr, E. 1939. The origin and history of the bird fauna of Polynesia. Pac. Sci. Congr. Proc. 6: 197-216. Mayr, E. 1945. Birds of the Southwest Pacific. Macmillan. Peale, T. R. 1848. United States exploring expedition during the years 1838-1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes USN. Vol. 8A, Mammalogy and Ornithology. C. Sherman, Philadelphia. Rinke, D. 1989. The reproductive biology of the Red Shining Parrot Prosopeia tabuensis on the island of ’Eua, Kingdom of Tonga. Ibis 131: 238-249. Smith, G. A. 1976. Systematics of parrots. Ibis 117: 18-68. Watling, D. 1978. The Cambridge collection of Fijian and Tongan landbirds. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 98: 95-98. Watling, E. 1982. Birds of Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. Millwood Press, Wellington, N.Z. Wolters, H. E. 1975-1982. Die Vogelarten der Erde. Hamburg, Berlin. Address : Dr Dieter Rinke, Brehm Fund South Seas Expedition, P.O. Box 1524, Nuku’alofa, Kingdom of Tonga. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 B. Massa 196 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Comments on Passer italiae (Vieillot 1817) by Bruno Massa Received 16 February 1989 Mayr (1963) and Johnston (1969) considered Passer italiae a stabilised hybrid between P. domesticus and P. hispaniolensis. Apart from Italy, forms phenotypically belonging to P. italiae live in Corsica, some oases of Algeria, Tunisia and Lybia, and in the isle of Crete. A clinal variation has been observed in the Italian peninsula, where first Bertani (1944) and subsequently Johnston (1969) and Lo Valvo & Lo Verde (1987) have observed a southward decrease in the wing length. Furthermore the same 3 authors pointed out that hispaniolensis characters increase southward along the Italian peninsula, Sicily and Maltese Islands. While Johnston (1969), nevertheless, proposes that P. italiae be recog- nised as a full species, Summers-Smith (1978) considers P. italiae is a subspecies of P. hispaniolensis on the basis of phenotypical and behav- ioural characters. Baumgart (1984), agreeing that P. italiae and hispanio- lensis are conspecific, points out that hispaniolensis (Temminck 1820) is a junior synonym of ztaliae (Vieillot 1817), and proposes the new arrange- ment P. italiaeitaliae and P. italiae hispaniolensis, a proposition which has been overlooked in the recent book by Summers-Smith (1988), who there still considers ztaliae to be a subspecies of hispaniolensis. Lo Valvo & Lo Verde (1987) agree with Johnston (1969) that P. ztaliae is a full species, but they prefer to regard the Sicilian and Maltese popu- lations as P. hispaniolensis. Electrophoretic analysis by Brown et al. (1970), indeed, confirmed that Sicilian and Maltese populations are taxo- nomically very close to each other. Some authors (e.g. Baumgart 1984, Summers-Smith 1988), who re- gard P. italiae as a subspecies, also regard it as closer to hispaniolensis than to domesticus; they advance the hypothesis that hybridization between P. domesticus and (migrant) P. hispaniolensis accounts for the italiae-like sparrows in Crete, Yugoslavia and in the oases of North Africa, where a complete range of intermediates between domesticus and hispaniolensis has been noticed (Summers-Smith & Vernon 1972, Metzmacher 1986a,b); but, as Metzmacher (1986a) observes, it is unlikely that the same phenomenon can be explained in 2 different ways: an italiae-like sparrow cannot bea subspecies in the Italian peninsula and a hybrid in other areas. Summers-Smith (1988) points out that the kind of intergradation southward in the Italian peninsula is typical of a subspecies, whereas he cites a sharp transition at the northern boundary to demonstrate that italiae and domesticus are different species. The existence of this intergra- dation was noted earlier by Bocchiet al. (1960); they concluded from their blood groups that Sicilian sparrows are hybrids between hispaniolensis and italiae, some Sicilian individuals sharing the same antigen pool with north Italian sparrows. Moreover it seems that in the northern part of italiae’s breeding area a true isolation between italiae and domesticus in fact does not exist. Schifferli & Schifferli (1980) indeed report a hybrid area, 30-35 km wide, of freely interbreeding domesticus and italiae; a B. Massa 197 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) possibly even wider hybrid zone 1s given for ztaliae’s western boundary in France (Lo Valvo & Lo Verde 1987, Summers-Smith 1988) and also for its eastern boundary in Austria and Yugoslavia (Summers-Smith 1988). In addition, occasional ztaliae-like hybrids are reported from zones where domesticus and hispaniolensis overlap (Summers-Smith 1988), while Alonso (1984), hybridizing domesticus x hispaniolensis, obtained a fluckigeri-like sparrow, one of the ztaliae-like intermediates. Lastly, Thibault (1983) reports hybrid populations of hispaniolensis x italiae in the south of Corsica, certainly resulting from the immigration of hispaniolensis from Sardinia. Some authors (Stephan 1984, Metzmacher 1986b) have pointed out that there is individual variation of several plumage traits and Lo Valvo & Lo Verde (1987) that the plumage varies between different seasons. Phenotypical analysis should-therefore be carried out following identical criteria for each individual for all the ztaliae-like populations, for those living in Italy as well as in Corsica, Crete or N Africa. Such a study in the past in many cases may have been not entirely objective and the conclu- sions dependent on the methodological approach. The conclusion of Summers-Smith (1978, 1988), for example, that Maltese Sparrows show both hispaniolensis and domesticus characters could depend on the fact that he visited Malta only in October, at a time when /ispaniolensis plumage has the widest variation, especially as regards the black streaks on the flanks and the head colour. It is possible, as well, that the 4 samples examined by Metzmacher (1986a) from some oases of Algeria could have given more precise results on the degree of hybridization if the analysis period had been restricted to specimens obtained in the spring-summer months only. Finally, even if it is true that hybridization between domesticus and hispaniolensis could have originated from immigrations of hispaniolensis (and hispaniolensis is certainly more of a wanderer than domesticus, having been recorded as far away as Great Britain—Charlwood & Britton 1981, Waller 1981), the suggestion that, on the other hand, domesticus may have invaded zones where ztaliae breeds, and vice versa, cannot be dismissed. Thibault (1983), for example, reports for Corsica some records of typical domesticus and also of hybrid domesticus x italiae, while Le Grand (1977) records the colonisation of Sao Miguel (Azores) ‘by domesticus, certainly originating from the isle of Terceira, c. 130 km away. Evidently domesti- cus may at times disperse as distinctly as hispanizolensis. Summers-Smith (1988: table 50) also suggests that italiae could be regarded as a semispecies; but this term was, in fact, used by Mayr (1963) to define the allopatric species of which a superspecies is composed. So, even if we could consider domesticus and hispaniolensis as semispecies of the Linnean superspecies domesticus, this term does not fit specimens from the hybrid strip or intergradation zone (italiae). More coherently Lo Valvo & Lo Verde (1987) propose regarding italiae as an ‘‘emergent interspecies’ (sensu Vuilleumier 1976), i.e. a species very close to others whose breeding areas it overlaps and where hybridization may be shown. Therefore, as previously pointed out, the taxonomic problem of italiae- like sparrows, described as ‘“‘somewhat of a taxonomist’s nightmare”’ (Waller 1981), cannot be solved merely by phenotypical analysis, and no B. Massa 198 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) proposal resulting from traditional taxonomic approach can now be genuinely accepted. In conclusion, while waiting for genetic studies in depth on hybrid italiae-like populations in comparison with ‘accepted’ sparrow species, researchers must avoid causing new complications in sparrow nomencla- ture. I propose that the ztaliae-like Sparrows be recognised as stabilized hybrids between domesticus and hispaniolensis, and that the useful specific rank, P. italiae, as proposed by Johnston (1969) be maintained. Acknowledgements I thank very much Dr J. F. Monk and Dr C. Violani for their useful comments on the first draft. References: Alonso, J. C. 1984. Kreuzung Spanischer Haus- (Passer domesticus) und Weiden-Sperling (Passer hispaniolensis) in Gefangenschaft. 7. Orn. 125: 339-340. Baumgart, W. 1984. Zur Characterisierung von Haus- und Weiden-Sperling, Passer domes- ticus und Passer hispaniolensis, als ‘‘zeitdifferente Arten’’. Beitr. Vogelkd. 30: 217-242. Bertani, G. 1944. Eterogeneita fenotipica in Passer italiae (Vieill.). Riv. Ital. Orn. 14: 43-49. Bocchi, G. D., Mainardi, D. & Orlando, C. 1960. Gruppi sanguigni e ibridazione inter- specifica in pesci e uccelli. Rendiconti, Ist. Lombardo 94: 63-74. Brown, I. R. F., Bannister, W. H. & De Lucca, C. 1970. A comparison of Maltese and Sicilian Sparrow haemoglobins. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 34: 557-562. Charlwood, R. H. & Britton, D. 1981. Spanish Sparrows in the Isles of Scilly. British Birds 74: 150-151. Johnston, R. F. 1969. Taxonomy of House Sparrows in the Mediterranean basin. Condor 71: 129-139. Le Grand, G. 1977. Apparition du Moineau domestique Passer domesticus sur Vile de Sao Miguel (Acores). Alauda 45: 339-340. Lo Valvo, F. & Lo Verde, G. 1987. Studio della variabilita fenotipica delle popolazioni italiane di Passere e loro posizione tassonomica. Riv. Ital. Orn. 57: 97-110. Mayr, E. 1963. Animal Species and Evolution. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge (Mass.). Metzmacher, M. 1986a. La distribution des Moineaux, Passer, en Algérie: observations complementaires. Gerfaut 76: 131-138. Metzmacher, M. 1986b. Le Moineau domestique (Passer domesticus) et le Moineau espag- nol (Passer hispaniolensis) dans |’Ouest de |’ Algérie: examen de la variation regionale. Gerfaut 76: 335-342. Schifferli, L. & Schifferli, A. 1980. Die Verbreitung des Haus-sperlings Passer domesticus domesticus und des Italiensperlings Passer domesticus italiae im Tessim und im Misox. Orn. Beobachter 77: 21-26. Stephan, B. 1984. Zur individuellen Variabilitat einiger Passer-Arten. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl. 60: 89-96. Summers-Smith, D. 1978. The Spanish Sparrow on Malta. I] Merill 19: 9-10. Summers-Smith, D. 1988. The Sparrows. T. & A. D. Poyser. Summers-Smith, D. & Vernon, J. D. R. 1972. The distribution of Passer in North-West Africa. [bis 114: 259-262. Thibault, J-C. 1983. Les Oiseaux de la Corse. Parc Naturel Regional de la Corse, Ajaccio. Vuilleumier, F. 1976. Lanotion d’éspéce en ornithologie. Mem. Soc. Zool. France 38: 29-65. Waller, C.S. 1981. Spanish Sparrow: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 74: 109-110. Address: Dr Bruno Massa, Istituto di Zoologia dell’Universita, Via Archirafi 18, 90123 Palermo, Italy. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 C.F. Feare S Y. Mungroo 199 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Notes on the House Crow Corvus splendens in Mauritius by C. F. Feare & Y. Mungroo Received 4 March 1989 House Crows Corvus splendens have become naturalised in many countries bordering the Indian Ocean, following both deliberate intro- ductions and ship-assisted passage from ports in the native range, es- pecially India and Sri Lanka (Long 1981, Lever 1987). In some parts of their new range, House Crows cause a variety of problems, including nuisance and possible health hazards for man and his domestic stock, as well as having led to declines in populations of native birds (Ash 1984, Dolbeer 1987, Ryall & Reid 1987). While some aspects of the birds’ biology are known in India (Ali & Ripley 1972), very little is known about introduced populations. The Mauritius population has increased from c. 100 birds in 1976 (Staub 1976) to 600-1000 birds in 1988 (Feare & Mungroo in press), mainly concentrated in the capital, Port Louis, but with an outlying colony in Pamplemousses Botanic Garden and isolated nests elsewhere. Sightings of flocks as far inland as Curepipe (25 km from Port Louis) suggest a continuing expansion of range. The present observations were made during a visit 2-16 October 1988. BREEDING Courtship feeding and mutual allopreening were seen during this study (early October) and birds were building nests. The testes of males collected in experiments on control (Feare & Mungroo in press) were enlarged and although the ovaries of females were still small, oogenesis was proceeding, suggesting that egg-laying would occur within a few weeks. Only 2 nests found were isolated, the remainder were in colonies; at the quarantine Station, Roches Bois, 24 were found in one large Banyan tree. Lamba (1963) recorded finding up to 9 nests in one tree, but Goodwin (1976) claimed that they usually nested singly and Ali & Ripley (1972) did not mention social breeding. In Mauritius, House Crows are predominantly colonial. Nests in almost all colonies were built mainly of twigs, but nests in the Roche Bois area were constructed almost entirely of wire. Nests were generally at least 10 m above the ground in tall trees, mainly in Banyan Ficus benghalensis or in another (unidentified) Ficus. A few nests were found in other trees: Terminalia mantali, Tebebuia pentaphylla, Callistemum sp. and Mangifera indica. No adults were seen feeding young and no juveniles were seen. The samples that were collected contained some first year birds, identified by their browner, less glossy remiges and rectrices, together with very worn primaries, several with the tips broken off, a feature of ageing first year birds (Ali & Ripley 1972). Their behaviour and gonad condition suggest that House Crows in Mauritius have a discrete breeding season in October-November, but further study is needed to confirm breeding season limits and factors which affect breeding success. C. J. Feare S Y. Mungroo 200 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) TABLE 1 The weight (g) and wing (flattened chord) and culmen measurements (mm) of House Crows Corvus splendens captured in October 1988 in Mauritius, and of a series of birds (number and location unknown) from India given by Ali & Ripley (1972). MALE FEMALE WEIGHT WING CULMEN WEIGHT WING CULMEN MAURITIUS Mean+ts.e. 316.64+5.3 268.24+1.9 50.940.7 269.7+4.4 246.64+2.7 45.8+0.6 n 16 18 18 10 10 9 Range 270-371 255-286 45-56 245-295 237-267 42-49 INDIA Range 310-362 266-284 51-56 252-304 252-282 45-50 FOOD House Crows from all the major colonies around Port Louis fed at the Roche Bois rubbish dump, indicating the importance of garbage as a food source. Away from Roche Bois, garbage in flood drainage channels also was eaten. In town parks and gardens, crows readily took bread, rice and noodles that had been dropped or which had been deliberately thrown down as food for smaller birds. In Port Louis, roadside stalls at which bread and cakes were made, usually had crows in attendance on nearby branches or walls. Evidently, Mauritius House Crows feed mainly on by- products of human activity, since few other food items were seen to be taken. Ripe Banyan figs were being eaten where these trees occurred in or near colonies. Crows also spent considerable effort in removing small fragments of the oily fruit coat of the palms Livingstonia chinensis and Veitchia merrilli, taken from fruits on the trees or from the ground beneath. In Pamplemousses Botanic Garden, a small dead chick of a Red- whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus was found with the clear mark of the hooked beak of a House Crow in its soft skull. BIOMETRICS Specimens collected were weighed on a Pesola balance, the wing (flattened chord) and culmen measured, and sexed by dissection. The Mauritius data (Table 1) agree well with those from India (Ali & Ripley 1972), except that in Mauritius there is a clearer separation of the sexes by wing length; males were considerably larger than females, a size difference that was readily apparent in flocks. DISCUSSION Ali & Ripley (1972) reported a wide variety of food items that were taken by House Crows; the limited range of foods recorded in Mauritius is clearly far from complete. Mauritius crows are heavily dependent on garbage but a study of their food throughout the year would be valuable. Feare & Mungroo (in press) recommend that crow numbers should be controlled and for effective control, suitable baits, more attractive than food already available, are needed. Tinned tuna fish was found to be a highly attractive bait, but alternatives would be required if bait aversion began to reduce the effectiveness of control. We would appeal for maximum use to be made of dead House Crows. Much can be inferred about breeding status and population structure S.L. Olson 201 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) from large samples of birds, and their pathological examination at the Mauritius Animal Health Laboratory could help to identify possible public and animal health risks, helping to refine and improve control tactics in the future in Mauritius and elsewhere. Acknowledgements C. J. F.’s visit was made possible by funding from the Mauritius Government and from the Overseas Development Administration. Local travel was provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources and office facilities were made available in the Department of Forestry. We are grateful for all of this assistance. References: Ali, S. & Ripley, S. D. 1972. Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan, Vol. 5. Oxford University Press. Ash, J.S. 1984. Report of the UNEP ornithologist/ecologist on the advice to the Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Yemen on ‘Combating the crow menace’. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/84/0189). Cyclostyled, 31pp. Dolbeer, R. A. 1987. Final report by consultant on rodent, fruit bat, house crow and water hen control. Vertebrate Pest Management TCP/MDV/4506 (T). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. Feare, C.J. & Mungroo, Y. In press. The status and management of the House Crow Corvus splendens in Mauritius. Biol. Conservation. Goodwin, D. 1976. Crows of the World. British Museum (Natural History). Lamba, B. S. 1963. The nidification of some common Indian birds. 7. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 60: 121-133. Lever, C. 1987. Naturalized Birds of the World. Longman. Long, J. L. 1981. Introduced Birds of the World. David & Charles. Ryall, C. & Reid, C. 1987. The Indian House Crow in Mombasa. Swara 10: 9-12. Staub, F. 1976. Birds of the Mascarenes and St. Brandon. Port Louis: Organization Normale des Enterprises Ltee. Addresses: Dr C. J. Feare, ADAS, Worplesdon Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Worplesdon, Surrey GU3 3LQ, England. Y. Mungroo, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources, New Government House, 4th Floor, Port Louis, Mauritius. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Notes on some Hawaiian birds from Cook’s third voyage by Storrs L. Olson Received 25 March 1989 Scientific knowledge of the birds of the Hawaiian Islands began with the discovery of the archipelago in 1778 on the third and last voyage of Captain James Cook. Contemporary accounts of the Hawaiian avifauna and the history of the specimens brought back from the islands on that voyage have been compiled in an exhaustive monograph by Medway (1981). These accounts and the specimens are of interest not only histori- cally but also from the standpoint of systematics and nomenclature, because most of them are the basis for the descriptions of new species. Further research into the history of Hawaiian ornithology has enabled me to amplify or modify a few points discussed by Medway. S.L. Olson 202 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) The probable identity of Latham’s “Sandwich Thrush’’, Turdus sandwichensis Gmelin, 1789 Most of the Hawaiian birds from Cook’s third voyage were first described by Latham (1781—1785), who did not at that time, however, use Latin names for them, these being supplied subsequently by Gmelin (1788-1793). Among these was one species whose identity has remained uncertain to this day, the specimen upon which it was based having apparently been lost at an early date (Medway 1981: 167). This was Latham’s ‘“‘“Sandwich Thrush’’, later Latinized as Turdus sandwichensis by Gmelin (1789:813). Latham’s (1783:39) description is the sole remaining evidence of the identity of this species: ‘‘Length five inches and a half. Bill dusky: the upper parts of the plumage pale brown: forehead and under parts cinereous white: belly and lower part of the thighs pale brown: tail even at the end: legs dusky. Inhabits Sandwich Islands. In the collection of Sir Joseph Banks.” Medway (1981:167) has reviewed the opinions of various authors who speculated inconclusively on the identity of this bird. The small size and white forehead were cited as precluding the Hawaiian thrushes of the genus Phaeornis (= Myadestes). The only other suggestion to be advanced was the Kauai creeper, Oreomystis bairdi (Stejneger). This species would be improbable considering the limited opportunities Cook’s expedition had for obtaining birds from Kauai, except from native traders, who would not likely have dealt in such a drab commodity. There is no evidence that any specimens of birds other than Vestiaria coccinea were ever obtained from Kauai by Cook’s voyage. Instead, it seems to me that Latham’s description very likely applies to the immature plumage of the Elepaio Chasiempis sandwichensis (Gmelin, 1789), from the island of Hawaii. The length, “‘five inches and a half’’, is exactly the same as that which Latham (1783:344) gave for his ‘‘Sandwich Flycatcher’’, the description of which formed the basis for Gmelin’s (1789:945) Muscicapa sandwichensis. In the plumage usually regarded as juvenile in Chasiempzis s. sandwichensis (plumages of Pacific flycatchers are complex and their proper terminology requires further study), the upper- parts are indeed light brown, and the underparts and usually the forehead are dingy whitish. Although the belly proper is the same colour as the rest of the underparts, the flanks are brown. Thus, there is nothing in Latham’s description that really conflicts with the juvenile plumage of Chasiempis s. sandwichensis. The Elepaio was doubtless an abundant bird on the Kona coast during Cook’s visit and it is not at all unlikely that specimens in various plumages would have been obtained. Such variation was responsible for Latham’s (1783:345) description of the ““Spotted- winged Flycatcher’’, the Muscicapa maculata of Gmelin (1789:945), which has long been regarded as a synonym of Chasiempis sandwichensis. The correspondence between the description of Latham’s ‘“‘Sandwich Thrush” and the immature plumage of the Elepaio is so close that I think it is safe to assume they are the same. Therefore, because the names involved were proposed simultaneously, as first reviser I consider Turdus sandwichensis Gmelin (1789:813) to be asubjective synonym of Muscicapa S.L. Olson 203 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) sandwichensis Gmelin (1789:945). This maintains the existing type and citation for the species, which in this case is preferable to page precedence (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1985: Article 24b, Recommendation 24A), even though the nomenclature would not change, because the 2 epithets are homonyms. The type-locality of the liwi Vestiaria coccinea (Forster, 1781) The liwi, a species known historically from all the larger Hawaiian Islands, was the first bird to be formally described from the archipelago, being called Certhia coccinea by Forster (1781). It was also almost certainly the first species of Hawaiian bird to come into the hands of Cook’s naturalists, as specimens clearly of this species were bought from natives when the voyage made its first stop in the islands at Waimea, Kauai, in January 1778 (Medway 1981:106). Otherwise, virtually all natural history collecting by Cook’s expedition in the Hawaiian Islands took place on the Kona coast of the island of Hawaii. After reviewing the evidence, Medway (1981:112) concluded that: ‘“‘with the exception of Vestiaria coccinea, first obtained from the Waimea district of Kauai, the Kona district of Hawaii can be accepted as the type locality for those Hawaiian bird species which were first validly described from specimens collected on the third Cook voyage.’’ Stresemann (1950: 790), too, suggested that the specimens of V. coccinea examined by Forster may have been purchased on Kauai. Greenway (1968:95) cited Stresemann in listing the type-locality as ‘““‘probably Kauai’’. Previously, Bangs (1911:30), on the other hand, had suggested that: ‘The island whence the type of V. coccinea, brought back by Captain Cook, really came can probably never be known; it seems safe, however, to assume that it was Hawaii, as Captain Cook stopped longer there than at any of the other islands.”’ These authors all overlooked an important point, how- ever, namely that Forster (1781), in the original description, specifically and repeatedly stated that the species came from the island of ‘‘O-Waihi”’ (= Hawaii). This is evident even in the title of his paper: ‘Beschreibung des Rothen Baumlaufers von der Insel O-Waihi,”’ and is reiterated in the first sentence: “In my hands at this very moment I have a sample of a red treecreeper (Certhia coccinea), which is said to be rather numerous on the newly discovered island of O-Waihi’’. This is followed in due course by the statement that: ‘““The habitat of this little creature is the island of Waihi...’ (translations from Medway 1981:135, 136). It is immaterial where the first specimens were obtained insofar as the designation of a type-locality is concerned. The only possible justification for altering Forster’s clear designation of Hawaii would be if it could be conclusively proved that all 4 of the specimens available to Forster certainly came from Kauai, or that the expedition obtained no specimens of Vestiaria coccinea on Hawaii. The former can hardly be demonstrated because apparently none of Forster’s specimens still exist (Medway 1981), and none were ever likely to have had specific locality data associated with them. That no specimens of Vestiaria coccinea were obtained on Hawaii is extremely unlikely considering that much more collecting was conducted on that island than on Kauai and that ‘“‘more specimens of Vestiaria S.L. Olson 204 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) coccinea were taken back to England than of any other third-voyage Hawaiian bird species” (Medway 1981:137). Forster obtained the 4 specimens he used in his original description from a German, Barthold Lohmann, who had been on the voyage, and all of his information concerning Cook’s third voyage came from inter- views with Lohmann and another German sailor, Heinrich Zimmerman (Medway 1981:134). In a letter to Joseph Banks dated 10 January 1781, Forster again clearly states that he was given “‘some skins of a red Creeper from O-why-hee’”’ (Scheibe 1978:318). At the time, the Hawaiian archipelago was referred to as the Sandwich Islands, and Kauai usually went by the name Atooi, so there would have been no reason for Forster to give the provenance of his specimens as O-Waihi or O-why-hee had he not intended to refer to the island of Hawaii. For the above reasons, the type-locality of Certhia coccinea should be considered to be the Kona district of Hawaii, the same as all other species described from the Hawaiian Islands on the basis of third-voyage specimens. The ‘lost’ co-type of Drepanis pacifica Medway (1981:142) reviewed the evidence showing that the 2 specimens of Mamo Drepanis pacifica, formerly in the Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna, were co-types of Certhia pacifica Gmelin, 1788, and originated in Cook’s voyage. Sassi (1940:408) reported that only one of these remained in Vienna at the time of his writing, the other, an imperfect specimen lacking the upper bill, having been sold to the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). I examined the catalogue at Vienna and found that this specimen was sold in 1923 for $103. Medway (1981:142) stated that ‘‘a recent (1977) enquiry of that museum [AM NH] does not disclose that it ever possessed this specimen. I do not know what became of it.”’ This specimen has, in fact, long been in the collections of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ 236875). Bangs (1930:363) wrote of it as follows: ‘‘Our specimen is one of the two cotypes that were for years in the Vienna Museum. It was secured from that institution by Doctor Leonard C. Sanford, and came to us in exchange from him for one of our pair of Ciridops—the unique female.”’ I examined the specimen at Harvard in 1985. It still bears the characteristic oval parchment label of the early Vienna collections and on the reverse has AMNH catalogue number 23044. Acknowledgements I am most grateful to David G. Medway for comments and information, and to Herbert Schifter, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, and Raymond A. Paynter, Jr., Museum of Comparative Zoology, for access to specimens and documents in their care. References: Bangs, O. 1911. Two new birds from the island of Molokai. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 24: Bangs, O. 1930. Types of birds now in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 70: 149—426. Forster, J. G. A. 1781. Beschreibung des rothen Baumlaufer von der Insel O-Waihi. Géttingisches Mag. der Wiss. und Litt. 1(6): 346-351. D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon 205 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Gmelin, J. F. 1788-1793. Systema Naturae. 13th ed. 3 Vols. Georg. Emannual. Beer, Lipsiae. Greenway, J. 1968. Family Drepanididae. Pp. 93-103 in R. A. Paynter, Jr., ed. Check-list of Birds of the World. Voi. 14. Mus. Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Mass. ICZN. 1985. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 3rd ed. Univ. California Press, Berkeley. Latham, J. 1781-1785. A General Synopsis of Birds. 3 vols. (6 parts). Benjamin White: London. Medway, D. G. 1981. The contribution of Cook’s third voyage to the ornithology of the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Sct. 35: 105-175. Sassi, M. 1940. Die wertvollsten Stticke der Wiener Vogelsammlung. Ann. Naturhistorischen Mus. Wien 50 [for 1939]: 395-409. Scheibe, S. 1978. Georg Forsters Werke. Samtliche Schriften, Tagebticher, Briefe. Dreisehnter Band. Briefe bis 1783. Akademie Verlag, Berlin. Stresemann, E. 1950. Birds collected during Capt. James Cook’s last expedition (1776— 1780). Auk 67: 66-88. Address: Storrs L. Olson, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560 USA. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Distributional notes on the birds of Burkina Faso by D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon Received 4 April 1989 The birds of Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) have remained poorly known in comparison with those of most other countries of west Africa. This paucity of records is immediately apparent from the atlases of speciation in African birds (Hall & Moreau 1970, Snow 1978). A few recent papers have included further records from the country (e.g. Green & Sayer 1979, Payne 1982, Thonnerieux 1984, 1985, 1988, Thonnerieux in press); but there has been no comprehensive survey, so that it is diffi- cult to obtain even an up to date species list from the literature. The country is mainly in the savanna woodland zone, the far north having rather dry scrub dominated by Acacia, whereas moister woodland prevails in the south, especially the far southwest. There are no striking topographical features in Burkina Faso and the vegetation zones that are represented all extend far beyond the country; it is thus not surprising that the avifauna completely lacks endemics and indeed has few localised rarities. There is, however, quite a large avifauna in total, including many Palaearctic migrants. We visited Burkina Faso both during the rainy season (September 1988) and during the dry season (November 1988). Our observations are reported in detail here because of the scarcity of distributional data from the country. A considerable number of the species we recorded do not appear to have been reported previously. We hope that presentation of our notes will encourage others to record observations there so that amore comprehensive understanding of the avifauna can be achieved. 206 Bull. B.Q.C. 1989 109(4) D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon “T PIG2RL 99S ‘8861 Jequisaon, pur Jaquiajdag ‘ose.y eurying Ut sari[eoo] UOTeAIasqG 89 osse|no!ig-oqog / VNINYUNG Saw NS \~4 OSV4 VNIWNYNA f oN D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon List of co-ordinates of numbered observation localities in Burkina Faso, September and 207 TABLE 1 November 1988 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) L 12248'N;1°30'E Ze 37 Nel 201k 30) 12937 N1725'E ta Ni G2 5. 12736N,1°16,E 6 12°34'N,1°14VE Me 2s 34 Nell 3) Sip li223 SuNe lise Our 2g32eN all 2h LO SEO S1aNe 11 OE Dll 223 UN A O82 TQ 12531 EN lO 7iEs 122 F32N 1 0S'E 14 12°32’N,1°04’E 15 12°22'N,0°58’E 16 12°19'N,0°57’E 17, 12°17°N,0°55/E 18 12°11'N,0°41’E 9551250 NO6E 20% 1221 2N, 07097 21. 12°11'N,0°06’E 222211 NLO°05'E 23 12°11’N,0°01'W 24 12°11'N,0°10'W 25 12°12’N,0°12°W 26 12°17'N,0°29'W 27. 12°18'N,0°37'W 28 12°19'N,0°39'W 29 12°19'N,0°42°W 30 12°20'N,0°46’'W 31. 12°20'N,0°48’W 32 12°22'N,0°54'W 33. 12°25'N,1°05’W 34 12°27'N,1°09'W 35. 1 2528'N, 151 20W. 36 12°06'N,2°11’W 37, 12-02, N,2°16-W 38S 1 2202)N.20 L7EW. 39) 11 22002NF 2219) Wi 40 11°48'N,2°42'W 41 11°45'N,2°51'W 42 11°43'N,3°00'W 43 11°43’N,3°01'W 44 11°42'N,3°04°W 45 11°39’N,3°06’W 46 11°38'N,3°09'W 47 11°34’N,3°22"W 48 11°35’N,3°29'W 49 S01535N;53530/W. 50 11°29'N,3°34"'W St V1 ZN 323 9UW, Zee esl NE3 542" Wi 53. 11°01’N,4°22"W 54 10°51’N,4°32’W 55 10°48’N,4°37'W 56 10°27'N,4°43’W 57 10°18'N,4°47'W 58 140°17'N,4°48°W 59 10°09’N,4°55’W 60 10°08'N,4°58’W 61. 10°15’N,4°51'W 62 10°17'N,4°47'W 63 10°42'N,4°42'W 64 10°49'N,4°32’'W 65 10°58’N,4°25'W 66 11°04’N,4°20'W 67 11°06'N,4°19'W 68 11°10'N,4°09"W 69 11°10'N,4°05’W 70 11°10'N,4°03’W 71 =11°10'N,4°02’W 72 11°11'N,4°01'W 73" ALAIN 3259'W 74 11°11'N,3°58’W 75 11°12'N,3°45'W DS AAAS NGS 24D WV) 77 -11°27'N,3°34"°W 13m) Wile slGNE Ses JEW, 79 11°34'N,3°30'W 80 11°35’N,3°25’W St le37AN sl 2 W, 82 11°39'N,3°06'W 83 11°42'N,3°03'W 84 11°45'N,2°54°W 85 11°48'N,2°42'W 86 11°50'N,2°38’W 87 12°00'N,2°19"W 88 12°08’N,2°04'W 89 12°22’N,1°32'W 90 12°28'N,1°16'W 91 12°25'N,1°03'W. 92 12°22'N,0°52'W 93 12°22'N,0°51'W 94 12°21'N,0°48'W 95 12°06’N,0°20'W 96 12°01’N,0°19'W 97 11°43’N,0°16’W 98 11°40'N,0°15'W 99 11°39'N,0°15’W 100 11°27’N,0°14°W 101 11°25’N,0°16'W 102 11°24’N,0°16’'W 103 11°16’N,0°13’W 104 11°16’N,0°09'W 105 11°16’N,0°03’W Ornithological observations were recorded from 105 localities as listed and numbered by coordinates (Table 1). See also Fig. 1. Weentered Burkina Faso from Niger on 3 Sep and stopped at numerous localities from near the frontier NNE of Kantchari (locality 1) westwards along the main road. The capital, Ouagadougou was passed on 6 Sep (locality 35 was c. 39 km E of the city), from where we continued generally westwards along the main N1 road and passed Bobo-Dioulasso on 9 Sep. From Bobo we travelled SW along the N7 road (locality 53 was 17 km SW of the town) to the frontier with the Ivory Coast which was entered on 10 Sep (locality 60 was c. 4 km N of the frontier). On 18 Nov we re-entered Burkina Faso from the Ivory Coast, return- ing along our previous route along the N7 towards Bobo (locality 61 was 4 km NE of Niangoloko). Ouagadougou was passed on 21 Nov (locality 89 was c.8km W of the city centre), from where we continued eastwards along the main road to Koupela before turning southwards on the N14 D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon 208 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) (locality 95 was 18 km 5S of that town). We left Burkina Faso across the frontier into Togo on 22 Nov (locality 105 was 23 km SE of Bitou). SYSTEMATIC LIST In the following systematic list the sequence and nomenclature are based on The Birds of Africa (vols. 1-3) for the non-passerines and Hall & Moreau (1970) for the passerines. With most species only the locality numbers are listed. For a few species the numbers of individual birds recorded are added in square brackets; H denotes records based only on calls heard; + denotes records based only on a corpse found on the road; * denotes confirmed breeding records. Notes are given for species that may not have previously been recorded in Burkina Faso, although in the absence of any comprehensive list of the birds of the country it 1s often difficult to trace previous records. Reliance has therefore often been mainly on the speciation atlases by Hall & Moreau (1970) (H & M) and Snow (all references 1978) in addition to the references we list in our bibliography. Green & Sayer (1979) (G & S) give an important list of birds from Pendjari and Arli National Parks (in N. Benin and SE Burkina Faso respectively), but without attributing individual records to either of these countries. A paper by Thonnerieux et al. (in press) will report observations from in and around Ouagadougou. Other information has been kindly provided by Dr J. Frank Walsh (J.F.W.). Observation Species localities Phalacrocorax africanus Long-tailed Cormorant 5[2], 57[1] Anhinga melanogaster Darter 63[1] Ixobrychus minutus Little Bittern 39[4] Listed by G & S (p.22); its occurrence in Burkina Faso is shown on the generalised map in Brown et al. (1982: 135), but not in Snow. Ardeola ralloides Squacco Heron Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret Butorides striatus Green Heron Egretta garzetta Little Egret Ardea purpurea Purple Heron Ardea cinerea Grey Heron Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron Scopus umbretta Hamerkop Bostrychia hagedash Hadada Listed by G & S (p.23) and shown as occurring in Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Brown et al. (1982: 195), but not in Snow. Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling- Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos Knob-billed Duck Nettapus auritus African Pygmy Goose Pernis apivorus Honey Buzzard Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered Kite 89[1],95[2] 66,73,76,79,83,85,87,92,95, 96,98 15,39,40,51,57 87,89,95,96 50[1] 57,69,85,87,96 4,11,12,96 15,27,30,39,42,47,48,50,51, 57,61,79,85,95,96 12[2] 6[2],13[3],15[3],57[2],95[5] 6[4],7[1],11[5],15[2] 76[1] 45[1],46[1] 45 Continued D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon 209 Species Milvus migrans Black Kite Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture Circaetus gallicus European Snake Eagle Listed by G & S and shown as occurring in Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Brown et al. (1982), but not in Snow. Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur Polyboroides typus African Harrier Hawk Listed by G & S and shown as occurring in extreme SW Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Brown et al. (1982: 352), but not in Snow. Circus aeruginosus Marsh Harrier Micronisus gabar Gabar Goshawk Melierax metabates Dark Chanting Goshawk Listed by G & S and shown as occurring in Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Brown et al. (1982: 368), but not in Snow. Accipiter badius Shikra Listed by G & S and shown as occurring in Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Brown et al. (1982: 377), but not in Snow. J.F.W. found it quite common in the Ouagadougou area. Butastur rufipennis Grasshopper Buzzard Buteo auguralis Red-necked Buzzard Listed by G & S and shown as occurring in SW Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Brown et al. (1982: 400), but not in Snow. Falco tinnunculus Kestrel Falco alopex Fox Kestrel Falco biarmicus Lanner Falcon Ptilopachus petrosus Stone Partridge Francolinus albogularis White-throated Francolin Francolinus bicalcaratus Double-spurred Francolin Porphyrio alleni Allen’s Gallinule Gallinula angulata Lesser Moorhen Neotis denhami Denham’s Bustard Eupodotis ruficrista Crested Bustard This species is recorded at scattered localities across the savanna woodland belt of W Africa from Senegal to N Nigeria (Snow, Urban et al. 1986: 166), but there are appar- ently no previous records from Burkina Faso. Chappuis et al. (1979) describe and discuss the vocalisations of the W African E. r. savilei, which may well be a distinct species from E. r. ruficrista. Actophilornis africana African Jacana Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt Listed by G & S and shown as occurring in Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Urban et al. (1986: 194), but not in Snow. Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Observation localities 39,66,69,70,83,84,85,87,95, 96 32739457 ,62,87,91,93:95 66[2] LOM 213 85 87,92,96 6,44,85,98,99 11,31,45,81,98 3,6,11,17,25,39,47,49,76, 104 3,25,31,36,65,66,69,70,75, 90,98 13,25,26,30,73,79 55,64,88 53[1] 66,84 69H,83 53?(2] 1,4,9,11,12,20,25,30,31,36, 38,41,42,44,45,47,51,53,69, 73,83,98 27[1],39[c.12] 76[1] 17[1],105[1] 9,11H,12[c.10H],15H, 20H, 23H,25[c.6H],31, 36H,38H,39H,44H,83H 6,27,32,39,50,52,57,76,77, 79* 87,95 ,96 87([2],95[10] Continued D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon 210 Species Recurvirostra avosetta Avocet Occurrence of this species in N and E Burkina Faso is shown on the generalised map in Urban et al. (1986: 196), but not in Snow norinG &S. Burhinus senegalensis Senegal Thick-knee Burhinus capensis Spotted Thick-knee Cursorius temminckit Temminck’s Courser Cursorius chalcopterus Bronze-winged Courser Vanellus senegallus African Wattled Lapwing Vanellus tectus Black-headed Lapwing Philomachus pugnax Ruff Tringa nebularia Greenshank Tringa ochropus Green Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper Pterocles quadricinctus Four-banded Sandgrouse Treron calva African Green Pigeon Listed by G & S and shown as occurring in S Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Urban et al. (1986: 443), but notin Snow. Treron waalia Bruce’s Green Pigeon Turtur abyssinicus Black-billed Wood Dove Oena capensis Namaqua Dove Listed by G & S and shown as occurring widely in Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Urban et al. (1986: 456), but not in Snow. Columba guinea Speckled Pigeon Columba livia Feral or Domestic Pigeon Streptopelia semitorquata Red-eyed Dove Listed by G & S and shown as occurring widely in Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Urban et al. (1986: 480), but not in Snow. Streptopelia vinacea Vinaceous Dove Streptopelia senegalensis Laughing Dove Poicephalus senegalus Senegal Parrot Psittacula krameri Rose-ringed Parakeet Musophaga violacea Violet Turaco Listed by G & S and shown as occurring in S Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Fry et al. (1988: 46), but not in Snow. Crinifer piscator Western Grey Plantain-eater Oxylophus jacobinus Jacobin Cuckoo Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Observation localities 101[1] 22 31,69 88[1] 88H[c.5] 14,15,92,95 68,88 3[2] 50[1],85[5] 17[1] 6,22,40,42,85 11,83 51 30,33,36,39,51,60,82 4,11,122?H,13?,20H,25?,30, 31?,36,38,44?H,45,47,50?, 51,53,60°?H,69,73?H,75?, 81,83°?H,88?,98 75,79,83,87,98 3,411 125133155 20)23525), 26,30,31,36,38,41,42,44,45, 46,47,50,51,53,60,66,69,73, 75,76,77,81,83,87,88,98 4,13,15,30,31,38,39,46,47, 50,53,69,73,75,77,81,83,87, 88,98 3,4,11,12;20,31,38,44,45, 50,51,69,88,99 2,12,15,32,44,45,46,51,69, 73,81 51,60 7,9,13,38,39,44,45,48,50, 51,52,69,73,79,81 30,37 Continued D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon 211 Species Oxylophus levaillantii African Striped Cuckoo Listed by G & S and shown as occurring in S Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Fry et al. (1988: 62), but not in Snow. Cuculus gularis African Cuckoo Widespread occurrence in Burkina Faso is shown on the generalised map in Fry ef al. (1988: 76), but not at all in Snow. G & S apparently record it as part of C. canorus. Centropus grillii Black Coucal Centropus senegalensis Senegal Coucal Tyto alba Barn Owl Listed by G & S and shown as occurring throughout Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Fry et al. (1988: 108), but not in Snow. Otus leucotis White-faced Scops Owl Listed by G & S and shown as occurring throughout Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Fry et al. (1988: 119), but not in Snow. Glaucidium perlatum Pearl-spotted Owlet Listed by G & S, but not shown by Snow or Fry et al. (1988: 139). J.F.W. recorded it at Ouagadougou. There are records from Mali, Ghana, Togo and Benin. Caprimulgus climacurus Long-tailed Nightjar Macrodipteryx longipennis Standard-winged Nightjar Telacanthura ussheri Mottled Spinetail Apparently not previously recorded in Burkina Faso (cf. Snow, G & S), despite its occurrence in the southwest of the country being shown on the generalised map in Fry et al. (1988: 202). Cypsiurus parvus African Palm Swift Apus caffer White-rumped Swift Listed by G & S but otherwise apparently unrecorded in Burkina Faso (cf. Snow, Fry et al. 1988: 227), although known from Ivory Coast to Nigeria. Apus affinis Little Swift Halcyon leucocephala Grey-headed Kingfisher Halcyon senegalensis Woodland Kingfisher Halcyon chelicuti Striped Kingfisher Corythornis cristata Malachite Kingfisher Ceryle rudis Pied Kingfisher Merops orientalis Little Green Bee-eater Merops apiaster European Bee-eater Apparently not previously recorded in Burkina Faso, although known from Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin (Fry et al. 1988: 332). Merops nubicus Carmine Bee-eater Coracias naevia Rufous-crowned Roller Coracias abyssinica Abyssinian Roller Listed by G & S and shown as occurring throughout Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Fry et al. (1988: 343), but not in Snow. Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Observation localities 49,54,66 25 39[3],57[1],87([1] 4,10,20,36,39,50,51,79 24+ ,88H 44H,69H,83H,98H 88H 98H 86+,102+ 11[2] 19,30,45,55,70 31[6],51[2] 51,56,76 18,35 4,6,16,39,52,59 29,31,36H,44H,45,53H, 57H,98 50,51,76 42,89 11,36,88 51[8],53[3],60H 100[2] 9,11,25,26,31,45,47,53,88 10,17,19,40,71,87 Continued D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon 212 Species Eurystomus glaucurus Broad-billed Roller Phoeniculus purpureus Green Wood-Hoopoe Phoeniculus aterrimus Black Wood-Hoopoe Upupa epops Hoopoe Tockus erythrorhynchus Red-billed Hornbill Tockus nasutus African Grey Hornbill Listed by G & S, but, although common and widespread, apparently not otherwise reported before from Burkina Faso. It is recorded from Mali and from the Ivory Coast to Nigeria (Snow, Fry et al. 1988: 398). Pogoniulus chrysoconus Y ellow-fronted Tinkerbird Lybius vieilloti Vieillot’s Barbet Lybius dubius Bearded Barbet Indicator indicator Greater Honeyguide Listed by G & S and shown as occurring throughout Burkina Faso on the generalised map in Fry et al. (1988: 501), but not in Snow. Campethera punctuligera Fine-spotted Woodpecker Dendropicos goertae Grey Woodpecker Evemopterix leucotis Chestnut-backed Finch-Lark Galerida modesta Sun Lark Muirafra rufocinnamomea Flappet Lark Delichon urbica House Martin Apparently not previously reported from Burkina Faso, except perhaps for a few January records listed by G & S. It is described as ‘‘not uncommon’”’ in Ghana (Grimes 1987) and ‘‘uncommon”’ in Nigeria (Elgood 1981). Hirundo abyssinica Lesser Striped Swallow Hirundo lucida Red-chested Swallow Hirundo rustica European Swallow Hirundo semirufa Rufous-chested Swallow Hirundo senegalensis Mosque Swallow There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M but it is listed by G&S. Riparia riparia European Sand Martin Widely recorded as a passage migrant and winter visitor in W Africa, but apparently not previously noted in Burkina Faso except perhaps for a few April records listed by G & S. Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail Pycnonotus barbatus Common Bulbul Prionops plumata White Helmet-Shrike Corvinella corvina Yellow-billed Shrike There are no records from Burkina Faso in Hall & Moreau (1970), but it is listed by G & S and recorded at Ouagadougou by J.F.W. Dryoscopus gambensis Puft-back There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S and recorded at Ouagadougou by J.F.W. Lantus senator Woodchat Shrike Laniarius barbarus Gonolek Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Observation localities 4,42,56,57,59 3,4,16,41,44 75 30,88 456, 1151251135 2072131385 41,44,45,47,51,79,83 11,12,23,25,26,32,36,44,51, 53,69,70,73,75,79,81,83 4,69,73,83,88,98 11,30,31,36,47,73 45,53 12 60 87 78,80,83,88 12,72,73,83 25,30,31,36,38 66[c.25],71[c.200],73[c.15], 76[c.60],77[c.50],83[c.30] 51 34,39,46,50,51 50,57 4,9,12,13 32,39. 27 87 12,30,36,38,45,50,51,53,55, 60,69,73,75,79,83,88,98 11,28,41,44,47,51,83 8,11,12,38,69 39,45,83 94 45,51,79,81,83 Continued D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon 213 Species There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S and recorded at Ouagadougou by J.F.W. Malaconotus blanchoti Grey-headed Bush-Shrike There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but G & S report a few occurrences and J.F.W. recorded it at Ouagadougou. Nilaus afer Brubru Tchagra senegala Black-headed Bush-Shrike Cercotrichas galactotes Rufous Bush-Chat Cossypha niveicapilla Snowy-headed Robin-Chat There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & Sand J.F.W. recorded it at Ouagadougou. Oenanthe bottae Red-breasted Wheatear There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S.J.F.W. mentions unpublished records from Zorgo and Hounde Oenanthe oenanthe Northern Wheatear Phoenicurus phoenicurus Redstart Saxicola rubetra Whinchat Turdus pelios African Thrush There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S and Walsh & Walsh (1988) state that it is common in the Ouagadougou area. Turdoides plebejus Brown Babbler There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G&S. Camaroptera brevicaudata Grey-backed Camaroptera Cisticola cantans Singing Cisticola Cisticola galactotes Winding Cisticola Apparently not recorded previously from Burkina Faso (cf. H&M,G&S). Cisticola juncidis Zitting Cisticola No records from Burkina Faso are shown in H & M, but Serle et al. (1977: 211) list its occurrence in ‘Volta’ and it is listed by G&S. Cisticola natalensis Croaking Cisticola There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G&S. Cisticola rufa Rufous Cisticola Eremomela pusilla Smaller Green-backed Eremomela Hippolais pallida Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais polyglotta Melodious Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix Wood Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler Prinia subflava Tawny-flanked Prinia Sylvietta brachyura Crombec There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & Sand J.F.W. recorded it at Ouagadougou. Bradornis pallidus Pale Flycatcher Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Observation localities 83 69,88,98 25,26,30,36,53,69,75,83,88, 4,51,83 4,11,12,30,31,36,45,47,51, 60,69,73,75,79,81,83,98 53 36,39 26H, 29,30,31,36H,39 36 25,26,73,88 13,47,53,60,69,73,88,98 4,30? 25,2630 532;45/ 5153169) 73,88 11,69 36,88,98 Continued D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon 214 Species Melaenornis edolioides West African Black Flycatcher There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S and J.F.W. recorded it in the Ouagadougou area. Muscicapa gambagae Gambaga Dusky Flycatcher Apparently not previously recorded in Burkina Faso (cf. H & M, G & S), although the type locality is nearby in N Ghana (Grimes 1987). This species is easily confused in the field with M. striata and perhaps with B. pallidus. (Other Muscicapa which might be confused, such as M. adusta and M. aquatica, do not occur in this habitat in W Africa and both of these also differ in lacking such definite breast streaking). We observed a single bird closely in dry savanna woodland and noted field characters that have subsequently been checked by study of museum specimens; both of the species with which confusion is most likely were seen repeatedly within a few weeks of this sighting. Batis senegalensis Senegal Puffback Flycatcher Erannornis longicauda Blue Flycatcher There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & Sand J.F.W. recorded it close to our locality. Terpsiphone viridis Paradise Flycatcher There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S and J.F.W. found it to be common in the Ouagadougou area. Anthreptes platurus Pygmy Sunbird Nectarinia pulchella Beautiful Sunbird There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S; very common in the Ouagadougou area (J.F.W.). Nectarinia senegalensis Scarlet-chested Sunbird There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S; very common in the Ouagadougou area (J.F.W.). Zosterops senegalensis Yellow White-eye Emberiza flaviventris Golden-breasted Bunting Emberiza forbesi Brown-rumped Bunting Emberiza tahapisi Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting Serinus leucopygius White-rumped Seedeater Serinus mozambicus Y ellow-fronted Canary Ploceus cucullatus Village Weaver Ploceus luteolus Little Weaver There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S; a few are resident near Ouagadougou (J.F.W.). Ploceus velatus Southern Masked Weaver Euplectes afer Yellow-crowned Bishop There are no records from Burkina Faso inH & M, but it is listed by G & S; reasonably common in the Ouagadougou area (J.F.W.). Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Observation localities 51,60 75 25,36,51,53,69 60 51 88,98 4,11,15,25,30*,36,45,50,98 4,12,36,41,45,47,51,53,69, 75,88,98 47*,73 4,20,25,30,31,36,45 53 23,31,45,79,83 13,30 25,30,36,38,50,51,53,69,70, 75,79,81,98 6*,13,39*,40*,50,51 41412313 30*,31*,36*,38,43,45,69, Us 39,40,46,51,52,56 Continued D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon PANS) Species Euplectes franciscanus West African Red Bishop There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S; reasonably common in the Ouagadougou area (J.F.W.). Euplectes hordeaceus Black-winged Red Bishop There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S; reasonably common in the Ouagadougou area (J.F.W.). Quelea erythrops Red-headed Quelea There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it 1s listed by G & S (1979) and Thonnerieux (1988) includes evidence of breeding. Vidua chalybeata Green Indigo Bird Listed by G & S and 2 records from Burkina Faso were given by Payne (1982: 13, 76). J.F.W. obtained many records at Ouagadougou. Vidua macroura Pin-tailed Whydah Vidua paradisea [Broad-tailed] Paradise Whydah Bubalornis albirostris Buffalo Weaver Sporopipes frontalis Speckled-fronted Weaver Apparently not previously reported from Burkina Faso (cf. H & M, G & S); J.F.W. recorded it at Koubri near Ouagadougou and at Oursi (14°40'N.). Plocepasser superciliosus Chestnut-crowned Sparrow- Weaver Passer griseus Grey-headed Sparrow Petronia dentata Bush Petronia Estrilda caerulescens Red-tailed Lavender Waxbill Estrilda troglodytes Black-rumped Waxbill Lagonosticta vinacea Vinaceous Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala Red-billed Firefinch Several records from Burkina Faso were reported by Payne (1982: 13, 81). J.F.W. trapped large numbers for ringing at Ouagadougou. Lonchura cucullata Bronze Mannikin Pytilia melba Green-winged Pytilia Uraeginthus bengalus Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu There are no records from Burkina Faso of this common bird in H & M, but it is listed by G & S and J.F.W. found it was fairly common in the Ouagadougou area. Buphagus africanus Yellow-billed Oxpecker There are no records from Burkina Faso inH & M, but it is listed by G & S. Cinnyricinclus leucogaster Violet-backed Starling Lamprotornis caudatus Long-tailed Glossy Starling Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Observation localities 10,16,30,36,39,40,42,43,45, 46,50,51,52,55,56,57 39,43,46,50,51,52,60 51 13,30,45,79 13,50 12,13,26,30,36,79,81 4,91* 411512313 323325 30536345; 81,88 30,45,88 4,11,13,15,25,30,36,38,39, 40,45,46,50,51,55,79 4511,12,25,36,41,47,53,73, 75,79,83,88,98 51 13,15,30,83 yi A 22S U5 S73 4,11,12,13,20,25,26,30,31, 36,38,45,47,50,51,53,60,69, 73,75,79,83,88,98 40 50 3,4,6,11,12,13,15,39,41,42, 45,51,74,87,95 Continued D. T. Holyoak & M. B. Seddon 216 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Observation Species localities Lamprotornis chalcurus Bronze-tailed Glossy Starling 47?,55,58 Lamprotornis chalybeus Blue-eared Glossy Starling 4,8?,38,45?,50? 88? Apparently not previously recorded from Burkina Faso (cf. H&M,G&S). Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Glossy Starling 11,12,20?,45,48,50,55,69 Spreo pulcher Chestnut-bellied Starling 4,36,45,88,98 Dicrurus adsimilis Fork-tailed Drongo 4,10,11,13,20,25 45 46,47, 53,69,75,88,98 Oriolus auratus African Golden Oriole 4,11,38,39,45,53,73 There are no records from Burkina Faso in H & M, but it is listed by G & S; J.F.W. recorded it at Ouagadougou during the rains (June—Nov). Ptilostomus afer Black Magpie 3,24,97 Corvus albus Pied Crow 21,30,31,53,69,78,83,84,87, 88,96,98 Acknowledgements Our visits to Burkina Faso were made while D.T.H. was on study leave from The College of St Paul and St Mary, Cheltenham, U.K. Our funding, for research on land snails, was from the National Museum of Wales and the College of St Paul and St Mary. Thanks are due to the staff of the British Museum (Natural History), Tring; for helpful access to specimens in their care. Dr. J. Frank Walsh gave helpful comments and data from a paper that is in press. References: Brown, L. H., Urban, E. K. & Newman, K. 1982. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 1. Academic Press. Chappuis, C., Erard, C. & Morel, G. J. 1979. Données comparatives sur la morphologie et les vocalisations des diverses formes d’Eupodotis ruficrista (Smith). Malimbus 1: 74-89. Elgood, J. H. 1981. The Birds of Nigeria. British Ornithologists’ Union Check-list No. 4. Fry, C. H., Keith, S. & Urban, E. K. 1988. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 3. Academic Press. Green, A. A. & Sayer, J. A. 1979. The birds of Pendjari and Arli National Parks (Benin and Upper Volta). Malimbus 1: 14-28. Grimes, L. G. 1987. The Birds of Ghana. British Ornithologists’ Union Check-List No. 9. Hall, B. P. & Moreau, R. E. 1970. An Atlas of Speciation in African Passerine Birds. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). Payne, R. B. 1982. Species limits in the Indigobirds (Ploceidae, Vidua) of West Africa: mouth mimicry, song mimicry and description of new species. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, 162: i-iv, 1-96. Serle, W., Morel, G. J. & Hartwig, W. 1977. A Field Guide to the Birds of West Africa. Collins. Snow, D. W. (ed.) 1978. An Atlas of Speciation in African Non-passerine Birds. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). Thonnerieux, Y. 1984. Premiers données sur la reproduction des oiseaux de Haute Volta. Notes Doc. Volta, 15: 44-63 (original not seen). Thonnerieux, Y. 1985. Notes complémentaires sur |’avifaune des parcs nationaux de |’Arli (Burkina) et de la Pendjari (Benin). Malimbus 7: 137-139. Thonnerieux, Y. 1988. Etat des connaissances sur la reproduction de l’avifaune du Burkina Faso (ex Haute Volta). L’Ozseau et R.F.O., 58: 120-146. Thonnerieux, Y., Walsh, J. F. & Bortoli, L. in press. L’avifaune de la ville de Ouagadougou et ses environs (Burkina Faso). Malimbus. Urban, E. K., Fry, C. H. & Keith, S. 1986. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 2. Academic Press. Walsh, J. F. & Walsh, B. 1983. Possible thrush ‘anvils’ in Upper Volta. Malimbus 5: 54-55. Address: Dr D. T. Holyoak and Dr M. B. Seddon, School of Geography and Geology, College of St Paul and St Mary, The Park, Cheltenham, Glos. GL50 2RH, U.K. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 M. Louette 217 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Additions and corrections to the avifauna of Zaire (4) by M. Louette Received 6 April 1989 These comments are a follow up of 3 earlier parts (Louette 1987, 1988) and are based on study of specimens in Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika (K MMA) and on field observations by R. F. V. Maes, between 1956 and 1978, near Bwamanda (03°10'N, 19°15’E), which only recently became available. Milvus migrans It is noteworthy that Maes found this species to be acommon breeding bird in the general area of Bwamanda: nestbuilding begins November-— December, young are in the nest in March (one left the nest 15 May). The species is absent there from (19) June till (3) September. Micronisus gabar Breeding was recorded by Maes at Bwamanda on an isolated Fagara macrophylla tree, from 1 May to 9 June 1961, when 2 young left the nest. Breeding was attempted again the following year during the same period, but was foiled by destruction of the tree. This record was incorrectly given under Aviceda cuculoides by Schouteden (1962). It is the first record of this species in northern Zaire, but there are a few other records close to the forest region. Falco ardosiaceus and F.. dickinsoni The distribution map in Snow (1978) shows their parapatry in Shaba (see Map in Louette 1986: 130), both species occurring together at Kasaji (10°23’S, 23°28’E): 2 ardosiaceus specimens (dated 7 March 1949 and 19 February 1951) and one dickinsoni (dated 12 May 1950) from that locality are in KMMA. The southeasternmost record in Snow (1978) of ardosiaceus, if based on a KMMA-specimen from Katofio (11°03’S, 28°02’E), is in error for the other species. The KMMA has 3 specimens from Tembwe (06°31’S, 29°26’E): No. 12476 is a normal ardosiaceus, taken in 1923, but the other 2, taken by Schouteden in February 1926, are aberrant. No. 14963 is close to ardosiaceus, but much paler ventrally than any of the other 50 specimens in the KMMA collection and its lower abdomen is tinged rufous. It is an adult, completing moult of primaries and rectrices. No. 14965 is definitely intermediate between both species in plumage characteristics. Dorsally, it looks somewhat like dickinsoni, but its mantle is paler, resulting in less contrast with the pale head; its rump is too dark for that species and the tail is grey as in ardosiaceus, with only some indication of barring. Ventrally, itis distinctly barred whitish, from the breast downwards, thus even more extensively than is usual in dickinsoni, and its undertail is intermediate in pattern between the 2 species. In measurements (Table 1), No. 12476 agrees completely with ardosiaceus and No. 14963 likewise M. Louette 218 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) TABLE 1 Measurements (mm) of Falco ardosiaceus and F. dickinsoni from Zaire Wing Tail Tarsus x range x range x range ardosiaceus 1032 233.9 224.0-248.0 152.0 141.5-160.5 40.3 38.5-42.0 dickinsoni 1032 224.1. 215.0-232.0 137.2 131.0-141.0 36.3 34.0-39.0 ‘Tembwe specimens: 12476 243.0 156.0 40.0 14963 237.0 151.5 37.5 14965 222.0 135.0 37.0 (except for the shorter tarsus); but No. 14965 agrees with dickinsoni. I consider at least this last one to be a hybrid. Falco tinnunculus While it is true that the nominate race, a migrant from the Palaearctic, occurs widely, some comments are needed as to the status of the resident birds. Lippens & Wille (1976) mention ‘‘niche assez communément au Zaire, en dehors de la grande foret. . .’” but show a picture of a nest with parent and young of the nominate race. No doubt exists that the race rufescens breeds in northeastern Zaire, but their mentioning of rupicolus doing so was most likely based on Verheyen (1953), who took 3 nestlings in the Upemba Park (Shaba) and attributed them to “‘rhodesz”’ (=rupicolus). Verheyen did not take the adult, so the determination is doubtful, especially since rupicolus is a southern race and not known to breed in the neighbouring areas of Zambia (Benson et al. 1971) or Angola (Pinto 1983). From southern Zaire, there are only 20ldspecimensin KMMA: “region of Boma, Lower Zaire’’, acquired in 1939 and ‘“‘Kabega, S. Moero, Katanga’, taken in 1899, and both these are rufescens; but the specimen mentioned by Schouteden (1971) from Kasapa is in fact F. naumanni. The real identity of the kestrels in southern Zaire remains to be studied and proof is also awaited before rupicolus is accepted on the Zaire list. From notes by Maes, it appears that the rufescens specimen he took on 18 December 1959 at Bwamanda, was with another, which was appar- ently feeding young in a nest situated in a tree, a position unusual for the African forms of this species. Pachycoccyx audeberti According to Irwin (1988), this cuckoo ignores Prionops plumatus as a possible host. However, the KMMA has a nestling of the cuckoo, taken at Gangala-na-Bodio (03°41'N, 29°08’E) on 12 January 1955, in the nest of that helmet shrike, which resembles its foster parents so closely in plumage colour and pattern, that it was in fact mistakenly identified as such, both by the collector Ch. Cornet d’Elzius and by H. Schouteden. At the same locality, a fledgling of P. audeberti was taken by the same collector on 6 March 1956. Prionops plumatus is the only helmet shrike occurring in the general area of Gangala-na-Bodio (=the Garamba Park) (Chapin 1954), M. Louette 219 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) where from the KM MA has aseries of specimens, including fledglings. In the absence of P. retzii here, it would surprise me if P. plumatus were not the usual host. Caprimulgus batesi The voice of this species is not yet recorded (Chappuis 1981), but Chappuis supposed that the bird belongs vocally in the group emitting short notes or series of short notes. Indeed, Maes, who heard C. batesi often near Bwamanda, describes it as a rapid ‘“‘hohohohohoho’’, repeated several times, which is exactly the sound that Chapin (1939) supposed to belong with this nightyar. Nilaus afer Hall & Moreau (1970) consider the whole of southern Zaire to be occupied by the race nigrotemporalis (type locality: Ngome, Tanzania), characterized by a short eye-stripe and by chestnut markings on the underparts. This is not so: a pair from Mount Kabobo (05°06'S, 29°01’E) has no chestnut markings at all and it does not differ from the race affinis, described from Caconda, Angola. In fact, Hall & Moreau mapped 3 inter- mediates between these 2 races: one from Mwinilunga, northwestern Zambia (White 1949) and 2 others in central Angola, suspecting even then that more would appear from the intervening area. Careful examination of Shaba adults in KMMA (excluding those from Mount Kabobo) shows that while 8 birds do not have traces of chestnut markings, 8 others show them clearly and 15 specimens are intermediate in this respect. One further specimen, from Kisenda (c.11°S, 26°E), even has a long eye-stripe, a characteristic of other, far-away races. It is clear that this is an intergradation area (Fig. 1). It is surprising therefore that all 14 adults ZAMBIA *-* Figure 1. Phenotypes of Nilaus afer in southern Zaire. @: affinis; ©: nigrotemporalis; *: intermediates; ¥v: intermediates, including one with a long superciliary stripe; @: immatures, race unkown. M. Louette 220 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) TABLE 2 Measurements (mm) of Apalis jacksoni from Zaire Region Wing Tail x range x range 50.0—-53.0 492 49.0 47.5—50.5 46.3 45.0-47.5 Uele? 9? 47.0 45.0 Kivu 103 53.9 51.5-56.5 57.9 52.0-62.0 102 51.5 50.0—53.5 akg 48.0-54.5 Mount Kabobo 3 56.0 65.5 Kenya (incl. Mt. Elgon) 63 54.9 52.0-58.0 60.2 56.0-65.0 22 51.0,51.5 53.5,57.0 collected by Verheyen (1953) in the Upemba Park, which I re-examined, do possess the chestnut markings and must indeed be considered as nigro- temporalis. In southwestern Zaire, the race is affinis : of 3 specimens from Tshibunguand 3 from Merode, 3 donot show chestnut marking, the others faint traces only. The specimens mentioned by Schouteden (1956) from Kabambaie and Kwamouth are in fact immatures (marked ? on Fig. 1). Apalis jacksoni Ogilvie-Grant (1917) introduced minor for the population from low- land Cameroon. Chapin (1953) accepted this name as well (but only reluctantly), for the bird collected in northern Zaire on the Uele river at Angu, because its measurements were smaller than the nominate race (type from Mount Elgon, on the Kenya-Uganda border), whereas the other populations in Zaire (from easternmost Ituri south to the area northwest of Lake Tanganyika) were included by him in the nominate race. In KMMA, there is an apparent female, labelled ‘‘Kabalo’’, but said by Schouteden (note in catalogue) to come possibly also from Uele, and it is, indeed, small in measurements (Table 2). In fact, the specimens from Ituri are also smaller than those from Kivu and they are obviously in a geographical size cline (measurements for topotypical material of minor are given by Ogilvie-Grant). This conclusion had already been reached by Sclater (1930) for the Angu specimen. I have compared our long series from Kivu with topotypical specimens from Mount Elgon (7), central Kenya (2), Rwanda (1) and Uganda (1) and can find none of the constant differences mentioned by Parkes (1987) between these populations, though colour intensity and extent of facial mask vary somewhat. In measurements, the East African ones are in the range of the Kivu birds, except for a tendency towards a longer tail; this is also observed, however, in the male from Mount Kabobo, the southern- most locality for this warbler in Zaire. I consider all the montane popu- lations to belong to the nominate race, but the northern birds, from Uele and Ituri, may be called minor. Sylvietta leucophrys Parkes (1987) described recently a new subspecies, arileuca, from Mpanga Forest near Mount Ruwenzori, on the Zaire-Uganda border. Until then, the birds from Ruwenzori were considered to belong to the M. Louette 221 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) nominate race (type locality: Mount Elgon), the only population of this race in Zaire. The race chloronota was described from near Baraka, southern Kivu. In Zaire, the Lendu Plateau, Mount Ruwenzori and the Kivu Highlands are separate entities if one uses the 1500 m altitude as the lower level of montane forest. The KMMA has 9 specimens from Ruwenzori, the only 3 specimens known of the race (or “‘species’’) chapini from the Lendu Plateau, 4 specimens of the nominate race from Kenya and 79 specimens from Kivu. As Chapin (1953) has stated, chapini differs only in its lacking the white band above the lores and eyes, and I accept his suggestion that this is merely a race of the species /eucophrys. Immatures of chloronota lack the white superciliary stripe of the adult or only show a faint indication of it, their mantle is heavily washed rusty and they are much darker under- neath than adults; but without doubt the chapini specimens are adults, their crowns being decidedly chestnut and they have a rather pale ventral side, with the bill colour given on the labels as “‘brownish’’, “‘greyish pink”’ and “‘flesh, darker above’’. This bird may well be extirpated now, as the forest on the Lendu Plateau is gone, although Vrijdagh (1949) collected one of them in a Eucalyptus tree near a hotel. Adults of chloronota difter from the nominate race in lacking the brownish wash dorsally. As Chapin noticed, this difference is slight and Parkes himself considers some birds from northern Kivu as intergrades. I checked the characteristics mentioned by Parkes that allegedly separ- ate arileuca firmly from either nominate leucophrys or chloronota, arileuca exhibiting: —a broader superciliary line, purer white and extending farther posteriorly. Present in the Ruwenzori specimens, but a few from Kivu match them. This is only apparent in well-prepared specimens—see also illustration of the living bird in Lippens & Wille (1976). —paler and purer grey underparts, mid-abdominal area pure white. My material would, if anything, indicate the opposite. —a narrow post-ocular line. No difference from chloronota was apparent. —a paler bill. The labels on the Ruwenzori birds bear the following descriptions: “‘very light brown’’, “flesh colour’’, “‘light brown’’ (2), “horn brown?’’. The dried bills may indeed be paler in general than in choloronota, but some are alike. I cannot comment on the bill of the nominate race, for which I found the following label note: “brown horn, lower paler’’. It appears that arileuca is hardly separable and is best considered an intermediate between nominate leucophrys and chloronota. It is remark- able that this bird appears to have the most white on the head of all races, whereas ‘‘nearby”’ chapini has none. Nectarinia amethystina and N. fuliginosa ‘These 2 species belong in a superspecies, of which N. rubescens is not a member (Louette 1982). The male in breeding plumage of N. amethystina is blackish-brown rather than bitter-chocolate in general colour and the metallic forehead reflects greenish, not purple as in N. fuliginosa; also amethystina lacks the M. Louette 222 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) + oY Jaat” = — Kinshasa Figure 2. Occurrence of Nectarinia amethystina and N. fuliginosa in the western part of Zaire and selected records in neighbouring countries. Vertical traits: amethystina; horizontal traits: fuliginosa; stars: hybrids. yellow pectoral tufts. It must be stressed, however, that the 2 species are quite alike, especially in their females; in series amethystina displays a more olivaceous hue over the mantle. N. amethystina occurs outside the forest belt, in southern Zaire, the westernmost collecting-locality there being Gungu (05°44'S, 19°19'E— in Kwilu); there is only one record of the species more to the northwest, namely the male from Djambala in Congo, mentioned by Rand et al. (1959) (Fig. 2). Hall & Moreau (1970) have shown its range adequately, but they overlooked the occurrence of N. fuliginosa both in western Zaire and Angola, although it was described from Malimba in the Cabinda enclave. This was corrected later by Hall (unpublished additions to the Atlas). In Congo, at N’gabe (03°08’S, 16°10’E), Malbrant & Maclatchy (1949) collected a hybrid, also examined by Chapin (1954). On the opposite side of the river Zaire from N’gabe, a female (supposedly) of N. fuliginosa was collected years ago for the KMMA (Schouteden 1956), and we have recently obtained a male, moulting towards breeding plumage, from ‘‘Kuango’’, which I presume to be situated at 04°45’S, 16°36’E. There is also an immature from Kuilu-Ngongo at 04°24'S, 17°42’E in our collection, which could belong to either species. Much earlier, Oustalet (1893) had described the race fuliginosa nigrescens, from Brazzaville, on account of the male’s dark mantle, of the same colour as the rest of the plumage, whereas in nominate birds, from farther north and west, the upper mantle is distinctly paler and contrasts with the general plumage. Malbrant & Maclatchy (1949) and especially M. Louette 223 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) TABLE 3 Measurements (mm) of Nectarinia amethystina and N. fuliginosa from Zaire Region Wing Culmen Tail x range x range x range fuliginosa coast 153). 68.6). $66,0—70.5, 24:2.) -.23.0-25.5)..43.6 7 40:5-46'5 Kinshasa 158 70.5. 68:5—73.5 25.7 °25.0-26.5 . 43.0. 40.5—-46.0 amethystina South-Central 15¢ 68.7 66.0-70.0 26.6 25.0-28.0 40.8 38.043.5 hybrid Nkiene 3 70.0 26.5 45.0 Bouet (1944) accepted nigrescens, but Chapin (1954) did not, because he found a specimen from Boma (close to Cabinda) did not differ from birds from Leopoldville (= Kinshasa), which is opposite Brazzaville on the Zaire river. (The race fuliginosa aurea, with a decidedly pale upper mantle represents the species further west.) N. fuliginosa, which is a coastal species elsewhere in its range, must be a common bird along the lower Zaire river, judging from the number of museum specimens. In the following discussion only males in breeding plumage will be considered. From the general area of Boma (coast) the KM MA has 23 specimens with a rather pale mantle and 3 with a dark one, whereas from around Kinshasa, there are 11 ‘pale’ birds and 17 ‘dark’ ones; but it must be admitted that many of them are difficult to place, as this characteristic is rather poor, with intermediates present. In measure- ments (Table 3), the coastal birds appear to have a shorter culmen than those farther east, who seemingly approach a sample of westernmost amethystina, taken at Gungu, in Kasaiand Kamina in westernmost Shaba (Fig. 2). It seems that in colour as well as in bill-length there is a trend from west to east, suggesting introgression of amethystina in fuliginosa: topotypical nominate fuliginosa and especially nigrescens seem affected. From Nkiene (04°10’S, 15°55’E), just east of Kinshasa, there is a specimen in KM MA, which is almost certainly a (second) hybrid: it has pectoral tufts, but its plumage is rather blackish and its frontal metallic patch is greenish-blue, intermediate between the 2 species. These charac- teristics are also mentioned by Chapin (1954) for the other supposed hybrid from N’ gabe (see above), which I have not been able to examine. As mentioned above, amethystina is known only from Gungu, 400 km away eastwards, except for the single Congo record to the northwest, which may bea vagrant or, more likely, in view of the existence of hybrids in the general area, a member of a relict population. From the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, I have received on loan 9 males of amethystina, all from above the escarpment in Angola, the closest locality to Kinshasa being ‘“‘NE of Duque de Braganca (=c. 08°40'S, 16°15’E), 450 km distant. None of those examined is showing traces of hybridization, nor are the 2 males of fuliginosa from below the escarpment, near Muxima (09°30’S, 13°55’E) and near Gabela (c. 11°S, 14°20’E); both possess a dark chocolate mantle and the one with an intact bill (26.0mm long) is in the range of the measurements from near M. Louette 224 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Kinshasa. Traylor (1963) mentions fuliginosa also from Canzele, more to the northeast in Angola, but I have not seen this specimen. Because there is no indication of a hybridization zone in Angola and since hybrids are only occasional near Kinshasa, in the range of fuliginosa, both taxa must provisionally still be considered as distinct species, notwithstanding an apparent introgression in the local population of fuliginosa. This species may be in a process of expanding its range inland. It is preferable to use the subspecific name nigrescens for the population of fuliginosa from Angola and Zaire, keeping in mind that the nominate race is geographically close. Acknowledgements I am grateful to V. Maes for the communication of his field observations and to D. Willard, A. Prigogine and J. Fairon for permission to examine specimens in their care. References: Benson, C. W., Brooke, R. K., Dowsett, R. J. & Irwin, M. P.S. 1971. The Birds of Zambia. Collins. Bouet, G. 1944. Revision des collections d’oiseaux recueillis au Congo et dans l’Oubangui par la mission J. Dybowski. Oiseau et R. F. O. 14 (nouv. sér.): 44-88. Chapin, J. P. 1939, 1953, 1954. The Birds of the Belgian Congo. Parts II, III & IV. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 75, 75A, 75B. Chappuis, C. 1981. Illustration sonore de problemes bioacoustiques posés par les oiseaux de la zone Ethiopienne (Suite). Alauda 49: 35-58. Hall, B. P. & Moreau, R. E. 1970. An Atlas of Speciationin African Passerine Birds. 'Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). Irwin, M. P.S. 1988. Cuculiformes. In: C. H. Fry, S. Keith & E. K. Urban (Eds). The Birds of Africa. Vol. 3. Academic Press. Lippens, L. & Wille, H. 1976. Les O1seaux du Zaire. Lannoo, Tielt. Louette, M. 1982. Allopatric species of birds approaching in western Cameroon: the Nectarinia adelberti, N. rubescens example. Bonn. Zool. Beitr. 33: 303-312. Louette, M. 1986. Geographical contacts between the taxa of Centropus in Zaire, with the description of a new race. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 106(3): 126-133. Louette, M. 1987, 1988. Additions and corrections to the avifauna of Zaire (1) Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 107: 137-143. (2). 108: 43-50. (3). 108: 112-120. Malbrant, R. & Maclatchy, A. 1949. Faune de l’Equateur Africain Francais. Tome 1. Oiseaux. Lechevalier, Paris. Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. 1917. Remarks on some recent collections of birds made by Mr G. L. Bates in Cameroon. /bis Ser 10(5): 2—90. Oustalet, E. 1893. Notice preliminaire sur les collections zoologiques recueillies par M. Jean Dybowski dans son expédition a travers le Congo et la region de |’Oubangui. Naturaliste (sér. 2) 7: 125-129. Parkes, K. C. 1987. Taxonomic notes on some African warblers (Aves: Sylviinae). Ann. Carn. Mus. 56: 231-243. Pinto, A. A. da Rosa 1983. Ornitologia de Angola. Vol. 1. (non-Passeres). Instituto de Investigacao Cientifica Tropical, Lisboa. Rand, A. L., Friedmann, H. & Traylor, M. A. 1959. Birds from Gabon and Moyen Congo. Fieldiana: Zool. 41: 221-411. Schouteden, H. 1956. De Vogels van Belgisch Congo en van Ruanda-Urundi. Vol. IV (3). Ann. Mus. R. Congo Belge C. Zool. Ser. [V. Vol. V (1): 1-236. Schouteden, H. 1962. La faune ornithologique des districts de la Mongala et le |’ Ubangi. Doc. Zool. Mus. Afr. Centr. 3: 1-144. Schouteden, H. 1971. La faune ornithologique de la Province du Katanga. Doc. Zool. Mus. Afr. Centr. 17: 1-248. Sclater, W. L. 1930. Systema Avium Aethiopicarum. Part 2. Taylor & Francis. Snow, D. W. (Ed.) 1978. An Atlas of Speciation in African Non-Passerine Birds. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). Traylor, M. A. 1963. Checklist of Angolan Birds. Museo do Dundo, Lisboa. Verheyen, R. K. 1953. Oiseaux. in: Exploration du Parc national de |’ Upemba. Mission G. F. de Witte (1946-1949). Inst. Parcs Nat. Congo Belge 19: 1-687. P. A. Clancey 225 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Vrijdagh, J. M. 1949. Observations ornithologiques en region occidentale du Lac Albert et principalement de _la plaine d’Ishwa. Gerfaut 39: 1-115. White, C. M. N. 1949. Systematic notes on African Birds. [bis 91: 280-287. Address: Dr M. Louette, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, B-1980 Tervuren, Belgium. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 The status of Streptopelia capicola onguati Macdonald, 1957 by P. A. Clancey Received 13 April 1989 Streptopelia capicola (Sundevall) is the commonest of the ring-necked savanna woodland doves occurring in southern and eastern Africa, the southern subspecies being reviewed by Clancey (1960) and later adopted in the S.A.O.S. Checklist (Clancey 1980). Of the 5 subspecies recognized, one, S. c. onguati Macdonald, 1957, was described on 2 specimens, one taken on the property ‘‘Onguati’’ in the Kamanjab district of north- western Namibia (at 19°48’S, 14°39’E) being the type-specimen. The second example, on loan from the Ubersee-Museum, Bremen, West Germany, had been collected on Eckenberg Farm in the same general area of Namibia in 1952. As part of his comparative material, Macdonald had, on loan from the Ubersee-Museum, the type of S. c. damarensis (Hartlaub & Finsch), 1870, a mid- 1800s C. J. Andersson skin from Otjimbingwe at 22°22’'S, 16°08’E in the Namib. Macdonald did not further augment his material in order to define a plausible range for onguati and at the same time delimit that of the earlier damarensis. As will be appreciated, the type-localities of the 2 taxa do not lie particularly far apart. Recent opinion (see Morel et al. 1986) is that S. c. onguati represents the desert (Namib) population, and S. c. damarensis that of the Namibian plateau and dry subcontinental interior. Such a view, however, overlooks the obvious taxonomic complication so raised; onguati of 1957 is in fact based on a plateau sample and damarensis of 1870 on a desertic one. The interpretation as in Morel et al. (1986) appears to have as its basis the findings of Traylor (1960), who commented to the effect that a series in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History, taken on the arid coast of southwestern Angola, conformed to the description of onguati in being paler than in the case of a putative sample of damarensis from Okahandja, north of Windhoek, in the Chicago Natural History Museum. With the type of damarensis before him, Macdonald described onguati as being paler, with the dorsal sepia reduced to a light wash on the mantle and adjacent wing-coverts, and with the forehead pale bluish grey. Ven- trally, the throat was described as white and the breast lilac-grey. The wing of the type was given as 155 mm. P. A. Clancey 226 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) A re-assessment of the geographical variation in southern Africa, dur- ing which over 70 specimens from central and northern Namibia were studied, confirms that at no point is it clinal but derives from an ancient secondary contact between (a) a restricted karoo and arid interior com- plex of populations distinguished by a bluish or light leaden grey pileum, drab or dull greyish brown dorsum and lavender grey breast, and (b) a tropical savanna woodland group, which arcs round (a) to the immediate north, east and southeast. In this latter group, the pileum is pinkish Mouse Gray (Ridgway 1912), the dorsum olive-brown, and the breast pale vinaceous-drab (pinkish) as opposed to lavender grey. Size also varies, arid country representatives having longer wings than those of moister, and especially coastal, regions. The secondary contact through time resulted in the formation of 2 relatively stabilized hybrid complexes, both of which share characters of one of the parental taxa, namely S. c. tropica (Reichenow), 1902: Songea, southeastern Tanzania. The western stabilized hybrid population extends from coastal south- western Angola, south in the Namib to at least the Kuiseb R., and extends some way over the northwestern plateau of Namibia, and con- stitutes the revised subspecies S. c. damarensis (see below). In the case of the eastern hybrid-based form, which is resident in the moist south- eastern highlands of southern Africa in Lesotho and adjacent areas—the subspecies S. c. abunda Clancey. 1960: Mooi River, Natal—this is more saturated than nominate capicola of the Cape Province, has the pileum as in tropica and the breast dark pinkish brown (Brownish Drab) as opposed to lavender grey. This taxon is, strangely enough, not alluded to by Morel et al. (1986). Specimens from the plateau of northern Namibia examined were from Ondangua (17°54’S, 15°59’E), Orupembe (18°09’S, 12°32’E), Ohopoho (18°03’S, 13°50’E), Warmquelle (19°13’'S, 13°53’E), Outjo (20°07'S, 16°09’E), Oshivelo (19°42’S, 20°35’E), Gaub Rhenisch Mission (Grootfontein), De Hoek (Gobabis), Okahandja, Karibib and Windhoek, etc. From further south in the territory, specimens from Aus, Bethanie, Mariental and near Keetmanshoop were available. This material reveals a marked shift in dorsal colouration with the mantle, scapulars and tertials increasingly more overlaid with light olive-brown as one proceeds north- westwards to the Namib Desert. While descriptive terms such as ‘pale’ or ‘paler’ in defining minor colour nuances of xeric populations of polytypic bird species are frequently all but valueless, in the present case the characters laid out in the original diagnosis of onguati are confirmed. Macdonald’s description and the evidence provided by the adequate series now examined equate it with the bulk of Namibian plateau birds and with those of the entire subcontinental arid interior, and necessitate a reversal in the current usage of the available names damarensis and onguatt. This is effected hereunder. Streptopelia capicola damarensis (Hartlaub & Finsch), 1870 Mantle, scapulars and tertials in fresh dress light olive-brown; grey in wings pale smoke grey. On underside, breast about Ecru-Drab. Size large: wings of 54 (n6) 156-166 (160.3), sp 3.38; 99 (n8) 153-162 (156.5), sD 3.02 mm. P. A. Clancey 227 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Range. Locally along the desertic coast of southwestern Angola and the Namib, Namibia, south to about the Kuiseb R. and over the plateau of Kaokoland and the immediate southeast. Intergrades with the following to the east of its range. Streptopelia capicola onguati Macdonald, 1957 Differs from damarensis in having the vinaceous colouration over the hind-head and neck lighter (less saturated), and with the mantle, scapulars and tertials colder, with the upper mantle greyer and the rest of the dorsum Drab. Grey in wings a little darker and bluer, and with the breast pale drab-grey. Size ranging somewhat larger: wings of jg (n15) 159-167 (162.3), sp 2.49; 99 (n6) 153-162 (158.9), sp 3.38 mm. Range. The plateau of Namibia from Ovamboland and the Etosha Pan region, south to the lower Orange R., east to Botswana (to the south and southeast of the Okavango delta system), western Zimbabwe, western Transvaal and Orange Free State, and the northern Cape (south at least to Kuruman). Intergrades to the north of its range with S. c. tropica, and to the south with the nominate race of the Cape. The third Namibian subspecies is S. c. tropica, which occurs in northern Ovamboland and extensively in the mid-Okavango drainage to the Caprivi and Okavango Swamps, the complete range as given in Clancey (1960). This taxon has the pileum pinkish Mouse Gray, and is more extensively and warmer (buffer) vinaceous over the proximal head and neck, the mantle olive-brown. Below, it is pinker over the breast (pale vinaceous- fawn), with both the throat and lower venter extensively white. Size runs smaller than the foregoing subspecies, with wings in g$@ (n14) from Mozambique 145-155 (150.3), sp 3.31 mm. There is evidence from the material examined that tropica extends on occasion south of its breeding range, as instanced by a Transvaal Museum specimen from Husab, on the Swakop R. inthe Namibat 22°43’S, 15°01’E. Unfortunately, it has no date. Acknowledgements For the loan of additional material I am indebted to Dr J. M. Mendelsohn and Joris Komen of the State Museum, Windhoek, and Dr A. C. Kemp, Ornithologist of the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria. References: Clancey, P. A. 1960. The South African races of the Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola (Sundevall). In Misc. Tax. Notes on African Birds XV, Durban Mus. Novit. 6(2): 18-27. Clancey, P. A. (Ed) 1980. S.A.O.S. Checklist of Southern African Birds: 89-90. Southern African Ornithological Society, Johannesburg. Macdonald, J. D. 1957. A Contribution to the Ornithology of Western South Africa: 72-73. British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London Morel, S. J., Morel, M.-Y. & Fry C. H. 1986. In The Birds of Africa, 2: 484-486. Academic Press. Traylor Jr, M. A. 1960. Notes on the birds of Angola, non passeres. Publ. Cult. Companha de Diamantes de Angola, No. 51: 150. Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. The Author, Washington, DC. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Research Associate, Durban Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 4085, Durban 4000, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 P. A. Clancey 228 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Subspeciation in the Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius of the South West Arid Zone of Africa by P. A. Clancey Received 13 April 1989 The Sociable Weaver Philetairus socitus (Latham), 1790: Warmbad, southern Great Namaqualand, Namibia, is the sole member of a genus of sparrowlike birds peculiar to the dry acacia country and sub-desert of the South West Arid Zone of the Afrotropics, and is renowned for the frequently bulky communal breeding structures it builds in Acacia and other trees and in the rigging of telephone poles. It extends from the northwestern Cape Province, north through Namibia to the Etosha Pan National Park, and east to southwestern Botswana, the northern Cape and, marginally, to the southwestern Transvaal and western Orange Free State. Its closest allies are species of Pseudonigrita: P. arnaudi (Bonaparte) and P. cabanisi (Fischer & Reichenow), and, more remotely, the larger Histurgops ruficauda Reichenow, all of which are eastern African. Moreau (1962), following Clancey (1957), and later White (1967), admitted 4 subspecies of P. socius, these being the nominate race, P. s. geminus Grote, 1922, P.s. eremnus Clancey, 1957, and P. s. lepidus Smith, 1837. However, in the S.A.O.S. Checklist (Clancey 1980) only 3 were recognised, lepidus being treated as part of nominate socius. Variation in the present species is complex with the 2 basic population groups clearly associated with the general colour of the substrate. The more widely distributed and numerically numerous of the groups—the nominate subspecies—is that directly inhabiting areas of reddish sand with scattered wind-contoured red Kalahari sand-dunes, which is distri- buted from southern Great Namaqualand and the Cape immediately south of the lower Orange R., east to southwestern Botswana and the northern Cape to the general area Kuruman—Olifantshoek—Postmasburg. This group is characterised by a buffish brown cap, dark brown sub- terminal feather crescents fringed greyish buff over the mantle, and light warm buff to the face and unpatterned ventral surfaces. Wings in such birds measure g2 75-80 mm. Immediately to the north and to the south of the foregoing group, darker birds are present, having the cap about Drab (Ridgway 1912), the dorsum darker with the mantle crescents blacker, and with the light facial and ventral surfaces less warm buff or whiter. In the north of the range in Namibia the wing-length declines (71—75.5), but in the dark birds lying to the south of the buffish ones, the wing-length 1s only fractionally shorter (73—79 mm) (Table hy: As the colour and size patterns of variation are not strictly congruent, the differences in wing-length can only be used to a limited degree in arranging the populations into readily recognisable subspecies. In the case of the darker group of populations, this is again seen as an edaphic correlate, such birds occurring in karoo country, sub-desert (Namib edge) and saline pan environments. The disposition of the variation P. A. Clancey 229 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) TABLE 1 The wing- and tail-length (mm) variables (in JY) in populations of the Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius Wings _ Tails _ Locality n range xX SD n range xX SD Philetatrus socius socius 1. Kochena, NE of 19 75-80 Teo! ONS) 19 3845.5 42:1 2-14 Grunau, S Namibia. 2. Perdepan, Gobabis, LS ie HAE SS 7585) eA Se Dye leds a — — — Namibia. 3. Gemsbok National 18 72-78 OES eH LES 2, 23 39-44 41.2) 1.33 Park, N Cape. Philetairus socius eremnus 4. Prieska & Carnarvon, 17 73-79 75.8: 763 8 4045 42.2 1.48 Cape. Hoopstad, O.F.S. 1 77 = — = — — — 5. Wolmaransstad, 1672857825) 75.3") 176 a a — —— SW Transvaal. 6. Damaraland, 10 71-75.5 73.7 1.43 10 38.544 41.0 1.80 Namibia. Philetairus socius xericus 7. Aus & near Bethanie, 6 75.5-81 78.5 1.94 6 41.544 42.8 0.93 Namibia. Philetairus socius geminus 8. Okaukuejo & 8 72-75.5 USssil eds} 8 38.5-42 40.3 1.18 Leeubron, Etosha Pan, N Namibia. Size-variation in P. socius is 2 dimensional and probably temperature dependent, with wing- length as an indicator of overall size shortest in the north of the range (nos. 2, 6 & 8) and largest in the south (nos. 1,3, 4,5 & 7). Transition between the extremes in the gradient is in the nature of a relatively narrow step centred from south-central Great Namaqualand, east to southwestern Botswana. In the case of the large-sized southern birds variation is clinal, with size (wing-length) increasing east (nos. 3, 4 & 5) to west (nos. 1 & 7) in association with cooler maritime conditions. suggests relatively recent sundering and distributional retreat of the populations of darker coloured phenotypes occasional by the (now) more numerous paler and buffer birds, this resulting from an eastward spread of the latter from the basin of the lower Orange. A re-assessment of the geographical variation in the Sociable Weaver (Fig. 1) based on an examination of over 270 specimens indicates the necessity of recognising 4 subspecies, for one of which a name is introduced. These are arranged hereunder. Philetairus socius socius (Latham) Loxia socia Latham, Index Ornith., vol.i, 1790, p. 381: inland of Cape of Good Hope, restricted to Warmbad, southern Great Namaqualand, Namibia, by Macdonald, Contr. Orn. West. S. Afr., 1957, p. 156. Synonym: Philetairus lepidus Smith, Charlesworth’s Mag. Nat. Hist., new series, vol. 1, 1837, p. 536: districts round Latakoo= Kuruman, northern Cape. Pileum Buffy Brown; mantle with feather bases light grey, dark sub- terminal crescents brownish black, fringed greyish buff; rump washed with light brown. Light facial and ventral surfaces Warm Buff. Size large. P. A. Clancey 230 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) =e \ Z S ia ae i ad Ps ZAMBEZI RIVER UE 16° . 24° 9) LIMPOPO RIVER f DELAGOA BAY DURBAN . 0 100 200 300 400 = = MILES rs ) SiN S = 2 IPR ie a 1 A EAST LONDON >. es ae 42° 12° CAPE TOWN —S PORT ELIZABETH 2 Figure 1. Sketch-map showing the disposition of the races of the Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius 1. Philetairus socius socius (Latham); 2. Philetairus socius eremnus Clancey; 3. Philetairus socius xericus Clancey; 4. Philetairus socius geminus Grote. It will be noted that the range of 2 is split into two sectors and the taxon is as a result polytopic. Measurements. See Table 1. 207 specimens examined. Range. Northwestern Cape Province to the south of the Orange R. in Bushmanland, southeast to Kenhardt, southern Great Namaqualand, Namibia, south from about Keetmanshoop to the Orange, and in the east north to about Gobabis (at Perdepan), southwestern and southern Botswana in the Gemsbok National Park, and the northern Cape from the Namibian border to Kuruman—Olifantshoek—Postmasburg. Ecologically associated with reddish sands and areas with red Kalahari sand-dunes. ‘The most numerous subspecies. Remarks. Smith, in his Illustrations (1838), uses the spelling Philetaerus for the generic name of the Sociable Weaver, the type of which is Swainson’s Euplectes lepidus, as proposed in Lard. Cab. Cyclopaedia, vol. 2, Menageries, p. 309, this earlier than 1837. Smith’s Philetairus lepidus as named in Charlesworth’s Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. i, 1837, from Kuruman district is, therefore, pre-occupied by Swainson’s slightly earlier combi- nation. Moreau (1962) equates Swainson’s name with Latham’s Loxia socia of 1790. In the event of Swainson’s lepidus being viewed as a nomen nudum and Smith as the specific name’s author, the locality Kuruman and diagnostic characters place it as a synonym of nominate P. socius. Philetairus socius eremnus Clancey, Durban Mus. Novit., vol. v, 4, 1957, p. 48: Kransfontein, north of Prieska, northern Cape. P. A. Clancey 231 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Differs from the nominate race on the basis of a darker cap (about Drab), and less buffish upper-surface, the mantle duller and the sub- terminal dark crescents broader and blacker, the apices somewhat whiter; rump greyer and more squamated, less uniformly buffy. Ventrally, with the chin and throat blacker and the light surfaces rather browner, less buffy. Southern population similar in size, but birds of the northern segment shorter winged. Measurements. See Table 1. 52 specimens examined. Range. Karoocountry of the middle Orange R. from just north of Prieska in Griqualand West, southwest to Carnarvon, and locally to the northeast in the Vaal R. drainage of the western Orange Free State (Hoopstad) and southwestern Transvaal (at Wolmaransstad, east to Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom). Also Namibia north of the nominate subspecies on the plateau, occurring locally from north of Keetmanshoop to about Otjiwarongo, with the following specimens seen: Neisib, 35 km SW of Helmeringhausen; Mariental; Keres, N of Windhoek; Talana; Otjikango, Otjiwarongo; and Sturmveld and Wilhelmsrute, Gobabis district. Remarks. P. s. eremnus is polytopic, with the nominate form interposed between its 2 population segments. A long series of specimens taken on the property Neisib, to the southwest of Helmeringhausen, and another sample from Kameelboom, to the northeast of Mariental, contain many specimens intermediate between nominate socius and eremnus, but with the majority referable to the latter. Philetairus socius xericus, subsp. nov. Type. 2, adult. Plateau 38, 20 km E of Aus, western Great Namaqualand, Namibia. 15 October 1970. Collected by P. J. Buys. In the collection of the State Museum, Windhoek, Reg. No. 800.31 and CA 3340. Similar to P. s. eremnus, as defined above, but with the light facial and ventral surfaces pearly vinaceous white rather than pale buff, and with the breast overlaid with drab. Compared with P. s. geminus of the Etosha Pan not so sharply marked with black and white over the mantle, the rump darker, and with the light facial and unpatterned ventral surfaces greyish white, washed with drab over the breast and not plain off-white as in geminus. Size larger than in geminus. Measurements. See Table 1. Measurements of the Type. Wing 79.5, culmen from base 17.5, tarsus 20, tail 43 mm. Material examined. 6 (Plateau 38, 20 km, E of Aus; Vogelstrausskluft, Bethanie district, western Great Namaqualand). Range. Presently known from near Aus and Bethanie, in western Great Namaqualand, but probably extending north along the escarpment edge inland of the Namib to about the Namib Naukluft Park. Etymology. xericus, from Greek and modern ecology, affecting arid conditions. Remarks. The whiter facial and ventral surfaces of P. s. xericus of the escarpment edge overlooking the Namib associate it with P. s. geminus of the arid Etosha Pan region in the north of the species’ range. Further sampling of colonies just inland of the Namib to the north of Aus is desirable in order to fix the northern limits of xericus. S. Lousada 232 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Philetairus socius geminus Grote, Journ. f. Ornith., vol. |xx, 1922, p. 45: Okaukuejo, Etosha Pan National Park, northern Namibia. Compared with P. s. eremnus differs in ranging a little paler over the pileum; mantle (including scapulars) lighter, the sub-terminal crescents blacker and sharply contrasted against the whitish apical fringes, and rump whiter. Facial and light ventral surfaces much whiter. Wings and tail colder, with the coverts and remiges edged paler. Similar in size to the northern population of eremnus. Differs from P. s. xericus in having the dorsal crescents deeper black and the mantle feather apices whiter. Facial and light ventral parts still whiter, and lacking the drab overlay to the breast present in xericus. Size smaller than in xericus. Measurements. See Table 1. 8 specimens examined. Range. Confined to the Etosha Pan National Park, northern Namibia, with most of the available records from Okaukuejo and Leeubron. Acknowledgements For the loan of material I am grateful to Dr J. M. Mendelsohn and J. Komen of the State Museum, Windhoek, and to Dr A. C. Kemp of the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria. References: Clancey, P. A. 1957. Miscellaneous taxonomic notes on African birds [X. Durban Mus. Novit. 5(4): 48-49. Clancey, P. A. (Ed.) 1980. S.4A.O.S. Checklist of Southern African Birds : 265-266. Southern African Ornithological Society, Johannesburg. Moreau, R. E. 1962. in Peters’ Check-list of Birds of the World, Vol. 15: 8. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature, The Author, Washingtn, DC. Smith, A. 1838. Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa, Aves. Plate viii, No. 2, and text. White, C. M. N. 1967. Geographical variation in Philetairus socius (Latham). Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 87(6): 97. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Research Associate, Durban Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 4085, Durban 4000, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 Amazona auropalliata caribaea: anew subspecies of parrot from the Bay Islands, northern Honduras by Sebastian Lousada Received 27 April 1989 In November 1987, S. Lousada, A. Morales and S. Ewing travelled to Honduras to investigate the distribution of Yellow-naped Parrots Ama- zona auropalliata. Our field work revealed 3 distinct forms of the subspe- cies A. a. parvipes inhabiting northern Honduras and the offshore islands. After discussions and correspondence with Burt L. Monroe and Thomas R. Howell, who first described A. a. parvipes from the Mosquitia region of eastern Honduras and northeastern Nicaragua, we concluded that there was evidence to describe one of these forms as a new subspecies: S. Lousada 233 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) TABLE 1 Typical soft-part colours of northern forms of the Amazona ochrocephala complex Upper Lower Eye-lid Subspecies mandible mandible Cere’ Bristles Eye-ring edge A. oratrix V.P.H. VER Ee White White White White A. o. belizensis WeP Ee WERE: White White White White A. o. belizensis VEPsE WiePAs Glauc. White White Black (NW Honduras) A. a. auropalliata Variably B.N.G. Glauc. Black P.G. Black dark A. a. caribaea 12) Leal kV Da eo Mostly Glauc. Black P.G. Black at tip eae A. a. parvipes P2Hs,, Mee. B.N.G. Glauc. Black P.G. Black (Mosquitia birds) at tip Notes. Immature birds of all these forms have darker areas on their mandibles. Colours from Smithe (1975, 1981): V.P.H.=very Pale Horn (92); P.H. = Pale Horn (92); Glauc. = Glaucous (80); M.P. = Medium Plumbeous (87); P.G. = Pearl Gray (81); B.N.G. = Blackish Neutral Gray (82). Bristles = bristle-like feathers of the cere. Amazona auropalliata caribaea subsp. nov. Holotype. Carnegie Museum of Natural History No. 131584; adult 2 from Isla Barbareta, Islas de la Bahia, Honduras, 11 April 1948; collected by A. C. Twomey. Diagnosis. Differs from the type of A. a. parvipes of northeastern Honduras and northeastern Nicaragua in having a predominantly ivory- coloured bill closest to Pale Horn (92). (Capitalized colours from Smithe 1975, 1981.) The tip of the upper mandible is often Medium Plumbeous (87), especially in immature birds, which may have larger areas of this colour. The lower mandible is always much paler than that of parvipes of the Mosquitia region, which is generally Blackish Neutral Gray (82). (See Table 1). A. a. caribaea also differs from the pale-billed, yellow-crowned and yellow-naped forms found in the Sula Valley of northern Honduras; fledgling A. a. caribaea have very little or no yellow in the head region, whereas the Sula Valley birds always leave the nest with yellow foreheads and crowns. Distribution. Known only from Roatan, Barbareta and Guanaja of the Bay Islands off the northern coast of Honduras. Description of holotype. General plumage Parrot Green (260). Lime Green (159) on underparts, but slightly more Cyan (164) on lores and forehead. Crown and forecrown have a narrow Sulfur Yellow band (157) running dorsally; nape and hindneck have a broad Spectrum Yellow band (55) across them, the green feathers in this region lightly margined in Blackish Neutral Gray (82). Bend of wing, Geranium Pink (13); carpal edge Lime Green (159); primaries and secondaries Parrot Green (260) becoming Indigo Blue (173) towards tips; the wing speculum, across bases of the 5 outer secondaries is Geranium Pink (13); under wing coverts and undersides of flight feathers Paris Green (63); dorsal major secondary caudal coverts towards Chartreuse (158). Tail, Parrot Green S. Lousada 234 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) TABLE 2 Selected measurements (mm) of Amazona a. auropalliata, A. a. parvipes and A. a. caribaea Wing Tail Culmen Middle toe (chord) (from nostril) — (without nail) auropalliata 18< 33 (mean) 228.6 123.6 34.4 37.6 15< 99 (mean) 22057 ad 2 ie 32.6 35.8 parvipes 1 3 (type) 226.0 118.5 30.9 33.0 1 $ (Sula Valley) 207.0 131.0 33.0 30.0 1 9 (Sula Valley) 22010) li520 33.0 30.0 caribaea 1 Q (type) 2VLO 125.0 33.0 31.3 13 210.0 125.0 DH, 30.7 13 210.0 120.0 32.3 32.9 13 230.0 140.0 33.2 31.5 (260) tipped with Chartreuse (158), lateral feathers basally marked with Geranium Pink (13) and Sulfur Yellow (157) on inner webs, the outer- most feathers lightly edged with Spectrum Blue (69). Mandibles closest to Pale Horn (92), edged and tipped very lightly in Medium Plumbeous (87). Measurements. See Table 2. Note that A. a. caribaea and A. a. parvipes have smaller feet than A. a. auropalliata. Specimens examined. A. a. caribaea:— HONDURAS: Isla Barbareta, 3 (CM=Carnegie Museum); Isla Guanaja. 1 (CM); Isla Roatan, 5 (BMNH = British Museum of Natural History, Tring). A. a. parvipes:— NICARAGUA: Leicus creek 56 miles NW Puerto Cabezas (UCLA= University of California, Los Angeles: Holotype, no. 51465, adult). HONDURAS: Sula Valley, 2 (CM). I have also examined a series (20+) of A. a. auropalliata from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua (BMNH) for comparison. Etymology. This subspecies is named in recognition of the prominent role the tree species Pinus caribaea plays in the ecology of these birds. Remarks Variation within the subspecies. Variation among individuals of A. a. cari- baea is most usually in the quantity of yellow feathers in the head region. However the key features were manifest in all the 60 individuals (9 museum skins, 51 captive birds) I have examined. There appear to be no sexual differences in plumage colour or pattern, although there are noticeable differences that can be correlated with age. Before their first moult, young A. a. caribaea have little or no yellow on the nape or crown, and mandibles with at least some Medium Plumbeous (87) colouring. As they age, over the next few moults, yellow gradually comes in on the nape and also usually on the forecrown, where it is frequently present as a narrow band or a roughly triangular patch. Mature specimens have large yellow nape and hindneck patches that may encircle the neck to quite a considerable extent. Any Medium Plumbeous (87) colouration on the mandibles may gradually decrease in area and change to ivory or Pale Horn (92). S. Lousada 235 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Ecology. The Caribbean Pine Pinus caribaea plays a prominent part in the ecology of these birds, providing nesting sites, food and shade. ‘Twice a bird was seen on Isla Guanaja eating parts of 2 pine cones, probably the immature seeds (26% protein, 2% carbohydrate, 26% fat: per Rosemarie Gnam). Apparently during most of the year this is their sole food source, although farmers reported significant damage done to various fruit trees when in season, a habit which unfortunately leads to persecution. Three nest sites of A. a. caribaea were examined, all of them in the hollow trunks of Pinus caribaea trees. Island residents report that birds start to search for suitable nest sites in February and March (per Spicer Wood). Dead trees are given much attention, including exploratory chipping in an effort to break into the hollow centres or to enlarge existing cavities. A clutch of 2—3 is laid in March or April. Conservation. Isla Guanaja and Barbareta still have adequate parrot habitat due to the low economic value of existing timber. On the larger and more fertile Isla Roatan (c. 130 km’) there has been considerable develop- ment for tourism and a resulting increase in human population, which has led to destruction of forests and so may have affected the parrot population. However, on all these islands the robbing of nests to provide young birds for the pet trade is commonplace and has had a major and far more adverse impact. Indeed, on Isla Guanaja (c. 56km/?), at least 60 chicks were collected by one individual during the 1987 season (per Spicer Wood). Due to the fact that young birds have little or no yellow on the nape or hindneck, it is fairly easy to recognize the fledglings of these birds. As was the case in Puerto Rico in the 1940s (Snyder et al. 1987), it seems that virtually 100° of the nestling parrots are taken for the pet trade despite the fact that these “‘islena’’ birds are legally protected against export under Honduran law. Since this practice frequently involves destroying the nest holes, the populations are likely currently to be made up mainly of mature birds competing for fewer nest sites. Unless action is taken immediately and parrot reserves recognized and protected, their future is greatly imperilled. Acknowledgements The following individuals have been invaluable in their help with this study. Burt Monroe, Thomas Howell, James Loughlin, Peter Colston and William Drury. Spicer Wood of Guanaja was extremely helpful while we were in the field, and others who have contributed are: Ann Miller, Rosemarie Gnam and Sergio Andrade Garcia. I would also like to thank the other members of the field team, Armando S. Morales III and Sabra Ewing. Finally many thanks to Robert Ridgely and James Monk for reading the manuscript and offering many helpful comments. References: Monroe, B. L. & Howell, T. R. 1966. Geographic variation in middle American parrots of the Amazona ochrocephala complex. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Louisiana State Univ. 34. Smithe, F. B. 1975. Naturalist’s color guide. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1981. Naturalist’s color guide, Part III. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Snyder, N. F.R., Wiley, J. W. & Kepler, C. B. 1987. The parrots of Luquillo: natural history and conservation of the Puerto Rican parrot. Western Foundation for Vertebrate Zoology. Address: S. Lousada, Flag Hill Farm, P.O. Box 31, Vershire, VT 05079, USA. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1989 J. M. Bates et al. 236 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Notes on bird distribution in northeastern Dpto. Santa Cruz, Bolivia, with 15 species new to Bolivia by John M. Bates, Mary C. Garvin, Donna C. Schmitt & C. Gregory Schmitt Received 17 February 1989 From 30 June to 12 August 1988, an expedition from the Louisiana State University of Natural Science (LSUMZ), in conjunction with personnel from the Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, surveyed the avifauna at 3 sites in the lowland rainforest to the west of the Serrania de Huanchaca, Dpto. Santa Cruz, in extreme eastern Bolivia near the Brazilian border. The 3 sites were: (1) Los Fierros, 30 km E Aserradero Moira (14°30'S, 61°10’W; elev. 450m); this area contained broken- canopy, lowland tropical forest averaging 30 m tall, the terrain being flat and the understorey difficult to walk through because of heavy vine tangles. (2) Arroyo del Encanto, 30km E Florida (14°30'S, 60°40'W; elev. 550 m), alongside a rocky stream that flowed off the Serrania 5 km to the east; the forest in this hilly terrain was slightly wetter, with more epiphytic vegetation than the previous site and contained scattered sections of 40 m- tall forest. (3) The west bank of the Rio Paucerna, 4 km upstream from its confluence with the Rio Itenez (13°43’S, 61°11'W; elev. 450 m); the forest here was stunted (5—15 m) with large patches of bamboo along the river. We observed 15 species not previously recorded in Bolivia and 7 not previously recorded west of the Madiera/Guapore rivers. Fourteen of these species had previously been recorded as close as Cachoeira Nazare, Rio Ji-Parana, Rondonia, Brazil (9°44’'S, 61°53’W—D. F. Stotz et al. unpubl. data). Prior to our work, we assumed that the western limit of these ‘Rondonian’ taxa was the Madeira/Guaporé rivers; however, our work suggests that some of them cross the upper Guapore where its reduced width constitutes less of a barrier to bird dispersal. The barrier to westward dispersal may be the Rio Beni or the Rio Madre de Dios to the northwest. The taxonomic affinities of birds in this region are important for understanding the zoogeography of the southern Amazon basin. Although geographic variation in bird populations going from east to west across the Madeira/Guaporé rivers includes several allopatric species-level replacements (Pipile cujubi by P. cumanensis, Pteroglossus bitorquatus by P. flavirostris mariae, Selenidera maculirostris by S. reinwardtii, Xiphorhynchus elegans by X. spixii, Dendrocolaptes concolor by D. certhia and Pipra nattereri by P. coronata), other species appear to be undifferentiated (Northarchus tectus, Piculus flavigula and Hylophilus semicinereus). Initial indicators from our inventories suggest that many subspecies in this region were known previously only westward as far as the western bank of the Rio Madiera. Other important findings of our survey were the presence of several widespread Amazonian species (Leucopternis kuhli, Myrmotherula surinamensis, Formicarius colma, F. M. Bates et al. 237 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Ornithion inerme, Chiroxiphia pareola regina) that were only recently recorded for the first time in Bolivia (in Dpto. Pando—Parker & Remsen 1987). All specimens are housed at the LSUMZ and the Museo de Historia Natural ‘Noel Kempff Mercado’, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. In addition to collecting specimens, an effort was made at each locality to tape-record nocturnal birds, tinamous, dawn choruses and mixed-species flocks whenever possible. Analysis of these tapes by T. A. Parker resulted in the addition of 20 species to our list, including the first record for Bolivia of Black-girdled Barbet Capito dayi. All sound recordings are housed at the Library of Natural Sounds (LNS), Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell University. Four locality lists, including the 3 collecting sites and species recorded from a boat on the Guapore river between the town of Piso Firme and the mouth of the Rio Paucerna, are presented in the Appendix. Below, are details on the species new to Bolivia and several other poorly known species. ZIGZAG HERON Zebrilus undulatus CGS collected a 2 on 2 Aug at the edge of a shaded water-filled de- pression 40 m from the banks of the Rio Paucerna, only the second speci- men record for Bolivia; the first was collected in Dpto. Beni by Pearson (1.975): RED-THROATED PIPING GUAN Aburria cujubi Encountered almost daily at sites 1—2 and fairly common at site 3. The presence of these large gamebirds, along with numbers of Spix’s Guan Penelope jacquagu and Spider Monkeys Ateles paniscus, suggests that de- spite much logging in parts of the region, little hunting has occurred. CRIMSON-BELLIED PARROT Pyrrhura rhodogaster On 14 and 17 Jul 2 specimens were collected by MCG at Arroyo del Encanto. Flocks of 6-15 individuals were seen daily at sites 1—2. In stunted forrest along the Rio Paucerna, only the smaller P. picta was recorded. Both species were common along Rio Ji-Parana, Rondonia (D. F. Stotz et al. unpubl. data). P. rhodogaster was previously known only from Brazil between the Madeira and Tapajos rivers (Meyer de Schauensee 1966). BAND-TAILED NIGHTHAWEK WN yctiprogne leucopyga On the evenings of 28, 29 Jul and 12 Aug, up to 6 individuals were seen at dusk flying low over the Rio Itenez. Previously known from several localities in adjacent Mato Grosso, Brazil, where it is common along rivers in the pantanal south and west of Cuiaba, Brazil (T. A. Parker). BROWN JACAMAR Brachygalba lugubris CGS collected 4 along the banks of the Rio Paucerna from 20 m up in canopy adjacent to the river. The only other published Bolivian record is also for Santa Cruz (Sclater & Salvin 1879, Remsen & Traylor in press). PIED PUFFBIRD Northarchus tectus A 3 and 9° were collected by JMB and CGS on 30 Jun and 1 Jul from emergent-canopy trees along a road through rainforest at Los Fierros. This is the southernmost record for this widespread species, which is ¥. M. Bates et al. 238 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) found throughout Amazonia, the Guianas, and southern Middle America (Meyer de Schauensee 1966). BLACK-GIRDLED BARBET Capito dayi . A bird was tape-recorded by JMB in the canopy of tall forest at Arroyo dee Encanto on 14 Jul and was later identified by T. A. Parker as this species. The song consisted of a series of rough, guttural notes (‘‘groh- groh-groh-groh’’) similar to those of C. aurovirens. C. dayi was previously reported from central Brazil south of the Amazon in a small area at the headwaters of the Madeira and Tapajos rivers (Meyer de Schauensee 1966). It was fairly common along the Rio Ji-Parana (D. F. Stotz et al. unpubl. data). RED-NECKED ARACARI Pteroglossus bitorquatus Fairly common at Arroyo del Encanto, where 8 specimens were col- lected. An individual was also seen flying over the Rio Guaporé on 29 Jul, and another collected at site 3 on 6 Aug. Recorded once before in this area (Cabot et al. in press)—the first record for Bolivia. SPOT-BILLED TOUCANET Selenidera gouldii 299 and a J were collected by JMB and CGS on 13, 17 and 18 Jul in hillside forest at site 2; others were heard there and at site 1, but the species was not recorded every day. The voice (a frog-like croaking “gyow-gyow-gyow’’) is like that of its allospecies S. retnwardti, known from northern Bolivia in Dpto. Pando (Parker & Remsen 1987). Peters (1948) considered S. gouldii to be one of 3 subspecies of S. maculirostris. Haffer (1974), on the other hand, merged the 2 northern subspecies, S. m. hellmayri (Griscom & Greenway 1937) and S. m. gouldii to create S. gouldit. YELLOW-THROATED WOODPECKER Piculus flavigula JMB and CGS collected 2 on 30 Jul and 3 Aug (LSUMZ) from low forest adjacent to the Rio Paucerna. This species ranges throughout the Amazon basin (Meyer de Schauensee 1966), being most numerous in tall riverine forest and less common in upland terra firme forest (T. A. Parker). RED-BILLED WOODCREEPER Hylexetastes perrotti One was netted in forest at site 1 on 3 Jul. This species and Hemitriccus minor (see below) both occur on both banks of the Amazon: in the north to the Rio Negro, and in the south between the Madeira and Tapajos rivers (Meyer de Schauensee 1966), being replaced to the west of the Rio Madeira by H. stresemanni, known in Bolivia only from Dpto. Pando (Parker & Remsen 1987). CONCOLOR WOODCREEPER Dendrocolaptes concolor Three were netted at site 1 on 1 Jul. A single specimen also was netted from upland forest along the Rio Paucerna on 19 Jul. This member of the D. certhia complex was uncommon at the Rondonia site (D. F. Stotz et al. unpubl. data) and was known previously only from between the Madeira and Tocantins rivers (Meyer de Schauensee 1966). ELEGANT WOODCREEPER Xiphorhynchus elegans Frequently netted in tall forest at sites 1 & 2, 7 specimens being obtained from each site. Meyer de Schauensee (1966) reported this F. M. Bates et al. 239 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) species from the Dpto. Beni, though Remsen & Traylor (in press) find no record to report in Bolivia, but suggest that it could occur there between the Beni and Guaporé rivers. Our records are from the eastern edge of that region. The species ranges east to the Rio Tapajos in Brazil (Meyer de Schauensee 1966) and was common at the Rondonia site (D. F. Stotz et al. unpubl. data). SATURNINE ANTSHRIKE Thamnomanes saturninus Five specimens were obtained. Encountered uncommonly in forest undergrowth at all 3 sites, and always noted 1n the forest undergrowth in mixed-species flocks that contained woodcreepers, antwrens and fly- catchers. Compared with other Amazonian forests, our study sites con- tained few such flocks. T. saturninus is widespread south of the Amazon basin, from northeastern Peru east to the Rio Tocantins (Meyer de Schauensee 1966). SNETHLAGE’S TODY-TYRANT Hemitriccus minor Common in open forest understory at all 3 sites. Fourteen specimens were obtained. Like Hylexetastes perrotii (see above), Hemitriccus minor is found north of the Amazon to the west of the Rio Negro to southwestern Surinam and south of the Amazon from the Rio Jurua to the Rio Tocantins; it was known previously from both Rondonia and Mato Grosso in Brazil (Traylor 1979). FLAME-CROWNED MANAKIN Heterocercus linteatus Nine were netted in or adjacent to 3-4 m-tall bamboo in stunted forest along the Rio Paucerna. Considered to be rare at the Rondonia site (T. 5S. Schulenberg). Previously it was known only from Amazonian Brazil south of the Amazon and from one site in northeastern Peru (Snow 1979). SNOWY-CAPPED MANAKIN Pipra nattereri Captured fairly frequently in mist nets at site 1 and less frequently at the other 2 sites; 19 specimens were obtained. Previously, the species was known only from between the Madeira and Tapajos rivers (Meyer de Schauensee 1966). GRAY-CHESTED GREENLET Hylophilus semicinereus CGS collected a J on 31 Jul from river-edge forest on the Rio Paucerna, where several individuals were also tape-recorded by JMB. These are the southernmost records of this species, which occurs throughout eastern Amazonia (Meyer de Schauensee 1966). Acknowledgements This expedition was supported by John H. Mcllhenny, H. Irving and L. Schweppe, and Mr and Mrs John Hageman. For assistance in working in Bolivia we thank the Nature Conser- vancy’s Bolivia Program, especially Carlos E. Quintela. For permission to work in Bolivia we are grateful to Lic. Arturo Moscoso. Field work could not have been possible without the enthusiastic support of Ing. Nestor Ruiz and his staff at the Parque Nacional Noel Kempft Mercado and Dr Enrique Quintela and his family. For assistance in_ the field we are grateful to Abel Castillo, Edilberto Guzman, and Armando Yepez. Tom S. Schulenburg and Doug A. Stotz shared unpublished bird records from Rondonia with us. Theodore A. Parker lent his expertise for identifying species tape recorded, and provided useful criticism to the paper, as did J. V. Remsen and K. V. Rosenberg. J. M. Bates et al. 240 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) References: Cabot, J., Castroviejo, J. & Urios, V. in press. Cuatro especies de aves nuevas pare Bolivia. Donana, Acta Vetebrata. Griscom, L. & Greenway, J. C. Jr 1937. Critical notes on new neotropical birds. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 81: 417-437. Haffer, J. 1974. Avian speciation in tropical South America. Publ. Nuttal Ornithol. Club No. 14. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1966. The Species of Birds of South America and their Distribution. Livingston Publ. Co. Parker, T. A. & Remsen, J. V. Jr. 1987. Fifty-two Amazonian bird species new to Bolivia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 107: 94-107. Pearson, D. L. 1975. Range extensions and new records for bird species in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Condor 77: 96-99. Peters, J. L. 1948. Checklist of Birds of the World. Vol. V1. p. 80. Harvard University Press. Remsen, J. V. Jr. & Traylor, M. A. 1989. An Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Bolivia. Buteo Books (in press). Sclater, P. L. & Salvin, O. 1879. On the birds collected in Bolivia by Mr C. Buckley. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1879: 588-645. Snow, D. W. 1979. Plpridae. Pp. 281-308, in M. A. Traylor, Jr. (ed.), Checklist of Birds of the World, Vol. 8. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Traylor, M. A., Jr 1979. Tyrannidae. Pp. 1-245, in M. A. Traylor, Jr. (ed.), Checklist of Birds of the World, Vol. 8. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Address: John M. Bates, Mary C. Garvin, Donna C. Schmitt, C. Gregory Schmitt, Museum of Natural Science, 119 Foster Hall, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 3216, 70803, USA. © British Ornithologists Club 1989 Appendix The following lists are for the 3 sites in the Parque Nacional Noel Kempf Mercado de- scribed in the text and species seen from a boat on the Guaporé river. Column 1: Los Fierros (14°25’S, 61°10’W); Column 2: Arroyo del Encanto (14°30'S, 60°40'W); Column 3: Rio Paucerna (13°43’S, 61°11’W); Column 4: Rio Guapore. Relative abundances were estimated for all species seen at each site; R=rare, encountered only once or twice; U=uncommon, found in small numbers and not seen every day; FC = fairly common, encountered irregu- larly in numbers or a few individuals seen almost every day; C=common, several individ- uals encountered daily. Average weights (gm) of adult birds (M = Male, F = Female) are given for specimens collected; sample sizes and ranges are given in parentheses, followed by the standard deviation when samples were large enough. Species marked with an asterisk were seen but not collected. Species documented by tape-recording are indicated by a double asterisk. Sites : 4 Body weights (gm) 3 Rhea americana* R Tinamus tao R Crypturellus cinereus U R Crypturellus soui FC FC FC Crypturellus undulatus U U Crypturellus strigulosus** R R Phalacrocorax olivaceus* Anhinga anhinga* Zebrilus undulatus R Tigrisoma lineatum R R R Pilherodius pileatus R Ardea cocot U Casmerodius albus* R U U M, 390(1) F, 144(1) Bubulcus ibis* Egretta thula M, 320(1) M, 190(1); F, 210(1) 1 Butorides striatus ; M, 700(1) Agamia agami Nycticorax nycticorax* Cochlearius cochlearius Mycteria americana* Jabiru mycteria* Mesembrinibis cayennensis* R PRADGDAAGANAS?” ana F. M. Bates et al. Chauna torquata* Catrina moschata* Coragyps atratus* Cathartes aura* Cathartes melambrotus* Sarcoramphus papa* Pandion haliaetus* Elanoides forticatus* Elanus caeruleus* Rosthamus soctabilis* Leucopternis kuhli* Buteogallus urubitinga* Busarellus nigricollis* Buteo magnirostris Spizaetus tyrannus** Daptrius ater* Daptrius americanus Polyborus plancus* Herpetotheres cachinnans* Micrastur gilvicollis Falco rufigularis Penelope jacquacu Aburria cujubt Crax mitu* Odontophorus stellatus Aramus guarauna* Aramides cajanea* Eurypyga helias* Jacana jacana* Vanellus cayanus Charadrius collaris* Phaetusa simplex* Sterna supercilitaris* Rynchops niger* Columba speciosa Columba plumbea Columba subvinacea Claravis pretiosa Leptotila rufaxilla Geotrygon violacea Geotrygon montana Ara araruana* Ara macao* Ara chloroptera* Ara severa* Aratinga sp.* Pyrrhura picta Pyrrhura rhodogaster Brotogeris versicolurus Brotogeris cyanoptera Pionites leucogaster** Pionus menstruus Amazona ochrocephala Amazona farinosa* Piaya cayana Crotophaga major* Crotophaga ant Tapera naevia Dromococcyx phasianellus** Neomorphus geoffreyi* Opisthocomus hoazin* Lophostrix cristatus** Otus watsoni** Pulsatrix perspicillata* Ciccaba virgata** Nyctibius grandis** Nyctibius griseus* Nyctiprogne leucopyga* Nyctidromus albicollis Nyctiphrynus ocellatus Hydropsalis brasiliana Chaetura brachyura* Chaetura sp.* Glaucis hirsuta Phaethornis hispidus Phaethornis (nattereri)? Phaethornis ruber 241 Sites 2 3 U U R R R U U U R U U U R FC U FC U R U R R R R 6 U U FC FC U FC U R U FC FC R R R 2 ? U Cc FC FC Cc U? R G Cc ? U ? U FC FC R R R R R U R R R R? R R R R U U FC U U R c FC FC 2G FC Qn ~aa aie ve) Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Body weights (gm) F, 312.5(2:310,315) F, 695(1) M, 186(1); F, 240(1) M, 130(1); F, 200(1) M, 1400(1); F, 1200(1) M, 73(1) M, 190(1); F, 280(1) M, 174(1) M, 169(3:160-185)+14.1 M, 63.6(6:60-68) + 3.4; F, 59.2(8:48-75) +8.2 M, 163(1) M, 110.6(5:108—125) + 11.7; F, 94.7(3:83-103) + 10.4 M, 69(1); F, 85(1) M, 102(1); F, 102(1) M, 52.5(1); F, 68.3(1) M, 254(2:248,260) M, 340(1) M, 103(2:102,104); F, 119(2:104,134) M, 80(1) F, 50(1) M, 35(2:35,35) M, 58(1) M, 6.7(3:6—7) + 0.6; F, 5.8(5:5-8)+0.3 M, 5.1(3:5-5.2)+0.1; F, 4.5(3:4-5)+0.5 Fi, 2-2(3:2—2.5) 0:3 JF. M. Bates et al. Florisuga mellivora* Anthracothorax nigricollis Thalurania furcata Hylocharis sapphirina Hylocharis cyanus Heliothryx aurita* Trogon melanurus Trogon viridis Trogon collarts Trogon violaceus** Momotus motmota Ceryle torquata* Chloroceryle amazona Chloroceryle americana Chloroceryle inda Chloroceryle aenea Notharchus macrorhynchos Notharchus tectus Nonnula ruficapilla Monasa nigrifrons Monasa morphoeus Chelidoptera tenebrosa Brachygalba lugubris Galbula dea** Galbula ruficauda Capito dayi** Selenidera gouldi Pteroglossus inscriptus Pteroglossus bitorquatus Pteroglossus castanotis Ramphastos vitellinus* Ramphastos tucanus Picumnus aurifrons Melanerpes cruentatus Veniliornis affinis Piculus flavigula Piculus chrysochloros Celeus flavus** Celeus torquatus Campephilus rubricollis Dendrocincla fuliginosa Dendrocincla merula Glyphorynchus spirurus Nasica longirostris** Hylexetastes perrotit Dendrocolaptes concolor Xiphorhynchus picus Xiphorhynchus obsoletus Ciphorhynchus elegans Xiphorhynchus guttatus Lepidocolaptes albolineatus Synallaxis gujanensis* Synallaxis rutilans Philydor pyrrhodes Automolus ochrolaemus Xenops minutus Sclerurus rufigularis Taraba major Thamnophilus aethiops Thamnophilus schistaceus Thamnophilus amazonicus Pygiptila stellaris Thamnomanes saturninus Myrmotherula brachyura** Myrmotherula surinamensis PRD Fe Sites 2 3 R U U U R FC Cc U U U U U U U U FC FC FC R U U FC FC FC R R R R R U R U U FC FC FC FC U U FC FC U U R R R R U R FC FC U FC U R U U R FC U U R R U FC R U R U U R R U FC? U? U R U U R U R U (olere) FC U Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Body weights (gm) M, 7(1); F, 7(1) M, 4(3:4-4); F, 4.0(3:3.5-4.5)+0.5 M, 5(1) M, 3.7(3:3.5—4) + 0.3; F, 4(1) M, 107(2:100,114); F, 118(1) M, 88(1) M, 107.5(2:104,111); F, 102.5(4:98-110)+5.2 F,119.5(2) M, 29(1); F, 30.2(3) M, 55(1); F, 62.5(2:60,65) M, 13(1); F, 14(1) M, 110(1); F, 129(1) M, 40(1); F, 40(1) M, 15(3:15—15) +0.0; F, 15.7(6:14-17)+1.3 M, 69.6(4:67-74.5) + 3.4; F, 80(1) M, 82(4:80-84) + 1.6; F, 87.7(5:81-92) +8.1 M, 37(1); F, 41.5(2:41,42) F, 19.3(3:17-23) + 3.2 M, 21.5(2:21,22); F, 22(1) M, 172(1); F, 180(2:172,188) M, 126(1); F, 122.3(3:116-126)+5.5 M, 146(6:131-171) + 16.0; F, 149(3:136-162)+13.0 M, 268(1) M, 285(2:285,285) M, 9(2:9,9); F, 9.5(2:9.5—9.5) M, 65.8(2:65,66.5); F, 60(1) M, 37.3(3); F, 40(2) , 62.3(2:63-71.5) , 74(1); F, 84(1) 1 ” 232(1); F, 200(1) ’ 34.9(18:30—39) + 2.8; ,33.1(7:27-41) + 5.1 M, 41.3(6:34.5-45) + 3.7; F, 37.8(4:29-41) + 5.6 M, 13.6(19:12-17) + 2.6; F, 13.5(6:12.5-15.5) + 1.7 M M M, 131.5(2:128,135) M M 18) F, 118(1) M, 66(1); F, 71(1) M, 36(2:35-37); F, 34(1) M, 30(3:29-32) + 1.7; F, 28.9(4:25-36) +4.9 M, 34.5(8:31—38) + 2.0; F, 30.4(5:29-33) +1.7 M, 64.3(3:60-69) +4.5; F, 63(2:59,67) F, 22.5(2:22,23) M, 16.8(7:15-19) + 1.4; F, 15.3(3:15-16) +0.6 F, 24.5(1) 32.8(4:30-37) +0. 3; F, 30(1) 11.9(4:11.5-13) +0.8; F, 11.3(2) , 52.3(3:51-54) + 1.5; , 23.2(7,22-25.5)+3.1; M, 19.4(7:14-22) + 3.0; F, 18.1(5:16-19)+1.2 M, 23(1); F, 22(1) M, 20.0(2:19,21); F, 20(2:18,22) M, 8.3(3:8-9) + 0.6; F, 8(1) F. M. Bates et al. Myrmotherula hauxwelli Myrmotherula leucopthalma Myrmotherula axillaris Myrmotherula menetriesit Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus** Cercomacra cinerascens Cercomacra nigrescens Pyroglena leuconota Myrmoborus leucophrys Hypocnemis cantator Hypocnemoides maculicauda Sclateria naevia Myrmeciza hemimelaena Myrmeciza atrothorax Hylophylax punctulata Hylophylax poecilonota Phlegopsts nigromaculata Formicarius colma Zimmerius gracilpes* Tyrannulus elatus Ornithion inerme* Camptostoma obsoletum* Sublegatus modestus Mytopagus gaimardti Mytopagus viridicata Elaenia flavogaster Elaenia parvirostris Inezia tnornata Inezia subflava Euscarthmus melacoryphus Mionectes oleagineus Leptopogon amaurocephalus Corythopis torquata Mytornis ecaudatus* Hemitriccus minor Hemitriccus flammulatus Hemitriccus striaticollis Ramphotrigon ruficauda Tolmomytas assimilis Onychorhynchus coronatus Terenotriccus erythrurus Lathrotriccus euleri Cnemotriccus fuscatus Pyrocephalus rubinus Hirudinea ferruginea Attila bolivianus Attila spadiceus Casiornis rufa Rhytipterna simplex Lantocera hypopyrrha Mytarchus tuberculifer* Mytarchus swainsoni** Mytarchus tyrannulus Pitangus lictor* Pitangus sulphuratus Megarhynchus pitangua Myiozetetes cayanensis Mytodynastes maculatus Tyrannus melancholicus* Pachyramphus viridis Pachyramphus polychopterus Pachyramphus minor Pachyramphus validus Tityra cayana Schiffornis turdinus Heterocercus linteatus FC FC U U Qa Anan U (ee U FC Cann 243 Sites 2 4 U U U R FC FC FC R R R FC FC U R U Cc (S FC U U R FC FC R FC? R R U U U R? Ine FC R R R R R U U U LU U R (S (S R R R R R U R R U U R U FC U R R U FC U R R R R FC R R FC FC R LOf U G EC U R R R R R R R R R FC R U U U Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Body weights (gm) M, 10(2:9,11); F, 9.9(4:9.5-11.5)+1.1 M, 12.2(3:10-16) + 3.3; F, 10.0(2:9,11) M, 7.9(4:6.5-8.5) +0.9; F, 7.3(4:6.5-8) + 0.6 , 9(2:9,9) 18.9(6:17—20) + 1.2; M M, 17.2(2:16,18.4) M F,1 8 9.8(10:15-25)+4.5 M, 29.5(2:29,30); F, 28(2:28,28) M, 19(1) M, 12.8(7:11-15) + 1.3; F, 12.3( 12.5(3:12-13)+0.5; ( 0 8:11-14)+1.2 M F, 13(2:13,13) M, 20(1); F, 20(6:18-20.5)+1.3 M, 13.8(12:12-15) +1.2; F, 13.8(12)+0.6 M, 16.5(6:15.5-18) +1.5; F, 17.0(6:14.5-18) + 1.5 M, 12(3:12-12) + 0.0; F, 13(2:13,13) M, 17.3(12:15.5—20) + 1.5; F, 18.5(18:16-21)+1.7 M, 46(3:43-48) + 2.6; F, 44.8(4:42-47) + 2.2 M, 45(1) M, 11.5(1 M, 10.6(3:9-12) + 1.4; F, 11(1) M, 11.3(2:10.5,12) M, 24(1); F, 22(1) M, 17(1) F, 6.5(4:6-7) + 0.4 M, 11.2(8:10-12)+0.7; F, 10.8(6:8.5-12) 1.5 M, 11.5(6:10-13.5) + 1.5; F, 10.1(4:9-11.5)+1.3 M, 14.9(9:13-17.5) + 1.3; F, 13.7(3:13-15) + 1.2 M, 7.4(12:6.5-8) + 0.6; F, 7.3(2:6.5,8) ,9.5(1); F, 9(1) 7(1) 18.3(4:17-20) +1.5 3(2:17,17.5) (1); F, 11.5(1) 17 14 7.8(1) 9(1); F, 9.5(2:9,10) 12(7); F, 10. 8(10) 12.3(2:12,12.5); F, 13(1) nN oor ~ Set - 31(1); F, 35.7(3:35-36) +0.6 , 20.9(5:19-23.5)+1.7; F, 20(2:19,21) Sduadacge Svea (1) , 43(2:43,43); F, 42(1) M, 26.7(5:26-28) + 0.7; F, 27.1(4:25.5-30) + 2.0 M, 53(1); F, 53.8(2:53,54.5) M, 62.5(3:56-69) + 6.5; F, 61.2(3:58-67)+5.1 M, 30(1) M, 45.5(1); F, 47(1) M, 18(1) M, 39.5(2:39,40) M, 38(1) M, 78(1); F, 76(1) M, 29.8(10:27-31.5) +1. F, 29.7(5:27-34. 528 M, 22(4:21-22.5) + F, 22(4:21-24) +1 fa J. M. Bates et al. Neopelma suphureiventer Macheropterus pyrocephalus Manacus manacus Chiroxiphia pareola Pipra natterert Pipra fasticauda Pipra rubrocapilla Lipaugus vociferans Gymnoderus foetidus Cephalopterus ornatus Tachycineta albiventer Progne tapera* Atticora fasciata Stegidopteryx ruficollis Thryothorus genibarbis Thryothorus guarayanus Donacobius atrocapillus Turdus amaurochalinus Turdus fumigatus Turdus albicollis Ramphocaenus melanurus Cyclarhis gujanensis Vireo olivaceus Hylophilus thoracicus** Hylophilus hypoxanthus** Hylophilus semicinerius Ammodramus humeralis Sporophila schistacea Sporophila sp. Arremon taciturnus Coryphospingus cucullatus Paroaria gularis Saltator maximus Cyanocompsa cyanoides Schistoclamys melanopsis Thlypopsis sordida* Hemithraupis guira Hemithraupis flavicollis Eucometis penicillata Tachyphonus cristatus Tachyphonus luctuosus Habia rubica Ramphocoelus carbo Thraupis sayaca Thraupis palmarum Euphonia chlorotica** Euphonia laniirostris Euphonia musica Euphonia chrysopasta Euphonia minuta Euphonia mesochrysa Euphonia rufiventris Tangara mexicana Tangara chilensis Tangara gyrola Tangara nigrocincta Dacnis lineata Dacnis cayana Chlorophanes spiza Cyanerpes cyaneus Tersina viridis Parula pitiayumi* Granatellus pelzelni** Basileuterus culicivorus Phaeothlypis rivularis Conirostrum speciosum* Coereba flaveola Psarcolius decumanus* Psarcolius yuracares Cacicus cela Qa QG 720 (er Ope ar yeaa) (=) Ps} adzrcocd 244 Sites Q QCqC FAN FE FC QPPOAANCPRR GC AG FP ACY Oe an ces} Q BP GRCCAAAAD PO FP FPCORWP OC 7 C Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Body weights (gm) M, 18(2); F, 13.7(2) M, 8.7(15:8-9.5) +0.5; F, 8.7(17:8-10) + 0.7 F, 14.3(2:13.5,15) F, 20(1) M, 7.8(6:7-9) +0.8; F, 8.6(9:8-9.5)+0.6 M, 15.7(12:14-17) +0.8; F, 15.7(35:14-19) 1.3 M, 12.8(11:12-14) +0.7; F, 13.2(13:12-15) +0.8 M, 86.3(3:85-89) + 2.3 F, 230(3:222-238) + 8.0 F, 440(1) M, 17(1); F, 17(1) M, 14(1) M, 15.4(4:14.5-17)+1.1 M, 18.8(2:18,19.5); F, 16.5(3:16-17)+0.5 M, 13(1); F, 14(1) M, 64(2:63,65); F, 62.5(2:62,63) M, 47(1); F, 43(1) M, 9.5(1) M, 27(1); F, 28(1) M, 13.3(3:12-15)+1.5; F, 12(1) M, 13(1) M, 16(1) M, 12.3(4:12-13)+0.5 F, 22(1) M, 15(1); F, 13.5(1) M, 25.5(1) M, 43.4(7:39-46) +5.6; F, 39.7(7:30-43.5) + 4.6 M, 26.1(4:25-27) +0.8; F, 24.2(4:22-29) + 3.3 M, 31(1) M, 12.3(2:12,12.5) M, 13(1); F, 16(1) M, 25.3(5:22.5-27) + 1.7; F, 27.8(2:25,30) M, 18.5(1); F, 20(1) M, 12.5(1) M, 34.5(2:33,36); F, 35.5(1) M, 24.5(8:23-27) + 1.5; F, 22.6(5:22-23) +0.6 M, 29.3(2:27,31.5) M, 16.3(2:16.0,16.5) M, 13(1) M, 16(3:15-16.5)+0.5; F, 14(1) M, 8.8(3:8-10) + 1; F, 10(1) M, 15(1) M, 20(1); F, 19.8(2:19.5,20) M, 21.8(3:20-23) + 1.6; F, 19.5(2:18,21) M, 17.8(4:17.5-19) +0.3 M, 15(2:15,15) M, 12.5; F, 11(1) M, 14.5(6:14-16) +0.8; F, 16.5(2:15,18) M, 17.3(3:16-19) +1.6 M, 10(1) M, 26(2:26,26); F, 29(1) M, 11(1) M, 9.3(2:9.0,9.5) M, 9.3(3:9.0-9.5) + 0.4; F, 7.9(4:7-8.5) + 0.6 M, 430(1) M, 102(1) Books Received 245 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) BOOKS RECEIVED Vincent, J. 1989. Web of Experience. An autobiography. Pp. 365. Photographs, 2 Appendices and Index. Privately printed. Obtainable from the author, Col. Jack Vincent, PO Box 44, Mooi River, 3300 South Africa. Hardback £7.50, soft cover £6.50; surface mail free, airmail £5 extra. Colonel Jack Vincent, aged 85, Corresponding and later Honorary Life Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union, has written an autobiography that is well titled ““A Web of Experience” as it covers a varied and outstandingly successful life in many fields. Farming in Sussex and Natal; collecting birds for the British Museum and for Admiral Lynes; running a highly successful clove processing plant in Zanzibar; soldiering in East Africa and the Middle East; building up and developing the Natal game reserves, including pioneering the use of tranquillising darts for capturing white rhino; working worldwide for the ICBP from Switzerland. The author’s interest in birds and all forms of animal life runs through every chapter, but of outstanding interest to ornithologists are those describing his field trips with Admiral Lynes in search of cisticolas required for the proposed Supplement to the 1930 Monograph. Lynes could hardly have found a more perfect assistant—a young man who was equally uncompromising in the pursuit of excellence and who shared his dedication to the task in hand (much of which entailed unpleasant wet season travel on bush roads), characteristics which reappear constantly throughout Jack Vincent’s long life. It was a tragic loss to the bird world that Lynes died during the last war before the Supplement could be completed and that his notes, bequeathed to his assistant, were controversially never found. Older ornithologists will meet many friends and familiar names in these pages; younger readers will have an introduction to a naturalist and colonist of the old school. All will find the book intriguing and packed with amusing and revealing anecdotes. Their enjoyment will be enhanced if they have access to copies of past [bis which contain the scientific papers and maps of the collecting trips or if they can see the immaculate skins and labels in the BMNH. Giraudoux, P., Degauquier, R., Jones, P. J., Weigel, J. & Isenmann, P. 1988. Avifaune du Niger: etat des connaissances en 1986. Pp. 140. Malimbus 10(1) June. Price £5 or 60FFr. (Available from Dr H. Q. P. Crick, BTO, Beech Grove, Tring, Herts, HP23 5NR, or Dr G. J. Morel, route de Sallenelles, Bréville-les- Monts, 14860 Ranville, France.) This special issue of the Journal of the West African Ornithological Society is a compre- hensive annotated check-list of the birds of Niger. It is wholly in French, but the birds are also given their English names. A map shows the 9 ecological zones used in the distribution of each species, and these are described in 2 pages. The bibliography contains 52 entries and there is a (essential) gazetteer. Goodman, S. M. & Meininger, P. L. (Eds) 1989. The Birds of Egypt. Pp. xxi+551. 6 coloured plates; photographs, graphics, breeding and locality maps. Oxford University Press. Hardback. 25 x 19 cm. £70-00. This expensive, attractively produced and well researched book will undoubtedly be the main source by which to judge the Egyptian avifauna for the next several decades. An explanatory and historical introduction is followed by sections on the geographical environ- ments, conservation, bird hunting and responses to changing habitats. The bulk of the book deals comprehensively and in detail with those species which are considered as having definitely occurred in Egypt, in systematic order. Each species is given its local names in Arabic and transliterated. There are 5 inch square maps of breeding distribution, while the text mainly concentrates on distribution details and breeding data. All ringing data are given when known. There is a long gazetteer, 70 figures/photographs, and 27 pages of references. The colour plates, by Sherif M. Baha el Din, include 41 species in good likenesses. An important addition to Middle East avifaunal literature. Pennycuick, C. J. 1989. Bird Flight Performance. A practical calculation manual. Pp.x +153. Many figures, several photographs and diagrams, and an IBM-compatible computer disc. Oxford University Press Hardback. 24 x 16cm. £25. The author, well known for his erudite studies of bird flight, has produced this special- ised manual, written with avoidance of too much jargon, with a view to ‘“‘apply elementary aeronautics to birds’ problems, and at the same time to avoid letting the discussion degener- ate into an arcane form of witchcraft, accessible only to high priests with supercomputers’. The book is a distillation of ideas and knowledge gained over many pioneering years. Books Received 246 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Johnsgard, P. A. 1989. North American Owls. Biology and natural history. Pp. 295. 23 coloured plates; 10 watercolours by L. A. Fuertes; line drawings; 52 figures and maps. Smithsonian Institution Press (Eurospan Group of Publishers, Covent Garden, London). Hardback. 26 x 18 cm. £32:50. The author, already rightly well known for several monographs of North American bird families (including the hummingbirds), has here turned his attention to the owl species which breed north of Mexico. The first part of the book deals with the comparative biology of owls, including evolution, ecology, morphology and physiology, behaviour, reproductive biology, and lastly owls in myth and legend. Part 2 deals with the natural history of 19 species and their distribution. In 3 appendices there are keys to genera and species and to structural variation in the external ears of the group; description of calls, with diagrammatic sonograms; and the origins of the species’ scientific and vernacular names. A glossary occupies 15 and the references 19 pages. The watercolours of Fuertes are an additional attraction to a well produced and expertly researched monograph. Turner, A. & Rose, C. 1989. A Handbook to the Swallows and Martins of the World. Pp. vitit+ 258. 24 colour plates; 74 maps. Christopher Helm. Hardback. 24 x 15cm. £19-95. The introductory sections of this monograph (the first review it is extravagantly claimed by the publishers since Bowdler Sharpe & Wyatt’s 1885-1894 monograph of the Hirundinidae) cover briefly the morphology and plumage, classification, distribution and migration, food and foraging, behaviour, breeding population and conservation of 74 species. Each is then dealt with in detail under the same headings and additionally under voice, measurements and subspecies. There are 21 pages of references. Chris Rose’s illustrations appear accurate and are nicely drawn. The text reveals the considerable research the author must have done on this family both for her doctorate and since. Bundy, G., Connor, R. J. & Harrison, C. J. O. 1989. Birds of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Pp. 224. Profusely illustrated in colour. Witherby (in association with Saudi Aramco). Hardback. 28 x 22 cm. £35-00. A sumptuous production with some lovely coloured photographs by G. K. Brown, A. L. Litke and B. Stanaland illustrating well over 300 species confidently recognised as having occurred in this arbitrary division of the Arabian Peninsula; only rare visitors are likely to be added to the list in the future. Introductory sections deal with topography and landscape, climate, vegetation, and the origins of the avifauna of the Eastern Province since the Mio- cene. Further discussion centres on adaptations of birds to harsh desert and other biotopes, habitats, migration, and on man’s impact and predation and the resulting changes. The systematic section follows, dealing mainly with distribution and abundance and with breed- ing data (if any). There is a full status list of species in one Appendix and of passage migrants in another. The references are under different headings and there is a gazetteer. The coloured illustrations and colours are up to the high standard expected in this type of eye-catching production, but should not be allowed to distract from an informed text. Dunning, J. S. 1989. South American Birds. A photographic aid to identification. Pp. xvi+ 351. Over 1400 colour photographs. Harewood Books, PA. 23 x 15cm. Paperback $35-00, hardback $47:50. The author sadly died on 31 December 1987 at the age of 81 before he had seen the completion of this book, a culmination of his 25 years photographing wild birds which he had caught and then placed in tents on the spot together with their natural habitat’s veg- etation, there to photograph them from outside the tent when they had settled down. The book follows up his 1982 South American Land Birds, and has again been finalised by Robert S. Ridgely, who has created the distribution maps and compiled identification information for the text. Some 2700 species of inland land and water birds are described. The 1400 photographs illustrate 1352 species and though the photos are only 4 x 4cm or less, their clarity is surprisingly adequate. Meyburg, B.-U. & Chancellor, R. D. (Eds.) 1989. Raptors in the Modern World. Pp. 611. Line drawings and diagrams. WWGBP. Soft covers. 23 x 16 cm. No price. These are the Proceedings of the III World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls held at Eilat, Israel, 22-27 March 1987, attended by nearly 400 participants from 30 countries and 5 continents. The 9 parts cover migration, population biology and breeding conservation, the migration and wintering of rare raptors and rare owls, pollution of their environments, habitat analysis, promotion of legislation and education. The text ends with the resolutions passed at the ICBP meetings held there at the same time. Books Received 247 Bull. B.O.C. 1989 109(4) Stroud, D. A. (Ed.) 1989. Birds on Coll and Tiree. Status, habitats and conservation. Pp. 191. Photocopy photographs, drawings. Scottish Ornithologists’ Club/Nature Conservancy Council, Edinburgh. Soft covers. £6°50. A useful descriptive survey of 2 Inner Hebridean Islands covering their habitats available to birds, the agriculture, a study of the distribution of breeding waders, waterfowl and sea birds, as well as wintering coastal waders and wildfowl. The survey is in response to a possibility of the islands being affected by agricultural intensification and drainage as the result of an ECC grant-aided Agricultural Development Programme. Such research epit- omises the conflicting choices between improving human living standards and conserving diminishing natural unspoiled habitats. Nelson, B. 1989. The Gannet. Tate, P. 1989. The Nightjar. Taylor, I. R. 1989. The Barn Owl. Garcia, E. 1989. The Blackcap and the Garden Warbler. Simms, E. 1989. The Song Thrush. All Pp. 24 with many coloured and black-and-white photographs. Shire Publications. £1-95. Soft covers. 15 x 21 cm. The latest 5 accounts in this excellent series by well-chosen experts. Bryan Nelson has written the authoritative tome on The Sulidae (1978); Peter Tate was born within earshot of the East Anglian nightjars; Iain Taylor is involved in a long-term ecological study of Barn Owls in southern Scotland; Ernest Garcia attained his DPhil in studying inter-specific territoriality between Blackcaps and Garden Warblers; and Eric Sims, well known on BBC radio and TV, gained his knowledge of the Song Thrush during 29 years’ study of London suburban wildlife. Beautifully illustrated and lucidly written for the intelligent and inter- ested budding ornithologist, these booklets and the others in the series are to be strongly recommended. fue Tits ra \y iy Hh ii a fa We wey i) bhig | 4 eal hat NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Papers, from Club Members ornon-members, should besent tothe Editor, Dr J. F. Monk, The Glebe Cottage, Goring, Reading RG8 9AP, and are accepted on the understanding that they are offered solely to the Bulletin. They should be typed on one side of the paper, with treble-spacing and a wide margin, and submitted with a duplicate copy on airmail paper. Scien- tific nomenclature and the style and lay-out of papers and of References should conform with usage in this or recent issues of the Bulletin. Inform- ants of unpublished observations should be cited by initials and name only, e.g. ‘‘.. .ofgrass(C. Deiter)’, but “P. Weeinforms me that...’’. A limited number of photographic illustrations in black-and-white may be pub- lished annually at the Editor’s discretion. Authors are requested to give their title, initials, name and full address (in the form they wish to be corresponded with) at the end of the paper. An author wishing to introduce a new name or describe a new form should append nom., gen., sp. or subsp. nov., as appropriate, and set out the supporting evidence under the headings ‘“‘Description’’, ‘‘Distri- bution’’, ““Type’’, ““Measurements of Type” and “‘Material examined’’, plus any others needed. A contributor is entitled to 10 free offprints of the pages of the Bulletin in which his contribution, if one page or more in length, appears. Additional offprints or offprints of contributions of less than one page may be ordered when the manuscript is submitted and will be charged for. Authors may be charged for proof corrections for which they are responsible. BACK NUMBERS OF THE BULLETIN Available on application to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, as follows; 1983 and after (Vols 103 onwards) £3.50 each issue, 1981—2 (Vols 101 & 102) £3 each issue, 1980 (Vol. 100) No. 1 £4, Nos 2,3 & 4 £2 each, 1973-9 (Vols 93-99) £2 each issue (4 issues per year for Vol. 93 and after), 1969-72 (Vols 89-92) £1.50 each issue (6 per year), 1929-68 (Vols 50-88) £1 each issue (generally 9 per year), earlier than Vol. 50 £2 each issue (generally 9 per year); Indices Vol. 70 and after £1 each, Vols 50-69 £2 each, Vol. 49 and before £4 each. Long runs (at least 10 years) for Vol. 50 and after are available at reduced rates on enquiry. Orders over £50 post free. MEMBERSHIP Only Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union are eligible to join the Club; applications should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, together with the current year’s subscription. Changes of address and any correspondence concerning membership should be addressed to the Hon. Treasurer. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BULLETIN The Bulletin (Vol. 108 onwards) may be purchased by non-members on payment of an annual subscription of £16.00 or, if preferred, U.S. $35.00 (postage and index free). Applications should be sent to the Hon. ‘Treasurer as below. Single issues may be obtained as back numbers. PAYMENTS TO HON. TREASURER All payments should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Mrs D. M. Bradley, 53 Osterley Road, Isleworth, Middx. TW7 4PW. All payments are net, and should be made in Sterling if possible. Payments in other currencies must includea further £5 for Bank Charges (except for annual ratesin U.S. Dollars which are inclusive). Foreign currency notes for the going exchange rate are acceptable. Payments may be made direct to the Club’s National Giro Account No. 30 924 4004, but must include Bank Charges where applicable. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence about Club meetings and other matters not mentioned above should go to the Hon. Secretary, Mrs A. M. Moore, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6JB. CONTENTS Page CLEUBINOIES aa ay Ange caiey'ses es Cacacrieeec atte koous oat gear ee ee 185 D. RINKE. The relationships and taxonomy of the Fijian parrot genus Rrasopera, Ao 3.5 ois eras eteroorwasy isons oe nee nae 185 B. MASSA. Comments on Passer italiae (Vieillot 1817) ........... 196 C. J. FEARE & Y. MUNGROO. Notes on the House Crow Corvus splen- densin’ Mauritius: 3) 18.5209, 4 STIR EU OR ee 199 S. L. OLSON. Notes on some Hawaiian birds from Cook’s third VOVAGLC ae Sree eee ae ere ws bis Sa diana one te tore iatay Stone ne ea ee 201 D. T. HOLYOAK & M.B. SEDDON. Distributional notes on the birds of Burkina: Faso oo) scsishen ibis sed eiehoss eae mae ee ee 205 M.LOUETTE. Additions and corrections to the avifauna of Zaire (4) 217 P. A. CLANCEY. The status of Streptopelia capicola onguati Macdonald; 1957 eho i Ok a a e b eee eee 225 P. A. CLANCEY. Subspeciation in the Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius of the South West Arid Zone of Africa ............... 228 S. LOUSADA. Amazona auropalliata caribaea: a new subspecies of parrot from the Bay Islands, Northern Honduras ........... 232 J. M. BATES, MARY C. GARVIN, DONNA C. SCHMITT & C. G. SCHMITT. Notes on bird distribution in northeastern Dpto. Santa Cruz, Bolivia, with 15 species new to Bolivia..................... 236 BOOKS “RECEIVED? fee ee SMe. SG et DES el ae ee 245 The Bulletin is now being sent by Bulk Air Mail to all European destinations outside the British Isles and by Accelerated Surface Post to almost every destination outside Europe. This will only apply to copies despatched from the printers on publication. Those whose subscriptions have not been received by the beginning of a month of publication will have their copies despatched by surface mail, after their current subscription has been paid. COMMITTEE R. E. F. Peal (Chairman) (1989) J. H. Elgood (Vice-Chairman) (1989) Dr J. F. Monk (Editor) (1975) Mrs D. M. Bradley (Hon. Treasurer) Mrs A. M. Moore (Hon. Secretary) (1989) (1978) R. H. Kettle (1988) N. H. F. Stone (1986) D. Griffin (1989) S. J. Farnsworth (1989) Published by the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB and printed by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset QL 671 B863 BIRDS BULLETIN of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB EDITED BY DrJ. F. MONK Volume 109 1989 il PREFACE Volume 109 contains 247 pages, more pages than it has been possible to make available in any previous ordinary year. This is due both to the healthy financial state of the Club and to the wealth of submissions of papers for publication. The editor is glad to acknowledge the standard that authors set themselves prior to sending in a paper, though it isn’t everyone that quite succeeds in this attainment. In every case submissions have been welcomed, and it is hoped that, even when rejecting papers, the editor has not been too disagreeable to any author. To quote R. E. Moreau (E. African Agric. J. 1947, 12(3): 171-175—and still well worth reading): — ‘You are at liberty to ascribe the strength of my prejudices to “‘senile obstinacy that seems like mellow wisdom to its possessor”’.’ Some 45% of the papers in this issue were related to systematics and nomenclature involving museum work. Regrettably, no good news has come from the Sub- Dept of Ornithology of the BM NH in 1989. Research is having to defer it seems to spectacle and ‘fun education’. The aim of the policy must be, one hopes, to raise public interest and funds, but meanwhile ornithology must wilt and wait. One can but wonder for how long. As in all previous years, I am pleased to thank referees for their welcome and ready criticisms and advice, John Elgood for his continued compilation of the indices and the Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer for their attentions to the membership list. Our printers, Henry Ling at The Dorset Press, under the guidance of Mr Frank Hemmings this year, have continued their good work, even earning rarely proffered gratuitous praise from authors for the cleanliness of their proofs, praise which the editor is glad to echo. J. F. Monk (Editor) ERRATA page 5, Bush Steppe, line 8: temminckii not temininckii page 48, Title: Goodman & Gonzales. For 12 read 13 page 66, penultimate line: 20°40'S not 28°40'S page 67, line 19: Euphorbia not Euforbia page 103, line 23: T. libonyanus not libonyana page 127, line 27: T. ochropus not T. ocrophus page 144, line 19: COELIGENA not COELIGINIA page 146, Appendix 1, line 12: chimachima not chimchima page 146, Appendix 1, line 19: Actitis not Actitus page 146, Appendix 1, line 21: Margarornis not Margerornis page 146, Appendix 1 1st column, 2nd from foot: Coeligena not Coeliginia page 147, 6 lines from foot: O. leucorhoa not O. leucorrhoa page 186, line 13: Pszttrichas not Psittichras page 193, line 29: vantkorensis not vanicorensis OFFICERS OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB P. L. SCLATER Lord ROTHSCHILD W. L. SCLATER H. F. WITHERBY Dr P. R. Lowe Maj. S.S. FLOWER Dr D. A. BANNERMAN G. M. MaTHEws Dr A. LANDSBOROUGH ‘THOMSON D. SETH-SMITH Dr J. M. Harrison Sir PHitip MaNson-BAHR Lord ROTHSCHILD W. L. ScLaTER H. F. WITHERBY G. M. MaTHEews N. B. KINNEAR H. WHISTLER D. SETH-SMITH Col. R. SPARROW Dr G. CarRMICHAEL Low Hon. Guy CHARTERIS W. L. ScLaTER Dr D. A. BANNERMAN Capt. C. H. B. Grant B. W. TUCKER F. J. F. BARRINGTON Dr E. HopKINSON C. W. MacKworTH-PRAED Dr J. M. Harrison Sir PuHrtip MANSON-BAHR R. BOWDLER-SHARPE W.R. Ocitvie-GRANT Dr D. A. BANNERMAN D. SETH-SMITH Dr P. R. Lowe N. B. KINNEAR Dr G. CaRMICHAEL-LOWw Capt. C. H. B. GRANT HowarpD SAUNDERS W. E. De WINTON H. F. WITHERBY Dr P. R. Lowe PAST AND PRESENT Chairmen 1892-1913 Col. R. MEINERTZHAGEN 1953-1956 1913-1918 C. W. MackworTH-PRAED 1956-1959 1918-1924 Capt. C. R. S. PITMAN 1959-1962 1924-1927 Maj.-Gen. C. B. WAINWRIGHT 1962-1965 1927-1930 R.S.R. FITTER 1965-1968 1930-1932 Dr J. F. Monk 1968-1971 1932-1935 Sir Hucu ELiiott 1971-1974 1935-1938 J. H. ELcoop 1974-1977 P. Hoce 1977-1980 1938-1943 D. R. CALDER 1980-1983 1943-1946 B. Gray 1983-1986 1946-1950 Revd G. K. McCuLLocu 1986-1989 1950-1953 R. E. F. PEAL 1989— Vice-Chairmen 1930-1931 B. G. Harrison 1946-1947 1931-1932 Lt.-Col. W. P. C. TENISON 1947-1948 1932-1933 Miss E. M. GopMan 1947-1948 1933-1934 Col. R. MEINERTZHAGEN 1948-1949 1934-1935 Maj. A. G. L. SLADEN 1948-1949 1935-1936 Col. R. MEINERTZHAGEN 1949-1953 1936-1937 E. M. NICHOLSON 1953-1956 1937-1938 Capt. C. R. S. PITMan 1956-1959 1938-1939 Mrs B. P. Hati 1959-1962 1938-1939 R.S. R. FITTER 1962-1965 1939-1940 Dr J. F. Monk 1965-1968 1939-1940 Sir HuGcH ELLioTtT 1968-1971 1940-1943 J. H. ELcoop 1971-1974 1940-1943 P. Hoce 1974-1977 1943-1945 Dr G. BEVEN 1977-1980 1943-1945 B. Gray 1980-1983 1945-1946 Revd G. K. McCu.tocu 1983-1986 1945-1946 D. GRIFFIN 1986-1989 1946-1947 J. H. ELcoop 1989— Editors 1892-1904 Dr G. CaRMICHAEL Low 1940-1945 1904-1914 Lt.-Col. W. P. C. TENISON 1945-1947 1914-1915 Capt. C. H. B. Grant 1947-1952 1915-1920 Dr J. G. Harrison 1952-1961 1920-1925 J. J. YEALLAND 1962-1969 1925-1930 C. W. BENSON 1969-1974 1930-1935 Sir HuGcH ELLiotTtT 1974-1975 1935-1940 Dr J. F. Monk 1976— Honorary Secretaries and Treasurers 1892-1899 Dr PuHILip GossE 1919-1920 1899-1904 J. L. BONHOTE 1920-1922 1904-1914 C. W. MackworTH-PRAED 1922-1923 1914-1915 Dr G. CarRMICHAEL Low 1923-1929 1915-1918 C. W. MackworTH-PRAED 1929-1935 C. G. TALBOoT-PONSONBY Dr D. A. BANNERMAN 1918-1919 Dr A. LANDSBOROUGH ‘THOMSON C.R. STONOR N. B. KINNEAR Dr G. CARMICHAEL LOW Lt.-Col. W. P. C. TENISON Capt. C. H. B. GRANT W. E. GLEGG Miss G. M. RHODES C. W. MackworTH-PRAED Maj. A. G. L. SLaDEN Miss E. P. LEacH C. N. WALTER iv Honorary Secretaries 1935-1938 1938-1940 1940-1943 1943-1945 1945-1947 1947 1947-1949 1950 N. J. P. WaDLey Miss E. ForRSTER Dr J. G. Harrison C. J. O. Harrison M. W. Woopcock D. R. CALDER R. E. F. PEaL Mrs A. M. Moore Honorary Treasurers 1935-1936 P. TATE 1936-1942 M. St. J. Suce 1942-1949 Mrs D. M. BraDLEY 1950-1962 COMMITTEE Elected 9 May 1989 R. E. F. PEAL Chairman (1989) DrJ. F. MONK Editor (1976) Mrs A. M. MOORE Hon. Secretary (1989) N. H. F. STONE (1986) D. GRIFFIN (1989) 1950-1960 1960-1962 1962-1964 1964-1965 1965-1969 1969-1971 1971-1989 1989— 1962-1974 1974-1978 1978— J. H. ELGOOD Vice-Chairman (1989) Mrs D. M. BRADLEY Hon. Treasurer (1978) R.H. KETTLE (1988) S.J. FARNSWORTH (1989) G. Allport Dr M. Al-Safadi J. M. Bates B. H. Beck P. R. Boardman Dr K. B. Briggs J. K. Cross M. C. Edwards J. H. Elphick A. Greensmith Re-elected CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP 1989 Vv New Members Dr A. Gretton C. Helm M. C. Higgins A. Hill W. Hoogendoorn W.C. P. Johnson J. P. Johnston R.S. Kennedy Kimiya Koga Dr P.. C. Lack Laurence of Mar R. J. W. Ledgerton C.R. Lind J. Lovell N.S. Malcolm P. Maskell D. B. Massie J. D. Lindsay, J. R. van Oosten Deaths B. S. Meadows Mons. X. Monbailliu Dr G. Morel W. Morris R. Morrow N. J. Musgrove Mons. G. Olioso A. Onrubia-Baticon D. E. M. Peart Dr R. Perera R. Perron M. Pesente S. E. Piper Pere Prats-Trinidad Dr R. P. Prys-Jones A. Randall J. E. Richardson D. Roberts I. S. Robertson K. Schulze-Hagen S. A. Saether B. J. Sharp A. W. Smith Ms B. Stewart-Cox R. D.E. Stott A. D. Tomlins A. Turner S.T. A. Turner R. A. Warren Prof. W. E. Waters Sir Denys Wilkinson F. Willemyns R. G. Williams The Committee very much regrets to report the deaths of the following Members (see Report of the Committee for 1989): H. G. Alexander (Member 1911-1989), Sir Hugh Elliott, Bt., O.B.E., (Member 1953-1989, Committee 1964-1967, Vice-Chairman 1968- 1971, Chairman 1971-1974, Editor 1974-1975) and Dr P. G. Morris (Member 1986— 1989). Resignations in respect of 1989 C. J. Fitzpatrick, C. M. Francis, Dr L. Hoffman, N. P. E. Langham, R. B. Ratcliffe, D. W. Simpson, J. B. Smith, I. D. A. Tunks. Removed from membership under Rule (7) P. Bennett, N. G. Borrissow, W. W. Cole, Jnr, R. S. Craig, D. Evans, J. E. Griffith, A. P. Johnson, P. Lackie, C. Moore, J. Nocedal, I. C. Orr, M. P. Pullen, A. Schulte, B. G. Thompson, P. Tyreman, I. R. Willis, L. Young. Date of vi BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB LIST OF MEMBERS paid up at 31 December 1988 joining 1960 1986 1983 1984 1988 1984 1979 1980 1989 1989 1978 1980 1984 1983 1980 1976 1986 1978 1974 1981 1969 1986 1986 1986 1986 1951 1989 1987 1985 1947-51, 1979 1989 1976 1982 1976 1976 1966 1979 1948 1986 1982 1980 1989 1985 1958 1986 1981 1966 1985 1981 1956-70, 1986 1986 1953 1985 1980 1989 1966 1987 1988 1986 1987 1979 1970 1981 1976 1989 1979 1970 Apvams, J. K.; 95 Alleyn Park, LONDON SE21 8AA (Committee 1971-1973) Apcock, M. A.; ‘“The Saltings’’, 53 Victoria Drive, Great Wakering, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, Essex SS3 OAT AGUILLO Cano, I. F.; Apartado 129, 26200 Haro (La RIoJA), Spain Aw .ey, Dr D. J.; The Old Woolpack, Morley St. Botolph, wyMonpDHaM, Norfolk NR18 9AA ALBERTI, P.; Via B, Cellini 10, 21052 BusTo arsizio, Italy ALBRECHT, J. S. M.; 12 Hemingford Road, CAMBRIDGE CB1 3BZ A.prr, J. R.; c/o Stanley Cottage, Tucking Mill, TrsBury, Wilts SP3 6NR ALLISON, R.; The Laurels, Manchester Road, Sway, LYMINGTON, Hants SO4 0AS ALLport, G.; Flat 2, 13 Beaufort Road, CLIFTON, Bristol BS8 Au-Sarapl, Dr M. M.; PO Box 392, sana’a, Yemen AuttMman, Dr A. B.; PO Box 441, GREAT BARRINGTON, MA 01230, USA Amapon, Dr D.; American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, NEW yorK, NY 10024, USA ANDERSON, F.G., Ph.D.; 10406 Iris Place, ADELPHI, MD 20783, USA ANpDREW, P.; 1/38B Mona Road, Darling Point, sypDNEY, NSW 2027, Australia AntTRAM, F. B. S.; c/o Traffic (Australia), 53 Sydney Road, PO Box 799, MaNLy, NSW 2095, Australia Arita IcHtro; 23 ban 1go 5F, Minami Aoyama 4 chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107, Japan Artotrt, N. A.; Hill House, School Road, TILNEY ST LAWRENCE, Norfolk Asu, Dr J. S.; Godshill Wood, FORDINGBRIDGE, Hants SP6 2LR ASHTON, P. J.; National Institution for Water Research, C.S.I.R., PO Box 395, preroria 0001, South Africa ASPINWALL, Dr D. R., PO Box 50653, Lusaka, Zambia BackuHurstT, G. C.; PO Box 24702, NarRoBI, Kenya Bain, Major P. M.; 15 Witham Bank East, Boston, Lincs PE21 9JU Baker, E. W.; 10 Rose Grove, Roman Bank, skEGNEss, Lincs PE25 1SH Baker, Miss H.; 27 Pheasants Way, RICKMANSWORTH, Herts WD3 2EX Baker, N. E.; Aquila Engineering Services, PO Box 23404, Dar ES SALAAM, Tanzania BarRLow, Capt. Sir THomas, Bt., D.S.C., R.N.; 45 Shepherds Hill, Highgate, LONDON N6 Bates, J. M.; Museum of Natural Science, 119 Foster Hall, Louisiana State University, BATON ROUGE, LA 70803, USA Baytis, A. H.; 135 Fairbridge Road, LONDON N19 3HF BEAKBANE, Mrs A. J.; 26 Cathcart Road, LONDON SW10 9NN 1979 Beat, Major N. A. G. H., R.M.; Dunkery, Church Road, HYTHE, Kent CT31 5DP Beaman, M.A.S.; Two Jays, Kemple End, Birdy Brow, sronyHursT, Lancs BB6 9QY Beck, B. H.; 25 St Thomas, West Parade, BEXHILL-ON-SEA, Sussex TN39 3YA BECKING, J. H.; I.T.A.L., Ericalaan 7, 6703 EM waGENINGEN, Netherlands Beecrort, R.; 2 Fen Cottages, Fen Lane, Creeting St Mary, 1pswicu, Suffolk IP6 8QE Beer, T.; Tawside, 30 Park Avenue, BARNSTAPLE, Devon EX31 2ES BELMAN, P. J.; Number Two, School Passage, SOUTHALL, Middx UB1 2DR BENNETT, P.; 29 Loop Road South, WHITEHAVEN, Cumbria Betton, K. F.; 8 Dukes Close, Folley Hill, FARNHAM, Surrey GU9 ODR (Committee 1985-1988) Beven, Dr G., M.D.; 16 Parkwood Avenue, ESHER, Surrey (Committee 1954-1958, 1976-77, Vice-Chairman 1977-1980) BINDEMAN, Mrs J.; 41 Lovett Road, Byfield, DAVENTRY, Northants NN11 6XF BisHop, K. D.; Semioptera, Lot 15, Kerns Road, KINCUMBER, NSW 2250, Australia Bison, P. W.; C Springerstraat 11-II, 1073 LD amsterpaM, Netherlands BoarpMaN, P. R.; 105 Stour Road, cHRIsTCHURCH, Dorset BH23 1JN Bock, Prof. W. J., Ph.D.; Dept of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, NEW yorK, NY 10027, USA Bootn, Major B. D. McDonatp; The Moorland Gallery, 23 Cork St, LONDON W1X 1HB Bore__o, Mrs W. D.; PO Box 603, GABORONE, Botswana Borras Hosta, Antoni; Poeta Mistral 101-3, Manresa, BARCELONA, Spain Boswa Lt, J. H. R.; Birdswell, Wraxall, BRIstoL BS19 11Z (Committee 1973-1976) BosweELL, Mrs E. M.; PO Box 23404, par Es SALAAM, Tanzania BoucuTon, R. C.; Croftfoot, Ennerdale, CLEATOR, Cumbria CA23 3AZ 1984 Bourne, Dr W. R. P.; 3 Contlaw Place, Milltimber, ABERDEEN AB1 0DS Bow ey, J. J.; Little Orchard, Silkmore Lane, WEST HORSLEY, Surrey KT24 6JB Boyp, Dr M.; 107 High Road, Cotton End, BEDFoRD MK45 3AX Brap-ey, Mrs D. M.; 53 Osterley Road, isLEwoRTH, Middx TW7 4PW (Committee 1968-1972, 1975-1978. Hon. Treasurer 1978— ) Brab.ey, Mrs P. E.; Waterloo, Government House, GRAND TURK, Turks & Caicos Islands, West Indies BRADSHAW, C. D.; 13/23 Shinohara, kitamachi 4-chome, Nada-ku, KOBE, Japan Briccs, Dr K. B.; 2 Osborne Road, FARNBOROUGH, Hants GU14 6PT Britton, P. L.; All Souls’ and St Gabriel’s School, PO Box 235, CHARTER TOWERS, Queensland 4820, Australia Broap, D.; 15 Cotsford Avenue, NEW MALDEN, Surrey KT3 SEU Brown, B. J.; 24 Clifton Road, LowesTort, Suffolk NR33 OHF Brown, J. N. B.; Holly Cottage, Watersplash Lane, Cheapside, ascot, Berks SL5 7QP Brown, S. P.; 7 Bartle Place, Ashton, PRESTON, Lancs PR2 1LS Browne, P. W. P.; 115 Chrichton Street, orrawa, Ontario, Canada K1M 1V8 Bruce, M. D.; 8 Spurwood Road, TURRAMURRA, NSW 2074, Australia Bryant, Dr D. M.; Dept of Biology, University of Stirling, srrRLING FK9 4LA Butt, Dr J.; American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, NEW yorK, NY 10024, USA Butt, P. J.; 35 Melbury Avenue, NORWOOD GREEN, Middlesex UB2 4HS Burcess, J. P. C.; 26 Chapel Lane, Costock, LOUGHBOROUGH, Leics LE12 6UY Burton, J. A.; The Old Mission Hall, Sibton Green, saxMUNDHAM, Suffolk IP17 2TY (Committee 1971-1974) 1963 1976 1988 1989 1963 1957 1987 1988 1977 1981 1982 1970 1971 1986 1979 1986 1988 1973 1963 1980 1987 1977 1985 1938 1985 1981 1989 1982 1989 1986 1972-76, 1983 1983 1987 1979 1976 1952 1986 1981 1984 1961 1979 1980 1975 1986 1984 1973 1986 1986 1981 1986 1989 1978 1958 1980 1946 1980 1988 1988 1986 1977 1986 1983 1986 1973 1985 1975 1987 1986 1985 1986 1970 1988 1978 19384 1974 1965 1952 1957 1986 Vil Burton, Dr P. J. K.; High Kelton, Doctors Commons Road, BERKHAMSTED, Herts HP4 3DW Bynon, Dr J.; School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, Malet Street, LONDON WC1E 7HP CasorT, J.; Pabellon del Peru, Avda Maria Luisa S/N, 41013 seviLxa, Spain Carn, A. P. E.; 1 Molesworth Road, Parsons Green, LONDON SW6 4BU Caper, D. R.; ‘Birdwood’, Madeira Road, wEsT BYFLEET, Surrey KT14 6DN (Committee 1967-1969, 1984— 1987, Hon. Secretary 1969-1971, Chairman 1980-1983) CaMPBELL, Dr N. A.; PO Box 3136, Paulington, MUTARE, Zimbabwe CANNINGS-BUSHELL, P. C.; c/o 32 Chesterton Park, CIRENCESTER Glos GL7 1XT CARPENTER, C. F.; PO Box 1763, ENGLEWoop, CO 80150-1763, USA CarSWELL, Dr M.; 38 Park Avenue, ORPINGTON, Kent Carter, A. G. T.; UNICEF (New Delhi), Palais de Nations, CH 1211 GENEva 10, Switzerland Carter, C.; PO Box 71793, NDoLa, Zambia Cartuy, D. P.; Data Processing Unit, Dept. of Dentistry, UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG, Hong Kong CasEMENT, Cdr M. B., O.B.E., R.N.; Dene Cottage, West Harting, PETERSFIELD, Hants Cattaneo, G.; Via Mussatti 2, 10090 Rivara CAM, (TorRINo) Italy CHANCELLOR, R. D.; 15b Bolton Gardens, LONDON SWS (Committee 1979-1982) CHAPMAN, S. E.; “‘Steeplefield’’, Marlpost Road, Southwater, HORSHAM, Sussex RH13 7BZ CHapMAN-Korron, Ms A.; US E&CF in Liberia, PO Box 1011, Monrovia, Liberia CHATFIELD, D. G. P.; Rhiwenfa, Rhiw, PWLLHELI, Gwynedd LL53 8AE Cuaytor, Dr R. G.; Triangle, Keenley, ALLENDALE, Northumberland NE47 9NT Cueke, Dr R. A.; O.D.N.R.I., Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, CHATHAM, Kent ME4 4TB CHESHIRE, N. G.; 4 Willora Road, EDEN HALLS, South Australia 5050, Australia Curistmas, T. J.; 40 Highbury Hill, Highbury, LoNDoN N5 1AL Curisty, P.; 1 Rue des Promenades, 79.500 MELLE, France Crancey, P. A., D.Sc.; Fernleigh Gardens, 8 Lambert Road, Morningside, DURBAN 4001, South Africa (Hon. Life Member) CxaripGE, J. C. R.; 17 Moana Road, Plimmerton, via WELLINGTON, New Zealand Crark, K. W. F.; 136 Evans Road, BLooMFIELD, NJ 07003, USA Crarke, M. C. A.; Hilltop, Newtown, MARTLEY, Worcester WR6 6RR Co.tpewey, C. J.; Holmansweg 6, 7214 DL EpsE, Netherlands CoLeMaNn, B.; Little Place, Rogers Lane, sTOKE poGEs, Bucks SL2 4LU CoLeMan, J. R.; ‘‘Hewelsfield’’, Fulwith Road, HARROGATE, N. Yorks HG2 8HL 1980 Cotes, S. J. W., M.B.E.; 7 Chipstead Park Close, Chipstead, SEVENOAKS, Kent TN13 2SJ Coxtxar, Dr N. J.; 45 de Freville Avenue, CAMBRIDGE CB4 13HW Cottins, D. R.; 12 Beach Grove, WALLASEY, Merseyside L45 7QU Co .tins, I. D.; 30 Clonmel Way, BURNHAM, Bucks SL1 7DA Co tins, R. E. C.; Seatonden, Seaton, Ickham, CANTERBURY, Kent CT3 1SL CotsTon, P. R.; Sub-Dept. of Ornithology, British Museum (Natural History), TRING, Herts HP23 6AP ConpbeR, P. J.; Old Close Orchard, 12 Swaynes Lane, Comberton, CAMBRIDGE CB3 7EF (Committee 1982-1985) CoNTENTO, G.; Via Desenibus 8, I 34074 MONFALCONE, Italy Coomper, R. F.; Springfield, Bashley Road, NEw MILTON, Hants BH25 SRX CorNWALLIS, Dr L.; Glyme Farm, Charlbury Road, CHIPPING NORTON, Oxon OX7 5XJ CoTtreLL, G. W., Jnr; PO Box 1487, HILLsBoro, NH 03244, USA Court-SmitH, Sq.Ldr D. St J.; 38 Sand Hill, FARNBOROUGH, Hants GU14 8EW Cowan, Dr P. J.; Dept of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University, PO Box 5969, 13060 sarat, Kuwait Cow tes, G. S.; Tetherstones, 23 Kirkdale Road, HARPENDEN, Herts ALS 2PT Cox, DrR. A. F.; Linden House, Long Lane, Fowlmere, Royston, Herts SG8 7TG Crappock, B.; 44 Haling Road, Penkridge, staFFoRD ST19 5DA ‘THE Earl OF CRANBROOK, Ph.D.; Great Glemham House, Great Glemham, SAaXMUNDHAM, Suffolk IP17 1LP Crick, Dr H. Q. P.; B.T.O. Beech Grove, TRING, Herts HP23 5NR CrILtey, T. L.; 73 Cleveland Road, NORTH SHIELDs, Tyne & Wear NE29 ONW Crocker, N. J.; Arlington, Douro Road, CHELTENHAM, Glos GL50 2PF Crossy, M. J.; c/o 1.U.C.N., 53 The Green, Kew, RICHMOND, Surrey TW9 3AA Cross, J. K.; 62 Hulbert Road, Bedhampton, HavANT, Hants PO9 3TG Croucuer, R. A. N.; Uplands Lodge, Manor Road, sMeTHWIck, W. Midlands B67 6SA (Committee 1980-1984) CupwortH, J.; 17a Prospect Road, osseTT, Yorks WF5 8AE CuLL, S. B.; Trevenna Cottage, Harlyn Road, St Merryn, papstow, Cornwall CUNNINGHAM VAN SOMMEREN, G. R.; PO Box 24947, Karen, NAIROBI, Kenya Curtis, W. F.; Farm Cottage, Church Lane, Atwick, DRIFFIELD, E. Yorks YO25 8DH Da Fonseca, P. S. M.; R. Benjamin Batista 161 #101, CEP 22.461, R10 DE JANIERO RJ, Brazil Dau tne, J-M.; Rue Laforge 11, 5460 MORMONT-EREZEE, Belgium Davipson, I. S.; 49 Benton Park Road, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE NE7 7LX Davies, Miss H. M.; 43 Endcliffe Glen Road, SHEFFIELD $11 8RW Davies, J.; 83 Rectory Lane, Leybourne, WEST MALLING, Kent ME19 5AD Davies, Dr M. G.; Summerleas, Crapstone Road, YELVERTON, Devon PL20 6BT Davis, C. J.; 4 Muller Road, Horfield, pristoL BS7 0OAA Davison, Dr G. W. H.; Zoology Dept, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, SELANGOR, Malaysia Dean, A. R.; 2 Charingworth Road, soLIHULL, W. Midlands B92 8HT Dean, W. J. R.; PF1AO, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa Demey, R.; Project Fonction Publique, Zai 84/012, c/o Office des Nations Unies, Palais de Nations, CH 1211, GENEVA, Switzerland Dennis, M. K.; 173 Collier Row Lane, ROMFORD, Essex RM5 3ED DENTON, M. L.; 77 Hawthorne Terrace, Crosland Moor, HUDDERSFIELD, Yorks HD4 5RP De Ruiter, M.; Postfach 44, 2303 Gettorf, West Germany Desrayves, M.; Prevan, CH 1920 FuLty, Switzerland De Sota, L. G.; Laboratorio Oceanografico, Apd 285, 29640 FUENGIROLA, Spain DeviLters, Dr P. J.; 11 Avenue de 1’Oiseau Bleu, B1150 BrusseELs, Belgium Diamonp, Dr A. W.; 1033 University Drive, saskKATOON, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 0K4 Dick, J. A., F.R.C.S.; 21 Liskeard Gardens, LONDON SE3 OPE Dickinson, E. C.; Norman Chapel, Aston Magna, MORETON IN MARSH, Glos. GL56 9QN Dickinson, H. J.; Abinger Cottage, Paston, NORTH WALSHAM, Norfolk NR28 9TB DiLiincuaM, I. H.; The Low House, Lower Longwith, Collingham, weTHERBy, Yorks LS22 5BX Dosgegins, R.; 317 Gladbeck Way, ENFIELD, Middx EN2 7HR 1988 1962 1986 1965 1986 1967 1985 1989 1977 1963 1973 1989 1985 1986 1986 1952 1986 1988 1979 1986 1988 1981 1979 1978 1976 1986 1943 1986 1984 1985 1989 1978 1979 1965 1985 1981 1959 1976 1988 1989 1989 1988 1974 1966 1986 vill Dow tanbD, A. S.; 149 Broadway, SHEPPEY, Kent ME12 2SB Dowsetrt, R. J.; Rue de Bois de Breux 194, B 4500, JuPILLE-LIEGE, Belgium Duckett, J. E.; PO Box 12378, KUALA LUMPUR, Malasyia Du Pont, Dr J. E.; Foxcatcher Farms, PO Box 356, NEWTOWN SQuARE, PA 19073, USA Earp, M. J.; 63 Ivinghoe Road, Bushey, WATFoRD, Herts WD2 3SW. Eppir, W. M. M.; c/o Pirie, 55 Silverknose Crescent, EDINBURGH EH4 5JA Eben, R. M. G.; Haliki, Lower Beach Road, West Bexington, DORCHESTER, Dorset DT2 9DG Epwarps, M. C.; 118 Wood Lane, Bramley, ROTHERHAM, S. Yorks S66 OUP Etey, J. T.; 5 Morgan Close, Saltford, BriIstoL BS18 3LN ELcoop, Prof. J. H.; 26 Walkford Way, HIGHCLIFFE, Dorset BH23 5LR (Committee 1967-1970, 1986— , Vice- Chairman 1971-1974, Chairman 1974-1977) J Evxkins, D. A.; Le Frugier, St Mesmin, 24270 LANOUAILLE, France Evpuick, J. H.; Centre Cottage, Clapham, EXETER, Devon EX2 9UN Extswortny, Dr G. C.; 14 Greenbank Avenue, Maghull, LiverPpoot L31 2JQ Ennis, L. H.; School Cottage, Plaistow, BILLINGSHURST, W. Sussex RH14 0PX ErritTZoe, J.; Taps GL Praestegaard, DK 6070 CHRISTIANSFELD, Denmark ErcuHecopar, R. D.; 15 Rue Vineuse, 75016 paris, France Evans, G. G.; 1 Coach House Mews, Upper Church Road, WESTON-SUPER-MARE, Avon BS23 2DY FANSHAWE, J.; c/o I.C.B.P., 32 Girton Road, CAMBRIDGE CB3 OPJ Farmer, R. J.; 82 Ramsey Road, Dovercourt, HARWICH, Essex CO12 4RN FARNSWORTH, S. J.; Hammerkop, Frogmill, Hurley, MAIDENHEAD, Berks SL6 5NL (Committee 1989- ) Feare, Dr C. J.; MAFF, Tangley Place, woRPLESDON, Surrey GU3 3LQ FERGENBAUER- KIMMEL, ANGELIKA, Dip].Biol..; Donrather Str. 2, D 5204 LoHMarL, W. Germany Fie.p, G. D.; 37 Milton Grove, NEW MILTON, Hants FisHER, Miss C. T.; 46 Rossett Road, Crosby, LIVERPOOL FIsHER, D. J.; 56 Western Way, SANDY, Beds SG19 1DU FisHpoot, Dr L. D. C.; ORSTOM, Adiopodoume, BP V51, aBipjan 01, Cote d’Ivoire Fitter, R. S. R.; Drifts, Chinnor Hill, oxrForp OX9 4BS (Committee 1959-1962. Vice-Chairman 1962-1965. Chairman 1965-1968) Frack, L. J. H.; 34 Hastings Road, Addiscombe, CROYDON, Surrey CRO 6PH Fow ter, Dr J. A.; Hafod Heli, High Street, BorTH, Dyfed SY24 5JE FRANKE, Ms I.; Museo de Historia Natural, Casilla 140434, Lima 14, Peru Franks, J. A.; Flat 6, Lakeland House, Marine Road East, MORECAMBE, Lancs LA4 6AY Fraser, M. W.; Sandbanks, Kenmum Steps, Hopkirk Way, GLENCARM 7995, South Africa FrusHER, D. M.; The Barn House, Greatworth, BANBURY, Oxon OX17 2DT Fry, Prof. C. H., D.Sc.; Zoology Dept., Sultan Qaboos University, PO Box 6281, Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Futter, K.; Arkles, 29 Hunstanton Road, HEACHAM, Norfolk PE31 7JY Ga ey, C. P.; 29 Ainsdale Drive, Werrington, PETERBOROUGH, Cambs PE4 6RL GALLAGHER, Major M. D.; 83 West Front, Pagham, BOGNOR REGIS, Sussex PO21 4TB Garswortny, A. C., CMG; c/o FCO (Hong Kong) King Charles Street, LONDON SW1A 2AH GarDNER-MEpDwIN, Dr D.; Flocktous, Station Road, Heddon-on-the-Wall, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE NE15 0EG Gay, N.J.; 9 Surrey Place, TROWBRIDGE, Wilts BA14 OAW Gipsons, C. D. B.; 59 Rheanbreck, LairG, Sutherland 1V27 4DQ Gissons, H. S.; 35 Lamont Road, LONDON SW100HS Gibbs, A.; 48 Bolton Road, CHESSINGTON, Surrey KT9 2JB Gipson, Dr J. A.; Foremount House, KILBARCHAN, Renfrewshire PA10 2EZ Giv D1eco; Vitoria 37, 09004 BuRGos, Spain 1962-70, 1988 GiLLHaM, E. H.; 31 Coast Drive, Lydd on Sea, ROMNEY MARSH, Kent TN29 9NL 1975 1983 Gixtston, H.; Chemin des Mouettes 16, CH 1007, LauSANNE, Switzerland GrapwiIn, The Rev. T. W.; 99 Warren Way, Digswell, WELWYN, Herts AL6 0DL 1981-1983, 1986 GocHFELp, Dr M.; 54 Hollywood Avenue, soMERSET, NJ 08873, USA 1970 1981 1968 1985 1984 1953 1977 1986 1986 1986 1988 1968 1977 1984 1989 1977 1963 1983 1986 1989 1974 1964 1956 1986 1987 1981 1981 Goopa tt, A. E.; 46 Adrian Road, Abbots Langley, waTrorD, Herts WD5 0AQ Goopman, S. M.; Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, ANN ARBOR, MI 48109, USA GoopwiIn, D.; 6 Crest View Drive, PETTs woop, Kent BR5 1BY Gorpon, J.; 1 Gallowsclough Road, sTALYBRIDGE, Cheshire SK15 3Q5S Gorpon, Major J. J.; Officers Mess, RA Range Hebrides, ISLE OF BENBECULA, Outer Hebrides PA88 5NL Gorton, E.; 249 Wigan Road, Westhaughton, BoLTon, Lancs BL5 2AT Goster, Dr A. G.; c/o E.G.1., Dept of Zoology, South Parks Road, oxFoRD OX1 3PS Gos inc, A. P.; 8 The Walk, Fox Lane, Palmers Green, LONDON N13 4AA GouLpDING, Mrs J. D.; 239a Carr Road, NORTHOLT, Middx UB45 4RL GouLDING, R. V. G.; 239a Carr Road, NORTHOLT, Middx UB45 4RL GoutTner, Dr V.; PO Box 50211, GR 54013, THESSALONIKI, Greece Gray, B.; 6 Totland Court, Victoria Road, MILFORD-ON-SEA, Hants SO41 ONR (Committee 1977-1980. Vice- Chariman 1980-1983, Chairman 1983-1986) GREEN, Prof. J., Ph.D.; School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary College, Mile End Road, LONDON E1 4NS GREENLAW, Dr J. S.; Biology Dept, L.I. University, BROOKVILLE, NY 11548, USA GREENSMITH, A.; 14 Woodfield Avenue, CARSHALTON BEECHES, Surrey SM5 3JB GREENWOOD, Dr J. G.; Science Dept, Stranmillis College, BELFast BT9 5DY GREENWOOD, Dr J. J. D.; B.T.O. Beech Grove, TRING, Herts HP23 5NR Grecory, P. A.; c/o 37 Wilden Road, Hedge Lane, SOUTHAMPTON Grecory, S. M. S.; 35 Monarch Road, Kingsthorpe Hollow, NORTHAMPTON NN2 6EH GretTTon, Dr A.; ICPB, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, CAMBRIDGE CB3 OPJ GRIFFIN, D.; 51a Palace Road, EAST MOLESEY, Surrey (Committee 1983-1986. Vice-Chairman 1986-1989, Committee 1989— Grimes, Dr L. G.; 3 St Nicholas Court, St Nicholas Church St, wARWICK Grimwoop, Major I. R., O.B.E.; PO Box 45079, NatroBI, Kenya GrRossMANN, Dr H.; Wietreie 78, D 2000 HAMBURG 67, West Germany Gu ttick, T. M.; c/o Mrs M. Parker, 5 Tile Barn Close, FARNBOROUGH, Hants GU14 8LS Hackinoe, Dr C. N.; Moorlish, Woodgreen, FORDINGBRIDGE, Hants SP6 2AU Harrer, Dr J.; Tommesweg 60, 4300 EssEN 1, West Germany 1981 1948 1978 1963 1979 1986 1956 1985 1979 1977 1960 1977 1979 1974 1953 1974 1985 1986 1989 1987 1986 1986 1985 1987 1984 1984 1989 1989 1959 1979 1985 1981 1986 1957 1933 1970 1973 1972 1980 1989 1970 1960 1981 1981 1978 1985 1981 1987 1986 1986 1980 1975 1987 1985 1983 1981 1986 1984 1958 1984 1984 1931 1978 1974 1983 1973 1970 1986 1951 1989 1985 1989 1974 1982 1930 1x Hate, Prof. W. G., Ph.D.; 5 Ryder Close, Aughton, ORMSKIRK, Lancs Hatt, Mrs B. P.; Woodside Cottage, Woodgreen, FORDINGBRIDGE, Hants SP6 2QU (Committee 1955-1959, 1962-1965. Vice-Chairman 1959-1962) Hatt, Prof. G. A., Ph.D.; Dept of Chemistry, PO Box 6045, West Virginia University, MORGANTOWN, WV 26506-6045, USA Hancock, J. A.; Brookside, Back Street, St Cross, WINCHESTER, Hants SO23 9SB Hanmer, Mrs D. B.; PO Box 3076, Paulington, Mutare, Zimbabwe Hansen, B. G.; Slettebakken 2, Lille Sverige, DK 3400 HILLEROD, Denmark Har ey, B. H.; Martins, Great Horkesley, COLCHESTER, Essex CO6 4AH Harman, A. J. E.; 20 Chestnut Close, HOCKLEY, Essex SS5 SEJ Harper, W. G.; 8 Winton Grove, EDINBURGH EH107AS Harpum, Dr J.; 58 Shurdington Road, CHELTENHAM, Glos GL50 Harrison, C. J. O., Ph.D.; 48 Earls’ Crescent, HARROW, Middx HA1 1XN (Committee 1963-1964, 1965-1968, 1974-1977. Hon. Secretary 1964-1965) Harrison, I. D.; No address Harrison, Dr PAMELA, F.R.P.S.; Merriewood, St Botolph’s Road, sEvVENoAKs, Kent TN13 3AQ Harvey, E. G.; c/o F.C.O. (Dhaka), King Charles St, LONDON SW1A 2AH Harwin, Dr R. M.; 2 Norman Close, Chisipite, HARARE, Zimbabwe Hasecawa, H.; Dept of Biology, Faculty of Science, Toho University, Miyama-cho, FUNABASHI, Chiba 274, Japan Hausitz, Dr B.; Steimbker Hof 11, D 3000, HANovER 61, West Germany Hearp, G. E.; 4 Lambley Lane, GEDLING, Notts NG4 4PA Heo, C.; The Banks, Mountfield, ROBERTSBRIDGE, East Sussex TN32 5JY HENDERSON, A. C. B.; Perry Fields Cottage, Wingham, CANTERBURY, Kent CT3 1ER HENSHALL, K. W.; Crofthead, Penmark, Barry, W. Glamorgan CF6 9BP Heron, Cpl K.; COMCEN, 33 SU RAF, Ayios, NIKOLAOs, BFPO 53 HERREMANS, M. L. J.; Prinses Lydialaan 65, B 3030 HEVERLEE, Belgium HERRINGSHAW, D.; 303 Bellhouse Road, SHEFFIELD, S. Yorks S5 ORD HeEskETH, W.; 2 Gramere Close, Walton-le-Dale, PRESTON, Lancs PR5 4RR Hewitson, D. R.; 2 Donnelly Road, Tuckton, BOURNEMOUTH, Dorset Hiacerns, M. C.; 1 Acorn Close, BRIDLINGTON, N. Humberside YO16 5YX Hit, A.; Albrecht-Haushofer-Str 10, 3200 HILDESHEIM, West Germany Hixt, Brig. S.J. L., D.S.O., M.C.; Bristol Court Cottage, Seymour Street, BRIGHTON BN2 1DP Hrrapo, Dr F.; Estacion Biologica, de Donana, Pabellon del Peru, Avda. Maria Luisas/n, 41013, SEVILLE, Spain Hockey, Dr P. A. R., P.F.I.A.O.; University of Cape Town, RONDESBOSCH 7700, South Africa Hopeson, M. C.; c/o Tanganyika Wattle Company, PO Box 1807, Dar Es SALAAM, Tanzania HOFFMANN, T. W.; Haus Sonneberg, CH 89914, arucst, Switzerland Hoag, P.; 33 Vine Court Road, SEVENOAKS, Kent TN13 3UY (Committee 1962-1966, 1972-1974. Vice-Chairman 1974-1977. Chairman 1977-1980) Ho tom, P. A. D.; Inwood Cottage, Hydestile, GoDALMING, Surrey GU8 4AY (Committee 1938-1941, 1947- 1949, 1959-1963) (Hon. Life Member) Hotioway, L. G.; 30 Fernhurst Gardens, Aldwick, BOGNOR REGIS, Sussex PO21 4AZ Ho.mes, D. A.; 31 South View, UPPINGHAM, Leics LE15 9TU Horyoak, D. T.; College of St Paul & St Mary, The Park, CHELTENHAM, Glos GL50 2RH Hompercer, Dr DomINIQuE G.; Dept. of Zoology & Physiology, Louisiana State University, BATON ROUGE, LA 70803, USA HoocENDOooRN, W.; Notengaard 32, 3941 LW, poorn, Netherlands Horne, Ms J. F. M.; Dept of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, NEW YorK, NY 10024-5192, USA Horwoop, M. T.; 2 Church Close, Benson, oxFORD, Oxon Howunsomg, Dr M. V.; Manchester University Museum, Oxford Road, MANCHESTER M13 9PL Houston, Dr D. C.; Dept of Zoology, University of Glasgow, GLascow G12 8QQ Hove, Ing. H. G.; 55 Einstein Str., 34602 Hara, Israel Howarp, R. P.; Hogg House, Lower Basildon, READING, Berks RG8 9NH Howe, S.; Alma House, 12 William Street, ToRPHINS, Grampian AB3 4JR Hucues, R. A.; Casilla 62, MOLLENDO, Peru Huyypers, H. J. E. G.; General van Teynst 10, 5623 HN, EINDHOVEN N-Br, Netherlands Hunter, A.; 16 Bollin Walk, Reddish Road, South Reddish, srockport SK5 7JW Hutson, A. M.; Winkfield, Station Road, PLUMPTON GREEN, E. Sussex BN7 3BU Incexs, DrJ. T. T., D.Sc.; Galgenberglaan 9, B 9120 DESTELBERGEN, Belgium Inskipp, T.; 87 Girton Road, CAMBRIDGE CB3 Irons, Dr J. K.; 9 Babylon Way, Ratton, EASTBOURNE, E. Sussex BN20 9DL Jackson, N. C. S.; 68 Deanery View, LANCHESTER, Co. Durham DH7 ONJ Jackson, DrSS. J.; 2 Orion Drive, Little Stoke, BristoL BS12 6JB James, S. L.; 83 Welbeck Street, Hull HUS 3SB James, T.J.; 65 Back Street, Ashwell, BALDocK, Herts SG7 5PG Jany, J. E.; Hohemarkweg 2, D 6231 suLzBacH TS, West Germany JEHL, J. R., Jnr; Hubbs Sea World Research Institute, 1700 South Shores Road, san p1EGO, CA 92109, USA Jenninecs, M. C.; Moonraker Cottage, 1 Eastcourt, Burbage, MARLBOROUGH, Wilts SN8 3AG JENNINGS, P. P.; Garnfawr Bungalow, Bettws, Hundred House, LLANDRINDOD WELLS, Powys LD1 5RP JENSEN, H.; Tolstoje Alle 26, DK 2860 sornorc, Denmark JENSEN, J. V.; Skolebakken 5 4tv, DK 8000 aarnus C, Denmark Jepson, P. R.; 6 Habberley, Nr PONTESBURY, Shropshire SY5 OTP JoBLinG, J. A.; 14 The Valley Green, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, Herts AL8 7DQ Jounson, E. D. H.; Crabiere Cottage, Route des Mielles, st ouEN, Kersey, CI Jounson, Major F.; 6 Norrington Mead, Broadmead Village, FOLKESTONE, Kent CT19 5TF Jounson, H. P. H.; 17 Via Bontempi, Perucia, Italy Jounson, W. C. P.; 34 Pembroke Road, The Heath, saLisBury, Wilts SP2 9DG Jounston, D.; 4 Burn Street, Longtown, CARLISLE, Cumbria CA6 5XW Jounston, J. P.; Department of Biological Sciences, The University, DUNDEE DD1 4HN Jones, Dr A. M.; Calle Sacrificio 35, El Rocio, Almonte, HUELVA 21750, Spain Jones, Dr C. G.; c/o Forestry Quarters, BLACK RIVER, Mauritius, Indian Ocean JONGELING, T. B.; 3ae Oosterparkstraat 46-1, 1091 JZ amsterDAM, Netherlands 1985 1988 1965 1985 1988 1986 1983 1986 1989 1960 1982 1981 1988 1982 1984 1973 1989 1979 1987 1989 1986 1985 1986 1982 1988 1989 1988 1974 1989 1959-74, 1975 1985 1975 1985 1989 1968-71, 1985 1982 1951-55, 1979 1986 1987 1985 1981 1990 1973 1944 1988 1978 1981 1974 1981 1977 1986 1985 1989 1970 1988 1957 1985 1985 1983 1989 1982 1987 1988 1986 1989 1929 1964 1975 1989 1987 1982 1979 1981 1982 1980 Xx Kasoma, P. M. B.; c/o Dr Eltringham, Dept of Applied Biology, University of Cambridge, Pembroke St, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3DX Keanc, Lim Kim; 177 Jalan Loyang Besar, Singapore 1750 KeiruH, G. S.; Dept of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, NEW YorK, NY 10024, USA KELLy, C.; 15a Bridewell Road, Cherry Hinton, CAMBRIDGE CB1 4EN Ke tty, P. R. A.; Malmsy House, Church Road, Leigh Woods, BristoL BS8 3PG Kevsey, Dr F. D.; White Cottage, Church Lane, Cley-next-the-Séa, HOLT, Norfolk NR25 7UD Kesey, Dr M. G.; White Cottage, Church Lane, Cley-next-the-Sea, HOLT, Norfolk NR25 7UD Kencu, A. J.; 141 Cozens Road, ware, Herts SG12 7JB KenNnepy, Dr R. S.; Cincinnatti Museum of Natural History, 1720 Gilbert Avenue, CINCINNATTI, OH 45202, USA KENT, J. de R.; Mews Cottage, Church Hill, MipHuRST, Sussex GU29 9NX Kett e, R.; 75 Dupont Road, LONDON SW20 8EH (Committee 1988— ) KING, J.; 96 Forbes Avenue, POTTERS BAR, Herts EN6 5NQ Kino, J. R.; Haregrove Cottage, Hydon Heath, GoDALMING, Surrey GU8 4BB KtionowsklI, T. J.; 6356 Meadville Road, MIDDLEPORT, NY 14105, USA KNIGHT, J. E.; 33 North Road, Stokesley, MIDDLESBROUGH, Cleveland TS9 5DZ Knox, Dr A. G.; The Bothy, Mentmore, LEIGHTON BUZZARD, Bucks LU7 0QG KoGa, Kimiya; 332-12-12-2 Terukini, Chuo-Ku, Fukuoka 810, Japan Koike, SHIGETO; 1523 Honjo, Niigata-shi, NIIGATA PREFECTURE, 950 Japan Kramer, D.; 7 Little Headlands, Putnoe, BEDFORD MK 41 8JT Lack, Dr P. C.; B.T.O., Beech Grove, Station Road, TRING, Herts HP23 SNR LaIna, R. M.; 87 Johnston Gardens East, Peterculter, ABERDEEN AB1 OLA Lampert, F. R.; c/o 15 Bramble Rise, Westdene, BRIGHTON, Sussex BN1 5GE LaMBERTINI, M.; Via Voltone 8, 57100 Livorno, Italy Lamothe, Ms L.; Dept of Forestry, PNG University of Technology, PMB LAE, Papua New Guinea LarbDELLI, R.; Via Franchini 5, CH 6850 MENpDRISIO, Switzerland LauRENCE OF Mar, Lt.-Cdr.; 8 The Square, DYRMS, Dover, Kent CT155DR Lawson, I. B.; 73 Waller Crescent, Roseglen, DURBAN 4091, South Africa Layton, A. W.; 95 Manning Road, wooLLaHRa, NSW 2025, Australia LEDGERTON, R. J. W.; 25 Bunyan Road, BRAINTREE, Essex CM7 7PL 1986 Lees-SmiTu, D. T.; 134 The Avenue, Starbeck, HARROGATE, N. Yorks HG1 4QF LEIGHTON, Sir MIcHaeL, Bt.; Loton Park, ALBERBURY, Salop LEMAUVIEL, Y.; 11 Rue de Medicis, 75006 paris, France LeEvéQueE, R.; Station Ornithologique, CH 6204, sEmpacu, Switzerland Lewis, I. T.; 15 Elyston Court, 121 Howards Lane, Putney, LONDON SW15 6QH Linp, C. R.; Les Augres Manor, TRINITY, Jersey CI 1989 Linpsay, J. D.; 17c Walbrook Avenue, Springfield, MILTON KEYNES, Bucks MK6 3JB Lister, S. M.; 31 Lisle Street, LOUGHBOROUGH, Leics LE11 0OAY LITTLEMORE, F. P.; Plemstall, 264 Dunchurch Road, ruGBy, Warwicks CV22 6HX 1977 LiversIDGE, R., Ph.D.; McGregor Museum, PO Box 316, KIMBERLEY, Cape Province 8300, South Africa Lioyp, Capt. G. C., C.B.E., R.N.; Lanterns, Buckmore Avenue, PETERSFIELD, Hants GU32 2EF Lioyp, J. V.; Cynghordy, LLANDOveERY, Dyfed SA20 0LN Loske, K-H.; In den Kuhlen 44, D 4787 GEsEKE, West Germany Lossy, G.; Jan de Voslei 29/1, 2020 antwerp, Belgium Lovejoy III, Dr T. E.; 3526 Georgetown Pike, McLEAN, VA 22102, USA LoveELL, J.; 23 Hollybush House, Hollybush Gardens, Bethnal Green, LONDON E2 McAnprew, R. T.: 5 Thornhill Gardens, HARTLEPOOL, Cleveland TS26 OHY McCuttocy, The Rev G. K., O.B.E.; 5 Roy Road, NorTHWoop, Middx HA6 1EQ (Committee 1981-1983. Vice- Chairman 1983-1986, Chairman 1986-1989) McGowan, P.; Biology Dept, The Open University, Walton Hall, MILTON KEYNES MK7 6AA McKean, J. L.; 1 Avondale Street, HAMPTON, Vic 3188, Australia McLaucu i, T. J.; Lisnacarrig, Brighton Road, Foxrock, Co. Dublin, Eire IcNeIL, Dr D. A. C.; 175 Byron Road, LouGHBOROUGH, Leics Mapcg, S. C.; 2 Church Row, Sheviock, TORPOINT, Cornwall PL11 3EH Macnusson, A. H.; Riihitie 10 A3, SF 00330 HELSINKI, Finland Main, J. S.; 67 Farm Fields, SANDERSTEAD, Surrey CR2 OHR Matacarng, Prof. G.; Corso Chieti 36, 10153, TORINO, Italy Matcoitm, N.S.; FAO DDF, Via Delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 RoME, Italy Mann, C. F.; Box 2359, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, State of Brunei (Committee 1977-1981) MansFIELD, R. C.; ‘‘Birdwood’’, 15c Lyles Road, Cottenham, CAMBRIDGE CB4 4QR MarcuanrT, S.; Box 123, moruya, NSW 2537, Australia Martin, J. W. P.; 54 Wolsey Road, EAST MOLESEY, Surrey KT8 9EW Martin, Dr M.; 35 Auburn Road, Hawthorne, MELBOURNE, Victoria 3122, Australia MakrtTINs, R. P.; 6 Connaught Road, NorwicH, Norfolk NR2 3BP MaskKELL, P.; 32 Mansted Gardens, Chadwell Heath, RomForD, Essex RM6 4ED Mason, I. J.; CSIRO Div. of Wildlife Research, PO Box 84, LYNEHAM ACT 2602, Australia Mason, V.; Interhash 88, PO Box 400, DENPASAR 80001, BALI, Indonesia Massa, Bruno; Via Archirafi 18, Instituto di Zoologia, 90123 PALERMO, Italy Massey, K. G.; 4 Hall Terrace, Great Sankey, WARRINGTON, Ches WA5 3EZ Massie, D. B.; 43 Hazel Road, Purley Beeches, READING, Berks RG8 8HR Mayaup, N.; 80 Rue du Ranelagh, paris 16, France (Hon. Life Member) Meap, C. J.; c/o B.T.O., Beech Grove, TRING, Herts HP23 5NR (Committee 1971-1975) Meap, Mrs U. V.; “‘Clovelly’’, 4 Beaconsfield Road, TRING, Herts Meapows, B. S.; c/o Amartech Ltd., PO Box 30227, YANBU AL-SINAIYAH, Saudi Arabia MEDLAND, R. D.; PO Box 30370, LILONGE 3, Malawi Mepway, D. G.; PO Box 476, NEW PLYMOUTH, New Zealand Meek, E. R.; Smyril, Stenness, STROMNESS, Orkney MeetH, P.; Bramenlaa 5, 2116 TR BENTVELD, Netherlands Meeus, Dr H.; Langvenstraat 25, B 2300 TURNHOUT, Belgium MetpruMm, Dr J. A. K.; Heath House, 1 Millgate, Lisvane, caRDIFF CF4 5TY 1980 1986 1981 1986 1986 1988 1989 1946 1988 1978 1985 1989 1972 1986 1989 1951 1983 1986 1983 1989 1974 1988 1986 1987 1986 1986 1974 1975 1983 1979 1979 1985 1986 1989 1973 1974 1970 1989 1982 1984 1987 1977 1986 1988 1977 1971 1986 1966 1957 1963 1989 1979 1988 1989 1989 1989 1982 1978 1957 1982 1948 1989 1986 1968 1981 1985 1978 1989 1979 1957 1981 1932 1939 1988 1982 xi ME LvILte, D. S.; c/o WWF (Hong Kong), GPO Box 12721, Hong Kong MereEDITH-MIDDLETON, Miss J.; Anatomy Dept, University College London, Gower St, LONDON WCIE 6BT Mertca.re, J. W. W.; Four Corners, Church Lane, Barnwell, PETERBOROUGH, PE8 5PG Mites, D. T.; ‘‘Clareville’’, 24 Belmont Road, WEsTGATE-ON-SEA, Kent CT8 8AX Mitts, T. R.; 36 Chartfield Avenue, Putney, LONDON SW15 6HG Mo tter, E.; Parkstr. 13, 4900 HERFORD, West Germany MonsalLtiu, X.; 20 Rue St Martin, 75004 paris, France Monk, Dr J. F., D-M.; The Glebe Cottage, Goring, READING, Berks RG8 9AP (Vice-Chairman 1965-1968, Chairman 1968-1971. Editor 1976— Montemaccior!, A.; Via Emilio de Cavalieri 12, 00198 roma, Italy Moore, A. G.; 34 Clarendon Gardens, LONDON W9 Moore, Mrs A. M.; 1 Uppingham Road, oaKHaM, Rutland LE15 6JB (Committee 1987-1989, Hon. Secretary 1989- ) Moret, Dr G.; Route de Sallenelks, Bréville-les-Mouts, F 14860 RANVILLE, France Morgan, P. J.; Zoology Dept, National Museum of Wales, Cathays Park, carpIFF CF1 3NP Moraean, R. G.; 13 Cloncurry St, LONDON SW6 6DR Morrow, R.; 2 Wentworth Street, RANDWICK, NSW 2031, Australia Mowuntrort, G. R., O.B.E.; Hurst Oak, Sandy Lane, LYNDHURST, Hants SO4 7DN Moyer, D. C.; Research Div., Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University, BATON ROUGE, LA 70803-3211, USA Mutter, Mrs M. N.; Lovedays Mill, PAINSWICK, Glos GL6 6SH Murpny, M.; Sherkin Island, co cork, Eire Muscrove, N. J.; 41 Emery Close, wALSALL, West Midlands WS1 3AC Nakata, YUKIO; 17-11, 3 chome, Kuwazu, Higasisumiyosi-ku, osaka 546, Japan NarusuE, Mrs Masae; Kikukawa 3-11-16, Sumidaku, Toxyo 130, Japan Nas, J. W.; 13 Farm Hill, BRIGHTON, Sussex BN2 6BG Natrtress, B.; 25 West Lea Drive, West Ardsley, WAKEFIELD, W. Yorks WF3 1DH NEWLAND, R. A.; 93 Arne Avenue, Parkstone, POOLE, Dorset BH12 4DP. NicHots, Dr T. D.; University Medical Center, 5620 Greenbriar Suite 103, Houston, TX 77005, USA NIcHOLsoNn, M. P.; The Christopher Hotel, High Street, BATH, Avon BA1 5AQ NIELSEN, B. P.; Skippervaenget 6 B, DK 2791 pracor, Denmark Nrxovaus, G.; Bosenbuettel 4, 2859 spreExa, West Germany Nosie-ROLiin, C.; Greystones, Glanton, ALNWICK, Northumberland NE66 4AH Osa, Dr T.; Nat. Hist. Mus. & Inst. Chiba 955-2, Aoba-Cho, CH1BA, Japan O’Hattoran, Dr J.; Department of Zoology, University College, cork, Eire Ovp, A. B.; ‘“‘Kalinka’’, Flimby Brow, Flimby, MARYPORT, Cumbria CA15 8TD Ottoso, G.; Le Grand Faubourg, F 26230, GRIGNAN, France Otiver, P. J.; The Briar Patch, Trevereux Hill, Limpsfield Chart, oxTED, Surrey RH8 OTL (Committee 1978— 1979) Ouney, P. J. S., F.I.Biol.; Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, LONDON NW1 4RY Otson, Dr S. L.; National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, WASHINGTON DC 20560, USA OnruBIA-BaTICon, A.; C/Francisco Suarez 2-C, 2°D, 47006, vALLADOLID, Spain Oren, Dr D. C.; Caixa Postal 399, Belem, para, CEP 66040, Brazil OrmMerop, Dr S. J.; UWIST Acid Waters Unit, Penyfal House, Furnace, LLANELLI, Dyfed SA15 4EL O’ Rourke, R. M.; 1/54 Hunter Street, HORNSBY, NSW 2077, Australia Parn, H. M.; 57 Lings Coppice, Dulwich, LONDON SE21 8SX PAtsson, P.; Carlandersplatsen 4, S 41255, GOTHENBURG, Sweden ParisH, D.; Asian Wetland Bureau of IPT, Universitii Malaya, 59100 KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia PaRKER, J. G.; Clavering House, Foulden Road, Oxborough, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk PE33 9BL (Committee 1979- 1983) Parkes, Dr K. C.; Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA 15213, USA Payne, D.; Grovesbrook, Gough Road, FLEET, Hants GU13 8LJ Payne, Dr R. B.; Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, ANN ARBOR, MI 48109, USA Paynter, Dr R. A., Jnr; Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138, USA Peat, R.E. F.; 2 Chestnut Lane, sEVENOAKS, Kent TN13 3AR (Committee 1969-1971, Hon. Secretary 1971-1989, Chairman 1989— ) Peart, D.E. M.; 35 Salisbury Road, wiLTon, Wilts SP2 ODT PecKkover, W. S.; 14 Balanda Street, JINDALEE, Queensland 4074, Australia Penry, Dr E. H.; PO Box 138, orKNEY, Transvaal 2620, South Africa Perera, Dr R.; 56 Ash Rise, KINGSTHORPE, Northants PERRON, R.; 114 Park Lane East, REIGATE, Surrey PrEsENTE, M.; via Villa 19, 37052 Sustinenza di Casaleone, VERONA, Italy PETERSEN, AEvAR; Natturufraedistofnun Islands, PO Box 5320, REYKJAVIK 125, Iceland Pettet, Prof. A., Ph.D.; 11 Wilton Close, pEAL, Kent CT14 9AJ Puiwiirs, Dr A. R.; Reforma 825 A, Col Chapultepac, San Nicolas de los Garza, NEUVO LEON, Mexico PICKERING, R. H.; c/o FCO (Kathmandu), King Charles St, LONDON SW1A 2AH Pickrorp, K. D.; Longridge Corrie, srroup, Glos GL6 7HU Piper, S. E.; 2 Canal Drive, WESTVILLE 3630 Natal, South Africa Pitman, R. A.; Straiddorn House, Ringneill Road, comper, Co. Down BT 23 6EF Pience, M. A.; c/o Arthur Elinson, 20 Bosko Drive, EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ 08816, USA Pomeroy, Dr D. E.; Resource Centre, Muient, PO Box 10066, kampaLA, Uganda Powe Lt, N. M.; PO Box 197, Howr, DK 74940, USA Poyser, T.; Town Head House, Calton, WATERHOUSES, Staffs ST10 3JQ Prats Trnipap, P.; Cami de Rafalat 59, MENoRCA, Spain Price, R. C.; 3 Ashchurch Park Villas, LONDON W12 PricocInE, Dr A.; Avenue des Volontaires 243, bte 27, B 1150 BrussELs, Belgium Prince, P. A.; c/o British Antarctic Survey, Madingley Road, caMBRIDGE CB3 0ET PRITCHETT, R. S.; First Floor Flat, 91 Winchester Street, LONDON SW1V 4NU PrvYs-Jones, Dr R. P.; B.T.O., Beech Grove, TRING, Herts HP23 5NR Purroy, F. J.; Departamento de Biologia Animal, Facultad de Biologia, 24071 LEON, Spain Quay, Dr W. B.; 2003, Ida Street, Napa, CA 94558, USA 1987 1986 1989 1981 1977 1981 1978 1976 1987 1987 1982 1989 1987 1989 1982 1989 1989 1983 1986 1984 1962 1986 1978 1984 1986 1986 1987 1981 1972 1982 1981 1989 1954 1986 1987 1987 1986 1974 1986 1984 1989 1984 1954 1961 1980 1986 1968 1979 1979 1945 1985 1989 1979 1985 1987 1984 1988 1980 1988 1970 1988 1989 1980 1973 1986 1980 1977 1981 1981 1980 1985 1980 1957 1988 1979 1981 Xl Rag, M. C.; Roydon Hall, Roydon, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk PE32 1AR Rajkowsk1, Dr K. M.; 14 rue des Poissons, F 93600, AULNAY-sOUS-BOIS, France RANDALL, A.; 6 Wilmar Close, UXBRIDGE, Middlesex UB8 1AS RasMussEN, S. H.; Mollevej 6, Flong, DK 2640 HEDEHUSENE, Denmark Raynor, E. M.; Priorsmead, Nash Meadow, SOUTH WARNBOROUGH, Hants REDFERN, C. P. F., Ph.D.; Westfield House, Acomb, HEXHAM, Northumberland NE46 4RJ RepMan, N. J.; Holly Bank, Grindleton, CLITHEROE, Lancs BB7 4Q‘T ReDMAN, P. S.; Les Quatre Vents, Cap Gris-Nes, 62179 wissantT, France Reep, J. M.; 21 Hardings, Panshanger, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, Herts AL7 2EQ ReeEp, R. W.; 48 Alister Street, SHORTLAND, NSW 2307, Australia Rep, J. B.; 8 Temple Crescent, cralL, Fife KY10 3RS RICHARDSON, J. E.; Hazebrow, Rad Lane, Peaslake, GUILDFORD, Surrey GUS 9PB Rrpvey, Dr S. D., K.B.E., Sc.D.; Museum of Natural History, RM 336, Smithsonian Institution, WASHINGTON DC 20560, USA Roserts, D.; 8 Greenacres Close, Brayton, SELBY, Yorks YO8 9HA Roserts, T. J.; Cae Gors, Rhoscefnhir, PENTRAETH, Anglesey LL75 8YU ROBERTSON, I. S.; 1 Central Avenue, CLITHEROE, Lancs BB7 2PZ RoBERTSON, K. W.; Nigerian Ropes Ltd, c/o British Ropes Ltd, Shipping Dept, Carr Hill, DoNcasTER DN4 8DG Rosinson, Mrs J. W.; PO Box 1950, aLExaNDrRIA, VA 22313-1950, USA RoBINsON, P. J.; c/o R.S.P.B., The Lodge, sanpy, Beds SG19 2DL Ro.tiin, Dr P.; 17 Rue Varet, 75015 paris, France Romer, M. L. R.; Gillingshill, Arksden Road, Clavering, SAFFRON WALDEN, Essex CB11 40U (Commitiee 1964— 1968) Roskart, Dr E.; Kangshaugvegen 12, N 7560 vikHAMAR, Norway Ross, N.; 71 Buckingham Road, wiLMsLow, Ches SK9 5LA Rounp, P. D.; Centre for Conservation, Fac. of Science, Rama VI Road, BANGKOK 10400, Thailand Rowsury, T’. J.; 25 Priestley Drive, Larkfield, MarDsTONE, Kent ME20 6TX Rowe, G. Z.; 51 Grange Avenue, Leagrave, LUTON, Beds LU4 9AS Row ey, I. C. R.; CSIRO Locked Bag 4, PO mipLanp, Western Australia 6056, Australia ROZENDAAL, F. G.; Prins Hendriklaan 58, 3721 AT BILTHOVEN, Netherlands RupcgE, P.; National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Queen Square, LONDON WC1N 3RG Rumsey, S. J. R.; c/o Barclays de Zoete Wedd, Ebbsgate House, 2 Swan Lane, LONDON EC4R 3TS Saari, Dr C. L. V.; Aasla, SF 21150 roora, Finland SaETHER, S. A.; Klaebuvegen 102, N7030 TRONDHEIM, Norway Sace, B. L.; Waveney House, 41 Waveney Close, WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA, Norfolk NR23 1HU Sat, D.; 32 Cromwell Tower, The Barbican, LONDON EC2Y 8DD SamwaLp, O.; Muhlbreitenstrasse 61, A 8280 FURSTENFELD, Austria Sassoon, Miss S.; Flat 1, 21 Upper Phillimore Gardens, LONDON W8 7HF Saw _e, V. J.; Home Farm, Lower Green Road, Rusthall, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Kent TN4 8TT Sayers, B. C.; 164 Chelmer Road, CHELMSFORD, Essex CM2 6AB SCHARFENBERG, C. D.; Rebaek soepark 3, 1505, DK 2650 Hvipovre, Denmark SCHUCHMANN, Dr K-L.; Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut u Museum Alexander Koenig, 5300 Boon 1, Adenauerallee 150-164, West Germany Scuuze-Hacen, K.; Bergerstr. 163, D 4050 MUNCHENGLADBACH 1, West Germany ScutTt, R.; Roseggerstr. 35, D 1000 BERLIN 44, West Germany Scuutiz, Prof. Dr E.; Museum Direktor, Elmer Doch Strasse 39, D 7140 LuDwicsBuRG, West Germany Scott, R. E.; 8 Woodlands, Priory Hill, st NEots, Cambs PE19 1UE Scott, Dr W. C.; Muston Manor, Winterbourne Muston, BLANDFORD, Dorset DT11 9BU SELF, Dr R.; 21 Firs Avenue, LONDON N10 3LY SELL, P. D.; Botany School, Downing Street, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3EA SELLAR, P. J.; 89 Riddlesdown Road, PURLEY, Surrey CR2 1DH SELLER, T. J., Ph.D.; Zoology & Applied Entomology Dept., Imperial College, LONDON SW7 2AZ SERLE, The Rev. Dr W., O.B.E.; 9 Hallcroft Gardens, Ratho, NEWBRIDGE, Midlothian EH28 8SG SHARLAND, R. E., F.C.A.; 1 Fisher’s Heron, East Mills, FORDINGBRIDGE, Hants SP6 2JR Suarp, B. J.; 1 Meadow Close, Marshalswick, sT ALBANS, Herts AL4 9TG SuHarrock, Dr J. T. R.; Fountains, Park Lane, Blunham, BEpForD MK 44 3NJ SHELDON, F. H.; Dept of Ornithology, Academy of Natural Science, 19th & parKWay, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA Suiceta, Y.; Bird Migration Research Center, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Konoyama, Abiko, CHIBA 270-11, Japan SHrrRIHal, H.; PO Box 4168, EILaT 88102, Israel SHort, D.; 35 Earls Mill Road, Plympton, PLyMouTH, Devon PL7 3BX Sick, Prof. Dr H.; Academia Brasileira de Ciencas, Caixa Postal 229, R10 DE JANEIRO, RJ 20.00, Brazil S1gGeL-Causey, D.; Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, LAWRENCE, KS 66045, USA SKINNER, Prof. N. J., Ph.D.; 60 Gunton Drive, LowEsTOoFT, Suffolk NR32 4QB Stack, E.; Norwood, 30 Reid Park Road, Jesmond, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE NE2 2ES Smit, A. W.; 7 St Brelades Road, Broadfield, cRawLEY, Sussex RH11 9RQ SmituH, D. A., F.R.P.S.; Scoretulloch, by DARVEL, Ayrshire KA17 OLR Smitu, G. A., Jnr; 158 Broadway, PETERBOROUGH PE1 4DG SmitH, Dr J. B.; School of Modern Languages, The University, BATH, Avon BA2 7AY SNELL, R. R.; Dept of Zoology, University of Toronto, Ramsay Wright Zoological Labs., 25 Harbord St, TORONTO MS5S 1A1, Canada Snow, Dr D. W., D.Sc.; Sub-Dept of Ornithology, British Museum (Natural History), TRING, Herts HP23 6AP Somapikarta, Dr S.; Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, BoGoR, Indonesia Spaans, Dr A. L.; c/o Research Institute for Nature Management, PO Box 9201, 6800HB arNuHeEM, Netherlands Sparks, Mrs G. M. B.; The Old Vicarage, Compton Abdale, CHELTENHAM, Glos GLK54 4DS Spitzer, Dr G.,; Inst. f. Zoologie D. Univ. Wien, Abt F, Terr, Okologie, Althanstr. 14, A 1000 wien, Postfach 282, Austria Stack, Dr C. G.; ‘““Treetops’’, 8 Dovedale Road, West Bridgford, NOTTINGHAM NG2 6JA SraFForD, J.; Westering, Moor Lane, BRIGHSTONE, Isle of Wight PO30 4DL STANFIELD, Dr J. P.; c/o African Medical & Research Foundation, Wilson Airport, PO Box 30125, NAIROBI, Kenya StatuHam, S. A. H.; Woodcock Hill, Durrants Lane, BERKAMSTED, Herts HP4 3TR (Committee 1983-1986) STEvENS, J. P.; Dept of Animal Science, University of Saskatchewan, SASKATOON SK, Canada S7N 0WO0 1989 1971 1983 1989 1988 1987 1977 1986 1988 1961 1985 1956 1985 1975 1982 1976 1982 1979 1982 1979 1988 1981 1984 1985 1989 1988 1959 1977 1985 1985 1989 1984 1986 1970 1989 1986 1985 1974 1975 1982 X1li Stewart-Cox, Miss B., The Old Rectory, Bishopstow, WARMINSTER, Wilts BA23 9HN STJERNSTEDT, R.; No address Stone, N. H. F.; 64 Trinity Road, Old Wolverton, MILTON KEYNES, Bucks MK12 5PB (Committee 1986— ) Stott, R. D. E.; 503 May Tower, 7 May Road, Hong Kong StraH1, Dr S. D.; Univ. Simon Bolivar, Dpto Bilogia de Organismos, Apartado 89000, caracas 1080 A, Venezuela Stronacu, N. R. H.; Dept Applied Biology, Pembroke St, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3DX Stuart, Dr S. N.; Species Survival Commission, IUCN, Avenue de Mont-Blanc, CH 1196 GLanp, Switzerland SUMMERFIELD, Dr B. J.; 11a Avenue Gdns, MarGaTE, Kent IT9 3BD Swasu, A. R. H.; 22 Stratfield Avenue, New Park, TADLEY, Hants RG26 6UD Tavpot-KeE tty, Miss C. E.; 22 St Philip’s Road, LEICESTER LE5 5TQ Tanner, A. R.; 24 Eustace Road, East Ham, LONDON E6 3ND Tate, P.; Half Acre, Rooks Hill, Loudwater, RICKMANSWORTH, Herts (Hon. Treasurer 1962-1974) Tay or, P. B.; c/o Prof. G. L. Maclean, Dept of Zoology, University of Natal, PO Box 375, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200, South Africa Terxerra, Prof. D. L. M.; Museu Nacional, Quinta da Boa Vista, Soa Cristovam, RIO DE JANIERO, RJ, CEP 209412, Brazil TetLow, H. H.; Westbury, 35 Stone Road, Eccleshall, staFFORD THIBALT, J-C.; La Bergerie, F 20253 paTRIMONIO, France Turebe, Dr W.; An der Ronne 184, D-5 KoLN 40, West Germany Tuomas, Mrs B. T.; Waterfield, Route 1, Box 212c, casTLETON, VA 22716, USA Tuomas, Dr D. H.; School of Biology, University of Wales at Cardiff, PO Box 915, carpirF CF1 3TL TuHompson, K. V., F.C.A.; Primrose Bank, Gaggerhill Lane, Brighstone, NEwporT, Isle of Wight PO30 4DX TuHompson, P.; Middlesex Polytechnic, Queensway, ENFIELD, Middx EN3 4SF Timnis, W. H.; Curator, Lotherton Hall Bird Garden, Tanton Road, Abberford, LEEDS LS25 3ED Topp, D.; Dressors, EVERSLEY, Hants RG23 OPJ Topp, W.; 3370 Graustark, HousTON, TX 77006-3810, USA Tomuins, A. D.; 29 Gerard Road, Barnes, LONDON SW13 9RQ TosTAIN, O.; 7 Place du General de Gaulle, 77850 HERICY, France TrayLor, Major M. A.; Birds Division, Field Museum of Natural History, cH1caco, IL 60605, USA Tucker, J. J.; 13 Brook Road, PONTEsBURY, Shropshire SY4 30U Tucker, N. A.; 8 Julius Road, Bishopston, BRISTOL BS7 8EU Tucker, W. T.; 61 Main St, kiINGston, NH 03848-3209, USA TuRNER, A.; 2 Valley Road, Hackenthorpe, SHEFFIELD $12 4LM Turner, B. C.; Uplands, Green Lane, Raymonds Hill, axminster, Devon EX13 5TD Turner, C. F.: Lakers, Church Road, St Johns, REDHILL, Surrey RH1 6QA Turner, D. A.; PO Box 48019, NarRoBI, Kenya TurRNER, S. T. A.; Box 357, SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates Tutt, D.; 27 Seaview Road, GILLINGHAM, Kent ME7 4NL Tye, Dr A.; 2 School Lane, King’s Ripton, HUNTINGDON, Cambs PE17 2NL Tywer, Dr S.J.; Yew Tree Cottage, Lone Lane, PENALLT, Gwent Ursan, Prof. E. K.; Dept of Biology, Augusta College, aucusta, GA 30910, USA VAN DEN Bere, A. B.; Duinlustparkweg 98, 2082 EG sANDPOORTE-ZUID, Netherlands 1959-1972, 1985-86, 1989 VAN OOsTEN, J. R.; 8023 17th NE, sEaTTLE, WA 98115, USA 1987 1934 1981 1976 1976 1979 1985 1986 1968 1969 1986 1975 1984 1989 1985 1989 1981 1986 1967 1985 1975 1986 1985 1973 1988 1987 19380 1984 1936 1989 1982 1987 1987 1989 1986 VELING, Dr E. J. M.; J.M. Coenenstraat 31-II, 1071 WE amMsTERDaM, Netherlands VinceEnT, Col. J.; PO Box 44, Mooi River, 3300 Nata, South Africa (Hon. Life Member) VioLani, Dr C. G.; Via S. Vittore 38/A, 20123 MILan, Italy Vittery, A.; The Saltings, Coast Road, Cley-next-the-Sea, HoLT, Norfolk NR25 7RZ Voous, Prof. K. H.; V. D. Duyn van Maasdamlaan 28, 1872 EM nuizen, N.H., Netherlands Wa ker, R. L.; Mount Cottage, PARWICH, Derbyshire DE6 1QS WALL, J. W.; 76 Brambach Road, scaRsDALE, NY 10000583, USA Watns ey, M. A.; Woodpeckers, Broughton, STOCKBRIDGE, Hants SO20 8BD Wats, J. F.; 80 Arundel Road, LyTHAM ST ANNES, Lancs Watters, M. P.; Sub-Dept of Ornithology, British Museum (Natural History), TRING, Herts HP23 6AP Wane, Dr Yinc; Institute of Biology, College of Science, National Taiwan Normal University, 88 Sect, 5 Roosevelt Road, TAIPEI, Taiwan 11718 WaruaM, Dr J.; 14 Konini Street, CHRISTCHURCH 4, New Zealand Warr, Mrs F. E.; 6 Mansion Drive, TRING, Herts HP23 5BD Warren, R. A.; 45 Arkwright Road, Irchester, WELLINGBOROUGH, Northants NN9 7EE WarRINner, R. E.; 9 Bucklands View, Nailsea, BRISTOL BS19 2TZ Waters, Prof. W. E.; Orchards, Broxmore Park, Sherfield English, RoMsEyY, Hants Wa TLING, R. J.; Aqua Foods Fiji, PO Box 9269, NANDI AIRPORT, Fiji WesstTER, B. D.; 17 Prentice Court, Goldings, NORTHAMPTON NN3 4XS Weir, The Hon J. V.; 85 Whitehall Court, LONDON SW1A 2EL We cu, G. R.; 21a East Delph, wWHITTLESEY, Cambs PE7 1RH WELLS, Dr D. R.; Dept. of Zoology, University of Malaya, 59100 KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia WESTOLL, J.; Dykeside, Longtown, CARLISLE, Cumbria CA6 SND WHEATLEY, J. J.; 6 Boxgrove Avenue, GUILDFORD, Surrey GU1 1XG WHEELER, C. E.; 3 Woodhurst Close, Cuxton, ROCHESTER, Kent (Committee 1975-1979) WHEELER, Mrs G. F.; Pumlani, Otters Creek, ZEEKOEVLEI 7945, South Africa WHEELER-HOLOHAN, B. J.; 38 Oregon Square, ORPINGTON, Kent BR6 8BQ Wuite, Lt.-Col. T. C.; 6c Rosebery Avenue, HARPENDEN, Herts AL5 2PL Wiersma, L. J.; Singel 282, 3311 HK porpecut, Netherlands Wic ey, M. W.; 9 Elm Street, coLne, Lancs BB8 0ORQ WILKINSON, Sir Denys, F.R.S.; Gayles Orchard, Friston, EASTBOURNE, Sussex BN20 0BA WILKINSON, Dr R.; 2 Weston Grove, UPTON-BY-CHESTER, Cheshire CH2 1Q]J WILKINSON, Sir WILLIAM; 119 Castelnau, Barnes, LONDON SW13 9EL Witett, D. R.; 18 Main Street, Newbold Verdon, LEICESTER LE9 9NL WILLEMYNS, F.; Dianadreef 31, 8200 spruce, Belgium Wittiams, Dr E. J.; 24 Birkett Drive, ULversTON, Cumbria LA12 9LS 1951 1988 1989 1985 1985 1976 1987 1986 1976 1985 1961 1987 1984 1986 1983 1988 1963 1973 XIV WIL iaMs, J. G.; 14 Tyne Road, OAKHAM, Rutland LE15 6SJ WILLIAMs, K. F.; 28 Falconers Close, DAVENTRY, Northants NN1 5PR WIL tiams, R. G.; 2 Milwain Road, stRETFORD, Manchester M32 9BY Witson, H. E.; PO Box 10463, MARINE PARADE 4056, South Africa WIson, J. D.; 8 Haworth Grove, Heaton, BRADFORD, W. Yorks BD9 5PE Witson, R. T.; Bartridge House, UMBERLEIGH, Devon EX7 9AS___ WINFIELD, K. W.; 7 Burlington Road, SKEGNEsS, Lincs PE25 2EW Wo sey, R. P. S.; 7 Farnham Park, BANGOR, Co Down BT20 3SR Woop, J. B.; 73 Vicarage Road, Marsworth, TRING, Herts Woop, V. J.; PO Box 401, pALBy, Queensland 4405, Australia Woopcock, M. W.; The Fives, Elderden Farm, Staplehurst, TONBRIDGE, Kent (Hon. Secretary 1965-1969) Woobs, R. W.; Aller Park Road, NEWTON ABBOT, Devon TQ12 4NQ Woopson, J. L.; 410 North 600 East, LoGan, Utah 84321, USA WooLFALL, S. J.; B.T.O., Beech Grove, TRING, Herts HP23 5NR Wricut, A. A.; 7 Fairhurst Drive, Parbold, wiGAn, Lancs WN8 7DJ ZIEGLER, A. P.; Titcombs, Sheep Street, BURFORD OX8 4LT ZISWILER, Prof. Dr V.; Zoological Museum of the University of Zurich, Kunstlergasse 16, CH 8006, zuricn, Switzerland ZONFRILLO, B.; 28 Brodie Road, GLascow G21 3SB XV LIST OF AUTHORS AND CONTENTS ARDSEUNGNURN, SURAPOL. See PARISH, DUNCAN ASH, J. S., PEARSON, D. J.,. NIKOLAUS, G. & COLSTON, P. R. The man- grove reed warblers of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden coasts, with descriptions of a new subspecies of the African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus........ 36 BATES, J. M., GARVIN, MARY C., SCHMITT, DONNA C. & SCHMITT, C. G. Notes on bird distribution in northeastern Dpto. Santa Cruz, Bolivia, withyll5'speciesinew,to;Boliviat ashovl., MOL. 4E SP Oe TED eet 236 BOLES, W. E. A new subspecies of the Green-backed Robin Pachycephalopsis hattamensis, comprising the first record for Papua New Guinea ............. 119 BOOKS RECEIVED i552 0. 62 cho REO Res BO a eR aE 59, 123,184,245 CALDERON, J. See GONZALES, L. M. CARSTAIRS, D_N. The status of the Rufous-chested Dotterel Zonibyx modestus in the! Falkland Islands)... oie oe eee wig wader e oie oel oe ARES SENSES eae Ale 2G OR ES 166 CHAPPUIS, C., ERARD, C. & MOREL, G. J. Type specimens of Prinia subflava (Gmelin) ‘and: Priniafluviatilis:Chappuis irs 2. shee Sa ee GR es. Oe LA 108 CHEKE, ROBERT A. & WALSH, J. FRANK. Westward range extension into Togo of the Adamawa Turtle Dove Streptopelia hypopyrrha.............04. 47 CLANCEY, P. A. The status of Anthus caffer mzimbaensis Benson, 1955.......... 43 — The status of (Cursorius temminckii) damarensis Reichenow, 1901........... 51 — Subspeciation in the Larklike Bunting of the southwestern Afrotropics....... 130 — The southern isolate of Parus rufiventris pallidiventris Reichenow, 1885 ...... 134 —— The status of Streptopelia capensis onguati Macdonald, 1957................ 225 — Subspeciation in the Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius in the South West Arid Zone of Africa....... fackiians:|-ethmosade wauees etseniineaer neonate 228 CLUB NOTES Report of the Committee for 1988 and Annual General Meeting Agenda........ 1 AnnualG eneraliiVicetin ges sept ocioae eacie oie te eta eerie Reo Ce Re eee 61 INFeetIn age PORts). sac eee eke eae ee a 1, 63-64, 125, 185 COLSTON, P. R. See ASH, J.S. DAVIS, S. E. Migration of the Mississippi Kite Ictinia mississippiensis in Bolivia with.commentsion Ictinia plumbea’. 1...) jacinta Se BOR ae ed Baa 149 DEAN, W. R. J. A review of the genera Callandrella, Spizocorys & Eremelauda (Alaudidae),o4anar@-:,. REA Fe A AOS, So ASO 95 DELIBES, M. See GONZALES, L. M. DICKERMAN, R. W. Notes on Sturnella magna in South America with a descrip- tionjof anew,subspecies!.... 222.22 seme. teh chases Pelee Sek Beaute Ye 160 — Notes on the Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis (Alcedo) cristata............ 158 DOWSETT, R. J. The nomenclature of some African barbets of the genus DS ATT ITA SO ROAD COORG AOE ICI IC ERE EP sues Hick. B kat ois ial ene 180 ERARD, C. See CHAPPUIS, C. FEARE, C. J. & MUNGROO, Y. Notes on the House Crow Corvus splendens in Mauritius}: obaaces see bee wae selene: byradtnie dt moan me ach. SE 199 FISHER, CLEM. The discovery of new Australian species by John Gilbert, 1838- Io a eae eS Cres CCT Gah Ie Uc Pe THIS Ce Glacois W ck eo oI Beas BG 64 FRITH, C. B.& HARRISON, C. J. O. An undescribed plumage of the Crested Bird of Paradise Cnemophilus macgregorit. .4.Geh ask Aan ea. TE. ek 137 GARVIN, MARY C. See BATES, J. M. GONZALES, L. M., HIRALDO, F., DELIBES, M. & CALDERON, J. Zoogeo- graphic support for the Spanish Imperial Eagle as a distinct species.......... 86 GONZALES, P.C.& KENNEDY, R. S. Notes on Philippine Birds, 14. Additional records ior theisland of Balawan saris ase ER ae ees 126 GONZALES, P. C. Se GOODMAN, STEVEN M. GOODMAN, STEVEN M. & GONZALES, PEDRO C. Notes on Philippine Birds, 12[=13]. Seven species new to Catanduanes Island ................. 48 HARRISON, C.J. O. See FRITH, C. B. HAZEVOET, C. J. Notes on behaviour and breeding of the Razo Lark Alaudarozea 82 — Wing clapping display of Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti .............. 181 HIGUCHI, H. See KAWAJI, N. HIRALDO, F. See GONZALES, L. M. Xvi HOLYOAK, D. T. & SEDDON, M. B. Distributional Notes on the birds of Burkinallasoviecasse coke che selcca tiers wc iorn orators keoneiere ae ee Cee HORI, H. See KAWAJI, N. IN BRIEF CLANCEY,P. A. The gender of the genus Batis Boie, 1933 ....... WALTERS, J. Dwarf eggs in the Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus JACKSON, H. D. Weights of birds collected in the Mutare Municipal Area, Zimbabwe hy eset ek Me awh eha acre ee evck na taketh ans yi ee oA ane a enn KAWAJI, N., HIGUCHI, H. & HORI, H. A new breeding record of the Izu Island Thrush Turdus celaenops from the Tokara Islands, southwest Japan ......... KENNEDY, R.S. See GONZALES, P. C. KIFF, LLOYD F., MANUEL MARIN A., SIBLEY, FRED C., MATHEWS, JUAN CARLO & SCHMITT, N. JOHN. Notes on the nests and eggs of some Ecuadorian birds ingen yee RSET! RETA eRe GEN a ae KIFF, L. F. See MARIN A, M. KING, BEN. The avian genera Testa and Urosphena .........00 00 ccceeenes KING, J. R. Notes on the birds of the Rio Mazan Valley, Azuay Province, Ecuador with special reference to Leptosittaca branickii, Hapalopsittaca amazonina pyrrhopsiand Metallura baront.). 225... be See oee oe 6 aisle Gia GEES Ee LOUETTE, M. Additions and corrections to the avifauna of Zaire (4) ........... LOUSADA, S. Amazona auropalliata caribaea; a new subspecies of parrot from the Baylslands#Northernt Honduras). <2.469 5 Al. a) (ene Se RL ee LUIGI, G. See TEIXEIRA, D. M. MARIN A, M., KIFF, L. F. & PENA G, L. Notes on Chilean birds, with descrip- tions of two new: SUbspecses}. 0.) ALU yiy AA). ge) LOS Me OB MARTIN, ROBERT F. See WENDELKEN, PETER W. MASSA, B. Comments on Passer italiae (Vieillot 1817) .......... 000. eee ee MATHEWS, JUAN CARLO, See KIFF, LLOYD F. MLIKOVSKY, JIRI. Note on the osteology and taxonomic position of Salvadori’s Duck Salvadorina waigiuensis (Aves: Anseridae [Anatidae]) ................ MONROE, B. L. Jr. The correct name of the Terek Sandpiper ................. MOREL, GERARD J. Paradoxical Sahel; rich wetlands surrounded with arid bush SEEPPE YE ee ten Miayalae Woae ud Ninel ca aa ne Rim dealt allt ze OGLE SAS eR BER MOREL, G. J. See CHAPPUIS, C. MUNGROO, Y. See FEARE, C. J. NACINOVIC, J. B. See TETXEIRA, D. M. NIKOLAUS, G. See ASH, J. 5S. OLSON, S. L. Notes on some Hawaiian birds from Cook’s third voyage.......... PARISH, DUNCAN & ARDSEUNGNURN, SURAPOL. Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monorhis, a species new for Thailand .................. PARISH, D. & PRENTICE, C. Chestnut-cheeked Starling Sturnus philippensis; a first record for mainland South-East Asia.......... 00.0 cece cece eee eee PAYNE, R. B. Commentary on the Melba Finches Pytilia melba of Djibouti and the _ requirement of a specimen for taxonomic description. ..............0.0005- PENA G. L. See MARIN A, M. PRENTICE, C. See PARISH, D. RINKE, D. The relationships and taxonomy of the Fijian parrot genus Prosopeza . . RYAN, P. G. Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor and new records of seabirds from Tristan da Cunha and Gough Islands ............0.. 0.000000 eee eee SCHMITT, C. G. See BATES, J. M. SCHMITT, DONNA C. See BATES, J. M. SCHMITT, N. JOHN. See KIFF, LLOYD F. SEDDON, M. B. See HOLYOAK, D. T. SIBLEY, FRED C. See KIFF, LLOYD F. SMITH, P. W. & SMITH, S. A. The Bahama Swallow Tachycineta cyanoviridis; a Summarys te B RS PUIG CUS, 25) BOTW Se RS BeNOR E IS Eh ee eet SMITH, S. A. See SMITH, P. W. STRONACH, N. Notes on the ecology and nesting of the Spangled Kookaburra Dacelotyro in'Southern New Guineaiese sO ioe Oe eM ee ee Dee, SUTER, WERNER. Feeding ecology of Cormorants wintering in Switzerland.... TEIXEIRA, D. M., NACINOVIC, J. B. & LUIGI, G. Notes on some birds of northeastern Brazil: (4) Merk GOs 2G Ge 2G a AAT TOS kee ee TYE, ALAN. The systematic position of the Buff-streaked Chat (Oenanthe/Saxicola DUfASctatayi. So ey Ula deel GUS) ANE CALE lat! tas UD oh Ua eR WALSH, J. FRANK See CHEKE, ROBERT A. 205 122 122 100 185 147 170 115 125 152 53 XV WENDELKEN, PETER W. & MARTIN, ROBERT F. Recent data on the distri- butioniofibirdsiniGuatemalai2ie isu.) \) ue Ni ait Salone via cabana RUN. 31 WILSON, J. D. Range extensions of some bird species of Cameroon............. 110 WOOD, BRIAN. Biometrics, iris and bill colouration, and moult of Somali forest DUT SPS Sys oo ays enc oi SN A hg en i a kk 11 XVill INDEX TO SCIENTIFIC NAMES (Compiled by J. H. Elgood) All generic and specific names (of birds only) are indexed. New subspecific names are indexed in bold print under generic, specific and subspecific names. Other subspecies of special interest are also included. Birds listed in the appendix to the paper of ¥. M. Bates et al. (pp. 240—244 ) are not included in this index. abdimii, Ciconia 101 aberrans, Cisticola 104 abingoni, Campethera 13, 102 abunda, Streptopelia 226 abyssinica, Coracias 211 — , Hirundo 212 abyssinicus, Bucorvus 6 — ,Turtur 210 acanthizoides, Cettia 164 Accipiter badius 13, 15, 101, 209 — minullus 13, 15,101 — ovampensis 101, 110 — striatus 33, 146 — soloensis 127 — tachiro 13,101 Acestrura mulsant 146 Acrocephalus agricola 38 — baeticatus 36-40, 42 Acrocephalus baeticatus avicennae subsp. nov. 38-40 Acrocephalus cinnamomeus 37-40 — dumetorum 37, 38, 40 — palustris 103 — _ scirpaceus 36, 37, 40 Actitis hypoleucos 210 — macularia 146 Actophilornis africana 209 acuminatus, Calidris 128 acuta, Anas 8 acuticaudata, Aratinga 154 acutirostris, Calandrella 96, 97, 99 adalberti, Aquila 86—91 adansonii, Coturnix 101 Adelomyia melanogenys 146 adsimilis, Dicrurus 103, 216 adusta, Muscicapa 104, 214 aequatorialis, Apus 102 aeruginosus, Circus 209 aethiopicus, Laniarius 104 — _, Threskiornis 7 afer, Euplectes 214 — , Nilaus 104, 213, 219 — _, Ptilostomus 216 — ,Sphenoeacus 103 affinis, Apus 102, 211 afra, Pytilia 105 africana, Actophilornis 209 — ,Miurafra 102, 182, 183 africanus, Bubo 102 — , Buphagus 215 — __, Phalacrocorax 7, 208 Agapornis roseicollis 189 Agelaius phoeniceus 35 Aglaeactis cupripennis 146 agricola, Acrocephalus 38 Agriornis microptera 76 — montana 146 Aix sponsa 173 Alaemon 183 Alauda 82, 83, 96, 183 Alauda arvensis 83 — gulgula 82 — razae 82, 83 alba, Motacilla 8 — ,Tyto 211 albicapilla, Cossypha 112 albicollis, Corvus 103 — ,Merops 5 — ,Scelorchilus 76 albifrons, Amblyospiza 104 albigularis, Hirundo 112 — ,Sclerurus 28 albilinea, Tachycineta 34 albinucha, Xenopsaris 156 albirostris, Bubalornis 215 albiventris, Halcyon 13, 16, 101 albogularis, Francolinus 209 albonotatus, Buteo 33 — ,Trochocercus 104 alboterminatus, Tockus 102 albus, Casmerodius 32 — ,Corvus 103, 216 Alcedo cristata 102, 158 Alisterus 186, 187, 188 Alisterus amboinensis 188 alleni, Porphyrio 209 — ,Porphyrula 101 alopex, Falco 111, 209 alpina, Muscisaxicola 146 amabilis, Charmosyna 193 Amazilia violiceps 31, 34 Amazona auropalliata 233—235 Amazona auropalliata caribaea subsp. nov. 233 amazonina, Hapalopsittaca 142-143, 146 Amblyospiza albifrons 104 amboinensis, Alisterus 188 americana, Parula 35 amethystina, Nectarinia 13, 104, 221-223 Ampelion rubrocristatus 146 Anairetes parulus 77, 146 — reguloides 77 analis, Catamenia 146 Anaplectes rubriceps 105 X1X Anas acuta 8 arnaudi, Pseudonigrita 228 — flavirostris 143, 146 arvensis, Alauda 83 — georgica 143 Asio flammeus 128 — querquedula 8 Asthenes flammulatus 146 — smithii 100 Asthenes humicola goodalli subsp. nov. Anastomus lamelligerus 101 74,75 andicola, Leptasthenura 146 — humicola 74, 75 Andigena hypoglauca 145, 146 — polysticta 74, 75 Andropadus importunus 13, 17, 103 astrild, Estrilda 105 — milanjensis 103 aterrimus, Phoeniculus 212 angolensis, Uraeginthus 105 Atlapetes rufinucha 146 angulata, Gallinula 101, 209 — torquatus 146 Anhinga melanogaster 103 atra, Pyriglena 155 — rufa7 atricapilla, Sylvia 6 Anisognathus igniventris 146 atriceps, Phrygilus 78, 80 Anthracothorax prevostii 33 — __, Phalacrocorax 69 Anthreptes collaris 13, 19, 104 Atrichornis clamosus 65 — platurus 214 atrocaudata, Terpsiphone 129 Anthus bogotensis 146 atrogularis, Prosopeia 186, 187, 188 — cafter 43-47 audeberti, Pachycoccyx 218 — campestris 6 auguralis, Buteo 209 — lineiventris 104 aura, Cathartes 146 — mzimbaensis 43-46 auratus, Oriolus 103, 216 — similis 104 auritus, Nettapus 208 — trivialis 104 auropalliata carabaea, Amazona subsp. — vaalensis 104 nov. 232-235 Anthoscopus caroli 103 australis, Hyliota 103 Apalis chirindensis 103 — ,Tchagra 104 — flavida 103 Automolus 155 — jacksoni 220 Automolus ochrolaemus 28 — melanocephala 13 Aviceda cuculoides 101 — thoracica 103 avicenniae, Acrocephalus baeticatus Apaloderma narina 13, 15 subsp. nov. 38-40 apiaster, Merops 211 avosetta, Recurvirostra 210 apiata, Mirafra 182 azarae, Synallaxis 146 apivorus, Pernis 208 azureocapilla, Myiagara 193 Aplopelia larvata 102 Aprosmictus 187, 188 badius, Accipter 13, 15, 101, 209 Apus aequatorialis 102 baeticatus avicenniae, Acrocephalus — affinis 102, 211 subsp. nov. 38-40, 42 — caffer 211 bairdi, Oreomystis 202 Aprosmictus jonquillaceus 188 bairdii, Calidris 146 aquatica, Muscicapa 214 barbarus, Laniarius 212 Aquila adalberti 86-91 barbatus, Pycnonotus 103, 212 — fulvus 89 baroni, Metallura 143, 144, 146 — heliaca 86-90 Basileuterus coronatus 146 — imperialis 87-89 — culicivorus 154 — melanaetus 87 — nigrocristatus 146 — rapax 110 batesi, Caprimulgus 219 — verreauxii 101 Batis 122 Ara 187 Batis capensis 104, 122 Aramides mangle 153 — molitor 104 Aratinga acuticaudata 154 — minima 122 arborea, Lulula 85 — minor 122 Ardea cinerea 208 — occulta 122 — herodias 32 — poensis 122 — melanocephala 208 — senegalensis 122, 214 — purpurea 208 bengalus, Uraeginthus 215 ardens, Euplectes 105 benghalensis, Rostratula 101 Ardeola ralloides 7, 208 biarmicus, Falco 209 ardosiaceus, Falco 217, 218 bicalcaratus, Francolinus 209 aridus, Cursorius temminckii subsp. _ bicolor, Ploceus 13, 19, 20 nov. 52 — ,Spermestes 105 armata, Merganetta 146 — , Tachycineta 34, 171, 176 XX bifasciata, Oenanthe 53, 55 Calidris ferruginea 120 — ,Saxicola 53, 55,58 — fuscicollis 148, 168 bilineatus, Pogoniulus 102 — minuta 138 blanchoti, Malaconotus 104, 213 — temminckii 127 boehmi, Sarothrura 101 Callichelidon 170 bogotensis, Anthus 146 calva, Treron 102 boissonneautii, Pseudocolaptes 146 Camaroptera brachyura 13, 17, 20, 103 bonariensis, Molothrus 78, 79 — _brevicaudata 213 bonelli, Phylloscopus 6 — lopesi113 borealis, Contopus 34 — stierlingi 103 borin, Sylvia 103 camelus, Struthio 6 Bostrychia hagedash 208 Campephaga flava 102 bottae, Oenanthe 213 campestris, Anthus 6 brachydactyla, Calandrella 96, 97, 98 Campethera abingoni 13, 102 brachyura, Camaroptera 13, 17, 20, 103 — punctuligera 212 — ,Sylvietta 213 Campylopterus falcatus 146 Bradornis pallidus 213, 214 canorus, Cuculus 6 Bradypterus 162, 163 cantans, Cisticola 103, 213 branickii, Leptosittaca 140-142, 146 canutus, Calidris 106 brasilianum, Glaucidium 33, 69-71, 72 capense, Glaucidium 13, 15 brevicaudata, Camaroptera 213 capensis, Batis 104, 122 brunnifrons, Cettia 164 — _, Burhinus 104, 122 Bubalornis albirostris 215 — ,Emberiza 105 Bubo africanus 102 — ,Euplectes 105 — virginianus 146 — , Muscicapa 122 Bubulcus ibis 208 — ,Oena 210 Bucco leucomelas 181 — ,Smithornis 102 Bucorvus abyssinicus 6 — ,Tyto128 Buphagus africanus 215 — _, Zonotrichia 146 Burhinus capensis 210 capicola, Streptoplia 225—227 — senegalensis 210 Caprimulgus batesi 219 Butastur rufipennis 209 — climacurus 211 Buteo albonotatus 33 — europaeus 102 — auguralis 209 — fossii 102 — poecilochrous 29 — longirostris 26, 71, 46 — polyosoma 146 — _ pectoralis 102 Butorides striatus 208 — tristigma 102 caprius, Chrysococcyx 102 cabanisi, Emberiza 105 carbo, Phalacrocorax 101, 125 — , pseudonigrita 228 caribaea, Amazona auropalliata subsp. caerulea, Egretta 33 nov. 232 caerulescens, Estrilda 114, 215 caroli, Anthoscopus 103 — ,Muscicapa 13, 104 carunculata, Foulehaio 193 caeruleus, Elanus 33, 40, 208 carunculatus, Phalcobaenus 146 caffer, Anthus 43, 47 Casmerodius albus 32 — ,Apus 211 castaneocoronata, Tesia 164, 165 caffra, Cossypha 103 Catamblyrynchus diadema 146 Calandrella 82, 95, 96, 97, 98 Catamenia amalis 146 Calandrella acutirostris 96, 97, 99 — homochroa 146 — _brachydactyla 96, 97, 98 — inornata 146 — cinerea 96, 97,99 Cathartes aura 146 — conirostris 96, 97 caudatus, Lamprotornis 215 — dunni 96, 97 celaenops, Turdus 93—95 — fringillaris 96, 97 Celeus torquatus 154 — obbiensis 96, 97 Centropus grillii 211 — personata 96, 97 — _ senegalensis 102, 211 — raytal 96, 97, 99 — _ superciliosus 102 — rufescens 83, 85, 96, 97, 99 Ceryle rudis 211 — _ somalica 96, 97, 99 Cercomela 53, 58 — starki 96, 97 Cercomela familiaris 103 Calidris 106 Cercotrichas galactotes 213 — acuminatus 128 — quadrivirgata 13, 17, 20 — _ bairdii 146 Certhia coccinea 203-204 — canutus 106 — pacifica 204 XXI Certhilauda 182 cinnamomea, Pyrrhomyias 146 Ceryle rudis 211 cinnamomeus, Acrocephalus 37-40 cetti, Cettia 164 cinnamomeiventris, Thamnolaea 103 Cettia 162—166 Cinnyricinclus leucogaster 104, 215 Cettia acanthizoides 164 Circaetus gallicus 209 — brunnifrons 164 Circus aeruginosus 209 — cetti 164 — cinereus 68 — diphone 164 Ciridops 204 — flavolivacea 164 Cisticola aberrans 104 — fortipes 164 — cantans 103, 213 — major 164 — chiniana 103 — pallidipes 164, 168 — erythrops 104 — vulcania 164 — fulvicapilla 104 Chalcopsitta 197 — galactotes 213 chalcopterus, Cursorius 5, 210 — juncidis 213 — _, Rhinoptilus 101 — lais 103 chalcospilos, Turtur 13, 15, 102 — natalensis 104, 213 Chalcostigma stanleyi 146 — rufa213 chalcurus, Lamprotornis 216 Cistothorus platensis 146 chalybeata, Vidua 215 clamosus, Atrichornis 65 chalybeus, Lamprotornis 216 Climacteris picumnus 65 chapmani, Oceanodroma 9, 10 climacurus, Caprimulgus 211 Charadrius falklandicus 168 Cnemophilus 138 — hiaticula 126, 127 Cnemophilus macgregorii 137-139 — pecuarius 100 coccinea, Certhia 203-204 — tricollaris 101 — _, Vestiaria 202—203 Charmosyna 187 Coeligena iris 144, 146 Charmosyna amabilis 193 coerulescens, Saltator 35 Chasiempis sandwichensis 202 Colibri coruscans 27, 72, 146 chelicuti, Halcyon 102, 211 Colius indicus 102 Chersomanes 183 — striatus 102 Chersophilus 182, 183 collaris, Anthreptes 13, 19, 104 Chersophilus duponti 181-183 — , Lanius 104 chimachima, Milvago 144, 146 collurio, Lanius 104 chinensis, Streptopelia 49 collybita, Phylloscopus 6 chiniana, Cisticola 103 Colorhamphus parvirostris 77 chirindensis, Apalis 103 Columba fasciata 111 Chlidonias leucopterus 102 — guinea 210 Chloebia gouldiae 65 — livia 210 chloris, Halcyon 193 — unicincta 111 — ,Nicator 13,17 — vitiensis 128 Chlorocichla flaviventris 13, 103 columbarius, Falco 146 chlororhynchos, Diomedea 153 communis, Sylvia 6 Chordeiles minor 147, 148 conirostris, Calandrella 96, 97 Chrysococcyx caprius 102 — _, Spizocorys 97, 99 — klaas 102 Conirostrum cinereum 146 chrysoconus, Pogoniulus 102, 212 — sitticolor 146 Chrysoenas 188 Contopus borealis 34 chrysolaus, Turdus 95 Coracias abyssinica 211 chrysopeplus, Pheucticus 146 — garrulus 102 Chubbia jamesoni 146 — naevia 102, 211 Ciccaba woodfordi 13 Coracopsis 186 Ciconia abdimii 101 cornutus, Eunymphicus 187, 194 — ciconia7 coronatus, Basileuterus 146 Cinclodes fuscus 146 coruscans, Colibri 27, 72, 146 Cinclus leucocphalus 146 corvina, Corvinella 212 cinerea, Ardea 208 Corvinella corvina 212 — ,Calandrella 96, 97,99 Corvus albicollis 103 — ,Scolopax 106 — albus 103, 216 — _, Serpophaga 146 — _ splendens 199-200 — , lringa 106 Corythornis cristata 158-159, 211 cinereum, Conirostrum 146 Corythornis cristata stuartkeithi subsp. cinereus, Circus 68 nov. 159 — ,Xenus 106 Cossypha albicapilla 112 Cossypha caffra 103 heuglini 13, 17, 103 humeralis 103 natalensis 13, 20, 103 niveicapilla 213 roberti 112 Cossypha spp. 101 Coturnix adansonii 101 coturnix 6 delegorguei 101 Crex egregia 101 Crinifer piscator 210 cristata, Alcedo 102 cristata stuartkeithi, Corythornis subsp. nov. 158-159, 211 Cryptospiza reichenovii 105 cryptoxanthus, Myiophobus 29 cubla, Dryoscopus 13, 18, 104 cucculata, Lonchura 215 cucullatus, Ploceus 105, 214 , Spermestes 105 cuculoides, Aviceda 101 Cuculus canorus 6 gularis 102, 211 solitarius 102 culicivorus, Basileuterus 154 cupripennis, Agleactis 146 Cursorius chalcopterus 5, 210 damarensis 51—52 temminckii 5, 51-52, 210 Cursorius temminckii aridus subsp. nov. 52 cyanea, Diglossa 146 cyaneoviridis, Tachycineta 170-180 cyaniventer, Tesia 164, 165 cyanoleuca, Notiochelidon 146 Cyanolyca turcosa 146 cyanomelas, Trochocercus 13, 18 cyanopterus, Pterophanes 146 Cyanoramphus 186, 187, 188, 194 Cyornis herioti 50 Cypseloides rutilus 26, 27 Cypsiurus parvus 102, 211 Dacelo gaudichaud 116 leachii 116 tyro 115-117 damarensis, Cursorius 51—52 , Streptopelia 225-227 dauma, Zoothera 50 delegorguei, Coturnix 101 Delichon urbica 102, 212 Dendrocygna viduata 208 Dendroica striata 106 Dendronanthus indicus 129 Dendropicos goertae 212 denhami, Otis 5 , Neotis 209 dentata, Petronia 215 deserti, Oenanthe 54, 55 diadema, Catamblyrynchus 146 dickinsoni, Falco 217, 218 Dicrurus adsimilis 103, 216 ludwigii 13, 17 XXil Diglossa cyanea 146 humeralis 146 sittoides 146 Diomedea chlororhynchos 153 diphone, Cettia 164 dissimilis, Turdus 95 Dives, dives 35 domesticus, Passer 104, 196-198 Drepanis pacifica 204 Drymocichla superciliosa 109 Drymophila ferruginea 155 squamata 155 Dryoscopus cubla 13, 18, 104 gambensis 212 dubius, Lybius 212 Dubusia taeniata 146 dumetaria, Upucerthia 73 dumetorum, Acrocephalus 37, 38, 40 dunni, Calandrella 96, 97 , Eremalauda 97, 100 duponti, Chersophilus 181-183 ecaudatus, Terathopius 209 Eclectus 187 edolioides, Melaenornis 214 egregia, Crex 101 Egretta caerulea 33 garzetta 208 thula 33, 67 Elanoides forficatus 146 Elanus caeruleus 33, 49, 208 elegans, Platycercus 187 Emberiza cabanisi 105 capensis 108 flaviventris 105, 214 forbesi 214 hortulana 6 impetuana 130-134 Emberiza impetuana eremica subsp. nov. 133 Emberiza tahapisi 105, 214 Ensifera ensifera 146 Eos 187 epops, Upupa 6, 212 Eranornis longicauda 214 Eremalauda 95, 96, 97, 98 Eremalauda dunni 97, 98, 100 starki 97, 98, 100 eremica, Emberiza impetuana subsp. nov. 132-134 Eremomela 5 Eremomela icteropygialis 103, 113 pusilla 213 scotops 103 Eremopterix leucotis 5, 212 Eriocnemis luciani 146 vestitus 146 Erythrocercus holochlorus 13, 18 erythrops, Cisticola 104 Quelea 215 erythroptera, Heliolais 104, 113 Erythropygia leucophrys 103 quadrivirgata 103 erythropygius, Myiotheretes 146 erythrorhynchus, Tockus 212 Estrilda astrild 105 — caerulescens 114, 215 — perreini 105 — quartinia 105 — troglodytes 215 euchrysea, Kalochelidon 176 — , Tachycineta 176 Eumomota superciliosa 34 Eunymphicus 187, 888, 194 Eunymphicus cornutus 187, 194 — euveaensis 194 Euphonia minuta 35 Euplectes afer 214 — ardens 105 — capensis 105 — franciscanus 215 — hordaceus 105, 215 — orix 105 Eupodotis ruficrista 209 europaeus, Caprimulgus 102 Eurystomus glaucurus 212 euryzonoides, Rallina 49 euveaensis, Eunymphicus 194 everetti, Tesia 164, 165 exilis, Laterallus 153 exustus, Pterocles 5 falcatus, Campylopterus 146 falcirostris, Xiphocolaptes 154 Falco alopex 111, 209 — ardosiaceus 217, 218 — biarmicus 209 — columbarius 146 — dickinsoni 217, 218 — imperialis 88 — naumanni111 — peregrinus 144, 146 — sparverius 146 tinnunculus 101, 209, 218 falllandicus, Charadrius 168 familiaris, Cercomela 103 famosa, INectarinia 104 fasciata, Columba 141, 146 fasciata harrisoni, Geositta subsp. nov. 73, 74 fasciata, Rallina 127 fasciatus, Laterallus 153 — ,Myiophobus 29, 77 ferruginea, Calidris 128 — ,Drymophila 155 ferrugineus, Laniarius 13, 101 flammeus, Asio 128 flammulata, Asthenes 146 flammulatus, Thripadectes 146 flava, Campephaga 102 — ,Motacilla 8, 212 flavibuccale, Tricholaema 181 flavida, Apalis 103 flavipunctata, Tricholaema 180 flavirostris, Anas 143, 146 flaviventris, Chlorocichla 13, 103 — ,Emberiza 105, 214 flavolivacea, Cettia 164 XXHll flavostriatus, Phyllastrephus 103 fluviatilis, Prinia 108-109 forbesi, Emberiza 214 forficatus, Elanoides 146 formicivora, Myrmecocichla 53 fortipes, Cettia 164 fossii, Caprimulgus 102 Foulehaio 193 Foulehaio carunculatus 193 — provocator 193 franciscanus, Euplectes 215 — _, Xiphocolaptes 154 Francolinus albogularis 209 — bicalcaratus 209 fraseri, Oreomanes 145, 146 fremantlii, Pseudalaemon 82 fringillaris, Calandrella 96, 97 — ,Spizocorys 97, 99 fringilloides, Spermestes 105 frontalis, Ochthoeca 146 — ,Sporopipes 215 fuliginosa, Nectarinia 221—224 fulvicapilla, Cisticola 104 fulvus, Aquila 89 fumicolor, Ochthoeca 28, 29, 146 fumigatus, Myiotheretes 146 fuscater, Turdus 30, 146 fuscicollis, Calidris 148, 168 fuscus, Cinclodes 146 gabar, Micronisus 209, 217 gaimardi, Phalacrocorax 69 galactotes, Cercotrichas 213 Galerida 82, 183 Galerida cristata 85 — modesta 212 gallicus, Circaetus 209 Gallinago media 101 Gallinula angulata 101, 209 gambagae, Muscicapa 214 gambensis, Dryoscopus 212 garrulus, Coracias 102 garzetta, Egretta 208 gayi, Phrygilus 78, 80, 81 georgica, Anas 143 Geositta fasciata harrisoni subsp. nov. 73, 74 Geositta rufipennis 73 Geotrygon saphirina 26 Geranoaetus melanoleucus 146 gigas, Patagona 144, 146 Glaucidium 71 Glaucidium brasilianum 33, 69-71, 72 — capense 13,15 — jardinii 146 — nanum 69-71, 72 — perlatum 211 glaucurus, Eurystomus 212 goertae, Dendropicos 212 goodalli, Asthenes humicola subsp. nov. 74,75 gouldiae, Chloebia 105 Grallaria quitensis 146 — ruficapilla 146 XXIV Grallaria rufula 146 — squamigera 146 granatinus, Uraeginthus 105 grillii, Centropus 211 griseiventris, Parus 135, 137 griseopyga, Hirundo 113 — _, Pseudohirundo 102 griseus, Passer 215 gryphus, Vultur 143, 146 guatemalensis, Sclerurus 28 guinea, Columba 210 gularis, Cuculus 102, 211 — ,Serinus 101, 105 — ,Synallaxis 146 Gymnomyza viridis 193 hagedash, Bostrychia 208 Halcyon albiventris 13, 16, 102 — chelicuti 102, 211 — chloris 193 — leucocephala 102, 111, 211 — senegalensis 102, 211 — senegaloides 13 Hapalopsittaca amazonina 142-143, 146 harrisoni, Geositta fasciata subsp. nov. 73 hattamensis lecroyi, Pachycephalopsis subsp. nov. 119-121 heliaca, Aquila 86—98 Heliangelus viola 144, 146 Heliolais erythroptera 104, 113 Hemispingus superciliaris 146 — verticalis 145, 146 Helmitheros vermivorus 35 herioti, Cyornis 50 — ,Niltava 50 herodias, Ardea 32 Herpsilochmus pileatus 154 heuglini, Cossypha 13, 17, 103 hiaticula, Charadrius 126, 127 Himantopus himantopus 209 Hippolais pallida 40, 213 — polyglotta 213 hirsuta, Tricholaema 180 hirsutus, Lybius 181 hirundinacea, Sterna 69 hirundineus, Merops 102 Hirundo abyssinica 212 — albigularis 112 — _ griseopyga 112 — lucida 212 — pyrrhonota 35 — rustical1, 102, 212 — semirufa 212 — senegalensis 212 hispaniolensis, Passer 196-198 Histurgops ruficauda 228 holochlorus, Erythrocercus 13, 18 homochroa, Catamenia 146 — Oceanodroma 10 hordaceus, Euplectes 105, 215 hortulana, Emberiza 6 humeralis, Cossypha 103 — , Diglossa 146 humicola goodalli, Asthenes subsp. nov. 74, 75 humicola, Thripophaga 75 Hyliota australis 103 — violacea 113 Hylophilus poicilotis 154 Hypargos niveoguttatus 105 hypoglauca, Andigena 145, 146 hypoleucos, Actitis 210 hypophyrrha, Streptopelia 47-48 ibadanensis, Malimbus 125 ibis, Bubulcus 208 Ibis ibis 7 icteropygialis, Eremomela 103, 113 Ictinia mississippiensis 149-151 — _plumbea 149-151 Ictinia spp 150-151 igniventris, Anisognathus 146 imperialis, Aquila 87-89 — , Falco 88 impetuana eremica, Emberiza subsp. nov. 130-134 importunus, Andropadus 13, 17, 103 Indicator indicator 102, 212 — minor 102 — variegatus 13, 16, 20, 102 indicus, Colius 102 — _, Dendronanthus 129 inerme, Ornithion 156 inornata, Catamenia 146 — _, Pachycephala 65 iris, Coeligena 144, 146 Ispidina picta 13, 16, 102 italiae, Passer 196-198 Ixobrychus minutus 208 — sinensis 49 jacksoni, Apalis 220 jacobinus, Oxylophus 210 jacosus, Pycnonotus 200 jamaicensis, Oxyura 146 jamesoni, Chubbia 146 jardineii, Turdoides 103 jardinii, Glaucidium 146 juncidis, Cisticola 213 Jynx torquilla 6 Kalochelidon euchrysea 176 Kaupifalco monogrammica 101 kilimensis, Nectarinia 104 klass, Chrysococcyx 102 Knipolegus nigerrimus 156 koroensis, Prosopeia 187, 191 krameri, Psittacula 5, 210 lacrymosa, Tricholaema 187 Lafresnaya lafresnayi 144, 146 lafresnayi, Lafresnaya 144, 146 Lagonosticta rhodopareia 105 — rubricata 105 — senegala 105, 215 — vinacea 215 lais, Cisticola 103 lamelligerus, Anastomus 101 Lamprolia victoriae 188 Lamprotornis caudatus 215 chalcurus 216 chalybeus 216 purpureus 216 Laniarius aethiopicus 104 ferrugineus 104 Lanius barbarus 212 collaris 104 collurio 104 senator 6, 212 Larus maculipennis 69 ridibundus 122-123 serranus 146 larvata, Aplopelia 102 larvatus, Oriolus 103 latebricola, Scytalopus 146 Laterallus exilis 153 fasciatus 153 levraudi 153 melanophaius 153 viridis 153 layardi, Ptilinopus 193 Layardiella 186 Layardiella tabuensis 186 lecroyae, Pachycephalopsis hattamen- sis subsp. nov. 120 Leipoa ocellata 64 Leptasthenura andicola 146 Leptotila verrauxi 146 Leptosittaca branickii 140-142, 146 Lesbia nuna 146 victoriae 27, 28, 146 leucocephala, Halcyon 102, 111, 211 leucocephalus, Cinclus 146 leucogaster, Cinnyricinclus 104, 215 leucomelaina, Tricholaema 181 leucomelas, Bucco 181 , Parus 135 Leucophaeus scoresbii 69 leucophrys, Erythropygia 103 , Mecocerculus 146 , Sylvietta 220 leucopleurus, Oreotrochilus 72 leucoptera, Pyriglena 155 leucopterus, Chlidonias 102 leucopygius, Serinus 214 leucorhoa, Oceanodroma 9, 10, 147 leucotis, Eremopteryx 5, 212 , Galbalrhynchus 28 , Otis 211 levaillantii, Oxylophus 211 levraudi, Laterallus 153 libonyanus, Turdus 103 Limosa limosa 8 lineiventris, Anthus 104 livia, Columba 210 Loboparadisea 139 Loboparadisea sericea 139 Lonchura cucullata 21 longicauda, Eranornis 214 longicaudus, Stercorarius 148 longipennis, Macrodipteryx 211 XXV longirostris, Camprimulgus 26, 71, 146 lopesi, Camaroptera 113 Loria 138, 139 Loria loria 139 Lorius 187 luciani, Eriocnemis 146 lucida, Hirundo 212 ludoviciana, Piranga 35 ludwigii, Dicrurus 13, 17 Lulula arborea 85 luteola, Sicalis 35 luteolus, Ploceus 214 luteovirens, Ptilinopus 193 Lybius dubius 212 hirsutus 181 torquatus 102 vieilloti 212 Macgregorii 138 macgregorii, Cnemophilus 137-139 Macrodipteryx longipennis 211 vexillaria 102 macroura, Vidua 105, 215 macularia, Actitis 146 maculata, Muscicapa 202 , Terenura 155 maculipennis, Larus 69 magellanicus, Phalacrocorax 69 , Scytalopus 146 , Spinus 146 magna quinta, Sturnella subsp. 160-161 major, Cettia 164 Malaconotus blanchoti 104, 213 Malimbus ibadanensis 125 Malurus pulcherrimus 65 Mandingoa nitidula 105 mangle, Aramides 153 manoensis, Nectarinia 104 Margarornis squamiger 146 markhami, Oceanodroma 9 matsudairae, Oceanodroma 9 Mecocerculus leucophrys 146 stictopterus 146 media, Gallinago 101 megalotis, Otus 50 Megapodius reinwarti 65 Melaenornis edoliodes 214 pallidus 104 melanaetus, Aquila 87 melania, Oceanodroma 10 melanocephala, Apalis 13 , Ardea 208 melanocephalus, Myioborus 146 melanogaster, Anhinga 208 melanogenys, Adelomyia 146 melanoleucus, Geranoaetus 146 melanophaius, Laterallus 153 melanorhynchus, Thripadectes 28 melanotos, Sarkidiornis 208 melba, Pytilia 105, 117-119, 215 meleagris, Numida 5, 101 Melierax metabates 209 mennelli, Spermestes 105 nov. Merganetta armata 146 Merops albicollis 5 — apiaster 211 — hirundineus 102 — nubicus 211 — orientalis 211 — pusillus 102 metabates, Melierax 209 Metallura baroni 143, 144, 146 — oenocauda 143 — tyrianthina 27, 144, 146 — williami 144, 146 Mexaxenops parnaguae 154, 155 Micronisus gabar 209, 217 microptera, Agriornis 76 microrynchum, Rhamphomicron 146 migrans, Milvus 101, 209, 217 milanjensis, Andropadus 103 Milvago chimachima 144, 146 Muilvus migrans 101, 209, 217 minor, Batis 122 — _,Chordeiles 147 — __, Indicator 102 — _,Phoenicopterus 101 minullus, Accipiter 13, 15, 101 minuta, Euphonia 35 minutus, Ixobrychus 208 Mirafra 182, 183 Mirafra africana 102, 182, 183 — apiata 182 — collaris 182 — rufocinnamomea 102, 182, 212 mississippiensis, Ictinia 149-151 modesta, Galerida 212 modestus, Zonibyx 166-169 moesta, Oenanthe 54, 55 molitor, Batis 104, 122 Molothrus bonariensis 78, 79 monachus, Necrosyrtes 209 monogrammicus, Kaupifalco 101 monorchis, Oceanodroma 9, 10 montagni, Penelope 146 montana, Agriornis 146 Monticola 56 monticola, Oenanthe 54, 55, 58 morio, Onychognathus 104 Motacilla alba 8 — flava 8, 212 — striata 106 — _subflava 109 mozambicus, Serinus 105, 214 mulsant, Acestrura 146 multicolor, Petroica 193 murina, Notiochelidon 29, 146 Muscicapa adusta 104, 214 — aquatica 214 — caerulescens 13, 104 — capensis 122 — gambagae 214 — maculata 202 — .sandwichensis 202 — striata 104, 106, 214 Muscisaxicola alpina 146 Musophaga violacea 210 XxV1 Myadestes 202 Myiagra azureocapilla 193 — vanikorensis 193 Myioborus melanocephalus 146 Myiophobus cryptoxanthus 29 — fasciatus 29, 77 Myiotheretes erythropygius 146 — fumigatus 146 — striaticollis 146 Myrmecocichla 53, 56, 58 mzimbaensis, Anthus 43-46 naevia, Coracias 102, 211 namaquus, Thripias 102 nanum, Glaucidium 69-71, 72 narina, Apaloderma 13 nasutus, Tockus 212 natalensis, Cisticola 104, 213 — Cossypha 13, 20, 103 naumanni, Falco 111 nebularia, Tringa 210 Necrosyrtes monachus 209 Nectarinia amethystina 13, 104, 221-223 — famosa 104 — fuliginosa 221—223 — kilimensis 104 — manoensis 104 — olivacea 13,19, 104, 113 — pulchella 214 — senegalensis 104, 214 — talatala 104 — ursulae 114 — _venusta 104 — veroxii 13, 19 Nettapus auritus 208 Nicator chloris 13, 17 niger, Parus 103, 135, 136, 137 nigerrimus, Knipolegus 156 nigricans, Sayornis 34 nigriceps, Veniliornis 146 nigrocristatus, Basileuterus 146 Nilaus afer 104, 213, 219 Niltava herioti 50 nitidula, Mandingoa 105 niveicapilla, Cossypha 213 niveoguttatus, Hypargos 105 Notiochelidon cyanoleuca 146 — murina 29, 146 nubicus, Merops 211 Numida meleagris 5, 101 nuna, Lesbia 146 Nycticorax nycticorax 7 obbiensis, Calandrella 96, 97 — ,Spizocorys 97, 99 obscurus, Turdus 129 occipitalis, Podiceps 146 Oceanodroma chapmani 9, 10 — homochroa 10 — leucorhoa 9, 10, 147 — markhami 9 — matsudairae 9 — melania 10 — monorchis 9, 10 XXV1 Oceanodroma tristrami 9 Parula americana 35 ocellata, Leipoa 64 parulus, Anairetes 77, 146 occulta, Batis 122 Parus griseiventris 135, 137 ochrolaemus, Automolus 28 — leucomelas 135 ochropus, Tringa 127, 210 — niger 103, 135, 136, 137 Ochthoeca frontalis 146 — rufiventris 134-137 — fumicolor 28, 29, 146 Parus rufiventris stenotopicus subsp. — rufipectoralis 146 nov. 136 ocularis, Ploceus 105, 114 parvirostris, Colorhamphus 77 Oena capensis 210 parvus, Cypsiurus 102, 211 Oenanthe 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Passer domesticus 104, 196-198 Oenanthe bottae 213 — griseus 215 — deserti 54,55 — _ hispaniolensis 196-198 — moesta 54, 55 — italiae 215 — monticola 54, 55, 58 Patagona gigas 144, 146 — oenanthe 6, 213 pectoralis, Caprimulgus 102 — phillipsi 54,55 pecuarius, Charadrius 100 — xanthoprymna 54,55 Pelecanus onocrotalus 7 oenocauda, Metallura 143 pelios, Turdus 213 olivacea, Nectarinia 13, 19, 104, 113 peltata, Platysteira 13, 18 olivaceus, Telophorus 104 Penelope montagni 146 — , Turdus 103 peregrinus, Falco 144, 146 olivea, Tesia 165 perlatum, Glaucidium 211 onguabi, Streptopelia 225-227 Pernis apivorus 208 onocrotalus, Pelecanus 7 perreini, Estrilda 105 Onychognathus morio 104 personata, Calandrella 96, 97 Oreomanes fraseri 145, 146 — __, Poephila 65 Oreomystis bairdi 202 — _, Prosopeia 185, 187-194 Oreotrochilus leucopleurus 72 — _, Rhipidura 193 orientalis, Merops 211 — , Spizocorys 97, 100 — _, Psalidoprocne 102 personatus, Trogon 146 Oriolus auratus 103, 216 Petroica multicolor 193 — larvatus 103 Petronia dentata 215 — oriolus 6 — _ superciliaris 104 orix, Euplectes 105 petrosus, Ptilopachus 209 ornata, Thlypopsis 146 Phaeornis 202 Ornithion inerme 156 Phaethornis superciliosus 154 Otis denhami 5 Phalacrocorax africanus 7, 208 Otus 71 — atriceps 69 Otus leucotis 211 — carbo 101,125 — megalotis 50 — gaimardi 69 — _ senegalensis 102 — magellanicus 69 ovampensis, Accipiter 101, 110 Phalcobaenus carunculatus 146 Oxylophus jacobinus 210 Pheucticus chrysopeplus 146 — levaillantii 211 philippensis, Sturnus 107—108 Oxyura jamaicensis 146 Philitarius socius 228-232 Philitarius socius xericus subsp. nov. 231 Pachycephala inornata 65 phillipsi, Oenanthe 54, 55 Pachycephalopsis hattamensis 119, 121 Philomachus pugnax 8, 128, 210 Pachycephalopsis hattamensis le- Philydor 155 croyae subsp. nov. 120 phoeniceus, Agelaius 35 Pachycephalopsis poliosoma 120 Phoenicopterus minor 101 Pachycoccyx audeberti 218 — ruber 101 Pachyptila belcheri 147 Phoeniculus aterrimus 212 — vittata 147 — purpureus 13, 16, 212 pacifica, Certhia 204 Phoenicurus phoenicurus 6, 213 — ,Drepanis 204 Phrygilus atriceps 78, 80 pallida, Hippolais 40, 213 — gayi 78, 80, 81 pallidipes, Cettia 164, 165 — _ unicolor 146 pallidus, Bradornis 213 Phyllastrephus flavostriatus 103 — _, Melaenornis 104 — poliocephalus 113 palustris, Acrocephalus 103 — strepitans 13, 17 paradisea, Vidua 105, 215 — terrestris 103 parnaguae, Mexaxenops 154, 155 Phylloscopus bonelli 6 XXVUl Phylloscopus collybita 6 Prosopeia splendens 187—194 — sibilatrix 213 — tabuensis 185, 187-194 — trochilus 103, 213 — taviunensis 187-191, 194 Picoides villosus 176 provocator, Foulehaio 193 picta, Ispidina 13, 16, 102 Psalidoprocne orientalis 102 Piculus rivolii 146 Psephotus pulcherrimus 65 picumnus, Climacteris 65 Pseudalaemon 82, 183 pileatus, Herpsilochmus 154 Pseudalaemon fremantlii 82 Pinarornis plumosus 103 Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii 146 Pionus seniloides 146 Pseudohirundo griseopyga 102 Piranga ludoviciana 35 Pseudonigrita 228 piscator, Crinifer 210 Pseudonigrita arnaudi 228 Pitangus sulphuratus 77 — cabanisi 228 plancus, Polyborus 144 Psittacula krameri 5, 210 platensis, Cistothorus 146 Psittacus 186 platurus, Anthreptes 214 Psittrichas 186 Platycercus 187 Pterocles exustus 5 Platycercus elegans 187 — quadricinctus 210 — peltata 13,18 Pterophanes cyanopterus 146 plebejus, Turdoides 213 Ptilinopus 188 Plocepasser superciliosus 215 Ptilinopus layardi 193 Ploceus bicolor 13, 19, 20 — luteovirens 193 — cucullatus 105, 214 Ptilopachus petrosus 209 — luteolus 214 Ptilostomus afer 216 — ocularis 105, 114 pugnax, Philomachus 8, 128, 210 — velatus 214 pulchella, Nectarinia 214 — xanthops 105 pulcher, Spreo 216 plumata, Prionops 212 pulcherrimus, Malurus 65 plumatus, Prionops 104 — _,Psephotus 65 plumbea, Ictinia 149-151 purpurascens, Vidua 105 plumbeiceps, Todirostrum 136 purpurea, Ardea 208 plumosus, Pinarornis 103 purpureus, Lamprotornis 216 Podiceps occipitalis 146 — _,Phoeniculus 13, 16, 212 poecilochrous, Buteo 29 pusilla, Eremomela 213 Poephila personata 65 — ,Porzana 127 Pogoniulus bilineatus 102 pusillus, Merops 102 — chrysoconus 102, 212 Pycnonotus barbatus 103, 212 Pogonocichla stellata 103 — jacosus 200 Poicephalus 186 Pyriglena atra 155 Poicephalus senegalus 5, 210 — leucoptera 155 poicilotis, Hylophilus 154 Pyrrhomyias cinnamomea 146 poliocephalus, Phyllastrephus 113 pyrrhonota, Hirundo 35 poliosoma, Pachycephalopsis 120 Pytilia afra 105 Polyboroides typus 101, 209 — melba 105, 117-119, 215 Polyborus plancus 144 polyglotta, Hippolais 213 quadricinctus, Pterocles 20 polyosoma, Buteo 146 quadricolor, Telophorus 104 polysticta, Asthenes 75 quadrivirgata, Cercotrichas 13, 17, 20 Polytelis 188 — _,Erythropygia 103 Porphyrio alleni 209 quartinia, Estrilda 105 Porphyrula alleni 101 Quelea erythrops 215 Porzana pusilla 127 — quelea 8, 105 prevostii, Anthracothorax 33 querquedula, Anas 8 Prinia fluviatilis 108-109 quinta, Sturnella magna subsp. nov. 161 — robertsi 104 quitensis, Grallaria 146 — subflava 104, 108-109, 213 Prionops plumata 212 Rallina euryzonoides 49 — _plumatus 104 — fasciata 127 — retzii 104 ralloides, Ardeola 7, 208 Prodotiscus regulus 102 rapax, Aquila 110 Prosopeia 185-194 raytal, Calandrella 96, 97, 99 Prosopeia atrogularis 186-194 razae, Alauda 82-85 — koroensis 187-191 — ,Spizocorys 82 — personata 185, 187-194 Razocorys 82 XXIX Recurvirostra avosetta 210 Sclerurus scansor 155 reguloides, Anairetes 77 Scolopax 106 regulus, Prodotiscus 102 Scolopax cinerea 106 reichenovil, Cryptospiza 105 — terek 106 reinwarti, Megapodius 65 Scopus umbretta 110, 218 resplendens, Vanellus 146 scoresbii, Leucophaeus 69 retzii, Prionops 104 scotops, Eremomela 103 Rhamphomicron microrynchum 146 Scytalopus latebricola 146 Rhinoptilus chalcopterus 101 — magellanicus 146 Rhipidura personata 193 — unicolor 146 — spilodera 193 seledon, Tangara 157 rhodopareia, Lagonosticta 105 semirufa, Hirundo 212 ridibundus, Larus 122-123 semitorquata, Streptopelia 210 Riparia riparia 8, 129, 212 senator, Lanius 6, 212 rivolii, Piculus 146 senegala, Lagonosticta 105, 215 roberti, Cossypha 112 — , Tchagra 104, 213 robertsi, Prinia 104 senegalensis, Burhinus 210 roseicollis, Agapornis 189 — ,Centropus 102, 211 Rostratula benghalensis 101 — ,Halcyon 102, 211 Rostrhamus sociabilis 33 — ,Hirundo 212 ruber, Phoenicopterus 101 — _, Nectarinia 104, 214 rubetra, Saxicola 53, 55, 213 — ,Otus 102 rubricata, Lagonosticta 105 — ,Streptopelia 111,210 rubriceps, Anaplectes 105 — ,Zosterops 104, 214 rubrocristatus, Ampelion 146 senegaloides, Halcyon 13 rudis, Ceryle 211 senegallus, Vanellus 210 rufa, Anhinga 7 senegalus, Poicephalus 5 — ,Cisticola 213 seniloides, Pionus 146 — _, Sarothrura 101 sericea, Loboparadisea 139 — _, Trichocichla 188 Serinus gularis 101, 105 rufescens, Calandrella 96, 97, 99 — leucopygius 214 — __, Sylvietta 103 — menelli 214 ruficapilla, Grallaria 146 — mozambicus 105, 214 ruficauda, Histurgops 228 — sulphuratus 101, 105 rufinucha, Atlapetes 146 Serpophaga cinerea 146 rufipectoralis, Ochthoeca 146 serranus, Larus 146 rufipennis, Butastur 209 — 'Turdus 146 — , Geositta 73, 74 sibilatrix, Phylloscopus 213 rufiventris stenotopicus, Parus subsp. Sicalis luteola 55 nov. 134-137 similis, Anthus 104 rufobrunneus, Thripadectes 28 sinensis, Ixobrychus 49 rufocinnamomea, Mirafra 102, 212 sitticolor, Conirostrum 146 rufula, Grallaria 146 sittoides, Diglossa 146 rustica, Hirundo 11, 102, 212 smithii, Anas 100 rutilus, Cypseloides 26, 27 Smithornis capensis 102 sociabilis, Rostrhamus 33 Saltator coerulescens 35 socius xericus, Philitarius subsp. nov. sandwichensis, Chasiempis 202 228 —23)2 — ,Muscicapa 202 solitaria, Tringa 146 — ,Turdus 202 solitarius, Cuculus 102 saphirina, Geotrygon 26 soloensis, Accipiter 127 Sarkidiornis melanotos 208 solstitialis, Troglodytes 146 Sarothrura boehmi 101 somalica, Calandrella 96, 97, 99 — rufai01 sparverius, Falco 146 Saxicola 53, 54 Spermestes bicolor 105 Saxicola bifasciata 53, 55,58 — cucullatus 105 — rubetra 53,55, 213 — fringilloides 105 — torquata 53,55, 103 Sphenoeacus afer 103 Sayornis nigricans 34 spilodera, Rhipidura 193 scansor, Sclerurus 155 Spinus magellanicus 146 Scelorchilus albicollis 76 Spizocorys 82, 95, 98 scirpaceus, Acrocephalus 36, 37, 40 Spizocorys conirostris 99 Sclerurus albigularis 28 — fringillaris 99 — guatemalensis 28 — obbiensis 99 Spizocorys personata 100 razae 82 sclateri 99 splendens, Corvus 199-200 , Prosopeia 187-194 sponsa, Aix 175 Sporaeginthus subflava 105 Sporopipes frontalis 215 squamifrons 101 Spreo pulcher 216 squamata, Drymophila 155 squamiceps, Urosphena 164, 165 squamifrons, Sporopipes 101 squamiger, Margarornis 146 squamigera, Grallaria 146 squamulatus, Turdoides 13, 17, 20 Stactolaema whytii 102 stagnatalis, Tringa 101 stanleyi, Chalcostigma 146 starki, Calandrella 96, 97 , Eremalauda 97, 100 steirlingi, Camaroptera 103 stellata, Pogonocichla 103 stenotopicus, Parus rufiventris subsp. nov. 136 Stercorarius longicaudus 148 Sterna hirundinacea 69 trudeaui 69 stictopterus, Mecocerculus 146 strepitans, Phyllastrephus 13, 17 Streptopelia abunda 226 capicola 225—227 chinensis 49 damarensis 225-227 hypopyrrha 47-48 onguati 225-227 semitorquata 210 senegalensis 111, 210 tropica 226, 227 turtur 8, 47 vinacea 210 Streptoprocne zonaris 146 striata, Dendroica 106 , Motacilla 106 , Muscicapa 104, 106 striaticollis, Myiotheretes 146 striatus, Accipiter 33, 146 , Butorides 208 , Colius 102 Strix woodfordii 102 Struthio camelus 6 stuartkeithi, Corythornis cristata subsp. nov. 159 Sturnella magna 160 Sturnella magna quinta subsp. nov. 161 sturninus, Sturnus 107-108 Sturnus philippensis 107-108 sturninus 107-108 subflava, Motacilla 109 , Prinia 104, 108-109, 213 , Sporaeginthus 105 subulata, Urosphena 164, 165 sulfureopectus, Telophorus 104 XXX sulphuratus, Pitangus 77 , Serinus 101, 105 superciliaris, Hemispingus 146 , Petronia 104 , Tesia 164, 165 superciliosa, Drymocichla 109 , Eumomota 34 superciliosus, Centropus 102 , Phaethornis 154 , Plocepasser 215 sylvatica, Turnix 101 Sylvia atricapilla 6 borin 103 communis 6 Sylvietta 5 Sylvietta brachyura 213 leucophrys 220 rufescens 103 whytii 103 Synallaxis azarea 146 gularis 146 tabuensis, Layardiella 186 , Prosopeia 185, 187, 194 tachiro, Accipiter 13, 101 Tachycineta albilinea 34 bicolor 34, 171, 176 cyaneoviridis 170-180 euchrysea 176 thalassina 176 taeniata, Dubusia 146 tahapisi, Emberiza 105, 214 talatala, Nectarinia 104 Tangara seledon 157 vassorii 146 taviunensis, Prosopeia 187, 191, 194 Tchagra australis 104 senegala 104, 213 tectus, Vanellus 210 Telecanthura ussheri 211 Telophorus olivaceus 104 quadricolor 104 sulfureopectus 104 zeylonus 101 temminckii aridus, Calidris subsp. nov. 127 temminckii, Cursorius 5, 51-52, 210 Terathopius ecaudatus 209 terek, Scolopax 106 Terenura maculata 155 Terpsiphone atrocaudata 129 viridis 13, 18, 104, 214 terrestris, Phyllastrephus 103 Tesia 162-166 Tesia castaneocoronata 164, 165, 166 cyaniventer 164, 165, 166 everetti 164, 165, 166 olivea 164, 165, 166 superciliaris 164, 165, 166 thalassina, Tachycineta 176 Thamnolaea 56 Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris 103 Thlypopsis ornata 146 XXX1 thoracica, Apalis 103 Turtur abyssinicus 210 Threskiornis aethiopicus 7 — alcospilos 13, 15, 102 Thripadectes flammulatus 146 — tympanistria 13, 102 — melanorhynchus 28 turtur, Streptopelia 8, 47 — rufobrunneus 28 tympanistria, Turtur 13, 102 Thripias namaquus 102 typus, Polyboroides 101, 209 Thripophaga 75 Tyranniscus uropygialis 146 Thripophaga humicola 75 tyrianthina, Metallura 27, 144, 146 thula, Egretta 33, 67 Tyto alba 211 tinnunculus, Falco 101, 209, 218 — capensis 128 Tockus alboterminatus 102 — erythrorhynchus 212 umbretta, Scopus 110, 208 — nasutus 212 unicincta, Columba 111 Todirostrum plumbeiceps 156 unicolor, Phrygilus 146 torquata, Saxicola 53, 55, 103 — ,Scytalopus 146 torquatus, Atlapetes 145 Upucerthia dumetaria 73 — ,Celeus 154 Upupa epops 6, 212 — , Lybius 102 Uraeginthus angolensis 105 torquilla, Jynx 6 — bengalus 215 Trachyphonus vaillanti 104 — granatinus 105 traylori, Anthus 3, 46 urbica, Delichon 102, 212 Treron calva 102, 210 uropygialis, Tyranniscus 146 — waalia 210 Urosphaena 162-166 Trichocichla rufa 188 ursulae, Nectarinia 114 Trichoglossus 187 Urosphena squamiceps 164, 165, 166 Tricholaema 180-181 — subulata 164, 165, 166 Tricholaema flavibuccale 181 — _whiteheadi 164, 165, 166 — flavipunctata 181 ussheri, Telecanthura 211 — hirsuta 180-181 — lachrymosa 181 vaalensis, Anthus 104 — leucomelaina 181 vaillantii, Trachyphonus 102 tricollaris, Charadrius 101 Vanellus resplendens 146 Tringa 106 — _ senegallus 210 Tringa cinerea 106, 107 — _ tectus 210 — nebularia 210 vanikorensis, Myiagra 193 — ochropus 127, 210 variegatus, Indicator 13, 20, 102 — solitaria 146 vassoril, Tangara 146 — stagnatalis 101 velatus, Ploceus 214 tristigma, Caprimulgus 102 Veniliornis nigriceps 146 tristrami, Oceanodroma 9 venusta, Nectarinia 104 trivialis, Anthus 104 vermivorus, Helmitheros 35 trochilus, Phylloscopus 103, 213 veroxil, Nectarinia 13, 19 Trochocercus albonotatus 104 verrauxi, Leptoptila 146 — cyanomelas 13, 18 verreauxii, Aquila 101 troglodytes, Estrilda 215 verticalis, Hemispingus 145, 146 Troglodytes solstitialis 146 Vestiaria coccinea 202, 203 ‘Trogon personatus 146 vestitus, Eriocnemis 146 tropica, Streptopelia 226, 227 vexillarius, Macrodipteryx 102 trudeaui, Sterna 69 victoriae, Lamprolia 188 turcosa, Cyanolyca 146 — __, Lesbia 27, 28, 146 Turdoides plebejus 213 Vidua chalybeata 215 — squamulatus 13, 17, 20 — macroura 105, 215 Turdus celaenops 93-95 — paradisea 105, 215 — chrysolaus 95 — purpurascens 105 — dissimilis 95 viduata, Dendrocygna 208 — fuscater 30, 146 vilissimus, Zimmerius 34 — libonyanus 103 villosus, Picoides 176 — olivascens 103 vinacea, Lagonosticta 215 — obscurus 129 — _,Streptopelia 210 — pelias 213 Vini 187 — sandwichensis 202 viola, Heliangelus 144, 146 — serranus 146 violacea, Hyliota 113 Turnix sylvatica 101 — _, Musophaga 210 violiceps, Amazilia 31, 34 virginianus, Bubo 146 viridis, Gymnomyza 193 — , Laterallus 153 — , Terpsiphone 13, 18, 104, 214 vitiensis, Columba 128 vittata, Pachyptila 147 Vultur gryphus 143, 146 waalia, Treron 210 whiteheadi, Urosphena 164, 165 whytil, Stactolaema 102 — , Sylvietta 103 williami, Metallura 144, 146 woodfordi, Ciccaba 13 woodfordii, Strix 102 XXXII xanthoprymna, Oenanthe 54, 55 xanthops, Ploceus 105 Xenops 155 Xenopsaris albinucha 156 Xenus cinereus 106, 107 xericus, Philitarius socius subsp. nov. 231 Xiphocolaptes falcirostris 154 — franciscanus 154 zeylonus, Telophorus 101 Zimmerius vilissimus 34 zonaris, Streptoprocne 146 Zonibyx modestus 166-169 Zonotrichia capensis 146 Zoothera dauma 50 Zosterops senegalensis 104, 214 iG) ISSN 0007-1595 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club Edited by Dr J. F. MONK tT . ee APQ 1 1990 } Pei tt ' é / a LIBRARIES Volume110 No.1 March 1990 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS Tuesday, 8 May 1990. Dr R. J. Cowie will speak on “‘The Ecology of Tits in Suburban Habitats’”’. . Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday, 24 April 1990*. Dr Cowie is Lecturer in the School of Biology, University of Wales, Cardiff. He is working on the ecology of bird populations and foraging behaviour. Tuesday, 29 May 1990. Mr J. E. Cooper, FRCVS will speak on “Birds and Diseases”’. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday, 15 May 1990*. The Chairman will give a short address at the end of dinner on the changing face of the Club 1938-1989. Mr Cooper is Veterinary Conservator and Senior Lecturer in Comparative Pathology at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He is particularly interested in diseases and pathology of non-domesticated species and has written and edited several books on avian diseases. Tuesday, 19 June 1990. Dr Margaret Carswell will speak on “‘The Uganda Atlas of Birds’’. ‘The meeting at which Dr Carswell was to have spoken had to be post- poned last year because of transport strikes. Dr Carswell has kindly agreed to give her address at this meeting. 800th Meeting of the British Ornithologists’ Club The 800th Meeting of the Club will be held in the evening of Tuesday, 10 July 1990 at Imperial College. The address will be given by the Earl of Cranbrook, PhD, “Development of Habitat and Species Protection in the European Community”’. Lord Cranbrook is Chairman of the Environmental Sub- Committee of the House of Lords on European Communities. Tuesday, 25 September 1990. Dr Michael Rands will speak on “An Island Paradise? Ornithology ._and Conservation in the Seychelles”’. Meetings are held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 at 6.15 pm for 7 pm. *It is usually possible to take acceptances up to the weekend before a meeting, but Members are asked to accept by 14 days before a meeting as the numbers attending must be notified. A plan showing Imperial College will be sent to members on request. If you accept and subsequently find you cannot attend please notify the Hon. Secretary, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 67B (tel. 0572 722788) as soon as possible. Martin Woodcock Plate 1. The Kilombero Weaver Ploceus burnieri, a male and female in breeding plumage. Painted from the holotypes and from photographs of live birds by Martin Woodcock. See page 52. "g aded 20g ‘elIaSTY ‘elassng UTY JeoU DIP yeordAy WZ 9381 d RERES ee: Oe 3 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Bulletin of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB Vol. 110 No. 1 Published: 14 March 1990 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR 1989 Meetings. Nine meetings of the Club were held in 1989 and a tenth meeting which had been arranged for July had to be cancelled at the last moment because of a transport strike. The total attendances of members and their guests during the year was 410, which (excluding meetings held jointly with the British Ornithologists’ Union) is the largest number since 1936. All the meetings were held in the Senior Common Room, Imperial College, London, with a buffet supper. The Committee welcomes views and suggestions of members for future meetings. The Club was fortunate in having a programme of eminent speakers during the year whose subjects between them covered aspects of orni- thology in all 5 continents. Amongst the speakers we were pleased to welcome Dr Algirdas Knystautas, Dr Werner Suter and Mr Ben King during their brief visits to London. The Committee met 6 times during the year and the attendance was 89°. A new projector has been purchased, as it is no longer possible to obtain spares to repair the projector presented to the Club in 1969 by Mrs B. P. Hall. Reprinting of back numbers of the Bulletin to complete the stock held by the Club is being continued. A new membership recruit- ment leaflet was produced and copies were enclosed in Jbis of July 1989. A current list of Members will be printed with the Index to Vol. 109 of the Bulletin. Deaths. It is with very deep regret that the Committee reports the deaths of H. G. Alexander, Sir Hugh Elliott, Bt., OBE (Member 1953-— 1989, Committee 1964-1967, Vice-Chairman 1968-1971, Chairman 1971-1974, Editor 1974-1975) and Dr P. G. Morris (Member 1986— 1989). Horace G. Alexander, who became a member of the Club in 1911, celebrated his 100th birthday on 8 April 1989 and a card with an illus- tration of a Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita, drawn specially and pre- sented by Martin Woodcock, had been sent to him with the Club’s good wishes. An obituary will appear in Ibis. Sir Hugh Elliott joined the Club in 1953. He was Vice-Chairman and Chairman when the Club was experiencing difficult times and, thanks to his wise direction and a great deal of work which he carried out personally, he was substantially responsible for the ensuing increasing prosperity of the Club. Among his work for the Club he undertook re-organisation of the accounts, sorted and catalogued, in very uncomfortable surround- ings, the Club’s entire stock of Bulletin back numbers, then moved them to better accommodation, dealt with orders for sales which had been BOC Annual General Meeting 4 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) building up, instigated the supplying of separates to Bulletin authors and set in train, after a gap of 27 years, the resumption of printing in the Bulletin the names of those attending meetings. An obituary will appear in Ibis. Membership. There was an increase in paid up membership of the Club in 1989. By the end of the year there were 621 members, 396 with UK addresses and 225 overseas. The Club welcomed 68 new members, 4 members who had been in arrears became paid up and 8 members resigned. The number of members in arrears in 1989 was 18, and 17 members were struck off under Rule (7) having been in arrears with their subscriptions due in 1988. Bulletin sales. Non-member subscribers were 142 (18 within the UK and 124 overseas). We must again record the thanks of the Club to Mrs F. E. Warr for the great deal of work she does looking after the stock of back numbers of the Bulletin and dealing with back number sales and separates for authors. Finance. The accounts for 1989 are not yet available. They will be circulated at the Annual General Meeting and will be published subse- quently in the Bulletin. Members wishing to have a copy before the Annual General Meeting are asked to apply to the Hon. Secretary. Bulletin. Volume 109 contained an almost unprecedented 247 pages. This is due to the healthy finances of the Club and a welcome wealth of submissions from a world wide spread of authors. Some 45% of papers related to systematics and nomenclature involving museum work, but regrettably there has been no amelioration of the policy of the Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) to abandon research by the staff of the BMNH at Tring. It is difficult not to conclude that ornithology at the Museum is continuing to wilt under their auspices and it is to be hoped that the Trustees will soon reverse their decision of 1988 and restore resources for taxonomic research on birds at the Sub-Department of Ornithology at Tring. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the British Ornithologists’ Club will be held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, 29 May 1990. AGENDA 1. Minutes of the 1989 Annual General Meeting (see Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109(2): 61). . Report of the Committee and Accounts for 1989 . The Bulletin . The election of Officers. The Committee proposes that:— (i) Mr D. Griffin be elected Vice-Chairman (vice Mr J. H. Elgood, who is standing down) (ii) Dr J. F. Monk be re-elected Editor, and Dr D. W. Snow be elected to succeed him at a date to be decided by the Committee BW NO Club Notes 5 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) (iii) Mrs A. M. Moore be re-elected Honorary Secretary (iv) Mr S. J. Farnsworth be elected Honorary Treasurer (vice Mrs D. M. Bradley who retired 31 December 1989) (v) Cdr M. B. Casement, OBE, RN, Revd T. W. Gladwin and Dr A. Tye be elected Members of the Committee (vice Mr S. J. Farnsworth and Mr D. Griffin if elected as above, and Mr N. H. F. Stone, who is ineligible for re-election). 5. Any other business of which notice shall have been given in accordance with Rule (12). By Order of the Committee AMBERLEY M. MOORE Honorary Secretary The seven hundred and ninety-first Meeting of the Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 on Tuesday, 7 November 1989 at 7 pm. 25 Members and 13 guests attended. Members present were: R. E. F. PEat (Chairman), M. A. Apcock, Miss H. Baker, A. H. Bay Lis, P. J. BELMAN, Mrs D. M. Brapb.ey, A. P. E. Cain, P. J. CONDER, S. J. FARNSWORTH, Miss C. FisHer, A. Gipss, B. Gray, D. GRIFFIN, C. HELM, Revd. G. K. McCu.Ltocu, Dr A. MELprRuM, Dr J. F. Monk, Mrs A. M. Moores, R. Morcan, P. OLiver, A. J. RANDALL, V. SAWLE, Dr R. C. SELF, N. H. F. STONE, A. TANNER. Guests present were: P. RoBINSON (Speaker), Mrs B. Apcock, Dr R. J. BAKER, Dr J. Brap.ey, I. BRADLEY, Mrs F. FARNSworTH, R. GiLBy, Mrs J. Gorre, Miss K. Horr, S. Jones, Mrs I. McCuttocu, P. J. Moore, Mrs M. OLIver. After supper Mr Peter Robinson spoke about his work as the Enforcement Officer of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the very wide field of reference of the Species Management Department of the Society. He illustrated examples of deliberate and acciden- tal threats to bird populations, of the various methods adopted to combat them and talked briefly on some of the problems of bird protection encountered overseas. The seven hundred and ninety-second Meeting of the Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College on Tuesday, 28 November 1989 at 7 p.m. 34 members and 22 guests were present. Members attending were: R. E. F. Peat (Chairman), M. A. Apcock, Dr J. S. Asu, Miss H. Baker, B. H. Beck, R. BEEcRoFT, Mrs D. BrRAaDLEy, Cdr M. B. CasEMENT, RN, I. D. CoLiins, Dr H. Crick, J. H. ELGoop, S.J. FARNsworTH, A. GisBs, Revd T. GLaDwIn, D. GRIFFIN, C. HELM, R. KeTTLe, Dr P. Lack, Revd G. K. McCu.tocu, Dr A. MELDRUM, Dr J. F. Monk, Mrs A. Moore, R. Morcan, Mrs M. Mut. ter, P. OLiver, Dr R. PRycE- Jones, A. J. RANDALL, V. Saws, Dr R. C. SELF, R. E. SHARLAND, N. H. F. STONE, A.R. TANNER, Dr A. Tye, C. E. WHEELER. Guests attending were: Dr P. Jones (Speaker), Mrs B. Apcock, Mrs J. W. Asu, Mrs M. E. Baker, Dr R. J. BAKER, Mrs G. BoNHAM, Mr D. Brooks, Mrs W. Brooks, Miss J. Epricu, Mrs B. Gisss, Mrs J. M. GLtapwin, Mrs S. Grirrin, Ms K. Horr, Mrs I. McCuttocn, Dr H. MeLprum, Mr P. J. Moore, Mr W. Peacu, Miss D. RipG.ey, Mrs M. SoutueGateE, Dr V. SoutuGate, Mrs H. Tye, Professor L. UNDERHILL. After supper Dr Peter Jones gave an address ‘‘The Migration Strategies of Palaearctic Migrants in West Africa in relation to Sahelian Drought’’. He presented data on migration patterns, particularly within Nigeria, collected in recent years and collated with rainfall and climatic records of the period. These show that Palaearctic passerines must adapt their migration strategies to prevailing local climatic conditions in Africa and they help assess the magnitude of the ecological problems confronting the migrants. A stimulating discussion followed only curtailed by lack of time. R. Y. McGowan & 7. S. Pritchard 6 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) The seven hundred and ninety-third Meeting of the Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College on Thursday, 14 December 1989 at 7 p.m. 30 members and 18 guests were present. Members attending were: R. E. F. PEAL (Chairman), Miss H. Baker, B. H. BEck, P. Betman, Mrs D. M. Brap_ey, K. F. Betton, P. BuLL, Cdr M. B. CasEMENT, RN, I. D. Cotiins, P. Conper, Dr R. A. F. Cox, S. J. FARNsworTH, D. FIsHER, A. GIBBS, D. GrirFIN, R. P. Howarp, R. KETTLe, J. Kinc, Dr J. F. Monk, A. G. Moore, Mrs A. M. Moore, R. Morecan, P. OLiver, A. J. RANDALL, Dr R. C. SELF, Dr D. SNow, N. H. F. Stone, Dr D. H. THomas, J. J. WHEATLEY, M. Woopcock. Guests attending were: Dr B. Kinc (Speaker), Dr J. BRADLEY, Dr R. CHANDLER, Mrs F. FarNswortH, Mrs S. GrirFin, D. Harris, Ms C. Horr, Ms L. Hocan, Mrs R. Howarp, Dr A. MELLAND, P. J. Moore, Mrs M. O iver, R. Ranrt, Mrs B. K. Snow, Mr I. THomas, D. ToMLINson, Mrs D. ToMLinson, Mrs B. J. Woopcock. After supper Dr Ben King gave an account, illustrated with many of his slides, of travelling in Sichuan Province during his expeditions to China since 1980. Notes on Philippine birds, 15. First record of the Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva for the Philippines by R. Y. McGowan & F. S. Pritchard Received 6 May 1989 The Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva is recorded as breeding throughout Asia from the Baltic to the Pacific coasts (Medway & Wells 1976), as a winter migrant to China, the entire Indo-Chinese peninsula, Tibet and India (Vaurie 1959, Dement’ev & Gladkov 1968) and as a scarce migrant to the Malay Peninsula (Medway & Wells 1976). Smythies (1981) describes the species as a rare vagrant in Borneo with most reports coming from coastal areas in the north of the island. There is no report of this species in duPont’s (1971) work on Philippine birds. During a faunal survey (carried out by JSP) along the margins of primary forests on Palawan Island, Philippines, a specimen of Ficedula parva was collected by mist-netting on 8 December 1988. The nets were located in the understorey of fragmented, lowland riparian forest by the Panitian River between the Nali Dam and Dumalag at c. 70 m above sea level. The specimen was provisionally identified as a first winter female, this being later confirmed by comparison with reference material in the collections of the National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh, where it is now deposited (specimen no. NMSZ 1989.021.11). The sooty black upper tail coverts are diagnostic of the eastern race F. p. albicilla (Vaurie 1959) and the specimen agrees with others of this race from Burma and China held in the NMS. Measurements (mm) are: body length 121, wing 68, tail 50, tarsus 17, which closely agree with those given by Dement’ev & Gladkov (1968). Fresh weight of the bird was 10 g. This is apparently the first record for the Philippines. E. D. H. Johnson & S. F. Farnsworth 7 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Although Red-breasted Flycatchers have not so far been recorded from Taiwan (King ef al. 1975) it would be wrong to conclude that the birds from Borneo and Palawan must therefore have crossed the South China Sea. It remains a possibility that migration through Taiwan, Palawan and Borneo takes place, albeit on a small scale. The increased observer effort in the Philippines over the past few years (e.g. Kennedy et al. 1986) has resulted in an increase in the number of species recorded in these islands; further investigations could well show that some of the species currently classed as rare migrants and vagrants do, in fact, occur regularly in small numbers. As pointed out by White (27 White & Bruce 1986) for Wallacea, Palaearctic migrants have generally been neglected, since collectors have concentrated on indigenous and montane birds, and few residents study the birds or make field observations. References: Dement’ev, G. P. & Gladkov, N. A. (eds.) 1968. Birds of the Soviet Union. Vol. 6. Jerusalem: Israel Prog. Sci. Transl. duPont, J. E. 1971. Philippine Birds. Delaware Mus. Nat. Hist. Kennedy, R.S., Glass, P. O., Glass, E. J., Gonzalez, P. C. & Dickinson, E. C. 1986. Notes on Philippine Birds, 11. New or important records for the Island of Palawan. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 196: 173-179. King, B. F., Dickinson, E. C. & Woodcock, M. W. 1975. A Field Guide to the Birds of South East Asia. Collins. Medway, Lord & Wells, D. R. 1976. The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. 5. Witherby. Smythies, B. E. 1981. The Birds of Borneo. 3rd Edition (Earl of Cranbrook, ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Sabah Society and Malayan Nature Society. Vaurie, C. 1959. The Birds of the Palearctic Fauna. Passeriformes. Witherby. White, C. M. N. & Bruce, M. D. 1986. The Birds of Wallacea. B.O.U. Check-list No. 7. British Ornithologists’ Union. Addresses: R. Y. McGowan, Department of Natural History, Royal Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JF, U.K.; and J. S. Pritchard, 1 Grove Road, West Ferry, Dundee DD5 1JL, U.K. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. On the possible former breeding of the Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus in Algeria by E. D. H. Fohnson & S. F. Farnsworth Received 9 May 1989 Based on his examination of eggs originally in the Tristram Collection and now in the British Museum (Natural History), Walters (1988) lends support to the statement by Loche (1867) that the Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus bred in Algeria in the mid-19th century, an assertion dismissed by Heim de Balsac & Mayaud (1962) and ignored by recent authors other than Ledant et al. (1981) who draw attention to the formers’ opinion. E. D. H. Johnson & S. F. Farnsworth 8 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) While we cannot contribute positive evidence of former breeding we can, however, provide supplementary recent information on the data accompanying ‘Tristram’s specimens for the 2 locations concerned— “forest south of Lac Halloula’’ and “‘neighbourhood of Air Oosera. Lac (illegible)’’—adding further circumstantial evidence that the species bred in Algeria in the past. Lac Halloula was drained for cultivation probably before the end of the 19th century but is still indicated on some recent maps as “‘Ancien Lac Halloula’’. It was situated some 65 km SW of Algiers and c. 2 km SE of Sidi Rached (ex Montebello) at an altitude of c. 58m. The lake is not mentioned by Rothschild & Hartert (1912), nor by Ticehurst & Whistler (1938). The surroundings of the former lake are described by Thos Cook (1926) as “miles of well cultivated farms and vineyards’’. S.J.F. visited the area in 1982, vineyards and orchards still being abun- dant there. Modern maps show some forest on the northern slopes of Djebel Guerrouat, c. 20km S of the former lake, but our recent inspection of the Djebel shows that the area is now only lightly wooded. T'ristram’s nesting site (ref ‘‘W.a.”’ “in the forest south of Lac Halloula’’) would thus be 36°35’'N, 2°30’E if located on the N slope of Djebel Guerrouat. “Air Oosera. Lac (illegible)’’ undoubtedly refers to Ain Oussera, a town some 30 km S of Lac Bougzoul (referred to as Lac Boughzoul by some authors) and at an elevation of about 687 m. At 35°27'N, 2°55’E the town would be on the route of 'Tristram’s journeys between Algiers and Laghouat. The lake and its immediate surroundings are described by Francois (1975) and Jacob & Jacob (1980). We have visited the area many times before and after those publication dates. The lake’s artificial limits are augmented to the south by a series of dazet (temporary flood zones). ‘Today the area is treeless except for a few Tamarix sp. on some islets and the extensive reedbeds surrounding the artificial lake are of recent origin. The adjacent steppe between and beyond the dazet supports a scattered low herbaceous vegetation partly under nomad or permanent cultivation and pasture. It is probable that climatic conditions were more humid in Tristram’s time. Our field notes (notably 1968—69) show that halfa Stipa tenacissima steppe begins just S of Ain Oussera, varied by anumber of scattered dazas (shallow depressions containing loose moisture-retaining soil but never flooded) (see Plate 2). They support Pistachio Pistachia atlantica trees up to 10 min height, clumps of Jujube Zzz7phus lotus and low scrub. Here as elsewhere the Pistachia are nesting sites of Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis and Brown-necked Raven Corvus ruficollis. Varying in width from 50 to 150m, these dazas and surrounding steppe have probably remained substantially unchanged for a very long time. The locations of Lac Halloula and Ain Oussera (Lac Bougzoul) would have provided at least some of the habitat requirements of Falco vespertinus as listed by Cramp & Simmons (1980) (e.g. open terrain fringed or interspersed with trees, fens or bogs, steppe and forest clearings) together with a readily available food supply (insects, small amphibians, reptiles and rodents) and old nests of e.g. Ardeidae at Lac Halloula and Corvidae near Ain Oussera for breeding. S.L. Olson 9 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) References: Cook, Thos. Ltd. (Eds). 1926. The Traveller’s Handbook to Algeria and Tunisia. Cramp, S. & Simmons, K. E. L. (Eds). 1980. Birds of the Western Palaearctic. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press. Francois, J. 1975. L’avifaune annuelle du lac de Boughzoul (Algérie). Alauda 43: 125-133. Heim de Balsac, H. & Mayaud, N. 1962. Les Oiseaux du Nord-Ouest de I’ Afrique. Lechevalier. Jacob, J. P. & Jacob, A. 1980. Nouvelles données sur |’avifaune du lac de Boughzoul (Algérie). Alauda 48: 209-219. Ledant, J. P., Jacob, J. P., Jacobs, P., Mahler, F., Ochando, B. & Roché, J. 1981. Mise a jour de lavifaune algérienne. Le Gerfaut 71: 295-398. Loche, V. 1867. Exploration scientifique de |’ Algerie pendant les années 1840, 1841, 1842. Oiseau |. Bertrand: Paris. Rothschild, W. & Hartert, E. 1912. Ornithological explorations in Algeria. Novit. Zool. 18: 456-550. Ticehurst, C. B. & Whistler, H. 1938. Autumn impressions in Algeria. [bis 1938: 717-746. Walters, M. 1988. On the possible former breeding of the Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus in northwest Africa. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 108: 175-176. Addresses: E. D. H. Johnson, Crabiere Cottage, Grande Route des Mielles, St Ouen, Jersey, Channel Islands, U.K.; S. J. Farnsworth, Hammerkop, Frogmill, Hurley, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL65NL, U.K. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. Remarks on the osteology of the Madagascan warblers Dromaeocercus and Amphilats (Sylviidae) by Storrs L. Olson Received 9 May 1989 On the basis of external morphology, and tosome extent behaviour, Parker (1984) considered that the two Madagascan warblers Dromaeocercus brunneus and D. seebohmi were only convergently similar in possessing long, decomposed tail feathers. He regarded the type species of D. brunneus as belonging to the genus Bradypterus, whereas D. seebohmi was said to belong with the megalurine warblers and was made the type of a new genus, Amphilais. Traylor (1986) evidently was not convinced by Parker’s arguments and listed Amphilais as a synonym of Dromaeocercus. Examination of the cranial osteology of these 2 species fully supports Parker’s contention that they are not congeneric. Compared to Dromaeocercus brunneus, the skull in Amphilais seebhomi is markedly narrower, the cranium not nearly so broad, and in dorsal view the frontals are much less laterally expanded, .in part reflecting the much smaller ectethmoid plates. The billin Amphilais is more slender, with the osseous nares proportionately longer; the transpalatine processes are also much longer and more slender than in D. brunneus. Unfortunately, the post- cranial skeleton was rather badly damaged in the single available skeleton of Amphilais seebohmi examined, so no useful comparison could be made there. Nevertheless, the cranial differences are greater than would be expected among congeneric species of Sylviidae. S.L. Olson & F. C. den Hartog 10 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) The only skeletons of Bradypterus at hand were 2 rather poorly preserved examples of B. luteoviridis. These differ markedly from Dromaeocercus brunneus in that the frontals are not as expanded, the ectethmoids are much more inflated, and the posterior margin of the nostril is more heavily ossified, thus reducing the aperture of the osseous nares. If B. luteoviridis is representative of the genus (it is not typical in the nomenclatural sense, being the type of 7vzbura, a genus now included in Bradypterus), then D. brunneus should not be included in Bradypterus. As I have noted elsewhere (Olson MS), there is a rather close overall similarity in the skull and external morphology between Amphilais seebohmi and the New Zealand fernbirds of the genus Bowdleria. How- ever, it would be premature, at this point, to speculate on the closest relatives of either Dromaeocercus brunneus or Amphilais seebohmi, although the evidence is sufficient to justify maintaining these species in separate genera. The following skeletal material was examined in the above comparisons: Bradypterus luteoviridis USNM 318312, USNM 318313; Dromaeocercus brunneus MRAC 50616; Amphilais seebohmi USNM 432211; Bowdleria p. punctata NMNZ 22848. Acknowledgements In addition to specimens in the Smithsonian collections (USNM), I also obtained skeletons on loan from M. Louette, Museum Royal de |’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium (MRAC), and J. A. Bartle and P. R. Millener, National Museum of New Zealand (NMNZ), to whom I am most grateful. References: Olson, S. L. MS. Osteology and systematics of the fernbirds (Bowdleria, Sylviidae). Submitted to Notornis. Parker, S. A. 1984. The relationships of the Madagascan genus Dromaeocercus (Sylviidae). Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 104: 11-16. E Traylor, M. A., Jr. 1986. [African Sylviidae] In E. Mayr & G. W. Cotrell, eds. Check-list of Birds of the World. Volume 11. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Museum of Comparative Zoology. Address: Dr Storrs L. Olson, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, USA. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. Former breeding of Sula dactylatra in the Cape Verde Islands* by Storrs L. Olson and }. C. den Hartog Received 9 May 1989 Palaeontological investigations on oceanic islands nearly always produce fossils of extinct or extirpated species of birds. Episodes of extinction are *CANCAP Contribution No. 79 [Canarian-Cape Verdian Region of the North Atlantic Ocean project. ] S.L. Olsen & F. C. den Hartog 11 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) usually strongly correlated with the arrival of Homo sapiens and the conse- quent disruption of insular ecosystems (e.g. Olson 1975, Olson & James 1982, Steadman 1986). The depauperate nature of the avifauna of the islands of the eastern North Atlantic (Macaronesia) and the relative scarcity of strongly differentiated endemic species there, suggest that these islands are not exceptional and have probably been subject to con- siderable man-caused extinction, as already suggested by fossil discover- ies in Madeira (Pieper 1985) and the Canary Islands (Alcover & Florit 1987). To date there has been no concerted effort to locate vertebrate fossils in the Cape Verde Islands, but we report here on a small sample of bones obtained incidental to zoological observations on the island of Cima in August 1986, during the CANCAP VII expedition (den Hartog, in press). Cima is one of the Rombos Islets, which are uninhabited, waterless rocks, nearly barren of vegetation, in the southwestern corner of the archipelago. It was first explored ornithologically in 1897 by Boyd Alexander (Alexander 1898), who noted great numbers of breeding sea- birds, mainly Procellariiformes and Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster.'The fossils discussed here, now in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (USNM), came from a deposit of sand at the northeastern tip of the island, where severe erosion had exposed numer- ous bird bones, some eggshells, and shells of the gastropod snail Zonotecus insularis. These deposits have not been dated, but the bones do not appear to be mineralized and are probably relatively recent in age, certainly Quaternary and most likely Holocene. As would be expected, the sample obtained is dominated by Procellari- formes: Puffinus assimilis boydi (minimum number of individuals 12, based on right humeri); Bulweria bulwerii (mni 5, left humeri); and Pelagodroma marina (mn1i 5, distal ends of left tarsometatars1). All of these breed on the island today. Included in the collection is the sternal end of a right coracoid of amedium-sized duck (Anatidae), much too fragmentary for specific or even generic identification. What a duck might have been doing in such an environment is quite enigmatic. The most interesting find is a complete left tarsometatarsus (USNM 440959) and the proximal and distal ends of a right humerus (USNM 440960) of a juvenile sulid, quite possibly from a single individual. Both specimens are quite porous and the humerus is so poorly developed as certainly to be from a bird that had not fledged, thus indicating breeding on the island. The tarsometatarsus is nearly fully formed, with a configur- ation of the hypotarsus like that of Sula rather than Morus. Despite being from a juvenile, it measures 53.6 mm in length, which is greater than in any skeletal specimen of Sula leucogaster (maximum for S. 1. leucogaster 47.1mm, for S. 1. plotus 52.5 mm), which is the only species of Sulidae known to breed in the Cape Verde Islands (see e.g. Bannerman & Bannerman 1968). In addition, it has the straight profile of the lateral (external) edge of the bone characteristic of S. dactylatra, whereas in other boobies the external cotyla and outer trochlea are more laterally expanded. Thus this specimen may be confidently identified as having come from a Masked Booby Sula dactylatra, the Atlantic form of which GS. d. dactylatra) breeds in the West Indies and on various islands of S.L. Olsen & F. C. den Hartog 12 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) the Caribbean, and in the South Atlantic at Ascension, Fernando de Noronha, and formerly Trindade. Sula dactylatra would not be unexpected in the Cape Verdes. Because it requires flat, open areas of ground for nesting, the Masked Bobby appears to be more susceptible to the depredations of man and other mammalian predators than is either the Brown Booby S. leucogaster, which may nest on cliff faces and small offshore stacks, or the Red-footed Booby Sula sula, which usually nests in trees. There is ample evidence that Sula leucogaster once bred more widely and abundantly in the Cape Verdes than at present, the observations for Cima by Alexander (1898: 95—96), Correia (as quoted by Murphy 1924: 219), and Bourne (1955: 519-520) being particularly elucidating. In 1922, Correia still recorded thousands of birds, and mentioned that “‘the fisher- men slaughter great numbers for food’’. Bourne, in 1951, also mentioning depredations by fishermen, found only some 250 pairs. At present the population consists of less than 100, possibly no more than some 50 individuals, and fishermen still take any chick they can lay their hands on (den Hartog, in press). Presumably such exploitation exterminated Sula dactylatra on Cima, and probably elsewhere in the Cape Verdes, before ornithologists arrived in the archipelago. It would be of interest to learn which other species of birds may have been similarly eliminated there. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Kenneth I. Warheit, University of California, Berkeley, for supplying quantitative and qualitative osteological data from his pending revision of the living and fossil Sulidae, in the course of which he has measured most existing skeletal specimens of the family. References: Alcover, J. A. & Florit, F. 1987. Una nueva especie de Carduelis (Fringillidae) de La Palma. Vieraea 17: 75-86. Alexander, B. 1898. An ornithological expedition to the Cape Verde Islands. [bis ser. 7 (4): 74-118. Bannerman, D. A. & Bannerman, W. M. 1960. History of the Birds of the Cape Verde Islands. Birds of the Atlantic Islands vol. 4. Oliver & Boyd. Bourne, W. R. P. 1955. The birds of the Cape Verde Islands. [bis 97: 508-556. Hartog, J. C. den. In press. Birds of the Cape Verde Islands: notes and speculations on species observed (9 August—5 September 1986), distribution, migration, status, origin, and conservation. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg. Murphy, R. C. 1924. The marine ornithology of the Cape Verde Islands, with a list of all the birds of the archipelago. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 50: 211-278. Olson, S. L. 1975. Paleornithology of St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Smithsonian Contr. Paleobiol. 23: 1-49. Olson, S. L. & James, H. F. 1982. Fossil birds from the Hawaiian Islands: evidence for wholesale extinction by man before Western contact. Science 217: 633-635. Pieper, H. 1985. The fossil land birds of Madeira and Porto Santo. Bocagiana 88: 1-6. Steadman, D. W. 1986. Holocene vertebrate fossils from Isla Floreana, Galapagos. Smithsonian Contr. Zool. 413: 1-103. Address: Dr. Storrs L. Olson, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A. J. C. den Hartog, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. F. F. R. Colebrook-Robjent 13 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) The nest and eggs of Bannerman’s Blue-headed Sunbird Nectarinia bannermant by #. F. R. Colebrook-Robjent Received 22 May 1989 A nest of Bannerman’s Blue-headed Sunbird Nectarinia bannermani was discovered on 27 September 1988 at the Kasomsombu stream, a tribu- tary of the Isombu River in Chief Mwinimalambo’s area, Mwinilunga District, North-Western Province, Zambia at 11°16’S, 24°06’E, altitude 4100 ft a.s.l. The owner of the nest was not seen during the day, but at 2100 hrs the incubating bird was captured with a hand net placed over the entrance. It was a 2 with wing measuring 66 mm and it weighed 14.1 g. The nest site was near the ground in narrow gallery forest along the Kasomsombu stream. The nest was suspended from a drooping, leafy vine 1.2 m above sluggish, knee-high water in deep shade and well hidden under overhanging vegetation. Nearby was an old wooden footbridge leading from an abandoned garden with banana trees. The nest was bulky and broad, witha porch over the entrance. It was externally adorned with curled strips of banana bark on each side, and large leaves, especially at the rear. Rather long and coarse grass stems were also used in the con- struction, much of this extraneous material hanging well below the bottom of the nest chamber. The porch consisted of fine twisted stems, the roof of fine, black fibrous stems. Cobwebs were not used to bind the nest. Internally, it was lined throughout with soft, fine twisted stems. The distance from the attachment to the vine to the base of the nest was 18 cm, but some external material reached 34 cm below the vine. The nest proper was 10 cm wide at the face and 9 cm from front to back; the extraneous material extended the width to 19cm. The entrance was 42mm in diameter, the lower lip being 84mm above the base of the chamber. Internal dimensions were approximately 9 cm high and 4 cm wide. The nest contained 2 eggs (small to medium-sized embryos), their combined weight being 3.9g. The eggs measure 19.6 13.9 and 18.3 x 13.6 mm, and are regular ovals, without gloss. Rather beautiful, they are difficult to describe. The ground is a warm, pinky-brown, densely marked all over by irregular streaks of a darker shade of purplish-brown. The general appearance is smudgy puce or dull claret. ‘These eggs are not strictly erythristic as they lack the bright pink or rosey hues usually apparent in eggs so described. Discussion N. bannermani was formerly considered as conspecific with the Green- headed Sunbird N. verticalis (e.g. Chapin 1954, Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1963, 1973); according to Hall & Moreau (1970) these 2 sunbirds together with N. oritis and N. alinae constitute a superspecies. The present record appears to be the first description of the nest and eggs of N. bannermani. N. verticalis has been recorded breeding in D.W. Buden 14 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Zambia from December to May (R. J. Dowsett), but previously, the only indications of breeding dates for N. bannermani have been birds with active gonads in March and September (Benson et al. 1971). Descriptions of the nests and eggs for the other 3 species are to be found in Mackworth- Praed & Grant (1973). Nests of N. verticalis found by Sir Frederick Jackson and G. L. Bates are more fully described in Bannerman (1948) where, not surprisingly, they differ little from the present record. The 2 montane forest species, on the other hand, N. oritis and N. alinae, use moss (with other materials) in the construction of their nests (Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1973), a feature which is lacking in those built by N. verticalis and N. bannermantz. References: Bannerman, D. A. 1948. The Birds of Tropical West Africa. Vol. 6. The Crown Agents for the Colonies: London. Benson, C. W., Brooke, R. K., Dowsett, R. J. & Irwin, M. P. S. 1971. The Birds of Zambia. Collins. Chapin, J. P. 1954. The Birds of the Belgian Congo. Pt 4. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.75 B. Hall, B. P. & Moreau, R. E. 1970. An Atlas of Speciationin African Passerine Birds. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). Mackworth-Praed, C. W. & Grant, C. H. B. 1963. Birds of the Southern Third of Africa: African Handbook of Birds. Vol. 2. Birds of West Central and Western Africa: 1973. African Handbook of Birds. Vol. 2. Longmans. Address: Major J. F. R. Colebrook-Robjent, Musumanene, P.O. Box 630303 Choma, Zambia. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. Report on the birds collected during the Armour-Utowana West Indian Expeditions by Donald W. Buden Received 24 May 1989 During the early 1930s, the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ) acquired specimens (chiefly molluscs, reptiles and birds) collected in the West Indies during cruises of the research yacht Utowana. Thomas Barbour, then Director of the MCZ, was present on some of the cruises as a guest of the ship’s owner Allison V. Armour. Barbour (1945) remarked that more than 22 published reports had been based on collections from Utowana expeditions. Ornithological material from these voyages includes fossils obtained by Froelich Rainey in the Bahamas for Yale University. These have been reviewed by Wetmore (1938) and by Olson & Hilgartner (1982). No study skins from the Utowana expeditions are among specimens of Bahaman birds at the Yale Peabody Museum, and there is no record indicating that any accompanied the Rainey material (E. Stickney). However, 221 study skins taken in 1933 and 1934 largely by James C. Greenway, Jr. were deposited in the MCZ. One Calliphlox evelynae lyrura and 2 Mimus D. W. Buden 15 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) ee «7, GRAND BAHAMA Ss or ' 200 KM —GREAT ABACO ‘ ? Beas yoke =, i ‘\ wan CAY é : SAN SALVADOR Pies el Ree CONCEPTION I. LONG |_ > “——RUM CAY so CROOKED |. . / . , = _MAYAGUANA FORTUNE 1|.//, ANA GUAN 2 CAY'-°S —— GREAT INAGUA HISPANIOLA Fond @ Parisien Lorenzo Kenscoff @ : Ss SAONA | JAMAICA ILE-A-VACHE 3 IBEATA Figure 1. Map showing islands in the Bahamas and the Hispaniolan region mentioned in the text. gundlachi gundlachu subsequently were sent to the Paris Museum. The 169 Bahaman-Hispaniolan specimens, which, for the most part, have not been reported on previously are the main subject of the present study. Collecting localities are shown in Fig. 1. The 134 specimens collected in 1933 by J. C. Greenway, Jr (MCZ 157689—822) include 66 (16 species) taken in the Bahamas (17—26 February) on San Salvador, Crooked I., Fortune I. (=Long Key), Mayaguana and Great Inagua, along with 16 (6 species) from Haiti at Kenscoff (1 March) and near Fond Parisien (3 March) and 52 (10 species) from the Colombian islands Providencia (=Old Providence) and San Andrés (=St Andrews). Greenway (1933) described Dendroica petechia armouri from specimens collected on Providencia. Bond & Meyer de Schauensee (1944), reviewing the avifauna of both Providencia and San Andrés, reported briefly on all of Greenway’s material from these 2 islands, relying apparently on data furnished by James L. Peters. Among the 87 specimens collected in 1934, 57 representing 23 species were taken in the Bahamas (7 February—28 March) on Grand Bahama, Great Abaco (written Abaco I. on labels and in the catalogue), Eleuthera, Long I., Conception I., San Salvador (= Watlings I.), Green Cay (north of San Salvador), Rum Cay, Crooked I., Guana Cay (in the Bight of Acklins), and on Great Inagua. The 30 others (18 species collected 6—12 April) are from Hispaniola (San Lorenzo at Samana Bay) and the satellite islands Saona, Beata and Ile-a-Vache. MCZ catalogue numbers for this collection are 160921-964 (specimens from the Hispaniola and satellite D. W. Buden 16 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) islands, from Grand Bahama on 23 March, and from Green Cay), 269642 (Pandion haliaetus from Long I.) and 331727 (Loxigilla violacea from Eleuthera). Barbour & Shreve (1935) give an itinerary of this cruise. The Bahaman birds were collected by J. C. Greenway Jr, and Helen Greenway and Thomas Barbour. The Greenways were not present on the Hispaniolan leg of the 1934 voyage and no specific collector is named for those specimens, the museum labels and catalogue bearing the notations ““Utowana Exp. 1934” and “‘skinned by MCZ staff’. The names and sequences of species in this account follow the American Ornithologists’ Union (1983) Check-list. Museums and collec- tions are abbreviated as follows: AS = Albert Schwartz Collection (now at LSUMZ); FMNH=Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; LSUMZ= Louisiana State University Museum of Zoology; UMRC= University of Miami Reference Collection; USNM = National Museum of Natural History, Washington. Many of the museum labels on the Utowana specimens have information on reproductive condition and these data are available from the author on request. Locality records for specimens collected in the Bahamas are summarized in Table 1 and those from Hispaniola and its satellite islands are in Table 2. The more noteworthy records are discussed in greater detail below. AUDUBON’S SHEARWATER Puffinus lherminieri A male collected on Green Cay in March (presumably when the Utowana was at San Salvador on 27 and 28 March) is the first record for the island. Olson et al. (in press) report fossils of this species from San Salvador. The species is known to breed on small cays widely in the Bahamas (Brudenell-Bruce 1975, Buden 1987a,b), though no breeding sites have been reported for either Green Cay or San Salvador (see Sprunt 1984). WEST INDIAN WHISTLING-DUCK Dendrocygna arborea One downy-young, 9, (total length of skin 215 mm from tip of bill to rump) collected in March on the 1934 expedition is the only record for Crooked Island. The Utowana was in the Crooked-Acklins area 1—6 March. OSPREY Pandion haliaetus All the specimens are examples of the resident subspecies P. h. ridgwayi (Maynard). One 8 collected on Long Island (the back of the museum label reads ‘“‘E. Booby Cay’’), 23 February 1934, was on a nest containing one egg. One J taken on Mayaguana 24 February and another on 25 February 1933 are the first records for that island. A 3 was collected on Crooked Island on 20 February and another on 21 February 1933, the only earlier record being a bone fragment reported on by Wetmore (1938). AMERICAN KESTREL Falco sparverius One labelled “‘[ 4]? was collected on Saona on 8 April 1934. The breast is white throughout in this specimen (MCZ 166706), thus resembling that of pale-phase F. s. sparveroides Vigors from Cuba more closely than that of F. s. dominicensis Gmelin from Hispaniola. In 10 MCZ pale-phase D. W. Buden 17) Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) TABLE 1 Birds collected in the Bahamas on the Utowana expeditions. Numerals indicate numbers of specimens; an asterisk (*) indicates specimens collected in 1933, all others are 1934. Islands are listed in geographic sequence, roughly northwest to southeast and abbreviated as follows: GB=Grand Bahama, GA=Great Abaco, EL=Eleuthera, LG=Long island, CN=Conception Island, RM=Rum Cay, SS=San Salvador (including also the satellite islet Green Cay for one record of Puffinus lherminier1), CR=Crooked Island (including also the satellite islet Guana Cay for one record of Zenaida aurita), FO= Fortune Island, MA = Mayaguana, GI =Great Inagua Locality Species GB GA EL LG CN RM SS CR FO MA GI Tachybaptus dominicus 1 Puffinus lherminieri fis Dendrocygna arborea 1 Pandion haliaetus 1 PRA Vet ht had Rallus longirostris 1 Haematopus palliatus 3% Zenaida aurita 1 Teal 1 Tyto alba 1% Athene cunicularia 1 Chlorostilbon ricordit 1 1 Calliphlox evelynae 4 2 Tein tole 5/2 Melanerpes superciliaris 3 6* Picoides villosus Contopus caribaeus 1 Tachycineta cyaneoviridis + Polioptila caerulea Pasig lio Mimus polyglottos 1 2 Ls Mimus gundlachiu 2 1 Ik ti bia 3* Margarops fuscatus Le ieaer Vireo crassirostris 4 ile Dendroica petechia 2 3% 1% Geothlypis trichas De Geothlypis rostrata 1 Coereba flaveola 3 1 Dee Door upline Spindalis zena 1* Tiarts bicolor 1 3 MMe ite IN Ca het ta Bc Be Loxigilla violacea 1 Sh “Green Cay, a tiny islet about 2 km off the northwestern coast of San Salvador. Guana Cay, a tiny islet in the Bight of Acklins, on the Crooked-Acklins Bank and south of Crooked Island. $3 from Cuba, the breast is completely white or has one or more small patches of buff colour, whereas all 8 MCZ 39 from Hispaniola have some buff colour on the breast, and this usually richer and more extensive than in those from Cuba. A dark (=rufous) morph is common in Cuba, but all specimens reported from Hispaniola are pale-phase, though Bond (1980) remarked that ‘‘a rufous morph has been observed once or twice in Haiti and Jamaica’’. The specimen from Saona is slightly paler on the dorsum (more yellowish-brown, less reddish-brown) than are most of the Cuban and Hispaniolan specimens. ‘The Saona specimen wing measures 181.0 mm, the tail 112.4 mm. For the 10 $3 from Cuba, the mean +1 SD wing length is 179.3 + 3.8 (176.0— 187.0), and mean tail length is 113.6+2.8 (109.8-118.0) mm; the 8 g3 D. W. Buden 18 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) TABLE 2 Birds collected on Hispaniola and satellite islands on the Utowana expeditions. Numerals indicate numbers of specimens; an asterisk (*) indicates specimens collected in 1933, all others are 1934. F=near Fond Parisien, K= Kenscoft, L=San Lorenzo at Samana Bay. Locality Species Hispaniola Saona_ Beata _ Ile-a-Vache Falco sparverius 1 Sterna maxima 2 Zenaida aurita 3 Columbina passerina 1 Coccyzus minor 1 Crotophaga ani 2 Anthracothorax dominicus 1*K Todus subulatus 258 Melanerpes striatus 6*F Myrzarchus stolidus 3 Tyrannus dominicensis 2 3 Corvus palmarum 5*K Mimus polyglottos 2 Margarops fuscatus 1 Setophaga ruticilla 2*#K Coereba flaveola 1*K 1 Microligea palustris 1S Phoenicophilus palmarum iS} Tiaris olivacea 1*K Quiscalus niger 1 Icterus dominicensis 1 from Hispaniola measure 184.9+4.2 (180.0—192.0) and 118.7+2.4 (115.1-122.6) mm, respectively. Mensurally and chromatically, the specimen from Saona is closer to sparveroides than to dominicensis; however, as it is near or at the extremes in variation of Hispaniolan dominicensis in both size and coloration, and in view of the close proximity of Saona to Hispaniola and the much greater distance to any known population of sparveroides, I believe this specimen is better treated as a variant of dominicensis than as a vagrant of sparverotdes. BARN-OWL T'yto alba A & collected on Crooked Island, 20 February 1933, almost certainly is the specimen in the photograph selected as a frontispiece by Barbour (1943). I know of no other firsthand report of T. alba from Crooked, except that I collected one there (LSUMZ 71160, sex unknown) on 8 April 1972. Bond (1956) included all the Bahaman populations of Barn-Owl under the name Tyto alba lucayana Riley. According to Ridgway (1914), lucayana differs from T. a. pratincola (from eastern, continental North America) in having more ochraceous buff and less distinctive white specks on the dorsum, smaller dusky spots on inner webs of outermost primaries, and larger feet. But these are at best slight and average difter- ences if evident at all. I found no appreciable differences in size of feet D. W. Buden 19 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) between Bahaman and continental samples, neither visually nor in the measurement length of hind claw. In my samples, Bahaman birds aver- aged slightly smaller than the supposedly larger continental birds—4 99 and 4 9° from the Bahamas, 19.7 and 20.4 mm, respectively; 7 dd and 5 2° from North Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida (all LSUMZ and MCZ), 20.2 and 21.1 mm, respectively. The Bahaman birds tend to be paler (on tail, wings, dorsum and border of facial disc), on the average, than do those from the continent. But among 8 34, 6 99 and 5 unsexed specimens from Florida (4 MCZ, 15 UMRC), at least 4 fd and one 2 match extremely well 4 gd, 4 9° and 2 unsexed specimens from the Bahamas (3 AS, 1 FMNH, 2 LSUMZ, 2 MCZ, 2 USNM). Two g¢ from Louisiana (LSUMZ 2404, 32233) are paler even than most of the specimens from the Bahamas. Also, Bangs (1900) reported that in a letter pertaining to the identification of 2 Barn- Owls taken on New Providence in 1897, Ridgway wrote ‘“‘We can match your two Bahama specimens exactly with some in our [USNM] series from Washington, Arizona, etc.; we also have a Bahama skin very much resembling yours’’. In the absence of any demonstrable mensural differences between the Bahaman and continental birds, and as the differences in coloration are slight and are not constant, I recommend merging T. a. lucayana Riley with T. a. pratincola (Bonaparte). WEST-INDIAN RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER Melanerpes superciliaris 3 Sg of M. s. bahamensis (Cory) were collected on Grand Bahama, 23 March 1934. Short (1982) claimed M. s. nyeanus (Ridgway) from San Salvador “‘are a trifle longer billed and a bit paler below, averaging less black on the head of the males but otherwise seem identical with Grand Bahama specimens, and the latter do not merit separate status nomen- claturally (as “bahamensis’)”’. But among M. superciliaris in the MCZ collection, those I examined from San Salvador (3 3g, 2 dd?, 2 22) have more and brighter yellow on the venter, more white (less grey) on the head, and brighter red nasal tufts than do those from Grand Bahama (7 33,1 ¢?, 4 99), and are eminently distinct from the Grand Bahama birds. Acknowledgements For their assistance in obtaining information on the Utowana expeditions, I thank David Backus, Kenneth Boss, James C. Greenway Jr, Greg Mayer, Ruth Turner and Ernest Williams. I am grateful to Raymond A. Paynter Jr. and Alison Pirie for access to MCZ bird collections and catalogues, and to Eleanor Stickney for searching the collections at the Yale Peabody Museum. For making comparative material available, I thank the curators and supporting staff of the museums and collections mentioned in the introduction. References: American Ornithologists’ Union. 1983. Check-list of North American Birds. 6th edition. American Ornithologists’ Union. Bangs, O. 1900. Notes on a collection of Bahama birds. Auk 17: 283-293. Barbour, T. 1943. Naturalist at Large. Little, Brown and Co. . 1945. Allison Armour and the Utowana. Privately printed. The Cosmos Press, Cambridge, Mass. Barbour, T. & Shreve, B. 1935. Concerning some Bahamian reptiles, with notes on the fauna. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 40: 347-366. Bond, J. 1956. Check-list of Birds of the West Indies. 4th edition. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. G. R. Graves & R. L. Zusi 20 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Bond, J. 1980. Twenty-third Supplement to the Check-list of Birds of the West Indies (1956). Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Bond, J. & Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1944. The Birds. Pp. 7—45 in ‘Results of the fifth George Vanderbilt Expedition (1941)’. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Monograph No. 6. Brudenell-Bruce, P. G. C. 1975. The Birds of New Providence and the Bahama Islands. Collins. Buden, D. W. 1987a. The Birds of the Southern Bahamas. B.O.U. Check-list No. 8. British Ornithologists’ Union. Buden, D. W. 1987b. Birds of the Cay Sal Bank and Ragged Islands, Bahamas. Florida Sct. 50: 21-33. Greenway, J. C. Jr. 1933. A name for the Golden Warbler of Old Providence Island. Proc. New England Zool. Cl. 13: 63 bis—64 bis. Olson, S. L. & Hilgartner, W. B. 1982. Fossil and subfossil birds from the Bahamas. Pp. 22-60 in S. L. Olson Ed., ‘Fossil vertebrates from the Bahamas’. Smithsonian Contrib. to Paleobiol. 48. Olson, S. L., Pregill, G. K. & Hilgartner, W. B. (in press). Studies on fossil and extant vertebrates from San Salvador (Watling’s Island), Bahamas. Smithsonian Contrib. to Zoology. Ridgway, R. 1914. The birds of North and Middle America. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. No. 50, Pt. 6. Short, L. L. 1982. Woodpeckers of the World. Delaware Mus. Nat. Hist., Monograph Series No. 4. Sprunt, A. 1984. The status and conservation of seabirds of the Bahama Islands. Pp. 157-168 in J. P. Croxall, P. G. H. Evans & R. W. Schreiver (Eds) ‘Status and Conser- vation of World’s Seabirds’. Internat. Coun. Bird Pres. Tech. Publ. No. 2. Wetmore, A. 1938. Bird remains from the West Indies. Auk 55: 51-55. Address: Dr D. W. Buden, Department of Natural Sciences, Northern State College, Aberdeen, South Dakota 57401, U.S.A., and New England Science Center, Harrington Way, Worcester, Massachusetts 01604, U.S.A. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. Avian body weights from the lower Rio Xingu, Brazil by Gary R. Graves & Richard L. Zusi Received 6 Fune 1989 From 13 August to 30 September 1986, we surveyed the avifauna of the east bank of the lower Rio Xingu (3°39'S, 52°22’W) from an encampment 52 km SSW of Altamira, Para, Brazil, as part of a biological survey of the region sponsored by the Academia Brasileira de Ciéncias. The purpose of this paper is to present data on the body weights of birds sampled from populations at this locality. Some data of this type from eastern Amazonia are scattered among recent publications (e.g. Oren 1987), but most of these deal only with selected species. None of the older works on birds of the lower Rio Xingu mentions body weights (Snethlage 1913, Griscom & Greenway 1941). Three major terrestrial habitats occur naturally along the lower Rio Xingu: (1) seasonally flooded forest; (2) terra firme forest; (3) successional island scrub. A fourth habitat type, agricultural clearing and man-caused secondary growth, was restricted to small scattered patches near the river G. R. Graves & R. L. Zust 21 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) on the east bank. We used mist-netting as well as straight observation, and collected some specimens. A network of trails (10+ km) radiating from the base camp was cut through virgin forest and secondary growth. Muist- nets (12m) were set using standard techniques in selected sites in all ‘mainland’ habitat types. 12-30 mist-nets (x=22) were maintained throughout the survey period, fora total of 1056 net/days. More than two- thirds of the field observation time (288 hrs) was spent in seasonally flooded and terre firme forest. 263 species were recorded during the survey. Based on the cumulative curve of species added over 48 survey days, we estimate that from 300-310 species were resident within 10 km of our base camp. Below we present body weight data by sex for 750 individuals of 201 species. For reference, 62 species observed but not collected are listed in the Appendix. Voucher specimens were deposited in the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution) and the Museum of Zoology, University of Sao Paulo. Weights of birds (including gut contents) were taken soon after death with Pesola spring scales for 5, 10, 30, 50, 100 and 300 g and with a 10 kg spring scale. Weights up to 10g were rounded to the nearest 0.1 g, those from 10 to 300 g to the nearest 1.0 g, and those above 300 g to the nearest 5.0 g. Because our spring scales measure weights but read in grams (unit of mass), we use the familiar term ‘weight’ while presenting the figures in grams. These weight data include species that have small geographic ranges (e.g. Penelope pileata, Gypopsitta vulturina, Pyrrhura perlata, Neomorphus squamiger, Lophornis gouldii) or are rare and poorly known (e.g. Synallaxis cherriei, Simoxenops ucayalae, Hylopezus berlepschi, Conopophaga melano- gaster, Taeniotriccus andrei). Also noteworthy are data for large-bodied species that are rarely weighed in the field (e.g. Phalacrocorax olivaceus, Cathartes melambrotos, Leucopternis schistacea, Psophia viridis). Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of selected species will be published elsewhere. Taxonomy of the species arrangement below follows Morony et al. (1975). Numbers in parentheses equal sample size for a particular weight class. *Collected on the east bank of the Rio Iriri near the confluence of the Rio Xingu and Rio Iriri (Iriri Camp, 85km SW Altamira, 3°50’S, 52°40’W). Tinamus major: 3 1050 Crypturellus variegatus: 33 310, 365 Phalacrocorax olivaceus: $3 1400, 1450 Ardea cocot: 2 2100 Cathartes melambrotos: 3 1650 Harpagus bidentatus: 3 165 Accipiter superciliosus: 3 67 Leucopternis schistacea: 2 455 Daptrius americanus: 3 510 Falco rufigularis: 3 125 Ortalis motmot: 3 345 Penelope pileata: 3 1100; 2 1420? Crax fasciolata: 2 2280 Odontophorus gujanensis: 3 380 Psophia viridis: 2 11707, 1200? Aramides cajanea: 3 420; 2 350 G.R. Graves & R.L. Zusi 22, Bull. B.O.C.1990 110(1) Vanellus cayanus: 5 72,73;°79 Phaetusa simplex: 2 240 Columba plumbea: 3 132; 2126 Columbina passerina: 33 24 (2); 9 28 Leptotila verreauxt: 3 140 Leptotila rufaxilla: $3 115, 135, 162, 167; 99 122, 128, 137, 145 Geotrygon montana: 53 86, 105 Ara ararauna: 2 995 Ara macao: 2 1040 Ara severa: 2 285 Aratinga leucophthalmus: 2°. 145, 148 Aratinga aurea: § 94 Pyrrhura perlata: $3 70, 80 Pyrrhura picta: 3g 46, 47,51; 2948 Brotogeris chrysopterus: 33 68, 72; 29 58,59 Gypopsitta vulturina: 33 138, 150; 2 142 Pionus menstruus: 3 215 Amazona ochrocephala: 3 535; 2505 Piaya cayana: 5 92 Crotophaga major: 33 170, 200 Neomorphus squamiger: 3 340° Otus choliba: g 123;2125 Otus watsoni: 95 115 (2), 116, 122; 99 127, 141 Ciccaba virgata: § 240 Lurocalis semitorquatus: 3 60 Nyctiprogne leucopyga: 3 23, 24 (2), 27; 92 23 (2), 26 Nyctidromus albicollis: $3 49, 53,54 Nyctiphrynus ocellatus: 3 35; 239 Caprimulgus nigrescens: 2° 33, 38, 40 Hydropsalis climacocerca: 33 39, 41, 54, 55; 92 35, 47 Glaucis hirsuta: 33 5.6, 6.0, 6.3, 6.5 Threnetes leucurus: 33 4.8, 5.4 Phaethornis superciliosus: 33 4.5, 4.6 (2), 4.8, 4.9, 5.0(3), 5.5; 99 4.2, 4.5, 5.6 Phaethornis ruber: 3 2.3; 22.3 Campylopterus largipennis: 2 7.0 Lophornis gouldit: 2 2.4 Thalurania furcata: $3 4.0, 4.1 (2), 4.3; 2923.3, 3.4, 3.8, 4.1, 4.2 Polyplancta aurescens: 3 6.0 Heliothryx aurita: 3 4.5 Trogon viridis: 3 81; 287 Chloroceryle amazona: 3 116; 2 105 Chloroceryle americana: 35 24 Chloroceryle inda: 33 41, 51; 250 Chloroceryle aenea: 3 11 Momotus momota: 3 148 Galbula albirostris: $3 20, 21 (2), 23 (3), 24 (2); 99 21 (2), 22 Galbula ruficauda: $ 22 (2); 29 20, 22 Galbula dea: 33 30, 39 Jacamerops aurea: 5 73 Notharchus tectus: 2 30 Malacoptila rufa: 33 39, 44; 29 40, 43 Monasa nigrifrons: 33 68 (2), 71, 75; 99 75, 77 Monasa morphoeus: $ 77; 2°87 Chelidoptera tenebrosa: 33 34, 36 Pteroglossus bitorquatus: 2 120 Pteroglossus aracari: 33 237,272 Ramphastos vitellinus: 2 317 Ramphastos tucanus: 3 $555,570 Picumnus aurifrons: 3 9.1 Veniliornis affinis: 3 30 Piculus flavigula: 33 64, 68; 2 63 Celeus flavus: $5 105, 114 G. R. Graves & R.L. Zusi 23 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Dryocopus lineatus: 3 174 Campephilus rubricollis: 3 207 Dendrocincla fuliginosa: $3 37, 43 (3), 44 (3); 2° 29, 35, 36 Dendrocincla merula: 33 28, 31, 32 (2), 35, 36, 38, 43; 99 29, 33, 34 Deconychura stictolaema: ° 13 (2) Sittasomus griseicapillus: § 17;211 Glyphorhynchus sptrurus: 3 14, 15, 16 (2), 17 (4), 20; 29 13, 15, 21 (2) Nasica longirostris: unsexed 82 Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus: 3 111; 2 102 Dendrocolaptes concolor: 33 50, 52, 58, 62; 22 52 (2), 64, 66, 67 Dendrocolaptes picumnus: 3 77 Xiphorhynchus picus: 35 34, 35, 36; 22 34, 35, 38 Xiphorhynchus obsoletus: $5 27, 30; 22 24, 26, 30 (2) Xiphorhynchus spixit: $3 30 (2); 22 30, 31, 32 Xiphorhynchus eytont: 35 61 (3), 64, 65; 29 45, 50, 53, 55 Campylorhamphus procurvoides: 29 38 (2) Furnarius figulus: 3 28 Synallaxts gujanensis: 319 Synallaxis rutilans: 3 14; 292.17 (2), 19 Synallaxis cherriei: 3 16 Simoxenops ucayalae: 3 39 (placed in Philydor by Morony et al. 1975) Philydor erythrocercus: $3 24 (2); 29 18, 20, 21 (2), 22 Philydor pyrrhodes: 3 33; 2 24 Automolus infuscatus: 33 35, 36, 37, 41; 2° 32, 34 Automolus rufipileatus: 33 36, 38 (3); 231 Xenops minutus: 53 9.3, 10.0 (2), 11 (2); 29 8.8, 9.0, 9.9 Sclerurus mexicanus: 33 20, 21, 22 (2); 299 21, 27 Sclerurus caudacutus: $3 34, 35; 235 Cymbilaimus lineatus: 33 31, 36 Taraba major: 3 57 Sakesphorus luctuosus: 33 31, 34 (2); 99 28 (2), 32, 33 Thamnophilus schistaceus: 33 19, 20; 9 21 Thamnophilus amazonicus: 53 15; 19 (3), 22; 99 17 (2), 21 Pygiptila stellaris: $3 19, 23; 29 21, 23, 24 Thamnomanes caesius: 33 13 (4), 14, 15 (2), 16 (4); 22 13 (3), 14 (2), 15 (3), 18 Myrmotherula brachyura: 27.5 Myrmotherula surinamensis: 33 7.2, 8.0, 3 2; 997.8, 8.0 Myrmotherula hauxwelli: 33 8.4 (3), 9.0 5; 99 8. 7, 9.2 (2), 9.6 Myrmotherula leucophthalma: g 9.6; 29 8. e 10.2 Myrmotherula ornata: 33 8.6, 9.0, 9.5 (2); Q 9.3 Myrmotherula axillaris: $3 6.1, 6.6, 7.0, 7.2; 292 7.0, 7.3 Myrmotherula longipennis: 3 8.0; 22 7.4, 8.4, 8.6 Myrmotherula menetriesii: $3 8.6, 9.0; 2 9.0 Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus: 3 10.0; 92 11 Cercomacra nigrescens: $35 15, 16 (5), 18, i ad O° 14, 15, 16 Pyriglena leuconota: 33 26 (3), 29 (2), 30, 31, 34, 36; 29 24, 27 (2), 28 (2), 30 Myrmoborus leucophrys: 33 18, 21; 217 Myrmoborus myotherinus: 35 15 (2), 16, 18; 217 Hypocnemis cantator: $3 10 (2), 11 (2), 12; 992 10, 11 Hypocnemoides maculicauda: 33 11, 12 (4), 13; 2 12 Sclateria naevia: 2 22 Percnostola leucostigma: 3g 22, 24, 25 (2), 26; 29 21, 22, 23 Hylophylax naevia: $3 9.5, 11 (4), 12; 92 10, 11, 13 Hylophylax punctulata: 33 9.4, 9.8, 11; 92 12, 13 Hylophylax poecilonota: 33 14, 16 (2); 299 14 (2), 15, 16 (2), 17 Phlegopsis nigromaculata: 33 40, 42, 46, 48, 49; 29 36 (2), 37, 41, 43 (2) Formicarius colma: 33 38, 39, 40 (2), 46, 47; 29 41, 44, 48 Formicarius analis: $3 45, 50, 57; 2 54 Grallaria varia: 3 121; 298 Hylopezus berlepschi: 2 39 Conopophaga aurita: $3 22, 25; 29 20, 24 Conopophaga melanogaster: 3 42 G. R. Graves & R.L. Zusi 24 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Lipaugus vociferans: 33 68, 80; 22.75, 77 Pachyramphus marginatus: 3 18 Pachyramphus minor: 2 32 Cephalopterus ornatus: 3 705; 2° 380, 405 Pipra rubrocapilla: 2 10 Pipra fascticauda: 33 11, 12 (3), 13 (4), 14 (5), 15 (3), 16 (3), 17 (3); 92 11, 12 (3), 13 (5), 14 (5), 15 (7), 16 (4) Heterocercus linteatus: 2° 16, 20 Knipolegus orenocensis: $3 19, 21;218 Megarhynchus pitangua: 3 63 Myiarchus ferox: 35 22, 24; 217 Attila spadiceus: 2 33 Attila cinnamomeus: 3 38; 2 35 Rhytipterna simplex: 2 29 Empidonax euleri: 3 12 Terenotriccus erythrurus: 53 6.0, 6.3, 6.5 Onychorhynchus coronatus: $3 12, 13 (2), 14 (2) Platyrinchus platyrhynchos: $3 11,12;2 11 Tolmomyitas sulphurescens: 3 11; 22.12, 13 Tolmomyias poliocephalus: $3 10, 11 Tolmomyias flaviventris: 33 9,10, 11; 211 Rhynchocyclus olivaceus: 33 aig 22: 99 18, 22 Todirostrum maculatum: 3 6.8; Q7 is Snethlagea minor: 33 6.0, 6.9, 7.0, 7.6; 2° 6.0, 6.8, 7.0 Taeniotriccus andrei: $3 8.0, 8.6, 8.8, 9. 6 Myiornis ecaudatus: 3 4.3; 2 4.8 Capsiempis flaveola: 3 8.0 Inezia subflava: 33 6.0, 7.3; 27.0 Camptostoma obsoletum: 3 7.5; 2 8.0 Tyranniscus gracilipes: 5 8.0 Pipromorpha oleaginea: 33 7.6, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 9.9; 92 7.1, 8.0, 8.3, 9.6 Pipromorpha macconnelli: 33 11 (3), 12, 13 (2); 2 11 Corythopis torquata: 2 13 (placed in Formicariidae by Morony et al. 1975) Campylorhynchus turdinus: unsexed 38 Thryothorus coraya: 3 19,219 Thryothorus leucotis: 33 16 (2), 18, 19; 2 16 Microcerculus marginatus: 3 17; 99 14,17 Turdus fumigatus: $3 60, 67; 22 53, 59, 72 Turdus albicollis: $3 36, 39, 47; 2° 39, 46 Ramphocaenus melanurus: 3 7.6; 92 7.8, 8.4, 8.6 Polioptila plumbea: 2 6.8 Oryzoborus angolensis: $35 11 (2), 12; 210 Arremon taciturnus: $3 21 (2), 22 (2), 23, 24, 25, 26; 99 18, 23, 25 Paroaria gularis: $3 22, 23; 99 19, 25, 27 Saltator maximus: 33 33, 38, 40, 41; 92 35, 41, 43, 45 Pitylus grossus: $3 22, 23; 92 19, 25, 27 Passerina cyanoides: $3 21 (2), 22, 23 (4), 25 (2); 9° 22, 24, 25, 26 Hemithraupis guira: 33 11 (2), 12 Tachyphonus cristatus: 3 23 Tachyphonus rufus: 2 36 Habia rubica: 3 32 Ramphocelus carbo: $3 20, 21, 22, 24 (2), 25; 22 20, 22, 23, 25, 26 Thraupis palmarum: 3 32 Euphonia violacea: 3 14; 2 14 Tangara mexicana: § 21 Phaeothlypis rivularis: unsexed 11 Granatellus pelzelni: 2 11 Coereba flaveola: 2 8.8 Hylophilus brunneiceps: 33 8.0, 11; 2 8.0 Psarocolius decumanus: 3 232 Gymnostinops yuracares neivae x G. bifasciatus: $3 290, 385, 445; 22 184, 210, 215 Cacicus cela: 3 98 G. R. Graves & R.L. Zusi 25 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Acknowledgements Field work was facilitated and supported by the Academia Brasileira de Ciéncias, through a grant from Electronorte administered by P. E. Vanzolini. Transportation to and from Brazil was provided by the Smithsonian’s I.E.S.P. Neotropical Lowland Research Program. We thank Mike Carleton, Ron Crombie, Louise Emmons and Linda Gordon for collect- ing specimens, and P. E. Vanzolini and Bea Ribeiro for providing logistical support on the Xingu and in Sao Paulo. References: Griscom, L. & Greenway, J. C. Jr 1941. Birds of Lower Amazonia. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 88: 83-344. Morony, J. J., Jr, Bock, W. J. & Farrand, J., Jr 1975. Reference List of the Birds of the World. American Museum of Natural History, New York. Oren, D. C. 1987. Cherrie’s spinetail (Synallaxis cherriei Gyldenstolpe) (Aves: Furnariidae) in Carajas and Gorotire, Para, Brazil. Bol. Mus. Paraense Emilio Goeldi, nov. ser. Zool. 3: 1=9: Snethlage, E. 1913. Uber die Verbreitung der Vogelarten in Unteramazonien. ¥. Orn. 61: 469-539. Addresses: Gary R. Graves & Richard L. Zusi, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Appendix Species recorded on the east bank of the Rio Xingu from 13 August to 30 September 1986 but not collected. Tinamus guttatus Anhinga anhinga Butorides striatus Egretta thula Pilherodius pileatus Mycteria americana Mesembrinibis cayennensis Cairina moschata Sarcoramphus papa Coragyps atratus Cathartes aura Elanoides forficatus Ictinia plumbea Buteo magnirostris Leucopternis albicollis Buteogallus urubitinga Pandion haliaetus Daptrius ater Polyborus plancus Mitu mitu Heliornis fulica Actitis macularia Sterna superciliaris Rynchops niger Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Ara chloroptera Graydidascalus brachyurus Amazona farinosa Crotophaga ani Pulsatrix perspicillata Nyctibius griseus Chaetura cinereiventris Panyptila cayennensis Anthracothorax nigricollis Hylocharis cyanus Trogon melanurus Trogon violaceus Ceryle torquata Bucco capensis Piculus chysochloros Campephilus melanoleucos Cranioleuca gutturata Cotinga cayana Tityra semifasciata Tityra inquisitor Tyrannus melancholicus Mytozetetes similis Pitangus sulphuratus Pitangus lictor Myiobuus sp. Tachycineta albiventer Progne chalybea Atticora melanoleuca Volatinia jacarina Dacnis cayana Dacnis flaviventer Cyanerpes sp. Tachyphonus luctuosus Thraupis episcopus Cyclarhis gujanensis Molothrus bonariensis Icterus cayenensis ¥. Fjeldsa 26 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Geographic variation in the Rufous-webbed Tyrant Polioxolmis rufipennis, with description of a new subspecies by Fon Fyeldsa Received 22 Fune 1989 The Rufous-webbed Tyrant Polioxolmis rufipennis (previously in Myiotheretes or Xolmis—see Smith & Vuilleumier 1971, Traylor 1977, Lanyon 1986) is a large and conspicuous tyrant flycatcher inhabiting the high Andes of Bolivia and Peru. Although recorded only from few and widely scattered localities, no geographic differentiation has been noted. Zimmer (1937), in his review of Peruvian fluvicoline flycatchers, did not comment on this species, and it is currently recognized as monotypic (Traylor 1979). In connection with a general study of the population structures of bird species associated with high-elevation remnant woodlands in Peru and Bolivia I examined the great majority of museum specimens of the Rufous-webbed Tyrant, and was surprised to find a clearcut geographic differentiation. This pattern is described here, together with a few biological data on this poorly known bird. Materials ‘This study is based on the field experience from travels together with Niels Krabbe and others in 1983/84 and 1987, and on studies of museum specimens by myself. Examined specimens were birds collected in 1983, -87, -89 for the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen (ZMUC), and study skins from: the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (ANSP); American Museum of Natural History, New York (AMNH); British Museum of Natural History, Tring (BMNH); Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh (CMP); Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (FMNH); Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles (IRSNB); Louisiana State University Museum of Zoology, Baton Rouge (LSUMZ); Musee de Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MHNP); Museo de Historia Natural de la UNMSM, “‘Javier Prado’’, Lima (MHNJP); and the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm (SMNH). (This species was lacking in some other institutions visited.) Altogether 74 specimens were examined. Measurements taken were exposed culmen, tarsus, wing length (cord), tail length and width of the dark distal tail-bar (measured from the narrowest point, parallel with the shaft, to the distal feather edge, and on the outer rectrix). The wing formula and outline of the dark pattern on the outer tail-feathers were recorded. Capitalized colour names refer to a direct comparison with the colour standards of Ridgway (1912). F. Fjeldsa 27 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Distribution and habitat requirements In Peru, specimen records are from the West Andes in Cajamarca (Hua- craruco, Hacienda Taulis, Sendamal and near Celendin), La Libertad (Huamachuco, Quirivilca), Ancash (above Huaylas, Quebrada Pucavado, Rio Pumamarca), Lima (upper Santa Eulalia Valley and Hortical in the Canete drainage) and Ayacucho (Pampa Galeras, Quebrada Quenua); in the Central Andes in Amazonas (Atuen), La Libertad (Tayabamba), Pasco and Junin (Huanuco mountains, Chipa, east of Concepcion above Huariaca), Huancavelica (Huancavelica) and in Apurimac (Pomayaco, Runtacocha, Chipimarca); and in the East Andes in Cuzco (Cachupata, Abra Malaga, Patallacta) and Puno (Checayani). Sight records from other places in Lima, western Ayacucho and Puno are given in Fjeldsa (1987). R. A. Hughes has a sighting as far south as Cruz de Condor in Arequipa. Bolivian specimen records are from western Oruro (Carangas near Nevada Sajama), in the Cordillera Real of La Paz (4 road km W Pongo, 10 miles N Viloca) and Cochabamba (Choro in Ayopaya), in sheltered valleys along the watershed of the Tunari range in Cochabamba and in the rainshadow of central Cochabamba (Cochabamba, Cerro Blanco, above Tutimayo, Colomi, Salto Pampa, Tiraque, Incachaca, Parrasco near Lopez Mendoza, Cuchacancha) and Samaipata in adjacent Sta Cruz. The species is also recorded in Potosi (Finca Salo, Oploca). Typically in Peru it occurs at around 4000m on slopes with light Polylepis woodlands surrounded by puna grassland and rocky terrain with occasional cacti, scrubs and Puyas. Often the territory includes high rock-walls and narrow rocky ridges adjacent to Polylepis patches. In the breeding season, the species seems to be narrowly restricted to the edges of Polylepis woods or to areas with scattered, park-like Polylepis vegetation, sometimes with the giant bromeliad Puya raimondii admixed. In most of Peru, these woodlands are isolated well above the cloud and elfin forests. On the Pacific slope, the Polylepis habitats usually lie near the upper fringe of the zone of frequent mists, but well above the relict patches of true cloud forest and also somewhat isolated from shrub- steppe habitats. This isolation of the breeding habitat may be a main reason for the apparent specialization of the Rufous-webbed Tyrant to Polylepis woodlands (see Vuilleumier’s (1986) view of the evolution of specialization to Polylepis in birds). In Cochabamba in Bolivia most records of Rufous-webbed Tyrants are at 3000—3800 m, from places where the Polylepis grows interspersed in a more varied scrubby vegetation, with small acacia-like trees and Barnadesia scrub. The valleys in this southern part of the range have a vegetation continuum from lower-temperate thorny scrub mixed with Polylepis to pure Polylepis shrub on the edge of the Altiplano. The Rufous-webbed Tyrant may hardly reach elevations with pure Polylepis stands, maybe because these habitats are, in general, biologically very poor. The only nest of the Rufous-webbed Tyrant found (15 February 1987, with 2 fledglings) was in a tiny patch of Polylepis trees in a small stream ravine on a puna slope. It was a rather flimsy and open cup of stalks and thin twigs placed just below the top of a 5 m-tall tree overhanging the stream. J. Fyeldsa 28 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) The Rufous-webbed Tyrant hunts hovering, like a kestrel, or using hanging hover on aerial updraughts (Fjeldsa & Krabbe in press). A bird may also watch from a conspicuous perch in a bush-top or a projection on a rocky slope or rock-wall, to glide down to take prey from the ground. In open country it sometimes watches from hummocks and makes short runs and sallies. The need for updraughts and elevated hunting posts may be a main determinant of its selection of rocky walls and ridges in the rolling grasslands and semideserts characterizing the high Andes. How- ever, it is difficult to see how Polylepis trees as such can have any signifi- cance in relation to the feeding ecology. Thus, although the species seems to have developed a very strong (if not total) attachment to Polylepis stands for breeding, it probably roams some distance away from these woodlands when not breeding. Many specimen records from the dry non- breeding season are from places with fields, xeric stream valleys and from humid treeline habitat around 3000 m—in Peru at Huacraruco, Atuén, Pomayaco and Cachupata, and in Bolivia where there are records from humid montane forest habitat at Aduana above Incachaca. The sparse records of the Rufous-webbed Tyrant to a considerable extent may bea result of a paucity of observations in its steep and difficult habitat. Even in the most suitable habitat, the species holds large territor- ies, and has a very low population density. Many Polylepis patches are isolated by tens of kilometers from the next patch. However, the long wings and good flying powers of the Rufous-webbed Tyrant (Fitzpatrick 1985), and its ability to leave the core habitat at least seasonally, should permit some gene-flow contact between local populations. The species must be expected to have been much more widespread previously than today, since the patchiness of forest habitats in part results from human activity, from pre-Incaic times up to the present (Ansion 1986, Fjeldsa 1987). Character variation Measurements. ‘The sexual dimorphism in measurements is_ slight through Peru, but increases southwards. For the West Andes from Cajamarca to Lima, the mean wing length of 7 3¢ is 131.9, of 6 9° 128.9 mm; 15 Bolivian 33 have the mean 124.1, 15 99 116.3 mm; for the isolated southernmost site, Oploca, 2 99 have wings 101.5 and 104 mm, 2 $3 124 and 125 mm. A similar variation is found in other measurements, males being slightly larger than females, a difference that is most pro- nounced furthest south. The material is insufficient for a sex-separated analysis of character variation; however, it is worth noting that the male: female ratio of museum specimens examined is 0.65 for the Peruvian material, 1.36 for Bolivian material. The local variation in wing- and tail-length is given in Table 1. Other measurements show a similar pattern of differentiation. Clearly, birds from the northern part of the range average largest (despite the low frac- tion of males in the data), those from the East Andes zone of Bolivia small. There is much individual variation in southern and central Peru. Omitting 4 specimens from near the borderline (3 from Puno, 1 from Oruro), the average wing-length, with standard deviation, is 129.1, JF. Fyeldsa 29 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) TABLE 1 Local variation in wing and tail length (mm), and width of the tail bar (mm), in the Rufous- webbed Tyrant Polioxolmis rufipennis n Wing Tail Tail bar Cen. Andes of Amazonas + Libertad 2 131, 133 92, 93.4 23.5, 24 W. Andes of Cajamarca+ Libertad 10 129.4-133 86.2—99 17.5—24.7 Ancash to W Ayacucho 8 127-135 92-97 19-28 Pasco, Juin+ Huancavelica 4 128-132 91.3—96.8 19.5—23 Apurimac 6 120-130.5 95.5-110.5 22-25 Cuzco 3 126.5-130 88.5—97 19-23 Puno 33 117-131 ? 6-8 W. Oruro 1 134 96.2 18 E. Cordilera of N. Bolivia 6 119.2-126.5 85.9-90 6-18 Tunari area 11 113-126.2 8490.6 9-16 Lower Cochabamba 11 112.5-128 83-88.8 11-16 Potosi 4 101.5-125 8891.5 11-16 s.d.+3.5 mm for Peru, 120.5+6.2 mm for Bolivia. The calculated joint non-overlap for the 2 series is 82° for the wing-length (82% for 3d, 87% for 22), 90% for tail length. Comparing birds from the West Andes with those from the East Andes of Bolivia, there is no overlap at all. The wing formula did not show clearcut regional differences. Colours. Bill and feet are black (gape pale olive towards flesh), the eyes brownish white to pale grey-brown (unlike the dark-eyed Myiotheretes and Cnemarchus, though a fledgling had dark brown eyes, with yellow mouth and cutting edges of both mandibles). The plumage is generally dark sooty grey, lightest below, becoming pinkish buff on the central belly and vent; the underside of wings and tail are extensively cinnamon- rufous, except for a dark distal bar and dark central pair of tail-feathers. The juvenile plumage (3 specimens, January—February) is slightly warmer hued, the throat less clearly streaked, but the breast appearing slightly spotted, owing to a faint buffy tinge on the feather edges. There is an absolutely constant geographic difference. Peruvian birds (and the one from western Oruro) were deep neutral grey above, giving a very uniform, smooth, bluish slaty impression. All Bolivian birds and specimens from Puno Peru (Azangaro) are slightly lighter and duller grey, as if slightly tinged brownish, and the feathers of the breast often have definitely lighter, more buffy feather-sides causing faint streaking. This state is approached only in juvenile birds from Peru. The tail-bar (as defined in the introduction) is 17.5—30 mm wide (mean 22.0, s.d.+3.0mm) in most of Peru, against 6-16 (18)mm (mean 12.1+2.9 mm) in Puno and Bolivia (Table 1). Variations in the outline of the bar (e.g. whether the dark colour curves up along the shaft or inner edge of the feather, or not) do not follow a geographic pattern. Discussion ‘The character expression is fairly constant in northern Peru and south- wards in the West Andes, while birds from the East Andes zone of Bolivia show other character states (with a greater variance owing to more marked J. Fyeldsa 30 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) sexual dimorphism). Birds from Apurimac to Puno in southern Peru show somewhat variable size; however, if also the colouration is con- sidered, the differentiation is very abrupt. Regarding the width of the tail- bar, only one bird from Cordillera Real in La Paz (bar 18 mm wide) causes overlap with birds from north of the Raya pass between Puno and Cuzco. Three birds from Puno are transitory by size, but have narrow tail-bars. Birds from Cuzco show slightly narrower tail-bars than those from further north. Gene flow could be expected to take place easily all the way along the East Cordillera from La Paz to Cuzco. The variation is not simply correlated with climate, as both morpho- logical groups range from semi-humid to arid climates. Considering the dispersal potential and lack of particularly large range disjunctions in southern Peru (except probably on the Pacific slope), the pattern of differ- entiation is difficult to explain. As the habitat was clearly more wide- spread in the past than today, there is no obvious explanation in the near past. Maybe the topography and climatic oscillations, in combination, caused larger disjunctions sometimes in the far past than today. This is suggested by the phytogeographic patterns with some Polylepis species typical of the Peruvian cordilleras (P. subsericans, incana and racemosa), and other species typical of Bolivia and the altiplanos and southern Peru (P. besseri, tarapacana and tomentella) (see Simpson 1986 and new distri- butional records in Fjeldsa 1987). However, a specific scenario of differ- entiation is difficult to hypothesize before the population structure has been worked out for additional Polylepis-adapted birds. I will classify the populations as follows: Polioxolmis rufipennis rufipennis Taczanowski, 1874 Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 134 Maraynioc, Peru. Type formerly Warshaw Museum, now lost. Diagnosis. Large (wing 120-135mm, mean 129.1, s.d.+3.5 mm), above Deep Neutral Grey to Slate Colour, slightly lighter below, but on the whole appearing very uniform dark, almost bluish. Dusky tail-bar wide, 17.5—30 mm on the outer rectrix. Range. Locally distributed in the temperate zone of the West and Central Cordilleras of the Andes from Lambayeque, Cajamarca and Amazonas in the north to Cordillera Vilcabamba in Cuzco, and on the west slope very locally south of Lima to Arequipa, Peru, and at Carangas near Nevada Sajama in western Oruro, Bolivia. Polioxolmis rufipennis bolivianus subsp. nov. Type. SMNH Stockholm A561808, leg. 13 June 1938 by A. M. Olalla, on Cerro Blanco (3800 m), Cochabamba, Male. Diagnosis. Generally small (wing 101.5—131 mm; mean 120.5, s.d. +6.12 mm), dull grey, appearing buff- or brown-tinged rather than bluish, and with the dark bar on the outer rectrix only 6—16 mm wide (measured where the bar is narrowest). The individual colour variation is slight, although some birds have conspicuously paler (more buffy) feather-edges on the breast, which gives a suggestion of spots or streaks. Description of the type. Above Hair Brown, but remiges showing Light Drab outer webs, and thin whitish edges distally. Becomes slightly paler F. Fyeldsa 31 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) below, with Pallid Drab-Grey supralore and streaks on the Light Mouse Grey throat; darkest zone of breast Mouse Grey, with indications of lighter and bufher feather-edges centrally, lower belly and vent buffy white. Under wing-coverts Pinkish Buff, remiges and rectrices Cinna- mon (inclining towards Avellaneous) with dusky distal bar, which is c. 11.5 mm wide on the right outer rectrix, but diffusely demarcated (the left outer rectrix has a malformation distally). Culmen 19.4mm, tarsus 27.8 mm, wing cord 124.3 mm, tail 90.6 mm. Other specimens examined. 12 in AMNH, 6 in ANSP, 5 in CMP, 6 in MHNP, 3 in LSUMZ, 3 in MHNP, 3 in SMNH. Compared with 43 specimens of the nominate subspecies in AMNH, ANSP, BMNH, CMP, FMNH, IRSNB, LSUMZ, MHNJP and ZMUC. Range. Puno in southeastern Peru and into Bolivia, along the East Cordillera of La Paz to the Tunari Range of Cochabamba; also in semi- arid central Cochabamba and into adjacent Sta Cruz, and by Oploca in Potosi. Acknowledgements I wish to thank the staff members of all museums visited for their courtesy, and Olavi Groénwall in Stockholm for a loan. The field work and museum visits in the Andes were sponsored especially by the Danish National Research Council (grants 11-4043, 11-5958, 11-), which also supported museum visits in the U.S. in 1988 (grant 11-7173). References: Ansion, J. 1986. El arbol y el bosque en la sociedad Andina. Inst. Nac. Forestal Fauna—FAO: Lima. Fitzpatrick, J. W. 1985. Form, foraging behavior, and adaptive radiation in the T'yrannidae. Pp. 447-470 in Buckley et al. (Eds) Neotropical Ornithology. Ornithological Monograph No. 36. A.O.U., Washington. Fjeldsa, J. 1987. Birds of Relict Forests in the High Andes of Peru and Bolivia. Technical report from the polylepis forest expedition of the Zoological Museum, 1987, with some preliminary suggestions for habitat preservation. Zool. Mus.: Copenhagen. 80 pp. Fjeldsa, J. & Krabbe, N. in press. Birds of the High Andes—a manual to the birds of the temperate zone of the Andes and Patagonia. Zool. Mus.: Copenhagen. c. 850 pp. Lanyon, W. E. 1986. A phylogeny of the thirty-three genera in the Empidonax assemblage of tyrant flycatchers. Am. Mus. Novit. 2846: 1-64. Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. Washington D.C. Simpson, B. B. 1986. Speciation and specialization of Polylepis in the Andes. Pp. 304—316 in F. Vuillieumier & M. Monasterio (eds.): High Altitude Tropical Biogeography. Oxford Univ. Press. Smith, W. J. & Vuilleumier, F. 1971. Evolutionary relationships of some South American Ground Tyrants. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 141: 179-268. Traylor, M. A., Jr. 1977. A classification of the tyrant flycatchers (Tyrannidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 148: 129-184. Traylor, M. A., Jr. 1979. Subfamily Tyranninae. Pp. 186-229 in M. A. Traylor (ed.): Check-list of Birds of the World. Vol. VIII. Mus. Comp. Zool.: Cambridge, Mass. Vuilleumier, F. 1986. Origins of the tropical avifaunas of the high Andes. Pp. 586—622 in F. Vuillieumier & M. Monasterio (eds.): High Altitude Tropical Biogeography. Oxford Univ. Press. Zimmer, J. T. 1937. Studies of Peruvian birds. XXXVI. Notes on the genera Agriornis, Muscisaxicola, Myiotheretes, Colonia, Knipolegus, Phaeotriccus, Fluvicola and Ramphotrigon. Am. Mus. Novit. 930: 1-27. Address: Dr J. Fjeldsa, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100 Kobenhavn, Denmark. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. N. Stronach 32 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Habitat and distribution of the Rock-loving Cisticola Cisticola aberrans in Serengeti National Park, ‘Tanzania by Neil Stronach Received 26 Fune 1989 The Rock-loving Cisticola Cisticola aberrans has a wide range in Africa (Hall & Moreau 1970). It has specialized habitat requirements and consequently is local within much of its known range (Britton 1980, Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1960). Schmid] (1982) traced only 2 pub- lished records of the species in Serengeti National Park (SNP), Tanzania, but between 1985 and 1987 I found it to be quite common in its preferred habitat there. This paper describes its status and aspects of its habitat preferences in SNP. Descriptions of the natural features of SNP have been reviewed by Sinclair & Norton-Griffiths (1979). All parts of SNP were visited. Observations were made opportunisti- cally and no formal survey was undertaken. C. aberrans was easily located and identified by its call. Most individuals could be approached closely enough to be identified by plumage characters, but the combination of call and habitat was usually sufficient. SNP is within the range of C. a. emini as shown by Hall & Moreau (1970). Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1960) and Britton (1980) emphasize the scantiness of vegetation in the rocky habitat of C. aberrans in East Africa. On the contrary, observations in SNP indicate that the species is confined to rocky places where the vegetation usually is rather plentiful. Most records were from rocky hills, but in northwestern SNP and near Seronera it was found among kopyjes. The kopjes referred to in this paper are also known as boulder inselbergs, or tors, as defined by Gerrard (1988), though some include features resembling domed inselbergs and castle kopjes. C. aberrans was also noted in extensive thickets of Croton dichogamus and Acacia brevispica on the eastern scarp of the Magogwa Hills after fire had removed grass from the rock outcrops that are its usual habitat in that area. On hills, C. aberrans occupied extremely broken ground, with boulders forming a scree on steep slopes, or rock outcrops and cliffs, more or less overgrown with grass, bushes and small trees. Even very small rock out- crops or cliffs were suitable. It preferred areas where there was grass growing between the boulders. The grass was usually Loudetia sp. with the leaf canopy 0.5 m to 0.75 m high, and flowering culms extending to above 1 m in height. The steep slopes of hills in SNP are more or less covered with woody vegetation. Characteristic species of tree are Combretum molle, Commiphora trothae and C. africana, Acacia spp. (particularly A. gerrardu and A. nilotica), Dombeya rotundifolia and Lonchocarpus ertocalyx. In many places these form open woodland, particularly on the steepest slopes where the effects of fire and browsing animals have been less severe. Around rock outcrops Cordia ovalis, Ziziphus mucronata, Euclea divinorum, Grewia spp. and Rhus natalensis form small thickets. N. Stronach 33 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) LAKE VICTORIA ESCARPMENT BOUNDARY OF PARK Fig. 1. Map of Serengeti National Park, showing the distribution of hills. Hills on which C. aberrans was recorded are shaded black. Kopjes on which C. aberrans was recorded are marked +. Near Seronera C. aberrans was found on kopjes with steep screes of large boulders. Tall Loudetia grew between the boulders but there were few bushes or trees. In northwestern SNP C. aberrans occupied kopjes on ridgetops, with tall Loudetia and Hyperthelia dissoluta growing thickly between the large boulders at their bases. Large trees of Ficus sp., Combretum molle and Terminalia mollis, and thickets of Grewia sp., Rhus natalensis and other shrubs were prominent on and around the kopjes. C. aberrans was observed to use all strata of the vegetation from bare rock surfaces to mature tree canopies. It spent most time in the grass layer and among bushes, particularly Commiphora trothae, which was usually N. Stronach 34 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) conspicuous in the hills. After fires had burnt most of the herb layer in the dry season, C. aberrans moved to small remnants of cover that had escaped burning, usually around rock outcrops or on cliffs. Such rem- nants are found on most hills in SNP, even after the most severe fires, and were seen to be used as refuges by C. aberrans. C. aberrans’ habitat in SNP approximates to that occupied by the species in Zambia (Benson et al. 1973) and Malawi (Benson 1944), in contrast to other East African populations (Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1960, Britton 1980), which occupy areas of bare rock with scant veg- etation, and for the species in South Africa (McLachlan & Liversidge 1978), where it inhabits rank vegetation along streams. Fig. 1 shows the localities where C. aberrans was located. Most of the hills in southwestern SNP have steep escarpments, often with a line of rock outcrops and cliffs near their summits. On these hills C. aberrans was common, its habitat being linear in distribution and in some cases more or less continuous for several kilometres. On other hills, including some in the Western Corridor, there are no steep escarpments and there are fewer outcrops of rock. In these hills small populations of C. aberrans may be present but remain unrecorded. On the lower slopes of escarpments, the woodland was occupied by the Rattling Cisticola C. chiniana. In the open woodland and scattered tree grassland of the flatter hilltops C. chiniana and the Croaking Cisticola C. natalensis were characteristic. Some small hills are rocky to their summits and there C. aberrans dominated. The Issuria Escarpment, on the northwestern boundary of SNP, was not investigated. The habitat there appears ideal for C. aberrans and Finch (1987) recorded the species a short distance along the escarpment in Kenya. Acknowledgements I thank the Director of Tanzania National Parks, the Coordinator of the Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute and the Director-General of the Tanzania National Scientific Research Council for permission to live and work in Serengeti National Park. I also thank Nigel Collar and Simon Stuart for criticising a draft of this paper. References: Benson, C. W. 1944. Notes from Nyasaland. [bis 86: 445—480. Benson, C. W., Brooke, R. K., Dowsett, R. J. & Irwin, M. P. S. 1973. The Birds of Zambia. Collins. Britton, P. L. (ed.) 1980. Birds of East Africa. East Africa Natural History Society, Nairobi. Finch, B. W. 1987. Rock-loving Cisticola C. aberrans near Kichwa Tembo, Maasai Mara, south-western Kenya. Scopus 11: 44—46. Gerrard, A. J. 1988. Rocks and Landforms. Unwin Hyman. Hall, B. P. & Moreau, R. E. 1970. An Atlas of Speciation in African Passerine Birds. British Museum (Nat. Hist.), Tring. Mackworth-Praed, C. W. & Grant, C. H. B. 1960. Birds of Eastern and Northeastern Africa. Vol. 2. Longmans, Green and Co. McLachlan, G. R. & Liversidge, R. 1978. Roberts’ Birds of South Africa (4th edn). Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, Cape Town. Schmidl, D. 1982. The Birds of Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. British Ornithologists’ Union Checklist No. 5. B.O.U. Sinclair, A. R. E. & Norton-Griffiths, M. (Eds) 1979. Serengeti, Dynamics of an Ecosystem. Univ. of Chicago Press. Address: Neil Stronach, Knockroe, Delgany, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. C.B. & D. W. Frith 35 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) The nest of the Mountain Firetail Oreostruthus fuliginosus Estrildidae) in Papua New Guinea by Clifford B. Frith & Dawn W. Frith Received 26 Fune 1989 The Mountain Firetail Oreostruthus fuliginosus is a large (13 cm long) and stout olive-brown estrildid finch with the sides of its breast, flanks, lower rump and upper tail coverts blood red and a bill colour that is variable but is basically blackish-red above and dull reddish below. It is found in the high mountains of the Central Ranges of the island of New Guinea at altitudes between 2200 and 3650 m, more usually above 2800 m, where it occurs singly or in pairs and sometimes in small groups in gaps in mon- tane forest, along road edges and at the timberline. A bulky, domed, nest containing 2 young of this species was found 1n mid-April above 2700 m on Mt Albert Edward (Donaghey 1968), but almost no details were given. Nothing else of the biology of this interesting monotypic species is known save that it eats grass seeds, fruits and insects and may occur deep in forest as well as at its edge (Rand & Gilliard 1967, Goodwin 1982, Beehler et al. 1986). For detailed descriptions of morphology and distributions the reader is referred to the above sources. Our incidental observations were made during other ornithological research in the Tari Gap forests (05°57'S, 143°10’E) of the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea at an altitude of c. 2650m during the periods 8 September—29 October 1986, 14 October—5 December 1987 and 19 December 1988—10 February 1989 (Frith & Frith 1987, 1988a,b,c, 1989). The habitat here is mossy mixed beech forest (Saunders 1965) with abundant Pandanus Palms Pandanus tectorius in the canopy and subcanopy (see plate in Frith & Frith 1988c). At 09.10 on 11 September 1986 a Mountain Firetail was seen flying with a piece of long fine nest material in its bill into the 10.7 m high (out of reach) crown centre of a Pandanus Palm situated on a steep ridge well within undisturbed dense forest. At 08.00 on 22 October 1987 a Mountain Firetail was seen flying witha dead leaf in its bill from the forest/grassland edge into a 6.7m high Pandanus Palm crown centre to add it to a globular nest, which could be seen to have a mossy top, but which could not be more closely examined. On 31 December 1988 at 13.30 a nest was found placed between the frond bases of a Pandanus Palm crown 6.1m above ground, the palm being 10 m into undisturbed forest from the edge of adjacent subalpine grassland. This nest contained the dried, mummified, body of a nestling with wing flight feathers and rump feathers out of pin, enabling us to identify it as a Mountain Firetail. The condition of green ferns on the outside of this nest indicated that it had been disused for no more than several weeks. Plate 3a shows the left side of this nest relative to the entrance, with the mummified nestling placed outside the entrance, and Plate 3b shows the side, or end, of the nest with the entrance hole (50 mm C.B.& D. W. Frith 36 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) diameter). Plate 4a shows the nest viewed from vertically above (note that the left side is only sparsely covered by external ‘decoration’ (see below) because it was built hard up against the broad palm frond bases); Plate 4b is the same view but the nest roof has been cut through its length from above the entrance hole to the far end of the chamber and then pulled apart to show the composition of the roof in section and the egg chamber floor. The rear of the nest chamber roof was 50 mm thick, and just above and within the entrance hole it was 35 mm thick. The bulky and sub- stantial rugby football-shaped nest consists of 2 fairly discrete parts, a dense and compact inner nest and a looser, sparser outer covering of predominantly green ‘decoration’. The inner nest structure consists of numerous long grass blades, which were dry and broad, with a few dry leaves (up to 130 x 52 mm in size) and dry, long and narrow ginger plant leaves (up to 210 x 35 mm). The lining of the egg chamber floor consisted simply of smaller and finer grass blade pieces. There were no feathers or feather traces at all, but it is possible that any feather lining had been removed, though unlikely, since the presence of the mummified nestling rather excludes any disturbance of the nest. Immediately on the outside of the inner nest were numerous large pieces of dry Pandanus Palm fronds and dry leaves and fern frond pinnae with dry, long lengths of straw-like grass blades loosely and sparsely woven about the entire structure. Immediately outside this layer was the external ‘decoration’ of much fresh, green ‘comb-toothed’ fern fronds, some small filmy-fern fronds, a few bits of green moss and a good deal of fine and supple brown-yellow epiphytic orchid stems, one or two of which still had a few small fresh green leaves attached. The word ‘decoration’ is not used literally, as the external fresh green vegetation may be cryptic in function or have some other significance. The above nest of the Mountain Firetail is unlike those of its closest relatives the firetail finches of the genus Emblema, including Zonaeginthus (Goodwin 1982), in being much more substantial, more elongate than round, of far larger and coarser materials and, in addition, covered exter- nally with fresh green ferns and mosses common to its nesting habitat. The nest entirely lacks an entrance tube, unlike all other firetails except the divergent Painted Finch E. picta (Immelmann 1982, Goodwin 1982), and was not built into surrounding branches and foliage but was built upon and between the bases of Pandanus Palm fronds, with which tree the Mountain Firetail appears to have a close nesting association, at least in the Tari Gap area. Acknowledgements We thank Brian Coates and Derek Goodwin for kindly commenting on a draft of this note. References Beehler, B. N., Pratt, T. K. & Zimmerman, D. A. 1986. Birds of New Guinea. Princeton University Press. Donaghey, R. H. 1968. Letter to members. Papua New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl. 32: 3. Frith, C. & Frith, D. 1987. The Logrunner, Orthonyx temminckii (Orthonychidae), at Tari Gap, Southern Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Muruk 2: 61-62. Frith, C. & Frith, D. 1988a. The Chestnut Forest-Rail, Rallina rubra (Rallidae), at Tari Gap, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea, and its vocalizations. Muruk 3: 48-50. D. F. Stotz 37 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Frith, C. B. & Frith, D. W. 1988b. Nests and eggs of Papuan Scrub-wren Sericornis papuen- sis (Acanthizidae) and Grey-streaked Honeyeater Ptiloprora perstriata (Meliphagidae). Aust. Bird Watcher 12: 168-170. Frith, C. B. & Frith, D. W. 1988c. Discovery of nests and the egg of Archbold’s Bowerbird Archboldia papuensis (Ptilonorhynchidae). Aust. Bird Watcher 12: 251-257. Frith, C. B. & Frith, D. W. 1989. Nesting biology and relationships of the Lesser Melampitta Melampitta lugubris. Emu 90. Goodwin, D. 1982. Estrildid Finches of the World. British Museum (Natural History). Immelmann, K. 1982. Australian Finches in Bush and Aviary. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. Rand, A. L. & Gilliard, E. T. 1967. Handbook of New Guinea Birds. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Saunders, J. C. 1965. Forest resources of the Wabag-Tari area. In General Report on Lands of the Wabag-Tari Area. Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 1960—61. Land Research Series 15, CSIRO, Melbourne. Address: C.B. Frith & Dr D. W. Frith, ‘“‘Prionodura’’, Paluma via Townsville, Queensland, Australia 4816. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. First specimens of Drymophila devillet from Colombia by Douglas F. Stotz Received 28 Fuly 1989 Hilty & Brown (1986) note the occurrence of the Striated Antwren Drymophila devillei in northern Ecuador and suggest that it might occur in adjacent Colombia in Putumayo or Amazonas. The Field Museum of Natural History contains 2 unpublished specimens of D. devillei from Putumayo that confirm this prediction. One, a male, was collected by Arturo Pazos on 7 October 1967 at Guascayaco. This locality was not located by Paynter & Traylor (1981), but was thought to be close to Mocoa (1°09’S, 76°37'W). The other specimen is a female collected by Kjell von Sneidern. The tag now accompanying the bird gives no date and only ‘Putumayo’ as a locality. Based on the collector’s number and the specimen’s presence in a collection of birds that are otherwise all from San Antonio Guamuez, it appears that this specimen was probably obtained at San Antonio Guamuez (0°31'N, 76°45’W) on 30 October 1969. Inciden- tally Fitzpatrick & Willard (1982) reported other significant records in von Sneidern’s collection from San Antonio Guamuez, including other first records from Colombia of Deconychura stictolaema, Rhegmatorhina melanosticta and Ramphotrigon fuscicauda. D. devillei is primarily a bird of bamboo thickets (Parker 1982). It is therefore not surprising that von Sneidern obtained several other bamboo-favouring species at this site, including Monasa flavirostris, Automolus melanopezus, Neoctantes niger and Ramphotrigon fuscicauda. Acknowledgements I thank the Bird Division of the Field Museum of Natural History, in particular David Willard, Scott Lanyon and John Fitzpatrick, for allowing me to use the collection. Tom Schulenberg and Debby Moskovits provided useful comments on this paper. I also P. Alstrém & U. Olsson 38 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) acknowledge financial support provided by the Field Museum Scholarship Committee through the Lester Armour Graduate Fellowship. References: Fitzpatrick, J. W. & Willard, D. E. 1982. Twenty-one bird species new or little-known from the Republic of Colombia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 102: 153-158. Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton Univ. Press. Parker, T. A., III. 1982. Observations of some unusual rainforest and marsh birds in southeastern Peru. Wilson Bull. 94: 477-493. Paynter, R. A. Jr. & Traylor, M. A. 1981. Ornithological Gazetteer of Colombia. Harvard Univ. Press. Address: D. F. Stotz, Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal 7172, Sao Paulo, S. P. CEP 01051, Brazil. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. ‘Taxonomy of the Phylloscopus proregulus complex by Per Alstrém & Urban Olsson Received 28 Fuly 1989 Pallas’s Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus is usually divided into 3 subspecies: (1) proregulus (Pallas) breeding in Siberia, northern Mongolia and northeastern China (Manchuria), and wintering mainly in south- eastern China; (2) chloronotus (Gray) breeding in central China and in the Himalayas west to central Nepal, where it intergrades with (3) stmlaensis 'Ticehurst, which occurs in the western Himalayas. The latter 2 are mainly altitudinal migrants (see Ali & Ripley 1973, Cheng 1987, Harrison 1982, Mayr & Cottrell 1986, Ticehurst 1938, Williamson 1967; Fig. 1). Another form, Ransuensis Meise (northern Gansu Province, China), has been described, but was regarded by Vaurie (1954) as synonymous with proregulus; Mayr & Cottrell (1986) follow Vaurie in this respect. Cheng (1987), on the other hand, treats it as a synonym of chloronotus. Judging from the only specimen of this form that we have seen (at the British Museum (Natural History) (BMNH), Tring; BM No. 1938.5.16.21), we agree with Cheng that it is best synonymised with chloronotus, Peter Colston (BMNH), who has also studied this specimen, agrees. Cheng and Mayr & Cottrell state that proregulus intergrades with chloronotus in the eastern part of Qinghai Province, China, a statement for which we have found no support. Accordingly, we believe that the breed- ing range of nominate proregulus is geographically well separated from chloronotus/simlaensis (Fig. 1). We have studied all 3 forms on their respective breeding grounds: proregulus in Siberia in 1984 and 1986 and in Manchuria in 1987 and 1988; P. Alstrém & U. Olsson 39 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) ae Ap ye . : Ue x Ny B22NCs “mmf aa Ay 0 Figure 1. Distribution of (nominate) Phylloscopus proregulus\\\\ and P. (p.) chloronotus (see text) (including szmlaensis) |///. Based on Cheng (1987), Harrison (1982) and personal experience. chloronotus in Nepal in 1983 and in China in 1986, 1987 and 1989; and simlaensis in Kashmir in 1983. We are subsequently of the opinion that P. proregulus (sensu lato) should be divided into 2 species, P. proregulus (monotypic) and P. chloronotus (with subspecies chloronotus and simlaensis). Alstrom, Colston & Olsson (1990) indicate the likelihood of a new species, which has possibly been overlooked because of its close similarity to sympatric chloronotus. Morphological differences between proregulus and chloronotus| simlaensis Morphologically, proregulus and chloronotus/simlaensis are extremely similar. In fresh plumage, the supercilium and median crown-stripe and often also the ear-coverts, chin, throat and wing-bars are much more yellow in proregulus. Especially in front of and above the eye, the super- cilium is generally bright yellow in proregulus, while it is very pale yellow- ish, generally looking off-white or pale buffish, in chloronotus/simlaensis. The supercilium also tends to be slightly broader in front of the eye in proregulus. Moreover, proregulus is slightly greener, less brownish- tinged, on the mantle when fresh, especially compared to chloronotus, which is also darker. In fresh plumage, szmlaensis is more buffish below than the other 2 forms. In worn plumage the differences in colouration between the 3 forms are less obvious. There are only slight on-average differences in the wing-formula; proregulus has marginally shorter 10th primary 5.5—9.0 mm> primary coverts, as opposed to 6—12.5 mm in chloronotus/simlaensis; in proregulus the 9th falls between 2nd and 4th, but in chloronotus/simlaensis between the tips of the secondaries and the 3rd primary, most often between the 1st and 2nd primaries (primaries numbered descendantly) (Williamson 1967 and personal measurements). P. Alstrém & U. Olsson WG, | Eye ih cutee hd — LL — : i ) ) Dy Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) "ii Fé F2 < Figure 2. Parts of continuous song of (nominate) Phylloscopus proregulus (a-—e), Heilongjiang Province, China, June 1987. Complete type A song (f), and part of type B (subtype 1) song (g) of P. (p.) cholorono- tus (see text), Sichuan Province, China, May 1987. Call of proregulus (h), Heilong- jiang Province, China, June 1988. Call of chloronotus (i), Sichuan Province, China, May 1989. All tape recordings by Per Alstrom; sonograms made by Richard Ranft, British Library of Wildlife Sounds. Band width 369 Hz. Horizontal scale gives time in seconds; vertical scale gives KHz 0-8. P. Alstrém & U. Olsson 41 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) TABLE 1 Response of (nominate) Phylloscopus proregulus and P. (p.) chloronotus (see text) to playback of song of each other and of P. (p.) chloronotus with one type of song to playback of the other type of song. A and B refer to the different types of song and a-f indicate different individ- uals. —=not played. The slow ‘first approach’ by cand e to the Type A song is explained by the long intervals in the recording used—in fact, both individuals responded the second time the song was heard. See text. First approach/time spent within 5 m of speaker (seconds) Songtype played chloronotus proregulus for 2 minutes a(A) b(A) c(B) d(B) e(B) f(A) g proregulus 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/85 chloronotus (songtype A) 5/95 TI92) 24/71 > SIAM3 24/72 —- chloronotus (songtype B) 6/96 8/102 6/98 Vocal differences between proregulus and chloronotus| simlaensis The song of proregulus is very loud, rich and varied, consisting of clear whistles and trills—somewhat reminiscent of the song of the Canary Serinus canaria (Figs 2a—e). chloronotus/simlaensis has at least 2 different basic types of song. One type (A) is a drawn-out thin rattle immediately followed by a rapid series of hammering notes of the same pitch (Fig. 2f). It can be transcribed “tsirrrrrrrrrrry-tsi-tsi-tst-tsi-tsi-tsi-tst-tsi-tst-tsi-tst-tsi-tsi-tsi-tsi-tsi-ts1’’. The duration is only 3-4 seconds, and it is repeated at intervals of 5—10 seconds or more. The second type (B), which is somewhat variable, is (1) a stuttering, ‘endless’ series of notes of alternating pitch, e.g. ‘‘tsz ts7-tsz tst- tsi tsti-tsti tsi-tsi tsti-tsti tsi-tsi ts1-tsi tst-tsi-tsi tsirrp tst-tsi tsti-tsti tsti-tsti ts1- tst tsti-tsti-tsui ...’’ (Fig. 2g); or (2) “‘tst-tsi tst-tsi tsti-tsti tsi-tsi tsti tsi-tsi tstdidididididi tsi-tsi tsti-tsti tsi tsti-tsti-tsti tst-ts1 tsi-tsi ts1-tsi-tsi-tsi-tsi-tst- tsi-tsi tsi-tsi.. .’’, or similar. Sometimes a rattling ““‘tsirrrrrrr’”’ is admixed in both forms. Another variant on this theme is (3) ‘‘tsz-tst-ts1-tsi-tst-tsi- tst-tst ... tsi-tst ... tsitsi-tst-tst-tsi-tsi-tsi-tsi-tst ... tsitsitsitsitsi ... tst- tst...”’. Type A has been recorded throughout the range. Of type B, (1) is the most common ‘subtype’ heard in China, (2) can also be heard in China but is perhaps more frequent in the western Himalayas (tape recorded by John Eames in Pakistan), and (3) has been tape recorded by Steve Madge in Darjeeling, India. Sonograms of chloronotus, which appear to be variants of type B, are found in Martens (1980). Our observations of chloronotus in China showed that one individual male usually sings only one of the 2 types. In fact, although we strongly suspect that any male is capable of singing both types, we have no firm proof of this. However, males singing the type A song respond as vigorously to a playback of type B as to its own song and vice versa (Table 1). The call of proregulus (Fig. 2h) is a rather faint, soft, slightly nasal ‘‘dju- ee’ or, differently transcribed ‘‘duee’’. The call of chloronotus/simlaensis is very different, a high-pitched “‘wist’’ (Fig. 21). P. Alstrém & U. Olsson 42 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Playback experiments In 1987 and 1989 we carried out a series of playback experiments in China in order to test the reactions of chloronotus to the song of proregulus and vice versa. Unfortunately, proregulus proved to be exceptionally diffi- cult to test; only one out of some 10 singing males responded to proregulus song. The reason for this is perhaps that we were unable to elevate the speaker to anywhere near the height at which the birds were perched when singing—generally in the tops of 20-30 m high conifers. A powerful speaker was placed 1—2 m above the ground below a tree where a territory-holding male was singing. The tape recorder was oper- ated and the bird watched by P.A. from 10 m away from the speaker and by U.O. from approximately 25 m away. Care was taken so that P.A., who was nearer to the speaker, would not be easily seen by the bird. The tape was not played until the bird was clearly visible. Four chloronotus (designated a—d), 2 at Lijiang, Yunnan Province (c. 27.5°N, 100.5°E) on 4 April 1987 and 2 on Emei Shan, Sichuan Province (29°31’'N, 103°20’E) on 18 May 1987 and 10 May 1989 respectively were tested in the following way:— (1) proregulus song was played for 2 minutes. (2) This was followed by chloronotus song, played also for 2 minutes. The 2 males at Lijiang both sang a type A song and were exposed to this type. The individuals on Emei Shan both sang type B. To the one in 1987 type A was played, and to the one in 1989 both types were played. (3) Immediately after chloronotus song, proregulus song was played for another 2 minutes. A different chloronotus (e) with type B song on Emei Shan was tested on 14 May 1987 as follows:— (1) First chloronotus type B song was played for 2 minutes. (2) Then chloronotus type A was played for 2 minutes, (3) immediately followed by proregulus for 2 minutes. A further chloronotus (f) with type A song on Emei Shan was tested on 15 May 1987 in the following way:— (1) chloronotus type B was played for 2 minutes, (2) immediately followed by proregulus for 2 minutes. One proregulus (g) on Changbai Shan, Jilin Province (c. 42°N, 127°E) in June 1987 was tested as follows:— (1) chloronotus type B was played for 2 minutes. (2) This was followed by proregulus song for 2 minutes, (3) which in turn was immediately followed by chloronotus for 2 minutes, and (4) finally another round of proregulus. Results None of the 6 chloronotus (a-f) showed any response at all to the song of proregulus, whereas they all showed strong aggressive behaviour towards the song of chloronotus—vigorously searching for the aggressor, flying back and forth over the speaker, usually calling frequently and occasionally singing. The single proregulus (g) did not respond to the P. Alstrém, P. R. Colston & U. Olsson 43 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) song of chloronotus, but very strongly to the song of its own form. (See Table 1.) Conclusion The morphological differences between proregulus and chloronotus/sim- laensis do not in themselves warrant separating them from each other. However, the very marked differences in both song and calls would seem to act as reproductively isolating mechanisms if there was any sympatry. This assumption is strongly supported by playback experiments, although a longer series of tests on proregulus is desirable. Acknowledgements We are most grateful to Peter Colston for much help in connection with studies of skins at the BMNH, Tring, to Richard Ranft and the British Library of Wildlife Sounds for making the sonograms, and to John Eames, Steve Madge and T. J. Roberts for supplying tape recordings. References: Alstrém, P., Colston, P. R. & Olsson, U. 1990. Description of a possible new species of leaf warbler of the genus Phylloscopus from China. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 110(1): 43-47. Ali, S. & Ripley, S. D. 1973. Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan. Vol. 8. Delhi. Cheng, T-s. 1987. A Synopsis of the Avifauna of China. Beijing, Hamburg and Berlin. Harrison, C. 1982. An Atlas of the Birds of the Western Palaearctic. London. Martens, J. 1980. Lautdusserungen, verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen und Verbreitungs- geschichte asiatischer Laubsdnger (Phylloscopus). Berlin, Hamburg. Mayr, E. & Cottrell, G. W. (eds.). 1986. Check-list of Birds of the World. A continuation of the Work of fames L. Peters. Vol. XI. Cambridge, Mass. Ticehurst, C. B. 1938. A Systematic Review of the Genus Phylloscopus. Trustees of the British Museum. Vaurie, C. 1954. Systematic notes on Palearctic birds. No. 9. Sylviinae: the genus Phyllos- copus. Amer. Mus. Nov. 1685. Williamson, K. 1967. Identification for Ringers. The Genus Phylloscopus. British Trust for Ornithology. Addresses: Per Alstrom, Marholmsvagen 105, S-436 45 Askim, Sweden. Urban Olsson, Gamlestadstorget 22, S-415 03 Goteborg, Sweden. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. Description of a possible new species of leaf warbler of the genus Phylloscopus from China by Per Alstrém, Peter R. Colston & Urban Olsson Received 28 Fuly 1989 Field On 16-17 April 1986 on Emei Shan, Sichuan Province (29°31’N, 103°20’E), U.O. noted one individual of a Phylloscopus warbler with a peculiar song, which reminded him of the song of Prinia criniger. The bird was only seen well very briefly, but it appeared to be P. (proregulus ) chloronotus—with a previously unrecorded type of song (see Alstrom & Olsson 1990). P. Alstrém, P. R. Colston & U. Olsson 44 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) ae Sate ae ise Figure 1. Heads of (Left) P. (proregulus) chloronotus, (Centre) ‘Ph.sp.’, and (Right) P. inornatus. Drawing by Per Alstrom. On 15 June 1988, at Western Hills, Beijing, Hebei Province (c. 40°N, 115.5°E), P.A. and U.O. observed a bird which alternated between a series of loud whistles and the Prinia-like song U.O. had heard on Emei Shan. This individual was also seen very poorly, but it also seemed to be chloronotus, which was then believed to have 4 different types of song (cf. Alstrom & Olsson 1990). On 9 June 1989, P.A. and P.R.C. found a bird with the Prinia-like song in Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan Province (33°10'N, 104°18’E). It also had the same series of whistles that had been heard in Beijing the previous year. ‘The bird was seen very well, and it was almost immediately realised that it was in fact not chloronotus, but probably an undescribed species, hereafter referred to as ‘Ph.sp.’. During the same and the following day, it was found to be rather common in one part of the area, and we heard at least 15 individuals, of which excellent views were obtained of 5. The morpho- logical differences (see below) from chloronotus that we had noticed on the first individual were found to be constant. We also carried out a few vocal playback tests, which confirmed the distinctness from chloronotus. Unfor- tunately, we were unable to obtain a specimen, but it is planned to return in 1990. MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ‘Ph.sp.’ Basically, Ph.sp. is very similar to chloronotus and shares chloronotus’ main features: small size; distinct head pattern, with dark lateral crown- stripes and pale median crown-stripe; distinct pale yellow rump; con- trastingly dark-centred greater coverts with broad pale tips, forming a prominent wing-bar (a second, narrower wing-bar is formed by pale tips to the median coverts); and pale edges to the tertials. However, Ph.sp. differs from chloronotus in the following respects: Ph.sp. is slightly larger, seemingly the same size as the Yellow-browed Warbler P. inornatus. Although this was apparent without direct com- parison, it was confirmed when one individual Ph.sp. was seen together with a chloronotus on several occasions. The shape is also more like that of inornatus, i.e. slightly more elongated than chloronotus, with proportion- ately slightly longer bill and, perhaps as a result of this, a slightly less rounded-looking head. The lower mandible shows a distinct pale base—in one individual the lower mandible was pale with only a small dark tip; chloronotus shows very little pale colouring. The head patterns differ significantly (Fig. 1). In Ph.sp. the anterior part of the median crown-stripe is clearly more poorly marked, and when seen head-on, the crown often looks unmarked, and in one individual, the P. Alstrém, P. R. Colston & U. Olsson 45 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) stripe itself was very faint, except posteriorly, where it formed a con- trastingly pale patch. In this respect, the head pattern is reminiscent of P. reguloides for example. Moreover, the lateral crown-stripes are marginally paler in Ph.sp. The dark eye-stripe is not quite so dark as in chloronotus, and this in combination with slightly darker rest of the ear- coverts makes the stripe less contrasting. None of the 5 Ph.sp. showed the slight downward extension of the eye-stripe posteriorly as is often seen in chloronotus. In Ph.sp. there is no trace of a dark shade at the bases of the second- aries. However, this is sometimes very indistinct in chloronotus. Without specimens, it is not known whether Ph.sp. has a different wing formula. If the pale median crown-stripe and yellow rump cannot be seen, the bird is more similar to zmornatus than to chloronotus. Apart from chloronotus, there is only one other Phylloscopus which closely resembles Ph.sp., namely P. subviridis from Afghanistan and the westernmost Himalayas. However, amongst other features, this lacks a yellow rump. There is some resemblance to the sympatric P. pulcher, but pulcher shows a less distinct median crown-stripe and largely white 3 outer pairs of rectrices, and other differences. VOCAL CHARACTERISTICS The song (Fig. 2) is a monotonous, dry “‘tszridi-tsiridi-tsiridi-tsiridi- tsiridi-tsiridi-tsiridi-tsiridi-tsiridi-. ..”’, which can go on for a minute or so. It resembles the song of Prinia criniger and is very different from the song of presumably all other Phylloscopus species on mainland Asia and Japan. We have field experience with the song of all those except neglectus, fuligiventer, maculipennis, subviridis and cantator, but we have listened to tape recordings by T. J. Roberts of swbhviridis and seen sonograms of all the others except fuligiventer (Martens 1980), and they all have very different songs from Ph.sp. The song of chloronotus is described by Martens (1980) and Alstrom & Olsson (1990). The song of Ph.sp. is usually delivered from the top of a tall spruce Picea/ Abies. The bird also gives a varied, irregular series of loud, clear, scolding whistles (Fig. 2), e.g. ““tuweet-tueet-tueet tueet-tueet tueet-tueet-tueet-tueet .., “tueet tUEE tuee-tuee-tuee-tuee-tuee-tuee-tuee-tuee-tuee-tuee-tuee- tuee’, or a hammering ‘“‘tueet tuee-tee-tee-tee-tee-tee-tee-tee-tee-tee-’’. ‘These series of whistles seem to be delivered only when the bird is agi- tated, and it therefore appears that this may be some sort of alarm call rather than song. These ‘calls’ are also different from probably all Phylloscopus species on mainland Asia and Japan. We did not hear any other calls. Copies of P.A.’s tape recordings of Ph.sp. are kept at the British Library of Wildlife Sounds, and it is hoped that they will be published on cassette in 1990 (East Asian Bird Voices; Alstr6m in prep.). PLAYBACK TESTS Three simple playback tests were carried out in Jiuzhaigou on 9 June. The song and ‘calls’ of Ph.sp. were played to 2 different chloronotus (1, 2) for 2 minutes each. After this, chloronotus song was played. There was no response whatsoever to the Ph.sp. song and ‘calls’, but a very P. Alstrém, P. R. Colston & U. Olsson Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Than el I Figure 2. Part of continuous song (above) and ‘call’ (below) of ‘Ph.sp.’. Tape recorded by Per Alstrom, Jiuzhaiguo, Sichuan Province, China, June 1989. Sonogram made by Richard Ranft, British Library of Wildlife Sounds. Band width 369 Hz. Horizontal scale gives time in seconds, vertical scale gives KHz 0-8. TABLE 1 Response of “Ph.sp.’ and P. (proregulus ) chloronotus to playback of song of the other form —=not played First approach/time spent within 5 m of speaker (seconds) chloronotus (2) Playback 2 minutes ‘Ph.sp. chloronotus (1) WETOS Ne: 7/104 0 0 chloronotus 0 12/98 8/99 proregulus 0 — = strong aggressive response to its own song—vigorous search for the aggressor, flying back and forth over the speaker, and frequently calling (Table 1). To one Ph.sp. we played, in sequence, the song of P. proregulus (sensu stricto, Alstrom & Olsson 1990), the 2 different types of chloronotus song P. Alstrém, P. R. Colston & U. Olsson 47 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) (Alstr6m & Olsson 1990) and both the song and ‘calls’ of Ph.sp., each for 2 minutes. There was no response at all to chloronotus, but immediate strong aggressive response towards its own song (‘Table 1). DISCUSSION Although Ph.sp. is both morphologically and vocally clearly distinct from chloronotus, the ultimate proof of them being separate species is in their sympatry and lack of response to each others’ songs. The only species which is morphologically very similar to Ph.sp. is the allopatric P. subviridis, but its song is extremely different, and it seems unlikely that they would interbreed if they ever met (in itself an unlikely event, since they are, as far as known, geographically separated by some 2500 km). Considering the great morphological similarity between Ph.sp. and chloronotus, it would not be surprising if Ph.sp. already exists unrecog- nized in some museum collection(s). P.A. and P.R.C. have examined all skins of chloronotus in the collection at the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing, of which one or two could possibly be Ph.sp.; but the condition of these does not permit an identification to be made. P.R.C. has examined the skins 1n the British Museum (Natural History), Tring without finding any suspected Ph.sp. BREEDING HABITAT OF Ph.sp. It appears that the favoured habitat of Ph.sp. is rather low deciduous secondary-growth, with some tall spruce Abies and Picea admixed. In Jiuzhaigou it was found at an altitude of c. 2400 m, at Being at c. 200 m, and on Emei Shan at c. 1000 m. The bird on Emei Shan sang from the same perch for 2 days and reacted aggressively towards its own song; but it was not found there on visits in mid May 1987 and early to mid May 1989, and so possibly was only a migrant, and it seems unlikely that it 1s breeding commonly there. Acknowledgements We are most grateful to Professors Cheng T’so-hsin and Tan Yao-kuang for making it possible for us to study the collection of specimens at the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing. We are also most grateful to Richard Ranft and the British Library of Wildlife Sounds for producing the sonograms, to Per Lindblad for comments on the same, and to J. Eames and T. J. Roberts for supplying tape recordings of P. subviridis. References: Alstrom, P. & Olsson, U. 1990. Taxonomy of the Phylloscopus proregulus complex. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 110(1): 38-43. Martens, J. 1980. Lautdusserungen, verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen and Verbreitungs- geschichte asiatischer Laubsdnger (Phylloscopus). Addresses: Per Alstrom, Marholmsvagen 105, S-436 45 Askim, Sweden. Peter R. Colston, British Museum (Natural History), Sub-department of Ornithology, Tring, Herts HP23 6AP, England. Urban Olsson, Gamlestadstorget 22, S-415 03 Goteborg, Sweden. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Betsy T. Thomas 48 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Additional weights of Venezuelan birds by Betsy Trent Thomas Received 3 August 1989 Body weight, or mass, of birds is considered the most stable avian measurement (Smith et al. 1986), and the best measure of body size (Mueller 1986). Dunning (1984) points out that mean body weight has been applied to studies of avian physiology, ecology, morphology, com- munity structure and theoretical modelling. Many museum specimens lack weight data because large collections were made before the import- ance of weight was known and prior to convenient equipment for taking field measurements. While most recent specimens in museums do contain mass data, collecting has slowed greatly (Parkes 1985). Thus one certain way that researchers can obtain weight data is through live bird captures. This paper supplements a previous report on Venezuelan bird weights (Thomas 1982). Since then various publications have given many other weights of Neotropical birds: most tanager weights are given in Isler & Isler (1987); Faaborg (1985) gives data for 129 spp; Moermond & Denslow (1985) for 82 spp.; Parker et al. (1985) for 35 spp.; Remsen (1985) for 92 spp; Robbins et al. (1985) for 193 spp.; and Wiedenfeld et al. (1985) for 91 spp; and Bates et al. (1989) for 189 species. This paper gives 1156 weights of 123 spp. All measurements were taken between 1982 and 1985 in Venezuela from mist-netted birds. Birds were weighed, usually within 15 min of capture, on Pesola spring balances of 10, 50, 100 and 300 g and recorded to the nearest tenth of a gram for those < 100 g, and to the nearest 5 g for those > 100 g. Colour notes of soft parts were recorded and are available on request from the author. When samples exceed 7, the number, range, mean and standard deviations are given. Order and nomenclature follows Meyer de Schauensee & Phelps (1978). Most birds were netted at Fundo Pecuario Masaguaral, Estado Guarico (08°31'N, 67°35’W—63 m az.s.l.). Other birds were from Los Anaucos, Estado Miranda (10°20’N, 66°50’W) at 550 m. Small numbers of birds were netted in 3 other Venezuelan states; at the War Memorial of 1817, Estado Apure (07°50’/N, 68°45’W) at c. 50 m; at Km 118 on the Sta Elena road, Estado Bolivar (06°01’N, 61°25’W) at c. 1500m; and at Rancho Grande in Henri Pittier Park, Estado Aragua (10°24’N, 67°43’W) at 1090 m. Weights are from Masaguaral unless otherwise identified; others are from Los Anaucos (LA), Estado Apure (A), Estado Bolivar (B) and Henri Pittier Park (HP). All weights are in grams. *North American migrants, ** Austral migrants. Eurypyga helias: unsexed 188.0 Jacana jacana: 12 unsexed 89.5—137.0 (113.96 + 16.50) Vanellus chilensis: 9 unsexed 225.0—284.0 (264.44+19.21) * Tringa solitaria: 104 unsexed 31.1—65.1 (48.40 + 8.56), March—May *Tringa flavipes: unsexed 74.0 /80.2 /93.0, April Betsy T. Thomas 49 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) * Actitis macularia: 11 unsexed 32.9-46.0 (37.12 + 4.00), April-May *Calidris minutilla: 276 unsexed 16.0—34.0 (23.20 + 3.56), March—April *Calidris fuscicollis: 367 unsexed 27.5—45.7 (34.69 + 4.55), April-May *Calidris melanotos: unsexed 47.3 /54.5 /57.2, April *Calidrts pusilla: 19 unsexed 18.2—31.2 (24.46+3.82), April-May * VMicropalama himantopus: unsexed 63.2, April * Tryngites subruficollis: unsexed 38.1, April Himantopus mexicanus: 8 unsexed 144.0-168.0 (154.0+9.75) Columba subvinacea: unsexed 258.0 Zenaida auriculata: unsexed 95.0 /101.0 /111.0 /114.0 Columbina talpacoti: 3 50.5; 2 55.2 Scardafella squammata: unsexed 53.0 /(A) 57.0 /58.5 Leptotila verreauxi: unsexed 155.0 /156.0 /162.0 /(LA) 148.0 Forpus passerinus: 33 24.0 /26.5 Brotogeris jugularis: unsexed 53.5 /61.3 ** Coccyzus pumilus: unsexed 33.2, April Crotophaga sulcirostris: unsexed 53.2 /57.3 Chaetura cinereiventris: unsexed (B) 15.0 /(HP) 15.4 Reinarda squamata: unsexed 10.0 Glaucis hirsuta: (LA) 9 unsexed 5.9—7.9 (6.86+0.41) Phaethornis bourcierz: (B) unsexed 4.6 Phaethornis augusti: (LA) unsexed 4.0 /4.2 /4.2 /4.7 /5.0 /5.0 Chlorostilbon mellisugus: (LA) 2 2.8 Polytmus guainumbi: ° 4.4 Amazilia fimbriata: unsexed 5.1 /5.6 /(LA) 5.8 Heliodoxa xanthogonys: (B) 3 6.4 Coeligena coeligena: (HP) unsexed 8.0 Galbula ruficauda: (LA) 33g 22.5 /23.0; 99 21.4 /21.5 /22.1 Hypnelus ruficollis: unsexed 40.8 /(LA) 44.8 /45.6 Picumnus squamulatus: 29.9 /(LA) 3 11.0 Chrysoptilus punctigula: 2° 65.5 /66.5 /(A) 9 71.0 Melanerpes rubricapillus: 2 43.6 Veniliornis kirkit: (LA) 3 30.5 Dendrocincla fuliginosa: (LA) unsexed 37.1 Xiphorhynchus picus: unsexed 40.2 /42.2 /42.5 /43.6 /44.0 /47.0 Xiphorhynchus guttatus: (LA) unsexed 43.5 /46.0 /47.1 /48.2 Lepidocolaptes souleyetii: (LA) unsexed 21.8 Campylorhamphus trochilirostris: unsexed 42.0 /42.5 /43.8 /(LA) 33.7 /35.9 Synallaxts albescens: unsexed 13.6 /(LA) 13.4 /14.1 Certhiaxis cinnamomea: unsexed 15.3 /15.5 /15.6 Cranioleuca demissa: (B) unsexed 14.9 Phacellodomus rufifrons: unsexed 23.5 /23.6 /24.5 /24.7 /(LA) 25.5/25.8 Taraba major: (LA) 2 59.0 Thamnophilus doliatus: (LA) 33 23.7 /24.8 /25.0 /25.0 /26.1; 299 23.8 /25.3 /(A) 9 27.4 Formicivora grisea: (LA) 33 8.7 /9.0 /9.0 /9.4 /10.0 /10.1; 99 8.8 8.8 /8.8 /8.9 /9.0 Myrmeciza longipes: (LA) 33 23.9 /26.0 /26.7 /26.8; 2 25.3 Xenopsaris albinucha: (A) 3 10.2 Chiroxiphia lanceolata: (LA) 3 17.9; 29 18.5 /19.8 Fluvicola pica: $3 12.4 /12.7 Machetornis rixosus: unsexed 30.1 /31.0 /32.0 /33.0 Tyrannus melancholicus: unsexed 36.6 /37.0 Megarhynchus pitangua: unsexed 58.5 Myiozetetes cayanensis: unsexed 24.0 /25.4 /27.5 /29.5 /(A) 24.2 /27.4 Mytozetetes similis: unsexed 22.3 /(A) 2 23.2 Conopias inornata (= Myiozetetes): 3g 27.0 /31.4 /32.5; 29 29.3 /30.1 /30.8; unsexed 25.5 /26.6 [27.1 /28.7 /(A) 2 26.0 Pitangus sulphuratus: unsexed 65.0 Myiarchus ferox: unsexed 26.0 Myiarchus tyrannulus: unsexed 28.3 Cnemotriccus fuscatus: (LA) 8 unsexed 10.8-12.9 (11.65 + 0.87) Myiophobus fasciatus: (LA) unsexed 8.2 /8.7 /9.6 /10.3 /10.5 /11.3 Tolmomytas flaviventris: unsexed 11.1 /11.2 /11.5 /12.0 /12.0 /12.3 /(A) 12.0 Betsy T. Thomas 50 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Todirostrum cinereum: 3 7.1; 26.6 /(A) 3 7.0 Atalotriccus pilaris: (LA) unsexed 5.8 /8.2 Euscarthmus meloryphus: (LA) unsexed 7.3 Inezia subflava: unsexed 9.4 /(A) 7.5 Elaenia flavogaster: unsexed 22.5 /25.1 ** Flaenia parvirostris: unsexed 15.0, May Sublegatus modestus: (LA) unsexed 11.7 /12.5 Phaeomyias murina: (A) unsexed 12.4 Camptostoma obsoletum: (LA) unsexed 7.8 /8.3 Tachycineta albiventer: unsexed 17.3 Progne chalybea: unsexed 40.5 Notiochelidon cyanoleuca: (HP) unsexed 9.3 /9.4 /9.5 *Riparia riparia: unsexed 15.0, April * Hirundo rustica: unsexed 17.9, April Campylorhynchus nuchalis: unsexed 23.9 Thryothorus genibarbis: (LA) unsexed 19.7 /20.4 /20.5 /20.5 /21.2 /21.3 /21.8 Thryothorus rutilus: (LA) unsexed 15.5 Troglodytes aedon: (LA) unsexed 12.0 /13.3 /13.4 Mimus gilvus: unsexed 49.5 /56.0 Catharus aurantiirostris: (LA) unsexed 28.8 * Catharus fuscescens: unsexed 44.4, May; (LA) 32.5, October Turdus leucomelas: (L.A) unsexed 61.5 Turdus nudigenis: unsexed 56.0 /56.5 /57.0 /58.1 /61.0 /(LA) 62.0 /68.5 Polioptila plumbea: (LA) 3 6.8 Cyclarhis gujanensis: unsexed 25.4 /31.6 /(LA) 24.5 /24.5 /25.0 /25.2 /26.7 Aylophilus aurantiifrons: (LA) unsexed 8.0 /8.5 /9.1 Aylophilus flavipes: (LA) unsexed 9.8 /(A) 10.0 /11.4 Molothrus bonariensis: 8 $3 45.0-61.0 (55.4+5.35); 99 45.5 /48.0 /(LA) 9 40.5 Cacicus cela: unsexed 58.0 /63.5 Quiscalus lugubris: 33 73.4 [77.8 /81.0; 22 52.0 /53.5 /65.0 Agelaius icterocephalus: 3 31.0 (immature plumage) Icterus nigrogularis: unsexed 35.9 /(A) 39.6 /42.0 Gymnomystax mexicanus: unsexed 82.5 /92.5 /94.0 /95.5 /100.0 /106.5 /(LA) 102.0 * Dendroica petechia: unsexed 9.4, February *Oporornis agilis: unsexed 11.9, April Coereba flaveola: (LA) unsexed 9.2 /9.4 Tersina viridis: (HP) 33 26.0 /27.8 /28.4 Tangara cayana: (ILA) unsexed 19.5 Euphonia laniirostris: (LA) 2 16.0 Thraupis glaucocolpa: unsexed 31.0 /33.5 /36.5 Ramphocelus carbo: (LA) 33 23.9 /24.9 Tachyphonus rufus: (LA) 34 30.0 /30.8 /32.0 /33.3 /34.4 /34.5 /35.0; 22 33.0 /33.2 /34.1 /34.2 /36.5 Rhodinocichla rosea: (LA) 33 39.9 /43.7 /43.9; 99 37.8 /39.4 /40.6 /42.9 Cyanocompsa brissonii (= cyanea): (LA) 34 20.3 /21.5; 99 /19.8 /20.0 /20.4 /22.0 Saltator coerulescens: (LA) unsexed 50.5 /54.0 /58.0 /65.0 Saltator orenocensis: (A) unsexed 33.3 Saltator albicollis: (LA) unsexed 35.4 /36.0 /37.4 /40.4 /40.8 /41.9 /42.0 Paroaria gularis: (A) unsexed 20.7 Coryphospingus pileatus: 3g 14.3 /15.4 /(LA) 3 16.3 Arremonops conirostris: (LA) unsexed 28.0 /30.4 /32.0 /32.4 Arremon schlegeli: (LA) unsexed 25.1 /26.5 /27.3 /28.0 Sporophila intermedia: 2 12.1 /(LA) 3 11.6 /(A) gd 10.9 /11.8; 2 12.9 ** Sporophila bouvronides: (= lineola): (LA) 3 9.6, August Sporophila nigricollis: (LA) 3 9.8; 2 9.4 Volatinia jacarina: (LA) 2 8.1 Sicalis flaveola: 3 22.0; 2 20.4; unsexed 19.5 /(A) 5 20.1 Ammodramus humeralis: (A) unsexed 14.5 Acknowledgements Work on Masaguaral was made possible by the owner Tomas Blohm. Partial funding was given by John B. Trent, the Wetmore Fund of the AOU and the Smithsonian Institution. N. E. & E. M. Baker 51 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Charles Collins, Marshall Howe and Nancy Wicker helped me in the field. Wesley Lanyon sexed a few of the birds. References: Bates, J. M., Garvin, M. C., Schmitt, D. C. & Schmitt, C. G. 1989. Notes on bird distri- bution in northeastern Dpto. Santa Cruz, Bolivia, with 15 species new to Bolivia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109: 236-244. Dunning, J. B. 1984. Body weights of 686 species of North American birds. Western Bird Banding Assoc. Monogr. 1. Faaborg, J. 1985. Ecological constraints on West Indian bird distributions. In Neotropical Ornithology (P. A. Buckley et al. Eds.) Ornith. Monog. No. 36. American Ornithol- ogists’ Union. Isler, M. L. & Isler, P. R. 1987. The Tanagers Natural History, Distribution and Identifi- cation. Smithsonian Institution Press. Meyer de Schauensee, R. & Phelps, W. H., Jr. 1978. A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela. Princeton University Press. Moermond, T. C. & Denslow, J. S. 1985. Neotropical avian frugivores: patterns of behavior, morphology, and nutrition, with consequences for fruit selection. In Neotropical Ornithology (P. A. Buckley et al. Eds.) Ornith. Monog. No. 36. American Ornithologists’ Union. Mueller, H. C. 1986. The evolution of reversed sexual dimorphism in owls: an empirical analysis of possible selective factors. Wilson Bull. 98: 387-406. Parker, T. A., III, Schulenberg, T. S., Graves, G. R. & Braun, M. J. 1985. The avifauna of the Huancabamba Region, northern Peru. In Neotropical Ornithology (P. A. Buckley et al. Eds.) Ornith. Monog. No. 36. American Ornithologists’ Union. Parkes, K. C. 1985. Neotropical ornithology—an overview. In Neotropical Ornithology (P. A. Buckley et al. Eds.) Ornith. Monog. No. 36. American Ornithologists’ Union. Remsen, J. V., Jr. 1985. Community organization and ecology of birds of high elevation humid forest of the Bolivian Andes. In Neotropical Ornithology (P. A. Buckley et al. Eds.) Ornith. Monog. No. 36. American Ornithologists’ Union. Robbins, M. B., Parker, T. A. III & Allen, S. E. 1985. The avifauna of Cerro Pirre, Darién, eastern Panama. In Neotropical Ornithology (P. A. Buckley et al. Eds.) Ornith. Monog. No. 36. American Ornithologists’ Union. Smith, J. N. M., Arcese, P. & Schluter, D. 1986. Song Sparrows grow and shrink with age. Auk 103: 210-212. Thomas, B. T. 1982. Weights of some Venezuelan birds. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 102: 48-52. Wiedenfeld, D. A., Schulenberg, T.S. & Robbins, M. B. 1985. Birds of a tropical deciduous forest in extreme northwestern Peru. In Neotropical Ornithology (P. A. Buckley et al. Eds.) Ornith. Monog. No. 36. American Ornithologists’ Union. Address: Betsy Trent Thomas, Department of Zoological Research, National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20008, U.S.A. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. A new species of weaver from ‘Tanzania by N. E. & E. M. Baker Received 11 August 1989 During December 1986 a visit was made to the town of Ifakara (08°08’S, 36°40’E) in Morogoro Region east central Tanzania. Although primarily a field trip for the Tanzanian Bird Atlas, attention had been drawn by Dr Eric Burnier to a species of weaver that was reasonably common in the area, but which he could not identify. Situated on the northern bank of the N. E. & E. M. Baker 52 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Kilombero River, Ifakara is some 320 km southwest of Dar es Salaam but lies at an altitude of only 250 m. The nearby ferry at Kivukoni is the only access to the district of Mahenge, south and east of the river, which at this point is 150 m wide in the dry season (July—October) but floods toc. 5 km wide during the rains (March—May). ‘There are however considerable variations in rainfall and in the resultant extent of the flooding each year. At the time of our visit, the weaver was breeding and male birds were easily located along the road to the ferry. Although distinctive, the species could not be identified in the field; mist nets were used and 5 female and 2 male birds were caught. One male and one female specimen were collected as types for a new species (Plate 1) we have named:— Ploceus burnieri sp. nov. The Kilombero Weaver Description. The yellow group of colours in Smythe (1975) was con- sidered insufficient when describing these birds. The colours used are recommended by M. W. Woodcock, the artist responsible for the plates in The Birds of Africa. ¢ Holotype. Breeding 3. BMNH Tring, No. 1989-7-1. Collected on 28 December 1986 by N. E. & E. M. Baker at Ifakara. Testes not measured. A smallish, bright yellow ‘masked’ weaver that is distinctive in the field. Forehead to crown golden yellow, suffused orange. Sides of face includ- ing ear coverts yellow, lacking the golden tinge of the crown. Lores to eye (but not extending above the eye) black, with a narrow edge of chestnut. ‘Face mask’ black with chestnut edging to below eye but not extending on to the ear coverts. Chin and throat black with a chestnut edging which extends as anarrow point onto the upper breast. Breast, belly, flanks, vent and under tail coverts deep lemon yellow. The yellow of the crown merges into a yellowish-olive nape and mantle. The rump is a clearer lemon yellow, unstreaked but with a fine greyish tip to the feathers giving a faint scaly effect, which is only noticeable in the hand. Upper tail coverts lemon yellow, somewhat duller than the underparts. The longest upper tail coverts greener. T'ail uniform grey-green above with lighter edges to each feather. Rectrices rather pointed, but overall a short, dark, squared-off tail. Underside of tail pale grey with a yellowish wash. Primaries and secondaries dark grey, narrowly edged yellow, paler on the secondaries. Tertials blackish with a greyish-yellow outer web extending to the feather tip, the innermost with the whole outer web pale greyish-yellow, and the inner web blackish with a pale yellow tip. Primary coverts dark grey with a pale yellowish-green outer edge. Greater coverts have much more yellow on the outer edge and towards the tips, forming a bright yellow ‘wing bar’ on the closed wing. Median coverts with tips even brighter yellow, also forming a pale ‘wing bar’ on the closed wing. Alula dark grey with a very faint yellow outer edge. Wing lining yellow, somewhat paler than the underparts and extending broadly on to the inner webs of the flight feathers, which are otherwise silvery-grey. Soft parts. Bill: both mandibles entirely black. Eye: dark brown with no hint of red. Legs: dark horn. The ¢ is mainly distinguished from other similar ‘masked weavers’ by the yellow, not black, forehead and ear coverts, by the chestnut edging to N. E. & E. M. Baker 53 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) the black ‘mask’ and by the dark brown rather than pale or red eye. All breeding j¢ observed were alike, eliminating the possibility of this species being a hybrid. 2 Holotype. 2 in breeding plumage. BMNH Tring, No. 1989-7-2. Collected on 28 December by N. E. & E. M. Baker at Kivukoni. Ovaries not measured. A ‘typical’ streaked female Ploceus weaver that presents all the usual difficulties of identification in the field when not associating with male birds. Forehead, crown and nape grey-green, the feathers with dark grey centres and dark greenish yellow webs. Crown somewhat darker, less green than the nape. Sides of face, ear coverts, chin, throat and upper breast pale buff, distinctly washed with rich buff on the upper breast. Mantle grey-green, the feathers with dark grey centres and pale yellowish edging. Rump somewhat less streaked than the mantle, the feathers pale grey underneath with pale, washed out, looser webs. Upper tail coverts unstreaked dark yellowish green. There are a few old feathers in the type female and the yellowish edging is reduced through wear giving the mantle a paler, less yellowish look. Soft parts. Bill: upper mandible greyish, lower mandible pale horn. Eye: brown. Legs: dark horn. Paratypes. Collected on 27 February 1987 by N. E. & E. M. Baker at Kivukoni for the University of Dar es Salaam. j No. UDSMB-341; 2 No. UDSMB-342. Distribution. Known only from the type locality in the immediate vicinity of Kivukoni Ferry, although it may extend southwest into similar habitat along the Kilombero River flood plain. Measurements of Type. 3 wing 68 m; bill 17.2 mm; tarsus 22.2 mm; tail 45 mm; weight 20 gm. 2 wing 62 mm; bill 15.1 mm; tarsus 19.6 mm; tail 42 mm. Other Measurements. (See Table 1). Subsequent visits to the site were made on 27 February 1987 and 2 April 1988. A further 12 3¢ and 21 99 were caught and measured. Etymology. It is a pleasure to name this species for Dr Eric Burnier, MD, who attended to the people of Ifakara and surrounding area for many years and who brought this weaver to our attention. (It is interest- ing to note that Dr Burnier was the first to observe the nuthatch Sitta ledanti in Algeria, but medical commitments delayed his announcement of this find.) Field observations Habitat. P. burnieri breeds in an extensive riverside swamp fringed with tall Phragmites mauritianus in the floodplain of the Kilombero River. This floodplain extends upstream into the huge Kibasira swamp of c. 4200 km‘. The unique feature of this habitat is the comparatively low altitude of the swamp combined with the distance from the coast (some 300 km). From available maps, it appears to be the only such area along the East African coast. No known botanical or ornithological work has N.E. & E. M. Baker 54 Bull, B.O.C. 1990 110(1) TABLE 1 Measurements (mm) and weights (gm) of Ploceus burnieri. (Range with average in brackets) Males wing bill tarsus tail weight 67-71 (68.4) 16.9-17.4(17.2) 21-23.25 (22.2) 43—47 (45.3) 1721.3 (19.6) n— 12 n=7 ni=/ n=5 n=12 A non-breeding (presumed immature) male wing bill tarsus tail weight 68 = = 46 20 Female wing bill tarsus tail weight 59-62 (60.4) 15.4-16.9(16.0) 19.3—21.8(20.2) 39-42(40.3) 14.2-17.5 (16.6) n=21 n=21 n=13 n=13 n=21 Note. Measurements were taken as follows: Wing, extended chord to the nearest 0.5 mm; bill, to the nearest 0.05 mm from the bill tip to the feathering at the point of the notch; tarsus, to the nearest 0.05 mm from the notch on the intertarsal joint to the last complete scale at the base of the toes; tail, from the upper base of the longest (central) tail feather to its tip; weight, with a 50 gm balance to the nearest 0.1 gm. been conducted in either the floodplain or the swamp and the precise extent of the Phragmites is unknown. The Kilombero River is fed from the Uzungwa Mountains to the northwest and west, the site of the recently discovered Rufous-winged Sunbird Nectarinia rufipennis (Jensen 1983) and the Njombe Highlands to the south. Both are areas of high rainfall and reach altitudes in excess of 2000 m. To the southeast and east the Mbarika Mountains and Mt Chikweta provide further rivers. To the northeast the Kilombero River joins the Great Ruaha to flow east through the Selous Game Reserve. The valley is thus isolated from the central plateau and the southern miombo habitat by high mountains. No other Ploceus weavers have been observed in the nesting area with P. burnieri. The nearest known breeding weavers are small colonies of P. subaureus nesting in bamboo Arundinaria sp. in Ifakara township out- side the swamp habitat 7 km away. From our experience in other areas, we would expect P. subaureus to utilise this swamp habitat, and it is noteworthy that this species does not compete with P. burnieri in this locality. Nest. Sample No. N1989.2.1 held in BMNH, Tring. A ‘male nest’ oval-shaped, made of grass with a side entrance (Fig. 1) attached to a single reed stem of Phragmites. The outer structure is made from grass leaves, and leaf strips up to 4mm wide from the same type of grass. The lining is composed of much broader leaves, from 8—12 mm wide. The nest measures 110 x 85 x 70mm and is suspended from a stem c.8mm in diameter which passes vertically through the rear. The entrance is semi- elliptical, placed to one side of the nest and facing slightly downwards. Nest height was 2—3 m above ground level, but lower over water when seasonal flooding has occurred. Phragmites stems are strong, usually growing in a graceful downward curving arch and most nests were situ- ated on the arch giving the entrance a more downward facing aspect. N. E. & E. M. Baker 55 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) PIG any, ANID ae Figure 1. The ‘male’ nest of Ploceus burnieri before it is accepted and finished by the female. Nests are loosely grouped together ina suitable site, frequently overhang- ing an expanse of water. The number of nests in any given area varies considerably, from a few to 20, exceptionally 30. Occasionally only a solitary nest can be found in a seemingly suitable site. As nest building progresses, seasonal flooding inundates the area making counting diffi- cult and the number of ‘male nests’ in the area may increase. We have no confirmed evidence of polygyny but strongly suspect that this does occur. Eggs. Clutch size is apparently 1—2. The eggs vary in colour from uniform olive-brown to turquoise with light brown vermiculations; the usual variation in Ploceus eggs would therefore seem to apply to this species. Measurements of 3 eggs randomly taken: 20.5 x 13.00 mm, 20.0 x 14.5 mm, 19.5 x 14.2 mm. Voice. The usual weaver chattering was heard at the nest site, but a short alarm call “‘tjaek’’ was heard away from the nest. No satisfactory recording has yet been made. Moult. During our visit on 27 February 1988, 13 99 caught were moulting. Moult was confined to the rectrices, secondaries, tertials and corresponding coverts, and 5 were also undergoing body moult, quite heavily in 2 cases. Foraging techniques. The species has been observed, moving up and down the stems, feeding on flowering and fruiting grass heads, and also foraging in groups on the ground prior to flooding. N. E. & E. M. Baker 56 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Conservation Recent road works have destroyed several colony sites, but the habitat seems to be extensive and 1s largely unsuitable for agriculture (even rice) due to the extent of seasonal inundation. The reed used in all the known nest sites is only found at the fringe of the swamps and may well be of restricted distribution. There is no official protection for the Kilombero River valley but its remoteness contributes to the conservation of the area. Two new taxa of Cisticoline warblers are also being described from this habitat and the Kibasira swamp upstream of Ifakara holds the most northerly population of Puku Kobus vardoni in East Africa. The Coppery-tailed Coucal Centropus cupreicaudus, usually regarded as a highland species (Britton 1980) is a common resident along this river. It is therefore of the utmost importance that an ornithological survey of this exceptional area is conducted to determine the composition of the fauna and the extent of suitable P. burnieri habitat before conservation recommendations can be made to the Government of Tanzania. Discussion Fifty-seven taxa of Ploceus weaver were examined in the BMNH, Tring. Of these, P. velatus uluensis, P. velatus katangae, P. intermedius, P. h. heuglini, P. taeniopterus and P. castanops showed some similarities and were studied in detail. It was difficult to decide where to place P. burnieri and therefore which species to use for closer comparison. Although the black on the throat is extensive, it does not form a ‘face mask’ and the species would not appear to belong to the masked group, the closest of which are P. taeniopterus and P. v. katangae, especially with regard to the reduced amount of black on the head. If P. burnieri was purely chestnut on the throat, then the closest superficial resemblance would be to P. castanops. A recently proposed weaver from Uganda (Ash 1986) was con- sidered to be a hybrid by Louette (1987), who raised the question of possible stable hybrid populations of Ploceus weavers. The large sample size of P. burnieri and its isolation from similar species does not suggest a hybrid population. P. velatus uluensis, P. intermedius and P. h. heuglini ali have black ear coverts as well as other distinct plumage differences. P. velatus katangae has a mean wing measurement of 69 mm and has now been elevated to specific status (Louette & Benson 1982). Face mask much more extensive than in P. burnieri, extending to above and behind the eye and on to the forecrown. The remainder of the crown is chestnut, fading to golden yellow on the nape. Mantle rich golden-green with black shafts giving a pronounced streaked appearance. Flight feathers, broadly edged golden yellow. Upper tail coverts and rump golden yellow, much richer than those of P. burnier1. Underparts rich golden yellow, whereas P. burnieri is paler, especially on the belly and vent. Chin, throat and upper breast black, extending further than in P. burnieri and edged with saffron not chestnut. P. taeniopterus. There are certain similarities with P. taeniopterus, especially with the nominate race. However P. t. taeniopterus is larger, N. E. & E. M. Baker 7, Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) Brith odds 26 I\ NGA wii [\ ee Figure 2. Bill shapes of Ploceus weavers. Top line from above, bottom line in lateral view. From left to right:— velatus, castanops, galbula, subaureus, taeniopterus and burnieri. Note long slender shape of castanops, heavier conical bill of galbula and the attenuated tip of burniert. with male wing length 66—78 mm (Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1960) and has a heavier more blunt-looking bill, although the basic shape is similar (cf. Fig. 2). The black on the face is more extensive than in P. burnieri, reaching to the ear coverts and extending to just above the eye and upper lores to forehead. The chestnut edging is brighter and more extensive around the eye, spreading onto the ear coverts and often from forehead to crown. The yellow of the crown is more orange and the yellow of the underparts and nape much darker and brighter. ‘The mantle is washed with the same bright yellow colour as are the edges of the flight and tail feathers. The eye is given as brown (Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1973) and the legs and feet look ‘varnished’ brown in museum specimens. The wing formula is similar, with only minor differences among the specimens measured. There is a considerable difference in the relative lengths of the tertials but this could be due to the condition and prep- aration techniques of the skins. The tertials of P. burnieri are only 4—5 mm shorter than the wing tip. The first primary is 10-12 mm longer than the primary coverts in taeniopterus and noticeably shorter than that of P. burniert. P. castanops. This species is similar, but is larger, with forecrown chest- nut, pale cream eye, and chestnut, not black throat. Of the 28 specimens in BMNH, Tring, wing lengths for P. castanops measured 33 69.5— 80.5 mm (75.0 mm), n=18; 2° 66.0—70 mm (68.0 mm), n=8). Although the bill measurements differ only slightly, the bill is noticeably slimmer and longer (Fig. 3). It is important to note that there is no non-breeding dress in P. castanops, whereas P. burnieri $3 arrive at the breeding grounds having developed varying stages of breeding dress—a few yellow feathers on the head and underparts were visible on all $¢ examined in October 1989. It would appear that P. burnieri has a non-breeding plumage resembling the female but with a brighter yellow wash. The nearest known population of P. castanops lies c. 800 km to the north- west on the shores of Lake Victoria. We were unable to locate a detailed description of the nest for comparison. P. subaureus. There are no plumage similarities to P. burnieri but their nests are very similar. The nest of P. subaureus is more oval and the entrance hole is not angled downwards; however in reality the hole faces downwards because (in the localities known to us) the nests are usually placed on weaker reed stems which bend towards the ground more than N. E. & E. M. Baker 58 Bull, B.O.C. 1990 110(1) the stems used by P. burniert. The nest of P. swbaureus is considerably deeper at 95 mm. We hesitate to attempt a systematic position for this species. It may well prove intermediate between the ‘Masked Weavers’ and P. castanops, although clearly the nest is closer to that of P. subaureus. If the extent and depth of colour of the face mask are important in attaining specific status among competing species, then the geographical isolation of P. burnieri from other masked weavers may account for the reduced size of the face mask. The smaller size compared to other swamp/waterside masked weavers could also be explained by lack of competition through isolation— it seems unlikely that P. burnieri could have displaced the much larger P. subaureus from the nesting habitat. Perhaps P. subaureus is the more recent of the 2 species along the Kilombero valley. Bill shape and bill size differ- ences are difficult to appreciate from measurements, but are significant in the hand (cf. Fig. 3)—Louette (1987) discusses the significance of bill shape in Ploceus weavers. Acknowledgements We wish to thank P. R. Colston, M. W. Woodcock and Dr J. S. Ash for assistance while working on these birds at the British Museum, Tring, M. W. Woodcock for his guidance regarding the use of names for colours and for the illustration and the diagram showing bill profiles. Our thanks also to Jill Lovett for her drawing of the nest, Dr E. Burnier for comments on the draft and assistance in the field, Dr M. Louette, Dr P. A. Clancey and Dr J. F. Monk for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper and lastly our thanks to the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Tourism for permission to study and to ring birds in Tanzania. References: Ash, J. S. 1986. A Ploceus sp. nov. from Uganda. Ibis 128: 330-336. Britton, P. L. (ed.). 1980. Birds of East Africa. East Africa Natural History Society. Jensen, F. P. 1983. A new species of sunbird from Tanzania. [bis 125: 447—449. Louette, M. 1987. Morphological differentiation of archipelago components in birds. Revue Zool. Afr. 101: 171-182. Louette, M. & Benson, C. W. 1982. Swamp-dwelling weavers of the Ploceus velatus| vitellinus complex, with the description of a new species. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 102(1): 24-31. Mackworth-Praed, C. W. & Grant, C. H. B. 1960. African Handbook of Birds. Series 1, Vols 1 & 2. Birds of Eastern and Northeastern Africa. Longman. 1973. Series 3, Vol 2, Birds of West Central and Western Africa. Longman. Smythe, F. B. 1975. Naturalists’ Colour Guide. New York: American Museum of Natural History. Address: N. E. & E. M. Baker, P.O. Box 23404, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Books received 59 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) BOOKS RECEIVED Cocker, M. 1989. Richard Meinertzhagen. Soldier, Scientist and Spy. Pp. 292. Ulustrated. Secker & Warburg. £14.95. Hardback. 24 x 16 cm. In this well written biography, Richard Meinertzhagen’s enigmatic character is fittingly emphasised—a brilliant mind and great courage, ruthless but insecure, at times even self- negatory, unable in general to accept disagreement without rancour, with a frequently expressed grudge against any authority or individual with contrary views, yet capable of great kindness, generosity and friendship. During the First World War and in the 1920s, Meinertzhagen was a man with a wide and respected international reputation both politically and militarily, particularly for his exten- sive experience in East Africa and the Middle East. Surprisingly, at the end of his long life— he died aged 86 in 1967—few people, even in the ornithological world, would have had any significant knowledge or recollection of his past considerable importance. Mark Cocker’s study shows wide research, though regrettably almost entirely without the benefit of the views of Meinertzhagen’s living friends and relatives. He takes the reader through his unhappy childhood and school days, deprived of mother love and brutally treated by a sadistic preparatory school headmaster; his dreadfully misguided first marriage; his brilliant but substantially unfulfilled military career (he retired in 1926); his outstanding ability and contributions in secret intelligence; his expertise in Middle East affairs, es- pecially in Palestine after the First World War, at the highest level politically; his ardent Zionism, despite having for some 5 years, through personal contacts, been an admitted admirer of Hitler (including sympathy with his antisemitism); his second blissfully happy marriage, grievously ended by his wife’s death in an inexplicable shooting tragedy; his absorbing love of solitude and space; the deep loss of his beloved eldest son at the age of 19 at Arnhem; and his friendships, ‘“‘my most precious possessions’. During all his years since early childhood, Meinertzhagen’s pursuit of ornithology was a paramount need, even in war. His ornithological achievements, explorations, collections (mammals, birds, flowers, mallophaga, amongst others), quarrels, threats and dispositions are dealt with quite fully and the controversies explained, the author coming down on Meinertzhagen’s side in general, not in every case convincingly. Meinertzhagen’s highly significant collection of some 25,000 bird skins, nearly all from over the entire Palaearctic, of which he had collected and prepared over half personally, was eventually presented to the BMNH, all beautifully prepared and catalogued—a uniquely cherished possession. Sadly, its reliability as a research source is flawed; in the biographer’s words “‘... in his querky manipulation of the labels of a small but unknown proportion of the total ..., in his willingness to swop and rearrange them, and in his sometimes bizarre errors and weird inconsistencies one can trace the broad streak of eccentricity that made Meinertzhagen so vital, so compelling, and at times so suspicious a character’’. That ornithology was always at the forefront of his mind was frequently made clear, perhaps never better than by his strenuous personal exertions and advocacy (though then unsuccessful) in “‘the heat and confusion” of the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, which he was attending professionally, in favour of a suggestion that Heligoland should be established as an international bird sanctuary. His concern for such projects, as well, indeed, for people whom he thought worthwhile, were always close to the surface. Mark Cocker has written a very readable and even-handed review of a remarkable man, an enigma even to himself. Meinertzhagen’s friend Malcolm Muggeridge spoke of him as a “legendary figure without a legend’’. T. E. Lawrence, who knew him well, described him as a “‘silent, laughing, masterful man’’, yet also let the criticism fall that he was ‘‘... so pos- sessed by his convictions that he was willing to harness evil to the chariot of good’’. History must decide whether this last criticism justifiably applies to a proportion of Meinertzhagen’s ornithological and other natural history legacies. McAllen, I. A. W. & Bruce, M. D. 1988. The Birds of New South Wales. A Working List. Pp. 103. Biocon Research Group, in association with the NSW Bird Atlassers. Flexible covers. Aus$17.00. 21 x 30cm. The list includes all species recorded since Europeans reached NSW, including Lord Howe Island group and nearby seas. The 7-page introduction deals briefly with the sequence and nomenclature used and the classification of Australia’s birds, rare and en- dangered species, habitat and climatic changes. At the end there are over 15 pages of references cited. The rest of the volume deals with the species, each of which is given references to the same three major works; the annotations vary greatly in amount from Books received 60 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(1) nothing for a great many species to up to half a page—most of them are taxonomically based, some of them controversial. A useful list, which it is hoped will increase the ‘‘information base on NSW birds and their conservation needs’’. Mason, V. 1989. Birds of Bali. Pp. 80. Colour illustrations by Frank Jarvis. 4 colour photos. Periplus Editions, Singapore. Hardback. No price. 15 x 23 cm. Modern Balinese art end-papers. This is not at all the usual fieldguide. About 100 arbitrarily chosen species (out of c.300) are illustrated and described. There is a poetic influence apparent in the text which reads amusingly and is perceptively informative for the birdwatcher inexperienced in the SE Asia avifauna. There is a check-list of all Bali birds at the end of the book. The illustrations are equally less usual; artistically presented, the birds are shown in ty pical and varying postures against an unobtrusiv e background of Balines landscape, vegetation and human activity, in soft colours, distinctly enjoyable and each bird readily identifiable and mainly showing its distinctive features. Thom, Valerie M. 1989. Fair Isle. An Island Saga. Pp. 147. Plentifully illustrated in black- and-white and 4pp. of coloured photographs. John Donald. £12.95. Hardback. 19x 25cm. The author’s 30 years of interest in Fair Isle has produced an excellent and interestingly illustrated history of this well-known northern island. She traces the island’s and the islanders’ history from Viking times to the present from contemporary accounts and illus- trates how the islanders have adapted from a complete dependence on fishing to a more diverse economy in modern times and with modern amenities and transport. Due import- ance Is given to the prime initiatives of George Waterston and the setting up of the Fair Isle Bird Observatory (so famed for its rare and numerous migrants) and to the far-seeing National Trust for Scotland. Their joint efforts were able to rescue the decreasing Fair Isle families from being an endangered population to one now that is flourishing and content, though dependent on the “continuing enthusiasm of 1 its small resident population and the continuing interest and goodwill of its many visitors’’. Cooper J. E. (Ed.). 1989. Disease and Threatened Birds. Pp. 200. Diagrams, a few illus- trations. [CBP Technical Publication No. 10. £16.50 Flexible covers. 13 x 21 cm. This is a compilation of the Proceedings of a symposium held in June 1986 in Kingston, Ontario at the XX World Conference of the ICBP. Included in the subjects are the biology and methods of spread of avian pathogens, together with their detection and control. The Editor, who convened the symposium, as well as presenting papers, expresses the likely hope that “by involving and attracting scientists from a variety of disciplines’? some contribution will have been made to the ICBP’s ‘Biodiversity Project’ launched in 1988. Violani, C. 1988. Un Bestiario Barocco. Pp. 226. Profusely illustrated in colour. Milan Natural History Museum. (In Italian.) 24 x 17 cm. This beautifully produced and illustrated booklet is a catalogue of ‘feather pictures’ shown at a recent exhibition at Milan Natural History Museum. On loan from McGill University, Canada, they are the work of Dionisio Minaggio in early 17th century Milan, consisting mostly of pictures of birds of Lombardy, though there are also artistic scenes of country life, musicians, etc. Minaggio was gardener to the Spanish Governor, but undoubtedly an acute observer and a skilled craftsman. Each picture was painstakingly built up by glueing feathers of various birds onto a sketched outline, in the case of birds using only the feathers of the subject itself, the skin, the legs and part of the beak. Many of the pictures are true to life and artistically pleasing, but others show considerable poetic licence and unfamiliarity with the species being depicted. A most attractive volume. Carretta, L. 1988. Rapaci in Volo. Pp. 75. Author’s sketches and graphics. Pirella editore Genova. (In Italian.) 33 x 24 cm. This slender booklet describes the flight paths traced by raptors, using five Ligurian species. The subtitle, ‘‘Archaeologia Probabile’’ indicates the pessism of the author in regard to the future security of these birds. She admits to not being an ornithologist, but spent many hours in the field with her sketch book and seeks to establish an understanding of raptors’ ethology through patient observation. She has made graphics of the flight paths, to which she has added footnotes of explanation, together with a brief account of each species, accompanied by rather undistinguished drawings. Plate 3. Nest of the Mountain Firetail Oreostruthus fuliginosus: (a) side profile with nest entrance (arrowed) and mummified nestling to right; (b) front profile looking into entrance hole. For sizes see text, page 35. Plate 4. Nest of the Mountain Firetail Oreostruthus fuliginosus: (a) viewed from vertically above with nest entrance (arrowed) and mummified nestling to right; (b) with roof cut open from above entrance (arrowed) to rear of chamber and then parted. For sizes see text, page 36. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Papers, from Club Members ornon-members, should be sent tothe Editor, Dr J. F. Monk, The Glebe Cottage, Goring, Reading RG8 9AP, and are accepted on the understanding that they are offered solely to the Bulletin. They should be typed on one side of the paper, with treble-spacing and a wide margin, and submitted with a duplicate copy on airmail paper. Scien- tific nomenclature and the style and lay-out of papers and of References should conform with usage in this or recent issues of the Bulletin. Inform- ants of unpublished observations should be cited by initials and name only, e.g. ‘°...of grass(C. Dieter)’, but ““P. Weeinformsmethat...”. A limited number of photographic illustrations in black-and-white may be pub- lished annually at the Editor’s discretion. Authors are requested to give their title, initials, name and full address (in the form they wish to be corresponded with) at the end of the paper. An author wishing to introduce a new name or describe a new form should append nom., gen., sp. or subsp. nov., as appropriate, and set out the supporting evidence under the headings “‘Description’’, ‘“‘Distri- bution’’, ““Type’’, “Measurements of Type”’ and ‘“‘Material examined’’, plus any others needed. A contributor is entitled to 10 free offprints of the pages of the Bulletin in which his contribution, if one page or more in length, appears. Additional offprints or offprints of contributions of less than one page may be ordered when the manuscript is submitted and will be charged for. Authors may be charged for proof corrections for which they are responsible. BACK NUMBERS OF THE BULLETIN Available on application to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, as follows; 1983 and after (Vols 103 onwards) £3.50 each issue, 1981—2 (Vols 101 & 102) £3 each issue, 1980 (Vol. 100) No. 1 £4, Nos 2,3 & 4 £2 each, 1973-9 (Vols 93-99) £2 each issue (4 issues per year for Vol. 93 and after), 1969-72 (Vols 89-92) £1.50 each issue (6 per year), 1929-68 (Vols 50-88) £1 each issue (generally 9 per year), earlier than Vol. 50 £2 each issue (generally 9 per year); Indices Vol. 70 and after £1 each, Vols 50-69 £2 each, Vol. 49 and before £4 each. Long runs (at least 10 years) for Vol. 50 and after are available at reduced rates on enquiry. Orders over £50 post free. MEMBERSHIP Only Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union are eligible to join the Club; applications should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, together with the current year’s subscription. Changes of address and any correspondence concerning membership should be addressed to the Hon. ‘Treasurer. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BULLETIN The Bulletin (Vol. 108 onwards) may be purchased by non-members on payment of an annual subscription of £16.00 or, if preferred, U.S. $35.00 (postage and index free). Applications should be sent to the Hon. ‘Treasurer as below. Single issues may be obtained as back numbers. PAYMENTS TO HON. TREASURER All payments should be sent to the acting Treasurer, S. J. Farnsworth, Hammerkop, Frogmill, Hurley, Maidenhead, Berks, SL65NL. All pay- ments are net, andshould be madein Sterling if possible. Payments in other currencies must include a further £5 for Bank Charges (except for annual rates in U.S. Dollars which are inclusive). Foreign currency notes for the going exchange rate are acceptable. Payments may be made direct to the Club’s National Giro Account No. 30 924 4004, but must include Bank Charges where applicable. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence about Club meetings and other matters not mentioned above should go to the Hon. Secretary, Mrs A. M. Moore, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6JB. CONTENTS REPORTS OF MEETINGS?) 1) Queer) tie ed bots R. Y. McGOWAN & J.S. PRITCHARD First record of the Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva for the Philippines............... 6 E. D. H. JOHNSON & S.J. FARNSWORTH On the possible former breed- ing of the Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus in Algeria..... ii S.L.OLSON Remarks on the osteology of the Madagascan warblers Dromaeocercus and Amphilais (Sylviidae) .................. 9 S. L. OLSON & J.C. DEN HARTOG Former breeding of Sula dactylatra in the Cape Verde Islands )..). 2.202. San) ee 10 J. F. R. COLEBROOK-ROBJENT ‘The nest and eggs of Bannerman’s Blue-headed sunbird Nectarinia bannermani ............... 13 D. W. BUDEN' Report on the birds collected during the Armour- Wtowana West Indian xpeditionss =. sce. oe eee eee 14 G. R. GRAVES & R. L. ZUSI Avian body weights from the lower Rio Xingu, Brazili yh ee ls Se 20 J. FJELDSA Geographic variation in the Rufous-webbed Tyrant Polioxolmis rufipennis, with description of anew subspecies... 26 N.STRONACH Habitat and distribution of the Rock-loving Cisticola Cisticola aberrans in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania...... 3) C. B. FRITH & DAWN W. FRITH ‘The nest of the Mountain Firetail Oreostruthus fuliginosus (Estrildidae) in Papua New Guinea... 35 D.F.STOTZ First specimens of Drymophilla devilleifrom Colombia 37 P. ALSTROM & U. OLSSON ‘Taxonomy of the Phylloscopus proregulus complex. 2.5). Aa ne Fes HS a es CAN a 38 P, ALSTROM, P.R. COLSTON & U.OLSSON Description ofa possible new species of leaf warbler of the genus Phylloscopus from China.. 43 BETSY T. THOMAS’ Additional weights of Venezuelan birds........ 48 N. E. BAKER & E.M. BAKER A new species of weaver from Tanzania. 51 BOOKS RECEIVED «2.5% e0)2 on 4 evel eee acm nt iy eR 59 The Bulletin is now being sent by Bulk Air Mail to all European destinations outside the British Isles and by Accelerated Surface Post to almost every destination outside Europe. This will only apply to copies despatched from the printers on publication. Those whose subscriptions have not been received by the beginning of a month of publication will have their copies despatched by surface mail, after their current subscription has been paid. COMMITTEE R. E. F. Peal (Chairman) (1989) J. H. Elgood (Vice-Chairman) (1989) Dr J. F. Monk (Editor) (1975) D. Griffin (1989) Mrs A. M. Moore (Hon. Secretary) (1989) N. H. F. Stone (1986) R. H. Kettle (1988) S. J. Farnsworth (1989) Published by the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB and printed by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset QL ISSN 0007-1595 G7| B26 3 Was Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club Edited by Dr J. F. MONK Volume110 No.2 June 1990 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS 800th Meeting of the British Ornithologists’ Club The 800th Meeting of the Club will be held in the evening of Tuesday, 10 July 1990 at Imperial College. The address will be given by the Earl of Cranbrook, PhD, on ‘Development of Habitat and Species Protection in the European Community”’. Lord Cranbrook is Chairman of the Environmental Sub- Committee of the House of Lords on European Communities. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday 26 June 1990*. (Booking forms were enclosed in the March publication). Tuesday, 24 July 1990. Dr David Peakall, Wildlife Toxicology Division of the Canadian Wildlife Service, will speak on “‘Pere- grines and D.D.T.—A Toxicological Detective Story’”’. Dr Peakall is at present spending six months at London University writing a book on the use of biomarkers in environmental assessment. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday 10 July 1990*. Tuesday, 25 September 1990. Dr Michael Rands will speak on ““An Island Paradise? Ornithology and Conservation in the Seychelles’’. Dr Michael Rands was with the Nature Conservancy for some time and is now Project Director of the I.C.B.P. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday 11 September 1990*. Tuesday, 23 October 1990. Dr H. Q. P. Crick will speak on “‘The Detestable Fly? Tsetse Control and Birds in Africa’’. It is hoped that Dr A. J. Knystautas will be visiting Britain at the end of the year and will speak on the ‘Avifaunal Composition of the U.S.S.R.”’ on Wednesday, 12 December 1990. Meetings are held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 at 6.15 pm for 7 pm. A plan showing Imperial College will be sent to members on request. *It is usually possible to take acceptances up to the weekend before a meeting, but Members are asked to accept by 14 days beforehand as arrangements for the meeting have to be confirmed with Imperial College well in advance. If you accept and subsequently find you are unable to attend please notify the Hon. Secretary, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 67B (tel. 0572 722788 ) as soon as possible. x6 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Bulletin of ei BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB Vol.110 No. 2 Published: 16 June 1990 The seven hundred and ninety-fourth meeting of the Club was held on Tuesday, 16 January 1990 in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, South Kensington at 6.15 pm. 31 members and 27 guests attended. Members present were: R. E. F. PEAL (Chairman), J. BoswaLu (Speaker), M. A. ADcock, R. Beecrort, K. Betton, Mrs D. BraDLey, P. BULL, Cdr M. CasEMENT RN, P. CoNnpeEr, J. H. ELcoop, S. J. FaRNsworTH, A. Gipss, Revd T. W. GLapwin, B. Gray, D. GRIFFIN, C. Heim, J. Kinc, Dr A. MELDRUM, Dr J. F. Monk, Mrs A. Moore, R. Morcan, Mrs M. Mutter, J. Parker, A. J. RANDALL, S. RuMsEyY, V. SAWLE, Dr R. C. SELF, P. J. SELLAR, N. H. F. Stone, D. Tutt, Dr A. Tye. Guests present were: Mrs B. Apcock, J. AIrcHEsSON, Miss J. ALEXANDER, Miss Zh BaLiarp, D. BrapLey, Mrs J. BULL, Miss J. EprrcH, Mrs F. FARNSworTH, Mrs B. G1sss, J. FisHER, Mrs L. A. FISHER, Mrs J. M. GLaDWIN, Mrs S. GRIFFIN, Miss K. Horr, B. Mars, Mrs G. Marsu, Dr H. MELpRum, Mrs D. C. Monk, P. J. Moore, Mrs E. Moon, Cdr L. Moon RN, C. Mutter, M. Payne-GILt, Mrs E. PEAL, R. Ranr, Mrs M. SETON-WatTson, Mrs H. Tye. The meeting stood in silence to mark the death of Sir Hugh Elliot who died in December 1989. After supper Mr Jeffery Boswall gave an interesting and amusing talk, illustrated by short video films, of the work of the Film and Video Unit of the RSPB with the title ‘Moving Images in the Cause of Bird Protection’. The seven hundred and ninety-fifth meeting of the Club was held on Tuesday, 20 February 1990 in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, South Kensington at 6.15 pm. 34 members and 27 guests attended. Members present were: R. E. F. PEaAL (Chairman), M. A. Apcock, Miss H. Baker, Mrs D. M. Bran ey, B. H. Beck, P. J. BELMan, K. BeTTon, P. BuLL, D. R. CALDER, Cdr M. CASEMENT RN, Dr N. Cotvar, I. D. CoLuins, P. CoNpDER, S. J. FARNSWORTH, A. GIBBs, Revd T. W. Giapwin, Dr J. GREENWoop, D. GrirFIn, Dr F. D. KEtsrey, R. KETTLE, Revd G. McCuttiocu, T. R. Mitis, Mrs A. M. Moore, R. G. Morcan, Dr R. Prv¥s-Jones, A. J. RANDALL, B. L. Sace, V. J. SAwLE, Dr R. C. Ser, P. J. SELLAR, R. E. SHARLAND, N. H. F. Stone, A. R. TANNER, D. TuTT. Guests present were: EUGENIY PoTapov (Speaker), Mrs B. Apcock, Dr R. J. BAKER, Mrs J. CaLper, Dr R. J. CHANDLER, T. CHAPMAN, Ms F. C. Cotton, S. Dorwarp, Mrs F. FARNSWORTH, Mrs J. M. GLapwin, Mrs S. GrirFin, Ms B. Hammonpn, D. Harris, Miss K. Horr, R. Kirk, Mrs N. LippELi, Mrs I. McCu.tocu, P. A. Marrack, B. Marsu, Mrs G. Marsu, Mrs J. MI.ts, P. J. Moorer, M. Paine, Dr D. PEaKALL, R. Ranr, Mrs A. SaGE, Dr M. WILson. Mr Eugeniy Potapov, speaking after supper on “‘Some Birds of Lowland Tundra in N.E. Siberia’ gave a most interesting description, illustrated with slides, of working at a field station of the University of Magadan on the Sea of Okhotsk, an area of lowland tundra very little known. He reviewed the climate and geomorphology of the region and its correlation with the bird population. The seven hundred and ninety-sixth meeting of the Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College on Tuseday, 13 March 1990 at 7pm. 28 members and 21 guests attended. Members present were: R. E. F. Peat (Chairman), T. R. Roperts (Speaker), M. A. Apcock, K. F. Betton, Mrs D. M. Brap.tey, D. R. Caper, S. J. FARNSworTtu, Revd T. W. J. Fyeldsa & H. Fensen 62 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) GLADWIN, Dr A. G. GosLer, D. GriFFIN, Dr T. INskrpp, T. J. James, M. C. JENNINGS, R. KettT_Le, Dr A. G. KNox, Revd G. McCuttocn, T. R. Mriuis, Mrs A. M. Moors, R. G. Morean, Mrs M. Mutter, R. Price, Dr R. PrYs-JONEs, V. J. SAWLE, Dr R. C. SELF, P. J. SELLAR, N. H. F. Stone, Dr D. THomas, Dr A. TYE. - Guests present were: Mrs B. Apcock, D. BrapLey, Mrs B. CALpER, Dr J. CROXALL, Mrs F. FarNswortH, Mrs J. M. GLapwin, Ms. K. Horr, Mrs C. M. James, K. KILBurn, R. Kirk, Mrs I. McCuttocn, N. McCuttocu, Mrs J. Mills, P. J. Moore, Dr D. Parkin, Mrs H. Price, R. RANF, M. RIpDELL, Mrs RoBerts, L.. SvENsson, Mrs H. Te. Mr T. R. Roberts speaking after supper on “‘Birds of Pakistan’ described the physical features of the country and, with his excellent collection of slides, reviewed the avifauna. He displayed his very wide and detailed knowledge of Pakistan and of its birds, which was much appreciated by the meeting. An extra, informal meeting was arranged in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, on Tuesday 10 April 1990 to take advantage of the visit to Britain by Dr Richard Liversidge. 31 members and guests attended to hear Dr Liversidge speak on “‘Raptors of the Southern Kalahari’’. He spoke of his recent visit to south Kalahari giving details of the amount of rainfall in the area and the variation in the raptor population there over recent years. With the aid of some superb slides he was able to demonstrate field characteristics of many birds of the Kalahari at rest and in flight and his address stimulated an interesting discussion afterwards. A record of the African Piculet Sasia africana from Liberia by Fon Fyeldsa & Hartvig Jensen Received 24 August 1989 The African Piculet Sasia (syn. Verreauxia) africana is widespread in humid forest in the Congo basin, from southwestern Uganda and north- ern Angola to the Central African Republic and southwestern Cameroon. However, there are indications that the range extends further to the west (Short 1982, Fry et al. 1988). A sight record (ad. 9 and juv.) was reported from Akutuase in Ghana by Macdonald & ‘Taylor (1977). Amore ques- tionable record from Lokojo in Nigeria was given by Bannerman (1933) and later doubted by him (1953): but see also Elgood (1982). The present note reports a specimen record from northeastern Liberia, made by H.J. This represents a 2000 km westwards extension of the range documented by specimens. This specimen was mistnetted 24 June 1972 by local pet-bird traders, 3-4km from the small ‘bush town’ Tchien (Zwedru) in northeastern Liberia (6°N, 8°25’W) in ‘Forest area 4’, stretching from Tchien to the Cavalla River, which forms the border to the Ivory Coast. The net had been placed in dense second growth dominated by Raphia palms, shrubs and bushes, in a partially cleared farmland area, where rice, casawa and yam was grown in small fields, on a rotational basis, permitting develop- ment of some second growth shrub, and occurrence of scattered tall trees. F. Fyeldsa S&S H. Fensen 63 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) The site was some 2 km away from the nearest primary forest (‘timber forest’) at that time. The bird was skinned by H.]J. (private collection, catalogue number 724); the bones of the pectoral girdle are kept with the skin. The bird, an adult 9 with vinous red eyes, orbital skin and feet, weighed 7 gm (recorded on the label when fresh). The flattened wing length is 49.7 mm, culmen 10.5 mm, tarsus 11 mm. The top of the head is Dark Olive-Gray washed with Citrine on the feather-tips; upperparts Citrine towards Orange- Citrine or Old Gold; underside Deep Olive-Gray (all colours according to Ridgway 1911). The face showed the characteristic pattern, with a white postocular line demarcated with a blackish line towards the ear-coverts. J.F. was able to compare the Liberian specimen in 1987 and 1988 with altogether 58 specimens in the British Museum of Natural History (Tring), the American Museum of Natural History (New York) and the Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago). (Five other institutions visited did not have specimens of this species.) The comparative material showed considerable individual variation, especially in the males. The upperparts varied from uniform Aniline Yellow or Buffy Citrine to almost Hair Brown, usually with duller, more Olive-Gray crown; the underparts varied from Neutral Gray or deep grey washed with Citrine to Grayish Olive, chin purer grey, occasionally with pale shafts. The variation may in part result from wear, and did not seem to follow a geographic pattern. Birds from Zaire may average duller (more brownish) on the crown than most birds from Cameroon, but this did not hold true in all specimens. The Liberian specimen fell within the range of variation of Cameroon birds. The measurements are near the mean values for females given by Fry et al. (1988). Curiously, the weight of 7 gm is well below the weights given by Fry et al. (9—10.5 for 6 birds from Cameroon, 7.5—9.5 for 12 birds from Uganda). One bird from the western end of the traditional range, Rumpi hills in Cameroon, weighed 7.9 gm (Bowden 1986). Considering that the species seems to be a stationary inhabitant of dense, tangled forest undergrowth one would expect the western popu- lation to represent a distinct subspecies (Macdonald & Taylor 1977). However, according to the present comparison we must conclude that any possible differentiation is too slight to be revealed by the single available specimen from a western population. This indicates that the species is more widespread than assumed in the humid forest zone north of the Gulf of Guinea. Although common locally (Gabon, Bwamba in Uganda—see Fry et al. 1988), the species is generally regarded as uncommon, but it is very likely to be overlooked as it darts about in the dense vegetation. Alternatively, small western populations may have become relict populations too recently to have acquired diagnostic features. The collecting locality near Tchien is near the Grebo National Forest, close to the large Tai National Park in Ivory Coast. These reserves, it is sincerely hoped, will protect the bio-diversity in this region. References: Bannerman, D. A. 1933. The Birds of Tropical West Africa (8 vols). Vol. 3. Crown Agents for the Colonies, London R. Y. McGowan & B. Massa 64 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Bannerman, D. A. 1953. The Birds of West and Equatorial Africa (2 vols). Vol. 1. Crown Agents for the Colonies, London. Bowden, C. G. R. 1986. The use of mist-netting for studying forest birds in Cameroon. Pp. 130-174 in S. Stuart (ed.) Conservation of Cameroon Montane Forest. International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge. Elgood, J. H. 1982. The Birds of Nigeria. British Ornithologists’ Union Check List No. 4. Fry, C. H., Keith, S. & Urban, E. K. (eds) 1988. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 3. Academic Press. Macdonald, M. A. & Taylor, I. R. 1977. Notes on some uncommon forest birds in Ghana. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 97: 116-126. Short, L. L. 1982. Woodpeckers of the World. Delaware Mus. Nat. Hist., Greenville, Delaware. Addresses: Dr Jon Fjeldsa, Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Universitets- parken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen @, Denmark. Hartvig Jensen, c/o Blue Star Mahogany, P.O. Box 55, Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Philippines. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Evidence for breeding of the Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus erlangeri in Spain in the 19th Century by Robert Y. McGowan & Bruno Massa Received 30 August 1989 Arevalo y Baca (1887) reports the breeding of the Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus in old nests of kites Milvus sp. on Coto Donana and quotes observations by Lord Lilford on its nesting. Irby (1895) writes that Lanners “‘were found nesting on pine-trees in the Coto del Rey, near Seville’’. He found one nest (3 years previously used by a Buzzard Buteo buteo) containing eggs at the end of March. Coltart (1952) also describes Lanner Falcon clutches from Coto del Rey, a C/3 from the Dalgleish collection and a C/2 in the collection of Lord Lilford. Valverde (1960) concedes that some Lanners were shot from time to time in this region, but nonetheless does not accept these earlier breeding records. Cramp & Simmons (1980) do not mention Spain in the breeding range of this Falcon. There exists in the collections of the National Museums of Scotland (NMS) some material which we believe indicates that Lanners did, in- deed, breed in Spain during the latter part of last century. One C/3 of Falco biarmicus erlangeri is preserved in the collection of Hugh M.S. Blair (NMSZ 1981.061). This clutch was collected on 12 April 1879 at Coto del Rey by Manuel Llanos for Alberto Ruiz. Blair’s clutch card reads: “In a tree. Incubation apparently advanced. Manuel Llanos was a well-known and trustworthy collector, who, at one time or another, furnished Lord Lilford with specimens, amongst them skins and eggs of the Lanner. There are frequent references to him in the Lilford diaries (see Lord Lilford on Birds pp. 146, 196—200, 212, 216 and 298). Alberto Ruiz, of Seville, was a dealer of good repute. He too figures in Lord Lilford’s diaries. As men- tioned by Irby (...) the few Lanners known to breed in Spain appropriated old nests of other raptors, generally in stone-pines. They were recorded from Coto del Rey and Coto Donana. These very interesting eggs were sent by Ruiz to J. J. Dalgleish, who received them on 14.11.1879. They later passed into the collection of C. R. Wood, and when this was R. Y. McGowan & B. Massa 65 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) dispersed by C. H. Gowland, they were purchased by N. B. Coltart on 10.12.1939. Coltart sold them to T. R. N. Crafts in 1942, but re-acquired them from the latter’s executor (J. Harwood) on 12.1.1951. In 1960 he most generously presented them to me, and I received them on the 19 March, that year, together with the original data ticket.”’ The eggs measure: 51.40 x 40.35; 50.40 x 39.80; 52.15 x 39.50. In addition there are 4 Spanish skins of F. b. erlangeri from the J. 1.58. Whitaker collection (NMSZ 1956.003), as follows: 1. no. 2229, 2, 3 May 1882, Coto de Donana. The label states: ‘“‘shot on the nest with 3 juy +1 egg, then reared by male only”’; 2. no. 2301, 2, 29 March 1873, Coto del Rey; 3. no. 2297, immature 9, [taken from nest] April 1879, Corio del Rio. Kept in captivity at Whitmoor until its death the following year. The label states: ‘‘taken from nest near Corio del Rio, S. Spain. D.D. [= discovered dead?] May 1880 at Whitmoor, Guildford’; 4. no. 2306, immature, unsexed, [assumed taken from nest April 1879, Corio del Rio]. The label states: “Lanner F. from Spain deposited by Lord Lilford with F. H. Salvin Esq. Whitmoor House, Guildford where it died August 1879.” The heavily abraded wings and tails and general dirty appearance of the latter 2 skins seem to confirm that they had been kept in captivity for a period. From these birds’ relative sizes and dates of death it seems reason- able to conclude that they were siblings which had been acquired from the same nest. A third piece of evidence is supplied in a manuscript held in the Library of the NMS. A notebook entitled ‘“‘Catalogue of the birds of South of Spain by Howard Saunders, communicated to the Zoological Society of France 1876-77” contains the following section on Lanner Falcons: “Rare. Nevertheless it has been dislodged and killed in the forests south of Seville, and, to all appearance, it has been obtained in Grenada and Murcia; but I have not been able to examine these last two examples. The first mentioned, with their eggs, form part of Lord Lilford’s collection, where I have seen them.”’ We believe that the existence of this material lends veracity to the views of earlier authors and provides conclusive proof that the North African form of the Lanner Falcon F.. biarmicus erlangeri did breed, though probably irregularly, in a limited area of southern Spain. Acknowledgements We are grateful for assistance from F. J. Purroy and C. Violani who provided some of the references. References: Arevalo y Baca, D. J. 1887. Aves de Esparia. Viuda. Coltart, N. B. 1952. Eggs of the Falconinae. Oologists’ Record 26: 42-46. Cramp, S. & Simmons, K. E. L. 1980. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press. Irby, L. H. L. 1895. The Ornithology of the Straits of Gibralter. 2nd ed. Porter. Valverde, J. A. 1960. Vertebrados de las Marismas del Guadalquivir. Arch. Instit. Aclimaticion de Almeria 9: 1-168. Addresses: R. Y. McGowan, Department of Natural History, Royal Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JF, U.K.; B. Massa, Istituto di Zoologia, Via Archirafi 18, 90123 Palermo, Italy. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 A. Berruti 66 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) On two indeterminate shearwaters from South African waters by A. Berruti Received 3 August 1989 ‘The taxonomic status of 2 small shearwater forms currently treated as 2 species, namely Puffinus assimilis Gould, 1838, and P. lherminieri Lesson, 1839, is still largely unresolved. Jouanin & Mougin (1979) recognise 18 subspecies grouped into 2 species, while a further subspecies in the lherminiert assemblage has recently been described from the Comores by Louette & Herremans (1985). Jouanin & Mougin (1979) have suggested that at least 3 of their races of P. lherminieri—P. heinrothi Reichenow, 1919, P. l. bannermani Mathews & Iredale, 1915, and P. 1. persicus Hume, 1873—may be further full species, but even the separation of assimilis and lherminieri is not universally upheld at present. Both Vaurie (1965) and Bourne (1986) have maintained that only a single variable species is involved. The taxonomic status of the population breeding on the Cape Verde islands (boydz) is controversial, being variously regarded as part of a single variable species (Vaurie 1965, Bourne 1986), a subspecies of lherminieri (Jouanin & Mougin 1979) orasasubspecies of assimilis (Cramp & Simmons 1977). A recent study of material from the eastern North Atlantic, South Atlantic and western Indian Oceans, has served to show that many characters used to differentiate assimilis and lherminieri are subject to much individual and regional variation. Forms of both these Puffinus species occur within southern African coastal waters (Clancey 1980). In the case of P. assimilis, 2 subspecies have occurred, these being P. a. elegans Giglioli & Salvadori, 1869: South Atlantic at 43°54’S, 9°20’E, and P. a. tunneyi Mathews, 1912: Boxer Is., southwestern Australia. The validity of these records and the characters of the 2 races accepted for South Africa are explained in Sinclair et al. (1982). In the case of P. lherminieri, a single record of P. 1. bailloni (Bonaparte), 1857: Mauritius, exists from the eastern Cape (Courtenay- Latimer 1953), the identity confirmed by R. C. Murphy many years ago. There is also a single sight record, which was not determined to sub- species (S.A.O.S. Rarities Committee 1986). Recently, 2 further small shearwaters differing sharply from both accepted races of P. assimilis and P. I. baillonit were received by the Durban Natural Science Museum (DNSM). The first of the 2 South African specimens was found alive on the beach at Durban, on the east coast of South Africa, on 20 January 1987, but died shortly after being found. It was given to J. C. Sinclair (Durban Natural Science Museum), who recognised that the bird was intermediate in cer- tain characters. This bird is hereafter referred to as the Durban bird and is in the collection of the DNSM (DM 36093). The bird was freeze-dried and was not sexed. It is comparatively large but other characters suggest that it belongs to assimils: the bird dorsally is black, not brown, with largely white, not brown, under tail coverts. The longest under tail A. Berruti 67 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) coverts are brown or have a brown outer vane but the shorter ones are white, so that the under tail coverts appear white. The colour of the dorsum is saturated black (Fuscous Black—capitalised colours from Ridgway 1912), with the black of the head extending below the eye and sharply demarcated from the white underparts. The pectoral patches are inconspicuous. The underwing is white, sharply demarcated by a black edging. The leg colour was not recorded at the time of death, but at present (freeze-dried) the outer tarsus, outer toe, sole and claws are black, in sharp contrast to pale inner webs and inner toes. The second South African specimen was found alive on 15 September 1988 at Shingwedzi camp, in the Kruger National Park, in the eastern Transvaal, some 410 km from the sea. It was donated to the ‘Transvaal Museum (TM 74351). The inland occurrence of this bird is extraordi- nary, particularly because there had been no major weather event that may have caused it to be blown inland. The bird, hereafter referred to as the Shingwedzi specimen, was freeze-dried, but was not sexed. The dorsal colour is black (Chaetura Black). The underparts are white with inconspicuous pectoral patches. The shorter under tail coverts are white, while the longer are brown or have brown outer vanes. Although the proportion of brown in the under tail coverts is greater than in the Durban bird, the field impression would be of white under tail coverts. The coloration of the legs and feet was not recorded while the bird was alive, but at present (freeze-dried) is very similar to that of the Durban specimen. Most authors who accept the specific discreteness of assimilis and lherminieri use the criterion of dorsal colour, slate-black or greyish-black in assimilis and brownish black in forms of the lherminieri group. The colour of the under tail coverts is also frequently employed—largely or wholly white in the subspecies of P. assimilis and brownish or brownish- white in subspecies of /herminier1. ‘The subspecies of lherminieri are credited with a longer wing than assimilis. Leg colour has also been advanced as a useful character, but is of little use where dried skins are employed in research. In order to determine to which populations the Durban and Shingwedzi specimens belong, material of the North Atlantic forms P. a. baroli (Bonaparte), 1857: Desertas, Madeira, and P. 1. (a.) boydi Mathews, 1912: Cape Verde islands, P. a. elegans (specimens from Gough Island), P. 1. bailloni, P. 1. nicolae Jouanin, 1971: Cousin Island, Seychelles, P. 1. persicus and P. a. tunneyi were assembled. For each of these specimens, the total culmen length is plotted against wing length (Fig. 1). Further total culmen and wing length measurements were obtained for the following taxa; one temptator, 2 nicolae (Seychelles and Laccadives), 2 bailloni (Reunion and Mauritius) and 1 persicus (Somalia) (Louette & Herremans 1982). The material clusters into 3 distinct colour groups: a) Eastern North Atlantic (baroli and boydzi) Dorsal surfaces, wing and tail blackish brown or dull slaty black. b) South Atlantic and western Australian seas (elegans and tunneyt) Dorsal surfaces wholly greyer, often more bluish than last, with moderate or heavy scaling of blackish. A. Berruti 210 200 190 68 @2 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) bailloni nicolae temptator persicus boydi 01 baroli elegans tunneyi Durban Shingwedzi 180 O1 (9) CULMEN Figure 1. Measurements of total culmen length versus wing length for various taxa of Puffinus assimilis/lherminierit examined in this study or taken from Louette & Herremans (1985). c) Eastern Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea (bailloni, nicolae and persicus) Olive-brown upperparts, wings and tail, nicolae and persicus some- what scaled with lighter brown (much as in elegans and tunneyz). The dorsal colour of the 3 taxa darkens from north (persicus) to south (baillont). The recently proposed P. 1. temptator was not considered, still being known only from the incomplete and unique type. Neither the Durban nor the Shingwedzi individual can be allocated toa described taxon as represented by available material. The Durban bird is larger than any assimilis examined in this study (Fig. 1). It differs from bailloni, which also has white under tail coverts, by being saturated slate black dorsally rather than brown-black (Deep Clove Brown) and lacks the well-developed pectoral patches present in bailloni.'The Durban bird also differs from nicolae, temptator and persicus. P. 1. nicolae is browner (Clove Brown with edgings Olive Brown) dorsally, has well-developed pectoral patches and is smaller than the Durban specimen (Fig. 1). Although nicolae has some white under tail coverts (Jouanin 1970; pers. obs.), it has fewer than the Durban bird. The single known individual of the recently- described temptator (not examined) is large (Fig. 1) and is characterised by asmoky underwing and pectoral patches, with white and black under tail coverts (Louette & Herremans 1985). P. 1. persicus is brown (Dull Olive-Brown with lighter fringes) dorsally, has brown under tail coverts with long wings and bill (Fig. 1). Of the material examined, the Durban A. Berruti 69 ( Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) specimen is closest to boydi and baroli in colour. It is larger than boydi and has white, not brown, under tail coverts. The Durban bird has black extending below the eye, sharply demarcated from the white lower face, whereas in baroli, the white extends above the eye. The Shingwedzi specimen falls within the size range of the various races of assimilis, and is smaller than all the specimens of lherminieri examined during this study with the exception of 2 specimens of the controversial boydi (Fig. 1). It differs from baroli in lacking white feathers above the eye and in possessing some brown under tail coverts. The Shingwedzi specimen is larger than the available specimens of tunneyz and is blacker dorsally. Dorsally, tunneyi is Deep Mouse Gray with black- ish slate terminal fringes giving a scaled appearance. It has some brown under tail coverts wheras tunneyi has only white coverts. The Shingwedzi specimen differs from tunneyi collected on Eclipse Island in lacking dark feathers below the eye, but shares this feature with tunneyi from the Houtman Abrolhos islands. P. a. elegans from Gough island is dorsally similar to tunmneyi in colour, but the pileum is blacker and the hind neck not so grey. The black fringes to the dorsal feathering are blacker and broader than in tunneyz. The Shingwedzi bird may originate from St. Paul Island, which is the nearest known shearwater breeding station to South Africa, because a specimen of breeding bird from this island may belong to an undescribed race of assimilis (Jouanin & Mougin 1979). Two alternative solutions to the identity of these new specimens are suggested. Firstly, that the Durban and Shingwedzi birds are members of the same and undescribed taxon. However, they differ greatly in size (Fig. 1), and if they do belong to the same taxon, presumably represent the extremes of the size range of that taxon. Their dorsal coloration is most similar to the North Atlantic populations (boydi and baroli), and on this basis, they may possibly originate from an undiscovered North Atlantic colony. However, it seems very unlikey on geographic grounds alone that this population would be first located in South Africa waters, particularly since neither baroli nor boydi have ever been recorded in the southern hemisphere (Cramp & Simmons 1977, Jouanin & Mougin 1979, Sinclair et al. 1982). On the basis of the saturated black dorsal coloration of both birds, they would seem to be a race of assimilis, possibly one breeding on St. Paul Island, where an undescribed race may occur (Jouanin & Mougin 1979), or on other sub-Antarctic islands, such as the Crozets or Kerguelen. The second alternative suggests that the Durban and Shingwedzi birds may belong to different taxa, based on differences in size and the amount of white in the under tail coverts. The Durban bird is larger, with a longer more slender bill and with fewer brown under tail coverts, and could belong to an undescribed taxon of P. lherminieri breeding in the western Indian Ocean. The occurrence of white under tail coverts occurs to a greater or lesser extent in all described races of /herminieri from this area. However, the Durban bird is blacker dorsally than any of the known populations. The Shingwedzi bird, on the other hand, could belong to an undescribed population of assimilis that breeds somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean, perhaps on St. Paul Island, possibly in the Kerguelen or Crozet archipelagoes, as suggested for an undescribed taxon. A. Berruti 70 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Neither size nor colour of the under tail coverts constitute absolute criteria for separating /herminieri and assimilis, lending support to the contention of Bourne (1986) that they comprise a single variable species. The leg and foot colours are sometimes regarded as diagnostic; lherminieri having flesh and black coloration compared to the bluer legs of assimilis (Cramp & Simmons 1977). However, the value of soft part coloration of museum specimens is greatly diminished by colour changes after death, and as a taxonomic criterion has been criticised by Bourne & Loveridge (1978) because of the occurrence of intermediate colorations. Further research is necessary to establish the value of leg and foot colour as a taxonomic character. The various populations of the /herminieri/assimilis assemblage are characterised by a high degree of spatial separation, which is apparently reinforced in some populations by sedentary habits (Jouanin & Mougin 1979, Harrison 1983). This suggests that the assemblage may comprise several valid species or semi-species. Biomolecular techniques (Cooke & Buckley 1987) hold promise for better insight into the taxonomy of this and other pelagic seabird assemblages and ones which comprise many variable reproductively isolated populations, such as Pachyptila and the Puffinus puffinus complex. Acknowledgements I thank the following curators for their assistance in providing specimens: P. R. Colston, British Museum (Natural History); R. Johnstone, Western Australian Museum; C. Vernon, East London Museum; and A. Kemp and T. Cassidy, Transvaal Museum. I thank P. A. Clancey for advice and P. Hockey and P. Ryan for assistance. References: Bourne, W. R. P. 1986. Recent work on the origin and suppression of bird species in the Cape Verde islands, especially the shearwaters, the herons, the kites and sparrows. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 106: 163-169. Bourne, W. R. P. & Loveridge, A. 1978. Small shearwaters from Ascension and St. Helena, South Atlantic Ocean. [bis 120: 65—66. Clancey, P. A. (Ed.) 1980. SAOS Checklist of Southern African Birds. List committee, South African Ornithological Society. Cooke, F. & Buckley, P. A. 1987. Avian Genetics. Academic Press. Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1953. Sea bird migrants. Ostrich 24: 50. Cramp, S. & Simmons, K. E. L. 1977. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 1. Oxford University Press. Harrison, P. 1983. Seabirds ; an identification guide. Croom Helm. Jouanin, C. 1970. Note taxinomique sur les Petits Puffins Puffinus lherminieri de ? Ocean Indien Occidental. Oiseau et R.F.O. 40: 303-306. Jouanin, C. J. & Mougin, J. L. 1979. Order Procellariiformes. In: E. Mayr & G. W. Cottrell (Eds). Check-list of Birds of the World. Vol. 1. Mus. Comp. Zool.: Cambridge, Mass. Louette, M. & Herremans, M. 1985. A new race of Audubon’s Shearwater Puffinus lherminieri at Moheli, Comoro Islands. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 105: 42-49. Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. The author, Washington, D.C. S.A.O.S. Rarities Committee 1986. Annual Report. Bomakierie 38: 20-25. Sinclair, J. C., Brooke, R. K. & Randall, R. M. 1982. Races and records of the Little Shearwater Puffinus assimilis in South African waters. Cormorant 10: 19-26. Vaurie, C. 1965. The Birds of the Palearctic Fauna. Witherby. Address: Dr A. Berruti, Durban Natural Science Museum, P.O. Box 4085, Durban, South Africa, 4000. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 M. Louette 71 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) The nightjars of Zaire by M. Louette Received 31 August 1989 With the separation as full species of Caprimulgus clarus from C. climacurus, C. nigriscapularis from C. pectoralis and C. ruwenzori from C. poliocephalus (but see below) in Birds of Africa (Fry & Harwin 1988), and with the description of a new species (Louette 1990), the avifauna of Zaire includes no less than 17 (or 15 if suspected conspecifics are lumped) species of nightjar. Chapin (1939), Schouteden (1951) and Lippens & Wille (1976) discussed their occurrence in Zaire, and since then few additions have been mentioned. Basing myself on the collection in the Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika (K MMA), it is possible to correct and complete Zaire nightjar status and distribution in relation to Birds of Africa (the new species will be described elsewhere). Inciden- tally, when the samples used by Jackson (1984) for his African key are considered, it is clear that the KMMA collection 1s very important on the African scale. A few comments on neighbouring countries are added. Caprimulgus batest It is not likely that the range was disjunct originally, since the KMMA has 28 specimens, from all forested districts. Caprimulgus binotatus This other forest nightjar species was collected much less often than C. batesi; there are still only 3 specimens from Zaire in KMMA and a fourth is shown in the Atlas (Snow 1978). (The locality Mieri, Cameroon, belongs under C. batesi, not under this species—Louette 1981.) Caprimulgus natalensis Figure 1 gives all localities of specimens in the KMMA collection, and from Chapin (1939) and Verheyen (1953). The distribution suggests that C. natalensis is widespread at low elevation, along great rivers, but in general outside the dense forest region and that it is absent, or perhaps overlooked, in several areas. Lippens & Wille (1976) suggest it is known from other regions as well and mention breeding in Kwilu. Birds of Africa, following Harwin (1983), concludes that all birds in this general area are con-subspecific, a conclusion I can agree with after examination of the specimens from Zaire, based on admitted size and colour variation among the central African populations and corroborated by the wide- spread distribution. In contrast, however, for C. pectoralis, Birds of Africa does not follow this same reasoning (see below). Caprimulgus climacurus The ranges of the 3 allospecies abut in the general area of northeastern Zaire. The Atlas map is based on only 2 components in the superspecies (climacurus and fossit) and possible intra-African migrants of the 2 species are mapped along with the resident birds. However, the number of pale, M. Louette 72 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) 2 te, f * KUNUNGU ¥ “ Figure 1. Distribution of Caprimulgus natalensis in Zaire (circles), with indication of regions and important localities mentioned. straw-coloured specimens, which supposedly belong to the migratory nominate race of climacurus, is not great for Zaire, and all come from the northeast: Chapin (1939) mentioned 2 from Faradje (3°45’N, 29°42’E), taken 7 February and 24 November; 3 were collected in the Garamba park (one on 18 January 1950, 2 others on 24 January 1950); and 2 pale birds in the KMMA are from Bambesa (3°28'N, 25°44’E—no date) and Angodia (3°32’N, 25°47’E—27 February 1941, moulting central rectrices). All other specimens are darker, but with considerable variation (some are rich rufous) and are considered to belong to the race sclater1. Even in the northern part of Uele (in the Garamba park) dark birds occur and predominate in the collection. C. climacurus has long been known to exist as well near the middle Zaire River (although not from Lower Zaire, as mentioned erroneously by Schouteden 1951: specimens from Boma and Leopoldville are in fact fossit). It is also present in the Kasai (with one record in neighbouring Angola—Traylor 1963); however, the occurrence further south, in Shaba, apparent in the Atlas map, is doubtful, the specimens mentioned by Schouteden (1951) from Mutombo Mukulu and Kadia turning out to be fossi2. The species is present over most months of the year in the regions both north and south of the equatorial forest belt, moult there and stay months afterwards in fresh and later in worn plumage, so that it is very likely they are residents or at least not long-distance migrants. Two young birds from Kasai, both collected in January, are in the KMMA collection. M. Louette 73 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Lippens & Wille (1976) mention their discovery of 7 clutches between August and November, in Kwilu, the region between the middle Zaire river and Kasai. Thus it seems beyond question that the species breeds in this part of its range south of and adjoining the forest belt. Caprimulgus clarus The species “‘ranges widely” in Uganda (Britton 1980) so that its presence in Zaire, near the border, is not at all unexpected. Indeed, Schouteden (1951) mentioned 2 specimens of the nominate race (= Scotornis climacurus according to Vrijdagh 1949, who indicated that “this species’ is common in the “‘Plaine d’Ishwa”’ near Lake Albert in the dry season). Using the characteristics described in Birds of Africa and after comparison with East African material, I consider only one of Schouteden’s 2 specimens belongs to C. clarus: a female collected on 18 December 1942. A separate bird from much further west—Angodia, 14 March 1943—is morphologically very similar (see also below). The second Schouteden specimen from Ishwa (2°12'N, 31°10’E—taken on the same day!) surprisingly is darker; it lacks the long central rectrices, but the other 4 pairs are graduated as in C. climacurus sclaterit. Provisionally, I classify it with that species. Schouteden (1951) had already mentioned that specimens of the race apatelius, supposedly collected in ‘Uele’, most probably originated in Lado, presently in Sudan. Caprimulgus fossii This is acommon species in the southern part of the country, breeding there sympatrically with climacurus—immatures of this species were collected in Lower Zaire in November, December and January. Its northernmost localities are in Uele (few), but it is not known to breed in the area in or north of the forest belt. In Equateur, 13 specimens were taken from May to August, and one in March. Perhaps surprisingly, there is a male specimen (undated) in arrested wing moult from Angodia, a locality whence also climacurus climacurus (moulting in February), climacurus sclateri (in fresh plumage in February) and ‘clarus’ (moulting in March) were collected. Some specimens are particularly yellowish (e.g. one from Luluabourg—5°56’'S, 22°18’E—27 May 1965, another from Ikela, Equateur—1°08’S, 23°05’E—23 July 1957), up to the point that one wonders why, if these are merely a colour phase, the same would not apply to pale coloured birds of the related species climacurus (see above). On the other hand, there is no light-coloured migratory race described (see Clancey 1965). Caprimulgus pectoralis Basing myself on Zairean material, it is difficult to agree with Birds of Africa that pectoralis and nigriscapularis are different species, a conclusion based on vocal differences by Fry (1988) and possibly not of specific distinction. No one of the colour criteria proposed in Birds of Africa holds true for determination of the material at my disposal, for which there is variation in all geographical populations, not just in those certainly to be considered pectoralis fervidus (from Shaba). One of the 8 adult Kinshasa M. Louette 74 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) TABLE 1 Measurements (mm) of Caprimulgus pectoralis and C. “‘nigriscapularis”’ Region Wing Tail White tail spot on R5 n x range x range xi range Shaba 10 gd 160.0 155.0-164.5 118.2 107.0-129.0 47.0 40.5—-51.5 (9) 11 92 158.0 146.0-162.5 115.5 109.0-123.5 (10) 34.2 20.5-42.5 (10) Angola Q 158.5 110.0 Pfs) Lower 5 dd 148.7 147.0-154.5 112.1 108.0-114.5 38.6 35.0-41.0 Zaire 3 92 148.5 148.0-149.0 111.0 110.0-111.5 — 25.5-28.0 (2) PVE all tsi Ones 147.5, 153.0 104.0-114.5 44.0-46.5 Ba 3 92 154.7 148.5-158.5 112.8 109.5-115.0 Sil 275 —3y/e0 area specimens (considered as nigriscapularis by all previous authors, based on geographical distribution, here also as such, but based on size) is arufous morph, 2 others from there are intermediate, while the other 5 are grey morphs; a bird from Kiofh, Burundi is a pale morph, compared with topotypical nigriscapularis, looking like a bleached version. All that can be said in favour of any (subspecific?) distinction is that the birds from Shaba are somewhat longer in wing and do have longer white tail tips than those from the Kinshasa area (‘Table 1, with which the measurements taken by Verheyen (1953) for his Shaba sample agree rather well). This size variation is in parallel with the situation in C. natalensis and C. fossit. ‘There is only one specimen from Kasai in KMMA, from Gandajika (6°44’S, 23°57'E), in the border area with Shaba; its wing measures 160 mm (the tail is lacking). Chapin (1939) mentions a specimen from “‘20 miles south of Pania Mutombo’”’ (c. 5° 30'S, 23°50’E) in the Museum of Comparative Zoology and he considered the Kasai birds to belong to fervidus. The scarcity of this species there is altogether surprising because it seems widely distributed in adjoining Angola (Rosa Pinto 1983), with localities as close to Zaire as Duque de Bragang¢a (specimen in KMMA) and Malanje, where they are possibly off-season migrants, although the species breeds on the central plateau of Angola (Traylor 1963). In Shaba fervidus is common and thought to be resident (Verheyen 1953). How- ever, there is a specimen, inseparable in colour from fervidus (and also determined as such by Chapin), collected much more to the north, from between Goma and Rutshuru, Kivu at c. 1°30'S, 29°20’E (another such specimen was taken at Rugege, Rwanda); but in size it is more like nigriscapularis, although the white tips to the tail feathers are indeed in the range of fervidus. All those from northeastern Zaire (=topotypical nigriscapularis) and neighbouring areas are intermediate in measure- ments between western and southern Zaire material, suggesting conspecificity. Caprimulgus “‘nigriscapularis”’ It is true that this taxon is ‘“‘far more widespread in Congo basin and W Africa’’ as supposed in Birds of Africa; indeed it is known from Togo (De M. Louette 75 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Roo 1970) and is regular on the Adamawa Plateau in Cameroon (men- tioned, but not shown on the Birds of Africa map). In Zaire there are 9 recent specimens from the Kinshasa area (including a nestling, collected on 4+ September 1979, confirming Chapin’s discovery of breeding at Matadi). Caprimulgus poliocephalus The presence of the race guttifer in Zaire rests on one specimen from Marungu (Dowsett & Prigogine 1974). I re-examined the other (sup- posed) representative from Mount Kabobo and find it to differ from the ‘species’ C. ruwenzorii only in its rather short white tips to the outer tail feathers for a male—47.5 mm on R5—whereas in 9 males from further north it is 52.5—66 mm, in 6 females 29—34.5 mm; Birds of Africa gives the range for male ruwenzorii as 46—68 mm. It is conceivable that the variation in these southernmost Zaire populations will prove that they are inter- mediate for this character between guttifer and ruwenzori, which latter is known from all mountain ranges to the north. It seems inconsistent to exclude ruwenzorii from the species poliocephalus on vocal characteristics (compared with all subspecies?), while morphologically it is in fact intermediate between 2 taxa admitted in the species, namely guttifer and nominate poliocephalus, which has all white outer rectrices in males. Caprimulgus “ruwenzorit”’ See under C. poliocephalus. C. ““ruwenzorii’”’ has also been collected in Rwanda and Burundi. Caprimulgus inornatus This species just reaches the equator in Zaire, with specimens taken at Yokamba (Equateur) and Kisangani (Fig. 1). That it is “in December the commonest nightjar in Uelle’”’ (=near Niangara, 3°42’N, 27°53’E— Chapin 1939) may well be, but over a longer period (November 1949 to September 1952, De Saeger 1954) the Parc National de la Garamba expedition collected there 10 specimens, but also 12 Macrodipteryx longipennis and 21 Caprimulgus climacurus. Caprimulgus tristigma The distribution of this species is very restricted indeed in Zaire, with 7 specimens from Uele and Ituri (nominate race) and 6 from southernmost Shaba (race granosus), with the 2 subspecies well-separated. This is in marked contrast to the kind of distribution and absence of subspeciation observed for C. natalensis (and C. pectoralis sensu lato?). / Caprimulgus fraenatus / I have expressed doubt on the alleged occurrence of this species in Zaire, based on a non-existent specimen from ‘“‘Butembo = Ruwenzori’”’ (Louette 1988). Caprimulgus europaeus That this species is “‘rare or vagrant west of 30°E”’ (=virtually the whole of Zaire—Birds of Africa) is stretching the evidence as there are no M. Louette 76 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) less than 20 specimens from Zaire in the KMMA, from all savanna dis- tricts except Lower Zaire. (It has also been collected in Rwanda and Burundi.) Caprimulgus rufigena The status of rufigena in Zaire can be somewhat better documented, after redetermination of several specimens, as follows: April; 2 from Equateur, | from Ubangi, 1 from Uele, 1 from Kisangani; May: 1 from Equateur, 1 from Kasai; end of July: 2 from Equateur; August: 18 from Equateur, 1 from Ubangi, (or September?), 1 from Shaba; October: 1 from Kasai; without date: 1 from Kasai, 1 from Kunungu, 1 from Equateur. These data seem to disprove the assumptions that it either winters in the western part of the country, because in that case one would have expected the species to have been collected in June—July, or breeds in the southern part: probably it is only a migrant in Zaire. It seems that the return migration is decidedly over western Zaire, while the onward one covers the whole country. Macrodipteryx longipennis Strictly confined to the northernmost border districts in Zaire. Macrodipteryx vexillarius The most commonly collected species in Zaire, over large parts of which it is migratory (275 specimens in KMMA). References: Britton, P. L. (Ed.) 1980. Birds of East Africa. E.A.N.H.S. Nairobi. Chapin, J. P. 1939. The Birds of the Belgian Congo. Part II. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 75. Clancey, P. A. 1965. Miscellaneous taxonomic notes on African birds. XXIII. Durban Mus. Novit. 8: 1-17. De Roo, A. 1970. Contribution a l’ornithologie de la République du Togo. 2. Oiseaux réecoltés par M. C. Veronese. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 81: 163-172. De Saeger, H. 1954. Introduction—in: Exploration du Pare national de la Garamba. Mission H. De Saeger. Inst. Parcs Nat. Congo Belge 1: 1-107. Dowsett, R. J. & Prigogine, A. 1974. The Avifauna of the Marungu highlands. Hydrobio- logical Survey of the Lake Bangweulu Luapula River Basin. 19: 11-67. Fry, C. H. 1988. Skulls, songs and systematics of African nightjars. Proc. VI Pan-Afr. Orn. Congr. 105-131. Fry, C. H. & Harwin, R. M. 1988. Caprimulgiformes. In: C. H. Fry, S. Keith & E. K. Urban (Eds). The Birds of Africa. Vol. 3: 155-197. Academic Press. Harwin, R. M. 1983. Reappraisal of variation in the nightjar Caprimulgus natalensis Smith. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 103: 140-144. Jackson, H. D. 1984. Key to the nightjar species of Africa and its islands (Aves: Caprimulgidae). Smithersia 4: 1-55. Lippens, L. & Wille, H. 1976. Les Oiseaux du Zaire. Lannoo, Tielt. Louette, M. 1981. The Birds of Cameroon, an Annotated Checklist. Academie van Belgie, Brussels. Louette, M. 1988. Additions and corrections to the avifauna of Zaire (2). Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 108: 43-50. Louette, M. 1990. A new species of nightjar from Zaire. [bis 132. Pinto, A. A. da Rosa 1983. Ornitologia de Angola. Vol. 1. (non-Passeres). Instituto de Investigacgao Cientifica Tropical, Lisboa. Schouteden, H. 1951. De Vogels van Belgisch Congo en van Ruanda-Urundi. Vol. II. Ann. Mus. R. Congo Belge C. Zool. Ser. IV. Vol. III (1): 1-176. Snow, D. W. (Ed.). 1978. An Atlas of Speciation in African Non-Passerine Birds. British Museum (Natural History), London. J. R. King 77 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Traylor, M. A. 1963. Checklist of Angolan Birds. Museo do Dundo, Lisboa. Verheyen, R. K. 1953. Oiseaux, in: Exploration du Parc national de |’Upemba. Mission G. F. de Witte (1946-1949). Inst. Parcs Nat. Congo Belge 19: 1-687. Vrijdagh, J. M. 1949. Observations ornithologiques en région occidentale du Lac Albert et principalement de la plaine d’Ishwa. Gerfaut 39: 1-115. Address: Dr M. Louette, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, B-1980 Tervuren, Belgium. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Polymorphism in Diglossa humeralis aterrima in southern Ecuador by F. R. King Received 7 September 1989 The Carbonated Flower-piercer Diglossa carbonaria superspecies of the northern Andes displays a complex pattern of allopatric speciation, hybridisation and phenotypic variation, though the work of Graves (1980a, 1980b, 1982) has done much to clarify this situation. Within the range of the superspecies, Diglossa humeralis aterrima (henceforth referred to by the subspecific epithet only) occurs between 6°S and 6°N, from Cutervo, northern Peru to Medillin, central Colombia (Graves 1982). This paper describes the first record of a rufous, ‘hybrid-like’ phenotype in aterrima, and also attempts to quantify the frequency of the grey-rumped ‘nocticolor-type’ morph known to occur in females. During the course of ornithological work in the montane forest of the Rio Mazan Valley, Azuay Province, Ecuador (2°52’S, 79°7’W; 3000- 3500 m a.s.l.), described in detail by King (1989), 35 aterrima were trapped in August and September 1987 (birds were marked with British Trust for Ornithology rings for individual recognition). This subspecies is typically uniform glossy black, with a wholly black bill (Hilty & Brown 1986, Graves 1982) but one individual, trapped on 4 August (BTO No. 2353603) possessed some atypical plumage features and the following field description was taken: Whole of head including nape, throat and upper breast glossy black. Mantle, back and scapulars dark glossy blueish-black, rump greyer, grading into blackish upper tail coverts. Tail black. Upperwings wholly dark glossy blueish-black, lesser coverts paler, blueish-grey. Axillaries whiteish, edged chestnut. Whole of underparts excluding upper breast rufous-chestnut, including flanks and crissum. Legs grey, iris dark brown, bill black. Culmen (from anterior edge of nostril) 8.05 mm; bill depth (at anterior edge of nostril) 4.20 mm; wing (max. chord) 65.0 mm; weight 11.7 g. Prominent cloacal protrusion. The specimen was not collected, but a photographic record was obtained by Mr J. Dauris. The rufous underparts and blueish plumage of this individual suggested an affinity with D. brunneiventris, populations of which occur at ¥. R. King 78 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) both the northern and southern ends of the range of aterrima (Graves 1980b, 1982). However, the absence of rufous colour on the malars and upper breast, and of a pale supercilium, features typical of brunneiventris, suggested hybrid characters. Whilst limited hybridisation occurs between aterrima and the Peruvian D. b. brunneiventris (Graves 1982), Mazan is some 420km north of this zone of secondary contact (and considerably further from the Colombian D. b. vuilleumierz). In the Bolivian D. carbonaria, Graves (1982) found that the expression of ‘hybrid-like’ characters actually increased with distance from the zone of true hybridisation with D. b. brunneiventris, and hence concluded that the polymorphism was being maintained in carbonaria by factors other than introgression (probably pleiotropic and polygenic effects). In view of the distance from a source of brunneiventris genes, the individual from Mazan must similarly represent a heretofore undescribed morph of aterrima. No such ‘hybrids’ were found in aterrima examined by Graves (1982). Of the 35 aterrima trapped at Mazan, 24 were adults or had completed the post-juvenile (prebasic I) moult and could hence be ascribed to a plumage morph. The frequency of the rufous morph was thus c. 0.04 (1/24). This probably represents a maximum figure, however, for of many further individuals seen in the field, no others showed any hybrid charac- ters. This is significant considering the much higher figure of 0.49 found by Graves (1982) in carbonaria. ‘Two other aterrima trapped at Mazan showed grey rumps and some grey feathering of the crissum, but were otherwise typical in plumage, and consequently resembled the subspecies D. humeralis nocticolor of the Santa Marta Mountains, northern Colombia. Graves (1982) reported this morph as occurring in ‘“‘a few female aterrima’’, but does not indicate its frequency. A frequency distribution analysis of wing-length for the 24 adult aterrima (King, unpubl. data) using the methods described by Griffiths (1968) allowed 92% of the birds to be sexed (with an estimated 95% accuracy). The 2 ‘nocticolor-type’ individuals, indeed, proved to be females, and the frequency of this morph in female aterrima from Mazan was estimated as 0.17 (2/12). Again, given the distance of Mazan aterrima from other members of the superspecies, Graves’ (1982) suggestion that this phenotype cannot be directly attributed to introgression must indeed be correct. Acknowledgements Permits to work in Ecuador were kindly granted by the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia. J. Dauris provided assistance in the field, and this paper benefited from discussion with him. References: Graves, G. R. 1980a. Patterns of speciation in the Carbonated Flower-piercer (Diglossa carbonaria) complex of the Andes. Unpubl. MSc. thesis, Louisiana State University. Graves, G. R. 1980b. A new subspecies of Diglossa (carbonaria) brunneiventris. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 100: 230-232. Graves, G. R. 1982. Speciation in the Carbonated Flower-piercer (Diglossa carbonaria) complex in the Andes. Condor 84: 1-14. J. R. King & S. F. Holloway 79 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Griffiths, J. 1968. Multi-modal frequency distributions in bird populations. Bird Study 15: .) Hilty, S. Eee Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press. King, J. R. 1989. Notes on the birds of the Rio Mazan Valley, Azuay Province, Ecuador, with special reference to Leptosittaca branickii, Hapalopsittaca amazonina pyrrhops and Metallura baroni. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109: 140-147. Address: J. R. King, Haresgrove Cottage, Hydon Heath, Godalming, Surrey GU8 4BB, U.K. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Notes on the Giant Hummingbird Patagona gigas in southern Ecuador by F. R. King & S. F. Holloway Received 7 September 1989 King (1989) reports on the findings of an avifaunal survey of the Rio Mazan Valley, Azuay Province, Southern Ecuador (2°52’'S, 79°7’W) undertaken in July-September 1986 and July—October 1987. These findings included the most southerly known records of the Giant Hummingbird Patagona gigas in Ecuador, and the following notes expand upon these records and include new ecological information for the species. The only previous record of P. gigas from southern Ecuador is that of Ortiz-Crespo (1974), who reported one found dead near Cuenca (15 km due E of Mazan) on 20 October 1968 (believed killed some 2 weeks earlier) and who understood the species to be “‘not uncommon in the dry hills in this area’. The species is also referred to by Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia (1986), whose workers apparently recorded P. gigas on the paramo above the Llaviuco Valley (immediately north of Mazan—see King 1989), probably in the austral summer 1985/86, but no details are available. We recorded several P. gigas daily throughout the paramo above Mazan from 13 September 1987 (not 14th as stated in King 1989) until we left the area on 10 October. Observations had been made on the paramo from 30 July and the sudden appearance in numbers of P. gigas in mid September strongly suggested a migratory influx. A similar influx occurs in the north of the country in October (Ortiz-Crespo 1974). Mazan P. gigas were recorded over an altitudinal range of 3450— 3800 m, the paramo in this area extending between 3400 and 4000 m. This represents a substantial increase in the known altitudinal range of the species in Ecuador, Ortiz-Crespo (1974) giving a maximum altitude of 3300 m, with only 2 records over 3000 m. However, this extension is not unexpected, with P. gigas regularly occurring up to 4000 m in the Peruvian altiplano (Dorst 1956). Upon the Mazan paramo, individual P. gigas established large (up to 2 ha) territories around stands of Puya hamata (Bromeliacae) and these JF. R. King & S. F. Holloway 80 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) were vigorously defended from all other species of hummingbirds as well as from conspecifics. Ortiz-Crespo (1974) found that Agave americana (Amaryillidaceae) was the predominant foodplant in Northern Ecuador, and he related patterns of P. gigas abundance to those of Agave flowering. Agave does not occur in the Mazan area (Fleming 1987), and throughout the period of observation P. gigas was seen to feed solely from the flowers of Puya hamata. In 1986, despite regular coverage up to the end of September, no P. gigas had been recorded at Mazan. Interestingly, in 1987 botanical seasonality was advanced by an estimated 2 months compared to the previous year (V. Fleming), and it seems likely that the consequent earlier flowering of P. hamata resulted in earlier movement of P. gigas onto the Mazan paramo in this year. Ortiz-Crespo (1974) suggested that P. gigas would not have been an ancient component of the Ecuadorian avifauna given its apparent close association with Agave, a plant not introduced into Ecuador until the early sixteenth century. However, our observations suggest a similar association with Puya in the south of the country. A nectar analysis of flower species utilised by Mazan hummingbirds (Dauris & King, unpubl. data) found P. hamata to average 1.86 ml of 15.5°% sucrose per flower (n= 12), and this compares with 2 ml of 16% sucrose/flower for Agave (Ortiz- Crespo 1974). In view of this similarity, and their physical size facilitating dominance over competitors, P. gigas may have found it easy to feed opportunistically on the newly planted Agave in sixteenth century Ecuador. Where Agave is now abundant, this hypothetical change in feeding pattern has resulted in a modern association between the 2 species which may be unrepresentative of the past; in the absence of Agave, Puya is clearly the preferred foodplant, as at Mazan (this study) and in Peru (Dorst 1956)—even in northern Ecuador, Ortiz-Crespo (1974) found 2 species of Puya (P. aequatorialis and Puya sp.) were the next most frequent foodplants after Agave. Acknowledgements We are very grateful to the Ministerio de Agricultura for permission to work in Ecuador. The botanical knowledge and comments of Messrs V. Fleming and J. Dauris improved these notes. References: } Dorst, J. 1956. Etude biologique des trochilides des hauts plateaux pérouviens. L’ Oiseau 26: 165-193. Fleming, V. 1987. Plants and Fungi, in F. Robinson (Ed.) Rio Mazan Project 1986 Report. Norwich: RMP. King, J. R. 1989. Notes on the birds of the Rio Mazan Valley, Azuay Province, Ecuador, with special reference to Leptosittaca branickii, Hapalopsittaca amazonina pyrrhops and Metallura baroni. Bull Brit. Orn. Cl. 109: 140-147. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia 1986. Avifauna del Area de Recrecion Cajas. Cuenca: Ortiz-Crespo, F. I. 1974. The Giant Hummingbird Patagona gigas in Ecuador. Ibis 116: 347-359. Address: J. R. King and S. J. Holloway, Haresgrove Cottage, Hydon Heath, Godalming, Surrey GU8 4BB, U.K. © British Ornithologist’ Club 1990 F.S. Ash & T. M. Gullick 81 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Serinus flavigula rediscovered by F. S. Ash & T. M. Gullick Received 9 September 1989 The Yellow-throated Serin Serinus flavigula is known from 3 specimens only, collected over 100 years ago in a localised area below the eastern escarpment of the West Highlands of Shoa Province, Ethiopia. Not hav- ing been seen in the wild for over 50 years, by CITES criteria this species would have been considered extinct (Collar & Stuart 1985). On a brief visit to the area, accompanied by Mrs K. Gullick and Ato Girma Zekarias, we found that the species still existed close to, if not actually at, one of the original localities. The new and old records of this serin are detailed in Table 1. To the best of our knowledge S. flavigula has not been looked for since it was last collected in 1886, probably largely because the rugged terrain was difficult of access. Now that food-aid is needed to be taken into the area, a track suitable for 4-wheel drive vehicles has been constructed. At the height of the dry season, on 13 March 1989, at our first stop on reaching the Malca-Ghebdu watercourse (Table 1), a party of 3 seed- eaters arrived at (09.00 on some bushes close to the almost dry rivulet. In excellent close views through binoculars and a telescope their identifi- cation, because of their small yellow throat patches and pale dull yellow rumps, was immediately obvious. A further 4 similar birds arrived soon after, and in the next 30 minutes 1—2 others seen occasionally may have been additional birds. From then until 13.00 no more were seen in searches at this and other sites along the stream as far as Ambokarra. Yellow-rumped Seedeaters Serinus atrogularis were common in the area. We made the following observations: Field characters. Small palish seedeaters with paler underparts; brown upperparts with rather faint longitudinal darker streaking on mantle; no conspicuous pale supercilium such as shown by the S. atrogularis present at the same time; rump pale dull yellow, apparently rather brighter at the sides, quite distinct from the bright yellow rumps of atrogularis; a pale yellow round area on the throat; breast buffish with a darker band below it of faint longitudinal brownish streaking; lower belly and vent pale greyish (whitish) and under tail coverts whiter; remiges and rectrices darker brown than upperparts; bill pale brown. Behaviour and calls. ‘The birds arrived from heights of 20-—30m to alight in bushes on the steep rocky slope of the stream. In contrast with atrogularis they were restless and intolerant of our approach and, whilst we were there, they did not come down to the water as the others did. They sat on the outer twigs of trees and bushes and did not seek shade. ‘The only calls heard were described as ‘‘typical serin cells”? from birds in flight. Habitat. Broken arid country on rocky hillsides, along the valley of a small stream. The vegetation consisted of scattered medium-height acacias and other trees, 4-6 m high, interspersed with patches of thick scrub and bush. In the flatter areas there were patches of cereal stubble F.S. Ash & T. M. Gullick 82 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) TABLE 1 Records of the endemic Serinus flavigula in Ethiopia Alt Locality Coordinates (m) nn Dates Authority a. Kolla Aigaber 9°35/N, 39°53’E ? 12 16.x.1880 Salvadori 1884 b. Ambokarra 9°31'N, 39°58’E 1400 19 17.v.1885 Salvadori 1888 c. Malca-Ghebdu _— c.9°34'N, 39°53’E ? 1 19.11.1886 Salvadori 1888 d. Malca-Ghebdu 9°32’N, 39°56’E 1500 7-10 13.11.1989 Ash & Gullick Notes a. Kolladi Aigaber given by Salvadori is presumably an Italian interpretation. The coordi- nates given by Collar & Stuart (1985) and Erard (1974) are at 9°36’N, 40°04’E, but the site indicated to us would seem to be closer to the coordinates we cite. A literal translation of the Amharic name is ‘a hot place where the people are not paying taxes’ (i.e. a lowland area far below the administrative centre at Ankober where the people cannot be reached for tax claims). b. These coordinates seem to be nearer to the actual site than those in Collar & Stuart (1985) and Erard (1974), which are 9°31'N, 40°09’E. There is another Ambokarra at c.9°23/N, 40°05’E, but this is perhaps less likely to be the collecting locality. A literal translation of the Amharic name is ‘knife of Ambo’, a locality where a local goddess (Ambo) was worshipped. c. This stream has a variety of spellings, and is also known as Aia Guimu. The coordinates given in Collar & Stuart (1985) identify the stream, but the collecting locality may be at some other point along its over 45 km length between Ankober and the Awash River. Its Amharic name is translated as ‘the route of the heroes’. d. These coordinates are calculated after a journey of 19 km down the track from Ankober at a point where it crosses the stream. from recent cultivation. This area, at 1400—-1500m, is about midway between the 3000m high eastern edge of the West Highlands, only c.20 km away, and the hot dry plains at c.900 m of the Awash Valley in the Danakil area. Ankober is the site of the old capital of Ethiopia, and it is unlikely that land usage in the area has changed very much in the past few centuries. Remarks. The yellow-throated Serinus species of Ethiopia have pre- sented a complex taxonomic problem. Erard’s (1974) reassessment has clarified the situation, and now Salvadori’s (1888) Serinus flavigula is divided into S. xantholaema (Salvadori 1896), with which S. collaris (Reichenow) and S. dimidiata (Madarasz) are merged as synonyms, and monotypic S. flavigula. Collar & Stuart (1985) included S. flavigula in the Red Data Book as a Threatened Species. The 3 (or 4) sites known so far for S. flavigula may encompass an area of as little as 30 km’. Our searches to the south and east of this area in February 1989 failed to record any trace of this bird. Interestingly there are 2 other species of Serinus in the immediate vicinity, both known at present from restricted localities. One of them is the recently discovered S. ankoberensis (Ash 1979), still known only from an area of c.5 km? at around 3000 m near Ankober, 20 km to the west of the present flavigula site, and the other an as yet unidentified greyish seedeater with a white rump at c.900m, 20km more to the east. S. ankoberensis is locally common in flocks of up to 60 birds, and has not yet been found outside its P.A. Clancey 83 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) restricted range; S. flavigula is apparently uncommon within its known range; the unknown Serinus is known from only 5 records, of 1—5 birds spread over 20 years. Acknowledgements We are most grateful to the following for providing much help: Dr Nigel Collar for his comments on the original draft, Mrs Katie Gullick, Ato Girma Zekarias our guide, Aklilu Mekonnen our driver, and David O’Sullivan of Ethiopian Airways. References: Ash, J. S. 1979. A new species of serin from Ethiopia. Jbzs 121: 1-7. Collar, N. & Stuart, S. 1985. Threatened Birds of Africa and Related Islands. Part 1. ICBP/ IUCN Red Data Book. ICBP. Erard, C. 1974. Taxonomie des serins a gorge jaune d’Ethiopie. Ozseau et R.F.O. 44: 308-323. Salvadori, T. 1884. Spedizione Italiana nell’ Africa Equatoriale. Risulti Zoologici. Ucelli della Scioa e della regione fra Zelia e la Scioa. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova (2) 1: 7-276. Salvadori, T. 1888. Catalogo di una collezione di uccelli dello Scioa fatta dal Dott. Vicenzo Ragazzi negli anni 1884, 1885, 1886. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova (2) 6: 185-326. Salvadori, T. 1896. Uccelli raccolti da Don Eugenio dei Principi Ruspoli durante l’ultimo suo viaggio nelle regioni dei Somali e dei Galla. Ann. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Giacomo Doria (2) 16: 4346. Addresses: Dr. J. S. Ash, Godshill Wood, Fordingbridge, Hants. SP6 2LR, U.K. T. M. Gullick, Queredo 20, Infantes Ciudad Real, Spain. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 ‘The Namibian subspecies of Cisticola chiniana (Smith), 1843 by P. A. Clancey Received 11 September 1989 The Rattling Cisticola Cisticola chiniana (Smith), 1843: Zeerust, western ‘Transvaal, ranges from northeastern and eastern Africa to the south- central and southeastern aspects of the continent. A locally numerous species in Acacia and other open bush savanna types, it is the most highly polytypic species of the Afrotropical representation of the Cisticolidae. Fourteen races are admitted in the most recent assessment of its geo- graphical variation (see Traylor 1986), but more recently, the number of forms has been raised to 16 by Parkes (1987), with the description of new taxa from the interior of Tanzania. Work on the avifauna of Namibia (South West Africa) has drawn atten- tion to the desirability of effecting major adjustments to the treatment of the C. chiniana subspecies present in the arid interior and west of the Southern African Subregion. The forms involved in the re-arrangement are C.c. frater Reichenow 1916: Damaraland, C.c. huilensis Rosa Pinto 1967: Lagoa Invantala, Huila, Angola, and C.c. smithersi Hall 1956: Pandamatenga, northeastern Botswana. From the entire territory of P. A. Clancey 84 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Namibia, Traylor admitted the above listed races, with C.c. frater the most extensively distributed and C.c. smithersi present in the Caprivi Strip to the east and C.c. huilensis occurring marginally in the northwest along the lower Kunene R. Ina report on a large collection from the mid- Okavango R. drainage of Namibia (Clancey 1980a), the local population of the Rattling Cisticola was referred to C.c. huilensis, and was so treated in the S.A.O.S. Checklist (Clancey 1980b). In order to resolve the conflict of opinion evident in the arrangements espoused in Peters’ Check-list (Traylor 1986) and that in Clancey (1980b), I studied 70 specimens from a wide range of localities in Namibia and additional series from Botswana, Zimbabwe and other relevant territories in southern Africa. With the material now available, especially that taken May—June, the variation of subspecific import is seen as relatively slight, with the popu- lations present along the entire north of Namibia (including the Caprivi Strip) lighter, more tawny-headed and paler backed with finer dorsal streaking, than those more xeric elements occurring further south in both Namibia and Botswana. The variation pattern is, therefore, narrowly stratified south—north and extensively west—east. Of some significance, its disposition parallels closely that of the hygric C.c. fortis Lynes, 1930: Pedreira, Bie, central Angola, which extends from the Angolan plateau eastwards to southeastern Zaire, northeastern Zambia and the extreme southwest of Tanzania. With northern Namibian, adjacent Angolan and Caprivi Strip birds all closely comparable, they require to be grouped into a single subspecies rather than 3 as at present, which arrangement results from the extension of the xeric C.c. frater to the mid-Okavango R. by most workers. This latter subspecies is actually narrowly restricted to the plateau of Damaraland, extending northwest to Kaokoland, where it merges into the paler Kunene R. drainage population placed by Traylor (and by Rosa Pinto) as C.c. huilensis. This intergradation shows up lucidly in the material brought back by the Bernard Carp/Transvaal Museum Expedition of 1951 and reported on by Macdonald & Hall (1957), the majority of the long series taken at Ohopoho (18°03’S, 13°45’E) and Sesfontein (19°07'S, 13°39’E). As given in Peters’ Check-list, the range of frater is incorrect, and the names available for the northern pallid birds of Namibia: smithersi (1956)—eastern, and huzlensis (1967)—western, are synonymous. All the northern Namibian and southwestern and southern Angolan populations will, therefore, take the earlier name of C.c. smitherst. The geographical variation of the Rattling Cisticola in the South West Arid Zone of Africa is effected along strict isohyet contours and the avail- ability of the main plant communities suitable to the species, with C.c. smithersi present in country witha slightly higher annual rainfall than that occupied by C.c. frater, which is c.<500 mm. Should the data provided by Hall & Moreau (1970) be an accurate rendition of the species’ distri- bution, the range of frater is clearly discontinuous or very largely so, with a population taxonomically similar to that of Damaraland occurring over southeastern Botswana to the east of the Kalahari. Introgression by C.c. frater is evident in samples from southwestern Zimbabwe (from near Bulawayo), but which are in the main referable to the nominate race. The distribution of smithersi is, on the other hand, continuous and covariant P. A. Clancey 85 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) with those of a wide range of races of passerines occupying the same general region, much of which is an ecotone. In the east of its range smithersi lies in juxtaposition to C.c. bensoni Traylor, 1964: Liuwa Plain, Zambia, at 14°-14°45’S, 22°-22°45’E, in which subspecies wing-length increases somewhat, the pileum and hind neck in non-breeding dress are markedly darker (Dresden Brown, versus near Clay Color—capitalised colours from Ridgway 1912), while the mantle and scapulars are more heavily streaked. The buffy grey dorsal feather-fringes are on the whole more vinaceous than in smithers1. While generally restricted to the Liuwa Plain of western Zambia, bensoni is assuredly more wide-ranging, lying as it does interposed between the ranges of smithersi and fortis. In so far as the Namibian populations of chiniana are concerned, these may be arranged in 2 subspecies: Cisticola chiniana frater Reichenow Cisticola frater Reichenow, Journ. f. Ornith., vol. 64, 1916, p. 162: Damaraland, here restricted to the Windhoek district, Namibia. Non-breeding dress. Pileum and hind neck about light Buckthorn Brown, finely streaked with a paler shade; mantle and scapulars Cinnamon-Buff, streaked with blackish brown. Venter white, the breast, sides and flanks warm buff. Breeding dress. Dorsal head and hind neck dark dull brown; back dull olivaceous grey, streaked with black. Venter white, washed laterally with grey. Measurements. Wings in 10 $¢ in non-breeding plumage 62-71 (66.6), sd 3.35; tails of 10 Sg 62-68 (65.3), sd 1.96; wings of 10 99 52—57.5 (55.9), sd 1.48; tails of 10 99 51-57 (54.4), sd 2.11 mm. Range. The plateau of Namibia from northern Great Namaqualand (north of the Tropic), north to southern and western Kaokoland and to the Waterberg and Grootfontein district, southeast of Etosha National Park. Re-appears east of the Kalahari in southeastern Botswana reaching Molepolole and regions to the north, as some specimens from near Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, agree with it. Meets the nominate race in the southeast of Botswana in the general area of Gaborone. Cisticola chiniana smithersi Hall Cisticola chiniana smithresi (sic) Hall, Ostrich, vol. 27, 3, 1956, p. 104: Pandamatenga, northeastern Botswana at 18°32’S, 24°41’E. Cisticola chiniana huilensis Rosa Pinto, Bol. Inst. Invest. Cient. Angola, vol. 4, 2, 1967, p. 30: Lagoa Invantala, Huila, Angola. Non-breeding dress. Head-top and hind neck lighter and more tawny than in frater (close to light Clay Color, streaked buffy); back paler and with finer dark shaft-streaking, the feather-fringes Pinkish Buff. In the wings, the outer vanes of the remiges are lighter, less cinnamon, those of the tertials often markedly greyer. Breeding dress. Pileum and hind neck darker than in the case of frater (Mummy Brown), and the mantle and scapulars clearer grey (about Drab), the streaking finer. Measurements. Comparable to those given for C.c. frater. P. A. Clancey 86 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Range. Southwestern and southern Angola from Mossamedes, Cunene and southern Huila, east, south of the Brachystegia savanna biome to southern Cuando-Cubango and southwestern Zambia to about the Zambezi, and Namibia from the Kunene R. valley and most of Kaokoland north of 19°S to Ovamboland, the Etosha National Park (south of Etosha to Outjo and Otjiwarongo, and to the east of the park at Gaub Rhenisch Mission and Oshivelo), east to Kavango, the Caprivi Strip, the delta system of the Okavango R., northern Botswana, thence south to the Makgadikgadi Salt Lake and Lake Dow; also northwestern Zimbabwe, south to Gwaai. Acknowledgements For facilities at the State Museum, Windhoek, and the loan of Namibian material | am indebted to Dr J. M. Mendelsohn (Windhoek) and Dr A. C. Kemp, Ornithologist, Transvaal Museum, Pretoria. References: Clancey, P. A. 1980a. On birds from the mid-Okavango Valley on the South West Africa/ Angola border. Durban Mus. Novit., 12(9): 111-112. Clancey, P. A. (Ed.). 1980b. S.4.O.S. Checklist of Southern African Birds. p. 215. Southern African Ornithological Society, Johannesburg. Hall, B. P. & Moreau, R. E. 1970. An Atlas of Speciation in African Passerine Birds. p. 167, map 197. British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. Macdonald, J. D. & Hall, B. P. 1957. Ornithological results of the Bernard Carp/Transvaal Museum expedition to the Kaokoveld, 1951. Ann. Transv. Mus. 23(1): 1-39. Parkes, K. C. 1987. Taxonomic notes on some African warblers (Aves: Sylviinae). Ann. Carnegie Mus. 56(13): 232-238. Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. The Author, Washington, IDC Rosa Pinto, A. A. da 1967. Cisticola chiniana huilensis, subsp. nov. Bol. Inst. Invest. Cient. Angola, 4(2): 30. Traylor, Jr., M. A. 1986. African Sylviidae: im Peters’ Check-list of Birds of the World, vol. 11, pp. 94-96. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Research Associate, Durban Natural Science Museum, P.O. Box 4085, Durban 4000, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Variation in Pterodroma brevirostris (Lesson), 1831 by P. A. Clancey Received 11 September 1989 The so-called Kerguelen Petrel Pterodroma brevirostris was first described by R. P. Lesson on a specimen obtained at the Cape of Good Hope (Jouanin & Mougin 1979), but derives its English name from the field work of Dr J. H. Kidder (? 1840-1889) on the islands of Kerguelen in 1874. Interestingly, when dealing with this then obscure gadfly petrel for his work on the oceanic birds of South America, Murphy (1936) had but a single example and that from the Kerguelen archipelago (? taken by P. A. Clancey 87 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Kidder), and gave the type-locality as that island group. Later, in Murphy & Pennoyer (1952), this was adjusted to the Cape of Good Hope, in line with the comment of Jouanin & Mougin (1979) that the Lesson type-specimen came from there. P. brevirostris is now known to breed on Gough Island, and, perhaps locally in the Tristan da Cunha Group to the north, and to the east of this in the Prince Edward Islands (on Marion), and in the Crozet Islands of Possession and East Is., and on Kerguelen. Beached birds are recorded from as far afield as Australia and New Zealand, but, strangely enough, the species was only added to the Southern African regional list in 1978, when a specimen from Bothasig, in the southwestern Cape, came to hand (see Cooper & Sinclair 1979), Lesson’s record having been overlooked up to that time. In late July and early August, 1984, a major ‘wreck’ of Kerguelen Petrels occurred along the entire southern Cape and Natal coast of southern Africa, this clearly involving large numbers of birds probably returning to their breeding grounds in the central South Atlantic and southern Indian Oceans; but it also included some uncommitted indi- viduals from the previous breeding season still carrying natal down over the dorsal surfaces. Of significance is that a comparable ‘wreck’ of both Kerguelen Petrels and Blue Petrels Halobaena caerulea occurred in Victoria, Australia, at much the same time as that in South Africa (23 June—8 September 1984 (see Brown et al. 1986)). Weimerskirch et al. (1989) record that brevirostris visits the nesting grounds in the Kerguelen archipelago from about 23 August, eggs hatching towards the end of November and the young fledging in late January. Of the many birds picked up by members of the public in South Africa, not all were saved as specimens, but, fortunately, 14 94 were preserved as skins and are in the collection of the Durban Natural Science Museum. In addition to these specimens, the Durban series of P. brevirostris com- prises 12 breeders from Gough Is., 2 January birds from Marion, and 6 other breached examples from Cape and Natal coastal localities. Shortly after the 1984 ‘wreck’, the assembled material was examined by Dr J. M. Mendelsohn, then Director of the Durban Natural Science Museum, who was able to demonstrate that it appeared to derive from 2 discrete populations. While the matter was not further pursued at that stage, a comment to this effect was included in the S.A.O.S. Checklist Update (Clancey 1987). On revising the case on the basis of the series of breeders from Gough Is., it was ascertained that comparable birds breed on the islands of the Prince Edward Group (skins from Marion). Of the 6 beached birds from the Cape and Natal taken in years other than 1984, 5 are also similar to Gough and Marion examples, these characterised by the Mouse Gray/ Quaker Drab (capitalised colours from Ridgway 1912) colour of the dor- sal surfaces, the mantle and scapular feathers edged all round with light grey, this scaled surface contrasting sharply with the blackish brown tertials and adjacent wings. In respect of the 1984 ‘wreck’ material, 6 further specimens also agree, but the remaining 8 specimens differ in having the dorsum darker and bluer grey (Deep Mouse Gray), the light scaling more sharply defined, and the mantle and scapulars less P. A. Clancey 88 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) contrasted against the blacker tertials and wings. As this pattern of increased saturation and darkness is seen as covariant with that described recently in respect of the South Atlantic and southern Indian Oceans populations of the sympatric Soft-plumaged Petrel Pterodrome mollis (Gould) (see Clancey et al. 1981), the dark birds cast up on eastern Cape and Natal beaches 1n 1984 are from the east of the established breeding range (Gough & Tristan—Crozet & Kerguelen). As this variation in the southern elements of P. mollis has recently been recognised in the resusci- tation of P. m. dubia Mathews (see Clancey et al. 1981, also Imber 1985), it is desirable to accord like taxonomic recognition to the analogous vari- ation now determined as present in P. brevirostris. A name for an eastern race of the Kerguelen Petrel is available in the binomen AEstrelata kidderi Coues, 1875: Kerguelen Islands, of which the more recently proposed Pterodroma kidderi okahia Mathews, 1935, based on a dark beached bird from Ohakia, New Zealand, is a synonym. Beached specimens of pelagic seabirds always present difficulty for later researchers when used as paratypical material in the framing of descrip- tions of new forms, Lesson’s Cape of Good Hope type-specimen of the Kerguelen Petrel being no exception. The recent Bothasig, southwestern Cape, topotype agrees with Gough Is. material, and enables us to apply Lesson’s Procellaria brevirostris of 1831 to the western breeding popu- lation with a measure of confidence in the absence of access to the now dated Type in Paris. The taxonomy of P. brevirostris has a confusing history owing to the wide usage of the indeterminate Procellaria lugens Kuhl, 1820, wrongly based on Parkinson’s drawings for it (see Bourne & Elliott 1965). In so far as this short communication is concerned, the generic name Lugensa Mathews, 1942, for brevirostris, is viewed as of subgeneric status, contra Imber (1985) and Clancey (1987). Bourne (1987), in a somewhat critical and spirited letter, has spoken out against the employment of internal organ peculiarities as criteria for the recognition of monotypic genera in the Tubinares, as in the case of Lugensa for brevirostris. ‘The issue evi- dently warrants greater in-depth investigation, the convincing evidence advanced by Imber in favour of its usage notwithstanding. Two moderately differentiated subspecies may be recognised in the Kerguelen Petrel: Pterodroma brevitrostris brevirostris (Lesson) Procellaria brevirostris Lesson, Traité d’Ornith., livr.8, 1831,p. 611: no locality. Type in the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, from the Cape of Good Hope. Mantle and scapulars Mouse Gray/Quaker Drab, the feathers edged lighter grey, imparting a scaled effect. Back contrasting sharply with the blackish brown tertials and wings. Venter Mouse Gray (in October/ November specimens). Measurements. As given in Table 1. Range. Breeds on Gough Island, and, perhaps, islands of the Tristan da Cunha Group, east to the Prince Edward Islands (most records from Marion). Recorded from South African coasts from the Cape to Natal & Zululand (late July—first week of September). Moves south after P. A. Clancey 89 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) TABLE 1 Morphometrics (mm) of the Kerguelen Petrel Pterodroma brevirostris (Lesson) Locality Sex n Range Mean SD Pterodroma brevirostris brevirostris Wing 32 12 246-265 25725 4.92 Culmen 32 12 26-29 Dilp? 0.98 Gough Is., Tarsus 32 11 36.542 38.5 1.50 S. Atlantic Tail 38 2 98-110 104.3 3.54 Middle toe 3° 6 47.550 48.9 1.20 & claw Marion Is., Wing Q 2 254, 259 = — Prince Edward Culmen Q 2 24.5, 26 — — Islands, S. Indian Tarsus Q 2 39, 40 a — Ocean Tail Q 2 102, 105 a= — Wing 3° 9 248-264 255.6 5.56 Cape & Natal Culmen 3e. 9 25-27.5 26.7 1.00 coasts, South Africa Tarsus 32 9 37-39.5 37.8 0.82 Tail 32 9 100-110 103.8 3.78 Pterodroma brevirostris kidderi Wing 32 9 247-267 256.1 6.31 E. Cape & Culmen 32 9 25-28.5 27.0 0.98 Natal coast Tarsus 32 9 37-40 39.0 0.63 (July/August 1984), = Tail 3° 9 99-108 102.8 3.19 South Africa Middle toe 32 6 46-50 48.0 1.49 & claw Note. As will be appreciated from the above examples, mensural variation in the Kerguelen Petrel is extremely circumscribed and individual in nature. The mean wing-length of 32 beached 32 specimens from Victoria, Australia, also of 1984, measured by Brown et al. (1986) is greater than in the samples dealt with above, being 260.7 mm +£5.23, this deriving from tissue shrinkage in the Durban material. These authors also found that males of P. brevirostris had on average deeper bills than in the case of females (x 12.1, versus 11.7 mm), a factor not detected in Durban. breeding to seas between 40°S and the Antarctic ice-shelf (Lambert 1984). Pterodroma brevirostris kidderi (Coues) AEstrelata kidderi Coues, Bull. U.S. Natn. Museum, No. 2, 1875, p. 28: Kerguelen Islands. (See Kidder, zbid., No. 3, 1876, p. 15.) Pterodroma brevirostris okahia (sic) Mathews (lapsus for ohakia), Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., vol. 56, 1935, p. 37: Ohakia = Ohakea, New Zealand. As in the nominate race but darker and bluer grey above (Deep Mouse Gray), with more sharply etched scaling, and reduced contrast between the back and the blacker tertials and wings. Tail also blacker and ventral parts darker (Deep Mouse Gray in most). Similar in size. Measurements. As given in Table 1. Range. Breeds on Possession and East Island, in the Crozet Group, and on Kerguelen. Recorded from as far east as New Zealand, and Australian beached birds also probably refer in the main to kidderi. In the case of F.S. Ash & T. M. Gullick 90 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) South Africa, recorded from the eastern Cape (Cape Recife) and Natal in 1984, and from Durban, Natal, on 27 August 1980. Post-breeding disposition as in nominate race. Acknowledgement For first detecting the differential criteria outlined above, credit must go to Dr J. M. Mendelsohn, Director of the State Museum, Windhoek, Namibia. As the findings were never committed to print, I have felt it desirable now to resolve the issue in formal taxonomic terms. References: Bourne, W. R. P. 1987. The classification and nomenclature of the petrels. [bis 129: 404. Bourne, W. R. P. & Elliott, H. F. I. 1965. The correct scientific name for the Kerguelen Petrel. bis 107: 548-550. Brown, R. S., Norman, F. I. & Eades, D. W. 1986. Notes on Blue and Kerguelen Petrels found beach-washed in Victoria, 1984. Emu 86(4): 228-238. Clancey, P. A. (Ed.) 1987. S.A.O.S. Checklist of Southern African Birds—First Updating Report: 3. Johannesburg. Southern African Ornithological Society. Clancey, P. A., Brooke, R. K. & Sinclair, J. C. 1981. Variation in the current nominate subspecies of Pterodroma mollis (Gould) (Aves: Procellariidae). Durban Mus. Novit. 12(18): 203-213. Coues, E. 1875. Bulletin of the U.S. Natn. Museum, No. 2: 28. Cooper, J. & Sinclair, J. C. 1979. Kerguelen Petrel, anew species to southern Africa. Ostrich 50(2): 117. Imber, M. J. 1985. Origins, phylogeny and taxonomy of the gadfly petrels Pterodroma spp. Ibis 127: 197-229. Jouanin, C. & Mougin, J.-L. 1979. Order Procellariiformes in Peters’ Check-list of Birds of the World. Vol. 1 (revised edition): 72—73. Lambert, K. 1984. Der Kerguelensturmvogel, Pterodroma brevirostris Lesson, 1831, im Stdatlantik. Beztr. Vogelkd. Jena, 30 (3): 191—202. Mathews, G. M. 1935. A new subspecies of Gadfly-Petrel from New Zealand. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 56: 37-38. Murphy, R. C. 1936. Oceanic Birds of South America. Vol. 2: 703-704. American Museum of Natural History. Murphy, R. C. & Pennoyer, J. M. 1952. Larger petrels of the genus Pterodroma. American Mus. Novit. 1580: 1-43. Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. The Author, Washington, D.C Weimerskirch, H., Zotier R. & Jouventin, P. 1989. The Avifauna of the Kerguelen Islands. Emu 89(1): 20. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Research Associate, Durban Natural Science Museum, P.O. Box 4085, Durban 4000, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Field observations on the Degodi Lark Murafra degodiensis by 7. S. Ash & T. M. Gullick Received 10 October 1989 No field observations exist for the Degodi Lark Muirafra degodiensis, a species known from only 2 specimens in the Muséum National d’ Histoire Naturelle (Paris), and described several years after their collection in F. S. Ash & T. M. Gullick 91 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Ethiopia (Erard 1975). They were collected at 350 maz.s.1. (450 m accord- ing to our calculations) on 24 November 1971 at 11km east of Bogol Manya* on the road to Dolo Odo (at 4°34'N, 41°38’E), and considered by Erard to be a sibling species of Gillett’s Lark Mirafra gillettz. We spent part of 3 days, 26-28 February 1989, at the height of the dry season, in the Bogol Manya area. In the immediate area of the type locality, after 74 hours searching, we found 2 birds 200-300 m apart on the second day. Superficially they resembled M. gilletti, but differed in cer- tain plumage characters and behaviour. We concluded that they were not gilletti and, in the absence of a specimen, it was reasonable to suppose that they were M. degodiensis. Elsewhere during the previous few days we had watched closely both nominate gilletti and Fawn-coloured Larks M. africanoides. On 28 February a bird was relocated in one of the previous day’s sites—it flew into a mist net but bounced out again; 2 others were found together about 1 km away, but were not caught. A summary of our observations follows: Habitat. Thin low acacias 3-4 m high with scattered Commiphora and other bush species; very dry, with neither water in the streambeds nor any low vegetative ground cover anywhere. There were only a very few other passerines in the area including: Spreo albicapilla, Eremomela flavicriss- alis, Nilaus afer, Nectarinia hunter1, Pycnonotus barbatus, Dinemellia dinemelli, Cercotrichas galactotes, Dicrurus adsimilis, Emberiza poliopleura and Oenanthe oenanthe. General appearance and behaviour. A small, slim, dull-coloured lark (generally duller and appearing smaller than M. gilletti), almost entirely fearless of our approach, and very unobtrusive. Birds observed fed on the ground below the shade of the overhanging small acacia trees and the bushes, but ran very fast when disturbed or when moving across a patch of hot sunlit ground in the heat of the day. If hard-pressed they flew off just above ground level for a short distance. The tail did not appear to be inordinately short. One bird once alighted in a bush. Calls. None heard. Description. Upperparts dull brown with darker brown streaks and paler edges to feathers; wing coverts with a row of 6 dark central spots; remiges and rectrices darker brown with paler (buffish) edges, broader on the former. Top of the crown faintly rufous and streaked, supercilium pale, and a near-black eye-line; ear coverts slightly tinged rufous; nape tinged buff, streaked and paler than the crown. A hint of a pale half collar extended from the throat to below the ear coverts; rest of the underparts unmarked creamy, except the breast which had blurred short brown streaks extending onto the side of the neck. Bill fawn-coloured; legs pinkish-red. Remarks. Behaviour may change with the stage of the breeding cycle or for other reasons, but MW. gilletti, including birds we had seen on the previous few days, has an ‘extroverted’ manner, singing from bush tops, *There are several spellings for this locality. It is Bogol Manya in Collar & Stuart (1985), following the Times Atlas of the World, but Bogol Manyo in the U.S. Army Map Service map No. NB-37/6 (based on Italian and British Army maps). Since it was named after one of the engineers, probably not an Italian, ‘the great Bogol’, on Mussolini’s Strada Imperiale, the original orthography was almost certainly Bogol Magno. F.S. Ash & T. M, Gullick 92 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) restlessly flying about above the bushes over a rather wide area. We were impressed by the ‘introverted’ manner of the Bogol Manya birds, and by this feature, combined with their relatively uniform appearance, we concluded we had seen degodiensis. Erard (1975) emphasizes that (in specimen skins) the relatively short tail is diagnostic in separating this species from gilletti, and does not give any other unequivocal characters which might be used in the field. He states: ““Ressemble a Mirafra gilletti Sharpe mais est beaucoup plus petit. Sa coloration rappelle celle de la race nominale de cette espéce mais est plus claire et plus fauve. La striation des parties supérieures est plus étroite et moins dense. La poitrine est plus grivelée que striée, les taches étant chamois et obsoletes. Le caractere distinctif reside dans la remarquable brieveteé relative des rectrices. Les remiges secondaires sont egalement plus courtes.”’ We forwarded our description and notes, together with a series of 8 colour photographs of our bird taken by Mrs Katie Gullick, to Dr Christian Erard, who kindly compared them with his specimens in Paris. He made the following comments:‘‘The habitat and behaviour of the larks you observed at Bogol Magno (sic) are in accordance with what I know of degodiensis. The fact is that your bird (photographs 2 and 8) looks longer-tailed than the 2 skins we have here. Otherwise the colouration of the upperparts and wings matches that of degodiensis apparently better than that of nominate gilletti: see photographs 4, 6, 7, and especially 3. The light hind-neck, giving a whitish collar, is noticeable and seems to me more pronounced than in nominate gilletti. From photographs 1, 2 and 8, the breast pattern seems to match that of degodiensis better than that of nominate gilletti: spots look dark tawny rather than brown.”’ His letter continued: “I admit that without tail measurement degodien- sis is very difficult to identify. I remember that when I examined my specimens, I was somewhat hesitant to describe a new species but Charles Vaurie who compared the specimens with me convinced me (especially when comparing them with nominate gilletti from between Neghelle and Filtu, collected during the same trip), so [I] did the multivariate analysis. So if photographs 3, 4 and 1 give a correct view of the colouration (colours in photographs 2, 6, 7 and 8 could be a little altered by light, unless you photographed several birds) and if the relatively short tail of degodiensis is not a good field character, then your bird is degodiensis. I think that you did indeed meet this species.”’ M. degodiensis is an Insufficiently Known Threatened Species in the Red Data Book (Collar & Stuart 1985). The 4 birds we saw were within a distance of 1 km and within a 200 m strip alongside the road. No others were seen up to | km beyond, but the species could easily be overlooked owing to its skulking habits. It may be that its only known range is within an area of some few km’, and it is possibly significant that the type locality of degodiensis is surrounded by an area extending from it of up to 50— 100 km from which there are no records of gilletti. Since the publication of Erard’s (1975) distribution map for M. gilletti, its known range has increased appreciably, notably to the north and east in Somalia (Ash & Miskell 1983) and to the south into Kenya (Miskell & Ash 1985). It is of special interest that M. degodiensis does not appear now merely on the L.A. R. Bege & B. T. Pauli 93 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) southwestern edge of the range of gilletti, but is surrounded by that species. A possible threat to the habitat in this area may result from the increased human population and a resultant increase in grazing pressure and demand for fuel wood, but there was no indication that this is likely to occur in the short term. Acknowledgements We are most grateful to: Dr N. J. Collar, for providing reprints and for commenting on a draft of this paper; Dr Christian Erard, for checking our description and the photo- graphs against the specimens in Paris, and for his comments; and Mrs K. Gullick, for the photographs of the bird. References: Ash, J. S. & Miskell, J. E. 1983. Birds of Somalia, their habitat, status and distribution. Scopus Special Supplement No. 1. Collar, N. & Stuart, S. 1985. Threatened Birds of Africa and Related Islands. Part 1. ICBP/ IUCN Red Data Book. ICBP. Erard, C. 1975. Variation geographique de Mirafra gilletti Sharpe, description d’une espece jumelle. L’ Oiseau et R.F.O. 45: 293-312. Miskell, J. E. & Ash, J. S. 1985. Gillett’s Lark Mirafra gilletti new to Kenya. Scopus 9: 53-54. Addresses: J. S. Ash, Godshill Wood, Fordingbridge, Hants. SP6 2LR, U.K.; T. M. Gullick, Queredo 20, Infantes Ciudad Real, Spain. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Two birds new to the Brazilian avifauna by Lenir A. R. Bege S Beloni T. Pauli Received 27 October 1989 In the last few years we have accumulated several observations on the avifauna of southern Brazil, based on the field work performed by the Fundacgao de Amparo a Tecnologia e ao Meio Ambiente (FATMA), Santa Catarina. Two of these records are noteworthy, and represent new additions to the Brazilian avifauna. AUSTRALASIAN GANNET Sula serrator Typical of the Australasian region (Nelson 1978) this gannet has occasionally occurred in southwestern Africa and off Marion and Crozet Islands (Harrison 1983). Thus, it was surprising to record an isolated specimen of this gannet at the Moleques do Sul Islands (c. 27°51'S, 48°26’W), 12 km off the coast of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, 21—23 August 1986. So far as we know, this individual apparently remained around these islands until collected on 27 June 1987 at the site where it was first observed. According to the South American ornithological liter- ature, this bird, an adult male now housed in the collection of Museu Nacional (MN 36.164), is the first record of the species for the Americas (Hellmayr & Conover 1948). F. E. Hayes et al. 94 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) ANDEAN FLAMINGO Phoenicoparrus andinus In South America, the Andean Flamingo has been recorded in south- western Peru, northern Chile, southwestern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina (Blake 1977, Nores & Yzurieta 1980). On 19 May 1989 we obtained a very emaciated juvenile (weight 1.2 kg) from Erval Velho (c. 27°13’S, 51°23’W), Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. ‘This specimen, now housed in the Museu Nacional (MN 36.548), showed 3 colour rings on the left tibia (blue, black, red), and according to the Corporacion Nacional Forestal (CONAF), Chile, it was banded around the fifth month of life in the Salar Punta Negra, Antofagasta. This seems to be the first record of the species in Brazil. Acknowledgements We would like to thank CONAF for the information given us through the CEMAVE/ IBAMA, Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente, Brasilia and Prof. Dante Martins Teixeira da Secao de Ornitologia, Museu Nacional, UFRJ. References: Blake, E. R. 1977. Manual of Neotropical Birds. University of Chicago Press. Harrison, P. 1983. Seabirds, an Identification Guide. Houghton Mifflin Co. Hellmayr, C. E. & Conover, B. 1948. Catalogue of Birds of the Americas (I, 2) Publ. Field. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool. ser.) 13 (1, 2): 1-434. Nelson, J. B. 1978. The Sulidae. Aberdeen University Series 154. Oxford University Press. Nores, M. & Yzurieta, D. 1980. Aves de Ambientes aquaticos de Cordoba y Centro de Argentina. Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura y Ganaderia de la Provincia de Cordoba, Cordoba. Address: Lenir A. R. Bege & Beloni T. Pauli, Fundacgao de Amparo a Tecnologia e ao Meio Ambiente (FATMA), Praca Pereira Oliveira 16, 6° andar, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, CEP 88.000. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 New or noteworthy bird records from the Matogrosense region of Paraguay by Floyd E. Hayes, Steven M. Goodman & Nancy E. Lopez Received 7 November 1989 The southward-flowing Rio Paraguay divides the Republic of Paraguay into 2 different regions: the Chaco to the west and the Orient to the east. ‘The northeastern corner of the Paraguayan Chaco, herein referred to as the Matogrosense region of Paraguay, is a relatively flat region character- ized by semi-humid, medium-height (10—20 m) forests and periodically inundated wetlands that are contiguous with the extensive Pantanal of adjacent Brazil and Bolivia (Lopez 1986). Although the region remains relatively unknown to zoologists, recent exploration has demonstrated that the avifauna is partially distinct from that of the more xeric portions of the Chaco to the west, and has strong affinities with the avifauna of the Pantanal further north. F.E. Hayes et al. 95 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Early reviews of the avifauna of the Paraguayan Chaco (e.g., Salvadori 1895, Grant 1911, Laubmann 1939, 1940, Short 1975) contained little information on the Matogrosense region. Recently, Lopez (1985) reported on the relative abundance and habitat use of 90 species in the Bahia Negra area, Departamento (Dpto) Alto Paraguay. We report distri- butional records and natural history notes on 28 species of birds from the Matogrosense region; 6 species and one subspecies are documented (on the basis of specimens or photographs) from Paraguay for the first time. Unless stated otherwise, records or specimens were obtained in the Dpto Alto Paraguay during expeditions by: N.E.L. 18 Sep to 4 Oct 1984; by F.E.H. 16 Junto 2 Jul 1988, 11-19 Aug 1988, 27-29 Oct 1988, and 27 Jan to 7 Feb 1989; by S.M.G. 10 Sep to 15 Oct 1988; by Jorge Escobar Argana (J.E.A.) 16-30 Jun 1989 and 6-12 Oct 1989; and by F.E.H., J.E.A. and John Luis Ramirez (J.L.R.) 11-18 Aug 1989. Acronyms used in the species accounts include: AFARP = Archivo Fotografico de Aves Raras del Paraguay, San Lorenzo; FMNH = Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; MNHNP= Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo; UMMZ= University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor; and VIREO= Visual Resources in Ornithology, Philadelphia. Weights of specimens collected by S.M.G. are listed in Storer (1989). Nomenclature and sequence of species follow Altman & Swift (1989). LITTLE BLUE HERON Egretta caerulea On 18 August 1988, F.E.H. saw an adult FE. caerulea in non-breeding plumage as it foraged alone at Bahia Negra, 20°14’S, 58°10’'W. The bird was photographed later as it roosted in trees with FE. thula and Casmerodius albus. The all-dark plumage and pale base of the dark bill of E.. caerulea are apparent in the colour photographs, which are on file at VIREO (x08/2/001) and at MNHNP (AFARP 4). This species breeds in northern South America, and has been recorded as far south as Argentina and Uruguay (Hancock & Kushlan 1984). This is the first documented record for Paraguay, for which the only previous report is of several observed in December 1983 in the southern Paraguayan Chaco, Dpto Presidente Hayes (Peris & Suarez 1985). EF. caerulea is probably a rare migrant rather than a breeding resident in Paraguay. BOAT-BILLED HERON Cochlearius cochlearius At dusk on 18 June 1988, F.E.H. viewed one C. cochlearius from a distance of 5 m as it perched in a tree at the edge of a marsh at Retiro Potrerito, c. 13 km SSW of Bahia Negra, 20°20'S, 58°13’W. J.E.A. saw another bird from 20 m at the same locality on 9 October 1989. The large, thick bill of this species is diagnostic. The only previous report from the Paraguayan Chaco is from the Rio Pilcomayo, Dpto Presidente Hayes (Bertoni 1914). Laubmann (1939) reported an immature collected along the Rio Paraguay between Concepcion, Dpto Concepcion, and Asuncion, Dpto Central. An immature was taken by N.E.L. on 13 August 1983 along the east bank of the Rio Paraguay at Concepcion, 23°25’'S, 57°177'W (MINHNP 762). The occurrence of this species along the Rio Paraguay FE. Hayes et al. 96 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) and in nearby marshes suggests that it may be a breeding resident in the eastern fringes of the Paraguayan Chaco. COSCOROBA SWAN Coscoroba coscoroba On 28 September 1988, S.M.G. noted a flock of 20 white swans flying southwestwards high overhead at Riacho Ramos, 6 km southeast of Bahia Negra, 20°16’'S, 58°07’W. 'This appears to be the northernmost record of this species in South America. The only previous record for Paraguay is a female collected 65 km east of Filadelphia, Dpto Presidente Hayes, on 10 May 1959 (Steinbacher 1962). This species appears to be a migrant or winter resident from areas south of Paraguay rather than a breeding resident. GRAY-HEADED KITE Leptodon cayanensis F.E.H. observed singletons at Retiro Potrerito on 31 June and 15 August 1988; near Cerrito, 21°27'S, 57°56’W, on 11 August 1988; and on the Brazilian side of the Rio Paraguay 2 km south of Porto Murtinho, Mato Grosso do Sul, 21°43’S, 57°50’W, on 11 August 1988. The only previous records in the Paraguayan Chaco are a male collected on 11 August 1931 at Puerto Casado, Dpto Alto Paraguay (Laubmann 1939) and an immature male collected at Estancia Deolinda (exact locality not located; Gyldenstolpe 1951). L. cayanensis appears to be an uncommon resident in the eastern fringes of the Matogrosense region. ORANGE-BREASTED FALCON Falco deiroleucus On 19 June 1988, F.E.H. saw a large falcon with a dark belly band from about 40 m away as it flew over a small clearing at Retiro Potrerito. It appeared to be as large as F’. femoralis, but lacked the eye stripe typical of that species. The large size and bright orange breast distinguished it from the smaller and paler-breasted F. rufigularis. The only previous record of F., deiroleucus in the Paraguayan Chaco is from Orloff, Dpto Boqueron (Hellmayr & Conover 1949). HYACINTH MACAW Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus On 11 August 1988, F.E.H. noted 3 large, uniform purplish-blue macaws with yellowish facial patches flying south along the Brazilian side of the Rio Paraguay near the Paraguayan village of Puerto Maria, 21°37'S, 57°56'W. The birds were viewed from about 75 m for about 15 sec as they flew southwest across the river into Paraguay. Although no specimen records are known from Paraguay, there are several sight records from Dpto Concepcion (Lopez 1989). The Rio Paraguay and the campos cerrados of Dpto Concepcion apparently form the southwestern limit of this species’ distribution, which includes much of west-central Brazil (Meyer de Schauensee 1970). BLUE-WINGED PARROTLET Forpus xanthopterygius On 18 June 1989, J.E.A. observed 2 F. xanthopterygius fly into a tree in the forest at Retiro Potrerito. The small size, short tail and high-pitched voice distinguished it from other sympatric psittacids. The only previous report from the Paraguayan Chaco is from Benjamin Aceval, PF. E. Hayes et al. 97 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Dpto Presidente Hayes (Bertoni 1930). Its distribution in the Chaco is probably restricted to the more humid areas near the Rio Paraguay; to the east it is an uncommon resident. CANARY-WINGED PARAKEET Brotogeris versicolurus At Retiro Potrerito, small flocks were seen by F.E.H. on several occasions in June and August 1988, and by J.E.A. in June and October 1989. In January and February 1989, flocks of up to 25 birds were fre- quently seen by F.E.H. at Bahia Negra. Elsewhere F.E.H. noted 2 at Puerto Leda, 20°22’S, 58°00’W, on 28 August 1988. These appear to be the first records for the Paraguayan Chaco; it isa common resident east of the Rio Paraguay. COMMON PAURAQUE Nyctidromus albicollis At dawn on 17 August 1988, F.E.H. heard several nightjars vocalizing in the forest at Retiro Potrerito; the calls were typical of N. albicollis (Hardy et al. 1986). On 30 September 1988, S.M.G. collected an adult male N. a. derbyanus (UMMZ 226560) at Puerto Ramos, 4 km south of Bahia Negra, 20°16'S, 58°08’W. On 5 October 1988, S.M.G. flushed up several N. albicollis at Estancia Cerrito, 3.5 km SSW of Puerto Coeyu, 21°27'S, 57°56’W. On 11 August 1989, F.E.H. and J.E.A. observed a vocalizing male at Puerto 14 de Mayo, 20°20'S, 58°06’W;; also a single bird was heard each night at Retiro Potrerito 13-17 August 1989, and another at Bahia Negra 17-18 August 1989. These are the first records from the Paraguayan Chaco. East of the Rio Paraguay it is acommon resident. AMERICAN PYGMY KINGFISHER Chloroceryle aenea On 4 October 1984, N.E.L. saw a single C. aenea flying across the Rio Paraguay 5 km north of Bahia Negra. On 30 September 1988, S.M.G. collected an adult male (UMMZ 226553) at Puerto Ramos. The bird was netted in a corridor cleared through secondary forest, c. 20m from a marsh and 200 m from the Rio Paraguay. These are the first records from Paraguay. C. aenea occurs throughout much of northern South America south to the Mato Grosso and southern Brazil (Naumburg 1930, Meyer de Schauensee 1970). BLUE-CROWNED MOTMOT Momotus momota Singletons were seen by F.E.H. on 22 and 26 June 1988, and by F.E.H. and J.L.R. on 15 August 1989, in forest undergrowth at Retiro Potrerito. Each was observed from as close as 5 m; its bright blue-and-black crown and tail rackets were well observed. Short (1975) stated that M. momota occurred in the northern Paraguayan Chaco, but without supporting evi- dence. This species appears to be a rare resident of the Matogrosense region. It is widespread to the north, east and west (Meyer de Schauensee 1970). RED-BREASTED TOUCAN Ramphastos dicolorus On 22 June 1989, J.E.A. saw a single R. dicolorus perched atop a tree in a clearing near Retiro Potrerito. The distinctive pattern of the yellow, orange and red underparts was well observed. This appears to be the F. E. Hayes et al. 98 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) first record for the Paraguayan Chaco; east of the Rio Paraguay it is an uncommon resident. GREEN-BARRED WOODPECKER Colaptes melanochloros N.E.L. collected an adult female (MNHNP 609; 80g) on 2 October 1984 ina palm savanna at Estancia Dona Julia, 5 km north of Bahia Negra, 20°11'S, 58°09’W. The specimen was identified by M.S. Foster as C. m. nattereri, based on its relatively small size, short bill and tail (Short 1975, 1982). Up to 3 others were seen by F.E.H., J.E.A. and J.L.R. at Puerto 14 de Mayo on 12 and 17 August 1989. This is the first record of this sub- species for Paraguay; its range coincides with the Pantanal of eastern Bolivia and Mato Grosso, Brazil (Peters 1948). PLAIN-CROWNED SPINETAIL Synallaxis gujanensis F.E.H. found S. gujanensis to be the second most common forest bird at Retiro Potrerito, with an estimated density of 190 birds/km* based on transect counts. The birds occurred singly or in pairs (group size x= 1.1, sp =0.33, range = 1-2, n= 49) in dense forest undergrowth. An unsexed adult (MNHNP 834; 15.8 g) was collected at Retiro Potrerito by F.E.H. on 21 June 1988. Specimens obtained by S.M.G. include an adult female (UMMZ 226551) at Puerto Ramos on 30 September 1988, and an adult male (UMMZ 226638) from 3km NNW of Estancia Fonciere, Dept. Concepcion, 22°24’'S, 57°51’W, on 12 October 1988. The only previous report from the Paraguayan Chaco is of a specimen taken from atop a nest ‘“‘while its mate hopped about nearby”’ on 16 September 1920, 80 km west of Puerto Pinasco, Dpto Presidente Hayes, by Wetmore (1926). These records apparently pertain to the southernmost race S. g. albilora of the Brazilian Mato Grosso and adjacent Dpto Concepcion, Paraguay. STREAKED XENOPS Xenops rutilans Singletons were observed by F.E.H. in the forest canopy of Retiro Potrerito on 20, 22 and 26 June 1988, 15 August 1988 and 14 August 1989. The birds were distinguished from other Xenops spp. by the stout, upturned mandible, streaked underparts, crown and mantle and the entirely rufous tail. These are the first records for the Paraguayan Chaco; it is an uncommon resident east of the Rio Paraguay. MATO GROSSO ANTBIRD Cercomacra melanaria An adult male (MMNHNP 182) was taken by N.E.L. on 3 October 1984 at Estancia Dona Julia. S.M.G. collected another adult male (UMMZ 226494) on 25 September 1988 at Estancia Inmaculada Concepcion, along the Rio Negro, 17 km north of Bahia Negra, 20°05’S, 58°10'W. A third specimen, an immature male (UMMZ 226518), was obtained by S.M.G. on 28 September 1988 along the edge of Riacho Ramos. In January and February 1989, F.E.H. saw or heard several pairs daily along the river’s edge near Bahia Negra and in a flooded forest 1 km west of Bahia Negra. These birds usually occurred singly or in pairs in the lower strata of forest, and were always near water. Their calls consisted of a series of nasal antbird-like grunts (e.g., “‘er-er-er ...’’), of variable pitch. These are the first records for Paraguay. C. melanaria is known from F. E. Hayes et al. 99 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Bolivia and the Mato Grosso of Brazil (Naumburg 1930, Meyer de Schauensee 1970). WHITE-BACKED FIRE-EYE Pyriglena leuconota On 28 June 1988, F.E.H. observed a pair as they followed an ant swarm amongst thick bromeliads on the forest floor at Retiro Potrerito. Both birds bobbed their tails frequently, and gave a dry rattle call when alarmed. A female Taraba major and a Dendrocolaptes picumnus were also associated with the ant swarm. The male P. lewconota was distinguished from the similar P. leucoptera by the absence of white on the wings, and from C. melanaria by its red iris and the lack of white-tipped rectrices. The female, an adult, was collected (MNHNP 839; 26.8 g) and dis- tinguished from other female Pyriglena spp. by the white bases to the central back feathers; it had the well-defined whitish eyebrow typical of the southern race maura, which inhabits eastern Bolivia and central Mato Grosso (Short 1975). This record represents the southernmost limit of the species’ known range, and is the first for Paraguay. COMMON TODY-FLYCATCHER Todirostrum cinereum On 20 September 1988, M. W. Nachman and S.M.G. observed a pair gathering nest material at Colonia Carmelo Peralta, 21°41'S, 57°54’W. One of the birds, an adult female with a well developed brood patch, was collected (UMMZ 226463). On 7 October 1988, S.M.G. collected another specimen, an adult male (UM MZ 226592), onan island in the Rio Paraguay, 3.5 km SSW of Puerto Valle-Mi, Dpto Concepcion, 22°12’S, 57°55’W. Both specimens are referable to T. c. coloreum. On 30 January 1989, F.E.H. photographed 2 pairs (AFARP 9, 10) 1—2 km north of Bahia Negra. On 12 August 1989, J.L.R. obtained an unsexed adult (MNHNP 895; 8.2 g) at Puerto 14 de Mayo. On 17 August 1989, F.E.H. and J.E.A. noted a pair at Retiro Potrerito, and later the same day F.E.H. saw another pair at Puerto 14 de Mayo. The only previous records for Paraguay are a specimen from Cabo Emma, Dpto Alto Paraguay (Grant 1911) and another from Puerto Casado (Zotta 1950); these records were overlooked by Meyer de Schauensee (1970). STREAMER-TAILED TYRANT Gubernetes yetapa On 24 September 1984, N.E.L. saw 3 ina marsh 100 km west of the Rio Paraguay at Estancia Dona Julia. ‘The rufous-bordered white throat and long tail of each bird were noted. Although Short (1975) considered this species a Chaco resident, this appears to be the first record of G. yetapa in the Paraguayan Chaco. It is a common resident of marshes in eastern Paraguay. CRESTED BECARD Pachyramphus validus On 28 January 1989, F.E.H. observed a female from 6m for 5 min in forest 2km west of Bahia Negra. The dark grey crown contrasting with the creamy cheeks, buffy underparts and rufous back were diagnos- tic. The only previous report in the Paraguayan Chaco is of a female specimen collected from Algarobo, Dpto Boqueron, in the western Chaco (Steinbacher 1968), identified as P. v. validus; however, Short (1975) F. E. Hayes et al. 100 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) stated that the western form audax was distinguishable from the eastern race validus only in males. Because no records are known from the central Paraguayan Chaco, we suspect that audax is the race more likely to occur in the western fringes of the Paraguayan Chaco, whereas nominate validus, which occurs in Dpto Santa Cruz, Bolivia and eastern Paraguay, is more likely in the eastern Chaco. WHITE-WINGED SWALLOW Tachycineta albiventer N.E.L. obtained an adult male (MNHNP 225; 13.0 g) on 3 October 1984 along the bank of the Rio Paraguay at Estancia Dona Julia. At Bahia Negra, F.E.H. observed a pair along the Rio Paraguay on 17 June, 18 August, and 28 October 1988. On 4 October 1988, S.M.G. collected a breeding pair (UMMZ 226575, 227529) at Estancia Maria Elena, 5 km NNE of Puerto Mihanovich, 20°45’S, 57°57’'W. The only previous report from Paraguay is from the Rio Parana in the southeast (Bertoni 1914). These records provide the first documentation of T. albiventer in Paraguay. This species is a widespread resident of lowlands in South America (Meyer de Schauensee 1970). CHILEAN SWALLOW Tachycineta leucopyga On 12 August 1988, F.E.H. viewed 2 from about 6 m for 5 min as they flew about and perched on a post at Puerto 14 de Mayo. Each bird possessed a white rump, but lacked the white supraloral streak of T. leucorrhoa and white wing patches of T. albiventer, both of which were also seen along the river. T. leucopyga breeds in Chile and southern Argentina, wintering as far north as Bolivia (Ridgley & ‘Tudor 1989). The only previous record in Paraguay is from Asuncion (Bertoni 1914). 7. leucopyga probably mixes with the large flocks of T. leucorrhoa that winter along the Rio Paraguay and adjacent wetlands. THRUSH-LIKE WREN Campylorhynchus turdinus Found to be relatively common in palm savannas, marshes and grass- lands bordering the Rio Paraguay in the Matogrosense region, and noted in groups of up to 5; several individuals were seen attending bulky nests in palm crowns in January 1989. On 29 September 1984, N.E.L. collected an adult male (MNHNP 222; 35.5 g) at Estancia Dona Julia. Specimens taken by S.M.G. include 2 adult females (UMMZ 226514, 227876) on 28 September 1988 at Riacho Ramos; an adult male (UMMZ 226581) on 5 October 1988 at Estancia Cerrito; and an adult male (UMMZ 227535) on 10 October 1988 from 4km northwest of Puerto Fonciere, Dpto Presi- dente Hayes, 22°24’S, 57°52’W. All specimens collected are referable to C. t. unicolor, the form occurring in the Mato Grosso of Brazil and Bolivia (Naumburg 1930). N.E.L. and F.E.H. have observed this bird on both sides of the Rio Paraguay as far south as Concepcion. The only previous specimen from Paraguay was taken on 28 September 1986 near Pozo Colorado, Dpto Presidente Hayes, in the central Paraguayan Chaco (Contreras & Contreras 1986). Sight records have been reported from the Rio Apa area of Paraguay (Meyer de Schauensee & Mack 1982, Ridgely & Tudor 1989). F.E. Hayes etal. 101 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) FAWN-BREASTED WREN Thryothorus guarayanus On 20 June 1988, F.E.H. collected an adult female (MNHNP 830; 11.0 g) and an unsexed adult (MNHNP 831; 11.2 g) in dense forest undergrowth at Retiro Potrerito. Subsequent surveys there revealed it to be the most common forest bird in the area, with an estimated density of 265 birds/km*. It appeared to be less common in the forests near Bahia Negra. The birds usually foraged in pairs or small groups (x= 1.96, sp= 0.87, range = 1-4, n= 26) in the lower strata of forests with dense andes! growth (e.g. bromeliads); on a few occasions they were observed in rela- tively open brush. The variable yet distinctive song consisted of a loud, cheerful series of 3-4 notes (e.g. ““wee-joo-jeer’’) repeated 5—20 times. Other calls included a short “‘chort’’ and a typical wren-like rattle when alarmed. On 15 August 1988, one was observed repeatedly carrying fine twigs to a large (c. 25 x 25cm), partially constructed nest suspended about 4 m above the ground. The species’ range includes much of Bolivia and adjacent western Mato Grosso (Meyer de Schauensee 1970); this is the first record for Paraguay and the southernmost for the continent. FLAVESCENT WARBLER Basileuterus flaveolus On 20 June 1988, F.E.H. observed a single B. flaveolus in dense forest undergrowth at Retiro Potrerito. The only previous records in the Paraguayan Chaco are from Benjamin Aceval, Dpto Presidente Hayes (Bertoni 1930), and a pair collected from Puerto Sastre, Dpto Alto Paraguay (Laubmann 1940). This species appears to be a rare resident in the Matogrosense region, where it is restricted to the more humid forests near the Rio Paraguay. East of the river it is an uncommon resident. SILVER-BEAKED TANAGER Ramphocelus carbo On 30 January 1989, F.E.H. observed a pair from 6m for c. 3 min in brush along the bank of an unnamed stream | km north of Bahia Negra. ‘The male’s deep crimson throat and breast and silvery base of the mand- ible were diagnostic. This is the first record for the Paraguayan Chaco. Although R. carbo is widely distributed to the north and east of Paraguay (Meyer de Schauensee 1970), the only previous record for Paraguay is from Puerto Bertoni, Dpto Alto Parana, in the southeast (Bertoni 1914). HOODED TANAGER Nemosia pileata At Retiro Potrerito, F.E.H. noted a pair on 20 June 1988 and an adult male on 14 August 1989. They were foraging with mixed species flocks in the forest canopy. The white forehead and lores of the males distinguish this species from the superficially similar Poospiza melanoleuca. The report of N. pileata at Benjamin Aceval, Dpto Presidente Hayes, by Bertoni (1930) appears to be the only previous record in the Paraguayan Chaco. Its occurrence in the Chaco is probably restricted to the more humid forests near the Rio Paraguay; to the east it is an uncommon resident. CRESTED OROPENDOLA Psarocolius decumanus F.E.H. observed a flock of 10 at Retiro Potrerito on 22 June 1988, and single birds at Retiro Potrerito on 26 June 1988 and at Bahia Negra on 18 F. E. Hayes et al. 102 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) August 1988. On 7 October 1989, J.E.A. noted a single bird 7 km west of Puerto 14 de Mayo. The large size and mostly yellowish tail are diagnostic of this species. Although considered a resident of the Chaco by Short (1975), the only published record for the Paraguayan Chaco is from Benjamin Aceval, Dpto Presidente Hayes (Bertoni 1930). A specimen in FMNH (153050) was taken on 9 October 1940 at Fortin Orihuela, Dpto Presidente Hayes, 23°25’S, 58°40’/W. P. decumanus is an uncommon resi- dent in eastern Paraguay, and appears to be restricted to the eastern fringes of the Paraguayan Chaco. Acknowledgements The expeditions of F.E.H. and J.L.R. were funded by a grant-in-aid of research from Sigma Xi, while F.E.H. served as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. S.M.G. shared the companion- ship of M. W. Nachman on his trip to Paraguay, which was funded by the UMMZ; R. W. Storer helped identify some of his collections. N.E.L.’s trip was funded by the Ministerio de Defensa Nacional; and J.E.A.’s by the Asociacion de Apoyo a las Comunidades Indigenas del Paraguay. We thank M.S. Foster, J. F. Monk, J. V. Remsen, Jr. and R. W. Storer for reviewing earlier versions of this paper. For logistical support during our trips we thank M. A. Rodriguez, Comandante L. Ruffinelli, G. Sequera and the indigenous Chamacoco people of Retiro Potrerito. Collecting permits were arranged by L. Perez de Molas. References: Altman, A. & Swift, B. 1989. Checklist of the Birds of South America. 2nd ed. St. Mary’s Press. Bertoni, A. de W. 1914. Fauna Paraguaya. Catdlogos Sistematicos de los Vertebrados del Paraguay. Grafico M. Brossa. Bertoni, A. de W. 1930. Sobre ornitologia del Chaco Paraguayo. Aves colectadas por Félix Posner en la colonia ‘‘Mante Sociedad’’, hoy Benjamin Aceval (Villa Hayes). Rev. Soc. Cient. Parag. 2: 241-257. Contreras, J. R. & Contreras, A. O. 1986. Acerca de Campylorhynchus turdinus unicolor Wied en Paraguay y en la Republica Argentina (Aves: Trogloditidae [szc]). Hist. Nat., Corrientes 6: 75-76. Grant, C. H. B. 1911. List of birds collected in Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and southern Brazil, with field-notes. Jbzs 1911: 80-137, 317-350, and 459-478. Gyldenstolpe, N. 1951. The ornithology of the Rio Purus region in western Brazil. Arkiv f. Zool. 2: 1-320. Hancock, J. & Kushlan, J. 1984. The Herons Handbook. Harper & Row. Hardy, J. W., Coffey, B. B. & Reynard, G. B. 1986. Voices of the New World Nightbirds : Owls, Nightjars and their Allies. ARA Records. Hellmayr, C. E. & Conover, B. 1949. Catalogue of birds of the Americas. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser. 13, Part (4): 1-358. Laubmann, A. 1939, 1940. Wussenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Gran Chaco- Expedition. Die Vogel von Paraguay. Vols. 1 and 2. Strecker & Schroder. Lopez, N. 1985. Avifauna del Departamento de Alto Paraguay. Volante Migratorio 4: 9-13. Lopez, N. 1986. Paraguay. Pp. 200-208 im D. A. Scott & M. Carbonell (Compilers): A Directory of Neotropical Wetlands. [UCN (Cambridge) & IWRB (Slimbridge). Lopez, N. 1989. Informe preliminar sobre la distribucion, ecologia y estado de psitacidos del Departamento de Concepcion, Paraguay. P. 49 im C. Acevedo Gomez (ed.): Resumenes y Programa, II Encuentro Paraguayo-Argentino de Ornitologia. Imprenta Graphis S.R. L. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1970. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Meyer de Schauensee, R. & Mack, A. L. 1982. Addenda to A Guide to the Birds of South America. Pp. 429-463 in R. Meyer de Schauensee: A Guide to the Birds of South America—reprinted edition 1982. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Naumburg, E. M. B. 1930. The birds of Matto Grosso, Brazil. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 60: 1-432. Peris, S.J. & Suarez, F. 1985. Algunas aves invernantes en el bajo Chaco Paraguayo. Volante Migratorio 5: 20. F. Cabot 103 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Peters, J. L. 1948. Check-list of Birds of the World. Vol. 6. Harvard University Press. Ridgely, R. S. & Tudor, G. 1989. The Birds of South America. Vol. 1. The Oscine Passerines. University of Texas Press. Salvadori, T. 1895. Viaggio del dott. Alfredo Borelli nella Republica Argentina e nel Paraguay. Uccelli raccolti nel Paraguay, nel Matto Grosso, nel Tucuman e nella Provincia di Salta. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino 10(208): 1—24. Short, L. L. 1975. A zoogeographic analysis of the South American Chaco avifauna. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 154: 165-352. Short, L. L. 1982. Woodpeckers of the World. Delaware Mus. Nat. Hist. Steinbacher, J. 1962. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Vogel von Paraguay. Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 502: 1-106. Steinbacher, J. 1968. Weitere Beitrage uber Vogel von Paraguay. Senckenbergiana Biol. 49: 317-365. Storer, R. W. 1989. Notes on Paraguayan birds. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 719: 1-21. Wetmore, A. 1926. Observations on the birds of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 133: 1-448. Zotta, A. R. 1950. Dos aves nuevas para el Paraguay y una para el Uruguay. Hornero 9: 165-166. Addresses: Floyd E. Hayes, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, Sucursal 19, Ciudad Universitaria, San Lorenzo, Paraguay (present address: Dept. of Biology, Loma Linda University, Riverside, California 92515, U.S.A.). Steven M. Goodman, Museum of Zoology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. (present address: Dept. of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605, U.S.A.). Nancy E. Lopez, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, Sucursal 19, Ciudad Universitaria, San Lorenzo, Paraguay. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 First record of Upucerthia validirostris from Bolivia and new Bolivian distributional data by #. Cabot Received 4 December 1989 This paper reports the first record for Bolivia of the Buff-breasted Earth- creeper Upucerthia validirostris; also new distributional data for some bird species following a departmental criterium. The number of bird species currently reported from Bolivia is 1257 (Remsen & Traylor 1989). Voucher specimens, where noted, are deposited in the collections of Estacion Biologica de Donana (EBD). Nomenclature follows Remsen & Traylor (1989). WHITE-TUFTED GREBE Rollandia rolland Recorded in Andean highlands from La Paz, Oruro, Cochabamba and Tarya Dpts (Remsen & Traylor 1989). Twenty-two individuals were seen on 16 November 1982 at Laguna Katalcito, c. 4000 m, province Sud-Lipez—the first record for Potosi Dpt. SILVERY GREBE Podiceps occipitalis Known from the highlands of Cochabamba, Oruro and Potosi Dpts (Remsen & Traylor 1989) and for a single locality in La Paz: Ulla-Ulla F. Cabot 104 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) reserve (Ribera & Hanagarth 1982, Serrano & Cabot 1982). An additional record from La Paz is of 7 seen on 5 December 1982 in Laguna Ichucota in the Cordilleran zone, 4300m, c.50km N of the city of La Paz. The following species (number of individuals in parentheses) were also observed at Laguna Ichucota: Olivaceous Cormorant Phalacrocorax brasilianus (1); Andean Goose Chloephaga melanoptera (20); Speckled Teal Anas flavirostris (20); Crested Duck Anas specularioides (3); Giant Coot Fulica gigantea and breeding Andean Gull Larus serranus. CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis Widely distributed in Bolivia. One seen on 22 August 1988 between Pazna and Machacamarca, c.3700m, Province Cercado, was a first record for Oruro Dpt. ROSEATE SPOONBILL Platalea aqjaja A first departmental and altitudinal record is of one seen 3 January 1986 at Laguna Alalay, 2500m, near Cochabamba City, Cochabamba Dpt. Also recorded from Beni, La Paz, Santa Cruz and Tarija Dpts (Remsen & Traylor 1989). TURKEY VULTURE Cathartes aura Widely distributed in the Bolivian lowlands, and recently reported from the ‘puna’ of La Paz Dpt (Serrano & Cabot 1982, Cabot & Serrano 1988). Two were seen on 24 August 1988, 10km N of Oruro city, Province of Cercado, the first record for Oruro Dpt. BLACK-CHESTED BUZZARD-EAGLE Geranoaetus melanoleucus Characteristic of the mesothermic valleys of the Bolivian Andes (Cabot & Serrano 1986), one was seen on 22 August 1988 at Pazna, Province of Poopo, a first record for Oruro Dpt. Previously reported from La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca Dpts (Remsen & Traylor 1989). GREATER YELLOWLEGS Tinga melanoleuca Widely distributed in Bolivia (Remsen & Traylor 1989). Several individuals were observed 7 November 1982 at Villa Alota, 3700 m, the first record in Potosi Dpt. Recently recorded from Oruro Dpt (Schmitt & Schmitt 1987). Numerous individuals were present on 23 August 1987 at Lago Poopo, Oruro Dpt in mixed flocks of Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes, Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos and 'Two-banded Plover Charadrius falkandicus. BURROWING OWL Athene cunicularia One seen 19 August at Laguna Alalay, 2500 m, near Cochabamba City, was the first record for Cochabamba Dpt. Recently reported for Oruro Dpt (Cabot & Serrano 1988). Additional localities from Oruro Dpt are 8km S of Oruro City (one specimen), 23 August 1988, and between Oruro and Challapata, c. 3900 m (sight records). WHITE-VENTED VIOLETEAR Colibri serrirostris Reported from La Paz, Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz Dpts (Bond & Meyer de Schauensee 1943). In the Santa Cruz Dpt is known only from the western montane area. One specimen (EBD 11142A), collected 28 F. Cabot 105 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) August 1984, at Serrania Caparuch (14°30'S, 61°10'’W), in the extreme northwest of Santa Cruz Dpt adjacent to the Brazilian border, constitutes a new locality record. ELEGANT WOODCREEPER Xiphorhynchus elegans Recently cited as new to Bolivia (Bates et al. 1989). A previous record is of one (EBD 11079A) collected 24 August 1986 at Serrania Caparuch, Santa Cruz Dpt. f RUFOUS-BANDED MINER Gesitta rufipennis One seen 28 September 1984 crossing the road between Padilla and Tomina, Province of Tomina, is the first record for Chuquisaca Dpt. Recorded from La Paz, Oruro and Potosi Dpts (Remsen & Traylor 1989). BUFF-BREASTED EARTHCREEPER U pucerthia validirostris A single specimen (EBD 7639A) was obtained 12 November 1982 at Quetena Chica, 4000 m, Province Sud-Lipez, Potosi Dpt. The habitat was an extensive stony plain with scattered Lepidophyllum bushes. This is the first record of the species in Bolivia. Previously known in western Argentina, in high Andean steppes, from Salta and Jujuy to Mendoza, also in Cordoba province (Narosky & Izurieta 1987). Although the species was cited for Bolivia by these last authors, no valid record previously existed. SHORT-BILLED CANASTERO Asthenes baeri A specimen (EBD 11127A) collected 13 September 1986 at ‘Estancia Perforacion’ (19°30'S, 62°30’W) in the Chaquean region, Province Cordillera, is the first record for Santa Cruz Dpt. Previously reported only from Tarja Dpt (Remsen & Traylor 1989). SPOT-BILLED GROUND TYRANT Muscisaxicola maculirostris One specimen (EBD 7338A), obtained 24 July 1984, at 10km SE Sucre, 3800 m, Province Oropesa, is a first record for Chuquisaca Dpt. Also seen 25 July at Yotala, and 26 July 1984 at the airport of Sucre. PUNA GROUND-TYRANT Muscisaxicola juninensis One sighted 3 April 1985 near Laguna Totoracocha, c. 4000 m, Cordillera Tiraque, Province Arani, is a first record for Dpt Cochabamba. Known from La Paz, Oruro and Potosi Dpts (Remsen & Traylor 1989). WHITE-CRESTED TYRANNULET Serpophaga subcristata One specimen (EBD 10203A) collected 30 August 1985, 40 km E San Borja, Province Ballivian, in isolated islands of forest within periodic inundated savanna, is a first record for Beni Dpt. Recorded from Dpts Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija, Chuquisaca and La Paz (Remsen & Traylor 1989). MANY-COLOURED RUSH TYRANT Tachuris rubrigastra Previously known only from Lago Poopo, Oruro Dpt (Bond & Meyer de Schauensee 1942) and Lago Titicaca, La Paz Dept (Niethammer 1956). Two specimens (EBD 16404A, EBD 16405A) collected at Laguna Alalay in Cochabamba city are a first record for Cochabamba Dpt. An ¥. Cabot 106 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) additional record for La Paz Dpt is of one seen October 1981, at a small lake, 4 km SE of La Paz City in Achocalla valley. BLUE-AND-WHITE SWALLOW WNotiochelidon cyanoleuca Widely distributed in Bolivia (Remsen & Traylor 1989). Several individuals seen 28 September 1984 between Padilla and Tomina are a first record for Dpt Chuquisaca. PUNA YELLOW FINCH Sicalis lutea Reported from La Paz, Oruro and Potosi Dpts (Remsen & Traylor 1989). The record from La Paz Dpt is based on a specimen collected 5—24 October 1941 at Esperanza, 4200 m, by Steinbach. Previously reported from the Ulla-Ulla Reserve, 4400 m, Province Franz Tamayo, Dpt La Paz (Cabot & Serrano 1985). Voucher specimens: EBD 4686A, 16 December 1981; EBD 4414A, 22 May 1982; EBD 4686A, 27 May 1982; EBD 4760A, 21 January 1982; EBD 5521A, 28 September 1982; EBD 5550A, 16 October 1982. One was also seen (no date) near Escoma, 3800 m, Province Camacho, La Paz Dpt. In Ulla-Ulla Reserve, S. lutea is fairly common, attaining major densities along the banks of rivers. On flat open ground, it does not congregate in large flocks as does the Bright-rumped Yellow Finch Sicalis uropygialis at the Ulla-Ulla Reserve. THICK-BILLED SISKIN Carduelis crassirostris Known from Potosi (Bond & Meyer de Schauensee 1942) and Oruro Dpts (Fjeldsa 1987). A single male, obtained from a flock of 5 individuals inasmall Polylepis wood, 18 August 1988, at c. 70 m NW of Cochabamba city is the first record for Dpt Cochabamba. Acknowledgements I wish to express my appreciation to the following individuals who provided much assist- ance and who extended many courtesies as well as facilities in Bolivia; Dr Ovidio Suarez and Dr Armando Cardozo of the National Academy of Sciences of Bolivia; Prof Gaston Bejarano; Lic Mirtha Cadima, Lic Mabel Maldonado, Prof Claudio Barra of University Mayor de San Simon de Cochabamba and the personnel of the Corporacion para el Desarrollo de Santa Cruz. Also to Prof Charles Fugler for English translation and Prof J. V. Remsen and Dr J. Fjeldsa for corrections in the draft manuscript. References: Bates, J. M., Garvin, M. C., Schmitt, D. C. & Schmitt, C. G. 1989. Notes on bird distri- bution in northeastern Dpto Santa Cruz, Bolivia, with 15 species new to Bolivia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109(4): 236-244. Bond, J. & Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1942. The birds of Bolivia. Part 1. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sct. Philadelphia 94: 304-391. Bond, J. & Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1943. The birds of Bolivia. Part 2. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sct. Philadelphia 95: 167-221. Cabot, J. & Serrano, P. 1985. Diferenciacion y biometria de tres especies de triles (Sicalis uropygialis, S. lutea y S. olivascens). Revista dela Acad. Nac. Cienc. de Bolivia 17-24. Cabot, J. & Serrano, P. 1986. Data on the distribution of some species of raptors in Bolivia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 106(4): 170-172. Cabot, J. & Serrano, P. 1988. Distributional data on some non-passerine species in Bolivia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 108(4): 187-193. Fjeldsa, J. 1987. Birds of relict forests in the high Andes of Peru and Bolivia. Zool. Mus. Univ. Copenhagen Tech. Rep. 80 pp. Narosky, T. & Izurieta, D. 1987. Guia para la identificacién de las aves de Argentina y Uruguay. V. Mazzini Eclas: Buenos Aires. R.S. Kennedy 107 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Niethammer, G. 1956. Zur Vogelwelt Boliviens. (Teil II: passeres). Bonn Zool. Beitr. 7: 84-150. Remsen, J. V. Jr & Traylor, M. A. Jr 1989. An Annotated List of the Birds of Bolivia. Buteo Books. 79 pp. Ribera, M. A. & Hanagarth, V. 1982. Aves de la region altoandina de la Reserva nacional de Ulla-Ulla. Ecologia en Bolivia 1: 34-45. Schmitt, C. G. & Schmitt, D. C. 1987. Range extensions for some Bolivian birds. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 107(3): 129-134. Serrano, P. & Cabot, J. 1982. Lista de las aves de la reserva nacional de Ulla-Ulla. Estudios Especializados, EE-42. 16 pp. M.A.C.A., M.I.C.T., I.N.F.O.L., La Paz, Bolivia. Address: J. Cabot, Estacion Biologica de Donana, Pabellon del Peru, Avda Ma Luisa s/n. Apdo 1056, Sevilla 41013, Spain. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Notes on Philippine Birds, 16. First records of the Red-tailed ‘Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda and Merlin Falco columbarius from the Philippines by Robert S. Kennedy Received 5 December 1989 Over the past 15 years, with increased field activity in the Philippines and with the scouring of museums in preparation for the forthcoming The Birds of the Philippines (British Ornithologists’ Union Check-list No. 12) by E. C. Dickinson, R. S. Kennedy & K. C. Parkes, no fewer than 8 species of birds have been added to the Philippine list. Of these, Javan Pond-Heron Ardeola speciosa (Kennedy et al. 1984), Gadwall Anas strepera (Kennedy & Dickinson 1980) and Baer’s Pochard Aythya baeri (Glass et al. 1979) are based on field observations; Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicaria (Wischusen et al. 1984), Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus (Temme 1976) and Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva (McGowan & Pritchard 1990) are confirmed by recently obtained speci- mens; and Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula (Gonzales & Kennedy 1989) and Mallard Anas platyrhynchos ( Kennedy et al. in prep.) are from previously unpublished records of specimens in the Philippine National Museum. Here I report on 2 additional species new to the Philippine list. RED-TAILED TROPICBIRD Phaethon rubricauda During the round-the-world cruise of the research vessel ‘Dana’, Jespersen (1933) reportedly sighted one individual sometime on 22 May 1929 in Philippine waters. The noon position of the boat that day was 19°09’N, 120°05’E, c. 40 km off the northwest coast of Luzon, and it apparently reached Aparri on the north coast of Luzon that evening. Although Gould et al. (1974) listed this sighting (as well as a Taiwan R.S. Kennedy 108 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) record by Hachisuka & Udagawa 1951), it was not listed by Delacour & Mayr (1946) or duPont (1971), who either were not aware of the record or did not accept it. ‘These authors would have had good reason for reject- ing the record as Jespersen (1933) indicated that his records based on observations were not always “‘absolutely certain’’. Regardless of the validity of Jespersen’s record, we now have a positive record of a Red-tailed Tropicbird from the Philippines. In May or June 1988, aringed (U.S. Fish & Wildlife ring number 544-51684) individual was caught in the open sea off Socorro, Surigao del Norte, Bucas Grande Island (northeast of Mindanao) by Dominico Toren, a fisherman from Doyos, Carrascal, Surigao del Sur on Mindanao. The identification was confirmed by a colour photograph that clearly showed details of the bird, including the red tail feathers, and by the Office of Migratory Bird Man- agement of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The bird had been ringed on 12 January 1969 on Kate Island, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, c. 3800km distant, by the Smithsonian Institution’s Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program. The bird is assigned to Phaethon rubricauda melanorhynchos, the sub- species known from the Marshall Islands (Dorst & Mougin 1979). The Red-tailed Tropicbird ranges widely across the tropical and sub- tropical Pacific (Gould et al. 1974) and it is surprising that it has not been confirmed from the Philippines before now. I suspect, however, that this and many other species previously unrecorded from the archipelago are regular visitors to pelagic waters in the Philippines, especially in the Pacific. MERLIN Falco columbarius The Merlin is not known from Taiwan (Severinghaus & Blackshaw 1976, Yen 1979), nor are there any previous records from the Philippines (duPont 1971). It therefore came as a great surprise to find among the dozen or so specimens of Philippine birds in the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History (CMNH) a female Merlin (CMNH 27766), collected 28 November 1928 by Lieut. Stuart from Calamba, Laguna Province in central Luzon. The label attached to the specimen indicated that it was part of the ‘“‘Philippine Collection of Lieut. L. R. Wolfe, U.S. Army”’ and carried the number A247. This is the first record of this species from the Philippines. The species must be accidental to the archipelago and will likely not be recorded again for some time. The specimen was identified as F’. c. pacificus by H. C. Oberholser in 1958. I have confirmed this by comparing it with other individuals of this subspecies in the CMNH collection. This Merlin was part of the Herbert W. Brandt Memorial Collection of 6000 specimens, purchased from Brandt’s widow by the University of Cincinnati in 1956 and transferred to the CMNH in 1971. Brandt amassed this collection through personal collecting and by purchasing specimens from collectors all over the world. There are no records in the CMNH that indicate when he received the specimen or from whom he obtained it. Surprisingly, Wolfe (1938) does not mention this important record in his paper on the birds of central Luzon, but aside from this omission, there is no reason to question its validity. In Brief 109 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) Acknowledgements I wish to thank P. M. Magsalay for informing me about the Red-tailed Tropicbird, R. B. Clapp for permission to publish the recovery data on the tropicbird, and D. Bystrak for providing its ringing data. Dominico Toren deserves special recognition for contacting the proper authorities in the Philippines and the USA about the ringed tropicbird. A. Buck, E. C. Dickinson and K. C. Parkes kindly read an earlier draft of this paper. References: Delacour, J. & Mayr, E. 1946. Birds of the Philippines. Macmillan. Dorst, J. & Mougin, J.-L. 1979. Order Pelecaniformes. Pp. 155—193 in Check-list of Birds of the World(E. Mayr & G. W. Cottrell, Eds). Vol. 1, 2nd Ed. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard. duPont, J. E. 1971. Philippine Birds. Delaware Mus. Nat. Hist. Glass, P., Glass, E. J., Fisher, T. H. & Gast, S. E. 1979. Aythya baer1, a new species record for the Philippines. Kalikasan Philippine }. Biol. 8: 173-174. Gonzales, P. C. & Kennedy, R. S. 1989. Notes on Philippine birds, 14. Additional records for the island of Palawan. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109: 126-130. Gould, P. J., King, W. B. & Sanger, G. A. 1974. Red-tailed Tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda). Pp. 206-231 in Pelagic Studies of Seabirds in the Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean (W. B. King, Ed.). Smithsonian Contribution Zool. No. 158. Hachisuka, M. & Udagawa, T. 1951. Contributions to the ornithology of Formosa. Quart. 7. Taiwan Mus. 4: 1-180. Jespersen, P. 1933. Observations on the oceanic birds of the Pacific and adjacent waters. Vidensk. Medd. Dan. Naturhist. Foren. 94: 187-221. Kennedy, R. S. & Dickinson, E. C. 1980. First record of the Gadwall from the Philippines. Auk 97: 902. Kennedy, R. S., Mayer, S. & Fisher, T. H. 1984. Notes on Philippine birds, 3: First sight records of the Javan Pond-Heron Ardeola speciosa from the Philippines. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 104: 102-103. Kennedy, R. S., Ross, C. A. & Gonzales, P. C. In prep. The birds of the Batan Islands, Philippines. McGowan, R. Y. & Pritchard, J. S. 1990. Notes on Philippine birds 15: First record of the Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva for the Philippines. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 110: 6-7. Severinghaus, S. R. & Blackshaw, K. T. 1976. A New Guide to the Birds of Taiwan. Mei Ya Publ., Taipei. Temme, M. 1976. First record of a Dusky Warbler (Phylloscopus fuscatus) from the Philippines. Orn. Mitt. 28: 190. Yen, C.-W. 1979. A New Checklist of Taiwan Birds. Environmental Research Center, Tunghai University, Taichung. Wischusen, E. W., Kennedy, R. S. & Gast, S. E. 1984. First record of the Red Phalarope from the Philippines. Auk 101: 185. Wolfe, L. R. 1938. Birds of central Luzon. Auk 55: 198-224. Address: Dr R. S. Kennedy, Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, 1720 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 USA. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 IN BRIEF THE GENDER OF THE AVIAN GENUS BATIS Clancey (1989, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109: 122) submits that the gender of the genus Batis Boie 1833 (Afrotropical flycatchers of the family Platy- steiridae or Muscicapidae) should be treated as of the feminine gender on the basis of consensus of usage over the past century or more. However, In Brief 110 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) it is clear from Article 30(a) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1985, 3rd edition) that a genus of Greek or Latin origin takes “‘the gender given for that word in the standard Greek or Latin dic- tionaries”’. Batis is a Greek word of feminine gender (Dowsett 1988, Tauraco 11: 143) and it is this fact that determines the gender of the avian genus. It is only for names not of Greek or Latin or modern Indo- European origin that Article 30(d) of the Code indicates acceptance of an implied gender. Rue de Bois de Breux 194; R. J. DOWSETT B-4500 Jupille-Liege, Belgium. 13 October 1989 FURTHER ON THE RAPTOR NAME CIRCAETUS FASCIOLATUS The authorship of the binomen of the Afrotropical snake eagle species Circaetus fasciolatus has for long been a question of debate among avian taxonomists. In a short note on the matter in Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 107(4), 1987: 191-192, I accepted the widely held view that it was first introduced by G. R. Gray in his Cat. Accipitr. Brit. Mus., 1848: 18, where an assumed nomen nudum, and decided that its validation in terms of the International Code should date from the year 1850 and its author as J. J. Kaup (in Jardine, Contr. Ornith., 3: 72). Under date 5 March 1990, Herr K. Grobler, of Leipzig, East Germany (D.D.R.), has kindly drawn my attention to the fact that while Kaup is indeed the true author of the name C. fasciolatus, it was actually first described by him in the Iszs von Oken, 1847 (December), column 954, the original description reading as follows: “In das Subgen. Spilornis zahle man die Art Circaétus fasciolatus Kaup. Alle kopffedern zugespitzt; Unterbrust, Bauch, Hosen weiss, mit 3—4 aschgrauen, zum ‘Theil rostrothlich angeflogenen breiten Querbinden auf jeder Feder. Ein sehr ausgezeichnete Art von Port Natal. Britisches Museum’’. This new information reveals that Gray, in 1848, simply used Kaup’s already available name, and that the true describer had had access to the then unique specimen in London well in advance of the publication of the Cat. Accipitr. Brit. Mus. The name C. fasciolatus will now have its original date and citation adjusted in accord with the above details. I am indebted to Herr Grobler for drawing my attention to the existence of the original description of this snake eagle in L. Oken’s Isis. Durban Natural Science Museum, P. A. CLANCEY P.O. Box 4085, Durban 4000, 31 March 1990 South Africa © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Books Received ial Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) BOOKS RECEIVED Cooke, F. & Buckley, P. A. (Eds.). 1989. Avian Genetics. A population and ecological approach. Pp. 488. Diagrams, etc. Academic Press. 295 x 205 mm. A reprint in soft covers of this important and well reviewed book, first published in 1987. Its 3 parts are headed Assaying Genetic Variation, Moulding Genetic Variation and Genetic Case Histories (including the Great Tit, House Sparrow, Lesser Snowgoose and Arctic Skua). The final part is an able ‘Coda’ by P. A. Buckley on “‘Past and Future Research in Avian Genetics’. Holmes, D. & Nash, S. 1989. The Birds of Java and Bali. Pp. 109. 24 colour plates by Stephen Nash. Oxford University Press. Hardback. 135 x 200 mm. This book is intended to “‘give the layman an introduction to each bird family”’ of the area. There is a short paragraph introducing most families, but the ‘layman’ will find it easier if he already has some prior knowledge of the major families. 112 birds are illustrated in colour and there are text references to over 120 more. The author and illustrator emphasise that the next step for the reader is progress to a field guide, and certainly the more detailed and lifelike illustrations in such works are a great advantage. There is a useful (‘‘not definitive’’) nominal check-list of 433 species at the end of the book. Bruggers, R. L. & Elliott, C. C. H. (Eds.). 1990. Quelia quelia. Africa’s Bird Pest. Pp. 402. Diagrams, etc. 26 coloured plates. Oxford University Press. Hardback. £45. 160 x 240 mm. An excellently produced book, appropriately dedicated to the late Peter Ward, incorpor- ating a large proportion of the results of work carried out on Quelia quelia during the last 20 years by many research teams, of which the 26 authors (of 9 nationalities) are a relatively small proportion of those who have been involved. Subjects included are quelea ecology and management, distribution, population, migrations, breeding, monitoring, marking and control. The authors are all experts in their field, including the 2 editors, who contribute several chapters. Their final conclusion is that any concentration can be eliminated, but that the pest problem is unsolved and the most cost effective strategies need yet to be decided. These probably include educating the farmers themselves, an area so far neglected, and further investigation of quelea as a food resource. A valuable review. Hume, R. 1990. Birds by Character. Pp. 176. Illustrated by Ian Wallace, Darren Rees, John Busby and Peter Partington. Distribution maps. Papermac (Macmillan). £12.95 hardback, £7.99 softback. 110 x 210 mm. To give the ‘jizz’ attributes of birds as a field guide for identification is a new conception. Jizz is recognisable. The brief text for each of the breeding, wintering and passage species and “‘most regular rarities’ of Britain and the rest of Europe is composed to provide evoca- tive descriptions of appearance (‘“‘tiny, irritable, cocky —Wren) and behaviour (‘‘hysteri- cally noisy’ —Redshank). The many sketches, in colour (for basic plumages and field marks) or monochrome, present several typical and characteristic poses and shapes for each species. That everyone will agree with all the rhetoric’s adjectives is naturally open to doubt, but fun has clearly been had in the writing, as it is in the reading. Used in conjunction with standard field guides (recommended for each species) this must be a very helpful (and enjoyable) book. Norton, J., Stuart, S. & Johnson, T. (Compilers). 1990, 2nd edition. World Checklist of Threatened Birds. Pp. 274. Nature Conservancy Council, UK. Soft covers. £20. 295 x 210 mm. This edition is published by the NCC in its capacity as UK CITES Scientific Authority for Animals. The first edition was published in 1986. Some 2200 species, about one quarter of the world’s birds, are listed taxonomically, different columns listing the categories of status in the IUCN Red List, exploitation and references. Below the scientific name is given the English name, breeding and non-breeding range and vagrancy. Still an invaluable source of reference. Bergier, P. & Bergier, F. 1989. A Birdwatchers’ Guide to Morocco. Pp. 72. Illustrated by M. Langman. Many maps. Prion Ltd. Soft covers. £8.75. 240 x 165 mm. An informed guide on how to travel to the better birdwatching sites in an invigorating country of wild and diverse habitats, many only as yet becoming gradually spoiled. A full Books Received 112 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(2) species list is included in this book, which should prove very useful to the independent individual travelling by private car or public transport, though the former is needed for quite a proportion of the sites described, the description including accommodation available and the birds likely to be seen. Much useful travel guidance and other advice is given throughout, though there is little warning about areas that suddenly become prohibited. Bignal, E. & Curtis, D. J. (Eds.). 1989. Choughs and Land-use in Europe. Pp. 112. Diagrams, etc. Scottish Chough Study Group, Quinhill, Clachan, Tarbert, Argyll, PA29 6XN, UK. Soft covers. £10 post free. 295 x 205 mm. Proceedings of an International Workshop on the Conservation of the Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in the EC, 11-14 November 1988 in Pembrokeshire, Wales. The Chough’s distribution and monitoring in the British Isles is discussed, as well as that in Brittany, Portugal, Andalucia and Spain. Research studies cover food, habitat, roosting and human activity. The Conservation and Land Management section covers experiments in sheep grazing, feeding biotopes in Portugal and other aspects. Recommendations of the meetings are presented in 9 languages, including Irish and Scottish Gaelic and Basque. “‘It is hoped that positive steps will be taken to care for the environments in which these birds live and for the traditional pastoral way of life of the people living in these rural areas.” Zhao Ji, Zheng Guangmei, Wang Huadong & Xu Jialin. 1990. The Natural History of China. Pp. 223. Profusely illustrated in colour. Collins. Hardback. £14.95. 290 x 220 mm. The authors are Director of the Department of Geography, Professor of Vertebrate Zoology, Director of the Institute of Environmental Science and a soil scientist respectively, all at Beijing Normal University. The book is a resplendent collection of photographs of excellent quality and diversity, including a new-born Giant Panda on the palm of a hand, ‘Temminck’s Tragopan in full display and the Chinese River Dolphin amongst many other unusual photographs. Birds figure prominently. The text forms a useful, fairly simple introduction to the immense fauna of this vast and ill-known country, where nature reserves have nevertheless burgeoned from 70 in 1980 to a reputed 486 in 1987, covering 23% of the total area of China. There are strict laws and regulations for their management, but how well enforced or enforceable is not clear. Many of the reserves are in remote country and public access is strictly limited, as also sometimes is farming and commerce. Chapters include Forests, Rivers, Lakes and Seacoasts, Mountains, Grasslands and Deserts. The index is non-comprehensive and unreliable. Erratum. In Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 110(1), Plate 1 and pp. 52, 53 Baker & Baker mention 2 holotypes of their new Ploceus weaver, P. burnieri. ‘The dg and 9 “‘holotype’’ specimens should have been specified as syntypes and are here so designated. N. E. & E. M. BAKER NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Papers, from Club Members ornon-members, should besenttothe Editor, Dr J. F. Monk, The Glebe Cottage, Goring, Reading RG8 9AP, and are accepted on the understanding that they are offered solely to the Bulletin. They should be typed on one side of the paper, with treble-spacing and a wide margin, and submitted with a duplicate copy on airmail paper. Scien- tific nomenclature and the style and lay-out of papers and of References should conform with usage in this or recent issues of the Bulletin. Inform- ants of unpublished observations should be cited by initialsand name only, e.g. ‘‘...ofgrass(C. Dieter)’, but ““P. Weeinformsmethat...’’. Alimited number of photographic illustrations in black-and-white may be pub- lished annually at the Editor’s discretion. Authors are requested to give their title, initials, name and full address (in the form they wish to be corresponded with) at the end of the paper. An author wishing to introduce a new name or describe a new form should append nom., gen., sp. or subsp. nov., as appropriate, and set out the supporting evidence under the headings ‘“‘Description’’, ‘‘Distri- bution’’, ““Type’’, ‘Measurements of Type” and ‘‘Material examined’, plus any others needed. A contributor is entitled to 10 free offprints of the pages of the Bulletin in which his contribution, if one page or more in length, appears. Additional offprints or offprints of contributions of less than one page may be ordered when the manuscript is submitted and will be charged for. Authors may be charged for proof corrections for which they are responsible. BACK NUMBERS OF THE BULLETIN Available on application to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, as follows; 1983 and after (Vols 103 onwards) £3.50 each issue, 1981—2 (Vols 101 & 102) £3 each issue, 1980 (Vol. 100) No. 1 £4, Nos 2, 3 & 4 £2 each, 1973-9 (Vols 93-99) £2 each issue (4 issues per year for Vol. 93 and after), 1969-72 (Vols 89-92) £1.50 each issue (6 per year), 1929-68 (Vols 50-88) £1 each issue (generally 9 per year), earlier than Vol. 50 £2 each issue (generally 9 per year); Indices Vol. 70 and after £1 each, Vols 50-69 £2 each, Vol. 49 and before £4 each. Long runs (at least 10 years) for Vol. 50 and after are availableat reduced rates on enquiry. Postage & Packing £1.00, orders over £50 post free. MEMBERSHIP Only Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union are eligible to join the Club; applications should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, as below, together with the current year’s subscription. Changes of address and any correspondence concerning membership should be addressed to the Hon. Treasurer. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BULLETIN The Bulletin (Vol. 110 onwards) may be purchased by non-members on payment of an annual subscription of £16.00 or, if preferred, U.S. $35.00 (postage and index free). Applications should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer as below. Single issues may be obtained as back numbers. PAYMENTS TO HON. TREASURER All payments should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, S. J. Farnsworth, Hammerkop, Frogmill, Hurley, Maidenhead, Berks, SL65NL U.K. All payments are net and should be made in Sterling if possible. Payments in other currencies must include a further £6 for Bank Charges (except for annual rates in U.S. Dollars which are inclusive). Payments may be made direct to the Club’s National Giro Account No. 30 924 4005, but must include Bank Charges where applicable. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence about Club Meetings and on all other matters should gotothe Hon. Secretary, Mrs A. M. Moore, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6JB, U.K. CONTENTS Page CLUBINOTES? 1 0) MES YP IF 218 YOR O07 Se a 61 FJELDSA, J. & JENSEN, H. A record of the African Piculet Sasia AjTiCGAUGA TOM AaiDETIA«...... «5 « * sis «eye's pays Opel ie ot eee 62 McGOWAN, R. Y. & MASSA, B. Evidence for breeding of the Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus erlangeriin Spain inthe 19th Century. 64 BERRUTI, A. Ontwo indeterminate shearwaters from South African waters t ia oe the ORIEL Oe et Se 66 LOUETTIE, M Ehenightjars' of Zaire’..."00 0. 22s ee ee 71 KING, J. R. Polymorphism in Diglossa humeralis aterrima in southern Eeuad On ayicstgs/elss he /ezeneys deoilch oes Jee Cpr KING, J. R. & HOLLOWAY, S. J. Notes on the Giant Hummingbird Patagona gigas im southern Ecuador +.) ci; sie as eee 79 ASH, J. S. & GULLICK, T. M. Serinus flavigula rediscovered ......... 81 CLANCEY, P. A. The Namibian subspecies of Cisticola chiniana (Smith), ol 843% lvnoiicndets ulenseryer4 Ae aol Geren eee 83 CLANCEY, P.A. Variation in Pterodroma brevirostris (Lesson), 1831 86 ASH, J. S. & GULLICK, T. M._ Field observations on the Degodi Lark Mir afi.a degoGten sts. ic. anc S008 co cys eta suokeutieuenes eae ae 90 BEGE, L.A. R. & PAULI,B.T. "['wobirdsnewtothe Brazilian avifauna 93 HAYES, F. E., GOODMAN, S. M. & LOPEZ, N.E. New or noteworthy bird records from the Matogrosense region of Paraguay.......... 94 CABOT, J. First record of Upucerthia validirostris from Bolivia and new, Bolivian,distributionall data s52) 426 5414), oesiaree eae 103 KENNEDY, R.S. Notes on Philippine birds, 16. First records of the Red-tailed Tropic bird Phaethon rubricauda and Merlin Falco columbarius fromthe Philippines (122. 2424505 --0 > eee 107 IN BRIEF DOWSETT,R.J. The gender of the avian genus Batis .... 109 CLANCEY, P. A. Further on the raptor name Circaetus YASCROlaLUSOLS SER IE STOR SAR SATU, ESOT ate 110 BOOKS RECEIVED 4). gop. 5 aim aicpece legeler nae: mines Geis ee eget oa Tel ERRATUM, PlOCEUSIDULNIETI won. Lan Pe etka eee ieee ae Oe eee 2 The Bulletin is despatched from the printers on publication and is sent by Surface Saver Postal Services to all European destinations outside the U.K. and by Air Saver Postal Services to destinations outside Europe. Those whose subscriptions have not been received by the beginning of a month of publication will have their copies despatched by surface mail, after their current subscription has been paid. COMMITTEE R. E. F. Peal (Chairman) (1989) D. Griffin (Vice-Chairman) (1990) Dr J. F. Monk (Editor) (1975) S.J. Farnsworth (Hon. Treasurer ) (1990) Mrs A. M. Moore (Hon. Secretary) (1989) Revd. T. W. Gladwin (1990) R. H. Kettle (1988) Dr A. Tye (1990) Cdr M. B. Casement, OBE, RN (1990) Published by the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB and printed by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset ISSN 0007-1595 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club Edited by Dr J. F. MONK September 1990 Volume110 No.3 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS Tuesday, 25 September 1990. Dr Michael Rands will speak on “An Island Paradise? Ornithology and Conservation in the Seychelles”’. Dr Michael Rands was with the Nature Conservancy for some time and is now Project Director of the I.C.B.P. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday 11 September 1990*. (Booking forms were enclosed in the June publication.) Tuesday, 23 October 1990. Dr H. Q. P. Crick will speak on “The Detestable Fly? Tsetse Control and Birds in Africa’. Dr Crick has lived and worked in both West and Southern Africa. His work in Zimbabwe was on the impact of tsetse fly control. He is presently Head of the Nest Records Unit at the BTO. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday 9 October 1990*. Wednesday, 5 December 1990. Conversazione at the Inter- national Ornithological Congress, at Christchurch, New Zealand at 7.30pm. An invitation is extended to all delegates attending the Congress. Wednesday, 12 December 1990. Dr A. J. Knystautas will again be visiting Britain and will speak on the “‘Avifaunal Composition of the U.S.S.R.”’. Those wishing to attend should notify the Honorary Treasurer, S. J. Farnsworth, by Wednesday 28 November 1990*. Tuesday, 22 January 1991. Bruce Pearson will speak on his expeditions in the Central African Republic, Sudan, Kenya and Zambia. Tuesday, 19 February 1991. Dr Martin Kelsey will speak on the Wintering of Marsh Warblers. Tuesday, 19 March 1991. Dr John Croxall will speak on the Decline of the Wandering Albatross. Meetings are held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 at 6.15 pm for 7 pm. A plan showing Imperial College will be sent to members on request. *It is usually possible to take acceptances up to the weekend before a meeting, but members are asked to accept by 14 days beforehand as arrangements for the meeting have to be confirmed with Imperial College well in advance. If you accept and subsequently find you are unable to attend please notify the Hon. Secretary, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 67B (tel. 0572 722788) as soon as possible. Pearman M July 1989. ’ 1S inas Gera M ipo, Isolated crag at Serra do C Plate 1 Pearman M July 1989. ipo, Serra do C ion on a crag at Plate 2. Vegetat Plate 3. New Asthenes sp. Serra do Cipo, July 1989. Note facial and throat pattern and posture. M. Pearman Plate 4. New Asthenes sp. Serra do Cipo, July 1989. Note tail pattern and pale edges to tertials. M. Pearman 113 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Bulletin of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB Vol.110 No.3 Published: 20 September 1990 The seven hundred and ninety-seventh meeting of the Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College on Tuesday, 8 May 1990 at 7 p.m. 18 members and 8 guests attended. Members attending were: D. GRIFFIN (in the Chair), Miss H. BAKER, Major N. A. G. H. Beat, P. J. BELMAN, K. BETTON, P. J. BULL, P. Conpor, Dr H. P. Q. Crick, Miss V. S. Har.ey, R. H. Kettrie, Revd G. K. McCuitocn, C. J. Meap, Mrs A. M. Moore, R. G. Morean, Mrs M. Mutter, Dr R. C. Setr, S. A. H. StatHAM, M. P. WALTERS. Guests attending were: Dr R. J. Cowte (Speaker), D. G. Brooks, P. DELALOYE, Ms K. Horr, Mrs I. McCuttocu, P. J. Moore, Ms L. Murrueap, R. Ranr. After supper Dr R. J. Cowie spoke on the ‘Ecology of Tits in Suburban Habitats’. He has sent the following summary: Data collected from nestboxes in Cardiff gardens showed that both Blue Tits Parus caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major managed to rear approximately half the number of young routinely raised by their woodland counterparts. Data on the diet of nestlings, col- lected using camera nestboxes, showed that parent birds brought a substantial proportion of food for their young from bird-tables. However, in an experiment when the demand on the adults was reduced by removing half the nestlings for a period of time or by providing alternative insect prey, the proportion of artificial food in the diet dropped dramatically, the adults bringing back many more spiders than they had previously. The breeding success of the birds was examined in relation to the amount of artificial food brought to the nest and the density of different species of tree close to each nest, but there were no significant correlations. A discussion followed on the pros and cons of feeding garden birds during the breeding season. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the British Ornithologists’ Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 on Tuesday, 29 May 1990 at 6p.m. 13 Members were present. The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9 May 1989 which had been published (Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109: 61-62), were approved and were signed by the Chairman. The Report of the Committee for 1989 was presented. The Accounts for 1989 were offered for acceptance by Mrs Bradley. On the proposal of Mr N. H. F. Stone, seconded by Mr J. H. Elgood, the Report and Accounts were unanimously received and adopted. The Editor reported that production of the Bulletin had continued in a similar way to previous years and that so much material had been submit- ted for publication that the size of the journal had been increased in 1989. He added that the reproduction of the coloured plate in Volume 110 (1) had been paid for by the authors. The Chairman remarked that the present Editor had held that office for a record number of years. Annual General Meeting 114 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) There having been no additional nominations, the following were declared duly elected:— Vice-Chairman: Mr D. Griffin (vice Mr J. H. Elgood who had wished to stand down). Editor: Dr J. F. Monk (re-elected) and Dr D. W. Snow elected to succeed him at a date to be decided by the Com- mittee. Hon. Secretary: Mrs A. M. Moore (re-elected). Hon. Treasurer: Mr S. J. Farnsworth (vice Mrs D. M. Bradley who retired 31 December 1989). Committee: Cdr M. B. Casement, O.B.E., R.N., Revd T. W. Gladwin and Dr A. Tye (vice Mr S. J. Farnsworth and D. Griffin, and Mr N. H. F. Stone who retired by rotation). ‘The Chairman thanked those who had retired from office and conveyed the very great thanks of the Club to Mrs Bradley for all the work she had done for the Club in her many years of office. He presented her with a painting of Swifts Apus apus by Martin Woodcock as a token of thanks from her friends on the Committee. ‘The meeting closed at 6.10 p.m. The seven hundred and ninety-eighth meeting of the Club was held on Tuesday, 29 May 1990 in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 at 7 p.m. 17 members and 12 guests attended. Members attending were: R. E. F. PEAL (Chairman), Mrs D. M. BrapLey, Cdr. M. B. CASEMENT, R.N., 1. C. COLLINS, J. H. ELGoop, S. J. FARNSworTHu, Revd T. W. GLapwin, D. GRIFFIN, Miss V.S. HarLey, Revd G. K. McCuttocnu, Dr J. F. Monk, Mrs A. M. Moore, Mrs M. Mutter, V. J. SAwWLE, Dr R. C. SELF, N. H. F. Stone, Dr. A. TYE. Guests attending were: J. E. Cooper (Speaker), Mrs F. FarNswortuH, Mrs J. M. GLapDwin, Mrs S. GrirFIN, Ms K. Horr, Miss C. JoHNsToN, Mrs I. McCuLtocu, Mrs D. Monk, P. J. Moore, C. A. Mutter, ,Mrs E. PEaL, Mrs H. Tye. After supper the Chairman presented a review of the last 50 years of the Club. His address is published below. Mr J. E. Cooper then spoke on ‘Birds and Diseases’, asummary of which is given below. THE CHAIRMAN’S ADDRESS Fellow Members and Guests From the foundation of the Club it was customary for the chairman to give an address each year, which was printed afterwards, briefly review- ing important ornithological activities in the Club’s past year. Often it included sections on ornithological expeditions and on new books and journal papers, followed by a longer section on an ornithological subject of particular interest to the Chairman. These addresses continued until 1941, when in June Dr Landsborough Thomson gave his review of the usual subjects, followed by ‘“‘Some Remarks on the Present Status of Ornithology” (Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 61: 53-59). In the subsequent years of uous04) TWad A au aa} IWIUWIOD ayi Aq paaoiddy 2 ‘T66T [HUN “ed OpE'7F 3 1994YO JAY ayy Aq paxy Uaag sey A[JPAO[D, JO 0661 APIA 67 qual ay, J, *pay3ias St 1937BUW ay} [19UN paiapual aq 0) pajoadxa jou are YOTYM A[[aAo[D Jo oadsai ul anp saaq Osje are aay], “SazONy V.L6 £M YOpuCT ‘uy ‘ouey WOH SF syunjunosoy pataeyy “OD 8 SHAANOO WVHONIA “yaIMazayy aoURPIODIB UT aq 0} Way} AfNIaD aM puk ‘qn{D ayy Jo sp1odaI puke syoog ay} Wiosy paredaid usaaq aaevy syunoo.y asey], 9L8'tF seed sini ppugdxg 1eA0 euroouy Jo ssa0xg = ——— (19¢'8) 6+0'01 679'06F 890'boF L Pete anid ale te seen pees es : -* saBreyo yueg z F 18 €£s SaSUBAXY SNOIUB[[AISITAT SOL Oe 16h St Z6Z 09+ PERE OOO IES ++ Sourjunosy a LOL 1) cee sSunaazy Jo sano Lee'st 098'sF SZ St hee sc hehe Beko Toes seeceees shee QOUBINSUT SS ; ‘ SII 7) nee auoydayay, 1 6c" rie Se ge ae Saaimaage ee, Me oss use ee se i dapbaadsopoulbadags a ap 89 sanss] yorg Sunutidayy CEL 6+8 StoquIaT AT s Fedor: son tan aune 32 Paoma[ox aUBApE Ul padtaoar suondiiosqng i GSEE Rk eeenigctat anche crater ats Bane sanrpiqery yuaain5 L08°9 080'8 A Bis A TO SNSS I UaTIND YC, 1SOD UOTINIYSIG pue UOHRoTTqng as, ey. 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Ooaadabe SCREEN (A 29] PIOS) 1809 Iv SHG] YOOIS Janbayoxy %TOL LOTT 6S zs Weg eae Re a eae TIO jUDUISaAUT puny jsanbag suaAaig €1Z 707 oh cee ee SOTO DAC IRON GOES JUBUAAOD Jo spreq = — Aq paquasaiday ParaA09a1 XB], BWTOOUT a === SILL 79S°7 629'06F 890'b6F (Szz‘1) 891 PLOTS SU Eo TOC GUID ADIOS SD TORS Tel Re Ja | 909'09 895‘09 OP i Oe te Se G80 toquiscoT: | F38 souel Bey OPE'Z QSL aden ee Ey Be ee Sur, “AlaA0[D,-Avodorg PeAtaoas JUDY 8e Jonbayoxg % FOI JO apes uo ssory :ssar] 9Z0'E 76S'b 909'09 srekets OD OES 686] Arenuef | iv adueeg pun, isonbag suaaayg — Sis‘e per SIRE OND veers es qeaaagup UNO AILEY Sb Sb Rd ATI DRE MDD) ah) Samar puny Ny, uo WULLL LLS Ca DEY OITA, seeereees QgeT Taquiaoacy Lg Iv aounlEE 918'Z Sog Sh eU IN AL AASIA rays 018 DSS SED OSES IO OOS TERS BL COLE] gf (aal Uadp "+ yoorg Ainsvaiy, % Fg Jo ayes uo 1yO1g iPpY Z91 $91 Be Ses ie ae ey puny qsanbag suaaag Shh Shh Du Ov ha mrress agay Arunuef [iv aouvyeg SULODUY SJUIUSOAUT Aoedo'] uoysuraseg ‘f\y—puny ysnay, oF 182 Poatooos suonVUOg £16'S Tb's 81567 £26'CE pore eeer eee e sere s 6g 67 JaquuadaC, [Ew aUn[nE, == = ZER'T 671% Sears rts SEY ORIES uLID AST) * slaquosqngs OLB'E Gree reeeeeseees QIngipuadxa JAA0 AUIODUT JO S899XA PPY 180'¢ THES a, suondtosqng 'sr9quayy ZOL'SZ 8LS'6Z terereeeeeeoereessseres aReT ALONUBS [3B DOUBlUE podtaoos suondrosqns puny [essuey AINOONI o/ F op u ap x 8861 6861 8801 6861 6861 49qGtU990q [£18 SB 994g doULTeEg AMD Ss opouosg ws 6861 29QWI900q [Ee PapUS awd OY) JOJ SHUNODOY oaN);puodx| puv ewoouy ania Se oromoso weg a The Chairman’s Address 116 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) his chairmanship he omitted the annual address, hardly surprisingly, as World War 2 put a stop to almost all ornithological exploration and publications were much reduced, but it is greatly to be regretted that his successors did not resume giving annual addresses when the war ended. It is not now practicable to give an address to cover the chief orni- thological events of the past year but there are other worthwhile matters and I shall speak this evening on progress of the Club in the last 50 years. At this point I must express my gratitude to P. A. D. Hollom and Dr J. F. Monk for information which they have given me about some of the events in this period. In 1980 I contributed to the Bulletin “‘A short history of the Club and its Bulletin’ (100: 4-13), but that was predominantly on the early part of the Club’s existence, as the more recent period seemed likely to be covered by other contributions to that number. In 1938 the Club’s year began on 1 September, as had been customary; a meeting was held every month from October to June but the meeting in March each year was, as was usual, combined with the Annual Dinner of the British Ornithologists’ Union, a meal of 6 courses held at the Rembrandt Hotel, the company in evening dress, presided over by the Union President. After dinner they proceeded to the Royal Geographical Society for a programme of films and slides, at which the Club Chairman presided. As the Union, not the Club, was the essential part of such meetings, I have excluded altogether joint meetings with the Union in counting the numbers attending Club meetings each year. In 1938, Club meetings were held in a room at the Rembrandt Hotel, conveniently close to the Natural History Museum, where members requiring access to skins were made welcome earlier in the day; the Club’s scientific business followed a dinner. ‘The numbers of those attending the 8 meetings held by the Club alone were some 300 mem- bers and 80 guests. The U.K. membership was 146 and many or most of the 30-40 members attending meetings did so with considerable regularity; apart from this hard core and a few semi-regulars, the number of members attending was probably very small. The Bulletin reported what was exhibited, formally announced or described at meet- ings, rather than what was actually said in discussion, thus giving an unduly dusty impression of meetings, which could be quite lively: Jourdain was not nicknamed Pastor pugnax for nothing! ‘These formal announcements and descriptions (which included taxonomic contri- butions sent by members who were not present), were essentially of skins and eggs exhibited, new forms described and birds recorded on overseas travels. Members included a number of active field ornithol- ogists but there were still many who had their own collections of skins or eggs or of both. Probably no more than 20 members were employed professionally in ornithology, half of them resident outside Britain. There was still one member, W. L. Sclater, who had attended the meeting in 1892 at which the Club was inaugurated and came to most of the 1938 meetings. It is easiest to cover the time since then in periods of unequal length. In the wartime years 1939-45 meetings were held from time to time, but in The Chairman’s Address 117 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) the middle of the day because of the blackout and with small attendances. Membership fell to 123 in 1944, a drop of only 27%, but leniency must have been shown to those unable to pay their subscriptions, as Japanese and those resident in continental Europe retained their membership. There were only 5 issues a year of the Bulletin and C. H. B. Grant & C. W. Mackworth-Praed supplied much of the content with taxonomic notes on African birds. From 1945 to soon after 1960 membership rose gradually reaching 257 in 1961. Meetings were now normally held 9 times a year, though one— sometimes 2—of them were held jointly with the BOU, and from 1946 to 1964 annual attendances were almost up to those of the 1930s, varying between 232 in 1959 and 378 in 1952. With the Bulletin, progress was not so smooth. In 1945-1946 the number of issues was back to 9, the next year it was 7 but with the same total number of pages, which was much below that of the 1930s. In 1947 Capt. C. H. B. Grant, who had been Editor 1935-1940, returned for another term, immediately following 6 years as editor of Ibis. It was decided that year, for reasons which were not recorded, to transfer the printing of the Bulletin from Taylor & Francis to H. F. & G. Witherby in mid-1948. As the reasons for the troubled history of the Bulletin in the next 5 years are not obvious, I am going into more detail than I would otherwise have done. In 1947— 1948 there were 9 issues with rather more pages than pre- war and the Treasurer reported that the cost of its production had greatly increased, partly because of the considerable expense of the many photo- graphs and drawings. In October 1948 Capt. Grant was authorized to spend £20 ‘“‘on each Bulletin’. The next month the Committee, having received criticism of the accounts from C. N. Walter, decided to review the financial position at short intervals and noted that they had failed to allow in their budget for the cost of the Bulletin preface and index, also £20. The Club year 1948-1949 was extended by 4 months, so that subse- quently it would be the same as the calendar year, and there were 12 Bulletin numbers published, the total number of pages being midway between that of the 2 previous years. In her Report, the Treasurer, Miss E. P. Leach, who was resigning because of the pressure of other work, reported that a reduction in the cost of the Bulletin had been effected. Her successor, elected in January 1950, was C. N. Walter. In June 1950 he forecast a deficit of £100 that year and it was decided by the Committee to cease publication of the annual Index of Scientific Names and to publish the List of Members only every fifth year; in October it agreed to ‘“Economy in the Bulletin’. The printing costs per page had risen from 22/— (£1.10) in 1948 to 45/— (£2.25) in 1950. The Bulletin that year was the smallest ever, with the sole exception of 1945, and the economies, together with successful promotion of sales of back numbers, had the desired result of producing a financial surplus for the year. On the suggestion of the Chairman, the Committee put to the AGM in April 1951 that the Bulletin should be improved by issuing it 3 times a year and to cease publishing the names of those attending meetings. The latter was approved at the AGM, but the former referred back to the Committee, the Treasurer reporting that provision had been made for an The Chairman’s Address 118 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) extra 17 pages in the Bulletin in 1951. When in October that year the Committee next met, it was decided not to reduce the number of Bulle- tin issues to 3 a year and the Editor was asked to increase the size of the 2 numbers still to be published that year, though how he was to do it in the time was not explained and, in the event, 5 fewer pages were pub- lished in 1951 than in 1950. It was also decided to increase advertise- ment of the Bulletin. In its report for 1951, the Committee explained that there had been a considerable shortage in communications received that year. At the Committee meeting in January 1952 it was pointed out that the small size of the Bulletin would prejudice attempts to increase its circulation and it was decided to increase its size (to 10— 12 pages an issue) by returning to the practice of reporting proceedings at meetings more fully and to obtain outside communications. Captain Grant retired as Editor in April 1952 on completion of his 5 year term of office and was ineligible for re-election. His term then as Editor had coincided with bitter controversy over meeting places as well as finance and, in considering his unwillingness to increase readily the size of the Bulletin, it should be borne in mind that he had previously been criti- cized for accepting papers too readily for publication in /dzs in the later part of his time as its Editor. The campaigns to increase sales of Bulle- tin back numbers and of current issues succeeded so well that the annual membership subscription could be held until 1962 at the pre- war rate of £1-1/— (£1.05). Dr J. G. Harrison succeeded Captain Grant as Editor in 1952. Faced with the need to increase the size of the Bulletin with material of a high standard, he had to solicit papers and his energies produced sufficient suitable content that year for a Bulletin almost double the size of 1951; by 1956 he had a 5-month waiting list and was allowed a Bulletin of similar size to that of the 1930s. He was specially re-elected in 1957 for a second term of 5 years; he and N. J. P. Wadley, Secretary, both served for 10 years and Walter, as Treasurer, for 12 years. In 1953 the printing and distribution of the Bulletin were transferred from Witherbys to Caxton & Holmsdale Press, because Witherbys were unwilling to continue distri- buting it; the change, however, did result in a saving in cost. In 1960 publication of the Annual Index of Scientific Names in the Bulletin was resumed after a gap of 10 years and an Index covering the missing years 1950-1959 was compiled by Miss Frances E. Duckett (now Mrs Warr) and published. The 1960s saw another Treasurer (P. Tate) elected, who held office for 12 years, and an Editor (J. J. Yealland) who did so for 7 years, but there were 5 Secretaries, pressures of other work forcing a series of changes. ‘The number of members and size of Bulletin were maintained but, per- haps due to inflation by then biting harder and to difficulties with restaurants, attendances at meetings plummeted and by 1969 the annual total was down to little more than for a wartime year. In 1965 and 1968 the Committee considered the strategies of the Club; the changes agreed were to move from the Rembrandt Hotel, have buffet suppers at some meetings instead of dinners and to publish the Bulletin in alternate months throughout the year. Also, from 1970, meetings were reduced to 6 a year. Suppers were held at the Clarence Hotel, Dover Street in November 1965 The Chairman’s Address 119 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) and January 1966 but were not considered worth repeating there. Dinners at the Rembrandt (or, if not available, the Reubens) continued until April 1969. Apart from one meeting at the “‘Phoenix’’, Palace Street, SW1, they were then held at the Criterion in Piccadilly Circus (or, when unavailable, the Cafe Royal). In 1971 the new Chairman was Sir Hugh Elliott; particularly energetic, he found time to attend to a number of exceptional tasks which arose during his term of office and were of considerable importance to the Club. From that year total annual attendances rose, although it was not for 15 years that they were similar to those of the 1950s. The reputation of C. W. Benson, Editor 1969-1974 ensured that there were more than ample papers of a high scientific standard for the Bulletin, as was the case with his successors, Sir Hugh Elliott and Dr J. F. Monk. The Bulletin has tended to reflect the subjects of particular concern to the Editor, which were wildfowl with Dr Harrison and Africa with Benson; but under Sir Hugh Elliott and Dr Monk it has widened its scope, particularly regard- ing field ornithology and historical papers. The special issue for the 100th volume of the Bulletin in March 1980 contained worldwide zoological reviews, valuable for their references as well as for their textual content, and reminiscences of the Club by several notable members, which continue to make interesting reading. By 1975 inflation had become serious and a price rise of about 50% at the Cafe Royal resulted in our last meeting there being in May 1975. After that some meetings, preceded by dinner, were held at Imperial College and some at the “‘Goat’’, Stafford Street, Mayfair which was cheaper but could not hold more than 25-30, even with a squeeze. By July 1979 numbers were good enough for all meetings to be held at Imperial College and we have remained there since, with a single exception in 1986, when we tried a restaurant in Holborn. Until we left the Cafe Royal, the charge for dinner was collected by the restaurant from those present; since then caterers have sent the bill to the Club and officers have had to collect the charge from those who booked to come, which has inevitably meant appreciable extra work. ‘To meet the ever-increasing costs of publication of the Bulletin, it was necessary to increase the members’ subscriptions 4 times from 1963 to 1979, but the Club’s finances took an immediate turn for the better in 1981, when there was a surplus of income over expenditure of £2,441, against £242 the year before. This improvement arose predominantly from increased membership, more non-member subscriptions to the Bulletin and from greater sales of Bulletin back numbers, as a result of the despatch of many publicity leaflets as inserts in other journals and by direct mail. In 1986 it was decided to investigate whether reductions in the cost of printing and distributing the Bulletin could be obtained. Specifications of what was required were prepared and tenders obtained, as a result of which the change was made to Henry Ling at the beginning of 1988 at an appreciable saving to the Club. It has always been the practice for the Club to have speakers not likely to be available for local societies and, anyhow from 1971, the aim has been to have one-third speaking on an overseas subject, one-third on a home subject and one-third on a more general subject. From 1978 extra The Chairman’s Address 120 Bull. B-O.C. 1990 110(3) meetings have been held for eminent speakers not otherwise available, in particular those from overseas on brief visits to this country. In the last 2 years it has been the policy of the Committee to hold more meetings, because much increased attendances have shown the demand from members for them. The move of the Bird Room to Tring some 20 years ago has greatly reduced contact with those working in it; no skins nor eggs have been shown at a meeting for over 10 years but their circulation at meetings had diminished by 1950, because the membership had been changing from people concerned with skins and taxonomy to those primarily inter- ested in fieldwork and, by then, few of those attending were interested in collecting. We still meet in South Kensington—not now in the Rembrandt Hotel but in the no less congenial surroundings of Imperial College. The period 1978-1989 has been one in which the 3 executive officers, the Editor (Dr J. F. Monk), the Treasurer (Mrs D. M. Bradley) and the Secretary (myself), all held office unchanged. The continuing work of increasing our income, especially in the ways described earlier, and care- ful economy in Bulletin costs, have meant that it has been possible, despite severe inflation, to avoid any rise in the members’ subscription since 1979 and to add considerably to both the circulation and the size of the Bulletin. As the purpose of the Club is to disseminate knowledge of scientific ornithology, this has been gratifying. How do we stand now compared with 1938? The membership sub- scription is up from £1-1/— (£1.05) to £5.50. There was a surplus of income over expenditure in both 1938 and 1989 and the reserve up from £796 to £33,335, a rise of 97% in terms of Retail Prices, the Index of which rose 21.2 times in the period. The List of Members, with addresses, is published again after a long gap and is particularly useful, as no list of BOU members is now published. At the end of 1989, member- ship was up from 169 (UK 146, overseas 23) in 1938 to 621 (UK 396, overseas 225). Bulletin subscribers, around 30 in 1938, had risen to 142, of which all but 18 were overseas. Attendances at meetings in 1989 at 410 were 37 up on 1938, but that disguises the facts that those of members were 49 down at 249 and of guests 76 up at 161. There have been two notable benefactions in the half-century, namely the bequests to the Club of F. J. F. Barrington in 1956 of £1000 and of Herbert Stevens in 1964, subject to trusts which have now expired, of his home at Tring. We are profoundly grateful to them. In other words, in the last half century the numbers of both members and of non-member subscribers to the Bulletin have risen well, but the notable increases in both have come from overseas. Meetings have changed from the coterie of pre-war days, attending often, to somewhat smaller attendances of members who, however, bring almost double the number of guests that used to come. The repute of the Bulletin has grown greatly and most members now belong solely because of it. The period has closed with finances in a very satisfactory state. Club Notes 121 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Appendix. Number of paid-up members at the end of the Club’s years 1938-1989 1938 169 1948 158 1958 244 1968 270 1978 301 1988 578 1939 169 1949 172 1959 247 1969 270 1979 309 1989 621 1940 153 1950 174 1960 250 1970 = 263 1980 342 1941 144 1951 183 1961 257 1971 229 1981 394 1942 137 1952. - 191 1962 246 1972" 4215 1982 399 1943 130 1953 199 1963 250 1973 233 1983 396 1944 124 1954 199 1964 243 1974 243 1984 410 1945 127 1955" 196 1965 249 1975). 252 1985 459 1946 §=133 1956 216 1966 248 1976 274 1986 566 1947 149 1957 243 1967 247 1977 293 1987 570 Note. Where Club records give differing figures, the one judged probably most true has been taken. Mr J. E. Cooper FRCVS sent the following summary of his talk to the Club on 29 May 1990 on ‘Birds and Diseases’ :- Birds, like other animals, are susceptible to many diseases. In the broadest sense these include injuries, poisoning and developmental abnormalities as well as conditions due to micro-organisms and parasites. It is important to remember that birds may harbour patho- genic organisms without necessarily showing signs of ill-health. For example, a bird may be infected with Salmonella bacteria (the organisms being present in the intestine and detectable in faecal samples) but not necessarily diseased. Under other circumstances a bird may be both infected with Salmonella and show clinical signs of salmonellosis. Relatively little is known of the relevance of disease in free-living birds but there is increasing evidence that micro-organisms and parasites may play a role in threatened populations, especially when this is coupled with other factors such as a high inbreeding coefficient and exposure to pesticides and habitat destruction. These aspects are discussed in detail in ICBP Technical Publication number 10 (“‘Disease and Threatened Birds’’), published in 1989. ““Zoonoses”’ are defined by the World Health Organization as ‘Those infections and diseases which are naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals and man’’. A number of diseases of birds fall into this category: the organisms involved range from viruses and bacteria to helminths (worms) and ticks. Examples of zoonoses of avian origin include salmonellosis, chlamydiosis (“‘psittacosis’’), histoplasmosis and equine encephalitis. Other diseases eg. aspergillosis, are only rarely transmissible from bird to human, but both species are susceptible to the causal organism and birds may help to maintain this in the environment. Zoonoses can best be tackled by: (a) awareness of the problem; (b) minimising contact between humans and possible sources of infection; (c) practising hygienic precautions when contact is inavoidable; and (d) (in certain cases) prophylactic vaccination. Much remains to be learned about diseases of birds and their significance. There is a need for much closer collaboration between the veterinary profession, field biologists and amateur ornithologists. The seven hundred and ninety-ninth meeting of the Club was held in the Senior Common Room, Imperial College, on Tuesday 19 June 1990 at 7pm. 29 members and 19 guests attended. Members attending were: R. E. F. PEaL (Chairman), Dr MARGARET CARSWELL (Speaker), M. A. Apcock, Dr J. S. Aso, Miss H. Baker, P. J. BELMan, K. Betron, P. Butt, D. R. CaLper, Cdr. M. B. CasEMENT, RN, I. C. Couns, S. J. FARNSworTH, Revd. T. W. GLADWIN, D. GRIFFIN, K. W. HENSHALL, R. KETTLE, Dr P. Lack, Revd. G. K. McCu.ttocu, Dr J. F. Monk, A. G. Moore, Mrs A. M. Moore, R. Morgan, Dr D. E. Pomeroy, V. J. SAwLE, Dr R. C. Ser, R. E. SHaRLAND, N. J. SKINNER, N. H. F. Stone, Dr A. Tye. Guests attending were: Mrs B. Apcock, R. ALLEN, Mrs J. W. Asu, Miss E. CarsweELt, Mrs J. B. CALDER, J. CHapPEL, Mrs P. Cuappe., Miss C. Dranzoa, Mrs F. FARNSWORTH, Club Notes 122 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Mrs S. GRIFFIN, Ms K. Horr, Mrs B. Ho_comse, A. J. HoLcomse, Mrs N. LIDDELL, Mrs I. McCuttocu, P. J. Moore, Mrs E. PEaL, Miss D. RipGELy, Mrs H. Tye. After supper Dr Margaret Carswell gave a talk on ‘““The Uganda Atlas of Birds’’. She described the preparation of the atlas of East African birds and then spoke on the historical background and early workers in ornithology in Uganda. Dr Carswell went on to describe the preparation of the Uganda atlas in particular and how this had shown the changes of distribution of certain species over the years. The eight hundredth meeting of the Club was celebrated on Tuesday, 10 July 1990 with a dinner in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 at 7 pm. R. E. F. Peat was in the Chair and the Speaker was the Earl of Cranbrook, DL, PhD. 41 members and 35 guests attended. Guests of the Club present were: Dr and Mrs D. W. SNow, Mr and Mrs R. P. Howarp, Dr J. J. D. GREENWoop, I. PrestT, Dr and Mrs C. M. Perrins, Mr and Mrs A. Warr. Members present were: M. A. Apcock, G. ALLPORT, Miss H. Baker, P. J. BELMAN, J. BoswaLt, Mrs D. M. Braptey, P. J. BuLL, D. R. CaLpEer, Cdr M. B. CasEMENT, RN, I. D. Cottins, P. J. Conper, Dr R. A. F. Cox, E. C. Dickinson, J. H. ELcoop, S. J. FARNSWORTH, A. Gipss, Revd T. W. GLADWIN, D. GRIFFIN, C. HELM, K. W. HENSHALL, R. Ketrtve, D. S. MELVILLE, Dr J. F. Monk, Mrs A. M. Moore, R. G. Morcan, Mrs M. MULLER, P. J. OLIVER, J. G. PARKER, R. C. Price, A. J. RANDALL, Dr R. C. SELF, R. Scott, N.H. F. Stone, K. V. THompson, C. E. WHEELER. ’ Guests present were: Mrs B. Apcock, Mrs S. ALLPorRT, J. AITCHESON, Mrs G. BONHAM, Mrs P. Boswatt, Mr R. Boswa.t, Dr J. D. BrapLEy, D. Brooks, Mrs W. Brooks, Mrs J. CaLperR, Mrs F. FARNSworTH, A. GAMMELL, Mrs J. M. GLapwin, D. Gorpon, Mrs S. GRIFFIN, Ms B. HammMonp, Dr D. HILt, Ms K. Horr, Dr D. MILNE, Mrs D. Monk, P. J. Moore, C. A. MuLLER, Dr R. O. Oapbes, Mrs E. Peat, Dr M. Petch, Dr M. PIENKowskKI, R. Ranrt, Mrs A. Scott, Mrs S. Stone, D. A. Stroup. The Loyal Toast was followed by a toast, proposed by the Chairman, to the memory of Frederick James Fitzmaurice Barrington and Herbert Stevens—Benefactors of the Club. The Chairman spoke of two previous century meetings. In its 97 years of existence the Club has usually held nine meetings a year. Consequently the last century meeting, the 700th, had been held in 1977 when the subject was African Ornithology with Professor J. H. Elgood in the Chair. On the occasion of the 100th meeting of the Club in 1903 following an address by the Chairman, P. L. Sclater, on Current Ornithology, 9 members exhibited skins of 32 taxa and they described 3 new genera, 17 new species and 12 new subspecies. The Chairman said that the Club continues to be concerned with taxonomy and nomenclature, although at present English names are causing controversy, and he told a cautionary tale of the confusion which can arise even when scientific names are used. He introduced the speaker, the Earl of Cranbrook, Chairman of the Environmental Sub-Committee of the House of Lords on European Communities. Lord Cranbrook’s address was entitled ‘‘Development of Habitat and Species Protection in the European Community’’. An abstract will be published in the December Bulletin. The eight hundred and first meeting of the Club took place on Tuesday, 24 July 1990 in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 at 7 pm. 19 Members and 10 Guests attended. Members present were: R. E. F. PEaL (Chairman), M. A. Apcock, Miss H. Baker, P. J. BELMan, Mrs D. M. Brab.ey, Cdr M. B. CaseMENT, RN, I. D. CoLtins, P. J. CONDER, S. J. FARNsSwortTH, D. FisHer, A. Gipps, Revd T. W. GLapwin, D. GRIFFIN, R. KETTLE, Mrs A. M. Moore, R. Morcan, A. J. RANDALL, Dr R. C. SELF, V. SAWLE. Guests present were: Dr D. PEaKaLL (Speaker), Mrs B. Apcockx, Miss S. Apcock, D. Brooks, A. McCorp, Dr J. BrapLey, Mrs F. FarNswortH, Mrs J. M. GLapwin, P. J. Moors, Ms K. Horr. After supper Dr David Peakall gave the address ‘‘Peregrines and D.D.T.—A Toxicologi- cal Detective Story’’. He described how the early work showing evidence of a decline in the population of the Peregrine in Britain had been demonstrated to be linked to the thinning of L. Marcondes-Machado & E. Filho 123 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) the eggshell, an effect which had been subsequently found to be almost worldwide. Further studies correlated this with the pesticide residue in the environment and experiments with captive populations in Canada and the States revealed that the absorption of D.D.E. caused a deficiency of calcium metabolism in this species. The Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber in southeastern Brazil by L. O. Marcondes-Machado and E. L. A. Monteiro Filho Received 25 October 1989 The original distribution of the Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber ranged from northern South America (Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, Surinam and occasionally Trinidad), in the mangroves along the Brazilian coast south to the State of Santa Catarina (c. 28°S) (Sick 1984). Currently, however, the Scarlet Ibis is considered to be restricted to only the northern South American Atlantic coast (Pinto 1978, Sick 1984), apart from 3 specimens recorded from Paranagua Bay (c. 25°29'S) (Parana State) by P. Scherer in 1977 (Teixeira & Best 1981) and occasional occurrences recorded by local people in 1986 in the estuarine system of Santos Bay (Sao Paulo State) (Bokermann & Guix 1986). Scarlet Ibis usually inhabit mangroves on coastlines (ffrench & Haverschmidt 1970, Spaans 1982, Sick 1984), but Zahl (1950) studied one population on a river bank in Venezuela, where they may feed and nest in association with other bird species away from mangroves. The aim of this paper is to provide more details on the rediscovery of the Scarlet Ibis in southeastern Brazil and to emphasize the possible danger to which this population is exposed by local industry’s huge pollution discharge, first reported by Marcondes-Machado & Monteiro Filho (1989) in order to alert the authorities involved. Study area Scarlet Ibis were observed in the inland area of the Santos Bay estu- arine system (Fig. 1) at the confluence of the Oncas and Quilombo rivers (23°53’'S, 46°21'W). The site is bounded to the north and northwest by factories of the industrial complex of Cubatao (COSIPA, Ultrafertil), to the northeast and east by the Vale do Quilombo and Serra do Mar, to the south by a small chain of hills up to 300 m elevation, and to the west by the waterway (Santos Channel). The climate here is humid tropical (Santos 1965), characterized as warm and rainy without a true dry season. Mangroves, dominated by Rhizophora mangle, cover the area and at low tides some banked beaches are exposed. During a survey of its vertebrate land fauna (with the intention of possibly reintroducing some species), the area has been visited on 2 days each month since May 1988. Observations of Scarlet Ibis were made from L. Marcondes-Machado & E. Filho 124 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) 46°23’ 2I’ 19’ Cubatao 23°5I’ Cubatao ey a i Santee EZ il Figure |. The estuarine system of Santos, SP, Brazil. The circle indicates the area in which feeding, roosting and nest building of the Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber took place. The dotted area represents the mangroves. the shore or from a small boat. We recorded the number of birds, their spacial distribution, and the presence of nests and their characteristics, but avoided close inspection of the nests to minimize disturbance. We also obtained some information from the boatman, who has lived in the region for many years. Observations On 23 and 24 January 1989, between 15.30 and 17.00, from the work- site at COSIPA we observed unidentified red birds, presumably Scarlet Ibis, flying between the Santos Channel and Santos ‘Town. The group, initially estimated at 100 individuals, flying mainly in a long line (we did not see any V formations reported by ffrench & Haverschmidt 1970) descended towards the Quilombo river area. Then on 7 March we clearly identified 20 Scarlet Ibis flying towards the Ongas river. Later the same day, at low tide, when some mud banks with crabs (Sesarma sp. and Uca sp.) were exposed, there were 27 Scarlet Ibis feeding among R. mangle roots and c. 60 others feeding on the mud, near the water. Snowy Egrets Egretta thula, Little Blue Heron Florida caerulea and Roseate Spoonbills Ajaia aqjaqja were also seen on the mud banks. As we approached closer, the Scarlet Ibis flew off in groups of 30—40 to other mud banks of the Ongas river. At high tide, these birds rested on the mangroves, together with Yellow-Crowned Night-Herons Nyctanassa violacea, always along the river margin, the great majority on the middle layer of the trees, only a few elsewhere. Whenever disturbed, the Scarlet Ibis flew away some distance, but never outside the circumscribed area shown in Fig. 1. L. Marcondes-Machado & E. Filho 125 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) On the margin of the Quilombo river, we saw the beginning of a prob- able Scarlet Ibis nesting colony; there were 2 pairs, with one nest under construction and the other with a sitting female, probably incubating. Both nests were typical (ffrench & Haverschmidt 1970), 4m above high tide mark and built of wet mangrove twigs in forks in the branches. Even at low tide, the trees were still in water. The nest is round, c. 30cm in external diameter and c. 15 cm deep externally. We did not examine the interior of the nests in order to avoid disturbance. The nests were well sited against both land and water predators, amongst which we had seen the otter Lutra longicaudis. On the northern South America coastal mangroves, breeding occurs after the rainy season (ffrench & Haverschmidt 1970, Sick 1984), while on the inland rivers of Venezuela, Scarlet Ibis breed in the rainy season (Zahl 1950). However, in the estuarine system of Santos any relationship between breeding season and rainfall needs longterm observation, because there is no true dry season. Since Scarlet Ibis have been seen by our boatman, Pedro Godoy Filho, in this region for c. 18 months and are now found to be constructing nests, their presence is likely to be permanent, not opportunistic as suggested by Bokermann & Guix (1986). Conservation The reappearance of the Scarlet Ibis in the region of Santos as a breed- ing bird is important because it may indicate the start of a new coloniz- ation of southeastern Brazil by this species, and also by other birds such as the Roseate Spoonbill. However, the successful establishment of new breeding colonies of birds and other animals in this area is at risk from the human population inhabiting adjacent mangroves, and particularly by the destruction of the mangroves for industry and human settlements. Predation of eggs is another factor, but perhaps the greatest threat is from pollution. ‘Tommasi (1985a, b) has reported high levels of mercury and pesticide residues in the water and in the sediments of the Santos Channel, close to the Quilombo river’s mouth. These poisons may then enter the food chain of the Scarlet Ibis via crabs, and endanger, at least, the birds chances of reproduction. Thus, we believe that, in spite of the apparent healthy appearance of this mangrove environment at present, it is essential to monitor the pollution level of the area regularly. Although Vale do Quilombo is a State Reservation, it really needs national recognition. Acknowledgements Weacknowledge with our best thanks: Agripino Ferraz (‘‘Pipa’’), for logistic and field work support; our boatman Pedro Godoy Filho for information, for his skill and for his conscien- tious support for conservation; Karin D. Kempers, Sérgio F. dos Reis, Jacques Vielliard, Augusto S. Abe and Jussara F. C. Melo for reading the manuscript and making sugges- tions; Dorath P. Uch6éa and Gisela Y. Schimizu, for inviting us to participate in the project ‘“‘Archaeological, Ecological and historical preservation of the Casqueirinho Island, COSIPA, Cubatao, SP, Brazil’’ (agreement COSIPA/IPH-USP). References: Bokermann, W. C. A. & Guix, J. C. C. 1986. Reaparecimento do guara, Eudocimus ruber no litoral de Sao Paulo. IT Enc. Nac. de Anilh. Aves : 206-207. B.C. Sheldon & 7. W. Duckworth 126 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) ffrench, R. P. & Haverschmidt, F. 1970. The Scarlet Ibis in Surinam and Trinidad. The Living Bird 9: 147-165. Marcondes-Machado, L. O. & Monteiro Filho, E. L. A. (1989). Nota sobre a presenga dos guaras, Eudocimus ruber (Linne, 1758) (Threskiornithidae; Aves), no litoral de Sao Paulo. Alerta para sua protegao. Cién. Cult. 41(12): 1213-1214. Pinto, O. M. O. 1978. Novo Catalogo das Aves do Brasil. Primeira Parte: 34-35. Santos, E. O. 1965. Caracteristicas Climaticas. In: A Baixada Santista: 95-150. Univ. Sao Paulo. Sick, H. 1984. Ornitologia Brasileira Vol. 1: 178-181. Univ. Brasilia. Spaans, A. L. 1982. Present status of some colonial waterbirds species in Surinam, South America. 7. Field Ornithol. 53(3): 269-272. ‘Teixeira, D. M. & Best, R. C. 1981. Adendas a ornitologia do Territorio Federal do Amapa. Bol. Mus. Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Zoologica 104: 1—25. Tommasi, L. R. 1985a. Poluigao por mercurio na agua e sedimento de fundo da Baia e Estuario de Santos e de Sao Vicente (SP). Cién. Cult. 37(6): 996-1001. ‘Tommasi, L. R. 1985b. Residuos de praguicidas em aguas e sadimento de fundo do sistema estuarino de Santos (SP). Czén. Cult. 37(6): 1001-1012. Zahl, P. A. 1950. Search for the Scarlet Ibisin Venezuela. Natl. Geogr. Mag. 97(5): 633-661. Address: L. O. Marcondes-Machado & E. L. A. Monteiro Filho, Departamento de Zoologica do Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CP 6109, Campinas—13.081, SP. Brazil. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Rediscovery of the Madagascar Serpent-eagle Eutriorchis astur by B.C. Sheldon & F. W. Duckworth Received 28 December 1989 The Madagascar Serpent-eagle Eutriorchis astur is known only from the rainforests of eastern Madagascar, where it is considered a highly endangered species. Ferguson-Lees et al. (in press) give a total of 11 museum specimens, from 7 specific sites in 4 main areas (of which 5 sites in 3 areas still exist: Langrand 1989). These range from Maroantsetra, at 15°S in the Baie d’Antongil, south to the type locality, Ampasimaneva, at 19°24’S, a distance of 440 km. All the specimens were collected between “about 1874” and 1930; apart from 4—5 reports by a forestry official of a bird answering the species’ description in the Marojejy Reserve north- west of Andapa (north of Maroantsetra) during 1964-77 (see Collar & Stuart 1985), there had been no conclusive evidence of the species’ survival for over 50 years and, on CITES criteria, it could have been considered extinct With the realization that more rainforest survives in Madagascar than was believed 10 years ago (N. J. Collar), interest in rediscovering this species has been intense. However, its rediscovery has been complicated by the very few, and brief, published descriptions of the species, and its similarity to Henst’s Goshawk Accipiter henstitz. On this latter point, Collar & Stuart (1985) noted one specimen that had originally been labelled A. henstii, and one of the 2 recently discovered specimens in B.C. Sheldon & 7. W. Duckworth 127 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard (MCZ), was also first identified as A. henstii (N. J. Collar). From August to October 1988, 7 observers surveyed the Marojejy Reserve for birds and mammals. Henst’s Goshawk was found to be wide- spread and regularly seen (1—2 recorded on 22 days at 4 different sites: Safford & Duckworth 1990). Then, on 23 September, at Antsahaberoaka (14°21’S, 49°38’E), an area of typical mid-altitude rainforest at 850—900 m, much further into the reserve than villagers normally penetrate, B.C.S. noticed a large raptor perched below the canopy, and spent about 20 minutes compiling a description before fetching J.W.D. for a further 5 minutes viewing. Several Madagascar Crested Drongos Dicrurus forficatus then began mobbing the bird and it flew across a river. Despite much searching, it was not seen again. Field observations The following description is a distillation of our independent notes, taken as the bird was watched at ranges of 10—20m, in good light, at a variety of angles from below, usually largely unobscured, with 10 x binoculars. The descriptions agreed with each other in all features except in the subjective assessment of leg length. Interestingly the probable serpent-eagles reported by the forestry official in Marojejy were described as “‘relatively fearless’ (Collar & Stuart 1985), which could certainly be applied to the bird that we saw. Structure A rather large raptor of medium build, probably similar in body size to the Madagascar Buzzard Buteo brachypterus, but this was difficult to judge. Head well proportioned, not ‘fierce’-looking and very reminiscent of the Crested Serpent-eagle Spilornis cheela (with which J.W.D. was already familiar). Weakly developed supra-orbital ridge (weaker than on B. brachypterus). Cheeks ‘puffy’-looking, being when face-on the broadest part of the head. Loose, ‘hairy’-looking feathering around the bill. Rear crown and nape feathers about twice the length of those adjacent, giving an elongated appearance to the head, rather than a crest. Bill structure striking. Upper mandible large, bulging and heavily curved. Cutting edge straight and without irregularities until dropping sharply to hook at tip. No obvious cere, but possibly some greyish skin between the bill and lores. Wings short and rounded, barely extending on to the tail at rest, the tips not meeting. Tail long, much longer than on B. brachypterus, seemingly square-ended. Legs robust and rather long (J.W.D.) or of medium length (B.C.S.) with prominent claws; feathering extended to the tibio-tarsal joint. Exposed tarsi showed an unusual knobbly or rough appearance. Plumage Upperparts mostly dirty grey-brown; carpal feathering conspicuously paler. Nape to rear crown barred blackish-brown, including the elongated feathers. Similar bars over eyes and on ear-coverts. Some nape and rear B.C. Sheldon & F.W. Duckworth 128 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) crown feathers tipped whitish, without forming either bars or a white occipital patch. Remiges heavily barred on uppersides; 6—7 exposed dark bars on primaries. Greater coverts more narrowly barred. Tail of similar colour to upperparts with 6 well demarcated, evenly spaced broad dark bars, one masked by the wingtips; no light or dark terminal bar; each dark tail-bar narrowly bordered paler. Underparts whitish, thickly barred dark from throat to undertail-coverts, these bars being half to one third of the width of the tail-bars, rather thinner on the undertail-coverts. Bare parts Legs dirty yellow, toes possibly brighter. Iris bright yellow. Bill dark greyish-horn. Behaviour ‘The bird mainly perched on large branches below the canopy, slowly scanning the ground below. It changed perch every 1—2 minutes, although seemingly oblivious to our presence, moving less than 20m every time, with easy, fluid flight. Discussion At the time neither of us had seen a specimen of E. astur so we were unbiased in composing descriptions. Because the bird offered such pro- longed, unobscured, close views, B.C.S. in particular was able to recheck each point. Immature A. henstii (like the Northern Goshawk A. gentilis) has streaked underparts, rather than the even transverse barring of adult A. henstii and Eutriorchis. We have studied the EF. astur type (and only) specimen and the 6 (3 adult, 3 immature) skins of A. hensti in the British Museum of Natural History (BMNH), and seen photographs of the 2 specimens in MCZ, and believe that adult A. henstii can be ruled out on these points (roughly in order of importance): 1. Lack of irregularities on the upper mandible cutting edge. A. henstit has a very prominent ‘tooth’ here. 2. Dark upperwing, covert and nape-barring; this is absent from A. henstit. 3. The elongated crown-feathers, giving a long-headed appearance, which immediately reminded J.W.D. of S. cheela. This did not, in fact, resemble the hooded appearance depicted in Sharpe (1875), though in the text Sharpe stresses the similarity between Eutriorchis and Spilornis in “fullness and form of crest’’. A. henstii has no such elongation. 4. Lack of a prominent supra-orbital ridge, giving a facial character totally dissimilar to that of an Accipiter. 5. Pale carpal feathering. This is prominant on the BMNH E. astur specimen, but not shown by any of the A. henstii specimens. 6. Dark bars on the tail. A. henstii tends to have poorly demarcated, broadly U-shaped tail-bars, while the E. astur specimen has them parallel- sided, giving more regular bands across the tail. Only one Henst’s Goshawk showed any traces of pale margins to these bars which are comparatively prominent on E. astur. B.C. Sheldon & 7. W. Duckworth 129 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) 7. Tarsal scutellation. E. astur has large scales giving a rough appear- ance to the tarsi; A. henstii has much smaller scales giving a smooth appearance. 8. Feather structure around bill. A. henstii has limited bristle-like feathering around the bill; it is much more extensive on E. astur. 9. Barring on the underparts. This is fine on A. henstiz but broader on the E. astur type. The Marojejy bird closely resembled the type in this respect. 10. The Marojejy bird either lacked or had a very inconspicuous cere; A. henstii has a very prominent cere. The bird seen at Marojejy agreed with the E. astur type in all these 10 features separating the 2 species. Many of these differences are absolute, including such gross plumage features as heavily barred upperparts. A draft of this paper was sent to I. J. Ferguson-Lees, who discussed it over the skins at BMNH with Carl Edelstam and K. H. E. Franklin. Edelstam is in the probably unique position of having examined in detail all the known 11 museum specimens of Eutriorchis, and Franklin has painted the plate of this species in Ferguson-Lees et al. (in press). All 3 found the combination of the main identification points convincing: “especially the form of the feathering around the bill and the hidden cere, the head shape, the colour and barring of the upperparts, the whitish tips to the rear crown and nape, the rough tarsi, and the lack of any ‘tooth’ on the upper mandible.’ They pointed out that “The prominence of the dark barring on the upperparts, taken with the whitish tips to the rear crown and nape but not the wing-coverts indicates a juvenile in somewhat worn plumage, perhaps 8-10 months old if we assume a hatching date of November—January to coincide with the peak breeding season of most Madagascar rainforest birds. The dark banding is more obscure in imma- ture and, particularly, adult plumages. There are very small whitish tips to the rear crown and nape in fresh second plumage, but we think these would hardly be visible under the forest canopy. It should be noted that the type specimen at Tring is an immature largely moulted into second plumage.” N. J. Collar, A. Gretton, J]. H. Fanshawe and N. K. Krabbe also compared our descriptions with the same specimens that we exam- ined, and independently concluded that they refer without question to Eutriorchis astur. This bird was only 500 m from a camp that was occupied for 18 days, yet despite much observer effort it was seen only once. The lack of further sightings may be indicative of the species’ elusiveness, due perhaps to its sub-canopy habits. This represents the first confirmation of the continuing existence of the Madagascar Serpent-eagle Eutriorchis astur since 1930. Acknowledgements The survey which found this bird was supported by many organisations, including: the Royal Geographic Society, Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, Loke Wan Tho Memorial Foundation, Peter Scott Trust for Research in Conservation, World Wide Fund for Nature US, the British Ornithologists’ Union, Percy Sladen Memorial Fund and People’s Trust for Endangered Species. A full list is in Safford & Duckworth (1990), together with all advisors, the following of whom gave specific help with this record: Nigel P. A. Clancey 130 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Collar, Peter Colston, Direction des Eaux et Forets, Andapa and Antananarivo, Carl Edelstam, John Fanshawe, James Ferguson-Lees, Kim Franklin, Richard Fyfe, Adam Gretton, Carl Jones, N. K. Krabbe, Olivier Langrand, Felix Rakatondraparany and Lucienne Wilme. References: Collar, N. J. & Stuart, S. N. 1985. Threatened Birds of Africa and Related Islands. The ICBP/IUCN Red Data Book. 3rd ed., part 1. ICBP, Cambridge. Ferguson-Lees, J., Franklin, K., Mead, D. & Burton, P. In press. Birds of Prey: an Identifi- cation Guide to the Raptors of the World. Christopher Helm. Langrand, O. 1989. Search for the Madagascar Serpent Eagle. Newsletter of the World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls 10: 5-7. Safford, R. J. & Duckworth, J. W. 1990. A Wildlife Survey of Marojejy Nature Reserve, Madagascar. {CBP Study Report no. 40, Cambridge. Sharpe, R. B. 1875. Contributions to the Ornithology of Madagascar, part IV. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ‘1875’: 70-78. Addresses: B. C. Sheldon, Dept of Animal and Plant Sciences, Shefheld University, Shefheld S102TN, UK. J. W. Duckworth, Dept of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Size-variation and post-breeding movement in the Didric Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius (Boddaert) by P. A. Clancey Received 28 December 1989 In the southern Afrotropics the small glossy Didric or Diederik Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius (Boddaert), 1783: Cape of Good Hope, Cape, is a widespread breeding resident from about early October to mid-April, and is an established brood parasite of a range of medium-sized and mainly granivorous passerines. The austral populations spend the non- breeding season in the continental tropics, where their disposition remains inadequately known. Interestingly, of some 250 birds ringed in southern Africa with SAOS bands, only 2 have been recovered, both from within 10 km of the ringing site (T. B. Oatley). As ringing has thrown no light on the species’ post-breeding move- ments, I have analysed wing-length data as an alternative means of shedding light on the limits of the migration. Southern birds were shown by Hartert (1921) to be longer-winged than the ostensibly more sedentary populations of forested Upper Guinea. Hartert postulated that male Didric Cuckoos from South Africa were large, with wings 118-121, females 124 and 125, versus 108-115 in males and 110-117 mm in females from West Africa. The issue was subsequently studied by W. L. Sclater (1922), Gyldenstolpe (1924), Friedmann (1930), Bannerman (1922, 1933), and others; but owing to the extensive overlap in wing-length measurements found in most museum samples, Hartert’s recognition of a P. A. Clancey 131 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) long-winged and highly migratory southern subspecies (C. c. caprius) and a smaller northern one (C. c. chrysochlorus (Cabanis & Heine), 1862: Sennar, Sudan) has not been followed. It is of significance that much of the comment on variation in C. caprius has not adequately addressed the fact that in southern Africa the species 1s only known as a summer visitor, and samples from further north should have been expected to include migrants from the south of the range. Lynes (1925) found that in Darfur, western Sudan, the cuckoos arrived in June and departed in September, during which time only a small pro- portion actually bred, the others being non-breeders from another region. Bannerman (1933) presents data from correspondents in West Africa from localities north of the Upper Guinea Forest, where the species is present May—August, when it breeds, these savanna breeders being pre- sumed to move south into the equatorial forest belt after nidification. Bannerman’s correspondents did not note, as did Lynes in Darfur, the presence of non-breeders alongside breeding birds, which, prima facie, suggests southern migrants either do not reach West Africa or are rela- tively sparse there. In equatorial West Africa, Bates (per Bannerman 1933) recorded C. caprius as breeding in Cameroon over a protracted period: March—July and December. From the south of Africa a reasonably adequate panel of specimens has been available (personally measured):— from Cape Province (topotypi- cal) (42), Natal & Zululand (48), Transvaal (48) and Zimbabwe (33), this series confirming that the austral populations have in the case of breeding 33, wings 114-125, and of 99 114-127. Through the kind co-operation of Dr M. Louette, Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale, Tervuren, wing- length data of a comparable series of Lower Guinea Forest birds have been available, which, after extracting measurements clearly derived from southern African migrants, show that Zaire breeding populations have the wings in g¢3 103-116, and 99 105-116 mm. Homogeneous samples in the large Tervuren holding of specimens are those of Ubangi (10), Uele (26), Kisangani & Ituri (10), Kunungu & Kwamouth (13) and Lower Zaire & Kinshasa (20); while samples including southern migrants were from Equateur (18—with 1 2 with wing 118 from Yalohele, dated 5 December 1955), Kivu (11, 2 99 with wings 119 and 120 from Kamituga and Rutshuru, 17 December 1954, and 5—7 December 1933), Kasai (11, 1 § with wing 125 from Msambo, 23 December 1952) and Shaba & Kwango (13, with 1 g with wing 121.5 and 1 9 117 mm from Kasaji, 14 October 1950, and Kiambi 3 May 1931). Of note, is that 3 of the above records of what are seen as southern African breeders, as now defined on the adequate database of nearly 200 specimens from the region, were collected in the Zairean localities in December, at the height of the south- ern breeding season. These are probably birds in pre-basic (first-year) dress, the Didric Cuckoo almost certainly not breeding later in the same year as fledged. On the basis of the Tervuren series of 141 specimens from Zaire, only 4.26% correspond unequivocally with those taken in the southern parts of the Afrotropics, which, in view of the species’ abundance as a breeder in the south, presupposes that most migrants probably overfly the equatorial forest. Such seems equally true of East Africa, as material P. A. Clancey 132 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) personally measured from Kenya and Tanzania revealed a low incidence of individuals with wings long enough to place them unequivocally as southern migrants. With the populations of the Upper and Lower Guinea forested belt conceded as mainly sedentary, those ranging to breed in the savannas to the immediate north of them are established short-range migrants. Arriving to breed from May, they extend well into the vegetated southern aspects of the Sahara, and are presumed to return south to spend the off- season alongside the sedentary tropical breeders resident to the south. Hartert placed material from Air, in Niger, as referable to the same popu- lation as that occurring elsewhere in West Africa, and, from additional mensural data derived from the literature, it is evident that the migratory status of the northern savanna breeders is not reflected in the wing- length. This is of evolutionary significance when contrasted against the markedly longer wings of the long-range migrants of the southern savannas. Lynes’s (1925) observations in Darfur, western Sudan, revealed that both breeding and non-breeding C. caprius occurred alongside one another at the one time, the wing-lengths of material from the savannas of the Sudan encompassing both short- and long-winged differentiates, the measurements of the longer winged birds (above 116 mm) falling within the limits determined above for southern African breeders. Sclater (1922) also found, on the basis of the series in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), that birds with wings as long as 119mm were present seasonally in Ethiopia. The non-breeding range of the long-winged and long-distance migrants of southern Africa can, therefore, be tentatively defined as the savannas lying immediately south of the Sahara from Ethiopia, the Sudan, Chad and northern Nigeria westwards. Just how far they extend west remains to be determined by further collecting in the future, if this should be possible. Turning to the northern and equatorial breeding populations, uncer- tainty persists as to how far northern migrants travel south during the course of their movement after breeding. Specimen evidence now available shows that northern savanna migrants, as distinct from those linked to the equatorial forest belt, reach Angola, Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe—and perhaps even further south—when they occur alongside the long-winged southern populations while the latter are breeding. This finding rests on direct empirical evidence in that the size variables in juveniles are strictly analogous to those of adults; by using such criteria in association with the condition of birds in juvenile dress, the presence of moult (either active or arrested) when collected and the date of collection, it is possible to pick out north/south migrants in museum samples. In Zambian material, juveniles in faded dress and arrested moult from Northern Province (Kapata, Mweru Marsh, Kasama and Mpika), dated 3 December—11 February, with wings of 104-109.5 mm are clearly north- ern migrants, as 12 99 adults of the local breeding population have wings of 115-121.5 (118.4) s.d. 2.15 mm (specimens from Kapata, Kasama, Solwezi, Lusaka, Chilanga and Chimene Stream (17°33'S,27°05’E)). A single adult ¢ from Mumbwa, at 15°00'S,27°01’E, in immaculate fresh dress, dated 25 April 1950, with a wing of 104.5 and tail of 73.5 mm is P. A. Clancey 133 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) unquestionably a northern bird on its southern non-breeding grounds or else on passage. Zimbabwean material studied includes 2 adults which are unequivocal northern migrants:—one is a faded adult ¢ from Tara Farm, Odzi (c. 18°46'S,32°42’E) dated 26 November 1973—a date on which newly arrived breeders are in pristine condition—with a wing of 111 and a tail of 75.5 mm; and the second is from Gwero (Gwelo) taken on 14 December, the wing again 111 and tail of 78 mm. Also significant, is a 9 in pre-basic (first year) dress from Matsheumhlope, Bulawayo, witha wing of 114 and tail of 82 mm dated 27 October 1977, which differs strikingly in plumage facies from adults arriving at the same time to breed. Young C. caprius migrate either before the onset of post-juvenile moult, or during it, when it seems to be temporarily arrested to be completed on the non-breeding grounds. In long-winged southern breeders, juveniles showing no moult may still be present mid-May, as instanced by one from Sentinel Ranch (22°09’S,29°28’E) on the Limpopo R. with a wing of 122 mm taken 13 May. None of the long series of South African specimens here examined falls unequivocally within the limits set for northern birds, but the latter may extend on occasion to the regions lying to the south of the Limpopo; Sclater (1922) lists a South African-taken j as having a wing of only 107 mm, while other authors have referred to having measured specimens taken in South Africa every bit as small as northern breeding birds. Such unsupported comment is, however, of limited value as the 2 complexes exhibit a measure of overlap between the extremes in wing-length (south- ern 114, northern 116mm). Specimens with wings reaching either extreme, or between them, would not be readily assignable without recourse to the use of other parameters and a critical assessment of plumage state, date of collection, etc. More so than the other 3 Afrotropical Chrysococcyx spp., C. caprius exhibits extensive individual variation, particularly in the female. Males show much variance in the reddish copper or bronze overlay to the other- wise metallic green mantle and scapulars, which in the case of the long- winged breeders south of the Zambezi is clinal, with the reddish copper overlay declining south/north, with greener or even more bluish birds increasing in incidence to about 35°% in Zimbabwe and Zambia. On the other hand, geographically related and taxonomically relevant variation is found in the extent to which the wing-coverts in adults of both sexes are mottled with white, the northern elements showing a marked diminution in the size of the spotting compared with those from the southern aspects of the continent. The white frontal streak in males tends to be broader in the south of the species’ range, and the white elliptical spotting to the rectrices, while variable, is on the whole coarser and the individual spots not so closely placed together. In the Didric Cuckoo we have a situation which is on a par with that presented by the Afrotropical populations of the Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius, in which southern and northern (African) migrants move in tandem twice a year, resulting in southern breeders of all classes spending the off-season in the northern savannas alongside the northern breeding population. The role is later reversed, when northern breeding P. A. Clancey 134 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) birds move south to spend their off-season alongside the southern nesting differentiates (see Clancey 1987). A further instance of dual movements in separate races of single species in the parasitic Cuculidae is presented by the Jacobin Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus (Clancey 1960), and may be found to occur in yet other species remaining to be studied in close detail. Such atypical post-breeding movement patterns evidently evolve in species, such as parasitic cuckoos, which take no active part in the rearing of their own offspring. Hartert’s finding of extensive wing-length variation in C. caprius has only been resolved in formal taxonomic terms through the availability of a major database in the form of a reasonably adequate panel of south- ern African breeding specimens, which did not exist when the issue was initially investigated. Following Hartert (1921), other workers published comment on material, most of which was taken to the north of the Zambezi R., and comprised local breeding birds, transients and non-breeding visitors. Fortunately, in so far as this communication is concerned, it was found that among a range of specimen samples from Zairean localities preserved in the Tervuren collection were some which were seemingly entirely of local breeding birds. Comparison of the wing-length data of these and of the large southern African material shows convincingly that Hartert’s initial conclusions were well-founded. Among the earlier students dealing with the size-variation in C. caprius, Friedmann (1930) seems to have come closest to a satisfactory resolution of the issue, but even here the composite nature of the specimen samples to hand and the lack of adequate South African material precluded answering what is in effect a relatively straightforward case obscured by involved migration patterns. The populations of C. caprius are now grouped on the basis of the above findings into 2 conventional subspecies, as follows: Chrysococcyx caprius caprius (Boddaert) Cuculus caprius Boddaert, Tabl. Planch. Enlum., 1783, p. 40: Cape of Good Hope, Cape (ex Daubenton, Planch. Enlum., pl. 657). Adults with broad white spotting to the metallic green wing-coverts; frontal white streak in 9 well-developed. Size large: wings in gg, 116-125 (118.9), 99, 116-125 (120.75) mm—see Table 1; tails of 20 34, 80-89 (83.4), 20 99, 78.5—88.5 (84.0) mm. Cape and Natal specimens. Range. Southern Africa from the Cape, Natal and Zululand, north to southern Angola, Zambia, southern Shaba, Zaire, Malawi, southwestern Tanzania and Mozambique. After breeding (October to March/April) migrates to northern sub-Saharan savannas from Ethiopia, Sudan, Central African Republic and Chad westwards, when occurring alongside breeding C. c. chrysochlorus. Remarks. Specimen evidence suggests migrants largely overfly the Lower Guinea Forest and even the East African savannas. Chrysococcyx caprius chrysochlorus (Cabanis & Heine) L. (amprococcyx) chrysochlorus Cabanis & Heine, Museum Heineanum, vol. iv, 1862, p. 11: Sennar, Sudan. (Corrected to Senegal by Hartert, Nov. Zool., vol. xxviii, 1921, p. 100, but see ‘Remarks’). P. A. Clancey 135 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) TABLE 1 The wing-length variable (in mm) in populations of the Didric Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius MALES FEMALES Locality n range xX sd n_- range x sd Southern populations * 1. Cape Prov. 32 116=125 7 118-9) 2:80: 10 16-125, 120.75. 3:08 eS 2, Ol aae nes Lesotho Ay AS SHV 250 Oks ty) = Deed Op a1620 — _ *-3. Natal & S. Mozamb. 32 114-125 119.4 3.02 16 114-127 118.9 3.08 * 4. Transvaal 35 114-124 118.5 2.41 13 116-125 119.5 3.02 * 5. Zimbabwe 14 1S =1222 WOT Say 1e92 eo 1151225 1829, 5022026 6. Botswana & Namibia 6 MISO > (1NOS8iy 1.60) v3, 14-1 211720 — Northern populations (Zaire) * 7. Ubangi 5 105-108 106.0 1.22 5 105-111 108.8 2.48 * 8. Uele (Uelle) 14 103-111. 107.8 2.68 12 109-116 112.9. 1.97 * 9. Kisangani & Ituri 6 105-116 109.1 3.86 4 107-116 111.25 4.03 10. Kivu 6 TOFE IMS. Olt 15073920 3. 109-115 112.6 — *11. (Rwanda & Burundi) 5 106-116 113.2 4.08 4 114-116 114.75 0.95 12. Equateur 10 105-114 109.6 2.87 7 106-113 10928) 2°90 13. Kasai + 104-110 107.0 2.44 6 107-115 110:0 92.75 *14. Kunungu & Kwamouth 8 104-114 109.0 3.46 5H (TOS STS: pL leQ p27 *15. Lower Zaire & Kinshasa 10 HOG=114 at 2252), 04 WOS—113~) 110:2)'5) 1.98 16. Shaba & Kwango 7 LO7-V15 2112209 92,92 5) 4. 11116) 114.225)742221 Statistical analysis of the wing-length in the southern and northern populations of C. caprius based on the above asterisked samples*, showing the highly significant nature of the size- difference separating the two population complexes:- Southern populations Northern populations 33 x 118.63 x 109.06 n 120 n 48 t= 18.330), hdie 166 P<0.001 t=13.410) df 93 P<0.001 Adults compared with the nominate, have smaller white spotting to the metallic green wing-coverts, the g with narrower white frontal streak. In series, show smaller white elliptical spotting to rectrices. Size smaller: wings of 25 gg, 103-116 (107.8), 21 99, 105-116 (111.6), tails of 16 39, 73.5—83 (77.9) mm. Zairean specimens (populations 7, 8 and 9 in Table 1). C.D. 3 wing 1.45, 2 wing 1.51, well above conventional limit of 1:28 for subspecies. Range. West Africa from Senegal and The Gambia south to Liberia, east south of the Sahara to the Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia, south in the P. A. Clancey 136 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) east to northern Angola, Zaire and most of ‘Tanzania (except south- west). Equatorial populations apparently largely sedentary, but northern savanna elements leave breeding grounds in September (present from May), ranging south to Angola, southern Shaba, Zaire, Zambia, Malawi, ?northern Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, to occur in small numbers alongside breeding C.c. caprius. Some elements of C. c. chrysochlorus may range further south than stated to reach South Africa. Remarks. As small-sized birds breed in the Sudanese savannas, which they later vacate, Hartert’s adjustment of the type-locality of Cabanis & Heine’s L. chrysochlorus from Sennar, Sudan, to Senegal was unnecessary, and the original citation requires to be retained. In an extended footnote to the description of C. c. chrysochlorus, Cabanis & Heine (loc. cit.: 11-12) write as follows: “‘As in the case of the golden cuckoo [=Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus|, two races of the Glanzkuckuck [=Didric Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius] may be adopted, namely a large southern one with a more extended bill and a smaller and shorter-billed northern one, which Sundevall, loc. cit. [= Krit. Framstdlln., p. 47], suggested the existence of by his statement ““Specimina a Sennaaria allata paulo minora sunt.’’. In addition to the size differences, which are given in full in the text, most of the southern individuals are characterized by the beautiful cupreous golden hue of all the dark metallic parts of the plumage; which is golden emerald green in the northern form. However, the three white stripes to the middle part and sides of the head are much narrower in L. cupreus [= C. c. caprius| than in specimens of L. chrysochlorus | =C. c. chrysochlor- us| from Egypt [sic!], Abyssinia and Senegambia in the Berlin Museum. In these latter specimens they begin as very broad stripes and nearly merge over the occiput, thus giving the impression of a white forehead with two golden green stripes. However, these last mentioned differences cannot be regarded as constant, and the differ- ences in size will be the most reliable characters for differentiation in regions where the two forms are in contact, and in advance of the col- lecting of longer series of specimens which may in turn confirm the colour differences described here.”’ Acknowledgements For the loan of additional material to augment that in the Durban Natural Science Museum collection I am grateful to the Ornithologists of the East London Museum, the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, and the National Museum of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo. For measuring the adult material in the collection of the Musée royale de |’Afrique centrale, Tervuren, I am singularly indebted to Dr M. Louette and his Assistant Alain Reygel. Peter Taylor, Mammalogist of the Durban Natural Science Museum, kindly helped with the statistics, and T. B. Oatley, of the South African Bird-Ringing Unit, University of Cape Town, furnished information on South African Didric Cuckoo recoveries. To all concerned I extend my best thanks. References: Bannerman, D. A. 1922. On the emerald and golden cuckoos of Africa. Novit. Zool. 29: 413-420. Bannerman, D. A. 1933. The Birds of Tropical West Africa, Vol. 3: 114-117. Crown Agents for the Colonies, London. P. A. Clancey 137 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Clancey, P. A. 1960. The races of the Jacobin Crested Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus (Boddaert) occurring in Africa south of the Zambezi River. Durban Mus. Novit. 6(2): 27-31. Clancey, P. A. 1987. The unravelling of the Great Spotted Cuckoo. Albatross (newsletter of the Natal Bird Club) No. 291: 11-13. Friedmann, H. 1930. Birds of the Childs Frick Expedition to Ethiopia and Kenya Colony, part 1. Bull. U.S. Natn. Mus. 153: 274-276. Gyldenstolpe, N. 1924. Zoological results of the Swedish Expedition to Central Africa 1921. Vertebrata 1—Birds. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akad. Handlingar, Stockholm 3, 1(3): 249. Hartert, E. 1921. Captain Angus Buchanan’s Air Expedition, IV. The birds collected by Capt. Angus Buchanan during his journey from Kano to Air or Asben. Novit. Zool. 28: 100-101. Lynes, H. 1925. On the birds of north and central Darfur, with notes on west-central Kordofan and North Nuba Provinces of British Sudan, IV. Jbis Ser 12(1): 356. Sclater, W. L. 1922. Notes on the nomenclature and taxonomy of African Birds (No. 4). Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 42: 118-119. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Research Associate, Durban Natural Science Museum, P.O. Box 4085, Durban 4000, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Comment on the geographical variation of the Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristatus of the Afrotropics by P. A. Clancey Received 28 December 1989 Over the past 30 years the geographical variation exhibited by the Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristatus (Pallas), 1764, has been dis- cussed in varying degrees of depth by Rand et al. (1959), Clancey (1965, 1978) and more recently by Dickerman (1989). Following Rand etal. C.c. galeritus (Muller), 1776: Senegal, has been largely accepted and accorded an extensive continental range, the nominate race restricted to the southern aspects of Africa in association with the South West Arid Zone. In his recent re-assessment of the subspecific taxonomy of the species, Dickerman restricts usage of the name galeritus to the far western popu- lation distributed from Senegal, south to Liberia, the Ivory Coast, and, perhaps, Ghana, placing the birds occurring to the immediate east of j itin the nominate subspecies, the type-locality of which is the Cape of Good Hope, Cape. As this new arrangement, arrived at on the series of speci- mens in the American Museum of Natural History, New York, is at complete variance with that in current use in Africa, as in the SAOS Checklist (Clancey 1980), I have re-examined the issue, confirming that nominate C. cristatus is indeed confined to Africa south of the Zambezi, its precise range being southern Namibia and Cape Province, east to Natal, the Transvaal and the plateau of Zimbabwe. It does not extend P. A. Clancey 138 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) north through the continent to the north of the Lower Guinea Forest. With the restriction of C. c. galeritus to the West African range now outlined for it by Dickerman and confirmation that C. c. cristatus is a Southern African Subregion form, it will be necessary to resuscitate the name Alcedo cyanostigma Ruppell, Neue Wirbelth., Vog., 1837, p. 70, pl. 24, fig. 2: Abyssinia= L. Abiata, Ethiopia, for the populations of western and central Africa to the east of the ““‘Dahomey Gap’’, east to the Sudan, Ethiopia and western Somalia, south to Angola and Zambia north of C. c. longirostris Roberts, 1932: Kabulabula, Chobe R., northern Botswana (=robertsi Peters 1945—for comment on the validity of which see Clancey 1978)—eastern lowland Zimbabwe, Mozambique and coastal Natal. Prior to the adoption by the scientific community of Pallas’s names proposed in Vroeg’s Catalogue Raisonné Coll. Oiseaux, Adumbratiun- culae, No. 55, 1764, Ruppell’s A. cyanostigma was accorded wide-usage for the African Malachite Kingfisher in the standard literature of the time. This being so, cyanostigma cannot be considered to be a forgotten name or nomen oblitum. Currently, 3 races of the present kingfisher are generally admitted, namely, C. c. cristatus, C. c. galeritus and C. c. longirostris (=robertst), to which must be added C. c. cyanostigma with a range as given above. As the names C. c. cyanostigma and C. c. stuartkeithi Dickerman 1989: Anseba R., northern Ethiopia, are both available for the Ethiopian represen- tation, it will be necessary to determine if the latter is in fact separable. Limited material examined from critical localities in Ethiopia (including Eritrea) and Sudan does not indicate any regional divergence in ventral colouration which would justify further recognition of a localized arid country subspecies from northern Ethiopia and the Blue Nile drainage in general. Acknowledgements For the loan of material from West Africa (Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone and Liberia) and from Ethiopia and the Sudan I am grateful to Peter Colston, British Museum (Nat. Hist.), Tring. The substance of the above conclusions was communicated in litt. to Dr R. W. Dickerman. References: Clancey, P. A. 1965. On the variation exhibited by the continental populations of the Malachite Kingfisher Alcedo cristata Pallas. Ostrich 36(1): 34-35. Clancey, P. A. 1978. On the validity of Alcedo cristata robertsi Peters, 1945. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 98(3): 87-90. Clancey, P. A. (ed.) 1980. SAOS Checklist of Southern African Birds. p. 116. Southern African Ornithological Society, Johannesburg. Dickerman, R. W. 1989. Notes on the Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis (Alcedo) cristata. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109(3): 158-159. Peters, J. L. 1945. Check-list of Birds of the World, Vol. 5: 176. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Rand, A. L., Friedmann, H. & Traylor, M. A., Jr. 1959. Birds from Gavon and Moyen Congo. Fieldiana, Zool. 41(2): 281-282. Address: Dr P. A. Clancey, Research Associate, Durban Natural Science Museum, P.O. Box 4085, Durban 4000, South Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 C. G. S Donna C. Schmitt 139 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) First records of the White-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus cayennensis in Ecuador by C. G. Schmitt & Donna C. Schmitt Received 2 January 1990 The White-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus cayennensis is known from Costa Rica to Colombia and Venezuela, northern Brazil, the Lesser Antilles, Aruba to Bonaire, Trinidad, and Tobago (Meyer de Schauensee 1970, Meyer de Schauensee & Phelps 1978). Here we report the first specimen and our additional sight records of C. cayennensis from Ecuador. There are apparently no previous records from Ecuador. On 17 October 1983, C.G.S. collected a male C. cayennensis (LSUMZ 112511) at 6 km (by road) north of Salinas, Rio Palacara Valley, 1425 m, (0°30'N, 78°08’W), Prov. Imbabura; testes 12 x 7 mm, Cream coloured; no fat; wt. 40.0 g; bill Dusky Brown; tarsi and toes Flesh Colour (capita- lized colour names from Smithe 1975, 1981); total length 233 m; no body moult. The stomach contained 5 whole beetles (Coleoptera) 10-15 mm in length. We also saw and heard other C. cayennensis at this site on 19 and 20 October 1983, when individuals were observed foraging at dusk 3—7 m above the ground during continuous flight. The specimen collected and 2 other individuals were observed foraging and then flying to the ground. Our records in northwestern Ecuador represent a range exten- sion of c. 275 km south of known locality records in southern Colombia described by Hilty & Brown (1986). Hilty & Brown (1986) noted that C. cayennensis was common on eroded, dry hillsides with scattered bushes and thickets between Cali and the Pichinde Valley in southwestern Colombia. Our observations of C. cayennensis were 1n xeromorphic scrubland with relatively sparse ground- cover in the Rio Palacara Valley near its junction with the larger Rio Mira. This portion of the Rio Palacara Valley has deeply cut and severely eroded arroyos. The valley slopes are steep and rocky, with much bare ground. The vegetation on the slopes and drier parts of the floodplain included Prosopis sp., Acacia spp., Opuntia spp., species of columnar cacti, and numerous species of unidentified shrubs and herbaceous plants. The floodplain of the Rio Palacara Valley in this area has scattered agricultural clearings, and near these clearings, Prosopis spp. and Acacia spp. form fairly dense stands along irrigation ditches. There are also bands of varying widths of riparian vegetation that parallel the Rio Palacara and adjacent irrigation drainage ditches. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge support for our field work in Ecuador by the Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University. We also thank Fausto Sarimento-Rodriquez (Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales) and Yolanda Kakabadse (Fundacion Natura) for their valuable and generous assistance in various ways. Personnel of the Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales and the Ministerio de Agricultura Y Ganaderia also provided valuable field assistance as well as necessary permits for our work in Ecuador. C. G. Schmitt acknowl- edges the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish for granting a leave of absence during H. Ouellet 140 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) which this and other field work was conducted. We also thank J. V. Remsen and Mark B. Robbins for their comments and helpful suggestions on this note. References: Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1970. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Livingston Press. (Reprinted by the International Council for Bird Preservation with new addenda, 1982.) Meyer de Schauensee, R. & Phelps, W. H. 1978. A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela. Princeton University Press. Smithe, F. B. 1975 (Part 1); 1981 (Part 2). Naturalist’s Color Guide. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York. Address: C. G. Schmitt & Donna C. Schmitt, P.O. Box 15818, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87506, USA. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Notes on the iris colour in females of two manakins (Pipridae) by Henri Ouellet Received 5 January 1990 Plumage peculiarities whereby adult female manakins exhibit ‘male-like’ plumages have been summarized by Graves (1981) who also pointed out that ‘‘sex determination on the basis of iris colouration in female or imma- ture plumaged manakin 1s not reliable’’. In reviewing recent publications on Neotropical birds in search of descriptions of the iris colour of females or immature manakins occurring in northeastern South America it became evident that some of the information available in the literature, either in the text or from colour illustrations, can be incomplete or even contradictory (Hilty & Brown 1986, Meyer de Schauensee & Phelps 1978, Ridgely 1976). On the other hand, few other authors have reported on the iris colouration of female manakins. This note describes the iris colour of females of the Crimson-hooded Manakin Pipra aureola and of the Golden-headed Manakin P. erythrocephala. The data were recorded in Venezuela and Guyane frangaise on live birds later meticulously sexed during dissection (Table 1) and from the examination of a number of specimens in various collections. The iris colour of the 4 females in Table 1 varies in hues of white, but is basically ‘white’. Similar findings were made in 6 females in the Carnegie Museum, where the label data indicate that the basic ‘white’ of the iris ranges through “‘pure white’, ‘“‘rose-white’’, ‘“‘green white’’, and “‘bright yellow white”’ to ‘“‘leaden white’’. The white iris of 7 males varies also ina similar manner and is “‘white’’. These findings emphasize that the iris colour of female Pipra aureola is at times inaccurately depicted in Hi. Ouellet 141 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) TABLE 1 Summary of skull condition and iris colour of fresh specimens of Pipra aureola and P. erythrocephala Sex Skull condition Locality Date Iris colour Pipra aureola f! ossified Ven., El Furrial 22 Mar 1988 white ie partly ossified Ven., El Furrial 22 Mar 1988 pinkish white f ossified G.fr., Sinnamary 13 Mar 1989 cream white f ossified G.fr., Sinnamary 20 Mar 1989 lilac white Pipra erythrocephala f ossified Ven., El Furrial 29 Mar 1988 greyish white f£ ossified G.fr., Sinnamary 12 Mar 1989 dark brown f non-ossified G.fr., Sinnamary 14 Mar 1989 dark brown ‘traces of bright plumage as per Graves (1981). G.fr. = Guyane frangaise. Ven. = Venezuela, Monagas. illustrations and that this can be misleading for future taxonomic purposes. In Pipra erythrocephala the situation appears to be more complex, because 2 females with ossified skulls had differently coloured irides— greyish white and dark brown—whereas the irides were dark brown ina female with a non-ossified skull (Table 1). At present it is not known whether this is the result of geographic variation nor what 1s the extent of individual variation in iris colour of female P. erythrocephala and its relation to age. Whether the iris colour of mature female P. erythrocephala is white or dark brown is unknown, nor whether it varies seasonally or during the breeding cycle itself. Until some of these questions are given an answer, ornithologists using live birds with a dull plumage resembling that of females cannot be certain either of the sex or age of the birds they are studying. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Drs D. Scott Wood and K. C. Parkes of the Carnegie Museum for authoriza- tion to study specimens in their care. I extend also my sincere thanks to colleagues in Venezuela (J. R. Rodriguez S and Gedio Marin) for assistance in the field and to Léon Sanite in Guyane frangaise for his constant support. References: Graves, G. R. 1981. Brightly coloured plumage in female manakins (Pipra). Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 101(1): 270-271. Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press. Meyer de Schauensee, R. & Phelps, W. H. Jr. 1978. A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela. Princeton University Press. Ridgely, R.S. 1976. A Guide to the Birds of Panama. Princeton University Press. Address: Dr Henri Ouellet, Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station ‘D’, Ottawa, Canada, K1P 6P4. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 A.& H. Tye 142 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) First description of the nest of the Golden- breasted Pufleg Eriocnemis mosquera by Alan Tye and Hilary Tye Received 9 January 1990 The Golden-breasted Pufleg Eviocnemis mosquera is restricted to montane regions of Colombia and Ecuador, occurring chiefly between 2600 and 3300m altitude, with records as low as 1200m and up to 3600 m (Hilty & Brown 1986). Its habitat includes stunted and elfin woodland and shrubby areas near the treeline (Hilty & Brown 1986). Its nest appears not to have been described previously (Hilty & Brown 1986, Schuchmann 1988, C. Hinkelmann). We report here a nest of this species found at 3700 m altitude in Purace National Park in the Central Cordillera of the Andes, southern Colombia (2°19'N, 76°22'W). The nest was found on 28 November 1988, on the slopes of Volcan Puracé, ina region of low temperatures.and high rainfall. ‘This observation also represents the greatest altitude at which the species has ever been recorded. The nest had been built on the end of a slender branch, hanging down from a rock overhang. It was situated c. 2 m above a mountain stream and was protected from approach by the overhang on one side and the stream and a bog on the other. ‘The overhang may also have protected the nest at least partly from rain. ‘The nest was a cup, constructed from creamy-coloured plant down ona base of moss and sticks. The rim of the cup was doughnut-shaped and had an external diameter of c. 10cm. The internal depth was c.5 cm. The nest’s situation prevented close approach but an adult attended it, sitting for long periods and thereby suggesting that the nest contained eggs. With the exception of FE. glaucopoides, which is found in Bolivia and Argentina, the genus Eriocnemis is restricted to the Andes of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The only previous description of the nest of any member of the genus is that by Schuchmann (1988) for the Sapphire- vented Puffleg E. lucianz. 'The nests of both species are of a form common in the family ‘Trochilidae (Snow 1985, Schuchmann 1988). The position of the nest described above, under an overhang, may be important for protection from rain at such high altitudes and from low temperatures: a nest with 2 eggs of the Shining Sunbeam Aglaeactis cupripennis found on the same day, c. | km away at c. 3800 m (above the treeline) was similarly placed, on the end of a hanging root, under a peat overhang. The nest of E. luciani described by Schuchmann (1988) was at 3500 m and was also protected from above, by thick layers of grass. Since such protection provides a warmer microhabitat (Calder 1973, 1974), in addition to its shelter from rain, it may be general for hummingbirds living at high altitudes. Acknowledgements We thank the Colombian Instituto de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente for permission to visit Purace National Park and Christoph Hinkelmann for advice and comments. C. T. Collins 143 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) References: Calder, W. A. 1973. Micro-habitat selection during nesting of hummingbirds in the Rocky Mountains. Ecology 54: 127-134. Calder, W. A. 1974. The thermal and radiant environment of a winter hummingbird nest. Condor 76: 268-273. Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press. Schuchmann, K.-L. 1988. A nest of the Saphire-vented Puffleg Eriocnemis luciani. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 108: 13-14. Snow, D. W. 1985. Hummingbird. In: A Dictionary of Birds (B. Campbell & E. Lack, eds): 293-296. Poyser. Address: A. & H. Tye, British Ornithologists’ Union, British Museum (Natural History), Tring, Herts HP23 6AP, England. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Intraspecific variation in the natal pterylosis of the Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Myionectes oleagneus (l'yrannidae) by Charles T. Collins Received 26 January 1990 The nestlings of the Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Myionectes (Pipromorpha) oleagneus have been described as having “sparse but long grey natal downs” (Skutch 1960: 568). This paper provides detailed data on the natal pterylosis of this Neotropical tyrant flycatcher. A total of 8 specimens from 3 nests was collected c. 5 miles north-of the town of Arima in Arima Valley, St George Co., Trinidad. Three young collected from a nest (A) on 20 June 1963 had pin feathers just beginning to erupt through the skin (Stage B—Wetherbee 1957: 356), while 3 nestlings collected from a nest (B) 17—19 June 1963 and 2 from a third nest (C) on 22 July 1964 were all newly hatched (Stage A—Wetherbee 1957). All specimens were examined under a dissecting microscope and the number and distribution of natal downs (neossoptiles) recorded (Table 1). The terminology for neossoptile tracts and regions within tracts follows Wetherbee (1957). All 8 specimens had neossoptiles present in 6 of the 7 tracts and regions bearing downs (coronal and occipital regions of the capital tract, spinal, scapular and femoral tracts and greater secondary coverts). Only 3 speci- mens, however, all from nest A, had neossoptiles present in the orbital region of the capital tract (Table 1). ‘The total number of neossoptiles present in single specimens ranged from 34 to 62. On the other hand, the variation among 6 of the 8 specimens was only 48—57 total neossoptiles. Choosing a single pattern and number of neossoptiles to characterize this species is difficult due to the observed degree of intraspecific variation. One approach is to utilize the average number (rounded to the nearest whole number) of neossoptiles present.in C. T. Collins 144 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) TABLE 1 Distribution of neossoptiles (on left/right sides) in 8 young of the Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Myuonectes oleagneus Tract/ Region Nest A Nest B Nest C Coronal S/S) Of4 0 SI4" S/4 N12 V6 Gps) Ane Occipital 3/3. 3/35 noi Se oi: | 3 Sores) Gees) Sees Orbital 1/3 2 270) OfO™ 0/0" TOO .0),0R O10 Spinal TTS 6/6 V6.) TEA TALS SOS NEN eena9))9 Scapular 717, 6/6. 27/7. ‘6/6 6/6 “6/6, “6 SN6/6 Femoral 4/4 5/4 4/4 3/4 O/0° 2/3 2/2 & O/f1 Greater Secondary Coverts RIS) SHO OA PA eh CMA B aL EPA. AoE) PHD PHD Total 62 57 54 57 34 56 48 48 each tract or region and to assign it (bilaterally) to that tract/region as done by Collins & Minsky (1983). By this method a total of 54 neossop- tiles would seem to characterize this flycatcher. When a larger number of specimens is available, a ‘typical’ number can be chosen based on the number of neossoptiles most frequently observed in each tract or region (Collins 1973). By this method, a typical total of 54 neossoptiles per individual is again indicated. This figure is consistent with the median total number of neossoptiles per individual (54-56) but slightly higher than the average of 52 neossoptiles per individual for the 8 specimens examined here (‘Table 1). The intraspecific and inter-nest differences reported here do not seem to have been effected by any ontogenetic influences. The highest numbers of neossoptiles were from the slightly older nestlings in nest A which could have been expected to be subjected to some loss through abrasion; the lowest number of neossoptiles were from the newly hatched young in nests B and C (Table 1). As also noted by Clark (1967), the presence of neossoptiles in additional tracts, such as the orbital region of the capital tract in the nestlings from nest A, seems most likely to occur in those individuals with the greatest total number of neossoptiles. The total number of neossoptiles present in the Ochre- bellied Flycatcher is very low when compared to the numbers recorded for open cup nesting species, some of which have in excess of 600 neossop- tiles (Collins, unpubl.). Such a low number is however typical of a number of other closed-nest building species particularly among the Tyrannidae (Collins & McDaniel 1989). This correlation should be examined further in other passerine families for possible taxononic as well as ecological implications. In previous studies of passerine natal pterylosis most attention has been given to interspecific differences (Collins 1963, Collins & Kemp 1976, Collins & Minsky 1982, 1983, Collins & McDaniel 1989, Ingels 1979, Markus 1970, Wetherbee 1957). The topic of intraspecific variation has not been given similar attention. This is mostly due to the very small number of individuals per species examined in these studies; only 4% of the species considered in these 8 studies were represented by more than M. Pearman 145 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) 10 individuals, while 75°% were represented by only 3 or fewer specimens. The near anecdotal approach in these studies is related to the scarcity of appropriate specimens in most museum collections and the difficulty of obtaining large numbers of individuals for natal pterylosis studies for all but some colonially nesting species (Clark 1967). Even so, the matter of intraspecific variation must receive more attention than it has to date before detailed interspecific comparisons can be made and their taxonomic implications evaluated. Acknowledgements The specimens utilized in this analysis were collected as part of a programme of study of the natal pterylosis of Neotropical passerines which was supported by research grants from the Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund of the American Museum of Natural History, New York. References: Clark, G. A. Jr. 1967. Individual variation in natal pterylosis of Red-winged Blackbirds. Condor 69: 423-424. Collins, C. T. 1963. The natal pterylosis of tanagers. Bird-Banding 34: 36-38. 1973. The natal pterylosis of the Swallow-tanager. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 93: 155-157. M. H. 1976. Natal pterylosis of Sporophila finches. Wilson Bull. 88: 154-157. — & Minsky, D. 1982. Natal pterylosis of three Neotropical blackbirds (Icteridae). Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 102: 129-131. 1983. The natal pterylosis of Amphispiza sparrows. Condor 85: 375-376. — & McDaniel, K. M. 1989. The natal pterylosis of closed-nest building tyrant fly- catchers (Aves: Tyrannidae). Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sct. 88: 127-130. Ingels, J. 1979. The natal pterylosis of three Thraupis tanagers. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 99: 12-15. Markus, M. B. 1970. A preliminary survey of the occurrence of neossoptiles in South African passeriform birds with special reference to natal pteryloses. Unpubl. MSc thesis, Univ. Pretoria (Univ. Microfilms M-2297). Skutch, A. 1960. Life histories of Central American birds. Pac. Coast Avif. 34: 1-593. Wetherbee, D. K. 1957. Natal plumages and downy pteryloses of passerine birds of North America. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 113: 339-346. Address: Dr Charles T. Collins, Department of Biology, California State University, Long Beach, California 90840, U.S.A. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Behaviour and vocalizations of an undescribed Canastero Asthenes sp. from Brazil by Mark Pearman Received 16 January 1990 The genus Asthenes, comprising some 21 species are largely terrestrially adapted members of the Furnariidae. They are found in a wide range of open and semi-open habitats from Andean and Patagonian steppe to marsh, chaco and pampa. M. Pearman 146 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Figure 1. Distribution map of the genus Asthenes showing the location of the undescribed species. BRAZIL 4 0 Serra 6 1 do 6 Espinaco ——15° Asthenes sp~ Pre 4 1000 km. On 13 August 1988, J. Hurrell and M.P. observed a Furnariid in Minas Gerais, Brazil which was immediately identified as an Asthenes. M.P. had had previous experience of the genus. Unbeknown to them, 2 other British observers S. Cook and B. Forrester had independently seen birds of the species a few weeks previously in the same area. A. Brandt and B. Forrester have recently informed me that J. Vielliard had collected specimens in 1987, but a description is not pending until the last named has carried out further fieldwork. After carrying out extensive fieldwork personally in 1988 and 1989, and due to the long time lapse since the original discovery, lack of any information on the species in the literature and no definite forthcoming description, I feel there is a need to publish the present findings. All the new Asthenes sp. were observed in a 10km* area at Alto Boa Vista (19°17'S, 43°34'W), Serra do Cipo (in the Serra do Espinago), Minas Gerais, Brazil between 1290 m and 1500 m altitude (Fig. 1). The area lies close to Pargue Nacional Serra do Cipo, but the species was not observed within the Park boundaries. The collecting of specimens was not possible. M. Pearman 147 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Distribution of the genus Asthenes The 21 species of Asthenes as currently recognized are further divided into 51 subspecies. Seventeen of the species can be described as exclus- ively Andean or sub-Andean and will not be dealt with further. Among the new Asthenes sp.’s nearest neighbours are those found in the Sierras de Cordoba, in central Argentina (c. 1950 km WSW), namely A. sclateri sclateri, the nominate race of Cordoba Canastero; A. modesta cordobae, an isolated race of Cordilleran Canastero; and A. steinbachi nezffi, a race of Chestnut Canastero. Both Patagonian Canastero A. patagonica and Austral Canastero A. anthoides can be found to the south and west of these isolates. A. patagonica is endemic to the central Argentine Patagonian scrub; A. anthoides is restricted to wet grasslands in the Andean foothills of southern Chile and Argentina and also occurs on Tierra del Fuego. The congeners closest in range to the new Asthenes sp. are Lesser Canastero A. pyrrholeuca, Short-billed Canastero A. baeri and Hudson’s Canastero A. hudsoni. A. pyrrholeuca occupies extensive Patagonian scrub throughout southern Chile and Argentina, with movements to northeast Argentina and Uruguay, together with resident populations in northwest Argentine, south Bolivian and west Paraguayan chaco. A. baeri occurs throughout north and central Argentina, Uruguay, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and southern Paraguay. A. hudsoni is dependent on marshes and reedbeds in northeast Argentina, Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new Asthenes sp. is separated from its geographically closest relative, A. baerz, by at least 1450 km to the southwest. Field work On 13 August 1988, one of the new Asthenes sp. was located and sound recordings made of its song and contact call. It was observed intermit- tently for a total of 3 hours and was seen down toa minimum of 3 m. A pair holding territory was studied on 14 August 1988 and detailed notes were taken in the field. Further study work of the genus was carried out at the British Museum (Natural History) a month later. On a second visit to Serra do Cipo, J. Hurrell and M.P. found a maxi- mum of 7 birds on 28 July 1989, using tape play back lure. All suitable habitat was covered over the 10 km‘ area, and additional information on plumage, vocalizations and behaviour collected. Sonagrams were made from the undescribed Asthenes sp. tapes, together with 6 of its congeners, at the British Library of Wildlife Sounds (National Sound Archive), London. Subspecies of species geographically closest to the Serra do Espinaco were chosen for comparison material. ‘The new Asthenes sp. is dependent on isolated groups of rocky crags in an area of undulating grassland. These hillocks, covered in boulders and brittle rock slabs were well weathered, providing numerous crevices. They supported a varied flora compared to the barren and open sur- rounding grassland. Vegetation identified included flowering shrubs: Compositae, Vernomia sp. and others, Agave sp., Yucca sp. and various cacti. Additionally, lichen was present on the rocks. The birds preferred the steepest slopes with the most vegetation and crevices (Plates 1, 2). M. Pearman 148 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Description of the new Asthenes sp. Forecrown and crown warm brown, sometimes with a hint of rufous, slightly warmer than rest of upperparts. Supercilium narrow, off white, from bill to behind eye, curving downwards around rear edge of ear coverts. Eyestripe brown, indistinct across lores, stronger behind eye, highlighting supercilium. Ear coverts grey brown, very finely streaked black (only visible at close range). Nape, mantle and rump brown with grey tones. Remiges chocolate brown with warm brown inner webs, tertials often with distinct pale grey fringes. Alula sometimes whitish. Rectrices graduated with rounded tips, central tail feathers dark brown, the rest rich chestnut rufous. Chin and upper throat variable; in most individuals white, with fine, but sharply defined black streaks creating a triangular patch in centre. One singing male had a wholly black centre to chin and upper throat. One bird in fresh plumage, perhaps a first year, had streaking restricted to upper chin. Sides of throat, breast, belly and vent uniform cold grey. Iris black. Bill relatively long for the genus, about three-quarters length of the head; upper mandible grey, tipped black, lower mandible black with grey basal third. Tarsi and feet dull flesh or grey. Plumage comparison with other Asthenes spp. The major plumage characteristics used in field identification of Asthenes spp. are the tail pattern, each showing specific amounts of rufous/cinnamon; the chin/throat pattern which is sometimes streaked, light to heavy, often with a chin spot, in colour pale orange to brick red; the presence or lack of streaking on the mantle; and the shape of the tail feathers, rounded or pointed. Seven species share the combined features of pointed tail feathers and well streaked upperparts: wyatti, anthoides, punensis, maculicauda, urubambensis, sclateri and hudson. Of the 14 remaining species, 4 have streaked throats. The small in size patagonica is superficially similar to the new Asthenes sp., with streaked throat and ear coverts and a warmer brown crown, but it shows only the basal two-thirds of the outermost tail feathers rufous. A. humilis can show a rufous throat patch or streaking or both, but shows cinnamon on the outer tail feathers only. A. humicola shows dull rufous, at maximum, on the basal two-thirds of the outermost tail feathers. A. stetnbachi usually shows dull rufous flanks and vent, the outer 2 tail feathers and outer web of the next tail feather rufous, limited chin and throat flecking and little or no supercilium. Vocalizations Singing birds of the new Asthenes sp. were typically territorial and used the highest and most exposed rock or bush from which to deliver their songs. Of 5 song study species, the structure of the new Asthenes sp. was similar only to nominate A. dorbignyt. A. modesta modesta, A. wyatti graminicola, A. humilis robusta and A. baeri baeri typically deliver either glissando or vibrato songs (Fig. 2A,B), M. Pearman 149 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) a rapid series of sharp liquid notes, rising or varying in pitch, in bursts of 1.5-4 seconds, in the 1.5—7.5 KHz range. A. b. baeri typically delivers audibly separate notes which develop into a descending vibrato in the 2.7—7.5 KHz range, incorporating 50-66 notes and lasting 4 seconds. The new Asthenes sp. typically sings 11 descending notes in 3.1 seconds. The first 8 notes are loud and sharp with piercing quality in the 4.3-5 KHz range. They are followed by 3 contrasting low pitch notes at 0.2 KHz, together with harmonies peaking at 4.3 KHz (Fig. 2C). A. d. dorbignyi shows a more complex song repertoire, but the main component is structurally similar to the new Asthenes sp. There is some geographical variation. The usual song is a series of 14 notes descending in 3.4 seconds in the 3.8-4.8 KHz range, typically showing strong har- monies on the ultimate 4 notes, peaking at 7 KHz (Fig. 2D). Other A. d. dorbignyi song phrases, usually given before the main song, include a series of high pitch, low pitch notes, a short burst of rapid trill, rising in pitch and running into the song or, in a study tape from La Paz, Bolivia, a phrase of 16 harsh, scolding notes in the 4.2-5.6 KHz range with harmonies on every note in the 3.6—6.5 KHz range (Fig. 2E). La Paz individuals also gave the typical song phrase. From sonagraphic comparison of nominate dorbignyi in Cochabamba and La Paz with the new Asthenes sp. at Serra do Cipo, several interesting facts emerge. The highest altitude birds (dorbignyi at La Paz—3200 m) sang fastest, at 16 notes per second; at Cochabamba (2950 m), dorbignyi delivered 14 notes per second; whereas the new Asthenes sp. at Serra do Cipo (1500 m) sang only 11 notes in 3.1 seconds. Although geographical song variation in dorbignyi appears to invalidate comparisons, the significant difference in songs between that species and the new Asthenes sp. is the pitch. Whereas dorbignyi at La Paz and Cochabamba showed a pitch variation of 1.4 KHz and 1 kHz respectively, the new Asthenes sp. showed a pitch variation of 4.8 KHz. Taped calls of 4 study species (A. d. dorbigny1, A. wyatti graminicola, A. humilis robusta and A. pyrrholeuca flavigularis) showed the contact call of the new Asthenes sp. was not similar in structure or sound. The contact call of nominate dorbignyz is a rising piercing “‘shreep’’ note in the 3.26.2 KHz range at 2.7 second intervals (Fig. 3F). A. wyatti graminicola calls a series of “‘tick’’ and “‘took’’ notes in the 3.1—6.9 KHz range (Fig. 3G). A. humilis robusta calls in bursts of churring notes, lasting typically c. 20 m. seconds, given in pairs or triplets in the 3.5—5.5 KHz range (Fig. 3H). A. pyrrholeuca flavigularis has a rising ‘“‘swiip’? contact note at 0.6—0.8 second intervals in the 2.4~7.1 KHz range (Fig. 31). The contact call of the new Asthenes sp. can be described as a high- pitched “‘jlit’’, with a metallic quality, and repeated at 2 second intervals (Fig. 3J). An enlarged sonagram shows that the 3 components vary from 4663-6163 Hzin 130.2 m. seconds (Fig. 3K). ’To the human ear however, it sounds like a 2 syllable note. Contact calls in the genus Asthenes appear to be constant, without geographical variation. Sonagraphic comparison with 4 Asthenes spp. contact calls appear to indicate that the new Asthenes sp. has a very distinct call. M. Pearman 150 - Bull. B.O.C.1990 110(3) (A)Asthenes wyatti graminicola Cuzco,Peru - (B)Asthenes modesta modesta Jujuy,Argentina 1 2 (C)new Asthenes sp. Minas Gerais,Brazil (D)Asthenes dorbignyi dorbignyi Cochabamba,Bolivia i | | : G 1 \ p i ! ! | ! 5 iy ipa : ' 1 I fi \ if | 1 f ci | At onic n é / if ‘ ! \ f ! if é é A Tate a | | t 1 2 3 4 (E) Asthenes dorbignyi dorbignyi La Paz,Bolivia 1 2 3 4 Figure 2. Sonagrams (in the 300 Hz bandwidth) of songs (A-E) of the new Asthenes sp. and other species in the genus Asthenes. Compare especially the new Asthenes sp. (C) with that of A. d. dorbignyi (D). Vertical scale = Frequency (KHz). Horizontal scale ='Time (seconds). Tapes (A,B,D,E) by N. Krabbe, (C) by M. Pearman. Sonagrams by R. Ranft, reproduced by M.P. (F) Asthenes dorbignyi dorbignyi La Paz,Bolivia TA her { 6y | at i a. } { 4 ‘ i : { ' 1 2 3 4 (G) Asthenes wyatti graminicola Cuzco, Peru 1 2 3 4 (K) new Asthenes sp. Minas Gerais,Brazil (H) Asthenes humilis robusta Cuzco, Peru (I)Asthenes pyrrholeuca flavigularis Santa Cruz,Argentina i 2 3 iintie FC TRE Figure 3. Sonagrams (in the 300 Hz bandwidth) of contact calls (F—K) of the new Asthenes sp. and other species in the genus Asthenes. The single call note at the end, in the 1.24.4 KHz range, on sonagram (I), is from a Long-tailed Meadowlark Sturnella loyca. Compare contact call of the new Asthenes sp. (J,K) with those of 4 other species in the genus Asthenes (F,G,H,I). Vertical scale = Frequency (KHz). Horizontal scale on (F,G,H,I,J) =Time (seconds), and on (K)=Time (m.seconds). Tapes (F,G,H,I) by N. Krabbe, (J,K) by M. Pearman. Sonagrams by R. Ranft, reproduced by M.P. M. Pearman 152 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Behaviour Canasteros at Serra do Cipo acted in typical Asthenes fashion, cocking their tails at varying angles, most often at 45° (Plate 3). When landing after a flight, birds often cocked their tail into a forward angle over the head. One individual on 13 August 1988 was observed flicking its wings in short bursts and tail cocking simultaneously, while remaining silent. The new Asthenes sp. 1s mainly terrestrial, searching rocks and crevices and climbing to the tops of bushes (c. 1.5 m above the ground) to sing. Males in full song were strongly territorial and responded well to tape playback. Non-singing individuals were initially drawn out by playback, but often vanished into crevices. Estimates of territory size varied from 15 to 30 m°. Status Fieldwork indicates that the new Asthenes sp. is not uncommon ina small area at Serra do Cipo, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Presumably other locations in the Serra do Espinaco, with suitable habitat, hold the new Asthenes sp. Fieldwork at Caraca (19°58'S,43°29'W), at the northern end of the Serra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais (75 km south of Serra do Cipo), in August 1989, failed to detect the new Asthenes sp. in suitable habitat between 1250 and 1550 m using playback of the Cipo tapes. This fact, together with the lack of any observations of the new Asthenes sp. outside Serra do Cipo, would appear to indicate that the species is, at least, endemic to the Serra do Espinaco. The Serra do Espinago is home to 3 other endemic species: Hyacinthe Visorbearer Augastes scutatus, Gray-backed Tachuri Polystictus super- ciliaris and Pale-throated Serra-finch Embernagra longicauda. The former 2 are regarded as ‘red Data species’ (see Collar & Andrew 1988) although E. longicauda is scarcer at Serra do Cipo. These 3 species occupy the same rocky outcrops at Serra do Cipo as the new Asthenes sp. The area is outside the National Park and is used for cattle grazing. The grassland is periodically burnt and large fires were seen in July 1989. If fires are regular, there may be threat to the survival of the 4 endemics; but presumably the fires are long standing and the populations have adapted. Conclusion The discovery of a new species of Asthenes in the isolated Serra do Espinaco, Minas Gerais, Brazil, suggests, along with vocalization and plumage data, that the species has had a long history of isolation. Although its relationships remain unclear, from a vocalization analysis and plumage study, its closest relatives are possibly A. dorbignyi and A. patagonica. Acknowledgements To Richard Ranft of the British Library of Wildlife Sounds (National Sound Archive) for his making available recordings of Asthenes vocalizations and for the use of audio- spectrogram instrumentation; Niels Krabbe for the use of his recorded material; Peter Colston of the British Museum (Natural History) for his permission to study specimens; IT. A.W. McAllan 153 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) John Martin for his advice on flora identification; John Hurrell for his invaluable help in the field, my thanks; and special thanks to Alan Greensmith for his comments on a draft of this paper. References: Araya Médinger, B. & Millie Holman, G. 1986. Guia de Campo de las Aves de Chile. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago. Collar, N. J. & Andrew, P. 1988. Birds to Watch: the ICBP World Checklist of Threatened Birds. 1CBP Techn. Publ. 8. ICBP, Cambridge. De La Pena, M. R. 1988. Guia de Aves Argentinas. Part V. Talleres Graficos LUX S.R.L. Santa Fe. Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton Univ. Press. Howard, R. & Moore, A. 1984. A Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World. Oxford Univ. Press (reprinted by Macmillan, London). Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1970. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia (reprinted by Pan Am. Section ICBP). Meyer de Schauensee, R. & Phelps, W. H. Jr. 1978. A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela. Princeton Univ. Press. Narosky, T. & Yzurieta, D. 1987. Guia para la Identificacion de las Aves de Argentina y Uruguay. Vazquez Mazzini Editores, Buenos Aires. Ridgely, R.S. & Tudor, G. 1989. The Birds of South America. Vol. 1. Univ. of 'Texas Press. Sick, H. 1984. Ornitologia Brasileira, Uma Introducao. Vol 2. Editora Univ. De Brasilia. Operational Navigation Chart P-28. 1980. Ed. 6. Defence Mapping Agency Aerospace Center, St Louis Air Force Station, Missouri. Address : Mark Pearman, 58 Prospect Place, Wapping Wall, London E1 9TJ, UK. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 The Cochineal Creeper and the Fascinating Grosbeak: a re-examination of some names of John Latham by Ian A. W. McAllan Received 23 January 1990 Perusal of the recent literature of New Caledonian birds reveals the existence of 2 names for the same honeyeater. Salomonsen (1967) used the name Myzomela sanguinolenta (Latham 1801) for the Scarlet Honey- eater of New Caledonia; presumably this was the source of its use by Keast (1985). Other authors have regularly used M. dibapha (Latham 1801), for example Mayr (1932, 1945), Koopman (1957), Delacour (1966), Vuilleumier & Gochfeld (1976), Stokes (1980) and Hannecart & Letocart (1980). Indeed the papers of Koopman and Salomonsen are at direct odds. Although they both recognized that M. caledonica Forbes 1879 is in fact the subspecies of a Myzomela found on New Caledonia, each has placed it under a different species names, dibapha and sanguinolenta respectively. Wallacean birds in the sanguinolenta/dibapha grouping have either been placed in dibapha (e.g. Mathews 1930), sanguinolenta (e.g. Watling 1983, White & Bruce 1986), separated as a single allospecies M. boiei (S. Muller 1843) (e.g. Wolters 1982) or split into 3 allospecific groupings I. A.W. McAllan 154 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) M. boiet, M. chloroptera Walden 1872 and M. wakoloensis Forbes 1883 (e.g. McKean 1982, presumably following Salomonsen 1967). Australian birds have usually been placed in sanguinolenta (oppositely to most authors for New Caledonia) and this name has been consistently used throughout Australian journals. The only author (apart from G. M. Mathews) to have used dibapha for Australian birds this century is Koopman (1957),and he was undoubtedly following Mathews’ various works. Mathews (1927) first used dibapha in the supplement to his The Birds of Australia, where he noted; “Certhia sanguinolenta Latham, 1801, is indeterminable. Read Myzomela dibapha (Latham). Certhia dibapha Latham, Index Ornith. Suppl. p. xxxvii, 1801 (after May 30th): New South Wales (Watling drawing No. 108, not 107, and is the Cochineal Creeper).”’ Mathews later (1930, 1931, 1946) used dibapha, the Systema work of 1930 being probably the most important in keeping this name in the literature. A more detailed account of these names of John Latham is clearly necessary. Myzomela sanguinolenta and M. dibapha were described on the same page, xxxvil, of Latham (1801b) under the genus Certhia. C. sanguinolenta was described as:— ‘““Certhia coccineo-fanguinea, dorfomaculis deformibus nigris, fubtus cinerea, gula juguloque albis.”’ and is referred to the Sanguineous Creeper in Latham’s General Synopsis of Birds, Supplement II (1801a). C. dibapha was described immediately below C. sanguinolenta as:— ““C. coccineo-rubra abdomine albo, maculis dorfi pectoris per oculos alis caudaque nigris.”’ and is referred to the Cochineal Creeper in Latham (1801a). It has been generally assumed that Latham based his descriptions on copies that he made of drawings and paintings that passed through his hands, one of the major series of these being the Watling drawings (see Sawyer 1949,. Hindwood 1970). The Watling drawings were made between 1788 and 1795 and appear to have been assembled by Surgeon- General John White in Australia, a principal artist being ‘Thomas Watling. Upon his return to England in 1797, White gave at least some of the drawings to A. B. Lambert. Lambert then made copies of the Watling drawings (the Lambert drawings) and lent these to Latham, who returned them in January 1800 (see especially Hindwood 1970). Strickland (May, 1843), when reviewing the Lambert drawings, noted that Latham wrote on each drawing the name which he intended to give to the species pictured. Sharpe (1906) noted that the Watling drawings all bore, in Latham’s hand, the common and scientific names and a reference to where Latham published his name first, these annotations obviously written at a later date. The first person to review the paintings was G. R. Gray in Dec 1842 (publ. 1843) when he noted that Certhia dibapha could be recognized as a distinct species in the genus Myzomela; but he was not able to identify C. sanguinolenta with any known species. I. A.W. McAllan 155 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Strickland (1843), who was helped by Gould, had suggested that C. sanguinolenta was probably the female of Myzomela dibapha. Shortly afterwards Gould (June, 1843) published part xi of his Birds of Australia, where the name Myzomela sanguinolenta is used; he was almost universally followed after this date, especially in Australia. When reviewing all the Watling drawings, Sharpe (1906) referred drawings number 107 and 108 to Certhia dibapha, the Cochineal Creeper, 109 to C. sanguinolenta, the Sanguineous Creeper and 120 to C. erythro- pygia, the Red-rumped Creeper. Usually considered a junior synonym of both the other names, C. erythropygia was described by Latham (1801b) on page xxxvili, the page following that on which the former 2 were described. Hindwood (1970) referred all 4 paintings to Myzomela sanguinolenta, ignoring Mathews’ (1927) earlier comments. The description of the Sanguineous Creeper in Latham (1801a) is accompanied by an etching (plate 130) which corresponds reasonably well in patterning, though not exactly in pose, with Watling drawing 109 (I have examined black and white photographs of the Watling drawings lodged at the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales). Strickland (1843) noted that this etching was not one of the exact copies of the Watling drawings, but this is not surprising given that the etching would have been drawn from Latham’s copy of the Lambert drawing, which was itself a copy of the Watling drawing. The English description and the etching (in Latham 1801a), the Latin description (in Lathan 1801b) and Watling drawing 109 reveal the same features, i.e. those of C. sanguinolenta, namely a white chin and throat, but otherwise completely dull brown below. If the bird had been an immature male Scarlet Honeyeater from Australia, it would have had either some scarlet markings on the chin or at least have been completely brown below (as in C. erythropygia, Watling drawing 120). The bases of the body feathers of adult male Scarlet Honeyeaters are usually black, hence occasionally creating an appearance of black blotching within scarlet and white areas when the plumage is worn or rufHed. Some of the body feathers do not have black bases, however, but tend towards the pale brown of immature or female birds, though never white. Mathews (1927) was thus correct (and Gray before him) in assuming that C. sanguinolenta was not readily identifiable with the Scarlet Honeyeater of Australia. Mathews chose Watling drawing 108 as the drawing of the lectotype of C. dibapha Latham 1801, and not 107, for the Cochineal Creeper, presumably because the bird pictured in 107 does not have the black loral streak found in Scarlet Honeyeaters, while drawing 108 does have this feature. The name for the Australian bird (Latham’s Sanguineous Creeper) must, indeed, be Myzomela dibapha (Latham 1801) and not M. sanguino- lenta (Latham 1801). A quick check in any usual reference for Myzomela (e.g. Forbes 1879, Salomonsen 1967) would suggest that the genus was based on Meliphaga cardinalis Vigors & Horsfield 1827, which is a junior homonym of Certhia cardinalis Gmelin 1789 and a junior synonym of Certhia sanguinolenta. This would normally create nomenclatural problems suggesting either a replacement genus-group name (in this case Melomyza Mathews 1913) or an application to the International I. A.W. McAllan 156 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Commission of Zoological Nomenclature for a new type species for Myzomela (see Article 70 of ICZN 1985). Fortunately most reference works are incorrect in this instance. Strickland (1843) was the first to assign Myzomela cardinalis (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) to another species. ‘The species he chose was Certhia dibapha Latham 1801, previously considered a junior synonym of C. sanguinolenta and thus previously ignored in nomenclatorial citations. If separated into the 5 allospecific groupings of Salomonsen (1967), New Caledonian birds become MW. caledonica Forbes 1879. It is of interest to note that there is another painting besides Watling’s M. dibapha from the early 1790’s. Painting 54 in the Sydney paintings, lodged in the Mitchell Library, is probably a better interpretation of the species than Watling drawing 108, which Mathews chose as the type (see also Hindwood 1965). To summarize: Certhia sanguinolenta Latham 1801 [=Myzomela sanguinolenta] is indeterminable. The next available name for the Scarlet Honeyeater is Certhia dibapha Latham 1801. This does not affect the availability of the genus-group name Myzomela Vigors & Horsfieid 1827. The valid name for the Scarlet Honeyeater from Australia is thus Myzomela dibapha (Latham 1801). Another name of Latham’s from the same work (1801b) has caused similar problems. Loxia fascinans was described on page xlvias: “TL. fufco-nigra fubtus alba, rectricibus exterioribus albis.’? and referred to the Fascinating Grosbeak in Latham (1801a). Gray (1843) could not identify this species either, though Gould (in Strickland 1843) identified it with the species now known as the Jacky Winter in Australia. Strangely, Gould used Microeca macroptera(Vigors & Horsfield 1827) for this species in part xxxii of his Birds of Australia (1848) and later reverted back to M. fascinans in his Handbook to the Birds of Australia (1865). Sharpe (1879) also referred the Jacky Winter to M. fascinans. When he reviewed the Watling drawings in 1906 he did not mention finding a portrait of Loxia fascinans but did note that the White-tailed Warbler (painting 201) was asynonym of Lowxia fascinans. This bird was described on page lv of Latham (1801b) as Sylvia leucophaea; ‘“S. fufca fubtus albo-caerulefcens, macula remigum rectricibufque (2 intermediis exceptis) albis.’”’ and referred to the White-tailed Warbler of Latham (1801a). Microeca fascinans was used until 1923 when Mathews (1923a) noted; ‘““Loxia fascinans Latham cannot be used for the Brown Flycatcher. The next name is Sylvia leucophaea Latham Index Ornith. Suppl., p. lv., 1801 (after May 30th).”’ M. leucophaea did not gain wide usage until RAOU (1960) stated that leucophaea had priority over fascinans, an obviously false statement. McAllan & Bruce (1989), following the reasons given by RAOU (1960), again used fascinans once they had determined its priority. Mayr (zm Mayr & Cottrell 1986) referred the change of name from fascinans to leucophaea to Mathews (1930). Unfortunately Mathews gave no cogent reason for the change of name in this work. He had, how- ever, earlier given some explanation. In 1923 he was able to examine the IT. A.W. McAllan 157 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) tracings made by G. R. Gray when Gray reviewed the Lambert drawings (Mathews 1923b). These tracings totalled 54 in number and had written on them in Gray’s hand the names given to the birds by Latham and the number of the drawing from the Lambert drawings. In 50 of these tracings Mathews had been able to determine that they were direct copies of the Watling drawings, but 4 could not be identified with this series. Of these 4 tracings, one was undoubtedly a copy of one of the missing Watling drawings (Anas rhynchotis Latham 1801), one was a further picture of Turdus volitans (figured twice in the Watling drawings), one was an alternative picture for Certhia chrysotis (= Meliphaga fusca Gould 1837, see Salomonsen 1967), while the last missing drawing was Loxia fascinans. As all the other tracings of Gray were correct it must be assumed that the tracing of L. fascinans was correct. Mathews then noted; ‘‘Loxia fascinans is based on the Lambert drawing which is absolutely and definitely not the Microeca with which the name has been associ- ated, but is of some Finch as the genus chosen by Latham indicated. It is comparable with B.M. No. 168 [=Temporal Finch, Neochmia temporalis (Latham 1801)], but that is also a Finch. As already recorded, Sylvia leucophaea Latham given to Lambert, Dr III, 28 (B.M. No. 201) represents the Microeca, and this specific name must be used.” This conclusion was also suggested by Gray (1843) who, when not able to identify the species was still able to assign L. fascinans to the genus Estrelda (sic). This is at direct odds with Gould (zm Strickland 1843) who determined that Loxia fascinans was the same as Microeca macroptera (Vigors & Horsfield 1827), which is definitely a Jacky Winter (note that the type [which lacks a tail] of this name was examined by Sharpe in 1879 and is still in the British Museum—Warren & Harrison 1971). However, Gould must have been mistaken as he also determined that L. fascinans was the same as S. leucophaea, which is definitely not a Jacky Winter. Hindwood (1970) when discussing Watling drawing 201 (the Whitetailed Warbler = Sylvia leucophaea) noted; “201. (3/28). Rose Robin, Petroica rosea female. Sharpe identified this drawing with the Jacky Winter Microeca leucophaea, and the remarks on the sheet about the habits of the bird agree well with that species: however, the white on the wing and the relatively long tail best suit the Rose Robin.”’ Hindwood was correct in the assumption that the species concerned was not a Jacky Winter. I have also examined a black and white photo- graph of this drawing and it does not correspond with this species. Not only does it have a white wing bar but it also lacks the white superciliary stripe found in the Jacky Winter. Hindwood’s assertion that it was a female Rose Robin Petroica rosea Gould 1840 is however also not tenable, as this species has 2 wing bars. The female Flame Robin P. phoenica Gould 1837 often appears to have one wing bar, but it also has an obvious white forehead (absent in Watling drawing 201). Other species that look similar and have white wing bars are the Dusky Robin Melanodryas vittata (Quoy & Gaimard 1830) and the I. A. W. McAllan 158 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) female Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata (Latham 1801). In both cases however they have less white 1n the tail than Latham’s White-tailed Warbler. The “relatively long tail’’ as noted by Hindwood does not agree well with any of the Australian flycatchers apart from the genus Rhipidura, which it is definitely not. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that both Loxia fascinans and Sylvia leucophaea are indeterminable. Gould himself may have been undecided on his determination of the paintings concerned as he used the name Microeca macroptera 5 years later (see above). In such a situation the next available name for the Jacky Winter or Brown Flycatcher is Gould’s second choice, Microeca macroptera Vigors & Horsfield 1827. The genus-group name stays as Microeca as this is based on the subspecies assimilis described by Gould in 1841. Acknowledgements I thank Murray D. Bruce for his many useful comments while I was researching this paper and the staff of Taronga Zoological Park (Sydney), the Australian Museum Library and the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales for access to material and facilities in their care. References: Delacour, J. 1966. Guide des Oiseaux de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et de ses Dépendances. Delachaux & Niestle. Forbes, W. A. 1879. A synopsis of the Meliphagine genus Myzomela, with descriptions of two new species. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. for 1879: 256-278. Gould, J. 1843 (June). The Birds of Australia Part xi [later part of Vol. 4] London: Author. 1848 (September). The Birds of Australia Part xxxii [later part of Vol. 2] London: Author. —— 1865. Handbook to the Birds of Australia. 2 Vols. London: Author. [One vol. facs. ed. 1972: Lansdowne Press]. Gray, G. R. 1843 (communicated 14 Dec 1842). Some rectifications of the Nomenclature of Australian Birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 11: 189-194. Hannecart, F. & Letocart Y. 1980. Ozseaux de Nile Caledonie et des Loyautes. (New Caledonian Birds.) Tome 1. Noumea, Nouvelle Calédonie: Les Editions Cardinalis. Hindwood, K. A. 1965. The ‘Sydney’ Bird Paintings. Aust. Zool. 13: 83-92 4+ 2 pl. 1970. The ‘Watling’? drawings, with incidental notes on the ‘Lambert’ and the ‘Latham’ drawings. Proc. Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W. for 1968-69: 16-32 +4 pl. I.C.Z.N. (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature) 1985. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 3rd Edn. London: International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature. Keast, A. 1985. An introductory ecological biogeography of the Australo—Pacific Meliphagidae. N.Z. 7. Zool. 12: 605-622. Koopman, Kk. F. 1957. Evolution in the genus Myzomela (Aves: Meliphagidae). Auk 74: 49-72. Latham, J. 1801a. Supplement II to the General Synopsis of Birds. Leigh, Sotheby & Son. 1801b. Supplementum, Indicis Ornithologici, sive Systematis Ornithologiae. Leigh & Sotheby. McAllan, I. A. W. & Bruce, M. D. 1989. The Birds of New South Wales. A Working List. Turramurra, N.S.W.: Biocon Res. Gp. McKean, J. 1982. Some notes on the birds of Sulawesi (Celebes). P.N.G. Bird Soc. Newsl. 191-192: 12-17. Mathews, G. M. 1923a. Additions and Corrections to my lists of the birds of Australia. Austral. Av. Rec. 5: 33-44. —— 1923b. More notes of interest. Austral. Av. Rec. 5: 45-73. — 1927. Corrections and additions to my check list part II. pp. 429-431 in The Birds of Australia Vol. XII, part 10. Witherby. —— 1930. Systema Avium Australasianarum. A systematic list of the birds of the Australasian Region. Part II. British Ornithologists’ Union. D. T. Holyoak 159 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) — 1931. A List of the Birds of Australia (including New Zealand, Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands, and the Australasian Antarctic Quadrant ).'Taylor & Francis. — 1946. A Working List of Australian Birds, including the Australian Quadrant and New Zealand. Shepherd & Newman. Mayr, E. 1932. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition XVII. Notes on Meliphagidae from Polynesia and the Solomon Islands. Am. Mus. Nov. 516:1—30. 1945. Birds of the Southwest Pacific. Macmillan. Mayr, E. & Cottrell, G. W. 1986. Family Eopsaltriidae pp. 556-583 im E. Mayr & G. W. Cottrell (Eds) Checklist of Birds of the World. Vol. 11. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Univ Press. R.A.O.U. (Royal Australasian Ornithologists’ Union) 1960. Eighth Supplement to the Official Checklist of the Birds of Australia (Second Edition). Emu 60: 140-145. Salomonsen, F. 1967. Family Meliphagidae pp. 338-450 7m R. A. Paynter Jr. (Ed.) Checklist of Birds of the World. Vol. 12. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Univ Press. Sawyer, F. C. 1949. Notes on some original drawings of birds used by Dr John Latham. 7. Soc. Bibliog. Nat. Hist. 2: 173-180. Sharpe, R. B. 1879. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds in the collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphae: Part 1. Containing the families Campophagidae and Muscicapidae. In: Catalogue of the Birds of the British Museum. Vol. 4. British Museum (Nat. Hist). — 1906. Birds. pp. 79-515, in The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum. Vol. 2. Separate Historical Accounts of the Several Collections Included in the Department of Zoology. British Museum (Nat. Hist.). Stokes, A. 1980. Notes on the landbirds of New Caledonia. Emu 80: 81-86. Strickland, H. E. 1843 (May). Remarks on a collection of Australian drawings of birds, the property of the Earl of Derby. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 11: 333-338. Vuilleumier, F. & Gochfeld, M. 1976. Notes sur l’avifaune de Nouvelle-Caledonie. Alauda 44: 237-273. Warren, L. M. & Harrison, C. J. O. 1971. Type-Specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 2. Passerines. British Museum (Nat. Hist). Watling, D. 1983. Ornithological notes from Sulawesi. Emu 83: 247-261. White, C. M. N. & Bruce, M. D. 1986. The Birds of Wallacea ( Sulawesi, The Moluccas and Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia). An Annotated Checklist. B.O.U. Checklist No. 7. British Ornithologists’ Union. Wolters, H. E. 1982 [1975-1982]. Die Vogelarten der Erde. Hamburg & Berlin: Paul Parey. Address: 1. A.W. McAllan, 46 Yeramba St., Turramurra, NSW 2074, Australia © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 The nest and eggs of Phylloscopus budongoensis by D. T. Holyoak Received 29 January 1990 The Uganda Woodland Warbler Phylloscopus budongoensis is a local bird of eastern Zaire, Uganda and western Kenya. Its nest and eggs have apparently not been described. This note records information on a nest found in Kakamega Forest, W. Kenya on 31 August 1989, inside tall shady forest with well developed understorey on the slight slope of a hill at c. 1700 m elevation. The incubating bird was identified very clearly, the nest being first found as a consequence of its flying out and perching nearby, and again soon afterwards as it again left the nest when I returned with Mr Marcel Holyoak to take photographs. C.B.& D. W. Frith 160 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) ‘The domed nest was placed in a slight recess between buttresses at the base of a tree, c. 50 cm above the ground, within a hanging mat of a long pleurocarpous moss. Its external measurements were c. 19 cm high and c. 12 cm wide. The rounded entrance hole of 4.5 cm diameter was posit- ioned towards the top of the outer facing side of the nest. The outside of the nest was built entirely of the same moss that surrounded the structure and the interior consisted of similar fragments. The deep cup was thickly lined with fibres and down from plants. There were 3 fresh eggs, 2 of which measured c.16.0x 11.7 and 16.0 x 12.0 mm. They had a white ground colour, with spots and small blotches of light chestnut all over the surface, but in greater concentration around the larger end. Photographs of the nest and eggs have been lodged with the Sub- department of Ornithology, British Museum (Natural History). Both nest and eggs are similar to those described for other Afrotropical Phylloscopus, such as P. ruficapillus and P. umbrovirens (Mackworth- Praed & Grant, 1960: 386-389) and generally similar also to those of European species of this genus. Reference: Mackworth-Praed, C. W. & Grant, C. H. B. 1960. African Handbook of Birds Ser. 1, vol. 2. Birds of Eastern and North-eastern Africa. 2nd edn. Longmans. Address. Dr D. 'T. Holyoak, School of Geography and Geology, College of St Paul and St Mary, The Park, Cheltenham, Glos. GL50 2RH, U.K. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Discovery of the King of Saxony Bird of Paradise Pteridophora alberti nest, egg and nestling, with notes on parental care by Clifford B. Frith and Dawn W. Frith Received 23 February 1990 The King of Saxony Bird of Paradise Pteridophora alberti represents a monotypic genus of the family Paradisaeidae and is one of the most bizarrely sexually dimorphic species, in which it is assumed males are promiscuous and females alone attend the nest. It lives in cloud forest 1500-2850 m a.s.]. on the central mountains of New Guinea, from the Weyland and Snow Mountains of Irian Jaya eastward to the Bismarck and Kratke Ranges of Papua New Guinea; it is less common at its lower altitudinal limits. For details of morphology and distribution see Gilliard (1969), Cooper & Forshaw (1977) and Beehler et al. (1986). The bizarre appearance of the adult plumaged male King of Saxony Bird of Paradise has attracted great interest ever since its description in 1894, which even the great British Museum ornithologist Bowdler C.B.& D.W. Frith 161 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Sharpe thought must have referred to an artifact or hoax specimen. By the time of his monograph of the Paradisaeidae, Sharpe (1898) was, how- ever, convinced of the authenticity of the remarkably plumaged mature male and he stressed the great need for information on the nesting of birds of paradise, especially for forms such as Pteridophora. Remarkably this knowledge has eluded numerous expeditionaries, collectors and ornithologists ever since, until now. At 1030 hr on 24 December 1988 a female-plumaged (assumed female, see below) King of Saxony Bird of Paradise was seen carrying a piece of moss in her bill and flying to a nest 10.9m up in a large tricate upright branch fork of a Tizmonius belensis tree, situated on a gentle slope at an altitude of 2665 m a.s.l., at Tari Gap (5°57’'S, 143°10’E), Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea (Plate 5). Three other Tzmonius belensis trees were in the immediate area, which consisted of disturbed mixed beech moss forest, with few large trees other than Pandanus tectorius palms, and was within 25m of a disused native hunting hut. Fruits of Timonius belensis are a significant food of the King of Saxony Bird of Paradise in the Tari Gap (Frith & Frith in prep). The female added the moss to the nest and left, to return 15 mins later with fine tendril-like material, which she added before sitting in the nest cup to shape it with her breast and adjust the interior with her bill. The nest tree was 30 m into the forest from the edge of subalpine grassland (see Plates 5 and 7). For details of this habitat and our other ornithological studies there see Frith & Frith (1988, 1990 and references therein). Our watches of activity at this nest were made from the grassland edge, c. 30 m from the nest tree with 8 x 42 field glasses (note D.W.F. in Plate 7). On 25—27 December the bird was seen adding small fine curved stems or rootlets to the nest lining. On 28 December the bird did not appear 0800—0845, but during a brief watch 1335-1345 she arrived without material and sat herself on the nest to shape it, and then left. On 29, 30 and 31 December at 1330-1430, 0815-0915 and 1315-1405 respectively no bird was present. On 2 January 1989 a watch was started at 0750 and at 0758 the female arrived and sat still in the nest, obviously incubating, until we left at 0810. At 0800 and 1200 on 5 and 6 January respectively the female was incubating. The egg was examined at 1130 on 10 January; it measured 33.6 x 23.5 mm, and weighed 9.7 g (Plate 6). It was buff, with numerous longitudinal blotches of purple-grey, purple, grey and russet, underlaid with spots and flecks of these colours. The longitudinal blotches formed a band about the larger end, and there were some orange fruit stains. The egg was smooth-surfaced, had a slight lustre or gloss, and both ends were rather bluntly rounded being more the oblong oval or elliptical of O’Connor (1985) in shape. At 1245 on 18 January the egg weighed 9.1 g with no sign of pipping then or at 1300 on 21 January. At 0700 on 23 January the egg weighed 8.8 g and had 2 eruptions in the larger end. At 0730 on 24 January a 7.7 g hatchling was in the nest (Plate 8). It had a wing length of 10 mm, a total head length (THL) of 19.9 mm anda tarsus of 10.6 mm. It was naked with entirely dark grey-purple skin, paler on the abdomen, a mid-grey gape, off-white claws and a tiny white egg tooth (Plate 8). At 0815 on 27 January C.B.& D.W. Frith 162 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) the naked nestling weighed 10.7 g with a chord wing length of 11.4, a THL of 21.8 anda tarsus of 11.6 mm. Its skin was black-purple, gape and claws dull off-white and its eyes still closed. At 0815 on 2 February the nest was empty and damaged, with no sign of young or parent bird about. The nest was a shallow open cup of c. 170 mm outside diameter, and the egg cup only c. 55 mm deep, placed within the fork of 3 upright branches, with no sticks incorporated in it, and none of its material going around the outside of the branches. It was a fairly loose accumulation of numerous and varied fine epiphytic orchid stems, probably predominantly of Glossorhyncha spp, including some Bulbophyllum-like orchids, and very fine fern fronds. ‘The upper outer nest rim was ‘decorated’ with fresh green ‘comb-tooth’ fern fronds up to 250 mm long, probably Blechnum or Doodia sp. The egg cup interior was sparsely lined with fine epiphytic orchid stems or tendrils and a few of other kinds of fine plant tendrils. We watched the female’s incubation activity for 195 hours during 15 watches of 1—2 hours duration (av. 1 hr 18 min) during 3—20 January, i.e. when the egg was 3—20 days old. Watches began between 0900 and 1405, the mean being 1205. We have assumed the egg was laid during the morning of 1 January 1989, but it may have been laid the next day (see above). The female made an average of 4.1 (range = 2—6.4) visits to incubate per hour, spending a mean of 8’ 37” (range=4' 48” to 18’ 19”) incubating per visit, and 58.3% of our total observation time at the nest. Her absences averaged 3.9 per hour (range =2.5—6.4), with a mean of 6O3 bi(range=41127t0M2°20%): We observed the female brooding and feeding the nestling for 174 hours during 6 watches of 1-4 hours (av. 2h 55 min) during 24-30 January, i.e. when the nestling was 1—7 days old). Watches began between 0756 and 1350, (mean time 0945). The female made an average of 3.8 feeding/ brooding visits per hour (range = 3.2—5.0), the brooding bouts having a mean of 6’ 30” (range = 6’ 5” to 8’ 31”). The mean time present at the nest was 7’ 5”, including time spent on the nest rim (4.4% of total time). An average of 3.5 feeding visits per hour (range = 0—-4.7) were made, averag- ing 45” in duration (range=6—55"), before she subsequently brooded. On only 4 occasions, twice each on 27 and 30 January, did she feed the nestling and depart without brooding; and on 7 occasions she brooded without first feeding the nestling. The female brooded the nestling for 40.8% of our total observation time, the mean duration of brooding bouts being 6’ 30” (range= 5’ 23” to 8’ 1”). Her absences averaged 3.8 per hour with a mean duration of 8’ 42” (range = 4’ 58” to 10’ 36”). While we could not conclusively prove our nesting bird was female, nor that only one bird visited the nest, we confidently assume this to be the case in view of knowledge of male dispersal and displays and breeding systems in this and other sexually dimorphic birds of paradise (Gilliard 1969, Cooper & Forshaw 1977, LeCroy 1981, Beehler & Pruett-Jones 1983, Frith 1985, Beehler 1987), and because of the timing of our bird’s movements and because no conspecifics were seen near the nest. During the watch of 19 January, the female was seen to rise from incubating and chase off 3 different small passerines, probably honeyeaters, from within 1—2 m of her nest. We were unable to identify the composition of the nestling’s meals. C.B.& D.W. Frith 163 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Only one fully plumaged male was frequently and clearly audible to us from the nest site, a bird that was vocal throughout the study period 150-— 200 m distant and it is possible this male fertilized our nesting female. On 26 December 1988, and c. 1 km from the above nest, we saw another female-plumaged King of Saxony Bird of Paradise feeding a fledgling of her own size and appearance save that its plumage was softer, more fluffy-looking. Data indicative of breeding in this species are rare. Rand (1942) reported 5 breeding females being collected, 2 each in November and December and 1 in January, and on 13 April, Beach (1975) witnessed display and copulation. Diamond (1972) collected a young male in pre- dominantly female plumage with “‘scattered velvet-black patches on the crown and nape and orange on the breast”’ and with enlarged testes on 24 June 1964. Notwithstanding this, Kwapena (1985) indicated a ‘“‘mean breeding season’’ of September to May inclusive, basing this on obser- vation of ‘‘juveniles, courtship displays and gonad conditions’’, having seen “juveniles in January, February and July”’ The nest of the King of Saxony Bird of Paradise was very similar to, but shallower than, that of the Ribbon-tailed Astrapia Astrapia mayeri (Kwapena 1985, Frith & Frith in prep) being of similar materials; but its rim was ‘decorated’ with ‘comb-toothed’ ferns as used by the Crested Bird of Paradise Cnemophilus macgregoriae (Loke 1957, Frith & Frith in prep). It does not match a description given to Cooper (in Cooper & Forshaw 1977) by Mount Hagen residents with respect to materials and situation, although they did indicate a cup shape. The egg of the King of Saxony Bird of Paradise is typical of those which are known of the subfamily Paradisaeinae (Gilliard 1969 plate 19., Cooper & Forshaw 1977, Bishop & Frith 1979, Frith 1985). The egg colour, pattern and size we describe herein, however, are not similar to those described to Cooper (in Cooper & Forshaw 1977) by local people at Mount Hagen. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge support from Wildlife Conservation International, New York Zoological Society. Bob and Pam Bates of Trans Niugini Tours provided invaluable interest in, and support for, this study. For permission to study at Tari Gap we thank the Department of Environment and Conservation, and particularly Mr Karol Kisokau, of the Government of Papua New Guinea. Mike Pease kindly enabled us to photograph Tari Gap from the air. Bruce M. Beehler and William T. Cooper kindly commented helpfully on a draft of this contribution. References: Beach, J. 1975. Display and mating of the King of Saxony Bird of Paradise. Papua New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl. 109: 1-2. Beehler, B. M. 1987. Birds of paradise and mating systems theory, predictions and observations. Emu 87: 78-89. Beehler, B. M., Pratt, T. K. & Zimmerman, D. A. 1986. Birds of New Guinea, Princeton Univ. Press. Beehler, B. M. & Pruett-Jones, S. G. 1983. Display dispersion and diet of birds of paradise: a comparison of nine species. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 13: 229-238. Bishop, K. D. & Frith, C. B. 1979. A small collection of eggs of birds-of-paradise at Baiyer River Sanctuary, Papua New Guinea. Emu 79: 140-141. Cooper, W. T. & Forshaw, J. M. 1977. The Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds. Collins. C.B.& D. W. Frith 164 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(3) Diamond, J. M. 1972. Avifauna of the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea. Publ. Nuttall. Ornithol. Club No. 12: 1-438, Cambridge, MA. Frith, C. B. 1985. Article ‘Birds of Paradise’ in B. Campbell & E. Lack (Eds), Dict. Birds. Poy ser. Frith, C..B. & Frith, D. W. 1988. Discovery of nests and egg of Archbold’s Bowerbird Archboldia papuensis (Ptilonorhynchiae). Aust. Bird Watcher 12: 251-257. Frith, C. B. & Frith, D. W. 1990. Nesting biology and relationships of the Lesser Melampitta Melampitta lugubris. Emu 90: 65—73. Gilliard, E. T. 1969. Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Kwapena, N. 1985. The Ecology and Conservation of Six Species of Bird of Paradise in Papua New Guinea. Kwapena, Port Moresby. LeCroy, M. 1981. The genus Paradisaea—display and evolution. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 79: 425-516. Loke, W. T. 1957. A Company of Birds. Michael Joseph. O’Connor, R. J. 1985. Article ‘Egg’ in B. Campbell & E. Lack (Eds), Dict. Birds. Poyser. Rand, A. L. 1942. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, No. 43. Birds of the 1938-1939 New Guinea expedition. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 79: 425-516. Sharpe, R. B. 1898. Monograph of the Paradiseidae, or Birds of Paradise, and Ptilonorhynchidae, or Bower- Birds, Parts 1-8. London. Address: Clifford B. Frith & Dr Dawn W. Frith, P.O. Box 581, Malanda, Queensland, Australia 4885. ©British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 ‘uasey IN 0} (1J9] 03) 1B], WOIF peor ay} SmOYs Yde1s0j0Yd 9y) Jo WI0}}0q IU], “PIMOs1Ie aS JSaU M4aq]jD DAOYJOplsa]g ISIpeieg jo pig “WW ¢°¢7 X OE ¢ Sulinsvaw ‘124aqG]D DLoYdopisai AUOXBG JO BUTY JO UOTIVIO] YIM ‘vaUIND MaQ endeg ‘adUTAOIg asipeieg Jo pirg Auoxes jo Surry jo 33a UMOUY ISITY “9 91R[g spuelysiyy ussyinosg ‘dey le], U1sdIsaM JO MATA [PLIBY “¢ 21k] aL Ay Plate 7. King of Saxony Bird of Paradise Pteridophora alberti nest site (arrowed dark spot in tree fork). Plate 8. Nestling King of Saxony Bird of Paradise Pteridophora alberti less than 24 hours old. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Papers, from Club Members ornon-members, should besent tothe Editor, Dr J. F. Monk, The Glebe Cottage, Goring, Reading RG8 9AP, and are accepted on the understanding that they are offered solely to the Bulletin. They should be typed on one side of the paper, with treble-spacing and a wide margin, and submitted with a duplicate copy on airmail paper. Scien- tific nomenclature and the style and lay-out of papers and of References should conform with usage in this or recent issues of the Bulletin. Inform- ants of unpublished observations should be cited by initials and name only, e.g. ‘*...of grass (C. Dieter)’, but ‘“P. Wee informsme that. ..’’. Alimited number of photographic illustrations in black-and-white may be pub- lished annually at the Editor’s discretion. Authors are requested to give their title, initials, name and full address (in the form they wish to be corresponded with) at the end of the paper. An author wishing to introduce a new name or describe a new form should append nom., gen., sp. or subsp. nov., as appropriate, and set out the supporting evidence under the headings “‘Description’’, ‘‘Distri- bution’’, ‘“Type’’, ‘Measurements of Type” and ‘Material examined’’, plus any others needed. A contributor is entitled to 10 free offprints of the pages of the Bulletin in which his contribution, if one page or more in length, appears. Additional offprints or offprints of contributions of less than one page may be ordered when the manuscript is submitted and will be charged for. Authors may be charged for proof corrections for which they are responsible. BACK NUMBERS OF THE BULLETIN Available on application to the Hon. 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SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BULLETIN The Bulletin (Vol. 110 onwards) may be purchased by non-members on payment of an annual subscription of £16.00 or, if preferred, U.S. $35.00 (postage and index free). Applications should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer as below. Single issues may be obtained as back numbers. PAYMENTS TO HON. TREASURER All payments should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, S. J. Farnsworth, Hammerkop, Frogmill, Hurley, Maidenhead, Berks, SL65NL U.K. All payments are net and should be made in Sterling if possible. Payments in other currencies must include a further £3 for Bank Charges (except for annual rates in U.S. Dollars which are inclusive). Payments may be made direct to the Club’s National Giro Account No. 30 924 4005, but must include Bank Charges where applicable. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence about Club Meetings and on all other matters should gotothe Hon. Secretary, MrsA. M. Moore, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6JB, U.K. CONTENTS Page CLUB NOTES Annual General Meeting, Accounts, Chairman’s Report, Meetings 2.32722 S22 4 8 22 eae 113 MARCONDES-MACHADO, L. O. & MONTEIRO-FILHO, E.L.A. The Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber in southeastern Brazil................. 123 SHELDON, R. C. & DUCKWORTH, J. W. Rediscovery of the Madagascar Serpent-Eagle Ewtriorchis astur, ........,. 1: = «eis 4 126 CLANCEY, P. A. Size-variation and post-breeding movement in the Didric Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius (Boddaert) ............ 130 CLANCEY, P. A. Comment on the geographical variation of the Malachite Kingfisher of the Afrotropics ................... 137 SCHMITT, C. G. & SCHMITT, DONNA C. _— First records of the White- tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus cayennensis in Ecuador.......... 139 OUELLET, H. Notes on the iris colour in females of two manakins (Pipridae ie esis 68 cae Ge ee Dine a ar 140 TYE, A. & TYE, HILARY First description of the nest of the Golden- breasted Puffleg Eviocnemis mosquera....... 0... e cece e ees 142 COLLINS, C. T. Intraspecific variation in the natal pterylosis of the Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Myionectes (Pipromorpha) oleagneus (iy rannigaeyye tr cere eee ener Henn ten neo 143 PEARMAN, M. Behaviour and vocalisations of an undescribed Canastero Asthenesisp, trom Brazile: - ac. 6 = 29 a eee 145 MCALLAN, I. A. W. The Cochineal Creeper and the Fascinating Grosbeak: a re-examination of some names of John Latham .. 153 HOLYOAK, D. T. The nest and eggs of Phylloscopus budongoensis (Sylyimmae)!s «she Re oN ALOE le Rees eae 159 FRITH, C. B. & FRITH, DAWN W. Discovery of the King of Saxony Bird of Paradise Pteridophora alberti nest, egg and nestling, with notes.on: parental care Ney jac 1 Se a Nees aye eee 160 The Bulletin is despatched from the printers on publication and is sent by Surface Saver Postal Services to all European destinations outside the U.K. and by Air Saver Postal Services to destinations outside Europe. Those whose subscriptions have not been received by the beginning of a month of publication will have their copies despatched by surface mail, after their current subscription has been paid. COMMITTEE R. E. F. Peal (Chairman) (1989) D. Griffin (Vice-Chairman) (1990) Dr J. F. Monk (Editor ) (1975) S.J. Farnsworth (Hon. Treasurer) (1990) Mrs A. M. Moore (Hon. Secretary) (1989) Revd. T. W. Gladwin (1990) R. H. Kettle (1988) Dr A. Tye (1990) Cdr M. B. Casement, OBE, RN (1990) UK Data Protection Act: In order to keep records up to date and to facilitate despatch of the Bulletin names and addresses of members and Subscribers, and no other information, are held on computer disc. If there is any objection to this please advise the Hon. Secretary in writing so that records can be deleted from the disc and stored manually. Published by the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB and printed by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset 4 L ISSN 0007-1595 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club Edited by Dr J. F. MONK Volume110 No.4 December 1990 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS Tuesday, 22 January 1991. Bruce Pearson will speak on his expeditions in the Central African Republic, Sudan, Kenya and Zambia. ; Mr Pearson is an artist with a particular interest in birds, and who produces much of his finished work in the field. Since 1980 he has made many trips to Africa, including a 3 month trek across West Africa in search of Palaearctic migrants, and visits toC.A.R., Sudan and East Africa. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday 8 January 1991.* Tuesday, 19 February 1991. Dr Martin Kelsey will speak on ‘“‘Wintering of Marsh Warblers’’. Dr Kelsey has studied Marsh Warblers in England and in Zambia. He was a member of the recent B.O.U. expedition to Colombia and is the Americas Programme Officer at the I.C.B.P. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday 5 February 1991*. Tuesday, 19 March 1991. Dr John Croxall will speak on “The Decline of the Wandering Albatross”’. Dr Croxall is Head of the Birds and Seals Section of the British Antarctic Survey and has worked on several aspects of the biology of this albatross. He is a Vice-President of the B.O.U. Those wishing to attend should notify the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday 5 March 1991*. Tuesday, 9 April 1991. Professor C. H. Fry will speak on ‘““Alcedinidae’”’. Tuesday, 21 May 1991. Dr D. H. Thomas will speak on “‘Water, water everywhere—the Problems of Seabirds at Sea’’. Meetings are held in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 at 6.15 pm for 7 pm. A plan showing Imperial College will be sent to members on request. *It is usually possible to take acceptances up to the weekend before a meeting, but members are asked to accept by 14 days beforehand as arrangements for the meeting have to be confirmed with Imperial College well in advance. If you accept and subsequently find you are unable to attend please notify the Hon. Secretary, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 67B (tel. 0572 722788) as soon as possibie. CHARITY COMMISSION—BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB The Charity Commissioners propose to make a Scheme for the © B.O.C. Copies of the draft Scheme (ref: 279583 A/1-LA) may be obtained from them at St Alban’s House, 57-60 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4QX. Objections and suggestions should be sent to them within one month from this Bulletin’s publication date. AMBERLEY M. MOORE 12 December 1990 Honorary Secretary, British Ornithologists’ Club Se a eo is 165 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) Bulletin of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB Vol. 110 No. 4 Published: 12 December 1990 The following is a resumé of the talk given to the Club on the occasion of its 800th meeting, 10 July 1990. THE EEC AND NATURE CONSERVATION by The Earl of Cranbrook The Treaty of Rome contained no provisions for EEC involvement in environmental matters but, as time passed, the Member States have found themselves taking action with implications for the environment. Community environmental policy formally arose from a Council meeting in 1972, leading to the adoption, on 22 November 1973, of the first pro- gramme of action on the environment. A Council Resolution of 17 May 1977 approved the second action programme (for the period 1977-81) and a third (for 1982-86) and fourth (1987—92) have followed. The import- ance which the Community now attaches to environmental policy is reflected in the inclusion in the Single European Act (which amended the Treaty of Rome) of a chapter on the Environment. Under Article 189 of the Treaty of Rome, the Community can legislate by means of Regulations, Directives, Decisions, Recommendations or Opinions. The Directive is overwhelmingly the most important tool; currently more than 100 environmental Directives are in operation. The requirements for progress reports, contained in Directives, are the main check on implementation, but the Commission also has a ‘small staff of lawyers in DGXI in the department of “‘application of Community law”’ The head of this department, Mr Ludwig Kramer has said that legal action should be a last resort. The one existing conservation instrument is the Birds Directive, adopted in 1979. This has resulted in measures including the cessation of spring shooting in Greece and France, and the protection of habitats in Spain, Scotland and other countries. In the United Kingdom the statu- tory framework of bird protection and conservation provided by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 meets (and in many respects exceeds) the requirements of the Birds Directive. However there are problems. Most countries, including the United Kingdom, have failed to designate adequate numbers of Special Protection Areas (SPAs). Since 1985, DGXI’s ““CORINE” research programme has assembled a substantial body of data on biotopes of major importance for nature conservation in the Community and has identified more than 5000 sites The Earl of Cranbrook 166 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) of ‘“‘European”’ significance—for species or habitats or both. The Com- mission has also drawn up “internal instructions” aimed at screening Member State proposals for plans, programmes and projects under the Structural Funds. At the best, however, there are only 3 or 4 officials within the Commission to apply the instructions to hundreds of projects on a short timetable. On 16 August 1988, the Commission proposed a draft Directive on the protection of natural and semi-natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna. The fundamental purpose of the Directive as at first published was to establish, by the year 2000 at the latest, a comprehensive network of protected areas aimed at ensuring the maintenance of threatened species and threatened types of habitats in all the regions of the Community. Sites designated under this Directive, together with those designated under the Birds Directive, would form a European network of classified special protection areas called ‘‘Natura 2000”’. The House of Lords Select Committee (Subcommittee F), undertook an enquiry. The Committee was disturbed at the weight of evidence showing continuing losses of flora and fauna in countries throughout the Community, including the United Kingdom. Greater richness and variety exists in parts of France and in southern Member States such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. ‘The Committee believed that Member States, including the United Kingdom, now face a choice in the nature conservation sphere. Either they can elect to equip themselves with a genuinely European perspec- tive, or they will have to accept that, on matters like nature protection, public pressures will encourage the Community to move in to fill the gap. ‘The Committee was also persuaded that certain priorities for habitat and species protection need to be assessed from a Community, as well as from a national perspective. The Committee suggested that the Directive should create a mechanism for ensuring the protection of a selected range of specified regional habitats and scarce species of particular European significance. The initial Annexes accompanying the Directive should therefore be brief. Responsibility for adding to the lists subsequently could rest with a ‘Committee of adaptation’. The Committee proposed that this new system of European designations should confer a degree of absolute protection. On 16 January 1989, Mr Delors, the President of the Commission announced to the European Parliament that there was a need for better appreciation of the actual state of the environment, a better interchange of information between Member States and the Commission and a need for a structure to help the Commission discharge the tasks it now has under Community legislation. Subsequent measures have established a European Environmental Agency. On 21 May 1990, the Commission proposed a regulation relating to nature conservation (under the acronym ACNAT). This authorises financial support from Community funds, for the maintenance or re- establishment of seriously threatened biotopes of endangered species or seriously threatened habitats. On the, as yet unfinalised, Habitats and Species Directive the Environment Council of 7 June 1990 reported that a review Annex V will soon be available. G. F. Barrowclough & P. Escalante-Pliego 167 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) The eight hundred and second meeting of the Club was held on Tuesday, 25 September 1990 in the Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, South Kensington at 6.15 p.m. 35 members and 26 guests attended. Members present were: R. E. F. PEaL (Chairman), M. A. Apcock, Miss H. Baker, B. H. Beck, R. BEECROFT, K. BeTron, Mrs D. M. Brap.ey, A. P. E. Cain, Cdr M. CasEMENT RN, I. CoLtins, P. Conpor, J. H. ELcoop, S.J. FARNswortH, DrC. J. FEaRE, G. D. FIELD, Revd T. W. Grapwin, D. Grirrin, C. A. R. HELM, Dr M. KeEtsey, R. KETTLE, Revd G. K. McCuttocyu, Dr J. F. Monk, Mrs A. M. Moore, R. Morcan, Mrs M. Mutter, P. J. O.iver, Dr R. P. Prys-Jones, A. J. RANDALL, V. SAWLE, R. E. SHARLAND, P. SELLAR, N.H. F. Stone, D. Tutt, Dr A. Tye, C. A. WHEELER. Guests present were: Dr M. R. W. Ranps (Speaker), Mrs B. Apcock, Miss S. ATTENBOROUGH, Miss Z. BALLARD, Dr J. BrRapLEy, Dr C. CaTCHPOLE, K. CuTTING, P. Davies, Miss J. EpricH, Mrs F. M. FarNsworty, Mrs J. M. Gitapwin, Mrs S. GRIFFIN, M. J. D. Hirons, N. Jones, Mrs C. Ketsey, Mrs N. LippELit, Mrs I. McCuttocu, Mrs D. Monk, P. J. Moore, C. A. MuLLer, B. O’BrIEN, M. OLiver, Mrs J. OWENns, R. RANFT, D. K. THomas, P. WHITTINGTON. After supper Dr Rands, who had just returned from a visit to the Seychelles, spoke on ornithology and conservation in those islands. It is hoped to publish an account of his address in a future issue of the Bulletin. Notes on the birds of the Sierra de Unturan, southern Venezuela by George F. Barrowclough & Patricia Escalante-Pliego Received 8 February 1990 The Sierra de Unturan, located in the Departamento Rio Negro, ‘Territorio Federal Amazonas in extreme southern Venezuela, had not been explored prior to 1989. However, during the 1989 T’apirapeco expedition (de Bellard-Pietri 1989), we briefly observed and collected over 4 days, 19-22 March, at a single site, in the vicinity of a camp at 1200m on an east-west running ridge on this low range (1°33/N, 65°14’°W). Vegetation consisted of thick, dry scrub on the south-facing slope and tall, wet forest on the north-facing slope. The locality is between the well-known major tepuis of Cerro Duida to the northwest (200 km) and Cerro de la Neblina to the southwest (180 km). Specimens are in the collections of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, and the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas. Here we report on records that provide a new locality for characteristic mid and upper elevational birds of the Venezuelan Pantepui (Mayr & Phelps 1967). Additional records of typical lowland species, species with broad elevational ranges, and Nearctic migrants are listed in an appendix. Doubtless, more species will be recorded with more extensive work; nevertheless, some species that are normally abundant on the tepuis of Amazonas, e.g. Campylopterus duidae, Turdus olivater and Atlapetes personatus, were not found. It is possible that the limited area of habitat on this small range has been insufficient to support viable populations of the full complement of the tepui avifauna over evolutionary time. In addition, some of the habitat is restrictive; the dry scrub forest does not appear to be suitable for many of the typical Pantepui birds. Instead it contains other avian elements not routinely found at this elevation; e.g. we G. F. Barrowclough & P. Escalante-Pliego 168 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) collected Formicivora grisea, Elaenia ruficeps and Hylophilus brunneiceps in this habitat. Equally, the range being relatively low and without the extensive flat top of the classic tepuis, such low to mid elevation taxa as Phaethornis superciliosus and Aiphorhynchus pardalotus were collected at our site. Several of the species discussed below had enlarged gonads and showed evidence of moult. This was at the beginning of the rainy season in this part of Venezuela, and the data agree with some results from the Cerro de la Neblina expedition of 1984-1985. Breeding and subsequent moult of higher elevation birds appears to be concentrated between late November and February/March (Willard et al. in press), before the rains. GRAY-CHINNED HERMIT Phaethornis griseogularis One was seen in humid forest. Distributed in the northern Andes and locally in the Pantepui (Meyer de Schauensee 1966), this species is known from Cerro de la Neblina (e.g. Willard et a/. in press) and in the highlands along the Brazil—-Venezuela border above the Rio Siapa (Phelps & Phelps 1958), but apparently not from Cerro Duida to the north. GREEN-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD Amazilia viridigaster Found in the Colombian and Venezuelan Andes and locally in the Pantepui, this species was common at 1100 m. The male we collected was in body moult. Willard et al. (in press), found it common on Cerro de la Neblina at 750 m, but only occasional at 1400 m and higher. It also occurs to the north of Unturan at Cerro Duida. BROWN-BREASTED ANTPITTA VM yrmothera simplex A Pantepui endemic known from all the major tepuis, this species was heard commonly in the moist forest. RUFOUS-TAILED TYRANT Knipolegus poecilurus Distributed in the upper tropical and subtropical zones of the central and northern Andes and locally in the Pantepui (Phelps & Phelps 1963). ‘Two males were netted in dry scrub: one in fresh plumage, the other moulting its rectrices and both with enlarged gonads. Specimens are known from Cerro Duida and some of the more northerly tepuis in Amazonas; however, from Cerro de la Neblina there is only a single sight record. RUFOUS-CROWNED ELAENIA Elaenia ruficeps Distributed from central Brazil and eastern Colombia (Hilty & Brown 1986), locally through the Pantepui. Two specimens were netted in dry scrub: one, a female, had enlarged gonads; both had primary and general body moult. Not known from Cerro de la Neblina. This constitutes the southernmost record from Venezuela. FLUTIST WREN Microcerculus ustulatus A Pantepui endemic known from all the major tepuis; it was common in the understory of the moist forest. Three specimens included both a male and female with enlarged gonads; none was in moult. BLACK-BILLED THRUSH Turdus ignobilis Widely distributed at lower and mid-elevations in the Andes, south- western Amazonia, and in the Pantepui (Phelps & Phelps 1963, Meyer de G. F. Barrowclough & P. Escalante-Pliego 169 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) Schauensee & Phelps 1978). It was very common in both dry and moist vegetation at 1200 m. Of 4 specimens, 2 were in moult; both sexes had enlarged gonads. There are only a few sight records from Cerro de la Neblina (Willard et al. in press), but the species has been collected at Cerro Duida. BLUE-NAPED CHLOROPHONIA Chlorophonia cyanea Generally distributed at mid-elevations in the Andes, southeastern Brazil, and in the Pantepui region (Ridgely & Tudor 1989), it was seen on several occasions. Known from Cerro Duida to the north (Phelps & Phelps 1963) and the Tapirapeco region to the south (Schwartz & Rivero 1979, Barrowclough & Escalante unpubl.), but surprisingly it has not been recorded from Cerro de la Neblina. Acknowledgements The Tapirapeco expedition was made possible through the Fundacion para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Fisicas, Matematicas y Naturales (FUDECI) of Venezuela. Expedition leader Eugenio de Bellard-Pietri, camp director Pedro Pérez-Ramirez, Charles W. Myers and the Venezuelan camp workers were especially helpful in making our work possible. Funds for our participation in the expedition were made available through a grant from the Phipps Foundation. We thank Jay Cole, Carol Townsend and Marcino Padamo for assistance in the field. David E. Willard offered useful comments on this manuscript. References: de Bellard-Pietri, E. 1989. Venezuela Tierra Magica. Tapirapeco: La Gran Aventura del Sur. Corpoven, S.A., Caracas. i Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton Univ. Press. Mayr, E. & Phelps, W. H., Jr 1967. The origin of the bird fauna of the south Venezuelan highlands. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 136(5): 269-328. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1966. The Species of Birds of South America. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia. Meyer de Schauensee, R. & Phelps, W. H., Jr 1978. A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela. Princeton Univ. Press. Phelps, W. H. & Phelps, W. H., Jr 1958. Lista de las aves de Venezuela con su distribucion. No passeriformes. Bol. Soc. Venez. Cien. Natur. 20(90): 1-317. Phelps, W. H. & Phelps, W. H., Jr. 1963. Lista de las aves de Venezuela con su distribucion. Passeriformes. 2nd. Ed. Bol. Soc. Venez. Cien. Natur. 24(104 & 105): 1-479. Ridgely, R.S. & Tudor, G. 1989. The Birds of South America. Vol. 1. The Oscine Passerines. Univ. Texas Press. Schwartz, P. & Rivero, R. A. 1979. La Distribucion de las Aves enel T. F. Amazonas. Minist. Ambiente Recur. Natur. Renov., Caracas. Willard, D. E. et al. in press. The Birds of Cerro de la Neblina. Fieldiana. Address : George F. Barrowclough & Patricia Escalante-Pliego, Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024, U.S.A. APPENDIX Lowland, broad elevational and Nearctic migrant species also collected on the Sierra de Unturan, Venezuela, March 1989. Phaethornis superciliosus Catharus minimus Xiphorhynchus pardalotus HAylophilus brunneiceps Formicivora grisea Setophaga ruticilla Xenopipo atronitens Piranga rubra Myiarchus tuberculifer Tachyphonus phoenicius © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 JF. Vincent 170 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) The type locality of the Barred Owl Glaucidium capense by F. Vincent Received 16 February 1990 In 1834 Dr (Sir) Andrew Smith described his Noctua capensis in the South African Quarterly Journal. Since he did not mention where his bird was collected, the type locality was regarded for many years as no more than ‘South Africa’. W. L. Sclater recorded it thus in his 1930 Systema Avium Aethiopicarum, but in Ann. Transv. Mus. 18(3), 1936, Austin Roberts showed that Smith’s bird was obtained in the eastern Cape Province. Accordingly that was the type locality in A Check List of the Birds of South Africa (Vincent 1952) and it was repeated in the SAOS 1980 Checklist. In that 1936 reference, Roberts recorded extracts from some hitherto unpublished notes by Smith, found in 2 manuscript volumes owned by the Transvaal Museum. Therein Smith said that his owl came from “‘one of the forests of the eastern district of the Cape Colony”’ adding that it was ‘“‘shot at Mr Biggar’s early in the morning’’. Roberts commented that if it could be found where this Mr Alexander Biggar had lived, the place could be taken as the precise locality. When first I read that remark I promised myself the task of solving the problem, if or when time and opportunity permitted what was likely to be a long search. Half a century has gone by, but now I think and trust that the answer has been found. By lucky chance one of the books referred to in my delvings into Eastern Cape history was one with many entertaining stories of the area, entitled Assegai Over the Hills by F. C. Metrowich (1953). In it is described how in 1824 “‘a very interesting character’’, Alexander Biggar, was caught up in an incident in a Grahamstown street, when chatting with his friends there. This proved a first valuable clue that Biggar’s place was unlikely to have been very far from Grahamstown. Smith mentioned that a bird identical with his type specimen had been collected at the same locality in 1824. So because it is said that Smith did his Eastern Cape collecting before his westward journeys to the Orange River during 1827 to 1829, it seemed likely that the second bird was obtained between 1825 and 1827. Certainly it was collected before 1831, in which year Smith left for Natal. The problem now was to find where Biggar had lived throughout the important 6-year period. This part of my search proved much easier than expected, thanks to the most kind and fortuitous help of Dr C. J. (Jack) Skead, of Port Elizabeth. He had all the needed details in his valuable notes on Eastern Cape farms of historical interest, and was generous enough to let me have them. It appears that before leaving the Cape, Alexander Biggar lived on a small farm only 23 km WSW of Grahamstown, but that this property was granted to him only in 1832, and this was too late for my purpose. His F. M.C. da Silva 171 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) previous home, the one lived in during the relevant years was at a place called The Baakens. This was on the farm Driefontein, which has been since subdivided into the farms Woodlands and Goodwoods, and I now restrict the type locality of Glaucidium c. capense to 17km west of Bathurst, eastern Cape Province, at 33°32'S, 26°37'E. In Durban Mus. Novit. (1980) xii(12): 145, Clancey proposed the Uitenhage district of the eastern Cape as the type locality, this being the home of Krebs, who might have collected the owl. That suggestion, how- ever, has now been overtaken by the fact that Smith noted, though he did not name, the farm where his bird was secured. To close with a repeat of another piece of historical interest. Bathurst was the first administrative centre of the 1820 Settlers. Metrowich, in his book already mentioned, tells us that Alexander Biggar emigrated to the Cape from Scotland in 1820 in the Weymouth, bringing with him his wife Mary, of Stirling, and their family of 9 daughters and 2 sons. Alexander later took part in the battle of Blood River, but subsequently he and both his sons were killed fighting the Zulus. Address: Col. Jack Vincent, Firle, P.O. Box 44, Mooi River, Natal, S. Africa. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Description of anew subspecies of Saltator auranturostris, with comments on S. maxillosus by José Maria Cardoso da Silva Received 14 February 1990 The Golden-billed Saltator Saltator aurantiirostris is distributed over a large area of western South America, from Peru to Argentina (Meyer de Schauensee 1982). The first study of the geographic variation of this species was carried out by Chapman (1927), followed by that of Hellmayr (1938) and most recently by that of Paynter (1970). Paynter recognized only 2 subspecies in the southernmost part of the species’ distribution: S. a. auranturostris Vieillot, from the south of Bolivia, north of Argentina (except Missiones), Paraguay, Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso do Sul) and Uruguay; and S. a. nasica Wetmore & Peters, from west-central Argentina (La Rioja, San Juan, Mendoza and western La Pampa). The latter differs from the nominate subspecies by having on average a slightly larger bill (Chapman 1927, Hellmayr 1938). A total of 106 specimens collected within the geographic range of S. a. auranturostris, deposited at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), was analysed for the present study. This analysis resulted in the identification of a separate population of S. aurantiirostris that exhibits a combination of characteristics derived from both S. a. auranturostris and S. maxillosus Cabanis, from southeastern Brazil, in addition to unique plumage traits, justifying the designation of a new JF. M.C. da Silva 172 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) subspecies. Capitalized colour names with number indicate direct comparison with Smithe’s Color Guide (1975, 1981). Saltator aurantiirostris parkesi subsp. nov. Holotype. Adult 5 (AMNH 780694) from Estancia Vizcacheras, Santa Elena, Entre Rios, Argentina. Collected by W. H. Partridge and P. S. Humphrey on 27 May 1961. Paratypes. 3 adult 33 (AMNH 780688, 780690, 780691) and one adult 2 (AMNH 780728) from the type locality. Diagnosis. Similar to S. a. aurantiirostris and S. maxillosus but easily distinguishable from them by the adults having Warm Buff (hs) eyebrows instead of white. Description of holotype. Forehead black; top of head Blackish Gray (82). malar and auricular regions black; long eyebrow, chin and throat Warm Buff (118); narrow black band across Smoke Gray (44) breast; belly, sides and flanks Raw Umber (123) x Cinnamon (123A); under tail coverts Cinnamon (123A); back Olive (30); dorsal surface of rectrices Blackish Neutral Gray (82), ventral surface Dark Neutral Gray (83). Measurements of holotype (mm): Wing (flattened) 101.0; tail 97.5; exposed culmen 21.5; tarsus 29.0. Distribution (see ‘Specimens examined’). Known from Argentina: Entre Rios (Santa Elena and Gualeguay); Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul (Livramento, Passo da Conceicao); Uruguay (Maldonado, Cerro dos Animais and Departamiento 33, Rio Olimar Chico). Etymology. It isa pleasure to name this subspecies after Dr Kenneth C. Parkes of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, USA, for his contributions to the systematics of neotropical birds. Dr Parkes was the first to note the transitional character of the new taxon, through one of his “‘notes to posterity’ placed in the drawers of the AMNH ornithological collection. These notes, well-known to museum workers at many institutions where the hand of Dr Parkes has passed, are invaluable guides to many unsolved avian systematic problems. Variation. Little variation was observed in the plumage of 33 adult males from locations within the known distribution of the new sub- species. The black breast band is the most variable characteristic, and it may be wide (AMNH 780684) or faint (AMNH 780696), the latter, how- ever, being a vestige of immature plumage. The adult females resemble adult males, but differ in having a Greenish Olive (49) back, breast band faint or absent, malar and auricular regions black mixed with olive, and wings significantly shorter (t=2.57; df=60; p<0.65). Immature males and females are similar to the adult females, but differ in having the eyebrow white or white mixed with Warm Buff (118). Specimens examined (all in AMNH). S. a. parkesi. ARGENTINA: Entre Rios, Santa Elena, Ea. Vizcacheras (20 3g, 22 99, 1 J imm., 1 2 imm.), Gualeguay, Ea. La Calera (10 3g, 6 99,6 dg imm., 1 9imm.). BRAZIL: Rio Grande do Sul, Passo da Conceicao (1 g, 1 2). URUGUAY: Maldonado, Cerro dos Animais (1 3); Depto. 33, Rio Olimar Chico (1 3). S. a. parkesi x S. a. aurantiirostris. ARGENTINA: Corrientes, San Luis de Palmar (5 93, 422), Concepcion, Ea. Rincon de Luna (3 gd, 1 9), Mercedes, Ea. F. M. C. da Silva 173 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) \ } PARAGUAY } a SS bBo Ss fa Va aS) Figure 1. Distribution of Saltator aurantirostris:— S. a. aurantirostris (1); S. a. nasica (2); S. a. parkesi subsp. nov. (3); S. a. parkesi x S. a. aurantiirostris (X); S. maxillosus (4). Rincon del Ombu (1 J, 1 2), La Soledad (2 gg, 1 9). S. a. aurantiirostris. PARAGUAY: Chaco, Lichtenau (5 39); Tenente Enciso, Neuva Assuncion (1 3). ARGENTINA: Avia Terai (2 g¢), Mocovi (1 9); Salta Embarcacion (1 3), Rosario de Lerma (1 3); Santiago del Estero, Lavalle (1 g, 1 9), Suncho Corral (1 2); Jujuy, Perico (1 2); Tucuman, Tapia (2 2). S. maxillosus. BRAZIL: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Cruz (2 39), Iaui (1 9), Itatiba do Sul (1 ¢); Santa Catarina, Ouro Verde (1 3, 1 2); Parana, Porto Almeida (3 3g, 1 2), Roca Nova (1 3); Rio de Janeiro, Itatiaia, Macieiras (1 5,399, 2 dg imm.). Additional remarks. The new subspecies is clearly a transition between S. a. aurantiirostris, with which it intergrades to the north (Fig. 1). and S. maxillosus. In common with S. a. aurantiirostris, S. a. parkesi males exhibit a black breast band and black malar and auricular regions, while the eyebrow of both sexes extends back almost to the nape. S. a. parkesi is similar to S. maxillosus in the colouration of the underparts and the complete lack of white patches on the terminal portion of the outer rectrices. On average, the wings and tail of S. a. parkesi are larger than those of S. a. aurantiirostris (see Table 1). In comparison with S. maxillosus, the females of the new subspecies have shorter wings and tail, while the males have a larger bill. S. a. aurantirostris has shorter wings and tail than S. maxillosus (Table 1). ¥. M.C. da Silva 174 TABLE 1 Mean, + standard deviation, (number of specimens) and results of Student’s t-test compar- ing selected measurements (mm) of 3 and 9 Saltator a. aurantiirostris, S. a. parkesi subsp. Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) noy. and S. mawxillosus. See ‘‘Additional remarks”’ in text. aurantuyrostris parkesi t-test Wing (flattened) 3 90.7 42.2 (3) 97.0 +2.4 (29) <0.001 Q 92.2+2.4 (14) 98.5+2.2 (33) <0.001 Tail 3 90.6 +1.7 (3) 94.9+2.7 (23) <0.001 fe) 89.5+2.7 (14) 95.3+2.8 (28) <0.05 Exposed culmen 3} 19.0+0.5 (3) 20.4+0.9 (29) NS fe) 19.5+1.0 (14) 20.7 +1.4 (33) NS aurantiirostris maxillosus Wing (flattened) 3 90.7 +2.2 (3) 99.7+2.8 (6) <0.001 Q 92.2+2.4 (14) 99.8+3.4(9) <0.01 Tail 3 90.6 +1.7 (3) 97.6+3.5 (6) <0.001 Q 89.5+2.7 (14) 97.2+1.9(7) <0.01 Exposed culmen 3 19.0+0.5 (3) 20.3 +0.9 (6) NS Q 19.5+1.0 (14) 19.6 +0.9 (8) NS parkesi maxillosus Wing (flattened) 3 97.0 +2.4 (29) 99.7+2.8 (6) NS Q 98.5+2.2 (33) 99.8+3.4 (9) <0.05 Tail 3 94.9+2.7 (23) 97.6+3.5 (6) NS Q 95.3+2.8 (28) 97.2+1.9 (7) <0.05 Exposed culmen 3 20.4+0.9 (29) 9.3+0.9 (6) <0.05 Q 20.7 +1.4 (33) joi 6+0.9 (8) NS Hellmayr (1938) recognized a strong affinity between S. auranttirostris and S. maxillosus, a phylogenetic association which is now further strengthened by the recognition of the transitional form S. a. parkesi. ‘This, however, in turn, would appear to question the taxonomic position of S. maxillosus. Following Mayr’s (1963) biological species concept (but see criticisms in Cracraft 1983, McKitrick & Zink 1988), the inclusion of parkesi in S. auranturostris is definitive, given the existence of an intergradation zone. There is no evidence of any intergradation between S. a. parkesi and S. maxillosus. In the possible contact zone of these 2 forms (the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul), they are allopatric and exhibit considerable ecological differences (Belton 1985). S. maxzillosus is found principally in the north of the state, where it prefers forests and forest margins, nor- mally at relatively high elevations. S. a. parkesi occupies the south of the state and is common in open areas with few trees. This supports the present classification of S. maxillosus as a separate species. If further field studies reveal the existence of intermediate individuals, however unlikely this would seem at the present time, S. maxillosus should become a subspecies of S. auranttirostris, the older name. Acknowledgements I thank Drs David C. Oren and Stephen Ferrari, who have provided useful comments and helped at various stages of this study; and Mary LeCroy and George Barrowclough for K. C. Parkes 175 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) giving me all the facilities in examining species in AMNH. A. S. Martins designed Fig. 1. Financial support came principally from WWEF-USA, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) and The Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund. References: Belton, W. 1985. Birds of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Part 2. Formicariidae through Corvidae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. p. 180. Chapman, F. M. 1927. The variations and distribution of Saltator aurantitrostris. Amer. Mus. Novit. p. 261. Cracraft, J. 1983. Species concepts and speciation analysis. Curr. Ornith. 1: 159-187. Hellmayr, C. E. 1938. Catalogue of birds of the Americas and the adjacent islands. Field. Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. Zool. Ser. 13, Pt. II: 1-662. Mayr, E. 1963. Animal Species and Evolution. Harvard University Press. McKitrick, M. C. & Zink, R. 1988. Species concepts in ornithology. Condor 90: 1-14. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1982. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia. Paynter, R. A. Jr. 1970. Family Emberizidae. Jn R. A. Paynter Jr. & R. W. Storer. Check-list of Birds of the World, 13. Mus. Comp. Zool. Cambridge, Mass. Smithe, F. B. 1975, 1981. Naturalist’s Color Guide and Supplement. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Address: José Maria Cardoso da Silva, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Depto. Zoologia, Cx.P. 399, 66040, Belem, PA, Brazil. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 A critique of the description of Amazona auropallhiata caribaea Lousada, 1989 by Kenneth C. Parkes Received 20 March 1990 Lousada (1989) describes a supposed subspecies of the Yellow-naped Parrot Amazona auropalliata from the Bay Islands of Honduras. His paper contains serious flaws, attributable to Mr Lousada’s admitted inexperience 1n taxonomic studies. No criticism is intended of the Editor and the readers of Mr Lousada’s manuscript, as most of the flaws are not detectable from a reading of the paper itself. I wrote to Mr Lousada (30 January 1990) about several of the points I shall be mentioning, and he has responded to these (5 February 1990). I present first some background material on this group of parrots that was not included in Lousada’s paper as published. SPECIES LIMITS Most authors (Peters 1937, Monroe & Howell 1966, Monroe 1968, Forshaw 1978, Ridgely 1982) have considered A. auropalliata (and A. oratrix of Mexico and Belize) to be conspecific with A. ochrocephala of northern South America north to Panama (with what appears to be an outlying population in northern Honduras). Several of these authors have suggested tentatively that this complex might better be treated as 3 allospecies. The American Ornithologists’ Union (1983) has adopted this K. C. Parkes 176 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) latter treatment, with English names Yellow-headed Parrot (A. oratrix), Yellow-naped Parrot (A. auropalliata) and Yellow-crowned Parrot (A. ochrocephala). Lousada also adopted this concept, but his Table 1 is con- fusing: he lists ‘“‘A. oratrix’’ as a binomial, followed by listings for “‘A. o. belizensis” and ‘‘A. o. belizensis (NW Honduras)’’, but there is no indi- cation as to whether “‘o.”’ stands for ochrocephala or oratrix. In fact, belizensis Monroe & Howell belongs to the oratrix group, whereas records from the ‘‘NW Honduras’’ (=Sula Valley) pertain to members of the ochrocephala and auropalliata groups and thus cannot be assigned to belizensis. Lousada nowhere discusses belizensis, nor, despite describing its soft-part colours, does he list it among his “‘“Specimens examined’’. In addition, he describes the soft-part colours of what he calls “A. a. parvipes (Mosquitia birds)’’, but he actually examined only photographs of one specimen, the holotype, from the Mosquitia region, so perhaps his use of the plural rests on close field observations. THE SULA VALLEY, HONDURAS, SPECIMENS In addition to sight records, there are 2 yellow-crowned (ochrocephala) specimens from the Sula Valley of northwestern Honduras, one at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (ANSP), and the other at the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University (LSU) (Monroe & Howell 1966, Monroe 1968). These are presumably the specimens allocated to “A. o. belizensis (NW Honduras)” by Lousada, although apparently not examined by him. In addition to the 2 yellow-crowned specimens, there are also 2 museum skins of the yellow-naped (auropalliata) group from the Sula Valley. Monroe & Howell (1966) believed that the yellow-crowned (ochrocephala) birds represented the true resident population of the Sula Valley, and that, in the absence of other records, the 2 yellow-naped birds were wanderers or escaped cagebirds from the yellow-naped populations of eastern Honduras or the Bay Islands. Lousada, however, states (77 litt.) that he has ‘‘two contacts who have seen flocks of 20+ yellow-naped birds in this region’’. Of the 2 yellow-naped skins, Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CM) holds one, a male from Chasniguas (CM 20448). The other, a female from Urraco, is in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ) (Peters 1927). Lousada states (zn litt.) that he measured ‘“‘the second Sula Valley specimen’ himself, but does not mention the MCZ, and he is apparently referring to an ex-captive female yellow-naped bird, said to have come from Omoa, that he donated to CM. This would account for his having listed two Sula Valley specimens being in CM. Unfortunately this female was prepared in CM asa skeleton before its significance was realized. It will be mentioned again later. “SPECIMENS EXAMINED” _ There are 4 specimens of A. auropalliata from the Bay Islands in CM, but although listed under ““Specimens examined’’ Lousada actually saw none of them. Instead, at his request, colour slides of these specimens were sent to him by Mr J. Loughlin, Collection Manager in the Section of Birds at this museum. Lousada also lists the holotype of Amazona ochrocephala K.C. Parkes 177 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) (=auropalliata) parvipes Monroe & Howell (Univ. California at Los Angeles (UCLA) no. 51465) under “Specimens examined” and in his diag- nosis of A. a. “caribaea” he describes a difference 1n bill colour between the latter race and “‘the type of A. a. parvipes’’. Dr Howell has informed me that Lousada never handled the holotype of parvipes; his knowledge of its appearance was based on photographs supplied by Howell. MEASUREMENT TABLE Specimen measurements made by different workers may not agree, so it should be noted, though it was not stated, that the measurements of the 4 ‘‘caribaea’’ and the male from the Sula Valley were taken at CM by Mr Loughlin. Lousada mentions having examined a series (20+) of A. a. auropalliata at the British Museum (Natural History) (BMNH), but the measurements for 18 §¢g and 15 99 auropalliata in his Table 2 were not those of the BMNH series, but were, in fact, copied, without credit, from Monroe & Howell (1966), Lousada’s visit to the BM NH having occurred before his correspondence with Dr Thomas R. Howell had persuaded him that measurements would be desirable (Lousada zn Jitt.). ‘DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE” Explaining how he describes the colours of such areas as the under wing coverts and undersides of the flight feathers that were invisible in the photograph supplied to him by Mr Loughlin, Lousada (zm litt.) admitted that his description, rather than being of the holotype (CM No. 131584, which, incidentally, was collected in 1947, not 1948 as reported by Lousada), is actually a composite, based in large part on his handling of the 5 Isla Roatan specimens in the BMNH. It is impossible, therefore, to know whether the described colours were based on the slide of the holotype or the specimens at Tring. A detailed description of a holotype is somewhat surprising in a paper describing a new subspecies as opposed to a species, especially as ‘‘cari- baea’’ is only characterized as differing from A. a. parvipes in bill colour. Since this description contains many flaws, of which I have informed Mr Lousada, it is as well that the description is in fact superfluous. AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN BILL COLOURS Lousada describes (p. 234) certain supposedly age-related changes in bill colourin A. a. “caribaea’’, stating that ‘“‘Any Medium Plumbeous (87) [of Smithe 1975] colouration on the mandibles may gradually decrease in area and change to ivory or Pale Horn (92)’’. Examination of the CM series reveals that the Pale Horn area, at least on the upper mandible, is an outer keratin layer that scales away, usually from the tip caudally, but also, in some, on the lateral edges. The layer below, revealed by the exfoliation of the Pale Horn layer, is grey, but itself becomes paler, turn- ing to Pale Horn and eventually scaling away to reveal a fresh grey area. ‘Thus the relationship of grey and Pale Horn areas of the bill seems to be time-related, but not necessarily age-related per se. An individual parrot will have a constantly shifting ratio between Pale Horn and grey areas of the bill through its lifetime, although Lousada’s data indicate that the bills of juveniles are quite consistently dark. K. C. Parkes 178 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) THE STATUS OF “‘CARIBAEA”’ Monroe & Howell (1966) described Amazona_ ochrocephala [=auropalliata| parvipes as the population of the Mosquitia region of northeastern Nicaragua and adjacent eastern Honduras, and also of the Bay Islands population now named “‘caribaea’’ by Lousada. They tenta- tively assigned the yellow-naped birds from the Sula Valley of north- western Honduras to parvipes, although these were taken in a habitat quite different from the Pinus caribaea stands preferred by parvipes elsewhere. Monroe & Howell characterized parvipes as differing from auropalliata of the Pacific slope “in smaller size, notably in smaller feet; in the presence of red at the bend of the wing; and in the generally paler, less heavily pigmented bill’. Among the Caribbean populations of A. auropalliata (Mosquitia, Bay Islands, Sula Valley) there are no size differences, all being smaller than nominate auropalliata from the Pacific slope. Lousada (‘Table 2) accepts the Sula Valley population as referable to parvipes, as tentatively suggested by Monroe & Howell; however, in Table 1 he gives no soft-part colours for the Sula Valley population of parvipes, only for Mosquitia birds. Lousada states that his new subspecies ‘‘differs from the type of A. a. parvipes...’’ in having a predominantly ivory coloured bill; but his Table 1 confines this difference to the lower mandible, described as mostly Pale Horn in caribaea and Blackish Neutral Gray in Mosquitia parvipes. However, with bill colour as the sole deciding criterion, the Sula Valley population cannot be assigned to parvipes on this basis. Fortunately the rhamphotheca is still present on the Omoa specimen donated to CM by Lousada (now CM skeleton no. S-12033). Its amount of pigmentation closely matches the bill of the more heavily pigmented of the two CM adult males of ‘‘caribaea’’, although the pale portions differ in actual colour in this recent specimen from those of the study skins, which are more than 40 years old. Furthermore, the bill of the CM Sula Valley study skin is even paler, with the colours of both mandibles inseparable from those of the series of “‘caribaea’’. As mentioned earlier, Monroe & Howell characterized parvipes as having a “‘generally paler, less heavily pigmented bill’? than Pacific auropalliata. Other than the 2 Sula Valley skins and the Bay Islands specimens, their series included 8 specimens from the Mosquitia region (1 Honduras, 7 Nicaragua). It would be remarkable indeed if Monroe & Howell failed to notice that the lower mandibles of the Mosquitia series were consistently and strikingly more heavily pigmented than those of the Bay Islands and Sula Valley birds. At my request, Dr Howell examined the paratypical series of 7 parvipes at UCLA, noting the colours of the lower mandibles, the only alleged character separating parvipes from ‘‘caribaea’’. He reported (telephone conversation, 8 March 1990) that all except 3 of the specimens have relatively pale lower mandibles, as in the Bay Islands birds. In the other 3 the lower mandibles do indeed appear blackish. Each of these, however, exhibits shot-holes in the bill, and Dr Howell believes that the dark colour could have been caused by blood perfusing the bill after the shot damage. ‘There are no such holes in the pale lower mandibles. G. F. Mees & V. F. Mees-Balchin 179 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) It is clear that in addition to the numerous infelicities in Lousada’s paper, his supposed Bay Islands subspecies relies for differentiation on a single variable colour character that could be based on an artifact, namely the perfusion of blood in the bills of the holotype and some other speci- mens of parvipes. The Yellow-naped Parrots of the Bay Islands of Honduras are thus referrable to Amazona auropalliata parvipes Monroe & Howell, as originally described, with A. a. caribaea Lousada as a synonym. Acknowledgements Sebastian Lousada provided me with much information not included in his paper, and lent me the photograph of the holotype of parvipes. Dr Thomas R. Howell kindly examined the type series of that race and described their bills for me during a telephone conversation. He, Dr D. Scott Wood, and the Editor made useful suggestions on the organization and wording of this paper. References: American Ornithologists’ Union. 1983. Check-list of North American Birds, 6th ed. Forshaw, J. M. 1978. Parrots of the World, 2nd ed. Lansdowne Editions, Melbourne. Lousada, S. 1989. Amazona auropalliata caribaea: a new subspecies of parrot from the Bay Islands, northern Honduras. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109: 232-235. Monroe, B. L., Jr. 1968. A distributional survey of the birds of Honduras. Ornith. Monogr. Zi Monroe, B. L., Jr. & Howell, T. R. 1966. Geographic variation in Middle American parrots of the Amazona ochrocephala complex. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Louisiana State Univ. 34. Peters, J. L. 1929. An ornithological survey in the Caribbean lowlands of Honduras. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 69: 397-478. Peters, J. L. 1937. Check-list of Birds of the World, vol. 3. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ridgely, R. S. 1982. The current distribution and status of mainland Neotropical parrots. Pp. 233-384, in: Conservation of New World Parrots. ICBP Techn. Publ. 1 [NB: This publication is often erroneously cited as “1980”, which was the date of the symposium meeting, not of the publication]. Smithe, F. B. 1975. Naturalists’ Color Guide. 1981. Part III. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York. Address: Dr K. C. Parkes, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, U.S.A. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Basileuterus flaveolus (Baird) in Guyana by G. F. Mees and V. F. Mees-Balchin Received 7 April 1990 The main purpose of a stay on Dadanawa Ranch, Rupununi South Savannas, Guyana, between August and October 1989, was to compare the avifauna of these savannas with that of the Sipaliwini Savanna in southern Surinam (which we had studied in 1966 and 1972). In spite of their being no more than 300 km apart, we found that the avifaunae of the 2 savanna regions were remarkably different, a point that will not be further elaborated here. G. F. Mees & V. ¥. Mees-Balchin 180 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) The only real ornithological surprise of our stay at Dadanawa was the discovery that the Flavescent Warbler Basileuterus flaveolus is a common inhabitant of the bushes and riverine woodland along the Rupununi River. Hitherto, thismonotypic warbler has been known from 2 widely-separated regions: it has a very wide distribution in central and southern Brazil (north to southern Para and southeastern Amazonas), Paraguay and Bolivia; and also in extreme northeastern Colombia (Santander del Norte) and adjacent northwestern Venezuela, far from the main range. Dadanawa Ranch being almost exactly 1000km from both parts of the range as hitherto known, the huge gap has now been halved; possibly further local populations, reducing it even more, remain to be discovered. In view of the many years of ornithological exploration that have been carried out in Guyana, it is surprising that B. flaveolus has been overlooked for so long. Perhaps, common as it is locally, it is not widely distributed. B. flaveolus inhabits patches of tall scrub and riverine woodland, where it forages to a large extent on, or just above the ground. Here it is generally inconspicuous, until one learns its song, which is loud and characteristic. This consists of 2 parts, a higher introductory part, followed by 3-4 louder and lower notes, and may be described as follows: ‘“‘zeedlezeedle- zeedle-chap-chap-chap-chap’’, or “‘sit-sit-sit-sit-chap-chap-chap-chap’’. In the field, the identification of the species caused problems. In Guyana, the only books we had with us were Snyder (1966) and Meyer de Schauensee & Phelps (1978). Snyder, of course, was only useful in a negative way, to prove that our species was not yet known from Guyana. Meyer de Schauensee & Phelps state expressly, in italics, that B. flaveolus has a pale bill, which is apparently regarded as an important field- character. All birds seen and handled by us had entirely black bills and therefore could not, on the basis of the evidence just quoted, be B. flaveolus. Back home, the following literature was consulted to learn more about the bill-colour: Todd (1929: 43): bill black (from label by Carriker); Meyer de Schauensee (1964: 341): bill dark and slender; Meyer de Schauensee (1970: 366): only species of this type with pale bill; Meyer de Schauensee & Phelps (1978: 324): bill pale; Hilty & Brown (1986: 585): ball pale; but Sick (1984: 670): bico preto. As we did not regard the above opinions to be conclusive either way, and as B. flaveolus was not represented in the collections in Leiden, a letter was written to the American Museum of Natural History, New York, in which our problem was set out. From the reply, by Mr R. A. Sloss, Associate of the Bird Department, we cite: ‘‘All 77 specimens of Basileuterus flaveolus in our Main Series have black (or dark) bills. ‘Those few specimens on which bill colour was recorded (less than 10%) indicated ‘black’”’. What remains unexplained is why Meyer de Schauensee, after having recorded the bill-colour correctly in his first book, changed so decidedly to the wrong colour in his later works, even italicizing the pale bill. References: Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1964. The Birds of Colombia. Livingston Publishing Co. N. Stronach 181 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) — 1970. A Guide to the Birds of South America. Livingston Publishing Co. — & Phelps, W. H. Jr. 1978. A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela. Princeton University Press. Sick, H. 1984. Ornitologia Brasileira 2. Editora Universidade de Brasilia. Snyder, D. E. 1966. The Birds of Guyana (formerly British Guiana). Salem, Peabody Museum. Todd, W. E. C. 1929. A revision of the wood-warbler genus Basileuterus and its allies. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 74(7): 95. Address: G. F. Mees & V. J. Mees-Balchin, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, Holland. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 The occurrence of the Grass Owl Tyto capensis and Richard’s Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae in the lowlands of New Guinea by Neil Stronach Received 9 April 1990 Two species, the Grass Owl Tyto capensis and Richard’s Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae, not normally recorded from the lowlands of New Guinea, are reported here from the upper Ramu River valley of Morobe Province and from the Bensbach River of Western Province, Papua New Guinea (Fig. 1). In New Guinea, both species are known only from the mid-montane grasslands of the Central Highlands, but in their wide dis- tribution elsewhere they are not generally restricted to montane habitats. Until recently, grasslands in New Guinea occupied 2 discrete zones (Henty 1982, Gillison 1983):— extensive anthropogenic grasslands that have existed in the highlands at 1500—2500 m since at least 4000 years BP (Powell 1982); and largely isolated from the highland grasslands, a number of lowland grasslands, some of which are anthropogenic, e.g. those in the valleys of the Markham and Ramu Rivers, while others are at least partly edaphic, e.g. those in the Transfly region of southern New Guinea. Tyto capensis On 24 November 1979, two Grass Owls were seen roosting on the ground in dense 1 m-high Kunai Grass Imperata cylindrica near sea level on the Bulla Plains near the Bensbach River (9°01'S, 141°11’E). They occupied crude forms in which were found several pellets, which contained the remains of Sminthopsis rufigenus, the common dasyurid (marsupial mouse) in the area. The birds were seen in good light at c. 3m distance and several colour photographs were taken which assisted identification. The Bulla Plains occupy an area of c. 300 km? of low relief near sea level and consist largely of seasonally-inundated sedge-rich grassland on poor soils, seasonally inundated grassland on black soils and smaller areas of N. Stronach 182 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) Kilometers LAND OVER 1000m INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY Ramu Sugar Estate xt > < = z= = = Ww = iS) iS) w a = Ne} AW BIE). Te SUSI CEs Ch PA a eg A. Hedenstrém et al. 196 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL Larus fuscus In addition to many coastal observations, we recorded singles at Tono on 28 Oct and 3 Nov 1987. Grimes gives ony one previous inland record. TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia turtur In the Tono area: 23 on 24 Nov, 13 on 3 Dec, 1 on 6 Dec, 1 on 7 Dec, 2 on 10 Dec, 1 on 12 Dec and 9 on 13 Dec 1987. Grimes expected concen- tration sain be found in the north due to increase in rice cultivation. WRYNECK 7Fynx torquilla At Navrongo-'Tono: singles on 29 Dec 1985, 5 Nov, 30 Nov, 3 Dec and 10 Dec 1987. Considered rare by Grimes, but probably overlooked. HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbica Regularly in the Tono area from 21 Oct to 18 Dec 1987. The largest flock, c. 1500, was seen over a fire on 9 Nov, an unusually large number (cf. Grimes). TAWNY PIPIT Anthus campestris One on a grass lawn ina forest clearing at Bia on 29 Dec 1987. Less than 10 records reported by Grimes. BLUETHROAT Luscinia svecica cyanecula Netted regularly at ono, with a possible increase in abundance early Dec (Table 1). Adult males were identified as cyanecula by their white breast spot. *AQUATIC WARBLER Acrocephalus paludicola On 15 Nov 1987 we captured a juvenile in fresh plumage, indicating a rapid moult just after arrival in the winter quarters (Bensch et al. in press). Recorded south of the Sahara previously only from the inundation zone of the Niger (Moreau 1972). SAVI’S WARBLER Locustella luscinioides One or two at Tono 27—29 Dec 1985. In 1987 fairly abundant at the netting site at Tono, where 16 where captured (‘Table 1). From 5 Dec to 18 Dec, up to 5 were singing. Previously only recorded at Vea dam (Walsh & Grimes 1981, Grimes). *GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Locustella naevia One was captured at Tono 28 Dec 1985 and 4 more there in 1987 (‘Table 1). We found evidence for a complete winter moult in this species (Bensch et al. in press). The first record for Ghana. CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita Two were captured (Table 1) and one was recorded (30 Nov 1987) during the transect counts (Table 2). Only very few records for Ghana, but is probably overlooked (Grimes). *BONELLI’S WARBLER Phylloscopus bonelli First recorded on 30 Nov 1987, then regularly (max count 9) during the transect counts until 16 Dec (Table 2). Also one was singing on 7 Dec and 10 Dec, 4 km south of Navrongo. These are the first records in Ghana. A. Hedenstrém et al. 1977; Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) TABLE 3 Recoveries of birds ringed at Tono (10°51’N,01°03’W), northern Ghana and of ringed birds at Tono Age Where ringed Where recovered Species Sex Date Date Luscinia svecica 1st yr Tono Bouches-du-Rhone cyanecula 3 7.xi1.87 (43°18'N,05°24'E), France 25.111.88 Acrocephalus 1st yr Tono Kirrasanta, Finland schoenobaenus 5.x11.87 (61°35'N,21°32E’) 6.vi.88 23.v.89 1st yr Guernsey Tono (49°30'N,02°32’W) seen 7.x1.87 26.viii.87 caught 8.xi.87 seen up to 17.x11.87 1st yr Tono Tono, where ringed 27.xii.85 1.xi1.87 Acrocephalus Ist yr Tono Tono, where ringed arundinaceus 26.x11.85 caught 17.x1.87 seen up to 1.x11.87 Ringing recoveries Of 48 Palaearctic birds ringed at Tono between 22 and 29 Dec 1985, 2 were recaptured where ringed 2 years later. Of the 366 Palaearctic birds ringed in 1987 only 2 have been either recovered or caught and released in Europe (see Table 3). Acknowledgements Weare grateful for the help we received in Ghana from the Department of Game & Wildlife and Department of Zoology, University at Legon. In particular, we are indepted to Dr Yaa Ntiamoah-Baidu, Mr C. K. Manu (Chief Game and Wildlife Officer), and to David T. Daramani and Moses Komoah, both Game and Wildlife Officers. We are also indepted to Dr Llewellyn Grimes for valuable comments on the manuscript. The project was supported by a grant from Uddenberg-Nordingska Stiftelsen. References: Bensch, S., Hasselquist, D., Hedenstrom, A. & Ottosson, U. Rapid moult among Palaearctic passerines in West Africa—an adaptation to oncoming dry season? Jbis in press. Grimes, L. G. 1987. The Birds of Ghana. B.O.U. Check-list No. 9. British Ornithologists Union. Walsh, J. F. & Grimes, L. G. 1981. Observations on some Palaearctic birds in Ghana. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 101: 327-334. Moreau, R. E. 1972. The Palaearctic- African Bird Migration Systems. Academic Press. Urban, E. K., Fry, C. H. & Keith, S. (eds.) 1986. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 2. Academic Press. Address: A. Hedenstrém, Dept of Theoretical Ecology and S. Bensch, D. Hasselquist & U. Ottosson, Dept. of Animal Ecology, University of Lund, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 N. Stronach 198 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) New information on birds in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania by Neil Stronach Received 29 April 1990 Despite its exceptional prominence as a conservation area (IUCN 1985), Serengeti National Park (SNP) lacks a formal survey of its birds; yet the Park’s importance to wildlife increases with the growing human pressures on wildland outside its boundaries. ‘The most comprehensive description of the avifauna of SNP is presented in Schmidl’s (1982) check-list. In this paper I present new information on the status of some birds in SNP, including 18 species not previously recorded there. Observations were made opportunistically while I was carrying out other work between March 1985 and December 1987. As Schmid] (1982) pointed out, fuller knowledge of SNP’s birds requires that such casual observations are published and the opportunity is taken here also to discuss the significance of the records. In the following annotated list an asterisk (*) indicates that the species was not included in Schmidl’s (1982) check-list. The Serengeti Wildlife Research Centre is given the abbreviation SWRC. Names of localities follow Caro’s (1970) map of Serengeti National Park and the surrounding area. All references to Schmid are to his 1982 check-list. *BANDED SNAKE EAGLE Circaetus cinerascens One seen over riverine forest on Mbalageti R. near Handajega, 23 June 1986. Britton (1980) gives its range in Tanzania as much further both east (Arusha) and west (Kibondo), but notes its presence along the Mara R. in Kenya. *LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE Aquila pomarina One seen near Sansambe R, 17 Jan 1987; 2 over Nyaraswiga, 19 Dec 1986; one 5 km N of Lobo, 21 Jan 1987; one over Nyaraswiga, 6 Mar 1987; one at a rain puddle between Nyaraswiga and Banagi, 8 Nov 1987; and one 10km 5S of Lobo, 15 Nov 1987. The January records support Britton’s (1980) suggestion that small numbers winter in northern ‘Tanzania. AFRICAN HAWK EAGLE Hieraaetus spilogaster Schmid] records only immatures. Between 1985 and 1987 there were 7 observations of adults, including one of a pair. LIZARD BUZZARD Kaupifalco monogrammicus SchmidI describes it as a rare visitor, but it was found to be common in Combretum] Terminalia in the NW, Jul 1985. This habitat was noted by Brown et al. (1982) as preferred. It was also found to be common in Acacia|Commiphora woodland and bushland between Musabi and Kirawira on 7 Nov 1985 after several days of heavy rain. N. Stronach 199 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) CROWNED EAGLE Stephanoaetus coronatus A pair in relict Acacia xanthophloea woodland along a korongo 3km S of Alamana R. on the eastern boundary of the Park, 4 May 1985 and one in young woodland and open grassland in Sonzo near Nyamalumbwa Hills, 15 Sep 1985. Schmid] lists only 3 old records from the Mara R. *AFRICAN HOBBY Falco cuvieri One NE of SWRC, 28 Oct 1986. HOBBY Falco subbuteo Much more numerous during Oct—Nov 1986 than in those months in 1985 and 1987. During 1986 it was associated with heavy rain storms, and was attracted by emerging termites; for example 22 were seen between Mbuzi Mawe and Banagi, 22 Oct 1986. Schmid considered it rare, giving only 2 dated records. RED-NECKED SPURFOWL Francolinus afer The range is more extensive than stated by Schmidl. Locally common in Combretum| Terminalia woodlands in NW, especially in area of dense Combretum regeneration and in thickets on large termitaria. Also common in tall grassland with Acacia gerrardi and A. seyal near Kenyangaga; along the Grumeti R. near Klein’s Camp; and along drainage lines between Klein’s Camp and Sand R. Breeding has not been recorded previously in SNP, but an adult with 2 half-grown young was found at Tabora B, 15 Sep 1985. Egg-laying would have been in Aug, which is slightly later than the dates given by Brown & Britton (1980) for this region. *LESSER MOORHEN Gallinula angulata One ona flooded stream between Lobo and Klein’s Camp, 20 Jan 1987. BROWN-CHESTED WATTLED PLOVER Vanellus superciliosus One on greenflush on heavily grazed short grassland at N end of Dutwa Plains, 10 Nov 1985. Schmid] notes only one specimen record, and no dated records, but quotes Britton (1980) that it might be regular. *WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus A flock of 10 at L. Lagarja, 19 Sep 1985. Britton (1980) notes that it is uncommon in E Africa away from the coast. *GREAT SNIPE Gallinago media One at a rain pool on Dutwa Plains, 10 Nov 1985; one on 16 Dec 1986 and 4 on 17 Dec 1986 at rain pools on Tagoro, but none was seen at these last pools subsequently, so the birds may have been on passage. BLACK-FACED SANDGROUSE Pterocles decoratus Range more extensive than suggested by Schmidl, who states that it is confined to the western parts of the Park. However, it is common in woodland N to Tagoro, and less common N to Lobo and Grumeti R. One incubating eggs near SWRC, 20 Nov 1987, is the first breeding record for SNP. The date is outside the breeding season recorded by Brown & Britton (1980) for the region. N. Stronach 200 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) *CARMINE BEE-EATER Merops nubicus One in Acacia gerrardi/A. senegal woodland just S of the limits of cultivation between Fort Ikoma and Mugumu, 20km W of the Park boundary, 13 Nov 1986. The bird was not seen clearly enough to identify the race. BLACK ROUGHWING SWALLOW Psalidoprocne pristoptera More common than suggested by Schmidl, who notes only one record. Seen around riverine forest and woodland at Sansambe R.—Wassi R. confluence, Mamarehe R., Grumeti R. at Baracharo Falls, Bologonja Spring and Tabora B Ranger Post. ANTEATER CHAT MV yrmecocichla aethiops Apparently resident on the footslopes of Magogwa and Kuka Hills. Also seen 6km N of Lobo, 8 Nov 1987. Schmid] describes it as a rare visitor. *GREY WREN-WARBLER Camaroptera simplex One in termitarium thicket near Sangare R, 11 May 1985; a pair with recent fledglings in ridgetop Combretum/Terminalia woodland near Mbali Pali R, 6 Jul 1986; a pair in woodland near the top of Kamuyo Hill, 23 Dec 1986. The addition of this species to the SNP list is not unexpected, since Britton (1980) notes its presence at Loliondo and in the Mara R./Loita Hills region of Kenya. *TABORA CISTICOLA Cisticola fulvicapilla Quite common in woodland and semi-evergreen thicket on Lobo, Magogwa, Longossa and Kuka Hills and in Combretum/ Terminalia wood- land, Combretum/Ozaroa bushed and wooded grassland and termitarium thickets in the NW. Also seen on Ngelek Hill, Lobo, in Croton/Cordia|/ Grewia thickets; on Varichoro Hills in Combretum/Lonchocarpus/Grewia wooded grassland and woodland; in Acacia robusta woodland on Losiurai; in A. gerrardii wooded grassland 5km N of Lobo; and in A. robusta woodland on pediments of Oldoinyo Rongai. It is of interest that the records from Magogwa, Kuka and Lobo Hills are from over 2000 m, though Britton (1980) indicates that it occurs only below 1400 m. *SINGING CISTICOLA Cisticola cantans ‘Two seen in drainage line vegetation 7km N of Lobo, 18 Jan 1987. Several cisticolas in rank herbage along Seronera R. above Kerr’s Dam were either this species or Red-faced Cisticola Cisticola erythrops, which is also absent from Schmidl’s list. *STOUT CISTICOLA Cisticola robusta Scattered records, but appears to be widespread and locally common. Several in song in Acacia gerrardii woodland and bushland between Lobo and Klein’s Camp, 11 Mar 1986 and 10 June 1987; in song on rocky hills near Seronera Wildlife Lodge Borehole, 25 Mar 1986; several in long grass along Wandamu R, 21 Dec 1986; common and in song in tall dense stands of the grasses Pennisetum stramineum, Setaria sp. and Panicum maximum on the margins of Hembe L, 6 Mar 1987; several in long grassland along Loiyangelani R, 29 Mar 1987. N. Stronach 201 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) *GREEN-CAPPED EREMOMELA Eremomela scotops Pairs in song in Combretum/Terminalia woodland and wooded grass- land near Mbali Pali R, 18 Aug 1985 and 5 Jul 1986. Britton (1980) notes its presence in the nearby Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya. *ICTERINE WARBLER Hippolais icterina One ina burnt Acacia robusta thicket in woodland on Kamuyo Hill, 23 Dec 1986 and one in song at the edge of the forest at Bologonja Spring, 8 Jan 1987. These records and the observation by J. Fanshawe of one at SWRC in Jan 1987 (East African Bird Report 1987; Scopus, 11) suggest that small numbers winter in SNP. FAN-TAILED WARBLER Schoenicola platyura Quite common in suitable habitat in the Combretum/ Terminalia wood- land zone of the NW;; in rank herbage along riverine forest edges; in long grass around springs and seepages 1n woodland; and in reeds and thickets around pools in drainage lines. Schmid! notes only 2 records, both also in the NW. These records represent an extension of the range described by Britton (1980) for NE Tanzania, being further W than Fuggles- Couchman’s (1981) reords from the Crater Highlands. However, Britton (1980) notes it presence on the Mara R. in Kenya. *MOUSTACHED WARBLER Sphenoeacus mentalis One in rank herbage and thickets in a drainage line at T'abora B Ranger Post, 20 Aug 1985. This appears to be an extension of the range, being mid-way between the apparently disjunct eastern and western distri- butions of the nominate race as described by Britton (1980). *BARRED WARBLER Sy/via nisoria One in kopje vegetation at SWRC, 22 Dec 1986. This is further W in ‘Tanzania than previous records (Britton 1980). LITTLE TAWNY PIPIT Anthus caffer More common than suggested by Schmid, particularly in its apparent favoured habitat of bushland and bushed grassland with bushes of 1—4 m, especially where heavy grazing by wildebeest has reduced the grass between bushes. Occurs also in wooded grassland. Acacia regeneration of the type favoured by this species has replaced mature woodland over large areas 1n the past,20 years or so (Norton-Griffiths 1979). Song flights were observed over“cacia gerrardii regeneration N of Lobo, 23 Sep 1987, and over A. drepanolobium and A. senegal bushland on the plateau of Losiurai, 29 Oct 1987. GREY-CRESTED HELMET SHRIKE Prionops poliolopha Schmid] indicates that this species is restricted to northern SNP. However, several flocks were seen in mature Acacia robusta woodland with dense regeneration thickets near the SNP/Maswa Game Reserve (MGR) boundary along the Duma R, 12 and 18 Oct 1985. A flock also was seen in A. robusta woodland with Grewia thickets on the lower slopes of Varichoro Hills, 22 Nov 1986. Lewis (1981) suggested that the lack of records in the area south of northern SNP might be due to few observers, or to confusion with the similar helmet shrike Prionops plumata. However, man-induced habitat changes have made the areajust W of SNPand MGR N. Stronach 202 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) unsuitable for the species because agricultural activities have removed most of the indigenous woodland. GOLDEN-WINGED SUNBIRD Nectarinia reichenowt Only recorded from just outside SNP (Schmidl: 105). One seen in drainage line vegetation at Seronera, 17 Apr 1986 and one by SeroneraR. at the eastern end of Nyaraswiga, 22 Mar 1987. These birds may originate from either the Crater (Britton 1980) or the Loliondo Highlands (Fuggles-Couchman 1981). *BRONZE SUNBIRD Nectarinia kilimensis Several in large flowering trees at Klein’s Camp, 2 Nov 1986. *JACKSON’S WIDOWBIRD Euplectes jacksont Common in grasslands N of Grumeti R. and between Klein’s Camp and Lobo during the wet and early dry seasons. Display grounds in use were found near Klein’s Camp, 5 May 1985 and at Bologonja Gate, 2 Jan 1987. Notably commoner in the 1986-87 wet season, when rainfall was greater than average, than in the preceding 2 wet seasons. Britton (1980) notes that it occurs in the Loliondo Highlands. *GROSBEAK CANARY Serinus donaldsoni One seen in Acacia tortilis woodland near Ndutu, 19 Apr 1987, is further west than previously recorded (Britton 1980). It seems likely that the range is continuous between Ndutu and the Gregory Rift Valley to the E along Olduvai Gorge, as it is in the Yellow-necked Spurfowl Francolinus leucoscepus. Acknowledgements I am grateful to the Director-General of the Tanzania Scientific Research Council, the Coordinator of the Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute and the Director and Trustees of Tanzania National Parks for permission to live and work in Serengeti National Park. These observations were made while carrying out work funded by Cambridge University, St John’s College, Cambridge, and the Frankfurt Zoological Society. References: Britton, P. L. 1980. Birds of East Africa. East African Natural History Society, Nairobi. Brown, L. H. & Britton, P. L. 1980. The Breeding Seasons of East African Birds. East African Natural History Society, Nairobi. Brown, L. H., Newman, K. & Urban, E. K. 1982. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 1. Academic Press. Caro, T. M. 1970. Map of the Serengeti National Park and the Surrounding Area. Serengeti Research Institute, Arusha, and Hunting Technical Service, Hemel Hempsted. Fuggles-Couchman, N. R. 1984. The distribution of, and other notes on, some birds of Tanzania—Part II (continued). Scopus 8: 81-92. IUCN 1985. United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas. [\UCN, Gland, Switzerand, and Cambridge, U.K. Lewis, A. D. 1981. The past and present status and distribution of the Grey-crested Helmet Shrike Prionops poliolopha. Scopus 5: 66-70. Norton-Griffiths, M. 1979. The influence of grazing, browsing, and fire on the vegetation dynamics of the Serengeti. In: A. R. E. Sinclair & M. Norton-Griffiths (Eds), Serengeti. Dynamics of an Ecosystem. Univ. of Chicago Press. Schmidl, D. 1982. The Birds of Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. British Ornithologists’ Union Check-list No. 5. Address: Neil Stronach, Dept. of Zoology, Downing St, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, U.K. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 . F. Olmos & M. Rodrigues 203 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) Courtship display of the Long-Trained Nightjar Macropsalis creaga by Fabio Olmos & Marcos Rodrigues Received 2 May 1990 The reproductive behaviour of most neotropical nightjars has been rarely described (Sick 1985). The Long-Trained Nightjar Macropsalis creaga, one of the least known members of the group, is no exception; very little information has been published on its behaviour and ecology (Sick 1985). The species is endemic to the rainforests of southeastern Brazil and Misiones, Argentina (Meyer de Schauensee 1966) and is considered as threatened due to widespread habitat destruction over its restricted range (Sick 1985, Collar & Andrew 1988). We have observed this species at Fazenda Intervales, a 38,000 ha state reserve in southern Sao Paulo, Brazil (c. 24°11'S, 48°32’W). The area is mostly covered by primary Atlantic forest with a few patches of second growth and cultivation. Climate is very humid with rain and fog on most days; during the winter there are frosts and, once there has been snow. The altitudinal range is 60-1100 m a.s.1., with most of the area at 600—800 m. Our observations were made in an area at 650 m. On 26 November 1988 at dusk (19:02 hrs) we watched a male Macropsalis creaga (identified by its long tail) landing on a dirt road surrounded by forest. A male individual (probably the same) had been seen at the same spot every night on which there had been observation since late September. The bird arrived flying over the trees to land on the road. From time to time the nightjar flew up to the trees, up to 100 m way, apparently catching insects from the leaves while flying. Its flight was butterfly-like, its spread tail being very conspicuous. After each flight the bird landed on the same spot on the road. At 19-08 hrs a female nightjar (recognized by its ‘normal’tail) flew out of the forest and started hovering in front of the landed male c. 80cm above the ground. The male immediately raised its tail from the usual horizontal position to a right angle, forming a conspicuous white ‘V’ in the dim light, and displayed its light throatmark (Fig. 1a). After a few moments the female flew away, being followed by the male. At 19.10 the male landed again on its spot, alone. Two minutes later the female approached again, landing in front of the male, which again raised its tail and displayed the throat mark for a few seconds. It then jumped up in the air and began hovering around the female (Fig. 1b). The spread tail again formed a conspicuous ‘V’. After 3 turns around the female, the male mounted her for 6 seconds, flapping its wings all the time (Fig. 1c). Thereafter both birds flew away out of sight. At 19.15 the male landed again on its spot, recommencing its hunting behaviour. Minutes later it flew away, not to return. Darkness was complete at 20-00 hrs. The presumed hunting behaviour described, in accord with M. creaga being a leaf-gleaner (we also observed this species catching, in flight, insects attracted by lights), could at the same time serve as a visual signal, F. Olmos & M. Rodrigues 204 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) y TSS te \ B Figure 1. Courtship display of the Long-Trained Nightjar Macropsalis creaga: (a) 9 approaches landed J, hovering in front of him for a few moments, while the ¢ displays his tail and throatmark, and then flying away followed by the J; (b) after the 9’s return the 2 lands in front of him, which induced the male to fly around her displaying his tail; (c) J mounts the 9. since the buoyant white tail of the male was clearly visible against the forest canopy. It may thus resemble the aerial display reported for another long- tailed species, Uropsalis lyra (Hilty & Brown 1986). The fact that the same individual probably was found in the same spot for 2 consecutive months suggests an ‘exhibition area’ as in Uropsalis. It is noteworthy that all the described courtship and most previous observations of this male nightjar have been limited to the crepuscular period. This may indicate a short hunting time, but it seems more likely that our observations covered a period in which hunting was linked to reproductive behaviour; shortly before complete darkness there is a greater capacity for recognizing the display signals of the white tail and throat mark. The conditions of our observations precluded the recording of any vocalizations but it is probable that these occur as in other Caprimulgidae. Tape-recordings of vocalizations of M. creaga associated with other F. G. Parker 205 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) behaviour made by J. M. E. Vielliard and W. R. Silva are available in Hardy et al. (1989). Comparative reproductive behaviour of the neotropical long-tailed nightjars (Hydropsalis, Uropsalis and Macropsalis) would be worth study- ing as this group’s behaviour and ecology are mostly unknown, and would make favourable material from an evolutionary standpoint. Acknowledgements Our research was funded by FMB/Funcamp, CNPq and CAPES. The Fundacao Florestal do Estado de Sao Paulo provided logistical support. We are indebted to K. S. Brown, Jr., J. M. E. Vielliard and W. R. Silva for reading the manuscript and making useful suggestions. References: Collar, N. J. & Andrew, P. 1988. Birds to Watch: the ICBP World Checklist of Threatened Birds. Smithsonian Institution Press. f Hardy, J. W., Coffey, B. B., Jr. & Reynard, G. C. 1989. Voices of the New World Nightjars and their Allies. Cassette edited by the Bioacoustic Laboratory of the Florida Museum of Natural History and ARA Records. Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press. Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1966. The Species of Birds of South America with their Distribution. Livingston Press. Sick, H. 1985. Ornitologia Brasileira: uma introducao. Editora Universidade de Brasilia. Address: Fabio Olmos & Marcos Rodrigues, Depto. de Zoologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CP 6109, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 13081. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Imperial eagles by F. G. Parker Received 6 May 1990 Gonzalez et al. (1989, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 109: 86—93) contend that the Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca and the Spanish Imperial Eagle A. adalberti had contiguous breeding ranges in the 19th century. However, the evidence they adduce, albeit assiduously compiled and carefully collated, does not satisfactorily substantiate this hypothesis, and their premise that lack of known or reported hybrids is evidence for the specific distinction of the 2 forms, is not therefore valid. Their map (p.90) indicates that, in the 19th century, at least 200 km separated the proven breeding range of adalberti in Iberia and Morocco from the postulated breeding areas of heliaca in France, Spain and Algeria, and by a much wider gap from the nearest recognised range of heliaca in Austro-Hungary and Greece. A mere 2 clutches taken in southern France and northeastern Spain have been traced and these prove nothing save that, like many other avian species, Imperial Eagles may occasionally breed far beyond the normal F. G. Parker 206 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) range. Evidence for the regular breeding of any form of Imperial Eagle in these areas is lacking; in addition the few specimens traced indicate that the species was, in fact, always of only exceptional occurrence. Various authors cited state that Imperial Eagles did breed in these areas, but neither the reliability of these observations nor their sources are apparently assessed. As an example of the need for caution, Moll (1957), cited by Bannerman & Bannerman (1983), claims that the otherwise un- recorded Common Buzzard Buteo buteo is found throughout the year in Menorca, whereas my personal knowledge of the island and Moll’s work leaves me in no doubt that he had misidentified the still abundant Booted Eagles Hieraaetus pennatus. Dresser (1873) is quoted as an authority for the occurrence of heliaca in France; however, he merely cites a French work published 4 years before adalberti was described. That specimens of the migratory heliaca have been taken in France is no evidence of breeding. From Gonzalez et al.’s map it appears that heliaca is known to have occurred in France no more often, indeed, than the Greater Spotted Eagle A. clanga in Britain, i.e. some 12 times (Snow 1971), without promoting any even tentative conclusions that it might therefore breed. The suggestion that the information regarding Imperial Eagles breed- ing in Algeria points to heliaca seems unjustified. Loche (1867) attributed specimens he examined to heliaca, but may well not have known that the 2 forms had been separated when he actually wrote (he had taken one of the last 2 known Algerian clutches 8 years before). Tristram’s (1860) descrip- tion of an Imperial Eagle in Algeria “who plainly exhibited the white feathers of the shoulder”’ could well apply to adalberti, not heliaca; Vaurie (1965) writes that adalberti ‘‘Differs from nominate heliaca ... by having ‘white shoulders’’.”’, whereas Etchecopar & Hue (1967) state that the species is ‘‘Dark plumaged with some white (a) on scapulars alone in the east, (b) on scapulars and shoulders in the west”’. For the above reasons, the conclusion of Gonzalez et al. that the breed- ing range of the Eastern and Spanish Imperial Eagles were in contact, is not justified on the known facts. Acknowledgements I am grateful to Dr N. J. Collar for commenting on a draft and to Dr J. F. Monk for improvements to the text. References: : Bannerman, D. A. & Bannerman, M. 1983. Birds of the Balearics, p. 62. Croom Helm. Etchécopar, R. D. & Hue, F. 1967. Birds of North Africa, p. 119. Oliver & Boyd. Loche, L. 1867. Exploration scientifique de I’ Algerie. Historie Naturelle des oiseaux. La-chevalier. Moll, Casanovas J. 1957. La Avifauna des Menorca. Palma de Mallorca. Tristram, H. B. 1860. A few leaves from a naturalist’s notebook in Eastern Algeria. [bis 2(8): 361-375. Snow, D. W. (Ed.) 1971. Status of Birds in Britain and Ireland, p. 69. British Ornithologists’ Union. Vaurie, C. 1965. Birds of the Palearctic Fauna, Non Passeriformes, p. 188. Witherby. Address: J. G. Parker, Clavering House, Oxborough, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE38 9BL, WLI © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 C. ¥. Hazevoet 207 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) Notes on new and rare migrants in the Cape Verde Islands by C. J. Hazevoet Received 29 May 1990 Little has been written on the migrant birds occurring in the Cape Verde Islands since Bannerman & Bannerman’s (1968) account. The results of collecting visits by J. V. dos Santos, 1969-72, were given by Frade (1976). Observations made from ships in Cape Verde seas in 1976 were published by Lambert (1980), while Norrevang & den Hartog (1984) and Summers- Smith (1984) reported on observations made during brief visits in 1982 and 1983 respectively. The first record of Red-footed Booby Sula sula in Cape Verde was published by den Hartog (1987). During the 1980s, ornithological research and birdwatching in the islands increased considerably, there having been an almost complete lack of any in the preceding decade. Unfortunately, most results were pub- lished in private reports only or not at all. All available information, including records of several new migrants not observed by the present writer, will be included in a forthcoming British Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of the Birds of the Cape Verde Islands (Hazevoet, in prep). Doubtless, the list will continue to grow as more and more ornithologists and birdwatchers visit the islands, probably showing that almost all Palaearctic migrants known from the West African mainland can be found, be it in limited numbers, in the Cape Verde Islands as well. During 1986—90, I visited the Cape Verde Islands 5 times: twice on short visits, Feb—Mar 1986 and Dec 1987 to Jan 1988, as a tour-leader for groups of naturalists; in 1988-90, I stayed altogether 7 months in the country in connection with a programme for the development of national parks and protected areas under the auspices of the International Council for Bird Preservation and the Instituto Nacional de Investigagao Agraria. Allislands and most of the islets were visited, many of them several times. Here a brief report is given of species new or unpublished for Cape Verde (marked *) and of a number of species which are apparently more regular visitors than formerly supposed. During my visits, I recorded 9 species new for Cape Verde. One of these, Lapwing Vaneilus vanellus, has already been reported elsewhere (Hazevoet 1988). Through the courtesy of several other observers some of their unpublished records have been included here. Unless stated otherwise, all observations are by the author. The Cape Verde Islands are situated c. 500 km west of Senégal. There are 9 inhabited main islands and several smaller islands and islets. Because of the almost complete lack of surface water, large concentrations of migrant waders, so prominent along West African coasts, are rare and found only at a few lagoons and salt-pans. The migrant landbirds reported here were nearly always encountered in the more flat, desert-like eastern islands, probably not only because these are nearer to the main- land but also because small passerines can be more easily found there as C. J. Hazevoet 208 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) they concentrate in bushes and oases. In the highly mountainous western islands, small migrant birds, if they occur there at all, are hard to locate. LIST OF SPECIES INTERMEDIATE EGRET Egretta intermedia One was present at the lagoon near Pedra Badejo, Santiago, on 9 May 1989. First recorded 11 Jan 1965, when one was collected at the same lagoon (de Naurois 1965, R. de Naurois). J. V. dos Santos collected 4 on Santo Antao on 27 Oct, 10 and 13 Nov 1972 (Frade 1976). On Sal, 4 were seen at Santa Maria on 20 Mar 1983, and one at Pedra Lume on 21 Mar 1983 (G.-M. Heinze). Apparently, EF. intermedia visits the islands regu- larly in small numbers, being one of the few Afrotropical species to do so. In Africa it is resident south of the Sahara, but some local movements are known and it is possibly migratory (Brown et al. 1982). The species has increased its range and abundance in West Africa since the 1950s (Macdonald 1978). SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia Observed several times 1988—90, almost exclusively at 2 locations. At the Pedra Badejo lagoon on Santiago, 8 were present on 9 Nov 1988, 4on9 May 1989 and a single bird on 10 Apr 1990. Previously seen there in Feb and Apr 1963, in Jan 1965 (de Naurois 1965, R. de Naurois) and in Feb 1966 (Bannerman & Bannerman 1968). On Boavista, at the Rabil lagoon, 5—6 were observed 17—23 Sep 1988, and singles on 19 May 1989 and 19 Mar 1990. The birds in Sep 1988 had been present already some weeks prior to the above dates (M. Heinze). At the same location, it had been observed in Apr 1963 (de Naurois 1965, R. de Naurois). There are only 2 records from other locations: a bird in poor condition was seen near Tarrafal, Santiago, on 16 Jan 1986 (C. J. Camphuysen), and the author saw one along the coast some kilometres east of Curral Velho, Boavista, on 20 Sep 1988, perhaps one of the group seen at the Rabil lagoon. From the above data it can be concluded that the species is a regular (possibly yearly) visitor in small numbers, but almost completely restricted to the 2 mentioned lagoons, which are about the only suitable localities in Cape Verde. The largest group-size noted so far was 10-12 in Jan 1965 (R. de Naurois). In West Africa, the nominate race is an un- common winter visitor south to the northern tropics; non-breeding birds from Mauritania (P. /. balsaci) disperse south to Senegal and Guinea- Bissau (Brown et al. 1982). Although the Spoonbills occurring in Cape Verde are probably migrants from Europe, the possibility that birds from Mauritania are involved cannot be ruled out completely. *MARSH HARRIER Circus aeruginosus On 1 Mar 1986, an adult female was observed on Raso. On Boavista, the species was seen on 3 occasions: an adult female at the Rabil lagoon on 18 Sep 1988 and an adult female west of Curral Velho on 20 Sep 1988 may have been the same individual; on 19 Mar 1990, an immature was seen north of Curral Velho. Two previous records: on 21 Mar 1983, 2 adult males were present at the salt-pans at Pedra Lume on Sal (G.-M. Heinze), and a female or immature was seen on Raso on 8 Feb 1985 (S. C. Madge). C. ¥. Hazevoet 209 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) The species seems to bea regular visitor to Cape Verde in small numbers. It is a widespread winter visitor to tropical Africa (Brown et al. 1982). COLLARED PRATINCOLE Glareola pratincola One was seen at Calheta, Maio, on 27 May 1989. Two previous records: a female collected by L. Fea at Pedra Badejo (presumably at the lagoon), Santiago, on 29 Apr 1898 (Salvadori 1899), and a female collected by J. V. dos Santos on Santiago (no precise location given) on 20 Sep 1969 (Frade 1976). Another was listed by Bourne (1955) as being collected by the Blossom expedition in 1924, but this is an error and referred in fact to a Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola (cf Rhoades 1952). In West Africa, G. p. pratincola is a locally abundant to rare winter visitor mainly along the southern edge of the Sahara; resident G. p. fuelleborni is nomadic with considerable movements, But without a clear pattern WGhileet et al. 1986). ‘The subspecies are not separable i in the field. KNOT Calidris canutus A locally abundant winter visitor to West African coasts (Urban et al. 1986), the species is surprisingly rare in Cape Verde. On 9 Nov 1988, one was observed at the lagoon near Pedra Badejo, Santiago. On previous days heavy showers had fallen and the lagoon was well filled with water, prompting many waders to visit the site. The only previous mention of Knot was by Alexander (1898) who listed it as observed in salt-pans on Maio on 20 Nov 1897, but did not record the number seen. BAR-TAILED GODWIT Limosa lapponica Reported from Sao Vicente in Oct 1983 by Summers-Smith (1984), who thought it to be unrecorded previously. However, Frade (1976) listed 2 specimens collected in Nov 1969 and Dec 1972 on Santiago and Sao Vicente respectively. During the last decade, it has been recorded by several other observers (including the author) and it appears to be a regular winter visitor in small numbers, usually along the shore or at salt-pans. There are now 11 records (Oct—Feb) from Santiago, Fogo, Sao Vicente, Sal, Boavista and Maio. In West Africa, it is a frequent to abundant winter visitor to the Atlantic coasts (Urban et al. 1986). *SPOTTED REDSHANK Tinga erythropus On 9 Nov 1988, one was present at the lagoon near Pedra Badejo, Santiago, on the same occasion as the Knot listed above. Not recorded previously. In West Africa, the species is an uncommon to locally abundant winter visitor to inland marshes, floodland and coastal saltpans (Urban et al. 1986). BLACK-HEADED GULL Larus ridibundus First reported from the Cape Verde Islands on 30 Dec 1923, when 2 were collected by the Blossom expedition at Mindelo, Sao Vicente (Rhoades 1952). Only in Oct 1983 was it reported again, when one was observed by Summersg-Smith (1984), also at Mindelo. Observations have increased considerably since and there are now c. 15 records from Santiago, Fogo, Sao Vicente, Sal and Boavista, as well as in Cape Verde seas, mostly of singles but parties of up to 10 have been reported, all C.F. Hazevoet 210 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) between Sep—Mar. In West Africa, it isa common coastal winter visitor to Mauritania, but uncommon further south (Urban et al. 1986). *SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvicensis On 12 Mar 1990, one was seen at sea off Tarrafal, Sao Nicolau. Not mentioned in the literature, it had previously been recorded from Santiago, Sao Nicolau and Maio in Dec 1986 and Jan 1987 (D. de Bruijn) and at sea off Santo Antao, Sal and Boavista in Dec 1988 and Jan 1989 (K. Morgan). Furthermore, there is a ringing recovery “pre 1970” (further details lacking at present) of a bird ringed in UK (Tauraco AFRING Data Bank). Presumably, the species is regularly present in Cape Verde seas in small numbers during winter. In West Africa, it is a common winter visitor to the Atlantic seaboards (Urban et al. 1986). *LITTLE TERN Sterna albifrons On 19 Mar 1990, one was foraging along the shore south of Sal Rei, Boavista, while 4 were resting at the Rabil lagoon. The following day 6 were present at the lagoon. The only previous record was of one observed on Maio on 7 Oct 1988 (J. P. Ledant). In West Africa, the species is a common coastal passage migrant and winter visitor; it breeds in Mauritania and Senegambia, but movements of tropical breeders are little known (Urban et al. 1986). TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia turtur On 30 August 1988, one was seen at Palmeira, Sal, and on 17 Sep 1988, 2 were present in the dunes along the Rabil lagoon, Boavista. One was observed at Achada Sao Filipe, Santiago, on 23 Sep 1988 (J. P. Ledant). Three previous published records: 2 were seen in a central valley on Sao Vicente on 23 Sep 1951 (Bourne 1955, W. R. P. Bourne); one at Mindelo, also on Sao Vicente, on 6 Oct 1983 (Summers-Smith 1984); and one flying around a ship north of Maio (landsight) on 6 Oct 1976 (Lambert 1980). The species appears to be a regular passage migrant in autumn. In West Africa, it is acommon passage migrant and locally abundant winter visitor in the Sahelian zone (Urban et al. 1986). *SHORT-EARED OWL Aszio flammeus On 13 Mar 1990, one was seen hunting on Raso. Previously, only a wing of this species had been found, near Santa Maria, Sal, on 23 Feb 1983 (G.-M. Heinze). In West Africa, winter visitors cross the Sahara in small numbers which probably vary annually (Cramp et al. 1985). *TREE PIPIT Anthus trivialis One was observed in bushes at the oasis near Curral Velho, Boavista, on 20 Sep 1988. Not recorded before. An abundant winter visitor to West Africa eastwards from the Guinea coast at 10°N, mainly on passage in Senegal (Cramp et al. 1988, Morel 1972). *YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava A bird in winter plumage was foraging in Zygophyllum-Cistanche vegetation growing near the overflow of a sewage-installation near Santa Maria, Sal, on 25 Nov 1988. On 13 and 14 Mar 1990, one was present on Raso, foraging at tidal pools on the rocky shore. Not recorded previously. C. J. Hazevoet 211 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) A common winter visitor in West Africa south of the Sahara and very common in Sénégal (Moreau 1972, Morel 1972). *NIGHTINGALE Luscinia megarhynchos One was present at the oasis near Curral Velho, Boavista, on 20 and 21 Sep 1988. Not recorded before. In West Africa, a winter visitor south of the Sahara, mostly north of the equator, and common in Sénégal (Moreau 1972, Morel 1972). WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe Apparently a regular winter visitor in small numbers. ‘Two were observed south of Fonte Vicente, Boavista, on 26 Dec 1987, and a single bird was seen in the same area on 19 Mar 1990. One was present on Raso on 9 Mar 1985 (P. & J. Hall). In 1987, one was seen at Ponta Preta, Maio, on 8 Jan, and another near Barril, Sao Nicolau, on 27 Jan(D. de Bruijn). Only 2 previous records: 2 seen, of which one was collected, on Maio, on 22 Nov 1897 (Alexander 1898); one was collected by the Blossom expedition at Preguica, Sao Nicolau, on 28 Feb 1924 (Rhoades 1952). The 2 collected birds were both O. o. leucorhoa. In West Africa, it winters in a broad belt south of the Sahara; both O. o. oenanthe and O.0. leucorhoa are common in winter and on passage in Senegal (Cramp et al. 1988, Morel 1972). *OLIVACEOUS WARBLER Hippolais pallida On 19 and 20 Sep 1988, one was observed at the oasis near curral Velho, Boavista. Not recorded before. A locally numerous winter visitor in West Africa from Sénégal to Nigeria (Moreau 1972, Morel 1972). *SUBALPINE WARBLER Sylvia cantillans A male was seen in low vegetation near the cliffs on Raso on 14 Mar 1990, and another male in bushes along the Rabil lagoon, Boavista, on 19 Mar 1990. Not reported previously. A widespread winter visitorin West Africa, common in Sénégal (Moreau 1972, Morel 1972). *WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus From 19 to 22 Sep 1988, at least 10 birds were observed in trees and bushes at 3 locations on Boavista (Fonte Vicente, Curral Velho, Porto Ferreira). One was seen at Juncalinho, Sao Nicolau, on 17 Mar 1990. Not reported previously, but probably occurs regularly in small numbers on migration. A common winter visitor in West Africa south of 11°N, in Sénégal mainly on passage (Moreau 1972, Morel 1972). *SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa striata A single bird was present in bushes near Porto Ferreira, Boavista, on 21 Sep 1988. No previous reports. A common winter visitor in West Africa south of 7°N, in Sénégal mainly on passage (Moreau 1972, Morel 1972). PIED FLYCATCHER Ficedula hypoleuca Singles were observed on Boavista in 1988 at Fonte Vicente (19 Sep), Curral Velho (20 Sep) and at Porto Ferreira (22 Sep). The only record previously was of one collected by F. Newton c. 1900 (Bocage 1902), which was overlooked by Bannerman & Bannerman (1968). A common C. J. Hazevoet 212 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) winter visitor in West Africa from 11°N to the equator, in Senégal mainly on passage with some wintering in the south (Moreau 1972, Morel 1972). Acknowledgements I am grateful to Deirdre de Bruijn, Kees Camphuysen, Pam and John Hall, Gerd-Michael Heinze, Mathias Heinze, Jean-Paul Ledant, Steve Madge and Kevin Morgan for providing me with their unpublished records. Bill Bourne and René de Naurois supplied additional information on their published records. My first 2 journeys to Cape Verde were made aboard the SV Sirius and the MV Plancius. During 1988-90, my work was supported by the International Council for Bird Preservation (Netherlands section), the Netherlands Foundation for International Nature Protection (van Tienhoven Stichting), the J. C. van der Huchtfonds, the Martina de Beukelaarstichting, the Netherlands Society for the Protection of Birds (Vogelbescherming), and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Manage- ment and Fisheries (NMF). In Cape Verde, working facilities were provided by the Instituto Nacional de Investigagao Agraria and the Ministry of Rural Development and Fisheries. René Dekker and Jan Wattel commented on a draft of this note. References: Alexander, B. 1898. Further notes on the ornithology of the Cape Verde islands. [bis Ser. 7(4): 277-285. Bannerman, D. A. & Bannerman, W. M. 1968. History of the Birds of the Cape Verde Islands. Birds of the Atlantic Islands. Vol. 4. Oliver & Boyd. Bocage, J. V. B. du 1902. Aves e reptis de Cabo Verde. J. Sc. Math. Phys. Nat. (Lisbon) Ser. 2(6): 206-210. Bourne, W. R. P. 1955. The birds of the Cape Verde Islands. [bis 97: 508-556. Brown, L. H., Urban, E. K. & Newman, K. 1982. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 1. Academic Press. Cramp, S. et al. 1985, 1988. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vols. 4, 5. Oxford ‘University Press. Frade, F. 1976. Aves do arquipélago de Cabo Verde (Coleccao do Centro de Zoologica da JICU). Garcia de Orta (Sér. Zool.) 5: 47-58. Hartog, J. C. den 1987. A record of a Red-footed Booby Sula sula (L.) from the Cape Verde Islands, with a review of the status of this species in the South Atlantic Ocean. Zool. Meded. (Leiden) 61(28): 405—419. Hazevoet, C. J. 1988. Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, new to the Cape Verde Islands. Malimbus 10: 221-222. Hazevoet, C. J. (in prep). Check-list of the Birds of the Cape Verde Islands. British Ornithologists’ Union. Lambert, K. 1980. Beitrage zur Vogelwelt der Kapverdischen Inseln. Beitr. Vogelk. 26: 1-18. Macdonald, M. A. 1978. The Yellow-billed Egret in West Africa (Aves: Ardeidae). Rev. Zool. Afr. 92: 191-200. Moreau, R. E. 1972. The Palaearctic—African Bird Migration Systems. Academic Press. Morel, G. J. 1972. Liste commentée des oiseaux du Sénégal et dela Gambie. ORSTOM, Dakar. Naurois, R. de 1965. Faits nouveaux concernant le peuplement avien de |’Archipel du Cap-Vert. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 260: 5911-5914. Norrevang, A. & den Hartog, J. C. 1984. Bird observations in the Cape Verde Islands (4—22 June 1982). Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 68: 107-134. Rhoades, R. 1952. A list of birds from the Cape Verde Islands Collected by the Blossom South Atlantic Expedition and Catalogued in the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Unpublished typescript. 35 pp. Salvadori, T. 1899. Collezioni ornitologiche fatte nelle Isole del Capo Verde da Leonardo Fea. Ann. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. (Genova) Ser. 2(20): 283-312. Summers-Smith, J. D. 1984. Bird notes from the Cape Verde Islands. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 104: 148-149. Urban, E. K., Fry, C. H. & Keith, S. 1986. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 2. Academic Press. Address: C. J. Hazevoet, Institute of Taxonomic Zoology (Zoological Museum), PO Box 4766, 1009 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 K. E. L. Simmons 213 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) The status of the Red-footed Booby Sula sula at Ascension Island by K. E. L. Simmons Received 2 Fune 1990 In an earlier paper (Simmons 1968), on the basis of my few sightings during 1962-64 and an assessment made after the BOU Centenary Expedition of 1957—59 (Ashmole 1963), I assumed that the Red-footed Booby Sula sula was on the point of extinction at Ascension Island (South Atlantic Ocean). Olson (1977), not having encountered the species in 1970 and 1971, further suggested that it might by then have been “altogether extirpated’’ there. Having long been reduced to a tiny remnant population based on Boatswainbird Islet (BBI) off the southwest coast of the main Island (Stonehouse 1962, Dorward 1962, Ashmole 1963, Simmons 1968), S. sula is certainly now the least numerous of the 3 pan-tropical boobies which occur at Ascension, where the Brown Booby S. leucogaster and especially the Masked Booby S. dactylatra continue to breed in good numbers. Its predicted demise has not, however, been confirmed by more recent observations. Earlier status With the main exception of the Sooty Tern (Wideawake) Sterna fuscata, the indigenous seabirds of Ascension have long been banished to the safety of BBI, the 14 occupied coastal stacks, and the steeper parts of the coastal perimeter of the main Island. As shown by the sub-fossil records (Ashmole 1963, Olson 1977), S. sula was one of the species that once inhabited the large inland seabird colonies in the vicinity of Sisters Peak and Mars Bay, all totally deserted since the last century due to man and his introduced animals, most notably cats (the predations of which, from a large feral population, continues unchecked to this day). In the absence of the trees typically used for nesting by S. sula elsewhere in its range, the birds must have built their nests mainly on rock-tops and other tree-substitutes in the lava flows (Ashmole 1963, Simmons 1967b). Early cases of actual nesting at Ascension are lacking, however, and the absence of trees for most of the recent past has led ornithologists to doubt whether the species ever bred there at all, at least in historical times (Murphy 1936). Apart from the sub-fossil record, and despite the fact that the Island was once designated as the type locality of the species (see Murphy 1936), the earlier evidence for breeding at Ascension is tenuous and seems to rest entirely on the testimony of Osbeck (1771) who landed there in 1752. None of the main expeditions in the 19th century reported any S. sula (Murphy 1936, Olson 1977), nor did a party from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History which spent 2 weeks collecting seabirds on BBI in 1925 (Simmons 1927), though a specimen obtained by an American expedition in March 1890 (prepared as a skeleton) has since been re-discovered (Olson 1977). Another specimen, from a small collec- tion made by Dr H.W. Acland in 1856 and identified by Sclater (1856), K. E. L. Simmons 214 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) appears to have been previously overlooked; this bird (a light-morph adult) has now been traced for me to the Oxford University Museum by Dr E. K. Dunn. Two further specimens were collected by the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition during a visit to Ascension in June 1904 (N. P. Ashmole; see Eagle Clark et al. 1913); at least one of these, a near adult light-morph bird, survives in the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, where it was identified for me by Dr Ashmole. The only substantial numbers of S. sula ever reported during the present century were the “‘thousands”’ observed by Tomlinson (1947) on 1 June 1946 day-roosting upon high crags in the vicinity of Powers Peak, White Hill, and Weatherpost near the southwest coastal area of the main Island opposite BBI. These were mainly light-morph adults (i.e. all- white but for black on the wings) and a specimen obtained at the time confirmed the identification. Col. Tomlinson, who had by then resided at Ascension for several years, also believed that large numbers of boobies seen flighting parallel to the coast at English Bay at sunset on about 25 May were the same birds. The only white boobies he had seen previously were S. dactylatra on BBI and he was convinced that no S. sula were present there at the time. The birds reported to him in late May 1946 were said by St Helenians, who had worked at Ascension for many years, to arrive annually and settle in the same area for about 8 weeks between May and June, then disappear again. During the BOU Expedition of 1957-59, Ashmole (1963) provisionally identified 3 booby skulls he had collected on White Hillas those of S. sula. He considered 'Tomlinson’s birds to have been the survivors of the orig- inal Ascension population that had been reduced by old age to a largely non-breeding remnant by 1957—59. Olson (1977) confirmed Ashmole’s identification and suggested that, as it was unlikely that such large numbers had remained undetected at Ascension until 1946, the birds were possibly emigrants from Fernando Noronha, perhaps disturbed by human activity during the Second World War. The area of Ascension where ‘Tomlinson saw his birds, however, was then (and until the mid- 1960s) far less accessible than it is today, for, until the modern road was built, it took most of a day’s difficult hike via Green Mountain to get there and back; further, competent ornithological observation away from the mainland Wideawake fairs was negligible until 1957 and, Tomlinson apart, went wholly unreported. Large numbers of S. sula could, there- fore, have gone undetected for years, especially if the birds appeared only seasonally as claimed. Nevertheless, ‘Tomlinson’s record does not wholly convince and it is by no means unlikely that most of the boobies he saw, including those flighting past English Bay, were actually S. dactylatra, as this species is known to attempt to breed opposite BBI from time to time and to fly past the north of the Island near English Bay in large numbers on its way to spend the night on BBI. BOU Expedition 1957-59 The BOU Expedition, during some 18 months, did find up to about 30 S. sula on BBI, representing some 10 pairs. These birds were con- tinuously present on the steep cliffs, though their nest sites—with a K. E. L. Simmons 215 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) ENGLISH BAY NORTH POINT ay \ PYRAMID POINT > CLARENCE = AY BEACH SISTERS PEAK GEORGETOWN SPIRE BEACH TWO BOATS VILLAGE Q BOATSWAINBIRD WEATHERPOST 8 ‘ TRAVELLERS POWERS HILL VILLAGE 3 © WHITE HILL SOUTH EAST © HEAD GREEN MOUNTAIN DEVIL'S RIDING 9 SCHOOL SOUTH EAST BAY ° SOUTH WEST BAY SOUTH GANNET HILL ® !°COcOANUT BAY Figure 1. Sketch-map of Ascension Island. Coastal stacks are numbered 1-14. The approximate sites where sub-fossil bones of .S. sula were discovered are indicated by single circles. single exception (see photograph by D. F. Dorward in Nelson 1978, Plate 12)—were inaccessible and they were not proved to breed successfully (Stonehouse 1960, 1962, Dorward 1962). None was found elsewhere, except on the mainland near BBI where nest-material was collected (Ashmole 1963). Few data were presented in the official expedition reports of these first definitive records of S. sula on BBI and its attempted breeding there, and some of the information was conflicting; for example, the cliffs frequented by S. sula were said to beon the northwest of BBI by Dorward (1962) but on the southeast by Stonehouse (1962). Stonehouse’s (1960) book provides a few more facts, however: though ultimately unsuccessful, the observed nest did hold a downy nestling for a time; the breeding pair, as also most of the rest of the population, were dark-morph birds (brown with white tails); and the small colony appeared to be nesting annually at some time between Apriland September. In addition, Dr Stonehouse tells me that there were about 10 or 12 pairs, plus hangers-on, present April-September; that the colony was on the southwestern side of BBI, all nests but one being out of view from above—occupancy being judged from the presence of squatting birds (max. 12 nests) seen on approaching or leaving BBI by sea; and that the occupied nest was deserted after the nestling disappeared. Dr N. P. Ashmole also informs me that he photographed the adult and chick on 25 May 1958, this indicating laying in late March or early April. K. E. L. Simmons 216 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) Observations 1962-64 I was resident in Georgetown (GT), Ascension, for 25 months during 1962-64, but visited BBI only on 5 March 1963, when I saw just a single S. sula—a light-morph bird—in flight nearby (Simmons 1968), though I did not inspect the cliff-faces occupied during 1957-59. I also saw single S. sula when visiting the area opposite BBI on occasions: a dark-morph adult in soaring flight over the mainland near Powers Peak in June 1962 and a light-morph adult there collecting nest-material (which it took back to BBI) in July 1962. On 8 dates in December 1962 and January 1963, asingle light-morph adult paid visits to the S. leucogaster colonies I was studying near GT (see Simmons 1967a,b, 1970) and was observed displaying to the other species; what was presumably the same bird flew up-coast near GT one evening in April 1963 (Simmons 1968). These were the only sightings anywhere along the western coast of Ascension during daily observations on seabirds during 2 years. None was seen even in the feeding congregations (of up to 500 S. leucogaster and 90 S. dactylatra, plus some 130 Ascension Frigatebirds Fregata aquila) that formed frequently just off-shore in 1962 during a prolonged influx of pelagic fish. I saw no S. sulaon my return visit in April 1966 but I did not go to BBI or the vicinity of the main Island opposite it, my activities being confined to the northwest coast where no S. su/a turned up at the S. leucogaster colonies or joined feeding birds nearby. Observations 1971-77 I returned to Ascension 3 times during the 1970s. On the first trip (15 December 1971 to 11 January 1972), I was able to visit BBI on 8 January: no S. sula were seen from the top of the islet but examination of the southwest cliffs from the anchorage just west of the natural arch and landing (see map in Stonehouse 1962) revealed 2 light-morph adults perched c. 10 ft apart and a dark-morph adult in flight nearby. The only other boobies seen off the west coast near GT and at the colonies on Stacks | and 2 (to which my work was mostly confined) were S. leucogaster and passing S. dactylatra; but, on retrospect, 2 white boobies glimpsed on Stack 5 from the sea on 8 January and thought to be S. dactylatra may well have been S. sula. On my second trip (20 December 1972 to 11 January 1973), when I was unable to visit BBI or the area of Powers Peak, I saw no S. sula from English Bay, Mars Bay and North East Bay, nor in the GT area or elsewhere off the west coast. A team from the BBC (Ned Kelly and Maurice Tibbles) visited BBI for filming after we left, remaining there a few days, but reported no S. sula. The picture was transformed, however, on my last 1970s’ trip (16 December 1976 to 14 January 1977). Although I was again unable to visit BBI, R. J. Prytherch and I did examine its western cliffs from the main- land through a powerful telescope on 4 dates, recording the following S. sula (all perched on ledges unless otherwise stated): 19 December 1976, from Weatherpost, late afternoon: 4 light-morph adults singly at various points in the same general area of the southwest cliffs where I had seen the birds in 1972. K. E. L. Simmons 217 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) 26 December 1976, from Powers Peak, 17.15 to 18.30 GMT: 11 birds at first and eventually 16 in the same area, 1—2 of which flew about at times and changed perches. All were light-morph birds (2—3 sub-adults) mostly settled in one section of the steep cliff, with a few at another site a little further north. 8 January 1977, from Spire Beach at sea-level almost directly opposite the west coast of BBI, 13.00 to 14.15 (R. J. Prytherch): 9 birds, all light- morph (one sub-adult), including 4 at sites not visible from Powers Peak. 8 January 1977, from Powers Peak, 18.15 to 18.30 (R. J. Prytherch): 7 birds, all light-morph (including one sub-adult). 12 January 1977, from Powers Peak, 13.45 to 14.00: 5 light-morph adults. 18.30 to 18.45: 11 adults—9 light-morph and 2 dark-morph (one of which was in flight). In all, we located at least 18 individual S. sula on BBI: 16 light-morph, of which at least 2 were sub-adults, and 2 dark-morph adults. The total population must have been higher than this, allowing for further occupied sites on the far northwest cliffs and for birds hidden in dead ground or absent at sea. It is also most likely that we missed further dark-morph adults—and any juveniles (see below)—as these brown birds are much harder to see at a distance unless flying, as we found also with S. leucogaster. Unlike the numerous breeding S. dactylatra, with their nestlings and dependent juveniles, the S. sula showed no evidence of nests or of any stage of breeding, appearing to be mainly loafing and preening. No S. sula were encountered in the South East Head area or during an inspection of Stacks 10—141n Cocoanut and Pillar Bays off the south coast, or off Mars Bay. There were, however, again some sightings in the GT areas?) 1%: 21 December 1976, 11.50 to 13.00, 15.00 to 16.35, 18.00 to 18.30 GMT: a light-morph sub-adult located (and photographed) on mainland rocks near Stack 1, day-roosting with immature and sub-adult S. leucogaster. It left at 18.27, flying up-coast. 27 December 1976, afternoon: absent in the morning, the same bird was again present at the same spot where it was netted and ringed by R. J. Prytherch, afterwards settling on Stack 1. It was seen again later (18.48), flying in the vicinity of Stack 2 and then further down the coast before moving out of sight into Clarence Bay. 29 December 1976, 06.45: an all-dark juvenile appeared briefly amidst a large feeding congregation of seabirds (mainly S. lewcogaster) in Clarence Bay, then flew on down-coast (R. J. Prytherch). 3 Fanuary 1977, 06.35: a light-morph sub-adult arrived from the south with a small flock of S. lewcogaster and briefly joined a feeding congre- gation in Clarence Bay before flying out to sea and then heading south again (R. J. Prytherch). This was a different individual from the one seen near Stack 1. During 7 evening sea-watches just east of North Point, from near where Tomlinson had sighted large numbers of passing boobies in 1946, we also obtained the following records of S. sula, all but one of the birds travelling southeast towards BBI, mostly close inshore and usually, at least for a time, in company with greater numbers of S. leucogaster: K. E. L. Simmons 218 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) 22 December 1976, 18.45 to 19.30: a light-morph sub-adult in failing light. 24 December 1976, 18.45 to 19.30: 5 singletons (19.02 to 19.25)—3 light-morph adults, one white-morph sub-adult, and one all-brown juvenile. All but one bird passed us, virtually overhead, closely following the shoreline. 28 December 1976, 18.25 to 19.40: 2 singletons—an all-brown juvenile (18.58) and a light-morph sub-adult (19.03). 2 Fanuary 1977, 18.50 to 19.45: a light-morph adult (19.40 in poor light). 5 January 1977, 18.30 to 19.40: 5 singletons—an all-brown juvenile (18.30, going west), a white-morph sub-adult (18.37), 2 light-morph adults (18.42 and 19.40), and a dark-morph adult (19.35). 7 January 1977, 17.30 to 19.30, at new site further east (Klinka Club): 3 single light-morph adults (at 18.53, well out to sea, 18.57, and 19.27). Thus, 1—5 S. sula were seen on all but one of our sea-watches, the tallies being: light-morph adult, 9; light-morph sub-adult, 4; dark-morph adult, one; and juvenile, 3. Other seabirds logged were: Madeiran Storm-petrel Oceanodroma castro (small numbers), S. lewcogaster and S. dactylatra (many, passing frequently in flocks), F’. aquila (a few), White (or Fairy) Tern Gygis alba (a few), Black Noddy Anous minutus (numerous on all watches), Brown Noddy A. stolidus (a few), and S. fuscata (just 2 single- tons, the breeding fairs of this species being currently unoccupied, though a new season was imminent). These sea-watches proved that—at least at times—very small numbers of S. sula regularly pass North Point towards BBI in the late afternoon. Such sea-watches therefore, are a useful means of monitoring the continuing presence of this species at Ascension if visits to BBI or its vicinity are not possible. As S. dactylatra was shown to pass North Point in large numbers offshore, the identifi- cation of the white boobies seen by Tomlinson in 1946 as S. sula is questionable. Recent sightings Apart from a single sighting in May 1982 (Bruce 1983), any further information on the continuing presence of S. sula at Ascension was lacking during the early 1980s. Two filming teams, Anglia Survival Ltd (1983) and the BBC again (1987), did not record the species on BBI, nor did Dr B. C. Livezey on 14 January 1984 and Dr J. de Korte on 8-10 February 1987 (den Hartog 1987). During a visit late in 1985 by mem- bers of a Joint-Services expedition to Ascension (‘“‘Exercise Maritime Ascension ’85’’), only a single (light-morph) bird was seen—from the top of BBI on 25 November (R. H. J. Nash). However, fears that the species had finally disappeared from Ascension were confounded by the findings of the Royal Air Force Ornithological Society expedition in February 1987, just after Dr de Korte had left (Blair 1989 and in litt. to Dr T. H. Johnson; see also den Hartog 1987). During 2 visits by boat to view BBI from the sea, at least 20 adult S. sula were located on the cliffs or in flight on the first occasion and 15 on the cliffs on the second. Amongst the latter group of apparently nesting birds on the K. E. L. Simmons 219 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) northwest side, were 3 downy young; though not certainly associated with the adults, the possibility that they were of the same species is strong. There were also 15 coastal sightings—12 off or near the North Point area (where birds had been seen passing in 1976-77) during evening sea- watches, 2 near North East Bay, and one off the northwest coast near Stacks 4 and 5—and also one record of a group of 3 travelling away from Ascension one evening off GT. Nearly all the S. sula seen in February 1987, including 14 out of the 15 on the northwest cliffs of BBI, were light- morph birds. In November 1988, during a joint RAFOS/Army Bird Watching Society visit to Ascension (“‘Exercise Booby I’’), there were several further sightings (R. H. J. Nash): from 1—4 during each of 15 evening sea-watches from the Klinka Club (34 in all—the tallies being light-morph adult 24; dark-morph adult, 6; and all-brown juvenile, 2); 2 adults and a juvenile on BBI; a light-morph adult twice on Stack 5 (where I had seen 2 light-morph possibles in 1972); a light-morph adult off Mars Bay; and a dark-morph adult on Stack 12 in Pillar Bay. In March 1990, Dr and Mrs N. P. Ashmole and I (as members of the ICBP Seabirds Specialist Group’s ‘“‘Seabirds on Islands’’ team) visited Ascension together with the ABWS’s expedition “‘Exercise Booby II”’ (leader Major R. H. J. Nash). The full results of this visit have still to be collated but there were some 30 S. sula sightings during evening sea- watches conducted off the north and and northeast coasts by members of the ABWS party, mostly of light-morph birds (but including a probable all-brown juvenile seen by me on 10 March). At least one adult was seen on one of the stacks in Pillar Bay (where a dark-morph adult was photo- graphed in October 1989 by Sam Turtle, a resident on the island), 2 light-phase adults on or near Stacks 4 or 5, and an all-brown juvenile on Stack 5. Nine light-morph and 4 dark-morph adults were counted during a boat trip around BBI on 16 March (R. H. J. Nash, N. P. Ashmole). From Weatherpost on 24 March, between 10.30 and 12.00 hrs, through a tele- scope, I myself located 3 light-morph adults on BBI—2 on the northwest cliffs and one in flight; there was no sign of breeding. No birds, however, were located on the west and northwest cliffs of BBI from Hummock Point on 26 March, between 11.00 and 11.40. At about the same time, members of an American party from the University of Georgia, collecting marine specimens, saw 4-5 S. sula (all but one light-morph adults) on the south cliffs to the west of the landing. With 2 of these birds was a large chick in the down-shedding stage assumed to be their offspring (Dr J. C. Avise). No S. sula were seen at the colonies of S. leucogaster at Stacks 1 and 2 where I again mostly worked in 1990, or elsewhere in the GT area, but, in addition to the ABWS sightings, 3 adult S. sula were found on Stack 4 at dawn on 4 April by N. P. and M. J. Ashmole—a lone dark- morph adult and an apparent light-morph/dark-morph pair (which were seen to copulate), the first definite record of such a mixed-morph couple at Ascension. Discussion In spite of earlier misgivings, it is clear that S. swla is still surviving at Ascension Island. Further, the presence of free-flying sub-adults and K. E. L. Simmons 220 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) juveniles and records of probable unfledged young indicates that breed- ing, by some pairs at least, continues there and is successful at times, with a total population still of the same small size as that reported by the BOU Centenary Expedition in 1957-59. Recent.sightings of birds away from BBI—on stacks in Pillar Bay and south of English Bay—suggest that the species may even be in the process of expanding its range at Ascension. Although, like the majority of the indigenous seabirds, S. sula is still excluded from the main Island by feral cats (the unchecked presence of which remains a continuing conservational disgrace), there is every reason to believe that this booby will continue to exist at Ascension provided that its small population (on BBI especially) is not adversely affected by the increasing activities of man following the establishment of an RAF base and the expansion of the aiport in the 1980s. Nevertheless, still very little is known about the true status and activities of S. sula at Ascension, all studies there to date (including the present one) having been essentially superficial in nature. No one in recent decades has even located a nest let alone seen a bird certainly sit- ting on one, or feeding a nestling or juvenile—for, like S. leucogaster at Ascension (Simmons 1967a, 1970), the young S. su/a must return to its birth site for parental feeding for a long and adaptively variable period extending over many weeks or months after fledging. We have little idea of the daily routines of the adults nor, for example, the variation in size of the population present on the cliffs of BBI from hour to hour, day to day, or longer. ‘The dark-morph birds now seem to form only a small minority in the population (an apparent change since 1957—59) but, as they are less easy to record, they may well be significantly overlooked; nor do we have any information on whether they follow a different feeding strategy from the light-morph birds—being more nocturnal for instance, in keeping with their plumage-type (see Simmons 1972). What is needed is an extended monitoring of the visible cliffs of BBI from the main Island, with a mapping of occupied perching and nesting places, for all the months of the year. ‘This could be supplemented by surveys from the sea when conditions are favourable, observations from BBI itself (officially prohibited at present) being largely ineffective. Though such a pro- gramme would best be conducted by a dedicated resident at Ascension, much could still be achieved by visiting teams of ornithologists if their efforts were efficiently co-ordinated. Ashmole (1963) propounded the acceptable view that the S. sula seen on BBI during 1957—59, and perhaps also the larger numbers recorded nearby in 1945, were the descendents of the original Ascension popu- lation which had once also occupied the main Island itself. It seems to me that, in the absence of any direct evidence of immigration, the Ascension S. sula could best be considered as comprising a resident endemic deme differing from all other populations of the species in the South Atlantic by its unique cliff-nesting habits. Ashmole also thought that it was improbable that the (apparent) influx in 1945 was due to long-distance immigration from the islands of Fernando Norhona or South Trinidad (Trindade), both some 1300 miles from Ascension, to the northwest and southwest respectively. One or both of these places, where the species is solely a tree-nester, was later again suggested as the origin of Tomlinson’s K. E. L. Simmons 221 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) birds (Olson 1977, den Hartog 1987) and even of the present population at Ascension (den Hartog). Fernando Norhona was favoured by Olson (because of increased human disturbance there during the Second World War), south Trinidad (where the S. suwla population had crashed owing to the distruction of trees) by den Hartog, who also attributed the recent build-up of numbers at Fernando Norhona to emigration from South Trinidad. Wholly underestimating the predatory powers of the feral cats at Ascension, den Hartog further suggested that the Island’s original population had probably been extirpated during the last century, not by the cats but by man himself. Any objections to the immigration theory on the basis of the great distances involved must now flounder, for significant long-distant move- ments of S. sula have been recorded in the Pacific (references in den Hartog 1987) and single vagrants of this species have occured in Norway (in June 1985, Bentz 1988) and on Cima, Cape Verde Islands (in August 1986, den Hartog). So it is not entirely improbable that as suggested by den Hartog, we are dealing with a single pan-oceanic, inter-island travel- ling population of S. sula in the tropical South Atlantic. The question must remain open, however, but on balance I still favour the more con- servative view that the Ascension birds form a distinctive long-standing and isolated population of the species. Acknowledgements My 5 visits to Ascension between 1966 and 1990 were made possible by grants from The Royal Society, British Ornithologists’ Union, Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund, Inter- national Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP), Leverhulme Trust, Percy Sladen Memorial Fund, and other bodies. For help with the present paper I am most grateful to all those mentioned in the text—particularly R. J. Prytherch (who also drew the map)—and to Dr J. C. den Hartog, Dr Storrs L. Olson, A. W. Clarke, D. J. Brooks and Dr J. F. Monk. References: Ashmole, N. P. 1963. Sub-fossil bird remains on Ascension Island. [bis 103b: 382-389. Bentz, P.-G. 1988. Sjeldne fugler i Norge i 1986. Var Fluglefauna 11: 87. Blair, M. 1989. The RAFOS expedition to Ascension Island 1987. RAFOS 7. 19: 1-30. Bruce, D. G. 1983. Observations of seabirds from H.M.S. Hecla during the Falklands campaign, April—July 1982. Sea Swallow 32: 54-58. Dorwood, D. F. 1962. Comparative breeding biology of the White Booby and the Brown Booby Sula spp at Ascension. [bis 103b: 174-220. Eagle Clark, W., Rudmore Brown, R. N. & Ramsay, L. N. G. 1913. Report on the Scientific Results of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition (Voyage of S.Y. Scotia’ during the years 1902, 1903, and 1904), Vol. lV. Scottish Oceanographical Laboratory. Hartog, J. C. den 1987. A record of a Red-footed Booby Sula sula (L.) from the Cape Verde Islands, with a review of the status of this species in the South Atlantic Ocean. Zool. Meded. Leiden 61: 405-419. Murphy, R. C. 1936. Oceanic Birds of South America. Macmillan. Nelson, J. B. 1978. The Sulidae. Oxford University Press. Olson, S. L. 1977. Additional notes on subfossil bird remains from Ascension Island. Ibis 119: 37-43. Osbeck, P. 1771. A Voyage to China and the East Indies. White, London. Sclater, P. L. 1856. Notes on some birds from the Island of Ascension. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 24: 144-145. Simmons, G. F. 1927. Sinbads of science. Nat. Geogr. Mag. 52: 1-75. Simmons, K. E. L. 1967a. Ecological adaptations in the life-history of the Brown Booby at Ascension Island. Living Bird 6: 187-212. Simmons, K. E. L. 1967b. The role of food-supply in the biology of the Brown Booby Sula leucogaster at Ascension Island. MSc thesis, University of Bristol. F.S. Ash & F. E. Miskell 222 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) Simmons, K. E. L. 1968. Occurrence and behaviour of the Red-footed Booby at Ascension Island, 1962-64. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 88: 15-20. Simmons, K. E. L. 1970. Ecological determinants of breeding adaptations and social behaviour in two fish-eating birds. In Social Behaviour in Birds and Mammals (ed. J. H. Crook): 37-77. Academic Press. Simmons, K. E. L. 1972. Some adaptive features of Beabicd plumage types. Brit. Birds 65: 465-479, 510-521. Stonehouse, B. 1960. Wideawake Island. Hutchinson. Stonehouse, B. 1962. Ascension Island and the British Ornithologists’ Union Centenary Expedition, 1957-59. Ibis 103b: 107-123. Tomlinson, J. N. 1947. Occurrence of the Red-footed Booby at Ascension Island. [bis 89: 122-123. Address: Dr K. E. L. Simmons, 66 Romway Road, Leicester LE5 5SB, UK. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990 Presumed breeding of ‘Tawny Pipits Anthus campestris in the Afrotropics by J. S. Ash & F. E. Miskell Received 11 Fune 1990 A male Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris with advanced gonads is men- tioned for Somalia in Ash & Miskell (1983, 1988). This particular bird was one of several pale pipits seen resembling A. campestris in the north- ern part of the country in May 1979, and one of 2 of which were collected. Because such records were particularly interesting and unlikely to be rechecked in the field in the foreseeable future, the 2 specimens were deposited in the British Museum (Natural History), Tring. Identification as A. campestris was confirmed after comparison with other material, and agreed by P. R. Colston, who kindly twice rechecked and reconfirmed this at our request. Collecting details of the 2 specimens are as follows: Ref. 650, 3 1 May 1979 at 5km SW of Bacaadaweyn (7°09’N, 47°31’E), testes 5mm—BM Registration No. 1982/3/15; Ref. 691, ¢ 15 May 1979 at 37km WSW of War Idaad (9°10'’N, 45°59’E), testes 7 mm—BM Registration No. 1980/7/5. Field observations A bird similar to the one collected on 15 May was seen on the same day at 4km WSW of War Idaad (9°17'N, 46°13’E). Next day 2 pairs were actively nest-building at 19km east of War Idaad (9°19’N, 46°25’E). ‘There was no doubt that all these birds were the same species, but we were not entirely certain at the time that they were Tawny Pipits. Further birds, possibly the same species, but not described in sufficient detail for later reassessment, were common on 3 May ata lake 6 km west of Oog (8°56'N, 46°34’E), between War Idaad and Bacaadaweyn; the nest of one of these pairs contained 3 eggs ona revisit on 23 May. A further 2 were F.S. Ash & F. E. Miskell 223 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) seen 35 km south of Garadag at 9°12’N, 46°45’E also on 23 May. During the 3 weeks 3-23 May 1979, travelling through central northern Somalia to the east of the area in which the above Tawny Pipits occurred, and further east still in April and May 1980, pipits which presented identifi- cation difficulties were seen at anumber of sites. Some of these birds were claimed as novaeseelandiae, including pale greyish birds near Eil (7°59’N, 49°49’E), but others were not identified. A combination of 2 pairs nest-building in May of a species which usually leaves the area on return passage north by the end of March, together with 2 males with developed gonads, would seem to indicate at least intent to breed. May is also the breeding season for novaeseelandiae in northern Somalia. However, birds recorded under A. novaeseelandiae by Ash & Miskell (1983) from squares 21c and 28b, and breeding in 28b, should be deleted pending confirmed identification of this species in that area. Status of Tawny Pipits in the eastern Afrotropics and Arabian peninsula Somalia. Sir Geoffrey Archer found ‘Tawny Pipits only twice during his long stay in north Somalia (ex British Somaliland), but summarised the other records in Archer & Godman (1961). Among these, of special interest are records of 7 and 3 being collected on 1—6 and 28 February 1919 respectively at Las Khorei (szc) (= Laasqoray) (11°09'N, 48°12’E) on the northern coast. In the country as a whole ‘Tawny Pipits are regarded as fairly common Palaearctic migrants overwintering regularly south to 9°N, and occasionally as far south as 1°N (Ash & Miskell 1983). Our latest spring date for a returning migrant is 11 March, but Witherby & Hamerton (1905) have a later record on 1 April. There has been no previous suspicion of breeding in the country. Ethiopia. Described by Urban & Brown (1971) as an abundant winter visitor in the north, extending south to Addis Ababa and the Rift Valley. J.S.A. found that it was uncommon in the southern part of its range as far as 7°N, and altogether absent in western areas south of 12°N. With the exception of a record in June (Ash 1980), a date perhaps indicating a possible breeding bird, there are no dates for migrants remaining after early April. The latest are 7 April (Blanchard 1969) and 8 April (Ash 1980). Kenya. A scarce and probably extralimital Palaearctic migrant, October—March, to as far south as c. 3°50’S (Britton 1980, Lewis & Pomeroy 1989). The possibility that campestris breeding in the Afro- tropics may reach Kenya as an intratropical migrant should be borne in mind. Sudan. A fairly common Palaearctic migrant winter visitor, October— April, south to 11°N, but only exceptional further south (Nikolaus 1987). Arabian Peninsula. Meinertzhagen (1954) regarded campestris as a winter visitor only, and not uncommon. More recently M. C. Jennings regarded it as quite common, and furthermore has 2 records from western Saudi Arabia which suggest that birds were holding breeding territories: on 5 March 1986 there were paired singing males holding territory at F.S. Ash & F. E. Miskell 224 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) Harrat Khaybar (25°40'N, 40°00’E), and in April 1989 there was a pair ‘faithful to one area”? at Hemma Figqrah (24°18'N, 38°53’E). In Jennings’ experience l‘awny Pipits do not sing in their winter quarters in Arabia. Discussion A. campestris is a reasonably common winter visitor to the northeast of the Afrotropical region, extending furthest south in the eastern part of its range. Breeding in Africa is known to occur only in the northwest in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, south to 27°N; but further to the east breeding is unknown south of 30°N, in Israel and Jordan (Cramp 1988, Hollom et al. 1988). There has been no suggestion that breeding occurs elsewhere in the region of the Afrotropics under discussion, nor in the area to its north covering Egypt and the Arabian peninsula—with the possible exception of the birds seen by Jennings. Breeding in Somalia, some 2400 km away from the Tawny Pipits nearest breeding area in the Palaearctic, could be of irregular occurrence only, although the possi- bility of breeding in Arabia suggests that breeding distribution may be less discontinuous than it has so far appeared to be. The situation in Somalia requires further study. It may be significant that there are no specimen records of novaeseelandiae east of the above May records of campestris. The observation of pale rather novaeseelandiae- like birds in eastern N. Somalia suggests that there is either a pale popu- lation of novaeseelandiae in the area, or else that campestris replaces novaeseelandiae there. A. campestris can easily be overlooked in areas where other large Anthus species, such as novaeseelandiae, leucophrys and particularly similis occur, all of which can present special problems in identification. Our N. Somalia specimens of campestris are considered by Colston to be intermediate between A. c. griseus and A. c. campestris. Acknowledgements We wish to thank M. C. Jennings for his information on Tawny Pipits in the Arabian peninsula, P. R. Colston for checking the identification of the Somalia specimens in the British Museum (Natural History), and Dr D. J. Pearson for his comments on the ms. References: Archer, G. F. & Godman, E. M. 1961. The Birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden. Vol. 4. Oliver & Boyd. Ash, J. S. 1980. Migrational status of Palaearctic birds in Ethiopia. Proc. IV Pan-Afr. Orn. Congr. 199-208. Ash, J. S. & Miskell, J. E. 1983. Birds of Somalia. Scopus Special Supplement No. 1, 97 pages. Ash, J. S. & Miskell, J. E. 1988. Observations on birds in Somalia in 1978-1982, together with a bibliography of recent literature. Scopus 11: 57—78. Blanchard, D. H. 1969. Ethiopia: its Culture and its Birds. The Naylor Company. Britton, P. L. (ed.) 1980. Birds of East Africa. EANHS, Nairobi. Cramp, S. 1988. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: the Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 5. Oxford University Press. Hollom, P. A. D., Porter, R. F., Christensen, S. & Willis, I. 1988. Birds of the Middle East and North Africa. T. & A. D. Poyser. Lewis, A. & Pomeroy, D. 1989. A Bird Atlas of Kenya. Balkema. Meinertzhagen, R. 1954. Birds of Arabia. Oliver & Boyd. F. Olmos 225 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) Nikolaus, G. 1987. Distribution atlas of Sudan’s birds with notes on habitat and status. Bonn. Zool. Monogr. Nr. 25. Museum Alexander Koenig. Urban, E. K. & Brown, L. H. 1971. A Checklist of the Birds of Ethiopia. Hailé Selassie I University Press. Witherby, H. F. & Hamerton, A. E. 1905. On a collection of birds from Somaliland. [bis 5(8): 509-524. Addresses: Dr J. S. Ash, Godshill Wood, Fordingbridge, Hants. SP62LR, U.K. J. E. Miskell, CARE-Uganda, P.O. Box 7280, Kampala, Uganda. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. Harrier-like hunting behaviour by a Crane Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens by Fabio Olmos Received 21 Fune 1990 The Crane Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens is widely distributed in a number of subspecies from Mexico to Argentina, living in various habi- tats, from rain forest to mangroves, but generally near water (Brown & Amadon 1968: 376-378). Recent literature (Brown & Amadon 1968: 378, Sick 1985: 214) emphasizes that this hawk explores cavities and crevices in bark, trunks and epiphytes with its feet and bill for food. The anatom- ical structure of the hind limbs is specially adapted for this (Burton 1978). On 6 September 1988, atc. 08.00 hrs I observed a Crane Hawk foraging along a dry mud strip with scattered herbs alongside the Transpantaneira Highway (c. 56°59’W, 17°16'S), Mato Grosso, Brazil. For a general description of the area see Schaller & Crawshaw (1982). When first seen, the hawk was hanging motionless about c. 3 m above the ground, looking directly downwards, facing into the strong prevailing wind. Suddenly the hawk dropped with half folded wings, spiralling down through 360° before landing and grasping a small item (probably an insect) with its left foot, which it picked at with its bill and swallowed. After looking around for a few moments the hawk walked 2 steps and jumped, opening its wings and gaining height by facing the wind, without flapping its wings. At a height of 2—3 m the hawk managed to progress forward by only slightly adjusting its wings, progressing slowly for a few metres before dropping again. This process was repeated 6 times along a 30 m stretch. In 5 instances small items (probably insects or small frogs) were caught; in one the hawk landed on a pile of dry skin and hairs left from a mammal carcass and examined it briefly with the bill. At this point the hawk detected me and flew away with strong wing beats. Sutton (1954) writing about the northern form G. c. nigra (once con- sidered a full species) reported seeing this hawk hunting on the wing over open ground like a harrier. This hunting method appears not to have been Books received 226 Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) reported since, most of the recent works on the feeding behaviour of the species dealing with the burrow and crevices exploring habit. My observations agree with Sutton and show that over the open fields of the Pantanal this species may hunt this way. In addition, I have seen this species visiting a carcass (perhaps looking for insects), feeding behaviour which apparently has not been reported since Carriker (1910). Although these foraging strategies appear to be rarer than crevice exploring, in some habitats they may be just as important for the species, specially in open areas like the Pantanal. It is interesting to remember that individual specializations in hunting techniques seem to occur frequently among the Falconiformes, variations which probably have adaptive value, allowing exploitation of resources which are rarely or never used, thus avoiding inter-specific competition. Acknowledgements I wish to thank A. C. Neves for his assistance with fieldwork and the Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal (IBDF) for logistical support. References: Brown, L. & Amadon, D. 1968. Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the World. Hamlyn Publishing Group. Burton, P. J. K. 1978. The intertarsal joint of the harrier-hawks Polyboroides spp. and the Crane-Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens. Ibis 120: 171-177. Carriker Jr, M. A. 1910. An annotated list of the birds of Costa Rica, including Cocos Island. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6: 314-915. Sick, H. 1985. Ornitologia Brasileira: uma introdugao. Ed. Unb. Brasilia. Sutton, G. M. 1954. Blackish Crane Hawk. Wilson Bull. 66: 237-242. Schaller, G. B. & Crawshaw Jr, P. 1982. Fishing behavior of Paraguayan Cayman (Caiman crocodilus). Copeia 1982(1): 66-72. Address: Dr Fabio Olmos, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP. Brazil, 13081. © British Ornithologists’ Club 1990. BOOKS RECEIVED Ridgely, R.S. & Tudor, G. 1989. The Birds of South America. The oscine passerines. Pp. 516. 31 colour plates. Over 700 distribution maps. Oxford EST Press. Hard covers. £45.00. 250 x 175 mm. This is the first of a projected 4 volume field handbook, covering over 700 species, all the true songbirds of South America’s rich avifauna, with a wealth of detail on specific and differential identification, derived from personal examination of over 95% of the species and subspecies known, together with their habitats, behaviour and range. Supenecies are men- tioned under identification for purposes of distinguishing races in the field if possible. Introductory sections explain the plan of the book, describe the habitats and discuss the biogeography, migration (very briefly, so little in general is known) and conservation (with an annotated list of 46 songbirds considered to be at risk). The plates are of Guy Tudor’s usual high standard and have been “‘meticulously researched for soft part colours and perching attitudes”’; the size of the volume ensures that detail is readily seen. The plates are organised for assembling various genera and subgenera groups, and the sequence used in the book, from families down to species is ‘“‘not necessarily an accurate reflection of present taxonomic thinking’’, harmlessly it is considered, since systematics is at present in such a state of flux. Opposite each plate the text discusses salient differential characteristics. There is a long, useful bibliography. Books received DDH, Bull. B.O.C. 1990 110(4) This first volume of a work covering so vast a continent, much of it not well known, some of it unexplored, ornithologically, is of significant importance when much of the habitat, especially tropical forest as always, is under such dire threat of despoliation and destruction. The authors are to be congratulated, and the succeeding volumes are much looked forward to. Chapman, Abel. 1990. (First published 1889). Bird-Life of the Borders. Pp. 286. Spredden Northern Classics, The Spredden Press, 55 Noel Road, London N1 8HE. Cloth £16.95, paperback £9.95. 210 x 125 mm. A nicely produced reprint of this well known book from the Natural History Society of Northumberland’s first edition, including the illustrations, with an introduction relating a brief history of the author by Peter Davis of the Hancock Museum. Stroud, D. A., Mudge, G. P. & Pinkowski, M. W. 1990. Protecting Internationally Import- ant Bird Sites. Pp. 230. Many diagrams. Nature Conservancy Council. Paperback. £17.00. 295 x 210mm. A thorough “‘review of the EEC Special Protection Area network in Great Britain’’. The authors, who work in the ornithological branch of the NCC, diligently detail the rationale for the proposed UK network of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and provide a mass of data, fairly concluding that the network will promote a better trusteeship of the UK’s natural heritage. There are 7 appendices, which with the bibliography form two-thirds of the book. The 2 of most interest cover bird habitats within the SPAs, and the conservation needs of 48 vulnerable breeding species and 75 other migratory species. As is usual with the NCC production, the format is forbidding, being broken down into numbered paragraphs and sub-paragraphs and sub-sub-paragraphs, not conducive to easy reading. The production could be less extravagant with advantage to the selling price. Boyd, J. M. & Boyd, I. L. 1989. The Hebrides. Pp. 416. Profusely illustrated with colour and black-and-white photographs. Collins. Hardback. £30.00, paperback £12.95. 215 x 150mm. J. Morton Boyd and his son Ian have written a comprehensive and very readable account of the Hebrides for the New Naturalist series. The first part of the book deals with the ecosystem, including geology, climate, soils, sea life, dunes, crofting, woodland, moor and hill, and inland waters. The second part deals with the characteristics of particular islands, some grouped together for their mutual most prevalent types of fauna, such as wildfowl, seabirds and seals. The final part is more historical and related to people, describing the Islands naturalists and historians, followed by the changing land usage, minerals and fisher- ies, and finally conservation and its various requirements. There is a good bibliography and a detailed index. Well researched and with much personal knowledge, the book is a mine of information eessential for anyone interested in these still mostly unspoilt but threatened islands. Fuller, R. J. & Warren, M.S. 1990. Coppiced Woodlands. Warren, M.S. & Fuller, R. J. 1990. Woodland Rides and Glades. Each 36 pp. with diagrams and coloured photographs. Nature Conservancy Council. Paperback. £2.50 each. 210 x 150 mm. These 2 booklets are written to advise on the management of these 2 habitats for wildlife and serve their purpose simply and well. The photographs are informative and decorative. Fandino-Marino, J. H. 1989. The Sound Communication of the Guira Cuckoo, an eco- ethological and evolutionary evaluation. (In Portuguese). Pp. 302. Diagrams and sonagrams. Unicamp, Brazil. No price. 210 x 140 mm. Guira guira vocalisations studied on the campus of the University Estadual de Londrina in Parana, Brazil and in captive birds are analysed and discussed with some somewhat complex theorising. ME TAD OV A Nye peereen eee a penn tha ete A Loe fis PP OPRIAL I Cs neat ee My hen ian es i Nt one A aii Lig ste ae ren GY tha Set Ie a } TVS EATS. Way, ot ect richie ait si hie B i. “ile {nope ; NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Papers, from Club Members or non-members, should be sent to the new Editor to be nominated at the AGM, Dr D. W. Snow, Old Forge, Wingrave, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 4PD, U.K., and must be offered solely to the Bulletin. They should be typed on one side of the paper, with treble-spacing and a wide margin, and submitted with a duplicate copy on airmail paper. Scientific nomenclature and the style and lay-out of papers and of References should conform with usage in this or recent issues of the Bulletin. Informants of unpublished observations should be cited by initials and name only, e.g. “... of grass (C. Dieter)’’, but ““P. Wee informs me that ...’’. A limited number of photographic illustrations in black-and-white may be published annually at the Editor’s discretion. 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Changes of address and any correspondence concerning membership should be addressed to the Hon. Treasurer. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BULLETIN The Bulletin (Vol. 111 onwards) may be purchased by non-members on payment of the annual subscription (£16.00 or, if preferred, U.S. $35.00 for 1991, postage and index free). Applications should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer. Single issues may be obtained as back numbers. PAYMENTS TO HON. TREASURER All payments should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, S. J. Farnsworth, Hammerkop, Frogmill, Hurley, Maidenhead, Berks, SL65NL U.K. All payments are net and should be made in Sterling if possible. Payments in other currencies must include a further £3 for Bank Charges (except for annual rates in U.S. Dollars which are inclusive). Payments may be made direct to the Club’s National Giro Account No. 30 924 4005, but must include Bank Charges where applicable. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence about Club Meetings and on all other matters should athe Hon. Secretary, Mrs A.M. Moore, 1 Uppingham Road, Oakham, “d LE15 6JB, U.K. CONTENTS yy EARL OF CRANBROOK. ‘The EEC and nature conservation............... 165 GLUBINGUTES 0 os Foc gage ce cele Oe eee One ee OT ee ea ae 167 BARROWCLOUGH, G. F. & ESCALENTE-PLIEGO, Patricia. Notes on the birds of the Sierra de Unturan, Southern Venezuela.....................- 167 VINCENT, J. The type locality of the Barred Ow! Glaucidium capense ..... 170 dasILVA,J.M.c. Description ofanew subspecies of Saltator aurantiirostris, with COMMENTS ON S=,MAXtIOSUS . .. . 0 c++: evo 1404 + alo see eee 171 PARKES, K. C. A critique of the description of Amazona auropalliata caribaea luousada, 1989" 2. ac hehe oslo ee ne ae ee 175 MEES, G. F. & MEES-BALCHIN, V.J. Basileuterus flaviolus (Baird)in Guyana.. 179 STRONACH, N. The occurrence of the Grass Owl Tyto capensis and Richard’s Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae in the lowlands of New Guinea _ 181 STOTZ,D.F. The taxonomic status of Phyllomytas reisert .............-. 184 GONZAGA, L. P. & PACHECO, J.F. “['wonew subspecies of Formicivora serrana (Hellmayr) from southeastern Brazil, and notes on the type locality of Formicivoraideluzae Menétriésicencs. sin sek oe eae: Gee ee 187 HEDENSTROM, A., BENSCH, S., HASSELQUIST, D. & OTTOSSON, U. Observations of Palacarctic:migrants rare to\Ghanase n=): ce ee oe eee 194 STRONACH, N. New information on birds in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania FPF ee kee Sc Shee Bes Bee co ae en 198 OLMOS, F. & RODRIGUES, M. Courtship display of the Long-trained Nightjar Meacropsalis creagac vers PAR en) ae NEE UIE Oe, eee 203 PARKER; J..G:"” Imperial ‘Eagles’ 52°93. 000 3.2 6 on scss 2 sae Oe 205 HAZEVOET, C.J. Notesonnew and rare migrants inthe Cape Verde Islands 207 SIMMONS, K. E. L. The status of the Red-footed Booby Sula sula at Ascension, [sland cscs. Sc cle. oageys. oc akg s cokes noo a ti RR eee 213 ASH, J. S. & MISKELL, J. E. Presumed breeding of Tawny Pipits Anthus campestris inthe Afrotropicsa .. «cy: seins es se oo eae eee pips OLMos, F._ Harrier-like hunting behaviour by a Crane Hawk Geranospiza COCTULESCENS So AEM ors cas con: ara Hichat snl oSIR ae Om eat OEE ee ee Oe 225 BOOKS RECEIVED 3:3 (e053 s¢i Male d eo veel" see gain Mer Rae eee 226 The Bulletin is despatched from the printers on publication and is sent by Surface Saver Postal Services to all European destinations outside the U.K. and by Air Saver Postal Services to destinations outside Europe. Those whose subscriptions have not been received by the beginning of a month of publication will have their copies despatched by surface mail, after their current subscription has been paid. COMMITTEE R. E. F. Peal (Chairman) (1989) D. Griffin (Vice-Chairman) (1990) Dr J. F. Monk (Editor) (1975) S.J. Farnsworth (Hon. Treasurer) (1990) Mrs A. M. Moore (Hon. Secretary) (1989) Revd. T. W. Gladwin (1990) R. H. Kettle (1988) Dr A. Tye (1990) Cdr M. B. Casement, OBE, RN (1990) UK Data Protection Act. In order to keep records up to date and to facilitate despatch of the Bulletin names and addresses of Members and Subscribers, and no other information, are held on computer disc. If there is any objection to this please advise the Hon. Secretary in writing so that records can be deleted from the disc and stored manually. & Published by the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB and printed by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset BULLETIN of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB EDITED BY Dr J. F. MONK Volume 110 1990 il EDITOR’S VALEDICTORY PREFACE I am glad to take this opportunity to place on record my profound thanks to the Club for the honour they paid me in altering the Rules so that I could continue to edit the Bulletin at the end of my second stint, thus enabling me to have the pleasure of completing 15 volumes. I am especially pleased also to pay tribute to our Chairman, Ronald Peal, who in his present capacity and during his unprecedented 18 years as Hon. Secretary has been for mea ready and invaluable adviser, as well as tirelessly considering the good of the Club and the Bulletin, which have so flourished under his now 20 years of guidance. It is not realised by many that when Ronald became Hon. Secretary in 1971, the membership was only 229, finances were chronically strained and dinners attended by only a few. Very largely due to his initiatives and recruitment and to his provision of so many good speakers, the member- ship when he moved on to become Chairman in 1989 was near to having been trebled, of which 226 were from overseas—itself a figure almost exactly the same as the total member- ship when he first took office—while the finances were averaging an annual surplus of over £2000. It is hoped that fulsome recognition of Ronald’s tremendous contribution to the Club will be recognised during his Chairmanship of the centenary celebrations in October 1992. It is most welcome that Dr David Snow has agreed to take on the editorship of the Bulletin. A well disguised old Etonian (he was a classical scholar), his eminence in the zoological world is well known through his continuing scholarship in all branches of ornithology. Widely read and travelled, author and writer of lucid English, David, besides being involved with several international ornithological bodies, has occupied the most senior posts of our national societies, including being Director of Research for the British Trust for Ornithology, Officer in Charge of the Bird Section of the BMNH at Tring, Editor of [bis and President of the BOU. The Club is most fortunate to have acquired his expertise to edit the Bulletin, and I hope that he will find as much satisfaction in the fulfilment as I have done. At the BOU’s Centenary Dinner in Cambridge, R. E. Moreau said that on taking on the Ibis he had quite falsely been warned that he would now lose all his friends. I can vouch for such pessimism as being quite unfounded. In the 60s, indeed, I was castigated for editing Ibis badly ‘‘in long hand from the depths of the country”’; but I have found that without exception, and that now includes the above critic, ornithological authors are an amiable breed. To them all I am grateful for their friendliness and cooperation, authors and referees alike, and I may add readers, for quite a few have written to show an appreciation of the Bulletin’s contents, a rare enough event to prove highly morale raising. We are indebted to John Elgood, with Mrs Mary Muller’s help, for producing the Index as satisfactorily as usual, and to the Hon. Secretary and the Chairman and Hon. Treasurer for providing the membership list and the changes thereto. I am, too, grateful to our printers, Henry Ling, most especially to Frank Hemmings, who has continued patiently to tolerate any shortcomings that I have shown during the year. Finally I would echo a thought of that unorthodox American poet, Ogden Nash, who has a typical eccentric poem decrying his failure to become a birdwatcher: “a bird in the open never looks like its picture in the reference books’, and finishes with sad humility: “But I sometimes visualise in my gin the Audubon that I audubin.”’ James Monk Goring-on-Thames April 1991 OFFICERS OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB P. L. SCLATER Lord ROTHSCHILD W. L. SCLATER H. F. WITHERBY Dr P. R. LoWE Maj. S.S. FLOWER Dr D. A. BANNERMAN G. M. MatTHEws Dr A. LANDSBOROUGH ‘THOMSON D. SETH-SMITH Dr J. M. Harrison Sir PHiLip MaNsoN-BAHR Lord ROTHSCHILD W. L. ScLATER H. F. WITHERBY G. M. MatTHEews N. B. KINNEAR H. WHISTLER D. SETH-SMITH Col. R. SPARROW Dr G. CARMICHAEL Low Hon. Guy CHARTERIS W. L. SCLATER Dr D. A. BANNERMAN Capt. C. H. B. Grant B. W. TUCKER F. J. F. BARRINGTON Dr E. HopKINSON C. W. MacKwWorRTH-PRAED Dr J. M. Harrison Sir PHttip MaNson-BAHR R. BOWDLER-SHARPE W. R. OGILVIE-GRANT Dr D. A. BANNERMAN D. SETH-SMITH Dr P. R. Lowe N. B. KINNEAR Dr G. CarMICHAEL Low Capt. C. H. B. GRANT HowarbD SAUNDERS W.E. De WINTON H. F. WITHERBY Dr P. R. Lowe C. G. TaLBot-PONSONBY PAST AND PRESENT Chairmen 1892-1913 Col. R. MEINERTZHAGEN 1953-1956 1913-1918 C. W. MackworTH-PRAED 1956-1959 1918-1924 Capt. C. R. S. PIrman 1959-1962 1924-1927 Maj.-Gen. C. B. WaINwriGuHT 1962-1965 1927-1930 R.S.R. FITTER 1965-1968 1930-1932 Dr J. F. Monk 1968-1971 1932-1935 Sir HuGH ELLiotrT 1971-1974 1935-1938 J. H. ELGoop 1974-1977 P. Hoce 1977-1980 1938-1943 D. R. CALDER 1980-1983 1943-1946 B. Gray 1983-1986 1946-1950 Revd G. K. McCuLLocu 1986-1989 1950-1953 R. E. F. PEAL 1989— Vice-Chairmen 1930-1931 B. G. HarRISON 1946-1947 1931-1932 Lt.-Col. W.P.C. TENISON 1947-1948 1932-1933 Miss E. M. GopMaNn 1947-1948 1933-1934 Col. R. MEINERTZHAGEN 1948-1949 1934-1935 Maj. A. G. L. SLADEN 1948-1949 1935-1936 Col. R. MEINERTZHAGEN 1949-1953 1936-1937 E. M. NicHOLSON 1953-1956 1937-1938 Capt. C. R. S. Pirman 1956-1959 1938-1939 Mrs B. P. Hai 1959-1962 1938-1939 R.S.R. FITTER 1962-1965 1939-1940 Dr J. F. Monk 1965-1968 1939-1940 Sir HuGH ELLiottT 1968-1971 1940-1943 J. H. ELcoop 1971-1974 1940-1943 P. Hoce 1974-1977 1943-1945 Dr G. BEVEN 1977-1980 1943-1945 B. Gray 1980-1983 1945-1946 Revd G. K. McCuLLocu 1983-1986 1945-1946 D. GRIFFIN 1986-1989 1946-1947 J. H. ELcoop 1989— Editors 1892-1904 Dr G. CaRMICHAEL Low 1940-1945 1904-1914 Lt.-Col. W.P.C. TENISON 1945-1947 1914-1915 Capt. C. H. B. GRANT 1947-1952 1915-1920 Dr J. G. Harrison 1952-1961 1920-1925 J. J. YEALLAND 1962-1969 1925-1930 C. W. BENSON 1969-1974 1930-1935 Sir HuGH ELLiotTt 1974-1975 1935-1940 Dr J. F. Monk 1976— Honorary Secretaries and Treasurers 1892-1899 Dr PuiLip GossE 1919-1920 1899-1904 J. L. BoNHOTE 1920-1922 1904-1914 C.W. MackworTH-Prarep = 1922-1923 1914-1915 Dr G. CarRMICHAEL Low 1923-1929 1915-1918 C. W. MackworTH-PRAED 1929-1935 1918-1919 Dr D. A. BANNERMAN Honorary Secretaries Dr A. LANDSBOROUGH N. J. P: WADLEY 1950-1960 ‘THOMSON 1935-1938 Miss E. FORSTER 1960-1962 C. R. STONER 1938-1940 Dr J. G. Harrison 1962-1964 N. B. KINNEAR 1940-1943 C. J. O. Harrison 1964-1965 Dr G. CARMICHAEL Low 1943-1945 M. W. Woopcock 1965-1969 Lt.-Col. W. P. C. TENISON 1945-1947 D. R. CaLDER 1969-1971 Capt. C. H. B. Grant 1947 R. E. F. Peau 1971-1989 W. E. GLEGG 1947-1949 Mrs A. M. Moore 1989— Miss G. M. RHODES 1950 Honorary Treasurers C. W. MackwortH-PRAED 1935-1936 P. TATE 1962-1974 Maj. A. G. L. SLADEN 1936-1942 M. St. J. Suce 1974-1978 Miss E. P. LEAcH 1942-1949 Mrs D. M. BraDLey 1978-1990 C. N. WALTER 1950-1962 S. J. FARNSWORTH 1990- COMMITTEE Elected 29 May 1990 R. E. F. PEAL Chairman (1989) D. GRIFFIN Vice-Chairman (1990) DrJ. F. MONK Editor (1976) S.J. FARNSWORTH Hon. Treasurer Mrs A. M. MOORE Hon. Secretary (1990) (1989) Reverend T. W. GLADWIN (1990) R. H. KETTLE (1988) Dr A. TYE (1990) Cdr. M. B. CASEMENT 0.8.£., R.N., RETD., (1990) CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP 1990 New Members W.N. Anderton Miss V. S. Harley Lt-Col. P. S. Kerr- J. A. Stephen R. A. K. Barber S. Harrap Smiley G. J. Talbot A. Best C. J. Hazevoet N. R. McLean J. Wenderby R. H.C. Bonser E. Hirshfeld Dr M-Y. Morel K. P. Wood C. G. Bradshaw A. Johnston H. H. Miller H. G. Young Dr P. Demarchi Re-elected Dr Marion Cook, E. Griffith Deaths The Committee very much regrets to report the deaths of the following Members (see Report of the Committee for 1990): Dr G. Beven (Member 1948-1990, Committee 1954— 1958, 1975-1977, Vice-Chairman 1977-1980), R. D. Etchécopar (Member 1952-1990), J. E. Jany (Member 1958-1990). Resignations in respect of 1990 P. W. P. Browne, J. P. Burgess, C. M. Francis, Major J. J. Gordon, S. J. Jackson, Professor G. Malacarne, P. Maskell, Dr W. C. Scott, H. H. Tetlow, G. R. Welch. Removed from Membership under Rule (7) F.R. Allison, F. G. Anderson, C. F. S. Avent, S. R. Cook, L. G. De Sola, D. Herringshaw, E. J. Mackrill, Dr R. O’Hanlon, J. M. Pinder, Dr A. H. N. Roberts, H. Smit Jnr., Ms D. D. Underwood, F. R. Woodward. 1960 1986 1983 1984 1988 1984 1979 1980 1989 1989 1978 1980 1990 1983 1980 1976 1986 1978 1981 1969 1986 1986 1986 1986 1990 1951 1989 1987 1985 1947-51, 1979 1989 1976 1982 1976 1976 1966 1990 1979 1986 1982 1980 1989 1985 1990 1958 1986 1981 1966 1985 19381 1956-70, 1986 1986 1953 1985 1980 1990 1989 1966 1937 1988 1986 1987 1979 1931 1976 Vv BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB LIST OF MEMBERS paid up at 31 December 1990 Apams, J. K.; 95 Alleyn Park, LONDON SE21 8AA (Committee 1971-1973) Apcock, M. A.; ‘“The Saltings’’, 53 Victoria Drive, Great Wakering, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, Essex SS3 OAT AGUILLO Cano, I. F.; Apartado 129, 26200 Haro (La Rioja), Spain Arpcey, Dr D. J.; The Old Woolpack, Morley St. Botolph, wyMonDHaM, Norfolk NR18 9AA ALBERTI, P.; Via B Cellini 10, 21052 Busto arsizio, Italy ALBRECHT, J. S. M.; 12 Hemingford Road, CAMBRIDGE CB1 3BZ Avper, J. R.; Burngate, Peckons Hill, Ludwell, Nr sHaFTEsBuRY, Dorset SP7 ORN ALLIsoNn, R.; The Laurels, Manchester Road, Sway, LYMINGTON, Hants SO40AS ALLport, G.; The Homestead, The Green, Old Buckenham, Nr APPLEBOROUGH, Norfolk NR17 15F At-Sarap1, Dr M. M.; PO Box 392, sana’a, Yemen Arab Republic AtTMaN, Dr A. B.; PO Box 441, GREAT BARRINGTON, MA 01230, USA Amapbon, Dr D.; American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, NEW yorK, NY 10024, USA ANDERTON, W. N.; 16 Skipton Road, Embsay, SKIPTON, N. Yorkshire BD23 6QL ANpREW, P.; 1/38B Mona Road, Darling Point, syDNEY, NSW 2027, Australia AntTrRaM, F. B.S.; c/o Traffic (Australia), 53 Sydney Road, PO Box 799, MANLY, NSW 2095, Australia Arita IcH1Ro; 23 ban 1go 5F, Minami Aoyama 4 chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107, Japan Artott, N. A.; Hill House, School Road, TILNEY ST LAWRENCE, Norfolk AsH, Dr J. S.; Godshill Wood, FORDINGBRIDGE, Hants SP6 2LR AsPINWALL, Dr D. R.; PO Box 50653, RIDGEWay 15101, Zambia Backuurst, G. C.; PO Box 24702, NarrRoBI, Kenya Barn, Major P. M.; 15 Witham Bank East, Boston, Lincs PE21 9JU Baker, E. W.; 10 Rose Grove, Roman Bank, SKEGNESS, Lincs PE25 1SH Baker, Miss H.; 27 Pheasants Way, RICKMANSWORTH, Herts WD3 2EX Baker, N. E.; Aquila Engineering Services, PO Box 23404, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania Barber, R. A. H.; HQ 107 BDE, BFPO 825 Bariow, Capt. Sir THomas, Bt., D.S.C., R.N.; 45 Shepherds Hill, Highgate, LONDON N6 Bates, J. M.; Museum of Natural Science, 119 Foster Hall, Louisiana State University, BATON ROUGE, LA 70803, USA Baytis, A. H.; 135 Fairbridge Road, LONDON N19 3HF BeaKBANE, Mrs A. J.; 26 Cathcart Road, LONDON SW10 9NN 1979 Beat, Major N. A. G. H., R.M.; Dunkery, Church Road, HYTHE, Kent CT21 5DP Beaman, M.A. S.; Two Jays, Kemple End, Birdy Brow, sronyHurRsT, Lancs BB6 9QY Beck, B. H.; 25 St Thomas, West Parade, BEXHILL ON SEA, Sussex TN39 3YA BEcKING, J. H.; Ericalaan 7, 6703 EM waGENINGEN, Netherlands BeeEcrort, R.; 2 Fen Cottages, Fen Lane, Creeting St Mary, 1Pswicu, Suffolk IP6 8QE Beer, T.; Tawside, 30 Park Avenue, BARNSTAPLE, Devon EX31 2ES BeLMan, P. J.; Number Two, School Passage, SOUTHALL, Middx UB1 2DR Bennett, P.; 29 Loop Road South, WHITEHAVEN, Cumbria Best, A.; 85 Blenheim Crescent, LONDON W11 2EG Betton, K. F.; 8 Duke’s Close, Folley Hill, FARNHAM, Surrey GU9 ODK (Committee 1985-1988) BINDEMAN, Mrs J.; 41 Lovett Road, Byfield, DAVENTRY, Northants NN11 6XF BisHop, K. D.; Semioptera, Lot 15, Kerns Road, KINCUMBER, NSW 2250, Australia Bison, P. W.; C Springerstraat 11—II, 1073 LD amsterpam, Netherlands BoarpDMaAN, P. R.; 105 Stour Road, CHRISTCHURCH, Dorset BH23 1JN Bock, Prof. W. J., Ph.D.; Dept of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, NEW yorK, NY 10027, USA Bonser, R. H. C.; Dept of Zoology, Bristol University, Woodland Road, BristoL BS8 1UG Bootn, Major B. D. McDonatLp; The Moorland Gallery, 23 Cork St, LONDON W1X 1HB Borecio, Mrs W. D.; PO Box 603, GABORONE, Botswana Borras Hosta, Antoni; Poeta Mistral 101-3, Manresa, BARCELONA, Spain Boswa Lt, J. H. R.; Birdswell, Wraxall, BristoL BS19 1JZ (Committee 1973-1976) Boswe tt, Mrs E. M.; PO Box 23404, par Es SALAAM, Tanzania BouGHtTon, R. C.; Croftfoot, Ennerdale, cLEaToR, Cumbria CA23 3AZ 1984 Bourne, Dr W. R. P.; 3 Contlaw Place, Milltimber, ABERDEEN AB1 0DS Bow ey, J. J.; 8 Greenwood Drive, Longford, covENTRY CV6 6LT Boyp, Dr M. A.; 107 High Road, Cotton End, BEDForRD MK 45 3AX Brap.ey, Mrs D. M.; 53 Osterley Road, isLEworTH, Middx TW7 4PW (Committee 1968-1972, 1975-1978, Hon. Treasurer 1978-1989) BrabDLey, Mrs P. E.; (Turks & Caicos), Foreign & Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, LONDON SW1A 2AH BrapsHaw, C. D.; Heather Hill, Stoney Cross, Nr LyNDHURST, Hants SO43 7GP BrapsHaw, C. G.; 112 Lonsdale Drive, Rainham, GILLINGHAM, Kent ME8 9JA Briccs, Dr K. B.; 2 Osborne Road, FARNBOROUGH, Hants GU14 6PT Britton, P. L.; All Souls’ and St Gabriel’s School, PO Box 235, CHARTER TOWERS, Queensland 4820, Australia Broap, D.; 15 Cotsford Avenue, NEW MALDEN, Surrey KT3 5EU Brown, B. J.; 24 Clifton Road, LowesTort, Suffolk NR33 OHF Brown, J. N. B.; Holly Cottage, Watersplash Lane, Cheapside, ascot, Berks SL5 7QP Brown, S. P.; 7 Bartle Place, Ashton, PRESTON, Lancs PR21LS Browne, P. W. P.; 115 Chrichton Street, ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1M 1V8 Bryant, Dr D. M.; Dept of Biology, University of Stirling, strRLING FK9 4LA Butt, Dr J.; American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, NEW yorK, NY 10024, USA 1989 1970 1963 1976 1988 1989 1963 1957 1987 1988 1977 1981 1982 1970 1971 1986 1979 1986 1988 1973 1963 1980 1987 1977 1985 1938 1985 1981 1989 1989 1986 1972-76, 1983 1983 1987 1979 1976 1952 1986 1990 1981 1984 1961 1979 1980 1975 1986 1984 1973 1986 1986 1981 1986 1989 1978 1958 1980 1946 1980 1988 1988 1986 1977 1986 1983 1986 1973 1985 1975 1990 1987 1986 1985 1986 1970 1978 v1 Butt, P. J.; 35 Melbury Avenue, NORWOOD GREEN, Middlesex UB2 4HS Burton, J. A.; The Old Mission Hall, Sibton Green, SAxMUNDHAM, Suffolk [P17 2TY (Committee 1971-1974) Burton, Dr P. J. K.; High Kelton, Doctors Commons Road, BERKHAMSTED, Herts HP4 3DW Bynon, Dr J.; Lippitt’s End, Mott Street, High Beach, LouGHTON, Essex IG10 4AP Capsort, J.; Pabellon del Peru, Avda Maria Luisa S/N, 41013 seviLcLe, Spain Cain, A. P. E.; 1 Molesford Road, Parsons Green, LONDON SW6 4BU Cavper, D. R.; ‘‘Birdwood’’, Madeira Road, WEST BYFLEET, Surrey KT146DN (Committee 1967-1969, 1984— 1987, Hon. Secretary 1969-1971, Chairman 1980-1983) CampPBELL, Dr N. A.; PO Box 3136, Paulington, MuTARE, Zimbabwe CANNINGS-BUSHELL, P. C.; c/o 32 Chesterton Park, CIRENCESTER, Glos GL7 1XT CARPENTER, C. F.; PO Box 1763, ENGLEWoop, CO 80150-1763, USA CarswWELL, Dr M.; 38 Park Avenue, ORPINGTON, Kent Carter, A. G. T.; UNICEF (New Delhi), Palais des Nations, CH 1211 GENEva 10, Switzerland Carter, C.; PO Box 71793, NpoLa, Zambia Cartuy, D. P.; Data Processing Unit, Dept. of Dentistry, UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG, Hong Kong CasEMENT, Cdr M. B., O.B.E., R.N.; Dene Cottage, West Harting, PETERSFIELD, Hants GU31 5PA (Committee 1990-) Cattaneo, G.; Via Mussatti 2, 10080 Rivara CAM (TorINoO), Italy CHANCELLOR, R. D.; 15b Bolton Gardens, LONDON SWS (Committee 1979-1982) CHaPMAN, S. E.; ‘“‘Steeplefield’’, Marlpost Road, Southwater, HORSHAM, Sussex RH13 7BZ CuHapMAN-Korron, Ms A.; US E&CF in Liberia, PO Box 1011, Monrovia, Liberia CHATFIELD, D. G. P.; Rhiwenfa, Rhiw, PWLLHELI, Gwynedd LL53 8AE CuaytTor, Dr R. G.; Triangle, Keenley, ALLENDALE, Northumberland NE47 9NT Cueke, Dr R. A.; N.R.I., Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, CHATHAM, Kent ME44TB CHESHIRE, N. G.; 4 Willora Road, EDEN HILLS, South Australia 5050, Australia Curistoas, T. J.; 40 Highbury Hill, Highbury, LONDON N5 1AL Curisty, P.; 1 Rue des Promenades, 79.500 MELLE, France Criancey, P. A., D.Sc.; Fernleigh Gardens, 8 Lambert Road, Morningside, DURBAN 4001, South Africa (Hon. Life Member) Craripce, J. C. R.; 17 Moana Road, Plimmerton, via WELLINGTON, New Zealand Crark, K. W. F.; 136 Evans Road, BLOOMFIELD, NY 07003, USA Crarke, Sqn. Ldr. M. C. A., R.A.F.; Officers’ Mess, Royal Air Force, Boulmer, ALNwick, Northumberland NE66 3TF CoLeMan, B.; Little Place, Rogers Lane, STOKE POGES, Bucks SL2 4LU CoLeMan, J. R.; ‘‘Hewelsfield’’, Fulwith Road, HARROGATE, N. Yorks HG2 8HL 1980 Cotes, S. J. W., M.B.E.; 7 Chipstead Park Close, Chipstead, SEVENOAKS, Kent TN13 2SJ Cotiar, Dr N. J.; 45 de Freville Avenue, CAMBRIDGE CB4 13HW Co.iins, D. R.; 11 Shelley Road, KETTERING, Northants NN16 9LD Cottins, I. D.; 30 Clonmel Way, BURNHAM, Bucks SL1 7DA Cotuins, R. E. C.; Seatonden, Seaton, Ickham, CANTERBURY, Kent CT3 1SL Corston, P. R.; Sub-Dept. of Ornithology, British Museum (Natural History), TRING, Herts HP23 6AP Conper, P. J., O.B.E.; Old Close Orchard, 12 Swaynes Lane, Comberton, CAMBRIDGE CB3 7EF (Committee 1982-1985) CoNnTENTO, G.; Via Desenibus 8, 34074 MONFALCONE, Italy Cook, Dr Marion; Scheibenbergstrasse 2015, A 1180 viENNA, Austria Coomper, R. F.; Springfield, Bashley Road, NEW MILTON, Hants BH25 5RX Cornwa tis, Dr L.; Glyme Farm, Charlbury Road, CHIPPING NORTON, Oxon OX7 5XJ CorTTreLL, C. W., Jnr; PO Box 1487, HILLsBoRO, NH 03244, USA Court-SmiITH, Sq.Ldr D. St J.; 38 Sand Hill, FARNBOROUGH, Hants GU14 8EW Cowan, Dr P. J.; 40 Gallowhill Road, KINRoss, Tayside KY13 7RA Cow tes, G. S.; Tetherstones, 23 Kirkdale Road, HARPENDEN, Herts AL5 2PT Cox, Dr R. A. F.; Linden House, Long Lane, Fowlmere, ROYSTON, Herts SG8 7TG Crappock, B.; 44 Haling Road, Penkridge, sraFFoRD ST19 5DA THE Ear OF CRANBROOK, Ph.D.; Great Glemham House, Great Glemham, SAXMUNDHAM, Suffolk IP17 1LP Crick, Dr H. Q. P.; B.T.O., Beech Grove, TRING, Herts HP23 5NR Crivtey, T. L.; 73 Cleveland Road, NORTH SHIELDS, Tyne & Wear NE29 ONW Crocker, N. J.; Arlington, Douro Road, CHELTENHAM, Glos GL50 2PF Crossy, M. J.; 1 Westwick Terrace, Westwick, OAKINGTON, Cambridge CB4 5AR Cross, J. K.; 62 Hulbert Road, Bedhampton, Havant, Hants PO9 3TG Croucuer, R. A. N.; Uplands Lodge, Manor Road, SMETHWICK, W. Midlands B67 6SA (Committee 1980-1984) CupwortH, J.; 17a Prospect Road, osseTT, Yorks WF5 8AE Cut, S. B.; Trevenna Cottage, Harlyn Road, St Merryn, pApstow, Cornwall PL28 8NS CUNNINGHAM VAN SOMMEREN, G. R.; PO Box 24947, Karen, NAIROBI, Kenya Curtis, W. F.; Farm Cottage, Church Lane, Atwick, DRIFFIELD, E. Yorks YO25 8DH Da Fonseca, P. S. M.; R. Benjamin Batista 161 $101, CEP 22.461, R10 DE JANIERO RJ, Brazil DauLne, J-M.; Rue Laforge 11, 6997 MORMONT-EREZEE, Belgium Davipson, I. S.; 49 Benton Park Road, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE NE7 7LX Davies, Miss H. M.; 43 Endcliffe Glen Road, SHEFFIELD $11 8RW Davies, J.; 83 Rectory Lane, Leybourne, WEST MALLING, Kent ME19 5HD Davies, Dr M. G.; Summerleas, Crapstone Road, YELVERTON, Devon PL20 6BT Davis, C. J.; 4 Muller Road, Horfield, pristoL BS7 OAA Davison, Dr G. W. H.; WWF (Malaysia), PO Box 10769, 50724 KUALA LuMPaR, Malaysia Dean, A. R.; 2 Charingworth Road, SOLIHULL, W. Midlands B92 8HT Dean, W. J. R.; Karoo Biome Research, PO Box 47, PRINCE ALBERT 6930, South Africa Demarcul, Dr P.; Via Grassi 19, 43044 Collecchio, PARMA, Italy Demey, R.; Grote Peperstraat 3, B-9100 sINT-NIKLAAS, Belgium Dennis, M. K.; 173 Collier Row Lane, ROMFORD, Essex RM5 3ED Denton, M. L.; 77 Hawthorne Terrace, Crosland Moor, HUDDERSFIELD, Yorks HD4 5RP De Ruiter, M.; Postfach 44, 2303 Gerrorr, Germany DesrFayes, M.; Prevan, CH 1920 FuLLy, Switzerland DeviL.ers, Dr P. J.; 11 Avenue de l’Oiseau Bleu, B1150 BrussELs, Belgium 1984 1974 1965 1952 1957 1986 1990 1962 1986 1986 1967 1985 1977 1963 1973 1989 1985 1986 1986 1986 1988 1979 1986 1988 1981 1979 1978 1976 1986 1943 1986 1984 1985 1989 1978 1979 1965 1985 1981 1959 1976 1988 1989 1974 1966 1986 vil Diamonp, Dr A. W.; 1033 University Drive, sasKATOON, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 0K4 Dick, J. A., F-R.C.S.; 33 St Mary’s Road, LONDON SW19 7BP Dickinson, E. C.; Norman Chapel, Aston Magna, MORETON IN MARSH, Glos. GL56 9QN Dickinson, H. J.; Abinger Cottage, Paston, NORTH WALSHAM, Norfolk NR28 9TB DiLLincHaM, I. H.; The Low House, Lower Longwith, Collingham, WETHERBY, W. Yorks LS22 5BX DosBIns,R.; 317 Gladbeck Way, ENFIELD, Middx EN2 7HR Dorst, Prof. J.; 14 Quai d’Orleans, 75004 paris, France Dowsetrt, R. J.; Rue de Bois de Breux 194, B 4500, JUPILLE-LIEGE, Belgium Duckett, J. E.; PO Box 12378, KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia Earp, M. J.; 63 Ivinghoe Road, Bushey, WATFORD, Herts WD2 3SW Eppie, W. M. M.; c/o Pirie, 55 Silverknowles Crescent, EDINBURGH EH4 S5JA Eben, R. M. G.; Haliki, Lower Beach Road, West Bexington, DORCHESTER, Dorset DT2 9DG E.ey, J. T.; 5 Morgan Close, Saltford, BRISTOL BS18 3LN Extcoop, J. H.; 26 Walkford Way, HIGHCLIFFE, Dorset BH235LR (Committee 1967-1970, 1986-90, Vice- Chairman 1971-1974, Chairman 1974-1977) Evxins, D. A.; Le Frugier, St Mesmin, 24270 LANOUAILLE, France Evpuick, J. H.; Centre Cottage, Clapham, Nr EXETER, Devon EX2 9UN Etswortny, Dr G. C.; 14 Greenbank Avenue, Maghull, LiverPooL L31 2JQ Ennis, L. H.; School Cottage, Plaistow, BILLINGSHURST, W. Sussex RH14 0PX Erritzoe, J.; Taps GL Praestegaard, DK 6070 CHRISTIANSFELD, Denmark Evans, G. G.; 1 Coach House Mews, Upper Church Road, WESTON-SUPER-MARE, Avon BS23 2DY FaANSHAWE, J. H.; c/o I.C.B.P., 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, CAMBRIDGE CB3 OPJ Farmer, R. J.; Bodlondeb, 5 Stryd Hottipass, ABERGWAUN, Dyfed SA65 9LJ FARNSWORTH, S. J.; Hammerkop, Frogmill, Hurley, MAIDENHEAD, Berks SL65NL (Committee 1989-90, Hon. Treasurer 1990-) Feare, Dr C. J.; MAFF, Tangley Place, WoRPLESDON, Surrey GU3 3LQ FERGENBAUER- KIMMEL, Dr A.; Donrather Str. 2, D 5204 LoHMaRL, Germany FieLp, G. D.; 37 Milton Grove, NEW MILTON, Hants BH25 6HB FisHeR, Miss C. T.; Section of Birds and Mammals, Liverpool Museum, William Brown Street, LIVERPOOL L3 8EN FisHER, D. J.; 56 Western Way, SANDY, Beds SG19 1DU FisHPOOL, Dr L. D. C.; 12 Mountain St, Chilham, caNTERBURY, Kent CT4 8DQ Fitter, R. S. R.; Drifts, Chinnor Hill, oxrorp OX9 4BS (Committee 1959-1962, Vice-Chairman 1962-1965, Chairman 1965-1968) Friack, L. J. H.; 34 Hastings Road, Addiscombe, CROYDON, Surrey CRO 6PH Fow ter, Dr J. A.; Hafod Heli, High Street, BorTH, Dyfed SY24 SJE Franke, Ms I.; Museo de Historia Natural, Casilla 140434, Lima 14, Peru Franks, J. A.; Flat 6, Lakeland House, Marine Road East, MORECAMBE, Lancs LA4 6AY Fraser, M. W.; Sandbanks, Kenmuir Steps, Hopkirk Way, GLENCAIRN 7995, South Africa FrusHer, D. M.; The Barn House, Greatworth, BANBURY, Oxon OX17 2DT Fry, Prof. C. H., D.Sc.; Biology Dept., College of Science, Sultan Qaboos University, PO Box 32486, Al Khoudh, Muscat, Oman Futter, Dr K. R.; Arkells, 29 Hunstanton Road, HEACHAM, Norfolk PE31 7JY Gacey, C. P.; 29 Ainsdale Drive, Werrington, PETERBOROUGH, Cambs PE4 6RL GALLAGHER, Major M. D.; c/o PO Box 668, muscaT, Oman Gatswortny, A. C., CMG; c/o FCO (Hong Kong) King Charles Street, LONDON SW1A 2AH GaRDNER-MEDWIN, Dr D.; Flocktous, Station Road, Heddon-on-the-Wall, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE NE15 0EG Gay, N.J.; 9 Surrey Place, TROWBRIDGE, Wilts BA14 OAW Gisss, A.; 48 Bolton Road, CHESSINGTON, Surrey KT9 2JB Gipson, Dr J. A.; Foremount House, KILBARCHAN, Renfrewshire PA10 2EZ GIL, D.; Vitoria 37, 09004 BuRGos, Spain 1962-70, 1988 GILLHaM, E. H.; 31 Coast Drive, Lydd on Sea, ROMNEY MARSH, Kent TN29 9NL 1975 1983 Gitston, H.; Chemin des Mouettes 16, CH 1007, LAauSANNE, Switzerland GLADWIN, The Rev. T. W.; 99 Warren Way, Digswell, WELWYN, Herts AL6 ODL (Committee 1990-) 1981-1983, 1986 GocuFELp, Dr M.; 54 Hollywood Avenue, SOMERSET, NJ 08873, USA 1970 1981 1968 1985 1953 1977 1986 1986 1986 1988 1968 1977 1984 1989 1977 1963 1983 1986 1989 1974 1990 1964 Goopa_t, A. E.; 46 Adrian Road, Abbots Langley, waTForD, Herts WD5 0AQ Goopman, S. M.; Dept of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Roosevelt Road at Lakeshore Drive, cHicaGco, IL 60605, USA Goopwin, D.; 6 Crest View Drive, PETTS woop, Kent BR5 1BY Gorpon, J.; 1 Gallowsclough Road, STALYBRIDGE, Cheshire SK15 3QS Gorton, E.; 249 Wigan Road, Westhaughton, BOLTON, Lancs BL5 2AT Goster, Dr A. G.; c/o E.G.I., Dept of Zoology, South Park Road, oxForD OX1 3PS Gos.inG, A. P.; 8 The Walk, Fox Lane, Palmers Green, LONDON N13 4AA GOoUuLDING, Mrs J. D.; 239a Carr Road, NORTHOLT, Middx UB45 4RL GouLDING, R. V. G.; 239a Carr Road, NORTHOLT, Middx UB45 4RL Goutner, Dr V.; PO Box 50211, GR 54013 THESSALONIKI, Greece Gray, B.; 6 Totland Court, Victoria Road, MILFORD-ON-SEA, Hants SO41 ONR (Committee 1977-1980. Vice- Chairman 1980-1983, Chairman 1983-1986) Green, Prof. J., Ph.D.; School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary College, Mile End Road, LONDON E1 4NS GREENLAW, Dr J.S.; Biology Dept, L.I. University, BROOKVILLE, NY 11548, USA GREENSMITH, A.; 14 Woodfield Avenue, CARSHALTON BEECHES, Surrey SM5 3JB GreeNwoop, Dr J. G.; Science Dept, Stranmills College, BELFast BT9 5DY GreENWooD, DrJ. J. D.; B.T.O., Beech Grove, TRING, Herts HP23 5NR Grecory, P. A.; c/o 37 Wildfern Road, Hedge End, souTHAMPTON Grecory, S. M.S.; 35 Monarch Road, Kingsthorpe Hollow, NORTHAMPTON NN2 6EH Gretton, Dr A.; Fregate Island, c/o Box 330, Victoria, MAHE, Seychelles GriFFIN, D.; 51a Palace Road, EAST MOLESEY, Surrey (Committee 1983-1986. Vice-Chairman 1986-1989. Committee 1989-90. Vice-Chairman 1990-) GriFFITH, E.; Pentrecaeau, Uchaf, LLANDEILO GRABAN, Powys LD2 3YX Grimes, Dr L. G.; 3 St Nicholas Court, St Nicholas Church St, warwick CV344JP 1956 1986 1987 1981 1981 1981 1948 1978 1963 1979 1986 1956 1990 1985 1979 1977 1990 1960 1977 1979 1974 1953 1974 1985 1990 1986 1989 1987 1986 1986 1985 1984 1984 1989 1989 1959 1979 1990 1985 1981 1986 1957 1933 1970 1973 1972 1980 1989 1970 1960 1981 1981 1978 1985 1981 1987 1986 1986 1975 1987 1985 1986 1984 1984 1984 1981 1978 1974 1983 1973 1970 Vili Grimwoop, Major I. R., O.B.E.; PO Box 45079, NarroBi, Kenya GrossMAnn, Dr H.; Wietreie 78, D 2000 HaMBURG 67, Germany GuLtick, T. M.; c/o Mrs M. Parker, 5 Tile Barn Close, FARNBOROUGH, Hants GU14 8LS HackinoG, Dr C. N.; Moorlish, Woodgreen, FORDINGBRIDGE, Hants SP6 2AU Harrer, Dr J.; Tommesweg 60, D-4300 EssEN 1, Germany : Hace, Prof. W. G., Ph.D.; 5 Ryder Close, Aughton, ORMSKIRK, Lancs Hatt, Mrs B. P.; Woodside Cottage, Woodgreen, FORDINGBRIDGE, Hants SP6 2QU (Committee 1955-1959, 1962-1965, Vice-Chairman 1959-1962) Ha t, Prof. G. A., Ph.D.; Dept of Chemistry, PO Box 6045, West Virginia University, MORGANTOWN, WV. 26506-6045, USA Hancock, J. A., O.B.E.; Jollers, Woodman Lane, Sparsholt, WINCHESTER, Hants SO21 2NS Hanmer, Mrs D. B.; PO Box 3076, Paulington, MUTARE, Zimbabwe Hansen, B. G.; Slettebakken 2, Lille Sverige, DK 3400 HILLEROD, Denmark Har ey, B. H.; Martins, Great Horkesley, COLCHESTER, Essex CO6 4AH Har-ey, Miss V. S., M.Sc.; c/o Dept of Clinical Sciences, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, LONDON WCIE 7HT Harman, A. J. E.; 20 Chestnut Close, HOCKLEY, Essex SS5 S5EJ Harper, W. G.; 8 Winton Grove, EDINBURGH EH107AS HarpuM, Dr J.; 58 Shindington Road, CHELTENHAM, Glos GL53 OJE Harrap, S.; El Coqui, 3 Beresford Road, HOLT, Norfolk NR25 6EW Harrison, C. J. O., Ph.D.; 48 Earls’ Crescent, HARROW, Middx HA1 1XN (Committee 1963-1964, 1965-1968, 1974-1977, Hon. Secretary 1964-1965) Harrison, I. D.; ex Hafan Deg, Panteg Road, ABERAERON, Dyfed Harrison, Dr PaME.a, F.R.P.S.; Merriewood, St Botolph’s Road, SEVENOAKS, Kent TN13 3AQ Harvey, W. G.; First Floor Flat, 11 Lansdowne Road, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Kent TNi 2NG Harwin, Dr R. M.; 2 Norman Close, PO Chisipite, HARARE, Zimbabwe Hasecawa, H.; Dept of Biology, Faculty of Science, Toho University, Miyama-cho, FUNABASHI, Chiba 274, Japan Hausitz, Dr B.; Steimbker Hof 11, D 3000 HANOVER 61, Germany Hazevoet, C. J.; H Coenradistr 27-2, 1063 XP AMSTERDAM, Netherlands Hearp, G. E.; 4 Lambley Lane, GEDLING, Notts NG4 4PA Hem, C.; The Banks, Mountfield, ROBERTSBRIDGE, East Sussex TN32 5JY HeENpERSON, A. C. B.; 28 St Stephen’s Court, CANTERBURY, Kent CT2 7JP HENSHALL, K. W.; Crofthead, Penmark, Barry, S. Glamorgan CF6 9BP Heron, Cp! K.; COMCEN, 33 SU R.A.F. Ayios NrKoLaos, BFPO 53 HerreMaANns, M. L. J.; Prinses Lydialaan 65, B 3030 HEVERLEE, Belgium HeskeETtH, W.; 2 Grasmere Close, Walton-le-Dale, PRESTON, Lancs PRS 4RR Hewitson, D.R.; 1 Langley Road, Highcliffe, cHrIstTCHURCH, Dorset BH23 4RN Hicains, M. C.; 1 Acorn Close, BRIDLINGTON, N. Humberside YO16 SYX Hirt, A., Albrecht Haushofer Str 10, 3200 HILDESHEIM, Germany Hitt, Brig. S.J. L., D.S.O., M.C.; Bristol Court Cottage, Seymour Street, BRIGHTON BN2 1DP Hiracpo, Dr F.; Estacion Biologica de Donana, Pabellon del Peru, Avda. Maria Luisa s/n, 41013 sEVILLE, Spain HIRSCHFELD, E.; c/o IAL, PO Box 144, MANamMa, Bahrain Hockey, Dr P. A. R.; P.F.1.A.O., University of Cape Town, RONDESBOSCH 7700, South Africa Hopcson, M. C.; c/o Tanganyika Wattle Company, PO Box 1807, Dar Es SALAAM, Tanzania HoFrMann, Tl’. W.; Haus Sonneberg, CH 89914 aEucst, Switzerland Hoag, P.; 33 Vine Court Road, SEVENOAKS, Kent TN13 3UY (Committee 1962-1966, 1972-1974. Vice-Chairman 1974-1977. Chairman 1977-1980) Hottom, P. A. D.; Inwood Cottage, Hydestile, GoDALMING, Surrey GU8 4AY (Committee 1938-1941, 1947— 1949, 1959-1963) (Hon. Life Member) Hotioway, L. G.; 30 Fernhurst Gardens, Aldwick, BOGNOR REGIS, Sussex PO21 4AZ Howes, D. A.; 31 South View, UPPINGHAM, Leics LE15 9TU Horyoak, D. T.; College of St Paul & St Mary, The Park, CHELTENHAM, Glos GL50 2RH HomBerGER, Dr DoMINIQUE G.; Dept of Zoology & Physiology, Louisiana State University, BATON ROUGE, LA 70803-1725, USA HooGENboorN, W.; Notengaard 32, 3941 LW poorn, Netherlands Horne, Ms J. F. M.; Dept of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, NEW YorRK, NY 10024-5192, USA Horwoop, M. T.; 2 Church Close, Benson, OxFORD, Oxon Hounsome_, Dr M. V.; Manchester University Museum, Oxford Road, MANCHESTER M13 9PL Houston, Dr D. C.; Dept of Zoology, University of Glasgow, GLascow G12 8QQ Hovet, Ing. H. G.; 55 Einstein Str., 34602 Haira, Israel Howarp, R. P.; Hogg House, Lower Basildon, READING, Berks RG8 9NH Howe, S.; Alma House, 12 William Street, TORPHINS, Grampian AB3 4JR HucGues, R. A.; Casilla 62, MOLLENDO, Peru Huryers, H. J. E. G.; General van Teynst 10, 5623 HN EINDHOVEN, Netherlands Hunter, A.; 16 Bollin Walk, Reddish Road, South Reddish, srockport SK5 7J]W InceExs, Dr J.T. T., D.Sc.; Galgenberglaan 9, B 9120 DEsTELBERGEN, Belgium Inskipp, T.; c/o World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219c Huntingdon Road, CAMBRIDGE CB3 0DL Irons, Dr J. K.; 9 Babylon Way, Ratton, EASTBOURNE, E. Sussex BN20 9DL James, S. L.; 83 Welbeck Street, HULL HU5 3SB James, T. J.; 56 Back Street, Ashwell, BaLDocK, Herts SG7 5PE JenL, J. R., Jnr; Hubbs Sea World Research Institute, 1700 South Shores Road, saN DIEGO, CA 92109, USA JeNNiNGs, M. C.; Moonraker Cottage, 1 Eastcourt, Burbage, MARLBOROUGH, Wilts SN8 3AG JENNINGs, P. P.; Garnfawr Bungalow, Bettws, Hundred House, LLANDRINDOD WELLS, Powys LD1 5RP JENSEN, H.; Tolstoje Alle 26, DK 2860 sornorc, Denmark JENSEN, J. V.; Skolebakken 5 4tv, DK 8000 aarnus C, Denmark Jepson, P. R.; 6 Habberley, Nr PONTESBURY, Shropshire SY5 OTP JosBLinc, J. A.; 14 The Valley Green, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, Herts AL8 7DQ Jounson, E. D. H.; Crabiére Cottage, Grande Route des Mielles, st oUEN, Jersey JE3 2FN, Channel Islands 1986 1951 1989 1990 1985 1989 1974 1982 1980 1985 1965 1988 1986 1983 1986 1989 1960 1990 1982 1990 1981 1988 1982 1984 1973 1989 1979 1987 1989 1986 1985 1982 1988 1989 1988 1974 1959-74, 1975 1985 1975 1985 1988 1989 1968-71, 1985 1982 ROSI—555, 1979 1986 1987 1985 1981 1990 1973 1944 1988 1978 1981 1990 1974 19381 1977 1986 1989 1970 1988 1957 1985 1985 1983 1982 1987 1988 1986 1989 1X JoHNson, Major F.; 6 Norrington Mead, Broadmead Village, FOLKESTONE, Kent CT19 5TF Jounson, H. P. H.; 17 Via Bontempi, PERUGIA, Italy Jounson, W. C. P.; 34 Pembroke Road, The Heath, saLisBury, Wilts SP2 9DG JoHNsToN, A.; 7 Richhill Crescent, Knock, BELFaAst BTS 6HF JouNston, D.; + Burn Street, Longtown, CARLISLE, Cumbria CA6 5X W JoHNsTON, J. P.; Department of Biological Sciences, University of Dundee, DUNDEE DD1 4HN Jones, Dr A. M.; Gowanlea, NETHYBRIDGE, Inverness-shire PH25 3DR Jones, Dr C. G.; c/o Forestry Quarters, BLACK RIVER, Mauritius, Indian Ocean JONGELING, T. B.; 3ae Oosterparkstraat 46-1, 1091 JZ amsTERDaM, Netherlands Kasoma, P. M. B.; Dept of Zoology, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, KAMPALA, Uganda Keitu, G. S.; Dept of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, NEW york, NY 10024, USA Ke ty, P. R. A.; Malmsy House, Church Road, Leigh Woods, BRISTOL BS8 3PG Ke sey, Dr F. D.; White Cottage, Church Lane, Cley-next-the-Sea, HOLT, Norfolk NR25 7UD Kesey, Dr M. G.; ICBP, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, CAMBRIDGE CB3 OPJ Kencu, A. J.; 141 Cozens Road, ware, Herts SG12 7JB Kennepy, Dr R. S.; Cincinnatti Museum of Natural History, 1720 Gilbert Avenue, CINCINNATTI, OH 45202, USA Kent, J. de R.; Mews Cottage, Church Hill, mipHurst, Sussex GU29 9NX Kerr-Smicey, Lt-Col. P. S.: Towranna Farm, Huntingfield, HALESWORTH, Suffolk IP19 0OQP Kett_e, R. H.; 75 Dupont Road, LONDON SW20 8EH (Committee 1988-) Kuan, Dr Md At! Reza; In Charge, Dubai Zoo, PO Box 67, puBal, United Arab Emirates KING, J.; 96 Forbes Avenue, POTTERS BAR, Herts EN6 5NQ Kino, J. R.; Dept of Zoology, Edward Grey Institute, South Parks Road, oxForD OX1 3PS K.Lonowskl1, T. J.; 6356 Meadville Road, MIDDLEPoRT, NY 14105, USA KNIGHT, J. E.; 33 North Road, Stokesley, MIDDLESBROUGH, Cleveland TS9 5DZ Knox, Dr A. G.; The Bothy, Mentmore, LEIGHTON BUZZARD, Bucks LU7 0QG Koca, Kimiya; 332-12-12-2 Terukini, Chuo-Ku, Fukuoka 810, Japan KoIkeE, SHIGETO; 1523 Honjo, Niigata-shi, NIIGATA PREFECTURE, 950 Japan Kramer, D.; 7 Little Headlands, Putnoe, BEDFORD MK 41 8JT Lack, Dr P. C.; B.T.O., Beech Grove, Station Road, TRING, Herts HP23 5NR Larna, R. M.; 87 Johnston Gardens East, Peterculter, ABERDEEN AB1 OLA LampBerT, F. R.; c/o 15 Bramble Rise, Westdene, BRIGHTON, Sussex BN1 5GE LamoTtue, Ms L.; 7 Payton Street, CANLEY VALE, NSW 2166, Australia LaRDELLI, R.; Via Roccolo, CH 6877 coLDRERIO, Switzerland LauRENCE OF Mar, Lt.-Cdr.; 8 The Square, DYRMS, pover, Kent CT15 5DR Lawson, I. B.; 73 Waller Crescent, Roseglen, DURBAN 4091, South Africa Layton, A. W.; 95 Manning Road, WooLLAHRA, NSW 2025, Australia 1986 Lees-Sm1TH, D. T.; 134 The Avenue, Starbeck, HARROGATE, N. Yorks HG1 4QF LEIGHTON, Sir MicHaEL, Bt.; Loton Park, ALDERBURY, Salop. LeEMAUVIEL, Y.; 11 Rue de Medicis, 75006 paris, France LEvEQuE, R.; Station Ornithologique, CH 6204, sEMPACH, Switzerland Lewis, I. T.; South Cottage, Fordcome, Nr TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Kent TN3 ORY Lim, Kean; 177 Jalan Loyang Besar, Singapore 1750 Linp, C. R.; Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Les Augres Manor, TRINITY, Jersey, Channel Islands 1989 Linpsay, J. D.; 17c Walbrook Avenue, Springfield, MILTON KEYNES, Bucks MK6 3JB Lister, S. M.; 31 Lisle Street, LOUGHBOROUGH, Leics LE11 0OAY LittLemore, F. P.; Plemstall, 264 Dunchurch Road, ruGBy, Warwicks CV22 6HX 1977 LiversipDGE, R., Ph.D.; McGregor Museum, PO Box 316, KIMBERLEY, Cape Province 8300, South Africa Lioyp, Capt. G. C., C.B.E., R.N.; Lanterns, Buckmore Avenue, PETERSFIELD, Hants GU32 2EF Lioyp, J. V.; Cynghordy, LLANDOvERY, Dyfed SA20 OLN Loske, K-H.; In den Kuhlen 44, D 4787 GEsEKE 3, Germany Lossy, G.; Turnersstraat 42, 2020 aNTWeERP, Belgium Lovejoy, Dr T. E.; Asst Secretary for External Affairs, Smithsonian Institution SI-230, 1000 Jefferson Drive SW, WasHINGTON DC 20560, USA LoveLL, J.; 23 Hollybush House, Hollybush Gardens, Bethnal Green, LONDON E2 McAnprew, R. T.; 5 Thornhill Gardens, HARTLEPOOL, Cleveland TS26 OHY McCuttocu, The Rev. G. K., O.B.E.; 5 Roy Road, NorTHWoop, Middx HA6 1EQ (Committee 1981-1983. Vice-Chairman 1983-1986. Chairman 1986-1989) McGowan, P.; Biology Dept, The Open University, Walton Hall, MILTON KEYNES, MK7 6AA McKean, J. L.; 1055 East Evelyn Avenue, Building A Apt 1, SUNNYVALE, CA 94086, USA McLaucGutn, T. J.; Lisnacarrig, Brighton Road, Foxrock, Co. Dublin, Eire McLean, N. R.; 24 Bant Mill Road, BRomsGROVE, Worcs B60 2AQ MeNei, Dr D. A. C.; 175 Byron Road, LouGHBOROUGH, Leics LE11 0JN Mance, S. C.; 2 Church Row, Sheviock, TORPOINT, Cornwall PL11 3EH Macnusson, A. H.; Riihitie 10 A3, SF 00330 HELSINKI, Finland Main, J. S.; 67 Farm Fields, sSANDERSTEAD, Surrey CR2 OHR Matcoim, N.S.; FAO DDF, Via Delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 rRomE, Italy Mann, Dr C. F.; PO Box 2359, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN 1923, Darussalam, Brunei (Committee 1977-1981) MANSFIELD, R. C.; ‘“Birdwood”’, 15c Lyles Road, Cottenham, CAMBRIDGE CB4 4QR MarcHANr, S.; Box 123, monuya, NSW 2537, Australia Martin, J. W. P.; 54 Wolsey Road, EAST MOLESEY, Surrey KT8 9EW Martin, Dr M. R.; 35 Auburn Road, Hawthorne, MELBOURNE, Victoria 3122, Australia Martins, R. P.; 6 Connaught Road, Norwicu, Norfolk NR2 3BP Mason, I. J.; CSIRO Div. of Wildlife Research, PO Box 84, LYNEHAM ACT 2602, Australia Mason, V.; Interhash 88, PO Box 400, DENPASAR 80001, BALI, Indonesia Massa, Bruno; Via Archirafi 18, Instituto di Zoologia, 90123 PALERMO, Italy Massey, K. G.; 4 Hall Terrace, Great Sankey, WARRINGTON, Cheshire WA5 3EZ Massie, D. B.; 43 Hazel Road, Purley Beeches, READING, Berks RG8 8HR 1929 1964 1975 1989 1987 1982 1979 1981 1990 1980 1980 1986 1986 1986 1980 1988 1946 1988 1978 1985 1989 1990 1972 1986 1989 1989 1951 1983 1986 1990 1983 1989 1974 1986 1987 1986 1986 1974 1975 1983 1979 1979 1986 1989 1973 1974 1970 1989 1982 1984 1987 1977 1986 1988 1977 1971 1986 1966 1957 1963 1989 1979 1988 1989 1989 1982 1978 1957 1982 1948 1989 1986 1968 xX Mayaup, N.; 80 Rue du Ranelagh, paris 16, France (Hon. Life Member) Meap, C. J.; c/o B.T.0., Beech Grove, Station Road, TRING, Herts HP23 SNR (Committee 1971-1975) Meap, Mrs U. V.; 4 Beaconsfield Road, TRING, Herts MP23 4DP Meapows, B. S.; c/o PO Box 30031, Royal Commission for Yanbu, YANBU AL-SINAIYAH, Saudi Arabia MEDLAND, R. D.; PO Box 30370, LILONGE 3, Malawi , Mepway, D. G.; PO Box 476, NEW PLYMOUTH, New Zealand Meek, E. R.; Smyril, Stenness, STROMNESS, Orkney Meetn, P.; Bramenlaan 5, 2116 TR BRENTVELD, Netherlands MEININGER, P. L.; Belfort 7, 4336 JK MIDDELBURG, Netherlands MevpruM, Dr J. A. K.; Heath House, 1 Millgate, Lisvane, carDIFF CF4 5TY MELVILLE, D.S.; c/o WWE (Hong Kong), GPO Box 12721, Hong Kong MEREDITH- MIDDLETON, Miss J., Anatomy Dept, University ‘College of London, Gower St, LONDON WC1E 6BT Mites, D. T.; “Clareville”’, 24 Belmont Road, WESTGATE-ON-SEA, Kent CT8 8AX Mitts, T. R.; 36 Chartfield Avenue, Putney, LONDON SW15 6HG TISKELL, J.; CARE-Uganda, PO Box 7280, KAMPALA, Uganda Moe ter, E.; Parkstr. 13, 4900 HERFoRD, Germany Monk, Dr J. F., D.M.; The Glebe Cottage, Goring, READING, Berks RG8 9AP (Vice-Chairman 1965-1968. Chairman 1968-1971. Editor 1976-) Montemaaaior!, A.; Via Emilio de Cavalieri 12, 00198 RoME, Italy Moore, A. G.; 34 Clarendon Gardens, LONDON W9 Moore, Mrs A. M.; 1 Uppingham Road, oakHaM, Rutland LE15 6JB (Committee 1987-1989, Hon. Secretary 1989-) More, Dr G.; Route de Sallenelles, Bréville-les-Monts, F 14860 RANVILLE, France Moret, Dr Marie-YVONNE; Route de Sallenelles, Bréville-les-Monts, F 14860 RANVILLE, France Moraan, P. J.; Zoology Dept, National Museum of Wales, Cathays Park, CARDIFF CF 1 3NP Moraan, R. G.; 13 Cloncurry St, LONDON SW6 6DR Morais, W.; 78 Scarcroft Road, york YO2 1DD Morrow, R.; 2 Wentworth Street, RANDWICK, NSW 2031, Australia Mounrtrort, G. R., O.B.E.; 8 Park Manor, St Aldhelms Road, POOLE, Dorset BH13 6BS Moyer, D. C.; Research Div., Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University, BATON ROUGE, LA 70803-3216, USA Mutter, Mrs M. N.; Lovedays Mill, parnswick, Glos GL6 6SH MU ter, H. H.; Breitenfelder Str 46, D-2000 HamBurRG 20, Germany Murpny, M.; Sherkin Island, co cork, Eire Muscrove, N. J.; 41 Emery Close, WALSALL, West Midlands WS1 3AC Nakata Yukio; 17-11, 3 chome, Kuwazu, Higasisumiyosi-ku, osaka 546, Japan Nash, J. W.; 13 Farm Hill, BRIGHTON, Sussex BN2 6BG Natrtress, B.; 25 West Lea Drive, West Ardsley, WAKEFIELD, W. Yorks WF3 1DH NEWLAND, R. A.; 93 Arne Avenue, Parkstone, POOLE, Dorset BH12 4DP Nicuo ts, Dr T. D.; University Medical Center, 5620 Greenbriar Suite 103, Houston, TX 77005, USA NicHo.son, M. P.; The Christopher Hotel, High Street, BATH, Avon BA1 5AQ NIELSEN, B. P.; Skippervaenget 6 B, DK 2791 pracor, Denmark Niko.aus, G.; Bosenbuettel 4, 2859 spreka, Germany NosLe-RO_tin, C.; Greystones, Glanton, ALNWICK, Northumberland NE66 4AH Osa, Dr T.; Nat. Hist. Mus. & Inst., 955-2 Aoba-Cho, cH1BA 280, Japan Ovp, A. B.; “‘Kalinka”’, Flimby Brow, Flimby, MARYPORT, Cumbria CA15 8TD Otioso, G.; Le Grand Faubourg, F 26230, GRIGNAN, France Ouiver, P. J.; The Briar Patch, Trevereux Hill, Limpsfield Chart, oxTEeD, Surrey RH8 OTL (Committee 1978— 1979) OLNEY, P.J.S., F.1.Biol.; Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, LONDON NW1 4RY Otson, Dr S. L.; NHB Stop 116, Smithsonian Institution, WASHINGTON DC 20560, USA OnruBiA-Baticon, A.; C/Francisco Suarez 2-C 2°D, 47006, VALLADOLID, Spain OreN, Dr D. C.; Dept Zoologica, Museu Goeldi, Caixa Postal 399, Belem, PARA, CEP 66040, Brazil OrMEROD, Dr S. J.; Catchment Research Group, National Rivers Authority, Penyfai House, Furnace, LLANELLI, Dyfed SA15 4EL O’Rourkg, R. M.; 1/54 Hunter Street, HORNSBY, NSW 2077, Australia Pain, H. M.; 57 Lings Coppice, Dulwich, LONDON SE21 8SX PAtsson, P.; Carlandersplatsen 4, S 41 255, GOTHENBURG, Sweden PaRISH, D. Asan Wetland Bureau of IPT. Universitit Malaya, 59100 KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia PaRKER, J. G: Clavering House, Foulden Road, Oxborough, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk PE33 9BL (Committee 1979-— 1 983) Parkes, Dr K. C.; Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA 15213, USA Payne, D.; Grovesbrook, Gough Road, FLEET, Hants GU13 8LJ Payne, Dr R. B.; Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, ANN ARBOR, MI 48109, USA Paynter, Dr R. A., Jnr; Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138, USA Peat, R.E. F.; 2 Chestnut Lane, seveNoaks, Kent TN13 3AR (Committee 1969-1971. Hon. Secretary 1971-1989. Chairman 1989-) Peart, D.E. M.; 35 Salisbury Road, Wilton, saALisBuRY, Wilts SP2 ODT Peckover, W.S., O.B.E.; 14 Balanda Street, JINDALEE, Queensland 4074, Australia Penry, Dr E. H.; PO Box 138, orKNEY, Transvaal 2620, South Africa Perera, Dr R.; 56 Ash Rise, KINGSTHORPE, Northants PERRON, R.; 114 Park Lane East, REIGATE, Surrey RH2 8LW PETERSEN, A.; Natturufraedistofnun Islands, PO Box 5320, REYKJAVIK 125, Iceland PetTet, Prof. A., Ph.D.; ‘“Uplands’’, The Avenue, Kingsdown, Nr pga, Kent CT 14 8DU Puiurps, Dr A. R.; Reforma 825 A, Col Chapultepac, San Nicolas de los Garza, NEUVO LEON, Mexico PICKERING, R. H.; c/o FCO (Kathmandu), King Charles St, LONDON SW1A 2AH Pickrorp, K. D.; Longridge Corrie, stroup, Glos GL6 7HU Piper, S. E.; 2 Canal Drive, WESTVILLE, 3630 Natal, South Africa Pitman, R. A.; Straiddorn House, Ringneill Road, comBER, Co. Down BT 23 6EF PLENGE, M. A.; c/o A. Elinson, 20 Bosko Drive, EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ 08816, USA 1981 1978 1989 1979 1957 1981 1982 1989 1988 1982 1987 1986 1989 1981 1977 1981 1978 1976 1987 1987 1982 1989 1987 1989 1982 1989 1989 1983 1986 1962 1986 1978 1984 1986 1986 1987 1981 1972 1982 1981 1989 1954 1986 1987 1987 1986 1974 1986 1984 1989 1984 1954 1961 1980 1986 1968 1979 1979 1945 1985 1989 1979 1985 1987 1984 1988 1980 1970 1988 1989 1973 1986 1981 Xl Pomeroy, Dr D. E.; Resource Centre, Muient, PO Box 10066, KAMPALA, Uganda Poyser, T.; Town Head House, Calton, WATERHOUSES, Staffs ST10 3JQ Prats TINrpab, P.; Cami de Rafalat 59, MENORCA, Spain Price, R. C.; 3 Ashchurch Park Villas, LONDON W12 9SP | PricoGIne, Dr A.; Avenue des Volontaires 243, bte 27, B 1150 BRussELs, Belgium Prince, P. A.; c/o British Antarctic Survey, Madingley Road, caMBRIDGE CB3 0ET PritcHETT, R. S.; 12 Church Terrace, WINDsoR, Berks SL4 4JG Prys-Jones, Dr R. P.; B.T.O., Beech Grove, Station Road, TRING, Herts HP23 SNR Purroy, F. J.; Departamento de Biologia Animal, Facultad de Biologia, 24071 LEON, Spain Quay, Dr W. B.; 2003 Ida Street, Napa, CA 94558, USA Rag, M. C.; Roydon Hall, Roydon, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk PE32 1AR RaykowskI, Dr K. M.; 14 rue des Poissons, F 93600, AULNAY-SOUS-BOIS, France RANDALL, A.; 6 Wilmar Close, UXBRIDGE, Middlesex UB8 1AS Rasmussen, S. H.; Mollevej 6, Flong, DK 2640 HEDEHUSENE, Denmark Raynor, E. M.; Priorsmead, 15 Nash Meadow, SOUTH WARNBOROUGH, Hants RG25 1RJ REDFERN, C. P. F., Ph.D.; Dept of Dermatology, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, RVI, NEWCASTLE-UPON- TYNE NE1 4CP ReDMAN, N. J.; 11 Nursery Avenue, Hale, ALTRINCHAM, Cheshire WA15 OJP REDMAN, P. S.; Les Quatre Vents, Cap Gris-Nes, 62179 wissaNT, France Reep, J. M.; 21 Hardings, Panshanger, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, Herts AL7 2EQ Reep, R. W.; 48 Alister Street, SHORTLAND, NSW 2307, Australia Reip, Dr J. B.; 8 Temple Crescent, craIL, Fife KY10 3RS RICHARDSON, J. E.; Hazebrow, Rad Lane, Peaslake, GUILDFORD, Surrey GUS 9PB Riptey, DrS. D., K.B.E., Sc.D.; Museum of Natural History, RM 336, Smithsonian Institution, WASHINGTON DC 20560, USA Roserts, D.; 8 Greenacres Close, Brayton, sELBy, N. Yorks YO8 9HA Roserts, T.J.; Cae Gors, Rhoscefnhir, PENTRAETH, Anglesey LL75 8YU RosertTson, I. S.; 1 Central Avenue, CLITHEROE, Lancs BB7 2PZ RoBeErRTSON, K. W.; Nigerian Ropes Ltd, c/o British Ropes Ltd, Shipping Dept, Carr Hill, DoNcaAstER DN4 8DG Rosrnson, Mrs J. W.; PO Box 1950, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22313-1950, USA RoBINson, P. J.; c/o R.S.P.B., The Lodge, sanpy, Beds SG19 2DL Romer, M. L. R.; Gillingshill, Arksden Road, Clavering, SAFFRON WALDEN, Essex CB11 40U (Committee 1964— 1968) RoskaFt, Dr E.; Kangshaugvegen 12, N 7560 vikHAMarR, Norway Ross, N.; 71 Buckingham Road, wiLMsLow, Cheshire SK9 SLA Rowunp, P. D.; Centre for Conservation, Mahidol University (Dept of Biology), Rama VI Road, BANGKOK 10400, Thailand Rowsury, T. J.; 25 Priestley Drive, Larkfield, MAIDSTONE, Kent ME20 6TX Rowe, G. Z.; 51 Grange Avenue, Leagrave, LUTON, Beds LU4 9AS Row ey, I. C. R.; CSIRO Locked Bag 4+, PO MIDLAND, Western Australia 6056, Australia Rozenpaa., F. G.; Akker 113, 3732 XC DC BILt, Netherlands RupcE, P.; National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Queen Square, LONDON WCIN 3RG Rumsey, S.J. R.; c/o Barclays de Zoete Wedd, Ebbsgate House, 2 Swan Lane, LONDON EC4R 3TS Sarri, DrC. L. V.; Aasla, SF 21150 rooxa, Finland SaETHER, S. A.; Klaebuvegen 102, N7030 TRONDHEIM, Norway SacE, B. L.; Waveney House, 41 Waveney Close, WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA, Norfolk NR23 1HU Sat, D.; 32 Cromwell Tower, The Barbican, LONDON EC2Y 8DD SaMwa_Lp, O., Muhlbreitenstrasse 61, A 8280 FURSTENFELD, Austria Sassoon, Miss S.; Flat 1,21 Upper Phillimore Gardens, LONDON W8 7HF Saw _e, V.J.; Rose Cottage, Home Farm, Rusthall, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Kent TN4 8TT Sayers, B. C.; 164 Chelmer Road, CHELMSFORD, Essex CM2 6AB SCHARFENBERG, C. D.; Rebaek Soepark 3, 1505, DK 2650 Hvipovre, Denmark SCHUCHMANN, Dr K-L.; Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut u Museum Alexander Koenig, 5300 BONN 1, Adenauerallee 150-164, Germany ScHuLze-Hacen, K.; Bergerstr. 163, D 4050 MUNCHENGLADBACH 1, Germany ScuHttTrT, R.; Roseggerstr. 35, D 1000 BERLIN 44, Germany Scutz, Prof. Dr E.; Museum Direktor, Elmer Doch Strasse 39, D 7140 LupbwicsBuRG, Germany Scott, R. E.; 8 Woodlands, Priory Hill, St Neots, HUNTINGDON, Cambs PE19 1UE Scott, Dr W. C.; Muston Manor, Winterbourne Muston, BLANDFORD, Dorset DT 11 9BU Ser, Dr R.; 21 Firs Avenue, LONDON N10 3LY SELL, P. D.; Botany School, Downing Street, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3EA Sexvar, P. J.; 89 Riddlesdown Road, puRLEY, Surrey CR8 1DH SeLvar, T. J., Ph.D.; Zoology & Applied Entomology Dept, Imperial College, LONDON SW7 2AZ SerLe, The Rev. Dr W., O.B.E.; 9 Hallcroft Gardens, Ratho, NEWBRIDGE, Midlothian EH28 8SG SHARLAND, R. E., F.C.A.; 1 Fisher’s Heron, East Mills, FoRDINGBRIDGE, Hants SP6 2JR Suarp, B. J.; 1 Meadow Close, Marshalswick, st ALBANS, Herts AL4 9TG SHarrock, Dr J. T. R.; Fountains, Park Lane, Blunham, BEDFoRD MK 44 3NJ SHELDON, F. H.; Dept of Ornithology, Academy of Natural Science, 19th & Parkway, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103, USA Suiceta, Y.; Bird Migration Research Center, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Konoyama, Abiko, CHIBA 270-11, Japan Surrinal, H.; PO Box 4168, E1Lat 88102, Israel SHort, D.; 35 Earls Mill Road, Plympton, pLyMouTH, Devon PL7 3BX Sick, Prof. Dr H.; Academia Brasileira de Ciencas, Caixa Postal 229, R10 DE JANEIRO, RJ 20.000, Brazil SKINNER, Prof. N. J., Ph.D.; 60 Gunton Drive, LowesTortT, Suffolk NR32 4QB Sack, E.; Norwood, 30 Reid Park Road, Jesmond, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE NE2 2ES Situ, A. W.;7 St Brelades Road, Broadfield, cRAWLEY, W. Sussex RH11 9RQ Situ, G.A., Jnr; 158 Broadway, PETERBOROUGH PE1 4DG Situ, Dr J. B.; School of Modern Languages, The University, BATH, Avon BA2 7AY Situ, Dr N. G.; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, APO m1Ami 34002-0011, USA 1980 1977 1981 1981 1980 1985 1980 1957 1988 1979 1990 1981 1989 1971 1983 1989 1988 1987 1977 1986 1988 1990 1961 1985 1956 1985 1975 1976 1982 1979 1982 1979 1988 1981 1984 1985 1989 1988 1959 1977 1985 1985 1989 1984 1986 1970 1989 1986 1985 1974 1975 1982 Xil SNELL, R. R.; National Museum of Natural Sciences, PO Box 3443, Station D, orrowa, Ontario, Canada K1P 6P4 Snow, Dr D. W.; The Old Forge, Wingrave, AYLESBURY, Bucks HP22 4PD SomapikarTA, Dr S.; Jalan Salak 12, BoGor 16151, Indonesia Spaans, Dr A. L.; c/o Research Institute for Nature Management, PO Box 9201, 6800HB arNHEM, Netherlands Sparks, Mrs G. M. B.; The Old Vicarage, Compton Abdale, CHELTENHAM, Glos GL54 4DS Spitzer, Dr G.; Inst. f. Zoologie D, Univ. Wien, Abt F Terr Okologie, Althanstr. 14, A 1000 wien, Postfach 282, Austria Strack, DrC. G.; ‘“Treetops’’, 8 Dovedale Road, West Bridgford, NOTTINGHAM NG2 6JA StTaFForD, J.; Westering, Moor Lane, BRIGHSTONE, Isle of Wight PO30 4DL StTanFIELD, Dr J. P.; c/o African Medical & Research Foundation, Wilson Airport, PO Box 30125, NarRoBI, Kenya SratHaM, S. A. H.; Woodcock Hill, Durrants Lane, BERKHAMSTED, Herts HP4 3TR (Committee 1983-1986) STEPHEN, J. A.; 27 New Street, WELLS, Somerset BAS 2LE STEVENS, J. P.; Dept of Animal Science, University of Saskatchewan, SASKATOON SK, Canada S7N 0WO0 Stewart-Cox, Miss B.; Long Mead, Brixton Deverill, WARMINSTER, Wilts BA12 7EJ STJERNSTEDT, R.; PO Box 91, siavonGa, Zambia Strong, N. H. F.; 64 Trinity Road, Old Wolverton, MILTON KEYNES, Bucks MK12 SPB (Committee 1986-1990) Stott, R. D. E.; 503 May Tower, 7 May Road, Hong Kong SrraH_, Dr S. D.; Wildlife Conservation International, Bronx Zoological Park, 185th Street & Southern Blvd, BRONX, N.Y. 10460, USA Stronacu, N.R.H.; Dept of Biology, Dorning St, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3EJ Stuart, DrS.N.; Species Survival Commission, IUCN, Avenue de Mont Blanc, CH 1196 GLanp, Switzerland SUMMERFIELD, Dr B. J.; 11a Avenue Gdns, MARGATE, Kent CT9 3BD Swasu, A. R.H.; 1 Romans Gate, Pamber Heath, BASINGSTOKE, Hants RG26 6EH Tacsot, G. J.; 58 Ash Close, SWAFFHAM, Norfolk PE37 7NH Tavspot-Ke tty, Miss C. E.; 22 St Philip’s Road, Leicester LES 5TQ TANNER, A. R.; 24 Eustace Road, East Ham, LONDON E6 3ND Tarte, P.; Half Acre, Rooks Hill, Loudwater, RICKMANSWORTH, Herts (Hon. Treasurer 1962-1974) Taytor, P. B.; Dept of Zoology, University of Natal, PO Box 375, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200, South Africa TErxerra, Prof. D. L. M.; Museu Nacional, Quinta da Boa Vista, Soa Cristovao, RIO DE JANIERO, RJ CEP 20940, Brazil THIBAULT, J-C.; La Bergerie, 20253 PATRIMONIO, France THIEDE, Dr W.; An der Ronne 184, D-5 KOLN 40, Germany Tuomas, Mrs B. T.; Waterfield, Route 1, Box 212c, castLETON, VA 22716, USA Tuomas, Dr D. H.; School of Biology, University of Wales at Cardiff, PO Box 915, carpiIFF CF1 3TL ' THompson, K. V., F.C.A.; Primrose Bank, Gaggerhill Lane, Brighstone, NEwPorT, Isle of Wight PO30 4DX THOMPSON, P.; Middlesex Polytechnic, Queensway, ENFIELD, Middx EN3 4SF Timmis, W. H.; Curator, Lotherton Hall Bird Garden, Tanton Road, Nr Abberford, LEEDS LS25 3EB Topp, D.; Dressors, EVERSLEY, Hants RG23 OPJ Topp, W.; 1521 Missouri Apt 2, HousTON, TX 77006-3810, USA Tomuins, A. D.; 29 Gerard Road, Barnes, LONDON SW13 9RQ TostalIn, O.; 7 Place du General de Gaulle, 77850 HERICY, France TRAYLOR, Major M. A.; Birds Division, Field Museum of Natural History, cH1caco, IL 60605, USA Tucker, J. J.; 13 Brook Road, PONTEsBURY, Shropshire SY4 30U Tucker, N. A.; 8 Julius Road, Bishopston, BRISTOL BS7 8EU Tucker, W. T.; 61 Main St, KINGSTON, NH 03848-3209, USA Turner, A.; 2 Valley Road, Heckenthorpe, SHEFFIELD 512 4LH ‘Turner, B. C.; Uplands, Green Lane, Raymonds Hill, axMINsTER, Devon EX13 5TD Turner, C. F.; Lakers, Church Road, St Johns, REDHILL, Surrey RH1 6QA Turner, D. A.; PO Box 48019, NarroBI, Kenya Turner, S. T. A.; Box 357, SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates Tutt, D.; 21 Heron Close, Lower Halston, SITTINGBOURNE, Kent ME9 7EF Tye, Dr A.; 2 School Lane, King’s Ripton, HUNTINGDON, Cambs PE17 2NL (Committee 1990-) Ty er, Dr S.J.; Yew Tree Cottage, Lone Lane, PENALLT, Gwent NP5 4AJ Ursan, Prof. E. K.; Dept of Biology, Augusta College, aucusta, GA 30910, USA VAN DEN Bere, A. B.; Duinlustparkweg 98, 2082 EG saNppoorTE-zuID, Netherlands 1959-1972, 1985-86, 1989 VAN OosTEN, J. R.; 8023 17th NE, seaTTLeE, WA 98115, USA 1987 1934 1981 1976 1976 1979 1985 1986 1968 1969 1986 1975 1984 1989 1985 1989 1981 1986 1967 1975 VELING, Dr E. J. M.; Noord Houdringelaan, 3722 BR BILTHOVEN, Netherlands VINCENT, Col. J., M.B.E.; PO Box 44, Mooi River, 3300 NaTaL, South Africa (Hon. Life Member) VioLaNnI, DrC. G.; Via S. Vittore 38/A, 20123 mILan, Italy VitterY, A.; The Saltings, Coast Road, Cley-next-the-Sea, HOLT, Norfolk NRZ5 7RZ Voous, Prof. K. H.: V. D. Duyn van Maasdamlaan 28, 1282 EM Huizen, NH Netherlands Wacker, R. L.; Mount Cottage, PANWICH, Derbyshire DE6 1QJ Wa t, J. W.; 19 Tisdale Road, scarsDALE, NY 10583-5613, USA Wavms_ey, M. A.; Woodpeckers, Broughton, FORDINGBRIDGE, Hants SO20 8BD Watsh, Dr J. F.; 80 Arundel Road, LYTHAM ST ANNES, Lancs FY8 1BN Watters, M. P.; Sub-Dept of Ornithology, British Museum (Natural History), TRING, Herts HP23 6AP Wana, Dr YinG; Institute of Biology, Wildlife Laboratory, National Taiwan Normal University, 88 Sect 5 Roosevelt Road, TAIPEI, Taiwan 11718 WaruaM, Dr J.; 14 Konini Street, CHRISTCHURCH 4, New Zealand Wark, Mrs F. E.; 6 Mansion Drive, TRING, Herts HP23 5BD Warren, R. A.; 45 Arkwright Road, Irchester, WELLINGBOROUGH, Northants NN9 7EE WarkRINeR, R. E.; 9 Bucklands View, Nailsea, BRISTOL BS19 2TZ Waters, Prof. W. E.; Orchards, Broxmore Park, Sherfield English, Nr Romsey, Hants SO51 6FT WatLING, Dick, Ph.D.; Box 2041, Government Buildings, suva, Fiji Wesster, B. D.; 17 Prentice Court, Goldings, NORTHAMPTON NN3 4XS WEIR, The Hon J. V.; 85 Whitehall Court, LONDON SW1A 2EL WELLts, Dr D. R.; Dept of Zoology, University of Malaya, 59100 kuALA LuMPUR, Malaysia Xiil 1990 WENDEBY, J.; Banersgatan 14, S-41503, GoTHENBURG, Sweden 1986 WESTOLL, J.; Dykeside, Longtown, CARLISLE, Cumbria CA6 5ND 1985 WHEATLEY, J. J.; 6 Boxgrove Avenue, GUILDFORD, SDurrey GU1 1XG 1973 WHEELER, C. E.; 3 Woodhurst Close, Cuxton, ROCHESTER, Kent (Committee 1975-1979) 1988 WHeErLER, Mrs G. F.; Pumlani, Otters Creek, ZEEKOEVLEI 7945, South Africa 1987 WHEELER-HOoLonAN, B. J.; 38 Oregon Square, ORPINGTON, Kent BR6 8BQ 1980 White, Lt.-Col. T. C.; 6c Rosebery Avenue, HARPENDEN, Herts AL5 2PL 1984 Wiersma, L. J.; Singel 282, 3311 HK porprecut, Netherlands 1989 WILKINSON, Sir Denys, F.R.S.; Gayles Orchard, Friston, EASTBOURNE, Sussex BN20 0BA 1982 WILKINSON, Dr R.; 2 Weston Grove, UPTON-BY-CHESTER, Cheshire CH2 1QJ 1987 WILKINSON, Sir WILLIAM; 119 Castelnau, Barnes, LONDON SW13 9EL 1989 WILLemyns, F.; Dianadreef 31, 8200 BruGGE, Belgium 1987 Wixtett, D. R.; 18 Main Street, Newbold Verdon, LEICESTER LEY 9NL 1986 Wixtiams, Dr E. J.; 24 Birkett Drive, ULVERSTON, Cumbria LA12 9LS 1951 Wictiams, J. G.; 14 Tyne Road, oakHam, Rutland LE15 6SJ 1988 Wictiams, K. F.; 28 Falconers Close, DAVENTRY, Northants NN115PR 1989 Wixtiams, R. G.; 2 Milwain Road, sTRETFORD, Manchester M32 9BY 1985 Witson, H. E.; PO Box 10463, MARINE PARADE 4056, South Africa 1985 Witson, Dr J. D.; University of Edinburgh, Zoology Building, West Mans Road, EDINBURGH EH9 3JT 1976 Witson, R. T.; Bartridge House, UMBERLEIGH, Devon EX7 9AS 1987 WINFIELD, K. W.; 7 Burlington Road, skEGNEsS, Lincs PE25 2EW 1976 Woop, Dr J. B.; Ecology and Conservation Unit, Biology Dept, University College London, Gower Street, LONDON WCIE 6BT 1990 Woop, K. P.; 6 Manor Grove, TONBRIDGE, Kent TN10 3DT 1985 Woop, V. J.; PO Box 401, paLBy, Queensland 4405, Australia 1961 Woopcock, M. W.; The Fives, Elderden Farm, Staplehurst, TONBRIDGE, Kent (Hon. Secretary 1965-1969) 1987 Woops, R. W.; 68 Aller Park Road, NEWTON ABBOT, Devon TQ12 4NQ 1984 Woopson, J. L.; 410 North 600 East, LoGan, Utah 84321, USA 1983 Wricut, A. A.;7 Fairhurst Drive, Parbold, wiGan, Lancs WN8 7DJ 1990 Youna, H. G.; Dowrytain Flat, Stathyre, Rue Piece de Mauger, st saviour, Jersey, Channel Islands 1988 ZiEGLeR, A. P.; Titcombs, Sheep Street, BURFORD OX8 4LT 1963 ZisWILeR, Prof. Dr V.; Zoological Museum of the University of Zurich, Kunstlergasse 16, CH 8006 zuricu, Switzerland 1973 ZONFRILLO, B.; 28 Brodie Road, GLascow G21 3SB BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ CLUB (Founded 5 October 1892) TITLE and OBJECTS The objects of the Club, which shall be called the “British Ornithologists’ Club’’, are the promotion of scientific discussion between Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union and others interested in ornithology, and to facilitate the publication of scientific infor- mation connected with ornithology. RULES (Approved by the Annual General Meeting on 10 May 1988) MEMBERSHIP (1) (a) Any Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union may become a Member of the Club on payment to the Honorary Treasurer of the annual subscription. (b) A Member who ceases to be amember of the British Ornithologists’ Union shall also cease to be a Member of the Club, unless the Committee shall decide it is in the interests of the Club to permit him to remain a Member. (2) A Member who has an unbroken membership of the Club for fifty years shall become a Life Member and shall not be required to pay any further annual subscriptions. (3) Ifthe conduct of any Member shall be deemed by not less than five members of the Committee present at a meeting of the Committee to be prejudicial to the interests of the Club, that Member shall (a) be so informed by a letter from the Honorary Secretary and (b) be given an opportunity of appearing in person before the Committee to explain his conduct. The Committee shall have power to terminate his membership forthwith (1) if not less than five members of the Committee present when he appears before it are not satisfied with his explanation, or (11) if he does not appear before the Committee in person, but gives an explanation which not less than five members of the Committee deem to be unsatisfactory, or (iii) if no explanation has been received from him within twenty-eight days of the dispatch of the Honorary Secretary’s letter to him. X1V MANAGEMENT (4) The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee, elected from among the Members, which shall consist of a Chairman, elected for a term of four years, a Vice- Chairman, elected fora term of four years, an Editor of the Bulletin, elected for a term of four years, an Honorary Secretary, elected for a term of one year, and an Honorary Treasurer, elected for a term of one year. There shall be four other members of the Committee, each of whom shall be elected for a term of four years. With the exception of the Editor, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer, the Officers and other members of the Committee shall be ineligible for re-election within one year to the same office or position. For the purpose of this Rule, the period of a year shall be reckoned from one Annual General Meeting until the next, or, in the case of an Officer or other member of the Committee elected at a Special General Meeting, from that Special General Meeting until the next Annual General Meeting. The term for which an Officer or other member of the Committee is elected shall expire at the close of the Annual General Meeting, unless it is adjourned, in which case it shall expire at the first adjournment after the election of a successor. Except as otherwise provided by these Rules, a quorum of the Committee shall be three members. (5) The names of Officers and other members of the Committee nominated by the Committee shall be circulated at least three weeks before the relevant Annual or Special General Meeting. Any Member wishing to nominate a candidate shall forward to the Honorary Secretary his nomination in writing signed by himself and another Member with confirmation that the candidate has agreed to be nominated. Such nomination shall reach the Honorary Secretary not less than 14 days before such a General Meeting. Elections shall be by a simple majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting. (6) A Member wishing to complain of the manner in which affairs of the Club are conducted must communicate his complaint in writing to the Chairman, who will raise the complaint as soon as practicable at a meeting of the Committee for a decision or, if he considers it a matter of urgency, will call a meeting of the Committee specially to consider it. SUBSCRIPTION (7) ‘The rate of annual subscription shall be fixed by the Committee from time to time. The subscription shall be due for payment on the first day of January in every year. The Committee shall be entitled to terminate the membership of any Member whose subscription has not been paid within six months of it falling due, provided that such member has been given written notice by the Honorary Treasurer calling upon him to pay the subscription and has not complied with that notice within one month of its date. (8) When any Member, who is not an Officer or other member of the Committee, has rendered or is rendering the Club any service, the Committee may, if it deems it appropriate, waive the subscription due from that Member for any year or years. (9) Members joining the Club in October, November or December may elect for their first annual subscription to run until the end of the next calendar year. MEETINGS (10) ‘The Club shall meet not less than four times a year at times and places to be arranged by the Committee, in furtherance of the Objects of the Club. (11) Members may introduce guests at any ordinary meeting of the Club and members of the British Ornithologists’ Union who are not Members of the Club may, without any such introduction be permitted at the discretion of the Honorary Secretary to attend any one ordinary meeting during any calendar year, except that no former Member, who has had his membership terminated for any cause and who has not been reinstated, shall be allowed to attend a meeting without the permission of the Chairman or, in his absence, the Vice- Chairman. (12) ‘The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in April or May every year ona date to be fixed by the Committee. At this Meeting the business to be transacted shall be to receive and consider the Report of the Committee and the Accounts of the preceding calendar year, the regulation of matters having reference to the Bulletin, the election of Officers and other members of the Committee and any other business of which notice in writing shall have been given to the Honorary Secretary prior to 28 February in th same year. Notice of at least three weeks shall be given by the Committee of every Annual General Meeting. XV (13) A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee for any purpose which it deems to be of sufficient importance or at the instance of a requisition signed by at least 15 Members, stating the purpose for which the Meeting is being requisitioned and sent to the Honorary Secretary. Notice of at least three weeks shall be given of a Special General Meeting and the notice convening it shall state the purpose of the Meeting: no other business may be transacted at the Meeting. ‘BULLETIN’ OF THE CLUB (14) (a) A journal under the title of the “Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club’ shall be published not less than four times per year and one copy shall be distributed gratis to every Member who has paid the current annual subscription, subject to Rule 14 (b). (b) Members shall receive copies of all issues of the Bulletin published in the year in which they join the Club provided they do not join in October, November or December and elect for their first subscription to run until the end of the next calendar year, in which case they shall receive copies of all issues published after their date of joining. (15) No communication, the whole or any important part of which has already been published elsewhere, shall be eligible for publication in the Bulletin, except at the discretion of the Editor. TRUST FUND (16) Subject to the terms of any bequest or gift, any stocks, shares, other securities, money or other property (whether real or personal) from time to time belonging to the Club may be vested in trustees for the Club if the Club shall by a Special Resolution so decide. Such Special Resolution shall appoint Trustees and shall specify the trusts under which the property is to be held. AMENDMENT OF RULES (17) These Rules or any of them may be revoked or amended and any new rule or provision may be substituted or added by a Special Resolution. INTERPRETATION (18) Inthese Rules a “Special Resolution”? means a resolution passed by a majority of not less than three fourths of the members voting thereon at an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Club of which not less than two weeks’ notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a Special Resolution has been given. (19) Inthese Rules ‘‘Member”’ means a Member of the Club, unless the context other- wise requires. XV1 LIST OF AUTHORS AND CONTENTS ALSTROM, P., COLSTON, P. R. & OLSSON, U. Description of a possible new species of leaf warbler of the genus Phylloscopus from China................. 43 ALSTROM, P. & OLSSON, U. Taxonomy of the Phylloscopus proregulus complex 38 ASH,J.S.& GULLICK, T. M. Serinus flavigula re-discovered ................ 81 ———— Field observations on the Degodi Lark Mirafra degodiensis ............ 90 ASH, J. S. & MISKELL, J. E. Presumed breeding of Tawny Pipits Anthus campestris inthe Africotropicstyes she set eee en 222 BAKER, E. M. See BAKER, N.E. BAKER, N. E. & BAKER, E. M. A new species of weaver from Tanzania ....... 51,112 BARROWCLOUGH, G. F. & ESCALENTE-PLIEGO, P. Notes on the birds of Sierra de Unturan® Southern’ Venezuelay iar) Arey Th Oia Serna 167 BENSCH, S. See HEDENSTROM, A. BEGE, L. A. R. & PAULI, B. T. Two birds new to the Brazilian avifauna........ 93 BERRUTTI, A. On two indeterminate shearwaters from South African waters ..... 66 BOOK SRECET WE De seyet (aT RAIN RAL VRE DI a Se geet SOBER ARE ek or Re BU ae 59, 111, 226 BUDEN, D. W. Report on the birds collected during the Armour-Utowana West Indiam Expeditions): yee So sepa.) MAS 2 SSE SE CP 14 CABOT, J. First record of Upucerthia validirostris from Bolivia and new Bolivian distribution!datal: © iy 7uee EEO A RUN ST ICL 3 AMC ME Wo OL a 103 CLANCEY, P. A. The Namibian subspecies of Cisticola chiniana (Smith), 1843... 83 — Variations in Pterodroma brevirostris (Lesson), 1831 ..............0...00-- 86 —— Further on the raptor name Circaetus fasciolatus.......000 0000 ce 110 —— Size-variation and post-breeding movement in the Didric Cuckoo Chryso- cocéyx caprius (Boddaert)) ies. Fea) CAN. Bo. LONSAN RIGS YR ete Nests eh 130 — Comment on the geographical variation of the Malachite Kingfisher of the ALTOCROPICS A am ierapeee ere EURO ae ae MA LIU a ane Aurea Sal TI SEM ae a SZ CLUB NOTES Report ofithe, Committee for l989iirde) gale eke spas eee shoe ay uted Se ee ee 3 Annual General Meeting, Chairman’s Address, Accounts ...............04- 113 MEetin eS repOTts ne eet eee eS Ee ee On ae 5, 61, 114, 167 COLEBROOK-ROBJENT, J. F. R. The nest and eggs of Bannerman’s Blue- headed! Sunbird'Nectarania bannermant ence i Ne RE 13 COLLINS, C. T. Intraspecific variation in the natal pterylosis of the Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Myzonectes (Pipromorpha) oleagneus (‘Tyrannidae)............... 143 COLSTON, P. R. See ALSTROM, P. DEN HARTOG, J.C. See OLSON, S. L. DOWSEDRT Ri Theigender ofthe avian'genus Batts. ees eee s os las ene 109 DUCKWORTH, J. W. See SHELDON, R. C. ESCALENTE-PLIEGO, P. See BARROWCLOUGH, G. F. FARNSWORTH, S. J. See JOHNSON, E. D.H. FJELDSA, J. Geographic variations in the Rufous-webbed Tyrant Polioxolmis rufipennis, with description of anew subspecies .............-.-0eeceeceees 26 FJELDSA, J. & JENSEN, H. A record of the African Piculet Sasia africana from NES] os op Waar ers Da LA Ra a a TA a RA IM SUES ls Oy ogc 62 FRITH, C. B. & FRITH, DAWN W. The nest of the Mountain Firetail, Oreosthruthus fuliginosus (Estrildidae) in Papua New Guinea..............-. 35 —— Discovery of the King of Saxony Bird of Paradise Pteridophora alberti nest, egg and nestling, with notes on parental care .............--+----++----> 160 FRITH, DAWN W. See FRITH, C. B. GONZAGA, L. P. & PACHECO, J. F. Two new subspecies of Formicivora serrana (Hellmayr) from southeastern Brazil and notes on the type locality of Formici- VOT AGeClUzae: NIEMEETIES srs yas sel seiesia oe Ee Ee 187 GOODMAN, S. M. See HAYES, F. E. GRAVES, G. R. & ZUSI, R. L. Avian body weights from the lower Rio Xingu, Brazil ue te vey ee eine cals outa evates cts Messen Ute Eb sAL R aie oe nr 20 GULLICK, T. M. See ASH, J. 5S. . HASSELQUIST, D. See HEDENSTROM, A. HAYES, F. E., GOODMAN, S. M. & LOPEZ, N. E. New or noteworthy bird records from the Matogrosense region of Paraguay .............2-22-e000-- 94 Xvi HAZEVOET, C. J. Notes on new and rare migrants in the Cape Verde Islands .... HEDENSTROM, A., BENSCH, S., HASSELQUIST, D. & OTTOSSON, U. Observations of Palaearctic migrants rare to Ghana.................0.0.000. HOLLOWAY, S.J. See KING, J. R. HOLYOAK, D. T. The nest and eggs of Phylloscopus budongoensis (Sylviinae)..... JENSEN, H. See FJELDSA, J. JOHNSON, E. D.H.& FARNSWORTH, S. J. On the possible former breeding of the Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus in Algeria............ 0000 c eee eeeee KENNEDY, R. 5S. Notes on Philippine birds, 16. First records of the Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda and Merlin Falco columbarius from the Philippines. cist ae tia. clk: pe Bere. eee eee ON MR UNL Sa BR aU KING, J. R. Polymorphism in Diglossa humeralis aterrima in southern Ecuador ... KING, J. R. & HOLLOWAY, S. J. Notes on the Giant Hummingbird Patagona PEFASINSOUTHELIMES GU AG OF cgay ohyctercste encanta eee ea AE LOPEZ, N. E. See HAYES, F. E. BROURAEEIME The nightjars of Zaires oc. sa) see ease ee CIERRA, eC Tg ae Ae McALLAN, I. A. W. The Cochineal Creeper and the Fascinating Grosbeak: a re- examination’of some namesiof:John Ieathamws ae ee se McGOWAN, R. Y. & PRITCHARD, J. S. Notes on Philippine birds, 15. First record of the Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva for the Philippines ..... MARCONDES-MACHADO, L. O. & MONTEIRO-FILHO, E. L. A. The Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber in southeastern Brazil ..............0.0.0 0005. MEES, G. F. & MEES-BALCHIN, V. J. Basileuterus flaviolus (Baird) in Guyana . MEES-BALCHIN, V. J. See MEES, G. F. MISKELL, J. E. See ASH, J. S. MONTEIRO-FILHO, E. L. A. See MARCONDES-MACHADO, L. O. OLMOS, F. Harrier-like hunting behaviour by a Crane Hawk Geranospiza EAerUlescense Ree Ae wa ts Sys see ee OO OE CR ap ON OLMOS, F. & RODRIGUES, M. Courtship display of the Long-trained Nightjar IVI GCI OPSALISEET CAS AB erp «Bee ENO ENN os RS ne HN TPR Se ESIGN OLSON, S. L. Remarks on the osteology of the Madagascan warblers Dromaeocercus andsAmphilaist(Sylviidae) ayes eked es 3c VUE Ts eee cu an og OLSON, S. L. & DEN HARTOG, J. C. Former breeding of Sula dactylatra in the CapeiVierde islands hiya tari... ots...) so. IHU ne, A Meets ep eR Nu OLSSON, U.See ALSTROM,P. _ OTTOSSON, U. See HEDENSTROM, A. OUELLET, H. Notes on the iris colour in females of two manakins (Pipridae) .... PACHECO, J. F. See GONZAGA, L. P. PARKERSIAG Wmperialteaslesye Gus oo ee: iere ee OU EIR HN PARKES, K. C. A critique of the description of Amazona auropalliata caribaea We Otsad aliO8 Orrin aT ee Rieu a ape Lapa ial iain) al TWH IVE IL ean an PAULI, B. T. See BEGE, L. A. R. PEARMAN, M. Behaviour and vocalisations of an undescribed Canastero Asthenes Spa iromiys raz lly. eevee ROE Roe TSE ose ESO Aen TE NE RA ae PRITCHARD, J.S. See McGOWAN, R. Y. RODRIGUES, M. See OLMOS, F. SCHMITT, C. G. & SCHMITT, DONNA C. First records of the White-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus}cayennensisimiEcuadors 2) 200i. ey ee a ae once SCHMITT, DONNA C. SeeSCHMITT, C. G. SHELDON, R. C. & DUCKWORTH, J. W. Rediscovery of the Madagascar Senpent=Haclevutriorchisiastur ere oe ee Re tio: da SILVA, J. M. C. Description of a new subspecies of Saltator aurantiirostris, with comments’ on SAmaxillosus+. Hsyieer. ois\5 oo) a A BOING ARERR PS] ary el! See ee ED BR wd ARG Behe 8 UN HEN: ace ee O STOTZ, D. F. First specimen of Drymophilla devillei from Colombia............ —— fhe'taxonomice!statusiot/Phyllomytas reiserts. 24.) eS ee es STRONACH, N. Habitat and distribution of the Rock-loving Cisticola Cisticola aberrans in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania...............0..000..5. —— The occurrence of the Grass Owl Tyto capensis and Richard’s Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae in the lowlands of New Guinea ..............0 00sec nee XVI TYE, A. & TYE, HILARY. First description of the nest of the Golden-breasted Pufileg/Emocnemtsmosqueia as lh acie ete. ae See oe eee oe 142 TYE, HILARY See TYE, A. THOMAS, BETSY T. Additional weights of Venezuelan birds................. 48 VINCENT, J. The type locality of the Barred Owl Glaucidium capense........... 170 ZUSI, R. L. See GRAVES, G. R. INDEX TO SCIENTIFIC NAMES (Compiled by J. H. Elgood, with the assistance of Mary Muller) All generic and specific names (of birds only) are indexed.,New subspecific names are indexed in bold print under generic, specific and subspecific names. Other subspecies of special interest are also included. CORRECTIONS TO TEXT Page 25, Appendix—middle column 3 lines from foot: chrysochloros not chysochloros Foot of right-hand column: cayanensis not cayenensis Page 105, line 8: Geositta not Gesitta Page 160, line 16: ruficapilla not ruficapillus Page 163, line 22: macgregorii not macgregoriae Page 183, line 11: rubicunda not rubicundus aberrans, Cisticola 32-34 Accipiter gentilis 128 — henstii 126-129 — superciliosus 21 Acrocephalus arundinaceus 195, 197 — paludicola 195, 196 — - schoenobaenus 195, 197 — scirpaceus 195 Actitis hypoleucos 195 — macularia 25, 49 adalberti, Aquila 205, 206 adsimils, Dicrurus 91 aedon, Troglodytes 50 aenea, Chloroceryle 22, 97 aeruginosus, Circus 208 aethiops, Myrmecocichla 200 afer, Francolinus 199 — ,Nilaus 91 affinis, Veniliornis 22 africana, Sasia 62-63 — _, Verreauxia 62 Agelaius icterocephalus 50 agilis, Oporornis 50 Aglaeactis cupripennis 142 Ajaia ajaja 124 ajaja, Ajaia 124 — ,Platalea 104 alba, Gygis, 218 — ,Tyto17,18 alberti, Pteridophora Plates 5—8, 160-163 albicapilla, Spreo 91 albescens, Synallaxis 49 albicollis, Leucopternis 25 — ,Nyctidromus 22, 97 — ,Saltator 50 — , Turdus 24 albifrons, Sterna 210 albinucha, Xenopsaris 49 albirostris, Galbula 22 albiventer, Tachycineta 25, 50 100 Alcedo cyanostigma 138 alinae, Nectarinia 13, 14 Amazilia fimbriata 49 — viridigaster 168 Amazona auropalliata caribaea subsp. nov. 175-179 Amazona farinosa 25 — ochrocephala 22, 175 — oratrix 175 amazona, Chloroceryle 22 amazonicus, Thamnophilus 23 americana, Chloroceryle 22 — ,Mycteria 25 americanus, Daptrius 21 Ammodramus humeralis 50 Amphilais 9 Amphilais seebohmi 9, 10 analis, Formicarius 23 Anas rhynchotis 157 andinus, Phoenicoparrus 94 andrei, T'aeniotriccus 21, 24 angolensis, Oryzoborus 24 angulata, Gallinula 199 Anhinga anhinga 25 ani, Crotophaga 18, 25 ankoberensis, Serinus 82 Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus 25, 96 Anous minutus 218 — stolidus 218 anthoides, Asthenes 147, 148 Anthracothorax dominicus 18 — nigricollis 25 Anthus caffer 201 Anthus campestris 196, 222-224 leucophrys 224 novaeseelandiae 181-183, 223, 224 similis 224 trivialis 210 Aquila adalberti 205—206 audax 183 clanga 206 heliaca 205, 206 pomarina 198 aquila, Fregata 216, 218 Ara ararauna 22 chloroptera 25 macao 22 severa 22 aracari, Pteroglossus 22 Aramides cajanea 21 ararauna, Ara 22 Aratinga aurea 22 leucophthalmus 22 arborea, Dendrocygna 16, 17 Ardea cocoi 21 Ardeotis australis 183 Arremon schlegeli 50 taciturnus 24 Arremonops conirostris 50 arundinaceus, Acrocephalus 195, 197 Asio flammeus 210 assimilis, Puffinus 11, 66-70 Asthenes sp. Plates 3, 4, 145-153 Asthenes anthoides 147, 148 baeri 105, 147, 149 dorbigni 149, 150, 152 hudsoni 147, 148 humicola 148 humilis 149, 151 maculicauda 148 modesta 147, 150 patagonica 147, 148, 152 punensis 148 pyrrholeuca 147, 149, 151 sclateri 147, 148 steinbachi 147, 148 urubambensis 148 wyatti 148, 149, 150, 151 Astrapia mayeri 163 astur, Eutriorchis 126-129 Atalotriccus pilaris 50 ater, Daptrius 25 Athene cunicularia 17, 104 Atlapetes personatus 167 atratus, Coragyps 25 atrogularis, Serinus 81 atronitens, Xenopipo 169 Atticora melanoleuca 25 Attila cinnamomeus 24 spadiceus 24 audax, Aquila 183 Augastes scutatus 152 augusti, Phaethornis 49 aura, Cathartes 25, 104 XIX aurantiirostris, Catharus 50 aurantiirostris parkesi, Saltator subsp. nov. 172-174 Saltator 171-174 aurea, Aratinga 22 , Jacamerops 22 aureola, Pipra 141 aurescens, Polyplancta 22 auriculata, Zenaida 49 aurifrons, Picumnus 22 aurita, Conopophaga 23 , Heliothryx 22 , Zenaida 17, 18 auropalliata caribaea, Amazona subsp. nov. 175-179 australis, Ardeotis 183 Automolus infuscatus 23 melanopezus 37 rufipileatus 23 avosetta, Recurvirostra 194 axillaris, Myrmotherula 23 baeri, Asthenes 105, 147, 149 bannermani, Nectarinia 13-14 barbatus, Pycnonotus 91 Basileuterus flaveolus 179-180 batesi, Caprimulgus 71 Batis 109 berlepschi, Hylopezus 21, 23 biarmicus, Falco 64-65 bicolor, Tiaris 17 bidentatus, Harpagus 21 bifasciatus, Gymnostinops 24 binotatus, Caprimulgus 71 bitorquatus, Pteroglossus 22 boie1, Myzomela 153-154 bolivianus, Polioxolmis subsp. nov. 30 bonariensis, Molothrus 25, 50 bonelli, Phylloscopus 195-198 borin, Sylvia 195 Botaurus stellaris 194 bourcier1, Phaethornis 49 bouvronides, Sporophila 50 Bowdleria punctata 10 brachypterus, Buteo 127 brachyura, Myrmotherula 23 brachyurus, Graydidascalus 25 Bradypterus luteoviridis 10 brevirostris, Pterodroma 86—90 brissonu, Cyanocompsa 50 Brotogeris chrysopterus 22 jugularis 49 versicolurus 97 brunneiceps, Hylophilus 24, 168-169 brunneiventris, Diglossa 77-78 brunneus, Dromaeocercus 9, 10 Bubulcus ibis 104 Bucco capensis 25 budongoensis, Phylloscopus 159-160 Bulweria bulweri 11 bulweri, Bulweria 11 rufipennis burnieri, Ploceus sp. nov. Plate 1, 51-58 Buteo brachypterus 127 buteo 64, 206 magnirostris 25 Buteogallus urubitinga 25 Butorides striatus 25 Cacicus cela 24, 50 caerulea, Florida 124 , Egretta 95 , Polioptila 17 caerulescens, Geranospiza 225-226 caesius, T’hamnomanes 23 caffer, Anthus 201 Cairina moschata 25 cajanea, Aramides 21 caledonica, Myzomela 153 Calidris canutus 209 fuscicollis 49 melanotos 49, 194 minutilla 49 pusilla 49 Calliphlox evelynae 14, 17 Camaroptera simplex 200 Campephilus melanoleucos 25 rubricollis 23 campestris, Anthus 196, 222—224 Camptostoma obsoletum 24, 50 Campylopterus duidae 167 largipennis 22 Campylorhamphus procurvoides 23 trochilirostris 49 Campylorhynchus nuchalis 50 turdinus 24,100 canaria, Serinus 41 cantans, Cisticola 200 cantator, Hypocnemis 23 , Phylloscopus 45 cantillans, Sylvia 211 canutus, Calidris 209 capense, Glaucidium 170-171 capensis, Bucco 25 , Noctua 170 , Tyto 181-182 caprata, Saxicola 183 Caprimulgus batesi 71 binotatus 71 cayennensis 139 clarus 71, 73 climacurus 71, 72 europaeus 75 fossii 72-74 fraenatus 75 inornatus 75 natalensis 71, 72, 74 nigrescens 22 nigriscapularis 71, 74 pectoralis 71, 73, 74 poliocephalus 71, 75 rufigena 76 ruwenzori 71, 75 tristigma 75 XX caprius, Chrysococcyx 130-136 Capsiempis flaveola 24 carbo, Ramphocelus 24, 50, 101 carbonaria, Diglossa 77—78 cardinalis, Certhia 155 , Meliphaga 155 , Myzomela 156 Carduelis crassirostris 106 caribaea, Amazona auropalliata, subsp. nov. 175-179 caribaeus, Contopus 17 castanops, Ploceus 56-58 castro, Oceanodroma 218 Cathartes aura 25, 104 melambrotos 21 Catharus aurantiirostris 50 fuscescens 50 minimus 169 caudacutus, Sclerurus 23 cayana, Cotinga 25 , Dacnis 25 , Piaya 22 , Tangara 50 cayanensis, Icterus 25 , Leptodon 96 , Myiozetetes 49 cayanus, Vanellus 22 cayennensis, Caprimulgus 139 , Mesembrinibis 25 , Panyptila 25 cela, Cacicus 24, 50 Celeus flavus 22 Centropus cupreicaudus 56 Cephalopterus ornatus 24 Cercomacra melanaria 98 nigrescens 23 Cercotrichas galactotes 91 Certhia cardinalis 155 chrysotis 157 dibapha 154-155 erythropygia 155 sanguinolenta 154-156 Certhiaxis cinnamomea 49 Ceryle torquata 25 Chaetura cinereiventris 25, 49 chalybea, Progne 25, 50 cheela, Spilornis 127-128 Chelidoptera tenebrosa 22 cherriei, Synallaxis 21, 23 chilensis, Vanellus 48 chiniana, Cisticola 34, 83-86 Chiroxiphia lanceolata 49 Chloroceryle aenea 22, 97 amazona 22 americana 22 inda 22 chloronotus, Phylloscopus 38-42, 43-47 Chlorophonia cyanea 169 chloroptera, Ara 25 Myzomela 154 Chlorostilbon mellisugus 49 ricordii 17 choliba, Otus 22 chrysochloros, Piculus 25 chrysochlorus, Chrysococcyx 134 Chrysococcyx caprius 130-136 — chrysochlorus 134 chrysopterus, Brotogeris 22 Chrysoptilus punctigula 49 chrysotis, Certhia 157 Ciccaba virgata 22 cinerascens, Circaetus 198 cinereiventris, Chaetura 25, 49 cinereum, Todirostrum 50, 99 cinnamomea, Certhiaxis 49 cinnamomeus, Attila 24 Circaetus cinerascens 198 — fasciolatus 110 Circus aeruginosus 208 Cisticola aberrans 32-34 — cantans 200 — chiniana 34, 83-86 — erythrops 200 — fulvicapilla 200 — juncidis 183 — natalensis 34 — robusta 200 Clamator glandarius 133 clanga, Aquila 206 clarus, Caprimulgus 71, 73 climacocerca, Hydropsalis 22 climacurus, Caprimulgus 71, 72 Cnemarchus 29 Cnemophilus macgregoriae 163 Cnemotriccus fuscatus 49 Coccyzus minor 18 — pumilus 49 Cochlearius cochlearius 95 cocoi, Ardea 21 Coeligena coeligena 49 Coereba flaveola 17, 18, 24, 50 coerulescens, Saltator 50 Colaptes melanochloros 98 Colibri serrirostris 104 collaris, Serinus 82 Colluricincla harmonica 183 collybita, Phylloscopus 3, 195-196 colma, Formicarius 23 Columba plumbea 22 — subvinacea 49 columbarius, Falco 108 Columbina passerina 18, 22 — talpacoti 49 communis, Sylvia 195 concolor, Dendrocolaptes 23 conirostris, Arremonops 50 Conopias inornata 49 Conopophaga aurita 23 — melanogaster 21, 23 Contopus caribaeus 17 Coragyps atratus 25 coraya, Thryothorus 24 coronatus, Onychorhynchus 24 — , Stephanoaetus 199 XX1 Corvus palmarum 18 — ruficollis 8 Coryphospingus pileatus 50 Corythopis torquata 24 Corythornis cristatus 137-138 Coscoroba coscoroba 96 Cotinga cayana 25 Cranioleuca demissa 49 — gutturata 25 crassirostris, Carduelis 106 — ,Vireo 17 Crax fasciolata 21 criniger, Prinia 43, 45 cristatus, Corythornis 137-138 — ,Tachyphonus 24 Crotophaga ani 18, 25 — major 22 — sulcirostris 49 Crypturellus variegatus 21 cunicularia, Athene 17, 104 cupreicaudus, Centropus 56 cupripennis, Aglaeactis 142 cuvieri, Falco 199 cyanea, Chlorophonia 169 — , Cyanocompsa 50 cyaneoviridis, Tachycineta 17 Cyanerpes sp. 25 Cyanocompsa brissonii 50 — cyanea 50 cyanoides, Passerina 24 cyanoleuca, Notiochelidon 50, 106 cyanostigma, Alcedo 138 cyanus, Hylocharis 25 Cyclarhis gujanensis 25, 50 Cymbilaimus lineatus 23 Dacnis cayana 25 — flaviventer 25 dactylatra, Sula 10-12, 213-218 Daptrius americanus 21 — ater25 dea, Galbula 22 Deconychura stictolaema 23, 37 decoratus, Pterocles 199 decumanus, Psarocolius 24, 101 degodiensis, Mirafra 90—93 deiroleucus, Falco 96 Delichon urbica 196 deluzae, Formicivora 187-188 demissa, Cranioleuca 49 Dendrocincla fuliginosa 23, 49 — merula 23 Dendrocolaptes concolor 23 — picumnus 23 Dendrocygna arborea 16, 17 Dendroica petechia 15, 17, 50 devillei, Drymophila 37 dibapha, Certhia 154-155 — ,Myzomela 153-154 dicolorus, Ramphastos 97 Dicrurus adsimilis 91 — forficatus 127 Diglossa brunneiventris 77—78 — carbonaria 77-78 — humeralis 77—78 dimidiata, Serinus 82 dinemelli, Dinemellia 91 Dinemellia dinemelli, 91 doliatus, Thamnophilus 49 dominicensis, Icterus 18 — , Tyrannus 18 dominicus, Anthracothorax 18 — _, Tachybaptus 17 donaldsoni, Serinus 202 dorbignyi, Asthenes 149-152 Dromaeocercus 9 Dromaeocercus brunneus 9, 10 — _ seebohmi 9 Drymophila devillei 37 Dryocopus lineatus 23 duidae, Campylopterus 167 ecaudatus, Myiornis 24 Egretta caerulea 95 — intermedia 208 — thula 25, 124 Elaenia flavogaster 50 — parvirostris 50 — ruficeps 160 Elanoides forficatus 25 elegans, Xiphorhynchus 105 Emberiza poliopleura 91 Embernagra longicauda 152 Emblema 36 Empidonax euleri 24 episcopus, Thraupis 25 Eremomela flavicrissalis 91 — _ scotops 201 Eriocnemis 142 Eriocnemis glaucopoides 142 — luciani 142 mosquera 142 erythrocephala, Pipra 140-141 erythrocercus, Philydor 23 erythrops, Cisticola 200 erythropus, Tringa 209 erythropygia, Certhia 155 erythrurus, Terenotriccus 24 Eudocimus ruber 123-125 euleri, Empidonax 24 Euphonia lanurostris 50 — violacea 24 Euplectes jacksoni 202 europaeus, Caprimulgus 75 Eurypyga helias 48 Euscarthmus meloryphus 50 Eutriorchis astur 126-129 evelynae, Calliphox 14, 17 eytoni, Xiphorhynchus 23 Falco biarmicus 64-65 — columbarius 108 — cuvieri 199 — deiroleucus 96 XXil — rufigularis 21 — sparverius 16, 18 — subbuteo 199 — _ vespertinus 7—8 farinosa, Amazona 25 fasciatus, Myiophobus 49 fasciicauda, Pipra 24 fascinans, Loxia 156-158 — _, Microeca 156 fasciolata, Crax 21 fasciolatus, Circaetus 110 ferox, Myiarchus 24, 49 Ficedula hypoleuca 195, 211 — parva 6—7 figulus, Furnarius 23 fimbriata, Amazilia 49 flammeus, Asio 210 flava, Motacilla 210 flaveola, Capsiempis 24 — ,Coereba 17, 18, 24, 50 — ,Sicalis 50 flaveolus, Basileuterus 179-180 flavicrissalis, Eremomela 91 flavigula, Piculus 22 — __, Serinus 81-83 flavipes, Hylophilus 50 — , Tringa 48 flavirostris, Monasa 37 flaviventer, Dacnis 25 flaviventris, T'olmomyias 24, 49 flavogaster, Elaenia 50 flavus, Celeus 22 Florida caerulea 124 Fluvicola pica 49 forficatus, Dicrurus 127 — ,Elanoides 25 Formicarius analis 23 — colma 23 Formicivora deluzae 187-188 — grisea 49, 168-169 — _ serrana 187-193 Formicivora serrana interposita subsp. nov. 189 — serrana littoralis subsp. nov. 191 Forpus passerinus 49 — xanthopterygius 96 fossil, Caprimulgus 72—74 fraenatus, Caprimulgus 75 Francolinus afer 199 Fregata aquila 216, 218 fulica, Heliornis 25 fuliginosa, Dendrocincla 23, 49 fuliginosus, Oreostruthus Plates 3 & 4, 35-36 fuligiventer, Phylloscopus 45 fulvicapilla, Cisticola 200 fumigatus, Turdus 24 furcata, Thalurania 22 Furnarius figulus 23 fusca, Meliphaga 157 fuscata, Sterna 213 fuscatus, Cnemotriccus 49 fuscatus, Margarops 17-18 fuscescens, Catharus 50 fuscicauda, Ramphotrigon 37 fuscicollis, Calidris 49 fuscus, Larus 196 galactotes, Cercotrichas 91 Galbula albirostris 22 — dea22 — ruficauda 22, 49 galbula, Ploceus 57 Gallinago gallinago 195 — media 199 Gallinula angulata 199 genibarbis, Thryothorus 50 gentilis, Accipiter 128 Geositta rufipennis 105 Geothlypis rostrata 17 — trichas 17 Geotrygon montana 22 Geranoaetus melanoleucus 104 Geranospiza caerulescens 225-226 gigas, Patagona 79-80 gilletti, Mirafra 91—93 gilvus, Mimus 50 glandarius, Clamator 133 Glareola pratincola 209 glareola, Tringa 195 Glaucidium capense 170-171 Glaucis hirsuta 22, 49 glaucocolpa, Thraupis 50 glaucopoides, Eriocnemis 142 Glyphorhynchus spirurus 23 gouldii, Lophornis 21—22 gracilipes, Tyranniscus 24 Grallaria varia 23 Granatellus pelzelni 24 Graydidascalus brachyurus 25 grisea, Formicivora 49, 168, 169 griseicapillus, Sittasomus 23 griseogularis, Phaethornis 168 griseus, Nyctibius 25 grossus, Pitylus 24 Grus rubicundus 183 guainumbi, Polytmus 49 guarayanus, Thryothorus 101 Gubernetes yetapa 99 guira, Hemithraupis 24 gujanensis, Cyclarhis 25, 50 — _ , Odontophorus 21 — ,Synallaxis 23, 98 gularis, Paroaria 24, 50 gundlachii, Mimus 14, 17 guttatus, Tinamus 25 — _ , Xiphorhynchus 49 gutturata, Cranioleuca 25 Gyzgis alba 218 Gymnomystax mexicanus 50 Gymnorhina tibicen 183 Gymnostinops bifasciatus 24 — yuracares 24 Gypopsitta vulturina 21, 22 XXIll Habia rubica 24 Haematopus palliatus 17 haliaetus, Pandion 16, 17, 25 harmonica, Colluricincla 183 Harpagus bidentatus 21 hauxwelli, Myrmotherula 23 heinrothi, Puffinus 66 heliaca, Aquila 205—206 helias, Eurypyga 48 Heliodoxa xanthogonys 49 Heliornis fulica 25 Heliothryx aurita 22 Hemithraupis guira 24 henstii, Accipiter 126-129 Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus 23 Heterocercus linteatus 24 heuglini, Ploceus 56 Hieraaetus pennatus 206 — spilogaster 198 Himantopus mexicanus 49 himantopus, Micropalama 49 Hippolais icterina 201 — pallida 195, 211 — polyglotta 195 hirsuta, Glaucis 22, 49 Hirundo rustica 50 hispaniolensis, Passer 8 hudson, Asthenes 147, 148 humeralis, Ammodramus 50 — _, Diglossa 77—78 humicola, Asthenes 148 humilis, Asthenes 149, 151 hunter1, Nectarinia 91 hyacinthinus, Anodorhynchus 25, 96 Hydropsalis 205 Hydropsalis climacocerca 22 Hylocharis cyanus 25 Hylopezus berlepschi 21, 23 Hylophilus aurantiifrons 50 — brunneiceps 24, 168, 169 — flavipes 50 Hylophylax naevia 23 — poecilinota 23 — punctulata 23 Hypnelus ruficollis 49 Hypocnemis cantator 23 Hypocnemoides maculicauda 23 hypoleuca, Ficedula 195, 211 hypoleucos, Actitis 195 ibis, Bubulcus 104 icterina, Hippolais 201 icterocephalus, Agelaius 50 Icterus cayanensis 25 — dominicensis 18 — nigrogularis 50 Ictinia plumbea 25 ignobilis, Turdus 168 inda, Chloroceryle 22 Inezia subflava 24, 50 infuscatus, Automolus 23 inornata, Conopias 49 XXIV inornatus, Caprimulgus 75 — _, Dryocopus 23 — _, Phylloscopus 44 lineola, Sporophila 50 inquisitor, Tityra 25 linteatus, Heterocercus 24 intermedia, Egretta 208 Lipaugus vociferans 24 — _ , Sporophila 50 littoralis, Formicivora serrana subsp. intermedius, Ploceus 56 nov. 191 interposita, Formicivora serrana subsp. _ Locustella luscinioides 195-196 nov. 189 — naevia 195-196 longicauda, Embernagra 152 Jacamerops aurea 22 longipennis, Macrodipteryx 76 Jacana jacana 48 — ,Myrmotherula 23 jacarina, Volatinia 25, 50 longipes, Myrmeciza 49 jacksoni, Euplectes 202 longirostris, Nasica 23 javanica, Mirafra 183 — ,Rallus 17 jugularis, Brotogeris 49 Lophornis gould 21—22 juncidis, Cisticola 183 Loxia fascinans 156-158 juninensis, Muscisaxicola 105 Loxigilla violacea 17 Jynx torquilla 196 luciani, Eriocnemis 142 luctuosus, Sakesphorus 23 kansuensis, Phylloscopus 38 — ,Tachyphonus 25 katangae, Ploceus 56 lugubris, Quiscalus 50 Kaupifalco monogrammicus 198 Lurocalis semitorquatus 22 kidderi, Pterodroma 88-89 Luscinia megarhynchos 195, 211 kilimensis, Nectarinia 202 : — _ svecica 195-197 kirkii, Veniliornis 49 luscinioides, Locustella 195-196 Knipolegus orenocensis 24 lutea, Sicalis 106 — poecilurus 168 luteoviridis, Bradypterus 10 lyra, Uropsalis 204 lanceolata, Chiroxiphia 49 laniirostris, Euphonia 50 macao, Ara 22 Lanius senator 195 macconnelli, Pipromorpha 24 lapponica, Limosa 209 macgregoriae, Cnemophilus 163 largipennis, Campylopterus 22 Machetornis rixosus 49 Larus fuscus 196 Macrodipteryx longipennis 76 — ridibundus 209 — vexillarius 76 ledanti, Sitta 53 Macropsalis 205 Lepidocolaptes souleyetii 49 Macropsalis creaga 203-205 Leptodon cayanensis 96 macularia, Actitis 25, 49 Leptotila rufaxilla 22 maculatum, Todirostrum 24 — verreauxi 22, 49 maculicauda, Asthenes 148 leucogaster, Sula 11, 12, 213, 217-220 — ,Hypocnemoides 23 leucomelas, Turdus 50 maculipennis, Phylloscopus 45 leuconota, Pyriglena 23, 99 maculirostris, Muscisaxicola 105 leucophaea, Microeca 157 magnirostris, Buteo 25 — , Sylvia 156-158 major, Crotophaga 22 leucophrys, Anthus 224 — ,Taraba 23,49 — ,Myrmoborus 23 — ,Tinamus 21 leucophthalma, Myrmotherula 23 Malacoptila rufa 22 leucophthalmus, Aratinga 22 Margarops fuscatus 17,18 Leucopternis albicollis 25 marginatus, Microcerculus 24 — _ schistacea 21 — _, Pachyramphus 24 leucopyga, Nyctiprogne 22 marina, Pelagodroma 11 — , Tachycineta 100 maxillosus, Saltator 171-174 leucorodia, Platalea 208 maxima, Sterna 18 leucostigma, Percnostola 23 maximus, Saltator 24 leucotis, Thryothorus 24 mayeri, Astrapia 163 leucurus, Threnetes 22 media, Gallinago 199 lherminieri, Puffinus 16, 17, 66—70 megarhynchos, Luscinia 195, 211 lictor, Pitangus 25 Megarhynchus pitangua 24, 49 Limosa lapponica 209 melambrotus, Cathartes 21 — limosa 194 melanaria, Cercomacra 98 lineatus, Cymbilaimus 23 melancholicus, Tyrannus 25, 49 XXV Melanerpes rubricapillus 49 montana, Geotrygon 22 — striatus 18 morphoeus, Monasa 22 — superciliaris 17, 19 Morus 11 melanochloros, Colaptes 98 moschata, Cairina 25 Melanodryas cucullata 138 mosquera, Eriocnemis 142 — vittata 157 Motacilla flava 210 melanogaster, Conopophaga 21, 23 motmot, Ortalis 21 melanoleuca, Atticora 25 murina, Phaeomyias 50 — , Tringa 104 Muscicapa striata 211 melanoleucos, Campephilus 25 Muscisaxicola juninensis 105 melanoleucus, Geranoaetus 104 — maculirostris 105 melanopezus, Automolus 37 Mycteria americana 25 melanosticta, Rhegmatorhina 37 Myiarchus ferox 24, 49 melanotos, Calidris 49, 194 — _ stolidus 18 melanurus, Ramphocaenus 24 — tuberculifer 169 — ,Trogon25 — tyrannulus 49 Meliphaga cardinalis 155 Myiobius sp. 25 — fusca 157 Myionectes oleagneus 143-145 mellisugus, Chlorostilbon 49 Myiophobus fasciatus 49 meloryphus, Euscarthmus 50 Myiornis ecaudatus 24 menetriesil, Myrmotherula 23 Myiotheretes 26, 29 menstruus, Pionus 22 Myiozetetes 49 mentalis, Sphenoaecus 201 Myiozetetes cayanensis 49 Merops nubicus 200 — similis 25, 49 merula, Dendrocincla 23 myotherinus, Myrmoborus 23 Mesembrinibis cayennensis 25 Myrmeciza longipes 49 mexicana, Tangara 24 Myrmecocichla aethiops 200 mexicanus, Gymnomystax 50 Myrmoborus leucophrys 23 — ,Himantopus 49 — myotherinus 23 — ,Sclerurus 23 Myrmothera simplex 168 Microcerculus ustulatus 168 Myrmotherula axillaris 23 — marginatus 24 — brachyura 23 Microeca fascinans 156 — hauxwelli 23 — leucophaea 157 — _leucophthalma 23 — macroptera 156-158 — longipennis 23 Microligea palustris 18 — menetresi 23 Micropalama himantopus 49 — ornata 23 Milvus sp. 64 — surinamensis 23 Mimus gilvus 50 Myzomela 153-154 — gundlachii 14, 17 Myzomela boiei 153-154 — polyglottos 17, 18 — caledonica 153 minimus, Catharus 169 — cardinalis 156 minor, Coccyzus 18 — chloroptera 154 — , Pachyramphus 24 — dibapha 153-155 — ,Snethlagea 24 — sanguinolenta 153-155 minutilla, Calidris 49 — wakoloensis 154 minutus, Anous 218 — ,Xenops 23 naevia, Hylophylax 23 Mirafra degodiensis 90—93 — , Locustella 195-196 — gilletti 91-93 — ,Sclateria 23 — javanica 183 Nasica longirostris 23 Mitu mitu 25 natalensis, Caprimulgus 71, 72, 74 modesta, Asthenes 147, 150 — _, Cisticola 34 modestus, Sublegatus 50 Nectarinia alinae 13-14 mollis, Pterodroma 88 — bannermani 13-14 Molothrus bonariensis 25, 50 — hunteri 91 momota, Momotus 22, 97 — kilimensis 202 Momotus momota 22, 97 — oritis 13-14 Monasa flavirostris 37 — reichenowi 202 — morphoeus 22 — rufipennis 54 — nigrifrons 22 — verticalis 13-14 monogrammicus, Kaupifalco 198 neglectus, Phylloscopus 45 XXV1 Nemosia pileata 101 Neochmia temporalis 157 Neoctantes niger 37 Neomorphus squamiger 21—22 niger, Neoctantes 37 — , Quiscalus 18 — _,Rynchops 25 nigrescens, Caprimulgus 22 — ,Cercomacra 23 nigricollis, Anthracothorax 25 nigrifrons, Monasa 22 nigriscapularis, Caprimulgus 71, 74 nigrogularis, Icterus 50 nigromaculata, Phlegopsis 23 Nilaus afer 91 nisoria, Sylvia 201 Noctua capensis 170 Notharchus tectus 22 Notiochelidon cyanoleuca 50, 106 novaeseelandiae, Anthus 181-183, 223-224 nubicus, Merops 200 nuchalis, Campylorhynchus 50 nudigenis, Turdus 50 Numentus phaeopus 199 Nyctanassa violacea 124 Nyctibius griseus 25 Nyctidromus albicollis 22, 97 Nyctiphrynus ocellatus 22 Nyctiprogne leucopyga 22 obsoletum, Camptostoma 24, 50 obsoletus, Xiphorhynchus 23 occipitalis, Podiceps 103 Oceanodroma castro 218 ocellatus, Nyctiphrynus 22 ochrocephala, Amazona 22, 175 Odontophorus gujanensis 21 Oenanthe oenanthe 91, 211 oleaginea, Pipromorpha 24, 143-145 oleagneus, Myionectes 143-145 — _, Pipromorpha 143-145 olivacea, Tiaris 18 olivaceus, Phalacrocorax 21 — _,Rhynchocyclus 24 olivater, Turdus 167 Onychorhynchus coronatus 24 Oporornis agilis 50 oratrix, Amazona 175 orenocensis, Knipolegus 24 — ,Saltator 50 Oreostruthus fuliginosus Plates 3 & 4, 35-36 oritis, Nectarinia 13-14 ornata, Myrmotherula 23 ornatus, Cephalopterus 24 Ortalis motmot 21 Oryzoborus angolensis 24 Otus choliba 22 — _ watsonii 22 Pachyramphus marginatus 24 — minor 24 — validus 99 palliatus, Haematopus 17 pallida, Hippolais 195, 211 palmarum, Corvus 18 — Phoenicophilus 18 — Thraupis 24 paludicola, Acrocephalus 195-196 palustris, Microligea 18 Pandion haliaetus 16, 17, 25 Panyptila cayannensis 25 papa, Sarcoramphus 25 pardalotus, Xiphorhynchus 168-169 parkesi, Saltator aurantiirostris subsp. nov. 172-174 Paroaria gularis 24, 50 parva, Ficedula 6—7 parvirostris, Elaenia 50 Passer hispaniolensis 8 passerina, Columbina 18, 22 Passerina cyanoides 24 passerinus, Forpus 49 Patagona gigas 79-80 patagonica, Asthenes 147-148, 152 pectoralis, Caprimulgus 71, 73, 74 Pelagodroma marina 11 pelzelni, Granatellus 24 Penelope pileata 21 pennatus, Hieraaetus 206 Percnostola leucostigma 23 perlata, Pyrrhura 21—22 personatus, Atlapetes 167 perspicillata, Pulsatrix 25 petechia, Dendroica 15, 17, 50 Petroica phoenicea 157 — rosea 157 Phacellodomus rufifrons 49 Phaeomyias murina 50 phaeopus, Numenius 199 Phaeothlypis rivularis 24 Phaethon rubricauda 107 Phaethornis augusti 49 — bourcieri 49 — griseogularis 168 — ruber 22 — superciliosus 22, 168-169 Phaetusa simplex 22 Phalacrocorax olivaceus 21 Philydor erythrocercus 23 — _ pyrrhodes 23 Phlegopsis nigromaculata 23 phoenicea, Petroica 157 phoenicius, Tachyphonus 169 Phoenicophilus palmarum 18 Phoenicoparrus andinus 94 Phoenicurus phoenicurus 195 Phyllomyias reiseri 184-187 — urchi 184-187 — virescens 184-187 Phylloscopus 43, 160 Phylloscopus bonelli 195-196 — budongoensis 159-160 — cantator 45 Phylloscopus chloronotus 38-42, 43-47 — collybita 3, 195-196 — fuligiventer 45 — inornatus 44 — kansuensis 38 — maculipennis 45 — neglectus 45 — proregulus 38-40, 42, 46 — reguloides 45 — ruficapilla 160 — _ sibilatrix 195 — _ simlaensis 38-39, 41 — subviridis 45 — trochilus 195, 211 — umbrovirens 160 Piaya cayana 22 pica, Fluvicola 49 Picoides villosus 17 picta, Pyrrhura 22 Piculus chrysochloros 25 — flavigula 22 Picumnus aurifrons 22 — squamulatus 49 picumnus, Dendrocolaptes 23 picus, Xiphorhynchus 23, 49 pilaris, Atalotriccus 50 pileata, Nemosia 101 — , Penelope 21 pileatus, Coryphospingus 50 — , Pilherodius 25 Pilherodius pileatus 25 Pionus menstruus 22 Pipra aureola 140-141 — _erythrocephala 140-141 — fasciicauda 24 — rubrocapilla 24 Pipromorpha macconnelli 24 — oleaginea 24, 143-145 — oleagineus 143-145 Piranga rubra 169 pitangua, Megarhynchus 24, 49 Pitangus lictor 25 — sulphuratus 25, 49 Pitylus grossus 24 plancus, Polyborus 25 Platalea ajaja 104 — leucorodia 208 platyrhynchos, Platyrinchus 24 Platyrinchus platyrhynchos 24 platyura, Schoenicola 201 Ploceus 53, 57, 58 Ploceus burnieri sp. nov. Plate 1, 51-58 Ploceus castanops 56, 57, 58 — galbula 57 — heuglini 56 — intermedius 56 — katangae 56 — subaureus 57—58 — taeniopterus 56—57 — uluensis 56 — velatus 56-57 XXVIII plumbea, Columba 22 — ,Ictinia 25 — , Polioptila 24, 50 Podiceps occipitalis 103 poecilonota, Hylophylax 23 poecilurus, Knipolegus 168 poliocephalus, Caprimulgus 71, 75 — ,Tolmomyias 24 poliolopha, Prionops 201 poliopleura, Emberiza 91 Polioptila caerulea 17 — _plumbea 24, 50 Polioxolmis rufipennis 26-31 Polioxolmis rufipennis bolivianus subsp. nov. 30 Polyborus plancus 25 polyglotta, Hippolais 195 polyglottos, Mimus 17-18 Polyplancta aurescens 22 Polystictus superciliaris 152 Polytmus guainumbi 49 pomarina, Aquila 198 pratincola, Glareola 209 Prinia 44 Prinia criniger 43, 45 Prionops poliolopha 201 pristoptera, Psalidoprocne 200 procurvoides, Campylorhamphus 23 Progne chalybea 25, 50 promeropirhynchus, Xiphocolaptes 23 proregulus, Phylloscopus 38-40, 42, 46 Psalidoprocne pristoptera 200 Psarocolius decumanus 24, 101 Psophia viridis 21 Pteridophora alberti Plates 5, 6, 7, 8, 160-163 Pterocles decoratus 199 Pterodroma brevirostris 86—90 — brevirostris brevirostris 88 —— kidderi 89 — _kidderi 88-89 — mollis 88 Pteroglossus aracari 22 — bitorquatus 22 Puffinus assimilis 11, 66-70 — heinrothi 66 — lherminieri 16—17, 66-70 — puffinus 70 Pulsatrix perspicillata 25 pumilus, Coccyzus 49 punctata, Bowdleria 10 punctigula, Chrysoptilus 49 punctulata, Hylophylax 23 punensis, Asthenes 148 pusilla, Calidris 49 Pycnonotus barbatus 91 Pygiptila stellaris 23 Pyriglena leuconota 23, 99 pyrrhodes, Philydor 23 pyrrholeuca, Asthenes 147, 149, 151 Pyrrhura perlata 21—22 — picta 22 XXVI1 Quiscalus lugubris 50 — niger 10 Rallus longirostris 17 Ramphastos dicolorus 97 — tucanus 22 — vitellinus 22 Ramphocaenus melanurus 24 Ramphocelus carbo 24, 50, 101 Ramphotrigon fuscicauda 37 Recurvirostra avosetta 194 reguloides, Phylloscopus 45 reichenow1, Nectarinia 202 Reinarda squamata 49 reiseri, Phyllomyias 184-187 Rhegmatorhina melanosticta 37 Rhipidura 158 Rhodinocichla rosea 50 Rhynchocyclus olivaceus 24 rhynchotis, Anas 157 Rhytipterna simplex 24 ricordii, Chlorostilbon 17 ridibundus, Larus 209 Riparia riparia 50 rivularis, Phaeothlypis 24 rixosus, Machetornis 49 robusta, Cisticola 200 rolland, Rollandia 103 Rollandia rolland 103 rosea, Petroica 157 — | Rhodinocichla 50 rostrata, Geothlypis 17 ruber, Eudocimus 123-125 — _, Phaeothornis 22 rubetra, Saxicola 195 rubica, Habia 24 rubicundus, Grus 183 rubra, Piranga 169 rubricapillus, Melanerpes 49 rubricauda, Phaethon 107 rubricollis, Campephilus 23 rubrigastra, T’achuris 105 rubrocapilla, Pipra 24 rufa, Malacoptila 22 rufaxilla, Leptotila 22 ruficapillus, Phylloscopus 160 ruficauda, Galbula 22, 49 ruficeps, Elaenia 160 ruficollis, Corvus 8 — ,Hypnelus 49 rufifrons, Phacellodomus 49 rufigena, Caprimulgus 76 rufigularis, Falco 21 rufimarginatus, Herpsilochmus 23 rufipennis bolivianus, Polioxolmis subsp. nov. 30 rufipennis, Geositta 105 — __, Nectarinia 54 — __, Polioxolmis 26-31 rufipileatus, Automolus 23 rufus, Tachyphonus 24, 50 rustica, Hirundo 50 ruticilla, Setophaga 18, 169 rutilans, Synallaxis 23 — , Xenops 98 rutilus, Thryothorus 50 ruwenzorii, Caprimulgus 71, 75 Rynchops niger 25 Sakesphorus luctuosus 23 Saltator albicollus 50 — aurantiirostris 171-174 Saltator aurantiirostris parkesi subsp. nov. 172 Saltator coerulescens 50 — maxillosus 171-174 — maximus 24 — orenocensis 50 sandvicensis, Sterna 210 sanguinolenta, Certhia 154-156 — ,Myzomela 153-155 Sarcoramphus papa 25 Sasia africana 62-63 Saxicola caprata 183 — rubetra 195 Scardafella squammata 49 schistacea, Leucopternis 21 schistaceus, Thamnophilus 23 schlegeli, Arremon 50 Schoenicola platyura 201 schoenobaenus, Acrocephalus 195 scirpaceus, Acrocephalus 195 sclateri, Asthenes 147, 148 Sclateria naevia 23 Sclerurus caudacutus 23 — mexicanus 23 scotops, Eremomela 201 scutatus, Augastes 152 seebohmi, Amphilais 9, 10 — , Dromaeocercus 9 semifasciata, Tityra 25 semitorquatus, Lurocalis 22 senator, Lanius 195 Serinus ankoberensis 82 — atrogularis 81 — canaria 41 — collaris 82 — dimidiata 82 —— donaldsoni 202 — flavigula 81-83 — xantholaema 82 Serpophaga subcristata 105 serrana, Formicivora 187-193 serrana interposita, Formicivora subsp. nov. 189 serrana littoralis, Formicivora subsp. nov. 191 serrator, Sula 93 serrirostris, Colibri 104 Setophaga ruticilla 18, 169 severa, Ara 22 sibilatrix, Phylloscopus 195 Sicalis flaveola 50 — lutea 106 similis, Anthus 224 — ,Myiozetetes 25, 49 simlaensis, Phylloscopus 38-39, 41 Simoxenops ucayalae 21, 23 simplex, Camaroptera 200 — ,Myrmothera 168 — , Phaetusa 22 — ,Rhytipterna 24 Sitta ledanti 53 Sittasomus griseicapillus 23 Snethlagea minor 24 solitaria, Tringa 48 souleyetii, Lepidocolaptes 49 spadiceus, Attila 24 sparverius, Falco 16, 18 Sphenoaecus mentalis 201 spilogaster, Hieraaetus 198 Spilornis cheela 127-128 Spindalis zena 17 spirurus, Glyphorhynchus 23 spixil, Xiphorhynchus 23 Sporophila bouvronides 50 — intermedia 50 — lineola 50 — nigricollis 50 Spreo albicapilla 91 squamata, Reinarda 49 squamiger, Neomorphus 21, 22 squammata, Scardafella 49 squamulatus, Picumnus 49 steinbachi, Asthenes 147-148 stellaris, Botaurus 194 — ,Pygiptila 23 Stephanoaetus coronatus 199 Sterna albifrons 210 — fuscata 213 — maxima 18 — _ sandvicensis 210 — superciliaris 25 stictolaema, Deconychura 23, 37 stolidus, Anous 218 — ,Myiarchus 18 Streptopelia turtur 196, 210 striata, Muscicapa 211 striatus, Butorides 25 — , Melanerpes 18 subaureus, Ploceus 57—58 subbuteo, Falco 199 subcristata, Serpophaga 105 subflava, Inezia 24, 50 Sublegatus modestus 50 subruficollis, Tryngites 49 subulatus, Todus 18 subvinacea, Columba 49 subviridis, Phylloscopus 45 Sula 11, 216-218 Sula dactylatra 10-12, 213-218 — leucogaster 11-12, 213, 217-220 — _ serrator 93 — sula 12, 207, 213-221 sulcirostris, Crotophaga 49 sulphuratus, Pitangus 25, 49 XX1X sulphurescens, Tolmomyias 24 superciliaris, Melanerpes 17, 19 — ,Polystictus 152 — ,Sterna 25 superciliosus, Accipiter 21 — _, Phaethornis 22, 168-169 — ,Vanellus 199 surinamensis, Myrmotherula 23 svecica, Luscinia 195-197 Sylvia borin 195 — cantillans 211 — communis 195 — leucophaea 156-158 — nisoria 201 Synallaxis albescens 49 — cherriei 21, 23 — _guyjanensis 23, 98 — rutilans 23 Tachuris rubigastra 105 ‘Tachybaptus dominicus 17 Tachycineta albiventer 25, 50, 100 — _cyaneoviridis 17 — leucopyga 100 Tachyphonus cristatus 24 — luctuosus 25 — _phoenicius 169 — rufus 24,50 taciturnus, Arremon 24 taeniopterus, Ploceus 56—57 'Taeniotriccus andrei 21, 24 talpacoti, Columbina 49 ‘Tangara cayana 50 — mexicana 24 Taraba major 23, 49 tectus, Notharchus 22 temporalis, Neochmia 157 tenebrosa, Chelidoptera 22 ‘Terenotriccus erythrurus 24 ‘Tersina viridis 50 Thalurania furcata 22 Thamnomanes caesius 23 Thamnophilus amazonicus 23 — doliatus 49 — _ schistaceus 23 Thraupis episcopus 25 — _ glaucocolpa 50 — palmarum 24 Threnetes leucurus 22 Thryothorus coraya 24 — _ genibarbis 50 — guarayanus 101 — leucotis 24 — rutilus 50 thula, Egretta 25, 124 Tiaris bicolor 17 — olivacea 18 tibicen, Gymnorhina 183 ‘Tinamus guttatus 25 — major 21 Tityra inquisitor 25 — semifasciata 25 Todirostrum cinereum 50, 99 — maculatum 24 Todus subulatus 18 ‘Tolmomyias flaviventris 24, 49 — _poliocephalus 24 — _ sulphurescens 24 torquata, Ceryle 25 — ,Corythopis 24 torquilla, Jynx 196 Tribura 10 trichas, Geothlypis 17 Tringa erythropus 209 — flavipes 48 — glareola 195 — melanoleuca 104 — solitaria 48 tristigma, Caprimulgus 75 trivialis, Anthus 210 trochilirostris, Campylorhamphus 49 trochilus, Phylloscopus 195, 211 ‘Troglodytes aedon 50 Trogon melanurus 25 — violaceus 25 — viridis 22 Tryngites subruficollis 49 tuberculifer, Myiarchus 169 tucanus, Ramphastos 22 turdinus, Campylorhynchus 24, 100 Turdus albicollis 24 — fumigatus 24 — ignobilis 168 — leucomelas 50 — nudigenis 50 — olivater 167 — volitans 157 turtur, Streptopelia 196, 210 Tyranniscus gracilipes 24 tyrannulus, Myiarchus 49 Tyrannus dominicensis 18 melancholicus 25, 49 Tyto alba 17-18 — capensis 181-182 ucayalae, Simoxenops 21, 23 uluensis, Ploceus 56 umbrovirens, Phylloscopus 160 Upucerthia validirostris 105 urbica, Delichon 196 urichi, Phyllomyias 184-187 Uropsalis 204-205 Uropsalis lyra 204 urubambensis, Asthenes 148 urubitinga, Buteogallus 25 ustulatus, Microcerculus 168 validirostris, Upucerthia 105 validus, Pachyramphus 99 Vanellus cayanus 22 — chilensis 48 — superciliosus 199 — vanellus 207 varia, Grallaria 23 variegatus, Crypturellus 21 velatus, Ploceus 56—57 Veniliornis affinis 22 — kirkii 49 verreauxi, Leptotila 22, 49 Verreauxia africana 62 versicolurus, Brotogeris 97 verticalis, Nectarinia 13—14 vespertinus, Falco 7-8 vexillarius, Macrodipteryx 76 villosus, Picoides 17 violacea, Euphonia 24 — __, Loxigilla 17 — , Nyctanassa 124 violaceus, Trogon 25 Vireo crassirostris 17 virescens, Phyllomyias 184-187 — , Xanthomyias 184 virgata, Ciccaba 22 viridigaster, Amazilia 168 viridis, Psophia 21 — _, Tersina 50 — ., Trogon 22 vitellinus, Ramphastos 22 vittata, Melanodryas 157 vociferans, Lipaugus 24 Volatinia jacarina 25, 50 volitans, Turdus 157 vulturina, Gypopsitta 21—22 wakoloensis, Myzomela 154 watsonii, Otus 22 wyatti, Asthenes 148-151 xanthogonys, Heliodoxa 49 xantholaema, Serinus 82 Xanthomyias virescens 184 xanthopterygius, Forpus 96 Xenopipo atronitens 169 Xenops minutus 23 — rutilans 98 Xenopsaris albinucha 49 Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus 23 Xiphorhynchus elegans 105 — eytoni 23 — guttatus 49 — obsoletus 23 — _ pardalotus 168-169 — picus 23,49 — spixi23 Xolmis 26 yetapa, Gubernetes 99 yuracares, Gymnostinops 24 zena, Spindalis 17 Zenaida auriculata 49 — aurita17—18 Zonaeginthus 36 Gli) mie ooh iit Bil Printed in Great Britain by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset a es S an — a < Sc AS = C = oc a) SAN 4 Le = Oo “SS 2 ro) a ia =z =l 4 zy i VHYGIT LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI 4 o o o | = tt wes - Eg » = - Gy ae a NOILNLILSNI 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