Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices I i ee ee i ls a a > a, Bene ayy por or bg Ba bya "uy = lin lh a i el mye al Li ke ae i at al) || Li a in See eee Seed ©) i lis gy ee li C3) @Y > ~--«( GROWN BY ))p-~~ J. M. SMITH’S SONS, GARDENERS. Green Bay, - ~ Wisconsin. we ©) Bay direet trom Growers and get = good stoer. ADVOCATE PRENT, Green Bay, Wis. ae swag nieetayy ae mise UUs ee nag ie se gga Ty en eye erent a cA ae Ce A le fin attliney ailliins slne ollie Mn vsttlasalllastllin salle Sali illitcottlinstllinatlinwtlinatltiatltin utllttn allt allie rutting, " il ttvallln ' allie wtiliareatlins satlddarveetthtecceutlitecerttltens vtldln, “lsaif Be esc iti enone gt a Nae g illdesallintinoatltinatlins ‘Che ders: RO ee vn Spuhler Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS, CARPETS; CLOTHING, AVN AI NIN LN AL VAR AIO I ONL FNL INI Special Attention Given to SO OS OO OO OO DO DB a a The A. SPUHLER CO., 229 and 281 Washington St, GREEN BAY, - WIS. PRICE, LIST —.66 OF goo Grown by Howard J. Smith. irvine C. Smith. J. M. Smith’s Sons, GARDE! NERS. Growers of Choice Sead Potatoes. Established 1869. Reorganized 1894. 50 Acres Devoted to gardening and Seed Potato growing. J. M. Smitn’s Sons, How to Order. Our terms are cash with the order. All orders acknowledged as soon as received. Potatoes will be shipped as soon as the weather will permit. All inquiries promptly answered. We pack in barrels, for which we make no charge. Purchaser pays freight or express charges. Be sure to write your name and address plainly, giving Post Office, County and State. GREEN Bay, WIS. EH Auindeay ¢ QO igbO. We have grown them for many years and they in_ variably give us the best results of any of the early varie_ ties we have tried. ‘They are large, well shaped, of good quality and very productive. == PRICE. == PER PECK, =. 46 cents. UBUSHEL, = ‘$150 Six Bushels or Over at $1.40 Second Size per Bushel, $1.00 BEAU LY -@irri bh BRON: $2 EGS This is one of the Standard varieties, and is well worthy the place it holds among growers. It is of good size, very handsome, a heavy cropper and of excellent quality: not quite as early as the Ohio. => PRICE. == ‘PERP PECK 4 '= (ge cents. BUSHEL; "31-40 Six Bushels at $1.30 Second Size per Bushel, $1.00 GREEN Bay, WIs. TRG rer CGP V— This is the earliest of any variety grown about here. In size as well as quality, it is inferior to either the Ohio or Hebron, but as it is earlier than either, it can be got- ten into the market sooner It has been grown with suc- cess and profit in this locality for several years ——@ PRICE. |&-_ PER PECK - s5ecents. (PER BUSIEL: --) oi 60 Second Size per Bushel at $1.20 FREE LAIN. +2 gedsu— This variety, which has been boomed so extensively by Mr. Maule and other seedsmen, we have grown for four years and must say, it has many good qualities. It is medium early, very handsome, a heavy cropper and of Superb quality. We have produced very large crops of the Freeman under conditions distinctly unfavorable. We have much finer stock now, than the original barrel J. M. Soiry’s Sons, contained. which we received from Mr. Maule in the spring of 1891. = "EPRICE (6 — PER. PECK; \' So! cents BUSHEL. = $1.6c Six Bushels at $1.40 Second Size per Bushel, $1.10 BURBAN Kyo SEE DEIN 83 SA This variety, while inferior to most of the standard varieties. maintains a strong place in the market on ac- count of its handsome appearance’ Rather late, it is a heavy cropper and isa strong favorite all through the celebrated Waupaca district. 46), PRICE. Pisk> PEGK,’= *:40 cents: BUSE EG =? $1x 30 Six Bushels at $1.20 7 Second Size per Bushel, $1.00 J. M. SmitrH’s Sons, VAN ORNAM’S SUPERFINE, We received the first of these from Mr. F. B, Van Ornam of. Lewis, Cass Co., Iowa, in 1893. They are of good size, medium early, color pure white, and are with us, very productive. Quality very fine. Have onlya very few. ae 0) 2) 5) | 8128 Ca PER TALE -PECK, -60.cénts: PECK, - $1.00 RUS SE yee lr BLO VY, @ _Ap)aen © We received one small tuber of this variety in ‘the spring of 1893, from some unknown party. ‘They are, as the name indicates’, a true Peachblow. medium size, rather late, of good Quality. Only a few. ) ——{8] PRICE. |@—— PER, HALE BBRGK, = . 60, PECK, 34 Bijee Single fine tuber of any of the foregoing varieties by mail, post paid, 25 cents. GREEN Bay, WIs. WORLDS FAIR. We are growing this variety somewhat extensively, and consider it one of the very best of the new varieties. Our surplus stock is all sold to Mr. L. L. Olds of Clinton, Wis.. to whom we would recommend our patrons. JM. SMT ES: SONS, GREEN Bay, WIS. We also have a fine lot of Palmetto Asparagus Plants. One Year Old Plants, - per 100, $1.00 ‘Two ¢< 6é 6s 6s $1.25 RH UBAR B*(PiRePRANT) Fine One Year old Plants, grown from seed, per dozen, - $1.00 per hundred, - $5.00 Plants from old stools, cut to one large eye Red Varieties. per dozen, $1.20 per hundred, $6 00 Mammoth Green, per doz. $1 50 per hundred, $7.00 J. M. Smrrk’s Sons, WE GROW Seed Potatoes on Contract, If you are wanting any POTATOES GROWN FOR SEED, We should be pleased to have you Write Us, stating What You Have to Offer IN THAT Lae Satisfaction Guaranteed: J. M. Smira’s Sons, © BRNO. We have, what has been called by many gardeners and fruit growers, the finest field of currant bushes in the North-West. They are mainly Prince Albert and Long Bunch Holland (both red) with a few Black. ‘The bushes are at all stages of growth, from two year old plants just set, to fully developed bushes. We should be pleased to have your orders for full length canes of either of the above varieties for next fall delivery. ‘The Prince Albert and Long Bunch Holland are a little later than the old Red Dutch and produce much finer. larger fruit. We consider them far ahead of any of the earlier varieties, eS) PRICES 25 CANES, 40 cents; 100 CANES. $1,00; 1,000 CANES, $8.co. The firms advertising in this Catalogue are among the aldest and most reliable in the city. NZ J. M. SmituH’s Sons, Rs B ns _ARA? ONION INES SAAR LAI SRA ARN ARDWaRE _ STOVES, > (CAST OR STEEL, ) Call on Us. Special Low Price on Baas Seer TH 226 For Sixty Days. CALL OR WRITE. W. D. COOKE, 201 N. Washington St., Green Bay, Wis. All Goods delivered free to depots. January 1, 1895. GREEN Bay, WISs. The Most Solid The Best Looking ) ; 1 1 a lh Lowest Priced AND ee ae a Oi, poe Dia Hoeffel Bros. 302 Washington St.. GREEN BAY, Always Reliable J} Never Misrepresented U Ae Smitu’s Sons, JOHN eines « CH, "Ales ewe “a Jewel: SING er, Makes a specialty of Kitting Spectacles Correctly And Fine Watch Repairing. Also a complete line of Watches and Clocks, 210 N. Washington Street, Green Bay. Luckenbach $ Pharmacy 212 N. Washington Street. Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fancy and @oilet Articles. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully Company Orders answered with care and dispatch. GREEN Bay, WIs. Fr YT RASCH E f \ ( ( a} —_. SS we CS Tux @ Pate 8 Pet hate eZ Y tat > ) 221 N Washington Street, Is Headquarters for Wall Paper, Shades, Children’s Carriages, Htc. Walliehpatiae hig 2a gaemon! wp: G. KUSTERMANN, School books and Stationery Piangs and Organs. 17 N. Washington St, § GREEN BAY, WIS. hb. C,CABY: S. P. HUNTINGTON. “(: pe ee sx Ce ) tA YAY Nos Ma —% EN BAY, WIS d . § N. J. M. SMrrn’s — — Sens, ta _— % Wholesale and Retail Dealer in and Manufacturer of Of all Kinds. Blankets, Robes, Saddles, Etc. Rte. Satisfaction Guaranteed. | 2 23 WO ads Street. The Citizens National Bank OE Green Bay. Gapital : : 6100,000. Surplus ano Profits 2 22, O@®. H. S. ELDRED, JAMES H. ELMORE, W. P. WAGNER, President. Vice President. Cashier. DIRECTORS; H. S, Eldred, E. K. Ansorge, Simon J. Murphy, &r., Mitchell Joannes, H 4. Straubel, Chas. fk, Vroman, ° G. Kustermana, James H. Elmore, E. W. Persons, GREEN Bay, WIs Green Bay Brooding stud Stall ions. Bourbon Prince 10679; Sire of Bourbon Sneak (2 year old,) record -2:314; (8 year old) record 2:244; Bourbon Bell (8 year old) record 2:35. El Merito 11697, Sired by Hambrino Bo record 2:214; Sire of 34, 2:30 performers Aaron 5 (2 year old,) record 2:29, close sec- ond in 2:19; Sired by California Lambert 109386; record 2:27; Sire of 2, 2:30 performers. The above Stallions will make the season of 1895 at $20.00 the season, with usual return privilege, DESNOYERS & DUCHATEAU, Props, WM. HOFFMAN, Merchant Tailor, Wholesale and Retail! Dealer in Joie aC ery Gonads Wilson Bros.’ Custom and Stock Made Shirts, Hats and Caps. Silk Hats Made to Order. 224 Wasbingten St., GREEN BAY, WIS. GREEN Bay, WIs, ia Dollar Saurh oo Ts a @ollar Waar. You can save a good many dollars buying FUR NI Dae Lefebvre & Schumacher, 325 and 327 Washington St., (Near Main Street.) We recently bought the entire stock of the New London Furniture Factory at a big discount, The stock consists of Bedroom Suits, Bureaus, Washstands, Tables, Baws HTC... BVC., And will be sold at prices that will astonish you. LEFEBYRE & SCHUMACHER, *Wchineton st. Near Main Street, GREEN BAY, WIS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING. A Complete Line of WOOD, CLOTH COVERED CASKETS 7 —_AND COFFINS. _i ieee {area | ———— == oD, W. BRIETELON, Manufacturer of | COOPERAGEK I, 1 wakes's’speciaity of Pork, Pickle, Syrup and Fish Packages. ORDERS SOLICITED IN CAR LOAD LOTS OR LESS. GREEN BAY, \V IS. Oftice, Mill and Shops, foot of Monroe Avemue. WISCONSIN’S Leading Commercial a Sched, GREEN BAY Bus NESS. OLLIE * The Finest Equipped Commercial - a School in the Nockiwert’ SH aa ry his is the only Hiniriess Collen i a SVs onsin oe that owns, controls and occupies its own building re- cently erected for the exclusive use of the College. sm ~*oe COURSES OF. STUDY: a Preparatory, Penmanship, Commercial, Business. : > Practice, Short-Hand and ATeewreee ee For Free Cireular, address J. N. McCUNN, PreEsipentT.