I NNBT HPI Illlllllllllll AHvnan IOHAV law BULLETIN OF THE rooklyn Concnological Club Vol. I Brooklyn, N. Y., November, 1907 No. 1 PUBLISHED BY THE CL,UB Silas C. Wheat, President, 9X7 Sterling PI ice C. Dayton Gwyer, Secretary. 303 Putnam Avenue CONTENTS ABNORMAL SHELLS. By S. C. Wheat ...... 3 A NEW VARIETAL FORM OF TURBO PETH ; Greenport, rare, S & P. Scenea planorbis Fabricius ; Centre Island. Rissoa minuta Totten ; Centre Island, Balch. Acmaea testudinals Miiller ; Centre Island, living, rare Actaeon pnnctostriata Adams; Greenport. S. & P. Cylichna alba Brown; Centre Island, rare. PUI.MONATA. Alexia myosotis Drap. ; rare; Cold Spring, Balch. Melampus lineatus Say; all coasts, abundant. 8 POIA'PIvACOPHOKA. Chaetopleura apictilata Say; Huntington. Trachydermon albus Linnaeus; Montauk, S. & P. I'lvUECYPODA. Teredo - -; all coasts in submerged timber. Pholas truncata Say; Centre Island; Barren Island. Ensis directus Conrad ; all coasts, plentiful. Solemya" velum Say; Huntington, rare. Tagelus gibbus Gray; Centre Island. Mya arenaria Linnaeus; all coasts, abundant. Pandora trilineata Say; Lower Bay. Lyonsia hyalina Conrad; Centre Island; Huntington. Mactra solidissima Chemnitz; all coasts, abundant. M. lateralis Sa}^; Centre Island. Tellina tenera Say ; soutb coast. Macoma balthica Linnaeus; Montauk. M. tenta Say; Greenport, S. & P. M. Calcarea Gmelin ; Dall; Nat. Mus. Proc. 190123, 299. Donax fossor Say; Far Rockaway. Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck; abundant. Venus mercenaria Linnaeus; common. Y. mercenaria var. notata Say; rare. Cytherea convexa Say; Far Rockaway. Gemma gemma Totten ; Centre Island, very abundant in July, 1903, rare 1902, 1904. Cardium pinnulatum Conrad; Peconic Bay, S. & P. C. ciliatum Fabricius ; Dall. in Nat. Mus. Proc. 1901. C. mortoni Conrad; Centre Island, abundant. Divaricella quadrisulcata d'OrI)igny (- Lucina strigilla) ; Manhattan Beach ; dead sliell. Lucinella divaricata Linnaeus; Manhattan Beach. Solemya velum Say; Greenport, rare, S. & P. Astarte castanea Say; south coast. A. sulcata Montague; Northport, plentiful. Xucula proxima Say: Centre Island. Yoldia limalula Say; Lower May. Y. -a p'H ilia Gould; Greenport, S. & P. Area pexata Say: bays. Sound and ocean. A. transversa Say; Centre Island. Mytilus ednlis l,innaeus; bays and Sound; many marked with rich brown rays at Centre Island. Modiolus modiolus Linnaeus; Centre Island. M. i)lieatulus Lamarck; abundant everywhere. Pecten irradians Lamarck; all bays. Anemia glabra Linnaeus: abundant. A. aculeata Gmelin ; Greenport, S. & P. Ostrea borealis Lamarck ; common, all bays. FRESHWATER SPECIES. Campeloma decisa Say ; Riverhead, S. & P. Amnicola limosa Say (- A. porata) ; Riverhead, S. & P. Limnaea auricularia Linnaeus; lily ponds in Prospect Park, intro dnced. L. colnmella Say; all streams and ponds. L. hnmilis Say ; Huntington, S. & P. L. desidiosa Say; Huntington, Flushing. Physa heterostropha Say ; all streams. Aplexa hypnorum Linnaeus ; Huntington, rare, S. & P. Planorbis trivolvis Say; all ponds, abundant, even when water dries up for six weeks in summer. P. bicarinatus Say; running streams, rare. P. exacutus Say ; ponds at Jamaica. P. dilatatus Gould ; Southold, rare, S. & P. P. parvus Say; ponds and streams. Segmentia armigera Say ; streams near Jamaica. Ancylus fuscus Adams ; Flushing. Ancylus - -; Flushing. Gundlachia stimpsoniana Smith ; Greenport, S. & P. Sphaerium simile Say ; Flushing. Calyculina partumeia Say (- Sphaerium) ; all ponds, even when water dries up for weeks. C. securis Prime; Riverhead, S. & P. Pisidium abditum Haldeman ; common, S. & P. P. variabile Prime; Centerport, rare. S. & P. P. splendidulum Sterki ; Long Island, Letson. Unio complanatus Solander ; Riverhead, S. & P. Anodonta implicata Say; lake in Prospect Park. A. cataracta Say ; Flushing. LAND SHELLS. Pyramidula alternata Say ; Lloyd's Xeck, S. P. Helicodiscus lineatus Say ; Bayville. Polygyra albolabris Say ; Bayville. P. thyroides Say ; all woods. Helix nemoralis ; Flushing, introduced. Vallonia pulchella Miiller; in gardens everywhere. Strobilops labyrinthica Say; Staten Island; Greenport, S. & P. Zonitoides arboreus Say; all woods. Vitrea cellaria M tiller ; Brooklyn. Succinea avara Say; Huntington, rare, S. & P. S. obliqua Say ; north of Jamaica. S. -; Rockaway Park. TO Shall We Have an American Concholo^ical Society ? For half a century tlic Conchologists and shell collectors of Brook- lyn have held frequent meetings to compare notes and view collections. For several years they formed a Section in the Department of Natural History of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, hut withdrew from that hody four years since and organized the Brooklyn Concho- logical Club. Letters of inquiry about the Club were received from time to time and it seemed that all parties would be mutually benefitted if students of the Mollusca in all parts of the country were united in one organ- ization and provided with a means of communication and exchange of opinions. At the regular meeting of the Club in May, 1907, it was resolved to receive members from all parts of North America, to adopt for the name of the larger body "The American Conchological Society/' and to cail the first annual meeting in October, 1907. On motion the following were appointed a committee to organize the society, elect officers and make rules to govern it until the first annual meeting and to report to said meeting : Silas C. Wheat, C. Dayton Gwyer, Maxwell Smith, Frank H. Ames, Fred W. Weaver, A. di Costa Gomez, Charles A. Dayton, D. W. Ferguson, W. H. Weeks, A. W. Lawrence, and J. W. Judd. The committee arranged for an official organ (a monthly publica- tion), and for one or more bulletins each year, enrolled members, secured a room for the annual meeting in the American Museum of Natural History, prepared a prospectus of the new society to be cir- culated as soon as people should return from their vacations, and elected the following officers : President, Dr. H. A. Pilsbry, Curator of Dep. Mollusca, Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia ; Vice- President, Louis A. Gratacap, Curator American Museum Natural History; Treasurer, Silas C. Wheat, of Brooklyn; Secretary, Maxwell Smith, of the Amer. Museum Nat. History. An independent movement with the same end in view took place in Boston during the recent session ,of the International Congress of Zoology, August 19-24, resulting in the appointment of the following Committee: Dr. William II. Ball, of Washington; Dr. H. A. Pilsbry, of Philadelphia; Elizabeth J. Letson, of Buffalo; Silas C. Wheat, of Brooklyn ; and John Ritchie, Jr., of Boston. The slow pace of the correspondence that followed between the scattered members of the two committees caused a delay in issuing the prospectus and made it necessary to abandon the plan for a general meeting in October. Both committees desire harmony and the establishment of the society upon a secure foundation. In place of the prospectus by the 1 1 Brooklyn committee, the "suggestions" by Dr. Dall are presented. All persons interested in the formation of an American Conchological Society are requested to address the Secretary, Maxwell Smith, 265 West 72nd Street, New York, N. Y., stating intention to join the society, request for further information, or criticism of the suggestions, and address of persons to whom this paper should be sent. We invite a free expression of opinions. The members of the Brooklyn Club prefer that the dues should not exceed two dollars per annum, and life membership forty dollars. Mr. C. W. Johnson, of the Boston Society of Natural History, writes : "I would make it $2, certainly not over $3, and the life membership $50." Memorandum of Suggestions for the Organization of a National Conchological Association or Society, by Win. H. Dall, Oct. 15, '07 NAME. The AMERICAN Conchological Society would be better than '\ATIOXAL,'" as Mexican, Cuban, or Canadian members, whom it would be desirable to include, might object to the term "National" as exclud- ing them. OFFICE. To promote intercourse between the students of Mollusca, recent or fossil, in North America, the Antilles and Hawaii; to en- courage the study of Mollusks by meetings and publications, or other means suitable for the purpose; and to interest the general public in the study of shells. OFFICERS. The officers shall comprise a president, a vice-president for each section, a general secretary and a treasurer, and an executive council consisting of nine members. MEMBERS. The membership of the Society shall be divided into the following classes : Patrons, life members, active annual members, associates, and corresponding members. A limited number of honorary corresponding members may be authorized by the council if deemed desirable. QUALIFICATIONS. A patron shall be a donor to the Society of any sum exceeding the total of two life membership fees, and shall be en- titled to all publications of the Society and to receive gratis any periodical which may be distributed, as its organ, to the members by the Society. A life membership may be secured by the payment to the Society's treasurer of the sum of one hundred dollars ; active member- ship by the annual payment in advance of the sum of five dollars; asso- ciate membership by the annual payment in advance of one dollar and a half by American associates and two dollars by foreign associates or corresponding members. Honorary members may be relieved of pay- ment at the time of election, by the vote of the executive council. 12 All members sball be nominated in ilie council, by the application of any three members nr assneiates in good standing through the secre- tary, and sball be eleeted by a majority vote of the council, but no election sball be deemed effective until the treasurer lias received the lirst annual subscription from the nominee, and the publications of the Society shall not be sent to any member subsequently, more than two months in arrears. All membership fees shall be clue and payable at the beginning of the year and no subscription, for the benefit of any member or associate, to the organ of the society shall be made by the treasurer, until this annual fee shall have been paid. SECTIONS. To facilitate local intercourse by meetings or otherwise, the Society may establish sections for the members of the Atlantic coast, Pacific coast and Mississippi valley (or other) regions. Meet- ings within each sectional area may be arranged by the local sectional vice-president, and the members of the section may elect temporary officers, except the vice-president when present, and by a majority vote assess such local subscriptions as may be needed to carry on local work, in addition to the regular annual fees. NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS. Owing to the scattered distribution of the membership, voting may be by ballot mailed to the secretary, who shall announce the result through the organ of the Society, in the number next following the limit fixed for counting the vote, but no votes by proxy shall be accepted. Nominations for officers may be made by any three members or associates, so as to be announced at least one month before the annual election in the Society's organ. Nominations for membership may be made at any time, but at least one month before they are to be acted upon. The secretary, treasurer and members of the executive council shall be active or life members, and shall serve until the election of their successors. Elections shall be annual. The president, vice-presidents, secretary and treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the Council. The term of office for the members of the Council (not ex-officio) shall be three years, but three members shall retire each year, and of the nine members elected to the Council at the first election three shall serve one year, three two years, and three the full term, the individuals to be determined by lot ; after which three members shall be elected annually. THE COUNCIL. The Council shall conduct the business of the Society, elect members, control expenditures, audit the treasurer's ac- counts, prescribe the duties of Secretary and Treasurer, make rules or by-laws to carry out the details of the organization of the Society, and shall annually report to the Society at least one month before the an- nual election. All new members or associates shall be elected by a majority vote of the Council, not less than five members consti- tuting a quorum. 13 ACTIVE MEMBERS. Active members shall be elected from those per- sons actively engaged in research, the collection, or the study of the Mollusca ; and their qualifications shall be stated in the nomination papers. Associates may be any one of good character interested in the general subject or the study of natural history. Corresponding mem- bers shall be residents of foreign countries. OFFICIAL ORGAN. The Council may select a periodical, not issued by the Society, as its official organ, and may from the annual fees pay such subscription for the several members and associates as may be arranged for with the proprietors of such periodical. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. The constitu- tion may be amended by a majority vote of the life and active members at any annual meeting, provided notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given in the official organ at least three months pre- viously. Amendments to the by-laws may be made at any meeting of the Council called for the purpose, at least one month's notice having been given to the members of the Council. PERMANENT FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES. The sums paid in by patrons and life members shall be invested and constitute a permanent fund, of which the interest only shrill be available for expenses as directed by the Council. All expenditures must be authorized and all investments approved by a vote of the Council, which shall have the Treasurer's accounts annually audited, the result to be included in the annual report to the Society. Loss OF MEMBERSHIP. Any member or associate tw r o months in de- fault in his annual subscription shall be notified by the Secretary, and any member or associate who shall be over one year in arrears shall, ipse facto, lose membership; provided that, on a majority vote of the Council and payment of all arrearages, such member or associate may be reinstated without a formal re-election. ;jc >fi ^ ^ % ^c To conchologists and all who arc admirers of shells: Please write to the Secretary to-day replying to the following : Do you wish a copy of the next issue of the Bulletin sent to you? Do you intend to become a members of the American Conchological Society? Have you any additions or changes to propose to the foregoing "Memorandum of Suggestions"? Address Maxwell Smith, Secretary, 265 West 72nd Street, New York City. He # if. * %. :jc Please mention this paper when writing to advertisers. Please remove and inclose the coupon on page 15 when writing about the "Nature Library." 14