10 7 - British Ornithologists’ Club NATURAL MUSE Volume 135 No. 2 June 2015 Natural History Museum Library FORTHCOMING MEETINGS See also BOC website: http://www.boc-online.org BOC MEETINGS are open to all, not just BOC members, and are free. Evening meetings are in an upstairs room at The Barley Mow, 104 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London SW1P 2EE. The nearest Tube stations are Victoria and St James's Park; and the 507 bus, which runs from Victoria to Waterloo, stops nearby. For maps, see http://www.markettaverns.co.uk/the_barley_mow.html or ask the Chairman for directions. The cash bar opens at 6.00 pm and those who wish to eat after the meeting can place an order. The talk will start at 6.30 pm and, with questions, will last c.l hour. It ivould be very helpful if those intending to come can notify the Chairman no later than the day before the meeting. Tuesday 22 September 2015 — 6.30 pm — Dr Hazel Jackson— Molecular phylogeography and mechanisms of invasion success in Ring-necked Parakeets across Europe Abstract: Invasive species present a major threat to global biodiversity; therefore understanding genetic patterns and evolutionary processes that enable successful invasions is paramount. Among birds, Ring-necked Parakeet Psittncula krameri is one of the most successful invasive species, established in more than 35 countries. However, little is known about the ancestral origins of this species and what population genetic signatures tell us concerning their patterns of invasion. Evolution and genetic diversity in Ring-necked Parakeet populations is examined across Europe, alongside data on trade, climate and population growth, to highlight how multiple introductions and patterns of climate matching between the native and invasive ranges act as mechanisms for invasion success. Biography: Hazel Jackson is a post-doctoral researcher with the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), at the University of Kent in Canterbury. Her research interests include evolution and population genetics of both endemic and invasive birds, in particular parrots. Hazel recently completed her Ph.D., which examined the evolution and ancestral origins of invasive Ring-necked Parakeets, whilst aiming to understand underlying genetic mechanisms that have enabled this species to become one of the most successful avian invaders around the globe. 000084544 A one-day joint meeting with the Ornithological Society of the Middle East and the Natural History Museum, focused on Middle Eastern birds, will take place in the Flett Theatre, Natural History Museum, South Kensington, on Saturday 21 November 2015. Full programme details will be published shortly on the BOC website (http://www.boc-online.org), as well as in the September Bulletin. The Chairman: Chris Storey, 22 Richmond Park Road, London SW14 8JT UK. Tel. +44 (0)208 8764728. E-mail: c.storeyl@btinternet.com Club Announcements 97 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Bulletin of the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM ” n V Vol. 135 No. 2 Pub shed 6 June 2015 CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS The 979th meeting of the Club was held on Tuesday 10 March 2015 in the upstairs room at The Barley Mow, 104 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London SW1P 2EE. Sixteen members and four non-members were present. Members attending were: Miss H. Baker, Cdr. M. B. Casement, RN, Mr S. Chapman, Dr R. A. Cheke, Dr C. Fisher (Speaker), Mr K. Heron Jones, Mr G. P. Jackson, Mr G. M. Kirwan, Mr R. Langley, Mr R. W. Malin, Mr D. Montier, Mrs A. Moore, Dr R. Prys-Jones, Mr N. Redman, Mr S. A. H. Statham and Mr C. W. R. Storey (Chairman). Non-members attending were: Mr R. Borello, Mrs W. Borello, Mrs B. Harrison and Mrs M. Montier. Clemency Fisher, Senior Curator of Vertebrate Zoology at National Museums Liverpool, spoke on The jigsaw puzzle with many pieces missing: reconstructing a 19th century bird collection. Fisher has been researching the collections of the English explorer-naturalist John Gilbert for nearly 40 years. She opened her talk with a picture of Gilbert, a reconstruction based on the few comments that exist concerning his physical appearance—there is no known portrait of him. Despite this, Australians have named a major river, two mountains, a view and an airplane after Gilbert, and many species such as Gilbert's Whistler Pachycephala inornata, a small kangaroo and a lizard bear his name. Clem showed a photograph of the large audience, including clergymen of several denominations, who had made their way to the outskirts of Taroom in central Queensland to attend the opening of 'Gilbert's Lookout' in 2004. Some of Gilbert's avian discoveries, such as Gouldian Finch Erythrura gouldiae and Noisy Scrub-bird Atrichornis clamosus, are now endangered, and Clem described how individuals of the latter have been successfully translocated to suitable locations based on habitat notes that Gilbert made. She also described the difficulty of pinpointing which of Gilbert's specimens of the scrub-bird was the first he collected, and the one on which Gould based the species. Her instincts tell her it is a specimen in the Museum of Comparative Anatomy at Harvard University, rather than the designated lectotype in the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. This has important implications, especially because of the increasing ability to extract DNA from old specimens. Clem reviewed the meticulous research that has gone into identifying the type locality of the Paradise Parrot Psephotus pulcherrimus, sadly now extinct, which Gilbert discovered on the Darling Downs of southern Queensland. The date (and thereby the exact locality) Gilbert and his friend Charles Coxen first collected this beautiful parrot, 17 May 1844, was discovered by Clem and Ian McAllan by reading Gilbert's faded pencil diary entry from a copy on microfilm. This could be backlit, whereas the original diary entry looks completely blank. The date, 17 May 1844, is recorded on Gilbert's original label on an adult male now in National Museums Liverpool, but the designated lectotype in Philadelphia has no original label and no collecting date, and therefore cannot be proved to have any type status. Gilbert collected in many locations in Australia, but his most important site was the tiny British naval colony of Port Essington, on the north coast. Here he collected thousands of specimens, including many birds. A Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius skeleton prepared by Gilbert lay ignored in one museum because the glass lid of the box had been incorrectly swapped with that of another, data-less specimen. Gilbert collected eggs and nests; his employer, John Gould, split the clutches up and sold them to different collectors. Some clutches are now divided between museums in the Netherlands, California, Connecticut and Hertfordshire, and can only be reunited by comparing Gilbert's writing on the eggs, made difficult by the blobs of old glue that often obscure this. Gilbert's final expedition was undertaken as a member of the First Leichhardt Expedition of 1844-45, the first party of Europeans to cross Australia. On this important expedition Gilbert collected the type specimens of a few birds such as White-browed Robin Poecilodryas superciliosa, but was too much preoccupied with herding bullocks and finding water to do much collecting. His sad death on the Cape York Peninsula in June 1845, aged just 33, robbed England and Australia of one of the most able bird collectors, but left us with a plethora of irreplaceable specimens and field notes. Clem has still much work to do, but due to a two-year grant from the Leverhulme Trust has been able to answer many thorny problems, and has posted the results of her research on National Museums Liverpool's website, see: www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/ wml/collections/zoology/john-gilbert/index.aspx Jason Anderson 98 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Eye colour variation in Rufous-bellied Tit Melaniparus rufiventris in western Tanzania by Jason Anderson Received 25 August 2014 Summary. — I report records of pale-eyed Rufous-bellied Tits Melaniparus rufiventris ssp. from western Tanzania, including sight records and a specimen in the Museum fin Naturkunde, Berlin, from Kakoma, one of three M. r. pallidiventris syntypes located, for which the previously overlooked eye colour is recorded as yellow-white. Pale eye coloration has never previously been documented in pallidiventris. I also describe several minor plumage differences from birds east of the central Tanzanian rift (also considered to be pallidiventris) and provide evidence that pale-eyed and dark-eyed adults co-occur within the same population to the west. 1 conclude that the range of M. r. masukuensis probably extends to south-west Tanzania and that differences between eastern and western Tanzanian specimens assigned to pallidiventris may warrant separation at subspecific level through resurrection of M. r. rovumae, collected in eastern Tanzania and since subsumed in pallidiventris. However, given the small sample size of western Tanzanian birds (due to the paucity of museum specimens), I recommend waiting for more data, including phylogenetic comparison of the rufiventris complex as a whole. The taxonomic status of the Rufous-bellied Tit Melaniparus rufiventris complex is controversial, being currently considered to comprise between three and five taxa. Fry et al. (2000) recognised only M. (then Parus) r. rufiventris (Bocage, 1877), M. r. pallidiventris (Reichenow, 1885) and M. r. masukuensis (Shelley, 1900), considering all three to be conspecific. Harrap & Quinn (1996) also recognised M. r. diligens (Clancey, 1979) and M. r. stenotopicus (Clancey, 1989), and followed Sibley & Monroe (1990) in separating the three western forms ( rufiventris, diligens and masukuensis) as Rufous-bellied Tit from the two eastern taxa ( pallidiventris and stenotopicus) as a separate species, Cinnamon-breasted Tit, based primarily on iris coloration (pale in western taxa, dark in eastern forms) and plumage (belly orange in western forms, paler cinnamon in taxa). Dowsett & Dowsett-Lemaire (1993: 369) recognised just one species, noting records of potential hybrids where the two forms meet, a lack of data from potential hybridisation zones and the argument that 'iris colour is not necessarily a biological isolating mechanism'. Recently, Johansson et al. (2013), as well as placing all African tits in the genus Melaniparus, sampled three specimens from the rufiventris group; a M. r. rufiventris (= diligens) at the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm (NRM 570164) collected in Namibia, and one each at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley (MVZ uncatalogued, RCKB1104) and Museums of Malawi, Blantyre (MOM 2007.2.228), both of which they ascribed to M. r. pallidiventris. However, collecting locality (Ntchisi Forest, Central Region, Malawi; cf. Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2006), eye colour (cream; R. Bowie in lift. 2014) and plumage coloration confirm these specimens to be masukuensis, not pallidiventris. The genetic distance between the Namibian rufiventris (= diligens) specimen and the Malawian masukuensis is fairly short, as expected for conspecific taxa. Two other molecular phylogenies of titmice (Gill et al. 2005, Tietze & Borthakur 2012) claim to have sampled pallidiventris, a specimen at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA (MCZ © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Jason Anderson 99 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Figure 1. Atlas data for M. r. rufiventris and M. r. pallidiventris in Tanzania and adjacent countries. Diamonds = masukuensis, triangles = western pallidiventris / masukuensis, circles = eastern pallidiventris. Star indicates erroneously labelled White-bellied Tit M. albiventris (FMNH 216938). Question marks indicate data deficient regions. Mid grey indicates distribution of major areas of miombo woodland mapped at broad scales by White (1983). 279710). Given the collecting locality (Mzimba District, Northern Region, Malawi) and plumage coloration in photographs, this specimen is also masukuensis not pallidiventris. This means that no specimens of M. r. pallidiventris have been genetically sampled to date. In the absence of such data, given the findings described below, I choose not to treat rufiventris and pallidiventris as separate species. Distribution According to atlas data (Baker & Baker in prep.) and all other literature, the only taxon known to occur in Tanzania is dark-eyed M. r. pallidiventris (including the synonym rovumae). In eastern Zambia, west of the Albertine / Tanganyika Rift, the taxon involved is pale-eyed M. r. masukuensis, which Dowsett et al. (2008) suggested shows 'perhaps a slight approach to the even paler M. r. pallidiventris (with eye brown, rather than yellowish) in parts of the east.' Tanzanian pallidiventris is split into two apparently separate populations, east and west of the Gregory Rift (hereafter 'eastern' and 'western Tanzania'; Baker & Baker in prep.), with the western population apparently contiguous with masukuensis in Zambia, and the eastern population possibly contiguous with pallidiventris in Mozambique and Malawi, although no atlas data are available for northern Mozambique. The three known syntypes for pallidiventris were collected by Bohm in 1881, at Kakoma, west of the Gregory Rift, and described by Reichenow in 1885, seven years before Shelley described rovumae, 1892, from the Rovuma River, east of the Gregory Rift, which is now a synonym of pallidiventris. Fig. 1 shows the current distribution in Tanzania and adjacent countries. In Malawi only pallidiventris occurs east of the Rift and it is largely replaced by masukuensis on the western plateau, with a few records of pallidiventris from the west (Zobue and © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Jason Anderson 100 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Phirilongwe; Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2006: 419). M. r. masukuensis occurs in south-east Democratic Republic of Congo (Schouteden 1956). Field observations During the 'Filling the Knowledge Gaps Ecological Expedition' to the Itulu Forest Reserves of Tabora Region, western Tanzania, in January 2011, I saw two M. rufiventris ssp. with pale irides among a mixed-species foraging flock in pristine miombo woodland. My field notes are fairly consistent with descriptions of M. r. pallidiventris excluding eye colour and 'a grey band between [the belly] and the black of the head'. Several poor- quality photographs show birds fairly typical of pallidiventris except the pale eyes (Fig. 2). Other individuals in the same flock had dark irides. None appeared to be juveniles. My observation occurred c.3 months after the known breeding peak (October) for the species in Tanzania (Baker & Baker in prep.). See Table 1. Subsequently, I contacted S. Stolberger and R. Glen, who provided details of 11 sightings between November 2006 and August 2013 of birds consistent with the then- presumed extralimital race M. r. masukuensis from western Ruaha National Park, Mbeya Region, in western Tanzania. All of these sightings involved birds with pale eyes. M. Baker also provided field records from Tulawaka at the northernmost extreme of the western range of M. r. pallidiventris. His sightings, in October 2004-November 2011, all involved birds with dark eyes (n = 8), including one carrying food to a nest in October 2007 (Table 1). TABLE 1 Field records of Melaniparus rufiventris pallidiventris from western Tanzania in which eye colour was noted, by S. Stolberger (SS), R. Glen (RG), M. Baker (MB) and the author (JA). Date Minimum no. seen Observers Locality Latitude Longitude Eye colours 11 Oct 2004 i MB Tulawaka c.03°12'S c.31°32'E dark 14 Oct 2004 i MB Tulawaka c.03°12'S c.31°32'E dark 6 Nov 2006 i SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°44'S c. 34°13'E pale 27 Jan 2007 i SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°44'S c.34°13'E pale 2 Apr 2007 i SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°44'S c.34°13'E pale 14 Jul 2007 i SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°46'S c.34°10'E pale 22 Aug 2007 i SS & RG Ruaha N.P c.07°46'S c.34°10'E pale 23 Oct 2007 1 (at nest) MB Tulawaka c.03°12'S c.31°32'E dark 21Jun 2008 1 SS & RG Ruaha N.P. r.07 o 47'S c.34°12'E pale 17 Aug 2008 1 SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°47'S c.34°08'E pale 20 Nov 2008 1 MB Tulawaka c.03°ll'S c.31°32'E dark 20 Nov 2008 1 MB Tulawaka c.03°ll'S c.31°32'E dark 21 Nov 2008 1 MB Tulawaka c.03°ll'S c.31°32'E dark 23 Nov 2008 1 MB Tulawaka c.03°12'S c.31°32'E dark 17 Dec 2008 1 SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°47'S c.34°08'E pale 10 Aug 2009 1 SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°47'S c.34°05'E pale 11 Aug 2009 1 SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°47'S c.34°00'E pale 27 Jan 2011 3 JA Itulu Hills r.05°59'S c.33°36'E pale and dark 23 Nov 2011 1 MB Tulawaka r.03°12'S c.31°32'E dark 3 Aug 2013 1 SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°47'S c.34°00'E pale 17 Aug 2013 2 SS & RG Ruaha N.P. c.07°43'S c.34°01'E pale © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Jason Anderson 101 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Figure 2. Rufous-bellied Tits Melaniparus rufiventris pallidiventris, Itulu Hills, western Tanzania, 27 January 2011 (Jason Anderson) Examination of specimens I examined 23 adult specimens of M. r. pallidiventris from east ( n = 19; 11 males, six females, two unsexed) and west (n = 4; three females, one unsexed) of the central Tanzanian rift, including seven at the Natural History Museum, Tring (NHMUK), 15 at Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin (ZMB), and one at Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen (ZMIJC 75.614). The western specimens included two of the three known syntypes of pallidiventris (ZMB 34759-760). I also examined all other specimens pertaining to the rufiventris complex at NHMUK, including pallidiventris from Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia (n = 26), masukuensis from Zambia, Malawi and Democratic Republic of Congo (n = 19), and rufiventris from Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola and western Zambia (n = 12). A fifth unsexed adult M. r. pallidiventris from western Tanzania at Naturalis, Leiden (RMNH. AVES.13 1226) subsequently came to light, and is a third syntype of this taxon. I examined high-quality photographs of this specimen. Biometrics. — I measured wing chord, tail and bill length, and found that M. r. masukuensis averages slightly larger (4%) than M. r. pallidiventris, with considerable overlap, and that females of pallidiventris and masukuensis have on average slightly shorter wings and tail than males (4%), again with considerable overlap, as also found by Harrap & Quinn (1996: 339-341). The four west Tanzanian specimens averaged very slightly smaller than those from eastern Tanzania, and smaller than masukuensis, but, given the small sample and the fact that three were females, no significant conclusions can be drawn. The unsexed western specimen (ZMB 34759) was larger than the females, within the expected range for pallidiventris and masukuensis (wing 81 mm, tail 63 mm, bill 10.3 mm). TABLE 2 Mensural data (wing, tail and bill) from specimens of Melaniparus rufiventris pallidiventris and M. r. masukuensis at Natural History Museum, Tring (NHMUK) and Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin (ZMB). wing chord (mm) tail length (mm) bill to skull (mm) range mean s.d. n range mean s.d. n range mean s.d. n M. r. pallidiventris (eastern Tanzania) 74-85 79.4 2.97 18 57-73 63.3 4.49 19 10.3-12.1 11.2 0.57 19 M. r. pallidiventris (western Tanzania) 75-81 78 2.58 4 60-66 62.5 2.65 4 10.3-11.2 10.7 0.44 4 M. r. masukuensis (Zambia, Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo) 75-87 82.2 3.57 19 62-72 66.7 3.03 19 11.0-12.3 11.8 0.37 19 © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Jason Anderson 102 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Western specimens Eastern specimens ** mm ZMB 2000/2138 Syntype ZMB 34760 Syntype ZMB 34759 ZMUC 75.614 Eye colour: Eye colour: Eye colour: Eye colour: brown (braun) yellow-white brown (braun) brown (gelbweiB) Figure 3. Rufous-bellied Tits Melnniparus rufiventris pallidiventris from western (on left) and eastern (on right) Tanzania (Jason Anderson, © Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin) Plumage .—Descriptions of M. r. masukuensis and pallidiventris in the literature indicate significant differences only in underparts plumage. M. r. pallidiventris is described as having 'pale pinkish-buff' (Harrap & Quinn 1996: 339), 'pale, washed-out cinnamon' (Fry et al. 2000: 96) or similar, from the lower breast to the vent, compared to darker 'pinkish-cinnamon' (Harrap & Quinn 1996: 339) in masukuensis. The head and throat are described as black in both taxa, becoming mid grey on the breast, with pallidiventris generally considered paler grey on the breast (e.g. Fry et al. 2000: 96). Some variation has been noted: Harrap & Quinn (1996: 341) stated that Tanzanian pallidiventris 'average greyest (least cinnamon) on the underparts' (i.e. belly) among all pallidiventris populations, and Irwin (1981: 253) mentioned that pallidiventris in Zimbabwe 'appears to be unstable, with the abdomen ranging from pinkish buff to pale vinaceous' (discussed further below). Benson et al. (1971: 206) noted that rufiventris from the eastern plateau of Zambia (near Tanzania) 'generally have the abdomen somewhat paler [than other rufiventris in Zambia], but are nearer to masukuensis than to P. r. pallidiventris'. The sexes are considered identical (e.g. Fry et al. 2000) or very similar, with male underparts possibly averaging a 'slightly richer rufous' ( masukuensis ) and the 'female's bib averaging slightly browner' ( pallidiventris ) (Harrap & Quinn 1996: 337-339). My comparison of the plumage of Tanzanian, Zambian and Malawian specimens of pallidiventris and masukuensis revealed the following. (1) Significant individual variation in the extent of the black throat between individuals in both east Tanzanian pallidiventris and masukuensis from Malawi and Zambia, but masukuensis generally has a broader grey band between the black throat and rufous underparts than east Tanzanian pallidiventris (on which the black usually extends to the upper, mid or lower breast). Notably, the four west Tanzanian specimens have less black (throat alone) than either east Tanzanian pallidiventris or Zambian masukuensis, and a mid-grey breast. The Leiden specimen has a slightly more extensive black throat than other western birds. Fig. 3 compares west and east Tanzanian specimens in Berlin, and Fig. 4 compares the Leiden western specimen (RMNH.AVES.13 1226) with east Tanzanian specimens. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Jason Anderson 103 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) V. *?. V V ; f 81 91 ?l « *». 11 0 » K 8 > s & 'v t 3. ‘ litvguK-i -4 > s ‘~~ T ..:0..O^4 ^,1;,^^, . ,,^ : i 8 « 0i It «l « 71 i\ :-; (. : ( , ,• f ... _. £ U3SIVH eastern A ■ M. pallid (RMNH.A from wei sjsyntype specimen from Specimens collected In eastern Tanzania 11226} j- Quillmane, J T ,T ? I i J , i fnzanla Mfiftmblque Figure 4. Rufous-bellied Tit Melaniparus rufiventris pallidmentris syntype at Naturalis Leiden compared to other M. r. pallidiventris skins from eastern Tanzania (© Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden) (2) Of the west Tanzanian specimens, the three syntypes collected by Bohm (the southernmost of the western specimens) exhibit the darkest belly, intermediate between east Tanzanian pallidiventris and Zambian masukuensis. The two northernmost specimens (ZMUC 75.614, ZMB 2000/2138) are paler on the belly, similar to eastern pallidiventris (Figs. 3-4). (3) No consistent differences were noticed between male and female specimens of any of the taxa within the rufiventris complex, contra Harrap & Quinn (1996). Eye colour.— According to the literature (e.g. Harrap & Quinn 1996, Fry et al. 2000), the key difference between pallidiventris and masukuensis is iris colour, documented as brown, dark or dark brown in pallidiventris and 'conspicuously yellow' (Harrap & Quinn 1996: 337) or 'pale yellow to brown' (Fry et al. 2000: 96) in masukuensis. The following was noted on specimen labels. (1) Most significantly, of the five west Tanzanian pallidiventris specimens, one of the three syntypes (ZMB 34760, female) had yellow-white ('gelbweifi') eyes. Three (ZMB 34759, ZMB 2000/2138 and ZMUC 75.614) had brown eyes. Eye colour is not known for the Leiden syntype. Eye colour on the 19 eastern Tanzanian specimens was brown (n = 2), russet (n = 2), coffee-brown (n = 1), yellow-brownish (gelbbraunlich) (n = 1) or unknown (n = 13). (2) Of the 22 non-Tanzanian adult pallidiventris at Tring, eye colour was recorded as sepia (n = 7), brown (n = 2), black ( n = 1), 'dark sepia' (n = 1), 'pale burnt umber' (n = 2), light brown (n = 1), pale brown (n = 1: NHMUK 1946.5.766, male, from Kota Kota, central Malawi, discussed below), yellow (n = 1: NHMUK 1933.5.11.55, female, from Kazimuli, eastern Zambia, discussed below) or unknown (n = 7). (3) Of the 19 masukuensis specimens at Tring, eye colour was recorded as pale yellow (n = 9), pale ochre-yellow (n = 1), 'pale yellow, outwardly brownish' (n = 1), very pale yellow (n = 1), brown (n = 1: NHMUK 1935.10.9.150, adult female, from Fort Hill, now Chitipa, northern Malawi, discussed below), and was unrecorded for six specimens. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Jason Anderson 104 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Figure 5. Distribution of eye colour and underparts coloration in Rufous-bellied Tits Melaniparus rufiventris in western Tanzania, including possible hybridisation zone between M. r. masukuensis and M. r. pallidiventris (1 = pallidiventris syntypes; 2 = sight records by J. Anderson; 3 = sight records by S. Stolberger & R. Glen; 4 = ZMUC 75.614; 5 = ZMB 2000/2138; 6 = sight records by M. Baker). Grey indicates approximate range of the species in Tanzania. Discussion The above records, including field observations and specimen ZMB 34760, confirm the previously undocumented presence of pale-eyed M. rufiventris in western Tanzania, from both Ruaha National Park in Mbeya Region, and Itulu Hills Forest Reserve, Tabora Region, >250 km to the north. Given that the southernmost records in Ruaha National Park are all of pale-eyed birds (best assigned to masukuensis), while the northernmost records all involve dark-eyed birds, and that records from Tabora midway between them are of pale- and dark-eyed individuals (even within the same flock), the presence of a hybrid zone between pallidiventris and masukuensis in west-central Tanzania appears probable (see Fig. 5). Intergradation between masukuensis and pallidiventris has been suggested by several authors, including Benson & White (1957), Benson et al. (1962), Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1963) and Benson & Irwin (1967), who all suggested that intermediates occur in the Zimbabwe / Zambia border region where the two meet. Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1963: 423) also suggested that intermediates occur between nominate rufiventris and 'the Tabora race', i.e. pallidiventris in 'south-eastern Congo', without providing a source for this. The dark-eyed masukuensis specimen (NHMUK 1935.10.9.150) from Fort Hill in northernmost Malawi would also support the hybrid zone theory, if the form in adjacent Tanzania proved to be pallidiventris. Harrap & Quinn (1996: 341) discussed several of the above-mentioned hybrids including the Fort Hill, Kazimuli (NHMUK 1933.5.11.55) and Kota Kota (NHMUK 1946.5.766) specimens; they concluded that 'In all the 'intermediates' seen from Malawi or eastern Zambia, the underparts colouration is close to or identical to that of the paler Rufous-bellied Tits found in eastern Zambia, and their status as hybrids appears to rest on eye colouration. As this has clearly been incorrectly noted in some cases, the existence of any hybrids is still to be proven.' My examination of the Fort Hill and Kazimuli specimens is in agreement with Harrap & Quinn (1996) regarding their underparts coloration, but it is also important to note that a 'paler' masukuensis is already intermediate between masukuensis and the rather rufous pallidiventris in southern Malawi. Comparison of several individuals of both taxa from Malawi, arranged north to south, then across the rift and south again reveals clinal variation in underparts coloration, as Fry et al. (2000) suggested (see Fig. 6). Given that the Kota Kota pallidiventris specimen (NHMUK 1946.5.766, male) is well within the known range of masukuensis (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2006) and very similar in underparts coloration to another masukuensis specimen from the same locality, I © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Jason Anderson 105 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) masukuensis pallidiventris on left) and M. r. (1946.5.766, on right) Kota-kota, central Malawi { Specimens of M. r. pallidiventris from S. Malawi, east of rift. Figure 6. Rufous-bellied Tit Melaniparus rufiventris masukuensis and M. r. pallidiventris specimens from Malawi, showing clinal variation in underparts coloration (Jason Anderson, © Natural History Museum, Tring) suggest that this individual is best considered as masukuensis. Based on locality (Dowsett et al. 2008) and iris colour, the Kazimuli specimen (NHMUK 1933.5.11.55, female) is also safely assigned to masukuensis. Alternative explanations for the co-occurrence of pale- and dark-eyed birds within the same population can be tentatively discounted, including the possibility that eye colour variation is sex-related (of the pallidiventris syntypes, one female was pale-eyed and two females dark-eyed) or seasonal (Bdhm's pale- and dark-eyed syntypes were collected in August 1881, and I recorded pale- and dark-eyed birds together in January 2011). Seasonal movements can also be discounted. Although two references to local movements exist (Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1963: 423, Belcher 1930: 276-277), the vast majority of sources regard pallidiventris as sedentary (e.g. Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2006, Dowsett et al. 2008). The confirmed occurrence of pale- and dark-eyed birds in the same population, even if this is a 'hybrid' form, is notable. Several sources (e.g. Hall 1960, White 1963) have suggested the presence of hybrids between two species fairly closely related to the rufiventris complex (Johansson et al. 2013), namely pale-eyed White-shouldered Tit M. guineensis and dark-eyed White-winged Tit M. leucomelas where these two meet (including in south-west Uganda and ' purpurascens' in south-west Ethiopia), although Harrap & Quinn (1996: 324) considered that evidence for hybridisation between them is still lacking. Taking both iris colour and the degree of rufous in the belly into account, a surprising pattern is apparent among western birds. Those individuals closest to masukuensis were all recorded or collected in the southern half of the western range of pallidiventris, closer both to the known range of masukuensis, as expected, but also, paradoxically, to the only potential interface between western and eastern populations in Tanzania, at the southern end of the Gregory Rift, where stunted miombo may provide a conduit for gene flow between these populations. A specimen from Chimala in this area, in Chicago (FMNH 216938), proved to be an erroneously labelled White-bellied Tit M. albiventris (see Fig. 1). Individuals closest in appearance to pallidiventris were all from north-west Tanzania (Mgenda, Busondo and © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Jason Anderson 106 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Tulawaka), furthest from eastern pallidiventris. This unusual pattern is suggestive of a comparatively recent colonisation event, in which the slightly larger masukuensis has moved east from north-east Zambia into south-west Tanzania, breeding with and perhaps partially displacing the smaller pallidiventris. This would account for the unstable eye coloration, the slightly darker belly of the more southerly birds and the lack of records of pale-eyed birds in north-west Tanzania. Aside from eye colour, and the probably clinal degree of rufous saturation on the belly, the comparative lack of black on the breast of west Tanzanian pallidiventris, compared both to east Tanzanian pallidiventris and masukuensis, could signal western birds' distinctiveness from eastern birds or masukuensis. This raises interesting taxonomic questions, given that Reichenow's pallidiventris syntypes were all collected within the suggested hybrid zone. While all three are very slightly paler in belly coloration than north-east Zambian masukuensis, they are also marginally darker than east Tanzanian pallidiventris, which was noticed by Shelley (1900: 240) when he described rovumae (1892, now a synonym of pallidiventris) as having a 'paler buffy white breast' than Reichenow's pallidiventris. If these differences are confirmed in future, resurrection of rovumae for the population east of the central Tanzanian Gregory Rift would be warranted, with differences between the two including the dark brown iris of rovumae compared to unstable eye colour (pale to dark brown) in pallidiventris, black throat and upper breast of rovumae compared to dark grey or black throat and mid-grey breast of pallidiventris, and the slightly richer orange belly of pallidiventris. Conclusions The question of whether the rufiventris complex should be treated as two species (Rufous-bellied and Cinnamon-breasted Tits) still requires clarification, although given that the single most distinctive feature used to justify separating them (iris colour) is now known not to be distinctive, and with documentation of a probably hybrid zone, my findings lend support to the opinion that just one species is involved. Clearly, further research is required, including molecular sampling of all populations within rufiventris to clarify levels of divergence between them. In addition, further records from Tanzania west of the Gregory Rift will be instrumental in helping to conclude if east and west Tanzanian forms of M. r. pallidiventris are distinct, thereby justifying recognition of rovumae. Acknowledgements I thank the sponsors, Conde Nast, and my co-workers on the 'Filling the Knowledge Gaps Ecological Expedition' to western Tanzania in January 2011, Alessandra Soresina, Jo Anderson and Marc Baker, as well as Sue Stolberger and Robert Glen for records, and Anthony Cizek for assistance with maps. For assistance in interpreting molecular data, I thank Ulf Johansson and Rauri Bowie. For assistance with specimens, I thank Mark Adams, Hein von Grouw and Robert Prys-Jones at NHMUK, Sylke Frahnert at ZMB, Jon Fjeldsa at ZMUC, Steven van der Mije and Rene Dekker at Naturalis (Leiden), Mary Hennen and John Bates at the Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago), Paul Sweet and Selena Flores at the American Museum of Natural History (New York), Rauri Bowie at MVZ, Jeremiah Trimble at MCZ, and Giorgio Chiozzi and all other museum staff who sent data or photographs. For their opinions and assistance with this paper, I am grateful to Neil & Liz Baker, Colin Beale, Anthony Cizek, Guy Kirwan, Kevin McGraw and Don Turner, as well as Bob Dowsett for his detailed constructive criticism of the submitted manuscript. References Baker, N. E. & Baker, E. M. (in prep.) Birds of Tanzania: an atlas of distribution and seasonality, www. tanzaniabirdatlas.com (accessed 10 July 2014). Belcher, C. F. 1930. The birds of Nyasaland. Crosby, Lockwood & Son, London. Benson, C. W. & Irwin, M. P. S. 1967. A contribution to the ornithology of Zambia. Zambia Mas. Pap. 1: 1-139. Benson, C. W. & White, C. M. N. 1957. Check list of the birds of northern Rhodesia. Govt. Printer, Lusaka. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Jason Anderson 107 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Benson, C. W., Irwin, M. P. S. & White, C. M. N. 1962. The significance of valleys as avian zoogeographical barriers. Ann. Cape. Prov. Mus. 2: 155-189. Benson, C. W., Brooke, R. K., Dowsett, R. J. & Irwin, M. P. S. 1971. The birds of Zambia. Collins, London. Dowsett, R. J. & Dowsett-Lemaire, F. 1993. Comments on the taxonomy of some Afrotropical bird species. Tauraco Res. Rep. 5: 323-389. Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R. J. 2006. The birds of Malawi: an atlas and handbook. Tauraco Press & Aves, Liege. Dowsett, R. J., Aspinwall, D. R. & Dowsett-Lemaire, F. 2008. The birds of Zambia: an atlas and handbook. Tauraco Press & Aves, Liege. Fry, C. H., Keith, S. & Urban, E. K. (eds.) 2000. The birds of Africa, vol. 6. Academic Press, London. Gill, F. B., Slikas, B. & Sheldon, F. H. 2005. Phylogeny of titmice (Paridae): II. Species relationships based on sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene. Auk 122: 121-143. Hall, B. P. 1960. Variation in the African Black Tits, Parus niger and Parus leucomelas. Ibis 102: 116-123. Harrap, S. & Quinn, D. 1996. Tits, nuthatches & treecreepers. Christopher Helm, London. Irwin, M. P. S. 1981. The birds of Zimbabwe. Quest, Salisbury. Johansson, U. S., Ekman, J., Bowie, R. C. K., Halvarsson, P., Ohlson, J. I., Price, T. D. & Ericson, P. G. P. 2013. A complete multilocus species phylogeny of the tits and chickadees (Aves: Paridae). Mol. Phyl. & Evol. 69: 852-860. Mackworth-Praed, C. W. & Grant, C. H. B. 1963. Birds of the southern third of Africa, vol. 2. Second edn. Longmans, London. Reichenow, A. 1885. Parus pallidiventris. ]. Orn. 33: 217. Schouteden, H. 1956. De vogels van Belgisch Congo en van Ruanda-Urundi, VIII. Passeriformes (3). Ann. Mus. Roy. Congo Beige Zool. (4)5: 1-236. Shelley, G. E. 1900. The birds of Africa, vol. 2(1). R. H. Porter, London. Sibley, C. G. & Monroe, B. L. 1990. Distribution and taxonomy of birds of the world. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, CT. Tietze, D. T. & Borthakur, U. 2012. Historical biogeography of tits (Aves: Paridae, Remizidae). Org. Divers. Evol. 12: 433-444. White, C. M. N. 1963. A revised check list of African flycatchers, tits, tree creepers, sunbirds, white-eyes, honey eaters, buntings, finches, weavers and waxbills. Govt. Printer, Lusaka. White, F. 1983. The vegetation of Africa: a descriptive memoir to accompany the UNESCO / AETFAT / UNSO vegetation map of Africa by F. White. Natural Resources Research Report XX. UNESCO, Paris. Address: First Floor Flat, 5 Alfred Road, London, W3 6LH, UK, e-mail: jasonandersonl@gmail.com © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 108 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) The chequered history of the Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus tutus on Tahiti. I: type specimens by Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet Received 17 October 2014 Summary. —We discuss the provenance of two specimens claimed to be the type of Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus tutus: one each in Liverpool, UK, and Leiden, the Netherlands. The type was collected during Cook's third voyage. Our research indicates that neither is the type specimen, which is probably now lost, like most Cook specimens. Instead, both may have been collected by George Bass, who has been neglected as an important source of Pacific material. Bass contributed to the Baudin expedition to Australia and the Pacific that sailed under the French flag. The Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), Paris, received many specimens collected during this expedition, and also had strong links with important collectors such as Temminck, the Leverian Museum and Bullock, resulting in their receiving some Pacific material via this source. This may explain the presence of the Chattering Kingfisher specimens in Liverpool and Leiden. On Tahiti, in the Society Islands, French Polynesia, two species of kingfisher are said to occur: Society (Tahitian) Kingfisher Todiramphus veneratus and Chattering Kingfisher T. t. tutus (Pratt et al. 1987, Fry et al. 1992). The present status of the first species on Tahiti is clear, but that of the second is not ( cf. van der Vliet & Jansen 2015). The first reports of kingfishers on Tahiti date from the three Cook voyages in the late 18th century. On the first, Parkinson (1773: 100) mentioned a blue-and-brown 'sacred' kingfisher from Otaheiti (=Tahiti) in July 1769. During the second, in August-September 1773, the ship's naturalist, Rheinhold Forster (in Lichtenstein 1844: 162-163), reported a kingfisher on Tahiti, ITuahine, Raiatea and Tahaa. The accompanying drawing by Forster's son, George, is of a Society Kingfisher of the nominate subspecies, which is confined to Tahiti (Lysaght 1959, Medway 1979), being instantly identified by the black breast-band, which sets this taxon apart from other tropical Pacific kingfishers. On the plate, Forster noted that the bird is called 'Erooro' on Tahiti. However, Forster's work is not the type description and it is noteworthy that the Forsters neither described nor illustrated Chattering Kingfisher. During the third and last voyage. Cook & King (1784: 33) reported a kingfisher 'Eatooa' during a ceremonial at present-day Marae Atehuru in September 1777. Whether the reports of the first and third voyage referred to Society or Chattering Kingfisher is unknown. Both kingfisher species were then reported in more detail by Latham (1782) based on specimens collected during either Cook's second or third voyage. Latham's (1782) work formed the basis of the scientific descriptions by Gmelin (1788), who formally described Chattering Kingfisher as Alcedo tuta (from Tahiti) and Society Kingfisher as A. venerata (from Apye, Insula Amici; present-day Ha'apai, Tonga). To resolve the confusion surrounding the taxonomic history of Chattering Kingfisher, we examined the earliest writings and illustrations of the species. We focus on two extant specimens both with claims to be the type: one at the World Museum, Liverpool (LIVCM), UK, and the other at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Naturalis), Leiden, the Netherlands. We also discuss the routes via which these specimens may have reached these collections. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 109 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) We postulate that the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), Paris, played an important role. Description of relevant types by Latham and Gmelin Gmelin (1788: 453) described several kingfisher species of which three are relevant for Tahiti and the Society Islands. His descriptions were almost a literal translation of the English descriptions by Latham (1782). Gmelin first described Respected (=Chattering) Kingfisher Alcedo tuta (his no. 28), type locality Tahiti, then Venerated (now Society or Tahitian) Kingfisher A. venerata (no. 29), from Apye, Insula Arnica (Ha'apai, Tonga). Finally, he described several varieties of Sacred Kingfisher A. sacra (now T. sanctus), his no. 30, quoting its range as the Society Islands, New Zealand and the Philippines. In all of his descriptions, Gmelin referred to Latham (1782: 621-624). It is interesting that Latham described these three species in reverse order, first Sacred Kingfisher and Chattering Kingfisher last. For nomenclatural purposes, it is relevant to quote Latham's descriptions in full. He first described the main variety of Sacred Kingfisher (p. 621; no. 12) from specimen(s) in the Leverian Museum: 'This species seems bigger than the common Kingfisher: the length is nine inches and a half. The bill is strong, depressed, an inch and three quarters long, and of a lead-colour: but the under part of the lower mandible is white: the head and below the eye, on each side, as well as the upper parts of the body, are of a light blue green, darkest about the ears: over the eye is a stripe of pale ferruginous, beginning at the nostrils, and meeting at the back part of the head: under the blue beneath the eye, a narrow orange ferruginous stripe; and beneath that, on the nape is a blue band: quills and tail blackish; the outer edges blue, and when closed appear wholly blue; all the under parts are white, with a tinge of buff-colour passing round the neck as a collar, the legs are black. This, and its Varieties, inhabit Otaheite, and the other Society Islands in the South Seas.' Using specimens from the Leverian Museum (as indicated in his text), he then described four more varieties of his Sacred Kingfisher. Varieties C and D were specifically stated by Latham to originate from New Zealand and the Philippines, respectively, so these are not our concern here. Latham's descriptions of varieties A and B follow. Variety A: 'The first variety has a white band over the eye to the hind head, instead of ferruginous: beneath this band, at the nape, is one of black, which in the other is blue: the scapulars also are much more inclined to green, and darker than in the former bird: and the white on the neck, and the sides of the breast, has each feather fringed with ash-colour: the knees of both are black a very little way up on the outside. I observed in one of these a slender black line, which divided the white collar on the neck, exactly in the middle.' Variety B (depicted on PI. 27): 'Another variety, said to come from Ulietea, was of the same size as the above. Bill the same: the crown of the head greenish black: over the eye a ferruginous streak, beneath, and behind the eye a broad streak of black, which passed to the hind head, and encompassed it all round: chin white: neck, breast, and belly, pale ferruginous: this colour encompassing the neck like a collar: each feather of the throat, neck, and breast, margined with dusky: outside of the thighs blackish, as in the others: back and wings like the head: rump pale bluish green: quills and tail feather blackish, with blue margins: legs dusky.' Latham then described his Venerated Kingfisher (=Society Kingfisher) (pp. 623-624; no. 13), from specimen(s) in the Leverian Museum: 'Length nine inches. Bill an inch and three quarters long, much depressed, and of a black colour: but the base, for above half an inch, of the under mandible is white: the upper parts of the body are light brown, in some parts mixed with greenish feathers, in others tinged only with glossy green, from the © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 110 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) eye to the hind head, this last colour is very conspicuous, forming a kind of wreath round the back part of the head, at which place it inclines to white: the wing coverts are brown, many of them margined with green: the secondaries are also brown with green margins, and many of them as long as the greater quills, which are only edged with green for about half their length: the upper parts of the body are very pale: the tail is not quite four inches in length, rounded at the ends, and coloured as the quills: the shafts of both quills and tail are chestnut, legs dusky. This species inhabits Apye, one of the Friendly Islands, where it is held as sacred among the natives as that of Otaheite.' Finally, Latham described his Respected Kingfisher (= Chattering Kingfisher) as follows (p. 624; no. 14), without referring to a source for the specimen(s): 'Size of our common Kingfisher: length eight inches and a half. Bill depressed, black, and an inch and a half in length; the lower mandible white: the upper parts of the body olive-green: over the eye a white streak: round the neck a collar of greenish black: the under parts of the body white: tail longish: legs black. Inhabits Otaheite, where it is called Erooro. It is accounted sacred, and not allowed to be taken nor killed.' Some of the bird specimens from Cook's voyages ended up in the collection of Sir John Ashton Lever, with the rest in the collection of the Royal College of Surgeons, London (see below under 'MNFIN and Bullock'). It is thus relevant that Latham specifically stated that the varieties of Sacred Kingfisher, as well as the Venerated (=Society) Kingfisher, were described from specimens in Lever's collection (then the Leverian Museum). For his Respected (=Chattering) Kingfisher, this is not stated and Latham may have used other sources to describe this species (Latham 1781: iv, Sharpe 1906: 90, Sawyer 1949). One such source may have been the collection of Sir Joseph Banks because kingfishers from Polynesia are mentioned in two undated catalogues prepared by Jonas Dryander of this collection (cf. Medway 1979). The inclusion of kingfishers in these catalogues indicates that Banks may have possessed specimens of Chattering Kingfisher. Dryander pointed out that Tobias Furneaux was the source of these kingfishers (Dryander n. d.). This points to Cook's second voyage as the origin because Furneaux served as captain on Cook's companion vessel. From the very brief descriptions in Dryander, it may be deduced that Banks indeed possessed a Chattering Kingfisher, although the species was neither described nor depicted by Forster (in Lichtenstein 1844). It could also be that the kingfisher in Banks' collection was a similar species like Collared Kingfisher T. chloris or even Society Kingfisher (cf. Cibois & Thibault 2009). Some observations concerning the scientific descriptions should be made. First, they contain some errors. Latham mentioned that two species occur on Otaheite (=Tahiti), namely his Sacred and Respected Kingfishers. However, Sacred Kingfisher does not occur on Tahiti, so the type locality is erroneous. Likewise, his type locality for Venerated Kingfisher is wrong, as this species does not occur on Ha'apai, Tonga, but on Tahiti. Both errors may be the result of the often erroneous labelling of many of Cook's specimens (Stresemann 1950). Second, the description of Sacred Kingfisher represents a composite of taxa (Finsch & Hartlaub 1867). Sacred Kingfisher (as it is known now) occurs neither on the Society Islands nor in the Philippines (where it is replaced by Collared Kingfisher T. c. collaris). We agree with D. G. Medway (in Largen 1987) that the description of variety A is a good match for Chattering Kingfisher. Latham's Sacred Kingfisher thus comprises taxa that are present-day Sacred Kingfishers (main variety and variety C), Collared Kingfisher (variety D) and Chattering Kingfisher (variety A). Variety B is more difficult to identify, but Medway (in Largen 1987) associated it with the Tanna (Vanuatu) subspecies of Collared Kingfisher T. c. tannensis. The situation of Latham's Respected Kingfisher vs. his variety A of Sacred Kingfisher recalls the situation in which Latham (1801a,b, 1822) described the same © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 111 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) species (Yellow-tufted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops) using four different English names and three Latin binomials (Jansen & Roe in prep.). Third, there has been doubt concerning the age of the type of Chattering Kingfisher. For instance, Lysaght (1959) was of the opinion that the type concerned a young bird based on the upperparts colour (olive-green rather than brilliant greenish blue). Because many juvenile Todiramphus are heavily scaled brown and grey (e.g. Sharpe 1868), Latham's type description must refer to a subadult. Finally, because Gmelin formally described the kingfishers in reverse order to Latham, no nomenclatural problem exists with respect to present-day Chattering Kingfisher. The name of Gmelin's Respected (=Chattering) Kingfisher appears before variety A of Gmelin's Sacred Kingfisher. Although Coues (1879: 690) described Gmelin as 'the industrious but indiscriminate and incompetent compiler of the xiii. ed, of the Syst. Nat.', Gmelin was right in this case! Plates by Webber and Ellis In reconstructing the history of type specimens collected during Cook's third voyage, several authors have stressed the importance of paintings by John Webber and William Wade Ellis. These illustrate species collected during this voyage (Lysaght 1959). Because many type locations given by Latham (and therefore Gmelin) are as erroneous as his descriptions, Stresemann (1950) suggested that annotations on Ellis' paintings of the specimens provide the most accurate information on their type localities. Stresemann (1950) apparently based this conclusion on Sharpe (1906). Latham never mentioned the paintings by Webber and Ellis, and was perhaps not even aware of them. We examined the relevant paintings on 29 July 2014 at the Natural Flistory Museum (NHMUK) and British Museum (BM), both in London, to determine the species depicted and to note any other information written on them, although we did not examine their reverse sides as all are framed. By these means, we could determine if Chattering Kingfisher was ever certainly recorded during Cook's voyages. If so, specimens of the species may have been available. Following Lysaght (1959), relevant paintings are as follows, one by Webber—PI. 135 ('venerata') — and two by Ellis —PI. 22 (' tutn ') and PI. 23 ('venerata'). We now discuss these three paintings in this order. Lysaght (1959) identified the bird on Webber's plate as a Society Kingfisher of the nominate subspecies from Tahiti (Fig. 1). We disagree and instead identify it as an example of the subspecies youngi of Society Kingfisher from Moorea, as the bird in the painting is very brownish with an indistinct brownish breast-band and only a greenish tinge to its primarv-coverts. This matches present-day descriptions of youngi perfectly (Fry et al. 1992, Gouni & Zysman 2007). Webber illustrated just one kingfisher species for the Society Islands, as did Forster during Cook's second voyage (Lichtenstein 1844). Ellis, on the other hand, painted two species. We agree with Lysaght (1959) that Ellis' PL 22 depicts a Chattering Kingfisher (Fig. 2). As deduced above, the illustration may in fact represent a subadult bird. Stresemann (1950) and Lysaght (1959), following Sharpe (1906), noted that the locality was Otaheite (=Tahiti), but we cannot confirm this. PI. 23 was identified by Lysaght (1959) as a Society Kingfisher, perhaps of the subspecies youngi (Fig. 3). We agree. Stresemann (1950) and Lysaght (1959), following Sharpe (1906), noted the locality as the Friendly and Society Islands, but again we cannot confirm this. The only relevant note on the painting by Ellis is his remark that the bird is called 'Errooro' on Tahiti (similar to the name mentioned by Forster) and 'Tautoria' on Ulietea (=Raiatea). Both names compare well with Townsend & Wetmore (1919) who stated that kingfishers are called 'Ru- ru' on Tahiti and 'Otatari' on Bora Bora. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 112 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Figure 1 (above left). PI. 135 by John Webber, painted during Cook's third voyage; we consider this bird to be a Society Kingfisher Todiramphus veneratus youngi from Moorea (© British Museum, London) Figure 2 (above right). PL 22 by William Wade Ellis, painted during Cook's third voyage; we consider this bird to be a Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus t. tutus (Justin J. F. J. Jansen © Natural History Museum, London) Figure 3. (left) PI. 23 by William Wade Ellis, painted during Cook's third voyage; we consider this bird to be a Society Kingfisher Todiramphus veneratus youngi from Moorea (Justin J. F. J. Jansen © Natural History Museum, London) From our review of relevant paintings of Polynesian kingfishers, it is clear that Chattering Kingfisher was collected during Cook's third voyage as evidenced by the Ellis painting (Fig. 2), making it entirely conceivable that Latham and his contemporaries saw the type specimen(s) in a European collection. It is unclear if the species was collected during the second voyage because Forster does not mention it. The other paintings by Webber and Ellis refer to Society Kingfisher and do not concern us. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 113 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Figure 4. Specimen of adult Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus t. tutus, LIVCM D2326, considered to be the type specimen by Largen (1987), but this cannot be confirmed (Tony Parker © World Museum, Liverpool) Figure 5. Specimen of adult Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus t. tutus, Naturalis, Leiden (RMNH. AVES.204880), considered to be the type specimen by Lysaght (1959), but this cannot be confirmed (© Naturalis, Leiden) Whereabouts of the 'type' of Chattering Kingfisher Two different specimens have been postulated in recent literature to be the type of Chattering Kingfisher. Largen (1987) concluded that a specimen now at LIVCM may well be the type specimen (Fig. 4), whereas Lysaght (1959) stated that a bird currently at Naturalis is the type (Fig. 5). These specimens could have arrived in these collections via the auctions of the Leverian Museum in 1806 (LIVCM) and Bullock's museum in 1819 (Naturalis). At © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 114 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) both auctions, many ornithologists bought specimens and this resulted in Cook's material being spread across various private and public collections (Whitehead 1969). Apparently Bullock was an important purchaser of ethnographic material at the Leverian auction in 1806, which explains the significance of the auction of Bullock's collection with respect to the provenance of Cook's material (cf. Stresemann 1951, Whitehead 1969, Kaeppler 2011). For both auctions, catalogues describing the lots were published. Several copies, sometimes annotated with buyer's names, still exist. In the annotated catalogues of the Leverian auction Bullock's name does not feature as a significant purchaser of bird material, which seems to contradict bis often-stated prominent presence. However, Bullock may still have possessed Leverian specimens, acquired post-1806 (cf. Sharpe 1906, Whitehead 1969). Using the annotated auction catalogues, in many cases we can discover who bought which specimens, and where they ended up. We now discuss the histories of relevant kingfisher specimens sold at these two auctions. Leverian Museum. — Several kingfishers from Cook's voyages were held in this museum, as evidenced by the plates by Sarah Stone (Jackson 1998), who worked in the museum between 1777 until its closure in 1806. Stone painted two undated plates of Polynesian kingfishers: PL 41 (Jackson 1998: 116) and PL 40 (Jackson 1998: 134). The Leverian auction took place between 5 May and 19 July 1806, and several examples of the sale catalogue are still extant (Largen 1987, Kaeppler 2011). We used the 1979 reprint (King & Lochee 1979a), as well as original copies at NHMUK (annotated by W. Clift) and the Cuming Museum (CM), London (annotated by G. Humphrey; Jackson 1998). For each of the lots listed below, its description and the buyer's annotation per copy is presented: (i) lot 2778 'Sacred Kingfisher, Alcedo sacra, from New Holland'. Si vers (King & Lochee 1979a), Sivers (NHMUK), Sivers (CM); (ii) lot 4251 'Venerated Kingfisher, Alcedo venerata, m. and fern. Very rare'. Vaughan (=Revd. Vaughan: Kaeppler 2011) (King & Lochee 1979a), Vaughan with annotation 'White Kingfisher' (NHMUK), Vaughan (CM); (iii) lot 5612 'Alcedo sacra, m. and fern.'. Thompson (King & Lochee 1979a), Thompson (NHMUK), Thompson (CM); (iv) lot 6084 'a curious Kingfisher, S. Seas'. No annotation (King & Lochee 1979a), no annotation (NHMUK), Fichtel (CM); and (v) lot 6594 'Small-belted Kingfisher'. Fichtel (King & Lochee 1979a), Fichtel with annotation 'black belt across the belly' (NHMUK), Fichtel (CM). It is unclear who Sivers, the buyer of lot 2778, was (Whitehead 1978, Kaeppler 2011; A. Kaeppler in liti. 2014). This specimen is probably lost. Von Fichtel represented the Imperial Museum in Vienna, Austria (now the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien; NMW) at the auction. Sources indicate that specimens pertaining to three lots (4251, 6084 and 6594) reached NMW (von Pelzeln 1873, Bauernfeind 2004, Schifter et al. 2007), even though lot 4251 was originally purchased by Vaughan (annotations in sale catalogues). Presumably, von Fichtel bought it from Vaughan shortly thereafter. Extant specimens that probably refer to these lot numbers are a Collared Kingfisher Todiramphus collaris sacer, Sacred Kingfisher T. s. sanctus and Society Kingfisher. However, ambiguity exists as to which specimen represents which lot number; for example, the small-belted specimen of lot 6594 is now associated with the Sacred Kingfisher, which lacks a 'black belt across the belly' (annotation in the NHMUK sale catalogue). It is beyond our scope to examine this anomaly in more detail, as none of these three specimens is of Chattering Kingfisher. John Thompson, taxidermist at the British Museum, London, bought lot 5612, comprising two birds, having been asked by Lord Stanley to purchase specimens when the latter did not attend the auction personally (Largen 1987). According to Largen (1987) one bird in the lot was misidentified, but the other was a Chattering Kingfisher (specimen D2326). Specimen D2326 is still present at LIVCM (Fig. 4), and originated from the Leverian © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 115 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Museum (according to its label). Like Largen (1987) we cannot completely eliminate the possibility that this specimen is the type, but neither can this be proven. Wagstaffe (1977) did not include it in his list of type specimens at the Liverpool museum. Bullock's museum.— Bullock did not purchase any of the kingfisher lots from the Leverian Museum in 1806, but he may well have received or bought specimens whose origins cannot be traced (Medway 1979). Because the specimen of Chattering Kingfisher at Naturalis carries the annotation 'type' on its label (see below), we now discuss its provenance as a Cook specimen. Temminck did not purchase specimens at the 1806 auction (Whitehead 1969, 1978) but he was a prominent buyer at the Bullock auction (Whitehead 1969). Jansen & Roe (2013) described the various extant catalogues of the Bullock auction. For this paper, we consulted the reprint (King & Lochee 1979b), as well as copies at NHMUK, Cambridge (UK) and Naturalis. The latter is the original catalogue with notations in Temminck's hand. For each of the lots listed below, its description and the annotation (of the buyer) per copy is given: (i) lot 2 (18 May 1819) 'Sacred Kingfisher, Alcedo sacra'. Temminck (King & Lochee 1979b), Temminck (NHMUK), Temminck (Cambridge), Temminck (Naturalis); (ii) lot 5 (18 May 1819) 'Sacred Kingfisher (male and female) Alcedo sacra'. Baron Laugier (King & Lochee 1979b), Baron Laugier (NHMUK), Laugier (Cambridge), no annotation (Naturalis); (iii) lot 5 (19 May 1819) 'Sacred Kingfisher, Alcedo sacra'. Bell (King & Lochee 1979b), Bell (NHMUK), Bell Buckingham (Cambridge), no annotation (Naturalis); (iv) lot 22 (1 June 1819) 'Sacred Kingfisher and Green Tody'. Fector (King & Lochee 1979b), Fector (NHMUK), Fector (Cambridge), no annotation (Naturalis); and (v) lot 99 (2 June 1819) 'Pair of Sacred Kingfisher (male and female)'. Vigors (King & Lochee 1979b), illegible (NHMUK), Vigors (Cambridge), no annotation (Naturalis). Specimens purchased by Fector and Vigors went to unknown collections, and may be lost, leaving three lots whose route may be traceable. Baron Laugier purchased lot 5 on 18 May 1819, but in 1836 he specifically stated that he only possessed Sacred Kingfishers (Laugier de Chartrouse 1836). These were spread after the disposal of his collection in 1837 and it is unknown where his kingfishers are now. Temminck made detailed notes of his purchases for Leiden University and these are available as an undated, seven-page list in the Naturalis archives (Temminck n. d.; cf. Jansen & Roe 2013). In this he crossed out lot 2 (from 18 May 1819), meaning that he probably exchanged this specimen during or soon after the auction, making the current whereabouts of this specimen hard to establish. Temminck also indicated that he purchased lot 5 on 19 May 1819 (attributed to Bell in the auction catalogues), and that it was Alcedo sacra. He must have bought it from Bell during or soon after the auction. Naturalis holds six specimens of Chattering Kingfisher and the possibility remains that one is lot 5 from 19 May 1819, with the additional question as to whether it represents the species' type specimen. Of the six specimens, three adults were collected after 1823 and cannot be Cook specimens (compare the inventory in Schlegel 1863 with that in Schlegel 1875). Details of the other three follow, but note that when the collection was relabelled by Finsch in c.1890, all of the original data were lost. Finsch transcribed new labels (with his own interpretations) for all of them: (i) RMNH.AVES.204878, originated from the Cabinet Temminck (Temminck 1807) but no locality was given by Temminck (Schlegel added 'Taiti' in his catalogue and on the specimen's label). Adult. Indicated on the label as the type. Reference on the label is made to Temminck's catalogue (1807: 71, no. 963). (ii) RMNH. AVES.204879, no origin given (although Temminck indicated on the old pedestal that it originated from the Marquesas). Juvenile, (iii) RMNH.AVES.204880, originated from the © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 116 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Bullock auction according to the label. Adult. Indicated as the type by Finsch. The label indicates that Temminck noted it was from Otahiti / Society Islands. RMNH.AVES.204879 cannot be the type specimen as it is a juvenile, whereas the type description refers to an adult or adult-type. While RMNH.AVES.204878 is labelled as being the type, it is not. This specimen originates from Temminck's private collection for which JJFJJ recently unearthed an undated manuscript catalogue in the Naturalis archives (Temminck c.1805). Therein, Temminck does not mention a sacred-type kingfisher. However, it does appear in a revised list (Temminck 1807), meaning that between 1805 and 1807, Temminck acquired RMNH.AVES.204878. Note that Temminck did not state for each entry how many specimens were involved. It is clear that, of the three specimens discussed, RMNH.AVES.204880 represents lot 5 from 19 May 1819, bought by Temminck at the Bullock auction. The specimen now bears a Finsch label with an erroneous lot number and date (lot 4, 18 May 1819; cf. Jansen & Roe 2013). We cannot certainly conclude that this specimen was collected during one of Cook's voyages because it is unclear from where Bullock acquired it. Van den Hoek Ostende et al. (1997) did not include the specimen in their list of type specimens at Naturalis. Discussion Provenance of Cook's specimens. — Our search for the type specimen of Chattering Kingfisher was unsuccessful for several reasons. First, it seems that two specimens are involved: Latham's Respected (=Chattering) Kingfisher and Latham's variety A of Sacred Kingfisher. Although two birds, said to be types, are still present in LIVCM and Naturalis, the provenance of both is uncertain. Neither was included in relevant lists of type specimens (Wagstaffe 1978, van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997). Another reason for our lack of success is that many, if not most, of Cook's specimens were preserved in liquid (Burton 1969). Steinheimer (2005) mentioned that 53 birds from Cook expeditions still exist (either as skins or mounts). By far the majority are unlabeled, but they include two fluid-preserved specimens with marks on the jars dating from 1792 (Burton (1969). The uncertainty of the type locality of Chattering Kingfisher led Stresemann (1950) to designate Raiatea. His rationale are unclear, but he apparently ignored the fact that Cook visited not only Raiatea but also Huahine and Bora Bora on the third voyage. The type specimen(s) may have originated from either of these other islands. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) and the Baudin expedition. — Holyoak & Thibault (1982) mentioned that no collecting trip visited French Polynesia between the third Cook voyage (ending 1780) and that of the La Coquille in March-June 1823. However, they overlooked the explorations made by George Bass (1771-1803). Many old specimens, including the kingfisher(s), could have been taken by Bass (cf. Jansen 2014). Bass has been associated with the Baudin expedition (Bowden 1952, Estensen 2005, Starbuck 2009) and he visited Tahiti and French Polynesia. He probably collected (at least) five bird specimens in New Zealand (n = 2), Tahiti and Tonga (n = 2) in 1801-02 that were previously ascribed to the Baudin expedition (Jansen 2014). The latter returned to Europe in 1803-04 and most material was deposited at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), Paris. Many specimens could therefore have spread via exchanges with other museums, which possibility we now explore in the remainder of the discussion. MNHN and Temminck. — The private collection of Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1778- 1858) in 1807 (Temminck 1807) shows strong similarities with that of MNHN. For example, Temminck possessed many specimens from regions (Africa, South America and the Caribbean) and collectors also well represented at MNHN. Because of the strong connection © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 117 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) between Temminck and MNHN, some of Bass's Pacific material could have found its way to Temminck, whose collection formed the basis of that now held in Naturalis. The time of arrival of Temminck's Pacific specimens can be deduced by comparing the 1805 manuscript catalogue with the officially published version in 1807 (Temminck c.1805, 1807, 1858: 37). Several arrived in 1805-07, including a Chattering Kingfisher (RMNH.AVES.204878; Temminck 1807: 71) and four Grey-green Fruit Doves Ptilinopus purpuratus (RMNH.AVES.21937-940; Temminck 1807: 144). Because Temminck reworked these specimens with arsenic soap directly after receipt (cf. Farber 1977: 563), they are still in excellent condition and not faded. They may have originated from MNHN, because specimens from areas other than the Pacific, known to have come via MNHN, are listed in Temminck's (1807) catalogue. MNHN and the Leverian Museum. — Pacific material from the Leverian Museum is often ascribed to Cook (cf. Stresemann 1953, Bauernfeind 2004: 557, Kaeppler 2011). However, specimens may have been acquired from sources like MNHN as well. Specimens from Bass could have reached the Leverian Museum in this way. To establish a connection between MNHN and the Leverian Museum, we researched known specimens from the latter, with the watercolours of specimens and displays in the Leverian Museum by Sarah Stone, produced in 1777-1806 (Jackson 1998: 10), being our primary source. The strongest evidence of a link between the two museums is the similarity between them in the presence of specimens from the Caribbean and Cayenne (^French Guiana). Stone depicted several species from the Caribbean including from San Domingo (=Hispaniola) and Puerto Rico in undated paintings. The Baudin expedition to the West Indies (1796-98) visited both islands and was one of the few to do so. Several specimens from this expedition are still extant (cf. Wetherbee 1985, Jansen 2014). From French Guiana, MNHN received many specimens from French collectors, including Charles-Nicolas-Sigisbert Sonnini de Manoncourt, Mn La Brosse, Jean-Charles Brocheton, Jean-Baptiste Leblond and Louis Claude Richard (cf. Saint-Hilaire 1809, Berlioz 1938, Stowell Rounds 1990). In contrast, very few British collectors were active there. John Gabriel Stedman donated just 16 curiosities (none of them birds) in 1796 to the Leverian Museum (Kaeppler 2011: 17), while the size of Mrs Blomefield's collection is unknown (Latham 1781: 44) and Charles Waterton only collected much later (Stowell Rounds 1990: 174-176). Thus, birds from the Caribbean and French Guiana in the Leverian Museum probably came via MNHN. The presence of specimens from the Baudin expedition to Australia and the Pacific (1800-04) in the Leverian Museum may be the result of exchange between Parkinson (then owner of the latter collection) and MNHN, which received many specimens from the Baudin expedition on its return to France (cf. Jansen 2014). Unfortunately, these lack original labels like almost all pre-1800 material. It may well be that LIVCM specimen D2326 arrived via this route. MNHN and Bullock .—Stresemann (1951: 126) regarded Bullock as an important buyer at the Leverian auction and therefore to have owned many birds collected during Cook's expeditions. In this respect, it is strange that Bullock's name hardly appears in the annotated catalogue of the Leverian auction. However, Bullock (1813) specifically referred to bird specimens from the Cook voyages, e.g. a Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus from Kamchatka (Bullock 1813: 54; cf. Schifter et al. 2007: 140-141), a Snowy Sheathbill Chionis albus (that arrived via the Royal College of Surgeons; Bullock 1813: 66) and several pigeons (Bullock 1813: 72). None of these was mentioned in earlier versions of his catalogue (e.g. Bullock 1809, 1812), so these probably reached him as late as 1812-13. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 118 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Several transactions of bird specimens between MNHN and Bullock are recorded. For example, a cockatoo from Australia was sent to Bullock on 31 August 1814. Bullock purchased or exchanged specimens collected for MNHN from dealers like Becouer, M. Gigot'orcia (Jansen 2014: 14) and Leadbeater (Johnstone et al. 2014). How birds from New Zealand (Kuhl 1820: 44, 86), Fiji (Kuhl 1820: 57), Tahiti (Kuhl 1820: 68) and New Caledonia (Kuhl 1820: 44M6) reached Bullock is unknown, nor is the original collector or the collection date of these specimens. These specimens could be birds collected either by Bass or during Cook's expeditions (cf. Jansen 2014). Perhaps RMNH.AVES.204880 arrived via this route at Bullock's auction, where it was bought by Temminck. Acknowledgements We thank Jane Acred and Clair Castle (Balfour & Newton Libraries, Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Cambridge, UK), Paul Martyn Cooper (NHMUK, London), Alison Harding and Robert Prys-Jones (NHMUK, Tring), Bryn Hyacinth (Cuming Museum, London), Tony Parker (LIVCM, Liverpool), Chris Sutherns (BM, London) and Jean-Claude Thibault (MNHN, Paris) for information on kingfisher specimens or other data. Michael Walters supplied additional information on dating Sarah Stone's plates. Adrienne L. Kaeppler assisted an (unsuccessful) attempt to identify Sivers and Laurent Raty helped translate certain texts. Marc Argeloo photographed the kingfisher drawings by George Forster. Alice Cibois, Thomas Ghestemme (Manu-BirdLife International French Polynesia), Steven van der Mije (Naturalis, Leiden), Bert Theunissen (Beta Sciences, Utrecht Univ.) and Jean-Claude Thibault commented on a first draft of this paper. Our research was supported by the SYNTHESYS Project (http://www.synthesys.uafo/) financed by EC Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 Capacities Programme. A visit by JJFJJ to NHMUK and BM was made possible via a grant from the 'Stichting P. A. Hens Memorial Fund'. We acknowledge the Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London, for permission to publish Ellis' plates. The Rob Goldbach Memorial Fund made professional reproduction of Webber's plate from BM possible. Guy Kirwan, H. Douglas Pratt and two anonymous referees are thanked for valuable comments on the submitted draft. References: Bauernfeind, E. 2004. Bird specimens from the Leverian Museum: documentation and present holdings at the NMW. Denisia 13: 555-565. Berlioz, J. 1938. Les collections omithologiques du Museum de Paris. L'Oiseau et R.F.O. 8: 237-260. Bowden, K. M. 1952. George Bass 1770-1803. Oxford Univ. Press, Melbourne. Bullock, W. 1809. A companion to the Liverpool Museum, containing a brief description of upwards of four thousand natural and foreign curiosities, antiquities and productions of the fine arts; now open for public inspection in five apartments, built and fitted up for the purpose at the house of William Bullock, jeweller and silversmith to his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, Clmrch-Street, Liverpool. Seventh edn. Bath. Bullock, W. 1812. A companion to the London Museum and Pantherion, containing a brief description of upwards of fifteen thousand natural and foreign curiosities, antiquities and productions of the fine arts; now open for public inspection in The Egyptian Temple, Piccadilly, London. Twelfth edn. London. Bullock, W. 1813. A companion to the London Museum and Pantherion, containing a brief description of upwards of fifteen thousand natural and foreign curiosities, antiquities and productions of the fine arts; now open for public inspection in The Egyptian Temple, Piccadilly, London. Fifteenth edn. London. Burton, P. J. K. 1969. Two bird specimens probably from Cook's voyages. Ibis 111: 388-390. Cibois, A. & Thibault, J.-C. 2009. Combien d'especes de martins-chasseurs existe-t-il a Tahiti? Te Mann 65: 16-18. Cook, J. & King, J. 1784. A voyage to the Pacific Ocean, vol. 2. W. & A. Strahan, London. Coues, E. 1879. Art. XXVI - Third instalment of American ornithological bibliography. Bull. US Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr. 5: 521-1066. Dryander, J. n.d. Four ms. lists of birds in drawings of], G. A. Forster & W. W. Ellis (& Webber) from Capt. j. Cook's second voyage, 1772-5, and third voyage 1776-80. Nat. Hist. Mus., Zoological Library, London. Dryander, J. n.d. Manuscript catalogue of drawings of birds by W. W. Ellis and William Webber, and of specimens collected on Captain James Cook's third voyage round the world, 1776-1880. Nat. Hist. Mus., Zoological Library, London. Estensen, M. 2005. The life of George Bass: surgeon and sailor of the Enlightenment. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest. Farber, P. L. 1977. The development of taxidermy and the history of ornithology. Isis 68: 550-566. Finsch, O. & Hartlaub, G. 1867. Beitrag zur Fauna Centralpolynesiens. Ornithologie der Viti-, Samoa- und Tonga- Inseln. H. W. Schmidt, Halle. Fry, C. H., Fry, K. & Harris, A. 1992. Kingfishers, bee-eaters and rollers. Christopher Helm, London. Gouni, A. & Zysman, T. 2007. Oiseaux du Fenua: Tahiti et ses lies. Ed. Tethys, Tahiti. Gmelin, J. F. 1788. Systema naturae, vol. 1. Georg Emmanuel Beer, Leipzig. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 119 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) van den Hoek Ostende, L. W., Dekker, R. W. R. J. & Keijl, G. 0.1997. Type-specimens of birds in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden. Part 1: non-passerines. NNM Bull. 1: 1-248. Holyoak, D. T. & Thibault, J.-C. 1982. L'exploration ornithologique de la Polynesie orientale. /. Soc. Oceanistes 74-75: 259-273. Jackson, C. E. 1998. Sarah Stone natural curiosities from the Neiv Worlds. Merrell Holberson, London. Jansen, J. J. F. J. 2014. Towards the resolution of long-standing issues regarding the birds collected during the Baudin expedition to Australia and Timor (1800-1804): a review of original documents reveals new details about collectors, donors, numbers and disbursement. /. Natl. Mus. (Prague), Nat. Hist. Ser. 183: 5-18. Jansen, J. J. F. J. & Roe, R. S. 2013. Tracking Cook's third voyage (1776-79) Hawaiian Rails Porzana sandwichensis, with some comments on their type status. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 133: 59-67. Jansen, J. J. F. J. & Roe, R. S. submitted. Black-eyed Thrush or Yellow-tufted Flycatcher: the troubled nomenclatural history of Yellow-tufted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. Johnstone, R. E., Fisher, C. & Saunders D. A. 2014. Calyptorhynchus baudinii Lear, 1832 (Aves, Cacatuidae): proposed conservation of usage by designation of a neotype. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 71: 170-178. Kaeppler, A. L. 2011. Holophusicon: the Leverian Museum. An eighteenth-century English institution of science, curiosity, and art. ZKF Publishers, Museum fur Volkerkunde, Wien. King, T. & Lochee, J. 1979a. Catalogue of the Leverian Museum. Privately published, London. King, T. & Lochee, J. 1979b. Sale catalogue of the Bullock's Museum. Privately published, London. Kuhl, H. 1820. Conspectus Psittacorum. Bonn. Largen, M. J. 1987. Bird specimens purchased by Lord Stanley at the sale of the Leverian Museum in 1806, including those still extant in the collections of the Liverpool Museum. Archiv. Nat. Hist. 14: 265-288. Latham, J. 1781. A general synopsis of birds, vol. 1(1). Benjamin White, London. Latham, J. 1782. A general synopsis of birds, vol. 1(2). Benjamin White, London. Latham, J. 1801a. Supplement II to the general synopsis of birds. Leigh, Sotheby & Son, London. Latham, J. 1801b. Supplementum indicis ornithologici, sive systematis ornithologiae. Leigh, Sotheby & Son, London. Latham, J. 1822. A general history of birds, vol. 5. Jacob & Johnson, Winchester. Laugier de Chartrouse, M. le Baron 1836. Catalogue des oiseaux de la collection de M. le Baron Laugier de Chartrouse. Garcin, Arles. Lichtenstein, M. H. C. 1844. Descriptiones animalium quae in itinere ad maris australis terras per annos 1772, 1773 et 1774 suscepto collegit observavit et delineavit Johannes Reinoldus Forster. Dummler, Berlin. Lysaght, L. 1959. Some eighteenth century bird paintings in the library of Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820). Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Hist. Ser. 1: 251-371. Medway, D. G. 1979. Some ornithological results of Cook's third voyage. J. Soc. Bibliog. Nat. Hist. 9: 315-351. Parkinson, S. 1773. A journal of a voyage to the South Seas, in his Majesty's ship, the Endeavour. Privately published, London. von Pelzeln, A. 1873. On the birds in the Imperial collection at Vienna obtained from the Leverian Museum. Part 1. Ibis (3)3: 14-54. Pratt, H. D., Bruner, P. L. & Berrett, D. G. 1987. The birds of Hawaii and the tropical Pacific. Princeton Univ. Press. Saint-Hilaire, G. 1809. Sur l'accroissement des collections des mammiferes et des oiseaux du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. An. Mus. Hist. Nat. 7: 87-88. Sawyer, F. C. 1949. Notes on some original drawings of birds used by Dr. John Latham. /. Soc. Bibliog. Nat. Hist. 2: 173-180. Schifter, H., Bauernfeind, E. & Schifter, T. 2007. Die Typen der Vogelsammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien. Teil I. Nonpasseres. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Schlegel, H. 1863. Museum d'Histoire naturelle des Pays-Bas. Revue methodique et critique des collections deposees dans cet etablissement, vol. 3. E. J. Brill, Leiden. Schlegel, H. 1875. Revue de la collection des Alcedines faisant partie du Musee de Pays-Bas. E. J. Brill, Leiden. Sharpe, R. B. 1868. A monograph of the Alcenididae. Privately published, London. Sharpe, R. B. 1906. Birds. Pp. 79-515 in Tire history of the collections of the natural history departments of the British Museum. Trustees of the Brit. Mus., London. Starbuck, N. 2009. Constructing the 'perfect' voyage: Nicolas Baudin at Port Jackson, 1802. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. of Adelaide. Steinheimer, F. D. 2005. Wissenschaftlige Fundgruben: Historische Vogelsammlungen in Deutschland. Der Falke 52: 272-276. Stowell Rounds, R. 1990. Men and birds in South America 1492 to 1900. QED Press, Fort Bragg, CA. Stresemann, E. 1950. Birds collected during Capt. James Cook's last expedition (1776-1780). Auk 67: 66-88. Stresemann, E. 1951. Die Entwicklung der ornithology. Von Aristoteles bis zur gegenwart. F. W. Peters, Berlin. Stresemann, E. 1953. Analyse von C. J. Temmincks "Catalogue Systematique" (1807). Zool. Meded. Leiden 16: 319-331. Temminck, C. J. n.d. Achats pour les Universite oiseaux et mammiferes / Nota van aankopen mammalien en vogelen in de publieke veiling van de heer Bullock in London. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden. © 2015 Tire Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Justin J. F. J. Jansen & Roland E. van der Vliet 120 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Temminck, C. J. c.1805. Eigenhandig geschreven catalogus van het Kabinet van den Heer C. J. Temminck, fol. V. MS. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden. Temminck, C. J. 1807. Catalogue systematique du cabinet d'ornithologie et de la collection de quadrumanes de Crd. Jb. Temminck; avec courte description des oiseaux non-decrits; suivi d'une note d'oiseaux doubles et de quelques autres objets d'histoire naturelle ojferts en echange. C. Sepp Jansz, Amsterdam. Temminck, C. J. 1858. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque delaissee par Mr. C.J. Temminck en son vivant Directeur du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas a Leide, chevalier de Vorde du Lion Neerlandais, member de plussiers Societes savants. E. J. Brill, Leiden. Townsend, C. H. & Wetmore, A. 1919. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U.S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U.S.N., commanding. XXL The birds. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 6: 151-225. van der Vliet, R. E. & Jansen, J. J. F. J. 2015. The chequered history of the Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus tutus Tahiti. II: present status. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 135: 121-130. Wagstaffe, R. 1978. Type specimens of birds in the Merseyside County Museums. Merseyside County Mus., Liverpool. Wetherbee, D. K. 1985. The extinct Cuban and Hispaniolan Macaws (Ara, Psittacidae), and description of a new species, Ara cubensis. Carib. ]. Sci. 21: 169-175. Whitehead, P. J. P. 1969. Zoological specimens from Captain Cook's voyages. /. Soc. Bibliog. Nat. Hist. 5: 161-201. Whitehead, P. J. P. 1978. A guide to the dispersal of zoological material from Captain Cook's voyages. Pacific Stud. 2: 52-93. Addresses: Justin J F. J. Jansen, c/o Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands, e-mail: justin.jansen@naturalis.nl. Roland E. van der Vliet, 2e Daalsedijk 169, 3551 EG Utrecht, the Netherlands, e-mail: rolandvandervliet@telfort.nl © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 121 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) The chequered history of Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus tutus on Tahiti. II: review of status by Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen Received 17 October 2014 Summary. — Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus t. tutus is endemic to the Society Islands, French Polynesia, but is poorly known on the main island of Tahiti. We evaluated historic and recent evidence for the species' occurrence there, reviewing 115 specimens of Chattering Kingfisher in museums worldwide. Andrew Garrett collected most specimens in the 1870s on Huahine. We established that there are no reliable field observations of the species on Tahiti. Furthermore, we reveal uncertainties concerning at least eight specimens reportedly taken on Tahiti (of a total of 13). The locality of Tupai for two specimens is also questionable. We conclude that Chattering Kingfisher has never occurred on Tahiti or Tupai. The distribution of T. t. tutus should be restricted to the islands of Bora Bora, Fluahine, Maupiti, Raiatea and Tahaa alone. In the tropical Pacific, only a few islands host two species of kingfisher (Pratt et at. 1987, Fry et at. 1992, Dutson 2011). Tahiti (Society Islands, French Polynesia) is supposedly one of these. While sympatric occurrence of kingfishers is usually well documented, the situation on Tahiti is unclear. Society Kingfisher Todiramphus veneratus is well known and easily seen in secondary forests in lowland valleys, whereas the occurrence of the nominate subspecies of Chattering Kingfisher T. t. tutus on Tahiti is enigmatic because there are no confirmed recent reports. Nor can prehistoric occurrence of kingfishers on Tahiti be inferred, as no avian bones have been found there, unlike other Polynesian islands (Steadman 1995). The lack of recent confirmed reports of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti adds to this confusion. Kingfishers are territorial species that respond aggressively to other species and conspecifics, and thus in general make their presence known to observers. However, the occurrence of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti could go unnoticed as, for this island, the species is reported to be present only in montane forest above 1,000 m (Holyoak 1974, Fry et at. 1992). On other islands within its range (i.e. Bora Bora, Huahine and Raiatea west of Tahiti), Chattering Kingfisher occurs from sea level to 800 m (Holyoak 1974, Fry et at. 1992), which makes it perhaps more readily observed. Chattering Kingfisher has never been reported on Moorea (the island closest to Tahiti), despite the species' occurrence on the other Society Islands (Fig. 1). Two other subspecies of Chattering Kingfisher have been described, but these occur on the Cook Islands and are not relevant to the present discussion. We attempt to resolve the confusion concerning the occurrence of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti, by (1) examining the provenance of extant specimens of T. t. tutus, and (2) evaluating modern-day field observations of Chattering Kingfisher in the light of the similarity in plumage between Chattering and Society Kingfishers (Cibois & Thibault 2009). We also briefly discuss the type specimen as its type locality is Tahiti (Gmelin 1788, based on Latham 1782). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 122 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Extant specimens of Chattering Kingfisher The taxonomic situation with respect to kingfishers in the southern Pacific in the 19th century was best described by Sharpe (1868) when speaking of Chattering Kingfisher: 'The confusion which lias existed respecting the present species is probably unparalleled in the annals of Ornithological Science.' Hence, we refrain here from mentioning unsubstantiated reports and present data only on extant specimens, of which several are available in museums in Australia, Europe and North America. We collected data on specimens of T. t. tutus alone, because it has been reported to occur on Tahiti. Via a request to the eBeac email-group of European curators, we received information on most specimens of Chattering Kingfishers currently held in European and several North American museums. Other data were retrieved from online databases of museums worldwide and from personal requests by e-mail. Reference to Banes et al. (1973), Roselaar (2003) and Gill (2006) revealed several additional collections in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand where specimens of Chattering Kingfisher might be present, which we then contacted. Although we attempted to locate as many relevant specimens as possible, additional specimens probably exist that are not mentioned in Table I. Nevertheless, we believe that firm conclusions can be drawn from our data. Data collated for each specimen were year and precise locality (island), collector's name, age (juvenile or adult), museum (acronyms are explained in Table 1) and collection number. If the collector is unknown, we note if the museum acquired the specimen via a well-known collector ('coll.' in Table 1) or a dealer (denoted 'via' in Table 1). For four specimens, no collector, former collection or dealer is known. We retrieved data on 115 different specimens in 17 museums (Table 1). Most specimens are from Huahine (43), followed by Bora Bora (26), Raiatea (18), Tahiti (13), Maupiti (five) and Tahaa (three). Two specimens are labelled Tupai. For five specimens, it is unknown on which island they were collected. Specimens were collected up to 1973, when J.-C. Thibault obtained the last series (via a permit issued to MNHN: Thibault 1974). Collecting bird specimens is no longer permitted in French Polynesia. The most important collector of Chattering Kingfisher specimens was Andrew Garrett, who worked in the Pacific for the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA (MCZ; 1855-66) and subsequently (1866-79) for the Godeffroy firm (Thomas 1979, Scheps 2005). He lived on Huahine in the Society Islands between 1870 and his death in 1887 (Graffe 1873, Scheps 2005). Garrett collected 38 specimens, all on Huahine, except three labelled Tahiti and one each Raiatea and Tupai. Rollo Beck, Ernst Quayle and their colleagues collected 14 specimens, mainly on Raiatea, during the Whitney South Sea Expedition in 1921-22, while Thibault took 13 specimens in 1973, including on Maupiti and Tahaa, where none had previously been collected. Reports of Chattering Kingfisher from Tahiti since 1900 Two large-scale ornithological surveys of Tahiti were mounted during the 20th century: the Whitney South Sea Expedition between September 1920 and April 1923, and the other between 1986 and 1991 (Monnet et al. 1993). Neither recorded the species on Tahiti (Monnet et al. 1993). Monnet et al. (1993) briefly reviewed field observations of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti and mentioned just two since 1900. The oldest was by Wilson (1907). Monnet et al. (1993) simply stated that Wilson collected the species, but Wilson's account is unclear as to what he observed. Wilson gave no description of the birds, while he clearly erred with respect to the occurrence of Society Kingfisher on Bora Bora (see below). We conclude that © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 123 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) 1 50°W his report of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti is unreliable. Holyoak (1974) is the source of the second observation mentioned by Monnet et al. (1993). He reported having observed 11 individuals in Mataiea district, Tahiti, in 1972, but he did not provide any description. More recent observations of Chattering Kingfisher emanate from two sources, bird tours and observations by local birdwatchers reported in Te Manu. Two trip reports published on the internet mention records of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti. The first involved a probable heard-only in September 2006 (Morris 2006). However, the vocalisations of Chattering and Society Kingfishers are very similar (Fry et al. 1992), so this report can be discounted. The second is the description of a bird in the lower Papehue Valley on 3 September 2008 (Finn 2008). The lack of a breast-band, stressed as an identification character, does not exclude Society Kingfisher, while the rest of the description does not conclusively support identification as Chattering Kingfisher either. Observations by local birdwatchers in 2002-08 fail to describe the distinguishing features well, and reports in Te Manu ceased following publication of Cibois & Thibault (2009) who stressed the superficial similarity in plumage between Chattering and Society Kingfishers. Discussion Mislabelling of specimens .—Many Chattering Kingfisher specimens are now held in Australian, European and North American museums. Most are attributed to islands © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 124 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) where it presently occurs (e.g. Bora Bora, Huahine and Raiatea). Thirteen are labelled Tahiti, but this locality is not without doubt. Tahiti is the main island in the group, and the annotation 'Tahiti' could just as well indicate that a specimen was collected somewhere in the archipelago, especially when collectors in Europe, or elsewhere, had never visited the region (cf. Rasmussen & Prys-Jones 2003). Also, when collections were transferred to museums, labelling was often performed by curators with no knowledge of Pacific avian distributions. It is quite remarkable that three 'Tahiti' specimens are attributed to Garrett. Firstly, Garrett is primarily known for his collections of molluscs and sea life (Clench 1979). On request, he did collect specimens of other taxonomic groups like birds, but on the Society Islands he is known to have done so only on Huahine and Raiatea (Sclater 1864, Graffe 1873). Furthermore, he collected for MCZ until 1866, but we are unable to locate any bird specimen from Tahiti attributed to Garrett in that collection. During the period he was employed by the Godeffroy firm, he did not collect birds on Tahiti because the French, who had claimed Tahiti since 1847, did not permit collecting of birds there (Schmeltz 1874). After 1870, Garrett mainly lived and collected on Huahine, so the origin of the Chattering Kingfishers supposedly collected on Tahiti is much more likely to be Huahine, where most of his specimens originated. Because of the French ban on bird collecting on Tahiti, the provenance of Reischek's Tahiti specimen also becomes suspect. Reischek was an Austrian collector and trader who was active mainly in New Zealand in 1877-89 (King 1981), during a period when the French were still present on Tahiti. Because Reischek never visited the latter himself, both his specimens could have been collected by Garrett. Because the species' distribution only includes islands with a volcanic history, its occurrence on the atoll of Moto Iti or Tupoi (both names used for present-day Tupai), near Bora Bora, would be unusual. Two specimens are said to have been collected there. One was sent by Garrett to Canon Tristram and is now at LIVCM. As Tristram's labelling is known to contain errors (Wagstaffe 1978), the locality may represent one such. A second specimen from Tupai was collected by J. T. Reinhardt during the first Galathea expedition, on 15 December 1846 (ZMUC 70305). It was one of several specimens of Chattering Kingfisher that Reinhardt collected during the expedition. Although this may lead to the alternative hypothesis of a (former) population on Tupai, the collection dates of Reinhardt's specimens seem to contain an error. Table 1 shows that Reinhardt collected five other specimens, three of them on Bora Bora. One is said to have been collected on 15 December 1846 (ZMUC 49931). However, on that date, Reinhardt was on Tupai (Bille & Von Rosen 1852: 363-364). Fikewise, labels of Reinhardt's Tahiti specimens indicate they were taken on 11 December 1846, but on that morning the Galathea set sail for Huahine and Tahaa (Bille & Von Rosen 1852: 352) making it extremely unlikely they were collected on that date and casting doubt on the precise dates and localities for his specimens. We have similar doubts concerning the localities of two specimens of Chattering Kingfisher at AMNH collected in 1904 by Wilson and labelled 'Tahiti'. From Wilson (1907), it is clear that he was confused regarding the distribution of kingfishers in the Society Islands. For example, he mentioned that 'two species of kingfisher were common on Bora-Bora', apparently referring to Chattering and Society Kingfisher, but on present- day knowledge only Chattering Kingfisher occurs there (Society Kingfisher is endemic to Tahiti and Moorea alone). In fact, Wilson's text for Halcyon veneratns reads: 'this species is fairly common, especially on the island of Bora-Bora'. Furthermore, Wilson (1907) wrote under Todiramphus tutus (Chattering Kingfisher): 'common throughout the Tahiti group'. We therefore conclude that Wilson's specimens were not necessarily collected on Tahiti. He visited several islands within the species' distribution, so his specimens could have © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 125 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Table 1 Details of specimens of Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus t. tutus in museums worldwide, arranged according to chronology of collection. * = recently re-identified as Chattering Kingfisher (A. Cibois in litt. 2014, P. Sweet in litt. 2014). ND: no data. Museum acronyms: AMNH —American Museum of Natural History, New York; AMS—Australian Museum, Sydney; ANSP —Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; BPBM —Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu; DMNH —Delaware Museum of Natural History, Wilmington; LIVCM—World Museum, Liverpool; MCNM — Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milan; MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge; MHNG —Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva; MNHN—Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; Naturalis —Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden; NMINH —National Museum of Ireland Natural History, Dublin; NHMUK —Natural History Museum, Tring; NMW — Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna; USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington; ZMB —Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin; ZMUC—Zoological Museum, Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. Year of collection Locality Collector Age Museum Specimen no. 1806 Tahiti coll. J. A. Lever ad LIVCM D2326 pre-1807 ND coll. C. J. Temminck ad Naturalis RMNH.AVES.204878 pre-1819 Tahiti coll. W. Bullock ad Naturalis RMNH.AVES.204880 1823 Bora Bora R. P. Lesson & P. Gamot ad MNHN 2006-544 1823 Bora Bora R. P. Lesson & P. Gamot ad MNHN 2006-545 p re-1840 Tahiti ND ad ANSP 21431 pre-1846 Bora Bora coll. F. V. Massena ad ANSP 21443 pre-1846 Bora Bora coll. F. V. Massena ad ANSP 21444 pre-1846 Bora Bora coll. F. V. Massena ad ANSP 21445 pre-1846 Bora Bora coll. F. V. Massena ad ANSP 21446 pre-1846 Bora Bora coll. F. V. Massena juv ANSP 21447 1846 Bora Bora J. T. Reinhardt juv ZMUC 49933 1846 Bora Bora J. T. Reinhardt ad ZMUC 49932 1846 Bora Bora J. T. Reinhardt ad ZMUC 49931 1846 Tupai J. T. Reinhardt ad ZMUC 70305 1846* Tahiti J. T. Reinhardt juv ZMUC 49929 1846* Tahiti J. T. Reinhardt juv ZMUC 49930 pre-1847 Tahiti via Maison Verreaux ad NHMUK 1847.7.8.3 pre-1847 Huahine via Maison Verreaux juv NHMUK 1847.7.8.4 pre-1849 Tahiti via J. Warwick ad LIVCM D378(S) pre-1851 ND ND ad LIVCM D2326a 1861 Bora Bora coll. F. de Lafresnaye ad MCZ 84319 pre-1863 ND ND juv Naturalis RMNH.AVES.204879 pre-1864 Huahine coll. J. H. Gumey ad NHMUK 1864.7.4.7 1866 ND via Maison Verreaux ad Naturalis RMNH.AVES.204883 1874 Raiatea A. Garrett ad Naturalis RMNH.AVES.204881 1877 Huahine A. Garrett ad ANSP 50147 1877 Huahine A. Garrett ad ANSP 50148 1877 Huahine A. Garrett juv ANSP 50149 1877 Huahine A. Garrett ad LIVCM 1989.66.718 1877 Huahine A. Garrett juv LIVCM 1989.66.722 1877 Huahine A. Garrett ad NHMUK 1888.10.20.699 1877 Huahine A. Garrett juv NHMUK 1888.10.20.698 1877 Huahine A. Garrett / H. B. Tristram juv AMS 0.32459 1877 Huahine A. Garrett / H. B. Tristram ad AMS 0.32460 1877 Huahine A. Garrett / H. B. Tristram ad AMNH 640303 1878 Huahine A. Garrett ad AMNH 640299 1878 Huahine A. Garrett ad AMNH 640300 © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 126 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) 1878 Huahine A. Garrett ad AMNH 640302 1878 Huahine A. Garrett ad Naturalis RMNH.AVES.204882 1878 Huahine A. Garrett juv NHMUK 1898.12.2.756 1878 Huahine A. Garrett ad NHMUK 1898.12.2.757 1878 Huahine coll. H. B. Tristram ad MCNM Av.20082 1878 Huahine via Edward Gerrard & Sons ad NMINH 1880.292.1 1878 Huahine via Edward Gerrard & Sons juv NMINH 1880.293.1 pre-1880 Huahine A. Garrett / H. B. Tristram ad ZMB ZMB24770 1880 Huahine A. Garrett ad LIVCM T3479 1880 Huahine A. Garrett juv LIVCM T3480 1880 Huahine A. Garrett juv LIVCM T3481 1880 Huahine A. Garrett ad LIVCM T3482 1880 Huahine A. Garrett ad LIVCM T3484 1880 Huahine A. Garrett ad LIVCM T3485 1880 Huahine A. Garrett juv LIVCM T3486 1880 Huahine A. Garrett ad LIVCM T3487 1880 Huahine A. Garrett ad LIVCM T3488 1880 Huahine A. Garrett juv LIVCM T3489 1880 Huahine A. Garrett juv LIVCM T3491 1880 Huahine A. Garrett ad LIVCM T3492 1880 Huahine A. Garrett ad LIVCM 1989.66.719 1880 Tupai A. Garrett / H. B. Tristram ad LIVCM T6093 pre-1881 Huahine coll. J. Gould ad NHMUK 1881.5.1.2983 pre-1881 Huahine coll. J. Gould juv NHMUK 1881.5.1.2991 pre-1888 Tahiti A. Garrett ad AMNH 640305 pre-1888 Tahiti A. Garrett ad AMNH 640306 pre-1888 Tahiti A. Garrett ad AMNH 640307 pre-1888 Huahine A. Garrett / H. B. Tristram ad AMNH 640298 pre-1888 Huahine A. Garrett ad AMNH 640301 pre-1888 Huahine A. Garrett ad AMNH 640304 pre-1889 Tahiti coll. A. Reischek ad NMW 50642 pre-1889 Huahine coll. A. Reischek juv NMW 50641 1899 Bora Bora C. Townsend ad MCZ 81959 1899 Bora Bora C. Townsend juv MCZ 81960 1899 Bora Bora C. Townsend ad USNM 212357 1899 Bora Bora C. Townsend ad USNM 212359 1899 Bora Bora C. Townsend juv USNM 212360 1902 Raiatea A. Seale ad AMNH 193305 1902 Raiatea A. Seale ad BPBM 2433 1902 Raiatea A. Seale ad BPBM 2434 1904* Tahiti S. Wilson juv AMNH 640290 1904* Tahiti S. Wilson juv AMNH 640291 1904 Bora Bora S. Wilson ad AMNH 640295 1904 Bora Bora S. Wilson ad AMNH 640296 1904 Bora Bora S. Wilson ad AMNH 640297 1904 Bora Bora S. Wilson ad MNHN 1910-796 pre-1907 ND ND ad MHNG 715064 1921 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad DMNH 13554 1921 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190247 1921 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190252 1921 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190253 © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 127 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) 1921 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad DMNH 13555 1921 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190250 1921 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190254 1922 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190255 1922 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190249 1922 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190251 1922 Raiatea Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190256 1922 Bora Bora Whitney expedition ad AMNH 223585 1922 Bora Bora Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190245 1922 Bora Bora Whitney expedition ad AMNH 190246 1937 Bora Bora R. W. Smith ad ANSP 128446 1937 Bora Bora R. W. Smith ad ANSP 128447 1937 Bora Bora R. W. Smith ad ANSP 128448 1973 Raiatea J.-C. Thibault juv MNHN 1974-2044 1973 Raiatea J.-C. Thibault ad MNHN 1974-2037 1973 Raiatea J.-C. Thibault ad MNHN 1974-2046 1973 Maupiti J.-C. Thibault ad MNHN 1974-2039 1973 Maupiti J.-C. Thibault juv MNHN 1974-2043 1973 Maupiti J.-C. Thibault ad MNHN 1974-2038 1973 Maupiti J.-C. Thibault ad MNHN 1974-2047 1973 Maupiti J.-C. Thibault ad MNHN 1974-2048 1973 Tahaa J.-C. Thibault ad MNHN 1974-2041 1973 Tahaa J.-C. Thibault ad MNHN 1974-2042 1973 Tahaa J.-C. Thibault juv MNHN 1974-2045 1973 Huahine J.-C. Thibault ad MNHN 1974-2040 1973 Huahine J.-C. Thibault juv MNHN 1974-2049 originated there. The same conclusion can be drawn regarding his observations of the species on Tahiti. To conclude, we have demonstrated that the locality of at least ten specimens of Chattering Kingfisher labelled 'Tahiti' or 'Tupai' is questionable. We were unable to investigate the other five specimens said to originate from 'Tahiti' because details of the collector are unknown (cf. Table 1). Mislabelled specimens are not uncommon in museums (Rasmussen & Prys-Jones 2003). For Society Kingfisher, it is easy to detect errors because the species occurs only on Tahiti and Moorea. We received data from nine museums concerning 140 specimens of Society Kingfisher with collection locality, of which 5.7% are wrong. If this percentage of incorrectly labelled specimens is valid for nominate Chattering Kingfisher, at least six specimens with a collection locality could be mislabelled, based on the 110 specimens for which a locality is mentioned. This compares with an actual number of 15 specimens that according to the label data were collected outside Bora Bora, Huahine, Maupiti, Raiatea or Tahaa (cf. Table 1). Because both subspecies of Society Kingfisher are single-island endemics, correcting an error in locality is easy for these taxa, presumably resulting in a lower error rate than for Chattering Kingfisher. Correcting locality errors for species with a wider range like Chattering Kingfisher is less straightforward. Type locality for Chattering Kingfisher .—The species was first described by Latham (1782) based on specimens collected during Cook's third voyage (Jansen & van der Vliet 2015) and his work formed the basis of the formal description by Gmelin (1788), as Alcedo tuta (from Tahiti). The specimen(s) Latham described were perhaps in the possession of Sir Joseph Banks who owned several kingfishers from Polynesia. Evidence comes from the inclusion of such specimens in two undated catalogues by Jonas Dryander describing © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 128 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Banks' collection ( cf'. Medway 1979 for a description of both catalogues). Unfortunately, many Cook specimens are wrongly labelled (Stresemann 1950) which renders relevant type localities unreliable. Furthermore, Dryander's descriptions are very brief, preventing certain identification of Banks' kingfishers. Two different specimens have been quoted in recent literature as the type specimen of Chattering Kingfisher. Largen (1987) concluded that a specimen now at the Liverpool museum (LIVCM) could be the type (specimen D2326), whereas Lysaght (1959) claimed that a bird held at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, is the type (RMNH.AVES.204878). Both are the oldest extant specimens of Chattering Kingfisher that we have traced (Table 1). However, neither was included in the relevant overviews of type specimens at these museums (Wagstaffe 1978, van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997), and we agree that neither specimen can be conclusively identified as being type material (cf. Jansen & van der Vliet 2015). Chattering Kingfisher never occurred on Tahiti. — The occurrence of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti must be considered doubtful. No modern-day field observations of Chattering Kingfisher from Tahiti exist, so only specimens can prove that it once occurred there. We cannot eliminate that the type specimen originated from Tahiti, but this does not necessarily imply that the species occurred there naturally. A surprisingly large number of 18th-century authors were impressed that kingfishers were considered sacred by natives of Polynesia. For example, Latham (1782) mentioned this as a peculiarity of both his Venerated and Respected Kingfishers. Their sacredness has resulted in at least four kingfisher taxa in the southern Pacific bearing a (sub)specific epithet in reference to this: T. tutus (Chattering Kingfisher) and T. veneratus (Society Kingfisher) in French Polynesia, T. sanctus (Sacred Kingfisher) of Australia, New Zealand and Melanesia, and T. chloris sacer (Collared Kingfisher) from Tonga. Their special status may also have resulted in trade of live birds as mentioned by E. Mayr (in Lysaght 1959), which could also explain why several kingfisher taxa, including both nominate Chattering and Society Kingfishers, were ascribed to islands where they do not occur (Jansen & van der Vliet 2015). A similar situation involves Red Shining Parrot Prosopeia (tabuensis) tabuensis, a species endemic to Fiji, for which the type locality is Tonga (Amadon 1942, Medway 2010). Several post-1900 reports of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti have been published. None features a description or other evidence (photograph, sound-recording, video or specimen). Ambiguous descriptions and depictions of adult Society Kingfisher (e.g. Pratt et al. 1987, Fry et al. 1992) may have resulted in such reports. Many, or most, female Society Kingfishers have white underparts without a breast-band, not unlike Chattering Kingfisher. Only males sometimes have a broad green breast-band (Sharpe 1868, Townsend & Wetmore 1919, Cibois & Thibault 2009). Furthermore, their vocalisations are rather similar (Fry et al. 1992). Modern-day reports contrast markedly with the results of two major expeditions in the 20th century, which failed to record Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti. Evidence that it may have disappeared from Tahiti after the introduction of Swamp Flarrier Circus approximate in 1885 (Gouni 2011) is unconvincing because the spread of the harrier to the Leeward Islands (e.g. Bora Bora, Huahine and Raiatea) did not result in Chattering Kingfisher declining there. For example, the harrier was noted on Bora Bora as long ago as 1922 (Holyoak & Thibault 1984), where the kingfisher still occurs (an estimated 238 individuals in 2004; Anon. 2004). Also, Chattering Kingfisher is still common on Raiatea despite the presence of Swamp Harrier on the island (Fry et al. 1992). We conclude that there are no modern-day records or specimens of Chattering Kingfisher from Tahiti. Field observations are not supported by evidence, while specimens labelled 'Tahiti' were either not obtained on Tahiti, or may be trade © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 129 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) birds. Any future report of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti must be clearly documented to eliminate all possibility of confusion with Society Kingfisher. Biogeographical and conservation implications. — That Chattering Kingfisher probably never occurred on Tahiti prompts some interesting observations concerning biogeography and conservation. The nominate subspecies of Chattering Kingfisher is not the only bird taxon endemic to the Leeward Islands, there is also a subspecies of Grey-green Fruit Dove Ptilinopus ( purpuratus ) chrysogaster. On the other hand, Tahiti and Moorea are inhabited by two other subspecies of Grey-green Fruit Dove that resemble one another but apparently are not sister to P. (p.) chrysogaster (Cibois et al. 2014). Other Leeward / Windward species- pairs include (1) the extinct Raiatea Parakeet Cyanoramphus ulietanus on the Leeward Islands (Raiatea) and the extinct Black-fronted Parakeet C. zealandicus on Tahiti; and (2) the extinct Garrett's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus musae on Raiatea and Huahine vs. Tahiti Reed Warbler A. caffer and the extinct Moorea Reed Warbler A. longirostris (Cibois et al. 2008). These examples demonstrate that the avifauna of the Leeward Islands has its own history, independent of the Windward Islands of Tahiti and Moorea, making the absence of Chattering Kingfisher on Tahiti unsurprising. The nominate subspecies of Chattering Kingfisher is certainly known only from the five volcanic Leeward Islands: Bora Bora, Huahine, Maupiti, Raiatea and Tahaa. Because the original vegetation on Tupai atoll can be presumed to differ markedly from that on the five Leeward Islands, we consider occurrence on Tupai unlikely. Furthermore, Thibault (1974) did not record the species on Tupai in 1973. For Maupiti and Tahaa, Holyoak & Thibault (1984) estimated <100 pairs and 450-500 pairs, respectively, but did not provide estimates for Huahine and Raiatea (which may be the most important islands for the species). For Bora Bora, Holyoak & Thibault (1984) estimated <100 birds (c.50 pairs), but this was revised to 238 individuals (c.120 pairs) by Anon. (2004). If Huahine and Raiatea harbour 2,000 pairs each, the world population would be <5,000 pairs. Acknowledgements We thank Walter Boles (AMS, Sydney), Emma Burns (OM, Dunedin), Philippe Candegabe (Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Grenoble), Giorgio Chiozzi (MSNM, Milan), Alice Cibois (MHNG, Geneva), Kate Eldridge (MCZ, Cambridge, MA), Sylke Frahnert (ZMB, Berlin), Jon Fjeldsa (ZMUC, Copenhagen), Anita Gamauf (NMW, Vienna), Christophe Gouraud (Baillon collection, France), Molly Hagemann (BPBM, Bishop Museum, Honolulu), Alison Harding and Robert Prys-Jones (NHMUK, Tring), Philippa Horton (South Australian Museum, Adelaide), Ron Johnstone (Western Australian Museum, Perth), Tony Parker (LIVCM, World Museum, Liverpool), Anne Previato and Jean-Claude Thibault (MNHN, Paris), Nate Rice (ANSP, Philadelphia), Paul Sweet (AMNH, New York), Jean L. Woods (DMNH, Wilmington) and Friederike Woog (SMNS, Stuttgart) for supplying information on kingfisher specimens held in these collections or locating other sources of information. Andre J. van Loon prepared the map. Alice Cibois, Thomas Ghestemme (Manu-BirdLife International French Polynesia), Steven van der Mije (Naturalis, Leiden), Bert Theunissen (Beta Sciences, Utrecht Univ.) and Jean-Claude Thibault commented on a first draft of this paper. Our research was supported by the SYNTHESYS Project (http://www.synthesys.info/) financed by EC Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 Capacities Programme. Guy Kirwan, H. Douglas Pratt and two anonymous referees are thanked for their valuable comments on the submitted draft. References: Amadon, D. 1942. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition, 50. Notes on some non-passerine genera 2. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1176. Anon. 2004. L'avifaune de Bora Bora. Te Manu 46: 4-5. Banes, R. C., Clench, M. H. & Barlow, J. C. 1973. Bird collections in the United States and Canada. Auk 90: 136-170. Bille, S. A. & Von Rosen, W. 1852. S. Bille's Bericht iiber die Reise der Corvette Galathea um die Welt in den Jahren 1845, 46 und 47. C. A. Reitzel, Copenhagen. Cibois, A. & Thibault, J.-C. 2009. Combien d'especes de martins-chasseurs existe-t-il a Tahiti? Te Manu 65: 16-18. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Roland E. van der Vliet & Justin J. F. J. Jansen 130 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Cibois, A., Thibault, J.-C. & Pasquet, E. 2008. Systematics of the extinct reed warblers Acrocephalus of the Society Islands of eastern Polynesia. Ibis 150: 365-378. Cibois, A., Thibault, J.-C., Bonillo, C., Filardi, C. E., Watling, D. & Pasquet, E. 2014. Phylogeny and biogeography of the fruit doves (Aves: Columbidae). Mol. Phyl. & Evol. 70: 442-453. Clench, W. J. 1979. A biography of Andrew Garrett, early naturalist in Polynesia. Part 2. Nautilus 93: 96-102. Dutson, G. 2011. Birds of Melanesia. Christopher Helm, London. Finn, M. 2008. Tahiti, New Caledonia & Fiji 2008, September lst-18th. www.birdwatchingbreaks.com. Fry, C. H., Fry, K. & Harris, A. 1992. Kingfishers, bee-eaters and rollers. Christopher Helm, London. Gill, B. J. 2006. Birds in Australian and New Zealand museums - a major resource for ornithology. New Zealand J. Zool. 33: 299-315. Gmelin, J. F. 1788. Systema naturae, vol. 1. Georg Emmanuel Beer, Leipzig. Gouni, A. 2011. Le Busard de Gould. In: Soubeyran, Y., Caceres, S. & Chevassus, N. (eds.) Les vertebres terrestres introduits en outre-mer et leurs impacts. Guide illustre des principales esp'eces envahissantes. Comite frangais de l'UICN & ONCFS, Paris. Graffe, E. 1873. Vogelbalge aus Huahine, gesammelt fur das „Museum Godeffroy". /. Mus. Godeffroy 1: 48-51. van den Hoek Ostende, L. W., Dekker, R. W. R. J. & Keijl, G. 0.1997. Type-specimens of birds in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden. Part 1: non-passerines. NNM Bull. 1: 1-248. Holyoak, D. T. 1974. Les oiseaux des lies de la Societe. Part 2. L’Oiseau et R.F.O. 44: 153-184. Holyoak D. T. & Thibault, J.-C. 1984. Contribution a l'etude des oiseaux de Polynesie orientale. Mem. Mus. ' Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 127: 1-209. Jansen, J. J. F. J. & van der Vliet, R. E. 2015. The chequered history of the Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus tutus in Tahiti. I: type specimens. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 135: 108-120. King, M. 1981. The collector. A biography of Andreas Reischek. Hodder & Stoughton, Auckland. Largen, M. J. 1987. Bird specimens purchased by Lord Stanley at the sale of the Leverian Museum in 1806, including those still extant in the collections of the Liverpool Museum. Archiv. Nat. Hist. 14: 265-288. Latham, J. 1782. A general synopsis of birds, vol. 1(2). Benjamin White, London. Lysaght, L. 1959. Some eighteenth century bird paintings in the library of Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820). Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). Hist. Ser. 1: 251-371. Medway, D. G. 1979. Some ornithological results of Cook's third voyage. /. Soc. Bibliog. Nat. Hist. 9: 315-351. Medway, D. G. 2010. A review of the origin, European discovery, and first descriptions of the red shining- parrot (Prosopeia t. tabuensis) on 'Eua, Kingdom of Tonga. Notornis 57: 128-134. Monnet, C., Thibault, J.-C. & Varney, A. 1993. Stability and changes during the twentieth century in the breeding landbirds of Tahiti (Polynesia). Bird Conserv. Intern. 3: 261-280. Morris, P. 2006. Polynesia, 6-28 September 2006. www.cloudbirders.com. Pratt, H. D., Bruner, P. L. & Berrett, D. G. 1987. The birds of Hawaii and the tropical Pacific. Princeton Univ. Press. Rasmussen, P. C. & Prys-Jones, R. P. 2003. History vs mystery: the reliability of museum specimen data. Bull. Br. Orn. Cl. 123A: 66-94. Roselaar, C. S. 2003. An inventory of major European bird collections. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 123A: 253-337. Scheps, B. 2005. Das verkaufte Museum, die Sudsee-Unternehmungen des Handelshauses Joh. Ces. Godeffroy & Sohn, Hamburg, und die Sammlungen "Museum Godeffroy". Goecke & Evers, Hamburg. Schmeltz, J. D. E. 1874. Museum Godeffroy Catalog V. Nebst einer Beilage enthaltend topographische und zoologische Notizen. L. Friederichsen & Co., Hamburg. Sclater, P. L. 1864. List of a collection of birds from Huaheine, Society's Islands. Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 1864: 8-11. Sharpe, R. B. 1868. A monograph of the Alcenididae. Privately published, London. Steadman, D. W. 1995. Prehistoric extinctions of Pacific island birds: biodiversity meets zooarchaeology. Science 26: 1123-1131. Stresemann, E. 1950. Birds collected during Capt. James Cook's last expedition (1776-1780). Auk 67: 66-88. Thibault, J.-C. 1974. Le peuplement avien des lies de la Societe (Polynesie). MNHN-EPHE, Papeete. Thomas, W. S. 1979. A biography of Andrew Garrett, early naturalist of Polynesia. Part 1. Nautilus 93: 15-28. Townsend, C. H. & Wetmore, A. 1919. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U.S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U.S.N., commanding. XXI. The birds. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 6: 151-225. Wagstaffe, R. 1978. Type specimens of birds in the Merseyside County Museums. Merseyside County Mus., Liverpool. Wilson, S. B. 1907. XVIII - Notes on birds of Tahiti and the Society group. Ibis 49: 373-379. Addresses: Roland E. van der Vliet, 2e Daalsedijk 169, 3551 EG Utrecht, the Netherlands, e-mail: rolandvanciervliet@telfort.nl. Justin J. F. J. Jansen, c/o Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands, e-mail: justin.jansen@naturalis.nl © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 131 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) List of type specimens of birds in the Baillon Collection (La Chatre, France). Part 1. Non-Passerines by Christophe Gouraud Received 23 November 2014 Summary.— The Baillon Collection (Musee George Sand et de la Vallee Noire, La Chatre, France), holds type specimens of the following non-passerine species: (1) holotypes of Cuculus cinereus Vieillot, 1817 (= Pallid Cuckoo Heteroscenes pallidus ); Nycticorax oceanicus Lesson, 1845 (= Yellow-crowned Night Heron Nyctanassa violacea); Totanus melanopygius Vieillot, 1816 (= Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos); Totanus pusillus Vieillot, 1816 (= Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius); Totanus guttatus Vieillot, 1816 (= Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes); Atricilla micropterus Bruch (ex Bonaparte), 1855 (= Laughing Gull Lams a. atricilla); (2) syntypes of Rallus bailloni Vieillot, 1819 (= Western Baillon's Crake Zapornia pusilla intermedia); Catarrhactes adeliae Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841 (= Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae); Ardea sibilatrix Temminck, 1824 (= Whistling Heron Syrigma sibilatrix sibilatrix); Cormoranus crassirostris Baillon, 1834 (= Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis); ZEdicnemus vocifer L'Herminier, 1838 (= Double-striped Thick-knee Burhinus bistriatus vocifer); Larus leucomelas Vieillot, 1818 (= Pacific Gull Larus p. pacificus); Larus cirrocephalus Vieillot, 1818 (= Grey-headed Gull Larus c. cirrocephalus); Uria francsii Leach, 1819 (= Thick-billed Murre Uria l. lomvia); Uria francsii Ross, 1819 (= Uria l. lomvia); Galbula tridactyla Vieillot, 1817 (= Three¬ toed Jacamar Jacarnaralcyon tridactyla); Pogonia sulcirostris Leach, 1815 (= Bearded Barbet Pogonornis dubius); Picus Juscescens Vieillot (ex Levaillant), 1818 (= Cardinal Woodpecker Dendropicos f juscescens); Falco biarmicus Temminck, 1825 (= Lanner Falcon Falco b. biarmicus); Psittacus cruentatus Wied, 1820 (= Ochre-marked Parakeet Pyrrhura cruentata); Psittacus melanonotus Wied, 1820 (= Brown-backed Parrotlet Touit melanonotus); and (3) paralectotypes of Ibis papillosa Temminck, 1824 (= Red- naped Ibis Pseudibis papillosa); Carbo desmarestii Payraudeau, 1826 (= European Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii). Seven specimens that are probable types, five that are possible types, and 11 that are not types are also listed and discussed. The Baillon collection was initiated by Jean Francois Emmanuel Baillon (c. 1742-1801, hereafter Emmanuel Baillon), and substantially increased by his son Louis Antoine Francois Baillon (1778-1855, hereafter Francois Baillon). Emmanuel Baillon was a lawyer in Montreuil-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) and bailiff of Waben, who devoted most of his spare time to natural history. He regularly sent specimens to the Jardin des Plantes in Paris (which became the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in 1793). The frequency with which he sent specimens and the quality of his observations earned him the distinction of First Correspondent of the Museum in the year IV of the French Republican Calendar (i.e. between 23 September 1795 and 21 September 1796: Prarond 1857: 626). He also engaged in prolonged correspondences with Daubenton, Lacepede and Cuvier in Paris, and was one of the most valued correspondents of the Comte Button (see extracts from letters in Prarond 1857, Farber 1997: 18). Given his father's interests and that he was corresponding with some of the greatest naturalists of the age, it is unsurprising that Francois developed a keen appreciation © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 132 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) of natural history at a very young age. Emmanuel Baillon taught his son mounting (taxidermy) techniques and to identify a variety of taxa that he collected or that were brought to him by local fishermen and hunters (Prarond 1857). In year VIII of the French Republican Calendar (i.e. between 23 September 1799 and 22 September 1800), at the age of 22, Francois Baillon was appointed assistant naturalist at MNHN under the supervision of Louis Dufresne (1752-1832). He thus spent a lot of time in Paris where he hoped to obtain a permanent position (Prarond 1857: 638). However, when his father died in 1801, he was forced to return to Abbeville (Somme, Picardie), near Montreuil-sur-Mer, to fulfil family obligations, shattering his hope of becoming one of the famous naturalists at the Paris museum. However, he continued to correspond with the institution, especially with the Cuvier brothers, Achilles Valenciennes and Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, to whom he regularly sent observations and specimens (Prarond 1857). Francois Baillon also acquired fame abroad, especially through his correspondence with Bonelli, professor and director of the Turin museum, who in turn introduced him to the German explorer, the Prince of Wied (Maximilian, Prinz zu Wied) 1 . When Wied travelled to France in 1814, he was greatly impressed by the vast collection of mounted animals that Emmanuel & Francois Baillon had amassed. In the years following his return from an expedition to Brazil in 1817, Wied became an important contributor to the Baillon collection. Like his father, Francois devoted much of his leisure to the study of natural history until his death in 1855. The modesty of the Baillons should be emphasised (Prarond 1857). Indeed, beside two works published by Emmanuel (Baillon 1791a,b) and the Catalogue des mammiferes, oiseaux, reptiles, poissons et mollusques testaces marins observes dans Varrondissement d'Abbeville published by Francois (Baillon 1834 2 ), most of the information gathered by the Baillon father and son was passed to other naturalists probably considered better positioned. This is well illustrated, for example by Vieillot and Bonaparte, who referred to the Baillon collection for some of their descriptions 3 . With improvements in taxidermy and firearms, together with greater mobility and the growth of the colonies, the 19th century witnessed a real desire for natural history collections (Mearns & Mearns 1998: 79-95). From the late 18th century, the increasing number of expeditions exploring the world provided ever more natural history specimens, requiring national institutions to deal urgently with the lack of space. One means of confronting this dilemma was to exchange or release duplicates, as well as old or damaged specimens, to associates such as private collectors. Of the 463 bird specimens present in MNHN in 1793, 361 were replaced and, of the 3,411 specimens registered in 1809, 1,234 were duplicates (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809). There can be no doubt that the Baillons were among the recipients of such offerings, as attested by the numerous specimens given away by the Cuviers, Valenciennes, Prevost and Dufresne between 1801 and 1840. Private collectors who were keen to make scientific use of their specimens had to expend a substantial amount of money to acquire reference works and, moreover, to keep up to date with new editions. The Baillons undoubtedly had some of these works but certainly not all, as attested by some confusion in the different names used on the bases of the pedestals of their specimens. 1 There is persistent confusion in the way the Prince of Wied's name should be cited. I follow Myers (2012) by using Wied instead of Wied-Neuwied. 2 This work is sometimes dated 1833. In fact, Baillon presented his Catalogue to the Societe d'Emulation d'Abbeville in 1833. The Memoires from 1833 were published only in 1834. A letter sent by Francois Baillon to Henri-Marie Ducrotay de Blainville (1777-1850) in 1838 was published the same year in the Compt. Rend. Hebdomadaires Seances Acad. Sci. 7: 1021-1022. Another letter from Frangois Baillon to George Robert Waterhouse (1810-88) in 1839 was published the same year in Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 7: 124. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 133 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Small historical collections are important for science (Steinheimer 2003) and old type material is all the more important given that the descriptions of the time often contained few details. Also, due to deterioration and negligence over time, type material in early collections is often believed lost (Steinheimer 2005c). Thus, it is particularly remarkable that the Baillons' collection has survived successive removals, wars and other disasters (see Mearns & Mearns 1998: 67-69), to be finally inventoried in 2010-11. Investigations into the history of the Baillon collection has revealed that it is highly valuable scientifically, comprising 18th-century specimens (Gouraud 2014a), specimens of extinct species (Gouraud 2014b) and specimens from famous expeditions and circumnavigations. The present paper lists the type specimens of non-passerine taxa present in the Baillon collection of La Chatre. Methods No written documents, logs or records of exchanges with other naturalists and institutions, nor even a simple list of the specimens present in the Baillon collection, has ever been located. The only information available is that on the labels on the pedestal bases on which the specimens are mounted. During the inventory, each specimen was cleaned, identified to species (where possible) and given a unique number (i.e. inventory number). All original inscriptions on the underside of each pedestal, even those in bad condition, were scanned using a Canon Scanoscan 8400F, and all specimens photographed (face on and profile) using a Nikon Coolpix 4200. The only measurements taken was exposed bill length, to the feathers (unless the bill was damaged). The complete data record, including scan and photo files, have been added to a database using ActiMuseo® software developed by A&A Partners. The Baillon collection in La Chatre comprises a total of 2,478 mounted bird specimens belonging to 1,318 4 species. An abbreviated version of the dataset has been added to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) database and can be accessed via the following link: http://data.gbif.org/datasets/resource/14302/. Throughout this paper, 'the Code' refers to the International code of zoological nomenclature (ICZN 1999). The dating of scientific names is essential for any work relating to type material. Thus, I follow the recommendations and conclusions of Dickinson et al. (2011). For each specimen, I present the following. (1) The name under which the taxon was described, respecting the original spellings (including capitalisation and diacritic marks or accents). (2) Current species name following del Hoyo et al. (1992-2013), which is the basis for the Baillon collection, updated according to Handbook of the birds of the world alive (retrieved from www.hbw.com on 10 October 2014). (3) The list of relevant specimens, with their type status and inventory numbers. I use 'Probable type' when I consider the evidence of type status to be strong but not certain, and 'Possible type' if I am truly uncertain concerning the situation. When certain, type status is presented in bold. (4) Where available, relevant information from the inscriptions on the pedestal bases of listed specimens, i.e. place and date of collection or when presented to the Baillons, and names of collectors or donors. In a few cases, a second label was eventually prepared by a different hand and pasted on the Baillons' original label. I render a new line thus /. Important sentences are underlined and subsequently translated from French to English. French texts on the bases of the specimen pedestals have been corrected (for accents, use of capitals where appropriate, and other small spelling mistakes). I use [X] where a word or several words are unreadable, and [?] if the preceding word is doubtful. (5) Remarks. Important sentences 4 Identification to species level remains undetermined for 41 specimens. Therefore, the number of species may change if the identification of any of these specimens proves possible in the future. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 134 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) from original publications have been translated from their original languages to English (unless mentioned, original texts are in French). The following acronyms are used: AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, Cambridge, MA MNHN Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris MWHN Hessian State Museum, Wiesbaden NHMUK Natural History Museum, Tring (formerly British Museum Natural History) NMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien RMNH Naturalis Biodiversity Center (formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie), Leiden SMF Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg (formerly Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt am Main), Frankfurt am Main ZMB Museum fur Naturkunde, Zentralinstitut der Humboldt-Universitat, Institut fur Systematische Zoologie, Berlin Taxa represented by type specimens GALLIFORMES Phasianidae Francolinus clamosus Lesson, 1831: 504, pi. 89 [sic] fig. 2. Current name: Pternistis capensis (J. F. Gmelin, 1789). Probable syntype: MLC.2011.0.1118. Pedestal base: 'Francolinus clamosus. Less. [Lesson] / Femelle / du Cap de Bonne Esperance par M. / Delalande. donne par M. Cuvier ' ['from Cape of Good Hope by Mn. Delalande, presented by Mn. Cuvier']. Remarks: Although Lesson (1831: 504) mentioned that the specimens he described were provided by Delalande and had come from the Cape of Good Hope, I cannot be sure that this specimen was at Lesson's disposal as the original inscription is undated, and all specimens from Cuvier were given to Baillon between 1819 and 1826. The correct plate in Lesson's Traite d'Ornithologie ou Tableau Methodique is 87, not 89. The MNHN has one syntype (C.G. 2013-51: Voisin et al. in press). ANSER1FORMES Anaticiae Anser Brachyrhynchus Baillon, 1834: 74. Current name: Anser brachyrhynchus Baillon, 1834. Possible syntype: MLC.2011.0.560. Pedestal base: 'Anser Brachyrhynchus, Baill. [Baillon] cat. [catalogue]'. Remarks: As there is no date on the original inscriptions, I can neither exclude nor include this specimen in the type series. Of the two specimens sent by Francois Baillon to Temminck, only one has been found at Naturalis (RMNH.AVES.87331, van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997: 48). Other specimens were sent to Paris, Mainz and Turin 5 but cannot be traced. Two other specimens in the Baillon Collection, MLC.2011.0.542 and MLC.2011.0.546, cannot be types as they were collected in 1837, four years after the original description. 5 See the letter sent by Francois Baillon to George Robert Waterhouse in 1839 and published the same year in Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 7: 124. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 135 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) PODICIPEDIFORMES Podicipedidae Podiceps Rolland Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 133. Current name: Rollandia rolland (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824). Probable paralectotype: MLC.2010.0.229. Pedestal base: 'Podiceps Rolandi Quoy / Gaimard. Voy. [Voyage] de Freycinet / Grebe rolandi, idem / Plumage d'ete / Rapporte par M. Frevcinet en 1820 / et donne par M. Cuvier / en 1821 ' ['Brought back by Mn. Freycinet in 1820 and donated by Mn. Cuvier in 1821']. Remarks: This specimen was collected by or for Quoy and Gaimard, the naturalists on board I'Uranie, captained by Freycinet between 1817 and 1820 on its voyage around the world. As it was given to Francois Baillon by Cuvier in 1821, shortly after Freycinet's return from his circumnavigation, and three years prior to Quoy and Gaimard's publication (1824), it is uncertain if MLC.2010.0.229 was at Quoy and Gaimard's disposal in describing their Podiceps Rolland. MNHN holds the lectotype (C.G. 1994-892) and two paralectotypes (C.G. 1994-890 and C.G. 1994-891), as detailed in Voisin (1995). PTEROCLIFORMES Pteroclidae Pterocles exustus Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1825: pi. 354 (male) and pi. 360 (female). Current name: Pterocles exustus floweri Nicoll, 1921. Probable syntype: MLC.2011.0.1184. Pedestal base: 'Pterocles exustus Temm. [Temminck] / pi. [Planches] Col. [Coloriees] 354 et 360 / Ganga ventre brule, Temm. [Temminck] / Femelle / de la haute Egvpte / Rapporte et donne par M. Ruppell ' ['from Upper Egypt, brought back and donated by Mn. Ruppell']. Remarks: In his description, Temminck (1825) mentioned 'Specimens obtained from this country [i.e. Egypt] by Prussian naturalists and by M. Ruppel [sic] do not differ from those received from Senegal.' According to Art. 73.2 of the Code, all these specimens are syntypes. Naturalis has two syntypes from Senegal: RMNH.AVES.87615 (adult male) and RMNH.AVES.87616 (adult female) (van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997: 82). NMW also has two syntypes from Senegal: 562 (male) and 563 (female) (Schifter et al. 2007: 142). Although Ruppell collected MLC.2011.0.1184 in Upper Egypt, I have no evidence that this specimen was at Temminck's disposal for his description. Temminck's name was based on birds from Senegal and Egypt, but many years later the population endemic to the Nile Valley, in Egypt, was described as P. e. floiveri by Nicoll (1921). The type locality of exustus needs to be clarified. According to Arts. 73.2.3 and 76.2 of the Code, I recommend lectotypification of a non-Egyptian specimen from the P. e. exustus series. P. e. floiveri had been thought to be almost certainly extinct with no records since 1979 (de Juana 1997: 52) prior to its recent rediscovery (Khil et al. 2012). CUCULIFORMES Cuculidae POLOPHILUS VARIEGATUS Leach, 1814: 116, pi. 51. Current name: Centropus phasianinus (Latham, 1801). Probable holotype (by monotypy): MLC.2011.0.1424. Pedestal base: 'Polophilus phasianus, variegatus, / leucogaster et lathami, Leach Misc. [Miscellany] / Nouv. [Nouvelle] Hollande. Envove de / Londres par M. Leach sous / le nom de Polophilus / variegatus ' ['New Holland (i.e. Australia). Sent from London by Leach under the name Polophilus variegatus’]. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 136 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Remarks: In his description, Leach (1814: 116), who worked in the British Museum from 1814 to 1822 6 , mentioned that the specimen 'is preserved in the British Museum'. The earliest relevant registers of NHMUK specimens are the Vellum Catalogues, compiled between 1835 and c.1843 (see Thomas 2012), which in vol. 25, entry 313, mentions four specimens (a-d) of Polophilus variegatus as being present. From the donors' names, three of these (b-d) clearly arrived too late to be Leach's specimen. The fourth (a), however, is merely listed as 'Australia', so cannot be dated, but clearly was present in the mid-1830s (R. Prys- Jones in litt. 16 February 2015). None is currently present in the NHMUK collection, and all must have disappeared before 1891 as they are not mentioned by Sclater & Shelley (1891: 341-342) or Warren (1966). Although MLC.2011.0.1424 matches the bird depicted on pi. 51 (Leach 1814), it is possible that, before he retired, Leach had access to another specimen and it is impossible to be sure which he sent to Baillon. Leach's variegatus represents the non-breeding plumage of the name phasianinus described by Latham. Vieillot (1819d: 298) subsequently described Corydonix variegatus from the same specimen that had probably been used by Leach (1814), commenting 'From tire collection of M. Baillon', thus merely placing Leach's name in a different genus, but his account is important in demonstrating that the specimen had reached Baillon by 1819. MLC.2011.0.1424 is in poor condition as the tail and toes from the left leg are missing. Cuculus cinereus Vieillot, 1817a: 226. Current name: Heteroscenes pallidus (Latham, 1801). Holotype (by monotypy): MLC.2011.0.1406. Pedestal base: no inscription. Remarks: In closing his description, Vieillot (1817a: 226) mentioned 'The collection of M. Baillon'. Specimen MLC.2011.0.1406 is the sole H. pallidus in the collection and therefore is almost certainly that used by Vieillot. Cuculus rufulus Vieillot, 1817b: 234. Current name: Cacomantis flabelliformis (Latham, 1801). Possible holotype (by monotypy): MLC.2011.0.1408. Pedestal base: the inscription refers to the wrong species —Dryobates minor (Linnaeus, 1758). Remarks: Vieillot (1817b: 234) closed his description by stating that '[the specimen's] skin is part of the cabinet of M. Baillon'. The Baillon collection holds only two specimens of Cacomantis. One is a C. merulinus (Scopoli, 1786), from Java. Due to its very bad condition, 1 identified the second, MLC.2011.0.1408, only as Cacomantis sp. This specimen could match the description of Vieillot (1817b: 234), but the lack of data concerning its provenance (and eliminating other Cacomantis species similar to C. flabelliformis) prevents me from taking a position on the status of this specimen. GRUIFORMES Rallidae Rallus Bailloni Vieillot, 1819a: 548. Current name: Zapornia pusilla intermedia (Hermann, 1804). Syntype: MLC.2011.0.1156.1. Pedestal base: 'Rallus Baillonii, Vieill. [Vieillot] / Rale Baillon id / jeune avant de pouvoir voler / et / jeune couvert de duvet / Nolettes, aofit 1817 ' ['Young unable to fly and covered in down. Nolettes (i.e. Hameau de Nolettes, Noyelles-sur-Mer, Somme, Picardie) in August 1817']. Syntype: MLC.2011.0.1156.2. Pedestal base: identical to the previous specimen. 6 Although he officially retired in March 1822, Leach was on leave of absence due to ill health from July 1820 (see Gunther 1975: 178-179). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 137 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Remarks: In his description, Vieillot (1819a: 548) mentioned that he named the species after 'the naturalist to whom I owe all the details relating to it, and who was the first to discover it in Picardy'. Vieillot (1819a: 548) described the male, the female, the juvenile and the chick. Juvenile and chick descriptions closely match specimens MLC.2011.0.1156.1 and MLC.2011.0.1156.2, respectively. SPHENISCIFORMES Spheniscidae Catarrhactes Adeliae Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841: 320. Current name: Pygoscelis adeliae (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841). Syntype: MLC.2010.0.178. Pedestal base: ' manchot de la Terre / Adelie. du voyage de / M. Dumont d'Urville ' ['Penguin from Adelie Land, voyage of Mn. Dumont d'Urville']. Remarks: C.G. 2000-3295, also collected during Dumont d'Urville's voyage (1837-40), was considered the holotype by Voisin & Mougin (2002), who nonetheless pointed out that the pedestal mentions 'one of the types'. Moreover, Hombron & Jacquinot (1841: 320) mentioned both male and female in their description, suggesting that they had at least two specimens, which therefore constitute a type series (Arts. 72.1.1 and 73.2 of the Code). C.G. 2000-3295 is therefore a syntype of this taxon. The Dumont d'Urville expedition arrived in Toulon on 6 November 1840. Hombron and Jacquinot read their description to the Academie des Sciences of Paris on 9 August 1841. Therefore I believe that MLC.2010.0.178 was at Hombron and Jacquinot's disposal for their description of this taxon. PELECANIIFORMES Threskiornithidae IBIS PAPILLOSA Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1824: plate 304. Current name: Pseudibis papillosa (Temminck, 1824). Paralectotype: MLC.2011.0.503. Pedestal base: 'ibis mamelonne, Temm. [Temminck] pi. [Planche] col. [Coloriee] / 304 / Femelle / Cevlan envove par M. Leschenault et donne par M. / Cuvier en 1824 ' ['From Ceylon, sent by Mn. Leschenault and donated by Mn. Cuvier in 1824']. Remarks: At the end of his description, Temminck (1824) mentioned that the species occurs in India and Ceylon, and that specimens are from museums in the Netherlands [i.e. Leiden] and Paris. Voisin (1993) designated C.G. 1992-376, from Bengal, as the lectotype of Ibis papillosa Temminck, 1824. MNHN also has a paralectotype (C.G. 1992-375, from Bengal). Naturalis has two other paralectotypes sent from Paris (RMNH.AVES.87110, from Ceylon and RMNH.AVES.87111, from India: van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997: 23). The date 1824 both for the publication of Ibis papillosa by Temminck and the gift by Cuvier of MLC.2011.0.503 makes it highly probable that Temminck studied the specimen in Paris before Cuvier sent it to Baillon, and it is ipso facto another paralectotype. Ardeidae ARDEA SIBILATRIX Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1824: pi. 271. Current name: Syrigma sibilatrix sibilatrix (Temminck, 1824). Syntype: MLC.2010.0.77. Pedestal base: 'Heron flute du soleil / Ardea sibilatrix, Temm. [Temminck] pi. [Planches] col. [Coloriees] / Des frontieres du Paraguay au Bresil / Rapporte par M. de St. Hilaire et donne / par M. Cuvier en 1823 ' ['At the border between Paraguay and Brazil, brought back by Mn. Saint-Hilaire and donated by Mn. Cuvier in 1823']. Remarks: At the close of his description, Temminck (1824) mentioned that the species occurs in Paraguay and Brazil, and that specimens are from museums in the Netherlands © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 138 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) [i.e. Leiden], Paris and that of Mn. Bonjour. Naturalis has a syntype (RMNH.AVES.87080, from M. Bonjour) from Brazil (van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997: 19). Voisin & Voisin (1996) did not mention any type for this taxon. MLC.2010.0.77, donated by Cuvier, is probably the specimen that Temminck saw in Paris. Nycticorax oceanicus Lesson, 1845: col. 970-971 (1 June 1845). Current name: Nyctanassa violacea (Linnaeus, 1758). Holotype (by monotypy): MLC.2010.0.115. Pedestal base: 'Nycticorax oceanicus. Lesson. / lies marquises / Donne par M. le Vice amiral Massieu de Clerval / et envove par M. Lesson avec une etiquette de sa / main et portant le nom de Nycticorax oceanicus ' ['Marquesas Islands. Given by Vice-Admiral Massieu de Clerval and sent by Mn. Lesson with his handwritten label bearing the name Nycticorax oceanicus']. Remarks: The handwritten label from Lesson is not with the specimen now. Either Francois Baillon himself might have removed it or, most likely, it was subsequently lost. The subspecies paupera P. L. Sclater & Salvin, 1870, endemic to the Galapagos Islands, gravirostris van Rossem, 1943, endemic to Socorro and Tres Marias Islands (off west Mexico), and bancrofti Huey, 1927, on the Pacific coast from north-west Mexico to Nicaragua (and the West Indies), represent the species' westernmost distribution. There appears to be no other evidence that the species occurred in the Marquesas, according to modern, historic or prehistoric records (Steadman 1989, 2006). Further investigations, including DNA analysis, should be carried out to clarify the taxonomy of this form with respect to other subspecies included in N. violacea. In his description, Lesson stated that 'Mn. Lapere [also written Lapeyre], Artillery Captain, who spent a long time in Marquesas Islands, gave me several specimens [including specimens of Egretta sacra] when he returned...'. Thus, Rene Primevere Lesson (1794-1849) received his specimen from Jean Theophile Lapeyre- Bellair (1814-52). It subsequently reached Auguste-Samuel Massieu de Clerval (1785-1847), who gave it to Francois Baillon. The relationship between Lesson and Massieu de Clerval is unknown. Massieu de Clerval was an important naval officer, head of trading posts in Brazil and La Plata in 1841-44 and appointed Vice-Admiral on 25 June 1842 (Haag & Haag 1857: 312). Lesson became the top-ranking naval pharmacist at Rochefort (Charente- Maritime, Poitou-Charentes) in 1835, and was therefore also an important naval officer. Due to their rank, both men may have met each other after the return of Massieu de Clerval in 1844. SULIFORMES Phalacrocoracidae Cormoranus crassirostris Baillon, 1834: 77. Current name: Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (Blumenbach, 1798). Syntype: MLC.2010.0.64. Pedestal base: 'Carbo crassirostris Nob. [Nobis] / Femelle en plumage d'ete / tuee en avril 1832 au Crotoi. / Le Carbo macrorhvnchus du Tardin des / Plantes qui est entierement semblable a / nion Crassirostris. pour la faille, la forme et / a ete envove de Terre-Neuve ou il v est tres / commun par M. Delapvlaie / Probablement variete ou plutot race constante / et se propageant par la generation du Carbo / Cormoranus ' ['Female taken in April 1832 at the Crotoi (= Le Crotoy, Somme, Picardie). The Carbo macrorhynchus from the Jardin des Plantes, which is similar to my Crassirostris in size and shape, has been sent from Newfoundland where it is said to be very common by M. Delapylaie. Probably a variety or rather a constant race of Carbo cormoranus']. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 139 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Syntype: MLC.2010.0.67. Pedestal base: 'Carbo crassirostris_Nob. [Nobis] / jeune femelle prise au flairon 7 au / Crotoi le 25 avril 1827. Un male / qui l'accompagnait et qui a ete pris dans le / meme flairon etait semblable, mais seulement / plus grand. / Probablement variete ou plutot race / constante et se propageant par la / generation du Carbo Cormoranus ' ['Juvenile female caught in a flairon at the Crotoi (= Le Crotoy, Somme, Picardie) on 25 April 1827. A male (i.e. MLC.2010.0.208, see below) that was with it and caught in the same flairon was similar but larger. Probably a variety or rather a constant race of Carbo cormoranus'], Syntype: MLC.2010.0.208. Pedestal base: 'Carbo crassirostris_Nob. [Nobis] / Teune male pris dans un flairon au / Crotoi le 25 avril 1827. Une femelle qui / l'accompagnait et qui a ete prise dans le meme / flairon etait semblable ; mais seulement / un peu plus petite. / Probablement variete ou plutot race / plus forte du Carbo Cormoranus ' ['Juvenile male caught in a flairon at Crotoi (= Le Crotoy, Somme, Picardie) on 25 April 1827. A female (i.e. MLC.2010.0.67, see above) that was with it and caught in the sam e flairon was similar but slightly smaller. Probably a variety or rather a stronger race of Carbo cormoranus']. Remarks: The description by Baillon (1834: 77) was based on several specimens, as juveniles and adults were compared. In the same work, but also in the original inscriptions detailed above, Baillon mentioned that Carbo [i.e. Cormoranus] crassirostris might represent only a variety of Carbo cormoranus [i.e. Phalacrocorax carbo]. Degland (1849: 378), Herklots (1858: 219), Degland & Gerbe (1867: 352) and Sharpe & Ogilvie-Grant (1898: 343) also considered Cormoranus / Carbo crassirostris Baillon, 1834, a synonym of P. carbo (Linnaeus, 1758). Carbo Desmarestii Payraudeau, 1826: 464. Current name: Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii (Payraudeau, 1826). Paralectotype: MLC.2010.0.73. Pedestal underside: 'Carbo desmarestii. Payraudeau, an. [Annales] desS. [Sciences] Nat. [Naturelles] 1826/Cormoran desmarest_Payr. [Payraudeau] / Teune / de la Corse donne par M. Payraudeau / les 14 pennes a la queue dans l'individu decrit par m. Payraudeau / est une anomalie, puisque tous ceux qui l'ont decrit de la Corse / ont 12 pennes. comme ceux du nord ' ['Juvenile from Corsica sent by Mn. Payraudeau. The 14 rectrices of the specimen described by Mn. Payraudeau are an anomaly since all specimens described from Corsica have 12 rectrices just like the ones from the north']. Remarks: Voisin et al. (1998) designated specimen 00049 (adult male) at the Musee ornithologique de La Chaize-le-Vicomte (Vendee, Pays-de-Loire) as the lectotype of Carbo desmarestii Payraudeau, 1826. RMNH.AVES.87038 (adult male), previously listed as a syntype (van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997: 15), became, ipso facto, a paralectotype of the same taxon (Voisin et al. 1998), as is specimen MLC.2010.0.73. Describing the female, Payraudeau (1826: 464) in fact described an immature (Voisin et al. 1998) that matches MLC.2010.0.73. Baillon had clearly carefully studied the specimen he received from Payraudeau, as he noted an anomaly regarding the number of rectrices mentioned in the description of the male (Payraudeau 1826: 464). Although cormorants and shags have a variable number of rectrices (Orta 1992: 327), I consider it must rather be a transcription or printing error than an anomaly. The number of rectrices in MLC.2010.0.73 is 12, as in both the lectotype (J. Vimpere in litt. 24 October 2012) and in the paralectotype at Naturalis (S. van der Mije in litt. 30 November 2012). Despite research on online and in paper dictionaries, I am unable to find any definition of a flairon. Nevertheless, I believe it was probably the local name (in northern France at least) for a net used to catch fish or a ballast trap to catch fish and Crustacea on the sea bed. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 140 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) CHARADRI1FORMES Burhinidae JEdicnemus vocifer L'Herminier, 1838: notice 84, pi. 84. Current name: Burhinus bistriatus vocifer (L'Herminier, 1838). Syntype: MLC.2011.0.907. Pedestal base: 'Oedicnemus vocifer, L'Herminier / Magas. [Magasin] zool. [Zoologie] pi. [Planche] 84 / cedicneme vocifere idem / Llanos de Maturin petite ville sur / les bords du Guarapiche. Llanos de / la Province de Cumana / envove a M. Florent par M. L'Herminier ' ['Llanos de Maturin, a small town on the banks of Guarapiche in the province of Cumana. Sent to Mn. Florent by Mn. L'Herminier']. Remarks: L'Herminier (1838) used six specimens for his description: two spirit specimens given to him and probably used for dissection, two others brought to him alive and two more that were mounted. The first mounted specimen is that depicted on pi. 84. Of the second, L'Herminier remarked 'doctor Bauperthuy ... gave me another specimen that 1 will give to the museum [Paris]. Both [mounted specimens] came from Llanos de Maturin, a small town on the banks of the Guarapiche, in the Province of Cumana'. The second mount was received at MNHN while Florent Prevost (1794-1870) was assistant naturalist there. Furthermore, the location mentioned for MLC.2011.0.907 perfectly matches the type location given by L'Herminier. All of L'Herminier's natural history collections were destroyed in 1843 by an earthquake in Guadeloupe (de Lafresnaye 1844; F. Maddi in lift. 10 December 2012) and MLC.2011.0.907 is, to my knowledge, the only extant type. Scolopacidae Tringa minutilla Vieillot, 1819c: 466. Current name: Calidris minutilla (Vieillot, 1819c). Probable syntype: MLC.2011.0.1018. Pedestal base: ' Plumage d'ete / Terre-Neuve / M, Hardy ' ['Summer plumage, from Newfoundland, Mn. Hardy']. Remarks: In closing his description, Vieillot (1819c: 466) mentioned that a specimen is in the Baillon collection. MLC.2011.0.1018 is the only C. minutilla therein. However, Jacques-Josse Hardy (1798-1863), from Dieppe (Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, c.60 km south-west of Abbeville) apparently started his collection when he was 23 (Bouteiller 1878: 423M24), i.e. in 1821, two years after the type description. Hardy is known to have received specimens from fishermen (Vincent 1999), but I have no evidence that this occurred as early as 1819. Therefore, the type status of MLC.2011.0.1018 is probable but not certain. Totanus melanopygius Vieillot, 1816b: 401 nomen oblitum. Current name: Calidris melanotos (Vieillot, 1819b) nomen protectum. Holotype (by monotypy): MLC.2011.0.1029. Pedestal base: 'Totanus melanopygius, Vieill. [Vieillot] / New-York M. Becoeur / C'est sur cet individu que M. Vieillot / a fait sa description de son / Totanus melanopygius ' ['This is the specimen Mn. Vieillot used for his description of Totanus melanopygius']. Remarks: Vieillot (1816b: 401) did not provide any details concerning the number of specimens he used for his description, but the remark on the pedestal base of MLC.2011.0.1029 leads me to believe that he used just one. Totanus melanopygius Vieillot, 1816, is a senior synonym of Totanus melanotos Vieillot, 1819. Therefore, the name Totanus melanopygius Vieillot, 1816, should have priority over Totanus melanotos Vieillot, 1819. However, Art. 23.9.1 of the Code does not permit reversal of precedence if two conditions are met, which I believe to be the case for both the first (non-use of the senior name melanopygius since 1899) and the second (use of the junior name melanotos in at least 25 works, published by at least ten authors in the immediately preceding 50 years, i.e. between © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 141 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) 1 January 1965 and 31 December 2014 —a list is available on request from the author). Thus, the older Totanus melanopygius Vieillot, 1816, is a nomen oblitum while the younger Totanus melnnotos Vieillot, 1819, is a nomen protectum. Totanus pusillus Vieillot, 1816d: 412. Current name: Actitis macularius (Linnaeus, 1766). Holotype (by monotypy): MLC.2011.0.1005. Pedestal base: 'jeune, tue Tautomne / alors c'est / totanus pusillus, Vieill. [Vieillot] / Chevalier pygmee, Vieill. [Vieillot] / New York M. Becoeur / La description de Vieill. IVieillot] a ete faite / sur cet individu ' ['The description (of Totanus pusillus) by Vieillot was based on this specimen']. Remarks: Vieillot (1816d: 412) did not indicate the number of specimens used for his description, but the remark on the pedestal base of MLC.2011.0.1005 suggests that the author used a single specimen. Totanus guttatus Vieillot, 1816c: 408. Current name: Tringa flavipes (Gmelin, 1789). Holotype (by monotypy): MLC.2011.0.997. Pedestal base: 'totanus guttatus, Vieill. [Vieillot] / Chevalier mouchete Vieill. [Vieillot] / New-York M. Becoeur / C'est sur cet individu que M. Vieillot / a fait sa description du chevalier / mouchete ' ['It is from this specimen that Mn. Vieillot has described the chevalier mouchete' i.e. Totanus guttatus']. Remarks: Vieillot (1816c: 408) did not indicate the number of specimens he used for his description but, as in the cases of Calidris melanotos and Actitis macularius mentioned above, the information on the MLC specimen leads me to believe that he used just one. Laridae Atricilla micropterus Bruch (ex Bonaparte), 1855: 288. Current name: Lams atricilla atricilla Linnaeus, 1758. Holotype (by monotypy): MLC.2011.0.806. Pedestal base: 'Larus atricilla microptera Bp. [Bonaparte] / Chroicocephalus atricilla microptera / B.p. [Bonaparte] / Ainsi nomme par le prince de / Camino lors de son voyage a / Abbeville ' ['So named by the Prince of Camino (i.e. Bonaparte) during his journey to Abbeville']. Remarks: In his Notes sur les Larides Bonaparte (1854, 1855) never referred to microptera and I am unable to locate any description by Bonaparte of this name published in the sense of the Code. Nevertheless, Bruch (1855: 288) in referring to Atricilla micropterus Bonaparte, provided a short description. Larus leucomelas Vieillot, 1818b: 509. Current name: Larus pacificus pacificus Latham, 1801. Syntype: MLC.2010.0.309. Pedestal base: 'Gabianus leucomelas, Vieill. [Vieillot] / lie Maria, voyage de M. Labillardiere / a la recherche de la Pevrouse, donne / par M. Cuvier ' ['From Maria Island, Labillardiere's voyage in search of La Peyrouse, donated by Mn. Cuvier']. Remarks: In his description, Vieillot (1818b: 509) reported that the specimens found by Mn. de Labillardiere on Maria Island, near Van Diemen's Land [Tasmania], were in Paris. Two other syntypes are indeed housed at MNHN (C.G. 2011-122 and C.G. 2011-123; Voisin & Voisin 2011b). All specimens that came from Cuvier to Baillon were donated between 1819 and 1826; MLC.2010.0.309 was therefore most probably at Vieillot's disposal while describing his Larus leucomelas. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 142 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Lams cirrocephalus Vieillot, 1818a: 502. Current name: Lams cirrocephalus Vieillot, 1818a. Syntype: MLC.2010.0.295. Pedestal base: 'Mouette a tete cendree, Vieill. [Vieillot] / plumage d'ete / Rio Taneiro. Rapporte par / Delalande et donne par M. / Cuvier ' ['From Rio de Janeiro. Brought back by Delalande and donated by Mn. Cuvier']. Remarks: Vieillot (1818a: 502) also mentioned that the species was brought back from Brazil by Delalande. Although Vieillot did not mention how many specimens he studied, Voisin & Voisin (2011b) considered the MNHN specimen C.G. 2011-126, also brought from Brazil by Delalande, to be the holotype by monotypy. As all specimens that came from Cuvier to Baillon were donated between 1819 and 1826, it is highly probable that Vieillot saw MLC.2010.0.295. The assumption by Voisin & Voisin (2011b) that Larus cirrocephalus Vieillot, 1818, was based on a single specimen was published after 1999; therefore, designation as the lectotype is invalid (Art. 74.6 of the Code), and both C.G. 2011-126 and MLC.2010.0.295 are syntypes (Art. 73.2 of the Code). Sternidae Sterna bengalensis Lesson, 1831: 621. Current name: Thalasseus bengalensis bengalensis (Lesson, 1831) 8 . Probable syntype: M LC.2010.0.331. Pedestal base: 'Sterna bengalensis, Cuv. [Cuvier] / gal. [galerie] / Plumage d'hiver / Du Bengale. / M. Leschenault, donne / par M. Cuvier ' ['From Bengal, Mn. Leschenault, donated by Mn. Cuvier']. Remarks: Although Lesson (1831: 621) mentioned the specimens he studied came from the coast of India (sent by Leschenault in 1818, see Pucheran 1850: 542) and were at MNHN, I cannot be sure that MLC.2010.0.331 was at Lesson's disposal as there is no date mentioned on the inscription. MNHN has two syntypes: C.G. 2011-139 and C.G. 2011-140 (Voisin & Voisin 2011b). Contrary to the pedestal label, Cuvier never described any Sterna bengalensis (Voisin & Voisin 2011b). Sterna affinis Cretzschmar, 1827: 23, pi. 14. Current name: Thalasseus bengalensis bengalensis (Lesson, 1831). Possible paralectotype: MLC.2011.0.330. Pedestal base: 'Sterna affinis, Riippell / Plumage d'ete / Des bords de la mer Rouge. / Donne par M. Riippell ' ['From tbe Red Sea, presented by M. Riippell']. Remarks: Eduard Riippell collected birds in the Red Sea region during his journeys in 1822-27 and 1831-34 (Steinheimer 2005b). There is no evidence as to whether MLC.2011.0.330 was collected during the first or second journey, and therefore whether it was at Cretzschmar's disposal in describing his Sterna affinis. SMF houses the lectotype (SMF 12705) and two possible paralectotypes (SMF 14859 and 14860), all from the Red Sea and collected by Riippell (Steinheimer 2005a), and Naturalis possibly holds two additional paralectotypes (Steinheimer 2005a). Alcidae Uria francsii Leach, 1819: 202. Current name: Uria lomvia lomvia (Linnaeus, 1758). Syntype: MLC.2010.0.191.1. Pedestal base: 'Uria francsii, Leach / Plumage d'ete / De la Baie de Baffin, rapporte par le capitaine / Ross dans son premier voyage en 1819 [sic] / Donne par 8 Mlikovsky (2011) argued that Sterna media Horsfield, 1821, has priority over Sterna bengalensis Lesson, 1831, but this was not adopted by Dickinson & Remsen (2013: 232). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 143 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) M. Leach en 1819 ' ['From Baffin Bay. Brought back by Captain Ross from his first journey in 1819 (sic). Given by Mn. Leach in 1819']. Remarks: During the Ross Expedition, both Captain John Ross (1777-1856) and Captain Edward Sabine (1788-1883) assembled natural history collections (Mlikovsky 2012). After the expedition returned to London on 16 November 1818 (Mlikovsky 2012), Ross' collections were transferred to the Admiralty and then to the British Museum, where William Elford Leach (1790-1836) was an assistant in the Zoology Department, whereas Captain Sabine's collections went to his brother Joseph Sabine (1770-1837). Specimens studied by Leach were probably collected (1) by Lieutenant Frederick Franks on a voyage to the Faeroes, (2) during the Ross Expedition, and (3) during an expedition by Ross to Spitsbergen (Mlikovsky 2012). There is a second specimen (MLC.2010.0.191.2, a chick) on the same pedestal, which has a different label, not transcribed here. Specimens from the Ross collection (in the British Museum) were not studied by E. Sabine. Consequently, MLC.2010.0.191.1 given to Baillon by Leach is not a type of Uria Brunnichii E. Sabine, 1819. Uria francsii Ross, 1819: lii. Current name: Uria lomvia lomvia (Linnaeus, 1758). Syntype: MLC.2010.0.191.1. Remarks: The same specimen details and remarks apply here as for the preceding taxon. Uria francsii Leach, 1819, is a junior primary homonym of Uria francsii Ross, 1819 (Mlikovsky 2012). STRIGIFORMES Strigidae Bubo Clamator Vieillot, 1808: 52 + plate 20. Current name: Asio clamator clamator (Vieillot, 1808). Probable syntype: MLC.2011.0.341. Pedestal base: 'hibou criard, vieill. [Vieillot] diet. [Dictionnaire] / Otus clamator, Vieill. [Vieillot] / Cayenne / Le Museum [Paris].' Remarks: At the end of his description, Vieillot (1808: 52) stated that the specimens at his disposal were from the collection of Mn. Dufresne. In 1793 Louis Dufresne became a taxidermist and assistant naturalist at the Paris museum (Anon. 1833). Fie also held a private collection of c. 1,500 bird specimens that had been sold to the Univ. of Edinburgh by 1819 (Sweet 1970: 43). When working as an assistant naturalist in Paris (i.e. between c.1792 and 1801), Francois Baillon was under the supervision of Dufresne (Prarond 1857), but I have no evidence as to whether MLC.2011.0.341 could have come from the Dufresne collection. However, Voisin & Voisin (2011a) did not list any specimen of this taxon in MNHN, thereby increasing the possibility that MLC.2011.0.341 is one of the specimens used by Vieillot. PICIFORMES Galbulidae Galbula tridactyla Vieillot, 1817c: 445. Current name: Jacamaralcyon tridactyla (Vieillot, 1817c). Syntype: MLC.2011.0.1238. Pedestal base: 'galbula / tridactyla / Vieill. [Vieillot] / Du Bresil / M. Delalande / Donne par M. Cuvier ' ['From Brazil. Mn. Delalande. Presented by Mn. Cuvier']. Remarks: In closing his description, Vieillot (1817c: 445) stated that 'this newly discovered species is found in Brazil, from where it was brought back by Mn. Delalande's son, a naturalist attached to the Museum national d'Histoire naturelle'. Pierre-Antoine © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 144 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Delalande (1787-1823) was a French naturalist-explorer. He was employed as an assistant naturalist by the Paris museum to collect specimens, and travelled to Brazil in 1816 (Anon. 1855). MNHN has two syntypes of Galbula tridactyla Vieillot, 1817: C.G. 2008-739 and C.G. 2008-740, also collected by Delalande in Brazil (Voisin & Voisin 2009). As Cuvier only passed specimens to Baillon between 1819 and 1826, MLC.2011.0.1238 was probably at Vieillot's disposal when describing Galbula tridactyla. Megalaimidae BUCCO ARMILLARIS Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1821: pi. 89, fig. 1. Current name: Psilopogon armillaris armillaris (Temminck, 1821). Possible syntype: MLC.2011.0.1252. Pedestal base: 'Bucco / armillaris, Tern. [Temminck] / Barbu souci-col / Tern. [Temminck] pi. [Planche] col. [Coloriee] 89 / Male / Tava / M. Temminck ' ['Male, from Java. Mn. Temminck']. Remarks: In his description, Temminck (1821) mentioned having examined more than 60 individuals of all ages. Naturalis and NMW each possess a syntype (RMNH.AVES.88662, adult male, and NMW 65.570, respectively: van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997:196, Schifter et al. 2007: 260). Because material from Java was sent to Leiden after 1821, I have no evidence if MLC.2011.0.1252, an adult male collected in Java, was at Temminck's disposal. Thus this specimen can be considered only a possible syntype. Lybiidae POGONIA SULCIROSTRIS Leach, 1815: 46, pi. 76. Current name: Pogonornis dubius (J. F. Gmelin, 1788). Syntype: MLC.2011.0.110. Pedestal base: 'Pogonias / sulcirostris. Leach / de la Gambie [Gambia] / M. Leach.' Remarks: Leach (1815: 46) used three specimens to describe his Pogonia sulcirostris. Neither Sclater & Shelley (1891: 15) nor Warren (1966) mentioned type material of this taxon at NHMUK. MLC.2011.0.110, an adult female, was probably used by W. E. Leach to describe this taxon. Picidae PICUS CONCRETUS Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1821: pi. 90. Current name: Hemicircus concretus (Temminck, 1821). Possible syntype: MLC.2011.0.1337. Pedestal base: 'Pic / trapu, Temm. [Temminck] / Femelle / de Tava, / M. Temminck ' ['Female, from Java. Mn. Temminck']. Remarks: Temminck (1821) described the male, the female and young male, but did not detail the number of specimens used for his description. Naturalis has three syntypes from Java: RMNH.AVES.88714, immature male, RMNH.AVES.88715, adult female and RMNH.AVES.88716, adult male (van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997: 202), while NMW has two syntypes from Java: 1.568, female, and 44.754 male (Schifter et al. 2007: 303-304). Because material from Java was sent to Leiden after 1821, I have no evidence as to whether MLC.2011.0.1337, a female taken on Java, was at Temminck's disposal. Thus this specimen remains a possible syntype of this taxon. Picus fuscescens Vieillot (ex Levaillant), 1818c: 86. Current name: Dendropicos fuscescens fuscescens (Vieillot, 1818c). Syntype: MLC.2011.0.1275. Pedestal base: 'Petit pic a baguettes / dorees, Levaill. [Levaillant] / Femelle / du Cap de B. [Bonne] Esp. [Esperance] / M. Levaillant ' ['Lemale, from Cape of Good Hope. Mn. Levaillant']. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 145 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Remarks: Francois Levaillant (1753-1824), who travelled to South Africa in 1781-84, probably used this specimen to describe the female of his 'Petit Pic a Baguettes d'Or' (Levaillant 1808: 25, pi. 253 fig. 2). Levaillant was an adherent of Button and criticised Linnaeus' approach to taxonomy (Glenn 2009), leaving the allocation of Latin names for his birds to Vieillot and others (Winterbottom 1973). Vieillot (1818c: 86) based his description of Picus fuscescens on the 'Petit Pic a Baguettes d'Or' of Levaillant. Both sexes were described by Levaillant, and therefore by Vieillot. Thus, MLC.2011.0.1275 is a syntype of this taxon. FALCONIFORMES Falconidae FALCO BIARMICUS Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1825: plate 324. Current name: Falco biartnicus biarmicus Temminck, 1825. Syntype: MLC.2011.0.395. Pedestal base: 'Falco / biarmicus, Cuv. [Cuvier] / Temm. [Temminck] pi. [Planches] col. [Coloriees] ... / Male jeune / Cap de Bonne Esperance / du voyage de Delalande / donne par M. Cuvier / en 1826 ' ['Young male, from the Cape of Good Hope, journey of Delalande, presented by Mn. Cuvier in 1826']. Remarks: Temminck (1825) described both the adult and young, and ended his description stating that 'It [F. biarmicus]... is not rare in the colony of Cape of Good Hope. Museums in the Netherlands [i.e. Leiden] and Paris'. Van den Hoek Ostende et al. (1997: 42) listed a single syntype in the Leiden collection (RMNH.AVES.87268, adult male), but there is no type material at MNF1N (Voisin & Voisin 2002). Thus MLC.2011.0.395, a young male, seems highly likely to have been at Temminck's disposal in describing this taxon. PSITTACIFORMES Psittacidae Psittacus cruentatus Wied, 1820: 53, 72. Current name: Pyrrhura cruentata (Wied, 1820). Syntype: MLC.2011.0.1195. Pedestal base, first label: 'Psittacus cruentatus / P. [Prince] Max. [Maximilian] / Male / du Bresil donne par / s. [son] alt, [altesse] le P. [Prince] de Wied ' ; second label (different handwriting) and presumably pasted by Francois Baillon: 'N°61 / mas. [masculum]'. ['Male from Brazil presented by His Highness the Prince of Wied']. Remarks: The zoological collections of Maximilian, Prince of Wied, were purchased by AMNH in 1870, when they contained c.4,000 mounted birds (LeCroy et al. 2014). Two years before he died, Wied prepared a manuscript listing the bird species in his collection (Wied 1865, see also Allen 1889). In this handwritten document, species are arranged by genus with an incremental number, but his specimens were not numbered. In his description of Psittacus cruentatus, Wied (1820: 72) specified that his hunters had collected many individuals. No type of P. cruentatus was found in the Wied collection at AMNH (Allen 1889), although a male, female and juvenile are mentioned by Wied (1865). Two syntypes are in Naturalis (RMNH.AVES.88093 and RMNH.AVES.88094 y ; van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997: 133). MLC.2011.0.1195 was almost certainly at Wied's disposal in describing Psittacus cruentatus. The number given on the second label (61) does not match that assigned to the species by Wied (1865; i.e. 15, meaning the 15th species under the genus Conurus). As Francois Baillon died in 1855, he would have received this specimen from Wied long before the latter prepared his catalogue, and the remaining specimens were probably labelled differently. Designation of this specimen as a syntype by van den Hoek Ostende et al. (1997:133) is doubtful, as Wied is not mentioned as the collector and, given that P. cruentata is a Brazilian endemic, the only label data, 'Brazil', are not informative. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 146 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Psittacus melanonotus Wied, 1820: 275. Current name: Touit melanonotus (Wied, 1820). Syntype: MLC.2011.0.78. Pedestal base, first label: 'Psittacus / melanonotus / P. [Prince] Max. [Maximilian] / Femelle du Bresil / par s. [son] alt, [altesse] le Prince / de Wied '; second label (different handwriting), presumably pasted by Francois Baillon: 'N°283 / fern. [Femina]'. ['Female from Brazil by His Highness the Prince of Wied']. Remarks: See remarks under Psittacus cruentatus Wied, for general notes concerning Wied's collection. Greenway (1978: 86) listed the unique specimen held at AMNH (6302) as the holotype of this taxon, despite the fact that Wied (1865) had at least one specimen of each sex and one juvenile at his disposal. Allen (1889) listed those specimens at AMNH used by Wied to describe new species, but did not mean to imply, when he mentioned a single type, that this should be interpreted as the holotype. That Greenway (1978) interpreted it thus was in error, and the AMNH specimen should be considered a syntype (M. LeCroy in litt. 2 June 2014). Wied obviously used several specimens, including MLC.2011.0.78, for his description. MWHN possibly also has a syntype: Inv. 748, adult (Hoffmann & Geller- Grimm 2013). Specimens rejected as types STRUTHIONIFORMES Tinamidae Tinamus rufescens Temminck, 1815: 552, 747. Current name: Rhynchotus rufescens rufescens (Temminck, 1815). MLC.2010.0.3. Pedestal base: 'Tinamus rufescens. Tern [Temminck] / Du Bresil. [X] de St-Hilaire / Donne par M. Cuvier ' ['From Brazil, (X) Saint-Hilaire, given by Mn. Cuvier']. Remarks: Temminck (1815: 556) mentioned that the single specimen he had seen was at MNHN. MLC.2010.0.3, collected in Brazil by Auguste Saint-Hilaire (1779-1853) and presented to Baillon by Cuvier, cannot be the holotype of T. rufescens because Saint-Hilaire returned from South America only in 1822, seven years after Temminck's description and, according to Moquin-Tandon (1857), he did not send any specimens to Europe earlier. The whereabouts of the holotype of this taxon are unknown; it is not at MNHN (C. & J.-F. Voisin in litt. 17 November 2014). COLUMBIFORMES Columbidae Columlm Pampusan Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 121, pi. 30. Columba xanthonura Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1823: pi. 190. Current name: Alopecoenas xanthonurus (Temminck, 1823). MLC.2011.0.1380. Pedestal base: ' lies Mariannes, vov. [voyage] de / M. Frevcinet 1820 / Donne par M. Cuvier ' ['Mariana Islands, journey of Mn. Freycinet in 1820. Presented by Mn. Cuvier']. Remarks: Quoy & Gaimard (1824: 121), naturalists during the Freycinet expedition, described the female alone. Therefore, MLC.2011.0.1380, a male, cannot form part of the type series. MNHN has two syntypes: C.G. 2003-2662 and C.G. 2003-2661, both females (Voisin et al. 2005). Because Temminck (1823) used the two specimens from Quoy and Gaimard (see above) and therefore also described only the female, MLC.2011.0.1380, cannot be a type of the name Columba xanthonura. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 147 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) PROCELLARIIFORMES Hydrobatidae Procellaria leucorhoa Vieillot, 1818d: 422. Current name: Hydrobates leucorhous leucorhous (Vieillot, 1818d). MLC.2010.0.43. Pedestal base: ' Femelle / Crotoi, octobre 1828 ' ['Female, Le Crotoi (= Le Crotoy, Somme, Picardie, France), October 1828']. MLC.2010.0.278. Pedestal base: ' Femelle / de Terre-Neuve par / M. Ouenouille ' ['Female, from Newfoundland, by Mn. Quenouille']. Remarks: In his description, Vieillot (1818d: 422) stated 'this petrel, in the collection of M. Baillon, has been found on the shore of Picardy'. MLC.2010.0.43 was collected in Picardy in October 1828, ten years after Vieillot's description, and therefore cannot be a type of this taxon. MLC.2010.0.278, collected in Newfoundland, also cannot be a type. Temminck (1820: 812) subsequently described Procellaria leachii from the same specimen that was probably used by Vieillot (1818d), commenting '...a second [specimen] was collected on the coast of Picardy and is in the collection of M. Baillon from Abbeville.' For the same reasons, these two specimens cannot be types of Procellaria leachii Temminck, 1820. Procellariidae Procellaria diabolica Lafresnaye (ex L'Herminier), nomen nudum. Current name: Pterodroma hasitata Kuhl (ex Forster), 1820. MLC.2010.0.37.1. Pedestal base: 'Procellaria diabolicus / envove sous ce nom et sous / celui de Diable de la Soufriere de la / Guadeloupe par M. L'Herminier / Femelle prise sur son nid / Un individu semblable a ete hie dans la Manche pres de Boulogne, il fait partie de la collection de la meme ville / Sa capture dans la Manche est / parfaitement constatee sur les / registres du musee' ['sent under this name (i.e. Procellaria diabolicus [sic]) and under Diable de la Soufriere de la Guadeloupe by Mn. L'Herminier. Female collected at the nest']. MLC.2010.0.37.2. Pedestal base: same as above. The specimen is a young chick. There is no mention of a chick on the label, but it is possible that it was the chick of the previous specimen. MLC.2010.0.271. Pedestal base: 'Procellaria diabolicus / envoye de la Guadeloupe sous / ce nom et sous celui de Diable de / la Soufriere par M. L'Herminier / Un individu entierement semblable / a ete tue dans la Manche pres de / Boulogne, il fait partie de la collection / de cette ville / Sa capture dans la Manche est / parfaitement constatee sur les / registres du musee.' These inscriptions are the same as for the previous specimen except that no sex is mentioned. Remarks: Lafresnaye (1844) mentioned a species of petrel that he named Procellaria diabolica L'Herminier. Nevertheless, he did not provide any description stating that he 'left it up to L'Herminier who just lost [because of the earthquake in Guadeloupe in 1843] his birds, both mounted or in alcohol, all his books and notes'. I have not found any description by L'Herminier. The name Procellaria diabolica Lafresnaye (ex L'Herminier) fails to conform to Art. 12 of the Code and is a nomen nudum. In consequence, MLC.2010.0.37.1, MLC.2010.0.37.2 and MLC.2010.0.271 cannot be types. Bangs (1930: 173) claimed that the MCZ houses four 'cotypes' (73219-222) of this taxon. I agree with Hellmayr & Conover (1948: 76, footnote 4) that these specimens have no claim to be 'cotypes' [i.e. syntypes]. PELECANIFORMES Pelecanidae Pelecanus crispus Bruch, 1832: col. 1105. Current name: Pelecanus crispus Bruch, 1832. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 148 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) MLC.2010.0.47. Pedestal base: 'Pelecanus crispus / Bruch Isis 1832 / Femelle / de la Dalmatie. donnee par M. Bruch. 1840 ' ['Female from Dalmatia, presented by Mn. Bruch in 1840']. Remarks: In his description, Bruch (1832: col. 1105) stated that he 'has a female shot in Dalmatia in 1831... [translated from Gothic]', giving the hill length as '1 foot and 8 lines [from the Gothic]', i.e. 34.28 cm (measurements follow 'the large Parisian measure' where one foot = 32.48 cm and one line = 2.256 mm). As the bill of MLC.2010.0.47 is 37.4 cm, it cannot be the female mentioned by Bruch. Naturalis has an adult female syntype (RMNH. AVES.87051) from Bruch (van den Hoek Ostende et al. 1997: 16) that has a bill '13 inches and one line' long, i.e. 33.28 cm (Schlegel 1863: 33), quite close to Bruch's measurement. CHARADRIIFORMES Recurvirostridae Recurvirostra Novoe-Hollandice Vieillot, 1816a: 103. Current name: Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Vieillot, 1816a. MLC.2011.0.384. Pedestal base: 'Recurvirostra novaehollandiae, Vieillot / Nouvelle Fiollande. lie Maria / Du voyage de M. le capitaine / Baudin ' ['New FFolland (i.e. Australia), Maria Island. From the journey of Captain Baudin']. Remarks: From the Baudin Expedition (1800-04), Stresemann (1951: 67) stated that'... at least 80 species of Australian birds, many of which were represented by more than one or two specimens. A number of skins were soon mounted ... while duplicates were given to Becoeur of Paris ... who sold some of them to C. J. Temminck, and probably other collectors, in 1806.' Although Vieillot (1816a: 103) did not mention how many specimens he had studied, it is probable that he saw just a single specimen in the Paris museum. Therefore, MLC.2011.0.384 cannot be a type and the holotype (C.G. 2012-187) is at MNHN (Voisin & Voisin 2012). Temminck (1820: 593) subsequently described Recurvirostra rubricollis from the same specimen as that probably used by Vieillot (1816a). So, for the same reasons, the MLC specimen cannot be a type of Temminck's name, and the holotype is again C.G. 2012-187 (Voisin & Voisin 2012). Laridae Larus Sabini J. Sabine in Anon., 1819: 68. Current name: Xema sabini (J. Sabine, 1819). MLC.2011.0.820. Pedestal base: ' Plumage d'ete / Baie de Baffin, rapportee / par Texpedition du Cap. [Capitaine] Ross / donnee par M. Leach ' ['Breeding plumage. From Baffin Bay, from the expedition captained by Ross. Presented by Mn. Leach']. Remarks: See Uria francsii Leach, 1819, and Mlikovsky (2012) for the whereabouts of birds collected during the Ross Expedition. Specimens from Ross' collections (in the British Museum) were not studied by J. Sabine, who used only those taken by his brother. Consequently, MLC.2011.0.820 presented by Leach cannot be a type of Larus sabini J. Sabine, 1819. ACCIPITRIFORMES Accipitridae FALCO RUTILANS Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1820: pi. 25. Current name: Buteogallus meridionalis (Latham, 1790). MLC.2011.0.400. Pedestal base: ' Du Bresil, lie S te . Catherine / Rapportee par M. de S 1 . Hilaire / donnee par M. Cuvier / en 1823 ' ['From Brazil, Santa Catarina Island. Brought back by Mn. de Saint-FFilaire. Presented by Mn. Cuvier in 1823']. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Christophe Gouraud 149 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Remarks: Temminck (1820) mentioned that the species occurs in Paraguay, Brazil and French Guiana, and that specimens he had seen were at MNHN, NMW, ZMB and what is now Naturalis. According to Voisin & Voisin (2001a,b), there is now no type material at MNHN. However, MFC.2011.0.400 is still unlikely to be a syntype because Auguste Saint- Hilaire, together with all of his collections (Moquin-Tandon 1857), did not return from South America until 1822, two years after Temminck 7 s description. Conclusion This already substantial list of type specimens may prove to be incomplete, and future investigations into the collection at La Chatre might well reveal additional types, especially for names in synonymy. Some specimens from the Baillon collection used for descriptions by other naturalists are now missing from La Chatre, e.g. those mentioned by Bonaparte (1857: 204-205) when describing Procellaria baroli and Procellaria bailloni (nowadays Puffinus Iherminieri baroli and Puffinus bailloni, respectively). The type of Procellaria baroli from the Baillon collection was sent to Bonelli when he was in Paris in 1820 (Salvadori 1916: 6). The Turin museum was severely damaged during the Second World War, with the loss of many specimens (Violani & Barbagli 2003). However, Elter (1986: 398) recorded a syntype of baroli given to Bonelli as being present in Turin. The whereabouts of the type of Procellaria bailloni are unknown. Finally, type specimens of Scolopax lamotti Baillon, 1834 (now Gallinago gallinago Linnaeus, 1758), and Scolopax pygmea Baillon, 1834 (description based on two specimens according to Temminck 1835: 435, also now Gallinago gallinago Linnaeus, 1758), cannot be traced. A single specimen of Scolopax lamotti was sent by Francois Baillon to Temminck (Temminck 1835: 434) but is not mentioned by van den Hoek Ostende et al. (1997). Acknowledgements Inventorying the Baillon collection has been supported by the Direction Regionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC Centre), the Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche, and the city of La Chatre. I thank Annick Dussault, director of the Musee George Sand et de la Vallee Noire of La Chatre. For working with me on the inventory, I thank Madeline Quemin. Many thanks to Isabelle Regnier and Barbara Post for Gothic and German translations, respectively. I am grateful to Giovanni Boano (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Carmagnola, Turin), Jean-Marie Boutin (ONCFS, France), Jacqueline Chapman (Biodiversity Heritage Library), Alice Cibois (Natural History Museum of Geneva), Sebastien Dalloyau (LPO, France), Clemency Fisher (World Museum, Liverpool), Sylke Frahnert (ZMB), Anita Gamauf (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien), Bob McGowan (Royal Scottish Museum Edinburgh), Franck Maddi (Societe d'Histoire Naturelle L'Herminier), Marie Portas (MNHN), Alan Peterson (Zoological Nomenclature Resource), Anne Previato (MNHN), Luis Fabio Silveira (Univ. of Sao Paulo), Frank Steinheimer (Zentralmagazin Naturwissenschaftlicher Sammlungen, Halle), Thomas Trombone (AMNH), Jean Vimpere (Musee ornithologique de La Chaize-le-Vicomte, France), Carlo Violani (Museo di Storia Naturale, Pavia), Laurent Chevrier, Edward Dickinson, Justin Jansen, Antonius Kunz, Ruud Vlek and Joel White for diverse assistance. Mary LeCroy (AMNH), Claire & Jean-Frangois Voisin (MNHN), Steven van den Mije (Naturalis) and Ludovic Besson (Museum Gabriel Foucher, Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Bourges, France) commented on versions of the manuscript prior to submission. I am greatly indebted to Jin Mlikovsky (National Museum of Prague), Robert Prys-Jones (Natural History Museum, Tring) and the editor Guy M. Kirwan for their valuable comments and suggestions in review. References: Allen, J. A. 1889. On the Maximilian types of South American birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 2: 209-276. Anon. 1819. [Proceedings of the Linnaean Society, Nov 8, 17, and Dec 15]. Ann. Phil. 13: 68. Anon. 1833. Notice sur M. Dufresne, aide-naturaliste au Museum. Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 2: 357-359. Anon. 1855. Delalande (Pierre-Antoine). Nouvelle biographie generate 30: col. 403M04. Firmin Didot Freres, Paris. Baillon, J. F. E. 1791a. Memoire sur les causes du deperissement des forets. 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Dowsett Received 16 December 2014 Summary.— This paper reviews the distribution of birds in Nigeria that were not treated in detail in the most recent national avifauna (Elgood et at. 1994). It clarifies certain range limits, and recommends the addition to the Nigerian list of four species (African Piculet Verreauxia africana, White-tailed Lark Mirafra albicauda, Western Black-headed Batis Bntis erlangeri and Velvet-mantled Drongo Dicrurus modestus) and the deletion (in the absence of satisfactory documentation) of six others (Olive Ibis Bostrychia olivacea, Lesser Short-toed Lark Calandrella rufescens, Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi, Little Grey Flycatcher Muscicapa epulata, Ussher's Flycatcher M. ussheri and Rufous-winged Illadopsis llladopsis rufescens). Recent research in West Africa has demonstrated the need to clarify the distributions of several bird species in Nigeria. I have re-examined much of the literature relating to the country, analysed the (largely unpublished) collection made by Boyd Alexander there in 1904-05 (in the Natural Llistory Museum, Tring; NHMUK), and have reviewed the data available in the light of our own field work in Ghana (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014), Togo (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2011a) and neighbouring Benin (Dowsett & Dowsett- Lemaire 2011, Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2009, 2010, 2011b). The northern or southern localities of species with limited ranges in Nigeria were not always detailed by Elgood et al. (1994), although such information is essential for understanding distribution patterns and future changes. For many Guineo-Congolian forest species their northern limit in West Africa lies on the escarpment of the Jos Plateau, especially Nindam Forest Reserve, Kagoro. Nindam and neighbouring forests form an island of mid-altitude dry rainforest that contains tree species (Wilkinson & Beecroft 1988: 21) typical of peripheral semi-evergreen lowland or mid-altitude rainforest in West Africa (Jones 1963, White 1983: 79). White (1983: 175) placed the Jos Plateau escarpment forests within the Guineo-Congolian / Sudanian transition zone. At 09°28'N, Nindam Forest Reserve is further north than comparable situations in eastern Ghana and adjacent Togo, where hills bearing rainforest reach north to 08°30'N. Regrettably, the avifauna of the Nindam area was not documented in detail by Elgood et al. (1994), who did not mention the important survey detailed by Wilkinson & Beecroft (1988). More recent surveys have revealed that most of the forest has been destroyed, mainly as a result of logging (Abalaka & Manu 2007). This paper addresses these topics, and also a number of published errors. Elgood et al. (1994) often repeated Elgood (1982, not 1981 as they stated) verbatim, so I mention the earlier book where there is need to demonstrate that a record pre-dated 1982. Records referred to as pers. obs. are unpublished, mainly from a 1988 expedition that I undertook with F. Dowsett-Lemaire and colleagues; a selection of the more important records was published by Ash et al. (1989) and Demey et al. (2003). A gazetteer lists all Nigerian localities mentioned, including several missing from that in Elgood et al. (1994). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 155 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Results OLIVE IBIS Bostrychia olivacea Sight reports were accepted by Elgood et al. (1994), although they suggested that 'the present records need confirming'. This should also apply to a report in 2004 from the area of Cross River National Park (Bull Afr. Bird Cl. 12: 187). There remains no documented record between southern Ivory Coast (Yapo: Demey & Fishpool 1994) and southern Cameroon (Bipindi: Louette 1981). Claims from Nigeria clearly need to be differentiated from the widespread and more common Spot-breasted Ibis B. ram, for which Elgood et al. (1994) gave no Nigerian record, but whose presence was reported by Demey et al. (2003). DARK CHANTING GOSHAWK Melierax metabates There is a '?' plotted in south-west Nigeria on the map in Borrow & Demey (2014: 100), based on a sighting by R. Farmer of two on the coast at Tarkwa (06°25'N, 03°25'E) on 28 October 1980 (Gee & Heigham 1977). In the absence of natural savanna, this record should be queried. It was not mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994), although they did include an observation, from the south-east at Enugu, where Serle (1957) had other records. LONG-TAILED HAWK Urotriorchis macrourus Reported by Elgood (1982) and Elgood et al. (1994) as seen by R. E. Sharland at Kagoro, Jos Plateau escarpment (09°36'N), but the species was not recorded during surveys of the same forests by Dyer et al. (1986), Wilkinson & Beecroft (1988) and more recent observers. The BirdLife factsheet (BirdLife International 2014) listed this without comment as a 'trigger species' in support of recognition of the Kagoro-Nindam Important Bird Area. In similar habitat in Ghana, U. macrourus barely ranges north of 07°N (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014). If not a misidentification, the species could be no more than an exceptional vagrant. In any case, the Kagoro report should not be accepted without evidence that the bird ranges further north than Ile-Ife (07°29'N: Farmer 1979). AFRICAN HARRIER HAWK Polyboroides typus Elgood et al. (1994) mentioned both nominate typus and P. t. pectoralis as possibly occurring in Nigeria, but the former subspecies is present in eastern and southern Africa, no closer to Nigeria than central Sudan (Dickinson & Remsen 2013). CHESTNUT-FLANKED SPARROWHAWK Accipiter castanilius Elgood et al. (1994) accepted a sighting from as far north as Nindam (09°30'N), but provided no details. This was based on a bird 'watched at close range attacking a fruit bat', during a visit of a few hours (Ash & Sharland 1986: 11), apparently by both observers (Wilkinson & Beecroft 1988: 52-53). The species was not reported during the extensive surveys by Dyer et al. (1986) and Wilkinson & Beecroft (1988). This is a species of primary rainforest, and its occurrence in mid-altitude dry forest requires confirmation, as confusion with African Goshawk A. tachiro is possible (the latter was not listed by Ash & Sharland, but is present in Nindam). BirdLife International (2014) listed A. castanilius without comment from the Kagoro-Nindam Important Bird Area. A sight record from Ibadan (Elgood et al. 1994) was not accepted by Ezealor (2001). The northernmost certain record is a specimen from near Benin City (06°20'N: Bannerman 1951: 123). CASSIN'S HAWK-EAGLE Aquila africana Reported (under Spizaetus africanus) by Elgood (1982) and Elgood et al. (1994) as seen by M. Horwood on the southern Jos Plateau (? at Kagoro, 09°36'N). Although the species was not © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 156 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) recorded during surveys of the escarpment forests by Dyer et al. (1986) and Wilkinson & Beecroft (1988), a sighting was reported in the same area in 2002 (P. Hall, Bull. Afr. Bird Cl. 10: 62), and U. Ottosson (in litt. 2015) has observed it there a couple of times. Occurrence on the Jos Plateau is not unexpected: in similar Habitat in Ghana it ranges north to almost 08°30'N, being especially common in the hills of Volta Region (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014). SCALY FRANCOLIN Pternistis squamatus Adeyanju et al. (2014) listed this species, as well as Ahanta Francolin P. ahantensis, from Ibadan, but the presence of two sibling species at the same locality is very unlikely and requires confirmation. The nearest certain record of Scaly Francolin is north of the Niger- Benue, at Minna (Marchant 1953). CHESTNUT-BELLIFD SANDGROUSE Pterocles exustus Elgood et al. (1994) did not mention the southernmost locality, which seems to be Sambisa Game Reserve, where it is common (P. Hall in litt. 2015), at c.ll°40'N, 14°20'E. It had previously been reported south of Maiduguri by Louette (1981), but the locality concerned was Minetti borehole (Hall 1977a), at c,12°45'N. WESTERN BRONZE-NAPED PIGEON Columba iriditorques Elgood et al. (1994) gave the range as Benin (City) to Lagos, but there are localities further north, as far as Ile-Ife (07°29'N: Farmer 1979). It is now known from the south-east, at Afi River Forest Reserve (Demey et al. 2003). ADAMAWA TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia hypopyrrha Elgood et al. (1994) did not give a southern limit for the central plateau population, which is Pankshin (09°20'N: Bannerman 1953). AFRICAN MOURNING DOVE Streptopelia decipiens A record mapped for Lagos by Borrow & Demey (2001: 194) was based on Gee & Heigham (1977), who reported it there in most months. But subsequently there has been no suggestion that it occurs on the coast (P. Hall in Elgood et al. 1994), and the earlier record should be considered a misidentification. Borrow & Demey (2014: 214) now omit the species from their map. S. decipiens is confined to dry riparian forest or woodland north of 09°30'N (as in Ghana: Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014) and south to Yankari National Park (09°45'N: Crick & Marshall 1981). AFRICAN COLLARED DOVE Streptopelia roseogrisea The southernmost locality listed by Elgood et al. (1994) was Gaya, but it ranges further south, to Sambisa Game Reserve at c.ll°40'N (Ezealor 2001). BLUE-SPOTTED WOOD DOVE Turtur afer Occurs north to Kaduna according to Elgood et al. (1994), but in fact the species reaches somewhat further, to Anara (10°44'N: Fry 1975). AFRICAN GREEN PIGEON Treron calvus Elgood et al. (1994) reported it north only to the southern slopes of the Jos Plateau, but it is known further north still at Danbagudu (10°19'N: Fry 1975). RED-HEADED LOVEBIRD Agapornis pullarius Mention should be made of a record further north than those in Elgood et al. (1994), at Kano (Sharland & Wilkinson 1981), although presumably the possibility of this referring to © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 157 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) escaped cagebirds cannot be eliminated. This comment applies also to records in the south¬ west, from Lagos and Badagri (Elgood et al. 1994), although birds in the Okigwi area were wild (Marchant 1942). BLACK CUCKOO Cuculus clamosus Elgood et al. (1994) listed no locality north of Zaria, but the northernmost report is from Kumbotso, Kano (11°53'N: Sharland & Wilkinson 1981). DIDRIC CUCKOO Chrysococcyx caprins The idea that this species has parasitised Cricket Warbler Spiloptila damans (Wilson & Sallinen 2003) was unfortunately repeated by Ezealor (2013), although Dowsett (2005) considered that the possibility that these records involved Klaas's Cuckoos C. klaas, rather than Didric, had not been eliminated. BLUE-HEADED COUCAL Centropus monachus Elgood et al. (1994) recorded it from Lagos to Lake Chad, but the Lake Chad population is isolated, and the main range in Nigeria reaches north only to Yankari National Park (09°45'N: Crick & Marshall 1981). AFRICAN SCOPS OWL Otus senegalensis Occurs further south of the Niger than Abeokuta (Elgood et al. 1994), in the Awgu area (06°05'N), from where Marchant (1942) described the distinctive song. PEL'S FISHING OWL Scotopelia peli Not confined to Guinea savannas as suggested by Elgood et al. (1994), with one reportedly collected by L. H. Brown at Osomegbe, on the Obe River (Brown 1948; Bannerman 1951: 266), in the derived savanna / forest zone. This is the same area in which Turk (2000) found Vermiculated Fishing Owl S. bouvieri, although Turk did not mention Brown's record, which P. Hall (in litt. 2015) believes may be erroneous. VERMICULATED FISHING OWL Scotopelia bouvieri Ezealor (2001) reported this species from the savanna zone at Pandam National Park (08°40'N), without details, but this is unlikely, and there is no authentic record further north than Sunvit farm (07°07'N, Ezealor 2001), and in neighbouring Benin at Lokoli (07°04'N: Dowsett & Dowsett-Lemaire 2011). Pel's Fishing Owl is known from Pandam (Elgood et al. 1994), which perhaps explains the confusion. A report of the Upper Guinea endemic Rufous Fishing Owl S. ussheri from Agenbode (Agenebode) (P. Hall, Bull. Afr. Bird Cl. 3: 140) was demonstrated to refer to S. bouvieri (Turk 2000). AFRICAN WOOD OWL Strix woodfordii Rather than Nindam, the northernmost report is from Danbagudu (10°19'N: Fry 1975), a locality not mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994) and not in their gazetteer. EGYPTIAN NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus aegyptius Elgood et al. (1994) mentioned only a single specimen for Nigeria, from the 'mouth of the Yo River'. In fact, Boyd Alexander collected three specimens there, all on 24 February 1905 (NHMUK). SABINE'S SPINETAIL Rhaphidura sabini A sighting of one in Yankari National Park (09°45'N) by C. Geerling (Elgood 1982, Elgood et al. 1994) requires confirmation, in view of the lack of suitable rainforest habitat. In the Lower © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 158 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Guinea part of its range, this swift occurs south of 07°N, and in Nigeria the northernmost locality is Omo Forest Reserve (06°50'N: Green et al. 2007). BATES'S SWIFT Apus batesi There have been sightings from as far north as Nindam (09°36'N: Wilkinson & Beecroft 1988) and the species is mapped by Borrow & Demey (2014: 252). In view of the difficulty in identifying black swifts, evidence is desirable (e.g. photographs). SHINING-BLUE KINGFISHER Alcedo quadribrachys Elgood et al. (1994) quoted Bannerman (1933: 250) to the effect that the species occurred widely in the Northern Provinces, to Sokoto. In fact, Bannerman specified that Hutson did not report seeing it at Sokoto, but at Bungudu (Gungudu), Sokoto Province (12°16'N, 06°33'E). The northernmost record otherwise is from Shaffini swamp, Kainji (09°53'N: Wells & Walsh 1969: 89). BLACK BEE-EATER Merops gularis The northernmost of the localities listed by Elgood et al. (1994) was Owena, but there is a record from Ile-Ife (Farmer 1979), even further north. BLUE-BREASTED BEE-EATER Merops variegatus Borrow & Demey (2014: 266) mapped a record far to the west of the normal range, which is based on a sight report of three birds in 'lowland forest' at Sapele (05°42'E) on 10 June 1976 (C. S. Porteous in Elgood 1982, repeated by Elgood et al. 1994). The species was not found at Sapele while Heigham (1976) was resident there, and there can be little doubt that the record mentioned by Elgood (1982) was a misidentification of Little Bee-eater M. pusillus. Blue-breasted Bee-eater occurs west only to the montane grasslands of the Obudu Plateau, where first reported by Elgood (1965). SWALLOW-TAILED BEE-EATER Merops hirundineus Elgood et al. (1994) did not detail the distribution of this woodland species, except in general terms. It ranges as far south as Ubiaja, where reported by H. F. Marshall (in Bannerman 1951: 327). RED-THROATED BEE-EATER Merops bulocki There is only one coastal record mapped by Borrow & Demey (2014: 266) for the whole of West Africa. This is based on the statement in Elgood et al. (1994) 'reported in coastal savanna at Lagos', which is based on a sight record by D. I. M. Wallace of one at Tarkwa on 31 January 1970 (Gee & Heigham 1977). This was doubtless a wanderer. FOREST WOOD-HOOPOE Rhinopomastus (ex-Phoeniculus) castaneiceps / BLACK DWARF HORNB1LL Horizocerus (ex-Tockus) hartlaubi Elgood et al. (1994) did not distinguish the northernmost localities of these two forest species; for both it is Ile-Ife (Farmer 1979). BLACK-CASQUED HORNBILL Ceratogymna atrata The record mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994) from Ilorin Province should be treated as doubtfully correct, based as it is on a sight record (J. D. Clarke in Bannerman 1933). C. atrata can be confused with Yellow-casqued Hornbill C. elata, which has been seen as far north as Shaffini swamp forest, Kainji (09°53'N: Wells & Walsh 1969: 92), a record not cited by Elgood et al. (1994). The northernmost acceptable record of C. atrata in Nigeria is from Mekko (07°28'N), from where the tail of a specimen was preserved (Bannerman 1933). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 159 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) NAKED-FACED BARBET Gymnobucco calvus / BRISTLE-NOSED BARBET G. peli Elgood et al. (1994) gave northern limits for neither of these forest species; they are respectively Ilesha (07°37'N: Serle 1950) and Ile-Ife (07°29'N: Farmer 1979). YELLOW-FRONTED TINKERBIRD Pogoniulus chrysoconus Only one locality south of the Benue was presented by Elgood et al. (1994), but it is also widespread in the Mambilla area (e.g. Njawai; pers. obs. 1988), and Alexander collected it at Takum (NF1MUK). YELLOW-THROATED TINKERBIRD Pogoniulus subsulphureus / YELLOW-BILLED BARBET Trachylaemus (ex-Trachyphonus) purpuratus The ranges of these two forest barbets were not detailed by Elgood et al. (1994): the northernmost locality for both species is Ile-Ife (Farmer 1979). YELLOW-BREASTED BARBET Trachyphonus margaritatus The species' southern limit is the Maiduguri-Chad Basin National Park area at c.ll°45'N (cf. Bannerman & Bates 1924, Ezealor 2001), rather than Hadejia (as stated in Elgood et al. 1994). WHITE-HEADED BARBET Lybius leucocephalus Elgood et al. (1994) did not give a southernmost locality: it occurs south to Yankari National Park (Green 1989) and Vom (P. Hall in litt. 2015). CASSIN'S HONEYBIRD Prodotiscus insignis The limits of this forest species were not detailed by Elgood et al. (1994): it is recorded north to Ibadan (Elgood & Sibley 1964). Elgood et al. (1994) attributed to the nominate race a bird collected at Benin (Benin City in Nigeria, not the country: Bannerman 1951: 350), based on a bird measured, but not retained as a specimen. The only specimen from the south-west (Abeokuta) was shown by Serle (1950: 88) to be of the race flavodorsalis. The range of the two races in Nigeria as described by Elgood et al. (1994) remains to be clarified, as there is a gap in the documented distribution of this species, with no record between Ibadan and Okomu National Park. LYRE-TAILED HONEYGUIDE Melichneutes robustus To the three localities listed by Elgood et al. (1994) can be added a more northerly one. Cross River National Park, Oban Division (Demey et al. 2003). AFRICAN PICULET Verreauxia ( ex-Sasia ) africana Elgood et al. (1994) placed this species, reported from Lokoja (Jourdain & Shuel 1935), in square brackets. The record has been considered only doubtfully correct by several authorities, as the commensal locality (where several sightings were claimed) and the nest site (a hole in a garden tree) are atypical. However, in February 2005 one was well described from Afi River Forest Reserve (06°20'N, 09°00'E: I. Imong per L. D. C. Fishpool in Bull. Afr. Bird Cl. 12: 187) and the species can be added to the Nigerian list. GABON WOODPECKER Dendropicos gabonensis A northern limit was not given for this forest species by Elgood et al. (1994): it is Ile-Ife (Farmer 1979). CARDINAL WOODPECKER Dendropicosfuscescens Elgood et al. (1994) gave the species' northern limit as Potiskum, but it does range slightly further north, to Gadau (Fry 1975). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 160 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) FIRE-BELLIED WOODPECKER Chloropicus (ex-Thripias) pyrrhogaster/YELLOW - CRESTED WOODPECKER C. (T.) xantholophus The northernmost locality for Fire-bellied Woodpecker is Ile-Ife (Farmer 1979), rather than Ibadan, as stated in Elgood et al. (1994). The sight record of Yellow-crested Woodpecker claimed near Sapele (C. S. Porteous in Elgood 1982, repeated by Elgood et al. 1994) is surprising, being well within the range of sibling C. pyrrhogaster, and so it is marked with a '?' on the map in Borrow & Demey (2014: 300). Both species were listed from Cross River National Park by Ezealor (2001), pyrrhogaster from the Okwangwo area and together with xantholophus in Oban Division. The latter appears to be correct for xantholophus, being based on Dyer & Gartshore in Elgood et al. (1994) and more recent observations; this is the species' westernmost locality. Flowever, the occurrence of pyrrhogaster in Cross River seems not to have been substantiated in print and requires confirmation —the easternmost record in Nigeria appears to be Calabar (Mackenzie 1979), although there are reports of sympatry in extreme south-west Cameroon (Sorensen et al. 1996). BROWN-BACKED WOODPECKER Ipophilus ( ex-Picoides ) obsoletus Elgood et al. (1994) gave Potiskum as the northernmost locality, but two specimens were collected by Alexander at Yo, Lake Chad, in early January 1905 (NHMUK). SINGING BUSH LARK Mirafra cantillans To the localities listed by Elgood et al. (1994) should be added a more southerly record, from Falgore Game Reserve (c.10°50'N: Wilkinson & Beecroft 1985). WHITE-TAILED LARK Mirafra albicauda No mention was made of this species by Elgood et al. (1994), although it was known from the Chadian region of Lake Chad (Vielliard 1972). In fact, of six specimens collected in 1905 by Boyd Alexander, one was from the Nigerian shore of the lake: at Kowa Baga on 25 April (specimen in NHMUK). The other five specimens were from localities in Chad along the Shari River, between Lafana and Dumtar. This is a new species for the Nigerian avifauna, but subsequent workers on the western shore of the lake have not found it (e.g. Gustafsson et al. 2003). RUFOUS-NAPED LARK Mirafra africana Elgood (1982) and Elgood et al. (1994) reported a specimen 'from Lake Chad area', but gave no supporting reference. There is no obvious habitat for the species in the area (pers. obs. 1968), and confirmation is required for a species usually restricted to upland grasslands. FLAPPET LARK Mirafra rufocinnamomea The northernmost locality is not Maiduguri (cf. Elgood et al. 1994), as there are several reports (including display) north to Sokoto (13°N: Mundy & Cook 1972: 60). LESSER SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella rufescens Accepted for Nigeria by Elgood et al. (1994) on the basis of one ringed and others observed on the Jos Plateau. This migrant from the Palearctic is unknown south of the Sahara, except in Mauritania. In the absence of a photograph this single-observer report of an extreme rarity, not easy to identify, should not be accepted. Possibly these were immature Red- capped Larks C. cinerea, a very isolated population of which species is present on the Jos Plateau. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 161 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) CRESTED LARK Galerida cristata Rather than just the Jos Plateau (as in Elgood et al. 1994), the southernmost localities are more accurately Yankari National Park (Dyer & Gartshore 1975) and Leinde (Reichenow 1911). SQUARE-TAILED SAW-WING Psalidoprocne nitens Seven sightings from Lagos were mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994) without comment. These were probably misidentifications of square-tailed juveniles of the often confused, sibling Fanti Saw-wing P. obscura. There are no definite records of Square-tailed Saw-wing between south-east Ghana (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014) and south-east Nigeria at the Imo River, Owerri (Marchant 1942). Sightings claimed from western Togo (Douaud 1956, Cheke & Walsh 1996), including as far north as Pagala at 08°11'N, 00°58'E (in predominantly savanna habitat; pers. obs.), were also surely misidentified. AFRICAN PIED WAGTAIL Motacilla aguimp Tire description of its range in Elgood et al. (1994) —'to 10°N in the west' —is ambiguous: it is not at its limit at 10°N, but extends at least to Bungudu (12°16'N), where the species is numerous (Bannerman 1936), and in Niger it reaches 15°N. RICHARD'S PIPIT Anthus richardi / AFRICAN PIPIT A. cinnamomeus Records of these two taxa in Nigeria require clarification. There are three specimens from the Lake Chad area identified as A. richardi (White 1957: 33): on 18 October 1904 (not 1940, as in White), 1 November 1904 and 1 March 1905. All were collected by Boyd Alexander, and from what is known of his travels (Alexander 1907), they were all taken in or immediately adjacent to the Nigerian shore of the lake. A fourth pipit, attributed to Blyth's Pipit A. godlewskii (B. P. Hall in White 1957), was also taken on 18 October. All of these are now thought possibly to represent a resident population of A. cinnamomeus (D. J. Pearson in Keith et al. 1992), and Elgood et al. (1994) were wrong to treat them unquestionably as Palearctic richardi. Those authors also reported that the race lynesi had been 'netted at Kano'; they gave no reference, but this was presumably the bird 'secured for identification' at Kirikasama (12°42'N, well north of Kano) on 16 January 1964 (Sharland & Wilkinson 1981) —in the absence of a specimen even the specific identity must be uncertain. The resident population in the highlands of south-east Nigeria (Obudu and Mambilla), camaroonensis, is best treated as a member of the A. cinnamomeus complex (c/. White 1961). BLUE CUCKOO-SHRIKE Cyanograucalus ( ex-Coracina ) azureus Elgood et al. (1994) did not describe its distribution in detail; the northernmost locality is Olokomeji at 07°25'N (Elgood 1977). ANSORGE'S GREENBUL Eurillas (ex-Andropadus) ansorgei Ezealor (2001) listed it for Gashaka-Gumti National Park, but this record (by far the north- easternmost in Nigeria) has not been documented and should be, given the difficulties that exist in identifying this species. CAMEROON SOMBRE GREENBUL Eurillas (A.) curvirostris Elgood et al. (1994) did not give a northern limit for this forest species. It might be thought to be Kagoro-Nindam Forest Reserve (Ezealor 2001), although the species was not among those mist-netted or seen in surveys by Dyer et al. (1986) and Wilkinson & Beecroft (1988). Otherwise the northernmost record is from Ilesha at 07°37'N (Serle 1950). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 162 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) SLENDER-BILLED GREENBUL Stelgidillas (A.) gracilirostris The easternmost locality mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994) is Owerri, but in fact it ranges throughout southern Nigeria to Calabar (Mackenzie 1979) and the Ebe River (pers. obs. 1988). SJOSTEDT'S HONEYGUIDE GREENBUL Baeopogon clmnans Listed from the Biseni forests (Ezealor 2001), which would be the western limit of the species' range (it being absent from Upper Guinea). Nothing has been published on the avifauna of these forests and this record should be documented. The same comments apply to Lesser Bristlebill Bleda notatus. BAUMANN'S GREENBUL Phyllastrephus baumanni Known north to Ede (07°43'N), the report from Pandam (Elgood et al. 1994) being a misidentification (Fishpool 2000). ICTER1NE GREENBUL Phyllastrephus icterinus The species' range was not described in detail by Elgood et al. (1994): the northernmost locality is Mekko (07°28'N: Serle 1950). WESTERN BEARDED GREENBUL Criniger barbatus Contra Elgood et al. (1994), C. barbatus does not range 'right across the country', but Port Harcourt (07°05'E) represents the eastern limit (C. b. ansorgeanus collected, and the distinctive voice described, by Marchant 1953). It seems probable that sight records from the Calabar area (Mackenzie 1979) refer to the allopatric sibling Eastern Bearded Greenbul C. chloronotus. WHITE-BEARDED GREENBUL Criniger ndussumensis Nigeria lies at the western limit of this primary rainforest species, so it is unfortunate that Elgood et al. (1994) did not mention a single locality. None of the records west of the lower Niger (Ezealor 2001) have been documented, and it is unclear how they were separated from the sibling Red-tailed Greenbul C. calurus. Definite records of C. ndussumensis (confirmed by vocalisations) are from Cross River National Park eastwards (Demey et al. 2003). WHITE-TAILED ANT TEIRUSH Neocossyphus poensis The northern limit was not given by Elgood et al. (1994): it is Gambari Forest Reserve (Elgood 1977; pers. obs. 1968). COMMON ROCK THRUSH Monticola saxatilis Elgood et al. (1994) reported just one record south of the Niger and Benue Rivers, to which can be added a male at Nguroje, on 11 March 1988, at an altitude of 1,600 m (pers. obs.). BLACK SCRUB ROBIN Cercotrichas podobe No southern limit was given by Elgood et al. (1994), but the species is known south to Gujiba (11°35'N), where collected by Boyd Alexander (Bannerman 1936; NHMUK). LITTLE RUSH WARBLER Bradypterus baboecala Elgood et al. (1994) suggested that B. b. chadensis has not been definitely recorded on the Nigerian side of Lake Chad, but they overlooked a Boyd Alexander specimen at NHMUK (Dowsett 2002). Subsequently, birds were handled by Gustafsson et al. (2003), of which one was sampled for molecular analysis (Alstrom et al. 2011; U. Ottosson in litt. 2013). The song of northern birds is unknown, but the molecular analysis suggests that this population may be related to birds from Rwanda with a high-pitched song. Elsewhere in Nigeria it has the © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 163 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) deep voice of southern and central African birds, as at Panyam (Stervander et al. 2005), Onitsha and Obrubra (Serle 1957), west to Ghana (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014). AFRICAN MOUSTACHED WARBLER Melocichla mentalis Occurs north to Tapkin Darina at 12°46'N, where collected by Boyd Alexander (Bannerman 1921; NHMUK); this locality was not mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994), who made no reference to this important paper. YELLOW-BELLIED EREMOMELA Eremomela icteropygialis The southernmost localities were not mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994): they are Gadau (Bannerman 1939) and Molai, Maiduguri (Hall 1977a). GREY LONGBILL Macrosphenus concolor Wells & Walsh (1969: 93) reported what was 'probably this species' in dry forest in the Kainji area (c.09°50'N), a record accepted without question by Elgood et al. (1994). It was justifiably queried by Borrow & Demey (2014: 412), as the vegetation type (typically Sudanian) is unsuitable for this rainforest species. The northernmost acceptable locality in Nigeria is Ede, at 07°43'N, where the species was collected by Serle (1950). ORIOLE WARBLER Hyper gems atriceps The only records south of the Benue according to Elgood et al. (1994) were from the Mambilla Plateau, but they overlooked Boyd Alexander's specimens from the Katsina River and Takum (Bannerman 1921; NHMUK). FRASER'S FOREST FLYCATCHER Fraseria ocreata Borrow & Demey (2001: 373) mapped this species from north of the Niger / Benue confluence, apparently based on Dyer et al. (1986). While the latter authors did indeed list the species (on p. 18) from Nindam, Kagoro, this was in error, for on p. 10 they explained that it was White-browed Forest Flycatcher F. cinerascens that was mist-netted. The northern limit of F. ocreata is Erin-Ijesha (Elgood et al. 1994), as now mapped by Borrow & Demey (2014: 420). OLIVACEOUS FLYCATCHER Muscicapa olivascens Elgood et al. (1994) accepted the monthly sightings at Benin City by D. N. Johnson (in Heigham 1976), but no-one else has found this rainforest species in south-west Nigeria and it is unknown from the Dahomey Gap, making confirmation desirable. On present evidence M. olivascens occurs in Nigeria only in the Cross River area (Ash 1990). CASSIN'S FLYCATCHER Muscicapa cassini Reported north to Iwo by Elgood et al. (1994), but a more northerly locality is Ede (Serle 1950). LITTLE GREY FLYCATCHER Muscicapa epulata Accepted on the Nigerian list by Elgood et al. (1994) on the basis of sight records from just one locality (Nindam, 09°36'N), which the observers considered 'not easily assignable to any other Nigerian flycatcher' (Dyer et al. 1986). In view of the identification problems presented by small grey flycatchers, occurrence at Nindam should be confirmed. ASHY FLYCATCHER Muscicapa caerulescens As there are so few Nigerian reports, it should be stressed that the only definite records (in addition to the Gambari specimen mentioned by Elgood et al. 1994) are from Kagoro (09°36'N; P. Hall in Bull. Afr. Bird Cl. 10: 60) and east of the lower Niger at Umuagwu and © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 164 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Owerri, where Merchant (1953) collected one and observed others. This species does not associate with mixed-species flocks, and the sighting reported by Greig-Smith (1977) from Erin-Ijesha was probably misidentified. DUSKY-BLUE FLYCATCHER Muscicapa comitata Elgood (1982) and Elgood et al. (1994) referred to a sight record in relict forest at Pandam, on the southern edge of the Jos Plateau. No reference was given and it has not been possible to trace details. As the species has not been found in other forests on the Jos Plateau escarpment, such as Kagoro-Nindam (Dyer et al. 1986, Wilkinson & Beecroft 1988), this record is best considered unproven. In Nigeria, the northernmost record is otherwise at 07°33'N (Imesi-Ile: T. Ludlow in Elgood et al. 1994). A record from Gashaka-Gumti National Park (Ezealor 2001) can also be questioned, as no details have been traced in its support. TESSMANN'S FLYCATCHER Muscicapa tessmanni The only specimen record from Nigeria was supposedly from Shonga (09°05'N) on the Niger, obtained by 'Captain Ferryman' (Bannerman 1936, Elgood et al. 1994). This refers to A. F. Mockler-Ferryman (1856-1930: not 'Mochler' as in Sharpe 1906), who donated 20 specimens (of 17 species) to the British Museum, all purportedly from Shonga. However, much of his collecting was around Lokoja (07°47'N) and on the Benue (Mockler-Ferryman 1892: 152), and the exact origin of this flycatcher—presumably that listed as M. modesta (Mockler-Ferryman 1892: 316) —is uncertain. In Ghana, Tessmann's Flycatcher, although recorded from 19 30-minute atlas squares, occurs nowhere north of 07°12'N (Dowsett- Lemaire & Dowsett 2014). It seems probable that Ferryman's specimen, although in a consignment from Shonga, was from much further south. Listed for Ibadan (Ezealor 2001), but there have been no subsequent reports (Adeyanju et al. 2014) and this requires confirmation. SOOTY FLYCATCHER Muscicapa infuscata / USSHER'S FLYCATCHER M. ussheri These sibling species occupy the same niche (exposed branches high in the forest canopy), have the same 'jizz' and habits, and are so similar in plumage that they might even be considered races of a single species. Ussher's Flycatcher does not occur east of the Dahomey Gap; there is no satisfactory record for Togo or Benin, with the easternmost from Aburi, eastern Ghana (05°53'N, 00°11'W: Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014), from where there is a specimen (Reichenow 1903: 462). Any sightings further east should be documented, especially those mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994) from well within the range of Sooty Flycatcher (which certainly occurs eastwards in Nigeria from Gambari: Elgood 1977). Sooty Flycatcher occurs in Guineo-Congolian forests and is very unlikely at Serti, an area of natural savanna, where reported to have been seen and handled (Hall 1977b, Elgood et al. 1994); the observer now agrees that the record should be withdrawn (P. Hall in litt. 2015). Marchant (1966) had rightly doubted that M. ussheri occurs in Nigeria. BLACK-AND-WHITE FLYCATCHER Bias musicus Elgood et al. (1994) recorded it north to Ibadan, but the species has been reported even further, at Yankari (A. Demeter in Crick & Marshall 1981). This is considerably further north (09°45'N) than in neighbouring countries, and confirmation is desirable (which view is supported by U. Ottosson in litt. 2015). GREY-HEADED BATIS Batis orientalis White (1963) reported an out-of-range female B. o. chadensis south of Egga (on the Niger). This was a collecting locality of W. A. Forbes, but Shelley (1883) made no mention of this specimen, and it was probably mislabelled. The only certain localities for this species © 2015 The Authors: Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 165 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) in Nigeria are in the Lake Chad region, south to Arrigui (Boyd Alexander specimens; NHMUK). The report of this species mist-netted on the Mambilla Plateau (Hall 1977b) was questioned by Louette (1981), and the very similar Western Black-headed Batis B. erlangeri would be more likely (as the observer now agrees; P. Hall in lift. 2015). In fact, F. Dowsett- Lemaire and I observed a pair of B. erlangeri on the Nigerian / Cameroon border at Chappal Waddi (1,900 m) on 23 March 1988, at the edge of montane forest. As the crown appeared grey and we were unfamiliar with either Batis at the time, we did not publish the record. It is now evident from habitat and voice (a written description was made at the time) that the species involved was B. erlangeri, which has a contiguous and widespread distribution in similar habitat in adjacent Cameroon (Louette 1981, 2005). This is a new species for the Nigerian avifauna. RED-CHEEKED WATTLE-EYE Dyaphorophyia blissetti Elgood (1982, repeated by Elgood et al. 1994) reported the species as far north as Kagoro, 'heard regularly' (no source). No mention of the species was made by Dyer et al. (1986), and the record requires confirmation. It was not listed by Wilkinson & Beecroft (1988). The northernmost locality is Ile-Ife (Farmer 1979). BLUE-HEADED CRESTED FLYCATCHER Trochocercus nitens Elgood et al. (1994) accepted an observation of one 'in dense swamp' as far north as Yankari (C. Geerling). There is no other report of this rainforest species in West Africa north of 09°N, and the sighting requires confirmation (a view supported by U. Ottosson in litt. 2015). Ile-Ife (07°29'N) represents the northernmost locality (Farmer 1979). RUFOUS-WINGEDILLADOPSIS Illadopsis rufescens Not included in the Nigerian avifauna by Elgood et al. (1994), but mapped by Borrow & Demey (2001: 383) from south-west Nigeria, evidently based on a report from Ipake Forest Reserve, Haro (Button 1964), the only Illadopsis listed there. Subsequently, Button (1965) corrected his identification to Pale-breasted Illadopsis I. rnfipennis. The easternmost acceptable locality for this Upper Guinea endemic is South Worobong, Ghana (06°26'N, 00°27'W: Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014). A claimed observation from southern Benin also involved a misidentification, of Puvel's Illadopsis I. puveli (Dowsett & Dowsett-Lemaire 2011). Map corrected in Borrow & Demey (2014). BLACKCAP BABBLER Turdoides reinwardtii There is no record at Kano, as erroneously reported by Elgood et al. (1994); what Bannerman (1936) wrote was that Hutson found it 'up to latitude 11°30'N' in Kano and Bauchi Provinces. This accords well with its occurrence north to Gubuchi (11°12'N: Fry 1975). RED-HEADED PICATHARTES Picathartes oreas Adeyemo & Ayodele (2005) claimed to have studied the species' diet in Old Oyo National Park, which at 08°55'N, 04°00'E would have been an astonishing westwards extension of known range. Ezealor et al. (2007) demonstrated that the study was a fraud and that neither this species nor its sibling, the Upper Guinea endemic Yellow-headed Picathartes P. gymnocephalus, occurs anywhere near western Nigeria. FOREST PENDULINETIT Anthoscopusflavifrons There has been no further information to confirm the single-observer sighting from Lagos (Elgood 1977, J. P. Gee in Elgood et al. 1994), and it must be considered very doubtful. The few definite records are from the forests of the south-east, west to Umuagwu (06°55'E), where collected by Marchant (1953). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert}. Dowsett 166 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) WESTERN VIOLET-BACKED SUNBIRD Anthreptes longuemarei Elgood et al. (1994) reported it south of the Benue only at Enugu (Serle 1957), but the species was also collected at Takum, by Boyd Alexander (NHMUK). SCARLET-CHESTED SUNBIRD Chalcomitra senegalensis In addition to Serti and Enugu (Elgood et al. 1994), the species is known south of the Benue at Takum (Bannerman 1948), where Boyd Alexander collected three specimens (NHMUK). COPPER SUNBIRD Cinnyris cupreus Reported to the 'northern limits of the Guinea Savanna' (Elgood et al. 1994); the northernmost locality seems to be Zaria at 11°03'N (Fry 1965). JOHANNA'S SUNBIRD Cinnyris johannae A Lagos sight record of this easily confused forest species, and a specimen from Abomey (Benin), mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994) cannot be accepted. There is a large gap with no authentic observations between southern Ghana (South Worobong Forest Reserve, west of the Volta: Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014) and south-east Nigeria (Cross River area; several observers). A reported sighting of a female as far west as Okomu National Park (06°25'N, 05°28'E: S. Eccles & P. Hall in Bull. Afr. Bird Cl. 12: 187) requires confirmation. The type locality of C. j. fasciatus was assumed to be Abomey as specimens from Fraser's collection came 'chiefly from Abomey' (Dowsett & Dowsett-Lemaire 2011), but there is no evidence to support this interpretation, and the original type locality of 'West Africa' must stand. SUPERB SUNBIRD Cinnyris superbus Elgood et al. (1994) reported this species in south-west Nigeria north only to Ibadan and Ife (c.07°30'N). However, it was mapped by Borrow & Demey (2001: 399) from much further north, based on records from Nindam (09°36'N: Wilkinson & Beecroft 1988), including a pair observed in February 1980 (Dyer et al. 1986: 11). Although the species is mapped as questionable by Borrow & Demey (2014: 462), these records seem acceptable; in eastern Ghana it reaches 08°30'N (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014). EMIN'S SHRIKE Lanins gubernator Among the few records from Nigeria, Elgood et al. (1994) mentioned a specimen collected at 'Gajibo (near Lake Chad)', giving coordinates for 'Gajebo' as I2°10'N, 14°00'E. This refers to a bird collected at 'Gujiba' by Boyd Alexander on 12 October 1904 (NHMUK). The locality appears on the map in Boyd Alexander (1907) as Gujba, at c.ll°35'N, 11°55'E, and in the US Defence Department gazetteer the coordinates are given as 11°30'N, 11°55'E. This is the species' northernmost known locality. BLACK-SHOULDERED PUFFBACK Dryoscopus senegalensis A specimen was reportedly collected on 24 May 1938 in derived savanna '10 miles from' Oshogbo, in the south-west, by Dr William McLelland, and identified at the British Museum (Bannerman 1951: 457). This locality is not mentioned in the gazetteer in Elgood et al. (1994) —the coordinates below are from Happold (1987) and the US Defence Department gazetteer. This is by far the species' westernmost record. Nothing is known of the ornithological activities of the collector (a member of the Nigerian Medical Service), but in 1940, at least, he was based in the south-east (Calabar), not in the south-west (shipping passenger lists. National Archives, Kew). There seems to be no other locality of this name, and there was probably an error of labelling, meaning that occurrence in south-west Nigeria should be confirmed. The species is also listed for Okomu National Park (Ezealor 2001), but © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 167 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) without details. The only definite records in Nigeria are from the south-east, on the Obudu Plateau, where the species has been collected (Elgood 1965). TROPICAL BOUBOU Laniarius aethiopicus Elgood et al. (1994) reported it north of the Niger / Benue Rivers only to Kaduna, overlooking records even further north from Anara Forest Reserve and Zaria, at 11°03'N (Fry 1975). MANY-COLOURED BUSH SHRIKE Chlorophoneus multicolor Elgood (1982), repeated by Elgood et al. (1994), reported the species as far north as Kagoro, where 'sighted'. No mention of the species was made by Dyer et al. (1986) and Wilkinson & Beecroft (1988), and the record requires confirmation. It is otherwise known north only to Ile-Ife at 07°29'N (Farmer 1979). GREY-HEADED BUSH SHRIKE Malaconotus blanchoti Reporting it 'only just south of the Benue in southeast', Elgood et al. (1994) gave no reference. This is presumably based on a Boyd Alexander specimen from Takum, taken in June 1904 (Bannerman 1939). VELVET-MANTLED DRONGO Dicrurus modestus Elgood et al. (1994) did not separate this forest species from the mainly savanna-based Fork¬ tailed Drongo D. adsimilis. The northernmost record is a specimen from Ishan Division at c.07°55'N (Bannerman 1939). Recognition of the specific status of modestus (following Fry et al. 2000, Pasquet et al. 2007) adds a species to the Nigerian list. NARROW-TAILED STARLING Poeoptera lugubris No northern limit was given by Elgood et al. (1994), but it ranges to Ado-Ekiti, Ondo Province, at 07°38'N (Bannerman 1948). FOREST CHESTNUT-WINGED STARLING Onychognathusfulgidus Fry (1965) reported it from as far north as the Zaria area, but this was in error for Red¬ winged Starling O. morio (neumanni ), as the northernmost locality of O. fulgidus is Oyo at 07°52'N (Elgood et al. 1994). BRONZE-TAILED GLOSSY STARLING Lamprotornis chalcurus The only report from south-west Nigeria is the sighting at Badagri by J. A. Button (in Elgood et al. 1994). Supporting details have not been published and confirmation should be sought. LONG-TAILED GLOSSY STARLING Lamprotornis caudatus A single near Lagos was considered to be a vagrant or an escape (Gee & Heigham 1977, Elgood et al. 1994); this was a bird seen at Tarkwa, on 15 August 1970, by D. I. M. Wallace. Similar occurrences elsewhere in West Africa, e.g. in southern Ghana (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2014), are thought as likely to have captive origin as to be natural wanderers. CHESTNUT-CROWNED SPARROW WEAVER Plocepasser superciliosus 'Absent south of the Benue' (Elgood et al. 1994), but Boyd Alexander collected it at Takum in June 1904 (Bannerman 1949; NHMUK). A sight report from as far south as Ibadan (L. H. Brown in Bannerman 1949), apparently accepted by Adeyanju et al. (2014), is probably a misidentification, as this species is endemic to Sudanian (Sudan-Guinea) woodland. SLENDER-BILLED WEAVER Ploceus pelzelni Elgood et al. (1994) mentioned a record from 'Egga' on the Niger, based on Bannerman (1949: 73, under Sitagra monacha). This locality has been variously referred to as Eggan or © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 168 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Eggar, and is at 08°43'N, 06°18'E (not 08°30'E, under Eggan in Elgood et al. 1994: 279). The specimen was collected by W. A. Forbes, and is that listed under Hyphantomis personatus by Shelley (1883: 550); he was at Egga in the second half of September 1882 (Forbes 1883). This record would be exceptionally far inland for the species (throughout West Africa it does not occur north of the coastal belt), and as the specimen is a female its identification should be confirmed, to eliminate the sibling Little Weaver P. luteolus. The latter species has been collected as far south as Ibi at 08°10'N (Boyd Alexander collection; NHMUK). VIEILLOT'S BLACK WEAVER Ploceus nigerrimus Listed from Pandam (Ezealor 2001), but this would be the only record north of the Niger and Benue, and supporting details are lacking. YELLOW-MANTLED WEAVER Ploceus tricolor There is a locality further north than those given by Elgood et al. (1994), namely Ilesha (07°37'N), where the species was collected at a colony by Serle (1950). BLUE-BILLED MALIMBE Malimbus nitens The northernmost locality referred to by Elgood et al. (1994) as between Nasarawa and the Benue is more exactly between Aza and Tunga (08°08'N, 07°25'E: Serle 1940). Reported further north in Kagoro-Nindam Forest Reserve (Ezealor 2001), but surveys by Dyer et al. (1986) and Wilkinson & Beecroft (1988) did not find it, and confirmation is required. RED-HEADED WEAVER Anaplectes rubriceps The record from between Serti and Beli (Elgood et al. 1994) —more accurately 72 km north of Serti (Ash et al. 1989) —was not the first south of the Benue in Nigeria, as Boyd Alexander collected one further south at Takum (07°13'N) in 1904 (NHMUK). RED-BILLED QUELEA Quelea quelea Elgood et al. (1994) wrote that post-breeding movements 'may reach as far south as Zaria and the Benue River near the Cameroon border'. This would seem to be an interpretation of the map in Ward (1971: 289) and may be hypothetical. Documented records are to just south of Yankari, at 09°45'N (Dyer & Gartshore 1975), while it has been noted regularly in the last 15 years at the A. P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI), south-east of Jos, at 09°52'N (U. Ottosson in litt. 2015). GREEN-WINGED PYTILA Pytilia melba Elgood et al. (1994) gave no southern limit. Reported as far south as Yankari at 09°45'N (Crick & Marshall 1981), but otherwise north from Goram (11°17'N), where collected by Boyd Alexander (NHMUK). RED-WINGED PYTILIA Pytilia phoenicoptera Listed for two southerly localities, Sunvit farm and Gashaka-Gumti National Park by Ezealor (2001), but details have not been published and these would be the only localities south of the Niger / Benue Rivers (Elgood et al. 1994). RED-FACED CRIMSON WING Cryptospiza reichenovii Elgood et al. (1994) reported it only from the Obudu Plateau, but overlooked a record from Leinde Fadali, Gashaka-Gumti National Park (Ash et al. 1989). WESTERN BLUEBILL Spermophaga haematina Elgood (1982) and Elgood et al. (1994) mentioned breeding records at 'Ndian, Aug- Nov (Macdonald 1959)', but neither locality nor reference appears in their gazetteer or © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 169 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) bibliography. Ndian is in Cameroon (04°57'N, 08°52'E), and the reference is more correctly Serle (1959), who presented the observations of A. Macdonald. BLUE-BILLED FIREFINCH Lagonosticta rubricata The northernmost locality is not Aliya, as reported in Elgood et al. (1994), but Rano (sic) at 11°35'N (Sharland & Wilkinson 1981, Payne 1982). RED-CHEEKED CORDON-BLEU Uraeginthus bengalus Reported from Lagos (Gee & Heigham 1977), but like a record from Ibadan (Elgood et al. 1994) —not repeated by Adeyanju et al. (2014) —probably an escape from captivity. CUT-THROAT FINCH Amadinafasciata Borrow & Demey (2014: 538) plotted a record in the Lagos area, but it was not mentioned by Elgood et al. (1994). This was based on an observation of five at Tarkwa on 24 January 1984 by R. Farmer (in Boyd Alexander-Marrack et al. 1985), most probably of captive origin, as suggested by the observer. VILLAGE INDIGOBIRD Vidua chalybeata Elgood (1982) and Elgood et al. (1994) reported the species as 'met all year' at Lagos, and it was mapped by Borrow & Demey (2001: 470). However, for its host, Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala, Elgood et al. (1994) mentioned just one old record from Lagos, which 'could refer to an escape'. These records are based on Gee & Heigham (1977), who considered that Lagos indigobirds 'most resemble form funerea' , which was then considered a race of the single recognised species of indigobird, V. chalybeata. As Bar-breasted Firefinch L. rufopicta is the common species at Lagos (Gee <& Heigham 1977), it is likely that the corresponding Vidua is Pale-winged Indigobird V. wilsoni. This probably also applies to the record, originally published as V. chalybeata, from Warri (Heigham 1976). Map corrected in Borrow & Demey (2014). CABANIS'S BUNTING Emberiza cabanisi Elgood et al. (1994) did not mention the northern limit—the species has been reported north to Yashi, on the Katsina / Kano border (12°22'N: Bannerman 1949). Acknowledgements I thank Robert Prys-Jones, Mark Adams and colleagues for access to the NHMUK collections at Tring, and Ron Demey, Phil Hall, Lincoln Fishpool and Ulf Ottosson for helpful comments on the submitted version of this paper. References: Abalaka, J. I. & Manu, S. 2007. Factors affecting bird species diversity in the degrading Kagoro forest, Kaduna, Nigeria. Ostrich 78: 233-238. Adeyanju, T. A., Ottosson, U., Adeyanju, T. E., Omotoriogun, T. C., Hall, P., Manu, S. A., Alabi, T., Lameed, G. A. & Brown, D. 2014. Birds of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture campus, a stronghold of avian diversity in the changing Ibadan area (Nigeria) over the last 50 years. Malimbus 36: 76-105. Adeyemo, A. I. & Ayodele, I. A. 2005. Food and feeding ecology of the rock fowl Picathartes (sic) areas in Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria. Afr. J. Ecol. 43: 1-6. Alexander, B. 1907. From the Niger to the Nile, 2 vols. Edward Arnold, London. Alexander-Marrack, P. D., Aaronson, M. )., Farmer, R., Houston, W. H. & Mills, T. R. 1985. Some changes in the bird fauna of Lagos, Nigeria. Malimbus 7: 121-127. Alstrom, P., Fregin, S., Norman, J. A., Ericson, P. G. P., Christidis, L. & Olsson, U. 2011. Multilocus analysis of a taxonomically densely sampled dataset reveals extensive non-monophyly in the avian family Locustellidae. Mol. Phyl. & Evol. 58: 513-526. Ash, J. S. 1990. Additions to the avifauna of Nigeria, with notes on distributional changes and breeding. Malimbus 11: 104-116. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 170 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Ash, J. S. & Sharland, R. E. 1986. Nigeria: assessment of bird conservation priorities. ICBP Study Rep. 11. International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge, UK. Ash, J. S., Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R. J. 1989. New ornithological distribution records from eastern Nigeria. Tauraco Res. Rep. 1: 13-27. Bannerman, D. A. 1921. The birds of southern Nigeria, including a detailed review of the races of species known to occur there. Rev. Zool. Afr. 9: 254-426. Bannerman, D. A. 1933. The birds of tropical West Africa, vol. 3. Crown Agents, London. Bannerman, D. A. 1936. The birds of tropical West Africa, vol. 4. Crown Agents, London. Bannerman, D. A. 1939. The birds of tropical West Africa, vol. 5. Crown Agents, London. Bannerman, D. A. 1948. The birds of tropical West Africa, vol. 6. Crown Agents, London. Bannerman D. A. 1949. The birds of tropical West Africa, vol. 7. Crown Agents, London. Bannerman, D. A. 1951. The birds of tropical West Africa, vol. 8. Crown Agents, London. Bannerman, D. A. 1953. The birds of west and equatorial Africa, vol. 1. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. Bannerman, D. A. & Bates, G. L. 1924. On the birds collected in north-western and northern Cameroon and parts of northern Nigeria. Parts II & III. Annotated list of species. Ibis (11)6: 199-277, 519-549. BirdLife International, 2014. Important Bird Areas factsheet: Kagoro - Nindam Forest Reserves, www. birdlife.org (accessed 2 September 2014). Borrow, N. & Demey, R. 2001. Birds of western Africa. Christopher Helm, London. Borrow, N. & Demey, R. 2014. Birds of western Africa. Second edn. Christopher Helm, London. Brown, L. H. 1948. Notes on birds of the Kabba, Ilorin and N. Benin Provinces of Nigeria. Ibis 90: 525-538. Button, ]. A. 1964. Synopsis of the status of birds at Ilaro. Bull. Niger. Orn. Soc. 1(1): 5-6. Button, J. A. 1965. Additions to local avifaunas. Ilaro. Bull. Niger. Orn. Soc. 2: 51-52. Cheke, R. A. & Walsh, J. F. 1996. Tire birds of Togo: an annotated check-list. BOU Check-list No. 14. British Ornithologists' Union, Tring. Crick, H. Q. P. & Marshall, P. J. 1981. The birds of Yankari Game Reserve, Nigeria: their abundance and seasonal occurrence. Malimbus 3: 103-114. Demey, R. & Fishpool, L,. D. C. 1994. The birds of Yapo Forest, Ivory Coast. Malimbus 16: 100-122. Demey, R., Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R. J. 2003. Notable bird observations from Nigeria, including the first records of Spot-breasted Ibis Bostrychia rara and Yellow Longbill Macrosphenus flavicans. Malimbus 25: 85-94. Dickinson, E. C. & Remsen, ]. V. (eds.) 2013. The Howard and Moore complete checklist of the birds of the world, vol. 1. Fourth edn. Aves Press, Eastbourne. Douaud, ]. 1956. Les oiseaux des monts du Togo (Afrique occidentale). Alauda 24: 221-227. Dowsett, R. j. 2002. More on Boyd Alexander's types from Lake Chad. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 122: 228-230. Dowsett, R. J. 2005. Does the Didric Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius parasitize Cricket Warbler Spiloptila clamans in Nigeria? Malimbus 27: 41-42. Dowsett, R. J. & Dowsett-Lemaire, F. 2011. Tire avifauna of Benin: additions and corrections. Bull. Afr. Bird Cl. 18: 148-167. Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R. J. 2009. The birds of southern Benin, January-February 2009, with notes on vegetation and larger mammals. Dowsett-Lemaire Misc. Rep. 65: 1-48. Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R. J. 2010. Liste annotee des oiseaux observes aux Parcs du 'W' et de la Pendjari (Benin), fevrier 2010. Dowsett-Lemaire Misc. Rep. 72: 1-21. Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R. J. 2011a. Ornithological expedition to Togo 2010-2011. Dowsett-Lemaire Misc. Rep. 78: 1-33. Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R. J. 2011b. Ornithological expedition to southern Benin, April 2011. Dowsett- Lemaire Misc. Rep. 80: 1-17. Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R. J. 2014. The Birds of Ghana: an atlas and handbook. Tauraco Press, Liege. Dyer, M. & Gartshore, M. E. 1975. Birds of Yankari Game Reserve, Nigeria. Bull. Niger. Orn. Soc. 11: 77-84. Dyer, M., Gartshore, M. E. & Sharland, R. E. 1986. The birds of Nindam Forest Reserve, Kagoro, Nigeria. Malimbus 8: 2-20. Elgood, J. H. 1965. The birds of the Obudu Plateau, Eastern Region of Nigeria. Niger. Field 30: 60-69. Elgood, J. H. 1977. Forest birds of southwest Nigeria. Ibis 119: 462^180. Elgood, J. H. 1982. The birds of Nigeria: an annotated check-list. BOU Check-list No. 4. British Ornithologists' Union, London. Elgood, J. H. & Sibley, F. C. 1964. The tropical forest edge avifauna of Ibadan, Nigeria. Ibis 106: 221-248. Elgood, J. H., Heigham, J. B., Moore, A. M., Nason, A. M., Sharland, R. E. & Skinner, N. J. 1994. The birds of Nigeria: an annotated check-list. BOU Check-list No. 4. Second edn. British Ornithologists' Union, Tring. Ezealor, A. U. 2001. Nigeria. Pp. 673-692 in Fishpool, L. D. C. & Evans, M. I. (eds.) 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New and unusual records of birds in Cameroon. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 116: 145-155. Stervander, M., Ottosson, U., Hulme, M. & Molokwu, M. N. 2005. Little Rush Warbler Bradypterus baboecala new to Plateau State, Nigeria. Malimbus 27: 46 -47. Turk, A. 2000. Fishing owls at Agenebode, Nigeria. Bull. Afr. Bird Cl. 7: 107-108. Vielliard, J. 1971-72. Donnees biogeographiques sur l'avifaune d'Afrique centrale II. Alauda 40: 63-92. Ward, P. 1971. The migration patterns of Quelea quelea in Africa. Ibis 113: 275-297. Wells, D. & Walsh, F. 1969. Birds of northern and central Borgu (contd). Bull. Niger. Orn. Soc. 6: 78-93. White, C. M. N. 1957. Taxonomic notes on African pipits, with the description of a new race of Anthus similis. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 77: 30-34. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 172 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) White, C. M. N. 1961. A revised check list of African broadbills, pittas, larks, swallows, wagtails and pipits. Govt. 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Address: Le Pouget, Sumene 30440, France, e-mail: Dowsett@aol.com Appendix: Gazetteer of Nigerian localities and others mentioned Abeokuta 07°09'N, 03°20'E Gubuchi 11°12'N, 08°01'E Abomey, Benin 07°H'N, 01°59'E Gujiba 11°35'N, 11°55'E Aburi, Ghana 05°53'N, 0°11'W Hadejia 12°27'N, 10°03'E Ado-Ekiti 07°38'N, 05°13'E Ibadan 07°23'N, 03°56'E Afi River Forest Reserve r.06 o 20'N, 09°00'E Ibi 08°10'N, 09°45'E Agenbode (Agenebode) 07°07'N, 06°41'E Ife 07°28'N, 04°32'E Aliya 11°10'N, 10°55'E Ile-Ife 07°29'N, 04°33'E Anara Forest Reserve 10°42'N, 07°37'E Ilesha 07°37'N, 04°44'E Arrigui, Lake Chad 13°28'N, 13°22'E Ilorin 08°30'N, 04°33'E Awgu 06°05'N, 07°28'E Imesi-Ile 07°33'N, 04°38'E Aza 08°06'N, 07°30'E I mo River, Owerri 04°36'N, 07°31'E Badagri 06°25'N, 02°53'E Ipake Forest Reserve, Ilaro c.06°50'N, 03°03'E Bauchi 10°16'N, 09°50'E Ishan 07°55'N, 05°19'E Beli 07°52'N, 10°58'E Iwo 07°38'N, 04°10'E Benin City 06°20'N, 05°38'E Jos Plateau c.09°30'N, 08°55'E Bipindi, Cameroon 03°05'N, 10°25'E Kaduna 10°32'N, 07°24'E Biseni forests c.05°15'N, 06°30'E Kagoro-Nindam Forest Reserve c.09°28'N, 08°19’E Bungudu (Gungudu) 12°16'N, 06°33'E Kainji Lake National Park c.10°05'N, 04°40'E Calabar 04°58'N, 08°21'E Kano 12°00'N, 08°31'E Chad Basin National Park c.ll 0 45'N, 14°15'E Katsina 13°00'N, 07°36'E Chappal Waddi 07°01'N, 11°41'E Kirikasama 12°42'N, 10°15'E Cross River National Park, Oban Division r.05°47'N, 08°26'E Kowa Baga, Lake Chad Kumbotso, Kano 13°07'N, 13°52'E 11°53'N, 08°30'E Cross River National Park, Okwangwo Division c.06°17'N, 09°14'E Lafana, Shari River, Chad Lagos 10°30'N, 16°36'E 06°27’N, 03°24'E Danbagudu 10°19'N, 07°46'E Leinde 09°51'N, 13°09'E Dikwa Dumtar, Shari River, Chad Ebe River Ede Egga (Eggan), Niger River 12°02'N, 13°55'E 10°01'N, 17°35'E c.05°05'N, 08°40'E 07°43'N, 04°26'E 08°40'N, 06°20'E Leinde Fadali Lokoja, Niger / Benue confluence Lokoli, Benin Maiduguri Mambilla Plateau 06°58'N, 11°36'E 07°47'N, 06°44'E 07°03'N, 02°15'E 11°50'N, 13°09'E c.07°30'N, 11°35'E Enugu Erin-ljesha Falgore Game Reserve Gadau Gambari Forest Reserve Gashaka-Gumti National Park Gaya Goram (Gwaram) 06°26'N, 07°30'E 07°36'N, 04°45'E c.l0°50'N, 08°40'E 11°50'N, 10°10'E c.07°08'N, 03°50'E c.07°20'N, 11°35'E 11°52'N, 09°01'E 11°17'N, 09°53'E Mekko Minetti borehole Minna Molai, Maiduguri Nasarawa Ndian, Cameroon Nguroje 07°28'N, 02°45'E c.l2°45'N, 13°45'E 09°36'N, 06°33'E 11°50'N, 13°09'E 08°30'N, 07°42'E 04°57'N, 08°52'E 06°57'N, 11°07'E © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Robert J. Dowsett 173 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Niger / Benue confluence 07°47'N, 06°44'E Sambisa Game Reserve. c.ll°40'N, 14°20'E Nindam Forest Reserve c.09°28'N, 08°19'E Sapele 05°55'N, 05°42'E Njawai, Mambilla Plateau 06°55'N, 11°34'E Serti 07°30'N, 11°22'E Obrubra 06°05'N, 08°19'E Shaffini swamp, Kainji 09°53'N, 04°45'E Obudu Plateau c.06°40'N, 09°20'E Shonga, Niger River 09°05'N, 05°09'E Okigwi 05°50'N, 07°22'E Sokoto 13°02'N, 05°13'E Okomu National Park c.06°25'N, 05°28'E South Worobong Forest Reserve, Ghana 06°26'N, 00°27'W Olokomeji 07°25'N, 03°32'E Sunvit farm 07°07'N, 06°41'E Omo Forest Reserve 06°50'N, 04°30'E Takum 07°13'N, 10°00'E Onitsha 06°10'N, 06°47'E Tapkin Darina 12°46'N, 08°18'E Oshogbo 07°46'N, 04°34'E Tarkwa, Lagos 06°25'N, 03°25'E Osomegbe, Obe River 06°57'N, 06°37'E Tunga 08°08'N, 07°25'E Owena 07°12'N, 05°01'E Ubiaja 06°37'N, 06°20'E Owerri 05°29'N, 07°01'E Umuagwu 05°20'N, 06°55'E Oyo 07°52'N, 03°57'E Warri 05°36'N, 05°50'E Pagala, Togo 08 o lTN, 00°58'E Yankari National Park c.09°45'N, 10°30'E Pandam National Park r.08°40'N, 09°03'E Yapo, Ivory Coast 05°42'N, 04°06'W Pankshin 09°20'N, 09°27'E Yashi 12°22'N, 07°55'E Panyam 09°25'N, 09°13'E Yo 13°33'N, 13°15'E Port Harcourt 04°43'N, 07°05'E Yo River (Komadugu-Yobe) mouth. Potiskum 11°45'N, 11°02'E Lake Chad 13°40'N, 13°22'E Rano 11°35'N, 08°40'E Zaria 11°03'N, 07°42'E © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 174 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Large-scale live capture of Passenger Pigeons Ectopistes migratorius for sporting purposes: overlooked illustrated documentation by Julian P. Hume Received 12 January 2015 Summary. —More has been written concerning the extinction of Passenger Pigeon Ectopistes migratorius than any other extinct bird; the effects of trapping live birds for the shooting industry in the latter half of the 19th century is also seemingly well known. Here I present overlooked accounts and illustrations that appeared in contemporaneous newspapers describing the techniques used to capture live birds based on the experience of a professional pigeon trapper, and the subsequent fate of captured birds in shooting contests. The extinction of Passenger Pigeon Ectopistes migratorius (Linnaeus, 1766) was one of the most damning and senseless of all human-caused extinctions: it defies belief that a bird so abundant could be exterminated in such a short period of time. In the first half of the 19th century Passenger Pigeons were reported in incomprehensible numbers. There are many reports of migratory flocks that numbered in their hundreds of millions, roosting sites that covered >100 km 2 , and nesting colonies at such densities that the boughs of trees collapsed under their weight (Wilson 1808, Audubon 1831, Mitchell 1935, Schorger 1955, Eckert 1965, Blockstein & Tordoff 1985, Bucher 1992, Cokinos 2000, Blockstein 2002, Avery 2014, Foster 2014, Fuller 2014, Greenberg 2014). Passenger Pigeon occurred almost entirely in the eastern USA with the main nesting areas being centred on the Great Lakes (Schorger 1955), but also extended south and east from the southern Great Lakes (Blockstein 2002). Inevitably, such concentrations attracted the attention of a surging human population, especially in the rapidly developing eastern states. The pigeons were not only exploited as a food source, but were also considered an agricultural pest; entire crops could be rapidly destroyed if a large flock descended to feed (Mitchell 1935, Blockstein & Tordoff 1985). During the early 19th century. Passenger Pigeon was persecuted on an immense scale with seemingly no noticeable effect on numbers, but this was to drastically change after the end of the Civil War in 1865. In the 1860s, communication across the eastern states was augmented by an extensive telegraph system, followed by a dramatic increase in the number of railroads (Blockstein & Tordoff 1985, Blockstein 2002). This provided an ideal opportunity for professional pigeon hunters, known as 'pigeoners', to rapidly communicate the whereabouts of concentrations of birds, which resulted in almost perpetual exploitation (Schorger 1955, Blockstein & Tordoff 1985). This commercialisation of the pigeons for food and for live-bird capture for the sporting industry, along with deforestation, resulted in a rapid decline in numbers during 1871 to 1880, with the last great nesting concentrations reported in 1879-83 (Mitchell 1935, Schorger 1955, Blockstein & Tordoff 1985). A handful of wild individuals were collected during the 1890s, the last being taken around 1900 (Henniger 1902, Fuller 2014) or a year or two later (Greenberg 2014). At least three captive populations had been maintained since the 1870s but, due primarily to poor reproductive rates, by 1910 only a solitary female, 'Martha', remained (Fuller 1914), which died around midday on 1 September 1914 (Shufeldt 1915). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 175 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Illustrations of Passenger Pigeon trapping and shooting were published in various contemporary newspapers, most notably in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper (FLIN hereafter) and The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News (ISDN). An illustration appeared in the 21 September 1867 edition of FLIN (vol. XXV, no. 625, p. 8) entitled 'Netting wild pigeons in New England', with an accompanying image entitled 'Shooting wild pigeons in Iowa' (Fig. 1). Another illustration published in ISDN on 3 July 1875 entitled 'Winter sports in northern Louisiana: shooting wild pigeons. - sketched by Smith Bennett', which is the most frequently reproduced, was discovered by the author and natural historian Paul Hahn in a small barber's shop in Toronto (Mitchell 1935: 121; E. Fuller pers. comm. 2014; Fig. 2). Schorger (1955) considered this illustration to be the most accurate of all contemporary portrayals, and shows a somewhat similar scene as that in FLIN (Fig. 1). Schorger (1955: 300) briefly mentioned images of pigeon-trapping techniques and shooting tournaments that appeared in various newspapers, which have never been fully reproduced. One of these includes a historically important full-page illustration published in FLIN, on 2 July 1881, entitled 'The sportsmen's tournament at Coney Island. —Methods of trapping and transporting the pigeons for use in the contests. —From sketches by a staff artist', depicting the techniques employed in trapping live Passenger Pigeons for sporting contests. The illustration and text are reproduced here in their entirety for the first time (Fig. 3). The accompanying text entitled 'Wild pigeons for the sportsmen's tournament' includes an extra illustration of a pigeon trap (Fig. 4) and important documentation about trapping techniques and pigeon ecology, all based on the recollections of a professional pigeoner. The newspaper Harper's Weekly (HW hereafter), published on 9 July 1881, one week after the above-mentioned FLIN article, contains another overlooked illustration entitled 'Sportsmen's Convention - Pigeon shooting at the Brighton Beach Fair Grounds, Coney Island', and it is also reproduced here in its entirety for the first time (Fig.5). Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper Frank Leslie (29 March 1821-10 January 1880) was born in England but made his name as a newspaper and family periodical publisher in the USA, illustrating and engraving many pictures himself (Peterson 1933). Frank Leslie's Illustrated News, which was originally entitled Leslie's Weekly, was first published in 1855 in New York and ran until 1922 (ibid). This newspaper was most famous for its detailed descriptive and illustrative coverage of the American Civil War, but also treated general interest topics such as natural history. Shooting zvild pigeons in Iowa (FLIN, 21 September 1867). —The Passenger Pigeon illustration 'Shooting wild pigeons in Iowa' (Fig. 1) is accompanied by an interesting account concerning the destruction that these birds caused to agricultural crops, being described as a 'perfect scourge' to the farming community in Iowa. It reads: 'The farmers of many of the western counties of Iowa were much troubled with pigeons in the spring; in fact, the hordes became a perfect scourge. Vast flocks made their appearance, the air in many places being literally darkened, and having migrated a long distance from the South, they were very voracious. These flocks lit upon the fields of the new-sown corn, and rolling over and over like the waves of the sea, picked up every kernal [sic] of grain in sight. It was impossible to drive them away; they being unmindful of the firing of guns, throwing of stones, shouting of men, or barking of dogs; and it was an easy task to kill any number of them with a pole.' 'One farmer, residing two miles east of Independence, had sown three acres of wheat, and was preparing to harrow it in, when the pigeons made their appearance, and gobbled every kernal [sic] before he could get it covered. Some fields containing forty acres were absolutely covered with pigeons, and although sportsmen waged an incessant warfare © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 176 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) t'KANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSP APER. [Sin. 21, IBS') Netting Wild Pi I'ut flivki of n EnfUti.l. I «*: balU. *)..! ti.< preparr*} Ihrlr net. *h «.<■ a-O') ppmc*. Uj tluiojl. Ucy w*»c In* gcons in Now England. :!() |>ig.v.»u«, which ot find Vrtt. hr. rum- n;orv *b) •* th<-)r rl» with • c»wd nioi>lu*.‘ •:nn£* *chc<-ri^i oiUi I' lnduOri arid *evm a* j cm the Bold. lly U»:e *urx. Ld ood flj down (■> ilir OrM. Winm a cnflV.i'ii! nmritKir have linen *iu. ’nil' niiiolwr nf jilfivuii* Litem lu till* way l» b'u <|ul(r Ur pc, on I l-clng frcijmnilljr onoucli to roaho , day •jn-r.l In CJplH.-(oj; thuu quite pinfllable. II ; pptma, a* tiiiw*, wiimi Hid j>u;*«ii» ere quite phnllltil, it ii,out )« their appears chx>, U|i, air i uuo> placc-c lx- Id,; lit.rally darkened, and Uvliu; ! migrated a long ilUloiiro from tie- Mouth, they ; •off very voraelou*. These flock* lit upon tm> fluid* of j ui'w-k.iwn i raio. oiol rolling over an-1 over like* the { vravr* ill llio e.-a. picked ii|> every kcmil of (twill 111 [ «'i)lil. It wav toipUAcIblo lo drive Ihcni awn); they ' hrluit uiimioiltijl of *.b« Anns; of puu*. throwing of clonus, "houiiuK "f tn>'n, nr liarking of dog*; and It «i> ail ,a*i task to kill any liutril wr of them with * Otic farmer, rcvlnln^ two miles ej»t of IndopcniIenc-0, bail ci,wn three acres of wheat, noil was preparing ('> barrow it In, when the pigeon* made their appr*r»nce, Biel gobble,I up every In-rosl before lio ouulit tf«l It cuv#red. Sumo Qrhlv cunlaintnp forty eerr* vrero abaolo*cl>-covrmt wilh pigeon*. and although sports¬ men Braito-I an luccamiol warfare again*! them, and ktllml great number* ol them, tltrir place* were soon supplied with o Uir.ru. UunUinj pigeons had k»t Urn clurtu ot novelty, and llio U-alo qticdUiu was how tv navcRWln. A (treat nuinlKr of flrbU bad to bo cowwj a w.-oml tltOK, and, II Is aJtd. some fanuets bail lo do It the third lloie. f'com all accsonU, the tuo’u dep.-oda- llons of the frilhcji-.l •.-oiircu appeared Ui l»s rv.nflnol to the nylon of couoirv bontcr.iid tho Wapslpinlcon. Vlow of Say Street, Savannah, Georgia. Biv uTnEET, in Sitvonnuli, in thn chief cotton mxrknt of 'Jio town, otid la flllod with a cafiatanl pro- ceaelou of cart* couveylotj the balr* of too oUplo clllior to lh« *tor*liou»c* or tho wliarro* for Uilpaieal. There has alwaya been a bitaluea* rivalry between Chsrloaton aod flavaneob, and since tbs war the last- named plant appear* to bare taken the load decidedly. Our »kctch allows the mode in which cotton u cartnl Figure 1. The full-page spread that appeared in the 2 July 1867 edition of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper (vol. XXV, no. 625, p. 8) entitled 'Netting wild pigeons in New England' (above) with an accompanying image entitled 'Shooting wild pigeons in Iowa' (below). From the author's personal collection. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 177 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) THE ILLUSTRATED SPORTING AND DRAMATIC NEWS. Jor.T 3, 18LV — 332 ■VTEn SPORTS UP NORTHERN LOUISIANA: SHOOTTSO U'U.Il PIGEONS.—SKETCHED BT SMITH BENNETT. ■•mm* th.7, 1 SPECIMENS OP the latest prehistoric discoveries THOM TRACINGS BY OTIS P. MASON. Figure 2. The full-page spread of the much-reproduced illustration 'Winter sports in northern Louisiana: shooting wild pigeons. - sketched by Smith Bennett', which appeared on p.332 in The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News on 3 July 1875. From the author's personal collection. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 178 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) FRANK LESLIE'S II.LCSTUATEO NEWSPAPER. [JlXT 1 . 18SI V/.^ p,6E0 " THE SP0BT3MES s TOOiXAMEYl AT CONEY ISLAND.—METHODS Ot TKAEPINU AND THASSPOUTLNU THE PIGEONS FOit V.3£ IN' THE CONTESTS.—Peon Skek’Hm dy a Syavp Aimur.—S xb Laos 299, Figure 3. The full-page spread that appeared in the 2 July 1881 edition of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Nezus (vol. LII, no. 1344, pp. 299-300). The illustration on p. 300 is entitled The sportsmen's tournament at Coney Island.— Methods of trapping and transporting the pigeons for use in the contests.—From sketches by a staff artist.' Note the incredible density of birds captured in the trap-net (centre right). From the author's personal collection. TAKINC THE GI8D5 PROM THE TRAP NET 8. CAGING THEM © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 179 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Figure 4. The illustration 'The pigeon trap' on p. 299 that accompanied the article entitled 'Wild pigeons for the sportsmen's tournament'. From the overlooked article that appeared in 2 July 1881 edition of Frank Leslie's Illustrated News (vol. LII, no. 1344, pp. 299-300). against them, and killed great numbers of them, their places were soon supplied with others. Hunting pigeons had lost the charm of novelty, and the main question was how to save grain. A great number of fields had to be sowed a second time, and, it is said, some farmers had to do it the third time. From all accounts, the main depredations of the feathered scourge appeared to be confined to the region of country bordering the Wapsipinicon.' Wild pigeons for the sportsmen's tournament (FLIN, 2 July 1881). —This overlooked article appeared in FLIN on 2 July 1881 (vol. LII, no. 1344, pp. 299-300). The accompanying account to the illustration (Fig. 3) appeared on p. 299, and is based on an interview with Mr. W. P. Thomas, a professional 'pigeoner' from Phillipsburg, New Jersey. The shooting of live pigeons for sport had become extremely popular, and trap-shooting, which involved the controlled release of birds from specially designed traps, was a lucrative business (Mitchell 1935, Schorger 1955). The article reads: "The business of trapping pigeons for field sport, as carried out this year in the Western States and Territories, has attained extensive proportions. Heretofore, the pigeons have © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 180 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) HlBPKK'S WEMKLY. JULY 0, l«,,i. SPOBTSliEN’S CONTENTION'—PIGEON-SHOOTING AT T1IE BRIGHTON BEACH FAIR GROUNDS, CONEY ISLAND.— Diuwm dv T. De TnutstBCP.—[S ee Faoe 44S.1 Figure 5. The overlooked full-page illustration entitled 'Sportsmen's convention-Pigeon shooting at the Brighton Beach Fair Grounds, Coney Island. Drawn by T. De Thulstrup', which appeared on p. 444 in tie 11 July 1881 edition of Harper's Weekly (vol. XXV, no. 1280, pp. 443-444). The image bottom right records the ultimate fate of most captured Passenger Pigeons. © 2015 Tine Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 181 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) roosted in Pennsylvania and Michigan. But this year, owing to the late cold spring, they did not come as far north as usual, and they made a roost in the Pottawattamie Reservation of the Indian Territory, 119 miles away from the nearest railway station. The trappers transported in wagons their lumber and supplies to the vicinity of the roost, three days being occupied in the journey. Mr. W. P. Thomas, of Phillipsburg, New Jersey, who had contracted to supply wild pigeons to the New York State Sportsmen's Association, states that the roost is the largest he has ever seen.' ''The country there," he said, in a recent interview, "is thickly grown over with what they call post-oak timber. The acorns are so abundant that it is a splendid feeding- ground for the pigeons. I went into the roost for about ten miles without finding any signs of an end. Every tree was thick with pigeons, their weight the branches bending down. When the birds have been coming home from the feeding-grounds in the evening, I have seen a stream about a mile broad flow through the air for two hours thick enough to hide the sun, and making a noise like thunder. I should judge the roost to be about twenty miles long and fifteen broad." 'Mr. Thomas explained the methods of the trappers. The nets used will cover a space of forty feet by thirty. One end of the net is fastened to a rope, which is drawn taut, so that when let go the net is thrown out like an arrow, falling upon the pigeons that have gathered in front of it. The pigeons are generally caught on their feeding-grounds or their water-beds. When a good feeding ground is located the nets are set, and the trapper puts himself in a hut of boughs at one end of the net line. Pigeons are saved from one season to another for use as decoys. When a flock of pigeons is seen coming, a pigeon is thrown up in the air to attract the attention of the flock, the bird being pulled down again with a string. This bird is called the flyer. Another decoy bird called the stool-pigeon is made use of at the same time. He is tied to a perch on the free end of a strip of iron band about four feet long. As the flock approaches a string is pulled, which makes the string bounce him up and down, and he flaps his wings to keep his balance. He presents the appearance to the approaching flock of a bird hovering over a feeding-ground, and they settle down around him. Mr. Thomas once saw sixty-seven dozen caught at one cast of the net, but thirty or forty dozen is an average big catch. Sometimes there will be only a dozen or so.' 'The pigeons are caught on water-beds as well as feeding-grounds. A water-bed is made by filling an excavation with water. The pigeons on their way home from feeding ALBERT COOPER, SOLEBURY, PA. Trapper of Wild Pigeon with Blind Decoys, about 1 S 70 . Figure 6 . A professional 'pigeoncr' Albert Cooper with blind Passenger Pigeon Ectopistes migratorius decoys c.1870. Taken from Paxson (1917). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 182 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) will stop to drink, and are caught under the nets. Sometimes salt is used "This season" said Mr. Thomas, "the acorns were so plentiful that the birds did not have to search for feeding- grounds and did not decoy well. The water-beds did not draw well, either, as they had the Canada River, the water of which is alkaline, so that salt had no attention for them. We caught the most on gravel-beds along the river as they would settle down for stones to put in their crops to grind up the acorns." 'Pigeons are methodical in their habits in these great roosts. Early in the morning the Tom flight occurs. This is composed of the male birds on their way to the feeding grounds. When they have fed and drunk, they return to the nests, and the female birds go to feed. The hen flight takes place between eight and nine o'clock. In the afternoon there is another Tom flight, and towards evening another hen flight. The birds stop for gravel or water on their way home from feeding.' 'The crates in which the birds are put when caught are simply large, flat coops. The netters are spread over an area of twelve or fourteen miles. Every evening the teams make a round and collect all the crates. It is now necessary to get the birds "on their feed," or else they will die. They are put in pens and given corn to eat, with plenty of water to drink. For several days after they are captured they will scarcely eat at all, and it is only after they have become accustomed to the change that they can be again crated and shipped.' 'In shipping them by rail two men travel in each car, and the pigeons are regularly fed and watered. On the 11th instant, a car containing 8,500, shipped from Atoka, in the Indian Territory, arrived at Jersey City, being the first instalment of the 20,000 which Mr. Thomas has contracted to supply to the Sportsmen's Association for the tournament now in progress at Coney Island. The pigeons were placed in pens, from which they will be taken as wanted. These pens are simply low, closed sheds. An inclined plane of slatted framework in each pen furnishes the pigeons with a roost, as shown in our illustration [Fig. 3].' 'These wild pigeons are smaller than the domestic pigeon. Their plumage is a mixture of slate and gray. They have long tail feathers, are b>irds of far quicker and stronger flight than ordinary pigeons.' Harper's Weekly Harper's Weekly was first published in 1857 in New York and was created by Fletcher Harper and his brothers, with the final issue appearing in 1916 (Mott 1967). Like FLIN, HW published on a range of topics including coverage of the Civil War, and the publication attracted some of the best artists available at the time. Sportsmen's convention —Pigeon shooting at the Brighton Beach Fair Grounds, Coney Island (HW, 9 July 1881) .—This full-page spread entitled 'Sportsmen's convention — Pigeon shooting at the Brighton Beach Fair Grounds, Coney Island. Drawn by T. De Thulstrup' (Fig. 6) appeared on p. 444 in the 9 July 1881 edition of HW (vol. XXV, no. 1280, pp. 443-444) with accompanying text on p. 443 entitled 'Pigeon shooting'. The sheer scale of the sport can be seen in the size of the encampment (top), and the image directly below shows the 'pigeon store' under a wooden cover, with each of the crates packed with live birds ready for the contest. The stack of empty crates outside, and the gathering by hired youths of dead birds (bottom right), is a grim reminder of the ultimate fate of live-captured Passenger Pigeons. Discussion During the mid 1870s, such was the abundance of pigeon meat that the hunters could not recoup the financial costs of sending the bodies to market, which resulted in an increase © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 183 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) of trapping live birds (Schorger 1955). Furthermore, the number of professional 'pigeoners' (Fig. 6), who pursued the pigeons year-round, had doubled from 600 in 1874 to 1,200 by 1881 (ibid). The scale of live-trapping is also appreciated by statistics taken from the plundering of the last great colonial concentrations. Of an approximate 1,107,866 birds taken dead or alive in 1878 from the last great nesting at Petoskey, Michigan, from smaller colonies at Boyne Falls and Cheboygan, plus an estimate of 100,000 at other points, the number of live birds taken for sport was 252,466 (Mitchell 1935: 143), or one-quarter of all birds taken. In the mid 1870s, public protest against trap-shooting commenced in earnest (Schorger 1955). The birds suffered terrible treatment before being let loose as living targets on the shooting ranges. Many were weakened and unable to fly properly or had sustained head and wing injuries due to cramped cages, only to be killed by the gun once released (ibid). Furthermore, few pigeons escaped alive, as any making their escape were picked off by boys and others with their guns waiting around the tournament perimeter (Dury 1910). By the late 1880s, pigeon trapping for the shooting industry was in decline, but had not been fully abolished (Schorger 1955). It only ceased when no more pigeons were available. The FLIN article shows that (in 1881) it was still possible for 'pigeoners' to supply thousands of live birds to the sporting industry in New York state, and other concentrations were also exploited during the following few years (Schorger 1955, Greenberg 2014). These flocks were still enormous, but subsequent colonies never reached former densities, with the last being recorded in 1889 (Greenberg 2014); by the mid 1890s the pigeon was probably effectively extinct as a wild breeding bird. Why did the Passenger Pigeon disappear when all other gamebirds survived? Several reasons have been put forward for this dramatic decline (see Blockstein & Tordoff 1985, Butcher 1992, Blockstein 2002 for a comprehensive study). The answer appears to lie in its unusual ecology. Evidence suggests that almost the entire population periodically concentrated in a very few places (Flume & Walters 2012), and that these were subject to intense exploitation. Furthermore, Blockstein & Tordoff (1985: 850) strongly argued that the collapse from incredible numbers to functional extinction over a 20-year period, (about twice an individual's lifetime), was because of the almost complete prevention of successful reproduction. There is no species, however abundant, that can survive perpetual, uncontrolled persecution in which the killing of adult birds far exceeds fecundity, i.e. 'blitzkrieg effect'. To add to the bird's misfortune. Passenger Pigeon occupied a part of the USA that, although vast, was inhabited by a rapidly increasing human population. With the odds so steeply stacked against it, there can be no real surprise that the Passenger Pigeon disappeared in such a short space of time. Tire text that accompanied the HW 1881 article sums up the attitude of association members who took part in a wild pigeon (Passenger Pigeon) shooting tournament organised by the Annual Convention of the New York State Association for the Protection of Fish and Game. In defence of the tournament, the organisers provided the following statement: 'Those whose knowledge of this association is limited to the reports of its annual conventions are likely to form an erroneous impression of its character and purposes. It has an important function, and one which it has exercised greatly to the benefit of the community - the enforcement of the laws of the protection of fish and game in this State, without which our rivers, streams, fields, and forests would cease in a short time to be sources of food supply.' The HW text suggests that any conservation role of the Association was strictly utilitarian; either they did not care about Passenger Pigeon because of its pest status. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Julian P. Hume 184 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) or they did not truly realise it was under serious threat of extinction. Furthermore, the public movement protesting against trap shooting of pigeons appears to have been based on humanitarian grounds and not based on concern for the population. That a species so incredibly numerous could entirely disappear seems to have been beyond the comprehension of most of those involved. History has shown what a misguided concept this proved to be. Acknowledgements I am grateful to Robert Prys-Jones, Errol Fuller and Pamela Rasmussen for critically reading the manuscript. I further thank Errol Fuller for supplying information concerning Paul Hahn's discovery of the ISDN illustration. References: Audubon, J. J. 1831. Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol. 1. Edinburgh. Avery, M. 2014. A message from Martha. Bloomsbury, London. Blockstein, D. E. 2002. Passenger Pigeon Ectopistes migratorius. Pp. 1-28 in Poole, A. & Gill F. (eds.) The birds of North America, no. 611. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia. Blockstein, D. E. & Tordoff, H. B. 1985. Gone forever: a contemporary look at the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon. Amer. Birds 39: 845-851. Bucher, E. H. 1992. The causes of extinction of the Passenger Pigeon. Current Orn. 9: 1-36. Cokinos, C. 2000. Hope is the thing with feathers; a personal chronicle of vanished birds. J. P. Tarcher / Penguin, New York. Dury, C. 1910. The Passenger Pigeon Ectopistes migratorius, Linn. A reminiscence. /. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. 21:52-56. Eckert, A. W. 1965. Tlw silent sky: the incredible extinction of the Passenger Pigeon. Little Brown & Co., New York. Foster, J. W. 2014. Pilgrims of the air. Notting Hill Editions, London. Fuller, E. 2014. 77ic Passenger Pigeon. Princeton Univ. Press. Greenberg, J. 2014. A feathered river across the sky: the Passenger Pigeon's flight to extinction. Bloomsbury, New York. Henniger, W. F. 1902. A preliminary list of the birds of middle southern Ohio. Wilson Bull. 9: 77-93. Hume, J. P. & Walters, M. 2012. Extinct birds. T. & A. D. Poyser, London. Mitchell, M. H. 1935. The Passenger Pigeon in Ontario. Contrib. Roy. Ontario Mus. Zool. 7: 1-181. Mott, F. L. 1967. A history of American magazines, 1850-1865. Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA. Paxson, H. D. 1917. The last of the wild pigeon in Bucks County. Bucks County Hist. Soc. 4: 367-382. Peterson, A. E. 1933. Dictionary of American biography. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. Schorger, A. W. 1955. The Passenger Pigeon: its natural history and extinction. Univ. of Wisconsin Press, Madison. Shufeldt, R. W. 1915. Anatomical and other notes on the Passenger Pigeon ( Ectopistes migratorius) lately living in the Cincinnati Zoological Gardens. Auk 32: 29^2. Wilson, A. 1808. American ornithology, vol. 5. Bradsford & Innskeep, Philadelphia. Address: Bird Group, Dept, of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Akeman Street, Tring, Herts. HP23 6 AP, UK, e-mail: j.hume@nhm.ac.uk © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Chris J. Feare 185 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Synchrony of primary moult in pairs of Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis by Chris J. Feare Received 23 January 2015 Adult Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis (hereafter 'mynas') live in pairs throughout the year (Feare & Craig 1998), feeding, roosting and commuting between feeding and nocturnal roost sites together. Sengupta (1982) recorded ringed mynas with the same mate in consecutive years, and concluded that they mate for life and that bonding behaviour presumably plays an important part in pair maintenance. During an attempt to eradicate an introduced population of mynas from Denis Island, Seychelles, c.950 were killed between May 2010 and March 2011, and in May 2014, 18 adult mynas were trapped on Mahe for use as live decoys on Denis, to facilitate further trapping there. Mynas were caught mainly using decoy traps in which a live decoy attracts free-living birds into compartments in the same trap. Once caught, the birds were killed humanely; their primary moult scores (Ginn & Melville 1984) were recorded and they were sexed by dissection. Birds caught on Mahe, however, were kept alive; in this case the larger bird of the pair was presumed to be male on the basis that males in the Denis sample were heavier and had longer head-bill length than females. During the trapping programme, some pairs (n = 12) of adults were observed approaching a trap together, entering the trap and being caught in the absence of other mynas in the vicinity. During processing, a similarity of stages of primary moult within these pairs of adults was noted. Pairs were caught in May- June, during the main period of wing moult. To determine whether the similarity was indicative of synchrony of moult within pairs, or chance occurrence due to synchrony of moult within the entire myna population, the moult sequences of the known pairs was compared with those of unrelated birds selected from the database of trapped birds. The 12 unrelated duos were selected on the basis of being trapped on the same day as the mated pair, or if insufficient birds were trapped on the day the mated pair was caught, birds caught on the previous or following day were selected. One male and one female were selected, each from a different trap, in a different location and at different times of day in order to minimise the chance that the selected birds were mated. The difference between the moult scores of the mated pairs was significantly smaller than the difference in moult scores of unrelated birds (Fig. 1: paired t-test, t = 4.45, P = 0.001, n = 12 mated pairs and 12 unrelated pairs). This indicates that moult in the mated pairs was more strongly synchronised than moult in the overall population; four of the 12 mated pairs were at exactly the same stage of primary moult, in four pairs the birds differed in the stage of only one developing feather, in three pairs two feathers were at different stages and in one pair three feathers were at different stages of growth. In the eight cases where pair members were at different stages of primary moult, in four cases males were more advanced than females, while in the other four females were ahead of males. Synchrony of moult within mated pairs is probably a consequence of synchrony of other activities, especially breeding, which requires the pair to synchronise their readiness to initiate reproduction. Dawson (2006) showed that, in Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris, initiation of moult was associated with a surge in blood prolactin concentration. In wild birds this surge normally follows gonad regression and decline in the concentrations of © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Chris J. Feare 186 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) circulating gonadotrophic hormones. Experimentally, however, Dawson found that the prolactin surge and onset of moult could occur in the absence of gonad regression so that the link between cessation of breeding and onset of moult was not fixed. Furthermore, passerines in temperate regions have demonstrated flexibility in the date of onset and speed of their moult: birds that begin moult late replace feathers more rapidly than birds that begin earlier (Morrison et al. in press). Synchrony of moult thus need not necessarily be a consequence of a pair's breeding schedule and could have its own intrinsic advantages. The breeding season and frequency of multiple broods in Seychelles' mynas have not been determined with precision. The equatorial environment in Seychelles (c.04°S) has little photoperiod variation and only two seasons, a drier south-east monsoon in May-October and a wetter north-west monsoon in November-April. Mynas breed mainly during the latter (Feare et al. 2015) but appear to do so over a prolonged period (Skerrett et al. 2001). In India, where the species is indigenous, mynas are believed to produce two, sometimes three, broods each breeding season (Lamba 1963, Ali & Ripley 1972) and this is also claimed to occur in the introduced population on Mauritius (Carie 1916 in Safford & Hawkins 2013), from which the birds introduced to Seychelles are derived (Skerrett et al. 2001). Multiple broods are suspected in Seychelles, but this has not been confirmed by studies of marked birds. Seychelles' mynas thus have a prolonged wet season during which they can potentially breed and during which Feare et al. (2015) found that they did not moult. In the Denis population primary moult commences between March and May and the primary moult score increases steadily until August-September (CJF unpubl.), indicating that the period available for moult is also prolonged. The duration of an individual's moult within this overall timeframe is unknown. Nevertheless, the synchrony of primary moult between mated pairs is notable. Apart from during incubation, when one member of a pair remains at the nest (usually the female: Feare & Craig 1998), pairs spend daytime together year-round, feeding and commuting to and from communal roosts in close proximity to each other. Foraging, preening and resting during the day are regularly punctuated by bouts of Figure 1. Mean differences (± 1 S.E.) between moult scores of mated pairs of Common Mynas (n = 12) and of unrelated pairs (n = 12) of birds extracted from the database of mynas caught on Denis Island (in May-June 2010 and on 30 May 2014), and on Mahe (birds caught 13-16 May 2014), Seychelles (see text for selection of unrelated birds). © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Chris J. Feare 187 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) display and calling. These behaviours doubtless maintain/reinforce the pair-bond all year and help synchronise activities in the absence of strong environmental cues. This can be advantageous for several reasons. Foraging together, rather than alone, may be more profitable in terms of efficiency in locating food whose distribution and abundance varies in space and time. Foraging together can also facilitate food location in that walking pairs can disturb mobile invertebrates, making them more readily available. They can also feed collaboratively and can benefit from vigilance to disturbance that can render otherwise cryptic prey more available (e.g. when predating seabird eggs and when larger animals, including humans, cause disturbance: Feare et al. unpubl.), and may benefit from enhanced predator detection when together. In relation to moult, which is an energy- and nutrient-demanding process (Dawson et al. 2000, Dawson 2006), with specific amino acid and mineral requirements (Murphy & King 1992), synchrony could be valuable in that both pair members would have the same nutrient requirements contemporaneously and so could benefit from seeing where they each locate required foods. Simultaneous completion of moult could also ensure that both pair members are ready to commence a breeding attempt when suitable conditions arise. Synchrony of moult could be a regular occurrence in bird species that maintain prolonged pair-bonds, but this aspect of moult does not appear to have been studied. In terms of control where myna populations are perceived to be invasive, it would be valuable to know whether disruption of pair-bonds, via removing one member of a pair, influences subsequent breeding success within the population. Acknowledgements These data were collected during a UNDP-GEF-funded project aimed at eradicating Common Mynas from Denis Island, Seychelles. The project was administered via Green Islands Foundation and I am grateful to successive general managers Michelle Etienne and Arjan de Groene, and project manager Markus Ultsch- Ulrath for the opportunity to undertake the work, and to island owners Kathy & Micky Mason for their support. Philip Round and Adrian Craig made very helpful comments in review. References: Ali, S. & Ripley, S. D. 1972. Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan, vol. 5. Oxford Univ. Press. Dawson, A. 2003. A detailed analysis of primary feather moult in the Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris - new feather mass increases at a constant rate. Ibis 148: E69-E76. Dawson, A. 2006. Association with prolactin and gonadal regression in starlings. /. Gen. Endocrinology 147: 314-322. Dawson, A., Hinsley, S. A., Ferns, P. M., Bonser, R. H. C. & Eccleston, L. 2000. Rate of moult affects feather quality: a mechanism linking current reproductive effort to future survival. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 267: 2093-2098. Feare, C. J. & Craig, A. J. F. K. 1998. Starlings and mynas. Christopher Helm, London. Feare, C. J., Edwards, H., Taylor, J. A., Greenwell, P., Larose, C. S., Mokhoko, E. & Dine, M. 2015. Stars in their eyes: iris colour and pattern in Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis on Denis and North Islands, Seychelles. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 135: 61-68. Ginn, FI. & Melville, D. S. 1984. Moult in birds. British Trust for Ornithology, Tring. Lamba, B. S. 1963. The nidification of come common Indian birds IV. The Common Myna ( Acridotheres tristis Linn.). Res. Bull. Punjab Univ. 14: 11-20. Morrison, C. A., Baillie, S. R., Clark, J. A., Johnston, A., Leech, D. I. & Robinson, R. A. in press. Flexibility in the timing of post-breeding moult in passerines in the UK. Ibis. Murphy, M. E. & King, J. R. 1992. Energy and nutrient use during moult by White-crowned Sparrows Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii. Orn. Scand. 23: 304—313. Safford, R. J. & Hawkins, A. F. A. (eds.) 2013. The birds of Africa, vol. 8. Christopher Helm, London. Sengupta, S. 1982. The Common Myna. S. Chand & Co., New Delhi. Skerrett, A., Bullock, I. & Disley, T. 2001. Birds of Seychelles. Christopher Helm, London. Address: WildWings Bird Management, 2 North View Cottages, Grayswood Common, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2DN, UK, e-mail: feare_wildwings@msn.com © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Edward C. Dickinson & Laurent Raty 188 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) The family-group name Claraviinae and its usage by Edward C. Dickinson & Laurent Raty Received 26 January 2015 In Dickinson & Remsen (2013: 64) a subfamily in the Columbidae was assigned the name Peristerinae. The accompanying footnote read 'This is the oldest group name available for this subfamily (Bock 1994) and was used by Gifford (1941).' This comment was poorly researched; Bock (1994) did not recommend using this name and wrote 'Several authors ... attributed Peristerinae to Selby (1835). Several thorough searches of that volume reveal no suggestion or use of a family-group name by Selby based on the genus Peristera. Hence, the only possible conclusion is that Gray was in error in his attribution of this name to Selby, as was Brodkorb ... Thus the correct authority for Peristerinae is Reichenbach (1850a) as given herein.' Bock (1994) went on 'Peristera Swainson, 1827, was synonymised with Claravis Oberholser, 1899 prior to 1961 and Peristerinae Reichenbach, 1850 has been replaced by Claravinae Richmond, 1917 (1850) which takes precedence from 1850.' Selby's (1835) work The natural histon/ of pigeons was one of the volumes in The naturalist's librarx/ edited by Sir William Jardine. The series was discussed by Iredale (1951) who wrote 'It started in a small way, but was so successful that reprints, alterations, improvements abound and the data of the original series are still confused'. This confusion appears to have defeated Bock as the subfamily name Peristerinae does appear on p. 191 in the example of this work displayed by the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) http://biodiversitylibrary. org/item/57922#page/237/mode/lup (accessed 25 January 2015). Thus it seems that Selby, not Reichenbach, authored this name, but there were several impressions of volumes in The naturalist's library and it is unclear whether that displayed by BHL is the 1835 impression, meaning that further study is required to establish the correct date of publication, although it will have been well before 1850 or 1851. A comment by John Boyd ('Taxonomy in flux' http://jboyd.net/Taxo/List3.html version 2.95 of 31 July 2014) was brought to our attention by T. Kuenzel. Boyd wrote: The name Peristerinae is sometimes used for Claravinae. However, this is incorrect as Peristerinae is based on the genus Peristera (Swainson 1827), which is a junior homonym of the mollusc genus Peristera (Rafinesque 1815). Thus Peristerinae is not available. The genus Peristera (Swainson 1827) was replaced by Claravis (Oberholser 1899). Richmond then used it to establish the subfamily Claravinae in 1917.' We broadly agree with this account, but find that Richmond (1917) did not establish the name and when listing it, at family not subfamily level, followed the original spelling by using the spelling Claraviidae. We trace the name's origins to the following statement by Todd (1913: 512): 'The present genus [Chamaepelia] would seem to find its proper position in the small group of neotropical genera called by Count Salvadori Peristerinae, which name, however, requires to be changed to Claraviinae to correspond to its principal genus.' In 1913 there was no requirement for such a name to be introduced together with a diagnosis or description, and Todd's acknowledgement of advice from both Oberholser and Richmond explains his use of Oberholser's 1899 name Claravis as the 'principal genus'. Todd's wording makes clear that he viewed Claravis as the type genus. Thus we have an original spelling Claraviinae and re-use of that in Richmond's influential (1917) list of generic names. Todd's paper was reviewed and commented upon by Swarth (1913) and by Hellmayr (1914: 162-163). Over the next few decades the spelling was in use, especially in multiple © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Edward C. Dickinson & Laurent Raty 189 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) papers by Oberholser, either at subfamily or family level, using the double T that Todd had proposed. However, use of the names Claraviidae at family or Claraviinae at subfamily rank ceased following the works of Peters (1937) and Hellmayr & Conover (1942), who placed all pigeons in the Columbidae without subfamilies, a position also favoured by Goodwin (1967), who was rather ambivalent as to the wisdom of using subfamilies. However, he included a dendrogram (on p. 8) of pigeon genera and the branch to which he attached Claravis included the same genera as Dickinson & Remsen (2013) with the sole difference that Goodwin (1967) recognised Scardafella, which Dickinson & Remsen (2013) treated as a synonym of Columbina (following Pereira et al. 2007). This grouping is entirely Neotropical and notably supports the views of Todd (1913). The stem used in forming Claraviinae appears to be incorrect because avis is Latin not Greek, and removing the case ending from the genitive produces 'av' not 'avi' (see ICZN (1985: 211). Therefore, preserving the spelling 'Claraviinae' would require the support of Art. 29.5 of the Code (ICZN 1999), otherwise the emended spelling Claravinae must be used. Recent use supports Claravinae, but if account is also taken of use during the period 1913-36 and the requirements for prevailing usage are demonstrated to be met, then the original spelling would be sustained. We suggest the spelling Claravinae be used. Acknowledgements We thank Thomas Kuenzel for drawing the internet comment to our attention, John Boyd for confirming the date his comment might first have been cited, and James Jobling for his confirmation of our interpretation of the correct stem and of the alternative conclusions the Code recognises. We also thank Alan Peterson and Wayne Longmore for their comments on the submitted manuscript. References: Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 222: 1-281. Dickinson, E. C. & Remsen, J. V. (eds.) 2013. The Howard and Moore complete checklist of the birds of the world, vol. 1. Fourth edn. Aves Press, Eastbourne. Gifford, E. W. 1941. Taxonomy and habits of pigeons. Auk 58: 239-245. Goodwin, D. 1967. Pigeons and doves of the world. Trustees of the Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London. Hellmayr, C. E. 1914. Aves fur 1913. Archivf. Naturgeschichte Abt. B 80(2): 1-224. Hellmayr, C. E. & Conover, B. 1942. Catalogue of birds of the Americas and adjacent islands, pt. 1(1). Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser. 13(1). International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). 1985. International code of zoological nomenclature. Third edn. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). 1999. International code of zoological nomenclature. Fourth edn. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London. Iredale, T. 1951. "The Naturalist's Library. An essay in bibliography." Austr. Zool. 11: 322-332. Oberholser, H. C. 1899. Some untenable names in ornithology. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 51: 201-216. Pereira, S. L., Johnson, K. P., Clayton, D. H. & Baker, A. J. 2007. Mitochondrial and nuclear sequences support a Cretaceous origin of Columbiformes and a dispersal-driven radiation in the Paleogene. Syst. Biol. 56: 656-672. Peters, J. L. 1937. Check-list of birds of the world, vol. 3. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA. Reichenbach, H. G. L. 1850 [=1851]. Novitiae ad synopsin avium VI. Columbariae: tauben und taubenartigen Vogel. pp. [i—ii]. Zool. Mus. of Dresden, Dresden & Leipzig. Richmond, C. W. 1917. Generic names applied to birds during the years 1906 to 1915, inclusive, with additions and corrections to Waterhouse's "Index Generum Avium". Proc. US Natl. Mus. 53: 565-636. Selby, P. J. 1835. Natural history of pigeons. Pp. 1-228 in Jardine, W. (ed.) The naturalist's libran/. Lizars, Edinburgh. Swarth, H. S. 1913. Publications reviewed: A revision of the genus Chaemepelia. By W. E. Clyde Todd. Condor 15: 231. Todd, W. E. C. 1913. A revision of the genus Chaemepelia. Ami. Carnegie Mus. 8: 507-603. Addresses : Edward C. Dickinson, Flat 3, 19 Bolsover Road, Eastbourne, BN20 7JG, UK, e-mail: edward@ asiaom.org. Laurent Raty, 38 av. de la Chapelle, 1200 Brussels, Belgium, e-mail: l.raty@skynet.be © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Alexander L. Bond et al. 190 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Multiple records of a Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda on Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha by Alexander L. Bond, Gregory T. W. McClelland, Trevor Glass, Katrine Herian & Lourens Malan Received 3 March 2015 Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda is a widespread tropical seabird, breeding on islands in Hawaii and the South Pacific extending as far as Chile and eastern Australia (Hutton 1990, Aguirre et al. 2009), as well as throughout the tropical Indian Ocean from Europa and Aldabra in the west to Indonesia and Western Australia in the east (Marchant & Higgins 1990, Nelson 2005). Breeding sites span from c.30°N to 30°S, but birds at sea have been reported well beyond these limits. Inaccessible Island (37°18'S, 12°41'W) is part of the Tristan da Cunha group in the central South Atlantic, c.2,800 km from South Africa. It supports a diverse seabird assemblage (Moseley 1879, Ryan et al. 1990, Ryan & Moloney 2000) that currently numbers at least 15 breeding species, mostly Procellariiformes (Ryan 2007, RSPB & Tristan Conservation Department 2010). On 17-18 February, and 16-17 March 2011, a Red-tailed Tropicbird was photographed Hying over Skua Pond and Blenden Hall on Inaccessible Island (Fig. 1). It was pursued by Brown Skuas Stercorarius antarcticus. A similar bird was observed in the same place on 20 and 25 March 2012, and heard on 24 March 2012. On 13-15 February 2015, a Red-tailed Tropicbird was again seen being pursued by skuas over Skua Pond (Fig. 2). Based on plumage characteristics, all observations appeared to involve adults (or more likely, the same bird; LeValley & Pyle 2007). Figure 1. Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda, over Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha, 18 February 2011 (Lourens Malan) © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Alexander L. Bond et al. 191 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Figure 2. Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda, over Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha, 18 February 2015 (Gregory T. W. McClelland) The nearest Red-tailed Tropicbird breeding site to Tristan da Cunha is Europa Island in the Mozambique Channel (22°23'S, 40°21'E; Safford & Hawkins 2013), >5,300 km away, where 3,000M,000 pairs breed (Le Corre & Jouventin 1997). A small colony on Nosy Ve, near Anakao, Madagascar (23°39'S, 43°36'E) is >5,500 km away, but hosts just c.250 breeding pairs (Cooke & Randriamanindry 1996, Le Corre & Bemanaja 2009). Other colonies, >6,500 km away, are in Seychelles and Mauritius (Safford & Hawkins 2013). Tropicbirds from the western Indian Ocean can range widely (Le Corre et al. 2012), and vagrancy in tropicbirds is well known. A Red-tailed Tropicbird ringed in Western Australia was recovered three years later on Reunion, nearly 6,000 km away (Le Corre et al. 2003). Records of Red-tailed Tropicbirds in the Atlantic are few, with just three previously confirmed—singles on the Atlantic coast of South Africa in 1927 and 1978 (Batchelor 1979, Harrison 1983), where it is also occasionally observed on the Indian Ocean coast (Batchelor 1979), and one on Arquipelago dos Abrolhos, Brazil, in September 1997 (Couto et al. 2001). The tropicbird(s) at Inaccessible were probably not breeding, as only one was ever seen, and duet flights were not observed (Diamond 1975, Schreiber & Schreiber 2009). However, in all cases, birds were seen over land, which could suggest prospecting behaviour. Other vagrant tropicbird records in the Atlantic include Red-billed Tropicbirds P. aethereus in the UK (BOU 2003), Canada and the north-east USA (Mactavish 2005, 2007), and a White-tailed Tropicbird P. lepturus found dead in Newfoundland (Mactavish 2007). Ours, though, is the first record of any tropicbird in the Tristan da Cunha group, the fourth documented Red¬ tailed Tropicbird for the Atlantic Ocean, but only the second beyond coastal South Africa, and represents considerable vagrancy of >5,000 km from the species' normal range. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Club Alexander L. Bond et al. 192 Bull. B.O.C. 2015 135(2) Acknowledgements We thank the Administrator and Island Council of Tristan da Cunha for permission to work on Inaccessible Island, and for their continued support. L. Bugoni provided details of Brazilian records. Funding for our research was provided by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and government of Tristan da Cunha. Comments from M. Le Corre and E. A. Schreiber improved this manuscript. References: Aguirre, J. E., Johow, F., Seeger, H., Johow, J. C. & Rubio, M. 2009. Nuevos registros de aves nidificantes en las Islas Desventuradas, Chile insular. Bol. Chileno Orn. 15: 44-55. Batchelor, A. L. 1979. Records of Redtailed and Whitetailed Tropicbirds in South African waters. Cormorant 7: 21-23. British Ornithologists' Union (BOU). 2003. British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee: 29th report (October 2002). Ibis 145: 178-183. Cooke, A. & Randriamanindry, J. J. 1996. Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rnbricaudn colony. Nosy Ve Islet, Toliara. Working Group on Birds in the Madagascar Region—Newsletter 6: 2-6. Couto, G. S., lnteraminense, L. J. L. & Morette, M. E. 2001. Primeiro registro de Phaethon rubricauda Boddaert, 1783 para o Brasil. Nattereria 2: 24-25. Diamond, A. W. 1975. The biology of tropicbirds at Aldabra Atoll, Indian Ocean. Auk 92: 16-39. Harrison, P. 1983. Seabirds: an identification guide. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. Hutton, I. 1990. Birds of Lord Howe Island - past and present. Lithocraft Graphics, Melbourne. Le Corre, M. & Bemanaja, E. 2009. Discovery of two major seabird colonies in Madagascar. Marine Orn. 37: 153-158. Le Corre, M. & Jouventin, P. 1997. Ecological significance and conservation priorities of Europa Island (Western Indian Ocean), with special reference to seabirds. Rev. Ecol. 52: 205-220. Le Corre, M., Salamolard, M. & Portier, M. C. 2003. Transoceanic dispersion of the Red-tailed Tropicbird in the Indian Ocean. Emu 103: 183-184. Le Corre, M., Jaeger, A., Pinet, P., Kappes, M. A., Weimerskirch, H., Catry, T., Ramos, J. A., Russell, J. C., Shah, N. & Jaquemet, S. 2012. Tracking seabirds to identify potential Marine Protected Areas in the tropical western Indian Ocean. Biol. Conserv. 156: 83-93. LeValley, R. & Pyle, P. 2007. Notes on plumage maturation in the Red-tailed Tropicbird. Western Birds 38: 306-310. Mactavish, B. 2005. Atlantic Provinces & St. Pierre et Miquelon. N. Amer. Birds 59: 564-565. Mactavish, B. 2007. Atlantic Canada. N. Amer. Birds 61: 30-32. Marchant, S. & Higgins, P. J. (eds.) 1990. Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic birds, vol. 1(B). Oxford Univ. Press, Melbourne. Moseley, H. N. 1879. Chapter V. Tristan da Cunha, Inaccessible Island, Nightingale Island. Notes bp a naturalist an account of observations made during the voyage of H.M.S. " Challenger" round the world in the years 1872-1876, under the command of Capt. Sir G.S. Nares, R.N., K.C.B., F.R.S., and Capt. F.T. Thomson, R.N. Macmillan, London. Nelson, J. B. 2005. Pelicans, cormorants, and their relatives. Oxford Univ. Press. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) & Tristan Conservation Department. 2010. Gough and Inaccessible Islands World Heritage Site management plan April 2010-March 2015. RSPB, Sandy. Ryan, P. G. (ed.) 2007. Field guide to the animals and plants of Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island. Pisces Publications, Newbury. Ryan, P. G. & Moloney, C. L. 2000. The status of Spectacled Petrels Procellaria conspicillata and other seabirds at Inaccessible Island. Marine Orn. 28: 93-100. Ryan, P. G., Dean, W. R. J., Moloney, C. L., Watkins, B. P. & Milton, S. J. 1990. New information on seabirds at Inaccessible Island and other islands in the Tristan da Cunha group. Marine Orn. 18: 43-54. Safford, R. & Hawkins, F. (eds.) 2013. The birds of Africa, vol. 8. Christopher Helm, London. Schreiber, E. A. & Schreiber, R. W. 2009. Red-tailed Tropicbird ( Phaethon rubricauda). In Poole, A. (ed.) The birds of North America online, no. 43. http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/043. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Addresses: Alexander L. Bond, Gregory T. W. McClelland, Katrine Herian & Lourens Malan, RSPB Centre for Conservation Science, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL, UK, e-mail: alex.bondtg’rspb.org.uk. Gregory T.W. McClelland & Trevor Glass, Conservation Dept., Govt, of Tristan da Cunha, Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, Tristan da Cunha, TDCU 1ZZ, South Atlantic Ocean. Lourens Malan, Govt, of St Helena, Jamestown, St. Helena, STHL 1ZZ, South Atlantic Ocean. © 2015 The Authors; Journal compilation © 2015 British Ornithologists' Cluh BOC Office P.O. Box 417, Peterborough PE7 3FX, UK E-mail: boc@bou.org.uk. Website: www.boc-online.org Tel. & Fax: +44 (0)1733 844 820. MEMBERSHIP Subscriptions were due for renewal on 1 January 2015 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SUBSCRIPTION RATE IS £25 PER PERSON. All paid-up members receive (postage free) four issues of the Bulletin (including index). Membership correspondence and applications for membership, changes of address and all other membership related items should be addressed to the BOC Office (above). No registered items should be sent to the P.O. Box. Contact BOC Office for direct mail of such items. For general Club correspondence see below. 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Chapman (2015) A. Simmons (2015) Ex-officio members Hon. Editor: G. M. Kirwan (1 January 2004) Administration Manager. S. P. Dudley (2005) Commissioning Editor: Dr D. R. Wells (2009) C. W. R. Storey ( Chairman ) (2013) N. J. Redman ( Vice Chairman) (2013) Dr R. P. Prys-Jones (Hon. Secretary) (2011) R. W. Malin (Hon. Treasurer) (2014) Registered Charity No. 279583 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club ISSN 0007-1595 Edited by Guy M. Kirwan Associate Editor: Frank D. Steinheimer Volume 135 Number 2, pages 97-192 CONTENTS Club Announcements. 97 ANDERSON, J. Eye colour variation in Rufous-bellied Tit Melaniparus rufiventris in western Tanzania. 98 JANSEN, J. J. F. J. & VAN DER VLIET, R. E. The chequered history of the Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus tutus on Tahiti. I: type specimens. 108 VAN DER VLIET, R. E. & JANSEN, J. J. F. J. The chequered history of Chattering Kingfisher Todiramphus tutus on Tahiti. II: review of status. 121 GOURAUD, C. List of type specimens of birds in the Baillon Collection (La Chatre, France). Part 1. Non-Passerines. 131 DOWSETT, R. J. Comments on the ornithology of Nigeria, including amendments to the national list. t ... 154 HUME, J. P. Large-scale live capture of Passenger Pigeons Ectopistes migratorius for sporting purposes: overlooked illustrated documentation. 174 FEARE, C. J. Synchrony of primary moult in pairs of Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis . 185 DICKINSON, E. C. & RATY, L. The family-group name Claraviinae and its usage. 188 BOND, A. L„ MCCLELLAND; G. T. W„ GLASS, T„ HERIAN, K. & MALAN, L. Multiple records of a Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda on Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha. 190 . s EDITORIAL BOARD Murray Bruce, R. T. Chesser, Edward C. Dickinson, Fran^oise Dowsett-Lemaire, Steven M. S. Gregory, Jose Fernando Pacheco, Robert B. Payne, Pamela C. Rasmussen, Cees Roselaar, Thomas S. Schulenberg, Lars Svensson Registered Charity No. 279583 www.boc-online.org Printed on acid-free paper. Published by the British Ornithologists' Club Typeset by Alcedo Publishing of Arizona, USA, and printed by The Charlesworth Press, UK