Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. American Forestry Company | Il l f c/33/; fr«» hi 5 Large Transplanted Evergreens Large Transplanted Evergreens are taken up with ball of earth attached and art- wrapped with spaghnum moss and cotton twine; to be planted with twine and moss intact. Moss is beneficial for tree growth, absorbing and storing surplus moisture to be taken up by tree as needed. Trees wilt grow more rapidly and luxuriantly thai: if planted in the ordinary way. ARBOR VITAE Each American Arbor Vitae (Thuya Occidentalis) *__18 to 24 in. $ .50 American Arbor Vitae (Thuya Occidentalis) _24 to 30 in. 1.00 Globular Arbor Vitae (Thuya Occidentalis Globsa) _8 to 10 in. 1.00 Globular Arbor Vitae (Thuya Occidentalis Globsa) _10 to 12 in. 1.50 Chinese Arbor Vitae (Thuya Orientalis) __8 to 10 in. 2.00 FIRS Balsam Fir (Abies Balsamae) _18 to 24 in. .50 Balsam Fir (Abies Balsamae) _24 to 30 in. 1.00 Colorado Silver Fir (Abies Concolor) _8 to 12 in. .50 Colorado Silver Fir (Abies Concolor) _12 to 18 in. 1.00 Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga Douglassi) _8 to 12 in. .50 Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga Douglassi) __12 to 18 in. 1.00 HEMLOCK Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga Canedensis) _18 to 24 in. ;50 Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga Canedensis) _24 to 30 in. 1.00 JUNIPERS Wisconsin Red Cedar (Juniperus Virginia) _8 to 12 in. .50 Wisconsin Juniper (Juniperus Communis) Dupressa_8 to 12 in. .50 Silver Cedar, Black Hills (Juniperus Scopolorum) _8 to 12 in. .50 Silver Cedar, Black Hills (Juniperus Scopolorum) _12 to 18 in. 1.00 PINES Austrian Pine (Pinus Austriaca)_8 to 12 in. .50 Austrian Pine (Pinus Austriaca) _12 to 18 in. 1.00 Banksian Pine (Pinus Banksiana) _18 to 24 in. .50 Banksian Pine (Pinus Banksiana) _ 24 to 30 in. 1.00 Norway Pine (Pinus Resinosa) _12 to 18 in. .50 Norway Pine (Pinus Resinosa) _18 to 24 in. 1.00 Scotch Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) _8 to 12 in. .50 Scotch Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) _ 12 to 18 in. 1.00 White Pine (Pinus Strobus) ______12 to 18 in. .50 White Pine (Pinus Strobus) _18 to 24 in. 1.00 SPRUCE Black Spruce (Picea Mariana) -:_12 to 18 in. .50 Black Spruce (Picea Mariana)---'!_18 to 24 in. 1.00 Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea Pungens) _ 8 to 12 in. 1.00 Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea Pungens) -12 to 18 in. 2.00 Norway Spruce (Picea Excelsa) _8 to 12 in. .50 Norway Spruce (Picea Excelsa) _12 to 18 in. 1.00 White Spruce (Picea Canedensis) _ 12 to 18 in. .50 White Spruce (Picea Canedensis) -18 to 24 in. 1.00 Small Transplanted Evergreens Each (X) indicates one transplanting. Prices are for shipping without B & B. Tak¬ en up with earth and wrapped with peat moss and twine, 20c per tree extra. Abies Balsamae (X) __ Abies Balsamae (XX) Abies Concolor (X)_ Abies Concolor (XX) . Larix Europea (X) Larix Europea (XX) Picea Engelmanni (X) Picea Pungens (X) Picea Excelsa (X)_ Pinus Austriaca (X) _ Pinus Ponderosa (X) . Pinus Ponderosa (XX) Pinus Svlvestris (X) _ 4 to 8 in. iy 2 c each 8 to 12 in. 2%c each 2c each 3c each 4c each . 8 to 12 in. 5c each .4 to 8 in. 2y 2 c each 8 to 12 in. 3c each 5c each 4 to 8 in. 5c each . 6 to 8 in. 2c each . 4 to 8 in. 4c each 4 to 8 in. 3c each . 8 to 12 in. 4c each _ 8 to 12 in. 2c each 8 to 12 in. 25c each 4 to 8 in. 7c each _8 to 12 in. 10c each Large Forest and Ornamental Trees For Landscape and Planting the Home Grounds American Linden (Tilla Americana) _6 ft. European Linden (Tilla Europea) _3 ft. Sugar Maple (Acer Sacharinum) _,_5 ft. Soft Silver Maple (Acer Dasycarpum) _5 ft. Ash Leaved Maple (Acer Negundo) _6 ft. Black Cherry (Prunus Serotina) _3 ft. White Ash (Fraxinus Americana) _5 ft. Black Ash (Fraxinus Sambucifolia) _4 ft. Wild Red Cherry (Prunus Pennsylvanica) __*__6 ft. American Mountain Ash (Pyrus Americana) _5 ft. White Birch (Betula Papyfera) _6 ft. Yellow Birch (Betula Lutea) _!__6 ft. Weeping Birch (Betula Pendula) _ 2 ft. Hop Horn Beam (Carpinus Americana) _5 ft. American White Elm (Ulmus Americana) _ 5 ft. Beechnut Tree (Fagus Americana) _3 ft. Lombard Popular (Populus Nigra Italica) _7 ft. Carolina Popular (Populus Deltoids) _5 ft. Balm of Gilead (Populus Candicans) _ 6 ft. Shaking Aspens (Populus Tremoloids) _6 ft. Silvered Aspens (Populus Alba) _6 ft. Each .50 1.00 .25 .25 .15 1.00 .50 .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .10 .25 Fruit Trees Apples and Crabs _5 to 6 ft. .50 Delicious Wealthy Duchess Hyslop Whitney Seek No Further Tolman Sweet McIntosh Winesap N. W. Greening Salome And Other Leading Varieties Plum and Cherry Plums---5 to 6 ft. .50 Compass Cherry Plum Sapa Opata Goldenrod Tonka Other Varieties Plums _ _ _ ___,_5 to 6 ft. .75 Damson German Prune Lombard Yellow Egg Cheries _ __4 ft. and up .75 Early Richmond Large Montmorenci and Dyehouse No charge for packing or baling GRO-MORE GROUND COVERS Use Cary Gro-More Ground Covers for increased production and earlier crops at less cost. Write for our descriptive booklet describing Gro-More Ground Covers and Mulch Paper. Standard Rolls Jumbo Rolls (Standard Rolls 167 Lineal Feet) 12 inch, weight 5 pounds, per roll $ .75 18 inch, weight 40 pounds, per roll 4.25 18 inch, weight 7 y 2 pounds, per roll 1.00 36 inch, weight 80 pounds, per roll 7.00 24 inch, weight 10 pounds, per roll 1.25 36 inch, weight 15 pounds, per roll 1.50 Correspondence Solicited AMERICAN FORESTRY COMPANY PEMBINE, WISCONSIN