1958 Rciciesnlnsioaiaomenime Mean Price List Clarclen Orchids Begs Rao icc 1930 Pelee ReAck Vv RECEIVED ® FEB2 1959 U. S. Department of Agriculture Dr eaks Schubert and Sons Fox Bluff on Lake Mendota Waunakee, Wisconsin, U.S. A. PHALAENOPSIS SEEDLINGS These three numbers represent a step in the direction of producing very heavy pink Phalaenopsis. eRe ae et etre eee S 494 P.Doris ‘heavy pink’ X Pp; Plaisance ‘pink cloud! The P. Doris used was selected for its pink flushing and the P. Plaisance for its even pink coloring and heavy substance. Shipped Bare Root, $1.00 ea. S 493 P; Plaisance. Xo P) Doris ‘pink tint’ The same P. Plaisance as in S 494 on a different P. Doris. Both of heavy substance and evenly tinted. Shipped Bare Root, $1.00 ea. S 462 P3 DuBuyssoniana Nellans The DuBuyssoniana has bright crimson-purple sepals and petals. The lip is a scarlet-ochre. It has very fleshy substance. The P. Doris is very large and full. This cross should produce flowers with remarkable future breeding possi- bilities. 4” to 5” Leaf Spread, $5.00 ea. Minimum order of $10.00 on all seedlings. BIFOLIATE SEEDLINGS Niel C. Chamberlainiana var. Ruddy Chocolate | | | GC Guttata C. Dowian a var Leopoldii X Be Belmont var. Atlas | C. Greanlosa Le. Rabeiana C. Chamberlainiana is an extremely dark reddish chocolate flower. Lc. Belmont has heavy sub- stance with dark reddish petals and sepals. The lip is full and dark. Shipped Dry Root, $1.00 ea. SA Em APE EOS eet BES SHNiidaas S 445 ee. Prolnsion X Le. Belmont This cross uses the same Belmont as S 511 and should produce a variety of medium dark flowers of heavy substance with very full lip structure. 2” Pots, $3.50 ea. S 515 bee peieece Margaret NY C. Ghanberlaintana Le. Princess Margaret is a large heavy flower with bright yellow eyes. he same C. Chamber- lainiana as in S 511, should give deep color particularly since its lip is normally almost black. Shipped Dry Root, $1.00 ea. ee IS eh ES gh ede er eed he NS Minimum order of $10.00 on all seedlings. MATURE BIFOLIATE CATTLEYAS ee ee Oe aT DS ic SAL tacos a Paes comet adad S 166 C. Girancla | C. Harold all&s CG. (Granuioes Ranges from flushed white to chartreuse green with very dark semi-spatulate lips. Heavy sub- stance. $15.00 ea. nc PDE D GD AS eh i SAR PN ad A 09 CN a S 231 [Ex Kancoloc | [2c Nenvahe eri Didolor A white with purple lip Lc. Kenosha crossed with C. Bicolor. The color ranges from pale lavender through olive, green and yellow. ‘The substance is heavy and all have a dark semi- spatulate lip. Excellent breeding stock to obtain the ultimate “green cattleya”. $20.00 ea. PS APLAR Se IRD DS PE te tthe Oe ANI PDS phe CEPR RI A S 395 C. el | CG. Beloit C. Loddiglossa | | | | Guttata Hardyana Loddigesii Amethystoglossa With this background of species a wide varia- tion is to be expected. Many years of breeding in this cross have gone by in an attempt to produce material for something new to carry on. A few have flowered for the first time this season. All are large plants and every flower has been a pleasant surprise. Colors have ranged thus far from a beautiful clear pale pink to medium dark lavender with speckled petals and sepals. It would be better to ship unflowered specimens to avoid previous selection. $15.00 ea. ba Ee a, re MATURE BIFOLIATE CATTLEYAS Clarelen Orchids has one of the largest collections of bifoliate orchids in the world and is a pioneer in crosses of this type including the famous Clarelen “Cocktail Orchids”. (R) Below is a listing of the very finest to be obtained. S 41 OF Audry Schabert C. Loddigesii CGAcmnier me Lines A glorified Loddigesii, and very much larger. The colors range from a medium phlox to dark phlox. Excellent for future breeding to give very heavy substance and a wide range of colors. $20.00 ea. | S 88 Le: Dennane | | G. Granulosa Le. Rabeiana One of the few bifoliate crosses in which the spatulate lip tendency is completely lost. The flower is full, heavy, and has a beautiful dark lipseG, Granulosa imparts the heavy substance. $25.00 ea. Sie aS BN TRI ie es EP BAA MD IOI CID EY Ni 6 PANES ie Pd gs —_—<---—-+-_-_-_£_—€_$_'_[_"'!'[_[_!['_'[_['["[{['['['[T['[_['['"''_ S 140 CG. Antigo | [aaa G: Pabulone (i (Geanulses The peer of all bifoliates! See page 254 of the April 1958 issue of the American Orchid Society Bulletin. Extremely dark petals and sepals, lip semispatulate. Compared to “Ridge- way’s Color Standards and Nomenclature” the color is a “Dahlia-Carmine”. The surface has a glistening sheen finish which under artificial light actually glows. $35.00 ea. ig a AONE Sn OE Nie a I Re ABE al See Bice SQIHODAO WMVLIIOD (a) MATURE CATTLEYAS J Doi Ler Golden Madonna A beautiful yellow with a wine throat. Colors range from canary yellow to yellow with a slight reddish tint. The deep wine throat is truly impressive. The flower also has a very pleasant fragrance. $30.00 ea. —_>--_-_-____-__-___-__1_"__"_{7_{"T1"{[{_-_’"’_ S 122 hee Hee lee nsent One of our finest Lc. Red Oak crosses. The other parent being C. Raphaeleda. Very heavy in substance, it ranges in color from red to magenta. The eyes are a striking yellow which contrast beautifully with the petals and sepals. $35.00 ea. o~=__<=x’v=-_-_-____"_"__-__-_"_"-__-’"’""-"-’’"-__ S 141 bee Rea eeeee The “King” of the Clarelen ranges. A superb grower which with good care will throw from four to seven flowers on a single spike! The flowers are of excellent quality, and have a heavy substance. ‘The petals and sepals are phlox-purple. ‘The lip is dark and full with an “old gold” colored throat blending into bright yellow eyes. Special plants for breeding selected on application. $50.00 ea. S 142 Gi Vahaca An outstanding Cattleya ranging in color from rose-purple to deep phlox petals and sepals with a dark purple lip and bright yellow throat. $30.00 ea. CC, A BE eh a TSAT DS MBAR a, ee, Noha Lethe iene 1 ee S 248 Le. Elderon A lively brilliant phlox colored Laeliocattleya with a deep colored round lip accented by bright yellow eyes and_ throat. Exceptional form. $35.00 ea. A SPO EA SO EPPA AAS EY o_==_=->-'_ TERMS OF SALE © This catalog cancels all previous lists and special quotations. Plants are packed in corrugated cardboard cartons and on arrival should be examined first and then signed for. Notify the express company if there is any damage, and file your claim immediately with them. All plants offered were raised by Clarelen Orchids; they represent the best that modern botanical science can produce. Our utilization of the most efhicient large scale methods enables us to price the plants so that all may obtain a wide selection of these outstanding orchids. Our many friends in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and other overseas countries may wish to specify air mail shipments. The new air mail rates allow shipping costs to be reduced materially. You will find the service to be faster and more satisfactory than air express, although of course, we will ship by any method you specify. Shipments within the United States will be send via Railway. Express collect and out of pots unless otherwise specified. We plan to issue additional price lists during the season, each devoted to single groups of genera. These more complete lists will include plants avail- able in limited quantity. Our stock of choice Cymbidium and Cattleya hybrids is very large. Those listed in this catalog are only a sample of the forms which are available in abundant numbers. In addition, we have many varieties with only two or three plants of each. If you do not find what you wish in this catalog, please write us for a special quotation on your particular needs. All plants are offered subject to prior sale. Terms: cash with order, packing free of charge; shipping costs extra. For overseas shipments, time will be conserved if you will include estimated shipping costs with your order. SVASTLLVI AanNnlvn a tse Mad ae 6 * - <7 x eet s 7 » Pen ae oe DA Ane, VAR ee OS Be ets SLAP ea 7 nlP et Pe M2, 4: Pate A)