AW Ls er, — | Jresented to The Hibrary of the University of Coronta << < «= < Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Toronto http://www. oa ‘ i Hy - ; Meee i : Re i a r \ 7 2 “, HN a i = 2.8 : c v_ . - wr a a »* ~ ; hte Be a + - i = “1 i { ‘ 4 elt be 2 e r - =a i ‘ 7 e = 6 rn i eal i 7 ri = _ “ = = wil =e - - a. a = a : — > 2 pie Se : 7 ° ~ ~~ : : am - . Vs’ i = red == = = ‘ - i < se a : F ae i . 7 t . THE CANADIAN Pe OMOLOGIST. OSV Xx EDITED BY THE Leo. C. I. S. Hethune, WM. a., B.C. L., POR HORE VONDARTO: ASSISTED BT J. Fleteher, Ottawa; H. H. Lyman, Montreal, and Rev. T. W. Fyles, Quebee. Pondon, Ont. : LONDON PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHING CO, 1893. LIST OF GONTRIBUTORS TO THIS VOLUME. ———> > FAUNA @) NDR SEs Mase sesaiste noses ss 202 NEW, MORK, ANE DINICEE PROB sapien esters sess. 3ROOKINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA, ASHMEAD: W..H...: Soa ete Morecacse ns WASHINGTON, D. C. SAUNAS by INPAGIDETIAUNG 2 ney sectoe ates BM Sa SEA Gerber Ne Ye BIBVAUN Reals i repnnsissieve ohare erocedes okt eesucre Gia 6 « LAGGAN, ALBERTA. BETHUNE, REVenG. j-is. (Lhe Editor)... .Porr Hope = BIE AGT GABE Vici Sits 2k ers arate see rereas TERRE HAwtre, INDIANA, COCKE REE eP IDSA) 064566 .n eee Las Cruces, NEw Mexico, COOMMETE Hie. Wis se ssiqss «4-2 LOS) ANGELES, CAI. OARS MW riley eccentrics sce te oie A OSDAIEN) STA NIDA sNiee Wis TD IVGAVRETAURURIIS@IN (Gee f. s65 cede cats ots NEw YORK. EAD NVEAURSD SEO WWie Leos chess, ves eas 3s COALBURGH, WEST Va. ERO NIGAUININE Gas Avent: sit bae sete une nes PITTSBURGH, Pa. BRIE NARS 5m Wie ige sieves svete vie’ lshcus eveie sy oacncis elec COLESBORNE, ENGLAND. TE) Bhd LAI DS: ts a eco Oh ae ire ner Se ae IrHaca, N. vy. HRN DEP ROE VCs Hist =) cscrccee ec AMHERST, MAss, FUTUR TI ciel WWisteronsyete tone cise -Vececciclns ....GUILDFORD, CONN. INL ISIN aN OI NAA Paw OOS heen Se cOseeietnc acre OTTAWA. BORD Av sce sacicas. Aatinen ceeto nse eon. BEONARDS ENGLAND: IODC NBA Sipe oecntOrs cen an ieee eae tenes eta PHILADELPHIA, ERBIN GEER Os Gable act ciicyes toler CARBONDALE, ILL, VUE OS MINSEG is nleay WVictedeve crs tepaee ciao coeie cere SOUTH QUEBEC, (CHBIB RIE N @ENIGAIN SS errs) ake cists croc ee MONTREAL. (GUL IC SOM Ua CAN Re a has aie Clan eee ForT COLLINS, COLORADO, GODIENG DIR He Witaett odacns cc cessls 8 RUTLAND, ILL. GIR@MRE PAM Gee catkins xu susvecuattoy ake ee BREMEN, GERMANY. ERVIN EONS DIR, OMUNG: « ctec.a-Pags sneer... ALLEGHENY, Pa, JSAIRIRI TING AON A Neca lS es oo A ace neo ros Bene OTTAWA. LZ VAR © EEAVRSIUIB Se Ate 2s tay s ep ctere Agia hieto eae CHAMPAIGN, ILL. LOUIE AIN TD SUE Ve Wijalineminysctieeleciee. » «ic PITTSBURGH, Pa, FA @ NVA AS A915 an OP Ly Sete PUR ee WASHINGTON, D.C. IDS ONAN GCE ce eros oy, eee teed PLATTSBURGH, N. Y. [PAGING Sere el ences eiyetsce Hoke ee ....JAMAICA PLAIN, Mass, IDI ONG ADS Rg Saal © etal San Se Rite ee LINCOLN, NEB. ISS TRUSSO AINSI) SOA STAs eis cl, suet atane ttscevace ace AMHERST, MAss, SUN ZAG Ree IRM Bye eer er ener a tebe Siro. = NEW YORK. IE) SMES ORS oie Stepeie cee cols Oo apie oli Yo SEMITE, CAL. IE VANEAUN ai lepl lies. 2 eae serers settee ae ear. SALON EREATS O~ MENG Gi TE TI VARSAW YS Aceves cise) tire... ItHaca, N. Y. MOFFAT, J. ALST ONE Seen ases oui: LONDON, ONT. NEUMOEGE INGA Degas 5 as eet te ash eietel sos NEW YORK. PACKARD, DR. a Sy ore ARE boro cee PROVIDENCE, R. -I. PATTON, W. FUAIVUR TONG AY Saale siete co HARTFORD, CONN, IRINA SIRS (Gel vets ce tierce er, Oca Sek eee BERKELEY, CAL. SKINNER, DEH ee ee Pee osc: PHILADELPHIA. SEINGERIEAND Me Wren cose ce cs cme ITHACA, N. Y. SIE@SS@N MGS Ae 7b eas cll acle cients NEw YorK. SMITH, DR. ee lake tance ae AERO Cacia a eee NEw Brunswick, N. J. STRECKER, ID) [RES ja ts la hg ad ee READING, Pa. ATE) VEIN SHYING) an Greniete: Uy Wale BVIR yo ats ee a ccece KINGSTON, JAMAICA, W. FE VAN DUZER, 1S Fe Po ae AS ee oe Oe ee BUFFALO, N Y. ENON DWI GOI ACN Se ot lots oc acti ene. KEorTa, Iowa, WEBSTER, F. a SaaS Oca Ohe Oe WoosTER, OHIO. VAIS ot PANSY 9 6 [7 0 a IOWA City, Iowa. WILLISTON, ROE Sree ay cee 4 LAWRENCE, KANSAS. VVC CTO METRE ERS st Oe cepa Ee ie ae ea eae GRAND Rapips, Micu, The aad ay Hontomalogist WiOln. XOX LONDON, JANUARY, 1893. No. 1. DESCRIPTIONS OF FOUR NEW WEST AFRICAN BUTTERELIES: BY W. J. HOLLAND, PH. D., PITTSBURGH, PA: * EURYPHENE, Bolsp. Z. £2. castanea, sp. Nov. g. The form of the wings is exactly like that of Sewegalensis, H -S. UppeErsipE.—The ground colour is rich chestnut-brown, marked by broad black series of spots and bands. Upon the primaries these markings are as follows :—In the cell a longitudinal basal streak, a trans- verse line, a figure 8, a twice curved transverse line, and a broad bar at the end of the cell constricted in the middle ; below the cell there is a short basal band curving inwardly ; beyond the cell there is a wide band running from the costa toward the outer margin as far as the lower radial, and then abruptly turning and extending to the middle of the inner margin ; beyond this is a broad band of diffuse spots, wide on the costa, narrower bevond the end of the cell, and gradually widening as it approaches the inner margin ; beyond this is a submarginal series of very black round spots. The outer margin is black. All of these lines are continued upon the secondaries parallel to the outer margin, and in addition there is a narrow, submarginal black line. In the cell of the secondaries there is a round spot at the base, a figure 8, anda constricted annular mark at the end. UNnpbersipE.—The prevalent colour on the underside of the wings is pale fuscous, shading into ashen grey upon the cells of both wings. The markings of the upper surface scarcely reappear upon the lower side, except the submarginal band of round spots, which reappear upon the primaries as faint blackish marks, and upon the secondaries as ocelli with pale ashen margins. In both wings there are in the cella black basal dot, a figure 8, and a narrow constricted annular mark at the end. In addition, upon the primaries the costa near the base is white, and there are a couple of small white marks at the apex; upon the secondaries there is a narrow white bar extending from near the middle of the costa to the first subcostal nervule. Expanse 58 mm. Habitat Kangwe, Ogove Valley. z THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. i) L. suffumigata, sp. nov. ; 2. The form of the wings is like that of &. e/zensis, Hew. UPPeEr- sIbE.—Both wings are dark smoky-brown, shading into black at the apex of the primaries and clouded on the costa and cell of the primaries, with obscure black markings. ‘There is a broad yellowish subapical band on the primaries, running from the costa and terminating before the outer margin above the third median nervule. Upon the secondaries there is a continuous slightly undulating dark brown submarginal line. UNDER- sipE.—The ground colour is light green, or glaucous. ‘The costa of the primaries at the base, the apex, the costal portion of the subapical band of the primaries which reappears upon the lower side, and a narrow bar running from before the middle of the secondaries from the costal to the first subcostal, are all white. The outer half of the wings is suffused with a fuliginous shade defined inwardly by a curved line running frem the outer margin of the primaries below the apex to the origin of the third median, and thence to the middle of the inner margin, across the secon- daries beyond the end of the cell, sweeping inwardly from the origin of the third median to a point above the anal angle on the inner margin. Faint traces of a submarginal band of ocelli appear upon the secondaries. Body and legs concolorous. Expanse 75 mm. Habitat Talaguga, Ogové Valley. This noble and well-marked species is represented in my collection by a single specimen taken in the spring of the present year. It is likely to be confounded with Z. Phantasia, Hew., from which it may, however, be at once distinguished by the absence of the broad blue submarginal band running from above the first median nervule on the primaries to the anal angle of the secondaries in the female. ATERICA, Bolsp. 3. A. fuliginosa, sp. nov. Q. Antenne black. Body above dark brown. Underside of palpi, thorax and abdomen light grey. Upprersipe.—The ground colour of the upper side of the wings is smoky-brown, shading into dark brown near the apex of the primaries. ‘There is a series of four minute white spots extending from the costa before the apex to the third median nervule. A broad oblique subapical yellow band runs from the first subcostal nervule beyond the cell toward the outer margin, terminating upon the first median nervule. The inner margin of this band is moderately straight ; the outer margin is irregular, being indented upon the lower radial and the second THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. $ median nervules. The usual markings appear obscurely in the cell. The posterior wings are ornamented by a submarginal band of obscure ocelli running parallel to the outer margin. ‘These spots are lighter than the rest of the wing and ringed about with dark brown, and have in the centre dark brown subhastate pupils. UNDERstDE.—The underside is obscurely brownish-grey. The markings of the upperside reappear, and on the underside of the secondaries the submarginal band of ocelli is indicated by a series of minute white spots located on the inner edge of each ocellus. There are seven of these minute white spots on each secondary. The base of the secondaries has a few obscure markings characteristic of the genus, the most prominent of which is an annular mark in the middle of the cell. Expanse of wings 68 mm. Habitat Kangwé, Ogové Valley. I hesitated to describe this species from the solitary 2 specimen, but it is wholly unlike the female of any species known to me, and does not exist in any of the English collections which I have consulted, and was pronounced by Mons. Mabille, to whom I showed it, as undoubtedly a new species. It comes nearest to 4. aridatha, of Hewitson, but it is totally distinct, being much larger and quite differently coloured, and the subapical band of the primaries having an altogether different form. EUPHAEDRA, HUuBN. 4. E. imitans, sp. nov. ¢.. Very closely allied to #. Husemoides recently described by Smith & Kirby, but readily distinguished from that species by the fact that the yellow spots on the middle of the primaries are not widely separated as in Eusemoides, and that the base of the primaries is adorned by a num- ber of d/ue spots, and that along the inner margin of the primaries there is a Jong yellow streak. The secondaries have a yellow spot on the base and three black spots in the ced/, and the broad black border is interrupted by a marginal series of obscure geminate blue spots. The underside has a spot at the base of the secondaries pupilled with yellow, in addition to the spots which appear upon the underside of £. Husemoides. @. The female is like the male, but much larger, and the marginal blue spots upon the upperside of the secondaries are brighter and larger. Expanse ¢,58mm.; 2,85 mm. Habitat Talaguga, Upper Valley of Ogove. Represented in the collection of the author by two males and one female. It is a very close mimic of Xanthospilopteryx longipennis, and even more so of a species of this genus in the collection of the writer which has not yet been named. Pittsburgh, Nov. 30, 1892. 4 THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. SOME NEW ADDITIONS TO THE GENUS CLISIOCAMPA, CORRE, BY B. NEUMOEGEN, NEW YORK. C. Mus, nov. spec. fq. Head, palpi and thorax whitish gray. Antennae brown, with whitish stems. Abdomen gray, intermixed with black hair. Primaries dark gray, with veins indicated more or less by white. A broad blackish transverse band between two whitish lines, which are slightly toothed at intersections of veins. Basal space whitish, with black tings along costa. Fringes gray, with brown accentuations at terminus of subcostal and median veins. Secondaries dark chestnut-brown, fading into whitish tinges along anal margin and in basalspace. A faint, whitish mesian line. Fringes gray and brown alternating. Below. Primaries dark brown, dusted with gray in submarginal space and along costa. ‘The outer transverse line well marked. Secondaries whitish gray. ‘The mesian line well curved and prominent. Legs brown- ish-gray. In some specimens there is a shading from gray into light brown, and the white veins are less prominent on upper surface of primaries. ®. Antennae, head and thorax whitish gray. In some specimens exceptionally blackish-brown. Abdomen whitish gray. Primaries dark gray. A broad, blackish transverse band enclosed in white transverse lines, slightly toothed at veins. The latter appear as white horizontal lines, in crossing this band. Basal space whitish. Fringes as in 7, Secondaries of chestnut colour, tading in basal space, with black dashes, especially along costa. Fringes alternately brown and gray. Below. Primaries and_ secondaries light chestnut-brown, slightly dusted with gray granules. Basal spaces of whitish tinge. The outer transverse line of primaries indicated in dark brown. iegs and abdomen yellowish-gray, dusted with black. Types, ¢ g and ¢ @. Coll. B. Neumoegen. Expanse of wings: ¢; ? 36-37. mm. Length of body: ¢; ? ro. mm. Habitat: Southwest Utah (about 30 specimens) and Arizona, (Pres- cott, one specimen.) Easily recognizable by its gray primaries with dark band, traversed by white veins. C. Mus. var. adiscolorata. ¢d. Antennae, head and collar dark brown. ‘Thorax and abdomen brownish-gray.. Wings light brown. The two transverse lines of pri- maries dark brown, with an outer tinge of yellowish. Below. Primaries light brown. The outer transverse line well marked - THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. 9) in darker brown. Secondaries of a somewhat lighter tinge, with yellowish dust. Brown mesian line. Legs and abdomen dark brown. Type, 1 f from S. W. Utah. Coll. B. Neumoegen. Raised out of a lot of about 50 typical C. Mus by Mr. Chr. I. Weidt. It seems to be rare. 9. Antennae dark brown. Thorax and abdomen brownish-gray. Wings chestnut, with somewhat lighter dusting along anterior margin, and in basal space. Well marked dark brown lines encircling transverse band of primaries. Secondaries with lighter basal shades. Below. Wings light’ chestnut, with grayish granules along anterior margins and basal spaces. Outer transverse line of primaries, and mesian line of secondaries slightly indicated. Types coll. B. Neumoegen. Several specimens raised by Mr. Weidt in S. W. Utah, and one speci- men from Prescott, Arizona, tallying with the foregoing, but being of somewhat lighter colour in its wings. C. Azteca, nov. sp. g. Antennae brown. Head and thorax grayish-brown. Wings and body of a peculiar blackish-brown tint. Primaries: apex sharply pointed. A transverse band of still darker shade, the two border lines of the same especially dark, the outer line relieved by a yellow streak. Running parallel with the latter, from costa to inner margin, a subterminal undu- lating irregularly shaped band, giving the wing the appearance of having three transverse lines. The inner line, encircling basal space, well curved towards base ; the anterior line somewhat outwardly curved in its course through median space. Secondaries uniform in colour. Fringes of both wings alternating with yellow. Below. Legs and body grayish-brown. Wings of a lighter brown shade, powdered with yellowish grains along anterior margin of primaries and over the entire surface of secondaries. Primaries show the outer transverse line, and secondaries a well curved mesian line. Basal spaces the darkest in both wings. ?. Blackish-brown, lighter in shade than ¢. Body concolorous. Antennae, head. and thorax grayish-brown. Primaries with broad trans- verse band, the inner line well curved towards base and of grayish colour. The outer line grayish, somewhat bulging at centre and slightly dentated at veins. Secondaries uniform in colour, showing a faint trace of a mesian line. Fringes in both wings alternating with faint yellow. Below. Wings uniform in colour, but of lighter tint than primaries, which show faintly the outer line of transverse band. Secondaries with a somewhat darker undulating mesian line. Dypes: 26 6 and 29 °°. Coll. BeNeumoegen. Expanse of wings: ¢; ? Length of body: ¢; ? 10. mm. Habitat : City of Mexico and vicinity. Caught by Mr. Moonz. This is the darkest coloured American Clisiocampa and easily recognizable, 6 THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW TOLYPE. BY B. NEUMOEGEN, NEW YORK. P. toltcca, Nov. sp. ¢. Antennae light brown. Eyes black. Head, prothorax and thorax snowy white. Tegulae snowy white, with black hairy centre band, con- necting it with the black haired abdomen, just like in 7? ved/eda, Stoll. Abdomen metallic black, clothed with long hair and long drawn out anal tuft. The latter intermixed with white hair. Primaries dark slate, especi- ally in the interspace formed by a marginal and a double central transverse line, as well as along costa and internal margin. Veins white. A lunu- late white discal spot, and whitish tinges around it. ‘Three transverse, undulating, white lines, two of which are double, the discal space being enclosed by these double lines, and the marginal transverse line being single. The latter crosses from apex the subcostal veins in a straight lines parallel with anterior margin, but becomes undulating in traversing the median veins. < .0506 vue ee sas es ree Wings more or less Breen: the apex never Bice a tHOtUS,. NSD: : : : ; rik urus, Loew. Wings having the apical half blackish........ 2 “ ‘ cibbus, Loew. 4.—Pollen of abdomen extending on the bases of the segments eee eee ee See ee ae ..senilis, Bigot. Pollen confined to the apices of the segments........./autus, Loew. 5.—Wings nearly uniform, smoky-gray; head, first two joints of antennee, thorax and legs obscure brown...........7ubidus, n. sp. Wings smoky-brown, darkest on apical half; head, antenne and thorax Dial rie Mace ee oo. Tee genes eta es een eCri ee est Anisopogon ludius, n. sp. g.—Black, the tibiz and tarsi dark reddish- brown. Face gently convex, white pilose, bristles of lower part black ; first joint of antennz slightly ionger than the second, the third joint tapering to the tip, three times as long as the second, the style slender, seven-eights as long as the third antennal joint ; pile of occiput, thorax, pleura, coxz and venter white ; upper side of each front tarsal joint with a dense covering of appressed white hairs ; upper side of middle femora toward its apex with a dense covering of short appressed black hairs, which, however, leave a large elliptical naked space between the apex and the middle ; middle tibiae white pilose in front, and above the middle ornamented with a large patch of appressed black hairs and bristles, which form an inner and an outer fringe; inner side of hind tibiae near the tip, and also of the hind metatarsi, densely bright yellow pubescent ; wings smoky brown, lightest at the apex and along the hind margin ; all posterior and the anal cell open. 2 as in the male, except that the front tarsi, middle femora and THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. ait tibiae are not ornamented as in the male, and the wings are much lighter, the brown forming a border to some of the veins. Length, 12-16 mm. Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, California, and British Colum- bia. Two males and three females, in May. The British Columbia specimen was received from Mr. W. A. Danby. This species is closely related to A. senz/is Bigot, but in the latter species the wings are wholly hyaline. and the appressed white hairs on the front tarsi of the male are confined to the first joint. I have specimens of the latter species from Colorado and Florida (Morrison). In both species, the colour of the bristles on the head, body and legs is too vari- able to be of any value in separating the species. Anisopogon rubidus,n. sp. 2.—Obscure brown, the following parts black :—The third antennal joint, basal half of style, proboscis, palpi, scutellum except its base, first segment of abdomen, basal half of second, lateral margins of the others, seventh segment and genitalia largely, apex of venter and upper side of each femur, that on the first and second seg- ments of abdomen with a strong bluish tinge, brown of abdomen more reddish than on the other parts ; thorax irregularly marked with grayish black. Head gray pollinose, the pile yellowish-white ; face evenly con- vex, the pile extending nearly to base of antennae ; first joint of antennae slightly longer than the second ; third joint slightly longer than the first two taken together, tapering gradually to the apex, the style two-thirds as long as the third joint. ‘Thorax gray and golden pollinose, the pile short, sparse, mixed black and white ; pleura gray pollinose, its pile and that of the coxae white, the fan-like pile in front of halteres also white. Pile of abdomen sparse, microscopic, light-coloured, that on lateral margins and on venter longer, whitish. Pile of legs sparse, whitish, that on tarsi and tips of tibiae largely black. Wings smoky gray, all posterior cells and the anal cell open. d same as the 9, except that the middle femora have each a cluster of black pile at its apex in front and two similar fringe-like clusters, one on the upper. the other on the lower surface at its last third, and above the middle of each middle tibia are two long dense fringes of black pile on its inner and outer sides, connected with each ‘other in front ; front metatarsi destitute of appressed white pile. Length, 14 to 17 mm. Los Angeles County, Cal. Four females and one male. Anisopogon patruelis, n. sp. g Y .—Same as the above description of rubidus, With these exceptions :---Head, antennae, thorax, scutellum and Ze THE CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. femora, except the apex, black ; apical third of the first abdominal seg- ment and the apical three-fourths of the second segment reddish in the female, but black in the male. Style one and a-fourth times as long as the third antennal joint. Wings smoky brown, lighter on the base as far as the furcation of the second and third veins; a lighter transverse shade passes through the middle of the discal cell. Front metatarsi of the male densely covered with appressed white hairs above. Length, 13 to 16mm. ‘Texas.