The British Coast in Maps
Maps of the entire
coastline of Great Britain from Shetland to Land's End
I hope that this website will be of
interest, and some use, to those who like to be beside the
seaside, on or even simply near the British coast, in all
its great variety, from the fjord-like sea lochs of the
north west Scottish highlands to the low marshes and fens of
the south east of England, from the sandy coves of Cornwall
to the red sandstone cliffs of the Scottish east coast, from
the industrial docklands of London to the weedy shores of
the Solway Firth, from the rocky limestone lochs of Durness
to the chalky white cliffs of Dover, from the wild Atlantic
Ocean in the west to the North Sea in the east. With a
click of the mouse, this site provides easily
accessed large scale maps of the entire coastline of Great
Britain. The maps are derived from the Bartholomew half inch
series of the last century and cover the whole of Great
Britain. It is unfortunate that this map series covered only
Scotland, England and Wales and not Ireland, so the maps
must be limited to Great Britain and the Scottish Islands.
Maps of the Coastline of Great Britain
click on a blue dot to
view a map of that section of the British coast

The maps on this website have been reproduced
with the permission of Collins Bartholomew
In the half century since the maps were made,
some coastal areas will have undergone changes, a new bridge
or road perhaps, the expansion of the residential districts
of our seaside resorts or the decline of the industrial
areas associated with our great seaports, developments which
may not show on these maps. For the most part, however, not
a lot will have changed and the maps will reflect the
essential character of the long coastline of Great Britain,
the mainland alone estimated at around 11,073 miles or
17,820 km, in all its splendid variety. If we include
the principal island groups of England, Wales and Scotland,
the coastal length increases to around 19,491 miles or
31,368 km. All the maps of the British coast may be accessed
simply by clicking on a blue dot on the map below or by
selecting a coastal place name from the coastal map index. |