Generalization lattices allow users to specify the levels of granularity to consider when generalizing a dataset. We showed how pruning heuristics could be ...
In a lattice, when a superclass inherits attributes from more than one superclass, and some attributes are inherited more than once via different paths i.e..
19 окт. 2006 г. · Generalization lattices encode domain knowledge relevant to generalization. They provide a convenient framework for data visualization ...
Sponges were recently proposed as a generalization of lattices, focussing on joins/meets of sets, while letting go of associativity/transitivity.
The document discusses specialization and generalization hierarchies and lattices in object-oriented modeling. It explains that a specialization hierarchy ...
Вопросы по теме
What is a generalization example?
What is lattice in DBMS?
What are the three types of generalization?
What is the generalization structure?
In this paper we introduce generalized Craig lattices, which allows us to construct lattices in Euclidean spaces of many dimensions in the range 3332 − 4096 ...
The aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of generalized topological molecular lattices briefly GTMLs as a generalization of Wang's topological ...
To maximize information retained in protected sequences, we incorporate a concept generalization lattice to learn the distance between two residues in a single ...
The purpose of this paper is to give an axiom system for Brouwerian lattices from which can be deduced a slightly modified axiom system for distributive ...