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message 1: by Lesley (last edited Sep 07, 2014 11:19PM) (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Spring is sprung, the grass is ris
I wonders where the birdies is
They say the birds is on the wing
Ain't that absurd?
The wing is on the bird.

To herald spring I thought we could have a 'spell' challenge where you will read books using the first letter of the first word in the book’s title (excluding A, An and The) or the author’s first or last initial (middle names or initials are not to be used). Pick any word/s from the list below. You can do just one or as many words as you like.

The challenge will run from beginning of September to end of November.

When you sign up create a template into your post and read away!

Blue skies
Spring green
Fluffy chicks

That should do you. Read away!

message 2: by Lesley (last edited Nov 17, 2014 08:26AM) (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Participants


message 3: by Lesley (last edited Nov 15, 2014 06:27PM) (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Spring Spell Challenge
Sep. - Nov.

S Sparkling Cyanide by Agatha Christie 17/09/2014
P The Paris Architect by Charles Belfoure 14/09/2014
R Peter Robinson Wednesday's Child 18/09/2014
I Iced Chiffon by Duffy Brown 10/10/2014
N Nancy Wake by Peter FitzSimons 24/1/214
G Guidebook to Murder by Lynn Cahoon 02/09/2014
T Tuppenny Hat Detective by Brian Sellars 06/09/2014
M Death is a Cabaret by Deborah <M>organ 04/10/2014

message 4: by P.D.R. (last edited Sep 08, 2014 05:55AM) (new)

P.D.R. Lindsay (pdrlindsay) | 1758 comments Er, E's Gran, I'm having Duh moment. I do not see what that list of words is to do with the challenge of using the author's initial for a book?

In fact having reread your instructions several times I'm totally confusticated now and am all muddled up! My brain needs some sleep 'cos it's not working at all on your nice instructions.

message 5: by Erica (last edited Oct 19, 2014 02:26AM) (new)

Erica | 1240 comments Mod
Spring Spell Challenge (Sep - Nov)

L - Tizzie by P.D.R. Lindsay - 15/10/14
A - Queen of the South by Arturo Pérez-Reverte - currently reading
M - When We Were The Kennedys by Monica Wood - 22/09/14
B - Brooklyn by Colm Tóibín - 27/09/14
S - Shakespeare: The World as Stage by Bill Bryson - 19/10/14

message 6: by Darkpool (new)

Darkpool | 1031 comments Must we read the books in order of the letters in the word?

message 7: by Lesley (last edited Sep 08, 2014 08:28AM) (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Darkpool (protesting GR censorship) wrote: "Must we read the books in order of the letters in the word?"

No. Just as you read books that qualify, fill in the applicable 'space'. Random. :)

message 8: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Example:
M Debbie Macomber Christmas Letters 7/4/14
M Moon Shell Beach 6/29/14
E Janet Evanovich Three to Get Deadly 6/21/14

message 9: by Lesley (last edited Sep 08, 2014 08:28AM) (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments P.d.r. wrote: "Er, E's Gran, I'm having Duh moment. I do not see what that list of words is to do with the challenge of using the author's initial for a book?

In fact having reread your instructions several time..."

pdr you choose your word then spell it out using the first word of the title (excluding A, An, The), or using the first initial of either the first given name or surname of the author - whichever fits.

See the example in post immediately above. :)

message 10: by Darkpool (new)

Darkpool | 1031 comments Awesome, thanks :-)

message 11: by P.D.R. (last edited Sep 21, 2014 01:15PM) (new)

P.D.R. Lindsay (pdrlindsay) | 1758 comments Gotcha, and shame on me for being thick. Oh dear, my poor old brain. Oh for one night's complete sleep.

H Hopkins Gerard Manley 'Complete Poems'
reading every night. I love Hopkins.
A Anne Hillerman's 'Spider Woman's Daughter'
A fun read
T 'To Kill a Mockingbird'
How can anyone not love this book. And the film was good too, for once!
C 'Custard Tarts and Broken Hearts' Mary Gibson
a London dockside saga, not bad.
H Hope Anna 'Wake'
Now this is well worth a read. Covers three women and their reactions to the return of the unknown soldier's body to London after WWI
I Ingleman-Sundberg Catharina 'The little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules'
Quite amusing - agang of Senior Cits trying to get a better life through a bank robbery!
N Nadel Barbara 'Body Count'
Nah! One of these hard boiled policemen who was such am MCP I couldn't finish the book.
G Gerard Manley Hopkins 'Spring poems'
love them all!

Got 'em all. Will sub another book for N.

message 12: by Angie (new)

Angie (seren-lucy) | 1147 comments Thank you so much for organising the Spring Challenge, Lesley. I had the same idea in mind, so I'm glad you got it sorted earlier in spring than I would have been able to.
I'm in!
Not sure how many books I'll get through, but this may be what I need to get my reading back on track.

My words: BLUE SKIES



message 13: by Darkpool (last edited Nov 15, 2014 10:45AM) (new)

Darkpool | 1031 comments Yep, I'm deffo in. (just saw you had me with a ?) I'm going to give "Lambs" a go, cos there's nothing like starting small, and I already used most of September up on "Here Be Dragons"

L- Napoleon's Buttons: How 17 Molecules Changed History by Penny Le Couteur
A- Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews
M- Trunk Music by Michael Connelly
B- A Bit Mental: One Man's Mission to Lilo the Waikato by Jimi Hunt
S- Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane

Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels, #7) by Ilona Andrews A Bit Mental One Man's Mission to Lilo the Waikato by Jimi Hunt Unholy Ghosts (Downside Ghosts, #1) by Stacia Kane Napoleon's Buttons How 17 Molecules Changed History by Penny Le Couteur Trunk Music (Harry Bosch, #5) by Michael Connelly

message 14: by Andrea (last edited Nov 17, 2014 08:03AM) (new)

Andrea Myers | 52 comments Love Challenges! This will be my first one! I've looked through my Read list since the beginning of September and made a list. Think I'm going to try and get through a few words (considering some of the entries will be Young Adult)

S - The Savage Garden by Mark Mills 14/9/14
P - The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett 3/11/14
R - Sadie Walker is Stranded by Madeleine Roux 23/9/14
I - Insurgent by Veronica Roth 4/11/14
N - Breed by Chase Novak 16/11/14
G - Glass Houses by Rachel Caine 20/9/14
T - Witch Eyes by Scott Tracey 12/9/14
I - Into Darkness by Jonathan Lewis 6/11/14
M - Mainspring by Jay Lake 2/10/14
E - The End Games by T. Michael Martin 10/10/14

H - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 1/10/14
A - Allison Hewitt Is Trapped by Madeleine Roux 5/10/14
T - Gravity by Tess Gerritsen 23/10/14
C - Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins 24/10/14
H - A Touch of Dead by Charlaine Harris 31/10/14
I - Icons by Margaret Stohl 14/11/14
N - Fosterling by Emma Neale 17/11/14
G - A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow by George R.R. Martin 4/9/14

message 15: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Taken your ? away Darkpool and added you to the list Andrea.
Great to see some new faces joining in.☺

message 16: by Erica (new)

Erica | 1240 comments Mod
I'm onto my last book for this challenge :)

message 17: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Myers | 52 comments Woohoo go Erica!
I've got books lined up for all my remaining letters...aside from those two pesky N's....

message 18: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Erica wrote: "I'm onto my last book for this challenge :)"

Well done Erica! Feel free to pick another word if you want to continue on to the end of Spring.

message 19: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Andrea wrote: "Woohoo go Erica!
I've got books lined up for all my remaining letters...aside from those two pesky N's...."

Those Ns don't crop up often in author names or titles I've noticed. Almost as difficult as U. :)

message 20: by P.D.R. (new)

P.D.R. Lindsay (pdrlindsay) | 1758 comments Read everything else. Still looking for a readable N book!

message 21: by Erica (new)

Erica | 1240 comments Mod
Nevil Shute is a good author if you're looking for an N.

message 22: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 29, 2014 10:03PM) (new)

Oooh, Can I join in?

Here's my quick picks of things I have here that I most want to read:

L Lock In John Scalzi (audiobook)
A Dragonsdawn Anne McCaffrey - done. Loved it! My second Pern book, guess I am going to have to read the rest of the series now...
M Hostile Skies David Morgan - done. Good book, author seems a little 'odd'
B The Black Company Glenn Cook - done. Not what I expected at all! A little strangely written...
S Gardens of the Moon S Erickson - abandoned as it it failed my 100 page rule - I hated it at the start and still hated it by 100 pages in so it's gone.

message 23: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Chris wrote: "Oooh, Can I join in?

Here's my quick picks of things I have here that I most want to read:

L Lock In John Scalzi
A Dragonsdawn Anne McCaffrey
M [book:Hostile Skies|..."

You sure can Chris. Added your name :)

message 24: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Erica wrote: "Nevil Shute is a good author if you're looking for an N."

Thanks Erica. Completely forgot about him yet I've got On the Beach & A Town Like Alice somewhere on the bookshelves here!

message 25: by P.D.R. (last edited Oct 25, 2014 11:42AM) (new)

P.D.R. Lindsay (pdrlindsay) | 1758 comments He is too, Erica, but I've read all his books and would like to find a recent novel. I am bad at reading new books and tend to reread old favourites all the time!

Doing these GR challenge thingies makes me read new modern stuff.

message 26: by Erica (new)

Erica | 1240 comments Mod
You could read the latest book by Colm Tóibín called Nora Webster :) He's an Irish author that was recently recommended to me.

message 27: by P.D.R. (new)

P.D.R. Lindsay (pdrlindsay) | 1758 comments Oh good! Will see if the library has it.

message 28: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Myers | 52 comments I'm intending to read Nevil's 'On the Beach' for the December challenge since that's on the list....but I'll have a look at the library next time and see if they have any others of his that tickle my fancy like "on The Beach' does.
Thanks for the tip :)

message 29: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Myers | 52 comments Found my 'N' books today! Just have those and the Three 'I's to finish and then I'll have completed both of my words :)

message 30: by P.D.R. (new)

P.D.R. Lindsay (pdrlindsay) | 1758 comments library's copies out.

Got Jo Nesbo's Cockroaches instead.

message 31: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Kathleen wrote: "Finished another word:
B - The Bone Clocks / David Mitchell
L - Leningrad: Siege and Symphony / Brian Moynahan
O – The Odyssey / Gillian Cross
S – [a..."

WOW Kathleen! You are truly a Champion Page Turner!!

message 32: by Darkpool (new)

Darkpool | 1031 comments Woohoo! I've managed to finish a challenge by picking the lowest bar possible! Some of the books aren't even double-ups from other challenges!

message 33: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Darkpool (protesting GR censorship) wrote: "Woohoo! I've managed to finish a challenge by picking the lowest bar possible! Some of the books aren't even double-ups from other challenges!"

Good job Darkpool. :)

message 34: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Myers | 52 comments Congrats Erica, Kathleen and Darkpool for finishing the challenge!!!!!!!
Tonight I have joined you all having finished the last book on my nightstand.

Here's all the book titles :)

The Savage Garden by Mark Mills The Color of Magic (Discworld, #1) by Terry Pratchett Sadie Walker is Stranded (Zombie, #2) by Madeleine Roux Insurgent (Divergent, #2) by Veronica Roth Breed by Chase Novak Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires, #1) by Rachel Caine Witch Eyes (Witch Eyes, #1) by Scott Tracey Into Darkness by Jonathan Lewis Mainspring (Clockwork Earth #1) by Jay Lake The End Games by T. Michael Martin
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1) by Suzanne Collins Allison Hewitt Is Trapped (Zombie, #1) by Madeleine Roux Gravity by Tess Gerritsen Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2) by Suzanne Collins A Touch of Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, #4.1, #4.3, #5.1, #7.1, #8.1) by Charlaine Harris Icons (Icons, #1) by Margaret Stohl Fosterling by Emma Neale A Storm of Swords Steel and Snow (A Song of Ice and Fire, #3-1) by George R.R. Martin

I really enjoyed this :)

message 35: by Erica (new)

Erica | 1240 comments Mod
Two words even, nice one Andrea :)

message 36: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Andrea wrote: "Congrats Erica, Kathleen and Darkpool for finishing the challenge!!!!!!!
Tonight I have joined you all having finished the last book on my nightstand.

Here's all the book titles :)


Congrats on finishing two words Andrea. Glad you enjoyed it.

message 37: by Darkpool (new)

Darkpool | 1031 comments I'm really enjoying these seasonal challenges... (hint, hint). Even the ones I don't complete :-)

message 38: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 1587 comments Hint taken. I will work the brain for a challenge for the summer season. Maybe a bit of a scavenger hunt. :) Watch this space as they say.

message 39: by Darkpool (new)

Darkpool | 1031 comments Awesome :D

message 40: by P.D.R. (new)

P.D.R. Lindsay (pdrlindsay) | 1758 comments Oops! Forgot to say I've finished Cockroaches so I'm all done too.

Summer challenge - nope must drop out now and finish th enew novel. No time.

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