Goodreads Librarians Group discussion

Moonwalker: Adventures of a Midnight Mountaineer
This topic is about Moonwalker
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Book & Author Page Issues > Issue With Title and Author

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Nick (nickbramhall) | 2 comments Hello. The entry for the paperback edition of Munro Moonwalker: Adventures of a midnight mountaineer has the wrong title and the author name has been misspelt. Please could someone fix the two issues:

Title should be: Moonwalker: Adventures of a midnight mountaineer
Author should be: Alan Rowan


This could then be merged with the Kindle edition Moonwalker: Adventures of a midnight mountaineer which has the correct details, cover etc.

Thank you very much.

message 2: by Koenraad (new)

Koenraad (koenraadkelemen) | 6962 comments Fixed & combined.
Thank you for reporting.

Nick (nickbramhall) | 2 comments Hi, many thanks for sorting that out so quickly!

message 4: by Billie-Jo (new)

Billie-Jo Williams (billie-jowilliams) | 5 comments Hello! I've only just noticed I've accidentally uploaded a book with the wrong title! This book

The Book of Conflict

should be The Book of Faith NOT Conflict! See the book cover.

Can you please amend? Many thanks in advance!

Billie-Jo Williams

message 5: by lethe (new)

lethe | 16352 comments #4 Have corrected the title and the format and moved the ASIN to the ASIN field.

Please note that this is a thread on a specific book. Please start a new thread in future, in order to prevent confusion.

message 6: by T. (new)

T. (t_hammond) | 8 comments My Book Blind Luck (Team Red #6)
needs to be added to my author name

This is also book 6 of the Team Red series, so I'd love if it could be added to the series by T. Hammond list.

message 7: by Abcdarian (last edited Apr 27, 2015 05:42PM) (new)

Abcdarian | 26579 comments Book moved and added to the series. As mentioned above, starting a new thread for your request prevents confusion and makes sure yours doesn't get missed.

message 8: by T. (new)

T. (t_hammond) | 8 comments Abcdarian wrote: "Book moved and added to the series. As mentioned above, starting a new thread for your request prevents confusion and makes sure yours doesn't get missed."

Sorry about that, it didn't give me a "comment" box, so I had to piggy back... probably because I had only joined the group moments before. Thank you. -- T

message 9: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian | 26579 comments No problem, just a heads up for next time. :-)

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