SciFi and Fantasy eBook Club discussion

Author Self-Promotion > New eBooks

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message 1: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments This is the place to announce your new Science Fiction / Fantasy eBook (or one you've discovered that's just been published). Hopefully, this will take the commercials out of the other discussions (or at least reduce them). If done right, it can be a good place to find new reading matter.

Please limit posts to books published within the last 3 months (not your backlist) and don't repeat yourself more than once (it's tacky).

message 2: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Sirian Summer by John Bowers I'll start out with Sirian Summer, a science fiction novel by John Bowers.

As the Sirian Confederacy is born, civilization loses ground. Can rookie U.F. Marshal Nick Walker really make a difference? Or will he be buried under the weight of political upheaval, like the man he was sent to replace?

message 3: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Okay. Who's next?

message 4: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Cotterill (rachelcotterill) Drat, I don't have one within the last three months. I'll come back in November when my new one is out! :)

message 5: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Rachel wrote: "Drat, I don't have one within the last three months. I'll come back in November when my new one is out! :)"

We look forward to it.

message 6: by Al (new)

Al Distant Cousin: Recirculation, the fifth of the Distant Cousin series, is out as of last month. It stands on its own, but those who like a good series (a family-level, light sci-fi series) might wish to start with the first one.

message 7: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Gould I think I just sneak into the 3 month limit.

My ebook is titled Doodling

It's a comic fantasy about a man who falls off the world and the odd adventures that then befall him - a bit Douglas Adams meets Lewis Carroll with a bit of Gulliver's Travels thrown in.

Available at Amazon and Smashwords.

message 8: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Scott (michellescottfiction) Hey everyone! I've got a YA fantasy entitled Uncommon Magic by Michelle Scott

Evil magicians, brewing rebellion, a young girl embroiled in a love triangle, adorable dogs, and a really nasty-tempered employer. It's all in there!

If you'd like to read a sample chapter, please visit my website

message 9: by Scott (new)

Scott Robinson (scottbrobinson) | 1 comments I'm trying to develop a readership and some frank GoodReads reviews for my new eBook: Divine City: Bangkok Fantasies.

So I'm offering free downloads of the title from SmashWords. Just enter the coupon code "UB62B" to download the work for free. There are many eBook formats available. The offer is good through May 5th.

This is a collection of short fantastical tales set in modern Bangkok. I think there is something strange contained within for everybody...

Many thanks to readers who are curious about new writers!

message 10: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments The Eighth Day by Al Philipson The Eighth Day by Al Philipson. The last man on Earth, 4 women, and a boy try to get along and survive.

A race of aliens flee their doomed planet over 100 light years from Earth, looking for a new world to subjugate.

What happens when the two groups collide?

[I think I got this one in just under the limit.]

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

So hot off the virtual press, it's still smoking like a good ol' six-gun...

'The Wish & the Will: Book 1 - Sundancer's Regret'

In the solitary City of Middengarth, where fairytales and folklore are history, and magic still lingers in the air, strange things are afoot...

The first episode of this surreal fantasy adventure - set in a curious clockwork-powered steampunk world - is out now in Kindle edition.

"The Cards are Stacked...

In the solitary City of Middengarth, where fairytales and folklore are history, and magic still lingers in the air, strange things are afoot.

The sinister and eccentric Daemonlords, led by the insane Jester King Paimon, rule the inhabitants with ever-increasing firmness. The great City Clock stands still at one stroke before midnight, and the whispers on the street are that soon the Clock shall strike - to signify an event of world-shaking proportions that none could ever foresee.

In the Outside, the untamed lands far beyond the City, a cruel warlord known only as the Moderator kills or enslaves all those who wish a new society free of the Daemonlords. But one insignificant human is worrying only about his own skin. That is, until Fate decides to lend a hand.

When down-on-his-luck gambler Jeth Sundancer reluctantly teams up again with old partner Renzo K. Castello to perpetrate the 'biggest-ever bank job', the brainchild of the appealing but mysterious Claudia, he soon wishes he had stayed among the anonymous outcasts in Middengarth's City Warrens...

Why are Jeth and his friends being hunted down by the Daemonlords' elite enforcers?

What exactly does this 'biggest ever bank job' entail?

And what the hell does Claudia really have in those suitcases of hers...?

Join this crew of rag-tag outlaws on their surreal adventure of a lifetime!

Number 1 in a series of 4 cliffhanger episodes."

Here's the link for US Kindle shoppers -

Here's the link for UK Kindle shoppers -

message 12: by Al "Tank" (last edited May 07, 2011 12:00PM) (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments AGF: The Gathering
AGF: The Gathering

Young Mick Rhoda was a thief in the city of Thenar who stole and scammed for his next meal. But that all changes when he is saved from an angry rival by a big, strong man named Ollie. Mick gets the idea to make some money by using his new friend to hold fights. But what starts out as a get rich quick scheme soon turns into a grand and unusual adventure as they leave Thenar to travel a crumbling empire to meet and recruit more fighters of varying styles and skill, clash with a growing list of enemies, and become heroes in a land in great need of them. Mick will gain more friends and excitement than he ever thought he would get ... and more danger.

68,300 words (equivalent to 256 pages in mass market paperback form)

Rated "PG" .

message 13: by Carl (new)

Carl Frederick (frithrik) | 30 comments I'm the author of eight books (five novels and three anthologies) now up on Kindle/Nook. I'll just mention one:
Wizards of Science by Carl Frederick Wizards of Science
It's about an experiment gone wrong where modern England is swapped with eleventh century England.
There are indeed a lot of 'experiment gone wrong' books out there. But, since I'm a theoretical physicist as well as an Analog Magazine writer, I feel entitled to commit one as well.

message 14: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Carl wrote: "It's about an experiment gone wrong where modern England is swapped with eleventh century England."

Now THAT sounds like an interesting theme.

message 15: by Carl (new)

Carl Frederick (frithrik) | 30 comments Hi, Al,
It was a lot of fun to write--especially the Normans (unknowingly) invading modern England.

Incidentally, free review copies of my e-books (delivered by e-mail) are available (
I define 'reviewer' as anyone who promises to post a review somewhere.

message 16: by Shane (last edited May 22, 2011 08:41AM) (new)

Shane | 3 comments Hello! I have two eBooks available and I'm working on a third one I plan to give out for free.

The Terra Conscripts

When an advanced alien species abandons their myriad of convicted felons on future Earth, a volatile situation is pushed to the breaking point in The Terra Conscripts. A young man, adrift in the wake of Earth’s Second Revolutionary War, is suddenly bonded to a sophisticated living lance and his crass companion, a motorcycle piloted by a rogue artificial intelligence. With adrenaline pumping sport bike action, cavalier combat scenes, humor and political satire, this book is character driven at full throttle. The core values science fiction fans crave, like believable yet spectacular science, is combined with fresh character dynamics and locale. Set in the majestic Rocky Mountain region, the less explored setting of Denver gives readers a fresh playground for their imagination.

Earun Frontier: Blasted Band

Epic fantasy and wild west collide in Earun Frontier: Blasted Band, an action packed tale that combines cowboys, dragons, lycanthropes, and more. The story is set in a world that draws inspiration from the American Revolutionary War and western colonial expansion. It combines intense fight scenes, humor, and political satire into a character driven plot that has a few twists in it for the reader. This is a place where everything is still being explored… the map is more empty then full, steam-work technology is just hitting its stride, and even magic is still being unraveled. Readers will be sure to find both what they love most about fantasy and the wild west in this story, along with a host of fresh ideas that will keep the reader exploring alongside the sordid group of frontiersman characters.

Check out the first three free sample chapters at! Or, download it for your Kindle at

I've had feedback that my website does not display properly on Mac's. If anyone has any difficulty viewing my site, please let me know so I can better address the issue.

message 17: by Carl (new)

Carl Frederick (frithrik) | 30 comments My novel, The Trojan Carousel, was written for both middle-school kids and also theoretical physicists (such as myself). One might compare it to 'Harry Potter' with physics replacing magic. But it perhaps has more in common with 'Lord of the Flies'.

It utilizes e-readers to do something I couldn't do with print. At various points in the novel when a scene ends, the reader can click to continue the scene into discussions of physics, and then return to the main story. I hope, with this device, that by the end of the book, the reader will have enjoyed an engaging story and also acquired the knowledge to be able to hold an intelligent discussion about the mysteries of quantum mechanics.

The Nobel Prize winning physicist, Richard Feynman, said that he didn't know if there was really a problem with quantum mechanics but if there was, it was a big one. He also suggested that if children were taught quantum concepts early, they might not have any problems at all with the theory. The Trojan Carousel explores that idea.

The book is the story of two schools: The Feynman Elementary School of Advanced Physics, and the affiliated Amdexter School, a traditional, middle-grade, boys boarding school. It is also the story of Kip, a student at Feynman, Alex at Amdexter, and how their friendship first grows and then fractures under the clash of the 'two cultures'.

Relations between the two schools start well but gradually fall apart. And the carousel, intended as a symbol of friendship, becomes the focal point of a vicious nighttime war.

This novel is hard to characterize. It has a lot of science (much of which has been relegated to the 'back of the book' and can be safely ignored), but it isn't exactly science fiction. It's I hope the reader will find The Trojan Carousel both an engaging story and also an interesting exploration of the wonderful weirdness of quantum theory. The Trojan Carousel
The Trojan Carousel by Carl Frederick

message 18: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Blanktown by Bruce Davis
Set in a near-future Chicago, BLANKTOWN is part adventure, part mystery, part science, and all fun.

Tito, the main character, is a "Denver Dwarf"--victim of a birth defect caused by a biological terrorist attack while he was in the womb. It certainly didn't affect his mind or his spirit, though.

He meets up with Charlie Sleazer, a hot chestnut vendor who quotes Shakespeare and has a few interesting sidelines (like helping people out of jams). They are trying to unravel what happened to Tito's father, who disappeared years ago. The C.O.P.S - biomechanical enforcers of a nanny state that wants to protect the people from everything, including human nature - seem to be engaged in a massive cover-up. They're closing in on Tito and the only way out leads through Blanktown.

Blanktown is a fast-paced novel that's fun and easy to read, yet it makes the reader think about lots of things, not least of which is the value of being true to oneself and one's family.

Rated PG for intense scenes. Suitable for mid-grades and up.

80,000 words; equivalent to a 300 page mass market paperback

message 19: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Warren (samantha-warren) Blood of the Dragon by Samantha Warren
Conquered and enslaved, the dragons of Layr live in fear. Their allies are banished, declared outlaws and forced out of human society. Lana, daughter of dragon keepers, is discontented with her mundane existence at the hatchery and the sometimes violent treatment of the dragons in her care. The birth of a rare dragon, descendant of the long-defeated dragon king, will force her to step outside herself and become the hatchling's protector. With the help of her best friend Bolgor, Bellithana the Gypsy, and a Hidden named Prigol, the group seeks to bring an end to the tyranny that has reigned for more than three centuries. Can Lana and her friends bring freedom to the oppressed land? Or will the wicked Princess Slyvania destroy not only Lana's hard won maturity, but the lives of both her and her new friends as well?

Also available:
The Jane novella series
Vampire Assassin Book 1
New Blood Book 2
Blood & Tears Book 3

message 20: by Scott (last edited Jun 07, 2011 12:20AM) (new)

Scott Gray (sfgray) Hello all. My name is Scott Fitzgerald Gray, and I'm pleased to announce that my new high-fantasy novel is live on the Kindle store and Smashwords. By way of always-awkward introduction, I'm a freelance writer, screenwriter, editor, feature-film story editor, and designer and editor of roleplaying games (primarily for Wizards of the Coast).

The first book being published under my new fiction imprint is Clearwater Dawn (

An apprentice guard in the royal household of Brandishear, Chriani is a capable young warrior held back from attaining his full potential by a lifetime of dark anger. Lauresa is a princess about to be set aside as heir and married off for the sake of treaty — and the only woman Chriani has ever loved. When his mentor is murdered preventing an assassination attempt within the palace, Chriani is forced to become Lauresa’s protector — the two reconciling a forbidden passion even as they find themselves caught up in a maelstrom of political intrigue, ancient racial hatred, a society living in mortal fear of sorcery, and a decades-old plot to plunge five nations into genocidal war.

The book is selling for $2.99, but I'm also making a limited number of review copies available for free. Please have a look at the sample available through Amazon or Smashwords, and if you're interested in reviewing, email (or post your email address here) and I'll get back to you.

Please understand that there's no parenthetically clandestine "positive review" being sought in this offer. This isn't an attempt to scam fake accolades; simply to get the book into the hands of people who might be interested in sharing their thoughts on it. I'm very happy with how Clearwater Dawn has turned out, and I hope others will be, too. However, I'm a firm believer that if a thoughtful and reasoned review says "I wasn't crazy about the book because it did X, Y, and Z", it's still useful information for a prospective reader who does likes books that do X, Y, and Z.

Thanks for your time.

message 21: by Benjamin (new)

Benjamin Andrews (BenjaminA) | 1 comments Rift of Askrah Book 1 Fracture by Benjamin Andrews

Rift of Askrah is the story of Nihlen Draven, heir to the throne of the nation of Draven. After being kidnapped though, everything changes. His homeland is subjugated by the neighboring nation of Rinh, and after escaping his captors, Nihlen must begin a life on the run. The world he thought he understood is now alien to him, as he must cope with the danger that haunts him around every turn. His only chance is to find a way to reclaim his stolen kingdom, understand new found abilities, and save himself and the rest of the world from an even greater danger.

Rift of Askrah Book 1: Fracture is the first installment in the Rift of Askrah series. Join an unforgettable cast of characters as they forge a path that leads them all across their world. The weight of destiny follows Nihlen and all the comrades he finds throughout his journey, and he will need all the help he can possibly get to survive the ordeal to come. As the forgotten past of a nation known as Askrah begins to resurface, the world will find its current age moving toward one of danger and strife. This past threatens to swallow up the entire world, and the only one with a chance of stopping it is the young Prince Nihlen. Join them as they begin to discover and understand the past. If they can't find the answers they seek, and find the strength to challenge them, the world they all know will cease to be, and there will be no chance for survival.

You can check it out for the Kindle on Amazon, and other e-reader formats on Smashwords.

message 22: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Future Man by A. K. Usher Someone’s messing with destiny.

David Larson is a writer whose stories come true. Is he the power behind this or is some power guiding his hand? Is this the Apocalypse?

Violet and Elijah were an unlikely pair, meeting under unlikely circumstance, but they were swept along with the unlikeliest occurrences. The old man seemed to control their destinies, but did they have to follow along? Can they stop the destruction and chaos that seems to be imminent?Who is this new being that has suddenly appeared out of an experiment in a hidden laboratory?
Who are the good guys and who is the enemy? Violet and Elijah have to find out before the end of the world overtakes them.

102,700 words (385 page paperback equivalent)

Rated "PG-13" .

message 23: by Jason (new)

Jason LaPier Hi, everyone - I'm just dropping a note about my book, which is available as an ebook for free.

Unexpected Rain by Jason LaPier Jack Jackson – just “Jax” to his friends, if he had any – finds his life turned upside-down when a small, domed neighborhood on the fourth planet orbiting Barnard’s Star loses life support on his watch. Just a lowly operator, Jax is accused of mass homicide, arrested, and faced with a mound of impossible evidence against him. His only ally is Stanford Runstom, an officer of Modern Policing and Peacekeeping. Runstom is a detective at heart, passed over for promotion time and time again, just waiting for a chance to blow open a meaningful case and make something of his career and his life, even if it means risking everything.

Together, the two will try to exonerate Jax by finding the real killer, still at large and protected by layer upon layer of obscurity. They’ll face off against space gangs, greedy politicians, and corrupt cops along the road that takes them off the planet Jax has never left before in his life and into the depths of space.

Get the free ebook here.

message 24: by Nathan (new)

Nathan Yocum (nathanyocum) | 2 comments Greetings,

I wrote a sci-fi post apocalyptic western. Each and everyone of you should grab a sample and prepare to slap down $2.99 of your hard earned credit, because my prose leads to purchase.

Thanks for your time.

Nathan L. Yocum

message 25: by U.L. (new)

U.L. Harper (ulharper) U.L. Harper here. Pleased to meet you all. My novel In Blackness is out in paper back and wherever you can get an ebook. It's the story of how three teens discovered that people are no longer high on the food chain and they're in fact food.In Blackness It's $2.99 at and also $2.99 on the Nook

message 26: by Carl (last edited Aug 23, 2011 10:40AM) (new)

Carl Ray | 1 comments What if MacGyver were a fish? - Giveaway on 2 Light, Fun Reads


My name is Carl Ray and I am making two titles available to you for free until August 30th.

(I've got them in PDF format. I hope that's alright!)

Fish Tank is a cartoon series that follows the exploits of three aquarium fish, one of whom is a MacGyver-like super-genius. The stories feature typical fish stories involving lasers and thermite bombs. It was originally a web comic I wrote from 2006 to 2008. Now I'm putting my favorite stories out as eBooks. They are very quick reads. In fact, you should be able to get through both of them in under 20 minutes, and hopefully have a few laughs along the way.

The Dawning of the Age of Aquariums is the first volume and contains two of the first cartoons I wrote, back before I used color. The first story is about Ted (the genius goldfish) constructing a TV remote for everyone to use when the people are away, but the infrared laser it uses turns out to be set way to high. In the second story, they set out to save migrating salmon in Alaska from being eaten by bears, end up in the Amazon by mistake and need to de-orbit a satellite in order to save themselves.

Here's a snippet:

The Cover:

Here is the link to download the PDF (or click on the cover image):

Any reviews would be greatly appreciated and can be posted here:

* * *

Something Whiskered This Way Comes is the second volume and the first story where I used color. As the name suggests, a cat has come to live at the house and is bent on destroying the fish. It's a fight to the finish and mayhem ensues. There's even an homage to Alien.

In this snippet, our heroes have made their way to the cat tree across the living room and things could be going better.:

The Cover:

Here is the link to download the PDF (or click on the cover image):

Reviews can be posted here:

Thanks so much for giving them a try! I hope you enjoy both books and look forward to your feedback.


P.S. - I've also got a free sample story on my website, which you can find at:

message 27: by Julian (new)

Julian White | 1 comments Hi, I'm a freelance writer who reviews films for various magazines and sites. I've just published a novel, The Diviners, on eBook. It's horror with a strong fantasy element, in the Clive Barker vein -- I hope! There are monsters, a complex cosmology, some historical flashbacks and a resurrected cat. Please check out the free samples, I'd love some feedback.


Julian White

The Diviners

message 28: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Carl wrote: "What if MacGyver were a fish? - Giveaway on 2 Light, Fun Reads


My name is Carl Ray and I am making two titles available to you for free until August 30th.

(I've got them in PDF form..."

Is this REALLY SF/F? Looks more like a kid's cartoon like Tom and Jerry (which is definitely NOT SF/F).

message 29: by Carl (last edited Sep 03, 2011 11:36AM) (new)

Carl Frederick (frithrik) | 30 comments I've published about 35 stories in Analog Magazine and have over 60 pro-publications in all. Some of my stories have been very geeky--even too geeky for Analog (or for anyone else). But now, thanks to e-publishing (via Kindle and Nook), I can now express my inner geek.

And so I proudly announce:

SF++ Science Fiction Stories for Linux geeks.

The anthology has 'Linux' in its title, and the Linux operating system is free. So, I thought I'd make the book free as well. And anyway, most of the stories have already paid for themselves--seven of them have appeared in Analog Magazine.

But, experimentally, I've found that e-book buyers tend to equate price with worth. And since I believe SF++ has sufficient worth I've priced the book on Kindle at $4.00.

To keep with the Linux philosophy though, I'm providing the book for free through my website.

If after you read the anthology you find you've enjoyed most of the stories, you might consider (hint, hint) e-hoofing it to Amazon or B&N and buying another of my anthologies, or novels, or 99 cent E-Robot story sets (

The first plus in the SF++ title indicates that, in addition to stories, there's a science fact article ('Challenge of the Anthropic Universe'). The second plus indicates an experiment--a story ('Roblocks') that can't be done in dead-treeware. It requires an html capable reader.

I intended that this be an anthology for geeks--smart, independent, computer and science savy geeks with a sense of humor. And, for me, that pointed to Linux. Linux geeks are smart (I mean they use Linux, after all). They're independent enough not to use that other operating system. And finally, there's a tradition of humor and word play in the Linux community.
If words were kilo-miles, this 93 thousand word anthology would stretch from the Earth to the Sun.

We are Linux!
Resistance is...measured in ohms.

message 30: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Carl wrote: "I've published about 35 stories in Analog Magazine and have over 60 pro-publications in all. Some of my stories have been very geeky--even too geeky for Analog (or for anyone else). But now, thanks..."

You may have a problem, Carl. Amazon gets snotty if a book is offered at a lower price somewhere else. They'll match the lower price, without your permission, if someone "outs" you (it's in the contract).

You might want to address this problem before Amazon gets wind of the situation.

message 31: by Carl (new)

Carl Frederick (frithrik) | 30 comments That might be fine (I hope). I'm not sure giving something away on one's website equates to selling it at a lower price (and I'm in no hurry to find out).

I'd initially wanted to 'sell' the book on Kindle for $0.00 but Amazon wouldn't let me.

So I switched my 'marketing' strategy from 'Free' to 'it is worth $4 and I'd love it if you bought it for that, but you can get it for free'.

I'm more interested in readership than revenue with this book.

(Al: Nice to hear from you again. I've found your advice on this board most helpful.)

message 32: by Timothy (new)

Timothy Woods (woodsbookshelf) | 2 comments My wife and I have both released new books.

Bloodlines of Power: The Book of Elements by Cynthia Woods

What started out to be their ten year anniversary celebration turned out to be the night he gave up his life to protect her during a violent storm. The world felt empty to CAeli as she prepared herself for Vin's memorial.
Vin, however, was a perspective that only those who had crossed the barrier between life and death could understand. While he made powerful allies in the archangels Michael and Raphael, Vin also learned of his special bloodline and inherent talent to manipulate elemental wind. As if the vastness of this other side was not enough, Vin learned that his death had not been an accident. The world on the other side of the barrier was at risk of being destroyed by an abuse of the power in the Book of Elements, and CAeli's life was still in danger.
What will Vin do? Will he help the angels in their fight to save the barrier or will he focus on trying to save CAeli? Would he be able to accomplish either? Vin's choices could very well decide the fate of the world.

The Nine Keys of Magic: Volume One of the Chronicles of the Myrkron by Timothy Woods

Michael’s life was forever changed by the brutal murder of his wife. As the reality of her death registers, Michael feels a strange force at work inside of him. Seeing nine ominous doors in his mind, six of them burst open, he hears unfamiliar words whispered. Repeating those words, Michael finds himself, unwittingly avenging his wife by incinerating the killer.
Little did Michael know that the opening of those doors would also be the opening to a new world for him, one of magic and legend. Michael must journey to this other world to help defend the magic that is his birthright.
The magi of Kantwell, along with the human and dwarven races, a handful of elven guard, and the elite Avari warriors, now stand against the combined might of the trolls, ogres, and weres, under the ruthless leadership of the powerful wizard Mortow and the magi who follow him.
Will Michael’s unique magic be enough to save Kantwell and keep the races from falling into slavery or will Mortow be able to manipulate him to assure victory over all of Thelona?

Links to all available formats can be found on our website.

message 33: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Carl wrote: "
I'd initially wanted to 'sell' the book on Kindle for $0.00 but Amazon wouldn't let me...."

Amazon has free eBooks. I just don't know how to do that.

message 34: by Carl (new)

Carl Frederick (frithrik) | 30 comments >Amazon has free eBooks. I just don't know how to do that.

Only from a publisher that Amazon has a 'relationship' with. An 'indie' author can't make a book free.

message 35: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Carl wrote: ">Amazon has free eBooks. I just don't know how to do that.

Only from a publisher that Amazon has a 'relationship' with. An 'indie' author can't make a book free."

Large balloon, small "oh". We don't do that, so I was unaware. Maybe in the future?

message 36: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Starport by John Bowers Now available for AKW BOOK CLUB MEMBERS ONLY.

Starport an eBook by John Bowers.
Or find it in the “Members Only” category after you log in.

Don't forget to "view" your cart before checking out.
That's where you enter your coupon code.

If you would like to become a Book Club member, it’s FREE.
-No purchases required
-No books sent to you without you ordering
-You only buy what you want BUT at a DISCOUNT
-Purchase new books before anyone else can
-Get additional coupon savings on new books and other promotions

-You only have to agree to receive our monthly email newsletter (well, sometimes less than once a month, but we won’t send you more than 12 a year – promise).

For complete details and to sign up, so you can get our October newsletter when it comes out, go to:

message 37: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments The free downloadable Sneak Peek for Bruce Davis' new book, "Glowgems for Profit", the first in a new series, is now available at

message 38: by Cassie (new)

Cassie Caine | 2 comments Hi, can I please plug Kit Lang's Demon In Vegas. It combines an updated sword and sorcery fantasy set in Vegas with erotic BDSM relationships and it's fast and furious. The heroine is a cute stripper who's also an ancient being who devours souls!!

Demon In Vegas by Kit Lang

message 39: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Starport by John Bowers The waiting is over!

Starport, a science fiction novel by John Bowers, is now available for everyone to purchase!

Book Club members: your discount coupon (in addition to your regular club discount) for this item is still good.

message 41: by M.M. (new)

M.M. Mancey | 3 comments My new fantasy book The Cripple and the Staff is out.

No one knew they were there, and he had to face them; then learned that he was one of them.

A cursed cripple, a seeress with a secret, the infamous old man of the wood and feared immortals., have a peek.

Also if you like it, it could do with more reviews.

message 42: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Sean wrote: "


Cool cover!

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

Thank you!

message 44: by Elie (new)

Elie Harriett Hey! This looks interesting! Is this going to be available through the Kindle store soon? Or iBooks? I'd like to read this.

I see I can buy it from the publisher, but I'm one of the few who syncs their books between multiple devices because of my time away from home, so downloading and installing isn't for me.


Al wrote: "Starport by John BowersThe waiting is over!

Starport, a science fiction novel by John Bowers, is now available for everyone to purchase!

Book Club members: your discount co..."

message 45: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Glowgems for Profit by Bruce Davis Glowgems for Profitis now available for AKW Book Club members only at:

You have to log in first to see the book, since it’s restricted to Club Member only.

The first in a new science fiction series by award winning author, Bruce Davis.

Zack Mbele, captain of the independent freighter Profit, needs cash fast. There’s a loan payment due on the ship, not to mention a bogus Customs duty imposed by a crooked official. They’ll seize his ship if he doesn’t pay up and he has few prospects. So when an old friend calls with a lead on a job, Zack isn’t too picky about obeying the letter of the law. All he has to do is smuggle someone out of Highpoint, a huge space station orbiting between the Earth and the Moon.

But it's not all that easy as a beautiful assassin and the Red Dragons gang complicate things.

Suddenly Zack is involved in a maze of double-cross and murder as he races the Dragons and a shadowy paramilitary army for the greatest prize of all.
To Get Your Discount:

Check your last club newsletter for your coupon for an additional 20% off the price (in addition to your normal club discount). Don't forget to "VIEW" your shopping cart before you check out -- that's where you enter your coupon code.

The coupon is good until 10/29/2011.

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message 46: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Elie wrote: "Hey! This looks interesting! Is this going to be available through the Kindle store soon? Or iBooks? I'd like to read this.

I see I can buy it from the publisher, but I'm one of the few who syncs ..."

Yes, it's on Amazon.

message 47: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 231 comments Glowgems for Profit by Bruce Davis Glowgems for Profit is now available to everyone.

AKW Book Club Members:

Check your last club newsletter for your coupon for 20% off the price (in addition to your normal club discount). Don't forget to "VIEW" your shopping cart before you check out -- that's where you enter your coupon code.

The coupon is good until 10/29/2011.

Thank you for joining our free Book Club!

Non-members can join this club for free, will enjoy immediate club savings on all purchases, and will receive the next newsletter with special discount coupons when it comes out this month. As always, no purchase required, nothing to refuse, just one emailing per month on average (12 / year).

message 48: by Tracy (last edited Oct 07, 2011 03:58PM) (new)

Tracy Rozzlynn (TracyRozzlynn) | 6 comments Verita (Verita Trilogy) by Tracy Rozzlynn - Science Fiction
If your world suddenly crumbled, leaving you with nothing but heartache, would you risk your life for a chance at a new beginning on a new world?

Fast-Tracked (Fast-Tracked Trilogy) by Tracy Rozzlynn - Dystopian
Study hard, do well on your assessment, and you’ll be rewarded.

The phrase had been repeated throughout Alexandria's life. A person’s ranking on the assessment test determined everything. Their job, where they live, and even who they could marry. At least that’s what Alexandria though before she received the results.

message 49: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 12, 2011 04:47PM) (new)

Hi all,

One of my stories appears in the new speculative fiction anthology Corpus Pretereo, which is available as of today in ebook format on Amazon and

In case you're wondering, the title means "escape the body" in Latin. Here's a blurb from the Amazon site:

A child searches for his mother in a wondrous carnival, but he may already be an attraction himself. A woman from the sea waits for either love or the return of her fins. A werecat is confronted with its (super)natural predator. From dark fantasy to sweet surrealism, biting humor to straight out horror, these 16 tales showcase the best of fantastic fiction, in every sense of the word.

Corpus Pretereo


Lori Corpus Pretereo by Alexandra J. Ash

message 50: by Richard (new)

Richard Due (richarddue) [image error]

Gibbering Gnome Press Presents a Tale of Epic Fantasy

For Lily and Jasper Winter, the Moon Realm began with a single secret bedtime tale. As the children grew older, Uncle Ebb enthralled them with thrilling tales of the Dragondain riding horse-sized, catlike Rinn; mysterious tales of peerin-wielding lunamancers manipulating the magic that lies just beneath the surface of reality; exciting tales of flying dragons, swimming merfolk, stomping giants, and troublesome faeries. But as the magic of their childhood faded, so too did the tales. Eventually, they were just . . . good stories.

Or were they?

Now, nine years after it all began, Uncle Ebb is missing.

Lily and Jasper search for clues, but their uncle's mansion is full of distractions. A Tesla generator thrums in the basement. Prismatic electrimals flit around walls resembling underwater reefs. Then a most unexpected friend comes to their aid, leading them to a hidden room where they find a mysterious coin—the moon coin. Before the night is out, Lily is transported to the real Moon Realm. But the moons are in trouble. The Rinn of Barreth are under siege, and the lunamancers of Dain are beset by the very dragons they once loved. Most horrifying of all, the moon Darwyth has fallen to a villain named Wrengfoul, whose creeping evil now threatens to overshadow all the Realm.

Are Lily and Jasper too late to save the Moon Realm, or will they have enough time to write an ending of their own?

Featuring twenty-two stunning full-color illustrations by Carolyn Arcabascio. Volume One of the young adult fantasy adventure series The Moon Realm.

$2.99 at Barnes & Noble., Amazon, and the iBookstore.

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