
Bill Courtney

Goodreads Author



Member Since
February 2014


William B Courtney (Bill), a native Memphian, founded Classic American Hardwoods, Inc. in 2001. Today, it employs 120 people with a 45 acre manufacturing facility and domestic sales offices in Memphis, TN and international sales offices in Shanghai, China and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In 2007, Classic American Hardwoods, Inc. won the Memphis Business Journal's Small Business of the Year Award based on its growth and commitment to community service.

In 2003, Bill began volunteering at Memphis' inner city Manassas High School in an effort to turn its underperforming football team around. In 2003, the team had 19 players with a dismal 4-95, 10-year record. In the 2008 & 2009 seasons, the team's record improved to 18-2, with 75 players. The st

My Thoughts on the 2014 NFL Draft

I think Jadeveon Clowney will get first pick to the Texans – he is simply the NFL prototype and the Texans need that. Khalil Mack is a great player, but the need for the Texans at DE just makes him a more sensible pick for them – Who knows for sure where Mack goes, but Oakland needs help at LB, so maybe there. It’ll be interesting to see Oakland’s picks in a post-Al Davis Raiders franchise.

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Quotes by Bill Courtney  (?)
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“A leader or mentor gives credit to others when things go right, and accepts the blame when things go wrong.”
Bill Courtney, Against the Grain: A Coach's Wisdom on Character, Faith, Family, and Love

“Each one of us has a comfort zone. The problem comes when we are unwilling to leave it.”
Bill Courtney, Against the Grain: A Coach's Wisdom on Character, Faith, Family, and Love

“Coaching doesn’t start with X’s and O’s. It starts with believing that players win games and coaches win players.”
Bill Courtney, Against the Grain: A Coach's Wisdom on Character, Faith, Family, and Love

“Coaching doesn’t start with X’s and O’s. It starts with believing that players win games and coaches win players.”
Bill Courtney, Against the Grain: A Coach's Wisdom on Character, Faith, Family, and Love

“Don’t believe in the fate society chose for you. Instead, carve out a new fate for yourself.”
Bill Courtney, Against the Grain: A Coach's Wisdom on Character, Faith, Family, and Love

“Recognize the remarkable individuals in your life who help you envision a world far beyond yourself.”
Bill Courtney, Against the Grain: A Coach's Wisdom on Character, Faith, Family, and Love

“You can’t be a successful leader or mentor until you have served. You can’t serve until you have stepped out of your comfort zone. And you can’t step out of your comfort zone unless you have character and keep your word.”
Bill Courtney, Against the Grain: A Coach's Wisdom on Character, Faith, Family, and Love

“The true measure of a person’s character is how one handles one’s failures, not successes.”
Bill Courtney, Against the Grain: A Coach's Wisdom on Character, Faith, Family, and Love

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