The Tale of the Unknown Island Quotes

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The Tale of the Unknown Island The Tale of the Unknown Island by José Saramago
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The Tale of the Unknown Island Quotes Showing 1-30 of 35
“Liking is probably the best form of ownership, and ownership the worst form of liking.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“ have to leave the island in order to see the island, that we can't see ourselves unless we become free of ourselves, Unless we escape from ourselves you mean, No, that's not the same thing.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“...sleep is a skilled magician, it changes the proportions of things, the distances between them, it separates people and they're lying next to each other, brings them together and they can barely see one another...”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
tags: sleep
“Don't you know, If you don't step outside yourself, you'll never discover who you are”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“...this is the way fate usually treats us, it's right there behind us, it has already reached out a hand to touch us on the shoulder while we're still muttering to ourselves, It's all over, that's it, who cares anyhow.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“quero encontrar a ilha desconhecida, quero saber quem sou quando nela estiver, Não o sabes, Se não sais de ti, não chegas a saber quem és.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Se não sais de ti, não chegas a saber quem és.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“é deste modo que o destino costuma comportar-se connosco, já está mesmo atrás de nós, já estendeu a mão para tocar-nos o ombro, e nós ainda vamos a murmurar, Acabou-se, não há mais nada que ver, é tudo igual.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“He imagined that he was looking for her and couldn't find her anywhere, that the two of them were lost on a vast ship, sleep is a skilled magician, it changes the proportions of things, the distances between them, it separates people and they're lying next to each other, brings them together and they can barely see one another, the woman is sleeping only a few yards away from him and he cannot reach her, yet it's so very easy to go from port to starboard.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Si no sales de ti, no llegas a saber quién eres.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“As velas são os músculos do barco, basta ver como incham quando se esforçam, mas, e isso mesmo sucede aos músculos, se não se lhes dá uso regularmente, abrandam, amolecem, perdem nervo.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Y esa isla desconocida, si la encuentras sera para mi, a ti rey, solo te interesan las islas conocidas.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Sou o rei deste reino, e os barcos do reino pertencem-me todos, Mais lhes pertencerás tu a eles do que eles a ti, Que queres dizer, perguntou o rei, inquieto, Que tu, sem eles, és nada, e que eles, sem ti, poderão sempre navegar.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Que es necesario salir de la isla para ver la isla, que no nos vemos si no nos salimos de nosotros.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“If you don't step outside yourself, you will never discover who you are.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“tambien de este modo como el destino acostumbra a comportarse con nosotros, ya esta pisandonos los talones, ya extendio la mano para tocarnos en el hombro, y nosotros todavia vamos murmurando, Se acabo, no hay nada mas que ver, todo es igual”
José Saramago, El cuento de la isla desconocida
“A man went to knock on the king's door and said, Give me a boat”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“We cannot see ourselves unless we become free of ourselves”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Dijiste que era tuyo, Disculpa, fue sólo porque me gustó, Gustar es probablemente la mejor manera de tener, tener debe de ser la peor manera de gustar.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Sou o rei deste reino, e os barcos do reino pertencem-me todos,"
"Mais lhes pertencerá tu a eles do que eles a ti,"
"Que queres dizer, perguntou o rei, inquieto,
"Que tu, sem eles, és nada, e que eles, sem ti, poderão sempre navegar”
“é deste modo que o destino costuma comportar-se conosco, já está mesmo atrás de nós, já estendeu a mão para tocar-nos o ombro, e nós ainda vamos a murmurar, Acabou-se, não há mais que ver, é tudo igual.”
José Saramago, O conto da ilha desconhecida
“Essa linguagem é de marinheiro, mas tu não és marinheiro,"
"Se tenho a linguagem, é como se o fosse.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Gostar é provavelmente a melhor maneira de ter, ter deve ser a pior maneira de gostar.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“mas quero encontrar a ilha desconhecida, quero saber quem sou quando nela estiver,"
"Não o sabes,"
"Se não sais de ti, não chegas a saber quem és”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Rüya hünerli bir sihirbazdır, varlıkların boyutlarını ve birbirlerine olan uzaklıklarını değiştirir, yan yana uyuyan kişileri ayırır, birbirine uzaktaki kişileri kavuşturur,”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“It's there right behind us, it has already reached out a hand to touch us on the shoulder while we are still muttering to ourselves, this is the way fate usually treats.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
tags: fate
“this is the way fate usually treats us, it’s there right behind us, it has already reached out a hand to touch us on the shoulder while we’re still muttering to ourselves, It’s all over, that’s it, who cares anyhow.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“rüya hünerli bir sihirbazdır.”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Rüya hünerli bir sihirbazdır, varlıkların boyutlarını ve birbirlerine olan uzaklıklarını değiştirir, yan yana uyuyan kişileri ayırır, birbirine uzaktaki kişileri kavuşturur”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island
“Gustar es probablemente la mejor manera de tener, tener debe ser la peor manera de gustar”
José Saramago, The Tale of the Unknown Island

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