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Yasushi Inoue Yasushi Inoue > Quotes


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“I want to live so that everything around me remains clean. I want to think about other people more. Pushing people out of the way and trying to climb over their heads are no good. Chasing nothing but money – that's no good eiher, like knocking your brains out trying to be a little more famous, a little more powerful. To hear the birds song and to say "Ah, they're singing!" To see the flowers and to say "Ah they're blooming!" That,s the way to live.”
Yasushi Inoue
“I longed to devote my life to something valuable with a fervor that would consume my being. Young people today probably think the same way. But in our time we were not left to ourselves as they are. All of us believed in some kind of god. We believed in a scholar or in scholarship itself; we believed that right actually exists. All that kind of thing has been swept away, and philosophy, religion and morality must be created anew, from the ground up.”
Yasushi Inoue
“Man is a foolish creature who wants above all to have someone else know about him.”
Yasushi Inoue
“His practice was to listen noncommittally with half his mind, while he allowed the other half to lose itself in utterly unrelated , often deeply lonely musings. From the speaker's perspective it was like sticking a lance into something again and again with no result...”
Yasushi Inoue
“Natürlich ist es töricht, um jeden Preis von anderen verstanden werden zu wollen. Mir war das früher auch gleichgültig, aber als ich sah, daß Sie an einem Menschen wie mir doch irgendwie interessiert sind, war ich auf der Stelle entschlossen, Ihnen alles zu zeigen.”
Yasushi Inoue, The Hunting Gun
“Weißt Du, daß es außer den über dreißig Farben in einem Farbtub-Kasten noch eine weitere, für Menschenaugen sehr wohl sichtbare Farbe gibt — die der Traurigkeit?”
Yasushi Inoue, The Hunting Gun
“Si tu n'arrives pas à le dire avec des mots,n'en parle pas: ce n'est pas grave...”
Yasushi Inoue, Le Maître de thé
“Mensen zijn dwaze wezens, die graag willen dat anderen weten wie zij werkelijk zijn.”
Yasushi Inoue, The Hunting Gun
“Einen wachen Geist haben, sich nicht betäuben!”
Yasushi Inoue
“I, Yamamoto Kansuke, will leave right now as a messenger and do my best to secure Suwa in our hands without losing a single warrior.”
Yasushi Inoue, The Samurai Banner of Furin Kazan
“L’amour est une obsession. Il est parfaitement normal d’être obsédé par le besoin d’une tasse de thé. Alors, pourquoi n’aurais-je pas le droit d’être obsédé par toi ?”
Yasushi Inoue, Le Fusil de chasse et autres récits

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The Hunting Gun The Hunting Gun
5,039 ratings
Le Maître de thé Le Maître de thé
552 ratings
Furin Kazan Furin Kazan
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Le Loup Bleu Le Loup Bleu
176 ratings