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The Life Of St. Anthony

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The Life of St. Anthony is a biography written by Athanasius, a bishop of Alexandria, about the life and teachings of St. Anthony, a Christian monk who lived in the Egyptian desert in the 3rd and 4th centuries. The book describes Anthony's journey from a wealthy young man to an ascetic monk who lived a life of extreme self-denial and devotion to God. Athanasius portrays Anthony as a model of Christian virtue, emphasizing his humility, self-control, and love for God and his fellow human beings. The book also includes anecdotes about Anthony's encounters with demons, his miraculous healings, and his influence on other monks and Christians. Overall, The Life of St. Anthony is a classic work of Christian literature that continues to inspire and influence readers today.THIS 80 PAGE ARTICLE WAS EXTRACTED FROM THE Paradise of the Holy Fathers Part 1, by Athanasius . To purchase the entire book, please order ISBN 0766129071.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

80 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 357

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Athanasius of Alexandria

309 books284 followers
born perhaps 293

Greek patriarch Saint Athanasius, known as "the Great," of Alexandria led defenders of Christian orthodoxy against Arianism.

An Athanasian follows him, especially in opposition to Arianism.

Christians attributed Athanasian Creed, which dates probably from the fifth century, but people now consider its unknown origin.

People also refer to Athanasius (Arabic: البابا أثناسيوس الرسولي, as the Confessor and the Apostolic, primarily in the Coptic Church; he served as the twentieth bishop. From 8 June 328, his episcopate lasted, but four different Roman emperors ordered him to spend five exiles for 17 years. People consider this renowned theologian, a Father of the Church, the chief of Trinitarianism, and a noted Egyptian of the fourth century.

People remember his role in the conflict. In 325, Athanasius at the age of 27 years played a role in the first council of Nicaea. At the time, he served as a deacon and personal secretary of Alexander, the nineteenth bishop. Constantine I convoked Nicaea in May–August 325 to address the position of Jesus of Nazareth of a distinct substance from the Father.

Three years after Nicæa and upon the repose of Alexander, bishop, he served in June 328 at the age of 30 years as archbishop. He continued to the conflict for the rest of his life, and theological and political struggles engaged him against Constantine and Constantius II, the emperors, and against Eusebius of Nicomedia and other powerful and influential churchmen. He stood as "Athanasius contra Mundum," against the world. Within a few years of his departure, Saint Gregory of Nazianzus called him the "pillar of the Church." All fathers of the Church followed and well regarded his writings in the west and the east. His writings show a rich devotion to the Word, the Son of Man, great pastoral concern, and profound interest in monasticism.

The Roman Catholic Church counts Athanasius and three other doctors, and east labels him the "father." Many Protestants also celebrate him and label him "father of the canon." People venerate Athanasius on feast day, 2 May in west, 15 May in Coptic, and 18 January in the other eastern churches. The Roman Catholic Church, Orient, east, Lutherans, and Anglican communion venerate him.

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Profile Image for Fergus, Quondam Happy Face.
1,241 reviews17.8k followers
October 29, 2024
It could be called the Temptation of St. Antony, but Athanasius' life of the fabled hermit - written shortly after Antony's death in 365 AD, 10 years before the Goths sacked Rome - was the inspiration for the very first monasteries and convents.

And no, he wasn't Saint AntHony - the one who finds your lost car keys! THAT one lived much later...

Using fanciful images to describe what we now would describe as Antony's intense inner conflicts, Athanasius tells how the saint fled the comforts of decadent Rome to live alone in the desert - in an abandoned fortress near the Red Sea.

There he sought to attain one thing: the pure empty sky of egolessness.

And of course the devils tormented him - mercilessly - but not endlessly...

Antony found the great inner peace he was seeking, finally, in his later years.

Long before this final realization of limitless grace, some old friends discovered Antony's hideout and tried to persuade him to come back home.

When they first neared the door, they heard a crowd of hideous voices shrieking and cursing from within. Shades of The Exorcist!

They loudly knocked on the door in alarm.

"He came to the door and quietly advised his friends to leave, and not to fear. 'This is the way,' the tired saint said, 'that devils create nonexistent apparitions...

‘They turn themselves loose on people who will be afraid of them. So seal yourselves in faith and depart in confidence. Leave them here with me to mock themselves!'"

The saint stayed alone for twenty more years, then opened his doors to the world, a changed man.

We all have our inner devils.

But sometimes the peace that scatters them is so easily won compared to the outright torment of the earlier ordeal!

As I’ve said elsewhere, I’ve been no saint - but I remember very clearly one recent moment of pure grace. My own inner devils finally shut up on that sunny late-August morning - for enough time to let me count my blessings, and smile.

I was taking the bus with my wife over to our parish - for an anniversary Mass for my late father-in-Law. As the weakening sun shone through the windows, my old friend Marcel got on the bus.

Now, Marcel has always lived his life in a series of boxes. He feels secure that way!

As we chatted, I suddenly saw my own life beside his - free, inquisitive and happy as it is. And married as I am to a wonderful woman!

Marcel also has a wonderful soulmate. But for some reason retirement is still the same old box he remembers from our Dilbertian Cube Farm!

How lucky I am, I marvelled... for though I burnt my soul out in that workplace, faith and hope had revived it - in the freedom of retirement, and not in another perpetual box -

But Marcel, if you perchance should read this some day, know that your integrity is STILL the most valid - and valuable for me - reason for our abiding friendship. You are truly yourself - simplex munditiis!

But Antony found out that our freedom always has its limits - for our devils give us little rest in our lives, with their ceaseless chatter.

Remember the old fable of the Princess and the Pea?

The sleepless noblewoman had mattresses piled high to the ceiling of her palace bedchamber, all because of a single uncooked pea beneath the first one.

Sometimes our proud attitudes obviate our ability to return to ourselves.

We are really not at all complicated!

But our hopes, dreams, expectations and attitude can end up blocking our escape hatch to the peace and quiet of a simple, ordinary life.

St Antony’s story is wonderful. Even if you find the story fantastical, the message is plain.

If you can’t stand the Heat, then put out that fire!

Five big stars for a GREAT book.
Profile Image for Chris brown.
120 reviews39 followers
March 18, 2016
I love this book on so many levels. Talk about rebel monk. Proves that you dont have to like people to become a saint. In his case It just made them want him more. My favorite is when he is talking to the demons and says




gotta love that. undeniable, unquestionable faith. Im not a Catholic and I do not even subscribe to denominations period but a man of such faith should be known through out all corners of Christianit
Profile Image for Michael O'Brien.
350 reviews115 followers
December 13, 2016
Despite being written over a millenium ago, I found this ancient biography of one of Christianity's early great saints to be surprisingly readable. In contrast with the rather dry descriptions of St. Anthony's life elsewhere, I found this to be the story of one man's lifelong spiritual journey to bring every part of his nature into complete subjection to his Creator ---- from appetites, hunger, thirst, companionship, pleasure, and desire. In the first part of his life, clearly, this pushed Anthony to the very brink, but, as the story continues, Anthony emerges empowered ---- a man with greater spiritual knowledge, purpose, and power than likely anyone else living at the time. In doing, in "Life of St. Anthony", --- if one would pardon the comparison --- almost like a spiritual Jedi master, akin to Yoda on Dagobah --- a man who in mastering his own drives and passions, becomes filled and influenced by a spiritual force ministering, guiding, and even healing others. So, overall, I enjoyed Athanasius' account of St. Anthony's life, and found it inspiring and motivating in my own Christian walk with Jesus Christ.
Profile Image for Yann.
1,410 reviews384 followers
December 3, 2014

Peter Huys (1519-1584) Tentation de Saint-Antoine

Ce petit livre, écrit par Anathase d'Alexandrie, un chrétien égyptien de culture grecque du IIIème siècle, est une biographie un peu fantaisiste de Antoine d'Égypte, lequel passe pour le fondateur de l’érémitisme. Je me demande néanmoins si ce type d’ascétisme n’existait par avant, pensant à ceux dont Philon parle dans ses écrits. Anathase écrivant comme s'il était en train d'édifier des jeunes gens, le but est de faire d'Antoine un véritable héros, quitte à charger son histoire d'une foule d'histoires invraisemblables. Lucien aurait fait son miel de ce ramassis de fables, s'il avait vécu un siècle et demi plus tard. Mais au delà du merveilleux, il y a, pour Anathase, un message moral à faire passer, un exemple à donner, un but à fixer.

Antoine grandit éduqué dans le christianisme, se retrouve orphelin jeune, à la tête des biens de la famille et ayant à veiller sur une jeune sœur. Comme il a été bien endoctriné dès l’âge le plus tendre, il choisit tout naturellement de suivre les très excellents conseils des évangiles, lesquels nous invitent à abandonner les membres de notre famille, à donner nos biens aux pauvres, et à partir à l’aventure sans nous soucier du lendemain, puisque la grande affaire de la vie, c’est la mort et l’au-delà. Il applique donc ces sages principes à la lettre: après avoir abandonné sa sœur dans la misère et entretenu l’oisiveté de quelques gredins, il se donne pour règle de vivre comme un vagabond, en vivant de peu, et en méditant les textes sacrés au point de les connaître par cœur.

Évidemment, ce genre de vie comporte des rigueurs qui lui inspirent des doutes et des regrets, quand il envisage le contraste entre la douceur de sa vie passée et l’âpreté de sa nouvelle existence. Anathase, qui aime bien peupler le monde de fantômes et de spectres, attribue à des démons la responsabilité d’inspirer à notre bonhomme toutes ces inquiétudes. Heureusement, notre héros a tout ce qu’il faut pour résister à ces dérangeantes insinuations qui prennent les formes les plus horribles – une femme, un nègre, … - : c’est celle de s’obstiner tant qu’il peut, de se moquer de ces suggestions, et même de les dissiper avec violence. Par le concours combiné de l’entêtement, de l’ignorance et de l’orgueil, le voilà qui est bientôt tout enflé de cette conviction solidement enracinée qui va donner à son expérience un caractère exemplaire.

Après avoir vécu reclus sans voir personne pendant des décennies, ses amis le tirent de sa retraite, et s’étonnent merveilleusement de le trouver tel qu’il a toujours été : hâve, puant, obstiné, exalté, insociable, intolérant, effronté et raisonneur. Mais comme en même temps il prend soin de flatter les plus pauvres en adoptant leur allure à laquelle il joint une superbe éclatante, il trouve moyen de gagner en popularité, et d’attirer à lui une tout ce que l’Égypte compte de plus interlope comme mystiques et illuminés avides de lui ressembler.

A l’époque les évêques se déchirent pour des questions de pouvoir en prenant pour prétextes d’obscures points de doctrine insolubles, lesquels ne deviennent évidents qu'à condition de se donner la peine de ne pas les examiner. Antoine, qui a une vision très claire des choses depuis qu'il s'est débarrassé de ses vilains doutes, se précipite donc à Alexandrie et, par la force de ses poumons et le broussaillement de ses sourcils, excite tumultes et des troubles à l’ordre public en appelant vigoureusement à la haine et l'ostracisme des sectes rivales. Voilà qui accroît encore considérablement sa popularité auprès de ceux qui aiment à ouïr les accents émoustillants de l’impudence et de la sédition. Il encourage ensuite vivement ses corréligionnaires au martyr, tout en prenant un soin tout particulier à s’y soustraire lui-même. Enfin, quand deux lettrés idiots viennent à lui, intrigués par son originalité, il les fait tourner en bourrique avec des paradoxes, vantant l’ignorance satisfaite et heureuse de la foi par rapport à l’érudition chaotique et incertaine. Pourquoi se soucier de la cohérence quand il est si simple de s’en fiche ? Et nos deux cancres impressionnés de s’en retourner béats.

Suit enfin toute une série de miracles plus incroyables les uns que les autres, mais tout à fait dans le goût de l’époque et du lieu pour l’absurde et l’extraordinaire : guérisons miraculeuses, prophétie, punition divine des méchants, exorcismes, et autres sottises du même acabit toutes prêtes à insulter l’intelligence et la patience du lecteur. Mais tout cela participe à la glorification de la bonne attitude à avoir, et que le bon lecteur est invité à imiter : chasser le doute démoniaque, glorifier l’obstination divine, bien détester ceux qui ne pensent pas comme nous, et ne pas leur parler à moins de vouloir les gagner de toute force à notre manière de voir et de penser.

L’ouvrage est court, plutôt facile à lire. Il est dans cette édition en ligne, tout à fait brut, et sans aucun appareil critique, en dehors d'une note de Jean Chrysostome sur la couverture invitant non pas simplement à lire le livre mais à mettre en pratique ses enseignements.
Profile Image for Richard Duncan.
56 reviews4 followers
April 5, 2014
I certainly did not know much about this ancient monk prior to reading the book. I ran across a reference to it and thought that it might be inspiring. It certainly was. This is a man who had means but gave it all up in order to focus on his devotional life with God. He lived alone with meager means. He was steeped in Scripture. He was successful in engaging in spiritual warfare. He did great battle with demonic powers. He had the gift of discernment. He was aware of doctrinal controversy and spoke out against Arianism. As his life progressed, he became a sage with tremendous insight and wisdom. Even though he lived alone on a mountain, many people came to see him. Many were healed. Many demons were cast out. Many gained wisdom. He never wrote a book nor created any art, yet his influence widened over time. In a day when we are obsessed with social platforms and social media, it is refreshing to see that God himself gave a wide influence to someone who did not seek it. Instead, Antony's influence was widened as spirituality was deepened. I was inspired to pursue holiness through prayer and meditation in a deeper way.
Profile Image for Sam Harder.
21 reviews
January 17, 2024
Pleasantly surprised by the discourses on discerning the spirits. Some excellent and comforting exhortations about temptation: “But the demons as they have no power are like actors on the stage changing their shape and frightening children with tumultuous apparition and various forms: from which they ought rather to be despised as shewing their weakness.”
Profile Image for David Mamdouh.
315 reviews41 followers
April 5, 2016
وهولاء لم يكن العالم مستحقًا لهم تائهين في الجبال والبراري وشقوق الارض من اجل عظم محبتهم للملك المسيح
Profile Image for John Simon.
23 reviews
November 23, 2023
Here’s a thought that gives my frail heart hope: the most important theologian of his century, Athanasius, a man who committed his life to honoring Christ through his fight against the heresies of Arianism (a battle that would result in him being exiled and restored five different times), also took the time to write about his good (and probably kind of…zany) friend Antony, who denounced formal education and city living to fight with demons and experience the love of God in solitude and desert community.

Athanasius would be pivotal in forming the views held in the Nicene Confession, a timeless document that gives us the robust view of Christology that countless churches recite every Sunday.

Antony would be crucial in another world— shaping the Christian ideas of monasticism, mysticism, the spiritual life, and contemplative prayer.

Athanasius was an idea man. His theology was rich and interconnected and cerebral. Antony was a man caught up in the mystery of experiencing the surreal: both divine and demonic. They are the two sides that make up the coin of faith. Mind and spirit. Intellect and experience. Logic and mystery.

It makes me happy to know that they were friends.
Profile Image for Steve Wiggins.
Author 9 books87 followers
February 10, 2019
Having just finished David Brakke’s Demons and the Making of the Monk (review available here on Goodreads), I decided to find a copy of The Life of Antony by Athanasius. I did find such a copy, cheaply produced since, as I explain on my blog (Sects and Violence in the Ancient World), the text is in the public domain. This edition is poorly produced, but readable. My guess is that it is intended for devotional use while I was approaching it for research purposes. Had I been in a university post I’d likely have checked it out instead of ordering it through Amazon.

In any case, the book is what its plain wrapper states, an account of Antony’s life. Antony of Egypt (also Anthony) was an early monk. He was a well-born Egyptian who fled to the desert to avoid the pollutions of life with the secular. While he wasn’t the first anchorite (a monk who lives as a hermit rather than in a monastery with other monks) he was among the early practitioners of trying to live in isolation. This account, as you’d expect from a bishop, is theologically inclined. It does give basic information about Antony’s circumstances and life, with long theological sections. Antony was famous for wrestling with demons, which, truth be told, is why I read it.

Since the text is well over a millennium-and-a-half old, I won’t worry about spoilers here. Although the account does fall into what is literally hagiography, an interesting portrait of Antony emerges. He gave up his wealth to pursue his religion. He refused education and the usual comforts of life. He went to the wilderness to find solitude only to have people follow him to learn his secrets. Demons tormented him but Antony prevailed so that demons came to fear him. He grew famous in his lifetime and died at 105, still sound of mind and body. To avoid becoming an idol he had two followers bury him where nobody could find his grave. At last he found solitude.
Profile Image for Jeremiah Lorrig.
366 reviews36 followers
February 24, 2025
This short biography written shortly after the death of Saint Anthony by one of his friends is rather hilarious and quite lively. Anthony was quite the character and is not at all what one would expect from the person who kinda invented monks.

He was insanely intelligent and insightful. His skeptics kept trying to show the world Anthony was a fool with word traps and difficult problems but he seems to always leave his critics baffled that an uneducated and simple person could answer their questions with useful words that practically dealt with the issue just fine.

It is also a wild ride of spiritual warfare and miraculous happenings that seem far from coincidental. (And historically, it doesn’t seem likely that one could write these kind of stories—and get away with it—this close to the place and time of the death without other people who also were there and knew Anthony objecting unless there is some foundation for the stories.)

Bottom line: the proto monk was more like Firer Tuck and any boring idea of a monk you might have in your mind. 😜
Profile Image for Nick Rolston.
99 reviews2 followers
January 10, 2021
Incredible narrative of one of the earliest monks and desert fathers, St. Anthony is a portrayal of truly living in God's image and seeking theosis with the most intense fervor and zeal. The descriptions of how he dealt with demons and overcame temptations were particularly inspiring, and St. Anthony is an inspiration with his decision to truly live out the Gospel message of selling his possessions, giving to others, and following the life of Christ. Admittedly, his ascetism and degree of devotion to God made direct comparison to my own life challenging, and St. Anthony's faith is something to continually strive for and aspire to follow.
January 18, 2025
On the surface this is a biography of a monk, but it is really the only valid guide for peace amidst suffering and sanity in the modern world. This book is best read as the “sequel” to the great St Athanasius’ On the Incarnation.

Since On the Incarnation focuses on how God has become man, The Life of St Antony applies that to how man is then lifted up to become like God. Athanasius shows how the verse “to live is Christ” (Phil 1:21) is not a metaphor or merely a truism to say “do your best to live like Jesus did!”

Rather, St Antony shows that “to live is Christ” means that Christ truly, spiritually, substantially dwells within us and makes us who we are meant to be. Athanasius says that Antony was “governed by the Word residing in him,” meaning that Antony was most truly himself because he lived in full surrender to Christ dwelling within him. This is why, I think, that most of this book consists of Antony healing others and fighting demons in the wilderness. Christ is still doing these things he did in the Gospels as he lives and works through the saints like Antony.

Antony’s example shows that “to live is Christ” means that Jesus is not aloof to our suffering in the wilderness of life; if to live “is Christ,” then Jesus suffers in me and you, and will fight in and for us to the end, redeeming our suffering:

10. Nor was the Lord then forgetful of Antony's wrestling, but was at hand to help him. So looking up he saw the roof as it were opened, and a ray of light descending to him. The demons suddenly vanished, the pain of his body straightway ceased, and the building was again whole. But Antony feeling the help, and getting his breath again, and being freed from pain, besought the vision which had appeared to him, saying, 'Where were thou? Why did you not appear at the beginning to make my pains to cease?' And a voice came to him, 'Antony, I was here, but I waited to see your fight; wherefore since you have endured, and hast not been worsted, I will ever be a succour to you…”
27 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2021
One of the great desert fathers. St. Anthony is truly one that we should look to emulate in today's crazy world. The one thing that really struck me about St. Anthony is his strong prayer life. Everything centers on prayer and with prayer you have Christ right there alongside you. How can you not give a five star to an author who is a saint.
Profile Image for Jesse Ramshaw.
189 reviews5 followers
May 16, 2021
Having recently read through two books written in the early years of the Church (Eusebius' Church History and now this one), I'm suprised at how prominent the "supernatural" elements of the faith were to them. Here, we find St. Anthony fighting against the demons (literal and nonliteral) of this world, living a life of hermitage and asceticism, bring hailed by like-minded brothers and even Emperor Constantine, and throwing his weight against the Arian heresy.

Lots happening in a short book!

This is now the second book I've read by St. Athanasius. I have to admit, the first -- "On the Incarnation" -- is more much practical and theologically helpful. This one is interesting, but doesn't carry the same gravity.

3 Stars.
Profile Image for Joseph Yue.
172 reviews42 followers
June 10, 2021
A classic by St. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, the firm defender of the deity of Christ against the Arian heretics, recalling the life and teachings of his own spiritual father, St. Anthony of Egypt. Through many examples of his conversations, visions and miracles, as well as his radical lifestyle as a desert monk, this biography vividly depicts the spiritual grandeur of the saint, who is richly gifted by the Lord - especially that, having not learnt any letter, St. Anthony's wisdom and knowledge of the Scripture surpass the well-read theologians at his time. Even so, his incredible humility inspired St. Athanasius tremendously, as it shall still inspire us today.
Profile Image for Joseph.
116 reviews
June 21, 2021

How can we become like st Anthony? Its simple, through Christ. Jesus Christ, purify me and make me into a saint, amen.
Profile Image for Phil.
385 reviews36 followers
March 12, 2018
I picked this up at my favourite theological book store`s closing sale. I`m pretty sure that I`ve read Athanasius' Life of Antony years ago in my first flush of patristic enthusiasm, although I doubt if it was this the edition. It is an odd work for modern eyes, what with the demons and such, but it remains worth reading, partly for historical reasons, partly for spiritual reasons.

The picture of Antony is a compelling one. It was, of course, compelling back in the Late Roman period- compelling enough to be responsible for several conversions including playing a role in the Augustine's conversion among many others. The editors include the relevant passage from the Confessions as well as Athanasius' original introduction. The translation is, generally, a good one.

This is a good approachable translation of this life and well worth reading.
Profile Image for Mariani Pessoa.
19 reviews3 followers
December 29, 2024
a vida ascética não combina em absoluto com o meu jeito, e eu sempre simpatizei mais com os santos que, mesmo que rigorosos, produziram algum tipo de abundância (ex. Santa Teresa D’Avila, uma diva). Santo Antonio, além de não dormir, não comer e de não gostar de gente, também não escrevia - e talvez seja isso que me impede de me interessar mais por esse relato em segunda mão, ainda que bem escrito. apavorante e deliciosa (puts) a ideia de um monge anoréxico isolado no deserto do Egito e sendo visitado diariamente por demônios que se transformam ora em mulheres bonitas, ora em ouro e bens valiosos, ora em feras animalescas… por fim, a confissão de satanás, derrotado ao vivasso, de que ele muito quis, mas não conseguiu vencer a determinação esquizo do santo. ainda vou pensar muito sobre esse livro.
Profile Image for Joe Boenzi.
151 reviews
December 21, 2021
Since I was a teenagers, I have heard stories about St Anthony of the Desert. When I found this old volume in the library early this month, I decided to read it after morning prayer. The author is none other than the great St Athanasius of Alexandria, and he wrote this "Life" from personal memories and from what he learned from those who lived closest to the Egyptian hermit Anthony over many years. Athanasius tells the stories that would become the hallmark of St Anthony (or Antony, as the name appears in the book), from his devotion to God through contemplative prayer, his wrestling with the temptations of demons in the desert, his care for the earth by planting and caring for animals, his spiritual guidance to the people and his formation of monks. Athanasius also reproduces a series of Anthony's sermons, or better, instructions. He also tells of his support for the Bishops and for the universal and orthodox faith, how he confronted pagans and how he fought Arians and others whom he feared were perverting true Christian faith. He encouraged Christian men and women to overcome the vanity of pagan mystery religions and to be wholly attached to Gospel simplicity.

The account starts with Anthony's youth and goes through the various stages of his life. He was born while the persecution of the Church was still in force, and died at the age of 105, in AD 356.

In the history of Christian spirituality, this little book by St Athanasius became a classic, outlining the main traits of Christian doctrine and ascetic living. I am very happy that I have had the opportunity to read it, and hope to read it again in the not-too-distant future.
Profile Image for Etienne OMNES.
303 reviews13 followers
November 14, 2022
La vie de Saint Antoine est une hagiographie de Saint Antoine par Athanase le Grand. Beaucoup moins fantasque et beaucoup plus édifiant que ce à quoi je m'attendais. Une lecture très agréable et édifiante.
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