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Axios: A Spartan Tale

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I am Axios of Sparta, and I was born to kill. At age seven, I left home to train with other boys where we were taught obedience, solidarity, military strategy, and how to withstand pain. My harsh upbringing stripped me of my weaknesses and forced me to become strong. Ruthless.

But, I craved something greater—a life I could never have.

Against all odds, and the toughest training a warrior could endure, I found an unexpected love in the arms of a fellow Spartan. He was the very air I breathed and the water that sustained me. Fighting side by side with him, we were invincible. Where he went, I followed.

However, there was no place for love in Sparta. Feelings were for the weak. The only life for a Spartan was one of battle and brutality with no guarantee of tomorrow. In times of war, all men were put to the test, but the greatest challenge for us was not one of swords and spears, but of the heart.

*M/M Historical Romance set in Ancient Sparta*

334 pages, Paperback

First published July 19, 2017

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About the author

Jaclyn Osborn

49 books1,673 followers
As an avid reader and coffee addict, Jaclyn Osborn can always be found with either a book in her hand or one being written on her laptop. The men in her stories mean the world to her, and she's thankful for each day she's able to do this as a career.
She writes M/M romance across all genres and worlds, including contemporary, historical, fantasy, and paranormal.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 668 reviews
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,904 followers
August 4, 2017
All the Stars! My favourite book of the year,so far.

I was his. I had been since the very first day I laid eyes on him. The golden-haired boy who had watched me with concerned, green eyes and beckoned me to stand and fight had come to mean more to me than my own life.

This book will forever hold a place in my heart.It's quite simply stunning.

The story of Axios and Eryx.....

Taken from their homes at a young age to train in the Spartan Army this is a breathtakingly,beautiful story of love,honour and discipline,not only between the two men but the friends/family and unbreakable bonds they form throughout their lives.

A green eyed boy with golden hair that was there for Axios from a young age and a connection so powerful it took my breath away at times.

Axios and Eryx are different...

Eryx knows what is expected from him and almost nothing will get him to turn his back on his commitment and obligation to the Army.
Axios recognizes the life that has been mapped out for him but doesn't really believe in fighting/war....he's more interested in the beauty of the world around him.

The story follows them from young boys into adulthood and it isn't always pretty but the Author certainly kept it real.

-the writing and research into Greek History was second to none.While I was reading it I kept googling events and everything was on point.

-this is one of the most beautiful love stories I've read and a lot of people have used the word EPIC to describe their love but there's no other word for it.

-a lot of people have messaged me asking about a HEA and it's so difficult to explain because you really have to go on the journey with Axios and Eryx to fully understand......

“When you are near, it’s as if my soul reaches out to touch yours,” he spoke, moving his fingers along my jaw and staring at me with a look that made my stomach flutter. “To reconnect with a missing piece. And when we part, I leave that piece with you.”

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One of my all time favourite books that I cannot recommend highly enough.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,344 reviews35.4k followers
September 10, 2017
4.5 stars!!!

“In all the ages, there has never been a love like ours. No one has ever loved another as I have loved you. If we fall today, my soul will find yours. For I am eternally yours… in this life and the next.”

Sigh. It has been a while since I’ve read such a truly epic romance. This is one of those books I would have never picked up on my own because 1- I’ve never heard of it or the author and 2. Most of the time I steer clear of anything ‘historical’. It’s not my cuppa. But when a trusted friend told me I would love it, I squeezed it in. I’m so happy I did! Axios and Eyrx are two unforgettable characters with a beautiful love story!

Eyrx and Ax meet when they are just young boys. They are together at a spartan warrior camp of sorts. It’s their destiny, their birthright, to be spartan warriors. From the start, they become close friends, and with time, that friendship turns into so much more. The life of the spartan warrior is the life Eyrx has always wanted, but Axios is a little different. His heart is softer and kinder than most.
“A true warrior fights for what’s in his heart.” His fingers trailed along my jaw before he stepped backward. “You may not see it now, but when the time comes for us to go to battle, you will be brave for your heart is bigger than any I know.”

Eyrx and Axios story starts at seven years old and spans their lives as warriors. The two men are different, but they have such a connection. As children, and as grown men, they cannot be separated. Even with the normal pressures faced on them as true warriors, they cannot fathom not being together.
“And I swear I will forever choose you… Sparta can have my life, but she cannot take my heart.”

I adored the two main characters so much. On top of the two of them being so fantastic, there was quite the cast of wonderful secondary characters. I adored Ax’s sister, and their ‘brothers’. There were so many special relationships in this book. Love comes in so many forms, and there were a lot of great bonds and connections.

I haven’t felt the love between two characters as strongly as I did with Axios and Eyrx in such a long time. These two will hold a special place in my heart. Their story was beautiful, emotional, and inspiring. Definitely the best historical romance I’ve read in a long time. If you’re looking for a truly epic love story, pick this one up. You won’t be disappointed!
“You and I will never part, my warrior. In this life and the next, we will be just as we have forever been: side by side. There is not a thing that can take me from you, neither the slashing of a sword nor the impalement from a spear, for I will always find you.”
Profile Image for Heather the Queen of (Smut)Books.
433 reviews7 followers
July 27, 2017
This book was not at all what I was expecting. I was just looking for a little Spartan smutty butt secks with sweaty guys in loincloths. Come on, you know me. I really was.

But what I got was so much greater than that. This story was breathtakingly beautiful, raw, and brutal. I wish I had the gift of words to convince you to read it but all I'm left with are my feelings. Words always seem to fail me when they matter most especially when writing reviews.

But it's been days since I finished this.....and Eryx and Axios are still with me. I've even gone back and re-read a few of my favorite parts because I missed them. I can think of no greater recommendation than that.

"What frightens me most? Never looking upon your face again. Never feeling your mouth move on mine nor hear the sound of your voice whispering my name. I do not fear death because I am afraid of dying, Eryx....I fear it because it would take me from you."


"You are my heart. I will kill any man and turn the whole world to ash for you, my warrior. I fear neither battle nor death, but I fear the day you are not by my side. Never question where my heart lies, because it is forever yours. In this life and the next."


Eryx and Axios meet when they are 7 years old when Sparta separates boys from their families and begin the agoge. From the age 7 to 20 these young men do nothing but suffer violence and brutality in an effort to make them strong warriors. At the age of 20, they go to war. War is their life and it's absolutely brutal. The author does not spare us from this.

Axios is the sensitive one with his head in the clouds, Eryx is the one born with the heart of a warrior. They were opposites yet each complemented the other beautifully. Their connection was palpable from the beginning. As they grow older and they grow closer the bond of friendship they shared turns into more. Because these young men are basically sequestered with only other young men, sex between them is not unheard of or frowned upon so their was never a sense of fear there but their is a sense of doom that runs along the story especially the closer the boys get to 20. You watch these young boys grow into men, you fall in love as they do, you cry for them, you laugh with them, you see them fight and struggle. The story is long, but I never felt like it was slow. You also see the bonds rise between them and the other boys they have grown up fighting with...their brothers. Theon, Quill, and Haden were excellent brothers for our boys.

For my smut lovers, the secksy times are plentiful but they are more passionate than explicit and not one bottle of lube or oil in sight. Just FYI.

I feel like I do have to place a warning because so many of us have triggers and stories that we avoid at all cost so if you don't want to know do not read any further.

It should be noted that the author actually took the time to research and be historically accurate. The battles really happened, some of the people really existed, and the dialogue felt realistic. And that caused a whole other level of enjoyment for me.

Axios and Eryx live on in my heart. Go on and give it a shot. You will cringe, you will rage, you will cry, you WILL hurt, you will love, you will laugh and most of all.......you will not forget this book.

Absolutely recommended to ALL.
Profile Image for Riley Hart.
Author 107 books6,691 followers
July 23, 2017
Hands down my favorite read of the year. One of my favorites ever. There aren't many epic love stories out there. This is one of them. I will never forget this book. I've never read another one like it.
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,800 reviews3,940 followers
August 25, 2017
"Loyalty. Brotherhood. And love."

There's been buzz over on GR about this book with good reason, so I wanted to share my feels to the non-GRers among you, because this book is stunning, unforgettable and deserving of hype. What I want people to know if you read nothing else of this review is that this is not a sad book! The ending is bittersweet but the book as a whole is gripping, wonderfully entertaining, masterfully written, poignantly insightful and above all else a resplendent love story.

Jaclyn Osborn is a new to me author but she has my attention now. As a history buff I appreciate the research and attention to detail that is evident on every page, in every nuance and her usage of these historical events to weave a timeless love story is what made Axios special to me.

Axios and Eryx forge a bond through trials and tribulations that stands the test of time. But this story is more than the telling of their romance. It's about forming a brotherhood, finding a family and a home amongst them and fighting for each other. They may not believe in the war but they believe in each other and that is why they fight. Trust me when I say the secondary characters are just as well crafted as Axios and Eryx and just as crucial to their story, even the ones that flash through their lives like shooting stars.

Axios is the narrator of this story and we meet him at the tender age of seven after he's been sent to the agoge. Eryx is in his group and they become best friends. I admit I was skeptical when I realized how young they were at the onset but by starting the story while they were but babes Osborn was able to build these characters and their relationship from the ground up. She brings us along to witness their evolution from boys to warriors to men firsthand. It was exhilarating to read.

Both are complex characters that I could go on and on about but what I found most touching was the way they compliment one another. In a different time, in a different place I think Eryx would've been a teacher with his inherent leadership skills and gift for storytelling and Axios an artist of some sort. Axios is a beautiful person, so tenderhearted and kind. Watching him become the warrior he has to be, through no choice of his own, and lose some of his dreamer essence made me doleful. It's not fair but it's his reality, a reality that he must face in order to survive.

However, were circumstances different perhaps he would never have met Eryx and that would've been the real tragedy, because he and Eryx are two sides of the same coin. Jaclyn Osborn made me believe their love defies time and space. If reincarnation exists they will find each other again and again.

If you know nothing of Sparta, know that they were a warrior nation. Their entire society subsisted upon building warriors, a process that begins with conscription at age seven. There is blood and violence. War and all that that entails. It's brutal and heinous and changes them. Friends are lost. Bonds are strengthened. Enemies are felled. But there is always another war looming thus their reprieves are short-lived.

Both are aware every battle they survive could be their last. They know every moment is precious and make the most of them. They live and love to the fullest. They are playful with each other and their friends. Never is there any doubt where their loyalties lie, though. They may fight for Sparta but their first priority is each other.

Osborn was very conscientious of using foreshadowing if you are not a history buff. The tension builds. The handwriting is on the proverbial wall. If you subscribe to the notion that a romance isn't a romance without a traditional HEA, this may not be the book for you. I find myself most affected by these romances. They are the ones that stay with me-The Age of Innocence, The Wings of the Dove, Romeo and Juliet and more recently Amberlough. They speak to me and Axios spoke to me so I'm recommending it to you through this fangirl review.

My thanks to Jaclyn Osborn for writing this sophisticated and memorable story that became, for me, an instant classic. It's the best $4 I've spent in quite some time.

My warrior. My lover. My heart.

Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,058 reviews2,471 followers
September 4, 2017
5 stars!

“Our lives may take us to unexpected places and it might alter many a things, but I will forever be yours.”

I’ve been needing an epic romance, and who knew I’d get it from an author I’d never read or heard of before? High five to Arabella for the spot on book recommendation. Axios is the story of two Spartan soldiers (Eryx and Axios), who from a very young age they were trained to kill, always knowing they would live their lives fighting wars.

Eryx is loyal to the Spartan lifestyle because of the sins of his father, while Axios has a harder time adjusting. From childhood to adulthood the two are inseparable, best friends and then lovers, finding comfort in each other's arms. In a land where feelings are viewed as weak, the two develop a strong relationship. But as war approaches, fear infiltrates them, for one cannot live without the other

“Know what I see? I see someone who is kind and who stops to see the beauty of the world. Someone who likes to watch the birds fly in the sky, wondering where they go… wondering what it’s like to soar amongst the clouds. I see an intelligent mind who ponders what makes the sky blue and where the sun goes at night. But mostly… I see my truest companion.”

I really loved this book, I felt it was exactly the epic romance I needed to break me out of my book funk. Seriously, this is going under one of the best books of 2017! This book reminds me a lot of The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, in fact I think super fans of that book may have a hard time with this one because they are so similar. But this was filled with romance, longing, and angst and was just completely perfect for me.

I loved both of the main characters, Axios is a gentle soul thrown into a harsh world. The only thing that gets him through it is Eryx and his desire to be strong for him. Through harsh conditioning Axios becomes harder, but still has the soft and kind soul beneath. Eryx on the outside doesn’t show his emotions as much, we really only see them when he’s with Axios. But he loves Axios with all his heart and will do anything for him, even when it goes against what he truly believes in.

This book is a historical romance and I think the author did really well. There was never really a moment where I was reading and thought “that would never happen” and I was amazed by this. She stayed true to the story and the setting and backdrop only accentuated the love story and made it that much better.

If you’re a fan of epic romance this is the book for you! It flowed across my mind so smoothly and gave me so many feels. I’m going to be dreaming of this couple, I just know it!

PS: sorry to all the friends I’ll be badgering to read the book. It’s a condition of my friendship :P

“I will kill any man and turn the whole world to ash for you, my warrior. I fear neither battle nor death, but I fear the day you are not by my side. Never question where my heart lies, because it is forever yours. In this life and the next.”

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Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,068 followers
March 12, 2019

Again, the review contains massive spoilers so do not read if you don't want to be spoiled!!
I will never ever read this book again. Never. I hated the ending, it was cruel and heartbreaking and I did not deserve that. So.Fucking.Cruel. I don't even want to write the review. I mean, I should've known, but who would've thought the author would do this to me?! If you're looking for a happily ever after, do not read. I'm writing this review simply because if someone else had written a review like this, then I would've spared myself the pain. Had I know how the book would've ended, I never would've started the book. It's not because the book is bad or because I must have a HEA, but this kind of ending, I had not wanted. You get to know the boys in such a level that the ending is too cruel. You get to watch them grown up and you get to watch them die. <---- FUCKING CRUEL! I'm giving this book 2.5 stars rating because of that stupid ending. It ruined it all.
“We shall share it.”
His green eyes lit up, and he took the offered bread with a smile still in place.
I ate my piece slowly, savoring the taste of it on my tongue. My gaze moved back to him. “Thank you. I shall not forget this kindness.”
“You are welcome. I could teach you how to fight, if you wish. It matters not that you won today. Gaius and Felix will keep a close watch on you from this day forth, so you would do well to improve your defense. I am called Eryx.”
He held his hand out to me. Eryx. The name suited him well.
Reaching out, I clasped it. “I would appreciate that greatly. I am Axios.”
“Axios,” he repeated, and his voice had a nice quality to it, flowing like the sweetest of melodies. “Finish your bread. Morning comes early and you need your rest.”

The book starts at 396 BC in Sparta where the boys and main characters Axios and Eryx become friends at the age of 10. Two years after, they have become best friends and Eryx kept his promise on training Axios to become better. Yet another two years pass, the boys share their first kiss with one another. Two more years, at 16 years old, they have sex for the first time. In 386 BC, when the boys are 20, their training at agoge is done and they are considered men. This was also the first time they mentioned love. When the boys are 22, the peace that lasted for 4 years are over and they are called for war. In 381 BC - nearly one year later, Axios become an uncle. Year 380 BC-Spring, the boys now 26 and continuing to war, which continued for 5 more years. 374 BC the peace is still lasting after a year. 372 BC, the boys now 34 and the peace is no longer. 371 BC, the boys dies in war, holding one another.
“You are my heart,” he said unexpectedly. The amount of care in his voice settled over my chest like a warm cloak. “I do not easily confess emotions in the way you do, but know I feel the same. The words I once spoke to you hold true: I will kill any man and turn the whole world to ash for you, my warrior. I fear neither battle nor death, but I fear the day you are not by my side. Never question where my heart lies, because it is forever yours. In this life and the next.”

Overall, I'm mad, so this review is kinda a disaster. Though the book was alright in reading, it still wasn't the best book I've read. Far from it. It centers more around the two main characters and their relationship than the wars itself. So the book goes through YEARS, from the age of 10 to 34. Detailed. Their training, their pain, their loss, their love, their friendships, they trainees, their time in war, details of their death.... It their death that kills this book for me. To make us care so much for them, to see the grow up and become great men, only for them to die in a way that wasn't deserving. It wasn't a war that made a difference in the world, they just died and a new peace again started which probably won't last long anyways. Not that we'll ever know, since the guys are dead. So yeah, nothing special about their death. It was brutal and heartbreaking and should be allowed to be written or read. Specially not without a fucking warning! Also, the book lacked something. Perhaps action. Things went too slow, years past with the same thing happening. Not pleased with this book. No matter how beautiful the bond between Eryx and Axios was.
“I do not fear death because I’m afraid of dying, Ery… I fear it because it would take me from you.”

Me an hour later...... Because I am so pissed, I'm gonna re-write the ending (I suck though, so don't judge):
‘We were surrounded, our fate decided, yet we never gave up fighting. Eryx, the leader that he is, rallied up the last of us standing and showed our enemies what a Spartan warrior is made of. One by one, we struck down on our enemies until there was none.
We had won.
I looked at Eryx, blood everywhere - some his, most others.
“It's over, my warrior,” he said. “Lets go home.” His hand reaching out.
I took his hand, I could barely feel the pain in my body and went into my lover's embrace.’
Something something... THE END!

Other Characters:
Haden, Theon and Quill, trainees with (in the same herd as) Eryx and Axios. The four of them later becomes a part of the same syssition: a group that consisted of fifteen members of the army and required them to not only dine together but to share a home with for many years.
Leanna (two years older than him), Axios' sister. Their mother worries that Axios will bring shame to the world and favors Eryx. Axios' father, Leontius died in battle before his birth. He's told he was strong, courageous, and well-disciplined.
Damos, Eryx's father, slit his throat when Eryx was 7, he took care of himself until training started. Eryx is a son of a coward. His mother died giving birth.
Gaius, Felix and Linus, trainers.
Nikias, one of the younger trainers. We met him when his in his nineteenth year and hadn’t officially become a soldier yet, but he was assisting in the training the boys teaching as was customary.
Melias and Ian, in the same herd as Eryx and Axios.
King Agesipolis ‘Agis’, the young king.
Demetrius (12) and Cassius, two of the kids Eryx starts training at the age of 18.
“Eryx, look at me.” When he did not obey, I grabbed his chin and forced him to. “A man without fear is not brave. Bravery comes from being afraid, but doing a thing anyway. To be courageous is to fear death, and yet, charge at the enemy anyhow. Fear does not make you a coward. But overcoming it makes you a man.”
He stared at me as if he were seeing me for the first time.
“You have always been troubled by the thought of war,” he commented, taking my hand in his. “How is it you are so calm?”
“Because I have you by my side,” I answered, seeing the way his expression shifted at my response. His eyes were no longer fearful, but held awe in their green depths. “And I know whatever we face, we face together. I—”
Eryx cut off my words by pulling me into a kiss.
Nothing more was said.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Historical Romance (M/M).
Series: - Standalone.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Both Eryx and Axios.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Right now? Hell no.
Would I recommend this book/series? -No.
Will I read this again in the future? - NEVER.
Rating - 2.5/3 stars.
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,884 reviews272 followers
October 23, 2017
"This is my life." [...] "A life of gore and violence."

Brutal. Raw. Brilliant. It wrecked me. Utterly and completely. And I regret not a moment.

Axios: A Spartan Tale is a love story. I've seen the word EPIC used to describe the romance of Axios and Eryx and I cannot help but agree. It's a rare book that gets my emotional investment to the degree that Axios has and I don't think a book has ever affected me so profoundly. Axios made my heart sing and it also made it hurt. I sobbed, but it was worth every tear. Axios is one of the best books I've ever read. This will be the book hangover for the ages.

Axios seemed to be greatly researched and I found myself looking up battles and kings to read more about them. It's such a brutal part of human history and I loved how the author took the characters and wove them into real events. The story is bloody and unforgiving, but the romance was strong, even amidst the violence and brutality. Axios and Eryx were soldiers with a duty to defend Sparta, but they were also men and who loved liked they fought -- with everything they had.

"You and I will never part, my warrior. In this life and the next, we will be just as we have forever been: side by side. There is not a thing that can take me from you, neither the slashing of a sword nor the impalement from a spear, for I will always find you.”

Eryx is a born leader. The son of a coward who was determined to restore his family's honor. Eryx sees the honor and glory of being Spartan. He is Spartan, through and through. He is determined to do his duty, even if it means his death and he looks forward to proving himself in battle. And among the boys in his herd, he is the most likely to succeed. Eryx had a charisma about him and he never spoke in haste. Many saw him as being a bit cold. Except Axios. For Axios, Eryx lets down his guard and tells him stories and encourages him to become a better warrior.

"Eryx might not be the cold-hearted beast the men wanted us to be, but he didn’t show his gentle side to anyone apart from me. To the rest of the world, he was stern and lacked compassion. He was disciplined and unwavering in his ability to strike a man down. The perfect makings of a soldier—a leader. But to me… he was my home.

Axios, however, is out of his element. He has the heart of a dreamer and a poet. He wishes to see the ocean and have a life that isn't fighting. Being a warrior isn't something that suited him at all, but he had no choice in the matter. All Spartan males must train for war. Fight or die. So from the time Axios was seven years old, as with other boys, that was his life. And when he was 10 years old, Axios had to make a terrible choice, but it was really no choice at all. And it was Eryx who held him together then and always. Axios did adapt to his life as a warrior and he performed his duty well, but the boy he once was was still there in moments of calm.

“I crave a life where we can live in peace.” My voice was thick with emotion, and I forced myself to speak through the tightness in my throat. “Where love is seen as a strength and where our days are spent lounging by our stream, lost in conversation for hours on end. There’d be no sorrow, pain, and no darkness. Nothing but happiness and light. Love. However, I’ve come to the realization that dream will never be.”

"Duty" is a theme that plays heavily in the story. It is beaten into the boys from the time they are seven years old what their duty to Sparta is and to turn away from it is to be a coward and it will bring shame to their families and their brothers. And they train in harsh conditions for more than 10 years to be the Spartans that all of Greece fears. And duty may have been what started them on their paths, but ultimately, it was not duty that kept them on it, but a desire to protect each other and their brother-in-arms.

“Sparta is not my home. You are.”

I loved so many of the secondary characters, too. Leanna, Axios' sister was fierce and determined to live life on her terms. She was certainly no shrieking violet. And Haden, who became like a brother to Axios and Eryx. And Quill and Theon who always managed to laugh. Through their eyes, as they grew from boys to men and into battle, I came to know and love them all. But Axios and Eryx have my heart.

"Eryx was the anchor that kept me from drifting out to sea. My safe haven from the storm."
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,709 reviews485 followers
August 28, 2017
This book is beautiful, truly beautiful but it's also brutal and difficult to read at times.
I can't remember the last time a book captured me so completely and made me feel so much. At the end of book I was crying freely, I couldn't stop I also closed my kindle and put it down and left it, I didn't start to write my review or move on to the next book I just sat lost in the world of these two incredible characters I'd grown to love.

There's so many wonderful reviews for this book I'm not even going to try to get a hold of my feelings long enough to summarise it.
Just know it's incredibly rare for me to give 5* I save this rating for the books that come around once or twice every hundred or so books I read but this, this is something special.
Profile Image for Virginia Cavanillas.
Author 48 books177 followers
January 25, 2018
2.5 rounded up to 3 stars.

Initially this was gonna be a 4 stars rating. I loved the beginning of this tale. Then, at some point in the middle, I changed my mind and I was sure I was giving it 2 stars. But the last 20% of this tragic story made me change my mind again and rounded it up to 3. Because the book is good, It's just me who is weird and find some things boring, or long, or whatever. I'm sure, any other reader is gonna savour every single page of this gorgeous friendship and love story.

"I do not fear death because I'm afraid of dying, Ery... I fear it because it would take me from you"

First of all: The MCs deserve 4 stars, and their interactions and conversations too.
The side characters that turn tragedy and brutality in something entertaining and worthy to smile deserves 4 stars too.
The narration is great and the way this tale is told very appealing.

The intensity and passion and (at the same time) the sweetness and sensuality that Axios and Eryx transmit to the reader, is off the charts. I was completely drown in them and their world. Their union is one of friendship and pure love and really amazing to witness.

"We lived such brutal lives, and yet, we'd found a rare calmness in each other. Eryx was the anchor that kept me from drifting out to sea. My safe haven from the storm"

As I was saying, even if tragic, this is a beautiful love story. A love story between a righteous spartan and a idealist one. A brutal novel that tells us the incredible and unique friendship between Eryx- the leader, the force- and Axios -the impulsive, the heart, the soldier that follows his leader-.

Usually, I don't do historical and, also, I don't read romance without a HEA. So with this two premises settled, I think that giving 3 stars to this book is an amazing achievement. Kudos to the author.
The thing is, this tragedy talks about LOVE in capital letters and I didn't want to miss that. And some  interactions between our heroes are memorable so I'm happy to have been part of it.

This story is full of amazing quotes. Sweet, deep, and breathtaking quotes worthy of highlight (you're gonna highlight a lot). And it also has spectacular side characters. They are cute, sexy, brave and you are gonna remember their names for years (forever if your brain works better than mine)

"My warrior. My lover. My heart"

There are great reviews out there, so go and check them if you need a push to read this emotional book. This is pure love and if you enter this knowing you're gonna read about Sparta, knowing it is a tragedy and knowing that most certainly our heroes are not going to live happily ever after in Malibu as retired old men... you are fine.

A special thank you to my sweet Claire. It´s been a pleasure to read this one with you and not just because you loved it (yay!), also because I popped your BR cherry (hell yeah, I´m the master!)
Thank you Jude and Christelle for passing by, for your support and your comments and hot videos. You added some great things to our disperse BR.
Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews146 followers
October 29, 2017
4 huge stars for these 2 stars

Spoilers ahead. I can't write a spoiler-free review. And I *never* had to hide my reviews because of spoilers, but this time I have to. I really don't want other readers to stumble onto any spoilers. Now let's do this.

"Do authors cry when they kill the best character or do they smile, laugh and have a cup of tea with satan?!"

I finished this book a week ago, but I was too emotional at the time. I needed to take some time and pick up the broken pieces of my heart. I was truly heartbroken.
I *never* and I mean *never* cried while reading. No matter how emotional the story might get, no matter the pain and the sorrow, until now I have never cried. But this time it was an ugly crying, with huge tears down on my cheeks and neck. I was devastated.

Well I'll start by saying I dived into this one with very high expectations. Almost all my friends loved it. The huge GR rating was also a clue this was going to be phenomenal. So I've asked my best friend to buddy read it.

The beginning was great, I got used to the writing style. It was better than I expected. I fell in love with little Ax and Ery, so of course it pained me to see them endure such a strict training. But it was Sparta and I had to put my big girl pants on and get used to the idea I'll have to witness a lot of fights, blood and well death around them.

I kept reading and a silent thought kept bugging me. But I prayed nothing bad will happen to our boys. I knew they'll wear many scars by the end, but not for one second did I thought the author will make me cry in the end.

I will have to admit I am not a fan of historical romance and all the history lessons didn't work for me. At first I was curious but then I wanted much more action with Axios and Ery. I also hoped, until the very end that they'll find a way to run and be happy somewhere far away from Sparta.

All the references about the stars made me anxious.

My biggest complain would be that this story is not focused on Axios and Eryx. I wanted much more and got bored by some unimportant details, so many details.

I had to force myself to read more, but once I got to 80% everything changed and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. I don't know if it's fair to rate the whole book with 4 stars only because the last 20% and the last scenes were amazing.

It was harder than I thought to read about their last moments, them being hurt and dying holding each other. I swear I wouldn't have resented them if they chose to run. I know it would have been against everything they were and the author did prepare us THE WHOLE BOOK with little and not so little clues, BUT still, I would have done anything for them to be saved and the author to just surprise us with: I was just kidding, they were close to dying BUT they escaped and lived HEA, far from Sparta, in their own haven, somewhere safe...

If I would have known they will die in the end I would have never read it. I hate falling in love with characters and then get heartbroken when they die. It's not something I want to read about. It's just not for me. And I am sure I will never ever re-read this.

I think the author showed her great writing talent in the last 20% of the book. I really appreciate how she put into words their last moments and words. I resented her because she didn't let Axios finish his last declaration of love. But this was nothing comparing with the sword who pierced them both. I just couldn't contain my tears and my heart was shattered into a million pieces.

I will never be able to forget this story, as it really is heart wrenching. And I will never forget the "see you in the stars" quote that touched my heart.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
734 reviews42 followers
August 7, 2017
I have no words...

'Epic and beautiful' doesn't even cover it...

I fully intended to write a proper review and a story like this definitely deserves one, but although it's been almost a day since I finished this book, I just... can't. 
My warrior. My lover. My heart.

For me, this was a once-in-a-lifetime reading experience that will stick with me forever and Axios and Eryx will always have a more than special place in my heart. It was not only one of, but the most heart-wrenching love story I've ever read.

Okay, I myself wouldn't have said it in such lyric words -rather 'I ended up being a sobbing mess'- but yes, this fits perfectly. I'm so glad and utterly grateful to have met these men, though, and shared their lives, if only for a short time.
"For as long as there is breath in my lungs, I will love you. Only you. And even when I leave this world, I will still belong to you, for my soul will forever seek yours. In both this life and the next. Remember?"

Whenever I look at the stars from now on, it will be with a wistful smile on my face...

And this story deserves all the stars in the universe!!!

This review has been posted on Dirty Books Obsession Dirty Books Obsession


Profile Image for Moony Eliver.
401 reviews218 followers
March 1, 2020
3.5 stars. Before I start, I have to say up front that I do recommend this one. I had issues which I’ll describe, but they didn’t make me regret the time I spent with the story. I’m certain it’s going to stick with me, but it wasn’t what I know it COULD HAVE BEEN, and I completely hold that against it. My friends list is full of 5-star reviews for this one, so I fully accept the banner of Picky Asshole, starting now...

On one hand, I can’t believe I’m giving this book 3.5 stars. On the other, I can’t believe I’m giving this book 3.5 stars.

For most of the first half, I had no doubt it would be 5 stars. I was feeling EVERYTHING, and there were moments of sheer writing brilliance. My Kindle has a handful of notes that all say something sorta like, “How did she make me feel that with only 5 words??” I fell in love with Axios and Eryx. They jumped off the page, and omg the heat between them as they (and their relationship) grew up.

But then came the issue. For a long time (150 pages, ish), the story was very slow. And repetitive. I got furious at the author, because she built this amazing chemistry between the MCs, and then continued to write one chapter after another after another with declarations of love (+ sex), which made the heat dwindle. I felt like something was being taken away. I was believing it, I was so feeling them, I was all in ... and then I continued to read more and more that was still trying to convince me. It was so anticlimactic.

Also, here’s the thing about me and historical romance. I loooove reading about the relationships in historical times/settings, but I am not big on lots of description, especially about politics, wars/battles, or geography. I don’t mind those details being revealed piecemeal throughout the story, but this is where telling really starts to lose me. So I had to skim a lot with that stuff, because I wasn’t about to dnf and not find out the rest of Axios and Eryx’s story.

The story finished on a strong emotional note, no question. I have to put some stuff in a spoiler tag here because I need to get it off my chest.

Picky Asshole out, until the next time.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,558 reviews85 followers
August 3, 2017
Wow. Sitting here elated and gutted at the same time.

Can I add anything noteworthy to all the accolades this book has received?
Can I make any new points to show how absolutely stunning it is?
That EPIC is the only word that comes near what I’m trying to express?

Not sure, I can. But I would like to let you know that ….

... The historical detail is incredible: it paints a vivid picture of ancient Sparta, its customs and society. A society where brutality and violence are the norm, where love and emotions are considered a weakness and dying for Sparta the highest honor.

... I loved Axios, who questions his fate and Spartan ideals. He is a thinker, a dreamer, a kind man with a moral conscience who struggles with the life fate has handed him. I wept for him, I ached for him, I wished a different life for him too many times to count.

... I loved Eryx, the born warrior, a leader by nature, a true Spartan in every way. He is an honorable man, a man of stature, but underneath it all his soft, understanding and mischievous side made him ultimately endearing.

... And for the best:
Axios and Eryx’s love story. It is breath-taking and gorgeous. Epic. Powerful. Sweet. Hot. Simply beautiful. On all accounts. How it blossoms against the odds and the brutal training they’re going through. How it unfolds and soars in a place where death is ever present.

It is one you will remember.

“He was the very air I breathed and the water that sustained me. A life without him was a life not worth living.”

“You are my heart,” he (Eryx) said…. “I will kill any man and turn the whole world to ash for you, my warrior. I fear neither battle nor death, but I fear the day you are not by my side. Never question where my heart lies, because it’s forever yours. In this life and the next.”

... The writing throughout is heart-wrenchingly beautiful. So many ‘epic’ quotes, I lost count.
Although there is a sense of doom right from the beginning and a certain inevitability of how things are going to go, there is lightness and fun, too, and so much love.

... I loved Haden, Leanna, Theon and Quill. Secondary characters at their best!

... I cried throughout the last chapter. Hmm …. maybe violent sobbing would describe it better?
The author shredded my weeping heart into the tiniest of pieces, and yet – despite the tears and the sadness, there is this sense of serenity and calm and a feeling that this is ok…. because …

“Sparta can have my life, but she cannot take my heart.”

“ You and I will never part, my warrior. In this life and the next, we will be just as we have forever been: side by side. There is not a thing that can take me from you, neither the slashing of a sword not the impalement of a spear, for I will always find you.”

“What do you think makes the stars?” I asked, staring at the sky in wonder.
“The gods created them,”Eryx answered. … “It is a place for heroes.”
Profile Image for Elsbeth.
1,250 reviews40 followers
July 31, 2017
~~ My warrior. My lover. My heart. ~~

After reading this a week ago, I still can't let this story go.

Few books were able to gut me. And this was one of them. It hurt unbelievabely. And searching for matching pictures just added to the pain.

I’ve never watched the TV series Spartacus but going through some pictures I ran into Andy Whitfield

And doesn’t he make the most perfect Eryx?? Understanding that he lost the battle of cancer in 2011 makes me bawl like a baby.

Being that this is the most EPIC love story I have read til now, no way am I able to write a worthy review. I do want to post some amazing pictures of these brave Spartacan men with quotes.



”For as long as there is breath in my lungs, I will love you. Only you. And even when I leave this world, I will still belong to you, for my soul will forever seek yours. In both this life and the next.”
~~ Axios


Profile Image for Deborah.
3,709 reviews485 followers
August 29, 2017

This book is beautiful, truly beautiful but it's also brutal and difficult to read at times.
I can't remember the last time a book captured me so completely and made me feel so much. At the end of book I was crying freely, I couldn't stop I also closed my kindle and put it down and left it, I didn't start to write my review or move on to the next book I just sat lost in the world of these two incredible characters I'd grown to love.

There's so many wonderful reviews for this book I'm not even going to try to get a hold of my feelings long enough to summarise it.
Just know it's incredibly rare for me to give 5* I save this rating for the books that come around once or twice every hundred or so books I read but this, this is something special.
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,149 reviews197 followers
August 12, 2017
DNF en el 50%, ya no lo aguanto más. Para que yo lea un libro con tanta violencia y con final que no se augura (no lo sé) muy feliz, la historia tiene que ser buena y esta no me lo parece. Axios y Ery viven su amor en la Esparta guerrera y violenta de la Antigua Grecia. Se supone que su amor es épico pero yo solo he visto un montón de frases facilonas tipo "mataré a todos para defenderte a ti bla bla" "eres mi amor bla bla" "haría todo por ti bla bla" pero en bonito. Y mientras, el desarrollo de los personajes no existe, fundamentalmente de Ery, mucho tell y poco show. Es superficial en el análisis de los personajes y superficial en el análisis de la cultura. Llegados al 50% nada me despierta ninguna emoción, solo la violencia, y además me estoy aburriendo.
Sé que estoy en minoría, pero para mi un meh supremo.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,427 reviews579 followers
October 23, 2017
4.5 stars

Ughhhh, I did end up sobbing guys. Just give me some time and I'll not be sobbing my eyes out in order to write a review.



Okay *deep breaths* I've calmed down enough to write this. I swear, even though I knew it was coming, this was still me at the end:


One thing I know, I would not have wanted to live in this time. This book was so historically accurate it is crazy - yep, went and looked up Spartan history when I finished this just to be sure - and the only thing that was truly fictional was our main characters, and our main romantic couple. But the society, how they were raised, the geography and names of things in Spartan culture were all real and I commend the author for having done her research. This book is one steeped in reality and the historical accuracy helped.

And ya know, for all of the apparent Spartan training of their men from such a young age, their arrogance is what always, I think, led them to failure. A lot of them thought themselves gods or invincible, what have you, and that was their downfall. I'm sure this is what it was like in real life too because the battles shown in this book were real battles that took place.

Axios and Eryx's love was a great love, and more than this being a historical story, it was a love story. Set in the backdrop of a reality that once was, but a fictional love story nonetheless, although I'm sure there were quite a few Spartan warrior lovers at the time with a love as great as theirs, or close to it.


Born into a society that made you become a warrior whether you wanted to be or not, Axios and Eryx were really just born in an unfortunate time, as they lived in their prime when these legendary battles took place, and several of them are ones the Spartans lost.

But while Eryx seemed almost born to be a warrior and was one of the best, he too had his moments of wishing for another life, one that did no involve going off to battle for perhaps years at a time, and only being home for a few years at best in between.

I would not be able to live that way, knowing I had no choice in the matter and just waiting for the day to come when it was time for battle again.

And of course we have a hope that they might both get to live the rest of their days together, happy, living a normal life and Axios even hopes for it, but like in reality most of the time, they do not get that. UGH, it still makes me so angry and so sad.

But .

Axios and Eryx had an amazing bond, but even they weren't perfect. They were human, and they didn't always see things the same, but they gave each other something the other lacked, and they both fulfilled each other's lives that way. Also, they did have so many years together, so many, and while I wish they had had more, there is also comfort in the fact that they had almost 20 years together - and knew each other for almost thirty.

We go through their whole love story through this book. We didn't get to see as much as I would have liked, but this spanned from when they were 10 to when they were 35, 36 years old, so I loved what we did get, how we got to see them grow to love one another.

And, the only reason I gave off half a star is perhaps because of my own annoyance or pettiness at this, but I did NOT care for

And aside from Axios and Eryx, we got a lot of wonderful side characters too, who it felt almost as painful losing as it did them.

In the end it felt worth it to read this, even though I'm not normally one for character deaths. But it was so good and Axios and Eryx's love was amazing and it sucks that they didn't get the life they deserved, but I was happy they found what little happiness they could with each other in a Spartan world where happiness was few and far between.

I know I'll come back to this book and read my favorite parts with these two - but probably never read the end again if I can help it - and pretend that they got to live out the rest of their life in peace.

So, if you can handle major character deaths, or can get through it at least (with lots of tears along the way), and want to read a beautiful, touching love story, then YES read this. If it would be just too much - which I TOTALLY understand. I usually stay away from major character death like the plague. Can't do it, won't do it the majority of the time - to read that, then I understand passing on this one. You do you :D

But I for one, don't regret reading this <3
Profile Image for Ky.
589 reviews85 followers
February 28, 2018
Ok I give up.. It's been months and I can't make myself read the last 5% of this story. I have skimmed the remaining pages and read some things here and there so I know what happens but I just can't read-read the end.

I have read a lot of stories set in ancient Greece and many of them were tragedies so I knew what to expect when I started the book - plus, there's the title and you can't miss that. While from time to time I can make an exception and read the sad end for a short story or myth, I can't read it when it's for a full story. Most of the time I feel like I know the characters so I want to leave them somewhere happy. I did that since I was little. I remember having a book with Hercule's story and I wouldn't read the last few pages.

Maybe I'm wrong to not read that last 5%, maybe I'm missing the point of the story. I don't really care anymore. It's been months and I don't want to read the end and be sad about two characters I came to like so much. I know what happens and that's enough for me, I don't need to spend hours thinking about the tragic end that finds them, which I know I'll do if I read all the words the author wrote for them.

Everytime they went to a new battle I was on the edge of my seat thinking "that's it". My nerves were frayed from about 75% onward. That's enough. I read angsty books and I like them but I want a HEA, I want to leave the characters at a good point in their lives, I want to know they have a good future waiting for them.

And those are the reasons I decided to stop trying to finish this story.

I'm still going to rate the book though and I don't consider it a dnf. It was a great story and so different from what I usually read. I normally stay away from historicals and only very rarely pick one up, but even if I did read them more often, Axios would still be something different. There aren't many fictional romantic books set in that time and place and for a good reason. In ancient Greece there was constant war in one place or another. War was a common occurance either between different ancient greek cities or between greek people and their neighbors. It wasn't exactly a place set for romance.

Ever since I first learned about Sparta when I was in school I was fascinated by their society and their way of life, by their unique way of thinking and how true they were to their values. Their culture was so different than everyone else's and - thankfully - from everything we know, that it held an appeal for the 8-year old me. Of course then I didn't understand everything Spartans were standing for nor were we taught every brutal detail but I was still more fascinated by those weird warriors that from Athens' philosophers.

The Spartan culture was one of the most brutal and harsh I have ever read about and even though I understand that now, I'm still most fascinated by it. It's not something I ever want to experience because, as I said, I think the Spartan people were very brutal, it's just something that interests me from an academic perspective.

The most amazing thing for me was the role of the women. They had more power than in other places at the same time but that made them also harsher, tougher, stronger. The role of the woman was to become the mother of a warrior and the role of the man was to become a warrior. They were people of war and their whole existence revolved around war.

The book is historically accurate in its biggest part but there were some things that bothered me. Some of the names weren't Greek, I think they were latin, I could be wrong but they sure weren't ancient Greek names. My biggest issue was with the author's decision to shorten the characters' names. That's something that happens nowadays but it didn't happen then. They didn't shorten names for any reason. Yes it was cute and sweet when Axios and Eryx did it but it pulled me from the story. I have read many texts both in translation and the original and I have never encountered the shortening of a name. There were no nicknames in the way we use them nowadays, their names were full and usually ment something. The only nickname that someone could be given had to do with a quality of his character, some physical characteristic he had or his heritage. So, big no to the cute shortening of the names from me.

I suppose it's time to talk about the story after all this rambling. Is anyone still reading this?

I loved the story! Seeing those two characters grow up and growing closer together, following along all their lives and seeing them mature into two brave men with principles and unique characters was pretty great. It was the story of two people and not just the story of a relationship. We saw them change, make friends, form bonds, learn how to fight, go to war. We really got to know those two characters and that's what made it so hard for me to really read the last 5%.

I didn't like the whole side plot with the king and I try to forget it happened so I'm not going to say anything more about that. It was the only thing I absolutely hated about the story.

Everything else I loved. The way Axios and Eryx realised their feelings and started a relationship, the way their peers and everyone who knew about them reacted or rather didn't, the friendship they formed between them, just seeing their life in a society that fascinates me. I think the author did a great job with the era and with the place. The way everyone handled homosexuality in that society fits with what I imagined they would do. It was something common even if not something to talk about. The phrase that comes to mind is "common secret".

The portrayal of the thoughts and feelings of the characters were very realistic and the war Axios was in with himself about what his purpose was and what he wanted for himseft were understandable and believable. The war between what you want versus what you're supposed to want. Eryx and Axios were so different and at the same time so alike each other. They were strong together and supported one another. It was an epic love story that I'm glad I decided to read.

4 stars and no I still don't want to read the last 5%!
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
August 1, 2017
It’s simply beautiful…heartbreaking as a tragedy can be.
An emotional love story between 2 warriors during the 4th century BC set up in the city of Sparta. I do join the enthusiasm of the other readers. The writing is fantastic and flawless and the fact that there is an historical background made this story even more intense for me.

It starts in 396 BC : as many children and as traditions are, Axios and Eryx are taken from their home to get trained and become part of the famous Spartan warriors to serve the city. Throughout their training, their growing, their trials, they form one of the most beautiful bond I’ve read about.
“To me, it is a story of how good can stem from tragedy”
“And to me, it is a story of how injust the Gods can be”

We were so different in many aspects : beliefs, talents, intellect and physical attributes. One of the only similarities we shared was our affection for each other

No sugarcoating : the first 20% were brutal to read for me but I could already feel the emotion pouring from the narration and, despite the sense of doom that didn’t leave me one second, I kept going and going, being enthralled by the love exuding throughout the years this story takes place.
It was a powerful reading, almost as if I were experimenting all the various feelings Axios had as a child, an adult, a warrior, a brother, a friend, an uncle, but most of all, as a lover.
My heart ached and cried for Axios and Eryx, as well as for all the other characters that met their path.

“Do you believe they are in the Elysian Fields ?” Icarius asked.(…)
“No, son. (…) They are in the stars”
Profile Image for Karla.
1,287 reviews340 followers
August 4, 2017
5 my warriors stars!

Sigh! It's been days and days since I read this book and I still find myself thinking about it and honestly I'm not sure what more I could say that hasn't been said already but I'll give it a shot so here I go.....

"Loyalty. Brotherhood. Love"

This book was amazing, beautiful, emotional and gut wrenching, it literally stole my heart. Axios and Eryx one of the most passionate love story's I've read in a long time. Loved the pace of the book, and how it starts from the MC training as young boys to becoming spartan warriors. Their bond goes from friendship and affection to a fierce passion full of off the charts chemistry.

"In all the ages, there has never been a love like ours. No one has ever loved another as I have loved you. If we fall today my soul will find yours. For I am eternally yours in this life and the next"

But this book is more than Axios/Eryx, is also about the brotherhood the fierce loyalty with the rest of the spartan warriors. It was such an adventure seeing all of them grow from boys to this fierce and strong warriors who protected each other at all costs.

"I would kill any man, go any distance, and burn the whole world down if it meant keeping you safe"

Axios/Eryx were both so different in character but they complemented each other perfectly. Where Axios was more soft hearted wanting peace and the injustice to stop for the slaves. Eryx was more loyal to the brutal way of Sparta and protecting it in any way, even through war. But a the end of the day they both learned from each other and how to balance their different thoughts.


Can't say enough, loved this book so so much one of my favorite books that will stay in my mind and heart for a long time.❤️
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,826 reviews403 followers
August 1, 2017
A stunning romance and historical brilliance combined

If you decide to step outside your comfort zone and pick up something different it should be this book. It goes beyond words as to what makes it special but special it most definitely is.

I am a bit of a Greek myths and history nerd so I was astonished at the level of research which has gone into anchoring this amazing love story so firmly in factual events.

No Axios and his lover Eryx may not have been historical figures but they were real, as real as the life they lived in Sparta and the battles they fought in the Peloponnesian Wars.

And oh how they loved, with all the passion and fire and devotion of two perfect halves made whole altogether. This may not be a conventional love story but by all the Gods they worshipped, it is as epic as those in Greek legend.

From their first meeting, to the epilogue which brings their story to a close, they were inseparable, friends, warriors, lovers, companions, typifying all that was good about Sparta in her glorious age. But also highlighting the ultimate decline and fall of a once great Nation State as new rulers rose and empires changed.

This is the first book I've read by Jaclyn and I have to commend her for choosing to tackle such a weighty setting, the attention to detail is flawless, the introduction of the Sacred Band of Thebes cleverly mirroring what was happening in Axios and Eryx's own military unit. The setting is flawless, the tiny attentions to detail which bring 4thC BC Sparta to life all just add weight to the inevitability of the love story.

Honestly, don't be put off by the setting, this really is a love story for the ages. Have tissues and a comfort blanket - or a stiff drink - ready when you read the epilogue, it is perfect. This is a book which will stay with me for a very long time and one which I will happily recommend to anyone and everyone.

They're in the stars

They're in the stars

I borrowed this on KU and loved it so much that I bought it as soon as I'd sent it back. This is a book which, even if I don't read it again (although I'm sure I will once my bruised and broken heart recovers), I wanted to have my own copy because it just deserves to be at the top of the charts.
Profile Image for Felice Stevens.
Author 90 books1,661 followers
July 22, 2017
An absolutely beautiful, epic journey of love, honor, and devotion. A story that will stay with me for a very long time.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
April 7, 2018
So yeah, if you're looking for me or Josy...

We'll be right here...

We tried guys we really, really tried and at the end of it all I don't think either one of us is really sure why this one went sideways on us, but it did. So here we are back in the box of shame.

Ok, I can't really talk about what didn't work for Josy...mostly because Josy's all growed up and likes to speak for herself as it should be. So I'm going to try and explain why I'm sitting in this box again...

First off let's start with what I liked because obviously 3 stars meant I liked something...I just for the most part didn't love things or at least didn't feel that connection to the story that makes me want to love things and as I've already said "I'm just not sure why." so I'm probably not going to really dwell on what I didn't like because it's pretty much a subjective thing.

In the interest of being honest I will freely admit historical books aren't at the top of my reading list. It's not that they never work for me it's just that they're more often than not a challenge for me to really get into, which is rather ironic given that when I was in school history was one of my absolute favorite subjects. But be that as it may if you're still here I'm assuming it's because you're wondering what my thoughts were on this book so let's move along...

First off I want to say that this book is well written and while I'm by no means an expert on the history of Sparta or even ancient Greece for that matter, I'm also not so obtuse that I can't see that Jaclyn Osborn has committed a considerable effort to making this book feel authentic to the time in which it was set. There's a lot of background for this one and that's ok because it's integral to the story and it's also part of the story and was by no means given in the form of an info dump.

The characters in this story were beautifully presented they had depth and I liked seeing Axios and Eryx go from young children to grown men and not just Axios and Eryx...there were so many other characters that were a part of their lives Haden, Theon, Quill, Leanna, Felix and on and on and they were all so integral to who Axios and Eryx ultimately became.

Ironically one of the things that this author did that I'm not usually a fan of was the time jumps but in this story they worked. The author handled them perfectly and I was never left feeling like I'd missed something because of them. If anything they actually helped to keep the story flowing at a consistent pace.

And yet, somehow I was bored, I essentially remained detached from all of it. I wish I could say it was overly detailed or that it was too long...but, it wasn't either of these things. I've read books that were every bit if not more detailed than this one, I've read books that were in the range of 800 pages, more or less, and savored every page. I've read books that absolutely were not as well written as this one and been far more enthusiastic about them...so guys, I'm totally saying this ones on me...at least 99% anyways. But before I wrap this up I also want to say...

HOLY HELL!!! That ending...it's magnificent! It was...I don't really want to say what I expected but for me it was pretty well the only plausible ending and then there was the epilogue which was the absolute best part of the book for me. It was beautiful and unfortunately in spite of all the punch the last chapter and the epilogue held for me, I can't in all fairness say that this makes up for the rest of the book. However what I can say is that while I'm only giving the book itself 3 stars, if you ask me about the last part about that final chapter and the epilogue well I'm not going to split hairs here I will tell you that it deserves *5 Beautiful Spartan stars*

Seriously if you haven't read this book and especially if you love historical stories you need to at least give it the courtesy of checking out all those other reviews the ones written by the people who read this book and connected to it from start to finish because you may be one of them. If history maybe isn't your thing than check out those reviews anyways but proceed with caution you may be another me or Josy....my awesome buddy read partner who's sitting here with me in the box of shame wondering what we missed?
Profile Image for Mariam, the clown.
658 reviews535 followers
March 5, 2022
How do I write a review of this book? How do I explain what I felt with every page and each word that spoke from our characters? How do I describe the happiness I felt, the joy, and the downright pain I felt reading the last words of this book?

“For as long as there is breath in my lungs, I will love you. Only you. And even when I leave this world, I will still belong to you, for my soul will forever seek yours. In both this life and the next.

I think this story was beautiful but also heartbreaking watching Axios and Eryx grow older and the weariness of world, the life of a Spartan warrior drag their shoulders. It broke my heart watching them grow and how different they were from the precious years of youth. It was in its own accuracy, the truth of the unfairness of it all, that time was cruel to all, and no one no matter how great escaped it's claws. It was watching them grow older and toughen up that hurt the most, it was seeing them GROW UP from their innocent hearts that broke my heart.

And yet through the passage of time, a small bubble that cruelty of the world did not touch was the love Axios and Eryx had for each other. It was timeless and passionate, soul-deep and endless. It grew as they got older and intensified as the years progressed.

And I was in awe.

“There is no greater happiness than having you by my side.”

It reminds me of the simple things I seek in life.

Their love reminded me of the simple things in life I gloss over. It makes me appreciate and nauseate at the wealth of our generation.

This book felt 500 pages long and yet still not enough. I am not a history major and my knowledge of Spartan history is very little yet I praise and appluase at the historical aspect of this book. It might be naive of me but I wish to believe that historical value of this book, was indeed accurate as well.

I think Axios might have been everyone's delight and favorite, but I felt my heart sing with Eryx's appearance, absolutely curdled by his pain and downright joy at reading his bliss. And yet I feel like I still know barely anything about him, I mean I can read his tells, the look he gets in his eyes, the crease in his brows, the frowns in his eyes, I mean I can guess as much as I want to but can never fully confirm it. And yet, ever as the beautiful mystery he was, he was the light in this beautiful novel. My strong, courageous warrior.

I saw him as a god, a man to be feared by all, but one I loved above all others.

Which is why I'm excited to read HIS POV, HIS DECLARATION for their journey and story even though it actually petrified me like the fucking boogey man, knowing I'll have to go through this book one more time again.

The passage of time had touched many things, but it had not changed his beauty. If anything, it had only enhanced it.

This book and the memories that i felt as if I shared it with Axios and Eryx remains, honestly, a sacred place in my heart. I look back at this book and think of our great warriors with so much fondness, because throughout all the pain, and death, and cold nights and cruel scars left behind, through all the desperation and longing our warriors felt and battled with, throughout war they found and had each other, they found love and shared that love, nurtured and cherished it until the final moments of this book.

It was without a doubt, maddeningly beautiful.

[ For clarification, I rated this 4.5 ⭐ and the way to it is 100 and 10% spoiler filled. ]

❌❌❌❌❌❌ WARNING.
SPOILERS AHEAD ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
❌❌❌❌DO NOT READ if you have read the book, you'll regret it, I promise. ❌❌❌❌

I felt betrayed, disgusted and horrified at every second of the King Agig whatever. I'm sure he was a great man in real life but in this book? Go find your own damn Axious mate! He's of Eyrx!
I felt disgusted because that stupid, even if Axios didn't move, HE LET HIM KISS HIM and for what? FOR THEIR FIRST FUCKING ARGUMENT. The first time they fought, the first time doubt was crossed, the first time conflict exchanged, yeah he was fucking hurt, but he dared to go into the embrace of another face and yearn for them? How dare he and how dare he do that to Eyrx? And ugk, don't get me started on the first thing he said afterward. I nearly threw my phone at a wall. That's the stupidest I ever heard. I was proud as fuck when Eryx threw him down.
Ugk, I'm mad at Axios because I FELT BETRAYED. Of all people and of all lovers, it was him who cherished the ground Eyrx walked on, and loved him inways unbestowed to their time that ripped my chest. I felt nauseated and violated and if this is what it feels like being cheated, I feel sorry for having loved cheating romance before.
And what I was mad even more was why Axios did it. IT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE. He said and I fucking quote, that the King called him Extraordinary and that was the first time someone had ever said that to them.
What the fuck do you think Eryx thinks of you as? A PIECE OF FUCKING WARM HOLE?
Eryx, in his own stubborn, prideful and confident ways, adored - loved - cherished and - protected Axios. It was him who teached and pushed Axios to be strong. He pushed the hardest of all of their mentors, Eryx pushed him at his moral dilemmas. He pushed him because if Eryx didn't, he knew Axios wouldn't survive the life of what a Spartan entailed. Yet no matter how strong he wished and pushed Axios to be, he cherished Axios' mind and his heart and his love of adventure, of the stars and the questions he seek and the knowledge he wishes to engulf.
There was never a heartbeat where it didn't echo of Axios in Eryx's soul.
So HOW DARE Axios belittle my warrior of the incredible love Eyrx beholds with him. Absolutely unbelievable.

And I let go of it okay. I ignored it and my mindset was: it happened already so I can't fucking do anything over it. I threw it to the back of mind and regrew my appreciation for him.

But God fucking DAMN IT. Really? When they met again, Axios heart flutters??? No. No. I feel disgusted as I type that and y'know, it was nice he was with the man until death BUT NO. how dare he regret that night he parted with him after that kiss. He dare he wish to know him better. Fuck that and fuck this entire plot. That's why I can't give this a full 5 star and I can't put this on my favorite list.

After that VERY passionate RANT that I -when I reread it- feel like: damn, who was she? take a chill pill woman.
Here's to my complete 180 of my entire rant lol.
I hate sad endings, sad endings have no place on this world. The world is already miserable enough.

But Axios and Eryx's ending was sad and my I cried with my whole body shaking, with my heart absolutely anguish. But the thing is... My heart didn't break at their ending. It didn't shatter. Because Axios and Eryx's ending was beautiful. It was them, as they've always been, from where they've started to where they ended, together with their heart and soul.

I felt silly typing this, but I couldn't help but say my very own love letter to Axios and Eryx for it felt like an ode to the stars.

To Axios and Eryx,
To your next life, for Axios may your dreams of that ordinary house by the seashore and a life full of adventure come true, and Eyrx, may you never falter in your bravery and begin a newfound purpose, together.

“When you are near, it’s as if my soul reaches out to touch yours,” he spoke, moving his fingers along my jaw and staring at me with a look that made my stomach flutter. “To reconnect with a missing piece. And when we part, I leave that piece with you.”

Profile Image for CC.
1,200 reviews709 followers
September 28, 2018
4.5 Stars!

At the young age of seven, Axios began military training to prepare him to bravely fight as a true Spartan warrior. Though this was a rite of passage for boys, Axios wasn’t ruthless but rather someone who contemplated justice and morality. As hard lessons toughened Axios into adulthood, he would fight to death for his loved ones and brethren.

“We wear red so out enemies will not see us bleed. We are gods in their eyes.”

Offering a balance to Axios’s philosophical mind is his friend Eryx, a boy born to be a fearless soldier and leader. From the beginning, Axios and Eryx share a connection and as they mature, their bond is fortified by love and loyalty.

“We must stick together. Fight as one. Let them keep their lashes for we have something they do not. Unity.”

Told in first person and spanning decades, Axios evolves into a compassionate and skilled soldier who never foregoes who he really is. In his times of doubt and defiance, Eryx grounds Axios with his steady way of guidance.

“His fingers trailed along my jaw before he stepped backward. “You may not see it now, but when the time comes for us to go to battle, you will be brave for your heart is bigger than any I know.”

What I loved about this story is the hardships these characters experience. With varied beginnings, they share the experience of soldiers and overcome their burdens. Axios is an endearing and admirable character. As for Eryx, he is a bright light with natural charisma and leadership skills. Together, their connection is combustible and deeply loving.

Axios is about friendship, sacrifice and bravery. This book would appeal to those enjoy an epic tale weaved with historical elements.

*This was a (F)BR with Twinsie Hawkey!*

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Profile Image for warhawke.
1,480 reviews2,191 followers
September 25, 2018
Genre: M/M Historical Romance
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Male

Axios and Eryx met during childhood. As trainees of the Spartan military, they endured the harshness of the life of war together. But as they bonded and feelings started to emerge, they have to decide if love was something worth pursuing in a life full of uncertainties.

I could endure lashings, beatings, starvation, and extreme weather, but losing him would be the one thing to destroy me.

Axios was not a typical a typical Spartan. He had a different outlook on life and a bleeding heart that often time landed himself in trouble.

To the rest of the world, he was stern and lacked compassion. He was disciplined and unwavering in his ability to strike a man down. The perfect makings of a soldier—a leader. But to me… he was my home.

Eryx was the complete opposite. With his high sense of duty, he thrived in proving himself of his abilities. But even with his emotionless exterior, he had a place in his heart for those he cared about.

I was invested in Axios and Eryx’s lives. I loved seeing how they evolved as individuals and as a couple, and they balanced each other perfectly. I was equally invested in the secondary characters who each had their own appeal.

“Do not ever leave me, Ax,” he said, gripping the side of my neck and pressing his forehead to mine, still moving inside of me. “By the gods, I could not bear it. My whole world is right here in my hands. Without you, I am nothing.”

I love anything Ancient Greek or Roman era, so this book definitely attracted me on first look. I enjoyed the culture and the history from the story but at times it felt like an unnecessary history lesson that was not necessarily significant to the storyline. Also there was several repeated information throughout the book that could have been cut.

“To be courageous is to fear death, and yet, charge at the enemy anyhow. Fear does not make you a coward. But overcoming it makes you a man.”

Axios follows the lives of two warriors in their pursuit of happiness amidst trying situations. It would appeal to readers who enjoy an engaging historical romance set in ancient time.

⚔ 🛡 ⚔ . . . (F)BR with Twinsie CC . . . ⚔ 🛡 ⚔

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Profile Image for Dani.
129 reviews40 followers
August 27, 2017

Brilliantly written.



Those are the words that come up to my mind after reading this story.

Saying that I wasn’t an emotional wreck at the end of this will be an understatement. I do admit I didn’t cry because I’m a tough girl but I won’t lie saying that I didn’t feel like it either.

This book is one of those that haven’t stopped popping in my feed and I’ve inevitably read thousand of reviews. I didn’t want to read it at first because I didn’t want to have my soul crushed and after a while Ky came to me and asked me to buddy read with her so I agreed just because I thought that I already knew what was going to happen and that ‘knowledge’ was going to help me not to be a crying wrecked at the end. Geez, I shouldn’t have underestimated the power of this bloody book.

It was both beautiful and brutal and let me completely raw at the end. My heart doesn’t only aches for Axios and Eryx but also for Quill, Theon, and Haden. *gasp* Even thinking about then after having 3 days that I finished it takes my breath away and waters my eyes.

This book was so much more than only Axios and Eryx's relationship as I let myself believe at first. It also is about loyalty, honor, discipline, friendship, love, and family.

The former completely swept me off my feet. That is a soft spot for me. Seeing all of them becoming friends and then realizing they were brothers was what did it for me.

I want to write more, to share everything I thought of this story but I can’t even look for my highlights without having a meltdown. I didn’t cry after finishing this but I may start right now so I’m leaving this as it is.

I can’t give it 5 stars because even though it was a beautiful story it wasn’t perfect. It had dull moments and it was a bit repetitive at a time. And the King was something I felt totally unnecessary.

Sorry for not being capable of writing something that resembles more a review instead of a bunch of random words with half spit feelings.

~4 heartbreaking and spartan stars~
Profile Image for Literatures Movies.
595 reviews337 followers
September 23, 2018
“The years with him flashed before my eyes. The golden-haired boy who had taught me so much about myself. The one who had my heart and always would. I recalled his face: the flush in his cheeks when we’d made love, the way his green eyes sparked with determination one moment and with love in the next, and the small smile that lingered in the corner of his mouth when he tried to hide his amusement at me but failed.

I had spent years memorizing every detail of him, storing his face to memory, and I finally knew why.”

Initially I went into this book thinking that it is going to be a 5 star read, but somewhere along the way the lengthy description of the training techniques, battle strategies, throw in some names of kings and places I have never heard of before kind of threw me off the fangirl phase.

I started skim-reading around 50% mark. I kind of see the ending coming, because truly, when you read about war and Spartans, . And that is part of the charm that led me to enjoy the book as much as I did, despite some of the hiccups I had while reading this book.

Another thing I had problems with are the dialogues. The author seems to be conflicted about trying to modernize them for our current 21st century reader consumption, and trying to keep the essence of how people speak on the years Before Century. And it in the end, it came off kind of mixed up with some modern English spoken very poetically.


While it does make a great quote when you pick out a certain part from the book, in entirety, it came off a tad bit weird. But it's not too much that it hinders me from fully enjoying the book.

Altogether it was a fun read. I would not say it a memorable one since all the time I was reading this book, I was unconsciously comparing it to The Song of Achilles, and despite the emotions it managed to evoke out of me, it sadly still fell short from Patroclus and Achilles' story.


Blog : Click here for more of my reviews.
Profile Image for annob [on hiatus].
574 reviews69 followers
March 16, 2020
Wow, this story shocked me in the beginning with its on-page violence. Violence carried out by children, inflicted upon other children. It was far more violent than I normally like to read but at that point the story was 4 star level good. I thought I was in for a fantastic historical romance since I found the main characters—Axios and Eryx—likable and nicely emotionally layered.

Sadly, my initial excitement decreased the further into the story I got. To my surprise I found it boring. Even though the idea of the love story was beautiful, it lacked the necessary tension driving the romantic plot forward. The love story became too perfect, too complacent, a bit repetitive, with virtually every chapter ending one a happy note. The romance ended up feeling like a fairytale dream rather than gritty and real, and the story lost out because of this.

It was obvious that the author loved writing this story, and loved her characters, so it makes me doubly sad to give a low rating. A for effort, but 2 stars to reflect my level of reading enjoyment.
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