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334 pages, Paperback
First published July 19, 2017
I was his. I had been since the very first day I laid eyes on him. The golden-haired boy who had watched me with concerned, green eyes and beckoned me to stand and fight had come to mean more to me than my own life.
This book will forever hold a place in my heart.It's quite simply stunning.
The story of Axios and Eryx.....
Taken from their homes at a young age to train in the Spartan Army this is a breathtakingly,beautiful story of love,honour and discipline,not only between the two men but the friends/family and unbreakable bonds they form throughout their lives.
A green eyed boy with golden hair that was there for Axios from a young age and a connection so powerful it took my breath away at times.
Axios and Eryx are different...
Eryx knows what is expected from him and almost nothing will get him to turn his back on his commitment and obligation to the Army.
Axios recognizes the life that has been mapped out for him but doesn't really believe in fighting/war....he's more interested in the beauty of the world around him.
The story follows them from young boys into adulthood and it isn't always pretty but the Author certainly kept it real.
-the writing and research into Greek History was second to none.While I was reading it I kept googling events and everything was on point.
-this is one of the most beautiful love stories I've read and a lot of people have used the word EPIC to describe their love but there's no other word for it.
-a lot of people have messaged me asking about a HEA and it's so difficult to explain because you really have to go on the journey with Axios and Eryx to fully understand......“When you are near, it’s as if my soul reaches out to touch yours,” he spoke, moving his fingers along my jaw and staring at me with a look that made my stomach flutter. “To reconnect with a missing piece. And when we part, I leave that piece with you.”
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One of my all time favourite books that I cannot recommend highly enough.
“In all the ages, there has never been a love like ours. No one has ever loved another as I have loved you. If we fall today, my soul will find yours. For I am eternally yours… in this life and the next.”Sigh. It has been a while since I’ve read such a truly epic romance. This is one of those books I would have never picked up on my own because 1- I’ve never heard of it or the author and 2. Most of the time I steer clear of anything ‘historical’. It’s not my cuppa. But when a trusted friend told me I would love it, I squeezed it in. I’m so happy I did! Axios and Eyrx are two unforgettable characters with a beautiful love story!
“A true warrior fights for what’s in his heart.” His fingers trailed along my jaw before he stepped backward. “You may not see it now, but when the time comes for us to go to battle, you will be brave for your heart is bigger than any I know.”
“And I swear I will forever choose you… Sparta can have my life, but she cannot take my heart.”
“You and I will never part, my warrior. In this life and the next, we will be just as we have forever been: side by side. There is not a thing that can take me from you, neither the slashing of a sword nor the impalement from a spear, for I will always find you.”
"Loyalty. Brotherhood. And love."
My warrior. My lover. My heart.
“We shall share it.”
His green eyes lit up, and he took the offered bread with a smile still in place.
I ate my piece slowly, savoring the taste of it on my tongue. My gaze moved back to him. “Thank you. I shall not forget this kindness.”
“You are welcome. I could teach you how to fight, if you wish. It matters not that you won today. Gaius and Felix will keep a close watch on you from this day forth, so you would do well to improve your defense. I am called Eryx.”
He held his hand out to me. Eryx. The name suited him well.
Reaching out, I clasped it. “I would appreciate that greatly. I am Axios.”
“Axios,” he repeated, and his voice had a nice quality to it, flowing like the sweetest of melodies. “Finish your bread. Morning comes early and you need your rest.”
“You are my heart,” he said unexpectedly. The amount of care in his voice settled over my chest like a warm cloak. “I do not easily confess emotions in the way you do, but know I feel the same. The words I once spoke to you hold true: I will kill any man and turn the whole world to ash for you, my warrior. I fear neither battle nor death, but I fear the day you are not by my side. Never question where my heart lies, because it is forever yours. In this life and the next.”
“I do not fear death because I’m afraid of dying, Ery… I fear it because it would take me from you.”
“Eryx, look at me.” When he did not obey, I grabbed his chin and forced him to. “A man without fear is not brave. Bravery comes from being afraid, but doing a thing anyway. To be courageous is to fear death, and yet, charge at the enemy anyhow. Fear does not make you a coward. But overcoming it makes you a man.”
He stared at me as if he were seeing me for the first time.
“You have always been troubled by the thought of war,” he commented, taking my hand in his. “How is it you are so calm?”
“Because I have you by my side,” I answered, seeing the way his expression shifted at my response. His eyes were no longer fearful, but held awe in their green depths. “And I know whatever we face, we face together. I—”
Eryx cut off my words by pulling me into a kiss.
Nothing more was said.
"This is my life." [...] "A life of gore and violence."
"You and I will never part, my warrior. In this life and the next, we will be just as we have forever been: side by side. There is not a thing that can take me from you, neither the slashing of a sword nor the impalement from a spear, for I will always find you.”
"Eryx might not be the cold-hearted beast the men wanted us to be, but he didn’t show his gentle side to anyone apart from me. To the rest of the world, he was stern and lacked compassion. He was disciplined and unwavering in his ability to strike a man down. The perfect makings of a soldier—a leader. But to me… he was my home.
“I crave a life where we can live in peace.” My voice was thick with emotion, and I forced myself to speak through the tightness in my throat. “Where love is seen as a strength and where our days are spent lounging by our stream, lost in conversation for hours on end. There’d be no sorrow, pain, and no darkness. Nothing but happiness and light. Love. However, I’ve come to the realization that dream will never be.”
“Sparta is not my home. You are.”
"Eryx was the anchor that kept me from drifting out to sea. My safe haven from the storm."
My warrior. My lover. My heart.
"For as long as there is breath in my lungs, I will love you. Only you. And even when I leave this world, I will still belong to you, for my soul will forever seek yours. In both this life and the next. Remember?"
This review has been posted on Dirty Books Obsession Dirty Books Obsession
~~ My warrior. My lover. My heart. ~~
”For as long as there is breath in my lungs, I will love you. Only you. And even when I leave this world, I will still belong to you, for my soul will forever seek yours. In both this life and the next.”~~ Axios
“To me, it is a story of how good can stem from tragedy”
“And to me, it is a story of how injust the Gods can be”
We were so different in many aspects : beliefs, talents, intellect and physical attributes. One of the only similarities we shared was our affection for each other
“Do you believe they are in the Elysian Fields ?” Icarius asked.(…)
“No, son. (…) They are in the stars”
“For as long as there is breath in my lungs, I will love you. Only you. And even when I leave this world, I will still belong to you, for my soul will forever seek yours. In both this life and the next.
“There is no greater happiness than having you by my side.”
I saw him as a god, a man to be feared by all, but one I loved above all others.
The passage of time had touched many things, but it had not changed his beauty. If anything, it had only enhanced it.
“When you are near, it’s as if my soul reaches out to touch yours,” he spoke, moving his fingers along my jaw and staring at me with a look that made my stomach flutter. “To reconnect with a missing piece. And when we part, I leave that piece with you.”
“We wear red so out enemies will not see us bleed. We are gods in their eyes.”
“We must stick together. Fight as one. Let them keep their lashes for we have something they do not. Unity.”
“His fingers trailed along my jaw before he stepped backward. “You may not see it now, but when the time comes for us to go to battle, you will be brave for your heart is bigger than any I know.”
I could endure lashings, beatings, starvation, and extreme weather, but losing him would be the one thing to destroy me.
To the rest of the world, he was stern and lacked compassion. He was disciplined and unwavering in his ability to strike a man down. The perfect makings of a soldier—a leader. But to me… he was my home.
“Do not ever leave me, Ax,” he said, gripping the side of my neck and pressing his forehead to mine, still moving inside of me. “By the gods, I could not bear it. My whole world is right here in my hands. Without you, I am nothing.”
“To be courageous is to fear death, and yet, charge at the enemy anyhow. Fear does not make you a coward. But overcoming it makes you a man.”
“The years with him flashed before my eyes. The golden-haired boy who had taught me so much about myself. The one who had my heart and always would. I recalled his face: the flush in his cheeks when we’d made love, the way his green eyes sparked with determination one moment and with love in the next, and the small smile that lingered in the corner of his mouth when he tried to hide his amusement at me but failed.
I had spent years memorizing every detail of him, storing his face to memory, and I finally knew why.”