The 100 Most Popular Romances of the Past Three Years on Goodreads

Posted by Sharon on February 1, 2025

Love stories never go out of style. If several centuries of fiction publishing have told us anything, it’s this. Perhaps we’re all romantics at heart.
At any rate, we’ve collected below the 100 most popular romance novels on Goodreads published in the past three years (that's 2022-2024 for the eagle-eyed). These are the books that show up most often on Goodreads members’ collective shelves, and we’ve further filtered the list to include books with a 4-star rating or higher, so you know these books are both well-read and well-loved. The books are sequenced in order of overall popularity among Goodreads regulars.
As you will quickly see, the romantasy subgenre has truly taken flight in recent years, thanks in no small part to a little dragon book you may have heard of.
We can also see the recent influence of BookTok and the rise of the mega-author—writers whose entire body of work has gone supernova, thanks to the sheer velocity of peer-to-peer recommendations in the digital age. It’s also interesting to note that many of the authors on this list started as self-published writers before striking deals with traditional publishers.
In addition to contemporary romance and romantasy, you’ll find many subgenre variations, often in combination: dark romance, sports romance, rom-coms, paranormal romance, Westerns, and so forth.
Click on the book cover images for more information about each title, and add any good leads to your Want to Read shelf.


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Comments Showing 1-50 of 279 (279 new)

message 1: by Chris (new)

Chris Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here.

message 2: by artifacts (new)

artifacts Chris wrote: "Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here."Delilah Green Doesn't Care is right there, but the lack of representation is alarming :(

message 3: by Tobi (new)

Tobi artifacts wrote: "Chris wrote: "Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here."Delilah Green Doesn't Care is right there, but the lack of representati..."
The one queer romance book I am not interested in is there. Like come on there are so many good queer books, but most are just pretty obscure. A bunch of these are books I want to read, but thats only like 1/3 of the actual list of romance books I want to read, the other 2/3 is queer. They should make a list with obsure queer romances instead of copy pasting every list or reusing every obscenely popular book that that has come out in the past few years

message 4: by Sevda (new)

Sevda Mammadova Happy Valentine's month everybody!

Jen Wakelin ♡ I’ve read 23 of these and I’m quite proud of myself! Meghan Quinn, Emily Henry, Elsie Silver and Elle Kennedy are top tier authors!

message 6: by Law (new)

Law I don't see many authors of colour. However, I see one Black book, which is better than nothing.

message 7: by Nicole (new)

Nicole du Maine I only see two Black books. Today is the first day of Black History Month. Can yall at least try?!

message 8: by Lucia (new)

Lucia I've seen all these books before thanks to previous Goodreads articles, and know I don't want to read half of them. Some new picks please! And more BIPOC authors.

message 9: by Bastgr (new)

Bastgr People complaining about the lack of rep, read the article first. "These are the books that show up most often on Goodreads members’ collective shelves."

message 10: by Kirinna (new)

Kirinna "Today is the first day of Black History Month. Can yall at least try?!"

But they just published an article on Jan31 titled
"177 New Fiction and Nonfiction Reads for Black History Month".

message 11: by Eia (new)

Eia Can we appreciate the fact that there's NO colleen hoover ??

message 12: by arnaaa (new)

arnaaa alone with you in the ether deserved a place.

also no queer books???

message 13: by Sora (new)

Sora The amount of dark romance in these compared to the lack of queer rep is devastating

message 14: by Cat (new)

Cat I was itching to suggest one that I read recently but... I figure nobody here would appreciate it what with it being a very unconventional and dark romance.

message 15: by Tobi (new)

Tobi arnaaa wrote: "alone with you in the ether deserved a place.

also no queer books???"

There is one Delilah green doesnt care. But yeah there should have been more (not that its possible with such a list)

message 16: by Tobi (new)

Tobi Cat wrote: "I was itching to suggest one that I read recently but... I figure nobody here would appreciate it what with it being a very unconventional and dark romance."

I would like to hear it nontheless, might not be up my alley. I do like dark reads but maybe the setting just isnt for me (but that happens)

message 17: by GelatoChan (new)

GelatoChan Bastgr wrote: "People complaining about the lack of rep, read the article first. "These are the books that show up most often on Goodreads members’ collective shelves.""


Chloe 🖤🎧💫 Why only booktok romance books?

message 19: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Hutchens lacking some diversity but I LOVE The Love of My Afterlife

message 20: by Kat (new)

Kat Rose wrote: "People, seriously? You won't even spare books to push your views? BOOKS HAVE NO COLOR, RACE OR GENDER. This is a list of the most popular books - FICTIONAL STORIES, for heaven's sake!"

YES! What is important is the quality of a book, not the color, sexuality, religion, height, mass, feet fungus or whatever :)

message 21: by Rieneke (new)

Rieneke Hara wrote: "Lack of diversity, yeah, that's booktok for you"
so true tbh

message 22: by Anne Bollmann (new)

Anne Bollmann (Annelise Lestrange) I think is a little bit silly to make a list of book recs that have books 3 or 4 in a book series that *need* to be read in order to make sense...

Like, why not include only the first book in those series when applied? There would be more room for different stories that way and people wouldn't be lost when clicking on a book to see "BOOK 5557122 ON THE TOKTIK HIT SERIES" on the book's blurb.

message 23: by Ann J (new)

Ann J I do not know when these types of romances became a thing. I think of books like The Light Between Oceans, The English Patient, Jane Eyre. The only one I’ve read out of all of the is Nora’s Goes Off Script.

message 24: by Vinnie (new)

Vinnie Chris wrote: "Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here."

YUUUUUP. Nothing suspicious here...

message 25: by Pamela (new)

Pamela Bastgr wrote: "People complaining about the lack of rep, read the article first. "These are the books that show up most often on Goodreads members’ collective shelves.""

Law wrote: "I don't see many authors of colour. However, I see one Black book, which is better than nothing."

They should really do a separate post for black history month to highlight the top 20 romances with black main characters or written by black authors.

message 26: by Pamela (new)

Pamela Law wrote: "I don't see many authors of colour. However, I see one Black book, which is better than nothing."

Do you mean The Dixon Rule or one of the other books?

message 27: by Hope (new)

Hope Where are all the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ romances? I only see one LGBTQ+ romance but what about the others?

✨️ Shelbae ✨️ I'm confused by the comments.

"These are the books that show up most often on Goodreads members’ collective shelves." - a quote from the literal article that you are all complaining under.

The lack of diversity isn't because of any malicious intent, it's just not applicable based on the data they used to compile this list.

message 29: by Katlyn (new)

Katlyn P Chris wrote: "Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here."

Give Me More is one

message 30: by Linda (new)

Linda Also-no historical romance or did I miss something.

message 31: by Ria (new)

Ria Eia wrote: "Can we appreciate the fact that there's NO colleen hoover ??"

word cause why is no one else noticing this lol

message 32: by Jessy (new)

Jessy jayda Eia wrote: "Can we appreciate the fact that there's NO colleen hoover ??"

god of fury?

message 33: by Laura (new)

Laura Valdez Chris wrote: "Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here." Yes, Deliah Green doesn´t care is about queer love:

message 34: by Lisa (new)

Lisa The article states these books are/were the most popular. I don't think they intentionally excluded certain categories like LGBTQ or black authors as many comments suggest. They pulled from ratings.

message 35: by Laura (new)

Laura Valdez Sevda wrote: "Happy Valentine's month everybody!" Happy Valentine´s month for you also!

message 36: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Why is everyone complaining about "not enough representation?" That's literally not the point of this booklist--it's just the best romance books of the past few years. Shouldn't we judge books based on merit and not the sexuality or color of the characters/authors? 🤨

message 37: by Giselle (new)

Giselle Smith The list is based on readers shelves so that’s probably why it doesn’t include some of the types of romance some of you think should be on it. Goodreads compiles many lists specifically for what people have mentioned.

message 38: by Alrri (new)

Alrri La gente se queja de la falta de representación... Pero creo que nos deberíamos preocupar con el hecho de que Hunting Adeline forma parte de la lista de romances.

message 39: by Yellow:Rose (new)

Yellow:Rose Hunting Adeline? Really?

message 40: by Chiara (last edited Feb 02, 2025 09:08AM) (new)

Chiara  Marsh Are these all adult? I don't see a single YA book in there T.T
Edit: I know it's based on ratings and stuff though

message 41: by Robin (new)

Robin Chris wrote: "Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here."

Delilah Green Doesn't Care

message 42: by Megan (new)

Megan Hughes At any rate, we’ve collected below the 100 most popular romance novels on Goodreads published in the past three years (that's 2022-2024 for the eagle-eyed).
^^^^^. Ironic that were on Goodreads and most people aren't reading the article.

message 43: by Bertha Alicia (new)

Bertha Alicia Very well said! 100% agree.
Books do not and SHOULD NEVER be categorized based on race, color or gender. If you like the book, read it, otherwise, don't take away our right to enjoy it.
And I also recommend reading the article, or at least the title of it: "The 100 Most Popular Romances of the Past Three Years on Goodreads"

message 44: by Candice (new)

Candice Williams How is 'For The Fans" not on here???

message 45: by Kimberlyyyreads (new)

Kimberlyyyreads Chris wrote: "Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here."


message 46: by Arwen ˚౨ৎ⋆。˚ ⋆ (semi ia) (last edited Feb 02, 2025 03:05PM) (new)

Arwen ˚౨ৎ⋆。˚ ⋆ (semi ia) Chris wrote: "Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here."

real wtf ^^

message 47: by Lily (last edited Feb 02, 2025 03:54PM) (new)

Lily probably would have been better if its one book per series and author, along with more queer and BIPOC books that's not tokenized as fuck

but it's just a suggestion.

message 48: by a rose ♥︎ (new)

a rose ♥︎ Just wondering… are there any clean romances somebody could recommend to me? (Also crazy how people are so mad about there being no representation. If it bothers you that much, you don’t have to look at the list. Just make your own list or ignore it.)

message 49: by Sora (new)

Sora Fujihara Chris wrote: "Also interesting to note that, as far as I can see, there isn't a single queer romance on here."

as if that's a bad thing lmao

message 50: by Crystal (new)

Crystal 58 of these books I've either read or they are on my tbr. I am quite proud of myself for that. And I also agree with many other people who have pointed this out, why aren't there any queer books on this list?

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