Fascist Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fascist" Showing 1-30 of 39
Robert A. Heinlein
“Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”
Robert A. Heinlein

Benito Mussolini
“It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”
Benito Mussolini

Douglas Murray
“When it comes to anti-fascism in most of Western Europe, there would appear for now to be a supply-and-demand problem: the demand for fascists vastly outstrips the actual supply.”
Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam

“Yes, he is stubborn indeed, and people often accuse him of being a fascist with utter disregard for the idea of democracy. But if a leader wouldn’t be resolute, authoritative, forceful and unflinching while making tough decisions, then who would be?”
Abhaidev, The Influencer: Speed Must Have a Limit

John Hersey
“Cacopardo stepped back, and raised his hand in a Fascist salute. Then, as his aged memory functioned, the hand wavered over to his forehead, and the salute became military. And he said: "Cacopardo is sulphur and sulphur is Cacopardo.”
John Hersey, A Bell for Adano

Mehmet Murat ildan
“To think is sacred; let every person think freely! To express what you think is sacred; let every person express his thought freely! If you do this, you prove that you are a conscientious and a moral human being! If you don’t do this, you just declare yourself being fascist!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The biggest mistake of a democratic country is to underestimate the power of a democratically elected pro-fascist leader because it is always easier to destroy a castle from within!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Aleister Crowley
“Fascism must always fail because it creates the discontent which it is designed to suppress.”
Aleister Crowley

William F. Buckley Jr.
“[Professor Greene's] reaction to GAMAY, as published in the Yale Daily News, fairly took one's breath away. He fondled the word "fascist" as though he had come up with a Dead Sea Scroll vouchsafing the key word to the understanding of God and Man at Yale. In a few sentences he used the term thrice. "Mr. Buckley has done Yale a great service" (how I would tire of this pedestrian rhetorical device), "and he may well do the cause of liberal education in America an even greater service, by stating the fascist alternative to liberalism. This fascist thesis . . . This . . . pure fascism . . . What more could Hitler, Mussolini, or Stalin ask for . . . ?" (They asked for, and got, a great deal more.)

What survives, from such stuff as this, is ne-plus-ultra relativism, idiot nihlism. "What is required," Professor Greene spoke, "is more, not less tolerance--not the tolerance of indifference, but the tolerance of honest respect for divergent convictions and the determination of all that such divergent opinions be heard without administrative censorship. I try my best in the classroom to expound and defend my faith, when it is relevant, as honestly and persuasively as I can. But I can do so only because many of my colleagues are expounding and defending their contrasting faiths, or skepticisms, as openly and honestly as I am mine."

A professor of philosophy! Question: What is the 1) ethical, 2) philosophical, or 3) epistemological argument for requiring continued tolerance of ideas whose discrediting it is the purpose of education to effect? What ethical code (in the Bible? in Plato? Kant? Hume?) requires "honest respect" for any divergent conviction?”
William F. Buckley Jr., God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of 'Academic Freedom'

Mehmet Murat ildan
“There are many peaceful ways to get rid of a fascist government and economic war against such a government is the best way amongst all these ways! And what is the economic war? It is to stop feeding the economy that feeds the fascist government, it is to take out your own individual brick from the wall of pro-government economy. Halt the food of the devil! Don’t forget that it is you who is feeding the hyena that bites you!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

W.E.B. Du Bois
“All men know that by sheer weight of physical force, the mass of men must in the last resort become the arbiters of human action. But reason, skill, wealth, machines and power may for long periods enable the few to control the many. But to what end? The current theory of democracy is that dictatorship is a stopgap pending the work of universal education, equitable income, and strong character. But always the temptation is to use the stopgap for narrower ends, because intelligence, thrift and goodness seem so impossibly distant for most men. We rule by junta; we turn Fascist, because we do not believe in men; yet the basis of fact in this disbelief is incredibly narrow. We know perfectly well that most human beings have never had a decent human chance to be full men. Most of us may be convinced that even with opportunity the number of utter human failures would be vast; and yet remember that this assumption kept the ancestors of present white America long in slavery and degradation.

It is then one's moral duty to see that every human being, to the extent of his capacity, escapes ignorance, poverty and crime. With this high ideal held unswervingly in view, monarchy, oligarchy, dictatorships may rule; but the end will be the rule of All, if mayhap All or Most qualify. The only unforgivable sin is dictatorship for the benefit of Fools, Voluptuaries, gilded Satraps, Prostitutes and Idiots. The rule of the famished, unlettered, stinking mob is better than this and the only inevitable, logical and justifiable return. To escape from ultimate democracy is as impossible as it is for ignorant poverty and crime to rule forever.”
W.E.B. Du Bois, Black Reconstruction in America 1860-1880

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“The power of the fascist is ignorant and mentally slave citizens, who worship a leader like a Messiah”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Between a stupid fascist and an intelligent fascist, prefer the intelligent one, because there is always a chance to persuade the clever one about the mistakes of his actions! There is no such a chance for stupid and ignorant fascist!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“No, I am not imagining a book-burning, warmongering, anti-intellectual fascist regime – in my plan, there is no place for re ghters who light up the Homers and Lady Murasakis and Cao Xueqins stashed under your bed – because, for starters, I’m not banning literature per se. I’m banning the reading of literature. Purchasing and collecting books and other forms of literature remains perfectly legitimate as long as you don’t peruse the literature at hand.”
Kyoko Yoshida

Eden Phillpotts
“A Socialist State demands precisely the same human symbols as that of Fascist or Nazi, and the same surrender of human liberties if it is to succeed.”
Eden Phillpotts, Saurus

Angelica Hopes
“Don't let cycles of violent crimes, uncontrollable, rising cases of bloody impunity, evil puppets in a crippled judiciary, marionettes in a corrupted legislative system manipulated by a fascist executive system and its annihilative corruption be the incurable epidemics of the disintegration of the environmental, emotional, social, intellectual, physical, professional, occupational, moral and ethical destruction of your homeland. ~ Angelica Hopes, K.H. Trilogy”
Angelica Hopes

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Fascism does not need to say that I have arrived
If your eyes are open, mental slavery has gone,
then you can see it very clearly”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Suchitra Vijayan
“When the judiciary is the midwife of tyranny, the law becomes the most lethal weapon of a fascist state.”
Suchitra Vijayan

Aleister Crowley
“Fascism must always fail because it creates the discontent which it is designed to suppress." (Crowley quote from book Do What Thou Wilt: A Life of Aleister Crowley, by Lawrence Sutin.)”
Aleister Crowley

Jack Freestone
“When rich people are pushing communism, you know what you are really facing is fascism.”
Jack Freestone

“This man, although he may not have actually committed the crime attributed to him, is nevertheless morally culpable, because he is the enemy of our existing institutions. [Case of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti 1916-1927]”
Judge Webster Thayer

Primo Levi
“Finally, and fundamentally, didn’t he, who was honest and open, smell the foul odor of Fascist truths that were polluting the sky, didn’t he find it disgraceful that a thinking man should be asked to believe without thinking? Didn’t he feel disgust for all the dogmas, all the unproved declarations, all the imperatives”
Primo Levi, The Periodic Table

Mehmet Murat ildan
“A fascist government is the most coward government in the world and a fascist leader is the most coward person in the world! He knows very well that on the day he lost his power he will be replaced by the people he has unfairly sent to jail and to the cemeteries! With this great fear, he becomes more and more demonic, more and more bestial!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Something you never hear neoNazi proudboy Qanons say?..."I'm a liberal.”
realAnonymous @AnonymousXgHOST Anonymous Ghost

“The effect you have on others who lie to themselves in support of their own [trump right-wing ideology] is the most valuable currency of this GOPQ epoch...”
realAnonymous @AnonymousXgHOST Anonymous Ghost

Ryan Holiday
“It´s a populist irony--the strongman comes to power by making impossible and destructive promises to the disenfranchised. Do they actually have any intention of helping these people? Of course not. In fact, they´ll actively stymie any reforms that will actually make the system more fair. All that matters is their iron grip on their ignorant base and the power that comes from it.”
Ryan Holiday, Lives of the Stoics: The Art of Living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius

Luigina Sgarro
“There is a fascist way of being antifascist, is a reflection that arises from seeing how, often, the accusation of being fascist is used, in the most varied contexts. as a low-key dialectical argument to close a discussion for which one has no case.
Perhaps it is because when all one is capable of doing is opposing an idea one ends up representing that same idea in the mirror.”
Luigina Sgarro

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“World you won the war against Man called Hitler But You lost the War against His ideology.
He's still alive in different faces with different Name”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Michela Murgia
“Con tutto il paese blindato in casa per fermare l'epidemia, quelle tre ridevano mentre aspettavano di fare la spesa. Una addirittura a un certo punto ha tirato fuori il telefonino e ha detto: "Facciamoci un selfie". Non so come siano riuscite a stare nella foto senza violare il distanziamento, ma era comunque una cosa fastidiosa, al punto che si è avvicinato un carabiniere, uno di quegli appuntati giovanissimi al primo anno di servizio, e ha chiesto loro cosa stessero facendo. Mi aspettavo che smettessero e si scusassero, per rispetto della divisa e della circostanza, invece una ha risposto: "Ci facciamo una foto rispettando il distanziamento, c'è qualcosa che lo vieta?". L'arroganza di quella risposta non me la dimenticherò mai. Il carabiniere, per quanto giovanissimo, si è comportato da signore e non ha perso le staffe. "Non c'è un divieto, ma vi sembra il caso di farvi i selfie, con i camion che portano via i morti." [...]
"Cosa c'entrano i morti con la nostra foto? Le norme sono contro il contagio, non contro il buon umore.”
Michela Murgia, Tre ciotole: Rituali per un anno di crisi

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