I've been waiting to get my paws into this novel for MONTHS I tell you, months. The wait was worth it. I think everyone knows I'm the demon bear daddy -I've been waiting to get my paws into this novel for MONTHS I tell you, months. The wait was worth it. I think everyone knows I'm the demon bear daddy - right? I write the dark stuff. Hold on to your f@cking hats kids, my crown has been snatched.
I had to read this in the light of day. But let me tell you why...
Even though this is a piece of fiction - I happen to know MD rather well so I know he went out and interviewed people directly involved with paranormal, parapsychology, and ghost hunting experience and backgrounds. He also interviewed folks from the Catholic church and an ex-exorcist - yes you read that right. Not sure how he managed to get those interviews because the church is notoriously hush hush on this topic. What did he find out?
The events listed in Golden Hills Haunting aren't as unusual or rare as you might expect. Let that sink in to your already goosepimpled flesh. Are you going to sleep tonight? I didn't, for the last week - THANK YOU MARVIN.
In other words - THIS STORY IS BASED ON REAL EVENTS. Made up for the novel? Sure. But the elements of it? Garnered and gleaned from real-life stories. (Jesus, please take the wheel, and may the spirits calm me down).
Now, I'm a good pagan boy—I've been for years. I've had my fair share of run-ins with ghosts, entities, and even a demon once—no lie—and this book portrays them in every single terrifying, sweat-inducing, spine-tingling reality. I've also felt that all-calming, love-filling, and safety of a god being present - knowing that everything will be okay.
This is not for the faint of heart. Be warned, forge ahead carefully - but my gods, go read this.
Now - one criticism - sometimes the dialogue gets a bit clunky - even MD will admit to this - but who cares - the chills this story delivers will wipe that from your memory.
Holy crap - now I gotta come up with something really terrifying to get my soul-snatching, blood dripping, hellbound demon summoning crown back....more
Baines never ceases to amaze! Geist Fleisch is a wild romp through pre-nazi Germany, where the supernatural are hidden, but known only to a handful - aBaines never ceases to amaze! Geist Fleisch is a wild romp through pre-nazi Germany, where the supernatural are hidden, but known only to a handful - and those who want them, want to use them for the newly forming Reich.
Callum is disappearing, literally, and doesn't know why, or how. Baines keeps his readers guessing by crafting a rich story with interesting characters, a touch of violence, and just enough romance to keep those MM Paranormal fans happy.
What's better, is we see how Callum (Kelvin) becomes the Cloak Walker in the Arcadia Trust series - this is his origin story - and I loved it.
Awesome book! Read a Baines story - you won't be disappointed....more
New book coming out July 19, 2022 with Rebel Satori's Queer Space Press.New book coming out July 19, 2022 with Rebel Satori's Queer Space Press....more
A brilliant short piece by Doyle. Loved every minute of this.
Go pick it up if you want spine-tingling, can't look away, but you really want to, horror A brilliant short piece by Doyle. Loved every minute of this.
Go pick it up if you want spine-tingling, can't look away, but you really want to, horror based off of Japanese Demons set within the UK as an urban legend.
Full Review to Come. Any book that starts off with a mage pulling a dragon out of his hat, only to have the dragon proceed to eat the audience that is Full Review to Come. Any book that starts off with a mage pulling a dragon out of his hat, only to have the dragon proceed to eat the audience that is watching the magic show has my attention. Yup. That's the opening scene folks.
But this book is exactly that, in so many ways.
Usually in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy realm tales are told with aliens, creatures on new worlds, or in Urban Fantasy you get magic users and occasionally the odd beastie - ghosts, werewolves, demons, angels, the odd elf, or gnome. It's a truly unique read if you are greeted with golems or creatures from legends or urban myths we generally don't see - selkies, manticores, and yuki-ona come to mind.
In Truth to Light, you get it all. And what's more, Newton has managed to string them all together in one consistent tale that explains everyone's existence.
The Great Lie.
Without being all spoilery, I can't very well tell you anything more than this. You. Just. Have. To. Read. This!
What I can tell you is the story centers around Sofia Hernandez. She has a comfortable existence, complete with a lot of modern-day struggles. She may not have a perfect life, but hey - who does? All she knows is she has a devoted wife, a loyal dog, a deceased adopted mother, and an adopted father who tries, but struggles with her transition. We all have our crosses to bear, nothing is truly ever perfect.
And then events unfold that flip everything on its side and what Sofia took to be 'life as we know it', turns out to be nothing but lies. Sofia discovers she is the hidden insurance of one of the most important families on earth. A family who has a seat at the Illuminati table - the secret organization that ensures earth's population remains steadfastly in the dark and follows a strict set of rules. One of the more memorable one: Love only within your own species. Except for the fact that no one really knows that there are many different kinds of species inhabiting the earth.
This journey is one of self-discovery, and understanding what is truth. Are lies okay if it preserves the balance of life? Can we live peacefully knowing what is truth? Is my truth the same as yours?
I can honestly say I have never read a book quite like this. It kept me turning the pages, was uniquely different, illuminating, and fun. Newton creates a spell-binding world, full of fascinating images, and deliciously different takes on well-known creatures. Looking for something completely different? You need to pick this one up.
After all, we all deserve to know the truth, right? But which one? Yours? or mine? ...more
I’m sure that many of you have already guessed that if a story has demons in it, I’m down. In fact, chances are pretty good I’m gonna like it.
Amara LyI’m sure that many of you have already guessed that if a story has demons in it, I’m down. In fact, chances are pretty good I’m gonna like it.
Amara Lynn is a new author to me. If this short is any indication of the fantastical, post-apocalyptic dream-worlds they are capable of creating, SIGN. ME. UP.
The landscape was devastated. The demons were on the prowl, and amidst the chaos and destruction, we have our main character, Rom, half-human, half-angel, who stumbles across Yuli, half-human, half-demon.
There’s a little bit of ‘fated romance’, and after all, the tag line is ‘star crossed lovers’, so if that isn’t your thing, you may not enjoy the instant attraction, but I was game. Here’s why.
I see a lot of people saying, “I don’t go in for that ‘love at first sight’, or ‘fated-romance’ stuff – it’s just not realistic.”
Oh, mon cheri, but it is! It really is. Now, I’ll concede there are times when the “I LOVE YOU” falls out of a character’s mouth too quickly, but I am the first person to tell you that chemistry, synergy, attraction, and lust are often the driving force(s) behind a quick pull, of two people, together.
After all, in my younger, single, carefree days as a young gay man, I was hunting down my next conquest based on those qualities above. So, pooh on all of you who shun the natural forces that enabled me with so many dates – I say – More of it, please.
Now, relationships aside, the magic is interesting but left me wanting more, and with all short stories I find there’s a bit of an element of “Oh, that happened fast.” I would love to see this little short expanded into an entire novel.
Why did the world end? Did the demons do it? Was it, like, biblical? Or just one demon who got super pissed off at their less than equitable pay for a dirty deed? Maybe it was the angels! Damn…did God just have a bad day? Or was it climate change?
See? So many questions. In the end, I think that’s the crux of a good story. It sucks you in, makes you demand more – and even after a week’s passing since I read Rom and Yuli, I can still remember the way Yuli’s wings felt.
Well done Amara Lynn. I will look forward to reading another creation of yours!...more
The writing is deliciously descriptive, and there were a lot of concepts to like within this story...but nothing really grabbed me and attach3.5 Stars
The writing is deliciously descriptive, and there were a lot of concepts to like within this story...but nothing really grabbed me and attached me to the characters or with the plot....more