Juro que habia visto esto en forma independiente, pero tal vez fue que se echó para atrás la publicación. De todas maneras, odio 4 silly wolfy stars.
Juro que habia visto esto en forma independiente, pero tal vez fue que se echó para atrás la publicación. De todas maneras, odio que me hayan borrado mi pequeño comentario acerca de una historia corta en tono de broma acerca de Asil uno de mis personajes favoritos en el mundo de Alfa y Omega de Patricia Briggs. Tenia guardadas las citas, pero no el susodicho comentario.
Unappreciated Gifts by Patricia Briggs - Some members of Adam's pack think Asil should get out more, so they've challenged him to accept a series of blind dates . . . (uno tan sólo se pregunta quién es capaz de querer embromar al temible Moor...)
Todo comienza con un e-mail, y puede decirse que con un reto a enfrentar 5 citas a ciegas (hechas en sitios de citas en linea) con unas pequeñas especificaciones.
A successful date is one in which a) neither party runs screaming into the night b) there are no dead bodies at the end of it and c) lasts longer than two hours—at least an hour and a half of which is spent with your date—which is an hour and fifty minutes longer than we expect any date of yours to last.
He approved of the photo. If he had to have a photo posted on a website called biteme, he supposed that it was good to have one in which it was possible to discern just how handsome he was.
Asil no tomandose en serio y demostrando su lado vanidoso, es genial y divertido.
Beside him, Kelly straightened a little. “She did throw herself in front of the bus, didn’t she? Even if the bus was already stopped.” “I am not a bus,” murmured Asil as someone stepped up to a microphone and chatted some canned welcome speech. “A chariot. A Porsche. But not a bus.” “See,” said Kelly to no one Asil could discern. “He’s funny.”
Y ni hablar del TANGO. porque Asil+Tango=donde compro los boletos.
Pero es demasiado corto, y te quedan ganas de saber como le va con las otras citas.
Merged review:
4 silly wolfy stars.
Juro que habia visto esto en forma independiente, pero tal vez fue que se echó para atrás la publicación. De todas maneras, odio que me hayan borrado mi pequeño comentario acerca de una historia corta en tono de broma acerca de Asil uno de mis personajes favoritos en el mundo de Alfa y Omega de Patricia Briggs. Tenia guardadas las citas, pero no el susodicho comentario.
Unappreciated Gifts by Patricia Briggs - Some members of Adam's pack think Asil should get out more, so they've challenged him to accept a series of blind dates . . . (uno tan sólo se pregunta quién es capaz de querer embromar al temible Moor...)
Todo comienza con un e-mail, y puede decirse que con un reto a enfrentar 5 citas a ciegas (hechas en sitios de citas en linea) con unas pequeñas especificaciones.
A successful date is one in which a) neither party runs screaming into the night b) there are no dead bodies at the end of it and c) lasts longer than two hours—at least an hour and a half of which is spent with your date—which is an hour and fifty minutes longer than we expect any date of yours to last.
He approved of the photo. If he had to have a photo posted on a website called biteme, he supposed that it was good to have one in which it was possible to discern just how handsome he was.
Asil no tomandose en serio y demostrando su lado vanidoso, es genial y divertido.
Beside him, Kelly straightened a little. “She did throw herself in front of the bus, didn’t she? Even if the bus was already stopped.” “I am not a bus,” murmured Asil as someone stepped up to a microphone and chatted some canned welcome speech. “A chariot. A Porsche. But not a bus.” “See,” said Kelly to no one Asil could discern. “He’s funny.”
Y ni hablar del TANGO. porque Asil+Tango=donde compro los boletos.
Pero es demasiado corto, y te quedan ganas de saber como le va con las otras citas....more
Rachel es lanzada a prisión por su prometido, el príncipe, bajo la acusación de maltratar a su nuevo interes amoroso.
El príncipe es idiota y Rachel diRachel es lanzada a prisión por su prometido, el príncipe, bajo la acusación de maltratar a su nuevo interes amoroso.
El príncipe es idiota y Rachel disfruta de relajarse en las mazmorras mientras deja caer un par de sus máscaras como razonable y comedida dama de la nobleza, vengándose de estos idiotas.
Es en tono de comedia y me arranco algunas risas al principio, pero debió explorar mas lo del pobre papá lidiando con mini-sicopata-Rachel, y como el rey decidió que ella era mucho mejor gobernante que el príncipe.
Es una lástima que este manga contenga solamente tres capítulos y la historia es cortada, aunque se pueda inferir la conclusión.
Comenzó como webserie con 31 capítulos y fue lanzada luego como light novel Slow Prison Life, y esta es su adaptación,...more
Reto Popsugar #23. Un libro en el que aparezcan dragones.
En esta novela de Pratchett, nos encontramos con su Guardia Nocturna, que esta reduc3.5 stars
Reto Popsugar #23. Un libro en el que aparezcan dragones.
En esta novela de Pratchett, nos encontramos con su Guardia Nocturna, que esta reducida a tres hombres cuya única labor se ha reducido a ser nocheros y pregoneros de horas (las tantas y sereno) que es tamaña mentira, porque, ya sabes, es Ankh-Morpork: una ciudad cuya mayor virtud son sus gremios organizados de asesinos, ladrones, y demases , que deciden una cuota con sus víctimas y con el Patricio, y mantienen un status quo. Pero no falta el descontento, en este caso una sociedad secreta de esas con capuchas y nombres secretos es guiada por el gran maestro a decidir cambiar esto, traducción: el maestro desea poder. (view spoiler)[Así que no decide nada más que invocar un dragon, para que después un héroe, vale, un rey aparezca y vuelva la ciudad a ser un reino. (hide spoiler)]
Hay guardias cínicos y desengañados. Un Patricio extremadamente maquinador. Magia de libros y del bibliotecario.
People were stupid, sometimes. They thought the Library was a dangerous place because of all the magical books, which was true enough, but what made it really one of the most dangerous places there could ever be was the simple fact that it was a library.
Los libros distorsionan el espacio y el tiempo. Uno de los motivos de que los propietarios de esas tiendecitas de segunda mano que mencionamos antes parezcan un poco de otro mundo, es que muchos de ellos lo son: llegaron a éste tras perderse en sus librerías, en mundos donde lo más normal es llevar zapatillas de felpa y abrir la tienda sólo cuando te da la gana. Quien se aventura en el Espacio-B, sabe que corre peligro.
También hay dragones pequeños de pantano que son un misterio alquímico de supervivencia. Una aristócrata decidida a preservarlos, que de paso retrata con ironia todo lo snobish y british de las clases altas y de aquellos dedicados en cuerpo y alma a un hobby o mascotas.
Y sobre todo hay todo ese comentario típico de Pratchett de las instituciones y gobiernos.
Espero que comprendas esto, Vimes: nunca confíes en un gobernante que deposita su fe en túneles, refugios y rutas de escape. Lo más probable es que no esté dedicándose de pleno a su trabajo.
. .
Down there,” he said, “are people who will follow any dragon, worship any god, ignore any iniquity. All out of a kind of humdrum, everyday badness. Not the really high, creative loathesomeness of the great sinners, but a sort of mass-produced darkness of the soul. Sin, you might say, without a trace of originality. They accept evil not because they say yes, but because they dont say no.
Vines es un poli deprimido por la corrupción y la pérdida de uno de sus hombres (corrió demasiado aprisa hacia el peligro), y la adición de aire fresco que es el recluta voluntario Zanahoria con su ingenuidad y confianza en la ley parecen causar un cambio en él.
Quisiera seguir leyendo más de estos guardias.
Puede que los llamen «La Guardia de Palacio», o «La Guardia de la Ciudad» o «La Patrulla». Sea cual sea el nombre, su función en cualquier obra de fantasía heroica es siempre la misma: más o menos a la altura del capítulo Tres (o a los diez minutos de empezar la película) entran a saco en una habitación, van atacando al héroe de uno en uno, y mueren por orden. Nadie les pregunta nunca si es eso lo que quieren hacer.
In this novel by Pratchett, we meet his Night Watch, which is reduced to three men whose only job has been reduced to being night watchers and criers of the hours (many and serene) which is such a lie, because, you know, it's Ankh -Morpork: a city whose greatest virtue is its organized guilds of murderers, thieves, and others, who decide a quota with their victims and with the Patrician, and maintain a status quo. But there is no lack of discontent, in this case a secret society of those with hoods and secret names is guided by the great master to decide to change this, translation: the master desires power. (view spoiler)[ So he decides nothing more than to summon a dragon, so that later a hero, okay, a king appears and the city becomes a kingdom again. (hide spoiler)]
There are cynical and disillusioned guards. An extremely scheming Patrician. Magic of books and the librarian.
People were stupid, sometimes. They thought the Library was a dangerous place because of all the magical books, which was true enough, but what made it really one of the most dangerous places there could ever be was the simple fact that it was a library.< /blockquote>
There are also small swamp dragons that are an alchemical mystery of survival. An aristocrat determined to preserve them, who in the process ironically portrays everything snobbish and British about the upper classes and those dedicated body and soul to a hobby or pets.
And above all there is all that typical Pratchett commentary on institutions and governments.
I hope you understand this, Vimes: never trust a ruler who places his faith in tunnels, shelters, and escape routes. Most likely, he is not fully dedicating himself to his work.
. .
Down there,” he said, “are people who will follow any dragon, worship any god, ignore any iniquity. All out of a kind of humdrum, everyday badness. Not the really high, creative loathesomeness of the great sinners, but a sort of mass-produced darkness of the soul. Without, you might say, without a trace of originality. They accept evil not because they say yes, but because they don't say no.
Vines is a cop depressed by corruption and the loss of one of his men (he ran too fast towards danger), and the fresh air addition of volunteer recruit Carrot with his naivety and trust in the law seems to cause a change in him. We'll see.
I would like to continue reading more of these guards.
Or Cohen the Barbarian reminisces about the good old days and how things have changed - there is no more darkness or things to fA hero meets a troll.
Or Cohen the Barbarian reminisces about the good old days and how things have changed - there is no more darkness or things to fight for or infinite spaces.
A very short story that made me chuckle, but as always leaves an edge.
"When I was just starting out in the barbarian hero business," said Cohen, "every bridge had a troll under it. And you couldn't go through a forest like we've just gone through without a dozen goblins trying to chop your head off." He sighed. "I wonder what happened to 'em all?" "You," said the horse. "Well, yes. But I always thought there'd be some more. I always thought there'd be some more edges." "How old are you?" said the horse. "Dunno." "Old enough to know better, then."...more
A feared Yakuza turned househusband that takes day-to-day2 stars b/c made me snooze.
Art - 3.5 Story - what story?
Good art, but Gag Manga is not for me.
A feared Yakuza turned househusband that takes day-to-day chores very serious. The way the people acts with his so-called fierce facade and way to do things is supposedly funny.
Super funny :) Romantic comedy set during regency. With modern terms and inacuteraly situations for the time , but who cares!
Hubo un apagon ayer, y esSuper funny :) Romantic comedy set during regency. With modern terms and inacuteraly situations for the time , but who cares!
Hubo un apagon ayer, y este estaba en mi tablet ; fue ideal para pasar el rato , reirse , y para cambiar de ritmo con el drama de otra lectura. Lo devoré....more
+Digital copy gently provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review+
As the point of the book is to make me laugh and didn't achieved, lost+Digital copy gently provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review+
As the point of the book is to make me laugh and didn't achieved, lost one star. Anderson is accurare in some strips regarding how introverted people and some kind of nerd people feel in confronted with many situations, and many of us can feel even identify in some aspects, but the spark is absent .
There are love for reading, autumm, pets, being alone, also the procrastinating, periods, and little pains.
For the other hand, we found the themes of double standard, politics, the news,
The second half of the book is a sort of a guide of advices for the young artist in modern internet era and to ... let it flew and no heard too much all the awful critics and trolls when their work is exposed. The thing is this come out like most enlightening in the inner feels of the author about the media and the controversy about the open all access to it.
Some hits for some people, not so much for others. Better judge for yourself.
*Note: The 'herding cats' term is weird, I just have to whistle and can congregate like a dozen cats - mine and neighborhood ones. No kidding. Just feed the little scroungers a couple of times and try it....more
+Digital copy gently provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review+
I'm disappointed with this book. First of all, the summer thing of the blu+Digital copy gently provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review+
I'm disappointed with this book. First of all, the summer thing of the blurb is false, there is only one strip about it, the same one widely distributed. And many others are repeteaded from the first delivery.
Some things are still so true, though.
[image] Specially
The 'No Homo' strip seems out of context. But mostly is repetitive.
With the drawing of a few simple lines, Sarah Andersen leaves us something clear: WE ARE MILLIONS.
Stress over relation Awkwardness is universal.
With the drawing of a few simple lines, Sarah Andersen leaves us something clear: WE ARE MILLIONS.
Stress over relationships, social situations, self-image, internal reactions to situations ... all those things which identify us are here with good humor.
- Es una colección, como bien dice de varias viñetas de un humor autoreferente que han aparecido en internet mayormente. Aunque varias de ellas eran desconocidas para mi. [image] Simpática.
(Arc provisto gentilmente por Netgalley en Read Now) ...more