Combines mythology, teenage snark, diverse characters in a fascinating world. A thrilling read for anyone who loves adventure, horror, and fantasy, WaCombines mythology, teenage snark, diverse characters in a fascinating world. A thrilling read for anyone who loves adventure, horror, and fantasy, Wainwright crafts a compelling narrative. Looking forward to the rest in the series. ...more
Cinderella may be the most oft re-imagined fairy tale, and Mechanica takes the An advance reading copy was won through GoodRead's First Reads program.
Cinderella may be the most oft re-imagined fairy tale, and Mechanica takes the familiar tropes and runs away with it on a steam-powered horse. Wildly delightful and imaginative, this novel is a fast-paced and fun romp through a vividly described world.
Nicolette on her sixteenth birthday discovers her mother's legacy where she can practice her inventing prowess, a secret workshop that not only contains blueprints and memories of her beloved mother, but also Jules, a magical clockwork horse, her mother's invention, powered by the mysterious Ashes from Faerie, whose lands and magic are now under quarantine and shunned by the common populace. Determined to make enough money to live free from her stepmother and stepsisters, Nicolette works away at her inventions, selling helpful machines at the Market. She meets Caro and Fin and makes quick friends of them as they help her with her wares and her dream to present her inventions at the Exposition, held the night of a certain ball where the prince is looking for a bride.
A huge fan of steampunk and magic realism, I was enchanted at every turn with how cleverly Cornwell blends magic and machines in the world; the kingdom's strive with the land of Faerie, the outlawing of magic and the consequences for the the kingdom is endlessly fascinating. Romance takes a backseat in this novel, and it's beautifully done, with the focus on Nicolette's own journey, and her developing friendships.
**spoiler alert** Inheritance is one of those rare sequels that is even better than the first. Lo picks up the story right where Adaptation leaves off**spoiler alert** Inheritance is one of those rare sequels that is even better than the first. Lo picks up the story right where Adaptation leaves off, with Reese and David attempting to bring the truth about the aliens to the world. While still reeling from Amber's lies, Reese still has feelings for her yet is starting a new and exciting relationship with David. While wavering between two love interests is a typical trope in YA, Lo does subverts this trope remarkably well, with emotional depth, great supportive parents and friends for Reese, and healthy discussion and communication between Reese, David and Amber. (view spoiler)[When Amber first brings up the idea of polyamory as a solution, I was mildly surprised and pleased about the positive way it was approached, and I did not even dare to hope that it could possibly come to fruition, but the relationship progression from couple and couple to triad was well handled and lovely to read. (hide spoiler)]
Wonderful science fiction and an incredible followup to Adaptation....more
A lovely addition to the Adaptation universe, Natural Selection is told in Amber's point of view in two concurrent stories, one of an overnight field A lovely addition to the Adaptation universe, Natural Selection is told in Amber's point of view in two concurrent stories, one of an overnight field trip when she lived on Earth, dealing with her first crush; and of her coming-of-age ceremony on her home planet Kurra, where she has to choose her first name and decide who she is.
An evocative and telling look at the incredible worldbuilding in this universe....more
Far from the historical romance tropes of busty maidens swooning into the arms of roguish heroes, Courtney Milan writes a smart, subversive and sexy rFar from the historical romance tropes of busty maidens swooning into the arms of roguish heroes, Courtney Milan writes a smart, subversive and sexy romance novel that takes all the well known tropes in historical heterosexual romance and turns them on their head. The Duchess War is a compelling story, rich in political intrigue and character development. The clever Minnie is an engaging and stubborn heroine who finds herself an unlikely ally (or adversary!) in the Duke of Clermont, Robert. Amidst strife about labor unions and secret identities, Minnie's story is filled with heart and love, and doesn't sugarcoat at all the limitations of being a woman in the era. Robert and all the other supporting characters make for a rich, well rounded ensemble as well.
A well-layered and satisfying read with plenty of salivating descriptions of food being lavishly prepared-- gourmet and comfort, and through it all, aA well-layered and satisfying read with plenty of salivating descriptions of food being lavishly prepared-- gourmet and comfort, and through it all, a tale of two very different chefs, Patrick and Evan, coming together and learning from one another. ...more
A sweet slow-burn of a story told with gorgeous imagery of Sonoma Valley and an intimate look at the art of wine making, the highlight of this novel iA sweet slow-burn of a story told with gorgeous imagery of Sonoma Valley and an intimate look at the art of wine making, the highlight of this novel is definitely the developing relationship between Tom and Greg. Reading this novel is like an intricately orchestrated experience. Finnegan pairs romance and the joy of learning another person, falling in love with them and place, and adds notes of humor, the heavier tones of angst and miscommunication, and settles it all in a satisfying conclusion....more
A coming-of-age story told with sincerity and heart. Jordan is a high school senior with a passion for the theater, and his plans for senior year get A coming-of-age story told with sincerity and heart. Jordan is a high school senior with a passion for the theater, and his plans for senior year get a major rehaul when he isn't cast as Puck in A Midsummer's Night Dream, but as Viola/Cesario. Jordan is trans, and at first wants to refuse the part, as he has no desire to play a girl playing a guy, but the vibrant and clever Pepper, is directing the play-- and she insists that it is a reinvention of the Shakespeare classic, pushing new boundaries. Eager to impress his crush, Jordan stays in the play, but tensions rise when a jealous student raises concerns about the "morality" of the play.
Not only does the novel touch on sensitive themes, it also weaves in the tone of mischief and magic with a touch of magic realism; Jordan is offered three potions by a visage of Puck himself-- one that offers true sight, true seeming, and true love. The shenanigans start when the potions get mixed up and people start falling in love all over the place, and it's up to Jordan to put things to rights, figure out how to save the play, and at the core of it all, learn who he is and what he stands for. ...more
Brewer skillfully weaves a fun, lighthearted and fast-paced tale that draws inspiration from well-known fairy tales such as "The Princess and the Pea"Brewer skillfully weaves a fun, lighthearted and fast-paced tale that draws inspiration from well-known fairy tales such as "The Princess and the Pea" and many, many more. Daniel and Phillip are both princes, brought together after a misunderstanding about a "test" on a stack of mattresses and a pea. Not only are the princes' both likable with working flaws, their character development throughout the book and their devloping relationship truly makes the story wonderful. In addition to our main romantic pair, The Rules of Ever After features an amazing cast of princesses and more characters who all define their own stories.
A heartfelt sequel to Clockwork Horizon, Therese Woodson takes us once again into the wonderful world of aerial ships, far off lands, pirates and A heartfelt sequel to Clockwork Horizon, Therese Woodson takes us once again into the wonderful world of aerial ships, far off lands, pirates and romance. Now a crewmember of the ship Mockingbird and working alongside his beloved Ian Malloy, one might think that Mac Covington's life is nothing but smooth sailing from here on out. At the end of Horizon, the reader is left hopeful with the promise of Mac and Ian's new relationship and their future adventures together. Woodson not only exceeds expectations, but also keeps the fast-paced story filled with intrigue and danger. When Ian falls victim to a deadly illness and their ship is besieged by pirates, Mac is forced to make a life-changing bargain.
Another thrilling adventure and romantic piece in the series, looking forward to more in this universe....more
Malachi "Mac" Covington dreams of adventure among the skies but feels trapped in his uncle's expectations of his going to university and becoming his Malachi "Mac" Covington dreams of adventure among the skies but feels trapped in his uncle's expectations of his going to university and becoming his heir. He meets the compelling Ian, an airship pilot, and soon is skipping classes and sneaking out to spend time with Ian and train as a member of an airship crew. A lively and sweet story set in a steampunk world, filled with vivid imagery of fantastic airships and a working society, Clockwork Horizon is a great start of this promising series. This first installment beautifully combines steampunk elements, romance, and themes of following one's heart and is a rich, satisfying read. Very much looking forward to the rest of the series....more
A lovely novel that follows the story of Bod, a boy who grows up in a graveyard with ghosts as his friends and family. The tone of the novel treads caA lovely novel that follows the story of Bod, a boy who grows up in a graveyard with ghosts as his friends and family. The tone of the novel treads carefully between the macabre and spooky playfulness; there are great moments of humor while Bod is growing up, and terrifying action-packed moments when we follow him to the Underworld as well as the tension between those who murdered Bod's family as they try and finish their mission. The father-son relationship between Bod and between the mysterious Silas is heartwarming and wonderful to see develop, and watching Bod navigate between the world of the living and dead is highly entertaining. ...more
A fast-paced thrilling scifi novel with a smart and compelling bisexual protagonist, Adaptation exceeds all expectations. When Reese and her longtime A fast-paced thrilling scifi novel with a smart and compelling bisexual protagonist, Adaptation exceeds all expectations. When Reese and her longtime crush David are involved in a deadly car accident, their lives are saved with a mysterious new technology and they get caught up in a government conspiracy. Reese then meets the mysterious Amber and sparks fly, but their budding relationship is complicated when Reese discovers the truth about her role in the aliens that have been visiting Earth for decades.
A fun, lighthearted read that follows the well-intentioned Simon, who writes a popular sex-and-relationship advice column, but can't seem to navigate A fun, lighthearted read that follows the well-intentioned Simon, who writes a popular sex-and-relationship advice column, but can't seem to navigate his own personal life. He's hung up on a friends-with-benefits situation with a handsome coworker, but starting to develop real feelings for the awesome Benji from IT.
The characters leap right off the page, and every step of the novel is an absolute delight. ...more