oshiiy's Reviews > Prince's Master

Prince's Master by Alessandra Hazard
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bookshelves: boys-who-love-boys, gay-virgin, para-fantasy-si-fi, part-of-a-series, read-in-2021

3 stars ⭐️ I think I'm in the minority here, and probably, it's me, not the book.

I'm not in a mood to enjoy this story. Because of the early book where Jamil and Rohan’s story took place, Castien and Eriden didn't give me the potential to read their story.

I just wasn't impressed with their characters, and I don't know the exact reason why I didn't love Castien and Eriden. But the whole time I was having a feeling that something was really off of their whole chemistry, and the drowning feeling I was having all the time prompted me to give this a 3-star.

It was not unlikable but not likable enough to make me adore the characters. I always compared them to other couples in the series. For it, I've to blame myself.
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Reading Progress

September 15, 2021 – Started Reading
September 15, 2021 – Shelved
September 16, 2021 – Shelved as: boys-who-love-boys
September 16, 2021 – Shelved as: part-of-a-series
September 16, 2021 – Shelved as: para-fantasy-si-fi
September 16, 2021 – Shelved as: gay-virgin
September 16, 2021 – Shelved as: read-in-2021
September 16, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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Candy M. I agreeee. I wrote a whole ass rant about the book, but I never finished formatting it for some reason lol. I did like Castien character development, however, and I ended up loving the guy! But Eridan was just a copy paste version of previous heroes... but worse. I feel like he could've been a lot more proactive in the story instead of just being there. Here for the "unpopular" opinion! You're the first lukewarm review I've spotted and I feel seen lol. Great points, Oshiiy!

oshiiy I'd gladly love to read you a whole ass rant about the book. Bc, seriously, i can't pinpoint what i disliked in here. I was like WTH throughout the story. I didn't like Eriden from the start, and Castien was likable enough to finish the whole book for me.
Thanks, Candy! Didnt feel the story and happened to give 3-stars solely based on my enjoyment. 🤓

Rielle Not in the minority! I wasn’t super into this one either. I didn’t hate it, but it just wasn’t the same caliber as the others.

oshiiy Then, it's not 'it's me not the book' thing. 😁 yh me too. I didn't hate it but felt like something was off.

message 5: by Candy (last edited Sep 16, 2021 04:40PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Candy M. Oshiiy wrote: "I'd gladly love to read you a whole ass rant about the book. Bc, seriously, i can't pinpoint what i disliked in here. I was like WTH throughout the story. I didn't like Eriden from the start, and C..."

Yep! There was just a lot of detail that had me scratching my head in general. But like you, I finished it for Castien and Castien alone! And the cameos of previous couples were lovely too. I shipped them far more than the main one here! The last book will be about Warrehn, so I'm hoping I'll vibe with it better. Let's see.

oshiiy Yh, I was desperately wishing the whole time when I can witness my fav couple. Not inclined to believe that Castien and Eriden would give much hope to the second part of the book also.
I have mixed feelings about Warrehn. He didn't give me a pleasant vibe in the early books. He was grumpy. But looking forward to reading his story too. 🙈

Finnegan Yeah, it was the first book by AH that I didn't like. I did not like Castien, and for me, he never redeemed himself. I gave it a generous 2 stars. I think the disappointment was so big because I adored her other books

Preeti 😩😩😩😩 I feel you are not the minority, Oshiiy...I am so discouraged.

oshiiy Finnegan, Castien seemed like an A-hole for me too. But he was better than Eridan who was too pushy and mouthy, and I wanted to shake him every time. 🥴🥴 I wanted to give it 2 stars. But since this is my fav series by AH, I couldn't make myself give 2 stars 😩😩
this is my least fav book written by her too.

oshiiy Preeti, well, it can be expected from Castien and Eriden. They’re unlikable characters for me too.

~✿ Tala✿~ Totally get where you're coming from Oshiiy! I tried this book and wasn't a fan so I avoided finishing it for the longest time until a month ago where I decided to give it a go again and I think I had read some messed up books beforehand so it went better for me haha😂 Do you think you'll read the next Masters book? :)

message 12: by Starla (new)

Starla Too bad it didn't work out Oshiiy, but I can see why, especially after Jamil and Rohan. I hope your next one doesn't disappoint💕

oshiiy I avoided this book for at least one day. But I wanted to finish the whole series ASAP. So, I read it fast. I didn't enjoy it a bit tho. 😢 I think I should follow your method too. It will make me like both characters. Yesss. I'm sure I will. :D

oshiiy Thanks, Starla! Yes, Jamil and Rohan’s story was epic, and I was sad this book couldn't beat it. 😩

Nanilya I felt the same thing as you reading this book. I don't know why I did not like it because I really loved the three first books. I hope the 5th will be better !

oshiiy @Nanilya, the fifth book was actually good compared to this one 😁

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