Imme van Gorp's Reviews > Just a Bit Wrecked

Just a Bit Wrecked by Alessandra Hazard
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|| 2.5 stars ||

This really wasn’t great.
I disliked both of the main characters, the romance was all sex and no love, the plot was silly and a bit ridiculous, the homophobia got on my nerves, the neediness and co-dependency was plain unhealthy rather than sweet or swoon-worthy, and the book was generally just repetitive, slightly boring and very annoying.

I do have to say that it got a little better near the end, and I definitely preferred ‘part 2’ over ‘part 1’, but none of it was something I truly enjoyed much.
I think I might have even been a little too generous with my rating.

'Straight Guys' series:
0. Straight Boy - 3.0 stars
1. Just a Bit Twisted - 3.5 stars
2. Just a Bit Obsessed - 3.0 stars
3. Just a Bit Unhealthy - 2.5 stars
4. Just a Bit Wrong - 3.5 stars
5. Just a Bit Confusing - 1.5 stars
6. Just a Bit Ruthless - 4.0 stars
7. Just a Bit Wicked - 3.5 stars
8. Just a Bit Shameless - 4.5 stars
9. Just a Bit Gay - 1.0 star
10. Just a Bit Dirty - 3.0 stars
11. Just a Bit Wrecked - 2.5 stars
12. Just a Bit Bossy - 3.0 stars
13. Just a Bit Heartless - 3.5 stars
14. Just a Bit Captivated - 3.0 stars
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Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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Vanna (on-hiatus) Oh no! Doesn't look like you're enjoying this series Imme.. Sorry this was a disappointment too. Maybe AH is not for you, because all her books are kinda OTT with OTT MCs 😉 But fans like me enjoy that actually.. we have become addicted to her kind of writing.. its almost fantasy.. LOL 🤪

Imme van Gorp @Vanna — oh no, I actually am a fan of the series. I’ve read all of them now and almost all of them have been 3 stars or higher, which for me means I liked the book. I don’t mind OTT, I just didn’t like the characters, plot, relationship, and everything else about this book🤣 It’s really only the writing itself, which indeed just has an addictive quality to it, that made me rate this 2.5 stars still. So no.. I do like AH. Just not think book lol

Vanna (on-hiatus) Imme wrote: "@Vanna — oh no, I actually am a fan of the series. I’ve read all of them now and almost all of them have been 3 stars or higher, which for me means I liked the book. I don’t mind OTT, I just didn’t..."

I'm glad then that you have enjoyed the series.. 😍 It is addictive for sure.. 😉 I hope she continues this series.. although I'm a fan of her other series too..

Imme van Gorp @Vanna — Thank you😊 I also hope she’ll continue the series! The premise for book 14 sounds interesting!

Celia {Hiatus until August} I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, Imme. I love this series, for me a not so good it's still five stars 🤭

Imme van Gorp @Celia — haha I like this series too, but for me the bad ones really are quite bad😅

Celia {Hiatus until August} Imme wrote: "@Celia — haha I like this series too, but for me the bad ones really are quite bad😅"


Nazanin Awesome review, Imme! Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you though! 💙

Imme van Gorp @Nazanin — Thanks! I appreciate that💞

message 10: by Rain (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rain I can totally see your points! I think I loved the survival romance aspect of it the most

message 11: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Rain — Ah yea, I know that’s a thing you often gravitate towards so that makes sense ;)

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