Helga's Reviews > Ankle Snatcher

Ankle Snatcher by Grady Hendrix
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bookshelves: horror, short-stories

We have to be careful of the Ankle Snatcher!

When he was six years old, the police arrested his father for murdering his mother.
His father claimed it was the boogeyman who took her; that it lives under the beds and it comes out after dark and if you get out of bed without turning on the light, it would snatch your ankle and drag you under the bed…
He always believed his father had killed his mother. He always believed boogeyman didn’t exist.
But what if his father was telling the truth?
What if there is a monster lurking in the dark, ready to snatch and drag and devour?
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Reading Progress

October 4, 2023 – Started Reading
October 4, 2023 – Shelved
October 5, 2023 – Shelved as: horror
October 5, 2023 – Shelved as: short-stories
October 5, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or I looked under the bed. But I only found Sex, my cat. Though I don't think my cat would kill anyone, not even when he's nervous.

Helga cute name for a cat! maybe it's not dark enough...

message 3: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Yes. Is not enough. The real darkness is when you can't even find your tongue in your mouth.

Chris Lee Question: Did you ever get under the bed when you thought a monster was lurking in the shadows? If the answer is no, do not try it in the future; I would not want to have to write another disclaimer. ;)

Splendid review! This sounds pretty good. Worth checking out?

message 5: by Helga (last edited Oct 05, 2023 05:51PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Helga Chris Lee wrote: "Question: Did you ever get under the bed when you thought a monster was lurking in the shadows? If the answer is no, do not try it in the future; I would not want to have to write another disclaime..."

Offff Chris! First of all put that coffee cup down, we don't want to lose it.
So, first it was the refrigerator now under the bed? what is next? hanging from the chandelier? Tell me, have you ever gone under the bed?
The story was alright but the writing was a bit choppy...like the author wasn't into it. I liked The Pram by Joe Hill better.

Helga Théo d'Or wrote: "Yes. Is not enough. The real darkness is when you can't even find your tongue in your mouth."

or your brain in your head..haha

Chris Lee Thank you for saving the coffee. :)
If I had grown up in a Victorian home with a chandelier, you better believe I would have been jumping off the banister to try and hang from it. Yes, I have hid under the bed before as a kid, but it was not because I was trying to escape the clutches of a monster. It's dusty under there, I would not recommended it. haha.

So, if you have one of those low-level modern beds, what then? Does the monster clutch your ankle and try to squeeze you underneath? I feel like that would be pretty easy to escape from.

Okay. So a pass on this one. Thanks for the update.

Helga Chris Lee wrote: "Thank you for saving the coffee. :)
If I had grown up in a Victorian home with a chandelier, you better believe I would have been jumping off the banister to try and hang from it. Yes, I have hid u..."

Just out of curiosity...i am afraid to ask...what were you doing under the bed?
or philosophically speaking, you were the monster and someone else the victim?

Chris Lee Helga wrote: "Welcome!
Just out of curiosity...i am afraid to ask...what were you doing under the bed? or philosophically speaking, you were the monster and someone else the victim?."

Hiding from my parents of course! I do like your idea though. Start writing the book. Are there any more books in this series? There has to be at least one phobia that will scare you. :)

Helga Chris Lee wrote: "Helga wrote: "Welcome!
Just out of curiosity...i am afraid to ask...what were you doing under the bed? or philosophically speaking, you were the monster and someone else the victim?."

Hiding from ..."

There is https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1... and https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1...
In Bloom's rating is very low, don't know if it's any good.

I have Katsaridaphobia...Go check what that is because i can't even mention their names.

Chris Lee Interesting! I shall take a look at some of these. I read a book called "The Nest" a few Halloweens ago. Do not look at the cover because it features an invasion of the things you speak of. I would venture a guess that you would only make it a few pages in.

Helga Chris Lee wrote: "Interesting! I shall take a look at some of these. I read a book called "The Nest" a few Halloweens ago. Do not look at the cover because it features an invasion of the things you speak of. I would..."

Let it stay safe a few Halloweens ago, where it belongs. I can't even touch the book!!!

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