James Schmidt's Reviews > The Mirror’s Truth

The Mirror’s Truth by Michael R. Fletcher
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it was amazing

My review today is for The Mirror’s Truth by Michael R. Fletcher

A copy of this book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own.

So where do I began with this mad tale of epic grimdark proportion? Let me go back a little. Last year a author approached me with his book, happens a lot, and I usually politely decline because of my rather “HUGE” TBR stacks. This book intrigued me so I said yes and he had his publisher send me a copy. I received the book but did not read it right away. Something kept drawing me to the book, (probably the author relentlessly hounding me) so I finally gave it a go. That book was Beyond Redemption and the author was of coarse Michael R. Fletcher. Rarely has a book just come out of nowhere and blown me away like BR did. It was a truly fantastic book and I have been trying to tell anyone who would listen about it. So all this being said I had very high hopes for The Mirror’s Truth, probably too high since I loved BR so much, I was ready for a let down with TMT. Let me flat out say that did NOT happen. The Mirror’s Truth continues and even surpasses it in scale and imagination!

From the first page I was home again in the Manifest Delusion world that Michael has created. The same mad world and characters but a distinct new take in this book. I felt that BR was more a story driven, world building kind of book. The Mirror’s Truth is much more a character driven book, taking a fantastic look into our main cast of players, to see what makes them so rutting mad! It was a breathtaking journey that I am still comprehending. This is a dark, bloody, insane, grimdark masterpiece! This is the grimdarkiest of the grimdark, and I love it for just that reason. Embrace the madness!

In conclusion all I can really say is this is my new favorite book. I hold it near and dear to me. This series is the real deal and I cannot recommend it enough. If you like grimdark, dark fantasy, or whatever you want to call it (I just call it damn good) you need to read this book and series. Somehow this series and author still seem to be flying under the radar in the fantasy scene (which is shite). I don’t know how that is with books this outstanding. I have made it my personal mission to get these books the attention they deserve! I will continue to promote with extreme prejudice!

As you know if you have read my reviews before I am not about long reviews with synopsis and spoilers. I just give my opinion on my experience with this book and you can take it from there. Now on to the next book.

5/5 STARS - MightyThorJRS

You can check out all my reviews here: https://mightythorjrs.wordpress.com/

Blurbs I made for this book:

“Michael R. Fletcher’s Beyond Redemption Blew me away, A top pick of mine for 2015. The Mirror’s Truth Continues this mad tale
and yet again with a top pick for 2016 for Mr. Fletcher!”
“Sometimes a book comes out of nowhere and becomes a favorite, Beyond Redemption did that for me. The Mirror’s Truth continues this
wonderfully mad tale and I must say I have a new favorite book!”
“Beyond Redemption instantly grabbed me, kicked my a**, and left me wanting more! The Mirror’s Truth picked me up then kicked me in the balls, and I said Thank
You! Yes it is that good!
“Beyond Redemption started a fantastically epic grimdark saga. The Mirror’s Truth continues and even surpasses it in scale and imagination!
Truly a contender for the top spot on my best of 2016 list!”
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Reading Progress

July 31, 2016 – Shelved
July 31, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
November 5, 2016 – Started Reading
December 2, 2016 –
55.0% "It's like the great Beyond Redemption, only more fantastic!"
December 4, 2016 – Finished Reading
December 5, 2016 –
80.0% "So madly awesome!"
December 6, 2016 –
99.0% "Review coming soon! Words cannot describe the awesomeness, must come up with some!"

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message 1: by Everet (new) - added it

Everet Martins This sounds amazing! I hadn't heard of this author, but am certainly going to snag Beyond Redemption to check out his work

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