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C.B. Lee's Reviews > The Stagecoach Bandit's Mail Order Bride

The Stagecoach Bandit's Mail Order Bride by Jane Fairchild
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bookshelves: historical, romance

Catherine is about to meet the man she's arranged to marry when her stagecoach is robbed by a roguish bandit, only later to find in town that Zeke, her betrothed, is the same man.

This book was so much fun, from the identity shenanigans in the beginnings and the hustle and bustle of the old West and intricate details. I loved all the characters, especially when Catherine first arrives in town and meets Zeke's "best pal" who seems surprised at her presence but escorts her to Zeke's cabin anyways. Their first meeting-- Zeke in nothing more than a towel-- is hot and their banter is so much fun; Catherine already is defending her betrothed, thinking Zeke the bandit, and calling him "good and kind and interesting" based on just their letters.

The story is fun and the romance and how they come to love each other is sweet, and the stakes get raised when Catherine and Zeke get embroiled in more bandit shenanigans. A fun, lively read.
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Reading Progress

July 31, 2016 – Shelved
August 28, 2016 – Started Reading
August 28, 2016 – Finished Reading
October 16, 2016 – Shelved as: historical
October 16, 2016 – Shelved as: romance

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