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Beverly K's Reviews > Mountain of Black Glass

Mountain of Black Glass by Tad Williams
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Read 2 times. Last read October 10, 2023 to October 21, 2023.

But...why is the book over? "Think you want to read more of that book? Well, you can't. It's over."

I've been reading these books more or less back to back, which is probably better than the original method I used to have months between books. That's how I forgot so much between books and why I originally DNFed this book in 2018. I need a little bit of a break now, though, because I'm not used to reading so much of one author at a time (not to mention these books are behemoths).

I mean, they're good, but they're humungous. I want to know what happens to everyone (except maybe Dread, who can lie in a ditch and die). I was upset that they killed off one of my favorite characters, although he'd been sick throughout the entire series, and his death shouldn't have come as a surprise to me. I hoped they'd find a way to immortalize him in the Otherland universe, but it wasn't meant to be.

But, yeah, a break from this series would be good, even for a short while. It got to the point where I had to start another book because I was getting tired of the way the plot was dragging. That's why this book got four stars instead of five.
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Reading Progress

May 16, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
May 16, 2018 – Shelved
May 17, 2018 – Started Reading
May 24, 2018 – Finished Reading
October 10, 2023 – Started Reading
October 21, 2023 – Finished Reading

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