Karen's Reviews > Calypso

Calypso by David Sedaris
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's review

it was amazing

Ok, I must admit... I had never heard of this David Sedaris guy, but damn he is entertaining!!
These stories, mostly about the himself and his partner Hugh, his parents and siblings ... and aging...just gave me the most laughter I’ve had in awhile! There is one about a stomach virus... I was just 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Great stuff here!
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Reading Progress

May 27, 2018 – Shelved
May 27, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
July 30, 2018 – Started Reading
August 8, 2018 –
August 10, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 58 (58 new)

j e w e l s He’s hilarious- love reading him!!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader His sister is really funny, too! Wonderful review, Karen! I want to read this one!

message 3: by Michelle (new)

Michelle So happy you enjoyed this! Terrific review, Karen! :)

message 4: by Paula (new)

Paula K Sounds terrific, Karen. Great review!

Karen j e w e l s wrote: "He’s hilarious- love reading him!!"

Karen Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "His sister is really funny, too! Wonderful review, Karen! I want to read this one!"
I googled her and she has such a familiar face.. I see she was in shows on Comedy Central...

Karen Thank you Jennifer, Paula, and Michelle !

Leslie What???? You need to read more of him. He is just the best. In my option, David Sedaris makes the world a better (and funnier) place.

Karen Leslie wrote: "What???? You need to read more of him. He is just the best. In my option, David Sedaris makes the world a better (and funnier) place."
Oh, I certainly want to!!! What would you suggest?😊

Leslie Karen wrote: "Leslie wrote: "What???? You need to read more of him. He is just the best. In my option, David Sedaris makes the world a better (and funnier) place."
Oh, I certainly want to!!! What would you sugge..."

I don't think you can go wrong with him but some are extra funny. I'm partial to Me Talk Pretty One Day. When You Are Engulfed in Flames is another favorite! I agree with one of your other friends that his sister Amy is extra funny too. She has a few books also that are hilarious.

message 11: by Bianca (new) - added it

Bianca Great review. I've heard of Sedaris, I'm yet to read him.

message 12: by Jaline (new) - added it

Jaline Terrific review, Karen! I will have to check this author out!

Julie G (remembering the good old days of GRs) OMG, Karen. . . let me show you the way. . . I'm a Sedaris groupie!

message 14: by Susanne (new)

Susanne Awesome review Karen!

Karen Thank you Bianca, Jaline, and Susanne!

Karen Julie wrote: "OMG, Karen. . . let me show you the way. . . I'm a Sedaris groupie!"
Yes,,, show me the way Julie!!! If this had not been a Book of The Month Club pick, I would not have known about him😊

message 17: by Selena (new)

Selena Great review Karen!

Kelli I’ve never read him either.

message 19: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB This was my BOTM pick a few months back and I’ve been carrying this around in my book bag. I need to get to it ASAP! Love your review! 😊

message 20: by Esil (new) - rated it 5 stars

Esil Love your enthusiasm, Karen. I’ll be reading this one soon.

Karen Leslie wrote: "Karen wrote: "Leslie wrote: "What???? You need to read more of him. He is just the best. In my option, David Sedaris makes the world a better (and funnier) place."
Oh, I certainly want to!!! What w..."
Thank you!! I will add!

Karen Selena and Kelli... thank you!

Karen JanB wrote: "This was my BOTM pick a few months back and I’ve been carrying this around in my book bag. I need to get to it ASAP! Love your review! 😊"
Jan, thank you! I don’t belong to BOTM, but certainly follow their picks! Enjoy!!

Karen Esil wrote: "Love your enthusiasm, Karen. I’ll be reading this one soon."

message 25: by Melissa (new)

Melissa I'm not usually one for short stories, but this sounds like a fun read. Definitely going to consider it now!

message 26: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Terrific review Karen! I could use a good laugh...might need to pick this one up!!

Julie G (remembering the good old days of GRs) Karen,
I just sent you my two favorites. Of course Me Talk Pretty One Day is a must-read, too.

Karen Melissa wrote: "I'm not usually one for short stories, but this sounds like a fun read. Definitely going to consider it now!"
Melissa.. I believe these are actually essays, and they are not like short stories that abruptly end, just continuing takes on his life😊

Karen Kaceey - Traveling Sister wrote: "Terrific review Karen! I could use a good laugh...might need to pick this one up!!"
Yes!!! Do!!

Karen Julie wrote: "Karen,
I just sent you my two favorites. Of course Me Talk Pretty One Day is a must-read, too."

Thank you Julie!!

message 31: by Dana (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dana I could use a good laugh and have this book...so I need to start soon! Thanks for sharing! 😊

Karen Dana wrote: "I could use a good laugh and have this book...so I need to start soon! Thanks for sharing!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did Dana! One of his homes that his family gathers at is on Emerald Island, NC... don’t know if that’s near you.

message 33: by Kader (new) - added it

Kader Eddalia Thank you karen

Cheri Karen, I have another book by him that my brother sent me, but I haven't read any of his books - yet. On my list to read someday soon, but will hopefully have a chance to listen to the audio of it instead. Knowing that you loved it makes me look forward to it that much more.

message 35: by Julie (new)

Julie I haven't read anything by this author either, but your review has convinced me to look him up.!😊

Karen Cheri wrote: "Karen, I have another book by him that my brother sent me, but I haven't read any of his books - yet. On my list to read someday soon, but will hopefully have a chance to listen to the audio of it ..."

Karen Julie wrote: "I haven't read anything by this author either, but your review has convinced me to look him up.!😊"


message 38: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Glad you liked it, Karen! Great review!

Karen Deanna wrote: "Glad you liked it, Karen! Great review!"
Thank you Deanna!

Margitte You sum him up so well, Karen. Great review!

Karen Margitte wrote: "You sum him up so well, Karen. Great review!"
Thank you Margitte😊

Leslie Hi Karen. Me Talk Pretty One Day is 2.99 today as a kindle daily deal.

Karen Leslie wrote: "Hi Karen. Me Talk Pretty One Day is 2.99 today as a kindle daily deal."
Thank you Leslie!!

Karen Kimber wrote: "Fantastic review, Karen!"
Thank you Kimber😊

message 45: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen A giggler? I did read one by him but it was just ok....should I or shouldn't I add? If it gave you that many giggles......

Karen Jen wrote: "A giggler? I did read one by him but it was just ok....should I or shouldn't I add? If it gave you that many giggles......"
ADD this Jen! Giggles is not the word, I was just laughing uncontrollably at a certain point... this is so good!

message 47: by Kendall (new)

Kendall Great review Karen!! 😊

Karen Kendall wrote: "Great review Karen!! 😊"
Thank you Kendall! 😊

message 49: by Kristin (KC) (new) - added it

Kristin (KC) Love that you loved this! I have it and cannot wait to get to it :D

Karen Kristin (KC) - Traveling Sister wrote: "Love that you loved this! I have it and cannot wait to get to it :D"

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