fatherofdragons113's Reviews > Lightbringer

Lightbringer by Claire Legrand
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites, best-books-ever-written

I don't even know how to write this review. I will start with Claire Legrand and her beautiful prose. She writes so vividly and precise, even about things like magic that don't exist and other metaphysical things like light and auras, so acutely that it's like I'm watching an HD movie in my head. You see the elemental magic perfectly, which is no easy feat in terms of depictive writing. I strive to write like this and I'm so grateful for Legrand's generous gift that are these books (especially this extraordinary finale) so that I can look back at them for inspiration and guidance.

The characters are all so beautifully real and raw. They all have good and evil in them, selfishness and selflessness. They're so HUMAN and in this way they are unpredictable.

These books are everything I want from fiction. I wished Game of Thrones managed to grasp this kind of ending with the perfect blend of tragedy, making the stakes of the books credible and realistic, and happiness and satisfaction, so that the tragedy is worth it.

The battles are beautifully written. The lore is vastly intriguing and complex.

I cried. I got angry. I grieved. I was so engrossed in this world that I wish there was more of it. (sequels within the universe, Legrand?) This was a perfect conclusion to a perfect story and I need EVERYONE who loves fantasy (and even those who don't, you'll still love these books) to read them asap.
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Reading Progress

September 8, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
September 8, 2019 – Shelved
October 19, 2020 – Started Reading
October 22, 2020 –
page 40
6.76% ""And on that final night of that old gilded age, the Blood Queen pulled the oceans from their beds, called down the sun's fire, uprooted the mountains, and all that Celdaria once was, all that the world once was, collapsed under the weight of her rage."

I love Claire's eloquence. Such beautiful writing 😍"
October 29, 2020 –
page 520
87.84% "I am equally thrilled and anxious to finish this trilogy. Just four more hours of work and I will go back to Celdaria for the last time 😭 (at least for a few years until I want to reread the books)."
October 29, 2020 –
page 560
94.59% "That was so overwhelmingly amazing. I'm so mind blown by that climax that I actually needed to stop reading at the end of the chapter before I continued. I need to take that in for a second. Just wow. This is setting up to be one of my favorite books of all time. Like I'm getting a tattoo"
October 30, 2020 – Finished Reading
November 11, 2020 – Shelved as: best-books-ever-written
November 11, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites

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